Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MlDAY , FEBRUARY 11. 1887. 3 WHEAT HAS ANOTHER FALL , The Oorcal Declines a Oent From "Wednes day's Oloaing Figurss. DEALS IN CORN SPASMODIC. Illglior I'rlcon Itcnllzntl at tlie Clone OAts Tnko The Same Course IMcss Pork Touches IIIc'1 ' Water Mark , CHICAGO IMIOIIUOU M.VllKCT. CIIICAOO , Feb. 10. ( Special Tclecrxm to the llr.n.l Wheat took another tumble , as holders In many Instances did not care to carry this cereal any lo'ieer. ' Hcwa from points at homo and abrovl was mca < rc , but hml more effect of IncrcastiiR the crop ot bears than encouraging the longs. The call. Ing of margins was In order and this had a depressing Inlluencc. Trading in the airure- Bale was larce , but mainly on local specu lative account. In the latter part of.ttm ses sion there was a rally , but the closings show n fall of Ic on the winding up llgurcs of yes terday. There was an older for Qfty car loads of wheat for shipment and twenty car loads were purchased. May opened at M ) , < c nnd bobbed between iO Wl ' c , closing at HI Me.Juno sold at MJ. ' s'iJi'c and closed at HI'-jJc. February closed at 75c , March at75fc' ! April at 7i > J < c , and .luly at 81'te. September f-old at S.IJ-scGW.jc. Corn was unsettled and trading spasmodic. The decline In wheat caused the market to open Jfe lower. Thu big shorts who have ei-n talking -lc ! ) for May for a month bouaht fieely and prices rallied c. The hlackcnini ; of the demand and sellers produced a weaker feeling , and values receded to almoU outside figures , but long stud having been closed out , and n new set of tiadurs taken in , coupled wltli the buovancv and sliaip ad vance In mess pork , caused a belter feeling and the last sales at 1 o'clockero at ' ) , e higher than yesterday. May op MUM ! at 40c , Mild at 40fflIO ! < c , nnd closed at 40\c Oats were tictlvo but weak early , later bucauiu quiet , although linn Im sympathy with coin and closed with the. decline icgalncd. Provisions wye aclKe , especially uies pork which , notwithstanding the decline iu the price of Iivo hogs , devel oped Increased strength aud urlccs reached thi ) highest prlco siuco November , 18 < l , and the shorts were large buyers. Outsiders who have been holding oil for some tlmn also sent In liberal buyers' orders , under the belief that tbo rumors of slroni ; parties living under the dual had some Inundation. The oircrlnvs were not largo and continued bid ding caused May , which was thu option ttaded In , loudvancn from 5l'i.70 ? to SI Ufi , and closed at that liguro at 1 o'clock. a gilu ot 4c over yesterday's last sales , l.ard did not follow the advance In mnss pork , be ing held down tiv heavv .st'lllnc by the longs. OUR operator M'lline 120,000 tierces. May bold at SO.b.1@0.h7H and closed at S < 5.S7 ; < JOn J- On thu attornoon boaid stroneer feeling puwalled. Wheat advanced j , ( a > i/c. Pork sold up ir > c , but closed only 7Ke higher than at 1 o'clock. Lard was fie anil shoit ribs lOc better. 'A' heat. March sold at Wn SKc. Aiiril at7r > ; frrc ( , Mav at Sl'h sii c , June at < ( < ? STc , .luly at &t\C I\c , closing \\ltli outsiilo prices asked. Uoi u , May 40 ' ( . ( jtlf. ' c. closing at40'f'c : March , nominal at : & < , & : fc ; Atiril , nomlnol at aV' ttKc ; .lune , 4H' ' ; c bid ; Julv , 4'JKc bid. Oats , March 24Vc , April S49/C. May ! .vJUc , .Juno ' tc. I'ork. Mav sold at Sl4.1.V < ei4.w : and closeil at ? ll.S2 ! $ . hard. March. SO 75. April SO.Si1 , May S0.fa7 @fi.y ! , closing at SO.UJ . CHICAGO MVI3 STOCK. Ciuc.vno , Feb. 10. [ Special Teleeram to the IJr.i : . ] C.vrri.iVltb \ a considerable in crease In receipts Olivers very naturally tried haul to make a break in prices. The market was slow. To-day fat cattle of light and medium weights sold fairly well at barely steady rates , while nearly all othcr grades , especially heavy cattle , sold 5c lower. In some cases the weakness \\ai morn pro nounced. Some not very irood heavy cattle sold lOc lower. The general market was less satisfactory to shippers than yesterday. Ship ping steers. 1350 to 1MX ) Ibs. . S4.45ffi.'i.l2K ( : r.'ootois.'ioibs. . ( : uoo to moo IDS. , S3.fJO@ > MO. Stockers and feeders. S2..10@ . UK ) : cows. lOc lower , at 51.00(33.05 ( ; bulk , . Iloos There was an absence of excite ment that prevailed yesterday and In a gen eral wav values ruled rather easier with barely a fluctuation , or li\od decline , lint both sellers and buyers agreed that there was little or no cbango in prices as compared with vosterday. A few fancy heavy sold at S5.40@-i.42 % with packers at S.r .00@5.SO and common at S5.0C@5.0j ; light sorts bold at FINANCJIA.U New York. Feb. 10. MOVRT On call , easy atSQlpercont , closing at 3 } @ 4 per cent. I'IIIUE MUUCA.NTII.K I'APKU 5&G par cent. STKitr.iNO EXOHANOI : Dull but steady at S4.S5J4 for sixty day bills ; > > 4 for de mand. ( JovunNMi-NTS ( lovernmcnt bonds were dull but steady. STOCKS. Tlio general situation In stocks at present cive.s encouragement to tlio bulls and momborft of the dllferent cliques were again acllvo In their specialties. After a du- cldedly strong openrug , Iu which the ad- vniices over last evening's llnal llgines ranged up to Jf pur cent , thcio was an actlvo ninrkot , accompanied by considerable fover- isbucss nnd Irregularity , while the general drift of prices was downward , though a few Kncclal stocks made material advances. After the lirst hour thcro was a decrease In thu amount of business done , though prices showed a marked Improvement , which , with but slight Interruption , lasted until about ! ! p. m. , when tint bust llguies of the day were reached. In thelast hour realizations sagged thu market olT slightly , but the close was htondy though ( inlet at but sllgnt fractious under the best prices of the day. STOCKS ON WA.LL 4TKKRT. MAltKKT. Chlcnnn , Feb. 10. Kollowlnj quotations tro tlio 'Jw : : closing rlRures ; Flour Dull ; nominally unchaneert ; flour , I4/J.1CM.80 ; soutuorn. SJ.IW'O : Wisconsin , 4.20.t4.0 ( ! ! ; MIchlKan soft sprlue wheat , IJVWH.UO : Altunt'sota oakors , , ; patents. 4.&U < ci4.bJlovr : eradus. ai..i ct'.ya ; rje rtour. ( juiet at * 3.25&ta.4U ; InsacVs aud barrels , 5ja.70. Wheat Active and lower ; opened about Kc under yesterday , and closed from ko to ho muter yeMenlay ; cash , 75jrc ; Alay. fct 7-lCc ; June , Kli.icc. Corn .Modi'Mtely active , openliiB Kc lower nnd closing about hdivp above yestiT day , \\ltli the tixcoptioii of , which was iitwIyntSlXc ; May , 40\'o ; Juno , 41 c. Oati Kasy early , later bec.iiuo stiongcr , nnd reacted ; cash , 21 c ; May , SJAfc. Jtyo We. llarley-Dnll at 60Q5lc. Tiwotuy bcpd PriniH. Sl.bS01.tSX. Pork blruiik' and actlvo with a Kood ad' vance : c.ish , 314.00 ; May , SU.iM1 * . Lanl-Strou iT anil f > @lOo iiigliert cash , Jfl.75 : May , 8fi.ftX3fl.ieK. Bulk Moats Sliouldurs. Sft.OCkittUO ; siiorl cU-ar. s . ; bhort rlb-i. S7.10. Hutter Dull , nouiitial and uiichanjcd ; nunnery , iJOc - . c ; dairy , 14fc\y-lc. Ch.v,0Kirnicr ; lull cru-lin cliaddarsliiJ4' 8 18c ; tlata l2Vii3c ; younc Americas , is j < ; skims , . Hides-Steady and unchanped ; fireen : C > io : IIPAVBreou suited , 7Kc ; salted hull , 6c < : dry snllc.l. 11312c , Urv Hint , lS 14cs deacons , 25c each. Tallow No. I country , SJfc ; No. 2 , 2 { c. Ilcrclpts. Slilpmonts. Hour , bbls. . , . 2-1 ,000 20.000 Wheat , bu . li000 32.000 Corn , Im . 8COW ) R5.000 Oat. , bu . 78,000 69,000 Hyp. bH . 1,000 2,000 Uarley , bu . 20,000 33,000 Now Yorlt. Feb. 10. Wheat Cnsh KOUc lower , cioslnR steady ! ontlons opened wenk and soon declined % ® H afterwards ruled stroneer mid closed with rcco\ery H' 'H'c ' : receipts. 22.000 ; export ! " , 105.000 ; tingrnilcd red , 01 4 5e ; .No. 3 red , 03tic ; No. 2 red , Wi tW c lu elevator , 2c delivered , UOJ c f. o. b. from store : No. 1 rat , 03 > < ; c No. 3 red March closed fit Olc. Corn Sootatrllle bolter , options ad van cod a trlllo , closing tlrm ; iccelpf , :5,000 : ; exports , ili.OUO ; ungraded , 47a ( ( ? 4S ; c ; 4c In elevator , 49Jjc delivered : 4"-jc } f. o. b. ; closed 4SKc. Oats A < * liado stroneer nntl active ; re ceipts , 01,000 ; exports , : \5fl\ \ mixed western , B7M'Rto : white western , 3&rrf43o. Petroleum .Steady ; United closed atClc. t ( E gs Dull and oarely steady , western , l'oik 1'alrly active and firmer ; mcssqiiotcd at 812.87' , f'/13.5 / ! for old , SI l.M for new. Laid Illylicr and loss active ; western sti'sni , snot , quoted at 87.0J } < @ 7.0. ) . Huttcr-Qiilet ; western , r-'iaSTc ; Elsln creamery 2x < W9c , Firm nud In fair demand ; western . . Mlniiontoilq , Feb. 10. Wheat lTn- settled and IW-'c lower : Xo. 1 hard , Feb ruary , 70'ie ; May , SOXf ! N0J uoithern , February , 75'fc ' ; May , 'ibKc ; Xo. 2 noitheru , K'bruary , 74c ; May , 7fi ; c. Flour-Hull ; luteuts , 81.10(31.60 ( ; bakers , S3.WJOJ3.CO. Hecelpts Wlii-at , 102,000 bu ; Hour , 100 bbls. blilpim-nts Wheat , 110,003 bu. ; Hour , 104,000 bbls. Cincinnati. Fob. 10. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 led. sic. Corn Fair demand ; Xo. 2 mixed , ' . Onts-Stpadv ; Xo. 2 mixed , o ; Uvo-Uull ; Ko. 2. Me. 1'oikJiiiutnt ( 514 00. Lnrd Hood demand at SO.'O. WhlsKy bUndy at 51.13. Mllwniikor , Feb. 10. Wlieat Firmer ; cnsh , flVc ; March , 7ii < c : May , boc. Corn Kaslpr : Xo. it. SO c. Ortts-FIrm ; No. 2 white , SOJ c. IJ)0 DlnopltiK ; No. 1 , rlc. . Harlov Firmer ; Xo. 2 , SOJ c. Provisions iloiiyunt ; jjoik , Fcbiuary , 513.75 ; May , JSKi.Oo. St. IjoulH. Feb. 10. Wlmat Unsettled and ireuerally easy ; cash , Corn Stetulv ; Xo. 2 mixed , cash , 3-l' @ 32c. ! ' O.itsbout steady ; No. 8 mixed , cash , 2s > , c ; May. Oc. Hye Strong at53e. Whisky 81.13. Pork-Strong at SG.5-@fi.70. liuttur Dull and unelinnged ; creamery , 24 ( < i27e ; dairy , 15 2e. : ! Atternooii lioard. Wheat Firmer and % ( ft'jc higher. Com Firm aud c lilghcr. Oats Unchanged. tt-iaaas City , Fob. 10. Wheat Lower ; No. a. cash , COc bid ; .March , 5 7tfc hid ; May , 74 c bid. Coin Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 20' c bid ; M.irch , 30'4c ' ; May , : c bid. Oati No ( luoutious. Ijlvorpool , Feb. 10. Wheat Quiet ; de mand poor ; supply good. Corn Quiet but steady ; demand poor. Now Orleans. Feb. 10. Corn Irregular ; white and mixed held at 40c ; yellow , 4G ( ( $ 47c. 47c.Jats ( Kasler ; choice western , CGQ-TTc. Hog Prooucts-Firmcr : | > ork , Slii.90. Hulk Meats Shoulders. $5.75 ; lonj : clear , and clear rib , 85.77. Lurd-nigher at SO.SO@G.51. * LilVB STOCK. Clilcnjro , Feb. lO.-Cattle , receipts , 10,000 ; steady ; tenorally 5 ( < tlOc lower ; shipping steers , $3.00 0.1 ; stockers and tcedcis , S2.'Xwi..0 ) : ; cow- , nulls nud mixed , lower , 5l. .iOftfi.fiS : ; bulk , S2. 4.50. 4.50.Sheep Kecelpts , 5.000 ; strong and fnlilv actlvo ; natives , S2.50.-M.70 . ; western , § 8.50 ® 4.G. ) ; lambs , S4.00(35.70. ( St. 1/ouls , Fob. 10. Cattle Receipts , 1.200 head ; nctivo and steady ; choice IIIMV.V native steers , S4.40ir ( .oo ; fair to food shipping steers , ' 88.85(84.45 ( ; butchers' steers , talr to good , 53.10(24.15 ( ; feeders , lair to stood , 52.80 @ 3.GO ; stockers , tair to good , 82.10 3.00. Hogs Receipts , 3,000 head ; active and steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selec tions , 8n.WfiZ5.-JO ! ; packing fair to good , S5.10.V.i5 ( ; Yorkers , fancy , $4.1)5 ) ( 5.10 ; pi,1 ! , common to good S4.25Ji4.bO. ( Kansas City. Feb. 10. Cattlfl Rpcftlpts. 1,700 head ; shipments , none shipping steers steady ; common to choice , S3.M.rt4.40 ) ; cows and butcliois' steers weak : stockers , 82.60(33.15 ( ; teeolng steers. S3.25@3.G5 ; cows common to choice , S2.2Vtfu.40 , Hots Receipts , 11,000 head ; shipments. 10,000 head ; choice .steady ; common and light , mixed weak and 5c lower ; common to choice , S4.75g5.25. ( OMAHA ItlVK STOCK. Thursday , Feb. 10. Cattle. The receipts were heavier than they have been for some time oast. The iresh receipts taken with those left over from tlio previous day made a total of over 1,500 head oflered on the market The maiket was about steady with yesterday , though It may In a few in stances have been a little lower. HORS. The receipts of hogs were lighter than yes terday by a lew hundred head. The maiket opened strong and acllve at yesterdays prices. Heavy , light and mixed ho s vveio till .selling at about ono price. The hogs weio all sold and the pens cleaied at an eaily hour. SIiccp. There was nothing done on thn market to-day. Receipts. Cattle 1.300 Provnlllni ; Prices. Showing the pievalling prices paid for live stock on this market : Choice steers , 13.W to 1500 lbs..SI.2S6H.W Choice steers , 1100 to ISOO Jbs. . . : i.75fJUO ( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.y < < 3.50 Fair to medium grass cows 2.00iv2.50 liood to choice bulls 2.2.V3i.2.5 : Light and medium hoes 4.b5@4.05 Good to choice heavy hogs 4.90Ml.Do Coed to choice mixed hogs 4.'iM4.tK ) Choice sheep , 00 to 120 Ihs 3.504.00 Iloprcsoncativo Males. BTEKUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4. . . . 1100 83.00 22..1001 SII.75 8. . . . 1)03 ) 11.25 5. . . . t < 5 8.ttiW 21. . . . KW 3.40 85. . . . 1000 3.83J l > . . . . bU7 3.'X > 20..KW7 3.U5 20..1021 8.50 B7..11 4 4.00 1. . . . bfiO 3.50 1..1150 4.00 5 . . .1200 3.GO 1(1..1239 ( 4.00 7..10X5 S.GO 10..l'JfiiT 4.05 13..11Ur 3.GO 11..12SU 4.10 8..10U1 3.70 10.lirJ 4.10 43..115S 3.75 80..1314 4.10 1U..1171 8.75 4. , .1133 4.10 S.OHJ 3.75 12. , , .1502 4.40 COWS. No. AV. Pr. No. Av. Pr. D..1U40 gdGO 22..10SI ? 3.00 8..100.J 2.75 l..10Tfl 8.00 12..1115 8.00 7.,1120 800 1..1100 8.00 2..10M ) 8.03 HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..11RO S2.00 IS..105 ! 82..V ) 4 . . . ! ; { > < ) 2.25 2..K 2.75 1..14SO 2.25 1..15.W 8.00 1..1250 2.50 1..1G7J 8.00 6TAOS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2..1430 S3.00 0..1513 § . ' 5.25 MIAI.-KEI : > TEXAN . No. AV. Pr. 20'J.,10CO 83.PO ONI.V. : No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8. . . . 1510 53.00 a..ISO ) S3.00 THXANS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 14. . . . 013 5300 4'J..ltl * 53.W ) rows AM > Hfi.iA No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. 5..1113 S'-.3i > < < U..1USJ 2.50 IIOCIS. No. Av. Slit. Pr No. Av. Jjhk. Pr. bi..lW JUO SI > 7Jj CU 274 2U ) S\.W \ > M./J3I L'50 J.1M . ' . . . . -2S7 1GO 4.t 7S..20U l'tl ) 74..SW bO 4.W 61) . .Ml cO 4.JO 70.,247 2 0 4.U5 01 , . .803 240 4.W CO..241 . . . i.Kt 02. . . .200 210 itO bS..lM 200 41 b0..2.,0 240 4.UO 74. , .24J 1 X ) 4.H5 bl..2W 40 4.1K ) TJ..2M 100 4.1)5 ) 70..250 bO 4.90 69..27U SCO i.93 G5..2b3 120 4.93 G2..235 200 4.03 nange or 1'rlccs. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for loads otho on this market dnrlug the past seven days anil fcr the same time last month and a vcar aco. Jan Feb. 1837 Fell. 4th TvT . . . . 3.71 5th 4 35 (14.70 4.70.DO 3.7S ll.OT thl 4.35 34.70 Sundnjr 3.70 ( 1.00 7th' ' 4..TO 44.70 . Sunday 8th 3.35 5H.15 ' . " tith Sunday C5M WS.'M 10th 4.10 (11 63 8.CO (7,4.01 ( Shipment * . Showlne the number of cattle , hors and sheep shipped from the yards during thu day. CATTI.Il. Xo. cars. lit. Dcst. 21 Jill Chlcauo 18 N. W. Chicago All silos of stock HI this market are mailo percwt , llvo welzht unless otherwise stated. Dead IIORJ sell at K < J per lb. for all weights. "Skins. " or boss weUhluc less than 10J Ibs. no value. I'reijiiant sow.s are ilockcd 40 Ibs. and stag's SO Ibj , by the public Inspector. Notes. IloRsall sold. Heavy run of cattle. HoL's strong and steady. Jim Frazler , Columbus , was here to-day. There \\cte 1,510 cattle on the market to day.All All kinds of hogs scllluc at about one pi ice. I ! . Aeon , Notth Demi , was inlth a car ot cattle. S. 11. Elwood , O'Nell , Neb. , was here with stock. J. U'llcov , North Uend , was lu with a car of cattle. . ) . K. Hunt , Papllllon , was In with cattle and ho s. K. K. Miller , Uunklemau , was in and sold a oad of c.Utli- . U. F. Ejer , Coitlaml , was In and sold a ! oad of cattle. J. J. Miller , Valley , was here and sold a oad ot cattle. Charles Ulrlch , Pierce , Neb. , was heie and marketed hop ) . K. W. Ulaclc , Plattsmouth , was in and sold a load of hogs. C. II. Ilowaul , Stautou , Neb. , was in with a load of cattle. Mr. Heebee.of Heebeeto\\nIa. , was in with two cars of cattle. Jim Km/.lor , Silver City , la. , was here look- Inn after feeders. Mr , Hailcy , of the Chicago stock yaids , was a visitor here to-Oay. I. C. Cammcl , Cambildge , XeD. , was here with four loads of cattle. M. Hart , Edgar , was here with two loads ot cattle and one of hogs. Thomas Ashton , HalL'her , Xob. , was iu and -50U1 three loads of cattle. U'ullack came in to-day from Ids ranch on Wood river , Xeb. (5. ( 11. Hammond & Co. bought IS loads ot cattle and i/Jli head of hogs. James II. McKouky , Corning , la. , came in to-day with a load of cattle. Chailcs Uiii'at ' , Norfolk , was here and mar keted a load of hogs and cattle. The irrepres-slblo Walt White , of Tekamah , Xeb. , was hero with two loads of cattle. E. F. Itlley , a well known b.iukerof Oscc- ola , was n visitor at the yaids to-day. II. II. Harbor , Elwood , came in to-day with a car of cattle which sold on the m.irke't. D. Hertran , Stuart , Xeb. , was hero with a load of cattle which sold on thu market. Frank I ) . Tickell. Coitland , Xeb. , was here with four loads ol corn ted westetn cat tle. tle.Mr. Mr. O'Toole , of the lirm of O'Toolo & Uovle. was in with two loads of cattle trom Oberlin , Kan. The Standard cattle company , of Ames , sold ten c.irs of meal led cattle , Texans , which sold at S3.90. Mr. Peteibon , a well known feeder of West Point , Xeb. , was looking over the maiket with a view of shipping cattle here. J. Lvnn , F.ictoryvlllc , was hero for thn first time to-dit" with a load of cattle , ilo went away well pleased with the market. J. 31. Strahan , Malvern , la. , came In from his ranch at Wayne. Neb. , with ii\e loids of cattle and 0110 load of hogs for Slater , Frailer & Steole. _ _ _ _ OMAHA \VHOIjKSAM3 MAUHETS General 1'rutlucc * . Thursday , Feb. 10. nicfollnwlim jtrlcrs arc for round lots of proihi ccis until on tlic out rhct tot t < iy. 'j nc < ; oi/tons ( / on fruits represent the prices wlilvli otit - ! < lc orders ( ire ftllctl. Enr.s The receipts are liberal and the market slow at KXMI7c. UtTTTiu : The receipts are liberal and the market weak. The choicest is selling mostly at 10@lbc ; lair to irood , 14Jil.rx ( ; ; common , Poi'i.Titv The receipts were very light and the demand gooif lor choice dressed chickens. Chickens lOc ; turkeys 10rtllc ( ; geese and ducks bfi lOc. > . VioiTAin.r.s : Heetscariots , parsnips and turnips are quoted at 50c. IloibC-r.xdi ' roots S4.00if4 f.0 per bbl. POTATOES The weather has been so cold duiing the past few da > s that It was Impossi ble to handle potatoes to any extent. The trade is limited almost entirely to the sale of small lots from the store. Fair to good htock , from store , small lots , GO ( IMC ; choice stock , from store , small lots , OVftTOn. OVSTKUS .Mediums , 20c : standards. 2Cc ; selects , 2ic ; extra selects , 33c ; N. V. counts , Ai'Pi.Es The apple maiket Is firm and stocks on hand are light ; Choice .Missouri slock per bbl. S3.75M4.tX ) ; Choice Michigan stock per bbl. SI.OO. O.NIO.NH-Homo crown slock , per bu. 81.00 @ 1.40. CKLHUV Choice stock , per doz.40@4.r c. OIIANHKB There is allneral supply of good stock on the market ; Valencia per case , 0.00070.50 ; Calilornia. per box , $ : i.00&ii.35 ; Florida , per box , S3.00&3.2. ' ; . lir.Moxs The market looking up and prices have advanced In NowYoik ; Messlua iancy , per box. S5.00. CIIANIIIUIRIKS Capo Cod , fancv. per bbl , 812.00 ; bell and bugle , per bbl , $10.00 ; Hell and Cherry. S'J.75. HIAKS : Infeilor stock , 75(431.00 ; good clean countrv , Sl.o Jsl.23 ; medium , hand picked , SI.4031.5o ; hand picked navy , $1.50 PROVISIONS Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon , 9J c ; clear side bacon , b c ; dry salt bids , tic ; shoulder * , 7c : dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beet , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , 50 lb CHIIS. 7c : lard , 20 I b c.ins , Falibanks , 7'sc ; lard , 10 lb cans , Fairbanks , 74c ! ; lard 5 lb cans , 7Kc ; lard. 3 lb cans , 71 < c. FLOUII AND .MH.I.STUFFS Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; sec nd qual ity , S'.2 i-J,50 : be-t quality spiin ; wheat Hour , patent. S'i4ft3-.i'0 ' ; W. J. NVelahan's buckwheat llour. jier bbl , § 0.00 ; sacks , S3.00 per bundled ; \V. J. No. 1 , ready raised , forty 2 } lb package.- , in case , 84.50 ; do , twenty 5 lb packages In case , $1.50 ; bran , 70c percwt ; chopped teed , 75c per c\vt : white corn meal. Wo ; yellow corn , meal , NViWc per cwt ; Ecreeiiintr. 50' < t75a per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 : Bhorts , 70a per cwt ; gralmm , 81,75 ; hay , in bales , S7.Xper ( ) ton. Grocers'Tjiit. PicKi.r.s-Medium. In bbU , 80.00 ; do , In half bbls , 53.50 ; small , In bbls , 87.00 ; do , In halt bbls. SJ.OO ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.00 : ' uo , in half bbls , S .5'J. ' SUOAUS Powdcrca , O'c 7c ; cut loaf Gff ( iJGJfic ; ranulatt'dGki Q6\o ; confectioners A , fi TGc : standard oxtr.i C , 5XM-io ; extra C. 5V@5Ki < mudltim yellow , 4J < f 5c. .MATCHES Per caddie. 2-vj ; bimaro cases , 81.70 : mule s < ] uare. 1.2u. { Jviuip No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 5120 J1.25 ; New Orleans per gallon Sx i4 < Hj ; mapio syrup , lialf bbls , "old time. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; half gallon cans , per doz , $5.'iO ; quart cans , 3.Gu. OAXDV iiued , yail.Vc : stick , S' gs c. CrtACKKits ( iarueau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > $ c ; creams , b.Hc ; ginger snaps , bkc ; city soda , 7W. faTAitcfi Mirror gl - " . 1 lb , Go ; mirror gloss , 3 ib , 55 e : mirror glo-ss , Gib , G c ; iford's corn , I lp , Soil's Kirk s snvon imperial , S2.70 ; KirK s satinet. f3.00 ; Kirk s st.iudard , S.i.0 > ; Klrk'b while Husslan , SI.OO ; Kirk's whitecap - cap , SC.50 ; dom < > , S3.S5 ; washboard , 3.10 ; white cloud. S3.75. CAy.VKiiootis-Oyatew.fitandardpercase ( , S3.15w3.25 ; strawberrJvs , 2 lb.per ease. 8-i.tO ; raspberries. 2 lb , per cast1 , Si.-i'V ' ; eCalltomla p ars , per case , 84.50 ; apricoU , p r casj , SI.OO ; peachy , iw cue , $5.00 ; white clier- rlej.pfcr case , 30.00 : pums. ! per case , ? 3.0o ) bltipberrle per case , Sl.Sv ; o e plum" . 3 lb , nerca e , 82.50 : plneapnloj. 3 lb. per case 53.20(25.73 ( : I 1" nm.'kcrei. per doz , S1.40 : l Ih salmon , pet < loz , SI.vxai.Vi ; 2 ID , goose- berrleo , percale , 81.75 ; 2 lb strlns beans per case , 51.70 ; 2 lb limabe.ln , per ca < e , Sl.CO ; J lb marrow fat peas , pcrcase. Si50d2.V ( ) ; 2 lb early .luncpea , par case. 52.75 ; 3lb toma- .oes. S'J.50 2.t : ' - Ib.corn SiPO 2.40. DniED FnrtT No. 1 quarter apples 5 f@ Cc : evaporated In boxes , I2i ( gl3c : black berries , boxes. 10V@Hc : peaches , Salt Lake , I860. loc < ? 10ic : peaches , evaporated. ISHc ; raspberries , new , 2Jo ; currents , 7(37sc ( ; prunes , new , "c. CorrEKS Ordlnarvgrades H'fdlSc ' fair 15l"Xc ; prime. r Kfir ( < j ; choice , KXillOHc ; fancy green and > eilow. 10i17c ( ; old snv- erninent Java , 20dl'JCc ; Interior .lava , 10 } ® 20c ; Mocha , 2-J'l2 ; c : Arbucklo's roasto 2.5i4c . ; McLauchllti's XXXX roasted , J ) Dilworth's.20c ; Red Cioss , a U'ic. ,1 General Mnrlccti. HinES Green butchers. S flfic ; preen cured.'c : drv lllnt , ll ( ( < l.'e ; drv salt. OtitlOc ; Kreon calf skins , IW' c ; damaged nutes , ; wc thltd3 price. ' 1 allow sjfc , ( Jrcase Prune while. 3 > < c ; yellow , 2'ic ; brown , IJf bhccn Pelts , 257Sc. \AUNISIIKS Uatro's. pcrgallou ; furni ture , extra , Sl.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl.OO ; coach extra , 51.40 ; coach , No. l , S1.20 : Da- mar , extra , $1.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra We : &hcll.ic , S3.00 ; hard oil finish , E1.50 HEAVY HAitnwAitn iron , rate 52-v ) ; cast tools , do. 12 < ( MSc ; wasoti spokes , per st , SHOJC'WW ) ; hubs , per set , S1.2. > : tclloes. sawed ilry , SI.51) ) ; tongues , each. bOc : axeK each. 75c : saiiaio nuts , per lb. oi$71c : cell chain , per lb. 0 ( ! { ! c ; malleable. 7c < ; 9c ; lion wi'de < > s , Cc ! crow Pars , Ge ; Inrrow teeth , 4 > sc , spring stee.1. 70JVc ; litirden's horMi shoe" . S4.,515urdeu's ; mule shoes. S" > . " 5. liarhed wire. In car lot" . 84,00 pur 100 Ibs. Nails , 10 ' . ' nails S2.'K > . rates , to 60 , S''O ; steel , hhot , S1.1V buckshot , 81.M : oriental powiier , kegs , Si 50 : do. half kegs , * 2 00 : do. quarter kegs , Sl.o : blasting , kei ; * , 82.03 ; fuse , per 10 feet. G.X : . Lead bar. Sir. PAINTS is On. While lead. OmaliaP P. , : wlnto leadSt. . Loins , pure , ii , < ; Marseilles seilles green , 1 to lb can * . 2c ; Krcncn zinc , creen seal , 12c ; rench 7inc , red lie ; French zinc. In vartiNh asst. 20c : Ko ncli 7.iiic.75c : vermillion , Knirllsh , In oil , 75c ; red. lOc : rose pink. 14c ; Venetian red , Cook- son's , 2fc ; Venetian red. Amuilcau. Ij o ; red lend , 71fc : chrome yellow , genuine , * c ; chrome yellow , K. 12c ; ochre , rochelle. "c ; ochre , French , 2fe ; o.-hre , American , Itfc ; U'inter's mineral , SVo ; Lenlgh blown , 2l < c ; S , anlsh brown , 2 > 'c ; Prince's mineral , bPiuiTS Colosue spirits , 1S3 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof. Shi's ; spirits , s-econd quality , 101 prool , § 1.17 : do ! & proof. 5S1.1G Alcohol. Ib3 prool , 32.20 per wine vallou. Redistilled whiskies , Sl.OOviM.50. liln , blended , ® P.OO : Kentucky bourbons , S2.WSG.OO ( ; Ken tucky nud I'ennsvlvania ryes. S2.OOvitO.50 ; Golifen Sheaf bourbon ami rye whiskies , Sl.10nZ3.Oa llr.UHlles. Imported , Sfl.tMrtS.M ) ; domestic , Sl.oO J3.X ( ) . ( Sins Imported , S4.W ( nG.tX ) : domestic , S1.2.V3.0t ) . ChampaRnes , impoited. per c.ise. S2S.OOU33.00 ( ; American , per Cti e S10.00yilft.oo DIIY PAINTS-While lead , Sc : French /Inc , 12c ; 1'arli whltinir , 2''c ; whiting , gliders , 2J o ; whiting , com'I , IJ c ; lampblack , ( ! er- maiiMown. 12c ; lampblack , ordinary , * c ; PiusMan blue,55cultramarine ; , Itc ; vnndyK- brown , 8c ; umber , burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4c : sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris green , trenulne. 2. o. Paris green , com mon , 22c ; chrome green. N. Y. . 20c ; vermillion American. Ibc : innian raw and burnt umber , 1 BJ cans , r.c ! ; raw and burnt sienna , I2c : Vandyke blown , We : re- tiued lampblack I2c- coach black aud ivory black. IGc ; drop black. ICe ; Prussiiin blue. 40c : ultramailnEvl'lack. ' T < c ; chrome crecn.L. , M. & ! ) . , iflc ; blind r.nd shutter green. L. . M. & I ) . , IGc : I'arm green , ISc ; Indian led , ir > c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan , 22c ; American vermillion. L. A. I ) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , 2c ; L. M. * O. I ) . . 1S3 : good ochro. IGc : patent drver.Sc ; cralnlug color , light oaK , dark oat , wnluut. chestnut and nsti. 1'Jc. RCUnunsANi ) HBMIOAI. " . Acid , carbolic , 5 c ; acid , tartaric , 5'ic ; balsam copaiba , per lbDe ; bark sassafras , per lb , lOc ; calomel , Xo. 2. per gal. , SI 4U ; nil ol ve. per gal. , S1.40 ; oil orliratinum. 50e ; opium , $ H.sO ; qulnino , P. & W. nnd H. AS , , pi'r oz , 7.'c ; potassium iodide , p r tt > , S'.50 ' ; salicin. per oz. 40c ; sul phate morphine , per oz. SJ.-5 ; sulphur , per a.4c ; strychnine , per nSl.2) . Ktrus AND SKixs-Tho tollowlug prices yearlincs. S-.00'T4.00. Hadgcr. 5-K f.Oc. Cat , wild , 20 ® lOc ; domestic , black. ICtglfic ; do- inohtlc , btimlrv colors , 5abc. ( Fox. red. Sl.CO @ \ 25 : cross , S2.00@4.00 ; irrov , 40CJ50c ; stiver , Slo.rt'Qiooo. Kiahcr. S4.OOQO.oo. Otter.Sl.OO (50.00. ( Martin , S1.00&41.75. iluskiat , win ter , large , l > e : fall. .Oc ; Kills , Ic. Mink , la rite , daik,85' j40c ; small aud pale , 15iI20c. _ Kuc- coon. largo prime , 40rt ? Tifln binall and inferior , 20@:50c. : SKitnk , common , Ifjc < i23e. Wolf , large crey. 51.50 _ .50 ! ; coyote or prairie , 75 ® OOc. Deer and anlelope , winter , per pound 15c ; fall and summer , per pound 20c. Orr UOAKUS. No.l Com. g. 1. s. 12,14 and 10 ft $17.50 No.3 " ' 1214andlt5ft 14.75 No. 5 " " 12,14 and 16 It 13.50 w 12HandlOit 12.00 PIMENSIONS A.NU lift lift IB ft 13ft III 16..V ) U1.60 1U.W 17,00 18.00 SI.W'21.00 ' 16.KI 135U 18.50 17.0U If.OJ 'i.H ( 2i.OO IB W ) I0.5UJI7.00 I .l .lJl.OI ) Ul.UO 2ll0.i . ; . . . . .llflDU Id-fiiJ lli.5 iilT.HO IB CM.MX ) 2J.UO 110.5 lfl.f > 0 1II.SO'17.M ' ( IH.OO'J .UIli..OO Ur - iS I1B.6II IfJ.W ) in am 17.00 i8.t auiua ) ou CKUJNO AND I'AIITITION. 1st com. , JilnViiio \ pine Partition..SiB.00 M " " " " " . . . . 27.TO 2d Com. In. Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . KIW FENCIXO. No. 1 , 4 A 6 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .817.05 No. 2 , 4 & Giiicli. 12 and 14 fU. rough. . . 14.0'J STOCK ) & . A 12 Inch. 40C JM.OO li li ! Inch " " 42D 23.50 No. 1. com. 12 in. , s. Is. . 10.18.120ft. . . 21.00 No. 2. . . 1S.W No. U , " " " 12 A 14 ft 17.00 ion IG.OO No. 1. plain.Sand 10 inch . 817.53 No. 2. plain.Sand 10 inch . 15.50 POSTS- White Cedar , 8 In. , } , 12c ; 8 in. rs. UKc. , _ _ . _ _ Dr. Hamilton Warren , Ma nvtlo Physi cistn and Surgeon , Hooinl ! , Crounsu block comer 10th and Capitol avenue. Diph- heria and nervous diseases a specialty. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NKIWASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Buriilub , , 4O,000 II. W. Vates , President. A. K. Toualinice President. W 1 S. Hughes , Cashier. DJIIFCTOHS ! \V. V. Morse , John S. Collins , 11. W.Yatcs , Lewis S. Keod , A. E. Touxalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE Jit ON BANK , Cor lUth nnd Farnam Sts A Uincral nankiui ; | $ usinc , > ss Transacted. N. W. HARRIS &T Co. HANKERS , CU1CAGO. UminCOf Countle * . Cltli-s and othersof BU IB UO Ululi prnilo bought and Bold Kuctorn otfloe IS ! ) Uavonehlra et _ Uostoo. CorresponJ- ence solicited. Stone&Gravel Tlio Cellar Creek Stone anil Gravel Quarry lias just liecn ojicin'il up for luislncss. A yooil quality ofvliito and blue lime stone for uuililin ? iiurpuais , is furnished by J. L FARTHING , The General Silesinan. Also nivtiluf the litiest quality for lawn and otlmr nni'iio. > od. ( Jlliees at Plattsmouth , Fob , 'J'uo U. & M. rail road uses a largo amount ot this stone. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. 1 .cave i heave U. I * . IMinGKTHAINS. Transler. Ouiah.i. * r.\cept Su inlay. 7:12 : am K'onni'cts witli S. C. & * 8l5am : * 7:8T : > am P. nt Council HlulK U:2. : > am 8:00 : am Connects\\ithC. 15. .t DM Jam 1,8:50 , : am Q. , ( \ k N.V. . , C. M. & * 10S7am : * lOOOam : bt. P. , 0. H. I. A : P. t 11.47 am' ' 11. 10 am Council lilulTs. * l:30pmi : * l:00pin : tConuecN with \V. St. aS7pin : 2:00 : pm L. iv P. at Council HlulK : S7pnil 12:20 : pin iCoiinpcts withiill even- * 4 : : > 7jiin. : t:00pm : Int ? ti.iins lor Chicago at * 4:00pm : Council Hluffs. Ttalns 0:42 : pm fi:00pm : leave Om.iha at Union 7:10 : pm r , : o pin 1'aclllc ilopot. 10th anil 7 : 12pm | nlt : ) urn Pierce streets. H:50pm. : 7UO pm 10:47imi : bir : > pm ll:55pm' : ' 10:00 : pm It10 inn COUXCIIi Leave I Arrive CONNECTING LINES Transfer Tr.insfor depot | depot C. U. I. & P. : 17:15 amt':15a ) : m * F\cept Sund.iy. 0:15 : a m Vi : ? . ) pm tKxcept Monday. 0:40 : pm * 7:00pm : C. & N.r. \ . { i ; 15 .1111 0:15 : a in All trains run dally j ' 0:10 : p m' 7:00 : U m C. 11. it Q. 0:3. : " a m 0:15 : a in All trains run daily j C:35p : m 7:00p : m C. M. kV : St. 1 . 0:15 : a m 0:15 : a m All trains run dally j 0:40 : p in 7:00 : p m K. C. St.l. AsC. . ' * E\c ( ' ! > t Saturday. 10:00 : a m'tO:35a : m tE.xcept .Mrnda > . * S)5 ! p ni .1:30 : D 111 I W. St. ' , . & P. \ All trains run daily. . . . ) 200 ; p m 3:30 p m S. C. ft P. All trains run daily. . . . . ( 7:05 : a in 0:3511 : in G5p : m S:50pm : RAILWAY. Council-Bluffs And Chicago. Th only rosd to take for DBS Molnos , M r- ilmlltown , i elnr HniMs , Clinton , Dlzlo , Chlrn- iro. Milwaukee and nil points cost. To ths people ple of HohniiKH , ColorRrto , Wyoming. Umb , Idaho , Nnvmta , Orotrnn , Wnnhlngton and CH- | | fnrnln. It offers Hiiporlor ailviuituiis not poisl- blohy any other line Amortff n foir of tbo numerous points or lu- perlortty onjoyrd by the pntrom of this roiul between Ornnhn und ChlrnROaro Ita two trains nrtnyof DAV COACHES which nre Iho ftnost that htirann art and 'neonitlty ' cnn crrntn. Its PAI.ACR BLKEI'ING CAH8.ilch | lire modrlt of oomfort nd elnannco Itn PAHI.OH DllAW. ING ROOM CAH8. iiiuurrms rl br anv. And Iti widely eelobrnted I'AI.ATIAL DINING CAHS , tb.8 fiqiml of which cannot ba found cliflwlmro. At Con neil UlufTg Ilio trnlnsof th Union I'ncl , fla Rr _ . connect In I'mon Depot with tbniw of thn Ohlccfo it Noithwcatern Ky , In Cblcatra the trains of thl line mnko close coBiibotloa with those of aU enitorn HIIK * . For Detroit , Coliimtms , TnillHnnpolls , Clncln- flat ) , Nlnznrn Fnlli , IIuITnlo , I'ltisburu. Toronto , Montreal , lloston , NOT ? York , Hhlmdelplilu , Hal- tlmor * . Woihlngton and all polnti In tb > eait , ask tbe tlck tne nt for tlckntu via the "NOBTHWKSTEKN. " If yon wl h thn h.t flo-ommo'ltttlons. ' Al ] tlrknt nent cell tlchtitF r'f ' ( hlR lino. H.iironiTT. R. P. WII.RON. Gencrnl Mnnapcr , ( lenl. Pnfs'r Agent. ctllcn * ° ' - w M. itAiicocic.ctllcn ' 'JJn. . HOILIS. : O W cetera Aift. C'ltj I'HSS Af ( Red Star Line Carrying thn nplirhira RoyM nna Unltod Statoi JIuilEBiliii - every hutunl.iy Dolween Antiverii & How York TO THB RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. FAIJj AND WINTEll Balon from $ GQ to $ ; j. Excursion trip from (110 to | UX Sccouii Cabin , outwunl , { 15 ; prepaid , f 15 ; excursion. IW. ateornco ims aga tit JOT rate * . 1'oter Wrlirht U tiiint , Oonora Agents , U llroojnay , Noti Yort. Henry 1'unJt , lilb Faniumst. ; Paulson * Co. IU'3 Furnum 6t : 1) , O rroeiiiuii llKU' G3IAHA JOBOERS'DIREGTORY Agricultural Implements. CH'L'RCHILL PARKER , Wbolciiilo Dealer In -Agricultural Iinplotneuts , CfJTlasel ouil lliifslf * . Jono ttreet , L lwoea Vth Una 10tbOmbi , Nub. ' "LININGElt tO METCA LI ? CO. , Agricultural Implements , \Vqoni.C rrlaje , Iliuglei , Ktc. , Wlioloale.Omiha. LEE , FRIED cO CO. , Jobhera of Hardware und Nnils , T wnro.phpct Iron. Kto Acenti for Ho o 8caa ! , and MUml IuHiter'o. Omulu NvU RECTOR it' W1LHELMY VV. , AVholesale Hardware. Western ccnt for Jefferson fieri Nails , AuvtH FowiSerCo. > nlrb nki Mundird fcale < Comer lOtb nJ Illrncr Ooalia. J'ARLIN,01lENnORFtiJfAIt fj " WboleiilePel n In Aefi'iculiural liiiploineuts , R'agonjacJ Uu glcj , VJl.'M , W5 nuJlOT. Jocf-st' Artists' Material. Artists' Jtntorials , Pianos nntl Orpnns , U1.1 Potiflm MrftOm ri . Butter and Eggs , McSHANE P SCHROEDER , Buyers of Gutter and E s. Hofrlterntor < ml 1'arklng House , Ittti nnJ l , ven- worth 81 . U. 1" II. It. ' 1 i ckomM ) Builders' Hard Hart and Scaled Hnildors'Htirdwarc it Scale Kepalr Shop Uochanlo'Tools ami Buffalo Smlci. KM DoujUj n , j Oraatm , Nob. Boots and Shoos. JLMER'lCAN jKlIv/5 SEWED SHOE COMPANY. Uanufacturartxnil WholrtaleDcalen la Hoots nntl Shoes , Complete Mock of Uiibhor tloods ntw j on hand tu ! > S llnt..Umalin. .Neb. A.T. Au tln. Agent. jr. r. MORSE , f > co. Jobbers of Hoots nnil Shoes. till Katnam ft , Omaha , Neb MnnufnctotT , Sumtnot Mrfct. Hinton. . 2' . LINlfSEYM CO. Iliibbor HtnN au.l Shoos. RubnnJOiloJCIotliln * and foil KaitCurnorllthnDd DoiiKliu. Beer. " M. Apt. for Anlienser-Kush Urcwlnp Ass'n Bpcclnl llrnml" . Ki > iiMlluJgct > crnml Krlnngpr. ' ' 'STORK' . ? ILER , Lapor Hei-r Hroworg , 1M1 North I'lh Street , Onuha , Nob. Butchers' Tools. LOCIS HELLER , Hntclifrs' Tools and Supplies , iKo Cmlnu of 11 kind * always In stock. MIS Coffee , Spices , Etc. ' CO. , Onmlm Coffee nud Spice Mills. Tea * . OolTooi. Snlco. Hiking I'owdor. tracti , laui.drr Illuo , Ink , itc. HU ID I larrti j- MH'Ot , uuuhn. Mllj. GATES , COL Kit1 MILES , Homo Cofleofliid Spire Mills M'f'jr Co. C.ilpoUotnicrannil Pplte Urlmler * . Manufuciurcrs ofllaUiiff I'omle. . I'l/iinnim / Kxtriict. . Ultilni ! . I IP. 1'Tono < -n otoirl tt > pickHceltcmieUlciiJ Ito.tttca OotTuc. KUi flovnnl ft .Omnlin , Net. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponetor , Prop. Manufacturer of Onlvnnlzrrt Iron and t'ornlce. 923 Dodgomid 103 nnd M5 N , I0th St. . Omahu.tiob. JtUEMPING 0 110LTE , Miinufiicturcrs of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices. Dormer Windows , KlnaK Moinllcfckylliibtetc. 3103. 12U t. , Omaua. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spccht , 1'rop. Galvanized Iron Cornieretc. . Pnc.t' lmproved Pat- Pl.t . MrtallP Mtyllulil. KM niiJMO S.mii i..Oiuiilia. Carpets. OMAHA"CARPET co. , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Buers , Llnoieums , JIiitlliiRa. Etc. 1511 Dong'ai street. S. A. ORCHARD , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattliig , Ciirtuln Goods , Kto. IU3 Farnam btrcet. Omaha. Neb. Crockery anil Notions. Acent for the Ms nufncturcrs and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , ChltmicjB , etc. Office , 317 South 13th et Omalin. Neh. Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and .Jobbing1. Duller , Kconnd Produce. Conilcr.meols solicited. lleadqimrtera for btoneware. Iliirrj lions nud ( impo llaskcti. 1(11 DodgeBtrevtUmalm. PEYCKE UROS. , Commission Merchants. Fnilts , Producoand Provlilonl , Onmba , Neb. jr. E. RIDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpeclaltlc * nmtor. KSB * . Chceso , Poultry , Game , Offlpra. Ktc. . itc : 113 Souili Hill Mrcct. iriEDEMAN C CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , lluttcr , OmiP , Kiults. etc. MO S. Kthit Onmha , Nvb , Coal antf Lime. I' . MILESTONE 15 jd7 Dralcrs In Hard and Soft Coal , Omco and yard , icth nnd Nicholas in. , Oiuata , Nob. } ar' Telephone , M7. UEO.r l.MIAIill , I'rP * C. K. OOODMA.V , V. 1'IOS. J A. SL'Snuu.AND , gee. and Treat. OMAHA COAL , COKE .0 LIME COMPANY , Jobbr-rs of Hard nnd Soft Coal. r South ThlrlecnthFtrect , Omaha , Neb. cco. . , Jlnnnfactiirers of Illinois WliiloLImo. And Hhlpi > CM of Coil nnd Cnkp , Comont. 1'lanter , Uiiic. Hair , Uro Ilrlrk , Dniln , Tllo nnd Suncr 1'ipe. omcu. I'mton Hotol. rarnuin i > t. , Onmlia , Nub. Telephone Ml. Confectionery. jvfp. FA y , e C'O. ( Maniifacturinp ; Confectioners , Johberi of FruitsNute and Cicala. 1211 Faruam St , Omuba. Cigars and Tobacco. 'MAX jirEYEh ccoT Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , duns and Ammunition , 515 to 223 H. llth at. , 1090 to IlUt Farnnmit. , Omalia.Neb , WEST C FRITSCIIEli , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And Wholeealo Dealrrs In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos. 108 nd 110 N.,4lh ktrrri , Oiiuliu. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH .0 CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing floods & , Notions 1105and 1104 Douiilm , cor. llth Bt , OmahaNeb. Distillers. Dlitlllera of Liquors , Alcohol and Pplrlts. Importers aud JoLb rsof Wlncsand Liquors. WILLO WSPRIXGS DISTJLLE'Y CO. and ILKH C CO. , Importer ! and Jobbertof Fine Wines and Honor * . bolein nuf otur isof Ktrnnedi' " Bast India Ult- ten and Moinrailo Liquor * . 1113 llarncr Kt. Drain Tile , Etc. A. It.SAi'EK.Pr's. J.W.Brnronn.Sec.iTreas 11. J , C'ARSOK , V.l'ici. and fluj > t. THE UXJON JfYIUtAULIC DltAINTILE CO. , OSte 21J S. 14th at. Omaha. Neb. Machinery anC Supplies for Manufacturing Cement Drum Tile. furniture. DEWEY , C STONE , YhoIeBale Dealrra Jn Furniture. > arnamt. , Omaha , Neb. CHARLES Smj'EItlCK , Furniture , lioddlng' , Upholstery , Mirror * , etc. I'JM , 1303 and 1210 Farnaia at. , Omaha Groceries , PAX J'ON GA LLAcTlTlTit ,6 Co7 Wholesale Groceries und I'rovisions , Ko 70J,7n7.T Janit"llP , 10th fct , Omaha. Neb AVholesulo ( iroccrd , tii and Learenwortl ts , Omuhj. MmjOBBERSDIRECTORl Hardware , m , ; , Heavy Hardware , Iron nntl Steel , Jptlnfi , Waton Stoflt , lUrdwurn l.urabtr , t . 1X6 nn.tllll llntncj H , Om Ua. Wholesnlo Iron nml Steel , VT Konml C rrlnKCVooit Slot * . Hftrr U r tw r k U17 mul 1319 I.rnrenwimh It. , Un > li , Nf b. MILTON ROGERS , P SONS , Stoves , liaiifro ! , Furnaces , Tiles , , Uratti , Ilr oed . 191 nnd 1W1 I'ntnMi sir * t. Iron Works. Iron Works , unrt Out Iron RulMIng Wort , Iron SUIr % llitllinit. Ilonn nJ ( llnlcri , F.nrlnei , llr XVnrk , Otnvril Fotinilrr , llrchlnn nti.l ll'ncksmuh * ' Office no JWorkt , U. P. Itr ndl7lh ( > lt et. K. It. MCMANI'SI. 0 , St'M.IVAN. OMAJLL triRE r lliON U'OUlfS , Mnmifncturcrt ot \VIro nntl Iron Kullincrs , Desk Hivllg , Window Ouarrt' . Klonor HtnnilVlro Slcn , Kl < s 13.N. 1'Hli. ' Onlors tj mull promptly ntlcnitjJto. Lumber. OMAHA TUMllEll CO. , llc.ilo'All Klmlinr Ritililinqr Jlatorinl nt Wholosp.lo. 13th Street nnd Union 1'ncltle Trick , Oinitlin. 1.0 L IS Denier in Lumber. Lath , Limp , Sash , Doom , ICto. YanU-Corner 7lh nml Uouglnsi Corner 9th Mid IVnulni. CHICAGO LVMKER CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 S. llth street , On > iti , Neb. r.Cotpettcr , Mnn gor. C. N. JJETZ , * Lumber. Uth mul Cnllfornln Mrcct * . Omnhn , Kcb. JFREI ) 11' . Git AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.Ctlinml Kouglnt it > . , Omaha. No > . HOAGLANJ ) , Lumber. T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. OClcc. UM Fnrnitm street , Omabit. CHAS. Ji. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpcts nnd I'nrquot Floorlns. 8th icd Uonslal Ouitbft. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , AVholcsalo Lumber , Etc. Imported nd Amcrlcin Torllund Crmcnt. Rt t Anetit furMllnmikp llTdinultr Comunt nud licit yulncj Wlillrl.lnic. Lira Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Boycl , S'lpcrlntecdent. Live Stock Commission. M. HURKE .0 SONS , Live Stock Commission. ( loo. Ilii'kp , Mnn Br Union Stock Vanln,8. omnlia. Tclephono 5SJ. SAJ'AGE , K GREEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bblpmcnta of nny and nil kinds of Stock eollotted. Union Stock Yanln. Omatia , Neb. Millinery and Notions. J. OHERFEL1)ER ,0 CO. , Importers and Jobbera of Millinery anil Notions , 1313 nnd 1315 llarncr fit.oet , Omaha , Neb. Notions. C. S. GOODRICH .0 CO. , Arotheonlr Direct Importers of German & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nebraska. ClilcaRO prices duplicated without add * In.Irclflit. . 1(111'nrnim Street , Omalin. T. T. JKOJIINSON .NOTION CO. , Kholetalo Donlcn tn Notions and Furnishing Goods , 403 und 403 S. Tentb St. , Omabu. tl SCHNEIDER , Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Goods. IdOCinnd 1008 Farnam St. , Omnba , Nsb. Overalls. CANJFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Mannfactnrcrs of Overalls , Jeoni I'juitu , thlrt , Kte. 1103 nnd 1101 Ikmjlas Street , Oninhu , Neb. Paper Boxes , r. L. WILKIE , Jfanufncturor of Paper 8.14th Ht. . Dunbii , i. Ordcrt br llcltuduud will roculva prompt mtonllon. Printing. 'liEES i'RINTJNff'COMPANY Job Printers , Blank Hook Jfakerg , And Boole lllnderi. 1 < > 1 and 1W Houtli Fouttoentb itrcct. Omnha. Meb. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Tjue , l ros os nnd I'rintors'Supplies. Dot goulh Twelfth Ktrect. Pumps. JtROft'NELL P CO. , Mnnurnctiircrs unit llrnlprs In , toilers & General Machinery Shod Iron work , Hlcam I'ump H w .Mill" , Acme Minftlri7 , DodtroVnud rpllt I'ulluyi , llolllnir , etc. Also WIIUOIIK , Kcrapprs.unil bulutlcu. - VL'nwoitli St. , Oinulm , " \Vholosalo \ Pumps , 1'ipe , Fittings , Btotmand Water Kuppllis HrHdquaitrrs li r Mu | KoDHCo'i ( io xl * . UlIl'Mrnum n. , iiniahii.Keu , A. L. STJtAG CO. , , Pipes and Engines , Btcam , Water , lUllwor and llllllni ; Supplies. Kto , m.Band VU Faroum t. , Omaha , fleb , U. S. WIND ENGINE mul 1'UML * COMPANY. nalladar Wind MHii ; pteara and W ter Pnppllei , J'lumblnj ( Joodt. Ileltlnc. llo c. 918 und I'JU fur- , Omaliu. H K Kt'llnn , Uiunvcr. Telephone No , 5MO. Safes , Etc. P. ItOYEU ,0 CO. , Agents for Hull's Safe & Lock Co.s1 Flr and UnrKliir Proof Sufot , Time Ixirk , Vault ! _ and J ll Wort. 1W ) Farunia lrf t Omiibo , Neb. G. ANDRE EN , Omaha Safe Works. Uanufactureriof Flreand Iar ! UrI'roof Safes , Vault iiouri , Jail Work.Nliultcis uurt Wlru Work. Cor. llth and Jsckion tin. , Omaha , Nab , Sash , Doors , Etc. M.A. DISIlROir id CO , , Wnoleiale Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , lilinds and Mouldings , Branch office. Ufa aud UarJ H . , Oxfcy1- , U.'l'LYMAN ' , Sash , Door , lilinds , Mouldings , Ilulldlnir 1'iper , etc. 1001 South Tlilrti-onth ritreot OuuhaNcb. A complete tock of UullUers1 Hardware. VOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Uould'jiii ' > talr Work and Interior Hard Wood FlnUb Ju loucuiU. cor. SttiaiKt Lt Ooiaba , Neb , and Carriage ! . A. J. li IMP SON , The Leading Carriugo Factory. ( R.1TAIU IhllKU Wl UOU and 1111 OoJtfo ttreet , Omaha.