Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Ad\ortltcmenu under this hoid , lucent * per
Jlno lor the first injortioni" cents for enth tub-
fequrnt ) n ortlon , mid 11.60 n line per month
No luKertltetnont tnkon for less than SiicanU
for the first \nrertlon. \ Seven words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements tnu tbo bunded In bnforo 1:01 o'clo k
p.m. , nnd under no circumstances will thojto
tnlicn or dlKonllnuod by telephone.
1'nrlits nd\crtilng In these lolnmns nnd hiv-
Ingthonnswcrsiii'dtesscd In cure of THE DEE
n 111 Pkaf o ofk for nchecV tocnnhlothcm to get
their lettcrp. as tiono will bo dollvurod except
on Yircpcntntlhn of chock. All answers to ad-
ve/tlfcmonts hould be enclosed In onvclouns.
TVfoNr.V IO I.OAN oTi Improved rcnl rntnto ;
I'L no commission chnrgod. Lonvltt llurn-
hnin , Hoom 1 Crclghton Illock. Hrt
AT ONEV to loan. Ulln Ilro . , renl estate nnd
ill loan ngents , room 17 , Whltncll block , cor. nnd Ilnrnoy , < W5
\ 1 ONET toTonn. cnsh on delay.
vTL .1. W , nnd F. L. Squire , 141J Farnam M , ,
I'm ton bold bulldlnr. W3
TOANS Loans Loans.
Henl tutntp loans ,
Collntcrlnl loans.
Chattel loiins.
I.on r tlmo lonns.
Clinrt tlmo loans.
Mnnny ulwnys on hand to lonn on any np-
proMil ( security.
Invc-ottnent Fccilritlcs bought and sold.
Oumhn Vlnnnclul r.xclnuik'o , n. w. cor. ICtb
nnd I turner.
Corlictt , Mnnnircir. 02i
Money to loan on flrel class security , from
SBfl upwards. ) t
$ m , < iiO'lO ( I/IAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Ma-
honey. lBOOnrnnm.l > -5
ft IT. . . .
U u. 0. 1'ntturpon , nnd Ilnrnoy. ; J.T
aj3Ono" ( ) to lonn. Sums JStfJ nnd upwards ,
P Lowist rntos. llomls , room 3 , Harkcr block ,
S. W. ror 15th and Fnrnam its. U20
MONT.V flr t mortunco notes.
eoiinty bunk will buy pnptira sccurud by
flrM imiilKBgu on pity realty. l'3 '
GI'Lll CiNTMonny : to loan.
( IniKory * lladley ,
Itooms 1 and n , Kcdick block , JM ) S. lEth St
rpo IXAN ) Money Ixinns placed on Im-
J proved renl ostnto In city or county for
Now Hnxlnnd I ian A Trust Co. , by Dnuirhu
.ounty banU. ICth nnd Clilougo st3. U-U
MONKY to lonn on city nnd farm property ,
low rates , Stownrt & Co. , lloom ii , Iron
Hank. _ ra
M ONKV TO LOAN O. F. Davis * Co. Hoil
Kstnto nnd Loan Agents 1505 Fnrimm st
T\I ONlcv"TOLOAN On lonl cstutn umfoh7
ill trls. D I * Thomas U2
flj&00,000 To loan on Oiiinhn city propel ty at 0
P percent G. W. Day. over 1312 Uouflnsst.
MONKY to loan by the itndorRlKUPct , who hns
tliiionly properly oivanl/ou lonn nconoy
In Omaha. Ix > an : of (10 to f 1,000 made on fur
niture , plinoK. orrana , horpcs , wntrons , machin
ery , Ac. , without removal. No dolnys. All
buplnnas utrlctly ronftdonttal. Loans o raado
Hint ny part can bo paid at any tlmo. e ch payment -
mont rouiiclnR tba cntl pro ratn. Advnncos
made on flno watch and dlnmondn. Pcrions
should carefully connlder who thor nro dealing
with , tus many new concerns urn dally coming
Into existence- Should you npod moner. cull
nd RP me. VT. R. Croft , Itoom 4 , Wlthnol'
Ilulldlnit , 1Mb and liar HOT.
M ONEY I.OANKO nt C I' . Heed ACo's.Loan
onto , on furnlturn , pianos ,
jicrBonal property of all kinds , liud nil other ar-
tldpsprvaliin , wUliout romoTnU 319 B. nth ,
ororllliiKhnm's roinmlsslon store. All bull-
FOH SALE Dressmaking rooms and busi
ness , cimtinlly located , this Is n flno open
ing for ono or two indies to ongngo In the bust-
ness , plrutv of work lor good prices. Address
133 , Hcootnce. 818 14
Foil SALE Lumber yard and rosldonco In
Southwestern lown. Well located nnd doIng -
Ing good hit Mnois. Good reason" for Helling.
Address E , 2 , , lloo onico. 3.S3 1118"
clnss short order house nnd llxturos , free
from nil uiicumbernnccs and ilolmr an excellent
hiislnoBS. For particulars address I ) . 72 lloo
fi Illco. ail 15
OHEHL1N , Knn. . is n mo tdesirable location
lorn Flouring Mill , nNo for n Foumlery.
Liberal Inducommila otroiod to panics seeking
ln\ii-l moots In those branches of industry. Cor-
spondence solicited. Obeilln Hoard of Truao ,
B bcrlln , Knn. A. 0. T. Golfer , Soo'y.
! ! 04 22
\\rANTED-Toscll my bnrbpr shop. Prlco
IT J250. I'or particulars nddiess , D TO , lleo
offlco. sal 10 *
AGOOl chnucnln ngrowlng western town in
Nobraskn for n good blacksmith and u doc
tor who will also run n drug Moro. This town
bns no establishments of this kind nnd will
oflrr Indui'i'incnts to the right pnrty. Address
P ill. Hoionice. . IBS U
" \VANTED-Stociro7drrgooda , cIotlTlng nnd
ii furnishing goons , or boots and shoos in
trchfuiL'o for Omnhn real estate. Schloslngor
jlros. 014 810th st. 175m 3
VflLLINFJlY STCKWo olfor forBiflolfho
J.'l Inrgest nnd best retail stock of millinery
nud hair ( roods In Omaha. Moro centrally lo
cated with an established trnilo. TnU Is the
loading millinery store In Omaha. Will sell for
rash or will tnkn i/nrt pay m real ostnto con-
( rally loctttod. Clark & French , 1510 Uouglns
Street , Onmlm , Neli. 152 14
FOH SALE Ortrndo biikorr nnd oonfoo-
tlouery. Inquire Kopp , JJrclbua Sc Co. .
Omnhn , Nob. 038 m 1
tTlOH SALE-Hnif Interest In ono of the boat
12 imylny drug storosln southwostei-n lown ,
Cnpltal roiiulrinl , t2,500. Address I > 40 , HKO of-
DCP , . 1118
1 ) ANIC forsalo in n new mpldly growing town
JJ of MXlnhaliltiintH ) Flncdoposlta. Money
loans from 3 to 4 percent , monthly. A splendid
cbniico. Address DIM , Hccolllco. UI5
U81 NESS C1I ANCE-Stock Grocnrtes nnd
Meatmnrkot for sale. Finest locution In
Dmnhn. Doing nn excellent business. Address ,
C , 71 , HoitOlllco. Ml
BtJSINESSCHANCl { Slock Groceries for sale.
No bettor Incatlon in Omaha. Snlos now
iivmiigo } 300 a dny. Hush & Solby , 218 S. 15th at
_ 278
5OK SALE Or trade for merchandise , 40
1 ncrcs of No 1 farm land near Grand
Island , C.J. Canon BIS
HoiJiKS Lots.FnrmB.Lnnns money loaned ,
llemls , room 3 , HarKor block ti. W. cor.
Itlh and it * . V3 >
FOH SALEIlafdw"aro"Ilusmess'wo"offer
ou : tdirir and heavy hardware business for
cnle , together wlili our louse and good will ,
Tiadn Inrgflsl In the city nnd location the bust
Ilctlilug from the bnnfncM rniihe for soiling
The llnnm Hnnlwnre Co. , 10-8 O st. Lincoln ,
rou.M ) .
TAKEN UP Ilrown pony nbout 3 years old ,
owner run hnvc him by paylmr coats nnd
pro * Ing property Chns. Toll/ , military road ,
h miles iiorlhttcst of Omnha. 2M ) 10 *
Mrs. Dr Nannie V. Warren
J- clairvoyant , Mcdlcnl nod busdnri. * Medium
Itoorn No. 3,121 Nuith ICth 6t .Oiuuua , Nob.
\\7"AN IKD Girls can always Jlud good place *
' i free of clmrgi ) by culling at ll'J N. loth at ,
Cupllul nvo , Omutiu Umploj incut lluii'uu.
T OST Point Inco htmdknrrhlef , nt Elks' bill
JJ Mutidny uvoning. Luuvu nt Poio Hroa , '
itorouud roci > hi < rt > nard. 2dJ 11 >
J OTS 23 nnd SI , blkl , Howling Groou , JIOJ ;
J I * IM.7'ioash. ImUiiuofojiu mu. Hrynn 4
Clark , Alhland , Nob. 3O ! 11 valuublo Irish tollur
about ye n < old.bulonglng to W.J.llroatch.
A ii } ono giving Inroniut.on loading to lecovery
of SKIIUI will lie mutably lowjrdod on applying
at 12oninrnoy t. 31 ! 11U
] OT llctwecn Crounio bloos and turklsh
t Imth , fcettl glovo. 1'lndcr please louvo ut
t'uurojcA llnnllti'sntidgot reward. 919
B OAltO and rooms ut HOJ Jones st. Every-
tblng now. i70 13
" 13AUTIKS w.shlng to dUpe o ot houiohola
-L fooJi will tiiid a buyer by nddrosujiu Cash ,
lull Davoni > ort in
a - " " " U I have on hand n nrgu IJUHII-
. , ir ! < ? fllulotl ! > ' . clover nnd mlllot sot-d fur
Vficv flto for l'"cc ' , W. 11 lliikion. " Ida
Jity Neb. _ jj , . M
Piiiuo , ft montolr. A
STOKAOF Flr t-clfiM stornpo for nlco fur
niture or boxed goods , nt513 Dodcc-st.
_ _ _ 884ml
I OK RENT- Two nqunrc plnno * of I eliding
J mnkcs and excellent condition. V. Wnl
tur , Muslo nnd Jewelry , 1512 Douglas et.
_ 02il H I'lnno ti montnly. A
. lf'1'1 Itoiiirln * . fill
UIIOHTHNDIn ten lo son No
O in position ; rnpld ns speech. Instructor ,
Mcptits. Pornm'B Shorthand Institute. Detroit ,
Mich. 181 flu *
_ _
Jr < OK SALE OnnWestern Cottmro" nnd nno
"Now Etiplnud" orrfnn , very cheap ; must
lit'Bold. V. Walter , Music and Jcwclij , 1512
Douglas st 320 II
IjlOK SALE Clipnp , nn old violin In cnso ,
JL bcn > tlful tono. V. Wnltcr , Music nnd
Jewelry , 1512 Douglas st. 32 } II
1 7011 RALE One Stolnwny piano In xplondid
; order ; n bnr nm , V.VnHor , music mid
Jowcliy , 1512 DottgliiBst 3-'Q 11
[ TIOH SALE Xo. 1 fro h milch cow with noifor
-L1 calf. W Hlnck , 1315 William st. 319 10 *
TjlOK SALE Cheap , the turnlluru of e BOVOII-
K room cotlngc. nonrly now. Inquire 1511
> 0dgo. 283 10-
"IjlOK BALE-Three pool nnd three blilnrd
JL ? tnblM In flrH class order , nro ot the Mon-
.rch Mjle , Hrunawlch nnd Hnlko manufacture ,
\7V \ 4Hx . will bo fold cht'ap. I'or partlculnrs
iddrpss , M. J. Wolph. Crcstou. In. , or McOnvock
t O'Connor , 31fl s. 13th st. , City. sr.-lO
TTIOH HALF.-Now Cameron , Ambcrglottor
JL1 cnbltict 8 lllo , with lock doors. * > . Ad-
ilrf-ss E4 L'co. 3 11 *
? OH SALE A birirnln , nno ppcond-hnnd
Bqunro plntto.cnnod legs ; \ery chcnpnml
iiy terms. V. Walter , Music nnd Jewelry ,
5I2 Douglas st. 320 11
iroll SALR-Tho host buggy In the world for
- Ithn Henl Estate lliialnca.s. Columbus lluggy
Colll3HnrnoVBt ZlOfll
FOK SALE 3 nocotid-hnnil buggies , olioip.
Iiiqiiiro at Chns. .1. Monlor's sttblo , opp.
ixposltlon building. Capital avo. Chns. .1. Mull-
or. 19J11
I7OK SALE--4.Vhnrso power bollor , nonrly
' now. Enquire Western Pottery Oj. , Expo-
sjtlou bulldlmr 870
FOH SALIi Modmm-slrod , double door snfo.
iroodnsnow. Phil btlinnioli Co. , ' .Ill and
n Jones fit , t < 25
1OK SALE Modlum-sl/od , ilotiblo-iloor Biifo ,
1 good as now. Phil Sthnmol &Cu.UH nnd
1)13 ) Jones st. 8.2J
FOH SALE-Stimplng : Patterns ctionp ; nnd
filnmuliigilono to order Mrs..I W. Mor-
rlsons , I'i05 Dnvunport. " 87 F I i
> M.C
WANTED A young man 1H years of ngo
ono who cau pot up early mid Is not
nfrnld of work. Apply lloo Mull room. 3'ifl ' 103
ANTED Oood bnrbor , nt I'nxton bnilicr
Bbop. IBS 10 *
WANTBD A nrst-cliitn rotnll shoo salesman.
N < ino but a llrst-clHss mini uucil apply ,
woitt & I'usoy , No. 41U IlroiiduRy. Coiinull
Illuirs 300 10
WANTHD Assistant bool leopor In \rliolo- -
Bale hou = o. uppllcnnt must Irivo prnctl-
cnl oxporlcnco on books , ivrlto n wood hnnd. ho
quick anil correct nt Ilifiirns and furnish llist
class reference , noun otliors nooil npplj. Ail-
ress In own Imml rltlntr , stutlnir snlurjox -
, Ilooolllco. 351-11
WANTED Immediately , n Rood Job
printer Nonobut rnplil workman , otpiblo
of taklnif pntlro onartfoor Job dcpartinnnt ncocl
apply. Itofinoncos as to pharactor and ability
roquiroil. Address Dally Uazottc , Norfolk , Nob.
V\rANTKD lininnillntaly , oxpcrloncod agents
' \\lth u goad itppoaruuco. 32J N. UUb
Bt. lloom A. 31111n
W ANTED Asonts apply to A. S. Dobson ,
221 N 13th 8t 320 13"
WANTED A man and wife without children
for farm employment near the city.
\\omaninustboa peed housekeeper , prefer
the man to have some oxpuriouco as u Kardner ,
iniist showKood rulcrcncos. B. U. Albrluht ,
1120 Farnam st. 324
WANTED An onorfrctlc man In each county
of the Wo-torn States to canvass tor the
Michigan lloor IMnto Co's. Door 1'lnto's. Door
Hells , JInll Iloxt'S nnd Street Numbers. Fine
Roods nt low prices. $ r > oOailny easily mado.
Address with stump for full particulars to
Cionornl Wcstorn Acoiit , Hoom 20 , 1'axton
block , 229 11 *
TN8TALLMENT MEN And agents pnnornTiy
JL. will find Jiift wlmttlioy need by nddresslnff
Instiillinont Dealers Supply Co. , Krlo , 1'n. 10110
WANTED-Ilookblnder : n nrst-olnss woik-
man to run n blndorr on shaios ; will
furnish oiullt mid work , ( loud opportunity
for riK'ht man. Address immediately , Dally
Gazntto , NorfolK , Nob. 144
WA NTED Immediately , a carriers with
Rood horses on Dully livoniiiK Hoe. Apply
nt lloo onico. ftlil
AGENTS Every bousoketpor wants It. Biff
money for you. Send stamp , Lock llox l.i'J ' ,
Erie. 1'n. 100 10
WANTED- , women , boys , pirls to earn
f 70 pur month nt their own homos .costly
outfit of samples , n piickako of ( roods and full
Information for 10c tobolp pay postage. Address
dross H.C. Kowoll it Co. , llutlnnd , Vt.IMflO
IMflO *
"YY/'ANTED M sober , Inteliluont mon of ( rood
ii ndilrossto try a lOcmoal at NorrlV reg.
tnurant.J04HIOth8t. 153 _
A CENTS In the city or country can mnxe$5 to
. /i-llO n day Bolllnir our speclalttoj. N. W.
Noveltycomnnnv. 12J7 1'rtrnam st. 613
\\7ANTED-A good plrl to do ( funeral hou o-
ii work In n family of three. Apply 427
Convent St. , city. 391 11 *
WANTKD At once. A chambermaid nnd
dishwasher , nt City Hotel , lUth nnd llnr-
ney. 357 10
" \\7ANTBD-Oood Birl to rio KCnorul houso-
worn In a prhnto bonrdlnB liouao. nt557
South 12th St. 347 11"
WANTED Olio Rood pastrvcook , oiiodlsh-
wasbor nnd one or two Drat cla s wnltors
nt Nonls' restnurunt and chop house , 104 Soutl
10th street. 350 10
\\7ANTED-A BOOH ( flrl to do laundrj
ii work and iipslst In dofnir uonnra
housework. Northwest cot nor of 2iith nnd
Cumin ? at.
W I ANTED Girl for Konoral house work
1904 Fnrnam , ; 7
W ANTED Good girl , 1417 Cuss st.
332 11 *
l\rANTED-A Blrl.nsod 12 to Irt. to assist
with light nouscliociiliig- > 05 North 17th
street. 317 10'
"WANTED A Klrl or woman to take chnrtro
f i of n baby. Must bnvt KOO.I roforoncts
Apply to D. .1. O'Donnhoo , lit O'Donnhoo 4
Shorl'y's , next to thu postotllco. : io'J ' 10
V\7 ANTED A hnlf jrrown oDlorca uurso itlrl
TV ono who oun sloop at hoinu. Apply.I. F ,
Iliunmoiid , 117 S. 10th st. 341
ii/ / ANTED Good Gorman or Ilohomlan xlr
ii for ( ront'rni housework In n family o
two. Apply at 223 N 16th 8t cor. Duvouport.
aw 11 *
V\7ANTEI > ninlnir room girls nt Arcndi
TV hotel. 1216 DoiiRlas st 1175 12 *
w ANTED Girl for general housowork. In
qillro 1508 Cms. 279 It
T ADIES wuntliiff rolhiDlo servant ulrls can b.
J-J suppll'nl nt short nolloi ) by cnllinB1 at 111
N Ktb , Crouuct's block. E. O. Itcllo-Islo HJI.10
W ANTED 101) ) ulrh ut the Now Homo Sew
Ing Muchltiti otllco , 12J N. 15th et.JJO
JJO 14
WANTED Overall makers at the Cantleld
overall /uutory , 12U3 and 1308 Dauirbia st
3d Moor. 238 11
v\ \ MNTED Girl for irouaral houauwork
liujulrent 1714 DoutfFns St. 253
\ \ RANTED-An oxporlenpfld servant , wltt
i ublllty to cook In Binall family , wnifea ti to
tl : none but competent parties uoud apply
1921 St. Mnry'd avu , cor 20th. 11)I )
17ANTED-S laundry gills at the Wtudso
> Hotel. VU
\ vAN 'ANTED-Experienced liouockoppor , (
oroil preferred. Call at 112 N. Uth. 733
AN 'ANTED Good cook aud Laundress , 202 N
mint. WJ
T\rANTED 30 ludlei * gents to loirn tolo
11 prnphy Prospact coed for position when
competent ; uJdresi W. J. U , , Itoom 1 , Crouna
blk.Oronha , till
' \\7"ANTED-Ily n Norwoglnn Rlrl plsoo a
ii eciond glrlln nn American family , c l
at S Ii cor 15th nnd California its , 370-10 *
WANTED A Stenographer who writes from
125 tu IV ) words a nimiito In short-hand
opcratrs the Homlnuton and CalUraph writln.
muchlnos , uritoa u loulLilo louK-haud , nml wb
hnd orcr ibroo yearn experience , doslrns a Bit
uallon In the Wo t liofercnc-f a. Address lior
1)71 , Hooollicc. . 305 10 *
\ lifANTKll A lady of business oxperlonci
li dcilrosK situation In * omo otlioo or su
departmant : email waged ut flmt Ad
Ha , lies oiUco. 30711 *
WANTED Situation by broad nnJ ciko
baker Long experience , good references ,
.ock box 01 , Jcllor on , town. 337 11 *
DlU'OOIST-THorotiirhlj'competent nnd ex
perienced , do lro ) sltuntlon. Host refer
ence nnd certinotfts. 1)37. Hoc. 11 II *
\\'ANTED Torentstoro nnd bn omont , llv-
* ' lug rooms nbivy for turn t uro store ,
within 2 or 3bloo < sof poslollico or on Kith st
Kent JIOO to flM per month. Address .1. Fer
guson , 715 N intli st , city. 373
WANTED lly n young mnu small furnl hod
room , Gorman family preferred , nddrcss
K 7 , Hco oraco. 1)71.10 *
TOT WANTED-C 'stomor wnnts I or 2 lots in
-/Lincoln Plneo , Kllby or Wnst Cumlng nd-
lltlon StMo terms nnd prlco to Hush .V ' olliy ,
rcnl etnto ngciitssis S 15th M. SH Lj
_ _
W ANTED-Mon nnd women. 1 wnnt intelli
gent , educated mon mm women to sell
'Vnggj's Anntomlcnl Study" nnd other school
supplies. In this Jtnto nnd lonrn. I will bo nt the
M-iutors' House from 3 o'clock Thursday nflor-
mon until Snturdny. Postonico nddre s , nftor
hat , Schujlor , Nob. S. P , Great R5'J ' 11
\VANTED-lots-Customor wnnts 2 lots In
i i Klrkwood. lledford Place or Umnlin View ,
live prlco or torma to Gates It Watts , 321 S. 15th
\\TANTEO-A fnmlly to ndopt ft perfectly
ii foruifd boy bobv-Jlist born. Knqulro of
Dr. Williams. KoomlT , Arlington block 25 12 *
TANTBD Koomora nnd boarders nt 1810
r _ FninamBt. 21S 12 *
V\TANTIM ) TooTchnniro 8J ncros improved
i > land , sit miles from Horlrand , Nob. , for
lardwniBorfurnlturo. K. C. ScliroodorA Co. ,
Jlertrnnd Nob. 5nd
w ANl'ilDToams , 303 S. llth st
WANTED To buy rtvo to twontv aeros In-
Bldoofor Oniahn , ( live descrip
tion , prlco nnd terms. Address , C,2J , lloo onico.
roa REH-T nooDEn Ann X.OTB.
FOU HUNT ii : ht-room hoii o , collar , stable ,
etc. not. 10th nnd illh on llnrney , mltnl.lo
Tor boardlnir house : wl I chanicu the front nnd
IIx llrsl lloor for olllcoor storeroom. Applvto
II. li. Hall i Co. , 15th st. opposite I'ostoRlcn.
FOIt lll'.NT Store room on Leixvcnwoith Ht. ,
ImiulroSJIS. ! ndnt 371-1 '
TT'Olt HUNT Snuxl ! cottnio 1111 N. U"lh * st , lor
JL1 $10 per montli. Apply 0. L. Bradiny , inh
and UottKlas els. 37.1-11 *
'On 1IRNT A ten room dwulllnir co' I.cnv-
vnnorth nndSlst st . onu block from street
car. Apply to Ilinko A. Uarkitlow , Uouglus t.
FOR HKNT Honso ol ten rooms nivl tiarn.
fp271'arknvo , tet ) onn r.ntnitm ft and Lcnv-
onnoithsti Imiulrnnt Durnn House , South ISth
near llnltlepf ( icttysburg building. 1'iO '
FOK HUNT CottnTOs , houses nnd ftoroi , all
desirable nnd well loeatod , from WO per
month up. L. llurnhnm , Itoom 1 Ciolnhton
HlocU. 145
rOH HR.N'T 10 acres 3 tnllos from postolllnc ,
suitable for raurkoi garden , will rent or sell.
Apply West I'ttrnlturn Co. , 103 N. litli st IB'i
TT < ( ) H IlllNT A nlco houio , 8 rooms. well , cl ?
J1 torn , peed b rn. No. 8 1 1'hll Sliorldan st.
Apply on the piomlsos. 'Mn 11 *
F Ivory nnd hotel. Addict A. N.
Yost , Norfolk , N'oli. l l ml *
TTIOU lir.Nl'-llasnmont ISvlO. suitable ) for
-U Plumbers or Tinnors , on ISth st , ne r St.
Miirya ave , nt$15por month. Hiinilllou llros. ,
Ilulldcrs. ! M-i I0
"IJ10U HKNT Lartro barn ronr 1707 Cuss. In-
-L < ] Ulroon promises or 320 S. 15th St. O. II.
Wostron. 235
FOIt HKNT-B room houso. city water , Btroot
cars , 1 > 4 mlles from I' . O : $ J ) par imnth.
D. C. 1'attorsonOmaha Natl bans. 7U
FOIl HENTLnriro bnrn with water prlvl-
legos. Apply nt 1318 Chicago Bt. 1H
FOIl HENT-lf you wnnt to rent n house , call
on Honnwn & Co. , opposite poatoOlco , 5.1J
10K KENT -House , n rooms , in Hanscom
Placo. Uoitor& Campbell , lloom 1. 1509
Farnam. T05
roa jisai HOOMS.
FOU KENT Furnished room.wlth board , two
blocks U. P. depot , 1007 South lltb nt : terms
reasonable. 3" > l 10 *
FOH HENT A furnished loom nnd board ,
pilvnto family , no cor. PIcrco and 12th BIB.
F OH KENT Nicely furnlshod room , SIJ.OJ
per mo. , G07'S N 17th st. 205 I'l *
FOH HENT Purnlshed rooms , an uppornnd
lowor. South front 10JJ Cassst.
283 12 *
TTIOH HENT-DosIrablo furnished rooms All
Jv modern convioncos. Streetcars. Nooottor
location in the city.531 St. Mary's nvo.
FOIl IlKNT KiirnlahoJ room , 2112 Capital
avonuo. 21011 *
I OH HKNT-Nlrolv furaishod looma S. W.
cor. 10th and Chicago. 207 10 *
F OH HENT-Ono furnished room for irentlO'
men , iilso 3 unfurnished rooms , modern
conveniences , to parties without ch Idrou. In-
ilulrofllO N Kth. 122
FOlt HENT-Storo room suitable for feed
store , lonncon or mattress factoiy. N. W.
cor. 18th nnd Jackson. 938
board , also other smaller rooms. liouao
has all modem convonloncos. ( ientlnmcii dn-
Blrcil. Southwest corner Webster and 2)th ) st.
F OH HENT-2 nlco oHico rooms at 81'J S ICth
_ Btroot. 733
TjToit ItKNT linlco front rooms In tlm brli-k
-L' block on Hownrd at. hotwnon intli and 17th
Bts. Leo , NIchoKV Co. , Witlnuill block 5 < 1
| 71OH HENT Nicely furnlstioil room , itefnr-
JL' cnccsrorjuircd. inOTDouBlPS. DS7 >
FOH KENT front parlor nnd bed room , I ur
nlshrd.2121 Cnlciitfn ht.
F OU HENT Store room nnd No. 110 N. ith
Et. biisemrnt. 3Sii
FOH HENT-Uoak room. John finllnahnr. 317
S lltbst .is.r > 11 *
POH HENT llnsnmont , suitabln for house'
keeplnif. Inijulro Hit ChloiRo. 3S4
FOH HENT Two rooms , fnrniahed , for
light housekeeping. Innulro W. Hounrd
st 37fl
FOH HKNT Fiirnhhcd front room , aultablo
for two , Ore , Ac. Imiulro IDOi Cn s
280 12
FOH HENT-Nlcolyfurnlshod front room In
nlco cottuzn J8 per month , nt 4U8 Wnlnut
Et , S minutes will it , Southeast U. I * , depot.
FOR HENT 'I rooms unfiirnlshal suitiblo
for hoiiseknoplnir , 1017 N 2)tti ) st ; apply to
M. F. Martin , 3lfl S nth st. 40) )
F OH KENT Nlco rooms nt IH.'l Tarn un st ,
ono block woat of court housesauth slilo.
"IjlOH KENT 3 ronma sultnblo for houso-
-L1 kooplnsr. 7111'i olQo8t. Hunt , I150J.
12 !
Tnoil KENT -Hocms nicely fnrnishoil nt nil
J- prices , from I i , 10 , $12. * H n month oiioh.
tOfl South 18th striif-t , north St. Mury's nvonuu
upstairs. 2IJflO
"IjlOH HRN'T A centrally located otllco room
X1 KUltnblu for runl fcstnto | iurioiOi , Apply
ill-17 N IlUb st. 29-
FOIl HENT Furnlsliod mid uufurnlshei !
rooms In flruonig Hlock , cor. Uth nml
Dodge. DnvU .V Huthorlnt'tou , Mlllard Iloto
Hllllnnl Hoom , 2' < 4
TTIOIMIENT A well furnlsliod Irontroomn
Jre.isomiblo terms. 42 > Noith ITth. 2J-110
FOH HENT-Furnlshod rooms nnd board. f.i
1'lcnsant-tit. jui n *
FOIl KENT -2bi.f front roomu ami hall nt 311
Spruce Bt , ! B9 u
Foil KENT Furnfdlicd roouia imJ board. 6
N. lOtlnt. 24213 *
HENT-Furnlshed loom * . 714 N. 19th-st
3llmi )
POK KENT Hooma. modern couvuuioncos
and board , 703 South 18th st. 31B 12 *
FOK HEVr-FurnlshotJ room , furnace , coin-
fortnhlo in coldoat weather , anil tus. In-
qulro9JI ! Fainam 1H
1 ; OH HENT Neatly furnished rooms , single
1 or double , 14 Is ) HownrJ Street. SI.
I1OII ItKNT Elogdnt rooms on street car
line , b.tth niU gas , a. w. oor 2Jtti and
Webster. 132
FOIl Special banrntna
In Wulnut Hill addition ,
Albright's Choice ,
1'nulscu'H addition ,
Kqiitor's addition ,
South Omaha.
Donlkim addition.
1'ruyn 1'arlc ,
Orouard Hill.
Lincoln I'luoo.
Thyrneir * addition.
Call on Gates &M tU , real cstulo hrokuri
a.4 S. 16tu i 337 10.
T P. Hnmmond Iluftl F.stato If you desire
tf bargnlns rend the following- .
Dullness Proi | rty.
Choice corner , 1 nnmm ixilnth Bt , 90x132 ,
lottblo brick blilldimron prpmi e , roms forfu
ior montn , price f50,0 K ) , l-3caSh , nil 1,3 and 3
' ( UTS j >
< orner 20th nnd Fnrnnm , Wil32. Ono ot the
io t corners on thostrpot , I'tnvorth ' ? 1,000 per
rent foot before the summ r Is over , prioo
: l i.OiM , 1-3 cn h , bnl , 1,2 nmlfl years
Full corner Dndgo nnd I-th , ffix'flJ. ' partly
mprovcd. llcnts f IT I3'WO nor } vr until J tmo
stntlorwhlch $1.VW per -.oar. i > rlco fU.OJO ,
fl",0)itcB libnl 1,2 nnd 3 > 0trs.
Fnrnnm botncpn l.llli nnd , Hth , outh front ,
tnnrnvol lotil : M ! , prlca $ ijjjj , 1J cash ,
ml. 1,2 nnd .1 jcnrs. ,
Douglas be.t. 12th nnd 13th. Uxis. with 0 feet
o nllcy , partly Imprnvod , reiAfcl f.J.70) ppr year.
ncn.'jAiJOO : fl5MiOc.ishlJt | > 1,2 nml3 jcnrs ,
Ilnrnoy st , but. llth nnd 1'iti , | . tory brick
f l.Oio Pnco fJJ.UOO ; one-third cnsb , bal 1,2
44 feet front on Fnrnnm. bot.l'th nnd Vtb 8ts.
'noes ' south. Price i2J,000 ; Hens' ] , balnnco to
Douglas , bot. 10th nnd llth , 41x11) , Improted ,
rents for f--M per month. Pi Ice $ , ' 0,0.0 ; fSOO.
c.isii. bnl. 1,2 and 3 years.
72 feet fiout on 10th , by 8 , foot deep , between
" F.nrnam nnd Ilnrnoy. Prlco SHI.OW ; f e.OUO cnsh ,
"jiil 1,2 nnd 3 jrnrs.
intli nonr llnrtmnn st echool , corner of alloy ,
10x140 ; rents for fix ) . Pneo $ " > ,000'i cash , bnl
ntlco 1,2 mid 3 ycers.
Fnrmtn botwcon llth nnd ISth , 3-story hnck
with high bisomont. 14x123fully occupied the
yonr round. I'rlcofw.uo * .
( illt o.lro. ntull lot right In thohenrt of South
Omnhn city In Illock M : IB occupied by two
nrgo buildings nnd rents for ! llf > per month ,
iottidxlOT Price It.OKl , 'Jcnsh. balance on y.
Hosldonco Property.
Hcnulltul 10 hou'o on Hurt st between
21st nud 2-Jd , fnciimr south : porch on 2 sides ,
Inrgo nnd complptolaundry , lirco poll ir bricked
nml cemented , bnth room , house honied by f ur-
jmco , every modern convonlPtico ; Hue burn
with nmploroom : lotfiOcCB Prlco tlWW , one-
third cash , bal inco 1.2 nnd 3 years.
Elegnut II ) room rcddouco on Pnrk nvo.
All modern Improtcmciits. Stonm heat
througliLtit the hotiBO , two Btory Btnblo and car
riage hoimn. stone wnlks nbout the grounds.
Lot GOxUO. J ' .OTll , 1-3 csish ,
Flno bugo bouse with 0 very lirgn roomi ,
lintli room.ttc. llou n heated by furnnro.
11110 b-irii , etc Unuso Tncus south Price ,
f7,8Ki. ( U cnsh. bnl , 1.2nnd 3 j-purs
Twonty-tlrst , nonr Clark , now fi room hoiiso ,
good < -cliir.well : nnd ulstorn. Honts for f2l ( ,
cablollno lust bphliidtt on 2l t Cmrk st. or-
doied pn\ml to 21th this fnll ; one of the licit
bargains In tlio list Lft JtUxliU ; prlco J3.000 :
fl.VOl o.ish , bal. 1. 2 nnd 3 years ,
Now lnueo of live rooms on l.nkpst , , Just
wectof IHth. bnj' window , pnri'li , toitl hou o ,
cistern , till ) . Lot 30xBJ. Prlco f IWW , f40J cn li ,
bnlnnco tlmo.
House of V rooms nn 17th but. Wlllmms nnd
Hlckorv , 2 birgo lots 75x125 cn"h , nlcnly Im
proved. Prlco $10,000 , cash , bnl l,2nndl
> lWiilniitHlll 2 beautiful lots 60x150 onrh , lust
on urndo. Prico. f'JJfl each , JI50 cash , bal.
monthly pnvmonts
Wnlnnt Hill , 2 4-ronm hou os , rorcli. coal
houses , cisterns.c. . , lotsMtlM. Prlco , $1,700 ,
f-'oucai-h , nml $110
Ou I chrtmry 2Jth lots In Anlsllold addition
will ngnin iiihnnrn P > per cent Thai o now ro
mnlns lint" of these very dnslniblo lots , nnd
the pitrcli'iiors of thee nro bo nd to double
their monoylniido ofGJ rinvs. Tlioso lots are
nun sold at from f 150 to ST.M ) , ono eighth cash ,
bnl $10 pur month ,
Cnlkinsu ] t west of Walnut Hill. L\ervlot
peed No wild Bpcciilatlon nbout th.s
Only IS lots loft. ? IO cnsh. $5 per month after
Sn-ip 10 acres m South Omnhn nt u bargnln
for the nnxt ton days.
Lnrgo-t ll't In thn city , proprrtv ovcrywhcro.
J. F. Hnmmond , 117 South Ullh ht.
Ml 10
' llnoTots in Orciard ! Iliir for $7f,0 on
very cnsy terms , by Enowold tt llnmtt ,
2"U 8 .13th St. , up stairs. 3'i2 12
' nddlllon. ' ' Plats nro now
ready , lots f75cncb , J. L. Itlco A ; Co. ,
polo iitrontH.
IJ Thu best addition.
5 aero lots tVW per ncro.
Lots 3175 to $ . ' . ' 5.
Marstinll & Lobeck.
353 11 , lr > ) J 1'aruam.
WE have the clicnpcst Inslilo property on the
iimikot. Full blocks , of 10lots each , at
bargain prices , for a short time only ClnrUsim
& I'ontty , 219 fco. 14th Bt 317 10
_ _
HOl'SES ' LotsFarmsLandsmonoy loaned.
Honils' city limps , 5x7 feet , * J.rrt each ,
llomls , room 3 Iliirkcr blocfc , S W. cor 15th
nnd rurnam. 2H7
FOH SALir SiTncToliBct. IniprovodTuoiir the
city , J125. per ncro.
Lots In HchlesinL'itr's addition J2V ) to J.159.
1V0 loot , 24th nnd Fnrimm nt n bargain.
OncroswcBtof Wnlnut Hlllcbonp. Call nnd
lnvestliute. Sclilcslnuor Uros , 014 S Kith st.
170 m 3
HAHGAINS-rwo corner lots m
GENUINE , only I blocks from Sum-
dor's Btroot oirs. W. il. Hushmnn. Hoom U ,
Uushmnn Hlock , N U cor 18th anJ Dou/las.
ILLEKb'S 2nd addition. Pints nro now
ro.ulv , lots$75 oacli. J. L. Hico k Co. ,
solo - . ' '
aRcnt-t. ' 'li
_ _ _
HOUSES Lots.FarrasLnnds money loinod.
llemls' city maps , 5x7 fi-ot , S .5) eitch.
llomls. room 3 , Barker block , S. W. cor 15tn
and Turn im sts. 2S7
$ T5775r75 , tr > , * 75.
I'or lots In Illlloko's 2d nditltlon : easy
tnrms. J , L. Kico & Co. , Solo Arums. Ill I
WE have S10 Of ) ) JIO.OX ) to Invest In iroo'l ' In-
Bldo Oniahn property ; oulv barir.iliis aio
wanted. Apply to lllrkhiiusori. llliimor , room
IK , Pn\ ton block. : ll ) "
_ _ _
. on Park nvo , Jl.VK ) for in
side. J..OOO for cornor,2.ixB4 to nu nlley. Mend
A : Jnmloson. 1-4
_ _ _
HOITSES LitgJ'nntn.Lnndmoioy lonni-1.
Homls'clly maps , 5x7 feet. $ J W cnch.
Homis , room 3. Murker blook , S. W. cor l" th
nnd Furnniii sti. 287
H ILI.BKI''S 2nd ad.lltioii. PI its nrn now
icndy , Ion $75e.ich J. L. Hico & Co.
T EAVENWOKTU ST-Only $1,200 to tl , 400 fo
a J lots on I.unvonworth flt nimrli clt Line , n
22 or 3J foot front but full 51 loot.
Grouory .V Hndloy.
Hoom3 1 nnd3 Hodlck Illock , 3.0 S. 15th St.
Ill , '
SOME special tmnwlnsln Orchard Hill lots for
n few duj8 , by Euewold & Harrott , ' . " -0 S.
13th , up Mitirs. ' 31. 12
d > 75 , f 75 , ? 78 , 874 , $75
tp Tor lots In Illlloko's 2J mldltlou ; eisy
tnrma. J. U Itlco &Co. , bole Aitonts. 311
1WJ rnrnnmst.
Offer thesjbuiralns to-day :
1 corner Uooiirln nvo. and Dupont f 1,200.
7 Orctmrd hlll.choiro lots each $ xw.
House and 2lou , Saundurs & Illmobaugb'a
nild. to Walnut hill $ .300.
20 I'luost lots In Clovordale , bar ? ' Ins.
10 aeri'S west ot' nnd close to the stock ynrda
nnd piiLklm ; house , line nnd cheap.
2 clioloo lots In Maynos add. , each (503.
2cliolcn lots Fnlrmouiit placo.
1 iluro best In llelvodiiro , bar nln $593.
2 lota .lottor's iiililltlon , each f TOJ.
fi lots Mt DoiiKlns , cnc4 f Wl
2 lota South Ex , place , onen fiTO.
3 Drown 1'nrk. Diirmilns oaclj J5T ) .
24 iota oholco In Yiitos & Hoinpol's nldltlou.
A line list of n return Inuds foreiilo , or trade
for Oiuuha property.
4'Xlneros ' biKbly improved , Snundors Co. , sale
or trade.
115 feet front on Ifllh strsnt ,
Last , not least , nornor on F.irnam 54" > , OD ) nnd
nvjiiv ethers , 1503 Fnrnam , Wise and 1'armclo.
BAKGAIN8 In Ilojd's Ifinlicl , nnd Mjor's ,
Hfphnrd's nnd Tllden'B nOtrltlons. ClHrksou
* Hontty,2I9 So Hth st. 317 10
H ILLEIfE'S 2nd ud lltion. " Plats nro now
londy , lots fT5 each. J. L. KIci ) .V Co. ,
HOUSES Lots.FnniH.LiiiiiB'- lonnod.
Ilemn' city maps , 6x7 foot , tM ) eurh.
llomls , room 3 , Darker block. S. W. oor 15tb
und I'urnnm ats. 'i 237
, f 75 , f 75 , $75,175. , *
For lots In Illllnke's 2d nddltlou ; easy
terms , J , L. Hico & Co , Sole'Accnts. 311
. Itml P.jtnto , LM2 Fnrnum st.
rarnnmbt , 01 * ' Mxl IJJ J15.0K ) .
Furnum tbe 11 2ld , U8xU. . J3.'i.003.
Fitrnnm tt , n < i s Trout. 22x13- . ' . tff.'X ) ) .
Fiirnnm st , cm i s nn I W.frnnt. S'MD ,
rarnuiiihi , IHM I'd. * and K front , $1.nn.
Fnrnam ( ! , nor 4Ut. h anil E trimt , 11,50. ) .
Dodge et. 40x 120 , cottnvo anj.litirn. ? J,700
Lotl and 2 , blk2 , Soutn Omaha udd , corner ,
\ irglnla ave , near Lcavonworth , 40x140
J2.0 H.
Kith st , cor , Hownrd , rents for $ " , * 35,000.
S ICth Ht , nenr viaduct , 411x102. tl.'iOO. '
Hamilton IIOIIBO. $1,500.
Lot 28. blk 7 , Orchard Hill. J9.H
Lot 57x15) , near Canning Works , JW-
f'oruw Martha and 15tbi xlJ2. Imp , 4,500.
Hellman's add lots , choice for f 150.
Lqtsln Urown Pnrk , South Oumhti , Orchard
Hill , eto ,
Douglas at , ncnr23d , OflxIM. $3,030. 218
* "
rr : ' addition , lots for enle by J. I.
Hic ii Co. , * T5 eneh ; On oa y terms. 314
VlfE have a largo list of Improved property
T I ferrule from JI.DOO up , and anyone whh-
Ing btirtralns would do well to look at our list
Clnrkson & HoMty , 219 South 14th St 847 10.
T7IOR SALK A32J-acre farm with bouse , bain
-L1 and orlb , on the U. P. Hy.aadonly vue-
tinlf mlle from H ROO.I railway town , with
churches an 1 § onooli. Price M.003. Apply to
Louis HridforJ , cor. 9th and Douglas , Oiaaha ,
Neb. "ia
HOl'Sns LolJ.rnrms.L nls inouov lohnod ,
Hpinlf' city maps , 6x7 foot. $ ! 50 ovh.
lomls. room 3 , UnrkQr blocx , 8. W cor. 15th
nnd Fnrnnm Ms. " 37
IOH PALE-Lotblock2 , Crp ton fl.tW
I1 Lot In block n. llPdford Place 703
i > t In block H'i.Hpilronl Plnco. . . . 703
, ot In block 17 , llulford Plato fM
i'wo south front lots , block fl. Orchard
Hill 1,7 1
nst front , block 2 , PIiluvlow OTS
' Corner Snundois nnd Pntrlch nvo. , $75 per
JJIfl 11 * It.W. lluntrcsj , 1503 Fnrnam st
f ) ELEGANT i-ornprs otiniono on Chlpiiro
- ft nnd the other on Hnruoyst , each f lWO.
Clatk < on A Hcatty,2WSo llth st. 31710
I'ECTAL TlAltt > AlN-7 > 7 ft fnuit oin'nrnnm
8tbPt2.M nnd 2Hh. with n Jtnoo ! improvo-
ncnt $15OJO. J K Kico A Co.solo ngont.
niLf.EKE'3Mn.Mltlon , lots for Fnlo byJ. L.
Kico X Co. , $75 each ; on easy torms. 311
nof'JKS Lots.r.-irtu ? , Landsmnnny lontiod.
llemls' city maps. fix7 Icct. Si 50 each.
: lemls , room 3 , Ilnrlcor block , S. W. cor. 15th
and Fnrnntn Ma. 237
"iriOH SALE FonrMpjnnt two storv iiousos
I nnd lots , oni'cottmrc.on street car nnd npir
cRblo cur lino. Will gl\o you n bargain O , W.
: nn,22JO Ohio St. 612
_ _ _
HOIWE3 Lotci'nrm , Limls money lonnod.
llemls' city mnps. 5x7 feet ( SJ 50 each
llomls , room 3 , llirkor block , S.V. . cor. 15th
und Fnrnnm sts. 287
171OH S \ rnrnorfotin Hnnvoin"pTiiopTl
J- blocks from slreot oirs , 1 block fiom church
nud "rhool cheap at f2IOO. Hotter .V Campbell ,
com 1 , 160J Fnrnnm st , M
t75. $7B. * 73. S75. t7S
] ' For lots In Illlloko's 2d nddltlou ; onsy
onus .1 U HUe .V Co . Solo Avjcnts. 314
Sl'HINGS addition. Lots 4 , fi nml
ft , block 0 , cau bo sold nt f 11WJ onon for n
Towdnysonlv Not another lot In this block
t > o bu't In the nddltlou ) cnn bo bought for thli
irlco Wiirrniity 'lopd nnd nbMriicI furulslied.
OroRiiry.V llndloy , 3W South 15th street.
tAK.VAM ST . elngnnt corner nud n tmnrnln ,
-T f2,50) ) ; tW filet comer , f 8,750. Cliirkenn &
Heatty , 2U South Uth st. 47 li )
ntl SALE to arri t of land " 4 mlli > south o ?
Cnrsnn , IMttnwuttomio Co . la , up in
which Inn boon louiid n vein of coul slito Irt
feet belli A- the mirfnco , Aildroaa M. llilhlrr ,
LnMolllo , lluicnu Co , III. liffi 11 *
_ _
st , city water. In front luvcl us a lloor. J'MO.
UwytcnnR J L Hico iV Co , solo Hireuts. 2' ' > 7
HOI'SES Lots.rnrms.Lnuds money loaned.
- - * Hoinis' city m ips , 5x7 loot , * i ' 50 ( each
lloiulH , loom ,1 , lliirker block , S.V. . cor. 16th
nnd b'nrnntn st * . 2S7
L K.IB DodRn st
fi loom hou o on Montana st , lot .l.'xlw ) , few
doors from C'umliiR s > t f' ' , ) ) .
Slilnn's 1st add. 8 mom Imiifo. lit C2'J\1U.
bath room , well , uMorn.otc , Jl.WO , il.VX ) cash ;
on Cnldniill st
Wiilnut Hill , coruorlot south fronton Cum-
cst , only SIsoil.
Orchard Mill. 'T > lots , corners and nil , your
ehoten for J7M each , ensy term' , will bo nil sold
In IUd'i\h.
8100111 linu'n , new , ntid 2 beautiful lots In
Ot. haul Hill , only * . ! .0 W. fh7" . cn < h.
Walnut Hill , lull lot on Nicholas ? t , south
front , li'iricnln nt $1. " n , lor 'lildavs
Adjolnliif ; Iliithlnml 1'i.rk , U\o acres lylne
fpl ( < ndldl > . only JMKI oaeh.
: ! brl 'k lioiiorxon I7lh Rt , 10 rooms each , rout
for fill. ) per month , only fl'.ivn ) . Thin Is a bar
gain. Iuvc > tlK > u. < Como ninl look nt ourhdt ,
It can't bo burpnod. .
Mitchell > i l.cyonmnrck ,
15 n Uodffo St.
CHEAPEST tiart lot In the city : full lot , ( Mx
I ! - ' . T4.250. Clnrkson & Ilentty , SHI South
HthMii'Ot 10
GUOVr.Hf3tnVENS.ai8S. 15th st nffoM for
a fendiijstlio following special bargains :
I.eaVL'nworib Kt 1)3 ) ft and houeo . , $ J,000
Lowe uro ' lots , ono a comer . " , -100
Vlrirlul i uvo . 1-MJ
Park uvo . l.ilO
Itlnnilo st . l.ldn
KluilPs udd , nconior . K.IKX )
ItunlottuHt near Siiundora . 1 , ' . > < IO
Drrhiinl Hill , clejrant lot . WK )
1 'lulu vinw , en t front . 1K (
llaKcr I'.HI-O. . . . . r.un
SnundorM \ lltinobtiueli'anilii . 510
Cote llrlllianl. "i acrus . l.r > 0l
IMi-icuBt. OJvlf'l "
, . , HjO
Hoiifn and Lots.
26th st B rooms and full lot . 4,201
t.oavcinrortli t. . room * ) nud.'ll It , . 2,1 Ml )
I'lorco st. corner UOtlM. and 3 now houaos. " .WO
Kith st full lot and bouse . " ,830
Aero 1'ioperty.
fiacrosn. w of Tort ; line view nnd very
clii' p , easy terms . 1 , > 00
3'J iiuics ' , mlle onst of Soulli Omaha
cheap nt . n.WO
llesMos the above list I luivn a lureo number
ot plrop of property in nil pin N of thu city nnd
run Milt the most pirtlctilnr. M"t your property -
orty with mo If jou want it Bold. ( Jiovcr
Stevens. COJ
HI , lotsor . no ! bj. '
Itlco & ( 'o.,47 < i each : on ci.iiy terms. 311
. ) &
No. 31S SouUi l" > th St.
Lot , frontliiK utreeti , 25th and 1'aclflo , 2
homes , J..Wi ) Knay tt'rmi.
Hctt lot in Oichnrd Hill with 5 room hou n ,
b.ini. well , flatorn , fruit and shade trees , Jl.iiO ) .
Lot Irontincr on Convent nml "till ntn lin-
luovemonts worth $ ) ,00 * . a housm. city and
clstorii water , 10 , > H KiiHy terms.
l-ioom cott'iiro and Int. 'JSth and Charley
yj.OlKi. siOi ) cash , tin ! o.iay. .
N Ecor of lrjtn and LoiiTonworth , 2 house ? ,
ront-i for $7.i per mo , lot BlxIW. line Iniklnoss
property , $12JiW. ( Moail & .lflml03on,31S 8 15th
street. 772
In..V-.tJ , Douglas st , . corner , at bargain pneos.
Solo nitont" , Clnrkion .t lluatty , 21'J South
llth Ftioot. 317 10
FOlt SALE-Two lotIn ICmint/e 1'lnco. Spoil"
cor Otis , rilT I > oiilits | St. 321
FOIl Lots In
iHHac & Million' * Addition.
Impiouimont AsvorlHtion Addition ,
S. E. Itot'nr's Adilltliin ,
Koiiiit/n Addition ,
Lowu'e Aildltlon ,
McCoi iiiick'Hi.'d Addition ,
1'ollor'B Addition ,
Hoilick'H Aildltlon ,
.Shull'8 Addition ,
Slilnn's Adilltion ,
'I'liornbuiuAddition ,
Kount/o I'ltKP ,
HitiHcom I'liico ,
Hickory 1'laco ,
Kliby I'lncu.
AlorHcmau 1'ark ,
.luromu I'/irlt ,
Omaha View ,
Hawthorne ,
t-'iiuili Omaha ,
West Hnil ,
Wist Side.
Acru Property.
1'inpprty on Harncy , FHrnam , nod o , Capitol
Avvnno and other stroota ,
Cull on the O. 1' . Davis Company , 150 Far-
niini st.
Kjioolnl bargain ) always tu bo bud. aw 13
"ITlOKSALr. 01x100 ft , , a corner oiiLDtlist. ,
JJt.OiO. . h.ilfcnsh , bnliiueu to suit. This Is
on tlm culiio line fit. mid tliofnoatoM tmr Mln on
the iinirkni. I'liiok & llonrin. Until Estate and
Loan UroKcrH , Itoom 11 1'reiu.or Dlouk , Omnhn ,
Neb 3H'i
SPECIAL 1'lvo lots and now 5-room cottage ,
two blocks from rod car lino. t"J W.
Lot MlrlttX. with oed Improvements , on I'iao
st . l n blocks from pnvitmntit , cheap.
Oond roslitnnco on 1'opploton n\o. , near 25th
Et. Will make terms to milt
Tast front on South20tli
N'icoiVJ feet eolith fiout lota In Lowe's add. ,
? 9 < A
75 font on Par' * nvo , npnmltn the park. $ I.TOO.
3 south trent 'ols on liurileitu et , half Llock
l > est of Snunderfl et. ? ( , bOO ,
f.u fern south liont.ono mlle and a half from
po-stollice , * 7 < W.
Woliuvo a lartro Hat of good Insldo property
anil lots In oil of the best additions to the city.
Cull anil KOI torma , etc. Frank 1' . Wllllamn &
Co. , lull and Cnlcago , rear JJauxlas Co. Hank.
383 10
BIO IIAHOAIN-I'iir throw days only. 1 lat
In Walnut Hill , tlW
2 lots In Oxford I'litec , f 100 and f450.
- ' loin in 1'lulnvlew , f JOIDHOH.
10 lots in 1st addition to Contra ! Paik , $250 to
The above arn ul bl benralni and 111 be on
Ilici market for ! l ilnys only ut these prices.
lUnis A Harris , 3)3.16tli st 3CI 10
W15 prfcillet a rnpld Incioaso In values for
north town property with the opening of
pprlnir , and wo uro solo uironts for the cholcoit
nnd cheapest property In thut locality ; not bottom
tom lands or foims , but all of It ln ldnof the
liolt railway niid much clutapor than adjoinln ?
property Call and fee us for prices and terms.
L'larkson & llcalty , 1'J ' South llth at. 317 10
S' ' VALf-EV ,
Our new ndJitlon
Aorosf U ) to $40)peraarq.
Near South Omaha ,
And Sydicata HHL
llHrjUill if Lnbeok ,
109 1VJJ Fanrtm.
OALL Rn'l HRO the fnllon and molt cmplat e
lot of abstract bo'iksof Doiul'U county
nowlutlia o Hive of li. C. I'attonou , 15th uml
lltirney , S'JT
HOI'SKS IxjU.l'nntie.I.ftnils monuy loaned.
llejnli * city map * . . " -x7 feet , li M each
HomU.roomU , Itarkur block , 8. IV , cor IJtli
and i'arnam sta. ib7
li KA P Tot In DcnlMis aldltlon. Clar l > - on &
fieatty , 318 So. litti it 317 10
TOI1N QALLAOfinil , roM psf c , SI * soutli
J IStb t. Aero property , lots In nil parts of
city. Choice lots Lincoln riaco. Dnrirnln MX
' Q , cor. Cnlltornln nnd g > il , IIB my
If orsr.S Lofs.rnrmi.liinds monor loaned ,
L Hemls' city maps , fit ? fcet JiSl ouch.
lomK room ; ? , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15th
nnd Farnsm st , i. 7
A. SLOMAX , Itrntiu < itP.
1S ! 2 Fnrnam st , room 2.
A line of choice Insiiio property nt prices
which are not Inllated nnd which will provo
inth sftto nnd prontunlolnvnitmtints
Douclasst hot .MthmiilittdOftTUJ $ Snw
rnrnamst net 3)th ) findiUil.SSxiti fl , M
I'nrn.ntist lie ! Ui nn'l ' 1.1.51x1 . J. K..HO
l'ariiinift o.irln .teromo parX. . , . , , . . . . n.iXXI
'nruamst air . 'list iMxlB 1S.OO
V\ostOmahiil66xl87 , line sl' ' ht 12.0X )
" .oiuonworlli 'or'JI t Improved IJ.TiU
Idwnrd st near 10th. 11 trnl onn )
.cnvenworthut noarllolt Line , 10U127 ,
"xjnteiittortli st vinyniiplace t-ornor . . . . S.TU
larnu } st nonr 20th. 174 170 , Improved. . BS.tKil st. near Viaduct , 40x120 4,000
luslness lot , South Omaha
luslntxs lot.f-ontli Omnlri
ledfonl Plnoo , lot 11 .block 11
\crosluLakpsldo KIM to VX )
, nts In Joronid Park , F.ast Fronts , neAr
rnrnnm street 1S01
Uits In W likely add nonr panning fnctury ! UI
rarnam M. , cor south nnd \ \ . front . . . . D.WO
'hole'-lots In Orchard Hill 750 to 80J
Lots In llellmnn's nild Il.VXI , one-fifth cash.
GILT KDOU K feet on Davenport , near 10th
st. Prlco nVMJ ; JTiO cash , bill I , 2 and : i
vcars Must be sold ; owner has to leave town.
J F. Hammond , 117 S ICth st. ' . " .HI
HlLLiKr.'S2llndil'tlonlotsforo'iloby : ' ' J. U
Illco > t Co ; (7. * > rach ; on ua y terniH. HI I
ITM.r.dANT lots on Loaveuworth st , In HI ch
J J moml , oaph I KX ) .
Klciranl lots In Hlchmond near Lcavenworth
'or * .vrl.
One linn lot In Hlchtmmd. f IV ) rn h , $ IW.
Ono tine corner In Hlclmiond. f. 01 cash , f 530.
1'ltio corner In Drake's. f-,700.
rino corner In IteiMV , $ l/iJO ,
M feet on Park axe , 8V > lt
Tun rlmrnnl lots In Drake's , lOtlxUJl , one half
oa li , lor J7.0JO.
Him property corner Hurt nnd IFth sts , onc-
. . .
Splendid Imeptmciitsnll over theclty.
2I > neres , few ilnjs , tit $700 an ncre.
HI A 10 George M. Cooper. l&O1) rurnani.
QJ AI'MllIHS l , l-'O feet front , south nnd oust
IO corner verj' choice , ni.d nbaiRaln. ( 'link-
son .V Heatty , 2IU So. I4ili st. ! U7 10
SJPUCIAL IIAHOAIN lleautlful south front
J tosldpneo lot In Washington Scjunro , liVi ft
'rom Sherman nvo nnd paved street f'.fiOO. J.
li Itlco \ do , solo ilK'ont. 1.M7
MAHSn - .V LOllI ! ' 1C , IS1 Paninm street ,
mombersof Oinniin Henl K lnt" IXehaouo ,
( 'ornor of California ttrect nnd Twenty third ,
GOxrt'J feet , easy form1" . M.ilO ) .
IloiHiinf rlKht ronms on Twonty-tlurd nonr
Cn * * , Oflx'tS foot , one half cash , fi.'JO )
KiuhtlotH , Lincoln I'l.u-o , one third cash ; f525
Pour lots In West Cumln s , easy terms , SWO
to ln ) .
Lots In Mt. Pleasant uddltloiii easy terms ,
Twelve 5 ncro lots In Sprltiff Vnlloy , t3Jj to
1101 pornoro.
Also - l--'ncro lots In same addition.
All nn voiy emy tornis.
Woliavu ul.incu line or housns nnd lots on
ourllst , and Invite buyers to eall nnd wu will
< liow the property. Marshnll & Lobock , 1501
Fnrnnm Tclophono 73 . 733.
Ank j our retailer for ttio James Mi > nn , S3 Shoo
Caution ! t-omedculois rcuunmoiidluliifeilor
gooUR In order to mal.o u larger piollt This Is
theOKlilINAL fl Shoo Hownroof Imitations
which acknowledge their own Inferiority by at-
timipting to build upon thoiuputntion of the
Nona genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
For Gentlemen , d
tp 5 DljLvlX4i
Mnrtn In Button , Cnncrttit and
Luce , HtsT CALK SKIN. Unoi-
ivlleilln lit imiliirv , COMIOIIT
mill Al'i'fcAU\M'K Apoilnl curd
eont lo HA Mill hrlnic you lutor-
innllon how tn act tbli Shoo In
uujr blite or Torrliory.
j. niuniK it Co. ,
41 Lincoln Street ,
Hoston ,
Our celebrated fartoij- produces n Inrgor
nunntlt ) ot Hhocsot this grade than nny otimr
factory In the world 'I nounnndii who wear
them will tell you the rttasnn If you ask them.
JA.MI.S fllKANS' 5 ' . ' SMOli for Uo8 Is I nup-
piouched In Durability
Kull line * nt Ilia abitvo She H for rate br
AI > IAJ BSITA 11. s : st s
tlili ipfcincpurpoirCUXKOr
" rc mr WE KNKKH , lr-
.milil , roolhlPKrurrrnU of
UKVI.I ij + v' "i "tir Hj .iiroiijih All rflk pRKp.rcstor ,
Injtfiem'Vf V-l l > MltliiiiilVlgureutStrrrph. fcldtno
it "VS V-fi'ltiu millriir vicfurltll iSHO In c ih.
ItImprntrmrntsovrr Tt tlhcr lielliVoritrairfprr -
inaiifnlljrurptl In Ihreani nlliH * * % d | tini > liUl4c. tump
The Sondon Electric Co. 103 LaSallu tl. . Chicago
STATE AND Tiomtrrouv.
Jolinson county's boiuleii dubt tins
boon cut down to ? ( il.OUO.
Logan looks for the Union Pacific on
tiiu liooiii of tliu hpring boom.
The town of Dorsoy will bore into the
interior 1.000 foot in search of ooal.
Kighty-livo Itartluy sinners Imvo tnken
a front n w in thu procession to glory.
Puwnei ) City hiis orirani/cd n board of
trade and subscribed .f',120 to .send it on
its mission rojoicing.
Norfolk \vints ; tnannfactorics to give
proper .significance to her claim as the
metropolis of north Nebraska.
Hoar the wail of a ftost-Uitton contem
porary : "Will some delinquent briny us
a few bushels of good coruV"
Ed Jones , of Dorchester , sold last week
tx drove of 100 hojjs , averaging 400 , ut ? 3
per 100 pounds , netting him if.l.'JW ) .
Nebraska City's hoard of trade lias ap
pointed a committed to liuni. tip facts ,
iigtircu and thu means to erect a chamber
ol commerce.
The only thing lacking to make Fobrn
ary weather unequalled in vigor and
variety is a. fuw storms ot hail with stones
as large as goose eggs ,
Children has u sevoru tdtaek of the
militia fever , liny Spring Ktislivillo and
dordon threaten to equip and put an
nwkward squad in the held.
Kmma Louisa Urittanny presides over
the destinies of a district school in Chase
county. There is no doubt that Urlt-
tanny rules thu waits with a linn , pro
cho palm.
John T , Lindsay , of Creighton , de
clares in public print the coal found
ul Omaha , south , and in Yankton count )
located north , was In the carboniferous
period not much above or below the
nori/on of the upper vein in Illinois , "
The grand jury in Pawneu county is
said to Inivu indicted thu city council and
two other persons for manslaughter , for
the death of little Anuie Kdro , which oc
curred last July , and wus eatiseil by n
bullet from a target gun , nliounsi ) for tlu
ttao of which hul ; been grunted by thu
Arupahoo Is stirred up from cellar to
garret by the disiwnry of what the .Mir
ror dubs "A Heartless Hound" in thai
toxvn , who takes prominent part in a )
social and moral reforms thereabouts
The name of the "hound" is a mysturv
and it is next to a certiinty that he wil
b ( i escorted out of town on u fence board
He left a wife and eight children penniless -
less in ( ialvcston , Indiana , and hcttlcd ii
Arupnhoo with another woman. Ho dit
not even waste time nor money in divorci
proceedinga , or sucnre a licuti-ic to wed
The average yearly co4t of np
tlie JSlaishulltown water works is if ! > ,
Over 30,00 < J pounds of chi'isii ha\eboet
manufactni'ed ut the Algona creanior
since cold weather set in 'aU fall.
The porrcspondent of the Chloag (
News , who dunoiinced Sioux Cltv : is"lTn
Sodom of the west , " hu ; bnen nrre .tcd it
that city olmrgrd with larceny. Kn
vcngo is sweet.
Another Iowa wraiher sltart ) duelarci
that in the year U187 "Iowa will be in thu
same contlition that D.tkota is now It
makes ono shnddur to think of it , tun
mercury at4(1 ( toJX ) , and no corn1'1
Sunday evening tlm jewelry store of ( !
C. Muir , at liurliugton , was entuivd uuU
obbqil of nboiit 100 watches , many ol
hum Roll ! , several dozen chain * , ni c
nlscrllancotiA jewelry to tlio value u
Tlioro will bo n temperance convcntli
of the Second congressional district hot I
it Davenport , beginning on Tuesday , the
2d lust. Tlu' district Includes Jaokso'i ,
linton , Scott , Mnscntine , Johnson
owa counties.
There are only two counties In Dakota
reo from debt. They nro Billings and
A petition ha1 ? been presented to the
ity council of Huron asking for n char-
cr for gasworks In that city , tlio cliartur
o run forever , nnd the city to pay for
ighting tlfty posts at ? 'W cacn annually.
Jn a well four miles south of Elk Toint ,
it a tlopth of si\tt < t > n feet , n coltonwoou ,
OK three feet in diatnutur was fouiul und
hopped through , \\oodwassodrf
hat it would burn readily , being Imbed-
led in sand , A crape vine three luehca
hick and plum brush were found at the
amo depth.
Canton Is a prohibition city , nnd the
> rohibitionists wear a tilacid smile. The
ilgli license citl/.cu.s grin and bear the
tale of things. Throe saloon are selllnjr.
oil lemonade. Another Is wholesaling
> ocr , which supplies the drinkers there
vltli as much of that beverage as over ,
vhllo whisky can bo bought In four galen
on lots.
The D.ikota school of mines will tin-
loubtctllv begin a term on the Illh Inst ,
I'lio faculty com prises the following gen- \
lemon : Vircd 11. Howes , of RapidCity ,
chair of mathematics ; Hoyd , Javls ) , of
Jaltitnore , Mil. , professor of chemistry
and metallurgy ; H. W. ,1-insen , professor
> f chemistry and mineralogy ! ( . . < J.
tloody , professor of mining laws ; Frank
" 1. Carpenter , dean ami professor of
jeology and mining engineering.
Utah and lilaho.
There are 170 prisoners in the Utah
The Daly Mining company of Utah
las declared a dividend of 50 cents per
The wool shipment for Idaho Tnrrl-
.ory for 18SO aggregated over (1,000,000 (
There are forty-four unfortunates in
he Idaho insane asylum. The monthly
expenses are $1,317.
The General Cn-stor Mining company ,
Jnstur City , Idaho , produced bullion m
188(1 ( to the value of about JfWO.OOU.
The banks report the receipt in Sail
MKO for tlio week ending February i ) in-
jlusiyo ot $15'i , 155.80 in ere and
! ? 137r.51 in bullion ; a total of fJ87,70.80. ! )
They economise space in Utah , In n
three-room house m Ogdun live Willard
.lingham , two wives , twenty unmarried
childten , live married nous with their
wives tind fifteen children , and two hired
lien in the attic.
The shipments out from Salt Lake City
'or the week ending Saturday , February
C , were twenty-live cars bullion , 582,70fl
pounds ; two ears iron slag , til ) , 11,0 pounds )
eleven cars silver ere , U03.1UO pounds ;
[ our ears copper ore. 117.-I50 pounds )
Lotul , fotty-two ears , I,077i8i5 ! pounds.
A novel wedding , in which tlio con
tracting parties were a Chinaman and a
Circassian girl , took place at a Congro'- church in Salt Lake , Utah , ono
Jay recently. The bride is a native of
England , and came to this country six
months ago. Hong Hop , her htisimnd. is
one ot the most prominent Chinese mer
chants in Salt Lake City. Ho has dis
carded thu Chinese form of dress and
joined the Congregational church , and 1
nn anti-Mormon.
The raclllo Coast.
The lateness of the wetness ,
Tlio muchness ol tlio dry ,
Mny amputate tlio vintage
In tliiMluIco bj-ntiil-by.
The oil product of I'nento , Los An
geles county , is about 100 barrels per
There were 4(102,000 ( feet of lumber and
I.IMI tons of coat shipped from the port
of i'acoma during January.
Tlio Indian .school nt the Simeon
agency of the Yakima reservation , Wash
ington territory , contains 1155 pupils.
Nevada has just enacted a law to pay a
bounty of 5 cents a head on rabbits und
cents a head on squiriol.s and gopliors.
Los Angeles has a poet , but not an or
dinary "Mascitur mm lit" noot , as the
following specimen of his latest verso ,
devoted to J. Pluvius , will .show :
The failutes in Washington territory in
1880 numbered : t ; liabilities , $410,025 ]
nhsotdJ218.auO. In 1885 there were lift
failureswith liabilities of ? 088V74 , ! , and
absets of $37/5,700. /
A drawbridge has just boon completed
at Unite , -104 feet m length , and said to
bo the largest drawbridge west of the
Missouri river. One hundred and sev
enty-live thousand feet of lumber were
used in its construction.
A gold strike ot remarkable richness
has been made on Cracker creek near
Fort Sumpter , in Itakor county , Oregon.
The assays made from the .sumples ro-
suited in $50 gold per ton. The ease with
which the mine can bo worked will make
it oMromely prohtublu.
. Old .sea captains ill Seattle say the
present season is the worst that over pre
vailed on the I'acilio Northwest coast.
Since the middle of last October heavy
southerly and westerly winds luivo pre
vailed , amounting to gales. Moro wrecks
have occurred than in any other year.
Capo Flatter has been particularly
A lloom Hlock.
It is now settled that the Cntholio
church property is to bo occupied by a
live-story brick block , to bo used as an
oll'ico building , with stores below. K
will cost not less than $100 , .
000. Mr. Miixon is the architect ,
and ho will leave at once forCliirago and
Milwaukee to look o\v.r some of the large
onico buildings in these cities , The fol
lowing telegram wtiH received from
Omaha last evening , and corroborates
the statements mado. Applications for
ollices in this building are already so
numerous that it is certain to bo filled ay
teen as completed :
OMAHA , 10,1W. John N. Haiti *
win a ml K. II. ( Well : Vour telegram re.
em veil. I iiuien to prnrecil ns boon as .season
will penult to eri-ot alive-story brick htiilillnu
nn tlm ( J.ithollo clam h piopeit ) it'rfiuly pur.
Hinspil by me , the earno to cost not less thnn
" " " " " " ti. .MKIIHIAM.
I'orMiiint I'atMiirntihs.
K. M. Adania of Kansas City is at tlit
F. P. Yenawino left yoslorday for Den
ver on business ,
P. P. Drown of Hamburg was ut the
Pnollic1 justcrday.
Charles Juckson am ) Dr. liarnsdall ol
St. P.iul Nob. , weie Pacilio house guests
Frank ( T. Slovens of Janesvlllo.Vis. . ,
ono of the largest dealers in li.if tobacco ,
is here looking after the trado.
! ' . L. S'.ono and family moved Wednes
day to Perry , la . whore ho has taken the
position of dispatcher for the Chicago ,
Milwaukee A : St. Paul ralluuy.
James Moir of New York is at the
Paoihe hoiiMi. having come hero to close
up the sIo : of the Pacilio house property
of winch ho has been the owner for many
years The .syndicate which has pur
chased this property will in the spring
cruet a now building.