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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1887)
' - ' " " ' * * * -r . yr ? , - > TI. ? f o T m si . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SAflUEDAY. 12 , 1&7. LOGAN PLACE ! Is on the High Ground Overlooking the South taaha Packing houses. AND OTHER INDUSTRIES. Just Platted from the Celebrated Corrigan - gan Tract , ' So eagerly sought after by leading speculators , building asso- I cialions and real estate men , owing to its close proximity to railroads and packing houses. I 3TJ DKM 5 3 For those Desiring to Inspect this Property. om One-fourth cash , balance to suit. Remember this property is high up in Douglas county , between the U. P. and B , & M , railways , just west of the Stock Exchange on the hill , where every lot and acre surrounding it is sold , and on which property seven hundred dwelling houses are to be erected prior to July , 1887 , Keep it before you that the three building associations , which areto erect nearly IOOP new houses in South Omaha this year have decided the place to invest their money is BETWEEN the U , P , and B. M's. Ashland cut-oro- Bear in mind we do not owe one cent on this propertyand can give a warranty deed. Call and get plats. GIBSON , AYLESWORTH & BENJAMIN , 1512 Farnam-st. , Under Merchants Hotel. - - - - ---r . . . p TOhXBI > ttlfi TABLES , A Cowboy nnd a Ualoou Keeper Knjoj- n Dancing LCHHOII. Tlio police have just been apprised of a Jittlo adventure which a short time ago befell Mr. John Kelkcnny , tlio well- known South Thirteenth street liquor dealer. Tlio story , though a tnilo "chest- imtty , " is given as related at police head * quarters. Ono night a tall , roughly-dressed fel low , whose style of costume showed that ho was a cowboystepped intoKclkcnny's saloon. Ho was plainly under tlio in- ijiicnco of liquor. Throwing ; his hat back on his head , ho swaggered up to tlio bar nnd asked : "Ho you the proprietor of this yero place ? " ' . 'I guess I am , " replied Mr. 1C. , calmly. "Well , then , " ( drawing a big Smith & g Wesson revolver from his belt , ) "L want f to SPO you dance a liille for me ! " ' 'Hut ' 1 ' dance " returned i can't , the proprietor - ' priotor , keeping as calm a demeanor as ho could under tlio circumstances. "Yes yer km. Yer hot you'll have to if 1 say so , " replied tlio drunken cow- border , brandishing his gun threat- ingly. Mr. K. thought of tlio ancient maxim that discretion was tlio bettor part of valor and coming out from behind tlio bar. went through all tlio dunce steps ho could think of. He Hung his fcot in lively slylo for Ion minutes before the cow noy was satislied. "That'll do , now , " said the latter. "I guess yer all right , Nowgi1 mo a horn of vor best whisky. " Air. Kelkcnny obeyed with an alacrity which was born of a dcsiro to please a dangerous customer. As the cowbo } ' was enjoying the whisky John looked cau'lessly at the lovolvor and remarked : " 1'ino revolver you've got there. " "Yes , " ntplicd tlio cowboy , ov'dently ' flattered , "its a daisy. " "Let nio look nt it a minute , will you ? " asked KelKcnny , pouring out another glass for tlio cowboy. "Certainly , " replied the cowboy , hand ing over the weapon with ono hand and eei/mg the ulass with the oilier. Jiu unvor drank the whisky , for aspoon as Mr. K. had thu weapon in his hand lie pointed it at tlio cowboy and uttered the stern command , "Now you dance , " and ho put the cowboy through all Iho paces imaginable , fast and slow. For half an hour ho was compelled to keep his fcot going at the point of his own weapon. When the ordeal was over , iio slunk out of tlio saloon , a very tired ami ashamed but wiser man. Ho was minus his re volver. _ A Wlfo'H Buiry. " 1 have suilbred more for the sake of that niau than any other woman in America would have endured for her husband. " The speaker was Mrs. Mary Kratkl.tho woman who , as mentioned in Thursday's UKI : had tracked a runaway hubbaud from St. Louis to Omaha. She had found him living with another woman ht'ro.just beyond Hanscom park , and she hail him arrested on a charge of adultery. When arraigned before Judge Ster.bcrg in police court yesterday morn ing , Kratkis ullonly rcnuukcd lliat ho thought ho could cl.nir . himself. As Kratki lived outside the city liniits.Judgo Stcnberg concluded that he had no juris diction in the case , and accordingly bent him befoio Justice Anderson. Tno hear ing of the case was sot by Judge Ander son for next Monday , and in default of § ,100 bail Kratki was tent to jail. To a reporter Mrs. Krnlkf made a par- \ial outpouring of her woes. "Xwelvo years.ago , " she. bald , "lYras Iv , V married to Kratki in St. Louis. Since that time lie lias done almost nothing toward supporting mo or our children. Ho was a blacksmith by trade , and as fast as lie earned his inonej , instead of spending it to buy bread for his wife and children , ho would gamble it away. Uo had a perfect mania for gambling. Many a time I have gone to the gambling house at the corner of Third and Washington avenue's , in St , Louis , and waited for hours for him to leave the table. Then I ha\o had to actually drag him away , with his red , white and blue gambling chips still in his hand. All this while his children were suffering at homo. "Soycn years ago , " continued Mrs. Kratki , "my husband deserted mo. I found that no had gone to Chicaso. His feeble cxcnso was tliat ho could not bear to have Ids mother-in-law my mother live with us. 1 did not believe that this was tlio real reason , but as I loved the man still , 1 followed linn to Chicago. I had no money , and to raise enough to purchase a ticket I sold all our fur niture and household goods , left my chil dren in good hands and started for Chicago. 1 finally succeeded in Finding my husband and induced him to go back to St. Louis with me. Wo had no money to buy tickets with , and so wo determined to walk from Chicago to St. Louis , a distuned of about 250 or i00 ! miles. Wo walked for days and days , and finally reached Springheld , Illinois , which is about ninety miles from St. Louis. There a kind-hearted conductor on tlio Chicago iSi AJton mot us and said : ' 1 have passed you three times on your walk from Chicago and I'll see that you ride the rest of the way to St. Louis. ' He punched the ticket and that way wo readied our homo in St. Louis. "My Iniiband refused to give up gam bling and wont from bad to worse. A year or two afterwards ho ran away to Chicago and I again followed him up and brought him back. Two years ago ho again ran away this time to Omaha , I leave him now in the hands of the law. I propose to make him duller as I , his wife , have sull'ercd , " Wo now have the solo agency for tlio jots in Hiker's addition. This addition is situated in the south cast corner of block ono , Weiss' sub. ; joins central park on the west and is only ono blooic north of the graded school , These Jots are now on the market for the low price of $3,10 to f 150 per lot , 1-10 cash , balance $10 per month , or 80 per quaitor. These are the cheapest lots on the market to day. Kvery ono of them is choice and you can double your money on them in a short time , Bu the first to liny and got the best. HAHUIS & HAKIMS , aiO S. 15th st. NoliriiRku Dradstrcet's local agency has received information of the following Nebraska failings : Pearson & Stamson , general merchandise , Lincoln , closed by chattlo mortgage ; O. W. Uoston , David City , hardware , assigned ; Handnll it Fryer , agricultural implements , 1'airlicld , as signed , South Oinalin. The future great Packingtown of the wc t lies on tlio main line of the Union 1'iU'UiQ raihoad , by which the cattle and hogs from the farms and ranges of the west and northwest arrive. Ai.nmour's cnoin : is the only property through which tlio Union Paciiio railroad runs , and is there fore the Host Addition in South Omaha. W. (1 ( , ALimumT , Solu Owner , 216 South 15th St 1'ostnl Olerki Appointed. Chief Clerk ( Iritlln , of the railway mail service , reports that 0. A. Noble , of Suporior.has been appointed postal clerk , and will bo assigned to the rim Superior and DeWitt. J. W. llufl , of Lincoln , lias been appointed to the run between Lincoln and Weeping Water' Uoth of those appointees will begin work next week. In and Real Estate is valuable only where there is HUSINKSS. Purchasers should bear this in mind and not buy lots far away from the center of business , just because tiicy are cheap. Auntiaiir's ciioirn lies in the great industrial ami commer cial mat of South Omaha and the immense - menso business interests there insure a rapid advance of values. Eighty acres adjoining Albright's Choice arc reserved for some of the largest establishments in the world. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Solo Owner. 818 South 10th St. _ Tlio I'liillmrinonio Concert. Tlio third concert of tlio Philharmonic orciicstra , to bo given at Hoyd's opera house on Sunday afternoon , promises to surpass in excellence any musical enter- { ainmcnt of tin1 kind that has been given in tlio city. Among the special features of the programme will bo the vocal work of Mrs. Edith Edwards Franko. ] 3y spec ial request Mrs , Franko will sing Avc Maria by Gonoud , with violin obligato. The orchestra is rehearsing every day _ and is preparing an exceptionally fine and varied programme. The South Omaha Land company have appointed O. E. Mayno solo agent for the sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop erty and furnish all desired information upon application. [ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President. The metropolitan , Tlio Metropolitan club gave a very pleasant parly Thursday evening in its coxy hall , corner of Fourlcenth and Oodgo streets. It was well attended , notwith standing the severity of tlio weather , and thu sixteen numbers wore danced to the notes of tlio Musical Union orchestra. German , DnnUh , Swedish , in fact all languages are spoken in the olllco of W. G. Albright , the real estate owner and dealer , 218 South Iflth St , All clashes and all nationalities purchase of him , and yon cannot do bettor then so on ro a lot in ids valuable addition to South Omaha , Known as AJ.nitioiiT's ciioicn. W. G. Albright has other property , im proved and unimproved , in all parts of the city , and oilers the best bargains. Omnlm li. & 11. Association. At the last regular meeting of the Omaha Loan and Building Association , hold on last Wednesday evening , the following othcnra were elected ; John 11. Duller , president ; James Forsyth , vice president ; Ebon K , Long , treasurer ; Gco. M , Nattinger , secretary. \ \ . G. Albright's South Omaha Ofllco will bo opened soon in cliargo of Mr. Join ; M. Campbell , who will imvo her os and baggies rcaay at ail times to convey intending purchasers to the valuable busi ness and residence property known as Ai.iuiKiirr'a CHOICE , This is the onlv property through which tlio U. P. and 15. & Al. U. H's. and Bellevue - vuo aveinio run. < lnlu ) Herold'M Kiincrnl , The funeral of John Hcrold , father of Mr. Tony Herold , took pl.xco yesterday morning from thulato residence , corner of Caldwell and Saundora slreels. The re mains wcrp borne to St. Mary Magda- Jono's church , where Father Glauber chanted A requiem mass. They were afjertvanl interred in the Germany Cath olic cemetery , . Absolutely Thispowder never varies. A marvel of purity.strcngtli \\l\olesomeness , More economic than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition wiih the mul titude of low test , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal linking Powder Co. , JOO Wall street , New York. HORSEMEN ! And Lovers of Weil-Bred Horses NOTICE ; . FOR SALE. IlEG AT.r.TT , brown tnnro , nnd jonrllnfr fill } ' . 1 > y Airrimu , mil duo to foul April ITtli.lCT , to AlPlitno. CAJWY WoOIUVOim ? , lirown mme , by All Time , 1st diun llOKitlutt. NEIlHAbKA CKNTUAU cliostmit colt , two hind It't't wlilto.BluHl by OiltmtuV 11)1(1. ) ( Ibt drtiii Carry Woodunrtlind ; , Hewlett. Ho Is ono of thu tlnost colts I lm\o riilfC'l. ' LAMIlKUTINIUiuy toll , aired by All Time , 1st diun lleirnlctt. DOLLY lliii : : > , dark bay Illly. fonlrd In 'PI , sired by Oriental , Uttlum Lady Ail Time , bv All Time ANNlfi eCAMINOHOUN , drab buy Illly. fouled in'bi , blrtxl by Ork'iitiil , Ibt duiii by Ha "ml by Volunteer Clilof , ho by Volunteer For full imrt'oul.irs ' , dhoct to ED. REED , Cure of Onmlia Merchants Express Co OMAHA , MK. : Tno noo.o tcs1. : csr. ts s = oa ut any time , on 20th St , One Hlock Xortli of Luke St. All Time ami Oriental hu\o been sold to Jas. H. McShano. E.T.ALLEN , M. D. bl'IXJIAI.IST , Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat Room 0 Williams Building , cor. 15th and Dodge $ ts. , Omaha , ours 8 to 13am. 3 to i and J to 8 p. m People often express surprise at tlie rapid growth of car business and * , looltfor tlie explanation in some hidden cause. There is none. Simply careful , patient and determined effort , that all we sell nJtall be riyhtift Q UAL1TY , ritjJit in STYLE an < ! rigid in Pill CE. Tit inh of what wtf Jtave been saying and tJienloolt at out' Clothing andFiirnisJUny Goods Just now , ivhile dealers generally are taking < u rest , our establish mentis besieged witJibuyersffom , mornlny until night. The reason j for this is people urefulihty advantage > / the opportunity in selecting front an cleyant supply ofjirst claatt ytt ils ttl Onc-llnrtllcss t/tan actual/ value. TJie sacrifice on all Overcoats , Heavy Suifti anil Heavy iVciy/it Fn f nislting Goods , utiil t/oct * on and will continue iiotwifhsfan < liH < / the low\ \ pricesas7ce < l. To intend'Ing Clothingjttiwhatierfi ire n > ou1 < l say 'contc carl ami getJirat choice , for at the rate Clothing faattltccnlinoving for fnc jHist > two vvccl.'s our assortment of styles ( littl prices trill noon be oro7cn. All yoodr martecd in plain figures and at strictly one price. Cor. Douglas and 14th. sts. , Omalia. g. A , KEAK. JOHN A-KEAN--G ! IOO Washington St. , CHICAOO. nVTa par Ilin liltflirdt markft iirli" fur County , CUT , 'I'own uuil bcliuul Corrr i > omlonco Intltrd. * of r.infcs and IliiiikirH and iitlKTH Hi- cx.lvi.-d on l.ti orublii luruu. Deal In Laiul WarrnnUand Scrip. HKW YfillK ( ll'I'irK-l'iillixl ItiiijV nlf \ U5MWAII , PAR1SOFTHE WORLD A MINOR HEIRJ * I Prevented the sale of this property until Feb ruary 3d , 1887wlieii papers were signed conveying to us the Saturday Morning , Feb. 12 At 10 o'clock , we shall place on sale these 149 Ni Ohoce Lots. zsiassazssa A magnificent display of everything ] useful and ornamental in the furniture- maker's art , at reasonable prices.