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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATUBDAY , FEBRUARY 12. 1887. 3 HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Holds Steeper With Trading in That Cereal Actbc , CORN HOLDS ITS OWN WELL. Pork ncvcrscs Its Position of Tliurs- < lny and Declines Instead of A < 1- * vnnclni : The Cattle Mnrket Slow Hoes Active. CHICAGO PUODUCIaiAUKIST. . CntcAfio , Feb. ll.-lSpcclal Telegram to the HFI : : . | Wheat started with a steadier feeling anil the main piop nt the opening was the sleet atid cold weather , while cables and lower quotations ot foreign sectir'tlcs kept ti ) ) the full leverage. Later cables CHIIIU In weaker , when oilers Increased and prices were lowered. After this war rumors wcro circulated and prices rallied , closing a little under the top and about Jtfe lower than the latest figures yesterday. Trading was pretty active but , as for some time past , on local speculative account. May commenced at blVc and bobbed between 81J < (3Sie ( ; , leav- olTat 81'4C. June sold at S2 c , down to wi's'e , and back again to S2J c. July sold at wr 'M' c , closing at 84'4'c. September sold nt WXWMi cand October nt b7\ii37Jfe. ( ! March clnied at 7576C , and April at 7Cc. Corn was fliik't within a narrow range. The receipts weio light and the shipping demand fair and provision operator- } who bought yesterday tlilnkiut tfiat thi ) advance In mess potk \votild cause higher I > UC H In corn changed tliOIr Idea to-day nml w > ld out. The market Moud up wi-ll under the - - - - - and closed at 1 o'clock only a trlllo easier than yesterday. .May sold at 40 > { ti7 lOVfc. July closed at 42-V. Oats nero In moderate demand and a little unsteady within a iuir- row imiRp. closing where they leit oil Tues day. February sold at Ul'tfe , March at 2lJ < rc. April at 24& < < i2. ; c , closing at 'Jljfc ; May nt'Jil'.iOuli- ' , closing at 2'.iVe ; June at ! KOfiJilJ ( ! ! < c , closing nt 2U f. I'ork In.stead of advancing as yesterday , revi rsed Its position and declined hhnrply. There wns less de mand from outside speculators , and many of thocc who had a still fchow of piollts wcro anxious to secuto them , as they regarded the recent advance too shart ) . .Selling was gen- uial , but trade did not reach the volume as on the two previous da\s. May opened tit the highest priceglt.27j Alter numnrous lliicttiatlons prices declined to S3X > and closed at 1 o'clock nt that figure. Laid attracted mnro attention and advanced 10c , but later weakened and declined 12Ke. May bold at sn. ! > i7.ori and closed at ( ) .lr.Ji $ . Short libs were weaker nnd May declined 2 < V from the opening sales nnd ranged nt S7.orKS7.25 and closed ut thu bottom. 2:30 : p. in On the nlternoon board the markets wcro quiet and without new features nnd elosed steady. Wheat , .Match sold at 75V.i75kc , April at 70 ( 7t'jc ! , May at 81 > f ( < * Ml3iic , Juno at b2tfK3 ( } c , closlne nt for May nnd K'c for June. Coin , March sold ati : ! 4 , April at35 ? < c , Mav 8oldnt4H4 ( < g40Vc , closing nt 40e. Oats , March sold nt 24'sc , April at 249/c , Mny JSH/c , June 3 c , I'ork , Match sold at S13.70 , May nt 5i.bOii.iK : : ) . and closed nt 813.b5 bid. Lard. March sold at SO. JU@f..ti3 , Mny at 80.00(740.1)5 ( ) , nnd closed at 0.l i $ . June , 50.U7XiS7.00 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO , Feb. 11. [ Special Telegram to the Uii : : . ] UATTI.I : Tlieio were no XX fancy cattle such as the single load or two that sold nt Wednesday nnd Thursday to Pennsylvania butchers who conic hero once n week nnd want just n fuw picked cattle. Thcto were some very choice heavy cattle sold to regular New Voik buy ers nt S I.UO , and for all practical uses these cattle , of which there wcro a largo drove , were about as good as tlin best. Heavy cat tle generally sold slowly to-day and nt barely steady prices. Hardy , fae bullocks ot light nnd middle weight sold actively nnd in so'mo canes nt strong prices. Among the offerings were 107 head of 053 Ibs menl-fed Texas cattlo. which sold at 4.25. the Kamo as some that weio hero Wednesday. The best heavy were weak at S4.lHiT5.25. ) ( Shipping steers. 1350 to 1SOO IbB. , S4.4r @ 4.t > 5 : I'M to 13.10 Ibs. . S4.10 ® 4.15 : UOO to 1200 Ibs. . S3.00@4.15. Stockers nnd feeders , were slow sale nt 82.50(33.85 ( ; meal-fed Texans , 84.25. Througli Texas cattle , 1,000 head , sold at S'-.W for stags and Si.25 : < : i.40 for steers. lines Business wns active and prices 5@ lOc higher , aveinglng the highest for weeks. A few timey heavy sold nt S5.50.f ( > 5 , and prime to choice packers at S5.255.40 , with common at 85.00(35.10 ( : light snrt.- > within a range of S4.00Q5a5 ; ; Yorkers , 55.15@5.25. F1NANUIAL _ York. Feb. ll.-losav On cnll , easy nt 8@5 per cent PltlUB MliHCAXTlLK 1'APKR SgO per cone BTBrtMXfl EXCIIA.NOI : Dull nnd un changed at S4.b54 for sixty day bills ; S4.bSJf for demand. UOVKUNMS.NTS ( lovcinment bonds wcro dull but steady. Si ones The advance in the stock market met with n check to-day for the lirst tlmo thl.s week , but the losses nro , in ceneral , In- hlgnHIcant , nnd occuned mostly nt the open- Ing. The opening was decidedly weak , de clines Irom last night s prices ranging up to 9 ( per cent. The market recovered slowly , subject to frequent Ilelit re lictions nnd the volume of busi ness steadily decreased up to 1 o'clock , when prices were almost universally frac tions better thnn the opening. Before 2 p. in. the ninrket beiran to yield nnd in the last hour became decidedly weak , the lowest prices being tnon recorded. ITOCKB ON WALL , gTUEBT. V cent bonds. . , . 100 preferred . . ilO > * r 0. H. 4Hr T7c. . na New 4'n Orceon Tran. . . . 81 J PncllioC'8of'95. 120 ? < I'ltcllicMall . .Central Pacllio. . 30 f l' . u. &E . U. A A 144 , 0. oreierreo. . . . 155 Hock Island 120 G.U.&U . . . . , L. &S. if. . . . : v . iw. , . . . preferred. . . I ) . * 11. G 24 0. , M , to St. P. . . En 84 preferred. ' preferred. . 71K St. P. &O 49'V Illinois Central. 12'J preferred. . . . ins w L. H. ttW IB Texas Pacific. . . 22jfi KnnsasctTexii. UnionPacltlc. . . 60 > J l.nteStioro . . W.StL.AP. . 17 1AN 00 } ] proferrwl. . . 28 Mich. Central. . . bU Western Union. 73K Wo. Pacific 107 % O. . 1 _ &N. . . 101 NortheinPttc. . . " Canada South. , . , 53 pruferred. . . Heading 87 C. A N.V aiAUKKT. Ctilcnco , Feb. 11. Following quotations io tlio'M : eloalntr tiiures : Kloiir Noiiilnnlly unclmnci'd : dour , 4.a. ' 4.M:8oiitliern. : * 4.104.SO ; WIsconbin > 4. CH't4.ui ; ; MIchlRan * ( itt sprlne vthcnt , f3.7X ( < t4. : ' > 0 : MliJiin.sotn. bakois , S3.7 ( 4.w : ; imtwttF , e4.50C4.w : low uraites , Sl,05c4'.05 : r > o rtour , ( itiii't at * 3.5Gi3.4U ; lu sacks nnd barrels , 3'lfnb.70. Wheat Ktdrly active sninoof tlio tlmo , nt otliurs ruled ( itnot ; clnsod } o lower for near ititiin's , btoadr for Juno ; cash , 75 3-lCo ; iiiiy. Bl M6c ; June , bSc. Corn Steady ; llticttmted within tfc rnneo d closud about sivaUy ; cablt , 35oj Way , M o ; June , 41iljic. Oats About tlio snine to Ve lower than yesterday's elo e ; cash , 24 > 4'c ; May , Wife : June , 'JJ54'c Ityo-iU n. UarloyMe. . seed-1'rlmw , I1.S3 , . Whlsky-fl.18. 1'jirk Opened 6c hlchcr , weakened 15c. rMlled 1-Ki1 , again tlccllnod 4'JKif45c. nntl closed lower ; eabh , SliiOj May , ? 13.b5 ; Juue , . | , I.ard Active ; advanced 1012 > < e , Imt ad- > anre was lost before the clo u ; casb , 83.77) $ ! Way , 8fl.tia ; Juno , SO.U7K- llulk Meati-Slinulden. 8G.OOGlO.10j shorl clear. ( J7.a.V < 47.40 ; short ribs , ia.VM. , Jlutter DtiU and steady ; creamery , COQCOcj Clie'flsu llulfnnd steady ; full cream died' dars , 1'JKrfiSc ; flats. 12K'J13c ( ; young Amer leas , l ( fiS fc : tkluis , 7 < ai hc. KlfKS INslW. Hides Unchanged ; Krcen , 6 } c ; beavj Ereou salted , 7Ko ; salted bull , tSJ/c : ttrj lie ! ; y fl'Ut ' | Tallow Ho. 1 country , SJfc ; No , 2. 2 fo. . . , . . . lte < elnts. Shipments flour , bbls. . . ilt.&X ) . . ' , IXX V\heat , bu . 10,000 23,0 < X Corn , bu. . , . 40,000 40,000 Oat ? , bu . . . . 43,000 01,000 llje , bu . 1,000 1,000 Uarley , bu . 23,000 23,000 St. I.onls. Feb. It. Wheat Easy : No. 2 red , cash , 7"QSc ; Mny. 83 ' < c , Corn Easy. No. 2 mixed , cash , 5lKc ; May , MXc. Oats About steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 3f ! e ; May , 2l > c. Ihe Firmer at > 3c Pork-Quiet at 814.12 014.23. llutter About steady ; creamery , 24@27c ; dairy , 152.c. ( ! ! Afternoon Hoard. Wheat-Steady and J c higher. Coin and oats unchanged. Kansas Cltv. Feb. ll.-Wheat-Qulct ; No. 2red , May , 7:5c : bid. Corn About steady ; cash , 20 cbld ; May , S.TJt'c. Uats Nominal. Liverpool , Feb. 11. Wheat Firm ; de mand fair : holders oiler moderately. Corn Firm ; demand improving ; new mixed western , 4s 4 > 4"d per cental. New Orleans. Feb. 11. Corn Irregular : ' white and mixed held at 4Gc ; yellow , 4G@ 47c. 47c.Oats Oats Easier ; choice western , EG(337c ( , Hoc Products Fiinier ; pork , S13.W. Hulk Meats-Shoulders. 85.76 ; long clear , and clear rib , 35.7. 1/ird-lllglier at 80.fAHO.55. Now York. Feb. 11. Wheat Receipts , Bi , W' exports. 101,000 ; cnsh , linn ; op- tlons openeil * ifi\c ( bolter , but later declined WKe , subsequently rallied to near the best rates ami closed steadv ; ungraded reil , S9J-jfi5 l 4c ; .No. 3red , b'J'j-y' ' ' c : No. 1 rcrt , IMc ; No. 2 ted. DOKOtWyge In elevator , W2V de livered , lXJ ) < ( jJl > 4c , 1. o. b. ; March closed at . Corn Soot firm , options a trlllo bettor , closing lirm ; lerclpt.M , 'J',1,000 : exports. 075- 000 ; imurailiMl , 47s4QI" > fc ; No.'J , 47tBausc In elevator. lO.'tQJU'ie delherctl : Mnrch clos- Inc 4bX ' - Oats Firm ; receipts , 57,000 ; exports. 1,403 ; mixed ttcslein , :5ii-f@ute : ; white western , 38 ( g-42e. Petroleum Steady ; United closed ntGTJKc. KMs-Uiihcttlcd ; western , \\iXiHtf \ \ } fc. 1'oik Less acthc nndscak. . Laid Higher auil lalrly attlve , closing weaker ; wi'stein steam , spot , 87.01. llutter Quiet ; western , 12 < u2rc ; Elgin creamery SbO2ili ! , Chof-e Firm and In fair demand ; western Hat. llXQW c. MinnoniioilH , Feb. 11.Wheat Quiet but a trlllo Tumor ; No. 1 hard , cash and 1'ubruary. 77c ; May , bl' ' c. No. 1 northern , cash and 70c ; May , 7n'/c ' ; No. a noithorn , cash nnd February , 71J4C ; May , 77wo Flour-Quiet ; patent's S4.10 4.DO ; bakers , ( Hecolpts Wheat , 127,000 bu ; Hour , l.COO bbls. Shipments Wheat , 17,000 bu. ; Hour , lox : > o bbls. Cincinnati , Feb. 11.Wheat Light de mand ; No. 2 led. SIKc. Corn Moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed , Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , Ityc ( ! oed ( temnnd. I'oik-Firmnt S14.00. l.nrd Strong nnd lilchcr nt 50.70. Wldsify Steady at * 1.13. Milwaukee. Feb. 11. Wheat Firm ; cash , 7G ) c ; March. 75 > < c ; May , fcOc. Corn Steadier ; No. ft , 37c. Oats-Firm ; white , 31)/c. Itye-Steatllcr ; No. 1 , 54) 0. H rley Steady ; No. 3 , Mjfc. Provisions Irregular ; pork , Febiuary , S13.C5May ; , S13.85. IjlVE BTOCK. , Feb. 11. Cattle , receipts , 8,000 ; steady ; best heavy , weak at 54.0005.25 ; sliipiiiiiK steers , S3.GO@4.b.5 ; stockers and feeders , slow nt : ; cows bulls and mixed , S1.-0S. ( 1.75 ; bulk. S2.fiO@t.20 : ; meal Texans , SJ.25 ; throuch Texans , S2.50 ( H.40. llocs Uccelpts , 10,000 ; stroiu ; and f ) < 310c lilcher , closing wc.ik : ioun and mixed , 55.00 ( B5.-IO ; paeklnR nnd shipping , S5.25M5.55 ; liphf , S4.S5.iO ; ; skips. S3.bor i.70. Sheen Keccipts , 3.000 ; strong nnd lOfSlfic hiclior ; natives , S3. 00 .1.00 : western , S3.50 ( 4.75 ; Tcxans , S'J.50@4.03 ; lambs. S4.00@5.50. St. Louis , Feb. 11. Cnttlo Uecelpts , 300 ; shipments , 400 ; choice heavy native steers , 84. 10(35.00 ( ; fair to Rood ( .hipping steers , S3.bOW4.HO ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , 33.10n4.15 ( } ; feeders , fair to iood , S2.SOQ3.00 ; stockem , fair to good. S2.lOdf3.00. Hogs Hecelpta , 8,300 ; shipments , 2,000 ; nctlvo nnd Cc higher on light nnd mixed ; choice heavy weio about lOc hlzher ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , S5.40 fd5.00 ; packing fair to coed , S5.20@5.35 ; Yorkers , medium to fancv , S5.COQ5.15 ; pigs , common to good S4.SOiy4.iK > . KansaR City. Feb. 11. Cattle Receipts , TOO ; shipment * , none ; market strong and - > @ lOc higher ; common to choice. 83.IXK34.40 : htockors , S'2.f > 0@3.15 ; feeding steers , 53.35 ® 3. CO ; cows common to choice , S2.25@3.40. Hoes Hecelpts , 3,000 ; shipments , none ; market linn ; common to choice , S4.75@5.25. 031 AH A LIVE BTOCK. Friday , Feb. 11. _ Cuttle. The receipts wcro extremely light to-dav. The market was strong at yesterday's prices and active. Very nearly everything was sold. The receipts were slightly heavier then yes- teiday. The mnrket was active at nn ml- vnnco of SftiOe ( over yesterday's market. One load ot choice heavy hogs reached 55.20 , tlie highest point over icachud on this mnrket. Hhccp. There wns nothing done on the market to-day. Receipts. Cattle 203 Uoss 2,000 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for llvo slock on this maiket ; Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 4.2504.50 Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.75MUO Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.Vij3.50 Fair to medium grass cows ZUOC'C-.M ' ) Good to choice ) bulls 2.25(33.25 Light and medium hogs 4,00(35.00 ( Good to choice heavy hogs 4.10(1(5.05 Coed to cholco mixed hogs 4.00 ( 5.00 Choice sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs 3.&o < f4.00 ItoprcscntRtive Halea. 8TLE11S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IV. 4. . . . W5 53.45 17..10S5 $3.85 , . . . 6S > 7 3.50 HU..12SO 3.DO CO. . . . 1001 170 CO..1143 4.00 78..1013 3.77K 2.loy5 4.00 COWS. No. Av. IV. No. Av. Pr. it. . . . UU7 S2.50 20..1103 53.00 1..10UO 2.75 18..111'J 3.00 34..11U5 _ . 'JO 1. . . . b80 300 5..lOW 2.90 3..11SO 3.20 4..1015 3.00 DUI.I.S. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1410 52.25 3..H50 82,50 1 . . .liaO 2.25 2..13.10 2.W 1..12iri 2.25 1..1430 2.75 1..1250 2,35 1..15IO ' . ' .75 COWS AND IU'I.I. < < . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 14..10s'J 82.50 3..1263 82.70 110 OR. No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr , 100. . . . 152 . . S4.b5 CO..255 KX ) S5.00 73.210 200 4.1H ) G0..2.'M 200 5.00 70..10U . . 4.1K ) n5..201 bO 5.00 70.2'il 120 4.U5 51..24S bO 5.00 74 . . .230 . . 4.03 75..SSI 120 5.00 GS. . .230 120 4. 5 61..8-J1 120 5.00 70..23U 120 4.U5 40. . .249 ICO 5.00 b5.,20l 1SD 4.115 65..S03 120 5.00 , 81. . . . 104 40 4.05 74..227 120 500 C5..275 240 4.U5 C5..249 . . 5.00 77..217 120 4.1 > 5 CO. . . . 07 80 6.00 1C9..7SS 40 4.1 > 5 7S..3ia 100 6.00 b0..190 100 4. ' . CO..257 200 6.00 51..278 100 4.P7K 70..2.S9 . . 5.05 51..2JO N ) 5.00 65..295 . . 5.05 O3.i7fi ! 240 5.00 Ci,2G'J 120 5.05 0'J.243 2tX ) C.OO C0..2VJ KX ) 6.05 07..249 bO 6.00 75..227 120 5.M C0..2.'i7 . . 6.00 65..8.'j3 120 5.03 li , . .229 120 5.W 63..89J bO 5.20 Tlnnio of Prices. Showing the hiirhojt and lowest nrlco.i paid for loads of hozson this uurkct duilng the past seven days and for the same tnuo last month nnd n year ao. Juu , Ibi" Feb. 1837 Feb. Ibsfl 5tb iS. . (21.TU ( 3.75 C1.05 ttb 4.3S CI.TO 370 HUtUO 7th1 4IU iil.70 HuuJuy htbi ass eti.ts t'thf SUDtlny a 5 fi'tW lOtb ) 4. < 0 (2(63 ( S.M 4U.OJ lltbi 4.US Ctl.GO tfci 3.M Shlpiucuts. Showing .the number of cattle , kos and shebp shipped from the yards during the day. CATTLII. No. cars. Ut. Dc. t. ft . It. I . Chicago 0 . N'V . Chicago Allsilcsof stock in this nnrkctaro rnado percwt , llvo wolsht unless otherwise stated. Dead hog * sell nt Kc per Ib. for all weight * . "Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs. no value , Prexnunt sows are docked 40 ItH. nnd stags 80 Ibs , by the public Inspector. Tvotca. Everything sold. Hogs reached 85.20. Hogs on the up grade. lililit ; receipts of cattle. Cattle market steady. , ) . E. Hunt , 1'npllllon , was In nnd bought feeders. Fred Lay , Stnnton , wns hero nnd sold two loads ot steers. T. .1. Sealer , Anderson , In. , was hero with two loads of hogs. M. lircwcr , lilnghnin , In. , wns hero nnd sold n load of hogs. Hogs sold OOc per hundred higher to-day than one month ago. The Anglo-American Packing company bought -,160 liozs to-day. Mr. Westei felt , Norfolk , was In nnd sold n load ot hogs and n load of cattlo. Mr. AVntts of the llrm of Proper it Wntts , Dloominuton , Xeb. , was In with two loads of hogs. J. T. Ooodcll , Dewitt , Xcb. . n heavy ship per , wns In and sold n load ot hogs and n loud of cattle. Mr. Do Wolf , ot the Hun of Harrett it DP Wolf , 'unlveni , la. , was in and maikcted n load of cattle. ( ico. W. Leo. Harvard. Xeb. , wns here and sold n load of choice hensy hugs which topped the mnrket. Elmer E. Flnoy , Valley , n well known stockman , was looking over the market with n \lu\v of shipping hem. ( ieo. M. Uaileton. n heavy stock feeder of St. 1'aul and Fulleiton , Neb. , among the visitors at the yaids to-day. X. M. Uooilell , Westein , Xeb. . came In with two loads of nogs which told on the market nt hatlsfnctoiy prices. 1C. M. Parsons , Carrol. la. , sold a load ot IKKS and n load of cattle on the maikut to day. They made n little better time but the delay wns bcvcinl hours longer thnn neces- saiy at Council UlufTs. OMAHA , WnoMSSAIili ! MAHKliTS General 1'roiliico. Friday , Feb. 11. 7Vir/c > HoiHij ( ; ) rcr ( f arc for ruiniil lots of prmlii ccis . .sodon / ihc tntirltct toanj'itic quotHtluni on friitta rcprctcnt the itrlccs ut tclilcli oii/sWc / on/rre / urc Mlal. Knob The market wns slow nnd dull to day nt 14@l5e , with au occasional t-alo at IGe UuTTin : The receipts nro llbernl nnd the market weak. The choicest Is selling mostly at IRffllSc ; fair to Rood , 14@loc ; common , Ui l'MJ. Poi't.Tiiv The receipts were very light and the demand gooil tor choice dressed chickens. Chickens lOc ; turkeys lOiiJllc ; geese and ducks b lOc. VKOKTAIILES Hcets. carrots , parsnips and turnips are quoted at fXc. ) lloise-radlsh roots S4.00@4.50 per bbl. POTATOES The weather has been so cold dutlng the past few days that it was Impossi ble to handle potatoes to any extent. The trade is limited almost entirely to the sale ot small lots from the store. Fair to good stock , from store , small lots , GPitfioc ( ; choice stock , from store , small lots , OS@70c. OvsTinis Mediums , 20c : standards. 2Cc ; selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33c ; N. Y. counts , APPI.KS The apple market Is linn nnd stocks on hand are light ; Choice Missouri stock per bbl. 53.755 .00 ; Clioico Michigan block pci bbl. SI.OO. ONIONS Homegrown stock , per bu. 81.00 @ 1.40. CILIIIY : : Choice stock , per doz. 40(7 ( ? } ! > c. OUANIIIS : Thcio is alitieral supply otgood stock on the market ; Valencia per case , SO.OOSG.50 ( ; Calltornia. per box , 33.00 3.35 ; Florida , per box , $3.00(33.25. ( Lr.MONS The market looking up and prices have advanced In NowYoik ; Messina ianp.y , per box. S5.00. CiiANiiKiiniKS Cape Cod , fancv. per bbl , 812.00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl , 510.00 ; Hell and Cherry , S' .75. UKAXS Infeilor stock. 75(351.00 ( ; good clean country , S1.00@1.2o ; medium , tmnd picked , S1.40@1.5o ; hand picked navy , 81.50 10.00. PUOVISIOXS Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon , OUc ; clear slilo bacon , 8'rfc ; dry salt Mils , 8c ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef , regular , He ; dried beet , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50 lb cans , 7c : lard , 20 lb cans , Fall banks , 7 , ' c ; lard , 10 Ib can. " , Fairbanks , 7 > 4"c ; lard 5 lb cans , 7 ie ; lard. 3 lb cans. 7Kc- FLOUR AND MIU.STUFFS Winter wheat flour , bi'bt quality patent , S2.75 ; second qual ity , S2.2o@2,50 : best quality spring wheat flour , patent. S2.40@2.1K ) ; W. J. Welslmn's buckwheat flour , per bbl , 80.00 : do. double sacks , 33.00 per hundred ; W. J. Welslmn's No. 1 , ready raised , forty 2 } lb packacc.- > In case , 34,50 ; do , twenty 5 lb packages in case , 84.50 ; bran , 70c per cwt ; chopped teed , 75c per cwt : white corn meal. OOe ; yellow corn , meal , 8090c per cwt ; screenintr. 50 ( 75c per cwt ; homlnv , S1.50 : shorts , 70o per cwt ; graham , SI.75 ; hay , in bales , S7.00perton. Grocers'Jjlol. Picici.r.s Medium , in bbls , 80.00 ; do. In half bbls , 83.50 ; small , in bbls , S7.00 ; do , In half bbls. 84.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , SB.OO ; do , In half bbls , 84.51) . SuoAits Powdered , OJ < (37c ( : cut loaf Ojf@0jfrccranulated,04'(3fl. ; ! ( ? < ic ; confectioners Ai.'iKWOc : standard extra C. 5' " " - C. 5xV(35Xe ( ; medium yellow , MATCHES Per caddie , use ; siiuare cases , S1.70 ; mule square. 81.20. SYKUP No. 70 , 4-galon ! kegs , Jl.20ai.25 ; Now Orleans per gallon 3y ( 4Cc ; maiilo syrup , half bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , (10.00 ; halt gallon cans , per doz. SS.W ) ; quart cans , 83.O , OANDY Mixed , Ull } c : stick , 8 Q9 c. CRACKKIIS ( jarnenu's soda , butter nnd picnic. 5 > < ; c ; creams , a ) c ; ginger snaps , 8c ; cltvsoda , 7K. bTAitcii Mirror gloss. 1 Ib , 6c ; mirror gloss , a Ib , 5 ? c : mirror gloss , tilb , Graves corn , 1 ib.OXc ; Kingsford's corn , I ID , 7c ; Kinnsfoid's gloss , 1 lb. 7c ; Kingsford's eloss , Olb. 7Xc ; Klmrsford's pure lib. 5K < " ; Klncsford'a pure , 3 lb , 5Kc ; Klntjsfords bulk. 4c. Soli's Kirk's Bftvon imperial , S2.70 : Kirlc s sntinet. $3.00 ; Kirk s standard , 83.03 ; Kirk'H white Husslan , J4.00 ; Kirk's whitecap cap , 0.50 ; dome , 83.65 ; washboard , 83.10 ; White cloud. 83.75. CANNED Ciooofl-Oysters.standard.per case , 83.15(713,25 ( ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case. ; raspberries. 2 lb , per case , S2.2. " ) ; oCallfornia rears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , IK.T casj , S4.CO ; peaches. PP' case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , fJ.03 ; blueberries peruaso , S1.U5 ; ug plums. 2 lb , per case , S2.50 ; pineapples , a lb , per case S3.205.75 ; 1 lb mijkerol. per do81.10 ; 1 lb salmon , per doz , 51SOffll.Si ; 2H ) , gooso- berries. nercase. 81.75 ; 2 lb string beans , per case , SI.70 ; 2 lb lima beans , per case , 81.00 ; a lb marrow fat peas , per case , 82.50C 2 00 ; 2 lb early June peas , par caso. S-i.75 : 3 lb toma toes. 2.5X ( < C2. ( ; 2 ib.corn 52.20(32.10. ( DRIED KIUUT Ho. 1 quarter apples , 5J/ @ 6c ; evaporated In boxtu , 12 Q13c ; black berries , boxes. 10 @iic ; peaches , Salt Lake , Ibbfl , lVWM < s ; pe.iches , evaporated. 15 , ' < c ; raspberries , new , 2Jo ; ciineuts , 7Q7Kc ; prunes , new. 7c. Cori'KKS Ordinary grades , 14J ( < J15c fair lr'15Xc ; prime , 15 > i(3lOc ( ; choice , lOQICUo ; fancy green and \ellow , 10.ai7c ; old sov- ernment Java , 20'jOc ; interior Java , 10X ® 20c ; Mocha , ' X'VUo : Arlmcklo's roaste 20 0 ; Mcl.aughln's [ XXXX roasted , J ) . Dilwortli'fl.2Uc ; JJed Cross , 20)4c. d General Marlcots. HIDES Green butchers. 5VgOc } ( ; green cured , "c : dry Hint , liron-ta ; drv salt. O&tlOc ; ereen calf skins , UfiOKc ; damaged nides , two-thirds price. Tallow SW'c. Grease I'rtme white , 3 < o ; i . Slieep Pelts , 25ffi75c. VAUNISIIES Uaire's. per gallon ; rurnl- ture , extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1.20 : Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra b5c : thellac , 83.50 ; hard oil Unlsli , HEAVY HAnDWAiiE iron , ratn 2.SO ; plow btcclsneclA last,4Hccruclble6teeloXc ; ; cast tools , do. ] 2@18c ; wagon spokes , per set , S2.00 < u3.50 ! ; hubs , jier set , 81.2,5 ; telloes. bawcd dry , 81. 50 ; tongues , each. 80c : nxel- , . each. 75o ; square nuts , per lb. Gl ( 71o ; cell chain , per Ib. o-@l c ; malleable. 7ti c ; iron wedL'es , Gc ; crowtuts , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4'te , spring fctecl. 7Gl'o ' ; Hurden's horto shoes. 4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. > 5.s. Uarbe.d wire , in car lots , Si.oo p r 100 Ihs. Xalls , rates , 10 to 60. suO ; steel nails. 12'JO. ' Shot , if 1.65 ; buckshot , 81.85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 83.60 ; do. half ktgs. S2.00 ; do. quarter kegs 81.50 : blastlnif , kegs , 82.35 ; fuse , per 10 feet. toe. Lead bar. 81ft s OnWhltO lead. Omana.P P.T 60 : white lead St. Louis , pure , o' c ; Mnr- Mlllfs green. 1 U > lb cans , 2u ; Freucn zinc , green seal , 13c ; roncn zinc , rod seal , lie ; French tine. In varnish asstooc : Fnnch ilnc,75c : vermllllon , Knttllsh , In oil , 75c ; red , son1 ochre , French , 2 ic : ochre , American , IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2t4 > . i.chlgh blown , 2Kc ; 8 | anlsh brown , 2 > fc ; Prince's rclncral , ! tc. tc.brintrs Coloeno spirits , iss proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof , 81.18 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.17 : do 1SS proof , C1.10 Alrnbol. 183 proot , 33.20 per wjne srallon. Hcdlstllled whiskies , Sl.OCKitl.50. UJn , blended. S1.S03 S.OO : Kentucky bourbons , S'J.OOSfl.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 32,00 ( < l0.5o ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , S1.VX33.00. Hramlies , imported , ; domestic , Sl.SO < a3.oo. Gins , imported , S4.50 ( 0.00 ; domestic , S1.2.V3.00. Champagnes , Imported. cr case. S23.OOOR3.OOj American , perca P. Ditv PAINTS Whlto lead , 5c ; French rlnc , 12c ; Parli whltlmr , 2'ac ; whiting , Kllders , 2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , I'ic ; lampblack , (5er- manstown. I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian blue,55cultramarine ; , ISc ; vandy it- brown , Se ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Parts green , genuine. 2i ( . , Paris green , com mon , 23c ; chromo green , N. Y. . 20c ; vcrmllhon American. Ibc ; inuian raw and burnt umber , 1 ft cans I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12c : Vandyke brown , We ; re fined lampblack 12c' coach black and Ivory black , lOc ; drop black. lOc ; Prussian blue , 40c ; ultramarlnoblack , l e ; chromo crecn.lj. , M. AD. , lOc ; blind and shutter green. ! . M. A D. , lOc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , I5c ; Venetian red , l'c ' ; Tuscan , 22c ; American vermllllon , L. A I ) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. A O. D. . ISj ; coed oplire. 10p ; patent drver , 8c ; crainlng color , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nsb. lac. RSDitt'nsANn MtnMiru.i. Acitlt carbolic , 5'c ; acid , tartarlc. We ; balsam copaiba , per Tb , ' .Uc ; bark passatr.v. per Tti , 10o ; calomel , per tt > , 7Sc , ehlticlionldla , per o40o ; cliloto * form , per ft , "Pc ; Dovers powders * , per tt > , S1.2 > ; epsom salts. , per Hi , i'/Kc ; glycerine , pure , per lb , 3Dc ; lead , acetate , per Ib. 21c ; oil , ra-tor , Xo. 1. porKftl. , Sl.GOc ; oil castor , Xo. 2per sal. , ? l.40oil ; oll\e , Pcrial. , 51.10 ; oil orltrnnunm , ftOe ; opium , SD.IO ; qiilniue , P. \V.ntid K. AS , , per oz , 7. ' > c ; potassium Iodide , per tb , SLM ; sallcln. per oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. SU.1-.1 ; ; sulphur , per rt..4cstrjehntni ; > . pcroz. Sl.'JJ. I'Vin AND OKixs-Tlio lollowltiK prices nro for prime , well handled skins ; Heaver , prime , clean per pound. Sl.fi0@3.op : fiIlSl.2-r ; > dt'.OO ; meaty nnd inlerior. Sl.OO&l.'JS. Hear , blown ntid cii/zly. S. > .00c < .00 ; enbs mid veaillntrs. S2.00W1.00. lladner , MCrtfiOe. Cat , Sio.ouQio.oo. 1'lsher. Si.ooc O.O'J. ottcr.Sl.oo ( < 7fi.OO. Martin , S1.00f51.75. Jlu-skrat , win ter , large , me : fall. So ; Kltts , le. Mink , Inrne , dnik , aViMOe ; small nnd pale , 15(520c. ( Hac- eoon , large prime , 40ccf)0c ( ; smnll nnd Inferior , C0j0c. SUunlc , common , lC@25c. U'olf. largo crey. Sl.f > Oi < l2..riO ; covote or prairie. 75M lKc. ) Doer nnd nntelope , winter , ter pound 15c ; fall nnd summer , per pound SOc. OFT Liatnoar. BOAUDS. Xo.l Com. i. 1.1. 12 , 14 and 10 ft 317.50 Xo.3 " 18,14 and 10 ft 14.75 Xo.3 " " 12 , Hand 10 It 13.50 . , ANTI PAKTITION. 1st com. , J ln WiiUo Pine Partition. . . . 5 3.00 2d ' * " * ' * * * 27 50 2(1 Com. % in. Norway Tine Celling ! ! ' . ! HIW ! FENCING. No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch , 12 and 14ft , roush. . . 817.05 No. S , 4 A ; Cinch. 12 and U ft. , rouu'h. . . 14.00 BTOCK 11OA.11D15. A 13 Inch. B.IS. 400. . 5:511.00 : lU'Jinch " " D . -S.50 No. L com. 12 In. . s , 1 s. . 10 , 18 & 20 ft. . . 21.00 No. 2. " ' . . . 18.50 No. 2 , " " " 12 it M ft . 17.00 " " " " 10ft . IG.Oo . , RIIIP iAr. No. 1. rlaln.Sand lo inch . 317.50 No. U. plam.Snnd 10 inch . 15.50 roars White Cedar , 0 In. , KS , 12c ; 8 In. is. , OKc , * FIGHTING THE SALVATIONISTS. Sonic of the nilllcttltles Which the Army ContenclH With. The 15n : has already noticed the out- lageons attempts of nn orpcanixctl crowd of toughs to break up the Salvation Army meetings on Jaokson streut. Scarcely less disgraceful are the attempts which are boinp ; made in certain quarters to create nn unjust prejudice against these people , by circulating false and ridiculous stones njiainst tticm. A local paper yesterday morninc contained au article wlneh por- travodthe Salvation army bcatinp drums and tambourines in front of ti house on Jackson street , two or three doors east of the "barracks , " where two children were lying sick unto deatli with diphtheria. Tins artirlo outlines the entreaties of the heart-broken mother , who begged the army to leave her imme diate premises with their noise and clat ter , in order that her children might die in peace. She was roughly answered , it is alleged , by tlio Salyation army people , who made more noise than over. A rcpoiter for the IEK ? , who took the trouble to visit all the houses in this vicinity yesierduy found that no children were lying sick with diphtheria in that neighborhood , that no .such pathetic scene had taken place , and that furthermore the people in that vicinity are not circulating n petition to the city council for the removal of the army. One lady who lives next door to the "barracks , " said : "We are not at all disturbed by tuo Sal vation army people themselves , but by the toughs antl thugs who try to break up their meetings. It's an outrage that the police should allow such things. I , for one , think these people ought to be al lowed to worship in their own way. " The Salvation army people hau a com paratively quiet meeting last night. The boisterous element , which broKe up Wednesday night's meeting , was conspicuous - spicuous by its absence , Dr. Piorce's "Pellets" cure sick and bilious headache , sour btomach , and all billions attacks , Chint Onlligan , of the lirn department , is having made a number of badges , one of which no proposes to give each daily newspaper , to bo used by one of its local stall' . This accords the wearer certain courtesies and accommodations from the lire department in case of lire , and will readily acquaint new policemen of the wearer's calling and right to pass lines drawn nt tires tq keep people out ot danger. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 100 Doses One Dollar" is true only of Hood's Sarsauarilla , and it is an unan swerable argument as to strength and economy. Dr. Chase's ' Last Receipt Book , "MEMOIUATj EDITION. " Ijit and crowiilnu work of his life. Just out.Outfl We. ' II. DHKtUbUVCo. . , llolrolt , Mien btato ex rel , O. & H. KCo. . Vh. Habcock. Mandamus. Writ denied. Opinion by ll , Churles J. Stone&Gravel The Cedar Crock Stone and Gravel QuarYy has just been onenod up for business. A good ( jiuility of white nnd blue lime stone for building purposes , is furnished by J. L FARTHING , The General Salesman. Also gravel of the finest ouality for lawn and other purposes Oilicos at Plattsmoutli , Fob. Tne II. & M. railroads - roads use a largeauiount o tins stone. . C pltofA jnui. TOR THH T7IIATMINT Or Att , Chronic & Surgical Diseases , pR. MoMENAMY , Proovlotor. STitcen jeiri' fioiplul nJ rrlUito 1'rnctlc * Wo lure the f CIIUIc , | ipar.itn > nd remrdlM for the incermfnl trcatmrnlof e ery form of dli rcqulrlns cither rncdlOAl or trfatramt , Anil Invlln ill to coma xnd Inrcilignte for thcmielru < t corrnpond with ti . I/on nfcrlcnco In ttesl Inc c * c lij letter cnsblct ui to treat tnin ; ciri iclfntlflc > lr wlthn'it * pclnir them WUITK roK rtllCUI.AU on Deformltlc * and Uracci1 , Club Feet , Curvntaret of the Spine lJ2i ) ! or WoxM. rilci , TnrndM , Cxnctri , Otarth , nronchltln , InhilMlon , Klectrlcltjr , l' r l- jr'li , Epilepsy. KldnrjKjc , Kar , Skin , lllood and nil tnrglcil opfr.illons. llAtliTlrn , Inhnlert , Urnrn , Tru c , nnj M kind * ( \lfdlcal nnd Surgical Appllaucct , man- ufacturcj and for tile. Ihs only reliable Medical IntMut * miking Private , Special $ Nervous Diseases rA Bt'EC'lAJ.TT. AU , roxTAKiora AND HI.OOD 7 isn\sK < ' . from uhntc\crcnii"oproduced , * ucc ( ' * fllll ) tr tfll \\o cm rvoioie Snllitlo | > poleon from the tyttcm without tmrctirjr. New re toratlre treatment for lomof > ltalnowrr A 1.1. COMMUNK'ATIONS CONHUEN I'lAl. Call nml cnninltns or ecnd came nnd i > oiUofflcc r.dilrr > p'alnly written enclose Uinn , nnd wo will nenil roil , In nlnln wrnniicr , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEt ITON riitViTB , PIT.UHI , AMI Ninrofa nicn cs , SEMINAI , WrAKNEO , yrEUMATOimuiKi , Ixroiiv rr , 8\i'Mit.i , UoNTRiiiur. * , OLEKT , VAKicoctir SmtCTUIlB. ANI > All , Il ltAI > KB OT TUB QRNITO- UHIMAUT OP.DAM , or cnd hietory of jour ca ofor nn opinion. Tersons unable tn > l. ltnsniv be treated at their home * , by cnrrcppondcncc Medicine * and Itif Irn incut * fiit by mill or ctnront SKCUltKI.Y 1'Al'K ED FitUM ( inarki to Indicate contemn or tender. One personal interflow prc fcrred If conxcnlcnt rifty rooms for the a-com modntlon of patlcnti Hoard nnd attendance < teneoimblc ptlcc' Address rlv Loiters to Omaha Medical and Surgical instltnlo , Cor. 13th SI. and Canltal Avc. . OMAHA. ND. FOR A Ini'KO number of rcconlod 1'eiolieron end Clydouilnlo Stnlllons. Also Homo Ilicil Ooltx. Dvcry iinminl Kiiiirnnlcocl n brooder. Pi Ices reasonable and tctms eu y Our ( took 1ms boon Bclcutcil with reierunco to botb Itullvliliml merit und iinitlnrce A Inrjro nittnber of our Btiilllnns > < ro ueelinmtod nnd Colts of tholr jot can bo shown Vork Is on the 11. X M. It. It. , two hours' rldo west of Lincoln. Kor cata logues ami ftnthor liiforimitloti , ml'lress ritV tc 1-AIIItlIAUlI , Yorknel ) . Notice to Architects nnd milliters. Thollonrdof Timfecs or "Tho Nobrnslm Woslcj mi University , " locntoil nt Lincoln. Nob. , hereby K\\U \ not Ice thut they will receive , for consliletiitlou , pious niul fpcelllrnllons lor n bulldliiK for umvoiHlty purpose * ! , Bind piitninnU Bpeollleittlons to bo lor the building complete , niiI : ml Ins lieiitlii- ) mid plumblDi ; , nml snld liiiildlii f to cost , > \ hem completed , not toovccod fitly thousnuil dollars. Only the plans niul bpeolflcntlnnstlnit may boadoptoil by the Hoard w 111 bo paid for. Tim llonrd ic"crvo the rlffht to luject any ntid nil piling nnd Bpoctllcntlons tlmt may bo submltteil. The Hoard will meet nt St. Paul M. K. chinch In Lincoln , on 1'obiuury , It > fc7 , nt7:30p. : in , ttt which time nil plans unit specifications submitted will boconsldorod. Ad dress prior to Kcbrunry IS , lb 7 , Itcv. 1' . C. lohriHon , IndliuiDln. Neb After tlmt ilnto nt Lincolnenroot Dr. O. r. Crvlirliton. 1'lans , utc. , niariilsobo sent to C. A. Atkinson , Lincoln , Nob. J , , order of lioanKJOHNSOX JOHNSOX So lob-5-15 CHICAGO Council Bluffs And Chicago. Th only road to take for Des Mnlnea , Mm > ehalltown , Codnr Haplds , Clinton , Dlxlo , Chica go , Milwaukee nnd all points ernt. To the people ple of Nobrnika , Colorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Orejron , Washington nnd Cali fornia , It offpn supei lor advantages not pool- ble by any other line. Among n few of the niirneroiii points of BU- perfortty enjoyed by ttio patrons of thli road betweenOmnha and Chlcuiro , are Its two trrtlmi n day of DAY COACHRS which are the Hnost ttiRt htirann art and Ingenuity can errata Its PA LACK SLEEPING CA11S. hlch are modrlj of oomfort and nlnfjnncfl Hn PAIIIjOH DHAW- 1NO KOOM CAltS , unBUrpnnsodbv any , and III widely ofllobrntcd PALATIAL DtNIKO CAI18 , tbe oquat of which cannot h found eliiwhoro. At Council niuffi the truing of tlie Union I'acl- flo Kr. connect In Union Depot with thoM of the Chlokffo & HoitlUTC8orn ! Ry. In Chicago the train i of thli line rnnke close connection with those of all eastern llnop. For Detroit , Cnlurnhui. Indlanapolli , Cincin nati , Niagara KiUla. HuCTnlo , f Ituburir , Toronto , Montreal , noiton , New Vork , 1'bllodelphU , Hal- tlmor * . Waihlnirton and all rolnts ID the eait , uc tbe ticket nrent for tlrkolK Tla the "NORTH WESTHHK , " If you wUh the ( wt aooonimodatlont. All ticket nvents cell tlckuls r'n ' thli line , I1.IUTOI1ITT. K. P. WILSON. General Manager , Ocnl I'nss'r Agent. . . . " ' ; . : . O W estcrn Agt. City 1'uss Ag- Red Star Line Carrying the nelRlura Hoynl ami Unltocl State * uvery hatutiluy Between Antwero & New York TO TIIB RH1HE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. FALL AND WINTIJK. Balon from $00 to $75. Excursion trip from (110 to tl-'i. Second Cabm. otitxranl , $ < * > ; liri'PHld$45 ; uxcurolon , $ M > . atocriu's tmsju o at low rates. Peter Wrljrht & Boris , Uonora Arents , CS Uroaiiway , Now York : . Tlonry , H'lS Purntimat , ; I'anlseu V Co. 1428 i'urimin tt : 1) . O Frociimn l'l l l'iirn\m OM HA JO BOERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. "CHURCJliLL J'ARKEJl , Wboleialo Dialer la Acrlcnltnral Iniplenicnte , Wnpons , Cf rlagt't ami llurplff. Jonci ftruct , tittwuen Sib ftnd 10tliOuii-bo , Met ) , LJNJNGER .0 M ETC ALP CO. , Au'i'icnltimil Jiuplcnicnta , Waconi.rmrrlage , llugflei , Ktc. , Wholesale , Oinnh . LEE , PRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware nnd Knils , Tmwore , bhoet Iron , Klc. Anentt fnr Howu bc l i , and lllntnl I'uoderCu..OmutiR.Nub. RECTOR < t ) U'lLHELAIY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Weilcrn > gcnti fur JclTerion btcol Nutli. Auitln 1'OHilerCo , Knlrtanki MmiJarrt fcnUa. Corner lUtb and llnrnor. Omaha. PA RLIN , OR END OHF MARTIN Wbolciale Dealer * In Afirriculuiral Implements , iuztlei. Wl.'JiJ.iOJ anauo ; , Jooct it OMAHAJOBBERSDIRECTORY : Artists' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos ami Organs , 111.1 IXnulitu Slrtet , OmihA , Butter and Eggs ] 0 SCHROEDER , Buyers of Itnttcr and Efpg. nefrlxerntor and Parking Ilcnsc , Uth find l Aten- worth St. , U. P. II. H. 1 r cl , Omaha. Builders' Herd wart and Scales. "HIM En UGTrjTTAYLOJt' PnUilcrs'Himlwnrc&ScaloltcpalrShop Mechanics'Toolanml Buffalo Sraloi. 1IIU Doutlns lU , , Kfb. Boots and Shoes. f 'r jf.v Uanufactttrtn mul Whocs ! lo JOAlcrs la Itools and Shoes , Complctp Mork. of Unbl > r Coodn atwnrt on hnnd m 8. 13th t. . Onmlin. .Neb. A. T. Auttln. A gnt. n . r. MO its K , P co. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes. 1411 t-trnum ft .OruMm.Nob. M.MmfncIotr , Summer ttfoct. llii'lon , Z. T. LIXiSErtV VU. Wlmlosnlo Utibliur HnoN aiiil nub andOllod Ulothln * and t' lt , , _ , . KnilCoruer lllh and Douttliu. no0' Beer. MTKEATING , Ajt. ( for Anhouser-Iltish Hrowliif , ' Ass'u : lnl Urnnd . Faiut.lluilnBliiornnd vrl : HKor. ST'OliZ tO ILER , Latrcr JeiM' ? Hrowcrs , 1521 North l th Htroot , Omithn , Nob. Butchers' Tools. IHitchcrs' Tools ami Supplies , noingo CuilnKi of n khuN nl ) B In "lock. 1J16 ' Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLAliKK JlliON. r CO. , Onmlia CoflTeo anil Spice Mills. Tea' , OoffPOi.Fnlcc" . llnklni ; Ponder , trncts. Ijiui.drj . llluo. Ink. Ktc. ItH lOllurcej btrrel , Oumhn. Nob. GAT US , COLE lv MILKS , Homo Colleoiiml Spice Mills M'f'ff Co. Cottpo RoistctR nd SplcoOrlnUiTf , Mannfaiturrri ot llaklnu I'oniler , llmorlns KJtrnct ; . llhilne. Kin Trvnne inno odiiir 1-D imckiifolloniolllciid lluatted ODITPO. li"J Uowuril MOmtibu , Nvb. Cornice. " EAGLECOJtXICJS If'OltKS , John Kponctcr , 1'rop. Uamifncturcr of OMvunltcd Iron nnd Comlco. WJ Dodge und 103 nnd KUN , lOlli nt. , Omnlii.Nch. SG t ! HOLTJH , Nunufactiircre of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Wlnciowc , Finale , MelnllcSkrlli111etc. ; 3108. 12tti et. , ( inmlia. WESTERN COKX1CJS WOltKS , C. Spccht , Prop. OalTanlred Iron Cornlcm. etc. Biiccl'Blmproved Pat ent McUllo hkyllgbt. MM nnd 510 H Kill ot..Oniiha. Carpets. ET CO. , Jobbern of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths. Ruffs , Linoleum * , Miittlncs , Btc. 1511 UoiiRlat Blrcot. A' . A. 'OJiCJLl It I > , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattlngi , CurlMlu Gnnd < , Rto. 1I2J Karaam fctrcct , Umiha. Neb , Crockery and Notions. Agent for tbe Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , unpi , CMmnort , etc. Office , 317 South Utb it Omaba , Nob. Commission and Storage. Coniinissiou and Jobbing. Butter , KgtunnJ I'roduco. Conilgnmcnn BOllrltod. adqunrtprn f ir htonowaro , llcrrj llozt > B and ( irnpa llutkuti. 1411 Dodge Btrcet , Omaha. 1'EYCKE JiROS. , Connnission Merchants. FrultB , Vroduco nnd ProvUlonfl , Omaha , Keb. W. E. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpccliiltlos nutter. Kirns. Choose , Poultry , flauio , O ) ttirs , Ktc. , Ktc. 113 South 14th street. WIEDEMAN .0 CO. , Produce Connnission Merchant ? , Foultrr , Duttcr , Gnmo , Ki lts , etc. 220 8. llth st Ouialm , Neli , Coal anif Lime. Dealcri In Hard nml Soft Coal , Offlco and yard , ICth nnd NlrhnUn sli. , Omaha , Neb. Var < M' lcuhunu. 667. UEU. r. l.AiiAini , rrrn. C. F.OoomiAH , V. Plus. J A. hU.viiEltt.AKD , Sec. nnd Tretu. OMAHA COAL , COKE .15 LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. XMPouth Thirteenth Street , flmnhn , Neb. , T. , T. JOHNSON 0 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And shlpiiurs of < ! o < il nnd Coko. Cement , * IMastcr , Unie , ll lr , Klro nrlck. Drain , Tile and Bcwerl'lpa , oniru. IMiton note ) . Ftnmm it. , Oinnlm. Null. Telephone 811. Confectionery. r. r. FAY & co. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of frults.Nuts und Cljus. 1211 Farnam 8U Oni h . Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYER di CO. , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Quns nd Ammunition , 216 to W3 P. llth St. , 1030 to tOU Karnam lUOmalin.Nsb , WEST td FRITSCHER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholesale Dealers In Leaf Tobaccos , Hat. 108 and 110 N. Mth street , Omaha. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITJf < C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 nnd HDt Dotirflan , cor , lltb St. , Omaha.Nub. Distillers. Distillers of I.lqnora , Alcohol and Frlrlts. Imiiortcm and Joutirrsof Wlnesand Liquors , WILLO HrSI'RINGS DISTILLE'lt CO. and ILER iC CO. , Importers and Jobberi of Fine Wines and I.lqnnri. Kolonianur olurersnf Krnnvdr's Kast India Hit ters und Domestic I Iquois. llU Marne ? M. Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.BAl'KK I'r's. J.W.llinroiin.8ec.4T'oai H , J. CnsoN , V.l'in. uiid tiupt. THE UNION HYDRAULIC DltAINTILE CO. , Offlco 3IS H. Hlli > t , Omaha. Neb. Machinery nnti bupplUs for Manufaeiurluit Cement Drain Tflu. furnituret- DEIt'EI'iC STONE , Wholesale Dcalei s in Furniture. Furnim it. , Omaba , Neb. CHARLES Furniture , Ilodding , Upholstery , UIrroriiCtc. liOMiOi ooa 1210 Karnam it. . Oinntin. Groceries , 'i'A'XrtfirTcZi LLA GiriuT T"coi Wholcsalo Groceries und Provisions , Nbs 101,707. TCg and 711 B. IQtb fct. Omaha , Nab. McCOUD , ISRADY , U CO. , Wliolesala Grocers , MlliJOBBERSDIRECTORY Hardware. w. , r. Heavy Hardware , Iron nml Stool , Spring * , \Vniron Slock , ll nlw r I.iinbw , clo. 130 * umer M , Umiih . , K r c G i n n ox , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Vr < con ncJC rrl e Wood Stock , HMTT Jt Mw Kto. Hii nilJljaj.f Tfnwortl M.Omiihi . Ntb. " OX JIOGKHH < P SOXS , Stoves , llatnjcp , Fnrnacpfi , Tiles , ManllciUrit i , llriiKioodi. 131 nnj 13W Kare M J-troct. Iron Works. Iron Works , WroucM nnrt Onit Iron Iliillilltie Work , Iron ? t lr , UMMnt : , Ilcnnn nnrt Ulnlprn , Mcnm Knliio , llrmi > Tnrk , ( InmrAl Vounilrr , Mi cblnc nJ Illitckimllh Afort. UiafcunJWorkt.H. r. Hy. inll7th lif n. F. II Mr.MA.NtlS. C. Ht'M.tVAN. OMAJIA 11'llilJ , p JliOX WORKS , Mntuifnctmc uf Wire nnd Iron Kallins ; ! : " , Desk Hails , \Vlnclnw Ciifirilii. Klnwor Mnn > lVlto l Sluro. Kta 123 N. ICtli. Onlor * by mull | > rom | < tly nttvntloil to , Lumber. OMAHA TUMliER CO. , Dc-ilo' . All Klmln of Jlnildinp ; Material lit Wholcsp.lo. ISth Street nnd Union I'nclMc Truck , ( Innilm. UK' IS 11HA Denier in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Saali , Doon.Uto. V nl ConiorTtli mid Doujrlnn ) Corner Klh nnd Douilnt. cJnCAGO LUJillEli CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 811 B. Iltli Ktrccl , Omilm , Neb. I . f liot | > er. Manntor. ' C. X. J)1ETZ , Lntnbcr. 15th ml Collfornld f trcct , Omnlin , Neb. FRED 11' . GHAT , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Kto. Cor.Otli ntul nouclin Us. , Oiim'.m.Na' ) . 1IOAGLAJTI ) , Lumber. 3' . ? r. HARrEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlco , 1403 Farnnm street , Oranba. CHAS. R. LEE , JInrthvood LunibcT , Wood Carpets and Parquet FIoorlnE. Stli nnd Dongla * Oniatin. JO1IXA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc * Imported and American I'ortlnnd Cement. Rtatt Agent forMllwiuikeo llTdrnullo Cctuuut mid Ueit ( JulncyYliltol.lmo. . Lire Stock. YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Boyd , B'lporlntondant. Lha Stock Commission. M. JlTJtKIS C .SO.V5 , Live Stock Commission. _ Ooo. llurkp. llanaccr TJnlonFtock VBrts.S.Omnlin. T l phone 681. SAf'AGE ,0 GKEISy , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipment * of nn ; and nil klndt of Stock solicited. Union Stock Vardii.liiiinlia , b. Millinery and Notions. I. OJtEKlfELDER .0 CO. , Importers und Jobber ! of Millinery ami Notions , nil and 1515 Hnrnoj Kl.oct , Ornnlin , Neb. Notions. C. S. G o'oDRICJr C CO. , Are the only Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nebraska. Chicago prlcea duplicated without dA > IIIK freight. 1415 harnam StreetUninha. J. T. jKOltlJfSO - XOTIOA CO. , Wholcmlo Dealers In Notions niul Furnishing Goods , 403 ana M B. Tenth fit , Omaha. VIXYAJtD C Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery nnd Gents' Funiiahing ; Goods. _ lOCK and 1008 Farnam at. , Oraahn , Neb , Overalls. CANFIELD MAXUFACTURINO- COMl'ANY , Jfnnnfiicturerfl of Overalls , Jean Pants , Uhlrts , Ktc. lllfi nnd 110 ( Doujrlas Street , Omahn , Ni-b. Paper Boxes , T. L. WJ1.K1K , Mniutfncturpr of Pnjior lloxes , B.Kth St. , Omiihu , Nobrnnka. Orders by m lloltcdaud will rooulvo prompt uttcntlou. Printing. REES I'RINTIXG COMPANY Job Printers , lilnnk Hook Makers , And llouk Illndfrs. 100 and 1'N ' Koutli Kouituenth ttreet.Omnha.Neb. WESTERN KEWSPAPERUXIOX Auxiliary rubliRhcrs. Dealers In Tjpo , Prcisnn nnd Printers'Muppllos. lOt Hiiuth Twelfth Mreut. Pumps. J1RO U'XELL d5 CO. , } lanufucturers nnd Di'alern In Engines , toilers iV , Gonernl Machinery Bhout Iron work. Hti'am Pumps rinw Mllln , Acme KhaftliiK , Dodiiu Wood upllt I'ullojs , llnltlnir. etn , Alpow KoiiB , corni'r | , ttiid bulutlfs , venworili si. , Umnhn , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , WholesnlG Fumps , Pipe , Fittings , onmnnrt Wslrr flupplles. llomlqiurleri f < r tla t'o3stCo'sji > , Kls. till luriiura st. , llmubi. Neb. A.L. fiTRANG CO. , PtimiiH , Pipes and , Water. Itnll-a ; and illllliiK Huupllus. Et * . WO , VJ-J and V.'t KB in am it. , Omab ; U. S. H'INI ) ENGINE ami I'UMF COMl'ANY. rjalladnrWInd Mllisi ntcam and WM r Supplies , i'luuiulngOoodc , Hulllni ; , llo e , fM nnd VJO fur- naui l.JunijH. | H K. Koltou , Muunmr , 'J lti"liiiiioNu | , VIO. Safes , Etc. P. 1WYER cP CO. , Afjonts for Hall's Sufo & Lock Co.s' Fire and Duic'ar ' Proof Haras , Tlmo Uicks , Vault * and Jail Wor < . 11)31 ) Karnjin struct Ooiaba , Neb. G. ANDRE EN , Omalni Hafo Works. Mtnufncturcrinf Plro mil llnmlar 1'rnnf Salfi , Vnull Uuor > , Jull Wurk.hliutirri and Wire Worn. Cor. Kill anil JarkiutiHti. , Omihu , N b , Snsh , Doors , Etc , M. A , DINltllO If < 0 CO. , Wholciale Manufacturer * cif Sash , Doorn , lilimls und llouldliips , lliunch olilce.nili and IiarJ tt.Oc.Jh , .KJ V. G. J < \ LYMAN , Sasli , Duor , Jtlinds , Moultlln fl , llulldln * 1'iper , etc. 1UJ1 Boutb Tlilrtc-dnlli Hliett , Omaha , Nub. A coiupleie nuck ut Dulldera * Jlarilwore. BO//JV MANUFACTURING CO , , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uonlil'jicn.htalr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood rtnlih Jutl Oj iicU , tN , K. ( or. fclb and ) , u vuuworlUbl . Ouiuba. Neb. Wagons and Carriayes. Tlio LeaUnOurrlago ( Factory , ( RsTxui isuili 1KH ) 1IJ9 nd 1111 UvOtertrcct , Ouiuba ,