Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OlMAHA DAILY BEE : F ItAY. ) FEBRUARY 11. 1887. il COURT DOINGS AT LINCOLN , Before tie United States and Su preme Tribunals at the Capital , AUGUST SCHOENHEIT MEMORIAL Scvcinl Important Dccliloiifl llnmlcd Jiown Urlc-r Stnto llouso Notes 1'fNoiiern Kficipo From tlio C > ty Jnll-Clty Note * . frimsi Tin : inr's : The session of the United States court yt-Merday was occupied by a suit in wliich the government sued on thu bond of Bar rett Scutt for failure to deliver hay at Fort Niobrara according to contract. The -uit Is on a $1,500 bond , with District Attorney Lumbcrtson for the govern- m nt. In the afternoon the following rosolmions in memory of August Sclioon- heit , of Kails City , were presented and re marks appropriate to the occasion were made by Mr. Lnmbortsoti , Judge Dundy , Mr. Itcalra and others. Following are resolutions as presented by the com mittee : Iti-Milved , Tint the officers of thlscourtnnd tlio members of tlio bar have received with piolntiiut soirow the announcement of ttie ilu.ith or Auuiiftt tichonnliult , of Falls City , Net * . , at the rlKj | a o of < > " > ears. who was tor twenty-seven > ears a resident of tticstntcand for nearly lifted ! years a member of this bar. Ite-olu-d , That In his dentil wo lose a citi zen nl conspicuous virturn lawyrrol marked nbilitv , a man whoso kindness of heart and Ki-nlul qualities endeared him to his family and H lends. KcMtlvcd , That we lender to the family of the deceased our deepest ymuath > and con- ilolencu , that the clerk of tliu court romintiul- cati ! thuvo resolutions to the family of tlio deceased - ceased and plucc a copy of the saino on lliu ler-oids of the court , lU'-oUed , That as a mark of respect to the memory of .Mr. Shoenhelt tlmt the business ot tliu court bu now Hinpeiided. tlmt proper tribute may be made to nls vittues. Wednesday the jury in the case of Trester versus the Missouri Pacific rail way company returned a verdict for the plaintiff for & ) , : ! 00. The amount sued for was $10,000 , and the case was broutrht over disaffection at the awards made in condemnation of right of way property. IN SUPUKMK cotmr. The supreme court has handed down a number of important decisions , among them being the decision on the bond ca o in n precinct In Howard countv. This precinct issued $13,000 in bonds to a branch of the Union Pacific , and the auditor , under ndvico of the attorney general , refused to register them on the ground of illegality in issue. The ille gality was claimed ki the call for the election at which the honds wore voted , only twenty-seven freeholders signing the. call for the election when the law requires lifty such signers. The railroad took the case to the supreme court on mandamus proceedings to compel the registration of the bonds , but the court has decided against the company. Fol lowing are the decisions handed down : 1'rico vs > U'Coma.s. Error from Lancaster county. Keversed and remanded. Opinion by Maxwell , Ch. J. 1. On January ! ) , 1SS5 , one A. executed n chattel mortgage to one P. on certain chattels , described as follows : "Ten head of two-voar-old-past steers , valued $ ; W per head. The above described chat tels arc now in my possession , are owned by me and free from all incumhranccs in nil respects , " and on the next day said A. executed a chattel mortgage to one M. on nine head of cattle , described as fol lows : "Nino head ol two and three-year- old steers , situated on farm south of Ben nett , Neb. , one and one-fourth miles. The above described chattels arc now in my possession , are owned by me , and tire free from all incnmbrancus in all re spects. " A. , at the time of executing said mortgatiL's , possessed ninety-eight head of steers of thu description named on his farm south of Dennett , and the steurs mortgaged wore not separated from the others , but.the desciiptton ap plied equally to the ninety-eight steers owned by A. Held , lirst , that the mort gages created no lion upon any specined bteers and , as against an attaching cred- . itor , were a nullity. b If K 2. The fact that before the levy of the attachment certain steurs had been sep arated from the whole number , and claimed under second mortgage , would be unavailing as against such creditors unless it was shown that at the time the mortgage was executed there was an agreement that it .should apply to such steers. Mediae vs Lavender. Appeal from Lancas ter county. It appellant bo requests within twenty thus , thu c.iusu will bo referred to an accountant to compute the amount of lien , and upon the tiling of lua report the due red will Ira modlliod to correspond thereto. If no such request bu made the decree of the district court will bu atllrmed. Opinion by Iteeso , J. 1. Uuforoa judgment or decree will be reversed for alleged errors occurring at : it tlio trial of the cause , such errors must bo made to appear affirmatively of record. Krror is never presumed. 2. The statute of limitation commences to run on the right to enforce a lien for taxes , when thu title under thu tax deed fails. Bryant vs Kstabrook , 10 Nob. 217. U , Under the provisions of section 3 , nrticlo 0 of the constitution , it is not necessary to servo a notice on the defend ant buforo bringing u suit to enforce a tax lein. Ib. Yeoman \i State. Error from Hamilton count } ' . Unversed and remanded. Opin ion by Heese , J. 1. Plaintill in error was indicted alone for thu crime of incest , under tlio pro visions of section 203 of the criminal code. Hold , that ho was properly so in dicted and that it was not necessary that the indictment should bo niruinst both parties to thu incestuous intercourse , 3. Whore in a prosecution for incest it was proven that the person with whom the Incestuous intercourse was alleged to havu boon had , was of the agu of sixteen Years , that she resided at homo with her pure-ills , that thu accused also resided with the family , that tliuy were otlon to- k. 4 pother alone , that she had no suitor and kupt company with no other person , that the relation of uncle and neico existed between them , that she became pregnant and when her pregnanoy was discovered thu accused confessed tlio paternity of the child which was afterwards born , ad mitted the intercourse anil settled the claims of the mother rV satisfaction of proceedings in bastardy , nnd tried to in duce , a physician to produce an abortion , it was held that the corpus delicti had been sullletontly proven to require the biibmisbiou of the case to the trial jury. a. On thu trial of such case thu court charged the jury that it was not neces sary that thu ollunsu bo proven to liava boon committed on thu day alleged in tha indictment , but that it would busulticiunt if proven to havu been commitiud within threu years prior to the linding of thu in dictment. The instruction was held to bo correct. 1. On a trial of a defendant charged with in cost with his nieeo , the woman was not examined us a witness by the state , but tliu defendant examined her us a wit ness in his behalf. On being asked il defendant hud ever hud sexual inter- i-ourao with her she answered ho hud not. . On thu cross examination counsel for Uu prosecution presented her with the utll- iltnit which she had made , byyhich pro feedings in bastardy had been instituted , and in answer to his question she stated that she had signed the utlidiivit. On ru examination she was asked if the signm ; : of the ullUlavit. was voluntary on her part The question was'objected to and the ob < jectiun sustuiiied ; held , error. . 6. A largu discretion is given the dist riot ruurt as to tire order m which testi mony may t > u introduced. ' JrltcliJieht vs. Itemaloy. Krror from Sarp ) county , Atlinued. Opinion by Itecse , J. 1. Where lands are leased tea tenant for one year for a stipulated rent reserved , and after the expiration of the lease the tenant without further contract remains in possession find is recognized a ? a ten ant by the landlord , in the receipt of rent for another year , this will create n tenancy from year to year. S. in such case the testimony can only bo terminated by Iho agreement of the parties , express or implied , or by notice given six calendar months , ending with the period of the year at which the ten ancy commenced , licndlxnn vs. Fenton. Error from Douglas county. A Dinned. Opinion by lieese , J. 1. A tax deed , to bu valid , must have the olheial seal of the countv treasurer attached. Sullivan vs. Merriam , 1C Nob. , 157. 2. A tax deed must bo valid on its face tp entitle the party claiming under it to the benefit of the special limitation of the revenue law. llousel vs. Hoggs , 17 A eo. , 01. State x rel. 0. .t U It. Co. vs. Hancock. Mandamus Writ denied. Opinion by Maxwell , Churlcs > 1. Under the provisions of section 14 , chapter 45 , of the compiled statutes , to authorize the county commissioners to call a special precinct election for the purpose of voting bonds in a precinct in aid of works of internal improvements , etc. , a petition signed bv not le s than lifly freeholders of such precinct must be presented to such county commissioners , suiting fortli thu nature of the work con templated , the amount of bonds sought to bo voted , the rate of interest , and thu date when and interest shall become due. An election called and held without such petition is of no validity. Snowden vs. Tyler. Appeal from Oton coun ty. Reversed .is to defendant Lyle Opin ion by Maxwell , Charles J. 1. The remedy for the recovery of real estate by one claiming the legal title thereto , against one. in possession claim ing an estate therein , is an action of ejectment in which the faets may bo sub mitted to a jury ; nnd an action to quiet title , if properly objected to , will not lie. 2. Whuru a party out of possession of real cstato brings an action to quiet title , and the defendant answers alleging a cloud upon his title caused by the plain tiff's ducd und prajing for a decree can celling the same , tlio court will huvo jurisdiction to determine. Iho title of the respective parties. A dufuct wliich ap pears on the fncu of the petition should bo taken advantage of by demurrer. 3. A quit claim deed of real cstato , while affording cause for suspicion , may , where it appears in a chain of title oil the proper records of the county , be sufficient to justify a bona lido purchaser for valu able consideration , in relying upon it as a valid conveyance. It is a bona lido puiv chaser for valuable consideration and not a donee who is protected. 1 One Shirk , in 1802 , convoyed certain real estate to one Snowden. who failed to record his ducd. In IS'30 ' Snowden died , and in 1870 one Pee sought to purchase the land of Shirk , but was informed that it was sold and convoyed to Snowdun. Pou then applied to the adult heirs , and administrator of thu cstato of Snowdun. and the guardian of the minor heirs , and was informed that thu deed in question had been lost or destroyed. Pou there upon purchased the laud , taking dueds from the adult heirs , and with their con sent a quit claim deed from Shirk , which last deed he placed on record. Held , that a bona lido tmrchosur for a valuable consideration from a grantee of Pee took thu title as against an heir , who was a minor atthe _ time thu ducd from Shirk was obtained , but a mere donee from Pou was not so entitled. 5. Where heirs como into a court of equity to claim an interest in lands which have not been convoyed , but which havu been held adversely by other parties for a long period , they innst do equity by paying a just proportion of the taxes and the interest duo thereon. 0. A purchaser pcndcntc lito from a purchaser who bought without notice and for a valuable consideration may protect himself under thu lirst purchase ) . AT THE STATK IIOUSi : . Articles of incorporation of the Keith county bank , located at Ogalalla , were tiled with the secretary of state yester- dav. The capital stock of the bank is $100,000 , divided into shares of $100 each , and business was commenced last No- vonibcr. thu corporation to continue until 1037. The indebtedness is limited to over half the capital stock , and the incorporators - raters aru 11. 1) . McWillinms and O. T. Carlson. County Attorney Tanner , of Hastings , was in Lincoln yesterday , interested , with other parties , in securing requisi tion papers upon which tp brimr from Kansas an offender who is wanted for trial m Adams county. The papers asked were granted.VISITIXO VISITIXO KNIGHTS. It was 0 a. m yesterday when the work of instituting Capital City lodge , Kniahts of Pythia * , was completed , the work con suming nearly twelve hours time , fully HOD Lincoln knights were in uttunuancu on the occasion , including a delegation of fifteen from Omaha , who were guests for the night. Among the Omaha delega tion were ( Sen. J. E. Smith , J. J. Cum mins. U. 11. Lucas , 11. C. Wells , Hurry Merriam , Messrs.Volf , lliendorf and others. Grand Prelate Lanius of Grand Island , and visiting knights from Plaits- mouth , Hickman and other points swelled the list of guests. The new lodge starts with a membership of orur onu hundred. A JAIL UKLI VEUKBY. When the policeman in charge of the jail opened up the prison headquarters lie found that a part of the prisoners had not been at sleep through the night , but that the four parties sentenced lor rob bery at the Howard house had made their escape. Their mode of work was that they secured a bar of iron that was bolted across the stove in the coriidor. With this they opened the cell where two of the parties were , and together the four climbed to the upper deck over tliu cells , und with their iron bar broke a holu through thu brick wall of the building and departed to parts unknown. GOl'SEL AHMY I'OI.IUK. The gospel army , that is at present at tracting largu crowds nightly in this city , and which works something after the manner of thu Salvationists , lias been greatly annoyed by hoodlums and dis reputable characters , who invade the meetings to scoff nnd raise not generally. So obnoxious did these characters become - come that a fnw days ago the police were asked to assist the army in their tolls with thu roughs , ami at their request a member of the army was commissioned a special police tor protection at the meetings. THEMAHKIJTS. West Lincoln markets were quite ani mated yesterday , the receipts of hogs bumg 917 , a slight increase over the day before. The market opened active and strong at yesterday's prices ut closing. The quality yesterday was above thu average run for sometime past. Tour cars extra choice heavy weights were shipped by Unvnolds Powell iVCo. . , and Nessler & Co , of Dorchester. The market closed strong at top prices reached with all cleared up. JILKOATIOSJ * IN THE CITV * C. P , H. Williams , A. 11. Uaker and C. W. Scarf , were a delegation from the Grand Island board of trade in Lincoln vesturday. J. V . Johnson , J. N.Clark , Henry Grosshansand L. 1) . Fowler , were registered from Sutton. C. H. Uowoy , C. J Nichols , L. U. Grady and Dr. R.V. . Conwell were in the city yesterday from Omaha and among the transients were County Treasurer Campbell and Hon. Win. Neville of Plattsmouth , A. S. Hald- win of Plum Creek ane George T , Smilley of North Pintle. Thcro are many accidents and diseases wliich affect Stock and cause serious in convenience and loss to the farmer in his work , which may be qujckly reme died by .the use of Ur.J. . II. McLean's I Volcanic Oil Liniment ABOUTRAILROAD CARNISDEES A History of How Creditors Enforce Pay ment Against Union Pacifio Employes. PROSPECTS FOR A REMEDY. Instances of Wrongs Committed by Courts How the Liavr Operates on tlio Ncfornskn aide A l-'e\v Tacts About the Courts. At tlio recurrence of the first of each month tlio paymaster of the Union Pacilic railway company is besieged by garnhhec notices from various point along the line. The principal place from which these processes arc Issued is Council Ulufl's. This has been so only about two years , since the time the supreme coin t of this state handed down the opinion lu the case of the Chicago , Burlington & Qtiincy railway company vs Wright , reported in the nineteenth of Nebraska. In that suit it was att"inpted to enforce the payment of u debt against a defendant , the head of a family , resi dent of lowi : and un employe of the Chicago cage , Hurlington & Quiucy railroad com pany by an attachment and garnish ment against his wages , issued from u justice court in Omaha. From an order by the justice to pay the wages , owing the defendant , into court , the case was taken linally to the supreme court where it was held that the money in contro versy was exempt. Jt had previously been the prevailing opinion among the justices throughout the state that the law in the case was otherwise and the result of this decision has been to drive the col lection of foreign claims against Union Pacilic employes and heads of "amilcs into states where the aw is more favorable to the creditor. As regards the exemption of wages here is'no state invaded by the Union i'acilio railway , whoio laws and courts operate more against the employe than 'n Iowa and the location of Council U nil's at the terminus of that line makes t a most advantageous point for the is suance of these processes. The supreme court of that great state has held that the 'aw of exempt wages applies onlv to res- dents of Iowa. U ho consequence has been to enforce the payment of nearly nil claims against Union Pacific employes [ it Council Haiti's the only place in Iowa where service of garni heo can be legally made upon that corporation. The collections made through Council ISlntl's court" do not all come from places without this state , but many Nebraska creditors have learned that their accounts mil bo pushed to a successful termina- ion bv the aid of these tribunal.4. This .s particularly true , o not a lew Omaha creditors whose inability to make their collections against Union P.icilic em ployes in Douglas county courts , has driven them to the Iowa side of tin * river. With this combination of circumstances there has crown up the business for one or two citizens of that town of buying , or : it least , of having assigned to themselves rOKUIC.N CLAIMS lor collection. From these rcalj or fradnlent transfers one of two benefits iriso ; if real the Council Hhilis citizen makes a big profit on his investment in what was deemed by the creditors to be a worthless account , and if fraudulent , the claimant is saved the trouble of fur- lishing a bond or advancing the costs of suit. Tins business of late , however , HAS Ur.COMK A MONOPOI.Y nearly to one man. His name is David ilcrman , and .several employes of the company are horrilied daily to learn t ! at their wages have b. en garmshced m a Council Hlull's tribunal by a man having that name. .Jerinan is an old man now n his dotage , wears a fringe of grey whiskers under his chin , walks with a cane , has the appearance of a man at peace with the world and makes frequent visits to Omaha in the pursuit of his busi ness. Ho was formerly : v constable , but age seems to have dc-itrojcd Ins useful ness in that line and he has since resorted to the business ol enforcing chums in general and against the Union Pacilie ployes in particular. Jorman him- ll , it appears , rebels against Ins disa greeable business. He has st.ited to Union Pacilic ollieials that ho would not follow his present pursuit were it not that ho could'do nothing else. The rarnishees from Omaha and Council HliiHs number about hfty per month , and in fully 7o per cent , of these David .Jer- man appears as plaintiff. There were twelve garnisheps from Council Hind's re- reived at the Union Pacific headquarters on Friday last , and ton of them were in stituted by Jerman. The number of at tachments and garnishment suits against Union Pacilic employes from the Doug' las county courts varies from live to lif teen per month. COSTS. One of the great causes of complaint against the action of the Council Hlnll's officials is the matter of costs. The ini tial expense in an attachment and gar nishment ease is from four to six dollars. It is a universally established legal prin ciple in attachment cases where serviee of a summons cannot be had upon the defendant , that jurisdiction is obtained only by taking the property or money of the debtor into the custody of the Jaw. In the garniment cases instituted in the Hlntl's , however , the moment that the company is served with notice , and sev eral days , and some times weeks , before the garnished has made answer by wliich it may be known whether or not thcro is anything for the law to operate uponser vice by publication is commenced in some paper. An additional expense ol from thre.o to live dollars is incurred thereby to the defendant who linding him self not entitled in Iowa to the rights secured to him in the state of his residence , in nine cases out of ten is ob liged to sbtUo on the terms of the plain- till'to avoid further costs , trouble and loss of time. Another grievance arises Irom the avarice or rapacity of creditors. Hills winch by the law of the place ol contract are non-collectible , against which the statute of limitation has run , debts incurred in her own mime by the wife are sent to this place for enforce ment , and In many such cases the de fendant , being too poor to take his cause to tlio appellate tribunal , is forced to capitulate , and what never was an obli gation or what had ceased to bo such , is paid by the debtor. It has not been the policy of the Union Paeilio railway to hinder creditors in the collection of their honest claims where their debtor employes can pay without depiiving their families of the necessities of life , but against all such as have the appearance of being trumped up or fraudulent , it has made a persistnnt and generally unsuccessful fight. It has spent many hundreds of dollars in costs and attorney's fees and has taken tw ( test cases to the supreme court of Iowa , in both of which the company was da feutod. In the first case the defendant only was a resident of Nebraska , and the court of last resort held that his wage : were not exempt. In the secont both were residents of Nebraska and the company contending or the ground of want of jurisdiction , the court held that where thereis no franc in obtaining jurisdiction a non-resident could sue a non-resident and the lattcr's waires were not exempt. The supreme courts of Kansas , Missouri , Nebraska ant Illinois hold exactly the opposite ot the two cases mentioned. "Tho law" ( ot exemption ) said the sn premo cburt of Iowa many years ago ' in based upon tlio idea ( but as a matter of public policy for the promotion of the > ropcrry of the state , and to render inde.- ran'dcnt and aboVe want each head of no family of the cnreriinicnt , bo should jo so protected that ho may live beyond ho reach of financial misfortune and the lenmnds of creditors , who have given nm credit under such law. " This body lisregarding these principles so laid down 103 brought tears to many homes in this city and" allowed the wolf to look into he faces of famishing wives and children. Iho injustice of loi\a courts in many cases in this city lias oppressed the la- boringman's family , for it is against this class of workmen only that these laws apply with their terrible force. It has only been a few weeks ago that .ho writer met an acquaintance , a clerk it the headquarters , at the corner of Six teenth and Farnam streets. Hoinjr asked why he looked c'.eppondent , he said : "It s now long past my hours of toll , my wife who has been cuttlined to her bed 'or ' several weeks by sickness is , L know , waiting for my return , with my lastmonth's pav.and to-day noon L learned it was 'iiirnishetd across Iho Ivor for a butcher bill of ? 10. Our decor - or has refused to attend her further un- ess paid , my landlord has served mo with notice to quit and 1 Im'en't the teart to go home. ' ' The next day bo went to the Hlull's , paid the claim and co.sUs , and out of a salary of $111 per iionth had ? 'Ji left , The clerk admitted the bill was correct but siekue s and ncc- ss'ity Lad prevent' d its payment. An other case was that of a helper in thn shops. Several years ago Ills wife , in her own name , contracted debts , and the creditor , seeing no other way to make his ? laim , garnisheed the wages of tliu hus * jand. His wages per month never ev- ceeded ? . " > ( } . He had no means with wliich [ o ii.terpo o his defense and he settled on the terms of the phiintiu" . A s.u CAM : . The case of one llartlieb , a suit brought n Justice Holsli'v's court in this city some ten days ago. exemplifies tlio ex- .roniity to which this law drives the. laborer , llartlieb formerly lived 'n ' this city , was employed by the Union Pacific mil kept live or six boarders at his homo on South Tenth street. His employer i lie red him a better situation on the Mull's side and lie accepted it. About six months ago he moved with Ins family to C ; icil Haiti's , owing his grocer Jj-'JS.'lO A suit in attachment on the ground of non-residence was instituted against him , returnable last Saturday morning at t ) o'clock. The railway company answered it was owing tlio defendant ? 'JS.15. Saturday moraine before l ) o'clock when the justice cainu to his ollieo he found llartlieb , his wife and boy , about live veais old , waitingfor the arrival of the ollicial. They were all thinlv clad for such a cold winter morn ing , and their clothing , although patched in many places , \\-as scrupulously clean and neat. They were respectable Ger mans , ana prior to their coming to this country ho had been a machinist in tlio shops of Carlsrnhe , and slio bad been an employe in a cigar factory in the same place. When he realized the jeopardy in which monthly stipend was placed he could restrain his grief and anger no longer. He bewailed the fate that hud ever led him and his family from his fatherland , where he said they lived much more comfortably and respectably than they did in America. "For the last week,1' he continued , " 1 have worked on bread and coll'eo alouo. My wife and child have shared this same fare with me. 'v if you take my pay from me you eompej me either to apply to the county antnoritios for support lor my wife and child , or become a thiei and a robber. I was kept at work through the winter by my bo-s simply beciiiise 1 was an hon est laborer , and by this greatest effort 1 have kept my family from hunger anil cold , but the rigor of your laws is too severe for a poor man. " The justice re- lea cd tlio garnishment and Hartliob agreed to pay the tlebt when his employ ment became more regular. HLUUF IiSIIlKI : ) . The attorneys for the Union Pacilic have long been devising means to deter the issuance of the e processes against its employes and they have at hist con cluded to test the jurisdiction of the Iowa justices to issue attachments and gar nishments against non-residents. It is claimed by the railway attorneys that where the service of the Mimn.ons and order is not made personally upon the defendant , that the cpurlac'juirus 1:0 jur isdiction. To test this question the com pany has t.iken such case to the dL-ir.ot court ol Pottawattamie county and should an adverse decision be reached the cause will bo taken lor tinal determination to the supreme court. If defeated in this tribunal the only remedy possible is an appeal to the legislature of Iowa , but any relief from that body seems improbable an lutile at tempts in times past have been made. The operation of the inferior conns of Nebraska is generally'favorable to the .security of the rights of heads of fami lies , but expense , time and trouble are often incurred in obtaining them. The head of a family.when he linds his wages carnislieed , has often to employ the ser vices of an attorney to seeure thi-m. It has been suggested , and possibly may be come a law at this session of the legisla ture , that the alliant , when it is sought to garnisiiee the wages of the defendant , Mate in his affidavit for this process that lie verily believes that the employe is an unmarried man. If this should become u law the oft repeated garnishees against the same defendant , issued at the in- staneo of an irate creditor , to cause him the loss of his situation will in a great measure cease. The pain and mUerv suffered by those who are alllicted with dyspepsia are in describable. The distress of the body is equalled or surpassed by the confusion and torture of the mind , thus limbing the victims suffer double ailliction. The re lief that is given by Hood's Siirsnparilhi has caused thousands to bo th.mkf'il ' for this great medicine. It dispels the causes ot dyspepsia , and tones up the digestive orjjans. Try Hood's Sarsa- piirilla. A Flourlsliinjj Nebraska Town. CIKWKOIIU , Nob. , Feb. 7. [ pondenco of the HEK. ] Crawford is gut ting ready for the boom , which' is al ready putting in an appearance in Dawes county , in common with the remainder of Northwestern Nebraska. The citi zens met last week and organized an immigration cominittfu with ( Jeneral Hrisbin us president , and arranged for subordinate committees in every precinct in this part of the county , which is tribu tary to Crawford. Knquiries about the government land vacant in this vicinity are pouring in daily and spring will see a. , rush of new settlers unequalled in i the history of western Dawes county. . With a railroad running its entire length and thousands of acres of fine farming land still waiting homesteaders and prcomptors. Dawc- county in the neighborhood of Crawford offers unequalled advantages for the ff.rmor. Crawford is crowing steadily. The trade from Fort llobmson is an im portant element in furthering the material - ial interests of this community. With tlio enlargement of the post which is soon to begin , this will bo still further in creased while a largo amount of money will be exponed and distributed among our citizens in consequence. W. U. Ed gar , chairman of the Crawford immigra tion committee will gladly answer ul laquirlcj from Intending settlers. Colgate's { Jablunorg Bouquet. A white , pure dehciously epented toilet soup , which ' never roughens the most del- ' " - Salvation Oil- the greatest euro on rarth for pain , has made a most bril liant debut. Price , 20 cents. Philosophers say that affairs should always bo conducted with n view to the nreatost good of the greatest number. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup docs the great- eat good to the greatest number. 25 cents. Much complaint is being made about the wavin which the cars nro allowed to block uu the Tenth street crossing often at 0 o'clock at night. Some tlmo ago the council passed a resolution ordering the arrest of any switchman or brakeman who should allow the tracks to bo thus blocked up. Wednesday night the carria ges route to Urownell hall were compelled to wait twenty or thirty minutes tit this crossing bet-au o the tracks were con- pletely blockaded. St. Vltiis'n Dunne Ctirril. I'.VHMINOHAI.P. . Iv. I. , N. Y. , Sent. 2. ISSo. I have been troubled for several years with an affection of the nerves which no doctor or no medicine could cure until I tried HitANbiUiTii's 1'n.t.s. I would be taken with a violent pain in the middle of my spine , and my arms and legs would twitch violently. It acted something like St. Vitus Dance , for 1 couldn't control uy limbs. It would come and go onee or twice a month , lastiuu two or three days at a time Finally , at the beginning of one of my attacks , 1 took live HKAMI- itr.TH's 1'n.t.s. As soon as they acted freely I found myself almost well. So I continued taking them for a month one or two a niirht. It is now a year since 1 lave bad an attack , and 1 attribute my cure to OiuxiMi.Tii's PIM.S. FifAxor.s WOOD. The forty-sixth musicale ot the Indies' Musical .society was gaon Wednesday nght at LyoiitK HualevX in thcbliupo ° ' ! * iiano recital by Mi s Hella Robinson , assis- oil by Mrs. H. 1) . Kstabnmk as vocalist , mil Miss IdaTlncsas pianist. Miss Hobiu- son has been for the. pastlwo years under the-instructions of Miss Neally Stevens , iqd her skill and artistic methods give iromtec of a very bright future for ner. I'lio programme was much enjoyed by the 'arge audience present. Thr Himtrkepper'H Complaint. "I am discouraged. I have too much : o do. I am tired. I am sick. I sup ese I was put into this house to keep it jlean , but it is too much work. I won't ry. I will go to sleep. I don't care what becomes of the house. " The above is an allegory. The dis courage I housekeeper is the liver , i\hich ndeed , is often called "the house- teeper of our health. " It dors go _ to deep as it , threatened , a crowd of dis eases are all rnady to sprinir up as a eon- sequence. Dr. Pierce's "tic.lden Medical scovi-ry" aet.s upon the liver and as sists it in its work of housekeeping and nouse-cleaning. It is the great liver remedy and blood cleanser , and cures all he lonir train of elm me malad os result- ng from a torpid or sluggish , sleepy iver , such as sick headache , scrofulous diseases , as ulcers , ' 'fever sores , " "white wellings , " hip-joint doiso. . consump tion of the lungs ( \\heli is really only Gcrofnli : manifesting itself in tlio delicate .sMies of ttio-ie. organs ) , also all .skin dis- aseas , as blotches , p.mples and erup tions , and all blood taiuta , however ac quired. At a meeting of the Lily Division U. II. K. of P. hold Monday evening General I. E. Smith was elected sir knight com mander ; J C. Kang sir knight licuten- inr commander and Fred Race sir knight hi raid. Complexion Powder is an absolute necessity ot the relined toilet in this cli mate. Po/.zoni'.s combines every element of beauty and purity. Ha\erlv'i5 minstrels will lie in Omaha on the nijiht Of the Patli performance. Manager Hovd has tried ineffectually to have the date of his performance changed. She has the complexion of a peach , Po//.om'.s Medicated Complexion Powder did it. Sold bv all druggists. A. J. Wlieelock , one of the sporting men of Missouri Valley , was in town yesterday and took part in a little match elsewhere recorded in this issue. There nro 221 women on Officer Turn- bull's list of the inmates _ of the \anous disorderly houses of this city. The city council will start on Monday morning next for their trip over the Mis souri Paeilic to Now Orleans. It is ex pected that the entire body will go. . no AtnmontftLDj ! , AlumotI'hoiphates.Bt I'rico'a , YuitUo , Lecioti , otc. , l Ncwlf furalihol The Tremoiit , J. C. K1T7.UUKAU > & i-O.V , i'roprlotnn. Cor. Kh iitt-l I'rHs. , Lincoln , JJeb. n > le tl. per day. blreol can Iromliuuu to anr ' j'crt ot Ilie c'tf. J , II. W. HAWKINS , Architect , Omcf31. . 3J uii-1 . Hlunnrds UlooV. Lincoln , Ntb. r.luvutor onlltli slrcot. llreoderol lirpodcrof GiLLo\fAr CATTIK. ft V. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer hnlu * Hindu In nil part * of tliu U S-iUfnlr rHtus. Jtoom 8 , State Illock , I.lnooln , Xeu. Galloway unrtUuort Horn bulU foreala. li H. GOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance , Corrtauondcnco In rcirarl to loans solicited Jtoom * . Hlcbaras Illock. IJueoln , .Vub. Riverside Sliort Horns Of strictly pure Hates nnd llntes Tajijiedcattle. Herd numbers about M huad. Families rcpruientuU : t'llberts. Cragzt , Acoinl > 8. lli'iiioi , Itoie of Sharons. Moss Itotet , Kiilt-'Btly Ducbcsseu , Flat Creek Vouny M&rjri , Fbrlllaei , IxiuansandTruti Ixives. llulU tor Mlo. 1 furo JJutes KUbirt. 1 Pure Bate * Crates. 1 Ko oof Sharon. 1 Young- Mary , JPme Crulek Hhank and other * . Coma and Inspect the liord. Addrees , OH AH. M. U1UN BON , Lincoln , Neb. When in Lincoln itopat lsational [ Hotel , And gel u good dinner to - . ' . ' fBDAVTAY Proa liTe Eclipse Broadcast Seeder The only FOKCE FEED WAGON SEEDE11 in the mnrkc1 Pho only Wagon Seeder thai stops sowing when the tcani stops. The only Wagon Socclor thai sows the same quantity ; ) or acre whether the team walks fast or slow. The enl Wagon Seeder that will sow all kinds of grain. The onl. , Wagon Sceder'that is provided with springs to prevent breal igc. igc.Ask Ask your dealer for them and if not in stork , write Deere , Weils & Co , , Manufacturers of and Dealers in Agricultural Implement , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , 17-ta LA.Avur.Ncn STKKIT , in\vsit : ; , . - < JO.OJA O , ( ) f tne Missouri State M-seum of Anato- iiiy , St. Louis Mo- ? University College Hospital Lomlon , Gicfcn , Germany and Now York. Having devoted their atten tion TO "Till- ; TREATMENT OF Nervous , Chrome and DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , invite all so suffering to corrct-pond without delay. Diseases of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous druses. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced i icurablc , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. All Ict'crs receive immediate attention. u2TJUST PUBLISHED g > And will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt of one 'i cent stump , "Practical Ob = crvations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "E - ay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on DISEASES or run RBIMIODVCTIVB OHGANS , the whole lorminj ; n valuable med ical treatise which should be read by all voting men. Addre " "SS. S. \ O. mVZESOIV , 17-1V5 Lawrence hi. , J > cnver , Col. JiyDr. Snedlker'a metlifnl. No operation. Xo Puln : No Dutvir.lon from business. AiliiulttJ to children us well us Kronn peoplii. Hundieili of uutoifr.iph Iflln n.lalH en r.lo. All lu. lnesi trl n.J uu al. CONSULTATION K11C1 ! . . PROF. X. . COOK , ( BRIDGE BRO'S ' , State Agents FOll THE mm nun's ' puwn i /IVljll / DllUrJ , 1 AlMlrJ Omaha , Neb. SOMOAH NinSIRIES. AND RETAIL. O'ern for i-prlnz Irnile a full line nf Apples. Crnui , Ihi-'rlt't. I'cars Plum * , ( iritpi'i. rurrmils.ijooso- | iTrlo , llackleTii' ! .Ha'pbfrrl < ' .t'trawI > i'rriin. 'lin : NEW AND OUJ KINDS. Apiilorootgnifts , evnvrfon * . forest trpo needling ! , nrnHirii'n'nl Ireun nml stiru ! > . roio , rllmlilnu vlnui , Ac Dt'Hlcra unil all supplied at vlirr low prices. Ad- drujB D. S. Lake , Prop. , Shenandoah , Iowa. FOR SALE. Cash , Trade or on Time. Two Sai ! ! ! m and One Jack. Having sold mom , of uiy stock farm nml liuv- inpno further u&o for tlio ubove. I "ill sell them utn UitrKiiln. Cnsli , Inirtoor time. SIKINti o5l ! StumlaiilComing six ycura old , buy , 1U Imiids , sirud by linlluJJ - J , Uu by ly. ! + - dvk's UainblL'touliin. IClUChYDl--8evpii yonr < oM. draft nml all iiurpobo htalllon , 17 luuiiU liinli. wplcht 1UX ) 1 tis. with the uctlon ot A thonumlil'ri'd OIANT.JU. LAFKO Hlack JUCK , in or IB hands lilxli.coinfnK four > onra tild. lluugbt from Tnldwell i Co. , Ixmlsvlllo , ICy 1'or further rmrtlnuliirs , write to N , I , D , SOLOMON , Spring Valley Stock Farm , OMAHA , Kr.II. Tf nnt EoM thn aboru Stallions will stand for Eorvicuut tlio farm. 'ABSOLUTE PERFEQliOH IN BAKIHUi AND ALL- MEATS nOASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR FOUND EXCLUSIVELY OH TUS MARVELOUS RESULTS LOSS IN SHRINKAGE OF MEATS , Verr frwpwpl * Vnow that tbo KhrlnVaM ot MmU maudlin ncU oon-n l > from thlrtj-flt. to fW7 P lent. All njn tciinuiii m > outj--tivoMrc nl.of ut jinil onlr tw ntrB MT cent , of mild nwtUr.and ttt -ithatli > un < lii inlhx nuulIiiBfnm il lntheoTopo. f tlnuof thululco. ttl.lcli 1. tlio VITAL. riaiOF U iT Effect of tlio SOLID OVEN Door- A TEN t * > nn < l falrloln , roc.liuraorwolUlone , will Dt r.rporriJlo KIX loundinml lour ounnx ot llo u < l ncut.i.honlnK.llo' . ofthti. r < > intl 'ill ' < weJV > lou.n ° 1 of juice , \\bilithe Ion l S'H Irroat.of tbo totjU rrUhi. It vtitin the cuoriucus Loss or tlixx rcn CLKT. OF7UEJCICE. Effect of "WIRE GAUZE OVEN Door. A TEV round alrloln. inMlum or > olllonn.wlll M rrduced to nlneimunrl nmlolght ouurnof I'0"1- ! runt , tnowlnen loMOf Blirht oanws of inln. Hblli thlnlo'ila live per Cfnt.of tlm wofulit. Ituhowl Ihoien .inallLoaioriinTKBVEXi'EBCtHT.orJulCK , Etna roa ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AND PBICE LISTS. CHAETER 0K 6TOVE3 and EAHGES are SOLD IN KEHBASKA as lollcwa : MILTON POGERSftSONS OMAHA. I' . KENXCV. GORDON. DALLAS & I.K.TSON , HASTINGS. E.G. BREWER HAV brmvu . H AIRU&CO Nu > r.AiK .CirT. W P. TTMl'I ETON , NrisOK. . STUROEVANT ft SON , ATKINSON. in. & . , CIIADROK. UAUSE , : WELCH COIUMBUS. OLDS IROS ! . EDGAR. T'VNNFLL&SWFr.NEV ' , KAIRBURT. OEITLK& FAGER , FRANKLIW. N J. JOHNSON MOUTH BIND. J I McCAirEKTY O'NriLt. CITY. R \ZLEWOOD , OSCEOLA. J S. IH'KK PLATTSMOUTH. A. PEARSON STEIIUWI. J C. GREEN STFOMSOURO. 1 A I'AimrN fiSON Surtmon. TIMMERMAN &FKAKER VIKDOH. Poison the System with Nnuscatln ? Jniff3.r.Hprne's ) ) Electric Uclt Cures Diseases Without Medicines. Will Positively Cure Without Medicine I'.Mnn In tlio Luck , hlpvhi'iirt r > - llmbv .Venom U * Mllty.I.unitmco , ( lenernl Denllltr rthoumnlltm , 1'ir nl7 K Ncnrnlf , r'cln Ic . Illtemcn of Klilnxyi. Hpl- mil niteatcn , rorplrt l.lrr Ooul , A thmnll * rl Dl- ncnrr * . Dfrpoprln.Oonitliintlon. KrjrlpilM , Indl e - tlon , Imjiotencjr , Catnrrli. I'lluj , Kpllepir , Ague , 1) | - botredlydroca Kxliauitlan. Koto the Following who were Cured A J. ITaiclnnd II. S. IMruor. J. M. all on bokril of trade ! IV r'urntmtn , Araorlcan Kiprr l Co : A.iriK < TT. oommliilio marc bunt. Slock Vardi , O. Tawniend. Pulintir llouso ; HudJ Doble , the ersat hoeunt Col. Connellr , of the Inter -Oc n. H. W. W.KrleM j W.M. Darli. Hturauirj Ainrrloio mn ; J . .MniLon > t l J.C. rinillti. j .II.1MaiHxmit. all nt OhlcngosT Ilellui , M. I ) . Mormonlown.low HI I/eiiiuel Milk , Kamialiee. III. Juilzel.N > lurrr.N I > nrvle. | | 111. , und hundred ! of nthers roprmentlim nemlr pTnrj > town in till llnturu Also klo ; lrlo belli for ladles. Call or fend ftaniti for Illtittrut d cutnlnuue. Open datlr. altQ evHiilnfm and HiindarK , Klnctrto SjtnBnftorlnt fr t and nil Malullelli. llonnroof bozuiicomnanlei wltb innnrallii ) > e . nalllnK worthlaal goals , with onljlitc U l niont > All mj 1nlunntaln 73 lerut > ntl ol tattrrk'B , henta liure four times tb ponrr and qunntlt ) of electrlclljr. lloncit gooli hnd lioneal ileHllnti ? the motto. JJU.W.HIlNK.19lWnlalis-avChlcnjro ) ( ) ) Inrentor , Proprietor and Manufacturer. THE ECLIPSE FANNING MILL Superior to all Others. Because stronger and hotter jriado , and will do bettor i. more thorough work. Ask your dealer for them or writ Deere , Wells & Co , , Couucil Bluffs , Iowa. .J