Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DellTcrtd by furrier In nny purl of the city at
twenty cents per week.
H. W. TJLTON , . . - Manager.
nrpiKr.PS OFTICR , No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. .
llcnvy suits clionp to order ixt Roller's.
Gill unit examine our list. Crossluml
& Otis.
Choice aero property. M. H. Dyers
& Co.
fc Omnhn Addition is the finest yet plat-
: ted. Odcll Hros. & Co.
The boards of registry will commence
I work next Tuesday.
M. II. Bycrs & Co. Imvo for sale thirty
ft ncres adjoining thu city.
I New bargains every day at Grassland
& Otis' .
Pony for child's use for sale by W. H.
Hulls , No. 512 Broadway.
To realize a handsome profit buy some
Omaha addition lots , Odcll Hros. A : Co.
J. \ \ . & K. L. .Scjuiro's abstracts arc
giving good flatisfaelion.
1'aul's addition lots will double in
value in less than UO days. Got one at
hots of real cslale at C2C Uroadway.
Matthews , McCrary it Co.
The bust record on sales yet inndo is
that in Omaha addition , Odell Hros.
Thirty-two acre lots for sale cheap.
Al. II. Hyors & Co. , room No. 8 , Everett
Reiner & Searight have sold the City
Bteiun laundry to Tucker Hros. , who take
| > possession March 1st.
\ In the case of Call vs. the Wire Nail
company the jury returned a verdict in
favor of the phiintilHor $512.
Odcll Hros. & Co. have leased part of
the Sohlckatan/ residence for their loan
and insurance business.
Lots in Railroad Addition , good loca
tion , hljih ground , for sale cheap. W. 11.
Hulls , No. 5-12 Hroadway.
Good music and a potato race at the
Roller rink on Main street to-night.
J. II. Hardy returned yesterday from
Stunrt , where ho was married on Monday
to Miss Sarah J. McQuillon.
AI. F. Sears , of Omaha , opens n real
estate office in the corner room of the
Pacific house , next to the odicc.
The coining thoroughfare between
Omaha and Council Hlull's runs through
Omaha Addition. Odell Hros & Co.
F. J. Day had n baud in front of his
oflice yesterday , in honor of the Paul
addition , which was placed on sale.
Squire's Park addition is a sure invest
ment. Pacific avonun will be built up
with store buildings within a year.
Why does Paul's addition lots soli so
quick ? Hecauso they are the best in the
market. Day controls Pant's addition.
Odell Hros. & Co. have put in an iron
bank railing to keep the crowd from in-
tcrfcrinti with business behind the desks.
Choice bargains in business lots on
Broadway and Fourth streets to-day at
F. A. Sackctt & Co. , No. 030 Hroadway.
The Woman's Exchange again invites
the public to another of their popular
suppers , to bo civen at the resilience of
Miss Laura P. Haldwin , Friday evening.
The well-known hospitality of the
Woman's Exchange is sntlicient guaran
tee that you willbo made welcome at
their 0 o'clock tea , Friday evening. Ad
mission 25 cents , with supper.
( Jarnian , White & Co. , the real estate
men , are now ready for business at No ,
B-10 Hroadway. They have property that
will double in ton days. New bargains
coming to them right alonjr.
The saloon injunction cases were argued
yesterday , and the motion to transfer
them to the federal court taken under ad
visement. A decision is expected to-day
BO far as this motion is concerned.
Airs. M. E. Smith , corner of lirst avo-
nno and Eighth street , assisted by Airs.
Sannders , will entertain the Episcopal
church sociable on Friday , February llth.
Ladies at 8 o'clock. Gentlemen at 0
o'clock , for tea.
Two young colored men wcro last nven-
inc arrested on suspicions by Oflicers
O'Hricn and Stevens , who watched them
as they prowled around the resilience portion
tion of the city. They gave their names
as W. J. Hates and Ed. Wilson.
List your property with Matthews.
McCrary & Co. , 020 Broadway.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
L. B. Crafts & Co. , are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one- ,
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Call and sec our new importations in
Laces , embroideries and white goods.
People's Slorc.
When you are in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the deuots.
Meals CO cents.
All orders from real cslato brokers for
job printing will receive immediate and
careful attention at Poor's BEE job
Our line of white and colored embroi
deries is larger than ever before , at ex
ceedingly lop prices.
llKNltY ElSKMAN & Co. ,
People's Store.
DaughtorH of Kol > nknh.
To members of Council Blull's Robekah
Degree lodge No. 8,1 , O. O. F. : All mem
bers of the degree are requcsled to meet
at the hall at 13 o'clock p. in. to-day to
arrange for attendance at the funeral of
Bister lihrig , of Seott lodge No. 8 , Davcn-
Jiorl , la. , to occur on Iriday at 3 p. m.
rom the resilience on Bluff street.
\f \ Mits. A. UAUOIIUKTY , N. G.
| ; J. M. MATTHUWS , Suo.
are not a cent cheaper than lots in
Oiniilm Addition at thu present price , be
cause they nro worth more than double
the money und some of those who read
this will bu glud to get thorn at uu ad
vanced figure before many days.
Omaha addition is sure to bo THE ad
dition from first to last. It was the first
purchased whim the whole town could
lo had at ante-boom prices , and has been
the hcst soiling addition over since. It is
the connecting link between the two
cities and the coming great thoroughfares -
faros pass by and through Omaha , ml-
( litinii. Wo want to show you the ground
and have teams in waiting at our oljlco to
carry customers to view the property.
Oniu. ; Bites , & Co. .
No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
For Sale At a bargain , 10 acre tract
two miles from the city. IKA SCOKJELD.
Wo have forty or fifty head of fine
mule- ! , for all purposes , for sale at our
"Star Stables. " SCIILUTKK & BOI.EY.
At the Pacific house you will save from
60 cents to ? 1 per day , Try it and bo
Drontlway Ordered 1'nvcd to tlio Illvcr
nntl tlio tierce Ordinance Panned.
The council met last night. After dis
posing of a great deal of roullno business
Iho rules were suspended and Mr. Evans
suggested the levee ordinance be taken
up ] Ho staled that Ihcy wished to hurry
it tips that liioy were ready to advance
Iho necessary money to build the same
until the tax , which only includes prop
erty within the limits of the sewer dis-
Iricl , which will only bo about 25 cents
per lot , can be collected. After approv
ing of an amendment reported by
the judiciary committee the ordinance
was read a third time and unanimously
A petition for a cable or motor railway
from the dummy depot to lake Manawa
and return was referred with inslructions
to report an ordinance.
Petition for tramway to haul dirt to
the west part of the city , referred.
At the suggestion of Messrs. Evans ,
Benson and others who own about a
mile of property eacn on Broadway n
resolution was passed ordering the pav
ing of Broadway to the river , the slrcet
to be lifly-six feet wide.
Dr. llanchcttollico No. 12 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
Best grades Iowa soft lump coal. fl pen-
ton at vard ; . < ; i.50 delivered. C. B. Fuel
Co. , 53'J ' Hioadway. Telephone 180.
Another Untlillng Move.
Tlio crowded condition of the public
school buildings lias already been com
mented on considerably. In tlio Bloomer
building and in the Hill school this
crowded condition ! s particularly notice-
able. Council Blull's has a largo number
of line school buildmc.s , but the growth
of the cily has boon such that even these
are all filled. In the building on the hill ,
the old high school building , there are so
manv scholars that some are obliged to
sit on tlia edge of the teacher's platform.
Yesterday some of the board , with Super
intendent McNaughton , were trying lo
solve Iho problem as lo what could bo
done lo relieve Iho Iroublo. The health
of the children mutt be protected , and it
certainly is endangered by having so
many crowded into one room. Then the
children cannot bo given the menial advantages -
vantages where a Icachcr has such largo
classes. In justice to the children there
is need of some prompt relief. As a tem
porary relief , it was decided yesterday to
use the halls so far as practicable , put
benches in there , and secure such ad
ditional teachers as might be necessary.
In the Bloomer building there is about
the same crowding. Superintendent Me-
Nauchlon's office has boon turned into n
school room , and every possible shift is
being made to accommodate the children
and secure them the advantages of pure
air and individual training to which they
arc entitled. The board is contemplating
Ih c present situation carefully , and sev
eral plans arc being talked over.
Ono of the board , Mr. Atkins , lias pre
sented to the board a plan which seems
to meet with favor. A number of tlio
largest taxpayers and oldest residents
have been informally consultedand there
seems to be an unanimous expression in
favor of the general outlines of the plan.
The plan will probably be presented to
the voters of the city lor them to decide
whether they want to endorse it. It is in
brief based on the need of another new
building. The present Mills school is an
old building , but the silo is ono of the
most central in the city. The present
buildinir is said to bo unfit for further
occupancy for school purposes. It is jiro-
posed to build in its place a large , line
building , to cost not lo exceed $10,000 ,
and to contain twelve rooms. It is pro
posed to use this building for the high
school classes and for what is known as
the Eighth grade , the ono from
which scholars pass into the
high school. This would relieve
lievo the other buildings , and allow of
rooms for the other classes. As another
feature of the plan it is proposed to re
tain the ownership of the school on the
hill , but to lease it for a nominal sum to
the stale , or to private parties who will
maintain a normal school there. It is
believed that there will bo no difficulty in
securing for Council Bluft's a largo and
prosperous normal school , which would
bring young ladies and gentlemen hero
from all parts of the country. There are
in connection with this building several
acres of valuable land , which it is be
lieved can be sold and the proceeds used
in tiio new building. Such is the outline
ot the plan being discussed. Of course
nothing can bo done until Iho voters so
order , and it will remain with them to
decide. The advantages claimed for this
plan will bo presented more in detail , but
tlio members of the board and others
favoring it declare that they arc not
desirous of forcing the plan through. If
the voters after duly considering it deem
it advisable , good and well.
A lot of first-class mules on sale at
SehleuleV & Bolev's Slar barn , 1,000 to
lf , > 00 pounds , and four to six years old.
To Contractor ! ! and Builders.
Proposals will bo received by the under
signed until the 23u of next month for Iho
huildins of the new Catholic church-
Plans and specifications may bo Been ut
the pastoral residence. The right is reserved -
served to reject any or all proposalo.
H. P. McMKNour , Pastor.
Pacific house is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate olllccs in the city.
$2.00 per day.
For Sale Ton-acre lots in section 18
near the poor farm , $300 per aero.
Forty acres three-quarters of a mile
from Union Elevator. ffiiOO per aero.
Fifty-six acres one-half mile east of the
Rook Island depot ; elegant property for
city purposes.
20 acres ono mile and a quarter from
Union Pacific hotel.
200 acres land two and a quarter miles
from Pacific house $200 per aero.
Lots in Midland addition , near Broad
way , $000 imoh.
Sixty-six acres on Grand avenue , $300
per aero ; this would make a good addi
tion. Prices subject to change without
notice. Apply to
Real Kstnto Denis.
Yesterday there were not as many largo
deals as on some other days , but the num
ber of smaller ones was so much greater
that thotolal amount exceeded that of
the previous day. The boom Is gelling
on to a healthier and moro satisfactory
basis. The purchases nye moro cooly
made , and made in earnest. Mora prop
erty is purchased for actual nee , and less
for mere speculation , but still there boenis
to bn as great a confidence as over in the
prices being much higher in a very short
timo. In fact everyday sees an advance ,
not merely in the prices asked , but as
shown by actual sales. Yesterday Ihcro
wcro moro slrangcrs in the city than for
many months past. The hotels are reap
ing a harvest in comparison with Iho bus
iness common to this time of the year
They hnvo not raised the prices ot ac
commodations , and seem content to have
the increase in numbers' . The streets
miintain the signs of activity , the streets
continue lo bo thronged , and all con
nected in anv way with tlio real estate
business are kept as busy as over.
There wcro u num.bur of announce
ments yesterday which created some lit
tle Hurry. Ono of these was that these
who recently purchased the Pacific house
property would at once proceed to have
plan ? drawn up and arrangements made
to put up on that site a grand hotel. The
location is such n central one , and the
outlook is so favorable , that the enter
prise is said to have secured plcntv of
capital to warrant its going ahead. The
present occupants , Ferguson & Sou , are
continuing to look after the wants of
their guests , and will so continue until
the public is notified lo the contrary.
Another announcement made yester
day was that the carpenters and masons
of the Union Pacific railwav had been
notified to report at Council BlufTson the
15th , to commence work on new build
ings hcio. The plans for various im-
provcmcnls on this side of the river seem
to bu more than mere plans on paper.
The announcement , while not expected ,
is an assurance that the predictions
already made are lo bo realized in part
at least.
The ten acres known as U indicator's
brickyard has been purchased by N. W.
Williams and Bcobo A : Co. for $0.000.
L. P. .liaison and G. A. Holmes have
purchased thrco acres opposite the Kec-
line place for ? 1,050.
J. 11 Clark has sold his residence on
Fifth avenue to Prof. Paulson , of the
Commercial college , for § 2,800.
T. McCargar yesterday purchased a
farm of 220 acres in Garner township.
William Siedenlopf yesterday sold to
A. T. Flicklngcr all of block 25 in Brown's
sub. , except two lots , for $1,200.
There are numerous difiicultips crow
ing out of the licklonc s , the misunder
standings or the bad failh of those buy
ing and selling. As a consequence ! there
are numerous law suits being slarlcd to
enforce contracts or to secure damages.
The real cstalo agents claim that in
numerous cases parties owning property
have given them thu sale of it , stating
the pri"o they wanted for property , and
when tlio agent had secured a customer ,
trot part of the money in hand , thu owner
would deliberately go back on the ar-
rangemenl. Such instances hurt the
business greatly. Some strangers wiio
have been trying lo invest here have been
so uuforlunato as to slip up on purchases
by such bad faith on thu part of owners ,
and rather than worry with a lawsuit
have let tlio matter go. It destroys con
fidence , icopardi/es Iho legitimate busi
ness , anil causes a general hurt. Such a
way of duing business is scorned in other
cities , and the sooner such instances arc
done away witli hero the butler.
Among the new suits started in tlio dis-
Irict court arc several concerning real
estate deals , lo secure commissions for
sales , or to enforce tiio compliance with
contracts. Among these are the follow
ing : George S. Damon vs Samyel Weston -
ton ; C. H. & W. 11. Stacy vs Joseph
Knotts ; H. S. Shoemaker ys A. J. Pow
ell ; C. G. Doplain vs Pace & Schmidt.
In this last suit the plaintiff claims that
ho was a silent partner in a real estate
deal invhich > liis name does not appuar
on the records. Ho wants his share of
the profits , claiming ? 5,000. William
Siedontopt sues George N. Kennedy to
enforce the 'deeding of property con
tracted for , as the plaintiff claims. A
similar suit is that of Alexander Wood
< vs Georgia A. Garner.
Special Session 1. O. G. T.
To-night the presence of every member
desired to transact business of impor
tance. By order C. J.
Bargains in lots on West Broadway
with M. H. Byers & Co.
Bargains in4cvcry part of the city , M ,
11. Byers & Co.
An Insurance Chance.
Judge W. B. Leach , wiio has been in
charge of tlio underwriters' ' union at this
place , has been transferred to Minne
apolis. Charles II. Taylor , of Cliicag9 ,
has arrived hero to take his place. Ho is
a well known and experienced insurance
man , and Ihe business of Iho union in
his hands willtiontinuo to bo satisfactorily
handled without doubt.
Fun Alieail ! Fun Ahead !
Everybody walk to 510 West Broadway
and see the'bargains thatGarman , White
& Co. have on hand in real csltite. Busi
ness property , business lots , residences
and lots for sale.
Ffty head of line mules and a largo lot
of fine horses for all purposes by Schlutur
& Bolcy , "Star" stables.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given to all whom it
may concern that the co-partnership
heretofore existing under the firm name
and style of Snyder & Leaman has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
N.'E. Leaman , junior member of said
firm , retiring. All persons knowing
themselves indebted to said firm will pay
the same to J. R. Snydcr , and all persons
having claims against said firm will pre
sent them to said J. 11. Snyder for pay
Dated at Council Blufls , la. , this 9th
day of February , 1887. J. R. SNYDKU ,
( Signed ) N. E. LUAMAN.
Matthews , McCrary & Co. will have
carriages in waiting to-day lo show some
line residence and business property.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. ,1. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Hlulls.
BniicI Concert Postponed.
The band concert to bo had at the ice
rink last evening was postponed on ac
count of thu softness of the ico. A grand
time may bo expected afler the first
Special advertisements , such us "Txist , Found
7oLonnFor Bale , To Kent , Vinnts , Ilonrdlnir ,
etc , , will boliifiortod In this column nt the low
ratoof TEN CBNTS PEH WNB fortho llrst insor-
ionnnJ MvoConta I'er Line for each subsoijuom
Insertion. Lenvo advertisements i\t our ollico
No. 12 1'cal street , near UrouUwuy , Council
WANTIH ) A Rood irlrl for Konoral nouse-
work. liinulro 10'J I'ourth street.
" 171011 BALE A well improved fnrin. V ) ueres ,
-L Including 'M acres of tlmliur , situated In
Keg Creek township , I'ottiiwutturnlo county ;
1.V ) ucri > 8 In section 31 , balance lying lust west
thereof. Inquire on promises of Theodoru
POIt SAU5 Cheap. A goml pool tuulu. No ,
RM Jlioadwuy.
WANTIID-A nrst-cluts girl witli flrbt-clnes
written references. No others need apply.
Apply at No , K" Vourth street , Council HUilIti.
| j > OH 8ALC CHoice , smooth , unimproved 160
-L ? acres close to Ilralnnrd. in llutler county ,
Nebraska. Will glvo laruo discount from pres
ent value for null. Address HuntingKunron
\Jonr9 , David City , Neb. , or W. J , , lice otlloc ,
Council lllutfs , la.
FOHSALE-AlabarKam , 2rt5 noros with line
Improvements , slv miles ontt of Council
llluirg , I'rleo low tmil all tlio time nvcdud. In
quire of T. W , Vun trclevtr , Council lilullrt.
FOHSAI.K If taken this week A five room
house on Firth avenue , near dummy
depot. The street , sidewalk und lot tilled to
grmlo. Price f 1,450. I.'IIBV terms. Address
Lot , HeoolUco , Council HlulTs.
FOH SAI.K-10 acre lots In section la , near
poor farm , $ .iU per acre.
40 ucrce threo-iiuarters of a mile from Union
eloutcr , foOO porncre.
SO acres one-half nillo cast of Hock Island
depot , olatriint propt-ny f r city purposes
U-'O Acres one mile and one-quarter from
Union 1'uclllo hotel.
200 acres land two and ono-balf miles from
1'acllle house. f-MO per acre.
Ixits in Midland addition , near Ilroadway ,
600 ouch.
M lines on Grand Avenue , f 300 per acre ; this
would make a Rood addition
I'rli-n subject to change without notice. Ap
ply to Horace Kvercitt.
17 Oil IALUTho business und furniture of
1 ! Hotel Denmark No ( tti and fiJ4 Ilroadway.
Apply on promises. Ucasons for hcllliiK. pres
ent proprietor wishes" to leuvo city , retersou
Ladies' ' and Childrens'
, Etc.
We have succeeded in pur
chasing at an
Extraordinary Bargain
A large quantity of Muslin Un
derwear , Childrcns1 Dresses ,
Aprons , etc. , which we have di
vided into two lots , and to make
quick sales will sell them at
25 and SOcts
Lot No. I.
25c Consists of
Ladies' Night Robes , Chemises ,
Drawers , Corset Covers , Long
White Aprons , Childrens' White
and Red Msther Hubbard
Dresses , Drawers and Infants'
Slips. These garments are well
made and warranted persect.
50c. Consists of
Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts ,
Chemise , Drawers , Corset Cov
ers and Childrcns' White and
Turkey Red Dresses.
All trimmed with Linen Torchon
lace. Such garments as these are
usually sold for 75c to $1.
We take great pleasure in plac
ing this immense purchase be
fore our customers and invite an
early call , as we believe this to
the greatest bargain iu Muslin
Underwear and Childrens Dress-
esever offered in this city.
ivay , Council
All frJill goods , well made , full
sizes , good shapes , and warranted
free free from imperfections.
STACY & CO , ,
A fine two-story brick house with
ten rooms , situated on elcvall on , th
FlXKSTonnroitdwitUt tot 103 feet
on Jiroadivay , HIO feet on Slate
street and 103 feet on fierce street ,
Price Only $22,500. $ ,
Xhc street cars run In front of this
tract , and Ilroadway Is paved with
cedar blocks. 'Jhc land Itself is
worth more than the price asJicdfor
he whole.
A few lota In Jltttilte'n sub. within
five blocks of the Milwaukee and
Hock Inland depots , and about the
same distance from the block on
which the
lew Union Depot
do acres onli/ one mile from Broad
way , only $10O per acre.
Acre properly on Franklin avenue
very low.
25 foot lot and store buildtnn on
Jiroadivay , between the Oydcn
house and the Methodist church ,
for $0,000.
Improved and unimproved prop
erty in all jjrtrts of the city and
W. C. STACY & Co. ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
JVb O , Main st , , Council liluffg.
The only hotel in Council Bluffs having
F j re Esoa/pe
And all moJcrn improvements.
215 , 217 and 219 Main st.
MAX MO UN , Prop.
Justice of the Peace ,
415 ISronclwny , Council Ilium.
Refers to any bank or business house in
the city.
Collections a specialty.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fiom. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double ,
Council Blufls.
[ UjIiiblUllcil 1S03.J
No. P20 Muln Street , i : : Council niulrt.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Expreu.
F. J. DAY ,
No. 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
os n au s I
Come and get one before they are all
gone. Terms most reasonable , Here is a
chance of a life time. Also on sale the
largest list of other property of any othei ?
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , acre property in
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stocJe.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Itoom 5 , over Ofllccr < C I'uscy's bank , Council Illuffs.
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from | 5.00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and slalo lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
No. 555 Broadway , Council UlufTs , Iowa , agent for Frcidriksen & Co. , Chicago ,
EnginBerSurifejorMap , , Publisher
No. 11 North Main St.
City nml county mupaof cltloi nntl counties In
western lonaNctiriBliiunii Kuimng.
Geo. S. Miller & F. II. Toboy ,
Office over 1st National Bank , cor. Main
and Broadway.
If yon wnnt estimates or hlnns for bridge
worK , foundation , sewers , KraaltiK or surveyIng -
Ing and pinning- , cull upon tlicra. All work
given prompt attention. ,
I'etnLl.Blicd 18 J7
JOHN v. srx.t i v : 11 t t
Practice in the State and Fcijoral court !
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Hono f11--1-
. BICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tumors nimnvml wltlioul
tbo knife ordnivrlnK of blood.
Orcr thirty yonra practical nipurlonoo.
No. 11 1'oarlBt. , Council UluIIu.
| V Consultation fi'oe.
Choice Acre Property For Sale
Two beautiful tracts of land lying in tlio western portion of the city , and just north of Broad
way , will "bo placed on sale to-morrow mornning at
In parcels of from 3 , 5 and 10 acres , to suit purchaser and at prices ranging from
You can buy an acre of this beautiful property as cheap as you can get a single lot in th
same vicinity. An aero in either of these tracts can be platted and in a few days sold for a
much per lot as is now asked per aero.
No , 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs