Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6
TVK T1 * I1 * T V * * - * i -T- - * * VTy g yp m * i 0 THE OftlAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 12 , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNClTlLUFFS SATUUDAYMOUNINO , FE . 11. OFFICE , WU. 12 , PEA.RL STREET. Delivered fcy enrricr In nny pnrtof the city at twenty cent * per wook. II. W. TILTON , . . . Manager. No. tt. Niaiir EniToit No. 23. The Council HlttlTN Room. The lice to-morrow vfill contain in its "Sunday Gossip" column an interesting article on the Council JJltffls boom. Parties wishing extra copies of the Sunday Jke arc rc'/iicstcil to leave their orders at th lice otfice , .iVo. 12 Pearl street , to-day. m MINOR MI3NTION. N. Y. rhimbiiiR Co. Heavy suits cheap to order nt Keller's. "Tho I'lininlx" has its grand openinc Oninlm Addition is the finest yet plat ted. Odcll Hros. As C'o. Several largo parties arc to take pHco ncjil week. 0. A. Huobe & Co. have bought the Van Drum warehouse near Hie Northwestern depot. To realize a handsome profit buy some Omaha addition lots , Odcll 15ros. A : Uo. J. \ \ . & K. I * . Squire's abstracts are giving good satisfaction. Not tin arrest by the police yesterday , and an opportunity was given for a scrub out of the city jail. The cnirino of the ferry train jumped the track yesterday niornlnjj , causing eon io delay but no special damage. The best record on sales yet made io that in Omaha addition , Oilell Hros. A : Co. The Episcopalians had a happy social last evening at the home of Mrs. M. E , Smith , who in entertaining the company was assisted by Mrs. Sauiiuers. Odell Hros. & Co. have leased part of the Schickatanz residence for their loan and insurance business. Yoakum A : Co. have for sale ! ) J } acres within half a mile of the city limits at $ li.'r > per acre. A choice baigam. Special communication of IHuIF City lodge No. 71 A F and A M. for work in the second decree , this ( Saturday ) even- Ing. Visiting brethren invited. By order of the \V. M. The coming thoroughfare between Omaha and Council ISluIl's runs through Omaha Addition. Oilell Hros As Co. Squire's 1'ark addition is a sure invest ment. Pacific aveiiun will be built up witli store buildings within a year. Mrs. C. C. Pilling , wife of T. A. rilling , died at her home in ( Jariier township Thursday. She was a daughter of William Garner , and had lived in that vicinity since childhood. The funeral will take place Sunday at 1 o'clock p. m. at the residence of her father. Why does Paul's addition Jots soil so quick ? Hi-cause they are the best in the market. Uu.y controls Paul's addition. The two young men arrested on the bottoms on suspicion of having stolen the hordes they were driving , wore dis charged yesterday , they proving clearly that they were not the ones the ollicers wanted , although the description was a close one. The lacking parts for the new fire and police alarm are now here , and tiie com pletion of the system is only the question of a few days at thu longest. The linal test will Do made next week without doubt. The city will breathe easier when satisfied that it has a system by which a sure alarm can bo sent in case of a ( ire , or wliun a policeman is sorely needed. It will be an improvement which will bo heartily welcomed. The system should be thoroughly tested , however , and there should be no grounds left for doubts as to whether the Richmond is all that is desired. Yesterday afternoon one of Tcrwilli- gor's painters having occasion to use an express wagon turned in acall to the district telegraph. By mistake ho turned in a ( ire alarm. By the rules of the dis trict telegraph company no attention is paid to the lire alarm call unless it is sent In twice , this being required in order to avoid any mistakes. This time the lirst call of tire was unheeded , but it was soon dent in and repeated , and the district company fooling sure then there must because cause of alarm notified the department. The turner in of the alarm was much sur prised to find instead of an express wagon , the whole department in front of bis place. The cit } ' council is to meet next Mon day. The Tenth nvcnnu project is to come up for decision then. From the talk in the caucus held of the aldermen it appears that unless some of them change their minds they will kill the pro ject by their votes. A strong pressure is being brought to induce the reluctant al- deinii-n opposed to the measure to lot the project go through in some foim , so that improvements may co on in that direc tion. It is not a good time of the year for anyone to stand in the way of any possible growth of the city , and it is pos sible that those who now bsilK may change their views when the linal vote comes. Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the majority of real estate olllccs in the city. $2.00 per day. Best grades Iowa soft lump coal , ? 3 per ton at yard ; $3.00 delivered. C. B. Fuel Co. , 031) ) Broadway. Telephone 13(5. ( Notice. All prices and offers heretofore made are hereby withdrawn. IIOKACK EVKKETT. To Contractor ) ) and , Proposals will bo received by the undersigned - signed until the 23u of next month for the huildlns : of the now Catholic church- Plans and specifications may bo scon at the pastoral residence , The right is re served to reject any or nil proposalo. B. P. McMKNOMV , Pastor. Jofl'eris' roplat of Lots 1 and 8 of Al bright's choice , 0-8 mile south of Ham mond's packing house , South Omaha , on main line of Union Pacific railroad. Nearest trackage lots in town for sale ; also beautiful residence lots , Terms easy. For sale at the ofllco of Thos. C , Jelleris , at llowland'a lumber olllco , iiear dummy depot , South Omaha. We have forty or lifty head of fine mules , for all purposes , for sale at our "Star Stables. " SCHLUIEH & HOLEY. At the Pacific house you will save from cents to $1 per any. Try it and bo nviuccd. L , B. Crafts & Co , , are loaning money on all classes of chattel securities at one- half their former rules. Sco them before securing your loans. When you are in the city stop at the Pucilia house. Street cars pass the door every ( Ifteen minutes for all the depots. Meals 00 cents. All orders from real estate brokers for fob printing will receive immediate and sarofnl attention at Pryor's BEE job jflice. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and ivory form of domestic electrical appli ances at the Now York Plumbing Co. E. W. Raymond has on bale blocks , half-blocks and lots in Brown's , Bryant v\ : Ulnrk's. Bayliss' Third and Baflroad. Use lotsiu various parts of the city. TIIE BUSINESS OF THE BLUFFS It is Still Largely in Real Estate and Planning Improvements. A TROTTING CIRCUIT HERE. Council UliifTs to llnvc a Urcnt Ing in .July The Doings of the District Court flic In junction Cases , Sites Tor J , W. Pcrcgoy has purchased of Charles Binghan the residence No. 725 First ave nue , and will continue to occupy it until later In the season , when ho will build a new residence on a fine lot purchased by him of J. II. Craig , it is lot 4 , block 0 , in Bayliss' subdivision. Mr. Pcrcgoy will begin building just as soon as the frost is out of the ground , Those interested in the now hotel en terprise met last evening to complete ar rangements. It now is announced as a c-iuainly that the work of building the new hotel will bo commenced just as boon as the weather is favorable , and that it will bo completed by next winter. The plans are for a hotel which will take rank as the liiicst in the state. The nowjbloek to bo built on the Catho lic church property will be one of the most handsome ami complete ollico build ings in the slate. It will bo five stories high , and is to cost not less than $ 100.COJ. It is announced that every ollico in the building has already been spoken for. Wright , Baldwin & Ilaldcno have en gaged a suite of live olliees , and other Hrins have also booKed themselves as ready to move in the moment the build- ins can be got ready for oce'upany. Some idea of the amount of work planned for in and about the transfer may be gained by the fact that there arc already over a hundred cars of building material in the yards here. There are a large number of small residences to be built at once on the Omaha addition to the city. J. W. & K. L. Squire arc planning on nutting up several store uuildings on Pacific avenue , which runs just north from the transfer. The following sales -were placed on record yesterday : S ( Splilstcln to Israel Gliick , lot 14. bile 20 , J 0 fiolVmoyer to II It Levin , lot I , blk 10 , McMitlmn , Ovt.l ; S/HX / ) . O W I'icrco to Al Ij 1'lcrcp , lots 3 , 4 , C ana 0 , blk 4. lots 15 and it ) , blk 'J , I'li-rce ; 31'JOO. II 0 biiumlurs to J N Baldwin , lot'J , blk 17 , Ua\liss.t P ; S500. jP Hammond ctal toll 0 Black , lots 3 and 4. uik W , lot 11 fill : 11 , Pierce ; S450. A Hush to (5 ( B Scholleld , lot 4 , blk 1 , Ku- bnnks' iM ; SbOO. S T Frem-li to Oeo Mutcrdf , lot 12 , blk 31 , Kiddle ; tfiV.O. C T Olllcer to II Buprilorf. lots 7 and 8 , blk 17 , H.ivlissAsP ; 51)50. ) baiah U Wells to li.i Suhoficld , 10 acres In so 17. 75 , 45 ; ; SOIO. S Pnj ne to 0 A Snook , lot 13 , blk 4 , Bay liss' 1st : S1.503. . ) U Blake to H Hucrdorf , lot 14 , blk 37 , Ci > ntinl ( bond ) ; S133. J h Foreman to - , lot 0. se sw 1 , 74 , 44 , ( r > acres ) S500. ll K Day to L , Wells , lots 7 and 8 , blk 14 , Mill-SbOO. D J Chamberlain to II A Palmer , lots 1 and 2 , blk ! ' - > , l'luico-S400. D.I Chamberlain to D B Gleason , lots 13 and 14 , lilko , PIuico-SSOO. A Brcnncimin to A W Coulcs , lot 2 , blk 31 , lloaid's ilbT . D S Drenneninn to A W Cowles , lot 1 , blk . ' ' . 31. Uowaid's-Sl'JO. Kimlull it Champ to A W Cowles , lot 10. blk 15 , Mullen's § 300. J W Kelley to ' 1V McCargor , 201 } acres In 10 and 10 , 75 , 43 84,750. J . ; Hathaway to K N Slytcr , lot 18 , blk 7 , Fleming it D S100. S Becker to Thomas Gullfoylo , lot 3 , blk 'J5. Boors' S250. J P C.isady to D Goldstein , ot al , 1 , 2 , 3 , blk 20 , Beers' 51,000. S F Dolbor toV Slcdentopf. % of 0 > f acres In sM no 20 , 75 , 41S2s5. ; A 1. Hcncliicks to K C Smith , lot 20 , blk 33 , Central : S200. P Farley to .1 II Hartscho ct al , lot 1 , blk 12 , lotO , blk 'JO , Mullmis : S400. Conrad Guise to J A Stacy , part lot 3 O P , 110 feet on Broadway ; 81'J5U. J M Palmer to C Smith , lot 8 , blk 18 , Beer's : 15150. J A itoads to A J Anderson , lot 17 , blk 3 , Carson ; Sl,4fX ) . It Taylor to A U Taylor , no n w 2-1 , 75 , 83 , qc ; 81. W W Fnrnam to S Theodore , lots 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 , 15 and 10 , blk 03 , Kiddle's , swd ; 81,1 00. W Goddard et al to Hy Grobe. sw 4. 70 , 40 , Valley : 83'JOO. Pott.xwattamio county to Pat Gllmoro. cK , o 20. 77 , 41. qc-S400. 11 G Uttlo to S Theodore , lot 12 , blk C3 , P-JOO I Glllinskl to U Howich , % lot 7 , blk 7 , - S T French to A J Mandol , Olots , It 11 add ( noblk-si5. ) : : J 1) Kdmundson to 11 McKenzIe , lot 10 , blk S > , Contral-Sl.W. J P Casaily to J M Barstow , lots 15 and 10 , blk 73. Kiddles-Sl.OOO. W P Wolclitinan to A B Walker ot al , 3'J acios In 10 , 75 , 4'i-St5CbO. h Wells to F Hupp , lot 7 , blk 14 , Mill- S500. I > A Williams to A A Clark , lot 5 , blk C , Kveretts-8175. S W Whoclock to S Theodore , lot 11 , blk 03 , Blddlos-sm G U Hopkins to A Kavenbure. lots 18 and 10 , blk 12 , Burns-8500. W K Hopkins to A Lnvenburg , lot 17 , blk 11 , Burns-8000. List your property with YoaKum & Co. For Choice Bargains son Yoakum & Co. , over iirst National bank. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. tic K. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl Htreet , Council Bluffs. The Driving Park. Council Blutl's is now in n circuit which ensures for this season ono of the greatest meetings ever hold on the driving park. The meeting at Sioux City completes the circuit so that the cities now included , named according to the dates tixed for the races , are : Cedar Rapids , Marshall- town , Council Bluffs , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Mapleton. The meeting hero will bo Fourth of July week. The purses arotobofOOO. Those interested in the sports of the turf are cnth usiastio over the prospect. They declare that the mooting hero will bo the largest and mofct successful over hold , it being certain that there will be more horses , and speeding ones , than were ever shown on the track here before , Dr. lianchott , ollico No , 13 Pearl strcot ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. A lot of first-class mules on sale at Schlcuter & Boloy's Star barn , 1,000 to 1,000 pounds , and four to six years old. Crumbs From Court. The district court did little yesterday. A motion for a new trial in the case of Call VB , the Council Bluffs wire nail com pany was argued and taken under ad viscment. A number of petitions wcro ( lied yes terday tor the removal of saloon injunc tion cases to the federal court. There wore twenty-two of these , The cases arc divided into three classes , each in volving different questions. The first is represented by the case against Peter Bcchtclowhlch has already boon argued , and on which n dcciaion Is expected to bo given to-day. This class of cases in cludes the hotels , which have a bar in connection with the other business. Another class includes those saloon men who own the buildings iu which they are doine business. The third class of caces consists of those who lease the premises occupied by them , and the relation of landlord and tenant Is involved. Different questions are raised , and it will bo some time before arguments can tyc made and decisions reached in these cases. To-day the following cases will be dis posed of on motions now pending : Nos. 4,4071,037 , , 4.853. 4,728 , 4,787 , 4.807 , 4,812 , 4,814. The following cases are to bo decided ns to demurrers ; Noi. 4GG5 ! , 4,721. No. 833 in probate is to bo called up , This term of the court will close to day. The now term will open on Tues day next. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that the copartnership heretofore existing under the firm naino and style of Snyder & Loanmn has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. N. K. heaman , junior member of said linn , retiring. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm will pay the same to ,1 , H. Snydcr , and all persons having claims against said firm will pre sent them to said J. U. Snydcr for pay ment. Dated at Council Bluffs , Ta. , this Oth day of February , 1887. . ) . H. SNYOKK. ( Signed ) N. B. LIA.MAK. : " 'TIs True , 'TIs Pity , ntul IMly TIs 'TIs Truo. " Parents letthoir children die with diph theria ami putrid sere throat in scarlet fevev , when ten years' trial has proven beyond a doubt that Jcfleris" diphtheria prevention and cure will save every case without the aid of a physician. For sale onlv at No. 23 South Kighth strcot , Coun cil iJlulls , Iowa , or sent bv express on re ceipt of price , ? 3.00. Dr. Sefferis has not removed to Omaha. Bvpcrlcnco vs. Inexperience. It is a matter of regret that in introduc- inirllood's Sarsaparilla its propriotois arc oblidged to overcome a certain distrust by some people who have unfortunately bought worthless compounds mixed by persons ignorant of pharmacy. Messrs. 0. I. Hood & Co. are reliable pharmacists of long experience , and thov make no claims for Hood's Sarsanarilla which cannot bo substantiated by the strongest proof. And wo say to those who lack confidence , read the unsolicited li'Sti- monisls in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla , and then prove its merits by actual per- personal test. We are confident you will not bo disappointed , but \villt find it n medicine of peculiar curative value , which can be implicity relied upon. SPEGIAL NOTICES. Ispcclnl advertisements , such ns Lost , Found 7o Loan , For Bnlo , To Kent , ftnnts , Ronrdinir , etc. , will liolneorlod In this column nt the low rntoorTENCCNTSPKK LINE forthoflret Insor- Ion mi J Five Cents 1'cr LI no for cnchsubsofuont ] Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our ollico No. 12 t'ual street , near ilroadwuj , Council Dili ( I B. WANTS. WANTKU A Rood plrl for uonornl house work. Inqiiho ID ! ) Fourth Htroet. FOK SALK A well Improved farm. " .7) ) acres , including ! M acres ot timber , sltuntcd in Kop Creole town liip. I'ottuwiittiimlo county ; I'd ) acres in section 31 , Iwlnnoo lylnp lust west thereof. Inquire on piemlsos ol Theodore Iliiscli. FOK SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved IfiO acres close to Ilrnlnarcl , in Hntlor county , Nebraska. Will Rive lar to discount from pres ent value for ca h. Address limiting , Hnnyon &Jonri. David City , Neb. , or W. J. , lleo olllcc , Council IllulTa , la. FOR SALK At a bargain , 2 aoros'wllh fine improvements , sl\ miles c'ast of Council Illulls. I'rlcolow and all the tlmo nuedod. In quire of T. W. Van Sclover , Council Illulls. FOU SAIn If tnkon this week A flvo room hoiiHo on Fifth avenue , near dummy depot. The street , sidewalk anil lot filled to K'riulo. Prlcu SUM. Kiisy terras. Address Lot , Ilco ollico , Council IllulTs. THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints r/rc. The Finest Im ported Line of Goods West of Culciigo. Mrs.C.L. Gillette's Human Hair Emporium No , 290 MainStreet.Council Bluffs , Iowa. O. R. ALLEN , Enpeerkvep , , Map Publisher No. 11 North Mnin St. City nml county mnpsnf cities and counties In western lowu , Nebrnskn nncl KIIIIBMH. CIVIL ENGINEERS. Geo. S. Miller & F. H. Tobey , CIVIL ENGINKKHS. Ofllco over 1st National Hank , cor. Main and Urondway. If you want ostlmntos or hlnns for bridge ATOrK , roundfttlon , eswors , grading or survey ing and platting- , call upon lliora. All work given prompt attention. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Express. D. II. McnANELt ) & CO. , ( KitilbllslloJ 1SC3. ] No. 820 Main Street , i t i Council niuffi. COMMISfelO.V ! TIiUCIIA.Vr.S : , AND DEALEIIS IN HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC. CRESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Bluffs having Esoa/pe And all moJern improvements. 210,217 and 310 Main st. MAX MOHN , Prop. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. Ladiesbuying a hatbonnet , or one far t > will be paid ; $10 , round { rip , GREAT SALE OF Ladies' ' and Childrens' ' Aprons , Etc. We liavo succeeded in pur chasing nt nil Extraordinary Bargain A Inrgc quantity of Muslin Un derwear , Childrens' Dresses , .Aprons , etc. , which we have di vided into two lots , and to make quick sales will sell them at OR LtJ ( 25c Consists of Ladies' Night Robes , Chemises , Drawers , Corset Covers , long White Aprons , Childrens' White and Red Msthcr Ilubbard Dresses , Drawers and Infants' Slips. These garments are well made and warranted perscct. 50c. Consists of Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts , Chemise , Drawers , Corset Cov ers and Childreng' White and Turkey Red Dresses. All trimmed with Linen Torchon lace. Such garments as these are usually sold for 75c to $1. We take great pleasure in plac ing this immense purchase be fore our customers and invite an early call , as 'wo ' believe this to t the greatest bargain in Muslin i Underwear and Childrens Dress es ever olTurcd iu this city. bos ; , 311 , 31G , 318 and 320 Broail way , Council liluffa. All fresh goods , well made , full sizes , good shapes , and warranted fre free from imperfections * STACY & CO. , BARGAINS REAL ESTATE ! A GREAT BARGAIN. A flue two-story brick Tioiifc with ten moms , sit tinted on deration , tli JFIXESTon llroatlway , Jot JLM feet on Jtrondwdi10 feet on State street < tntl 11)3 feet on 1'lcrcc street , Price Only $22,500. $ , The street cars run { n front of this tract , and Jlroadway Is jiarctl with cedar blocks , 'lite land Itself is worth more than tlic price asked for the whole. Acre properly on Franklin avenue vi-t'ii low , 30 acres joining the cityllinlts near Grccndalc , at $200 per acre. 177 acres two and one-half miles cast of the city , $50 per acre , 80 acres at $ ( iO per acre. 20 acres one-half mile north of the city limits , near Broadway , at $3,500 , Residence Property , Business Property , Cheap ! LOTS JJV ALL PA11TS OF TIIE CITY VERY LOW. W. C. STACY & Co. , Real Estate Brokers , -2Vb 0 , Slain st , , Council Illuffs. FINLEV UUItKi : . OUOHOC W. IJKWITT irieui : & BIKWITT , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , V roadway , Up Stairs , Council muff * , i : . S. ItAKXiTT : , Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , Council Itltiirg. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Star Sale Slate and Mule Kards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUM'S , Opposite Dummy Depot. c/a S tag F Horses and mules kept constantly on hand , for sale at rcfail or in cvjr loads. Orders promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , SHLUTEII & , BOLEY , Proprietors. Telephone No. 114. Formerly of Koil Sale Stables , corner 1st. avo. and -Uh street. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , ) ted \ 1857 F. J. DAY , Bo. 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , t HAS ON SALE TO-DAY THE MS in Come and get one before tliey are all gone. Terms most reasonable. Here is a chance of a life time. Also on sale the largest list of other property of any other broker , CHI Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from J.I.OO to § 10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cent interest. Laud Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by No. 555 Hroadway , Council HlufTa , Iowa , agent for I'rcidrikson & Co. , Chicago. E. W. RAYMOND , REAL ESTATE , 13 .NORTH MAIN STREET , * First National Bank Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , acre property in western park of.eity. All sclUny cheap to make ronin for spring stock. R P. OFFICER , Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Room / > , over Officer C I'ttscy's hank , Council ISluffs. JOIINV.8r.f3 JABOD HMl STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT- , Practice in the State and Federal court * Rooms 7 and 6 Slntgart-ISuno Ulorjk. COTJlSTCIIj BrjTJininQ BICE M. D. , . . , Or otbor Tumors removed without tbe kfo , | ordrswlng of blood. Orr thirty years practical experience. No. 11 Pearl Bt. , Council Uluffi. Hr Consultation free. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lots. Large quantities to select from. Several pair * of fine drivers , sin * gle or double. MASON WISE , Council Hinds. SMITH 'BROTHERS , - Real Estate Brokers , are offering the beautiful tract known as the S , N , Porterfield Forty , This is a very fine , high piece of land , only about two and a half miles from the Omaha Postoffice , and only one and three-quarter miles from the Council Bluffs Postoffice. This land is by far the GREATEST BARGAIN now offered in ACRE LOTS. Buyers are requested to call and get prices of SMITH BROTHERS , 1 . I No , 14 Pearl Street , - - Council Bluffs ,