Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under This hoiid , lucent * , per
line lor the llrst ln ortion , 7 cents for each BUU-
ecqutnt Insertion , nnd UiO n line per month
No advertisement taken for leu than 25 conU
for the first Insertion. Seven words will bo
rounted to llio lines they muni run consocu-
lively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvor-
t.acments must bo handed In before 1 :30 : o'clo k
I'.m. , und under no circumstances will the } be
taken or discontinued byjclcphono.
J'nrlios ndttrt "Ins In the u columns nnd h , v-
Inptho finewersH'Mreflsod In cnro of Tnr llr.r.
will nlcnjo nsk for n check toennblothom topct
their letters. M none will bo delivered except
on nre cntatlon of check. All answers to nd-
vortiscincnts phould be enclosed In envelope * .
'It ) IXAN ) on Improved real cifttnto ;
no commission chnnjod. I.oitvitt lluru-
linm , lloom 1 CrolKliton lllock. 140
TVI ONEY to loan. Elln Urns , , real cstftto mid
J'l loan agents , room 17 , Whltnoll block , cor.
l/itli / nnd llnnioy. 035
TV TONEY to loan/cnsli on dcHy.
I. .1. W nnd K. L. 8 < iulro , 1413 I'arnam . ,
I'rxxlon hotel bulldlnir. W3
T 0ANS Loans Loans.
Deal rMnto loans ,
rnllntcrlnl loans.
Cliattfl loan" .
Ixmii time loans.
Rhort tlmo loans.
Money nlwnjg on hnnd to lonn on nny nn-
prnvrd f ecurlty.
Invosttiii'titfoctiritles bought nnd sold.
Omnhn Hnnnclnl Eichnnno , n. w , cor. IStli
and llarnoy.
Cornell , MnnnRpr. W4
BAHH18 & HAUII1H , SCO f > . IMh St.
Money to limn on Ural class security , trom
JMfl upwards. _ 'M _
MiOr ) TO LOAN nt 0 per cent. J. .1. MIL
honey , IDW I'limnm.
' ' . Money.
el'I'.HCHNT . , nnd Harney. .1"
.1OOOO to loan. BUIIIB ? 500 nnd npwnrds ,
$ Lowest rntcs. llomlK , room 3 , Ilnrkcr block ,
P. W. cor. 1Mb and Farnam sts. U-0
. ' . I'lrht morti/iiRo notes. The Doiwlns
MO.S'r.Y bank will buy papers secured by
flr t mnitKmro on city realty 921
Ol'EK CENT Money to lonn.
On-yory k Iliultry ,
Itooins 1 nnd n , Itcdick block , XV S. ICth St.
.rpo 1XAN Monny Loans placed ou 1m-
L proved real u-ttnto In city or county for
Tiew Enirlnnd I-onii Si Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bnnk. IMh nnd Chloairo sis. ICU
tolonn on city nnd farm property ,
MONEY rates , Stewart & Co. , lloom . ' ! . Iron
llnnk. " 0
TO LOAN O. K. Davis * Co. Ko ; >
Estate nnd Loan AKonta l&Oi Fnrnam sU
t'tjl '
FoNICY TO LOAN On roa ] ofltuto nnd olmt-
L tcls. I ) I * Thomas. fljjj
OJCOO)00 ( ) TolonnonOmaliu city property nt 0
P percent. O. W. Day , over Mis
MONKY to loan by the undorslKned , who has
Ihnonly proi > orly oDrnnl/eil loan RKonoy
In Omnbn Ix > nns of (10 to ( IOUO mndo on fur
niture , pianos , orirnns , horses , wnpono , machin
ery , 4o. , without romovnl. No dolnys. All
business strictly confidential. Loans so made
that any part cnn bo paid at any time , each pay *
ment rtxlucliiK ths coft pro rain. Advances
tnado on fine wntchos and diamonds. Persons
Chould carefully consider who thor are denllnir
with , as ninny now concerns ro dally comlmr
Into existence. Should you npcxl moner , call
and me me. W. R. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlllinel *
Jlulldlnir , Jfith nnd Ilarnny.
M ONCV I.OANIill ntC. P. Ilcod .VCo's.Loan
offlcs , on furnlturr , pianos ,
personal property of all kinds , ami all other
I Ides of value , without romovnL 1119 S. Uth ,
vor HlnKham'ft rommlsslon store. All
nessptrlctly confidential. B1.1
37 > Oll SALE Drops mnknitr rooms nnd btisl-
1 ness , centrally located , this m n line open-
inpr for onoor two ladles to engao ) In the busi
ness , plcntv of work lor good prices. Address
K3 , lloooffice. SIS If
Foil SALE Lumber yard nnd residence In
Southwestern Iowa. Well located nnd do-
Imr irood bunlnni'S. ( lood icnsons lor solllmf.
AddrosR E. „ ' . , Iluo olllco. 3II3 in a *
cln s short order IIOUBH nnd Hituren , fruo
from nil onoumbenmces nnd dolnir an oxeellent
business. For particulars nddress I ) . 7" Heo
olllco. ail 16
OI1EUL1N , K an. , la n most desirable location
lorn Flourlntr Mill , also for n Foundery.
T.lberel IndiicomonM olforod to imrtios peeking
ilnvostmonts lntbe o brnnehes of industry. Cor
respondence solicited. Obnrlln Hoard of Traao ,
Oborlin , Kan. A. O. T. ( Jolgor , Soo'y.a0422
AdOOu chanro In nBrowlnit woMern town In
Nobrimkn for n icood lilncUsmlth nnd a doe-
tor who will nlso i nil ndriiK store. This town
has no OBtahllghmontn of thlH kind nnd will
olfer Inducements to the rlk'htpnrty. Address
Bill , Hoc-olllco. JUS 11
\V"ANTEI-RtocK of dry irootls , eiothTnir nnd
furnlHhlnwooiiH , or boots nnil hhoosln
oxclmnEO for Omnhn real csttito. .Scliloslnwor
llros . 814 8 10th sL 175 in 3
* l\f 1LL1NEKY STOPKWo otfor for snlo the
-i'l larRost nnd bout retail Hock of millinery
nnil hair jrooda In Omaha. Moro centrally lo-
oatod with nn ostnhllsliod trado. TnU in tlio
londlni ; millinery store In Omnhn Will fell for
o.ixh or will tnko pnrt pnv in ronl estate cen
trally located. Clark & French , IMfl ! ) oiiKlni
etreot , Omnhn , Nfb. IK li
FOK SALE Ortrndo Imkory nnd confec
tionery. Inquire Kopp , Drclbua A Co. ,
Omnhn , Nca H3S m I
TCTOlt SALE llnlf Intornit In ono of the host
A : payingdruirotoiosIn southwestern Iowa ,
Capital roiUlrcHl , fU.fOO. Address I ) 40 , llco of
fice , Ilj8
BANK for sale in n now rnpldly Krowlnirtown
oflUOlnlinhltantH , Flncdoposlia. Money
loans from 3 to 4 per rout monthly , ABpltmdld
chanco. Address I ) 39 , lloo olllco. 015
BUBlNBS3 CHANJE ( Stock Orocorles nnd
Moatmarkot for snle. Finest looitlon In
Omnhn. DnhiK nn excellent business. Address ,
< VHj IleiiOtllro. 681
BIlBINESSCHANClV-StocK Grooorles for salo.
No bettor Inontlon In Omaha Pales now
n\uniKO S3XI a day. Hush Sc Solby , 18 S. Kith st.
37 < OK SALE Or trnde for merchandlfui , B4n
J ncroa of No 1 farm land near Ornnd
Island. C. .1. Cnnan H15
HOUSKS Lots.Farms.Lmmnmoneyonno | < l. 3 , llarkor block B. W. cor.
lith nnd Fariinai stl , vK
FOR BALK Hardwnro llnenicBS- otfor
oil ! thi'lf nnd henvyhnrdwnro business for
HO , torelher with our lease nnrt oed will ,
0 ratio Inrirest In the rlty nnd location the host ,
lletlrlnir from the bunliiDM cause for selling'
The Ilnum Hnrtlwaro Co. , 10M O et. , Lincoln ,
T T ADIES vrnntliiir rplliililo survnnt Rlrla cnn bo
, ' ' supplied nt short notlco by cnllmir at ll'J
N ICth , Crounccs bloek. E. O. llollo-lslo H5I.10
" > EllPOiVAl7-Mr . Dr. Nntime V. WerTcn
clnirvojunt. Medical and builnebs McUlum
liooin No. U , 121 North IGth ft. .Oraaba , Neb.
_ _ _ UI7
inth at. , now MnnuiU 01 the
tincrcd Heart. Cull nt this olHco.
391 11 *
JOST-PoInt Inro Imndkrrchlof , at Elks' lull
-J Monday inoiiliiir , Lutivo nt Pca > o llros.
siorou id roi'olvo reward. 63 11 *
OTIIV1'.I ) or stolen , n viilualiuVlrlih frtTiir
IO uhout > years old.tHilonirltiR to W.J.llroatch
n > ( mo K'ivniK Information loaillnir to ieco > ory
V hiuiiii will l > o ultubly rownrdoU on apply im
SOJIIariioyat. Ml W
T O T llrtweon Crounso bloc * nnd turklsh
.1J liulhi heal Klovti. 1'lndor please louvo u
Pcnroso & llanllo's nnd KOI reward. 1)13 )
BOA 110 and rooms ut H03 Jowi st Every
tl'lnif now 170 ! u
FOU THAOE Tor morvlmndlio , Innd or lots
one two story tnitldlntr , licit location li
to 'li : upper story loused lor Odd Kcllow'h hall
J , llailow , lU-,01 , U. 3VJ 11 *
1 1 " > l IT I E3"wR iTlnir to deposit or liliiiBohoU
-I tioods HI Und a buyer l > y adJroseliu- Cash
1JII HaveiiKrt | _ ia
' " * hU * , wj'a r. I hnvoon hand a argoijunn
tltv of timothy , clover and millet scud for
f"i0' ? * r"u for prioos. W. ( I. llinton. David
uy. Neb. _ _ J _ 671 f. M
| { Um HUNT Siumro Piano " i tuontnlr. j
, . } ' ' } ' [ isunomti , . \a \ )
F ill ! NTrUfi'B"3' Uouylac. * s Pf Month ,
Tult0i < tttonijre for nice lur-
Hituro , all&13 led e-it.
FOll HEN'T Trro H'liiare pianos of Icndinc
miikcs nn 1 oT.-Pllont condition V Wai-
or , > lusiu nnd Jcuclry , 1S12 Douglas st.
OIt HKNT-Sqjhro I'laDO ( J monthlv. A
Hnspo.lMtKouglas. fill
[ roil SAI.f1 Ono "Western rottntro" nnd one
I " New En rnnd" | or nn , very cheap : must
V. Wnl'or , MI sic nnd Jowrliy , 1D12
L 33 111
_ _
1J10II SAt.P Chonp , nn old violin In cnse ,
. bcn'.tiful tono. V. Whl'or , Mu ! c nnd
lowclry , 1.112 DotiBlns ft. _ : CJ 11 _
T7 < OK 5AL15 One Stelnwny piano In splendid
. order : a bnnrnm , V. Walter , mu lo nnd
owrliy , 1612 DouqUs SU 20 11
I710H SALE Now Cameron , Amborii letter
L1 cnblnel 8 ( Ho , with lock doors. t i. Ad-
rirfs u i 1,00. 35) ) 11 *
"troll SALE A Ittrirnln , out ) M-cond hand
X' square jilano.eiirvel IIRSory ; ohoaliand
iMi y t rmi. V. Walter , MUJO ! and .Jewelry ,
112 DoiiRlnflst. 3.1) U
"irOIt SALK The bet buuiry In the world for
X1 tlio llcnl n > tnto lluilncss , Columbus HuifRy
Co. , 1113 Hnniorst. 2I3M1
_ _
FOK SALE 3 soTond-hnml luiffelos. ohoip.
Inquire nt rhas. .1. Mentor's snblo , opp.
ixposltlon bullillim' , Capital nvo. Clun. ,1 , Men-
en 19.M1
_ _ _ _
FOll SALE1.1horso power holler , nonrly
now. Enfjulro Western Pottery Co. , Expo
sition bulldlmr 870 _
3rOH SALE Medimn-sUod , double door safe.
ifood in now. Phil HtlinmoUV Co. , nil nnd
113 Jones st , 823
FOll SALE Modlitm-sl7od , doublo-door snfo ,
Rood ns now. Phil Stlmmol VC i.,9H and
HS.Ionosst. H2 <
] 7 OHSALE Stamplnir Patterns cheap1 nnd
' stiuntilnndono to order Mrs J. W. Mor-
rlsons , 1MB Davenport , 237 1M3
WANTP.D A flrst-rlnss Snrdloh clothlnif
sak'sman , who Is well neiunlntcd | with
Omaha trade ; references roiiulred. Aildross E
11 Jloootllco. 41.1 11
rS'TEIwriTBollcirniritis urancoTnn expo-
' rli-nced man , witli whom liberal terms
will bo mado. Address K 13 , IlroolUco. 41.1 16
AT ; ANTED 2 persons to lonrn book-keoplnif
' afternoons ; jfood situations. .1. II. Smith ,
IBISChlciiROOt. 42112 *
WANTED llollnhio clerk for real estate
ollico , Rood penman and nbstraclor ; rnf-
eroncea rnqitlrod. 1L C. Patterson , IRth and
Hnrnoyets. , 411
I ANTED -A llrst class bnrbor nt Pnxton
Hotel bnrbor shop , wngos flu per week.
V\TAN'Tii : ) lly the hirucst publishing house
won of t'hlcairo , two hundred Kotitlotmm
nnd Indies to poll The Siicqessrul Man. Marvel-
OHM Wonders of the Wlinln World , lllblu-t nnd
various other miod publications , upoly early
nnd pet clioico of tonitorv. J. M. 1 ronch i
Co. , olllco 17 Itushmati Block , Omuhn , Nob.
WANTfil ) Assistant bookkeeper In n whole-
EHto liouct ) . uppllcnnt must hnvo practi
cal experience on books , iv rue n Rood hand , bo
niilck nnil correct t Ilifiiros and furnish flrst
eld's reference , none others need npply. Ail-
dress In own hand "rltliiK , Etatlnx salary ox-
ri , Boo olllco , ; :5VI1 :
WANTKD Oood A No. 1 iMiltor No other
nooJ npply. Live nnd Let Llvo Cotfcu
houso. 4W 11 *
\\7ANTiD : Immodiatoly. n ROOI ! Job
' ' printer None but rapid workman , capable
of laklnir cntlro otiarno of Job department need
apply. ItoforoncoH as to olmrnctor nnd nblllty
reiiuired. .Address Dally Gazette , NorfolK , Noli.
" \\ANTr.D Iinmndl'itoly , experienced agents
' * with a eood uppenrniico. 3N. ! . inth
St. lloom A. 34111a
WANTT.O Agents apply to A. S. Ilobson ,
221 N 13th ut. 320 lit *
WANTED A man nnd u Ifo without ch Idron
for fnrm employment no'ir the city.
Womnn must ben Rood housekeeper , prefer
the man to hiivo eoino experience as n Riirdner ,
must show ttood references. E. S. Albrlirbt ,
1120Farnnui St. 324
WANTED An onori-'ctlc man In each county
of the Western States to canvass lor the
Mlchlirnn Door IMiito Co's. Door Plato's , Door
DelH , Mail Itoxos mid Street Numbers. Flue
K ods at low prices. ( .lOOnilny easily made.
Address with stamp for full particular * * to
Oenorul Western Auont , lloom 20 , I'avton
block. 22 ! ) 11 *
TN8TAI.LMENT M15N And nffouts frenorally
JL wIllllndjiiHt what they need by addressing
Instnllmont Dealers Supply Co. , Erlo , 1'n. 1GI 10
WANTUIi Ilookhlndor : n llrst-clnss work
man to run n bindery on shares ; will
furnish oiullt and work. Good opportunity
for right nmn. Address immediately , Dally
Oozetto , NorfolK , Nob. 144
\TfANTRD BO sober. Intelligent men of good
> > address to try u lOo mool at Norrls' res.
tnurnnt. 104SlSthHt. 1,13
W ANTED A Klrl for general housowork.
80S S. ISth St. 4 13 *
"ITTANTED A llist-cliiss Ironcr. Apply nt
T T onco. King's Laundry , S. W. cor. Kith nnd
Honnrd. 42.1 12 *
WANTED-flood punt nnd overall hands , nt
( iconru Stiles' factory , 14th and Lenen -
worth streets. 42T > M *
W ANTED (5ood ( icirl for Bonornl honso-
workIfltOCulltornlast. . 41111 *
WANTED ( llrl to do penornl housework ;
must bo uood cook. 1818 Webster st.
WANTKD-Oood cook , 1124 Fierce.
: m 12 *
WANTED A poodplrltodo ponornl house
work In n fumlly of throo. Apply 427
Convent St. , city. ail 11 *
" \\7ANTKD Good girl to do general housework -
> work In a private boardlntr houso. nt f > 57
South 12th st. 317 11
\VANTED-A KOOU girl to do laundry
i T work and nsslst In dolnir ponnrnl
housework. Northwest corner or 2Dth nnd
WANTED Olrl for Konernl house work ,
1904 Fnrniun. ! E7
\V'AN'lEU-GoodBlrl , 1117 Cags-st.
\\7ANTED-A half grown onlored nur o elrl
T ono who oiin nleop at homo. Apply .1. F.
Hammond , 117 S. Kith at. : > 'is '
ty/ANTlvD / Oood Oormim or llohomlan Klrl
for poneral houpowork In n family of
two. Apply at : j N Ibth st cor. Davonport.
Htt ) 11 *
WANTED DlntiiK room girls at Areado
hotel. 1215 Douglas st ! ! 75 12 *
Ww ANTED Olrl lor h'oncriil housowork. In-
Ww qulro 1508 Cass. 273 U
w ANTED-100 itlrls at the Now Homo Bow-
Inn Miichlnu olllco , 12J N. 15th Kt.2JO
WANTED-Ovorall makers at the Cantleld
oToruIl factory , 13U nnd 1308 Douclns st. ,
30MIOOT. 3110 II
\\7A.NTED-Glrl for Kiinornl housowork.
if Imiulreat Kit Douirlni8t. '
\\7ANTED -An oxporlcneod norvant , with
11 nblllty to cook In Hinall family , wages SI to
$ .1 ; none but competent pnitlos need npply ;
1U2I St. Mary's nve , cor 20th. 14 ! '
\\7ANTED-5 laundry elrls at the Windsor
> T Hotel. VU
WANTKD fiood dlnlnif room ( rlrl ut onco.
Llvo and Let Llvo Dining Hall/Ill nnd 313
8. th St. 01 II'
WANTKD flirls can nlwnys find good places
frco of clinrgo by cnllliK nt 111) ) N. loth st ,
Capital uvo , Omaha Employment llurvau.
\\'ANTKD A good cook nnd dining- room
girl at Mrj , Cary'e , 1IOJ Ijavonjiort ht.
\\7ANTED-E\porlcnco.l housoUoopor. Colored -
\ } orod proforrod. Call nt 112 N. Vth , TJ3
_ _
'ANTED Uood cook nnd Laundroia,2U : N ,
IMh st , M )
" \\rANTIU ) ; Indies A : ( font * to leirn telo-
\ Kraphy Prospect uood for position wuon
rompctKiit ; nddrcbS W. J. D. , Koom 1 , Crounj
blkOmnlm VII
" \\rANTED Bitimtlon ns bookkeeper , ship-
pinif clerk or bill rlurk ; furrtlth any
roforouco ronulrod. Audross U f , lieo otlico.
8H1 11
A lady of buslnojj oxperlonce
desires u situation In some otlico or Duel *
noes department ; email iT&irej at tlrst. Ad-
dioss Efl , lloo olllco. " n ? li *
Fltuutlon by bread an d cakd
baUer I.onir oiporlei\co , foovt ref orencds.
Lock box ill , Jutlcroun , lotru. Itl" lll
DHl'dOIST Thoroughly competent nnd ox-
perleucod , dcslroj gltuatlou. Ilc3t refcr-
enca ondctfrUflciitns. D J7. Hoc. Oil II *
\\rANTKD-To Itent-Honao an.d burn west
If of Mtu St. . tfood locality ; not Itvu than
ivren rooms , Aildrois li V , lloo office1
\\'ANTED Lndlos ntirenilement \ ( who would
' UKr to hnvo the host residence lot In
Omflhnwhich Is hcnutitully situated on the
llellovun roml , only two mHcs from the post-
qtllce. Should nrrnntrn immediately to ire with
me Monday nnd 'see the beautiful suburb of
Sherman , which contains iilncty-oieht lovely
lots that will bo all old within Dvo any * . W.
& Scnvey , nircint , 111 S. 14th st. 431 12
AV ANTED-Furnished room nnd board by n
' ' fontlenmn In n prh nto fnmlly , terms not
nn object Ifn xnltnblo place is secure I ; reply
at once , E 13 , Heo olhco 401 11 *
UTANTF.D l'or ons wnntlnir to buy houses
nnd lotsnntno instnllmcnt pl-in to cullen
on J. 1. Wntt , low Snundors st. KM 13 *
U'ANTED-To rent store nnd hnsomont , llv-
Irp rooms nb ivo for furn t ire store ,
within a or : i blocks of poslofllco or on Iflth st.
Itent JlOOto $15) ) per month. Address J. For-
ffiison , 7ir , N inth st , city. 379
WANTED Customer wnnH 1 or } lots in
Lincoln I'lnco , Kllby or West Cumlnir ad
dition Stnto terms nnd prlco to Hush .V Selby ,
real estate nitonts , 218 S. 15th st. 333 I3 _
\\7ANTED-Mcn nnd women. Iwnnt mlelll-
' ' cent , educated men and women to sell
"YnKiry's Anatomical Study" nnil other school
supplies. In this stnto nnd loirn. I will ho nt the
Planters' House from 3 o'eloek Thursday nftor-
noon until Snturdny. Toslolllco nddre s , nftor
tlmt , Echuylor , Nob. S. P. ( Iroat. 3i'J 11 *
\\7ANTED-A famlly to ndopt n perfectly
formid boy bnbv-Jitst born. Rniiulru of
Tr. Williams , lloom 17. ArllnRton block 85113 *
\\7Al < TEI-ltoomcrs nnd boarders nt 1818
> V Fnrnnm stt 24S IS *
\VAN1KD-Everybody to know that J. 1.
M Wntt hnsKot .ono : ( rood bartfiilns In In-
sldo property. 1010 Saunders st. 3K5 13 *
\\TANTED-Tootchanito l acres improved
land , six mlles from Ilortrnnd , Noh. . for
Imrdwnro or furniture. F , C. Schroeder A Co. ,
llortrand Nob. a'1" '
-Teams , 30JS. llth st.
WTNTED-To buy llvo to twenty ncros In-
sldo of or near Omaha. Olvo descrip
tion , prlco nnd terms. Address , C,2J , lloo olllco.
1 7
FOH IlllN'T A iVroom house , well , cistern
nnd cellar. Enquire ou premises. 1010
Jackson st. 42. ! 12 *
Foil HUNT House 0 rooms , enst front , K.0
I'lcasant t. 41tf 13'
HAY prlvlloKO to lease on the Detwllor farm ,
at Ames. 7 miles we tot Fremont John
OulliiKlicr , 317 South 12lh st. 41''m9
FOK URST nicht-room hoii'o. eollnr , stnl.lo ,
otc. Pet. loth nnd 11th on Hartley , sultntlo
for boardlnirhoii'o : wl I elmniro the front and
llxllrst lloor lor olllcoor storeroom. Appl ) to
II. It , Imll & Co. , 1Mb st. opjioslto I'ostoinro.
FOH HUNT Store room on Leavcnwoith St. ,
Inqulro 8.C1 S. 22nd St. 371-12 *
TTSOIMIKNT amall cottniro 1214 N. 2 th st , for
-U (10 per month. Apply d. L. Urndloy , litb
nnd Douglas nts. 37.1-11'
TJ > OH HKNT A ten room dwelling cor Lenv-
J1 pnworth nml2lst sts. one block from street
car. Apply to Burke & llarknlow , I-'ouglus < t.
iOH KENT House of ten rooms nnd barn.
Fi fi27 Park arc , between I.urnim st and Leav-
onnorth ft , liupilrunt Doinn House , South ISth
iicar natlleof ( letlyBlurtf liullilinif Ifid
yOH HENT-Cottajos , housoi and stores , nil
dcslrnblo nnil well loentod , from KM per
month up. L. Uurnhum , Hoom 1 Crolehton
Block. 14 ;
FOK 11ENT lOnoros 3 miles from postoHlee.
suitable for market tarclon\\ rent or sell.
Apply West Kurnlturo Co. , 103 N. 14th st Ml
FOH KENT Anlco ouso , 8 moms , well , cis
tern , pied barn. No. 1x14 Phil Sheridan st.
Apply on the promises. 'M' 11 *
F bTTuENT-Llvery and hotel. Address A. N.
Yost , Norfolk , Nob. 120 nil'
FOR HENT I.ariro barn roar 1707 Cass. In
qulro on promises or 320 S. 15th st. 0. U.
Wcstron. 2S5
jlOR llE { T-6 room house , eitv water , street
F cars , l < i miles Irom I1 O ; * ! J pur month.
D. C.Pattorson.Omnha Natl bnnit. 71U
F OU KENT -Lariro barn with water privi
leges. Apply at 1818 Chicago Bt. P03
T71011 HENT-If you want to rent n house , call
-C on llonnwa& Co. , opposite postolllcu , .13 ]
TTIOK HUNT -Ilou'Jo , ! ) rooms. In Hanscom
JS Placo. Holler * Camptioll , lloom 1. 1509
1'arnnm. 705
I7IOH IlENT-Ploasant furnished room S. E
-T cor. 14th nnd Ilownrd. 417 n *
FOR HKNT A furnished room nnd board ,
private family , no cor. Pierce nnd l-tli sts.
217 U *
roll KENT Nicely furnished room , $13.03
per mo. , Km't N 17th st. 203 13 *
riOK KENT Furnished roomsnn upper nnd
lower. South front 10.IO Cuss st.
203 12 *
KENT Doslrnblo furnished rooms All
modern eonvioncos. Street cars. No nutter
location in the city. 'S3 ! St. Mary's avo.
FOH KENT Furnished room , 2412 Capital
iivonuo. 21011 *
f/OK KENT AnoleRsnt front parlor with
i hoard , also other hmallor rooms. Homo
1ms all inodurn convenience * ( lentlomen de
sired. Southwest corner Webster nnd Both Bt ,
Troll KENT 2nlco olllco rooms nt 6128 10th
.T8troot. _ 7J2
HKXT-Hnlco front rooms In the brlok
FOIt HowanI st. between ItHh and 17th
sts , Lee , Nlchol fc Co. , Wlthnoll block Wt
ImOH Itl2NT7-Nicoly fiirnlstiod room. Kefor-
J enccsreniiiroil. 1BJ7 Douglis. 37 >
FOK KENT Front parlor and bed room , fur
nished , 2121 Cnlciiffo st. 3112
OK KBN'T Sloro loom and No HON. I4th
Bt. basement. 3AS
F OH HUNT Desk room. John ( iallaeher,317
S 13th st. . < & 11 *
F1 K KENT llasomont , suitable for house-
hocplnir. IiKiuIro 1
< OK KENT Two rooms , furnished , for
E light housekeeping , Inquire KO'J Howard
Bt. 37 < )
171OK KENT rurnUhed front loom. BUltnblo
-t ? for two , llio , \c , Inqulro UOi ( 'ass.
280 12
OK ItrNT-Nloely furnlihod looms 8. W.
F cor. ICth unil Uhlouiro. 207 17 *
FOK KENT Lttrtrn well furnished front
room , with hoard , 1011 I'niimm ; roforoncoj
ro < iuiied. BUS 12 *
FOK KENT Three ofllco rooms , third lloor
llodlck'snow block , cor. ISth and llnrnoy
streets. ( Jrogoiy It Ilmlluy , 320 South 15th st.
" | 7\OK \ KENT 2 rooniD , 1 larKO front room and
-L1 l small , ohoap , 101.1 Chicago. 40S 12'
FOK KENT-Nicely furnished front room In
nlco cottni.'o ts per month. nt408 Walnut
st , 8 minntoj walk , Southeast U. 1 > . depot.
FOK KENT 'I rooms unfuriiHhol suitiblo
for housakooplnr , 1017 NJtu st ; apply to
M. F. Mnrtln , 318 8 15th st. 40)
T710K KENT-Nlco roomijnt 1SJI Dinum t ,
-L ono block woat of court housesouth slda.
1J1OK KENT 3 roomi suitable for houao-
JD keeping. 711 ruclUast. Keat , 150) .
"I7 < OK HUNT A oontrally loentod olllco room
-L' sultabtti for rual estate purposoa. Apply
at17N ! lethst. L-Jj
FOK HUNT Furnished nnd unfuinlshod
rooms In Oruonnr Hlook , cor. 13th nnd
DodKC. Uiivls Si Hotuorlngton , Millard Hotel
llllllurilHooiu. 3iU
OH KENT-FurnUhoJ rooms und board. 521
I'Joiisunt-st. : i3j U *
Ti OKTlENr 2bl.f front rooms and hall nt 311
i1 Bprucost. : L"J U *
POll KENT FurnUhcd looms and board. 619
N. 18th at. 24J13 *
Fc rooms , Tit .N.
FOK KENT Dooms , modern conveniences ,
and board , 70 i South 18th Bt. 314 12 *
K KBN'T-FurnUhoa room , furnace , com-
J2 fortubltt In coljoit weather , and gas. In
qulro 19" '
UENf Neatly funiUael rooms , u
or'doublo , 1411 Howarl Sirilt. nt
T7101T UftN'r Klovant room * oa street car
-L1 line , bitb nl gut , g. w. cor iJth anj
Webster. uis
13AKOA1NS iii rnulReti'i.MUiard Caldwell's ,
-LJ K. V. Bmtth i , Hillside , Shlnn'i.Armitroiic' .
nnd HnnnOnm 1'lace nUds. Uatei it Wntt , a.4.
Boilth 15th et. < 10 U
L ( ITS 23 niHM , blk I , llowlln * Oreou , ItWt
I150.7A oft h , baUnoe 55 Per mo , lirran &
CJark , Alblnnil.Nol ) . SU.'U
A FEWnnoloUIn .Orchnrd Hill for 5750 on
polo neonts.
li ILLEKh'S 2nd nddltlon. Plfttn nro now
remlv , lots $75 each. J , U Klco V Co. ,
: O\\LIN(1 ( ( JKKEN.
Tlio "best midlilon.
Acres for$000.
5 ncro lots JYX ) per ncro.
Marshall .V 1-oheck.
853 II TOO Fnrnnm.
HOrs'"S ' l.ots.Fnrms.Lindsmoney loinnt.
llomls' city mnpj , 5x7 feet , tl.m onrli.
Itomls , r-jom 3 llnrkor block , a W. cor. 1.1th
nnd Fnrnam. 247
FOK SALE 80 ncro trnct. ImprotciL near the
city , S12.1. per ncro.
Lots In Pchlcslneer's addition J2.V5 to 1350.
If-Cfoot , 34th nnd Fnrnam nt n banrain.
EOncreswoJt of Walnut Hill chimp. Call nnd
Investigate. Schlcslnitor Bros , Oil S inth sU
17 in 3
RNUINR HAIUlAINS-rwo cornerToM in
llurdottocourt.only 4 blocks from Blun
der's street onr * . w. M. Hushnmn. lloom 10 ,
Hush man HlocK.N Eoor 16th anJ lou.tlai.
HOUSES Lots.Farms.Lands money lonno > l.
llomls' city maps , 6i7 feet , ti.M each ,
llemls , room i ) , Marker block , 3. W. cor IMn
nnd Fnrnnm sin. " 87
\\TA > TED Wo liavo customers for five to
twenty ncrcs , must ho centrally located ,
AVrlKhl * Lnsbury , under 1'nxton Hotel. 4U1 11
$75 , $75 , J75 , $75 , f75.
For lots In Hilloko'a 2,1 nddltlon : onsy
terms. J. L. Hlco .t Co. , Solo Agents. 314
E hnvo 30.0XJ-JI0.010 ( to Invest In peed In-
sldo Omnhn property ! only bnrcnlns nto
wnnted. Apply to Hlrkhnuaor & Illumor , room
18,1'nxton block. 1)4511
A lUJStNHSsots on 1'nrk nvo , $ t.VM for In-
M" side , i'.OJd for cornor.'JoxSl to nil nlloy. Mo ail
& Jnmloson. 121
HOUSUS Lots.rarms.Landamoney loaned.
Bomls'clty map' , f > x7 fcot. $2 50 each.
llomls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
mid Farnnm stv "S7
HILLl'.KP.'S addition. 1'liita nro now
ready , lots (75 each. J. L , Jtlco ! c Co , ,
eolo nients. 314
KAVKXWUTItSl'-Onlytl,20r ) tol,400 fo
lots ou I.oavonworlh . st near 11 ell Line , n
.2 or 3J foot front but full 5U foot.
Oreirory V Had lay.
llooms I and 3 Itodtck Block , H.'O S. 15th st.
SOMT. special barunlinln Orchard Hill lots for
u few days , by Enowold & Barrett , " . ' 0 S.
13th , up Btalrs. ilfiJ 12
, f""i , T7. > , $7S , f 71.
ror lota In llllloko1' ? 2J nldltton : easy
trrms. J. U Ulco .tCo. , ole Aifunts. 314
Wisi : j
irU Tartum. st.
Offer thcPd baivnlns to-day :
1 corner Ouorirln nvo. and Dupont $1,200.
7 Orchard hill , clioico lots each f'
[ louse and Ulots , Snundors &
ndd. to Wnlnut hill (2.31)0.
20 rinost lots In Clovordalo , bnrei Ins.
10 acres west of nnd cloo to the stockyards
nnd packinghouse , line nnd cheap.
2choU'u lots In May lies add. , each ? .VJO.
"clioico lots rulrmount place
1 ncro best In llolvodoro. bsriraln J303.
lots .lot tor's nddltlnn , each $700.
6 lots Ml noimlns. each SV > a
2 lots South I'.T. plac o , eiicn ( r > 00.
3 Brown Park , banrnlns each $ nim.
21 lots nliolcn In Yates & Hompel's addition.
A line list or western lands lor sale , or trade
for Omaha property.
400 acres highly Improved , Saunders Co. , enlo
or trade.
115 fcot front onlOlh dtreor ,
Last , not least , "ornor on Karnnni ? 41,0f)1 ) and
many others , 1WJ Farnam , Wlso nnd 1'ai-melo.
_ _ _ _
HILLKKK'S 2nd adilltion. 1'lats nro now
ready , lots (76 each. J. L. Ulco It Co. ,
Bolontinnts. 314
HOOSl'S Lots.l'arms.Lnndj-moiiey loaned.
Bernis' city maps , 5x7 raut , Si.SO caoh.
llomls , room. ) , llarkor block , S. W. cor. 1.1th
nnd I'nrnara sts. 287
, $ , > 757 7.l7 75 ! f"
$75$75 lots In Ililloko's 2u' ' addition : onsy
terms. J. L. Hlco & Co , Solo Ajrento. 314
. Itenl Estate , 1,112 Fnrnnm St.
1'arnnra st , oor. : ilst. liWxI.U , S1.1.0JO.
rarnam Btbot20th and -M. lliixl.U. fTi.OOO.
rnrnam ht , near 2 ) th. S front. 22x13 ! . S'1,530. '
rarnam t.t , cor. 4'ld , S mid \Vfront. FI.OJ'J. '
rarnam st , cor. 4-M , S mid K front. $3,001.
Farnnm Ft , cor. 41st , S and K trent , $ .t , ( > 1) .
nodiro st. I0tl2i ) . eottairo mid burn. $3,700
I/otl and 2 , blk2 , South Omnhn ndd. corner ,
$1.1 WJ.
\ Irglnla nve , near I.envenworth , 40x110 ,
(2.0 O.
13th Bt , cor , Howard , rents for $13 , 835,000.
S Ifitli st , nnnr viaduct , 40x02 ! , (4.HOO.
Hamilton st , fi-room. . houso. $1.100.
Lot SS. blk7 , Orchard Hill. ( X ) .
Lotf)7xl.V ) ) , near Cnnnlnif Works , WD. )
rornor Mnrthnand Mtli.fiflxllB. Imp , 4.50D.
Hellmnn's add lots , choice for $1. > 0.
Lots In * Brown I'nrk , South Omuhu , Orchard
, near 23d , W5x3J. ! S3.0M. 218
II ILLEKE'SSd addition , lots for sale by .1. L.
Kicn \ Co. , 75 each ; on easy terms. 314
on SALE AJKJ-ncro fnrm with house , Darn
and orlh , on the U. I' . lly. , and only ono-
half inllo from n good railway town , with
churches and flonooli. Prioo $8,00) ) . Apply to
Louis Ilnulford , cor. Oth nnd Douglas , ( ) maha ,
Neh. OJ.1
"IIlOIl SALE -A peed husint'BS property. Cnni-
JU Ingstieot. J. I. Watt , 1016 Snundors st
SI'ECIAL Full lot nnd now rroom cottapo ,
two hlocks from red enr lino$2r > 00.
Lot COxlilH.with Kood linprovomuritH.on I'loico
8t..t\vo hlocks from pnreinunt , cheap.
Good residence on 1'opploton nvo. , near 2Mh
Bt. Will mnkp tor inn to suit.
East front on South2flth Bt.Jl.5fl.
Nice 00 feet south front lots In Lowo's ndd. ,
SOuO.Unouth front lotn on Rurdotlo Bt , half block
vest of Snundern st. f4t > UO ,
r > Utcet south front , ono mile and n half from
postolllco , J700.
20 ncros of lilsli level land ono nillo nnd n hnlf
west of the i\chunRo : hulldlntr. South Omaha
ntnhnrKBln : It must bo Bold. A nlconcro lot In
l'rnlt'8 sub , * 1.V)0. )
WeluiTualnrBo list of peed Insldo property
nnd lots In nil of the host additions to the city.
Cull and Bet terms , etc. Prank I' . Williams &
Co. , 10th and rolcngo , rear Douglas Co. Hank ,
418 11
BEI'OltE uuylnir real estnto como and HOC our
ll t of Hpeulal bnrgnlng. Gntes A Wntts. HJ4
South lath st. 41011
Lot , Kai insLands monov loaned ,
lloiiils1 city maps , f\7 font. J2.DO o.u-h.
llomls , room y , llarkor block , H. W , cor. 15th
nnd rarnam Bin. 287
SALE Lothlock2. Creston $1,130
Lot In hlork'J. llodford 1'laco 700
Lotln hlook n .llnilford 1'laeo 703
Ixit In block 17 , lloilford Pluco CM
Two south front lots , block U. Orchard
Hill 1.7W )
Knst front , hlook 2. 1'Inlnviow l > 75
Cornur Saundora and 1'ntrlck uvo. , f75 per
310 11 * H.W. Iluntross , 1M9 Farnam st.
Sl'ECIAl7TlAHrtAIN-57 ft Trout otfTnTimm
. . 6tl)8t ' .M nnd 24th. with n $0.000 Improve
ment , f 15,000. J. L. Hlco & CoBola nk'ent.
HILLEKF.'S2d nddltlon , lots for fiilo by .1. L.
Klco & Co. , $75 each ; on cnsy terms. 3)4 )
Horsi'.s LotsFarmsLander money loaned.
Ilemls' city maps , 5x7 fent , JJ.50 onch.
Heinle , room 3 , Darker block , K. W , cor. 15th
nnd Fnrnnm sts. SiJT
FTJK SALrT 1'our elecant tn-h-story hniisoi
nnd lots , oiuiuottnirp.on street rnr niid near
oablo car line. Will alvo you n bargain. C. W ,
Cain,2J30 Ohio ct. -3 ! SI.
HOUSES -LotsFarmsLinda-money loaned ,
llomls' city maps , 6x7 ifo'it , JJ.50 each ,
HemlR , room 3 , Duikor blocUJ'S ' , W , oor. 15th
und Farnam sts. 287
"I/10K SALE-Cornorlot In lUiurom 1'laoo , 2
-L1 blocks from street oura , 1 block from church
nnd school cheap nt { 2,100. llvitcr it Cumpbull ,
room 1 , l&O'J Farnam st. M
(1'75. $75. J75.175 , * T5 . ,
1 > For lots In Illllofco's Zd addition ; easy
tonns. J. L. Klco fc Co. , Solo Agent * itlt
SULI'HIIK 81'ltlNOS addltMn. Lou 1,5 und
B , block fl , can be eold nt al' W oticn for n
fowdiiysonly. Not nnother Hit In tliU block
( ti > o best In the addition ) can be bought for this
price Warranty dee > l nnd ah tracl f iirnhnml.
Hudloy , 3iO South 16th street.
151 Dodge st
6 room house cs Hon : : t , Jet EJZICC , tow
doors from CumliiKBt. $ , ooo ,
ijblnn's m add. 84-00111 tioufo. lot n2x1K ! ,
h h roonuwpii , cletorn , etc , f 1,000 , f 1,500 ca0ni
' '
V.'oinu t'iim , corner lot fontli fronton CumIn -
In * tt , only | | , a .
Orohard Mill. 75 lote , corners nnd ull , your
choke for | 7M each , easy tormt , will bo all bold
In 10 days.
6 room house , new , and 2 beautiful lots In
Orohard Hill , only 11,00. ) . tB75 cash.
Walnut Hill , full lot on Nicholas st , south
front , bargain at tl.'fo , for 30 days
Adjoining Hitrhlund 1'j.rk , two acres lying
rplendldly , only tnu ) ouch.
U brick liouseion 17th t. 10 rooms each , rent
for tlftO per month , only tlS.Ono. ThU Is a bar-
ualn. InvcMtlirat * . Cotao aud look at our hit ,
It can t bo kUrpaited.
Mitchell A Loyonmarck ,
383 15tfl Uodxo St.
\\TANTED-Wo Imvo tiuror' * for buslnen nnd
> ' rexlilence property , list your property with
US , Wright Ijisbury. under Tatton Hotel.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ' _ U
"irUMi SALE 40ncre < < of land 'i inllo solith o ?
-L Cnrson , 1'ottnwattomlo Co. , In. , upin
which ha < tieon found n vein of eoal lnlo 1(1 (
Toft below the surface. Address M. lluhltr ,
LaMollle , lltirpnu Co. , 111. PCf. ll
Sl'EClATi ilAll.\IN-Lm ( ( 4lTl3J on'llriMoT
st. city water. In front luvol m n lloor. f 'J3.
Easytcrms. J. L. Klco .V Co , ole aRonti. 2J7
HOt'SE3 IxtsrnrmiLnnds money loaned ,
llomls city nvip , 5x7 foot , tl W each.
llnrnta , room : i , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Fnrnnm tit. 2S ,
171OK S AIiK-Chnlco bargain * In ro'U cMnto nt
L1 Wright & Lnabury's , under I'lixton llotol.
_ _ _
GKOVEKSTEVENS.2189. 16thtt olToM for
n few daystho following special bnrialiiai
Vacant lots.
loavenworth it S3 ( t nnd house . $2OJO
lowoavolots , ono n corner . . . . 2,40. )
Vlrirlnln nvo . | ,2W
I'ark are . . . l.ivj
Illondo Pt . . . . . . . l,10n
hull's add , n corner . , . S.WO
llurdottoRt nonr Saunders . ! , < > )
Orehard Hill , eloirant lot . )
I'lalnvlew , east front . . . . . . . l.WM
linker 1'laco . . . MO
SaunderSiV IHmobaugh'andd . MI )
Cote llrllllnnt.ri ncros . 1.50) )
I'lorco St. , OOxlPI . 2 , < WO
Huii4n nnd Lots ,
2Ctb st. 8 roomsniid full lot. . 4,203
I.envenworth & . , 2 rooms nnd .11 ft . 2,00 , )
I'li'rcost. cornorMxHfl , nnjy now houses. 7'A )
J4th st full lot anil lm\i \ c\ . ' . ' .8JJ
ALTH Property.
j ncrcs n. w of Fort ; line view and very
cheap , cn'y terms . . 1,530
T-i ncies 'i mllu east of South Oiimha
chenp nt . 3,503
klp the nbovo lift I Imvo n Iniiro number
ot pieces of property In nil parts of the city nnd
cnn suit the most particular. Il t vour prop
erty with mo If you want It sold. Urnvcr
Stevens. 20J
HILLEICE'S2d nddillon , lots for sale by .T. lj.
Klco & Co. . t7. ' < each ! on easy terms. ,111
No. 318 South IMh St.
Lot , frontlnir 2 strools , 25th nnd racldc , 3
liousoSifJ/iOO Ensv terms.
Host lot In Orchard Hill with rrontn houco ,
harn. well , clstorn , fruit nnd shndo trees , $ ltM3.
Ensy terms.
Lot frontlneon Convent nnd 21th sts , Im
provements worth f.ini ) , 2 houses , olty nnd
clstorn wutor , 0U03 Ensy lorms.
r > -room cotmito nnd lot , Sith ntid Chnrlos ,
2oro , $ IOJ oa h , hill o.isy.
N Kc'or of Kiln nnd L mvonworth , 2 housoi ,
rents for $71 per mo , lot OJtM , line business
property , tW.OOO. Jicad &Jnmleson , 313 13 15th
street. _ 772
'I7OH SALE Two lots In KounUo I'lnco. Spoil-
* ' ccr Otis , l'U7 Dounlas st. SM
FOR Lots In
Isaac \ Addon's Addition.
Itiiiirovoment ABsociation Addition.
S. E. Itoiror'R Adilltlon ,
Kount2o Addition ,
Lowo's Addition ,
McCormick'H 2d Addition ,
I'ottor'H Addition ,
Itoillclc's Addition ,
SInill'H Adilltlon ,
Phlnn's Addition ,
Tlmrnburir Addition ,
Koiint/o I'laco.
Haueconi I'laco ,
Hickory I'laco.
Kliby I'laco.
Alor eman I'arlr ,
.loromo Park ,
Omaha View ,
Hawthorne ,
South Omaha ,
West End ,
West Sldo.
Aero 1'roporly ,
Property on Harney , Fnrnatn , Dodge , Cnpltol
Avcnuo and other streets ,
Cnll on the O. ! ' . Davis Company , 1505 Far-
nam st.
Special bargains always to bo had. 339 12
ANVI1ODY Wuntlnif outside propoity nt
cheap prlcuH nnd ou easy terms should call
nnd see Mystic park. Thorn Is tnonoy In buy
ing lots In this addition. They front Military
road , on which street are guaranteed to
run.Wo mnko n specialty of Inside property , but
hnvo ( rene over the line In this case because wo
know this property 13 good.
Onory & Hndlcy ,
llooms 1 und 3 Itcdick block , IL'O b. 15th nt.
TpOK SALE Wo neil or trndo for Omnlrn
A property or stocks of morchnndlsn , Im-
nrovod and unimprovo.i fiirma. Wright At Las-
bury , tumor Pnxton Hotel. 402 11
JOHN QALLAOHEU , ronl ostiito , 317 Houth
Wtli st. Aero prooortr , loin In nil parts of
city. Choice lotj Lincoln Placo. Uargaln Mi
80 , cor. California nnd lild , lit ) ml
HOUSES Lots.Fiirmi.Lfinds money loaned ,
llomls' city maps , 6x7 feet , $ 'J.6) o.ich.
llomlsoom 3 , llarkor block , S.V. \ . cor. 15th
nnd Fnrnam sts , 2S7
ANVHODY Wnntin ? oulBldo property nt
cheap price * and on ca y terms fihonul
call and t > oe Myntlo park. There is monev In
buyinir lots In this addition. They fiont Mili
tary roaii , on which street cars nro guaranteed
to run.
Wo mnko nspeelalty of Insldo property , but
hnvo none over thu line In this cape bocuuso > vo
know this property Is irood.
Gregory k IIiullcj.
Kooms 1 and 3 Itcdick block. 320 3. ICth St.
SA. SLOMAN , Item Estate.
1612 Pnrnnm St. , room 2.
A linoof cholco Inside property nt prices
which aio not lalliue.l nnd which will provo
both safa nnd proQMblHlnvo-itinmit.s
Douglasbt hot 20th and 2.1ilU1xiiJ : $ 8,000
Farnam 8t bol20th nnd' Kl-'ixl.'U 0,531
Farnimst hotSOth nnd 2Jd,61x132 15.0JO
I'urnnniBt oor In.leromo | urk 3'iU '
Farnam Bt Cor Illst IMxl.U 15,000
West Omahn 181x187 , line Rleht 12,010
Leivenworth cor 2lst Improved 12.r > 03
Hownrd i > t near 10th. 'Uxfifi 8.4UO
Leo-yenworth st near Unit Line , 101x127 .
LCI. nwortb Ht Mnyni plneo corner 2'lOO
Iliirnoj st. nnnr 20tti , 171x170 , Improved. . ! lri,00) )
intti st. near Viaduct. 4txl20 ) 4,000
llupiness lot , South Omaha
lluslno-x lot , South Omaha
Ili'dlonl Place , lot 11 , block II
Aciesin Lakusldo F-'IV ) to 403
Lots In .loromo Park , East Fronts , nour
Farnamstri'ot 1.R01
Ixits In VVukoly ndd. ncnr rannlni , " factory 303
Fnrnam Ht. , cor. eouth and \V . Front 3,000
Cholco lots In Orchard Hill f7V ) to SO )
Lots In Hollmnn's und $1,500 , onc-Hfth cash.
GILT EDOE-2ifcct on Davenport , near 10th
ft. Prieo f2.iOi : ) f8.W cash , bill. 1 , 2 and : i
years. Mustbosold : owner has to loavotown.
J F. Hainmond , 117 S 16th st. 2M
HILLl-KE'S2diiddllon. ; ! lots for nalo by J.
Hlco & Co. ; $75 each ; on easy tornm. 3U
rOKSALE- ft. , n corner on20thf < t. ,
$ lo.H ) , half cash , tialancu to Hint. This Is
on the cable line st. und the greatest bargnln on
the market. Find : 3 : Homan. Until I'.ntuto and
Loan Jlrolvcrs , lloom 11 Fienzor Illock , Omaha ,
Neb 8S- )
S ,1' , VAI.I.EV ;
Our new addition.
AcriiHf ! ; : > to HOI per acre.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydlcato Hill.
Mnrshall .v Txiboclt ,
103 IM ) Kanmm.
CAMjiind sno the fullest ami molt complota
Betof iioitriict hooks of Doiurlaa county
now In the olflueof K. C. 1'atterdon , 15th and
Hurncy. A'J7
HOUSES Lot , FnrmsIand8 monny loannd.
llomls' city maps , * > x7 font , t-.M o.iah.
11011111 , room : ) , llarkor block , B. W , cor 15th
unil Farnam HIS. 2H7
EI.ECANT lots on Lsatomrarth st , In Klch
monil , each JCJd.
Kleimnt lots In lllchmond near r eavonwortli
One line lot In Klchinond , tlM cn h , { IV ) .
One Unooorner In Klchinond , $ 'OJ cash , ? 500.
Flnocornor In Diukc's , fJ,700.
Kino cornnr In Hood's , f 4.rX ) .
( V ) feet on 1'nrk ave , J1,0)0 )
T o ohiirant lots In Drake's , 103x119 , ono half
cash , lor $7,0) ) .
Kino properly corner Hurt and 16th sts , ono
halfcaeh.ST.OX ) .
Splendid Investments all over the city ,
25 acres , low da > H , at (700 nn ucro.
318 10 Otorco M. Cooper , 150'J Farnam.
- south front
lexldenca lot In Wanhlnzton Ffiuani , IR'i ft
from bliurmiin ave and paved BtreuU H J/tO. J.
1 , Klco it Co , solo lutoiit , _ -17
MAKSIUUi fc IXJBE " ! IC. 1501 I'ftrnHm 8tro t ,
members of Oiniiaa i-.ime Etcliunva ,
Corner of California street and Twenty-third ,
M fcot , omy term , fii.'rt ' ) .
Cu * > s , 68x 8fcutiio-hHlfca3hs < , 'i ) .
Klk'htlots , Lincoln I'luco , ono third cash ; f&25
Four lots In West Cumln j , oa y terms , fiOD
I.ots 'in Ml. I'loasaut aaultlon , easy terms ,
Twalro & uoro lots In riprln Yulloy , 1323 to
f ID ) per ncru.
AUo 2 1-2 aero lots In same addition.
Alton very easy lorms.
Wohnvo u IHIXO line of housna and lotion
our list. unJ Invite buyers to call and wo will
show too properly. Marshall & Lobock , 160)
Farnam Teloubono 13. 1t > i.
MOHC ( lATAnilll. Tb arc IQttm n
JB -uieJjr lit t .
NO rtclt * nd bock for I eeti la > t > mp * .
k. 11. MEUIUXL CO rut Uuapleo. Ceu.
"Mlcliru-l StrotoiT.
This populjir dri\mn Was prcscntcil at
the opera house last oveninir by Charles
L. Amlrows' company , with fohvard 1C.
Collier in the title role Ho por-
Irayptl the emotional part * anil lully
sustained Ins reputation. Ceeile Ktish , as
his mother , Maria Stroeou" , called out
apnlauso at every appearance. Florence
Arnold , as Natlin Foilor , was excellent.
\ \ . O. Croshle , Hie Irish-American re
porter for tlio Now York Herald , invaria
bly came out ahead of the KnulMi re
porter , Mr. Robertson , who was provided
with urarvthing nccfsary except the
latest news , the Herald man appropri
ating cvorythinj : bolonnini ; to the Eng
lishman , and in return furnishing him
the tcporls.
The.Beeuory was linn aud the company
carry a Jarjie amount of it.
Special ballet diverli emonts wcro In
terspersed by Mdllo. Kloiso. The minuet
drill led by Ida Derange was a beautiful
thlnp. Ki sel , the liKhtnim : drill export ,
brought down the hon o by his wonder
ful handling of the musket.
Tliero Is very strong | irosects ] of a
new Catholic church being built at this
place this spring over fl.'JOO has already
been sitbicribuil , and the $ . ' ,000 ruqmrud
will bo raised without any trouble. They
pronose mittimr up a line edilico.
Tliero has been homo talk of a national
bank being started hero this spring , but
whether the project will be consummated
or not wo do not know.
Parlies have been hero to see about
buying the steam mill property hero , and
turning it into a tine roller mill. If .sat
isfactory arrangements can bo made it
will bo done.
The Methodist are in the m idst of an
interesting protraoled meeting which Is
resulting in it.any conversions.
The K. of 1 > . lodge hero is in n nour
ishing condition , now member * coming
in as fast as the work can be conferred.
Mrs. L. 11. Mitchell has returned from
the east.
A. P. Coutanl , of Avoca , was in the
Blurt's yesterday.
Mrs. T. A. Clark has returned from the
west after an absence of three weeks.
llov. A. Rogers has resigned the pas-
toralo of the Congregational church al
Rev.V. . T. Smith , presiding elder of
this district , holds quarterly meeting ser
vices at Dunlap to-morrow.
Will F. Sapp returned yesterday from
his eastern trip. His mother , whoso
health has been poor , remains for a time
longer with eastern friends.
L.V. . Ross , of Iowa City , is in the city ,
planning on soon again becoming a resi
dent of this city , having resignotltho po
sition of chancellor of the law school.
Note Be suspicious of persons who
recommend any other article as "just as
good" and take nothing clso but Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
A pjirtv paid ten dollars for a horse r.t
an auction sale. The horse was lame
and bruised all over. A bottle of Salva
tion Oil costing 35 cent ? was used ; ho is
now valued at two hundred dollars.
Wodeslrotocall th
attention ot the pub
Ho ironerallr to the
superior merits of the
In WashiiiR1 IVrfcctly Cloiui with l cast
Labor , ami with ( ircat ltiiiility. | !
Thousands now In uso. All kinds of Wringers
10 1 xoitT iiiuTii snciin\ :
Hvcclnllr DlHtlllril fur
Jtlcdlcinnl UHU.
DR. EDW I. . WAU.lN'fl. Ear
gnan In Chief , National Quart
of K J. , writra :
"Mv attention wo CAllnd U
your Kfj tr > n Mult lMil k y Lj
lirAar \ \ , Drugjlit , of 1 rtnton
and 1 lm\a tiBid a few boltlM
with far b tter effect than ANT '
hiim had , I am rrcuininrnJInc
> our article In my | > rncllci > , aud
find It > ury Mtlntactor } , "
( TT9 The Genuine ha. lh Kldnfilurt o
i-issFii t ur.Niirt.aoN
of Bcttll. ' " * i- ' i.
( Hole Airclirurthi U fi )
816.318 nnd 320 Ha < p St. Philadelohia. Px
Goodman Drup Co ,6cnl , Audits , Omaha
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital $250,000
Surplub 40,000
H. W. Vntns , I'roslclont.
A. 1C. Tou.alinrc \ I'rpfildont.
W ) l S. Hushes , Cashier.
\V. V. Morse , John S. Oollini ,
II. VV. Yates , Lewis S. Hcud.
A. E. Tou/ilin. ;
Cor 1'Jth and Fit run HI Sti
A Uc.icral Han I ; me JiusinesB Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
.f XKIiJtN , ClUUAiO ,
nnunCOf Countlc ? , Cltlps and othorsof
jUnll 9 hlghgiade bought nnd sold. Eastorri
uffloo CilDavoiishlie itlioatou. . Corrcfipond-
enco solicited.
CAPITAL , - - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - . - . 400,000
Accounts of Hanks , Bankers and Corpo
rations solicilcd.
Our facilities ( or COI.LRCTIONS are
excellent and we re-discount tor banks
when balances warrant it
Boston is a Reserve City , and balances
whii US frombanKkr"t ( located in other Re
serve Cities count as re.enu.
We diaw our oun Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable irans-
lers and place money l > y telegraph lhroiijli- |
out the United States and Canada.
Government llonds bought and bold , and
Exchanges in Washington inaCc for ISankit
without extra charge.
We have a market for prime iirot-class
Inveitnient Securities , and invite proposals
Irom States , Counties and Cities when is-
tuing bonds.
We do a general Hanking InHness , and
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTER , Pmidcnt.
JOS , W. WOl'.K , CRshier.
That Coal Has Been Dis
covered in Omaha
There can IIOAV bo no doubt.
TIO ] inosl skeptical are ready
, o admit , that sncli is thb case ,
and the future of Omaha is
solved beyond a doubt. Man-
ufncturing of all kinds will bo
in full force within one year.
Packing houses will spring up
.ike magic in South Omaha ,
[ n fact we can not hold Omaha
down. Now is the time to buy
Do not wait , as property is ad
vancing every day , and you are
-oosing money every day you
Everybody is mailing for lots
in this addition on account of
its location. Be sure and look
at this addition , Lipton PlactJ ,
before buying elsewhere. First
come , first served , is our motto.
We Have Bargains in All
Parts of Town
In improved and unimproved
property. Carnages at the
door at all times to take you
ut. Call and tieo