Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 11, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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Burglars Make a Bald on David Oity on
Secure Considerable Plunder ,
A Second nnd HucccHHful Attempt n
Smcldo In Ncbrnnkn City llio
Button J'nlsonlng Unroll-
nrd'a llnrular Dies.
Cntllo Thieves In
V.U.KNTINK , Xeb. , Feb. 10. ftsucclnl Tel <
gram to the llr.K.l Deputy Shuritl Coomb
arrived licru last night \vltii Ills prisonei
liobort Simpson , the accomplice and brotlici
In-law of Jiolmnaii , thu noted horse nnd cnl
tie thiuf arrested in Hastiims a few day
aio. Simpson \vns arrested nt South Sid
Holt county. Doth nro safely lodged In jal
to await tliclr trinl at thu next term of th
district court. Hohanan's stealing Is sii ]
posed to linvo extended over n luriro ti'rrltor
nnd to have been ( joint ; on for several year ,
In wliich Msveral hnniliod head of cattle am
liorwM were stolen and disposed of. Hi
frequently reiiiesented himself us a wealth' '
Hloukinnn nnd miirrlcd bisvlfn under thl
prclwnso and afterwards connptud liu
brolhui to dispose of his stolen property.
Iiyoim Imeonlcs.
I/TONS , Neb. , Feb. 10. ( Special to tin
Iii ) : % | Tlio farmers adjoining this place an
neltatlni ; thn nmntlon of thu organization o
a farmers' club for thu purpose of intcrchanf ;
IIIL' views on nil matters peitalnlng to ngrl
cnlturo , horticulture , stock raising , etc. Tin
leading farmers arc taking an active part li
the organization.
Lyons has just completed n school hous <
which cost S5.X ( ) ( ) , ono of the finest In th <
county. Thu town of the bust liotol It
every sense of tliu word this sldu ot Omaha-
the Lyons house. It Is a strictly teuiiieranci
nnd moral town , having no saloons or gam
bllnir houses ot nny kind , has one wide
awake patter which keeps thu people cnlight
uni'it on the Issue.of thu day.
llljr Jliirelnrlcs nt Il.ivlrt City.
DAVID CITY , Neb. , Feb. lO.-Sneclal Tele
Gram totho Hii : : . ] This city wns raided bi
burglars last nip lit In the most effective man
ncr. Trio safes In threu stores were blowi
open and sums of money aggregating sovcra
liuiidrcd dollars stolon. The postofllcn wa :
also visited. Hero the burglars made a gooi
liaul si-curing SOW ) in money and stamps
There Is no clue to thu burglars. Orent ox
cltement prevails over the lobbcrles whlcl
nru the lirst ol any iinportnnco Unit ever oc
cnncd huie.
Sulclilo nt Ncltraitca City.
NKIIIIASKA CITV , Neb. , Feb. ! 0.SpecIa |
Telegram to thn DRE.J K. 1' . Uuckloy , re
cently of Detroit , Mich. , committed suicide
this niornlnir nt the Cincinnati house by cut
ting his throat. Mot many weeks ago lie at
tempted suicide by taking tin overdose ol
morphine , but was prevented Irnni doi ng so
Ho was about to bo sent back to Michigan
where ho bus wealthy relatives. Tha cor
oner's juiy brought In n verdict of suicidi
while In ant of ins.mlty.
The Fail-Held Failui-o.
BUTTON , Neb. , Keb. 10. ( Special Telegrarr
to the Hun. ] The liabilities of the imple
ment firm of Uandnll & Fryan , of Falrliold
whoso failure was announced yesterday , are
estimated nt 314,000 , assets S17.000. Both
members of the Ilnnaro univorsallvrespectec
and regaided ns good business mun.nntJ
their mlsfoitunc ) Is generally donlorod. Kan-
dall is a member of the house of ropresenta-
tlvcs from Clay county nnd Fryan is countt
The Bnrchnrd Burglar.
BunciiAiin , Neb. , Feb. 10. The burglai
who was sbot by Frank Southard while
breaking Into Newman & Go's store Mondaj
nlicht , died yesterday. Tbo bullet froir
bouthard's revolver wont clear through lilt
body. Ho made nn nnte-mortvm stntemenl
to the Hheriir , giving his name as Jesse Staf
ford , of Tarklo , Mo. , nnd his ago ns seven
teen. but ho looks several years older. The
BherliT declines to say whether ho gave the
names of Ills partners in crime , of whom
there were two.
Deadly Prunes.
BUTTONNeb. . , Feb. 10. Three deaths bave
resulted In the Doggct family , nt Glenvlllo ,
tills county , from eating poisoned prunea
Ilow ttio deadly drug cot In the fruit Is nol
known nt present. The family consisted ol
father , mother , three children and father-in-
law. All partook of the fruit Monday night ,
On Tuesday morning the mother and father-
In-lnw woru dead , nnd ouu of the children hiu
Blnco died.
Street Car Franchise.
llAtmxns. Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele-
grnm to the UKK. | The proposition to gram
n franchise to the street car company was
carried hero to-day by a vote ot 058 to 201
IHrtl of Ills Injuries.
COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. | Howard HolTman. the
brnkcnmn who was Injured yesterday ntFul-
lerton , died this morning at 0 o'clock. Ho
will bo burled at Albion on Sunday.
NnuraBkn and lowu Wouthor.
ForNebraskn and Iowa : Local snows fol
lowed by fnlr weather , lower followed by
blghor temperature.
Tlio Shoot I MI ; Tournament.
DA.VKXPOIIT , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKH , | At the Bhootlnz tourna
ment of the Forester gun clnb hero to-day , In
he shoot nt ten single rises , thirty yards ,
both barrels from live ground traps , the lirst
money , 870,25 , was awarded to McMurchoy ,
of Syracuse. N. V , and Haibaugh. The
next shoot was for four pairs , double rls ,
twenty-ono yards , Itudolph traus. First
money , $25 , went to t'orter. The last shoot
of llio day was at seven slnirhi , twenty-
six yards , onn bariel , Jludolph traps. First
money was divided between Ycarnshaw , of
Ues Molnes , and 1'orter.
Trndns UiilonH Select DelcgatcR.
DAVKNPOIIT , la. , Feb. 10. ( Special Tele
gram to the HKK.J A delegate convention
representing the trades unions of this con
gressional district met hero this morning to
select delegates to the convention to bo hold
in Cincinnati , February 22 , to organize n
now arty. Onudolecato was chosen from
each enmity in the district , ns follows : Dr.
C. T. Llndloy , of . Scott ; M. McKay , of Clin
ton : M. Canlett , < tf MiiM-utiiii ! ; .John idle , of
Jackson ; M. K. Hintoy , of Johnson : M.
Dillon , of T.UDH.
lown Business 1'lnoen Hurnnil.
WKST UNION , la. , l 'eb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram totho UIK : , ] The business part of the
little village of Auburn , six miles north ot
West Union , was destroyed by lire early yos-
terduy , The Ihu originated in the store of
Mr. Hatton , In which was located the post-
olllce , which was dtutroved , ns was also the
gmienil bturo of McCle.iry < te Co. , the Odd
Follows building and .MoCleary's htables. A
port'onot the contents of the stores was
savo-l but b.nlly dninaged by mud nnd rain
ttter removal.
lowu KtUtorH in Session.
DKS MOIKKS , Ii. , Fob. 10 , [ Special Tele
gram to Uiu HKK , ] The Iowa uvuning paper
editors mot In thu Abornlumso this afternoon ,
thu session belm ; duvoted to sociability and
tht > discussion of matters pertaining to the
welfare of thu craft. Ainonj ; the prominent
editoi-s. present from nut of town were 11 , S.
Ftilrall , lowu City : U. F. Tillinghast , Demo
crat , Davenpoit : S. A. Uunvster , Adver
tiser ; Civston ; A. 1L Hauillton , Courier ,
Cruslicit to Doatli.
Dis : Moi.vrs , la. , Feb. 10. ( Special Tolo-
graru to the UinxJ Whllo Mlcliael Norman ,
fifty-six years of age , was cutting n Urge
tree In Gallons ( Srove , 'Jlielby countjtoday ,
the tree split while falling and ono piece ,
Uriklng Mr. Noniuui in the brtck and shoul-
ter , ctushcd litm and pinned him to the
[ round , causing instant death.
Anollicr Jladilocl : Witness.
Sioux CITV , la. , Feb. 10. [ Special 'Mo-
ram to the BEE. ] It Is currently reported
to-day that D. W. V.'ood , the Haddock witness
ness hunter , lelt yesterday for Xe\v York' t (
bring Trlobor , end of the most Impottani
T\itiif scs nnd conspirators yet nt liberty. 1
Is not known whether the uroecntlon of de
fense will bo strengthened by Tricber's
statement when made.
Inxvn's Crack Company.
DKS JMoiNila. : . , Feb. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK.J The ( Jovernor's ( lunuls
orcompany A , 1. N. (1. , of this city , bave sc
cured n favorable action ot the executive
council In icg.ird to leasing the company tin
vacant croitnd south of llio nisennl , on whirl
to build nn armory. The romuany Intend *
as soon as possible , to build nn armory whlcl
may be the nrlilu of the stnto. It will cos
Stock . .lolililniVlitch
Any ol'J y Gould'- ' .
Cor.VMntts , O. , Feb. 10. President. John V
Shaw , ot the Columbus , Hocking Valley
Toledo day sued Stevenson Burke ,
M.M.Crcon , Charles Hickox-.Willlam McKln
nle , Chauncoy Andrews , John \V. Kills , nntl
Ohio Central railroad company , and Judge
Bingham granted nn Injunction rcstralnlni !
the defendants from spiling their stock ant
to compel them to account for their Indebted
ness to thu company for both stock ami
bunds. The petition rt'cltes that prior to the
consolidation of the thieo routs In IStil , ( hull
combined capital wns 85,134.000. the Individ
ual defendants also owning 70,000 acres o (
coal lands ; that prior to July. 1&S1 , thu de
fendants and others entered Into n fraudu
lent combination to possess the three roads
without the expenditure of nny
money nnd to dispose of said lands at prices
onoimously above their valua. By threaten
ing to build parnllol lines they secured the
threu roads the Hocking Valley nt 573 per
share , the Columbus & Toledo at and
the West Vliglnmnt Sl'J and Immediately
consolidated with a capital stock ol' S20.0JO-
000. The defendants tooK nil tint stock , eloct-
intr themselves directors. September 10 they
nullinrlzed SU.f'OO.OJO in bonds and executed
a mortgage therefor to the Central Tiust
company of New York. Six millions ,
live hundred thousand dollars worth of these
bonds were held for exchange of outstanding
bonds , and 8 ,000,01)0 ) to bo sold for making
n double track nnd other Improvements. No
vember ' - > , IbSl , 80-IOO.UOO ot these omuls were
turned over to Stevenson HuiUo without spec
ification or purpose , and later n sale of
50 , U 1,000 of these bonds \Vinslow , Lancer
* Co. , less commissions , were ratified , and
lira hoard directed President ( licen to hand
over to the executive committee , consisting
of ( ireen. Huike , lllckox and McKinnic , the
remaining 15M ) treasury bonds , and took a 10-
cept of tlio committee fortho whole Ss.000,000 ;
and having possession of the pro
ceeds of nil the bonds sold , nnd
also all the unsold bonds , they paid advances
made for the stock of the tliioo companies
nnd exchanged lor HIP consolidated stocic
taken In theirown names , thin appropriating
the entire stock , for not a dollar ot which
havothoy accounted to Uio plalntllT. That
meanwhile , by niirt'omcnt , the money ad
vanced byVluslov , Lancer Jc Co. , and
Drexcl , Morgan & Co. , for the purchase of
the three roads , was repaid out ot the pro
ceeds of the consolidated bonds , thedelen-
dnnts thus gpttlns possession of the plain-
till 's stock without paying n single dollar for
it. That defendants further , to divest plain
tiff of title to said 58,000,000 of bonds and
thus secure title as well ns bonds ,
on August 14 , 18S-A ns directors , au
thorized President M. M , Green to pur
chase the entire stock of the Hocking Coal
nnd Knilroad company tor $8,000,000 in
bonds of the plaintiff , said land exceeding
58,000,000 in value , and said purchase bonds
In lact not being in the treasury , and that
by declaring a dividend to themselves Jan-
nary 13 , 18ST > , of i v per cent , the only assets
loft Is thu stock of 5S,000,000 of the Hocking
Coal nnd H.illroad company's stock , on
which defendants now admit that thu com
pany still owes ? 7. > ! ,000. The plaintiff
further sets forth that the stock exchanged
for the purchase of the Toledo & Ohio Cen
tral ishi.s ; that there me outstanding thr.eo
shnres of original Columbus & Hocking
Vnlley stock held by persons not cognizant
of the unlawful acts of the defendants. The
very voluminous petition Is sworn to bvJobn
W. Sjimw. The case Involves 88,000,000.
John B. Ijyon Absorbs Mure Than Ho
Can Mold.
CHICAGO. HI. , Feb. 10. [ Special Tolu-
pram to the BEE.J It Is said on 'change that
John B. Lyons has again experienced the
disaster which Is bound to result from bull-
Inn wheat when the market is going down.
He has been n bull for months , nnd has
loaded up heavily. lie began being called
for margins over ten days ago. and for a
while responded , but yesterday nnd to-day , It
is said , these calls were met with orders to
sell the wheat. This accounts for the enor
mous quantities thrown on the market.
Nobody seems to know how much wheat
Lyon had , but all place the figures way tip in
the hundreds of thousands. Until to-day
Mr. Lyon has been here , but to-day was not
on the floor , nor could ho bo found In the
surrounding olllcos. Mr. J. Wallon Miller
was asked If. the onlorccd sell-out mlsht not
be clmrncterizcd ns a liiilure. Ho r en lied by
nsking mo : "Have you nny trades with
him ? if not , I have nothing to say. "
Lyon Is understood to have been
heavily intetested in wheat in transit , and
there nro said to bo few brokers who had not
bought for him. Lane quantities at times
liavo- been transferred to "Hutch. " It is
Imrdly necessary to say that Mr. Lyon's old
time specialty was coiners. Ho will'go down
in history as having been tlm cliiet engineer
ofbomoof thogicatcst celebrated ones ever
worked. He lias been behind probably over
half a doen , the most noted of which was the
treat corn corner of ton years ago. His
losses nnd those sustained by houses having
stuff sold to him will bo enormous In the ag
gregate. but fro far ns known at present no
ono else has been pulled down with him. Mr.
Lyon wires his paitnor , Mr. Hlcp , that ho will
be hero Saturday morning and pay over" dollar
lar ho owes.
Considerable Activity Manifest With
out Itl uch ClimiKO In Prices.
NKW i'onK , Feo. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK. j The stock market was active to
day , although there was not much change in
prices. Conservative operators said that the
mnrket was broadening and that buying for
outside account was increasing. London
prices In most Instances were hlcher , nnd nn
advance In consols was cited as indicating a
peacetul outlook abroad. Notwithstanding
nil the bull talk on St. Paul , the early ad
vance did not hold , nnd n subsequent decline
was believed to Indicate that the bull pool In
it were trying to unload. Some good buying
of Northwestern was noted early in the day ,
on the report that the January earnings
would show an increase of S2J5.000. Coal
blocks opmied o.ulto stroiur , but failed to
make much of a gain over lirat quotations.
It wasnnnouiiced that the proposed settle
ment by the Paulllo Mull with the Panama
rallioad company had baun elfected on a
satNtactoiy basis. Traders , however , were
disposed tn Mill Pacific Mall around .17 , and
the point was made that It had always
bioken from ( hat prlco since It stopped
paying dividends. Tim beais sold iieadinit
when it was discovered that Wormsoi's
brokers had orders to sell. A-ltogi'ther the
marknt was remaikably steady and firm
mound opening prices. Very coneral ro-
nluini ; exercised a weakening inlluonco on
the market towaids the cloio. The pools in
Heading und St. Paul unloaded some stocks ,
and the talk was that ihu big men who
started thu bull movement some weeks 111:0
worn diopplni : out , and would from now on
work lor n reaction. The mnrketclosed easv
nta fraction decline fiom the best prices of
the day , 'itio total sales were about -109,003
shares , _
Bivinolmriin's Jllll Swamped.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The judiciary
couimitti'oof the liouse to-day reported ad
versely and without other comment than the
recommendation that It do not pass , Jtepro-
oeuiatlvn Swineburno's bill for the eraction
ot a United Mates pri. on for the confinement
of United Stiu prisoners , All of the re
publican members of the committee , bow-
over , united in a long minority report recom
mending iho passage of the bill.
Slassacrctl In AfVloo.
OAPKTOWN , Teb. 10. Dr. llolub , the ex
plorer , and his wife and the entire party ac
companying him , U Is reported by traders
iroui the interior , have been massacred by na
WASIIIKOTOS , Feb. 10. The Joint resolr
tlon of theconvonioii of the general nssctr
bly of Indiana ( the republican members prc
testing aCTinst the validity of the election o
David Tuple as United States senator ) wa
referred to the committee on privileges an
The committee on naval affaire reportp <
bnr-k the bill lor Iho puichase of John Eric
foil's "Destroyer , " nnd It was referred to th
committee on npiuopriations.
Ainoiii ; the bills leported Irom committee
and placed on the calendar were : For tin
dIUsion of Illinois Into judicial districts , nm
one nutliorljing the building of n bi-lda
ncioss the Mississippi river nt Grand , Towet
Mr. Plumb itnvo notlcn that ho would nil
th senate to take tip nnd dispose of the post
olllce appropriation bill.
The senate resumed consideration of th <
house bill relating to the impoitlng nm
landlni ; of mackerel caught during tin
spawning season.
Mr. Miller moved to nmcnd by making tin
bill take elTect on the 1st of July Instead o
March S. Rejected.
The bill was then passed yeas , 31 ; nays
11 , the negative Aotes beintr Blackburn , Call
I'.ustis , Kvaits , Kenna , Miller. Saulsbury
Sewoi ] , Vnncc , Van Wvcknnd Wnlthnll.
A committee of conference , was ordered
nnd Messrs. Palmer , llray nnd Hnio were ap
1'ho sennto then resumed consideration o :
the Kads rehnunlepec bill and wnsaddressei
by Mr. Gibson In support of it.
Mr. Hoar also spokn In favor of the bill
but belore he concluded his speech the senati
WASIIIKTITON- . 10. On motion of Mr ,
Thomas ot Illinois , \\uilneMt.ty next was
sot aside for the delivery of eulogies on tin
Into Senator Logan.
The committee on judiciary reported the
bill relating to the tltlo of the United States
to the Inko front nt Chicago , 111. House
calendar. ( It dliects the attorney gen rial tr
Investigate the subject matter of the litiga
tion involved In the stilt now pending In
the United States circuit court in the nottli-
cm district of Illinois between llio state ol
Illinois Central rallioad company and tin :
city of Chicago. 1 f lie finds that iho Interests
of the United States In the lake front of
Chicago are Involved , or liable to bo r.lTected
by the suit , lie is authorized to intervene on
behalf of the United States. )
In the morn ing hour Mr. Weaver of lowa.on
behalf of tno committed on cxpenaltuies In
tliii Interior denaitmunt , called up the seuatu
bill movlding that In tlicgeueinl land ollico
there shall bo ten chleN of division , \\lui
shall receive a salary of S'-.OOO each.
Mr. Steele of Indiana moved to strike out
thn enacting rnn e. The republicans ro-
finlniid liom voting ntid l tt the hou o with
out n quorum , in winch condition It ie-
maincd until thu nioining hour expired.
The house then wont Into committee of the
whole on the consular -and diplomatic appro
priation bill.
Mr. Belmont said Iho bill was nn increase
over the sietual nmount canied by the bill of
last yearol 5-107.000 , twt the inricascd collec
tions to tiie ticuMirv under It would , ut the
lowest estimate , be 8150OJ. ( )
Tie ! committee then rose and thu house ad
Tlio Bounce or the Consul Gcnornl In
NnwYonic , Feb. 10. [ Special Telegram to
the Bnn.J A Mexico dispatch to the Trib
une gives IromTwo Republic : ? , newspaper- ! )
tcrvlews in which Consul General Porch
says : "I have been expecting this for some
time. The first positive information 1 had
was two weeks ago. I then received n letter
from Senators Vest and Cockrcll saying that
Secietary Bayard bad told them ho would 10-
move mo on account of my action on the oc
casion of Sedgwick's visit to this city. The
letter continued that if I wanted to resign i
could do so , the resignation to take effect
April 1. 1 had done nothing but what I con
sidered nnd still consider my duty. To
resUn would have placed me isider
a cloud , so 1 wrote , giving expression to the
disgraceful allalr. After this 1 bowl noth-
Inc further until last Friday when Minister
Manning called on me with n telegram he
had received from Hayard instructing him to
ascertain it my resicnation had been for
warded yet. 1 told Minister Manning that I
knew no reason why I should reslsn. There
weio no charges against mo that 1 know of ,
and most ceitaiuly I would not resign unless
some good causa tor doing so was shown uio.
A day or two oftenvard Manninicalled again
with a telegram from Bavnnt instiuctlng
Manning to inform me that the president
desired my le.signatlon by telegraph. 1 again
emphatically refused. I have been unjustly ,
not , to say outrageously , dealt with , nnd 1 do
not propose calmly to submit. Secretaiy
Bayard has heard only one side of the story ,
nnd has refused to listen to the other. Ho
never irave mo n chance , nnd now 1 propose
to give myself a chance by publishing my
case to the world and allowing the public to
Judge of the justness of my cause. Every
thing In connection with the case will 60
made public. Kvervthlng will show Sedir-
wick up thioiieh unimpeachable evidence of
lead 1111 : residents ot Mexico , Americans and
Mexicans. "
Tlie Army and Nnvy Hcceptlon.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. The piesldcnt's
reception to the army and navy to-night was
more largely attended than any of those
which have preceded It The state parlors
and corridors weio handsomely and
elaborately decorated with tropical plants
and uniihix. The east room was a shifting
panorama of gay costumes , In exquisite set
ting of handsome decorations , and near the
router of the east wall of the room was n
bower of tropical plants , reaching almost to
thu ccllint : . On uithcr side and along the
other walls palms and potted plants wore
tastefully arranged. On the mantel ? of the
west wall ot thn room wore placed small
daik green plants , facing banks of cut ( low
ers on the opposite mantels. The four larco
while nnd gilt columns of tlm room were
twined around with smilax. Oillcers of the
army nnd navy were present in largo num
bers , and the diplomatic corps had numerous
representatives , President and Mrs. Cleve
land were assisted in receiving by Mrs. Man
ning , Mrs. Enillcott and Mrs. Wins , while
Miss Cleveland , Miss VnnVecbten , and a
number of others occupied the space im
mediately biililnd the receivlnir party , Mrs.
Cleveland was charmingly nttlred In a dress
of pale blue silk.
Four n Ilatn AVar.
CinuAno , Feb. 10. The niBtiazera of west
ern railways appear to htandgteatly In fear
of n demoralization of freight rates during
the iod before the Inlor-stato
pet elapsing - com
merce law takes effect , there being already
scorning indications of relaxation in the pool
authority. To-day the general freight agents
of the Southwestern railway association lines
\vereiii session hero giving the subject con
sideration. They concluded that action
would have to bo taken by all the western
lines in harmony to avert the impending
trouble. For this reason no action wub
iit the meeting beyond agieolni ; that a gen
eral conference should bo held to-morrow by
tliogenoial managers and general freight
agents of all western , southwestern nud
tiorthwe.storn lines , at which an agreement
will be reached , if possible , to maintain the
liresunt tariff iateb until the intor-state law
'ouslmo cllect.
Kuropcnn War Talk.
1'Ains , Feb. 10. At the ball at tuo Elyseo
palace this evening a rumor was circulated
that General Boulanger's aide-de-camp tiad
applied to the forolgn onlce for a passport on
iho ground that bo was to bear a letter from
[ luntral Uoulaogur to tbe emperor of Ilussla ;
Ihat M. Flourons , forolgn minister , refused
lo Kraut the passport , nnd that a violent scene
look place between General Boulanger and
M. Plourons , the formerwxplamlng that the
otter was not for the czar but for the
Ihusian war minister , and the latter Insist-
ngtliat the communication must truvitr-ia
; ho regular diplomatic channels. The aldo-
Jo-camp is still in Paris.
A dispatch from Slrasburg to the Kopubll-
: an rrnncals says that GOO Alsatians , who
were summoned to join tiieGennan resrnos ,
nave crossed Into French territory dreading
JIB outbreak of war.
Bur.LiN , Feb. 10. The Vienna Noue Frlo
I'resso says that in B remit Interview , a
French statesman said : "Franco will not
: ommenco hostilities because of tbe belief ,
perhaps superutitlous , existing throughout
the country that the power which begins tm
next war will bodfcfeated. "
LONDON , Feb. 10. Is reported tliat2K ( > i
German ofllcen entitled to retirement ha\i
asked to be ! ept In aetlvo service.
The Money Market.
LONDON , Feb. 10. Consols opened a
10J 13-10 for money nnd 100' $ for account ,
2SOp. : in. The block markets are firm
Egyptian securities' have risen 2 per cent it
In consequence ofn humor that the Uritlsl
protectorate is to' be' ' established over tlm
country. Amei lean Securities nro verv firm
Consols closed nt 100' 15-10 for both monej
and account.
r _
Worse Tlihn'In ' Class UURI ,
LONDON , Feb. IK The torles among tin
students have torn'up by the roots nnd de
stined the tree planted at Cambrldtro mil
Uirslty last week by Gladstone. The llbern
students threaten rcptlsaU.
An KiiKllsh Novelist Dontl.
LONDON , Feb. lO.-Mrs. Henry Wood , th <
novelist , Is dead. She was about sixty-sever
years of ngc. _ _ _ _
Death of n DiiUo.
LONDON , Feb. 10. The Duke of Lolnstoi
( Charles William Fitzgerald ) is dead , aged
sixty-eight years.
A Itnitrnnd l-'oreclosod.
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 10. A decree of fore
closure was entered by the federal clrcnll
court this afternoon in the cross complaint
of the Central Trust company , of Now York ,
ngalnst the Indiana , Bloomlngton & West
ern railway company. The eastern division
of the road Is moitirngcd for 83,000,003 , the
western division for a total of Sr ,000,000.
( Udders ate required to make a deposit of
Siou.000 , anil no bid for less than 3,000,000
for thu cntiro property will be cnlcttmncd.
The sales will take place nt the fcdeinl build
ing In this city.
Tlio Appropriation mils.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. Nineteen working
days remain to the pnsent congress. Thir
teen of the foutteen annual appropriation
bills ( Including the river and harbor bill ) ,
are not yet ready for the president. Ten re
main to bo acted upon by tlm sonato. Nine
require tliu action of the benato commit
tees. I-ive have not yet passed the house ,
and two have > et to make their Initiative
step Irom the house to the committee. To
these last year's lortilicatlon bill llngeis in
Tlio U. I''s Annual Staff inont.
BOSTON , Feb. 10. The annual statement
of tlm Union Pacific shows :
Earnings for the year . S 20.001,797
Kxpenses . ir..r > .viioo
Surplus . lO.O'Ki.fiss
T\es . 1.055,510
Net earnings , . 8. ' . ) ' . ) . " ) , 178
Tliis shows an Increase of S 320,123 in gioss
enininga , n increase of $ t-tj ( ! > ,0 i in ex-
iionses , a decrease of 5540,811 in surplus , an
increase of SUil.451 In taxes and n decrease
ot SOW.SO'J in net earnings compared with
Iiocnl Option in Dakota.
ST. PAUL , Feb. 10. A IMsimfcck special to
the Pioneer-Press s-\ys : The council to
day defeated by nn emphatic majority the
bill giving incorporated cities the exclusive
control of the liquor traffic within their
limits. The same body passed the local
option bili- : to 10. The friends ot the bill
say that its passage In the house is assured.
ratal San Krahclsco Fire.
SAN FKANCISCO , Feb. 10. Fiio broke out
this morning in a Chinese laundry nnd Jap
anese fancy store and communicated to nn
adjoining lesidenco. The wash house fell
heavily , buiying n number of firemen. John
Wilkinson , fireman. , was killed and three
others fatally injured. It is supposed that
several Chinamen arp among the ruins.
Commissioner Colman 'lluinkcil.
Dr.NNEii , Feb. IP. Resolutions wore
adopted in the International Range conven
tion to-day , setting forth that Norman J.
Colman. commissioner of ngriculture , had
done cvcrvthmr possible under the Inws of
the United States to protect the cattle of the
country of peluro-pneumonla , nnd extending
the trunks of the association to him for bis
actions In the matter.
Pension Payments.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The commissioner
of pensions has to-day started the requisi
tions for S18.7SO.000 with which to make the
payment of pensions duo March 4 next. This
will be the laigest payment for current
[ tensions made in nnv one quarter In the
history of the government.
No Siib-Trnasnry Needed ,
WASHINGTON , Fob. 10. Senator Aldrlch ,
'rom the committee of finances , to-day re
sorted adversely upon the bill for the estab-
i.shment of n sub-treasury nt Louisville , Ky.
I'he leport accompanying the bill says that
.be committee beliuvo that no public interest
will be advanced by the passage of the bill.
Government Contracts ,
WASHINGTON , Fob. 10. The contract for
tarnishing mahogany doors and lumber for
: he west nnd center winzs of the state , war
nnd navy departments buildings has been
awarded to the Cnrsloy& East manufacturing
company of Chicago.
Br . Lacan's Plan * .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10 , Mrs. l egan In-
lends to start for Chicago next Saturday
morning. While there shu will take out the
necessary pnpnrs for admlnisteiing upon her
iiisband's estate , and will also decide upon
his burial place.
Bunker Afnnnlni ; .
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. Treasurer Jordan ,
nctlntf on behalf of the directors of the
Western National bank of the city of Now
York , called on Secretary Manning this
morning and formally tendered him thu
residency of that Institution. The secre
tary baid that ho would glvo his answer In n
short time. _
Tlio Breezy AVrllor In Simla in Adam ,
and Bho in Coming to America.
Tnvornor in Boston Post : 1 am aware
Llmt I urn cominlttinpc n grave imliseru-
Lion in ninkiii public a fragment of a
letter that I recoiveil tha otlmr day from
a well-known club man who Hiiilud for
Kuropo nearly a month n o , and has
spent most of the tinio in Paris sinca Jiis
arrival on the other side , but the mani
fest interest in the matter constrains mole
lo fulfill what I rognrd ua 11 sort of
public duty , anil ive thn pus-
siifjo just us nly friend wrote it :
"Here's a state of thhiKS , my dear
Taverner ! " ho writes , "you know , of
course , the exceedingly breezy 'volumes
of description of soL'ioty in the Kuropaan
capitals , written fey certain mysterious
ami oxceeiHngly ottlspoktm Count Paul
Viisili , that huvo appeared. Wisll , I have
found out the iiiuntjty of tills mysterious
'Count Paul.1 It is nolioolher than Mine.
Juliotto Adam.tho volatile and vivacious
directress of thu Uovtio , whoso
salon is thu contra pf-iill literary Paris.
Shu has boon ahsontfi good deal of Into ,
und well , when a I'fVfiisian editor wrote
to asl ; Mnio. Adam for an article thu
other dav she inadvertently sent him
an unpublished manuscript of Count Paul
Vasili. The edilorlehunrod her at once
with boiiitf the 'nnn' , whom all Europe
was speculating ulxyit , ami sbo sent
him an answer which dod3 without do-
nyinjj. All Paris and all Europe will
know it within a wcok.V _ ull , the point
of all this for people'hero in Boston , " my
dear TavernorV It is this : You know
it has been announced that Mino. Adam
is going to America soon. That means
that Count Paul Vasill's caustio pun wjll
touch up Now York and Boston and
\Vashiiiiiton society before long. It is
simyly certain , my dear boy.that she will
K < ) l < > Boston , anil ouco therodo you sup-
tint she will fail to lind somtthing to
write about ? You are exceedingly dis-
proUs , old fellow , but 'Count PatiJ Vasili1
is not. Let us liopu that the identity of
Vasili with Julictto Adam will ba adver
tised evorywhcrc.aiul . that the knowledge i
of it will lend discretion to 'his pen )
Cutters at .Cost.
I'AHLIN , QftKNucmrir & MAHTIN.
IN TUB riKIjl ) OF jSI'OKfS.
Prince UcplleB to Kok Motli'HMate I
Other Notes.
John S. Prince , the champion ha
written the following letter to this pape
in reply to the challonco made by T. W
Eck in yesterday's HEE.
To the Kdltor of the Ilr.r. : Will yoi
kindly publish the following In your portlin
column In answer to Mr. T. W. Kck's chnl
1 would say that bo hns somn ven
curious Ideas in maklii ! ; matches. First In
made me sUn In the nrticles for oui
last race , that wo must beat ono hour am
thrcn minutes to claim the stake. Now 1
could not sec any nso for doinsr anything llki
that. Hecan e , It one man Is rnnnimtnualnsl
nnother , n match race , fur a stake , as lone ns
ho beats him , I don't see why ho should him
to beat a certain time before he can get the
Miko. ; If he Is running against time it is r
different thine entirely. 1 bent Mr. Kckln
our last lace after trying very haul foi
twenty mtlos and then 1 did not cct the
stake , which of course would make nny 111:111 :
n little mad. Now ho has another new rnlotd
propose , in Ids challenge ho snys we
musthtait on opposite sides of the track. II
ho will kindly explain to mo how the judges
nnd relerco can isive their decision on a r.ico
of that kind , providing it was a close Mulsh ,
\\liichltwonldmost likely bo , 1 will accept
bis challenge nnd race him lor ns much as he
likes to name. 1 will make the following
challenge to him , as he states In his article
that It Is hard to pass a fnst man on this
small track. I will race Mr. Kck n
twenty-mile race on the halt
mile track at the lair grounds next June for
S.'iOOasldn and will allow him ' . ' 00 yards th
start , 1 will put up a forfeit of 8100 any
time ho wishes to name to bind the match.
nnd the man tnlllnc to put up the remaining
SiOO two weeks boioro the race comes oil
must foi felt the J100 ? that is down. Waiting
Mr. lick's reply , 1 am yours truly ,
Champion of America.
Lu Iinllock1t ) best time on the bicycle
was accomplished Wednesday afternoon ,
when lie1 succeeded in making n mile in
two minutes and fifty-two seconds. This
is ono of the fastest miles over mrdc on
HID exposition track , and is fully up to
Eek's ' best record when lie was tfnining
i'rinco tolls n funny incident of Bul
lock's early training earecr. Ono day
when Uullock was taking a practice spin
about the track , his machine became un
ruly nnd he Hew into one of the posts on
the turn , his head butting it violently.
Ho picked himself up and went into tlio
dressing room for repairs. In tlio mean
time Prince took a heavy hatchet and
pounded a large dent in the post
which Bullock's head had struck. Ho
then called to Bullock to como over.
"You made that dent when you struck
the post with your head , " Prince said to
Mini solemnly.
Bullock looked at the post in utter
amazement for a moment or two. Then
lie carefully foil of Ins scalp and mut
tered : " ( ireat.Tiipitor.but my head must
have struck that post a terrible blow to
make a dent like that. "
The proposed light to a finish with
small gloves between .lack Hanloy of
tins city and ( Joorgo La Blanche , tlio
"Marine , " wliich was to have taken
place in St. Paul thu latter part of this
month , has been declared oft" . Instead ,
Hanloy and La Blanche will meet in this
city in a contest for points , on Wednes-
elay evening , February 23. The exposi
tion annex will prouably be secured for
the event.
nr.i'oitE nor. MUZZLE.
Wednesday afternoon there was quite
an interesting shooting contest at
Sportsmen's park on Sherman avenue ,
A number of sportsmen took part , al
though the number of shots made by all
the contestants rras irregular. The
game was American clay pigeons , with
live traps , eighteen yards rise. The nuni-
of birds made is as follows :
James Davis. 17 ; Jack Brewer , 22 ,
Goodly Brueker , lit ; P. Simpson. 22 ; Dr.
Worln.v. 13 ; 11. B. Kennedy. 20 ; J. Zellor ,
22 ; . ) . Evans , 4 ; A. J. Wheelock.lO.and A.
N. Kerr , 5.
On the 22d of this month and
Hnrdin will manage a grand series of
sweepstakes shooting matches , open to
everybody , and commencing at ! ) o'clock
in the morning. Tlio match will bo car
ried put witli due respect lo the forma !
requirements of first-class shooting meet
ings , and from the number of people
who are to engage in it tlio result prom
ises to be highly satisfactory.
The Wrestling Match Will Take
Place To-Morrow Nljrht.
Since the days of the lamented Clarence
Whistler Omaha lovorsof sport have been
favored with but few wrestling contests.
An event of this kind wliich is exciting
considerable interest will take place at
the exposition annex to-morrow night in
the match between Charles Moth , the
uhampion Grojco-Homan wrestler of the
world , and an unknown who is being put
up by the Turnverein society. All efforts
lo unearth the unknown have proven fu
tile thus far. The turners say they
ivill Irivo their man in shape when the
ilny arrives and will have a surprise in
store for Moth. Tlio terms of the match
ire that Moth shall throw the unknown
Ilireo ( ira-co-Homan and two catch-as-
catch-can falls in an hour for a stake of
flOO and tlio entire gate receipts. The
match promises to bo one of exciting in
Charles Moth , who lays claim to the cham
pionship among thu Uieco-Uoiiiati : wrestlers
; > f the world , is a ( .Jernmn bred Englishman.
ii ) years of ago , 0 feet tall and weighs 100
Itoitnds. After winning a reputation nt homo
when a more lad ho traveled in Kiuland and
lefeated a number of prominent wrestlers.
lie came to America ih 1S-S1 and dcfo.ited
Kdwin Uiltby In a mixed match at Now
i'oik , Since that tlmo ho has
ichloved a number of victories that
; lvo backing to his claim to the
inuco-KoiiKin championship. At Dntioltho
wrestled Anilie Christol and defeated him.
Jiiuco-Houian stylo. At Cincinnati ho de -
'oated Duncan Hess In a nve-stylo match.
\tSt. Louis Moth and Muldoon wrestled tor
lourhoms with only one fall , when Moth
mil a rib broken ; the people jumi > ed on the
Hugo and stopped tha match , llu defeated
1'om Cunnon ( who is now In Anstudla ) In
iiiivco-Koman matches at Minneapolis and
Ciuisas City. Colonel Mchauxhlm und Moth
.vrastlcd . in Minneapolis liom 8 o'clock in tlio
nornlng until 4 o'clock in thu uliornonn ,
tvith only three falls bolmc scored , Thu
natch was a livo-shle con test , and thn
: olonel hccured n eollar-nnd-elbow lull and
tloth one tall each at catch-ascutcl-can ) nnd
iiieco-Koman. The contest excited irruat at-
onlion , and led to nnother match at c.itch-
is-catch-can style In jackets. The match
vas 11 win ( led to iMcLaiiirlilin , Moth claiming
hat the referee received S'i'X ) for enlllm ; ! t n
'all when only ono shoulder touched , Hodo-
fated Mervln Thompson nt eitcli-as-eit han -
: an nnd in three straight falls ut ( iru-co-
toman. Aba , wl.o vlnlted America some
into at'0 , defeated Moth at Hamburg in
hreo straight ( irj-ca-Koimm falls in IS * ! ,
ust prior to thu hitter's deputure : for the
jtales , lit a match at Madison , \VI . ,
vith the "Slraiikclei" Moth tin own
it cnteh-as-catch-can stjle , the "Strong
er" getting his famous hold and
: hoking Moth. In n Uruicn-Homan match
viih the "Stianiilci" nt thu h.iuio place.
doth throw the former In three minutes ,
hrco straight falls. At Mihv.-tukcn Moth do-
eatcd Jaimvi Faulkner , Cituco-Uomnn st\le.
U Sun Francisco h threw Arthur tJiDhs
ivo ( iruico-Koman falls InWA minutes. In
i niittuh with Ureek ( ieor o. Moth throw the
ireok HO quickly nt Cnuco-Komau MJ Ie that
ieoit'o oult. Just belnro coming lo Omaha
tloth and the Jap wrestled at Kansas City ,
, nd Moth won nt his lavorito Mjlu , ( inucn-
toman. Another match was Immediately
ludo by the wiry little Jap , at catch-as-
atch-cun. The two men wrestled three
i ours without a fall and the match w.ts du-
lared a draw. In ids travels Moth has
nestled any number of wto-.tlur.scJt-
lomluuted unknown. In iho fall Moth will
; o to Australia.
V Slick Youth AVIth a C'ontUlenco
For several days past n man roistering
limsplf as S , Livingstone , Cincinnati ,
) . , and representing himself as a travel
ing salosnian for the firm of Fritz Bros.
Cincinnati , has been stopping at tin
W indsor hotel in this city. After run
uing up a bill amounting to $18 at tin
house , lie claimed to have no cash , bu
on presentation of his bill lie spoke of t
draft in his possession amounting to
? r9 50 , which ho Hashed but never al
lowed any one to scrutinize very cl'vsely.
Upon the strength of this supposed dratl
he induced a guest of the ! iouo to ad
vance $ ! ! 0 , saying that ho would have il
cashed immediately upon the opening ol
the banks on the next morning , i'hc
draft was given as security , nnd on the
next tr.orning the said Livingstone
obtain permission of the draft with the
avowed intention of cashing Iho snine ,
His movements wore rather slow in ( Mi
direction nnd the gentlemen by whom
the money had been advanced requested
a sight of the paper , having only casuallj
glaced at it before. Close examination
revealed the fact tiiat it was simply n
sight draft upon n country merchant
named Slmms ami not negotiable. 'J he
beat refused to put the draft in the bank
for collection and retained possession ol
it. Before any steps could be taken in thu
matter Livingstone had worked someone
for a $ J5 loan and fled thu town leaving
his total bill unpaid nud the generous
guest out of pocket just $30. Ho is
supposed to liuvo gone to Missouri. A
warm welcome , is assured him in Omaha
if lie should return.
Personal Purncrnphs.
lliiv. Mr. Milligan , of I'rlnotou , Isll. , i
in the city ,
General Manager Clark , of the Missouri
Pncllic , is in the city.
Lieutonent Slooumb and wife , of the
Seventh infantry , Fort Mead , Dak. , are
in the city.
W. J' . Hudson , bolter known as our
Heedy , has again assumed his reliable
position at the Misfit J'nrlors , where ho
will bo happy to meet his many friends.
William Gladish , the well known drug
gist , has returned from a iiluasant visit to
relatives in Toronto. Hois looking inueli
healthier and heartier than when ho loft
here and is altogether greatly pleased
with the results of his trip.
The Hon. D. D. Wead and wife of Ver
mont , parents of C. M. Wead , supply
agent of the B. & M. railroad at Plaits-
mouth , Nob. , have arrived on a visit to
relatives in the west. They are now tu
Omalia at the residence of their nephew ,
D. W. Saxo , No. 22011 Farnam street.
w .
Nebraska Flno Htnulc IJrootlPrs.
Sr.WAun , Nob. , Feb. 1) ) . [ Correspond
ence of thu BIE. : ] At the meeting of tlio
Fine Stock Breeders' association , after
the reading of Br. Billing's paper , the as
sociation resolved itself into a committee
of the whole for general discussion. Very
favorable comment was made on Doctor
Billing's views by the majority of those
present. They were , however , consider
ed somewhat impracticable in regard to
the prevention and cure of hog cholera
suggested. This disease beine most
common and particularly fatal toNcbras-
ka stock , received earnest discussion.
Mr. Wolf and others were
decidedly of the opinion that
there was some underlying cause
for this cholera not yet understood , and
tliat the paper read did not throw suf
ficient light on thu subject. Air. Wolfe
argued that ic could not , or rather had
not been , explained why two swine
equally exposed , ono should die and the
other should not bo sick , or why two
herds not exposed nt all , tlio one should
nave cholera and tlio other not. Dr.
Billing claims that cholera will not break
out in a herd without that herd having
been exposed in some way.
Tbe discussion liually turned to the
bill now beloro the legislature
in regard to _ establishing a
school of veterinary surgery.
This brought out some very plain talk.
They all agreed that a government
school should bo established and carried
on by and under special legislation of tbe
general government. That a school of
the proportion contemplated by the bill
is entirely inadequate to give competent
Colonel Savage said ho would oppose
bill the " " " "
the until "sharks"and "shysters"
of Lincoln were prevented from specula
tion with the state farm.
A resolution favoring the said bill wns
voted down nearly unanimously.
Mr. Walters , of David City , was to
have read a paper before the association
in fact had it all prepared and was
about starling for Seward when his wife
came into his room , and seeing papers
lying about gathered them up and
burned them , among which was the
solon's paper. In this way the association
wns short one valuable production.
Vocal music by tlio Seward Male
liiartettq was interspersed throughout
ho evening's program me and wns well
received by the "thoroughbreds. "
ca Jiulinn Anent Nominated.
WASHINGTON , Feb. 10. The president
icnt the nomination of George W. Uusey , of
llinols , to the senate to-day to bo Indian
icont at the Colorndo Itiver agency , Arizona
The Crown PrlnccsH of Germany.
Sir Charles Dilko in the Nonvollo
luvtie : Tlio Princess Victoria is an in-
cresting figureand her role on tliu POOIIO
it European politics is too important to
illow of negligence in the study of her
haracler. She belongs to a family which
tas many eminent members. Making
illowance for the narrowing influences
ipon the mind of the constant practice of
\ . daily routine , we may consider llio
Itioon of Kngland. her mother , as ono of
ho most remarkable sovereigns whoever
voru a crown , and the princess is. in cor-
ain respects , her superior ; nt all events ,
he is superior to the other princely
number * of her family. She possesses
in attainment that arduous anil absorb-
ng labor , restrained in a narrow sphere ,
lindorod Queen Victoria from reaching
-n serious course of loading
, nd general culture , which has made her
, s liberal in certain points of view as her
nether is resolutely conservative. She
i not popular in ( iermany , and for rea-
ons trivial enough. As she openly pat-
oni/.cd ecclesiastics who were celebrated
or their advanced ideas , public opinion
ins set tier down ar absolutely a free-
iilnker , and that injures her in certain
ircles. She voluntarily ridicules ( ier-
imnio prejudices , and that cjoes her harm
n other circles , Slut is highlv intelli-
; ent a quality whiuh ehould bo lacking
n royalty , in the opinion of the fools at
oiirt and she is passably well educated ,
, fliicli is not exactly a qiiililieilion : ; for
unking liur agVoeablo to the ignor-
nl. Ono day , Hup Impuflal Highness
.sk . * d a eortam Prussian general , at a
uiblio gathering , who \VIB UUIIMI ! of
tome in 1 don't know what year , nn < l
in no that day the eminent olllee.r IIIIH
> ccn morn Itismnrnkinn limn the North
lormsin fja/.ctto , or even the Post itsulf
'hero was a lime when thn ndmirntion
hat the princess openly piofL.s > ed for
'ranco dr w down upon her the aniinos-
ty of lift fnluroMibji-ot.s , but ! think Mil-
M modified her attitude in this respect
leverllieless , she very often shocks the
enliment of the court , which reproaches
cr , for mstaneo , for snaring
lie liking for the
irinco of Bulgaria , member of
he Battenborg family , which gets but
mall sympathy. Wbatoyei may be the
Unions of Franco on this subject , it is
rmrcoly to be doubted that her aet'-s- '
ion to the throne will lind her a good
ierman , and disposed to reign as one
t is said that tno crown pnncoM U
, 'ithout political infiiionro over bur eldest
on , but the reign of Ibis prineo is a lony
ray oil' Ho has joined Prince Bis
mrck's party , und Ins wifeU / orthodox
'liii is probably Uio motive of vnrioiu
isscnaloiiti , whiuh time will nut fuil to
vcrcome. Ab to the crown prince , the c
who Know Ijim will . eo Itiat iio Is per-
fecclly. .conscious of n mediocrity which
rises' rather -from intoHeetlial Inzi
than from hisufllcioney of rc'sotirccfl.
Hcnl I'titato Transfers.
Peal cstalo transfers filed Fob. P , 1037.
ThH ( Hrennan ol al to J O'Dnnahoo , lot S
blk X Shlnn's Hd add , w d-S ll.0.
DJ O'Dnnahoo nnd wife to The < * Hten-
nan , lot 2 blk 8 fct V KoRers'ndd , w d 5.1.000.
Dennis Ciinnlnghniii nnd wlfo lo Tims
llrunnon , lot blk S K Rogers' add , q J-i.
Clius Andrews and wlto to August Weiss.
P i u&OftlotlblkKouiiUii's-ltlindd ! $ , w d-
* '
Kt b'crt K Ftonrh nnd wife lo Mary lo\ ! < 5.
lots 4 and 13 blk 15 Centralp-uk , w dSl.lix ) .
Frank It Cullnrel nl to.i II Parrotte , lots <
G , in , in blk : i Wn < .liineton Hill , w d M.too.
Cltvof OnmbatoA J llobon , 20x132 It h -
Rlnnini'ats wcor lots blkI Cicdlt Fonder
add , w d SRM. :
Jno Mnllettnnd wlfo to P. C Flnney. o < ,
lot 6 n H ut lot 0 bit ; l-l Imp Asso n add ,
WlV&elbynmlwIfo to J A Hall , lot 2 blk
W S Omnhn. w d SOW.
SSCamitbPllto O A Keller , lot 4 blk S
Pratt'ssub. w d-Sl.OOO.
Kelnhold Matte John Lorcnz , SOxC i ft
com nt necorlot Iblk iiKlkhitin , w d-SlflX
Jercinlab Dee toMniizntet Dee , lot .1 s-ec H
and * o ' 4 s o " 4 lo , l-l , in. o. e Jsi.
Kanny Knvun and husb to Jos Knlar , e M
ft lota 7 nndS Council's ndil , w d S2.00U.
A S Potteretul Venal llolubpl nl , lot 12blk
2 Potter * Cobb's add. wd S2a.\
A SPotter et alt n Fiank Kttojlcck , lot I
blk 2 Potter & Cobb's add to S Omalia , w d-
I'lora M Wrlehtand hnsb to J A Kdney , lot
5 11 ousel' } " sub , w d S7.MM ) .
( ! eo II HoL'irsftal to Patrick Morris , lot 8
blk 12 , w d-Sl.200.
Swan Cttlei bind to Swen Wlckman , K lots
7 and 8 blk McCormick's 2d ndd. w d-SfiTK ) .
tK.Ieiuiy M howe and husb to Sarah O Pat
rick , 2J.8 acies in it. ifi. n , w d SI.
Kllen Oieenlleld nnd liusblo J N'Frou7cr ,
lot 1 blk 0 Klikwood add , wd SSi > .
W II Mole nnd wile to liS Moloet nl , s-10 ft
lot 0 blk fi Dcnlso's add. w d 81,000.
SwenVlckmaii to M iids 1/uson , lot 7 Potter -
tor > t Cobb's sub , w d 51,100 ,
Andrew 11 Swondby nud wlto to Mads
l.ajson et al , lot l ! Potter & Cobb's sub , w d
Lewis Schroder and wlfo to Vaclav Her-
manskv , n lot I blk 12 Kountzo's ad add ,
W d Sll-1-)0.
Jos Knvan and wlfo to Vaclav llermansky ,
lot 1 blk S Arbor place extension , w d
Jno I Uedick and wife to Kdwln 11 Sher
wood , n } tf w 2J it lot 0 blk iw : , w d-SlO,800.
K T Maxwell el nl to A K Drvson , coin of
fl w cor lot 5 blk 1 , Ist add to South Omaha ,
W W Lowe and wife to Emily J Brlirss
3I.H4 acres In W. V > . l . q e SI.
Alexander McHavoek and wife to II II
( ioodman , lot 10 blk I Mt Doimlass , w d
SWi ) .
W T Phelps and wife to Kllxnbcth Looinis
lot 0Oak Hill add , w d-5400.
> nlium P Fell ot nl to Platt Mvs-tlc Pnik.
w Yi .so X nw H 7.15 , i-lcllcniou. : ! ( !
Julia M C.iln ind iiushand to C M Crlssov.
o y lot HI and w > i lot 17 blk 1 Dcnlso's ndd ,
w (1-31.000. (
W T Kiehards ct al to Orlando T.ift , lot C
and s K lot 5 blk 8 sub ot J 1 Ucdlck's add , w
d S3,2 < X ) .
1 U Yates nnd husband to JW Coynor ,
rX ) It of n ino It lot 4 ink 0 Turk place add , wd
Slf > 00.
O W Loccan nnd wife to Margaret Hnrdv " , i
iO'-J It of w 10J tt lot 14 blk 1 Lakes' nddvd
J J Mnhoney to Henrv Hoidy , w 50 fl of
100 ft lot 7 blk 78 S Omalia , w d S2GOO.
Ijoronn Kntz nnd husband to Sydney G
Htock et nl , s H lot 14 blk 2 Capitol add , w d
A K McCandless and wlfn to Hobort Wil
liams , lots 7. 8 blk 2 loabcllo add.w d Sl/JS ) .
Jos Claik ( executor ) to Claus Oft , n ] 4 nw
Kf 2 ; ! . 1C. 11. ( i c SI.
S 1) .Mercer ot al to J K Dennis , lot-I blK J
Walnut Hill , wd-SMW.
U II Pau-oll and wife to S T Puller , lot ' ,
blk 2 , lot 8 blk 0 Hillside add Xo 1 , w d-
SiSOO. :
A S Polter eta ! to W It Dnumnond , lots 1 ,
iblk 1 Potter .t Cobhh' mill , wd S4'J.\
M L ( i.irri.son and hiish.ind to Frank 1) )
Muir. Iot7 blk 14 Patiicks' 2d add , w d-
W K Clark et al to W K Claik Uiusleo )
part of M-C 33 , in , 13. trust deed SJ10.000.
Uual estate transfers filed February 9 :
J I Kedick and wife to ( J E Uiuker. lot 20.
ilk 8 , lots 17 , I , Hi , ' . ' 0 , 21 nnd 22 , blk 1 > , J I
[ Jediek's sub add , w d 8SWX ) .
Anna Corri ( ; . n et el to the public , pint
jounii Place , hub pait of n bi' U ot n o } / ,
H5-i-dedicatlon. : !
Ada P Drake et id to Gee 11 Payne , lots 12
ind 13. blck 5 , Drake's add. w d S'VJOO.
CJ11 Payne to Solh Dickev , lots 12 and 13 ,
> lk. " > , Di.-iKo'.s add , w d S5.UOO.
Potcr Coirelns and wile to Frank Cltta , lot
i , blk 22 , Wileox add , w d-toa.
JasM Wnolworth and wile to Henry M
i5o < twlek ct al , lot 1 , blk G , Sulnher Springs
idd , w d-S2KOU.
W 1 Frver and wlfo to IIII Heath et nl , lot
! , blk n , Kilby Place , w < i-Sl,450.
J 1 Kedick and wile to Kllen Tulloy , belna
> art of n o M , h w } / . 8M5-1S. w d $2,000.
J I Uedick and wile to lludi MeCalfery ,
> art of n e X , s w Jr. 211S-1 . w d-SJ.120.
Clara C E.stabrook and husband to P A
Taylor , n X , lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 2 , Catultia
'lace ndd , w d-SWO.
Jl Kedick and wife to Owen McCaffery ,
tart ot n o X , s w if. 21-in-ln , w d 810,100.
J 1 Id dick and wlfo to Kiln Kennedy , parl
if n o M , s w X , 21-15-1:1 : , w d-S-,000.
K K Alone ! ) nnd husband to Jenny K Stov
ns. o } lots 13 and 14 , blk 0. ParKct's add.
1. 8,100. :
W J Walker Pt id to CT Joyous. lot 7 , blk
, 1st add toS Omaha , w d 51,400.
( ! eoV Loom ID to the public , Loomls' suu
pint ) suboNot22 , Tiittles Milt dedicntlon.
C K Mayno and wllo to Sophia Pieisuii , lot
, 11 awes nddv d 5. ' > 00.
Win Scxlckiinnd wile to M K Sherwood ,
n , blkin. Myer's Itlchardson & Tlldcn's
dd , w d-snoo.
Temple W Atkinson and husband to J II
fajlor. lot 8 , blk 10 , Coiitial Pat if , wd S700.
Kdwaid K T Puttei > on ami others toKd
3iap , lots t ! and ! ! , block 4 , ( irammeicy park
dd. w d 51.200.
OF nib
; iicapMilifiauleefiStPaullly ) , ( , ]
ice mm ioj CQUSCIL mm i' '
OOUNIU , ni.urra
lilcajjo , AKI > MJlmiukee ,
t. Paal , UinneapoliH , Cedar Jtuplila ,
llrton , Duhuitiu | , Davenport ,
ock Islsnil.Freupdrt , Kockford ,
Iffiu , ilaili.son , JniiMvllIo ,
doit , Minima , LuCrosso ,
nUaJI oilier'mpoi iniit points Katt , Norlbeatt
HiiJ Buuthouil.
For throuirh tickuu unil on tlio Tlafcot Aveu
; 1401 Kr.rnuin turin-t ( | n I'urloti Hotel ) , or u
iilon I'nuino Uopot
ruUiimii nlonpurMHiiJ thn Quctt Din I UK Cam
thtwotld niu rtiu ou tlio uulu Iliieaoflliu
nuiao , Jlii.w/iUKae it Br. l
nl rnry ailDtiilon ( a pnld to
iurt < * on oruiiluyt- lli
H. Mn.i.nit , ( iuiirr l Mnn ,
J. K. TirCKtii. Ai-t ! ul ( ionrriU MMlftffOr.
A V , H. OAIII-EMKH , ( lonoraJ i'uaeaueor nnd
alct Ayoat.
( jf.i ) . R. IlKArfOiui , Assistant 0 acr < U
tr mi'l Tlcknt A i'iit
J. T. ( tiuii. liDiiurni Buiierlntciiiluut.
Tlii * limb is on tinlat -
l i'liprovtd plan Tlic
ust , LijjlileKt and K bici
t < > iniiiato : und the mui-l
lin blc liuib made. I
h ive liad thirty ( Ive cai--
fc 3 l > i xitericf cc wciinnjinan ;
C I Iy I -cturinK and adjiivting ,
SI If Will t-ivc bnecial rai ( >
( .rS . ij Until M.icfi 1st. My
! * t liiii'i Ipr * , Vt l-'ui'incr price $1,0. !
rCU\l\r \ * Kt'U' I *
> r. J. S3.
Oil II. 17tb St. , Omaha ,