Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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AdriTtl'tmcnH tinder this liO'd , 10 cents p r
line lor the first Insertion , 1 cents for each gun-
ecqucnt Insertion , and tl.SO a llncportnonth
Ko ndvcrtlfcinont taken for left than 15 cents
for the flrct Insertion. Povcn words will bo
counted to Uio line : thny niuct run oonsocu-
tl cly nnd mu .t l > o paid In advance. All adver
tisement * , must bo ImndoJ In before l:30o'clorlt :
l > , nitind under no circumstances will thcybo
tlkdi or dlronllnucd by toll-phono.
1'ftrtits advcrtnlne In thc'utolumns nnd hiv
ImrthonnswomniJdretscd In cnro of Tnr HEI
trill tlon e n-k for n checV tonnblo thnm toect
their letter ? . M none will bo delivered except
on wro citntlon of check. All answers to ad-
vertispinpnt * , should bo enclosed In envelopes.
ONKV TO LOAN on Improved real r > 8tnto !
no comml lon chnrired. l.onvllt llnrn-
harn , Koom 1 Iroljrliton lllock _ 140 _
to loan. Kills Ilro . , real cstMo nnd
MONKV aitrnts , room 17 , Whltuell block , cor.
16th and Hnnioy. _ fas
MONEV to Ionn7cash on nnnd.mi delay.
J , W and IX li. S'Ultc | , 1413 Knrniun St. ,
Taxton hotel building. lr-3
T 0 AX8 Ixians Loans. retain loon * ,
f'ollntcrlal loans.
Chattel loan * .
] .oiir ) tlmi ) loan * .
Short tlnii ) loan1 * .
Money always on hand to loan on any ap
proved security.
JnTrMmrntFocuntlPS boiiKht and sold.
Onmhn rlnanclal Kxclmnco , n. w , cor. 15tb
ind Ilnrnoy.
Corbet t , MnnnRor. _ 024
HAIIItlS .V IIAltltl. " . 320 8. 15th "t.
Monpy to loan on first class security. from
' Si'4
r i , 0'in tOAN nt 0 per cent. J. .1. Mn-
honey , iron rnrtinm. B25
6 I'EH CENT Money.
It C 1'attorfon , nnd Hnrney. 3.17
< > , < ) OO to loan. Sums gtXXi nnd upwards ,
$3 Lowest rates. Ilpinls , room 3 , llarker block ,
B. W. cor 15th nnd KnrmiinBts _ " 20 _
I'lrst mortt'MfO notes. The DotiKlni
county bunk will buy popnrs secured by
Orft tnortKBKO on city realty. P2i
J'EH CENT - Monny to loan.
Ort'cory * Hadley ,
Hooms 1 find 3 , Iledtck block , 320 S. 1Mb Rt.
' LOAN Money Txmns plnrnd on 1m-
provoil real oslato In city or county for
New Eimlaml I/oan & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , ICth ami Clilpqgo sts , _ 02'J '
MUNKV tnlonnon city and farm property ,
low rnti-s , Stewart & Co. , Hoom ? , Iron
Hank. _ PM
ONKV TO"I.OANO. . V. Davis * Co. Hen
Kstato nnd Loan Agents 1C05 Fnrnnm st ,
' ' 11
5r ONiv T I.OAN On ronl cslnto und ohHt-
tels. D.L. _ Thnnuis. _ Ktl _
fl500XxTo ( loan on Omntia city property ntfl
P percent. O. W. Day , over 1312 DouRlKSst.
_ _ _ ; _ _ _ ten _
MONKY to loan tiy the undorslRnort , wlio has
tboonly properly orpanl od loan agency
In Omulin. Ixmns of f 10 to f l.CXH made on fur-
nlturo. pinnoH. orKnn , horses , wagons , machin
ery , 4o. , without removal. No Oolnyn AH
buplnoss strictly ronndnnttnl Loans ra mnda
tlint any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Advances
madoon flno watches and dlanmnde. Persons
phnuld carefully consider who luoraro dealing
wllli , aa mnny now concnrns ro dally comlnsr
tate exUtencp. Should you need money , call
Mid see mo. W. It Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncl'
Bulldlnir , 1Mb and Harnny.
MONKY I.OANKOntC F.Ilood &Co's.Losn
oR1cson furniture , ptanot , horoes.wnRons ,
personal property of all kinds , nnd all other nr-
tlclpsof value , without removal. 319 S. 13th ,
over Hlnghnm'H Commission store. All bull-
ncesstrletly ronflrtontlni. TO
OH SALE Dress making rooms and liusl-
ness , cnntrnlly located , this Is a line open
ing for ono or two ladies to engaxo In thu busi
ness. plrnty of. work lor good prices. Address
ii : ; , llooolllcc 318 11 *
FOH SALE Lumber jard nnd residence In
HouthwiiRtoin lown. Well located nnd do-
Inir good biihlnecH. Good reasons for lolling.
Address E. 2. , Hue olllce. : ) m
class short order IIOUPH ami llxturns , fruo
from all uiieiimburani'os anil dulnir an excellent
business. Tor particulars address I ) . 72 lloo
u 111 co. 334 16
OIIEIILIN , KIUI..II M ino-tilcfiirnbln ; location
lor a Flouring Mill , uNo fora Konndcry.
Liberal Indiicoinents ollorod to pnrtlce peoklng
Investments In the o hrnnuhen of Industry. Cor-
reopondoncc solicited. Oburlln Uonrdof Traao ,
Obcrlln , Kan. A. O. T. Gcigor , Soo'y.3Ut
3Ut 22
W ANTED -To soli my barber shop. Price
For particulars address. I ) C9 , ] ) ca
omco. KJ1 10 *
FOH SALK-Drug fltoro In Omaha about
* ,000. C. J. Casswoll , room 1 , Iron bank
_ _
( loon cliancnin agrowlng wo torn town In
Nebraska for a good blacksmith and a doc
tor who will aNo run adrugHtoro. Tills town
lias no establishments of this Kind nnd will
oirer Inducements to the right party. Address
D l , llee olllco. KH 11
\W A N T 1 : 1 f8 1 < TclT"oT7l r7 7i > TsT pTi7t h I n gluiil
furnishing goous , or boots nnil shoosln
axchanuo forOmahn real estate. SchlesliiKer
Ilros. , CHS 10th st. 175m 3
"jifiU.TNEHY STOCK -Wo otfiTTorsulo the
ATI. largest and best retail stock of millinery
nnd hair goods In Omaha. Moru centrally lo
cated with nn uDtabllslipil trmlo. This U llio
loading millinery store In Omaha. Will soil for
cash or will inlia pnrt pay in real ostnto con-
trnlly loputod. Clark French , 1810 Douglas
Btrt'ot , Omaha , Neb. 15211
FOH HALK Ortrndu bakery and confoo-
tlonery. Inciuiru Kopp , Drulbus & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. 034 m t
T OHSALK-Iln'.f Interest In ono of the bust
paying drug stores In southwestern town.
Capital required , J2.50U. Address I ) 40 , lire of-
Jlco. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " 18
BANK for sain in n now rapidly growing town
of 000 inhabitants. FltuMlunoslts. Monov
loan * from 3 to 4 pnrcant. monthly- splondlil
chance. Address D3U , llucollico. U15
U8INKSS CHANTE-Stock ( Irocerles nnd
Muatmnrket for snlo. Flnpst loo-itlon tn
Oiiuiha. Doing an excellent business. Address ,
C , Tl. lion Onu o. _ MI
UHlNESSCIIANCK-Stock Groceries for Halo.
Nobnttorlacntion In Omaha. Sales now
uronitfu ? 300 a day. Hubli 4 Sulbjr , 218 S. . st.
_ _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 270
"ir OH SALK Or trndo for merchandise ! , MO
-1J acres of No 1 farm land near Grand
Island. C. J. Cimiui 815
HOIJSIS- Ixits.Farins.Lanns-m.oiipyinaneri.
, . . ICI | , IM > 0" 3. llaruor block B. W. cor.
l&tli and > uriiuii sti , 113 ;
FOlt BALE-Hatdwnro IlH8ines8- otfor
our shelf and heavy hordwaro buelnoss for
rale , toguther with our lease and good will.
Trane largest In the city nnd location the best ,
lletlrlng from the bimlners rniike for eolllng
2'bo IJaum Haulwuro Co. , 102s o st. , Lincoln.
ro u.\ >
rpAKKN UP-Hrown pony about 3 years old ,
Jo ner etui have him by paying cost : ) and
Proving property Chas. Tolu , military road ,
ci ) miles northwest of Omaha. l.V-8 JO"
1)EllSONAIMrs. . Dr. Nnnmo V. Worren
clHirvojnnt. MHlcnl and business Medium
lloom No. 3,121 Nurth loth et .Omaha , NoU
, 137 *
\yANTED-Gtrl8can nlwayotlnd gond places
> free of olmr _ by culling at ll'J N , 10th 8t ,
Capital uvo , Omtihu Kuiployment lluruau.
T O'WSliinuai.bllcl. llowlln ? Oroon.
MW. .5 rash. tmUiico f 5 per 1110. llrynn 4
"urkAililunil.Neb , 3U2 11
.OS I' llut onn Crounse block und turKbh
bath.Mial glovp. Finder pleiise leave at
'unrosc & llardln'd nnd got reward , U10
B ; OAHD and rooms at UOJ Jones st Kvory-
U'litK now. -TO 13
BTOHAGE Kirtt-plass stunigo for nice Jur-
ntiuro or boicd gooJs , ut 1513 Dod ot. t.
_ _ _ _ _
r > AUTIiy w.shlng to Olspote of lioueohold
piiods will Una u buyer by uddrossliu Cash.
JJ11 Davt'iiport _ _ \ j
rCEl I want to contract ut enc for the put-
ting In of M ) ton * of ice nn inr promises , cor
hhan4 HowurJ. U. 11. lleoiner IOS
I Imvo on liaiut a iinr < T
tllf Vr tlmt t''Ti ' ' cluwr nud millet oeU for
V'VAh" ° ror l'ric 8W. . 41. Uoston. DuviU
671 f. ft )
FOn nr.XT-T-n-0 tenure pianos of lemllnT
mn\ns find oieellont condition. V. Wal
ter , Music nnd .touclry , 1512 Douglas fit.
320 11
I neil KHNT-jSq-.mro Himo fj monthly. A
1 Ho po.l5131 > oil vlnt. _ Oil
QHOHTHAND-In ten lc on . No pnudintr :
O no position ! rapid n" > speech. Instructor ,
W cents. Pornm's Shorthand Institute- , Detroit ,
18i f 10 *
.Mich. _
TOH a&iiE MiscEi.r.AJTro'na.
FOH 9LK Ono ' 'Western Cottngo" nnd one
"Now Kn"li\nd" orirnn , very cheap : must
bo sold. V Y niter , Muslo nnd Joweliy , 1512
Douglas st. 32) ) 11
J710H SALK Cheap. nn old violin In enno ,
. ben.itiful . tono. V. Wnltor , Music nnd
Jewelry , 1.112 Douglas st. _ 32J 11
TT'OH SALE Olio Stelnvray plnno In splendid
.1 ? order ! fi bargain , V. Walter , tntialo nnd
Jewell y , 1B12 DoiiKlr.Rst. _ 3 JO 11
Foil PALK No. 1 fro h milch row with ncifor
calf. W lilnck. 1S15 Wllllnm at. : )19 ) 10 *
_ _ :
FOH SALK-Chenp , the turnlturi , of s * ovon-
i-ooui cottage. nearly now. Iiniulru 1511
Dodge. 28d 10'
POIl SAfjK Three pool nnd thrco blilnrd
tnbles in first class order. nro of thu Mon
arch style , Hruniwlcb nnd Hulko mnnufacturc ,
Bl > o4li ; , will bo fold chcnp. For particulars
address. M. J. Welch , Crcstoti. In. , or McOnvock
A. O'Connor , 31ft g. 13th ct. , City. 225-10
TJIOH PALK Now Oimeron , Amborg loiter
JL' cnblnol Illo , with lock doors. $ 25. Ad-
dr ss K 4 Hoo. 3J ) 11 *
FOH SALK A lurgnln , onu second-hand
S'limro piano. carmd legs : very ohonp nnd
eny terms. V. Wnltcr , Music nnd Jewelry ,
15121 louglua St. 31-0 11
_ _
FOR HALf. The best buggy In the. world for
the Itcnl Kstnto lluslncss , Columbus Huggy
Co.,1113llnriU3VBt. _
FOU SALK 3 pocond'hnnd buggies , cheap.
Inquire nt Clin. . .1. Mentor's stable , oip. |
Imposition building , Capital n\o. Chas. .1. Mun-
tor. 18. ) 11
_ _
FOH SALK--45-horso power bollnr , nonrly
now. Inquire Weatorn Pottery 03. , I < \io-
sltlon biiiliNng. _ 870 _
"TT1O.K SALK , doilblo-dooriwfc.
-L1 good as now. I'lill stlmmol Ic Co. , nil and
013 Jones st , 25
FOR SALK Medium-sized , doublo-door gafo.
good us now. I'lill Stlmmol &Co.Ull nnd
013 .lonos st. _ 821 _
FOH SALK Stnmplng Pnttorns cheap ; nnd
dtnmtilng done to order Mrg.J W. Mor
risons , 1-.QS Davenport. _ B)7 ) F12
WANTKD Good bnrbor , nt 1'nxton Imibcr
shop. 353 10 *
WANTED A llrst-clnsm retail shoo pnlosmnn.
None but n llrst-eluss mnn need npply.
Snrgont Jc I'usoy , No. i2 ! IJrondway. Council
Dlilirs 300 10
WANTKD A Fslstnnt bookkeeper In n whole
sale house. applicant must hnvo prnctl-
cnl experience on books , write a peed hnnil , bo
quick and correct nt figures nnd furnish llrst
das' ) rnference , none others need npply. Ad
dress In own hand writing , stating salary ox-
ppctOdE5 , Itooollico. 35V11
\\7ANTKD Immediately , n good job
' printer. None but rapid workman , capable
of taking entire charge of job department need
npply. Hoferoncos ns tooharnctor nnd ability
nxjulrud. Address Dully Gazette , Norfolk , Nob.
Tl'ANTKD Ininindlatolyexperienced ii-cnl3 (
> with n ( food nppearttuce. U ± J N. 10th
St. Hoom A. 3 lld
WANTKn-Agonts apply to A. S. tlobson ,
221 N 13tll St. 320 13 *
WANTED A man nnd wlfo without children
for fnrm employment near the city.
Womnn mu t bo a good housekeeper , prefer
the rann to liavo some oxporlonco as a Kardnor ,
must show eood rufcrcnces. 11 8. Albrluht ,
11-0 Kuniiun st. ; rj |
WANTED An onorpL'tlo man In onch county
of the Western Stntts to cnnvnss for the
Mlublirnn Door I'luto Co'p. Door I'luto's , Door
UolN , Mnll Iloxos nnd Street Numtiurs. Fine
iroads at low prices. f500adny unslly made.
Address with stump for full particulars to
fionoral Western Agont. Hoom 20 , I'axton
block. 229 11 *
TNBTAI.LMHNT MKN-And nponta ( rnnn7oiy ]
JL will tlnd Jut what they need by nddre-islinr
Installment Dealers Supply Co. , Krlo , I'iu 101 10
WANTED-nookblndor ; n first-class Work
man to run a bindery on shares ; will
furnish ouctlt. and work. Good opportunity
for rljtht man. Address immediately , Dally
Gazette , Norfolk , Nob. 1
WANTED-Immedlately. n carriers wlTn"
rood horses on Daily Evening1 Hoe. Apply
nt Boo ofllte. _ lifl ! )
AtlENTS Kvory housokocpor wants It Iliff
money for you. Send stamp , Lock Ilex U'J. '
Erie. I'n. 180 10
" \XTANTED-Mon , women , boys , mrls to earn
T T $70por month at their own homos .costly
outfit of samplb ! > , a pnckaKo of ( roods and full
Information for lOu to help pay pontage. Ad
dress II , C. Uowoll 4 Co. , Kutlnnd , Vt.
" \ \ 'ANTED BO sober. Intelligent men of ( food
nddrosa to try n lOo meal nt Norrls' res.
tanrnnt WI H Ifltli Bt. _ 1BI _ _
AOKNTSln the city or country can maKcf/i / to
| 10 n day solllnz our Rpeclaltios. N. W.
Novelty company. 12)7 ) Krtrnam ht. _ 612
" \\7 A NT f D-At oncn. A'chambtrinalTr"nmi
> dishwasher , at City Hotel , loth nnd Har-
noy. 357 10 *
_ _
Tl'ANTBD Good ( flrl to do Bcnornl housework -
work In u private boarding IIOUBO , nt6o7
South 12th st. 347 II *
WANTED Ono Rood pastrycook , one dish-
washer nnd one or two llrst-clnss wnltors
nt Norils' restaurant nnd chop bouse , 104 Pouth
IGth street. aV ) 10
IVANTED A ( rood plrl to do laundry
> > work nnct assist in ilolni ? vonural
hntKowork. Northwest corner or Seth and
Cuniliiif st. 32J11 *
ANTHD-OIrl for ironerul houeo work ,
I'.IUI fiirniiin. 327
_ _
YVAN'lED-Oood girl , 1117 Cnss-st.
V > | 333 11 *
_ _ _
V\TANTii-A : trlrl.nircd 12 to 10. to nsslit
' with Unlit lioubokeoplns. 1B05 North 17th
btroet. 317 10 *
-A girl for penornl house work
11 in small tnmly : , 210S Chlctigo street.
80ft 9
\VANTKD A girl or woman to tuVo chnrgo
of n baby. Must havt good references.
Apphto I ) . J. O'Donahoo , at O'Uonuhoo 4
Bherfy'e , next to the pontofflco. 30i ) 10
LADIKS wanting rollatilo servant girls can bo
suppllod ntshort notice by culling ut 119
NICtli , Crnuncca block. E. O. Hollo-Islo H54.ll )
at the Now Homo Sow-
liitf Muchlnu omco , 12J N. 15th st.2'X
2'X > U *
\\TANTKD Olrl for gonorat houbowork.
> 2003 Furnam , nortliweit cor. 20th nnd
Furnam. Wis o *
T\7ANTr.D-OvorBll makers at the Cuntlold
' t ovorull factory , 1208 und 1133 Douglas et. ,
3 < 1 lioor. 2,18 U
WA.NTKD Olrl for general housework.
Inquire ut 1714 Douglas St. SMS
V\7ANTKD An experienced servant , with
> ability to cook In mnnll fnmlly , wages $1 to
$1 : none but competent parties need uppjy :
11 > 2I St , Clary's live. .
laundry girls ut the ( Vlndsor
i ? Hotel. ojj
\VANTKI-Kxperlonced ) bousckoepor. CoT-
> l orod preforreil. Call at 112 N. nth. 73J
T\TANTKD Good cook and Laundress. 203 N.
Ifthst. ftgj
\\TANTKD 30 ladfca & gnnts to loirn loin.
i crnphy Proapoot aocx\ \ for position whun
compotunt : address W , J. D , Hoom 1 , Urouns
blk.Omnhn. tin
\\fANTRD-Pltuntion by broad una pake
t laker l.anx experience , yood joforpiioos.
Lock box HI , Jollon-oii , Iowa. UJ7 11
\\TANTF.D-BltUBtlon by first-class etenogra-
' ' phor nnd tj po writer : tooj rcfrrunce.
AddrcbSj ) TJloooilico. -'ilj
\\TANTKD A strlcly tempor.ilo man , rnpld.
ucourato potiuian Firit class accountant
uoslrcs situation , I'niueoption tl roferoneo
turnUhud. Addn'SJ L VI P 007 X 18th st , city ,
_ _
\\rANTED-SlniHtlon by n ilcusfiflst ; had 3
' years experience ; can Klvo of ref
erence * . Addro lock box .No 373 , t'hadron ,
Neb. 313 y.
_ _ _
VlANTKDSituation by younir man ln iiiiy
business place. C.AU speak ( lorniaii und
LjiBlhiu. Addr 8D70. lleoolHco. 301 V
' \\7ASTKD A Stenographer who writes from
ISj to iw words a minute In short-hand ,
operate * the Hemlutrton and CulUrHph writing
niui-Ulnes , writes a loirlblo long-hand , und who
bad over three yc ni' experience , doelrea a sit
uation In tbo W c t. Heforencv * . Addres. lo ! _
I > 7I , lltoolhce. UM JO'
DHUCiGIST-Thoroughly conjpotc-nt and ex.
perlenccd , deilres situation. Host refer-
uco aud cmlticutei U37 , Uec. , 811 n
T OT WANTKD Ci itomcr wnnts 1 nr 2 lots m
J /Lincoln Pln-b , Kllby or West Cuming nd-
flltlon State torni * nnd prlco to Hush * Sclby ,
real c tnto agents , S18 S. i.f > tli-M. 33i 12
V\7ANTK1) Platform sc-nlos to wMeh from
SCO to 000 pounds. Cnb nt 1611 llownnl M.
310 9
\\'ANTKD-Two ladles to Join tlio Lndlo * '
i > String Qimrtotte Club Just ttnrtim ? , 1 for
violin and 1 for collo. Call or nddro s Crnp
Ilros. , music Mote , 210 S. 15th-st. : il )
, nnd women. 1 want Intclll-
gent , educated men nnd women to soil
"Ynggy's Anntomlcnl Study" and other school
supplies , In this stnto nnd town. 1 will be nt thu
Planters' House from 3 o'clock Thursday nftor-
noon until Sntnrdny. Postofllco nddre s , nftor
that , Echuylor , Nob. S. P. Oroftt S59 11 *
" \\7ANTKD-A house with eight to ten rooms
'i centrally located , suitable for bonrdlng
bonio with or without furniture. Address K I ,
Hce olllco. 325 il *
A \7ANTKD-To trade n wolf Improve. ! farm
of 10. ! acres within two miles of two rail
roads , In lloonuCo. , Neb , for Omnhn lot * or
hottsn nnd lot. Kmiulro of C. M. Mend. Omnba
llualnces College. 312 U *
WANTKD A family to ndopt n perfectly
formed boy baby -Just born. Kniilro | of
Dr. Williams , Hoom 17 , Arlington block. 256 12 *
" \\rANTKO-Hoomors nnd boarders nt 1810
* ' Fnrnam gt. 243 12 *
\\7ANTI5D-To ouy nouno I good location on
> monthly payments of f > ) to $100. Address
K. Wliltncy.617 I'lontnnt st. city. 1B8H *
\\TANTKD To exchange 80 acres improved
'i land , six miles from Ilortrnnd , Nob. , for
hardware or furniture. F. C. Schrocdor fc Co. ,
Ilortrnnrt Nob. fi''O '
TyANrBDTeams , 309 a llth st.
WANTKD To buy Ilvo to twenty nores 'In-
side of or near Oinnha. ( Ilvo descrip
tion , prlco nnd terms. Address , 0,23 , Hoe olllco.
uEtJT-nonsr.a AKP I.OTB.
FOH KENT A ton room dwelling cor Loav-
( 'ii orth and 21st st . ono block from street
car. Apply to llurko & liarkulow , Douglas st ,
TiiOHUENT-Storo on Fnrnnra , 10x20 , siiltftblo
Jlorolllco. . Apply 1211 Karnam 107 B *
FOiruiiST ilouso of ten "rooms and barn.
527 1'ark ave , between Knrniun st and Leav-
onnorth t , lniUlro ] nt Dornn House , South Ifth
near Unttloof ( ictlysbiirgbulldinif. _ ICO
TOll UENr Cottaco1' , hoinoi nnd stores , all
J dcslrnblo nnd well located , from $ OT per
month up. L. llurnhnm , lloom 1 Crolk'htou
lllock. 145
FOR HP.N'T IQaaroi 3 mllo1 ? from postollloc ,
suitable for market ennlon.wlll runt or soli.
Apply West 1'urnltiiro Co. , IOS N. 14th st. 15" >
FOUTlKNT AnlcoTioino. 8 rooms , well , of ?
torn , ( rooil barn , No. 824 I'utl Shorldim st.
Apply on the promises. 20t ! 11 *
OH HBNT-Uvorr and hotel. Address A. N.
Vest , Norfolk , Nob. 120 ml'
FOR KENT Hasomont 22x40 , suitable for
Plumbers or Tinner' , on ISth pt.nonrSt.
Marys ave , nt J15 per mflutn. Hanilllon Ilros. ,
Duildora. ' 2So 10 *
OK KKNT I.nrKO barn roar 1707 Cass. Jn"-
iiulro on promises or 320 S. 15th st. C. 11.
Wcstron. 2J5
FOU HENT-0 room honso. citr water , street
cars , iy miles trom 1' . < ) . ; $ .iJ per month.
D.C. I'attcrson , Omaha Natl bank. 71U
FOH KENT -l.nnro barn with water prlvl-
le ua. Apply nt 1818 Chicago st , lipa
TT1OH ItENT-If you want to rent n house , call
JL1 on llonawnic Co. , opposite poatollicu , 033
FH UENT-HoiiBe , 0 rooms , in HonRcoin
Place. Uoltcri Campbell , Hoom l , 1509
Fur nn in. 705
F I OH HKNT Nine room furnished house ,
two blocks from P. O. Inquire 1512 Daven
port st. 279 ! )
TJ1OH HKNT A furnished room nnd board ,
JL' prlvnto family , no cor. Pierce nnd 12th ste.
217 12 *
F Oil HENT Nicely furnished room , * I3.0'J
per mo. , C07H N 17th st. 201 13 *
FOH HKNT Furnished roomsnn upper und
lower. South front , law Cuss Et.
2C3 12 *
FOK HKNT 2 unfurnished rooms : gns , bath
room. Apply T. 1) ) . Norris , care of A. D.
Morse. 2fi6 ! )
OH HENT Desirable furnished rooms All
modernconvlencos. Streetcars. Nonottor
location in the city. J631 St. Mary's nvo.
FOH HKNT Furnlsbod room , 2442 Cnpital
avenue. 21011 *
FOH HKNT-Elognntly furnished yarlor. Ill
Siath st. nonr Dodge. 100 9 *
F OH HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms 8. W.
cor. IGth nnd Chicago. 207 10 *
H HKNT Two elegantly furnished front
rooms , sultublo for two. 1000 Cass st.
110 9 *
FOH HKN'T-Ono furnished room for ffontltf-
men , also 3 unfurnished rooms , modern
conveniences , to parties without ch Idren. In-
_ _
FOH HENT Newly furnished sleeping rooms
ut 80 ! ) Howard si. , next block to Colons
house , for gentlemen , nt TIP per month. Ill
FOH HENT-Storo room miltnb'.o for feed
store , tolincoo or mattress fuctoiy. N. W.
cor. I6th and Jnckson. 9J3
KENT An elegant front parlor with
JL hoard , also other smaller rooms. Homo
has all modurn conveniences. Gentlemen do-
sired. Southwest corner Webster and 20th st.
F 10H KENT-JJnlco olllco rooms at 6128 10th
_ Btroot. _ 733
FOH HE.VT-3 nleo front rooms In the briok
FF blockon Howard st. between 18th and 17th
sts. Lee , Nlohol & Co. , Withnull block 64
F I OH KENT Nicely furnished room. Itefer-
onccg required. IB37 Douglas. _ CS7 _
FOH HKNT 1 rooms unfnrnlstio I suitable
for housekeeping. 1017 N20ta st ; npply to
M. F. Martin , illfl S 15th st 40)
TTHH KKN'T-Nlcoroomsnt 1831 Fnrnnm st ,
A ono block west of court house.aouth side.
TflOK HKNT 3 rooms sultnblo for bouso-
JL1 liooplnif. 711 Pacldost. Hent , I15.0X12J
TJ1OH HKNT-Hootns nicely furnUliod nt nil
J.1 prices , from J-t , $10 , $12. $15 n month each.
UN South 18th street , north St. Mary's uvcnue
up stairs. 21'JflO
"IT OH HKNT A centrally located olllco room
J.1 sultublo for real esluto purposed , Apply
nt27N ! Iftthst. gM
OH HKNT Furnlshoil and unfurnished
rooms In ( iruonig lllock , cor. 13th nnd
Davis & lletDorlriKton , Millard Hotel
llllllaril Hoom. su
OH HKNT-Nlcely furnished front room In
nlco eottiiKO j 8 per month , ut 408 Walnut
Bt , 8 minutes walk , Southeast U. P. depot.
_ 315
Oil HKNT A well furnished front room
reasonableUinna. . 4- < North Kth. gas lo
OH HUNT Two larjjo pleasant unfurnUhoa
roonig. Jluft-renco rc'iiulunl.
TT1OH HI'.NT-Furnlshcd rooms nnd board.
* icasiint-st. *
- - - _ aas M
POIt HK.NT Sblff front rooms und hall nt 311
Spruce st. ; t3 li
"ITinK HKNT KurnUbcd rooms und board. 619
-P N. 1
17 > OH HKNT-Furnishod roomB. Tit N. lOth-st.
3lmb |
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T7KH ) IlKNT Itoomg , modern convonlances ,
Junil bunril , 70S ttouthlMli at. 31012'
IflOH HKNT Furnished rnom.ttlth board , two
blocks U. 1' , depot , 1W7 South llth bt : terms
reasonable. uj | IQ >
FOH HKVr Furnlilied room , furnace. , com-
fortablfl In coldust weather , ana BUS. In-
quIrelMl Farnam m
1j OH HKNT Neatly furnished rooms , ilniflo
' orilouble , UliHowarJ Street. 8 < J
HUNTUoirunt rooms on street car
linw , bulh and tres , a. w. oor aoti and
Webster. 133
ILLKKK'S 2nd addition. I'latg nro now
ready , lots JI5 each , J. L. Klce i Co. ,
Tlio best addition.
Acres for f 800.
6 aero lot * f VO per Hero.
Lots17i to T.5.
, _ o . .
barkraln priecg. for a short tltno only. Clarkeon
A Ucatty. aittSo. Mthgt. _ 317 10
HOI'SKS ' l-ots.Farras.I-unds-inonuy loonod.
Ilumls1 city maps , 6 J fe t , $1.60 each. '
llomU. rjqm 3. Oarkor block , a ! W. cor. 15tU
ana xaraain § u ; tyj
FOU SAl.r Two lot * Inmliier place , $ > 00
each , SlOicnsh , balnnqrSl i per mo.
I/it In llfdford ( Ua O'f3.Vca h , STiKi.
An icrt > In lcUlilerofcJ5j > . will make 1
lnrjdlot ( mucli eiil'J.M. 0
l/nt in Manscom plscc. bl ( k 15 , Jsyi. |
Ioite ! of fl room * , irood barn , oto , , Idlowild's
a(1d.dotWxl27l , ? ) . . .
Kist fror.t lot , Klll'y placp.JXK )
r Ixit In block "H , " Iwo9 1st add. , JW3.
I/it in MOCK 12. Orchard Hill. < w.
Two lot * In I'lulnvlew , cncl JtiliX ) .
Lots la 1'nrk Iluildlnir nssoclation. $1,500.
II , W. llunttcss 1S r.irimm t.
gs-J Q
_ _
171011 SAMsi ; ncro tract. Improved , ribnr the
X ? city , SIS' ) , jiornoro.
Lots In fchlosltiB-er's addition liio to J.T50.
1vltcot. ( 34th ami Vrtiun : at a bnrjnnn.
IT ) acres west of Walnut Mil. cSicap Call anil
Investigate. SchlcsliiRor Bros , (114 ( S 10th St.
170 in ! 1
_ _
KNtfTNK llAHUAISa Two corhor Tota m
Iliinlotlo court , only 4 blocks frnm Sum-
rtor's street unrj. W. M. Hilshmnn. Hoom 10 ,
llushman Ulock , N U cor Kth
_ _ _ _ _ _
HlLLUKU'SSnd ndilltlon. 1'lats nro noxv
renily , lota $75 cnoh. J. U HIco A ( "o ( ,
solonKcnts. " *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
HOtTSES Lots.rarms.ljinds money loaned.
llomls' city maps , f7 feet , fs.M curb.
llctnls. room ! ) , llamor block , 8. W. cor 15tft
nnd Farnain at . " 87
* _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$75 , 7r. , J75 , $75 , 7S.
ror lots In Hllleko'a 2 < 1 nddltlon :
tcrnid. J. L. HIco & Co. , Solo AirontB. 314
\\7Khavn f.TO,003-f 40,000 to lnvr. t In Rood In-
' sldo Dmaha property : only bargains nto
wanted. Apply to Illrkhaitsor Ac lllumcr , room
18 1'uxton block. " _ _ _ _ 810 U
A 110SINKs"s lots on Park nvo , $ l.r > no for In-
T : Bldo , J'J.OIO for cornor/iSxiH to an alloy. Mead
& Jumlcson. 121
HOIISKS Ints.I'arms.lmndsmoney loaned.
llcinls' city maps. F > x7 foot. $2 SO each.
llomls , room 3 , Darker block , S. W , cor. 15th
und 1'arnam Ets. -ST
HILLI'.KK'S 2nd addition. 1'lnts are now
ready , lots (75 etich. J. L. HIco & Co ,
sola agents. 311
KAVUNWOIITII ST-Only $1,200 to Sll 00 fo
lots on Leavenworth si near Holt Line , n
Eor3J ! fcot front but full SU fi-ot.
( IroRory & lladloy.
Hooms 1 and 3 Hodlok Ulock , XX ) 8. 15th 't.
75 , $75 , $75. J74 , $75.
I'or lots In Ullloko'8 3d addition : easy
tnrnifl. J. U HIco.VCo. , Hole AKenti. 314
\V1SK i 1 > AH.MKLK ,
T i'j rarnan. st.
OfTor tbosd bargains tel l y :
1 corner Oeorirla nvo. and Hupont $1,9)9. )
7 Orchard hill , choice lots each $ sV > .
House nnd Blots. Sannders * nimobtiURh's
add. to Walnut hill W)00. :
M Finest low In Clovoiilalc , Imriri Ins.
Ill acres west of nnd close to the stock yards
nnd nitckliiK house , line ami cheap.
2 clioloo lots in Mnyncs adil. , ouch fjOO.
"cholco lots FiUnnonnt pluco.
1 aero best In llelvodorc. bRririln
2 lots .letter's addition , each J7UJ.
Mots Mt Douglas , each $55(1. (
2 lotR South Ix. ! place , oaph f-VKl.
3 Brown Park. Uarsalns onch $ W X
24 lots cholco In Yiitc ? A Hompul's nilditlon.
Last , not least , "ornor on 1'arnam $ l"iW ( ) an d
many others , 1509 Fnrnani , Wlso and 1'urmclo.
_ _ _ _ _ J _
Itcnawa A Co. place on Palo to-morrow
rilflon Hill. This addition Is just south of
Crelwhton llplifhla. Homombcr to-morrow
only wo will otter this fine nddltlon nt thu re-
markublo low prices. $ con to fGr,0 for the finest
lots. Call early , free currmircs. llennwn A Co. ,
15tb st , opposite P. O. , up stairs. Hoom 22.
! I15 8
BAHOAINS In Uoyd'R Isabel , nnd Myor's ,
Htchard's and Tlldcn's nddltioiiB. Clarkson
&JJeatty,21Ii So. 14th BU _ 317 10
B l LLKKK'S 2nd addition , Plats are now
- ready , lots 876 each. J. L. HIco & Co. ,
HOUSKS l.ots.rarms.Lunda money loaned.
Ilemis' city maps , 5x7 foot , ? JM each.
llomls , room U , Harkor block , S. W. cor. 15th
and 1'arnam sts. ; 287
, $75 , $75. $75 , $75.
I'or lots in Hllloko's 2d addition : oisy
terms. J. L. HIco & Co. , Solg Atronts. 3U
Heal Estate. 1512 Farnam st.
I'arnam st , oor. 31st. IMxi : ! . ' , fl5.lXI. )
Farnam st.botSOth and2d ! , 1 10x1 SB. M1.000.
Farnam st , nnnraith. S front. 22xl3i. $ ( ! , roo.
riminni st , cor. 43d , S and W front. $1.0 ) J.
Farnatn st , cor. 4d , S nnd K front. $1,81)1. )
Furnam st , cor. 41st , S nnd R trent , M.Mt ) .
DoilKO st. 40x12(5. ( cottaito and barn. 1 2,700.
Lot 1 and 2 , blk2 , South Omaha add , corner ,
Virginia ave , near Lcnvenwortli , 40x140 ,
13th Bt , cor , Howard , rents for $35 , $33,000.
8 Ifitb fit , near viaduct , 40x102. $4.i > 00.
Hamilton st , 5-room honpo. $1,500.
Lot 28. blk 7 , Orchard Hill. SDjO.
Lot 57X1.V ) , near CannbiK Works , $300.
Corner Mnrthuand 15th. C xii3. ; Imp , 4,500.
Ilellman's add lots , choice for $150.
Lots In llrown Park , South Omaha , Orchard
Douglas st , near 23d , fiOxlSi. $8.0QQ. 218
H ILLKKK'S 2d addition , lots for silo : by .1. L.
HICO A : Co. , 75 each ; on misy terms. 314
WK have n Iarjo list of Improved property
forsalo from $1,000 up , and anyone wlsh-
Infr burpalns would do well to look Ht our list.
Clarkson & llcntty , 210 South 14 th et. 347 10.
No. 318 South 15th St.
Lot , fronting 2 streets , 25th nnd I'ocinc , 3
houses. $2rxw. Kasy tnrms.
llpstlotln Orchard Hill with 5-room house ,
barn , well , cistern , fruit nnd shade trees , $1UOO.
Kasy terms.
Lot fronting on Convent and 24th Pis , im
provements worth $3OOJ , 2 houses , city und
cistern water , $ BuOO. Easy terms.
5-room cottage and lot. 2Sth and Charles ,
$2,000 , $400 cash , hal o.isy.
N Kcor oflStn and Loavonwortb , 2 honsos ,
rents for $75 per mo , lot C'ixUfl. line business
property , $12,000. Mead & Joraluson , 318 S 15th
street. 772
132X232 , DoiiKlas St. . corner , at bantam prices.
Solo agents , Clurkson & lioatty , 219 South
llth street. 317 10
THOU SALE lly Gates A Watts , Heal Kstate
J ? llrokors , 321 S. 15tb st.
2 corner lots In I'lulnvlow , Jl.OOO.
Now 5 room IIOUBO , Walnut Hill , $1,500.
2 5 room houses on Ohio 8t. choni > .
Lot 8. block 20 , HunFCom I'lnco , $ l.4iX ) .
Lot ii : , block 3 , Hedlck'n HU ! ) add. $3 50.
House und lot , Jacobs add , until Fob. ID ,
Lot 22 Lincoln I'lace. $700.
Lots In Llnwood I'nrk , $500.
Good lot In Kllby 1'laco. $1,010. 33C 0
FOH BALK Two lots in ICountzo I'lace. Spon-
cor Oils , 1317 Douglas at. SJ2J
TT'OH Lots In
JJ Ihttoo & Keldon's Addition.
Improvement Association Addition ,
S. E. Honor's Addition ,
Kountzo Addition ,
I/iwe's Addition ,
SleCormiok'82d Addition ,
Potter's Addition ,
Hoillck'H Addition ,
Hhnll'H Addition ,
Hhlnn'B Addition ,
Thornburir Adoitloii ,
Kount/o I'lncu ,
Iliinpcom 1'laco ,
Hickory I'lace ,
Kllby 1'laeo ,
.Morsomiin rurk ,
Jerome Park ,
Onmba View ,
Hawthorne ,
I'lalnvlow ,
Hnuth Omalia ,
West Km ) ,
West Side. '
Aero Property ,
Propnrty on Iliirney , Farnam , Dodge , Capitol
Avenue and oilier etreuts , u
Call on the O. F. Davis Company , 1503 Far-
nam et ,
Kjicclul bargains always to pp had , KJ9 n
HKAPKST tract lot In the city ; full lot.fiOx
l.t. . $4.250. Clurkson & Justly , 2IU .Snntli
14th street iT 10
GHOVKHSTKVKN8.218S. 15ih st offers for
u few days the following siuclal | bargains ;
Vacant lots ,
Lcavonworth st 33ft and bouse f2,0iO
l wo nvo2 lots , one u corner. 2,40) )
Vir-InU uvo 1-j.w
Park ave , | tv )
Illondo st l.lln
Bhull'sudd , u corner TJ 2,010
Hnrdetto t near Baundors..J/ 1'JjO
Orchard Hill , dopant lot , . .f. . 600
Plalnvlow , east front J 1,000
linker Place uft
SaundorsiV Hlmubttuirh'audd 510
Cote llrllllum , 5 ucros 1.50)
Pierce St. , OJilSI 2j30 )
. . . Honsu nnd Lots.
2Cthst 8 rooms and full lot ,4.2M
Luavonwortb nt.,2 rooms andSI ft. 3.003
Picrco st. rtirner iWxlfirt , unU 3 now houses. 7V
-4th st full lot and house. 2,8
Aero Property.
5 ncres n. w of Tort ; line view und very
cheap , easy terms 1 , Q
3i ! acres ' . , mile east of South Omaha
cheap ut _ ' 3.M )
Hesideg the above list i'liavo a Uriro number
ot plociH or property In all parts of the city und
can suit the most particular , Llit your prop
erty wltU mo if jou want it sold. Oriivor
Stevone. 03
TOK SALK AiKl-ncro farm 'with ' lieu o , Uarn
- * - , . crib , on the LT. P. Hy. , and only OIIB-
nalf mlle from n jjood railway town , with
churches and aobuoU. Pnco $3,00) ) . Apply to
Louu liradford , cor. Oth and Oomlai , Omaha ,
HILLBKirs * , j addition , low for 6t la by J. _ .
IUco. _ Co. . $75'each ; on easy terms. . 3U- .
ntirSES l/ot , rarm , f.nn,1monov lonned ,
Ilemtv city mup * , i.x7 fcot , $ JV ) ouch.
llo-nls , nmm 3 , IlnrXor bl ck , S. W , cor. 15th
nnd 1'nrnam sts. 2S7
FoTl SALK Ixit. block 2. Crouton . $ ! .avi
Ix > t In block y.llodford Place . TIM
Iiot In block B'i , llodrord Place . 7m
Lot In bloekK , llulfonl Pisco . oSO
Two south front lott , block il. Orohnrd
Hill . . . 1.7.V1
Ka t front , block 2 , 1'lrtlnvlen- . 1175
'urner Snnnders and Patrick nvc. , $73 per
ta 11 * H. \ \ ' llmitrosa , 15un Fnrnain < t.
f ) KLKOANT corner ! " , ( KlxITi , ono on Chlcaeo
-J st Htul the otluir on llnrnoy jt , uach JL.OOO.
Clarksonllcatty.2iaso 14th st. 31710
ijPKCI AL II A 11(1 ( Al -57lt7f6Trt on Cnriiniii
O gtbpt23d nnd 24th. with n Sfl/HJ Improve
ment. $15,0X1. J. K HIco & Co.olo nsoiit.
_ _ gJ7
HILLKKlV'-Mndilitlon. lots for snlo by .1. L.
HIco , V Cn. , $75 enph ; on ensr terms. 311
-l llcnuwn.V Co. plico on ale to-morrow
Cllltou Hill. This ndJItlon Is just south of
Crclithton llcliihtii. Honipmlier to-morrow
only wn will oirer this tlni ! nddltlon nt the ro-
iniirkaMp low prleos , $ mtto filj for tlio tlnest
lots. Cull onily , free oarrlases. llonnwn .V Co. ,
15th st , opposite P. O. upstairs. ltoom ! > 2.
34.1 0
HOIJSI. Ixits.FarmsLnndsmoney lonned ,
Heinls city maps. flx7 feet , S3.50 cnoh.
llcmls , room 3 , llnrkcr block , S. W. cor. IRtli
nnd 1'nrnntn Ms 2S7
"TIKfH SALK Four elegant two-storyhouVos
Jnnd lots , onncottngc.on street cnr and nenr
entile cir line. Will give you n bargain , ( i W.
llcnnwn & Co. plnco on pnlo tomorrow
Clifton Hill. This ndi'.ltlon Is Jnet south of
Crelghton Heights Homnmbor to-morrow
only wo will offer Ibis flno nddltlon nt the re-
mnrknblo low pi Ires , let)1 ) ! to firm for the finest
lots. Come early , frco cnrriiigcs llcnnwn &
Co. , 15th st , opposite P. O. , upstairs. Hoom 22.
315 n
nOl'SKS LotsfnrmsLands money loaned ,
llutnls city maps , 5x7 feet , $ i 53 eaeh.
Heinls , room 3 , H.irkor block , S. W. cor. nth
nnd 1'nrnnm sts. 2S7
FOH SALK-Corner lot In llnnscom Plnoo , 2
blocks from street oars , 1 block from church
nnd school cheap nt 12,100. Hotter A Campbell ,
room 1 , 1W Fnrnum st. ! WS
$75. f76 , $7. > . ? 75 , $75
For lots In Hllleko's 2d nddltlon ; easy
terms. J. U HIco .V Co. . Solo Agents. 311
SULPHUH BPH1NGS nddltlon. Lots I , 5 nnd
fi , block 0 , can ho sold nt f ItXV ) each tor n
fowdnysonlv. Not nnnthur lot In Ibis block
( t.'ic best In the nddltlon ) ean bo bought for this
prlco Wnrrnnty deed anil abstract fuinlsiiud.
Gregory A : lladloy , 30 ! South 15tb strout.
TV\HNAM ST. . clognnt coiner mid n bargnln ,
jT J2Goii ; unfoot corner , fS,75'J. Clnrkwin A :
llently , 2KI South llth Bt. 317 10
SITCIAL lIAmiAIN Lot 4l\3. ; ! on Ili-lstol
st , city water. In front luvul ns n lloor. $ U)0.
Knnyternis. .1. L. HICO i : Co , solo ngonts. 21)7 )
HOI'SKS LotB.r.irms.Lnnds money lonnod ,
Honils' city m.ips , 5x7 feet , J-J.H ) ouoh.
Jlotnls , room 3 , Hurkor block , S. W. cor. 15tli
nnd I'ltrniun sts. 2.S7
WK prorilct n rapid increase In values for
north town property with 'the opening of
spring , nnd wo 1110 solo uirenls lur the choieost
nnd cho.iiioflt property In tlint locality : not bottom
tom land" or fntms , but nil of It inside of the
Holt much chenpor than adjoining
property. Cull nnd s"ee n for prices nnd terms.
Clnrkson X llcntty,219Poulli llth St. 317 10
Our now nddltlon.
Atresf ! ' ; " > to 310) ) pjr aero.
No'ir South Omahn ,
And Sydlcnto Hill.
Marshall _ * Lobock ,
CALL nnd sno the fullest nnd moat complete
set of nostract books of Douglas county
now in the olllcoof H. C. Patterson , 15th and
Harney. fi'JT
HOUSES LotsI''nrmsLnnds ' money loaned ,
llonils * city maps , Vx7 fecit , SJ.fiU each. ) , Ilarkcr block , S. W. cor. 15th
mid Farnam sts. 287
WIN GALLAGHKH , roul estate , 317 south
J I3th st. Aero property , lota tn nil parts of
city. Choice lots Lincoln Place. Uargaln ( Viz
BO , cor. Calllornlu nnd 23d , lit ) ml
HOl'SKS Lots.Fnnni.Liinds money loaned ,
llomls' city maps , 6x7 leet. Ei.53 cieh. :
Ilonils room 3 , Darker block , S. W. cor. 15tb
nnd Farniim sts , # ;
SA. SLOMAN , Hrai Kstnte.
1512 Fnrnam st , room 2.
A line of choice Inside property tit prices
which are not ( minted and which will provo
both sitfo and protunhlo Invo-itmcntd
Douglas st bet 20th and M 60x13 ! $ 8,013
Knrnnmat hot 20th nniltflil. 23x13 ! , . fl.7)J )
Furnam gt bet 20th nnd 21d. 5Jrl3i 15.0JO
Farnam st cor In .loromo pirk IJ/KIO
Farnain st Cor 31st 130x13. . ! 15.000
WostOmnha ! H5xl87 , line sight 12.0W
Le.ivonworth cor 21st improved 12,10)
Howard st near 10th. lUxGfl u,4uo
Lcuvenworth Rt near Holt Line , 101x127. .
Lea\onwortb st Muyiupldce cornnr 2nlO
HarnoyBt. near 20th,174x170 , Improved. . 35U )
ICtli st. near Viiuliict. 41)1120 ) 4WJ
IJuBlnesslol , South Omaha
Ilnslnoss lot , South Omaha
IlCiltord Plnco , lot 11 , block II
Aerosln Lakesldo S.TK ) to 400
Lots In .loroinu I'nrk , Knst Fronts , near
Farnamstroet l.FOO
Ixits in Wnkoly ndd. near canning factory : K )
Farnnin 8tcor. south and V . Front . . . . 3,000
Cholcolots In Orulmnl Hill * 7.W to 803
Lots In Hollmnn'B nod $1,500 , one-fifth cnbb.CJ7
- . .
lifiinuii A Co. place on sale to-morrow
Clifton Hill. This addition Is Just Hdiith of
Creighton Heights. Humember to-morroiv
only wn will oltorthls nno nilditlon ut the ro-
innrkalilu low prices , JOOJ to forxj for the finest
lots. Call onrly , treocnrriiiBos. llcnnwn ACo. ,
15th st , opposite P. O. , up Etalrs , Honm 22
i:45 : 0
0 HKAP lot in DonUcs' nddltlon. Clarkpon ! c
Ilontty , 21ISo. ! llth st. 31710
7 * IL'f KDGU 22 feet on Imvenimrt , near 10th
VX et. Prlco J20'l : JS50 cash. bill. 1,2 und 3
years. Must Do sold : owner has to leave town.
J F. Hammond , 117 S 16th st. 2VO
HILLtJKK'fi 2d addition , lots for oalo by J.
HIco & Co. ; $75 each ; on easy terms. 314
ELKGANT lots on I.oavonirorth st , In Hi ch
inoml , ouch f CfW.
Elegant lots In Itfchmond near Lcavonworth
One flno lot In Hlclimnnd , .51.10 ciihb , $ I'U.
Ono line oorr.or In Hichrnond. $ : OJ cash , 1500.
Flno corner In Drake' * . * J,703.
Fine corner in Heed'c. fl.'iJO.
IK ) feet on 1'ark nvo , en.OJO.
Two olnvant lots In DraUo's , 103x119 , one-half
cash , for f 7,0'W. '
Flno property corner Hurt nnd 18th sts , one-
linircu > h.\0 0.
Silondld Investmenlf all over Uioclty.
2i > acres , tew ibiys , nt f 700 an noro.
310 10 ( Jeorgo M. Cooper , 15W I'nrnnm.
SAUNDWIS si , ISO foot front , south nnd east
corner very choice , and u bargain. Clark-
son & . llcntty , 219 So. 14th st , 347 10
Sl'ECIAMIAltGAIN Iloiutlful squib front
io < ldonco lot In Wn hlnirton Square , liV > ft
from Sherman ave and paved street. f2.WO. J.
li. HIce ir Co , Eolo ligont. 2U7
lleniiwa > t Co. place on Bale to-morrow
Clifton Hill. This addition IB Jiut Eouth of
Cruighton llnk'hts. Hemember to-morrow
only we will ollur IliU flno ndilltlon nt the ro-
markublo low prlctts , $ < M ) to f 6 ! , < > for the finest
lots. Call early , tree cairlugc * . Itimawa It
Co. , 1Mb st , opposite tin' 1' . O. , up btalrs , Hoom
22. 345 'J
MAllhH ILL & LOI1E'IC. ' l.V Fnrn'ira htrout.
inombordnf Oiiuum Heal Hsiato Exchange.
Cornurof Ciillfornlu street and Twenty-third ,
COxiiJ loot , omy terms , ? Ui ) .
HouFoof ulglit rooms on Twnnty-third near
Cnss , filxss feet , ono-hnlf cash , tti'-iM.
Elvht luu , Jjlnuoln I'liice , ono third c h ! $525
to $75'J.
Four lots In West Cuinlnb'a , easy tnrm ? , $510
Lota in Mt. PJoas.tnt addition , easy terms ,
TirolvoBucrolotsln Spring Vnlloy , I3JJ to
f UJ per aero.
Aho'j 1-2 uoro lots In sumo addition.
All on very uasy terms.
Wohavo n Inrjo line of housns nnd lots on
ourllet.nnd Invite buypM to rail and wo will
show the propurty , Mardhull & Lohcuk , 1DQ }
Farnain Toluphono " 3. 75 $ .
Notice to Ariililreotw a ml ItiillilcrH.
The Hoard of Truiroe * or "Tho Nebraska
"esloyiui tfiilverKlty , " locate 1 at Llnooln. Nob. ,
liprbbygjvu notice that they will recho , for
ooiisidorutlon , plans and bpecilleallnnb tor a
building for mm orally purpobus , naij plans nnd
for the ) ,
including boating and plumbing , and said
building to COM , when uomplutud , not In
tllty tboustind dolliri. Only the plans and
BpnrltU-utlongtbat may boaloptud by thu Itnuid
will bo paid for. Tim IlourU rosorvu th right to
reject any and all pl'ins and spocillr-atlons that
may be. subinltltd , The Hoard will meet at St
ruulM , E. ch Jrcli In Lincoln , on 1'obruury 2- .
Jba7 , ut7Wp. ! in , 'at which tlmo all plans and
snecltlcatlons submitted will Ijofuntiiie-od. Address -
dross prior to February ' 1C , ltJs-7. llev. I' . C.
Jubji n , Intllanola , Neb After tuit ( into at
Lincoln , furo ot Dr C. F 0 ilghton. I'iHiH.erc. ,
innvalKabo senttn li. A. Atkinson , Lincoln ,
Neb. IJy orJerof llonrd.
- ; l' . o.
t8U-5-'S '
Tlio County Poor Knrtn.
Xnoi A , In. , IVbTo tlio Ktlltor nf llio
Hn : : \\otild 1 like tosk throuuli yottr paper
If It Is not n Illtlo Mraiico tlint our poor fanu
flmuM be "old lor STO per nuro , when Intul
ndlnliiinc is olllni : nnd hns sold for trom
S''Ou to S OO MT nmIt looki to nu ns
tliouch . " ( iino PCI sun was m.iKltig a gooiUhlni ; ,
Wliolslt'.1 WILI-
The above Is a ssunplo of numerous inquiries -
quirios mulo. : Tlio fact is that HIP county
board authorir.od u committee- with tlio
city auditor to liavo the poor farm sold
al as jrood adv.uttago to the county as
1ios. ibe. ! The rosoltition as published
January 23 was as follows !
. That said farm bo sold as pro
vided by Iixvv , at nubile or private sale , nnd
on the best posslblo term * of p.iymmit and
prlco per ncro , with the view and for the pur-
itnseofU'lnvt'SllnK the proceeds In n jioor
farm to be imrcliAsed aiul which will he bet
ter adapted for pour farm purtiosos , and tlio
county auditor H hereby authorized to re
ceive ulds fur such farm as a whole , or for
parcels or subdivisions thereof , subject to the
action nnd approval of the board.
Hesolvi-d. That said poortnrmboappratsptt
at once , under nnd In accordance with tlio
law providing for the appraisement ot public
or private lands in such eases.
In n few days it was reported that the
farm had been .sold to John Uennetl and
I. A. Miller for $30 an aero. Then the
storm arose.
The county board mot Tuesday and
considered tno bargain entered into for
the sale of the farm. After advising with
the county attorney , nnd in view of the
rise in prices , it was decided to declare
thoaiircementolVbetween Messrs. Bennett
and Miller , and to have the auditor re
ceive sealed bids for the farm tin to nooli
on the 15th of this month. Whatever
may be said of the action of the county
board , It is now relieved by civinf ! all a
cLanec to btil on the farm , It will doubt
less hrin a higher ll itre than that named
in the agreement with Messrs. Bennett
and Miller. The county should have the
advantage of the boom as well as private
parties. _ _
Tlio Hoard of Trndo.
The following arc the newly elected
olllcers of the board of trade : President ,
T. J. Kvans ; ( irst vice president , Lucius
Wells ; second vice president , S. Smith ;
Secretary , K. 11. Odell ; treasurer , N. L' .
The following are the committees :
Railroads , Depot * nml Bridges Wright ,
Dodge , Merriam , Wells and Stewart.
Ways anil Means Farnsworth. OIHccr ,
Kdmundson , Sidentopf and Cham ] ) .
Htiles L'ttsuy , Odell , Squires , Brown
and Day.
Manufactures Shugart , J. F. Kvans ,
Clauson , ( iloason : ; nd Walkor.
Commerce Dr. Patterson , Hill , Mo-
Connell , Bono and Spctman.
Judiciary Sapp , Baldwin , James ,
Flickenger anil Mynster.
Public Improvements Haas , Weaver ,
A. Wocd , Hart Strattb and Wickham.
Guests ami Kccoptions J T. Stewart ,
Loomis , Archer , Miller ami Hannan.
Printing and Statistic * Bowman ,
Steadman. Sliolcs , Tilton and Sims.
Executive Committee 'J' . J. Kvans ,
Wright , FarnsNvorth , Pusov , Slmgart , Dr.
Patterson , Sapp , Haas , J. T. Stewart.
Bowman , Wells , S. Smith , Dodge , Odell
anil Mayor Grone\\vg.
They Hiiw Stars.
Gnorgo Swift was ycstordav brought in
from Avoca and lodged in jail hero on
the charge of resisting an o Hi cor.
George is no stranger to the inside of the
jail. It will be remembered that ho was
once before there or. the charge of hav
ing robbed an Avoca brewer while the
two wera taking in the city , ilo got out
of that serapo. The other night ho and
and his brother , Charles Swift , are said
to have been trying to make the rounds
of Avooa , when they were arrested by
Constable Harrington and Ollieer Peter
son. The two Swills gave the nllieers
such u tusscl , and succeeding in burning
them so , that the serious charge of resist
ing an officer was made against them.
George was held in $300 bail to appear
befoto the grand jury. Charles is yet to
have a hearing.
A mayor's Pny.
As a matter of interest to those whodo-
jight in comparisons thu followingshow-
ing is made of the salaries of the mayors
01 the various Iowa cities as compared
with Council Blulld which pays its mayor
f (51)0 ( ) a year :
DCS Mollies . 51,200
HitrllnKton . : > 00
Davenport . luo
Dubumm . Coo
Ottitmwa . 2.COO
Ked Oak . -100
Keoktik . MO
Muscatlne . SCO
Sherin" Rainbow , of Harlan , was in the
city yesterday.
Miss Cora B. Marble left last evening
for Fremont. Neb. , to visit relatives and
friends , ami expects to bo gone some
Finloy Bnrko has returned to his old
homo in this city and is so pleased with
the boom that ho proposes remaining
hero and resuming the practice of law.
Ilo purposes putting up a line , residence
on his property on Oakland avonno. Mr.
Burke , although a young man , has been
in the active practice of his profcsstan for
thirteen years. Ho is experienced In ex
amining titles , anil is ready to snrvo any
who may desire his services in that line.
Mrs. Jennie McConnell and Mrs.
George Keelino eiitei tamed a progressive
euchre party last evening.
Mr. Brozce. of Omaha , added much to
the district school entertainment by hia
skillful playinj. ' of u guitur and mouth
organ at the Name timo.
J. J. Stork , who travels for Stewart
Bros. , has not mjssed a train for thirteen
years until yesterday , when ho got Into a
real estate deal , which rnado him break
his record.
Lulu Mercer and her young companion ,
thts Wilbur girl , appeared for trial yester
day morning , but got the eabes continued
until afternoon. They failed to show up
again , and report has it that they went to
n , Use ' 'Urnwn s Jlnmclittil
Tnclics. " They possess real meilt. iW
only In hares. _
The police have arrested Harry Allison
on suspicion ot Having stolen some juw-
elry belonging to Mr * . Phelps , of the
thu Ogdcn house ,
Americans nn Athletic.
The love of out-door snorts nnd ath
letics in general is getting to be utmost
as distinguished a characteristic of Amer
icans as of Englishmen. G , D. Baml , of
New 1 ork C'ity , says :
"I heartily recommend to the athletic
fratntnity the use of Allcock'F Porous
plasters. They have been a standard
remedy in our family for years for all
chest and lung disorders , as well as for
treating iullamations. "
Justice Schur/ has had a trio of wed
dings. At the residence of ( Joloiiol Bab
bitt , George Rockwell and Mio 1 > ranees
K. Williams , Jacob Kckh-s and Utirrie K.
Fowler , all of this city At his olllco ,
Herman Bloom and Liiia M. Shall' .
Aft rr .
Diphtheriit if * a terrible disease , requir
ing OKI groate.-t medical .skill to Hl'cct a
complete cure. Kven whim its power is
broken it clings to the patient with grnat
persistency , and often leaves the system
poisoned und prostrated Just hero
Hood's Sarsupurilla does a vast amount
of good , expelling Impurities from I'm '
blood , giving It richness ami vitality ,
while it ronoi'uK's autl Mruii thon- the
system ,
Hardly a week passes without the men
tfon by the newspapers of sudden deathn .
of late the alarming frequency of the stn'i '
mcnt that death wn * caused by rhcunibtii
or ncnra gin of the heart cannot fall t
have been noticed. In all probability tun <
deaths attributed to heart disease arc cnu ,
cd by these tettiblc diseases , which fire lar
more dangerous than is generally consKlci
cd. Is there any positive cute ? The bctt
answer to such a question i given by thosa
\\lio have been cured be the me of Alhlo-
Long Pine , Neb , Aug tllli , tSSO
I suffered for vcars with neuralgia in mjr
head , neck nmi face , and have spent , I
know , over $ ! 00 in tn Ing to fine , sotna
medicine to relieve me and found only
temporary relief in anything I tried until I
saw nu advertisement of Athlophproi. U
gave relief at once , nud after using ono
bottle and a half I found lasting relief. I [
helped and cured me where all other reme
dies failed. I have recommended it to fcr-
cral ol my faieiuU with like good results.
I have not bad n return of the disease since
taking the Athlophoros over two yean
ago. Mrs M A Morlord.
Altoona , Iowa
Alhlophoros is giving unparalleled satis
faction in this locality-ns a sure cure foi
rheumatism. J Jaques , a farmer neat
Greenwood P. (3. was cured of sciatic
rheumatism it tier having been for three
months unable to walk without n crutch.
J. A. Ogdcn of thts place had for yean
been thoublcd with ihcumatisin , often
times unable to work , llu never found
permanent cure until he found Athlopho
ros. Shipped two bottles by express n
present to a brother in Nebraska.
L. O. SHAFFER , Druggist.
Every druggist should keep Athlonho-
ros and Athlophoros Pills , but when
they cannot be bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co. , I'JU Wall St. , Nuw
York , will scud either , carriage paid , on
receipt of regular price , which is $1 pel
bottle for Athlophoros ami COo for the
I'or liver ami kUlnoy discuses , ilyspopMa , In.
digestion , weakness , norvonstliibllity , illso.iso *
ol woman , constipation , boailaoliu , Impiiro
blooil.otu. , AtlilophorHs 1'ills uro
l''o Ut eon ytmrs , tliuy liavo stoullly ( falnol
in faor. and with sales constantly InoroaMnl
bavoboi'inno llio most popular corset tlirouirh !
out the Unlti'il RtateB.
Thu K , Cl iiiul It ll Krados aromailo In SHOUT
MriilliM AMI I'.XTitA Losci W IST , sultiihle foi
all llirures. Tlio ( J quality , mmlo of IhiKllsl warrantuil to wear twlco 119 loner nt
onllnary uor ets
HlKlien anards from all the World's croa |
l-'alrs. The la t nieual received IB tor 1'niil
DKOIIKE or MKIIIT , fiom the late Exposition
hold ut Sow Orleans.
While RCOIOS of patonta liavo been fonnfl
worthless , the principles of the Glove.-l-'Ittlnjj
hnvo proved InVAlnablo.
Retailers nro authorl/rd to riifund money , it ,
on examination , these CorsetH do not prove al
JI'oMthulrriiredinOu da
J rrim.comLliiud. ( iu.irmilfe.Ulit
'only ono tntliu world frenorallnM-
tconttnuoUH EleclHcit Mnonetu
. . > „ , ( < " ( . Scientificroncrfui , HuraUn ,
Comf.trtcMo and EffectlTe. Told fnuda.
-fc - OvcrlMXidruic-rt
j 1 rnr euro 1 ilu uoi nic n nurclto iop tnem I. r a
lnotnJthonh ! viHhenriiturn l lnIinr n r illcMcort
l limn miula the dl or 1'irH. or FALLINO
HICKSEi-l a llfolonR fUi.lf. lw rt nt mittmtif toour *
the wortt CMIH. II jc n othf r h are f tiled li no rtuon for
not ii'iw r : elvlnc nrure. Wen.l at onc- - fur a trettlio ttn 1 A
FrcA Uottleofny InfutllhlQ r tnc.lf. . tllvo Rxpr ai and roil
OiUuk II crt'litrou nothlncfor a trial. ntl I wlUrnrojroti.
_ ajrt i Dr. It. U. 1U1OT. l3IV rl8u. Hi" Tort.
Wormy Veins ofihe Krotura. Often fA < u. . .
l rau o/ ' Lost Manhood , Debility , 4c _
" ' ' . ' 'T ' Elostlo.CroctlaS
Ono Agfnt ( ilorfiiunt otilv w y town for
Your cigar cases nro Junt the thing , and per
mit IPO to say you nre the "bo s" ndvortlsnr.
Continue to hhlp 20.00U "Tanslll's I'linch , " on the
Iht and IStli "f each month. They nro the best
goods for the money on this con t.
O. II. COUWIN & CO , San Francisco , Cal.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Ms ,
OppoMto Dummy Depot.
EIlon-e.3 and nnilcK kc-t | constantly oq
hittitl , ( or .suit' nt retail or in car lomls.
Onlurs promptly filled by contract on
.short notieo , Siouk sold on coinniiHsloa.
SiiLiTKit & UOI.KV , Proprietors ,
Toloplimio No. 111.
formerly of Kutl Sstlu Stnblos , cornet
1st. uvtj. und -1th struct.
- < 4' Thn Finest I in
ported Line ol
nouilx Weit ol
Mrs. C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 200 MainStreet.Council Bluffs. Iowa ,
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
I.n.dlci.lii\ a $5 or bonnet , one fare
will Ou , Paul : Sip. luund itiu , . . .