Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FJRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1887. T11E LOCAL SEWS BUDGET. I What Mr , Her Saja About tbo Goal Pinda- A DRAVE BOYS DAIRING DEED APuBtTrftlnor Silk Salvation Army Snrucons Army Notes Court Local and Other Mntccr. Minlim the Coal. "No , I can't tell you when wo shall commence sinking our shafts for coal , " Bald Mr. P. E , Jlcr yesterday in reply to the question of a reporter. "Tho fact is , " he continued , "wo pro pose to take our time about this thing , nnd not go ahead until wo know what wo ixro about. Wo can't alFord to sink $200,000 , in a shaft until wo know juct what wo are doing. We propose to do- volopo this thingcarefiilly and cautiously. W i ahull ptobably sink three or more holes , in order to satisfy ourselves about the vein , before the big mining shaft Is sunk. " "How long will it rcriuiro to dispose of tliis preliminary work ? " "It may ue si\ months , or It may bo a year. I can't tell yon exactly. " In the meantime the present eight-inch shaft will bo sunk to a depth of two or thrco thousand feet , in tlio search for natural gas or oil. The depth is already over nine hundred feet. A JJKAVK i > nnn. A Hey who Stopped n Hunnwny lit n Novel Manner. One of the bravest deeds on record \vas that accomplished by an eleven- year-old boy Wednesday. The young man was riding with his mother in one of Stephcnson'B coupes , when the vehicle gave a sudden lurch to one side nnd threw the driver to the ground. The horse became frightened and dashed down Saundcrs street at n terrific pace. The boy swung open the door intending to jump out and sci/.ed the lines. As the the door was swung open a heavy wagon coming in the opposite ilircdion was encountered and the door was knocked completely oil' . The little fellow then saw that it ivns useless to jump to the ground. Ho knocked out Ilio pane of glass in the front of the coupe , crawled out upon the lent , made his way cautiously along the lhafts and jumped'astride the back of the nnimal , which was now going at a ter rific pace. Ho gathered the reins in his hands and finally succeeded in bringing the horse to a standstill. Fortunately neither the mother nor the cool headed youngster were injured in a runaway which , with less judicious handling , would have undoubtedly proved fatal. IMIAYING IT OUT. Salvation Army Soldicra In the Ilolo of Surgeon * ) . "You didn't ' know , did you , " said a physician Wednesday , addressing himself to a reporter , "that these Salvation army people claim to be surgeons as well as soldiers ? " The reporter professed ignorance of nny such thing. "It's a fact , " replied the doctor , who is ono of the physicians connected with the Child's hospital. "I had a dlllicult case Wednesday in my ward that of a woman who hacf to have a bone extracted from one of her limbs. 1 was about to perform the opera tion when some of the Salvation army who had hoard of the case came in and tried to supplant inc. They declared that no human power could successfully extract the bone , and asked permission to 'pray it out. ' Of course , they were granted that privilege. But my opera tion will bo net-formed just the Banio , though 1 have no doubt of the sincerity of the Salvation Army surgeons. " AN IOWA YOUTH. lie Falls n Victim to the Wiles of Confidence Men. Elmer Becmar , ono of the greenest youths that ever entered Omaha , ap peared as prosecuting witness in police court yesterday moru'ng against C. E. Heed and Walter Lemon , two eonfidonco Inon , who had robbed him of his watch and ? 1.7C in cash Wednesday. llcomar , who came to Omaha to look for work , mot Itccd and Lemon Wednes day and asked them for a job. They pre tended to bo railroad men and said they could give him work as a fireman. They wanted to go up town fora few moments nnd on their return would show him how to go lo work. Ono of thorn turned over an old switch key to him nnd told him that it was the key to the caboose of the train on which ho was to work. Before leaving him they required him to give them his watch anil $1.75 in cash as security for the koy. Beiunar at once tried the key , nnd of coiirso it did not lit. His comrades did not return. Then ho began to suspect .something ; . Ho reported the case to tlio police , who after some .search succeeded in finding the two confidence men. They were this morning lined $20 and costs and given thiity days in the county jail the lirst ten ami the last ten on bread and water. Seven drunks were arraigned ; five were lined and two discharged. Ono paid and the others were committed. Among the number sent to jail was Bar ton Hailoy , an inveterate toper , who was icleased ton days ago on a promise to take the pledge , yesterday ho again full and was picked up by the police beastly drunk. Several men accused of vagrancy were discharged. Among the number was a woallliy farmer , who owns about -100 ncrcs of land near Valley. KtuYlNU S1MI. Itoiunrknhly Fast Tuna On the Union I'aclllc Hull Not en. What is claimed to bo the fastest freight time eyor made west of the Mississippi river was reported yesterday at Union Pacific headquarters. On the nth mst. n train load of silk , consigned from China to Now York , arrived in San Francisco , The cargo was loaded on the night of the Cth into n Central Pa. eilio train , transferred nt Ogden to the Union Pacific and passed through Omahn on the morning of the flth , The distance on the Union Pacille between Ogden and Council Blutls , l.OIK miles , was accom plished in exactly forty-three hours and fifty minutes in oven better than passen ger timo. This fast time is necessitated by the competition between the overland route and tliu Sue/.ioanal route. Inniakingtbo distance between China and San l-ran- clseo the yery fastest mail steamers aroused used , The wires on the laho division of the Union Pacilio are badly broken down by sleet , and nothing has been heard from the trains on that division for forty eight hours. The wires , in some places , are re- P orle < l as coated so badly with s > lcet as to jo as thick as a man's arm. The U. P. is yery scarce of engines lust at present. It is reported that there \ro nine freight trains in tlio Blull's wait- pg to bo pulled out as soon as loco- hotlves can be provided. Three freight cars were thrown down nn embankment on tlio Union rnclfic nt Sovuntcontli street yesterday. The ac cident was caused by the engineer of the tram failing to observe the signals put out by a gang of track repairers. A nKiVUTIFUIj STUUOTOUE. Tlio nnrkcr Mrotlicrs will Iltilltl on I'Mftocntli nnil Fnrtinin. The Barker brothers liavo decided to rebuild on the site of their destroyed building corner of Fifteenth anil Fnrnam streets. The new building will bo of brick , stone and iron , and as lircproof as It is possible to make it. Exteriorly It will dilTcr considerably from the one burned. It will be six stories high. On Fnrnam street front will bo a broad cast iron bay- window which will run up to the liftli story. On the east side there" will bo two of those , the ell'ect of which will bo to In crease the bi-anty of the \vholc design which contemplates a building perhaps the most beautiful in the city. The tower lias been abandoned and in its stead will be a more bountiful and pr.ictlcal ornamen tation. The plans have been made by Mendelssohn iV Lawric , who have sug gested bay-window and another story for Llii ) old liarkur building , both of which will be added Immediately. The building will Inivo a high basement , and tlio ilrst Moor will be designed for a bank , and it is thought will bo ocrn- pit-d ! > .y the Hank of Tommi-rco , which will be made a national bank with u laigu capital. Is Iiistiic ! 4 and Heal Estate is valuable only where there is nusi.siiss. Purchasers should bear this in mind and not buy lots far away from the center of business , just because they are cheap. Ai.itiMmrr's CHOICE UPS in the great industrial anil commer cial man of South Omaha and the im mense business interests there insure a rapid advance of values. Eighty acres adjoining Albright's Choice are reserved for semi ) of the largest establishments in the world. W. G. ALHRKJI1T , Solo Owner. 218 South 10th St. Good Work. The Women's Christian association re ceived during the month ot January donations in money from tlio following persons : McCncuo Bros , $330 ; United States National bank , $25 ; iMarkoll & Swobc ( monthly ) , ? 10 ; A. L. Strang , § J5 ; ( J. W. Jloldrego ( two months ) , $10 ; Mrs. L. Crcigh , ? .V Hoy. John Williams , $2 ; a friend , ? 5 : Mrs. U. T. Clark. ? .1 ; an eight day clock from S. W. Lindsay , 1518 Douglas street. Clothing , friut.jelly , milk and vegetables have boon sent to tlio homo by Mctdiiinus Ijams , Hobbins , Ful ler , Bull , Oiibler , Perrino , Ellington , Bodkins kins , Misses Grant and Millard ; one do/en hoods , Keith ; ditto , Mrs. Bliss. The Home has been filled Hie last month with destitute women and chil dren , between thirty and forty having been cared for until other places could bo provided for them. The ward com mittees. who are distributing the "Char ity Ball" moncv , report as haviiigvisited , and in most cases helped : Second ward , 115 families ; third ward , thirty-live fami lies : fourth ward , eight families ; fifth ward , twnlvo families ; sixth ward , eigh teen families. A monthly paper will soon bo issued by the association in which fuller details of the work being done will bo given. T , 11. KNIGHT , Corresponding Secretary , W. O. Albright's South Oinnlm Ofllco will bo opened soon in charge of Mr. John M. Campbell , who will have horses and baggies ready at all times to convey intending purchasers to the valuable busi ness and residence property known as AUIUICIIT'S CHOICI : . This is the onlv " property through winch the U. P. and B. & M. H. H's. and Bellevue - vue avenue run. A Bnl Masque. The event at Masonic hall Wednesday night was the masquerade ball given by Omaha Lodge No. 82 ! ) , Kniirhts of Honor and Primrose Lodge No. 170 Knights anil Ladies of Honor. There wore pres ent about seventy-five couples , and the costumes were both beautiful and unique. Masques were rcmovccd at 10 30. Be tween 11:30 : and 12 o clock supper was served in the balcony , The dillercnt committees were as fol lows : Executive Mrs. Charles Land- rock , Mrs. T. Olson , Mrs. 1) . S. M. Fret- well , H. Engicmann , C. L. Frit c'hor and Thomas Falconer ; waplion Mrs. 1) . S. M. Fretwell , Mrs. C.J.Marks , Mrs. O. L. Fritsehcr. George \VhiUopkJ. . B. Brnncr and H. K. Long ; Moor malingers Mrs. Charles Landrock , Mrs. Charles Midgley. Miss Aniiip Long , Thomas Fal coner , D. S. M. Fretwell anil Charles Chi'iioy. The ball was the second of the winter series. The next will be a dross allalr March ! ) , and the 'ast ' a calico and necktie hop April U. Postonioo KolilicrloH. Postmaster Contain yesterday morning received a telegram from F. E. Wilson , postmaster at David City , stating that Wednesday night burglars had forced their way into the office , blown open the safe and taken all the money , amounting to several hundred dollars and nearly all the stamps. There is no clue to the rob bers. Mr. Wilson ilc.sirod Mr. Contant to notify the postallinspector. From the Ire- quonov with which postolliccs have been robbed in this state during the hist six months , government ollicials in this vicinity have como to the conclusion that there must bo a gang of slick burular.i who are working the olliccs in circuit. No detection has yet resulted from the inspector's work and it is feared that the piowlers have como to feel that they may continue their work with immunity. Notice. The South Omaha Land company have appointed ( J. K. Mayno solo ngont for the palo of their lots , lie will show the prop erty and furnish all itc&lrcil information upon application. ( .Signed ] W. A. PAXTO.V , President. The O. .V-.N. M' . It. It. and KB Clerks. Mr. W. N. Babpock , general agent of the Chicago and Northwestern road , lias received a circular form General Freight agent McCollough with reference to the settlement of claims for loss , damage or overcharge crowing out of errors of way-bill clerks , contracting agents and ether employes in quoting rates upon or receipting for and way-billing freight. The document states that the company will not participate in any claims uaubeil by or growing out of the carelessness - lessness of other companies nor will it , in any instance , ask any connecting line to assinno nny portion of similar claims caused by the negligence of its employes. This opinion is based upon applications , a number of which were made from this part of the country. Fourth Annual llnll. The announcement of no annually re curring social event is hailed with greater enthusiasm among the lovers of pleasure than that of the Locomotive Engineers' ball. This is the case all over the coun try , and especially in Omaha where the members of the brotherhood have at all times been among the most popular residents of the city. Tuesday evening , tobrnary 10 , and Masonic hall have been selected by Division No. 163 , as the date nnd place of terpsichorcan pleasure for 1B87. This is the fourth unnual ball of the Biotherhood m this city , and will nnilonbtedlv exceed all previous occa sions of the JtiftiJ iu attractions , GIVEN THIS UK Bfirauc Unhesitatingly Pro nounces Fnlso ix Jlcrnhl Statement. In view of thcunseenung and malicious dispatch from Lincoln published in the Herald yesterday m&rnlng that Mr. Rosewater - water was the father and dictator of the amendment regarding railroad taxation on the charter as agreed upon by the com mittee of citizens and the Douglas county delegation , Judge Savaco was called upon by a reporter of the Btt : : to whom ho pronounced the whole thing false , In fact tlio adverse criti cism of the committee's work , ho said , was a tissue of lies Hero are Judge Savage's exact words regarding Mr. itosowntor and t'lo ' amendment : "Mr. Edward Hosewater did not dic tate one wont of Ilio amendment to the charter agreed upon between the Omaha citizens and tlio Douglas county delega tion on Tuesday night last. " Army Ne\v . General Crook soniolimo ago wrote for infoim.itioit as to the number of China men in Evanston , Wvo. , where the ser ious riots occurred two years ago. The government troops had long ago been re moved from this point as it was supposed that limns were no Chinamen left in that vicinity to protect. The report made to General Crook shows that while there arc no Chinamen employed in the mines at Evnnston , then ; are about 1'5 of the Celestials in that city employed as wait ers , cooks restaurant keepers , laundrymen - men , etc. General Terry , commander of the di vision of the Missouri , expresses hiiiT-elf as highly pleased with tlio splendid record in the target practice of the department of the Platte. _ _ Musical Event K\trtnr < llimt'y. Monday evening next the lovers of in strumental and vocal music will have a rare treat. M. Ovido Mnsin , the cele brated violin virtuoso , and Mine. Trebelli , Europe's favorite contralto , will then ap pear in an attractive programme at tlio exposition building. For the short time these distinguished artists have boon be fore tlio American public they have ncho\cd ! womtorfully favorable criticism. Tlio inopotidont writers and the nross generally > u the artistic centers of tlio country have been instrumental in their praise. It could not be otherwise than deserved , and undoubtedly Monday oning will lind 'Standing room" only at the exposition building. Fireman Stcolo's Fireman Steolc.who was injured at the Ross lire last Monday , bogged to have the fact of his injuries kept out of the papers. The latter recorded it , however , but it was not until yesterday that the reporters learned why the brave fellow had made his request. Ilo wished to keep the unpleasant news from his wife , who was in Beatrice with a sick si ter , and to whom he had been married but two davs before he was injured Mrs. Steele has since boon assured that her husband is beyond danger. German School Association. The trustees of the Gorman School as sociation , at a meeting Wednesday nigh t eleotcd the following ollieers. Louis Ileim- rod , picsidcnt ; George Anthcs , vice-presi dent ; E. G. Grnbo , recording secretary. F. G. Elbassor , financial secretary ; and , Charles Mettreasurer. . The proceed ings were enthusiastic , nnd alj the trus tees rejoiced that the association was never in a more promising condition than it is to-day. Gorman , D.'inMi , RwetllMt , in fact all languages are spoken in the ollice ot W. G. Albrnrht , the real estate owner and dealer , 21S South Ifith St. All classes and all nationalities pin chase of him , and yon cannot do better than so euro a lot in his valuable addition to South Omaha , known as AI.nillGlir's ( MIOICB. W. G. Albright has ether property , im proved and unimproved , in all parts of the city , and oilers the best bargains , - linii Latter lo\e ? . There are between six hundred and seven hundred boxes in the postollicc , all of which are rented , and Mr. Woodward says that there sire about two litnuliod of them with leeks and keys that are almost worthless , while there is scarcely one that is not in Fomo way out ot repair. They have been in nso tor nearly tittoen vcars anil are sadly in need of renewal. They occasion a great deal of annoyance to box-renters and the ollicials , Celebration. Postmaster Coutant returned yesterday morning from Grand Island , wlicrohoiias boon in attendance upon a Masonic com memoration which lasted about two days. It was also attended by about 3DU Masons from urd. St. Paul , Slioiton , llastinir.s and other towiiH in that vicin ity. Tlio all'tiir was a pronounced suc cess. _ A Sad IjOiH. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock the re mains of little Hey Brush , sou of George Brush , residing at Twenty-first and Harnoy streets , and engineer for . ) . F. Coots , were deposited in Prospect hill cemetery. . This is tlio second child which has died in Mr. Brush's family , within a month , and ono child is still prone upon a bed of sickness. Soutli Omaha , The future great P.ickinglown of the wejt lies on the main line of tliu Union Paoiho railro'id , by which the cattle and hogs from the farms and ranges of the west and northwest arrive. Ai.mtiaur's ciioion is the only ijroperty through which tlio Union P.iciiio railroad runs , and is there fore the Best Addition in South Omaha. \V. G. ALBUIGHT. Solo Owner , 21U South 15 th St General Cowln anil the Chicago An- The Chicago Tribune of last Monday , In speaking of tlio probable change of at torneys in the case of the anarchists of that city now In jail , mentions the names of several eminent attorneys in dilloront cities who may yet bo called lo conduct the same , and among them is General Couin , ot this city. Union Mooting1 , The Central division of the Sunday School Tcmpotanco army will hold a pubho meeting this evening at 7:30 : o'clock in the First Methodist church on Davenport near Seventeenth street. The young volunteers of the army will bo assisted in the musical part of the pro gramme by the Methodist Sunday school orchestra , _ Fireman anil Cart. Hose cart No , 4 , which was so badly in jured in going to the Boyd lire on Tues day , is again ready for a run , though Captain Yandorford. who was disabled nt the same time will not bo abip to work for n week. _ MAHIUKD. PHELPS-flOPPKR-At Morrlfon , lll.Feb- ruary 10 , 1837 , by Kev. J. Phelps. ot Te- cuiaseh , Mich. , UavldT. Phclcs and MartUa U. lie y , both ot Omaha , Absolutely Th is powder nevcrvaric * A marvel of purity , strength urn ! wlioc ! o'ncnc ' s More economic than the culinary Umto and cannot be sold in competition wi'li ' the mul titude of low -ost , short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Powder Co. , 100 Wall street , New York. O - , " -n Wi-n B riamft-a S. , , . J. fl .JJ or Wormy Ve no nru.e s-cmti.m . win IA UN.V . qnlckljriuulrnrtitmfyrurril ' ! " " " ! Nlnnhootl tlui , bohlllty , . c , hy tlliollo Crmllt- IComprODOOS , S3. nlorejttilna ClrcttUr Vifo. MVIAta tmiftii , AQESClf , 171 frsltaCt. , lltTrak. JEWELRY -AT- MAX MEYER & BRO. Tonight will bo presented the Laugh able Comedy , The best Suits made to order from $ 25 to * fl5 , at ELGUTTER'S M MMDTH CLOTHIHG HOUSE to 100J I'ai'iwn * t , , Cor 10th. t\ irose S.VILK. A l\rxn : luimlx'rol ro onloU i'oiolioron and Clydos Inlo Snillitiiis. AIs > Html < oils I'.vi'ry ifimrmitoo I n luoi'ilor. 1'iluoi iiMMiiulili ) < mi < l U-i'ins cu-y iiir .louk lias boon Hvlcttixl itli U'loimicj I" bcilli Individual iiu'ilt ami | H > illRruf. A Inij-'o number ol our Siiilllous i ro iicclinmtoil uml Colts ol tlior jri't ' "iin bu Miown Vork It ! on tlui II. A : M. II , it. , two lioiirs' rlilo uct ol UIKO'II. ' I'or c.uu- nnd fuitlior Inlni million. t I'llY A : rAllltltACII , Notice to ArolilteutH au < 1 ItiillderH , The lloiinl of Tnu CD ? ol "Tho Nobr.iska Wfiloyiui University , " lo * U < - 1 nt Lincoln. Ni'b. , liniobj ( , ' ! * ' notli'o Unit th y ulll iccc'ho. for comlJoiiitlon , lilntii nnil ftixiulllcntlons lor n building lor univoislty innposoi , iiud piiui-i uml Bpu lllciitlonsto bu lor tlio bull llnif uompluto. tncl Kiln ; lioitln and plumb. . nr , and Btild bnlldiiKf to uool , wlioiicoiiipletutl. not tooft'cod tllty Iboiisniil dollir . Only tlui plans and hp < ulll' > atlonslliiu iniiv boailopto I by tin' lloanl 111 ho puld for. 'llin llo.ird IOMII vo Iliu rlcbt to i ojutt any and nil plans and sporillmtions that niitv bo HUbniHIc'd. Thu llonid will meet nt SI I'linl M. K. church In Lincoln , on 1'obi uiry : - - ' . , lwi > 7 , nt7.nip : m , nt wlilc-li time nil plans nnil gpeclllontlons submltli'd will hoconsldn-od Ad- ill ecu prior to 1'i-biMinry IN 1SH7 , Hov 1 . I1. .lohn'-on , Indliiiiola. Ni'b Aftnr III 'it dulo at IdiKoln , euro o ! Or. C , K. Ciclvliton I'liins , cue , , maval-o bo n-nl to 0. A. Atkluit.ii , Miifoln , Kob , lly ordoi of Hoard . I1 O .JOIIN'SO.V.Soo'y. win cond the iuiiAiii : ) : FOHTI'.VI : . AM HOOK , I'lo. , l'\I.MISrilV'V ) . All tin-no , 4"r. BKHIAIj l.iAnKT : I'UlllilSIIINU CO , Ilo I * -'OW , Now Vork Uly , IVnirnntly illustnilcd. Illdlm OuoAcent ( Mi' " ntnt onlv wrintMjnH\rrv town for Vour citfnr capos nro just Ilio tlilnir , nnd por- mll IPO to nay jou uro the "boss" ailxortlsnr. ( 'onUmioto hlilp-UWTmisill s | > nncb"on tliu lit nnd lAth of ouch month. Ihoy niu tliu lictt troods Tor tliu innnnv on thiH con l O , II , ODItWIN \ ro , Sun rriuic'lsen , Cal. Dr. . Chase's ' Last Receipt Book. . . I etnnrtcrownlnu viiirk nf IIIK life Juitout Odtn MJo. K II , DiChfciinoN A. Co. , Itutrult , Jllcli. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio < rlnln l nnii Only ( Jriiulnc. Stf Ko4 tlwaji KelltM' . H vue tt wtirtlilr Irclulloal. liiJlip.m l l w LAD IE 8. . A ! < juut Kruiccl-1 J" ' ( hlrtivktrr' * FntlUli * ' t&l Uk fthir , or luclo < o ( itkivMlki 01 * " ttrllcuUn in tttttr bf retnru mull , NAME . PAPER. ( Itlclitiltr C brmlrul Co , * ! il I'UU. - 1887 Spring Valley Stock Farm , 1887 , OMAHA , NEB. George Wilkea BIO. Record 2:82. : Moasuiod by - : - > 0 , tbo 2:25 : anil tlio 'J:3a : stand ard ; wusttio grt > ut < 8t lUut u\tr llvud. lluvlnu now r.5 sona and duut-'Uturs In tlio U.3J llbt down Tbu'onlr sou of Ooorso Wllhes in tlio State of . 3541 Black Wilkes 3541 Standard. Slrod by Gooreo Wllkcs 610 ; 1ft < lnm I'muiy Hell , elrcn by Confoderuto Clilof , o > vn broilier toWoodford Culuf. B'i.'U : ; Znd Uaui liydyk'fl llarablctonlnn. Will stand tor iniirca ut tlio ulxivo farm ut (35 the Eoubou , c'as-li time of gor- vico.'wllliprhlU'BOof ivturn ehoiild inuroB pot prove In foal. I.imltfd to "vi marcs liuoldos iu > - own. Benson comnxuiiccs 1'ob l t and cnda Avcust Ut.lbBT. for further purllcubirs sonU ror circuit. THE People often express surprise at tJic rapid growtJi of our business looUfor the explanation in some Hidden cause. There is none. Simply careful , patient and determined effort , that all we sell sJiall be right in , Q UAL1TY , rigJit in STYLE and right in PRICE. ThiiiU of what we Jiavc been saying and thenloolt at our Clothing and Furnish ing Goods Just now , while dealers generally are tailing < tt rest , oar establish' menl is besieged wilJi buyers from wonting until night. The reason /or fhis is people are taking ttdvantttye of tJic opportunity in selecting from ttn cJct/ani supply ofjirat til a tat go tls at One-tin rd less fhan acfu < tl value. T7te sacrifice < tn all Orcrcoaftn , Jleavy Suits and Henry Weight Ftn\ Goods , still f/oes on and will continue iiottuitlistanding the low d. To intending Clothing purchasers we would sny/'conic early" and get jirst choice , for at the rate Clothing Jtas'beenltnoeinff for the past two ivccJ8 our assortment of styles and prices will soon be ItroJtcn. All goods marJced inplain figures and at strictly one 2rice. Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. I SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ! Because it is stronger and better made and will do faster and better work. WELLS & CO , Manufacturing Agents , i COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , E. T. ALLEW , M. D. Eye , Ear , Kose & TEiraati Room 9 Williams Building , cor. 10th and Dodge sts , Omaha. ours 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to 4 and 7 to j p. in K A 1 31h SI , Cor. Capitol nycnun. FOIl TUB THKATJirST fir ji.I , Chronic St Surgical Diseases. UR. McWENAMY. Prop 'otor. KiiKen vinrn' iT. > | illi.l nnJ I'm am liuitlin the fsrilllleaiimr | | lii nd for tlio eutcitsfiil treatment nfciciy form of ilm i mo requiring i llher inrdicnl < ir i iirijlcii ! treatmitil , alii Invltonll toroniumul Inv ftlgjtuf. rtlicmarUbi > ir corrmnonil llh us luii vi.erliur | in trcnt IIIK rase * liy letter rnililt * 111 to trial manciutd c'ciilinctlfy ' lthmit n-e\ny \ tlinn WHITK J'OIl ( IIJCL'I.AIt on DcforroltU'i nd nrncc , Club IYU , Curvature * of tlio HJMIIII lifcE ) ms : tiv VtaufK. I'llrs , Tuiaurn , Caiiccr , t atanh , llronchitu , lunilatinn , Kleclrlclly , i'/xral- u ! , Kplliinr , Klilncy , Eye , ar , Skin , lllood unj ull 8iirlcnl ; opf rnllim , lluttrrlt'8 , Inhulcm , llrnrrg , Trniri't , nnt nil KluiU of Mrdical nud bnrjjical App lui.tte , ufacturcd and for tate The only reliable nlcdlcal Inst lute making Private 1 Special ' & Nervous Diseases r A urn * i A 1/1 v. ALI < CONTAOIOL'S AND JIMJQI ) niSEAfir.S from hatevcr cause produced , iticcisnf idly treattj \Su cm nuuuo BypLlliUo poUou from the sjnttni wltlioiU nurciiry Now rcitnrMIro treatment for loei of rllal power AU , COMMt'NIUATIDNH CONKIDU.S i'lAI , Cull nnd consult us or rend ranio nud ] icitt-or.lrv luldreti plainly vtriltco tnclote slarap , uuJ < \\ill tenil you , In phfo wripuir , our PRIVATE CincULAR TOM.Cff UPON I'liHilE , Pl-IOIil. AHB > r.HTOH DlUBHIf. SCMINII , V.'fAKvrm , Brer.jiAToiiHiiuu , lurmen cr , HTrnitu , ( Josonnu ( i , ( Jmr , V nicocEir STBIOTUIIli , AND All , DIJCAI1M Or THE C11.N1TO UniMARTOKUAHt , or i ud hltorjr ! bf your cake / erin in opinion. , J'enions unnlile toI H us may lx > treated at llietr Jiumie , I > T correspondence .Medicines nd Instrn nentt fent by mall or erprei * SECURELY 1'At 1C KU FROM markt to Indlriit" tontfiils or cnder. One perional luterrleir prc ferreil If convtnieut. Fifty room * for the -om tnodatloQ of patlcnta Board nul attendance t. < reaionablv inlets AilJrc.o all Lcttcia to Omaha Medical and Surgical institute , Cor. 13th SI mid Caallol . * ? . . OMAHA. H fl DR. PEIRO'S THKATSIKNT , For tlio relief und cure of BRONCHITIS , , m. Pcnil § l mp for Clic " { < " : kl , " nn inti roklliv bf ok ci N , It Our Ozvytn < i /5' la wit onyirlKr * ( i ) J Pnf ( U ' < > ( < . Caipan ) r WSllif Lawrence Ostrom & Co. FAMOUS "BELLE OF BOURBON. " Is Death to foiisnniptinn , Malaria , Sleeplessness , Chills and FCVOIM Or Insomnia , auJ Typhoid Foyar , Dissiiuulation , Indigestion , 01 Food , Dyspepsia , Ten Years Old , Suigical Fever ? No Fusel Oil , ' Absolutely Pnro UIoud i'olsonin ? The APPETIZER Thla will ci-r Ifrtlmt I Imvo piimln il llin licrjiic OK nOI'UIIIV WIIIHICr. roeolTPd from I < A w III NCEOsilll'M \ ( ! nii'l ' f.inn I tlionuiiu lot \ \iuttavUf \ Ite * train Kiimil Ull mil ull . iillixr clelnlnr ounBubjuiicea mid itrlcllr nuro. 1 ulmurfullir riijoiiiiiiunil the simo for K.i nllr BII I M ( lirlnul iiiriij jl J. I' ' MAUNIMI. M n , Am yiUil Choinul. l..jul vlllo Ky. Kornaloby DriucUts Wind MorolmnHnnd Drooam ovorlia IMnn ( I Ji pur hotlln If notliiuiuliit tiionujvii lialrdiuuu Imitlnn , axprnx plain UJ.TOI , will bj iont to uny itddroil In Ilio United Hiut i or Cnn.idii , on receipt of ilx < lollir : . LAWRENCE OSTROM & Co. Louisville , Ky Wholesale and Distributing Agents , JlfCir.titDNOX J > ItLTfi CO. , nnd ) JtlLKY M JHLLOtf , n'ltolemila Liquor Dealer * , \ Omaha. jraiHlUenatntttUeilttiidhAnii'lONli JSHOS. MCO. , Omaha. JI. T. CLAltlt DllUa CO , , The C , E. llayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N. VCOR. . 15th AND JIARNJ3V , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. l/m < U fur aalo In CTery county in Nebraska. A COMI'LETK SKT OF A1JST1UOT3 Ol Titles of Douclas county kept , Mans ot the city state or county , or nny ether Information deafrc < l , furninhtid frco of olmruo upon application. RELIABLE JEWELER , v Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest block. 1'dcea tliu lowest. All work Corner HouKlua and 15th striM'U , ( hnalri Watchmaker for the Union I'ticliio ( . - . * , * * . *