! - THECfllAHA DAILY BEE : THUHSDAY. CTBEUA&Y 10. 1887. 1 4 j OUR ARMY RETIREMENTS , . A Oontizmatioa of the LU * OompSlcd by - General Briibin for the Bee. FROM 1898 TO 1900 INCLUSIVE. IntcrcfttlnR Information Dates on AVhlcli Had ) Officer of All Arms of tlin Sort lee pntl ilio Stair Will be Kcfircd. Four KOBISSON , Xeb. , Jan. 81. To tlic Bailer of tlic BEE : The retire ment list promised the Hun so long ago has been greatly delayed by the difficulty of getting nnmcs and correct dates. The t tsk is much more than 1 bargained for at the In-ginning and I am free to say that if 1 baa it to do over ngaln 1 would lint undertake it. The list is now done by years down U > 1007 and I gladly suntl the first batch of lire years from 1S05 to 1H01. It is nccesiary to rcpublish the re tirements for 1800 as the previous list published was so Inullv und so many names were omitted that it cannot be re lied upon as correct A great many olllccrs and citizens have written here to know how they could ob tain the full list of retirements. In reply Iwill Ray it can only bo obtained from the columns of the Hin : , as well as much oilier important military matter. The best way would bo to subscribe for the weekly or daily Uni : in which it appears. The ISu : is the only paper in the United States in which the full retirements of the army will be published. Cut out the columns , paste them in a small bhick , book and you will have as nice and dur able a pamphlet as jou want , and which will probably last you until your time comes when the subsequent proceedings will not interest you any more. The following retirements take plpce in the army between January 1st , Ifct'JO and December Jtlst , 1HOO- Captain Cla\ton Hale , Sixteen infantry , Jauaury 7th. 13 % . Fltst Lieutenant Charles Scllmcr , Third nrtlllprv , FV-brunrv . iv.w. Major Churle * M. Terrell , pay department , rrforuary 24. 1MKJ. Lieutenant Colonel Orlando M. Poe , en gineer department , March 7 , Iblfi. .Major SS'illiam H. 1'enrose , Twelfth in fantry , March in. Major John U. Reefer , pay department , April 10 , lb % . Major Henry B. Reese , pay department , April 11. ISa Captain Gerald Russell , Third cavalry , .May 1,1SKJ. Flint Lieutenant Christopher W. Uarrold , Third artillery. May 17 , Ib ; . Major David S. Gordon , Second cavalry , May 1SJ , 1SWJ. Major Dansorfield Farker , Ninth Infantry , Mav 23. WM. Major Henry C. Wood , adjutant ccneral's department. May 2G , WM. Captain James Ulio , Second Infantry , Mav .II. 1MXV. Lieutenant Colonel Henry W. Closson , Fifth artillery , June G. IbfKJ. Major Thomas Wilson , subsistence depart ment , J tine 10. lb ! > a Captain Richard G. Shaw , First artillery , Juue29 IbM. Captain William ConwayTwenty-second hilantry , July 1 , WM. Captain Francis E. Fierce , First Infantry , Juh 0 , Ib90. Major John M. Barrinecr , subsistence de partment. July 9 , Ib'.Kl. ' Major Edward 1 Spaulding , Seventh cav- tlrv , July 14 , 1890. Captain John M. Norvell , Twelftli in- fantiy. July 22,1890. Chaplain E. W. Bradey , United States army , July 20 , IS'.tO. Lieutenant Colonel , Richard N. BachPlder , quartermaster's department , July 27,1S % . Major Gconrc F. Robinson , pay depart ment , August 13 , IbM. LUutenant Colonel Alexander Chambers , Twenty-first Intautry. August 23 , ib'JO. Captain Charles C. DeRudlo , Seventh cay- alr > , Ausust 0. WM. Mujor Ansou Mills , Tenth cavalry , Ausust 01. Ibid. Lieutenant Colonel Henry M. Lazelle , Twenty-third infantrv , September S. IbW. Major William 13. Huirhes. quartermaster's department , October 1" , lb % . Major Reuben F. Bernard , Eighth cavalry , October 14 , IbW. ilajor Jtlctiard Loder , Third artillery Octo ber 21) ) , ISM. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Vincent , adjutant general's department , November 15 , 1SK ) . Captain William W. Rogers , Ninth in fantry , November 15. 1890. Captain Jacob F. Muuson , Sixth infantry , November 17. WO. Major James F. Randlett , Ninth cavalry , December S , 1SW. ! Major JamesBiddle , Sixth cavalry. Decem ber 11. lb ! . urlsudier (5ener.il David G. Swalm , jtidee oilvocato ceneral's department , December 22 , 1S1KI. 1S1KI.Major James P. Canby , pay department , January 7 , isr ? . Major Michael R _ Murzan , subsistence de partment. January b , W. < . Major Oliver D. Greene , adjutant general's department , January 25,1S'J7. Maier James S. Casey , Seventeenth infan trv , January 2s , 1807. Major Daniel Madden , Fourth cavalry.Feb- ruarv 2 , Ib'.i7. C aptaln .fohn L. Ylven , Twelfth Intautry , March 5 , lMf7. Ciii.taiii . John W. Bean.Tlfteenth infantry , Maichb , IS'/ . Captain ( ieorgo A. Drew , Third cavalry , March 15. imrr. ( .aptain Joseph Keote , Fourth infantry , March IB. 1S-.I7. UrlKadler General Thomas H.Ruger , United fetntes army , April 2 , W. > . First Lieutenant Luther S. Ames , Second iniantry , April ISJ , 1S'J7. ilajor Van Buten Hubbard , medical de partment. May 1 , WJi. Major Charles T. Alexander , medical de partment. May 3,1W)7. ) Colonel Frank Wheaton , Second infantry , Alii } t , lbV7. Captain Henry Romcyn , Fifth Infantry , June 1.1(597. ( Captain Lewis C. Forsyth , quartermaster's department , June 11,1S97. Captain VIlllam J. Lyster , Nineteenth in fantry , Juno 27,1HT. Lieua-naiit Colonel William P. Cralchlll , enKlntter's department , July 1,1W. Lli-iitcnant Colonel Kdwln F. Townsend , Eleventh infantry , July 14,18U7. Captain OtU w. I'ollock , Twenty-third in fantry , Alicust 7,1S97. C.iptaln Francis E. Lacey , Tenth Infantry , August S , 2sb7. Lieutenant Colonel Joseph S Conrad , Twenty-second Infantry. August ! , 1M > 7. Lieutenant Colonel Gt-o D. Rucglcadjtt - lanl geuerul's department , September 11 , Captain Kichard Vance , Nineteenth intan- try .SiiitemUir 15 , Ib97. Mnjur Fr.ink .Meaclmm. inodlcal depart ment , September 21 , IK' ' ? . Lieutenant Colonel Richard F. O'Belrue , Fittetmtli Intuiitrv. October 25,1'ftC. ' Major Thomas C. Sullivan , subsistence de partment. No\ember 11 , Ib97. Mulor Wllllum K , Waters , medical dejiart- meiit , NovomtH'i l ! > . 11117. Captain Samuel McKeovcr , Second lufau- tr\ . November 10 , lbU7 ilajor William F. Drum , Fourteenth In fantry , November 10,18U7 , C'liptuln James Jackson , First cavalrr , No\niilwr"l , 1W. Captain Clarence E Bennett , Seventeenth infantry , Di-eemlier-1,1 y7. C'apt.ln Alfred Morton , Ninth infantry , January 1C , Kix Captain Alfred Morton , Niath Infantry , Jntnury 10. IS x Captain Mason Carter.CFifth infantry. Junmir > 20 , ih'.b. Major \Vllliam \ H. Hell , subsistence department Jatiuar'S ' ' . . ment , ) - , I'-.is. First Lieutonaut Sidney E. Clark , Second infantry. February 1 , IWte. Minor iieoiKtt 11.V \ H ls , quartermaster's ui'iiariiiifiit. February 3 , ISUx ( .aptaiu Jatiidf Chester , Third artillery , 1 t'truary 10 , itSx Captiilu Edward W. Wlilttomore , 1'iflwntii infantry , Fubruury 13. isus. First Lieutenant liwuire A. TLurston , li ird artilli-ry. FuiiniarySi. IsUi " - - - ' ' HrooKe. uu-dieiil i Maier ( ieorii > M. . Jlriyi.ni tti ! In- la'tt IVbrtinry ! M. late. Mai .r . SatiuiBl Brt-i'k , ijj. , .h- i rttuciit , February 25 , IbSia. . M 'J ° . .r.Jo . > > epli C. Ha'iloy , mtdical depart- iJ.it tu , l.ebruaryia , 1Wlfi Cantata Snmnel Munson , > 'lnth Infnntryi S Lieutenant Colonel John K. lairner , Eichtli cavalry , March 2 , 1W. First Lieutenant John K. Bishop , Tlilr- te ntii I ' "ntry , March as. lw Llentt i it Colonel Horace Jewett , in- fantrj. March 81,187S. Maor ; David L. Huntlngton , medical de partment , April 10. l Vi Captain Lewis Smith , Third artillery May Major William Arthur , pay department , May -js. 19HS. Captain Randolph Norwood , Second cav- alrv , .lulv 2i 1M . Mnjor Ell McClellan , medical department , August R. 1MH. Captain WHH&tn R. Kennedy , Teuth cavalry , August 12 , Wi. Major Fred W. Uenteen , Mnth cavalry. Annul 2-1l vs. Lieutenant Colonel James W. Forsyth , Seven cavalry , August 2fi , l" " i Lieutenant Colonel Nathan W. Osborne , "lUli Infantry , September fl. ISM. Captain Henry Catley Second Infantry , sor-tembpr B. 1S93. Major William M. Graham , Foarth artll- ierv , Spptemt > er 2H , ISIM. Chatilaln Sherman M. Men 111 , United States army' October SS , 1HPS. Major Daniel G. Caltlwell , medical depart- nent. November 12,1MK Maier Hamilton S. Hawkins , Tenth Infan trv. November 18. ltCi Captain \\illlam H. Boyle Twenty-first nlan'.ry , Novemlier in , iS'.w. ' Lieutenant Colonel Robert E. A. Crof ton , Thirteenth Infantry. December I1 * . l K Mnjor William D. Wolvertou , medical de partment , December21,1S1N. First Lieutenant Patrick Ilisxon , Four- tcunlh infantry. Decembers , l w Cnptaln Frederick W. Tlubaut , Sixth in- lantrv. December 27. Ib9i .Major Frederick Mears , Twenty-fifth In fantry , January 1 , l fi. First Lieutenant AHon H. Jacbson.Seventh ilantry , January 24 , isi9. : Major Thaddfiis II. Stanton , pay depart ment , January ! JO , WM. Captain J nines llcuton , Twenty-third in- fan try , February 2. WM. Lieutenant Colonel James J. Van Horn , Twetitj-lillh Infantiy , February 0 , Ibb9. Major William Sinclair , Second aitlllerv , February 1.1 , IbbO. Captain Stevens T. Norvell , Tenth cavalry , February 14. list ) . Major Warren Webster , medical depart ment. March 7 , lbS9. Captain Ira Qulmby , Eleventh infantry , March 13. ISS3. Mtijor Edmund C. Bambrldge , Third artll- lerv , Maich lb , lt > v , . Mnlor Marcus P. Miller , Fifth artillery , March 27. ib8 . Colonel Zenas II. Bliss , Iwcnty-fourth In fantry. April 17 , ISS'J. Captain George F. Price , Fifth cavalry , April 23.1SS9. First Lieutenant John J. O'Brien , Fourth infantry , .May 15 , 1 9. Captain Charles Wheaton , Twenty-third infantry. May si , 1889. Captain John A. Darling , First artillery , June 7,1SS9. Captain Edwin J. Stivers , Twenty-fifth in fantry , Juno M. 1SS9. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Fl aylcr ordnance department , Juno -4 , lbS9. Captain Philip L. Lfe , Tenth cavalry , July 0,181M. Maier Asa B. Carey , pay department , July I -I Ml' ) M.ijor Alexander Sharp , pay department , July 29. WM Captain Cornelius C. Cusick , Twenty- second infantry , August 2 , ib'.Kt. ' Cuptain George F. Towel , Nineteenth In fantry , AtlCllsti ] 8K1. ! Cu | > taln William JL Parnell , First cavalrv , Major Edwin V. Sunnier , Fifth cavalry , Aticust 10 , law. Major Augustus G. Robinson , quarter master's department , August 23 , 1899. Major George G. Hutitt , First cavalry , Sep tember 1,1 K ) . Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Bartlett , Fitst infantry , September 7 , 1899. Major Jacob F. Kent , Fourth infantry , Sep tember 14 , 1SU9. Lieutenant Colonel Jolm J. Coppmcer , Eighteenth infuntry. October 11 , lbKi. ! Colonel William R. Shatter , First in- fatitiy. Octobci 10 , Ib9ii. Captain Ldward R. Warner , Third artillery , October 10. WM. Major Almond F. Rockwell , quartermas ter's department , October 17. WM. Captain William Gerlach , Third infantry , November 15. WM. Captain David R. Burnham , Fifteenth In fantry. November 20 , WM. Captain Gregory Barret , jr. , Tenth in fantry , November 22 , Ib99. Captain Leouatd Hay , Ninth infantrv , De cember 8 , IbliU. .Lieutenant Colonel David C. llonston , en gineer's department , Decembers , 1899. Captain Hush G. Brown. Tweltth infantry , December 2S.lb99. First Lieutenant John W. Siimmcthayes , Eighth inff-ntry. January fl , I'.KX ) . First Lieutenant John Murphy , Fourteenth intantrv , Januarj S , 1900. Captain Henry Wagner , First cavalry , Jan uary 9,1900. Major Francis L. Town , medical depart ment , January 11,1900. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas M. Anderson , Ninth infantrv. January 21,1900. Lieutenant Colonel' Charles E. Compton , Fifth cavalry , January 2h , 190J. Captaiu Edwin M. CoaJes , Fourth in fantry , January 29.1900. Major Henry R. Tilton , medical depart ment , February 1,100D. Captain George E. Head , Third infantry , February 4. 1900. Captain William G. Wederncyer , Sixteenth infantry , February 15,1WO. ! Major Egan AKorper , medical depart ment , February 21.1900. Lieutenant Colonel Robert H. Offley , Seventeenth infantry , February 2S. 1900. Lieutenant Colonel James M. Whitteinore , ordnance department , March 5,1900. First Lieutenant James H. Baldwin , Eiehteemh infantry. M-.irch IS , 1900. Major Passmore Middleton. medical de partment. April 2.1900. Major George W. Candee , paj department , April 2 , It03. Captain Tiiaddeus S. Kirtland , Seventh infantry , April G. 19JO. Captain Gilbert S. Carpenter , Fourteenth Infantry , April 17. 1930. Major Charles H. Alden , medical depart ment , April 2S. 1900. Major Royall T. Frank , First artillery. May 0,1'.OD. Lieutenant Colonel Walter McFarland , engineer department , May 2fl , 1900. Colonel Wesley MerrlttFlfthcavalry , June 10.190U. First Lieutenant Frederick Fujer , Fourth artillery , June 18,1WO. Major Henry Clayton , pay department , Julvs , 1900. Major Harvey E. Brown , medical depart ment , July 9 , lk > 3. Major Edward B. WillLston.Thlrd artillery , July 15 , 1900. Lieutenant Colonel , Melville A. Cochrane , Fifth infantry , July lb. 1000. Captain John N. Coe. Twentieth infantry , Julv2l , 1900. Maor | Abram C. Wlldrlck , Fifth artillery , August : 1900. Captain Charles llobart , Third infantry , August 0.1900. Major James G. C. Lee. Quartermaster's de partment , August 12 , 1900. Captain Edward L. RandaU.Fllth Infantry , Atiu'ust 13. 1900. Major Caleb H. Carlton , Third cavalrv , September 1.190-J. Caiitaln James IL Gageby , Third Infantry , September fl , 1900. Captain William II. Clapp , Sixteenth In fantiy. September" . 1900. Captain Samuel McCouihe , Fourteenth In fantrv , September 8 , 11KW. Captain William T , Hartz , Fifteenth In fantry , September 9.19uO. Captain William M. Wherry , Sixth infantry - fantry , Si'iitMiiber 13. 19W. Captain William Mills , Second infantry , September 19,1900. CsMajor James P. Martin , adjutant general's department , September 27,1900. Captaiu Max WcaseuaonT , First cavalry , September 2s , 1900. First Lieutenant John C. Scantling. Second end artlllerv , October 1,1900. Cnptaln Henry R. I'tiukerhoff , Fifteenth infantry. Octouei 9 , I'.WO. ' Major John S. Poland , Eighteenth Infantry , October 14,1103. First Lieutenant Julius E. Quenteu , Four teenth infuntr } . October 14,1900 , First Lteuteuaut Horace B. Sarson , Second Infantry , October 10,19UO. Captain Melville C. Wllklson , Third Infantry - fantry , Noxtimber 14.1100. Captain Thomas Sharp , Seventeenth In fantry , December 0. 1900. Captain Lrstrr M. O'Unen , Seventeenth infuutry , December 7.11OO , Captain AuguslH. Bambrldje , lourtetnth infantry. December 7,1900. Captain Frank W. Hess , Tnlrd artillery , Deceiul > er 15,1900. JIajor Frauk T Bennett , Second cavalry , December 22,1900 , Cajitain Ferdinand E. Jle Gourcey , Thlr- teentti infantry , December 24 , 1900. Captam Wafhlncton 3. Sanbom , Twenty- ' fif'h infantrt , December 24. ! ! * - ( .ii'Ulnjiliam F. Hoftnan , Ninth In fantry , December 25 , 1'.KX ' ) . Major Joseph P. WrUht , medical depart ment. Decen.berSo. HOO. Captain Chandler P. Eakln , First artillery , December 2fi. 1COO. Captain illlam C. Uowallc , Second cav alry , Decenit > er 31 , Ifoo. lletlrements from 1SK)0 ) to 1035 will be pub lished In Uie BUG next week , JAMES S. BmsniK. TIU ; PKopLiJi TO HIE rr.oM1. Dny of Justice ntut Will Keen Dawn. PJ.CM Citnr-K , Feb. 9 [ To the Editor of the 1SEE ] There is a fabled tradition thnt Uanquo's ghost would not down. Fables teach n moral. There is n fruit- tul Tact presented when the statement is made that the corporate power has not shown even the slightest move towards downinc , nt the people's many com mands. Like manj- other questions preg nant with fearful facts , which the Ing- panV- world has finally righted , so uiU the great que5tion of the present ho ; r be soivtd. Jt were painful , and perhaps unfruitful to daily recite the rrrcvious wrongs to which struggling producers ore subjected. The man who enters beyond the gates of wlmt corporations call their own , nnd there , in the glory and glitter of position , wealth and power , raises n feeble xoicc ucainst their encroachments , is at once hooU'd fit nnd hounded b.y the horde of hirelings always ready to do the bidding of their dishonest masters. He is branded "demagogue" and "hypo crite. " With the money wrung from the toiling masses , these most un common carriers build great newspapers to assist them in their unholy schemes. After the robbery is completed they are used to bear false witness in saying tli.it the perpetrators are honest and respecta ble , and with large headings and many words , labcllthe outrage a "Public Hcti- efit. " Smooth and oilv tongucd scoundrels , men who-o brains never created an hon est nor Micred thought , whose hearts are stone nnd whoso lives have been one long chapter of betrayal nnd dishonor , are prominent in the politics of our country. J'hpy nil receive a royalty on their do- bauchcry and jobbery from some rail road or other corporation. I5ut the time is coming. It is now near at hand. The train to contain the cars of righteousness and justice is lining made up. It will soon be thundering along. Jt will stop at every station. No passes will bo issued to the talc-bearers , sneaks and go-betweens. But nil honest men , rich or poor , can ride , nnd ride free. Then , oh ! yo daunlle-.s and fear less bribe-givers. K-ethmj : with corrup tion nnd scarred with trickery , listen and lookout for the loeoruothe ! The "demagogue" is prolilic. He is sturdy , strong and powerful. His num bers are increasing. His following is respectable. Armed with the e weapons which are eternal truth , iu = tiee and lib erty they nro enlisted to battle to the end. The mask of the hypocrite in poli tics has been torn off , nnd with its rend ing the Rt-ales have fallen from the eyes of those so long deluded. There is a wilderness aheid. Itis filled with political bushwhackers and gueril las. With nets and traps to ensnare and allure and deceive. But the pioneers nro recruiting , and under their banner thous ands of sturdy producers ure enlisting. They will never falter. The scoffers have lungs of wonderful and fearful capacity. They will hiss and howl. The procession will go on and on. Van Wyck's defeat has caused the liriuc of the lir t gun. When the people saw the infernal und corrupting influences tist-d to dufeat that iillant : man it was us the tiring upon Fort Sumpter. The war is upon us. When the immortal Lincoln said that u house divided against itself could not stand that this country must be all slave or all free , the situation was rela tively the satinas it is to-day. The proposition agnin presents jtst-lf. A house divided against itself cannot stand. This country cannot exist part railroad and part free. It must bts all railroad or all free. It is a mighty and momentous question. They have again shot into our homes. No\v , let u rally 'round the ballot-box , and so sure us there is a ( iod in heaven , \ietory Trill crown our hallowed work Listen not to tin- railroad attorney , the small-calibre and. smooth-iiorf li-llow who is numerous in every county seat lie has sold his intluenco for a pa.ss. Give no carlo the "prominent politician , " who comes and tells you how to vote cr talk You know your own business , lleod n > t the assertions and boasts and claims of the subsidized country weekly , the editor of which , tor the sweet privilege of lid- ing on a pass and being known at head quarters as "all right , " lias sold his soul and would seek to deceive those to whom ho owes his miserable existence. Avoid the played out tmrty politician , whoxvas once respected tind honored in your county , but who bj bae betrayal has been kicked out , and who wears his old clothes watching and wait ng to bleed some candidate The railroad's nominee is his man for from him he gets his money. Keen away from him , lor he is j without iionor. Like Esau of old , he has simply sold his birth-right for a mess of i pottage. Avoid , al : > o. the man who yells for party , ind in BO doing denounces j principle. He expects to run for office in u year or two , unit at the sacrifice of t his own and his friends interests he is < blind to everything but spoils. Look at vour voting on a business proposition. Believe only the newspapers who.se past history shows them to be sincere and honest in their utterances. An interested politician , like a palesmtin , will tell you his troods are the bent. "Know Thyself" is n good motto. Learn thy ways might be another. Have the manhood and candor to say you are oppressed , your family is oppressed , your neighbor * ore oppressed and the cottnlry around you is going to ruin. "J must buckle on the armor und fight lor mv home. " iJvory chattel mortgage on the cow , the horse , the machinery or the crop is a reminder that you have been robbed by the railroads. To give up two bushels of cornlo ship one is a suicidal undertak ing. It pnts a plaster on your posses sions. It blights ambition. Makes you ragged and hungry. Makes a slave of yourself and vour family. It has all the attendant evils of intemperance. There is no appetite to overcome. No shumo or disgrace attached. It is simply to ri.se up in righteous wrath and say"I have been robbed for years , but it must end here. " Then cot oul on election day a lone ways ntiead yet and cast a ballot for some honest man who cannot bo ca joled , 11 uttered or hoodwinked , u man who will vote ui-'uitist this legalized high way robbery A legislature composed of such men would work wonders even more marvelous than miracles And it can bo easily done , , I have prescribed the treatment early and lonir in advance. So Mr. Editor , keep the HEE buzzing to the ears of houest men there is a melody in its hum. ' 'JUSTICE. " THE BAPTIST 1TMVEKSITV. The Question or Location Considered No Conclusion Beached. A meeting of the Baptist Educational society of Nebraska met at the Baptist parsonage in Lincoln , Fi-bru.-iry 3 , Presi dent L. 1) . Holmes , of Omaha , m the chair. After some preliminary business , such as reading minutes , unu committee reporU , an opportunity was given to Iho representatives of the different lawns in the state lo present iheir bids for Ihe proposed Baptist church. Nebraska City ' first responded , offering , through Rev. J M Wlritehead , f 1".0 > 1 worth'of prop erty ami f I'l.O'1' ' * ' , on the simple Condition that the. school be located thero. It was claimed that this was n good location fora Baptist college , bfing on the line be tween Nebraska and Missotiti , and near Iowa nnd Kansas , we could extend our paternal svrm51 to rt" tnc surrounding states. Omaha next , responded in brief speeches by Kev. A. U. Clark , J S. liciclinrdsoii fltid L. I ) Holmes. They thought there would be no difficulty in obtnii.inc $200,0X ) in that city for a grand institution to be called the Omaha university , provided the Baptists of the state would raise $ ltx > .0 > 0 and give Oinnlia ft C"f > d presenta tion in the faculty anil board of trustees. It was claimed that as the Baptists linve no well endowed Institution of h gh order west of Deni on , Ohio. Omaha would be a good place u > locate a grand metropolitan tin'versity ' , Mich as should extend its inrluem-o all over llugreal northwest. This all sounded well and looked grandly , but someof us wanted to know how the seven or einht thousands of Nebraska , with all their evpenses and burdens of n new country on their hands , were going to raise tinfl03,0'iO , I'U-n granting that some help might be re ceived from Hit1 east. Grand Island then came forward with n written oiler signed bj three responsi ble men , proposing to enter into bonds to deed to the denomina tion in fee simple $103,010 worth of town property in Grand 1-land , including twenlv-livo ncres for college grounds and f > 40 citv lots 'j his otler was mmle by Mr. C. W. Scnrfl. on the simple condi tion that the school be located in lirtud Island. They also oflered .flO.OOO in monev , provided the denomination raises sr > 0WO ( xvithin two jcars. 'J hese oflVrs were all considered quite liberal and were very highly appreciated. But as we EaJ not yet secured the ser vices of a man to act nt present as finan cial secretary , and werejiot in n posilion to proiocute with sufficient vigor the work that would devolve on the board , it was thought best to defer final action in locating tln < school until the next meet ing in Edgar , the first week in Mny. J'his educational question is enlarging all the time. It crows so rapidly that the members of the board * earcejj know how to take hold of it. At our first meeting in November , at Hastings , $10,000 was otlered. At the second in Lincoln. No vember 80 , WO.OOO was ofli-rcil on the simple condition of localmg ilie school. At our last meeting. February S. S-KXt.ooO was oflered unconditionally. While we " are all glad to see the way "opening and the cnthuftiasm manifested by the dim-r ent towns competing for the' school , we are aware lhat the acceptance of any of these oilers involves a great responsibil ity , the takinc up of a great burden never to be laid down. The question has been growinc also in another direction. At our first meeting an academy or semi nary was contemplated by some of us. At the second we all had our minds on a college. At the third a grand university loomed up in the minds of many. There seems to be a disposition on the part of the Jocat.ng board to make haste slowly , to consider well all questions connected with the locating of an institution of learning. There is but little doubt that the question will be decided at the May meeting. There will lie plenty of time for the competing places to work up their propositions and have them in such form that they can be easily uuder-tuod and taken hold of. Z. C. PifSH , Secretary. The Conuordiu Masquerade. Tlie eighteenth annual crand masquerade ball of the Concordia society will o"cur next ? Monday eu-uinp ; , February T , in Masonic hall. It promises to be fully up to the l.urh standard of similar prewdin events. Tlie committee ot attaneeinents is composed ot .1. P. Luud , L Urobeclrer , Aujr. bchncfer. G. Miatiir.ui , E. Aekcrmau , Julius Mejer and liiciiard Enaaiman. MOST PERFSS7 MADS Prepared wltb BtrlctTcpiTfltoPnrlrr , Btrpnptli nni Ileutbf nlafifs. Dr. J'nco e fl.ikujj ; Powder contoina noAmmonuiIJnio.Aluaaoil'Ljttpha'-c.lr.rrlcc's f.itracts , Taillla , Lciauu , eic. , tor UaUsioasiy. l fWy _ , - _ _ ! „ KV. . . ? , _ PDWDfB „ - , , „ Kl „ . , Cu-f-n . , . . . . . . . tttti . ST. -T- fsur , , * . About trrntr Tears ago I dlscorered & little gore on tny cheek , and the doctors pronounced ft cancer. I Lave tried a numlxr of jiiiJElclans , but without rwelrlDg perroanrot luincfit. Anione the number were one or two EjK'ClalUts. The medicine they applied was lite Crc to the tore , causing fntcnio rain. I fc&w a ctatcment In the papers tclllnc irfcat B. S. S. had done far others similarly tflUctefi. I procured some lit euro , Before I had cied the tecocd bottle tLo ticlgUiors coull notice tti.t my cancer vac healing up. lly ccocral hcultb bad lien bad for two or three years I Ltd a hackles con ph and spit blood continual } ? . I had a em ere pain In my breast. After t&Ung eiz liottlcn of B.E.S.my cough left me. and I crew Hotter than I had been for rercrsl rears. lly cancer has healed over all but a HtUo ( pot i > t > out the $ Ua of a lialf dime , and It 1 * rapidly disappear ing I w ould advise every ccu-v Ita cauetr to tire S. fa. B. of air trial. I JIBS. NAKCY ! , xcrosAUcnET. Ashe QruTu , 74 > l > cc > QOi' ' Cu. , Ind . TcK It , ISA Bwtft'l Eprelno Is entirely e pU.tJ , end t nis to cure cancers by f nrelng out the impa rities from the blood , TriUtkoonnoodenS Skin PUciiwc mailed f reo. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , IlKAWEtt 3 , ATLANTA , fiA. cf rnM or ibfc v < .r , ( i.ir4 nd f * < cr * audiiic CUi > o 1itd * il n imir tB.f filth In Itirff.cacy endTVo liUTTi-ES KI IK tt > prt irwli.a in- . .t tl > Crr .J.5UKTI K.HI f b * > KEL1ABLE TEU rat , 10c-.UJHD rhi.S'.cntlEAM IUIOK.1JC. . iMKMIS'rKV.tto. All ftirpe fta. SEUIAL UAFJ.Ur JTOLISHISO ( At. Box S 2 , ? xew Vi i tl y Sie natlyllmitruted. ' 'I d.m PERFECT IN EMY RESPECT. Tlic only Machine tha ! trill few l > ne } > and forward f equally well , and The L Running Sewing Machine in existence. ewlng ; D'cdcttrc cncrfldir anil re. ; on. fWr dealer. * in Xtbrai-l.-a , Colorado , Wyoming , Dakota and II extern Iowa , Ifyonarc Iou1i ufor a clicanMachine , don'l aimircr this a < lrcrlif < c icnt.lntt ifo / want to handle the Jicst ticwitiff Machine ( hat money can l > w/ ; . address for JHI rt ictt la rs , iUil mUIlUIUUlUMIIg LUc - 209 N , 16th St. , Omaha , Neb , * ' 6'wi _ Mention Omaha lice. - TOK A Inr.co nniulieror rc'onlod I'on'horon nnd ClytlesJalo Slullions Also Homo llrtxl < .ol'p Kvprj' animnl puarnntuod B tirontlrr I'rlccs roiixonaMpntiil terms t'H j' Our Mock Imp lioun fclucted with rpiuroni3 to botli luilivldiial merit nnd podlpri'u. A Irrpo nuinliuraf our 1 fl nlllon ro Hcc'limstort mid Cdlts of their ct't ! -nn tic - < lie n 1'ork Is on the H. A. St. It. it. , two liourt. ' ride west of Lincoln. Tor cata logues und further Information , niMrt'ss PllV K rAHKlSACH , Vork.KOti. Mrn MiffeHnir f rrrn * . > 11 M ADE . . nr..t'irl"c bvttie GREAT MAKSTCK TREATMENT. ' t ntnllr * * fe t iri BhnuM t > rrfta l > r ratliim A jtlnc d tn the hnurtB nf thru SOTI fKrrlrlr wltta mfomintioii ofR UP io ud tnftt. K&RSTDJI REMfP ? CO. 19 Park Place Nrw York. Mention Omaha Don. Jts rau ps , nnd n new and FucccssTul cnu : M your own liorao hy one who wn1 ! deaf twenty clcht years. Treated liy most of tin1 uott'd ppoi'iul- lbtn without bont'tlt ; cured himi-ult In thioo tnnnthii , nnd pmr than huudr Us of otliors Full tnirtifulnr < > font on ppl cuilou. T. H. PAGE. No. il WcgtSlst St , K ow Vork CUy. ! prrnlr ! ! IMitilled for Medicinal Ufce. IMI BEST TDKSG1 UNEOUALEDlor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GEMERAL DED1UTY. PERFECTS DIGESTION JU ) EDfT 'nAI.l.IKO Sur prnn tu HHi-f. National Ou&rc of K J. , vnles "Mr attention T-O * ciUlnd tt T iur Kftitnne Mult 1Vlil > kr } lu lit lAlor IirUKfin , of Titnton hnd 1 limr Uf > A ! ) i few tattle , with far Itf ttur cffitct Ujnn an ; } haTA Imd 1 am rccoiumeudinf jour artlrlo In mr iirarticc , imi nud 11 Tbn f&ii lactor/ ( Ornulne | i .i thv Si niiurt a i = Uc c ! Ettls , on tb Ll > * l EESKERSol Sol * Ar iiM f.r ( lie C S 316.318 and 320 Race St. . Pliilidelnma. Pi. Goodman Druff To , GonI A ; ontsOinaha Nebraska. FOR SALE. Cash. Trade or on 'Z'iiiie. Two Stain n ; and On3 Jack. Harlrjjr Kola JJHMI ( f im BtmK lurni und hm- nig no lurthor u ifor ih < > nliurp , I ill hell thi-tii lit n bur ft n ' tisli , trade or tune. PIlltNs 3"il" MunOaid ro-umit six jeurs old , buy. Id hiinrts. f < ir ( l bj Enllcld L'XM , he oy Itjf- clvLs Hnmblctnnlnn. LcKIJ ' 'l.VIiE frnvim yonr old. rtrnf t nnd nil PUrpOi-0 Stallion , IT Imnds hik'h , ucitrht lxx ( ) Itis with tin action ot H thoroui/hbrfd GMNT..1K J.ar re lllacl ; JIICK , in ar 111 bunds hiyli. comttiK f ur ymrs old Jlought tnim Caidwoil ro Ixin villo. Ky J'or further tiurtionlurb , wrl'e to N , I. D. SOLOMON , Spring Valle > Slock Farm , ONtAHA. KEIt. If not f > old the nbovo Stullious will stand for f ft vice at tlHilurra. PEHNYBOY&L PILLS "CHICHESTEFVS ENGLISH. " Tito Original and Only Oenntno. Pkfr and lwtj B U Mt H * uv of wurlLIk * * ltniu.tloo lbdiipeDiLk u LAplCS. Aftk j ur Umrfflftl for * 'CfalrLfcter' # J.nelU i * * ( * d Ui * e otlin or do * * * * * ( lUimptl to M for ( i rUctl i ti 11 Jf bj rctur * midU NAME PAPER , t rtlfb * t-r C'k ' f-gY i ptm Cold br l > ruffHt * rTerrwk r * . Aik for r * Eur'Uh" I'tonTroTiU J'lll * . l fc LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Decently llullt. Kewl The Tremont , 3. C. F1TW3EHALUA : t-ON , J'ropriutors. Cor. tth nnd 1'Ms. , Llnooln , Nub. Uctvr H-i ; per daT. btreoi can Iromjiuu.n 13 any ran of an , cfij J. H. W. HA\\KLNS , Architect , Oracf < R31 unrt 4' . lt''liarJs Dlook , Lincoln. Ntb. Elevutoronlltb etreeu llreeaorol lln-edcr of GiLUHVi y CiTTl.n. RnoiiTUousCArn.1 r M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer tHlob niftdH in nil puns ot me U S. atfulr ruttK itooroS , Mnto tllock. Lincoln NcU Galluwfty xn't fcbort Horn Imlls fur t-ala H 11. GUULPING , Fan Loans and Insurancs , n par ' tu Kmns Jtoum U.o k ljnt-flu Nob. Riverside Short Horns Of Hrk-u > pure lliitus and liuuib Tupped cattlv JJe"l cu'utitro about " > lioud , 1'umt iep ronrcsontod , KtlbertJ. Craeir , I Acorn it. Iteu.o. . Ko of Shuroni , Moss llo es. Knik'titly i uiho ses , Plat CreBk ouni ; Uary * . ' 1'brlhoitt , Ixuan6 und True Lov ifulls lor iulo. 1 run. Uau * Fi"i rt.l 1'ure BtiU-i Crupps. 1 Koseof Bliuron , 1 "V ounif Marj- . ll > u e Crulok biiank uud oth { > r ( * tpe jnd liiBiiocVtbt ) herd. Address , CHAb. 51. 11KAN bONUncoln , N l > - V.'litm in Lincoln "top at National Hotel , .And fist ttsdoioluuttrfo iia " Prop M Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ; the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , FISCHER , LYON &HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 A1307 FARNAM STREET * ' HOW TO ACQUIRE WEALTH. I O IILiOfKS ! ItIO FIIIZKS ! KVKKT YKAK OVKH A aill-t-ION DISTllIUUrED IMOltK TH.VJf OXi : IHIA1VIXG KVKISV JIO.VTII. TWO U11A\V1XG > IN I'iMIICItlTAKV , THE 1ST AKU SOTII. Only $2.00 icquired to secure one Hoyal Italian 100 francs gold bond. These bond participate in 225 drawings , four drawinps everv vear a'd retain their origin 1 valu until the year 1 U J Prizes of 2.001.000 1,00000" ) , 500,000 &c. francs will be drawn.be Bides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in golJ , .you may win 4 timee every year and so come into r > oe ; fion of a fortune. With ( f 10) ) Ten Dollar * ns ilr t payment you cnn spcuro Fl 001 Atiitrian povornment bondj wlthB jicroontintcrc'-t , nndSi vnrloiiB Kurojioan government bonds , which ure flrawn 31 tltnei iiiinnally with pri7 * iitiiouDtluito over I'l 2OJUUJ | . lihlanoo on unsy moiilhl } Inbtt.llinunts. Sat ln estropnt of capital us the Invested ninnoy must lo paU Imel. und many chnneobto win a hi I > rl7o Money cnn liPBont br roirlsiored letter , inonov order or by express , and .n return we vrj orwardthe documents Tor further Inrormutlon. cull on or nddrt' s , BEKI IX BAMiI.VO CO. , itOS Brojidu-ny , 3Vew York. N. B. These bonds are not lottery tickets , nnd the sal" Is leiralljpermitted. . ( Ily lawoflSTS ) . The G. E. iiayne Eeal Estate and Trust Co N" . W. COB. 15th AND HABN Y , OMAHA. Property 9 ! every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lauds for sale IB every county in Nebraska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS O/Titles of Dotiglits county kept. Maps ol the city state or county , or any ether information desired , furnished free of charge upon application. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices the lowest , liopatrinsspecialty. All work warrant ed. Co'rucr notifjlaB and 15th streets , Omaha Liceu&ud Watctiumkor for the Union Pacific Railroadcompany. . A. KEAK. JOHN IOO Washington Si. , CHICAGO. 7-1Ve IIRJtlie lilplicfct rnitikt-t prlrnfor County , City. Town and School Correspondence tnrltrd. IKLf BBJ/ft / Acr.miitf of DnnVn and Jtt.iikin. mid otlierB m- Deal In Land ATurruntt und Scrip. KEVT 10UK ESTABLISHED USED IK ALL jta-s'O" " HERZOMOD PARTS OF THE WORLD 0 , i and Prlc't on application i f rrfcirtiDtlntri ! > autl Itffcluia CINCINNATI. U. H , A. , , , . . . „ „ „ . d.tu AdOikw. COO-CiH. WD dcslrnto rail the nttontlou of tin tnib- lie t'onerullv to ilio fcuperlor merlti oftuu ILLINOIS WASHER In Wn liiup1'frlectlv Dean witli Least Litbtir , und with Great Kapldity. Tiiouiuuda now in uf-e All Kinds \Vriiitferi repnirpJ. JsTAK MAM'B'AC'rj'Itl.Vn CO. , JOZJ SOin 1I10TJI feTKEKT. DREXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno G Jacobs , UN J > JE If T A K 'E H S AM > EMHAI.JrtflK it n old stand 1407 l'.xr iam * bytclt'sraph so.icited and pni ji tended lo. Telephone No - - ' < DRS.S.&D.MYIESON * * . . . , 1742 LAAVr.nNCE STJIEKT. I > C\VEB , - - COLOftADO , Of the Mitsouri State M-seutn of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo ; University College Hospital London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention - tion SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF ] 1 Nm'ous ' , Chronic and i DISEASES. | ) More especially those anting from imprudence - ' dence , invite all so suffering to correspond without delay. Dieeascfc of infection and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from husiness , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients -whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symptoms. AH letters receivr immediate attention. kS-JUST PUBLISHED * And will be mailed KKKE lo any address on receipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical ExKniution , " to which is added an "Esi > ay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on DJSEAhKS OF THE K IZl'ltODUCTJ VJC oitoAN.s , the whole lorming a valuable med ical trca'ite which should be read by all youne men Address KRS. S. V I > . DAVICSO.V , 174i Lawrence M. , Denver , CoL SHINlHDOIiH HU1SERIES7 AND KETAIL. Oren for M > r.n irajd u full line ot Appln I'nt'Tlri. 1'rnni I'luuit Orupi * . Curr ht .Cioo i- t > * TrluHM' ! kte ri 4 ltu l ljertiuti > truwltf'rrtei. ALL TIU : NEW AND OLD KINDS. A I'Plo ' f jut t ufu rv r reu > foruH tre * ( utHlllDm Jirnatnen'nl rvui < nto ulirub * ruu > , chnitiinc rliiu * AI Itenlert and . . | l njp.'Hcrt t vury low iTlie . Ad ilre D. B. Lake , Prop. , Bhenandoah , Iowa. Dr , Chase's ' Last Receipt Book. . "JIE.MOHIM , KDIT1ON" I jiil and rrpvimic ork < > f tat life Juituul. Oatl U * , > il.JJiiKiiibO- Co , Uuirolt. 4 cu.