Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
C THE OMAHA DAILY BEE"SATURDAY. : FEBRUARY 12. 1887. . 5 STAfE Heads of Departments and Superintendents Appointed By the General Managers. IMPORTANT PREMIUM CHANGES Uriel'NOIPN Krom tlio Stnto House Two Jlorc Divorce Hulls Filed Other NCXVH of flic Cnji- City. fnioM run mr's u.sroi.x nriinAU.l The general managers of the state board of agriculture held their adjourned mooting at Scward this week , and yester day President S. M. Rarkcr and Secretary R. W. Furnas were in the city en route homo from the meeting. At this meeting of managers much of the preliminary work in the way of the appointments of superintendents and approval of tlio .premium list for the year was transacted , and tlie report of tlm proceedings as fur nished by the secretary contains a num ber of items of interest. The appoint ments of heads of departments for the year arc as follows : General superin tendent , Austin Humphrey , of Lincoln ; superintendent of police , Sheriff J. M. Hamilton , of York ; superintendent of gates and tickets , William R. ISowon. of Umalia ; master of transportation , O. M. Oniie , of Lincoln ; supcrintcndontof agri cultural hall , Eli A. liarncs , of Grand Is land ; state botanist , Professor C. K. Uessoy , of Lincoln ; superintendent of nmphilhcattu , R. R. Grcer , of Kearney. The superintendents of the different departments or classes of exhibits are as follow * : Horses , J. II. Warner , Reil Cloud ; cattle , J. H. McDowell , Fairbury ; sheep , William Diinlap , Gardiner ; swine , M. L Trest , Lincoln ; poultry , .1. R. Miga- han , Lincoln ; farm products , W D. Wild- man , Culbertson ; ladies' department , MIBS Nettie Van Alstino , Columbus ; line arU , Mrs. S. C. Langworthy , Seward ; dairy products , S. ( J7 Har.sott , Gibbon ; educational. Professor II. H. Wing , Lin coln ; bees , E. Whitcomb , Friend ; cham pion clashes , . ! . R.Nelson , Fairburymech ; anical arts , J. R. Sutherland , Tok.imuh ; niafhinery , John Doolltllo , Lincoln ; musical instruments , D. T. Drake , Crete ; agricultural societies , S. II. Webster , On ! ; discretionary . K. Hill , Syracuse ; special premiums , J. M. Leo , Oxford ; speed , J. D. McKarland , Lincoln. A number of important changes wcro made in the premium list that will tend greatly to aceolarato the competition in many of tlio important exhibits. In the cattle department the grand sweepstakes for herds has beou increased to u cash premium of ifHOO , and for individual best Hinirlo heads of stock of eacli sex the sweepstakes premium is raised to $100. In the department of county agricultural society exhibits the premiums huvo been increased both in amount and num bers. The premiums in this department are lixed for the year as follows : First , $ -'oO ; second , $200 ; third , $150 ; fourth , ? 100 ; fifth , $50. The special premiums lomain the same as last year , but in the Indies' department all premiums have been nearly doubled. This , if any de partment in the state fairs of the past , lias been the ono neglected , and Presi dent Harker states that ho intends mak ing a special effort the present year to bcc to it that the line art hall shall eclipse all former exhibits of its kind over held in the state. A bunch show is being con templated by tlio managers to fob held at the time of the fair , and if H is tigreed upon it will bo placed in the hands of some of the wide awake dog fanciers of the state. AT 'run &TATI : HOUSE. Yesterday Governor Thayer issued the appointments of delegates to the inter state agricultural convention to bo hold February 22-'Jl at Lake Charles , La. There is no provision for paying tlio ex penses of delegates to conventions of this character , but the delegates often attend unit find credentials of much assistance to them. The gentlemen named to rep resent Nebraska at this convention are Dr. R. 13. Crawford , Wayne ; Colonel C. W. Gurnoy. Wakofiold ; Thomas M. Carter - tor , IMair ; Thomas Jensen , Ulysses , and James O. Kane , Frank , Phelps county. There was another session of debt pay ing yesterday at the auditor's ollice , the regular monthly vouchers for the differ ent state institutions passing through the sicgo of payment. A eraiul total of the cnbli paid out by the state during tlio six weeks following the 1st of the month would bo quite an interesting item. The conunisdlonor of lands and buildIngs - Ings is ifasuing a largo number of deeds the prcsqnt winter on school lauds wherein final payments .aro made and linal title passes. There Is no time of llio year apparently that the force in the of- lieu of tlio land commissioner do not find plenty to kcop them busy. MA1EITAL INFKLICtTY. Two moro divorce cases have been added to the lists for trial at tlio next term of the district court. Ono of these cabes is that of Clara Townson against Matlhow Townson , who asks the dissolu tion of the marriage tics that have ox- ihted for twolvoyears past. Accordinato the petition the years of married life have been tilled with abuse and villifications , and tiio grounds for divorce are found in this continued abuse. The fioeond ctiso is that of Glonon vs ntenon , parties who wore married in Kocn , this county , in 1833. Four months after marriage the husband changed his affectionate demonstrations to a vigorous iibo of a boot upon the body of his wife , mid butweon this kind ot abusa and fail ure to provide the wife thinks she is en titled to divorcement. AIIOUTTIIF. cm" . Him Wise , a business man of the city , was trymir to cateh u street car in front of Fawoll's store on Eleventh street , Thursday night. As ho loft the walk and entered the Htrcot in pursuit ot a car ho slipped and fell , breaking his log. Good care will avoid any serious results. The death of the Dane , Rasmusson , in this city last fall from neglect and tlio fact that ho had inoiuiy in the bank is not forgotten by Lincoln people. Ycster- terday Jiidgo Parker received a commu nication from the Danish consul at Chicago - cage asking the particulars in the case with a view to forwarding his estate to relatives in the old world , Mr. Woods , the auctioneer , returned from Fremont yesterday .where ho con ducted a sale of imported and breeding liorsos hold there , Mr. Woods reports thu bale * as very fluttering , and the total amount realized as $20,000. To night the Arion Glee club will hold their concert at tlio People's theatre TJiis is a local organization of singers who do much thorough and olfoctivo work , and who will give to the public a concert of real merit , Real estate has been passive for the last few days , and the opinion of dealers is that wlion the now charter becomes an assured fact , with paving and other like improvements a surety , that tlio Lincoln real citato boom will muko Omaha fuel ashamed. Hon. G. M. Lambe.rtsou entertained Judge Dundy , Senator Majors , Messrs , C. C. and L. C. Hurr. 1) , D. Mmr , J. D , McFarland , Elmer Frank , and a few other friends at his home Thursday uvening , Frank Duryo , general passenger agent of the Grand Trunk railway , was in the capital dty yesterday. "ATTUI : HOTULS. Among the Ncbtaskanu * in town yes- lerdar wure thg following : A , ILHeltzer , OivW City ; R. S. Hall , Lewis A. Grolf , ) maw ! ; J. BL Hamilton ; Oxfon'f ' Jno. O'Kcofo , Plaltsmoulhs N. 11. S. Ocloll , KullcrUm ; Jns. Hood , Nebraska City ; J. \Voolworth.Jno. . L Webster , Orrmhn ; 11. 0. Van Huskirk , George Western. B , J. llamier , AuroraSamuel ; Rtuhor , .Jno. Ellis , Ueatricc ; A. 11. IHshop , Omaha , STATI3 JOTTINGS. The Wymorc Reporter is for sale. To Insure against death in a railroad wreck always walk. The 15. & M. promises to spend ? G3,050 in Wymorc next summer. Air. and Mrs. C. Jrwin , of t'ovinglon , celebrated their silver wedding on tlio Dili lust. Sterling offers a purse of 703 hard dollars lars to a man who will erect and operatu ii canning factory in that town. Norfolk's lire bell and tower tire for sale cheap. The .mrsimonions citv coun cil refused to purchase cither from the volunteer liremen. The sheriff of Ca. s Is now in position to treat his frit-mis to the best "hard cider" in town , having seixeil four barrels of whisky. A iittlo water , please. The Ueatrico Democrat reaches over the surging crowd to smlto a rival thus : "llasliug.s boasts of a man who is pos sessed of the duvil. There it goes , An other boom. A North Nebraska editor , with a wealth of experience in both , says , " ( 'ourtlnga girl is like starting a newspaper It starts out , as a weekly , then it becomes a tri weekly , then it merges into a dally. If it has any enterprise it comes out with an extra oecn&ionally. The friends of M. A. Daugherty , the well known journalist , stoekman and politician of Saline county , will regret to learn of the death of his wite at her home in Ohio a few days ago. She had been in poor health for some time and went to her old homo and to mother in the hope of securing relief , but the journey only hastened bar end. They were standing in the bay window of a Holt county sod palace. The wind shrieked and moaned through the fringe of timber on the adjacent stream. Ras mus llefanr's intended pressed to his side and pensively gazed on the rolling , snow capped scene , "henal Lena , look woncc. Dot young gow was broke loose unt f ro/.o up. I go kill it. " "Nein , nolnl" shouted Lena , throwing- her arms aroiind his neck to restrain him. "Ono Ilofatir un der hand was slinst as goot , und bedther , us so manv in dor dimbcr , don't id. " Ras mus subsided Ilishl Keep it shady ! Don't give it away ! Fremont is going to bore for coal. The Herald tried to "keep it dark , " but as the ambitions railroad center forty miles away in determined to become a , suburb to Omaha , it was necessary to procure metropolitan style , notions and products to make the union with the giant of the west approach in equality. lut | Omaha will not insist on a dower with the reigning hello of Dodge. We'll wel come her with arms outstretched and give her "Hail Columbia , all hail. " Richards , the man who killed McFar- land in Benkelman last Monday , is iifty- seven yeurs of ago and partially liar- alyzod in his right arm anil side. Jlo is in the Judianola jail. His version of the row which led to the killing is to the ef fect that McFarland caught his dog , cov ered it with turpentine and sent it homo howling. On Monday Richards met Mc Farland , accused him of the outrage , and invited him to whip another dog. Mac proceeded to accommodate him , and ad vanced upon him , uttering a vile oath. Richards had Ids overcoat on , in the out side pocket of which was a revolver on which ho placed his hand , telling McFar land to keep away from him. McFarland advanced rapidly upon Richards striking him in the face with Ins list anil grabbed the hand in which Richards had the revolver and attempted to take it away. In the melee which fol lowed , the revolver was discharged twice , when McFi > rland succeeded in getting it and placing it to Richards' forehead lired it , but Richards was too quick and dashed it away in time HO that tiie ball grazed the top of his head , cutting away some of the hair. Then followed another tussle in which McFarland throw Richards from the sidewalk to the ground , u distance of about two feet and again placed the re volver at the lattcr's head , but Richards succeeded in pushing i * away in time to avert the bullet. For the tli'ird time Mc Farland tried to shoot , but Richards grabbed the revolver , and it was dis charged down his coat slcovc , the powder burning his wrist. McFarland hero straightened up with the remark , "My ( Jed , I'm killed , " and fell to the ground. More dead than alive , Richards was taken char o of by the officers , hurried to court , and held to the district court , hurriedly put on the train and brought to ludianola for safe keeping. If you are sufl'erinjr with weak or in flamed eyes , or granulated eyelids you can be quickly cured by using Dr. J. 11. McLean's Strongt'ioning ' Kyo Salvo. 25 cents a box. Der Gesangvoroin "Omaha Micnner- chor" held its half year's meeting on Feb. 7th and selected following olHcors : J. llausner , presidentW. . Schmidt , vice president ; II. M. linns , treasurer ; A. J. I'austiau , secretary ; J. Dotterbach , archivar ; J. Hackhotf , banner-carrier : II. Ilakeustoin , director. Kt. Vltun'rt Dance Cured. FAKMIKUDALE , L. I. , N ; . Y. , Sopt. 3 , 1835. 1 have boon troubled for several years with an affection of the nerves which no doctor or medicine could euro until I tried HiiANuur.Tii's PILLS. 1 would betaken taken with a violent pain in the middle of my spine and my arms and legs would twitch violently. It acted something llko St.Vittm Danco.for I couldn't control my limbs. It would como and go once or twice a month , lasting two or three days at u time. Finally , tit the beginning of ono of my attacks I took live UIIAN- iwirru's I'ILLS. As soon as they acted freely I found myself almost yolf. So 1 continued taking thorn for a month ono or two a night. It is now a year sineo I have hud an attack , and I attribute my euro to UuASDiiUTii's TILLS. FitANcns WOOD. Captain Whitney , of tim Eighth in- funtry stationed nt Fort Niobrnra is in the city. Ho says that the soldiers of the Kighth infantry who wore formerly sta tioned in Arizona , feel the extreme cold weather very much. The change from thu warm chmato of Arixona is so great that tlio soldiers suffer intensely. gwrawjp Tzmrsm MOST PERFECT MADE ) Prepared with strict rciard to Porlty , StTongtJi , ni HeauUf uloM . Dr. l'rico' Hiking Powder coauias ' , Vanllia , -AXD PERFECT IN EVERY RESPECT. Ttie only Machine that \vill new backwards , and forwards equally well , and Tito TAghlctl Itunning Sewing Machine in existence. We desire energetic and responsible dealers in ycbntulm , Colorado , Wyoming , Jaliota and Western Iowa. Jfliouare looking for a eJieapHfacliinc , don't answer Hits advertisement , but if J/OH want to handle the Jleal Scwht'i Machine llutl money cnn buy , address for particulars , ing Co. 209 N , 16th SI , , Omaha , Neb , Mention Omaiut Dec. About twenty years ago I discovered a llttlo sere on my check , and the doctors pronounced It cancer. I liavo tried a number of physicians , but without receiving any permanent benefit. Among thonumbcr wcro ono or two specialists. The medicine they applied wns like flro to the sore , causing Intense pain. I saw a statement In the papers telling i\ hat S. 8. S. had done for others similarly mulcted. I procured Bomo nt Once. Ccforo I had used the rccond bottle the neighbors could riotlco that my cancer 'was holing up. } Iy general health bad been bad for two or three years I had n hacking cough and spit blood continually. I had n eorcro pain In my breast. After tatlng six bottles ot S. S. S. my cough left mo and I grew stouter thau I had been for several years. Jly cancer lias bcolcd over all but ft llttlo spot about the elio of a half dime , and It la rapidly disappear ing. I would advlso every ons'Wlth tanccr to give S. S. S. a fair trial. Mns. NANCY J. JIcCONADOUEY , Aihe Orovu , Tlppccanoo Co. , Ind. Feb. 1C , 1SS6. Swift's Bpeclflo Is entirely vegetable , and ccems to cure cancers by forcing out the Impu- HUes from the blood. Treatise on TOood and Skin Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO , , DRAWER 3 , ATLANTA , GA. WEAK 'bllltatcd thnt JthU tpeciQcpurpoie.ctlxKov Infrcfcnf i1 " * linuoui , mtld. ioothlng current * of ElectricJfAw' Itydirectljr through all weik p.r1ireitor- IngtnerrrTaf Kf'to health ndA ignroui trenpth. Electric Current JVJSt-feltlmUntlrornef.irfell In ciih. UreateitlmprOTementlorer all other beltt. Vi ort r ci Pf r * mtnentlj cured la ttirrolnomhi. Sealed pamiitiltMc. itamri Thg Sanden Electric Co. ISO LoSalle it. . Chicaga Ve\na \ of the hcrotum. wim ( A , . . / .Lost Manhood , Oobljjty , * c. , ontr / rurri bj tl Elootlo Crotlle- 9O. GhniJUHna. Circuit ttee. ASSMS7,1S fittest RESTORED. Avlotlmoi yuuth/ul iitiprudent rjui > 4c l'rem .Nurvouj v w u turo Decay , tv , l/x > t Manhood , etc. , luxrlnir tried Ul Taia _ - tj known remnlv. has dlsoovirM a nlmplu elf-euro , which ho will inrt fREfitfi hl fellow furTerw J. 11 AhON. fwt Om < Uul 317B , M w York UltF j ftuffcrlng from I.aat luor. N-r ou > rbllKr , l.nck uf loHm nt. * r - i > lur nrrlln .ttc.treaultlHK ( > in InUiicrttiiiiiser xreK.n .iMr dxvlthuutfltAmnrli SlrHlrlnr . ty tllfl GHK\T MAHBTON TKEATMKNT. r.i j liouk > lr o. Sliould lie nad by I'tthers MADE STRONG VST Kf pl fe with Infnnnatlon of relaa to all men. MARSTONREM DVCO ISParkPUce , Now York. Mention Omalm Bon. THE WASHBURN AMERICAN QUITAR8 AND MANDOLINE * FliMt l TiJmMt dnrttlt. . - Aik fiirlUu. lllMtr > l JC > Ul < t uulMfre * bj tkl MiiubcliUKl , kYON O. HEALY , 102 State St. , Chicago. flClCUCCC its causes , and a now and IICIirHCiJO PuccessriiM.'I'Ul'.iUj-our own * * homo hy ono who wns donf twenty olght years. Trtiatod by moat of the noted apodal- Ista without bonollt ; cured bimtelf In three months , end since then hundreds of otliurs. Full partlouluro sent on nppl cntlon. T. H. 1'AaK , No. 11 Westaifit St. , N ow York City. CONSUMPTION , I b ve p > ttli > lerard j ( er the iboT * illirite. j by Iti nia thou Aiid of rtte * uf tlio vor t kltii n < l cr lonK itindlnff LoTob eneur d Indeod.oattrnnrlimTfaltblQ Itteffleftey tint I IU i.nd TV O UOrTLBU XHH , tontlur wltb VAL- UABLKlBB&TttJKon thUdliefti * . tunny in fftror. Olio * x. | > nu * r. V. taaiwl. Utt. T. A. 6LOCUM , 191 1'onl Bt M. V On Agent ( Memiunt onlt ) w nti'i1 In prrry town for Wo hcllovo your "TnnslH's 1'uncU'1 r.o clear to bo the best in Atnoilca forlUu money , W. D. Stw KI.I , & C'o , Junlutn , Neb anilU's Punch" is the best fin olKiir in the market. C. M. TOWNM-NI : > , Walllti'fordYormont ( , DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UNDER TAKERS A.VU E IIJAL IIIS.S. Uli3 old stana 1407 Farnam st. Orders bytelograuh sojcitcd and promptly at- tendudto. Telephone No. 825. RUPTURE i Vu iUt rjr cureolo 6u a vt Uy Pn 1'- Triuoomt > lna. ool/ cue iBtba vrorlaiten r UD contlauaui flfcIHe tulu - cvrrmf. ficUntlflc , lowtrful , XJurt _ tortiblft and JCrlectlT * . Arold fraud * . Or r D.OOO rurrd. 6 nd hump foi pa ALSO Ki.Lcif ulii net/fa roa liucAkEi Dt. HDRHE. luvmos. isi WAJASH AVI. . CHICAGO. CDCC TOIAI InlUli Ill Ul I 1 1 i n Ul i. , , Uun. LO.I l BtclUf Ufa I U | fru UJI. A. U. OL1N CO. , . , l1 } WMkly. . . > , , UOpiTr .V . * Uft > r * o Of those Elegant MERCHANT TAILOK Made At the MISFIT PARLOUS , which are to be sold regardless of value. Pairs of those MERCHANT TAILOR Made Which will be sold REGARDLESS OF COST , in order to secure room for SPRING STOCK. See what "Will buy you for the next few days AT THE C. S. RAY RELIABLE JEWELER , Diamonds Fine Silverware Watches , , Jewelry , The largest stock. Prices the lowest. Ropairlnsapociixlty. All work warrant- ad. Corner Douglas anil 13th streets , Omaha Licensed Wntohmnkor for the Union 1'ucillc Katlroadcompnny. The C. E. Mayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N. VT. COB. 15th AND HABNJfiY , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands for sale lu very county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kopt. Mans of the city state or county , or any ether information deairou , furnished frco ot charga upon application. HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. NO lILiXXKSI IIIO PUIKKs KVKKV VK.VK OVKIt A MII.MOS DISTHIIIUTKD MOItK THAN O.VK OIIAWINO JIVUKY 3IOXTII , TWO UltAAVlNGS IN rjCIlUKUAKY , Till : 1ST AMI 20TII. Only 52.00 reiniired to secure one Koyal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond participate in 225 drawings , four drawings every year ar.d retain their original vaiu until the year 19 11. Prizes of 2,000,000 1,000,00'J ' , 500,000 &c , francs will be sides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 times every year and so come into possession of a fortune , WUhtlO ( ) Ton Dollars aa first payment you oun BOOH ro Kl .WO Austrian ( fovornmont bonds with8 > erucntinteritet.unduviirlous Kuroionn | jroviTiimont bonds , wlilcli uro drawn Jl time. | " Hiiniianywltl"iiriU8iiraoun UnRtiovorKI8ijO.WJ.inl'ii ( oo on ousy inontlily Installinuiiw. Bur Investmeiu of capltHl Ts tluiJiivoitiMl money must ho paid liaok i ml many cmuicoato win a Ul prlzo. Mimeyciin bo oontlVyroKislerod letter , money order or by express , and iu return wo wi orwunl the ilucumetus , For further Information , cull on or address , ICiUM.\ : IS.IVKI.CO. . . 05 HroacUvar , Kcw York. N. n. These bonds are not lottery tickets , and tbo solo Is locally permitted , ( lly lawoflSTSI Four Xew Novels for IS Cenli 4 NEW NOVELS - 4 All complete In the HAJ'.CJl NUMHEU of the Family Library Monthly. Only 15 Cents. Of till nowBdenlers.or THE INTEHNATIONAI- CO. , New Yoi K. 'SH N&HDOAH NUHSERIES , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Offers ( or e | > rnir ! trade a full line of Applet Crabs , Cberrtei. lVur . I'luiui. ( ) r pe , Curr ul . ( , ooje- berrl , llluckl > rrlo .lUi'l | ) rrle .i > trttwl.errle . ALL T1IK NEW ANU OLD KINDS. Avplerooljfrnfu.eicritreem. fore t tree oetMilliiRS , urattmentartreei uud sbrubi , ru e . climbing flues , A a. Uetltri uLJull ( uppiled at very w prlcei. Ad * D. S. Lake. Pro . , p-an& " 1" H. Town. WOODBRIDGB BRO'S. ' State Agents FOK TUB nwOTR RRIVQ UIMIm ullU o , Omaha , Neb. 6ent' ' the HKL1AIU.B fOHTUNli TBLLiilllla..lX > UDUYIlON > BDUHA.M 1IUOK. 1UC. , PAL.MI8TUY/r > o. All tbroo , 40c. BI'.UIAL I.KAK1.CT I-UIILISIIINU CO . Box 2C42. Now York City. Bieiautly Uluitratud. On ( he largo map oC Oiniilia and observe thub the t\vo and onc-lmlf milo bell from the Oinuhu posloflkc runs south o seutiou 33 mul through the north end o South Omaha. TAK& A STRING And nencil , then get one of J.M. Wolf & Co's maps o Omaha and South Omaha combined , PUT FINGER On the string at 13th and Farnam , Oina ha's busines center , and your pencil on the string at where Bellevue street enters South Omaha from thu north. THEN DliA W A circle and note -where S&UTH OMAHA Is , and also that many "Additions,1 , "Places" and "Hills" are far OUTSIDE This magic circle. THEN STOP And think a minute what will make outride properly increase in vnlueP THE GROWTH OF OMAHA Is all that will enhance the value o Teal estate other than at South Omaha. At the latter point we have throe important factors to huild up and make valuable the property : First The growth o Omaha , which ha ? and always will follow the transportation lines. Second All the great railroads center there , thus making it the best manufacturing point of any in or near the city , Third THE IMMENSE STOCK YARDS INTERESTS I fti. . Dressed Beef Business i. and Pork Packing Industr } Will make a town of themselves. SEVERAL NEW PACKING HOUSES Ooiny up this year. A Gigantic Beef Canning Establishment To bo put into operation at once. X OTJ IFOOL Array your day of grace when you do not get an interest in South Omaha before a higher appraisment is made. The best locations arc being taken Make your selections now : Lots that soU for ? 300 in ISSi cannot now be bought for $3,000. , Over the railway track will make safe and splendid thoroughfares between this city and South Omaha. ! A STREET CAR LINE Will run to the Stock Yards this year. The minute it does lots will dou ble in value , as this will aflbrd quick and cheap transportation either by Dummy , Cable or Horse Cars. For further information , maps , price lists , and descriptive circulars , address , 3F * ' 1 Agent for the South Omaha Land Company , N , W. Cor. 15th and Harney.