Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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TEHMS or sutnenirrio * :
Dully ( MornlJK Edition ) Including Sundrir
Ilrr. Ono Yunr . . . . . . . . . . . . $100'
For Six Month * . Jm
Tar Three Months . 2 6 (
Tim Otnnhn Htimlnr HKE , tnnllod to nny
i , Uno Yunr , . , . . . S CX
Orricr , No. 01 ANI > 911 PAHVAM Frnrrr
NKW roiiK urnre. Itoou CA. inini'.XK limuiivn
WAem.NUTO.v ornct.No.M3 FoeJitTitxTiiSTiitEr
co nnes POM DEN c t
Alt communications minting to now * nmlcdl
torlnl matter PhuuM bo ul-iroMoJ to the Kui
7011 Of TUB llKK.
IIUSINCSS i.Krrr.nst
.All btttlnetfl letters nnclromlltnnctjflionM 1 > <
OMAHA. Drafts , cliorM ntul po'tnfllco orilur ;
to bo mndo payable to tlto ordsr of tlio company
E. HOSEWATEK , Entroit.
Bworn Stntotncnt of Circulation.
State of Nebraska , 1 _ .
County otDoitKlns. fSlS >
( Jro. U. T rscluick , srrrotnry of The lle- <
FuIillMiliift company , does nulrinnlv. swr.f
that the actual clrrulntlnn of the Daily lici
lor the week cmllnp 1'cb. 4th , lbS7 , was a
follows :
Baturav. .Tan. 2'J H.BSi
Sunday. Jnti. ixi Kir > ,
M on day. .Inn. ! tl 14.72 !
Tuesday , Ken. 1 ? ;
Wednesday. Feb. 2 U,01i
Thursday , Feb. n 14.0TI
Friday , Feb.-J 14.071
' liEO. H. T7.SCIIUCK.
Bubicrlhpd nnel sworn to In my prcsonci
this Oth dor of February A , I > . ,1bi7.
N. 1 > . Kntr , ,
ISKAhl Neitnrv Public ! .
Gco. 1) ) . T/flclinck , bcltifr first duly sworn
deposes nnd says that ho Is secretary of Tin
lle'G I'lihlHilnircomimny , that flic nctnnl nv
crniro daily circulation nf the Dnllv Dee fo
tlio month of Fonruarv. 1881was'J. " ! copies
for March , IbW ) , 11,537 conies ; feir April
18M ) , 12.191 copies : for for May , IBM. 12,431
conies ; for June ) , IBM ) . 12,203 copies ; for July
IBbO , 12,314 copies ; for Alienist , 18NJ , 12.4&
cnplesforSoptomlicr ; , 18SC , lU.tWO ropies ; fo
OctobeT , l&SO , 12'JSU copies ; for November
lasq , 13,3-18 conies ; for ne're-inbor. 1880 , 13,33' '
copies for January , 1887.10,200 copies.
Subserlhcel nnel sworn to before mo tills btl
dav eif February A. 1) . 1837.
[ SEAUI N. P. KIII. : . Notnrv rubllc.
TIIIY : may have spectral horses in St
Louis , but it may bo safely remarked tha
Chicago spooks carry sandbags.
IK Je ) , so James is in Arizona and Hrig
ham Young in Lincoln , their dopartce
friends are to bo congratulated.
AN Ed. Karns is in the Wisconsin legis
lattiro. A sigh of relief follows when wi
sco tluit lie spoils his name with a "K. "
ANOTHER ship will soon bo placed ii
our navy. When it is completed , flgurin j
from the present basis , the United State
will then have two navies.
WITHIN thu next six months struct ca
faro in New York , will bo reduced to !
cents , and by the Fourtli of July Omaha'
street cars will bo honied.
TuintG is talk of an extra session of thi
legislature. A constitutional convontioi
bill will also bo introduced. And tin
woods arc a great wnys from Lincoln.
AMONG the crowd of men always crying
for tlio dear old Hag and n dearer appro
priation , Bob Furnas extends an itchinj
palm , and modestly asks for live thottsani
Tun Missouri legislature is serious ! '
considering a bill which proposes to di
nway with bucket shops. Colonel Jamo ;
seems to liavo a civilizing inlluonco ovc
Iho people of his native state.
liENiiv WAUD BKKCHCU says winter i
the cheeriest season of the year. Mi
Boeolior is probably hedging , and tryinj
to induce himself to believe that all tli
seasons will bo winter bye and byo.
WHEN the Nebraska legislature ad
journs the members go to the bosom o
tlioir families. In Missouri both house
tnko their recess in hunting coons. Am
it is said that it is almost impossible t
got a quorum as long as there is a coci
track in sight.
Tun ambitious llonrv Wattcrson say
"Secretary Bayard lives in a pcach-blov
vuso a thousand miles beyond tlio moon.1
Wlulo Mr. Watlorson lives in Kentucky
with nothing resembling tlio secretary' !
castle , except , alasl a jug or two contain
Ing pcaoli-blow tint.
IT is stated and not denied , "that Mlsi
Rose Cleveland will soon marry n youii
clergyman. " It is generally tlio casetha
tlio clergyman does the marrying. Uui
elnco reading that poem wo see that Sistei
lloso possesses many attainments. Shi
may bo a justice of the peace.
WIIKN Frank James paid the freight 01
n box of eoodg , the other -day , from
McCook , Neb , , to Indeipondoncc , Mo. , he
immediately appeared before a justice o
the peace and with tears in his oyei
solemnly swore that ho aiovor before
know what train robbery meant.
NoiiTHWK3TiuN : Nebraska is prcparint
for u spring boom of unparalleled dimon
Bions. lloporta from the most weston
counties are filled with news of a coining
rush of settlers into that section , whicl
five years ago was without pormauon
rcsietents. Thousands of aores of gooi
land now unclaimed will be oceuplce
before summer sots in by immigrant ;
from the east anxious to secure a frci
homo before the government lands are
Tjiufiouso lias passed the bill providing
for the olootion of register of deeds ii
counties having 18,000 population. Tin
vote given was decisive of the necessity
which is generally felt that the duties o
county clerk and recorder bo sopara ed
In Douglas county and in several , ottioi
counties in the state tlio clerk lias all tha
ho can properly do in attending to tin
legitimate work coining from the counti
commissioners' room. The work of re
cording the Hood of instruments whii'l
ponra iu upon his oflice ruub
. . bo largely haudud over t (
I' the supervision of his deputies
I ; The bill as passed is frco from tiie ob
joctionublo features of those proposed a
other sessions. It makes the register i
salaried olliecr and not dependent tipoi
It , the fuus. There Is a saving to the count ;
| ] by this ohango of fully $13,000 n year
When the law goes into effect it is to bi
hoped that Instruments .will bo mon
promptly put on record than it seem
possible now to da under the rush am
hurry which prevails In our present over
worked county clerk's olllce.
In the sixteen y6nrs smco 1 Imvo beer
editor of Iho BKE I have been Ihrougli
many personal anil political conflicts' 1
have had my olllco burned dowirovci
my head by a hired incendiary , have
been assaulted oy bullies and rowdici
several times , and lampooned , villitlci !
nnd slandered by imbecile and envious
competitors. Hut never has warfare
been waged against mo nnd tiiis pnpci
ir.orc maliciously , nnd never has there
been such a desperate and disreput
able oflbrt made to mislead UK
publio with regard to my motive :
nnd conduct ns that which the confodor
ntcd Omaha dailies nro making in con
ncctlon with the now charter. It ii
simply infnmout. A gang of dissipatct
adventurers , who for tlio time being have
editorial charge of these papers , have
banded themselves together with tlio job
bers and railroad lobby at Lincoln to de
feat the Omaha charter bi' means nne
methods which no decent nnd honorabli
man can sanction or justify. At tlio out
set , while the charter was under discus
sion ut , Omaha ami tlio varioiti
provisions were given to the pub
lie , they had no fault to find
When the committee of fifteen had fin
islied their work , they commanded it
When tlio delegation hael made ccr
tain changes they suddenly discovorci
that the whole charter was rotten to tin
core , honeycombed with jobbery nne
purposely drafted to nelvanco my per
sonal interests. From that day on , no
content with slandering me , they havi
heaped upon the Douglas county elclega
tion tlio vilest and most uncalled fo :
abuse , Senator Lmingcr , tlio head o
the delegation , who enjoys tlio highcs
respect and confidence of this community
nnd state , wns wantonly dcnouncce
as n mere brainless too
nnd an unprincipled rogue. Senate
Tzschuck , who has been secretary estate
state for four years nud whoso roputntioi
for integrity and honor hns never bofon
been questioned , has been lampoonee
and belittled as a moro dummy. Am
the remainder of tiio dolgation.who havi
maintained tlioir honor against the moa
persistent pressure , have been draggee
through the mire and hounded from da ;
to day , because they had agreed tc
stand as n unit in support of tli
charter. But moro infamous nm
disgraceful yet has boon tlio coursi
pursued by these sporting editor ,
in deliberately falsifying every provisioi
of the charter for the purpose of crcatinj
prejuelico among the people of Omalii
and misleading the legislature. I wil
only cite a few of the many glaring false
hoods which have emanated from thesi
editorial bushwhackers within the past tei
days. They charged that nobody coule
bo a councilman in Omaha unless In
owned real estate worth § 2,000. The ;
have been proven liars 01
that point. They charged tha
the bonrel of public works wouli
have the city by the throat , and no im
provement could bo made without the !
sanction. It was shown that this wa
equally untrue , and that tlio mayo
nnd council , ns they have always had
had the final veto power at all ooints
They insisted that the charter was n rail
on tlio water works company. Tim ;
dropped this when it was shown that tli
clause was inserted for the benefit of tli
water company and nt their re
quest. They have charged that tli
charter will give the councilrcci
and city officers an opporunity ti
enrich themselves by being interested ii
contracts. Section 171 of the charter pro _
hibits any councilman , city officer or em
plo.yo from becoming directly or indi
rcctly interested in any contract bid o
letting under penalty of removal , impris
onmcnt and fino. They have chargoi
that tlio printing clause woulel put $10,00
or $50,000 into tlio treasury of the Bni :
Judge Savage , who is ns impartial as nn ;
man in the city nnd who represented tli
opposition to the charter nt Lincoln
publicly dcclnred before the delcga
tion that tlio provision on print
ing was as fair as anything could be
It docs not award the printing to th
paper with the largest circulation , bu
leaves the council to take into consideration
tion the relative circulations in nwardin ;
the bids. Instead of costing 150,000 tin
printing will cost loss than ono-lonth o
that amount , and I have publicly , in casi
the BKE receives the award , gtiaran
teed to elo the work for ? 5,00i
a year for the next two years
Wo get moro than.that from n number o
leading merchants at prices fifty per con
higher than tlio city will bo obliged t (
pay. So much for the "printing stca
which is to enrich me. "
And now those cut-throat journalists
devoid of nil shame nnd decency , havt
the nudacitv to charge that the com
promise ofl'ected between the Douglai
delegation nnd representative busincs
men of Omaha who came to Lincoln fo :
tiio purpose of saving tlio charter was i
corrupt ' compact between inysol
and tlio railroads. This absure
story was concocted on Tuesday
night nt the Capitol hotel by Iho notori
oils Paul Vandervoort , who ten years age
narrowly escaped the penitentiary foi
inciting a murderous assault on mo by i
negro bully. It so happened that 01
Tuesday night I occupied room 10 nt tin
Capitol hotel , which joins elirectly will
one of the rooms which the railroai
lobby makeis usu of for their nightJ\
orgies. Kvory word spoken was dis
tinctly heard in my room. It WA
then unit therej agreed , after tin :
compromise had been announced
that this would bo used as n Doonwranj
ngaiiHt nip and tliat n. joint o'fTort ehouli
Lu made all along the line to make It np
pdar that I had surrendered railroad tax.
atiou und sold out the taxpayers m in ;
own interest. "This. " the genllo Paul
Vandcrvoort declared would "break
Rosowator's neck with the working peo-
pie who attended the rally last Satur
day. " I nm therefore not nt all turprisnd
at the great stress which is laid by nil tiic
wrecked nnd rcaelcrless rivals of the BEr
upon tliis outrageous compact of myself
with millionaires nnd monopolies ,
The truth nnd the whole truth nbout the
compromise is this : The outrageous lyinp
nbout the charter , provisions , coupled
with the pressure from the railroad lobby
and the Omaha paving and street clean
ing gang , had delayed tlio bill mid made
its passage by n two-thirds vote In tlio
scnato eloubttul in spite of Saturday's
mass meeting nnd the monster petition
of Omaha taxpayers anil business
men. At tills critical juncture ; :
delegation of heavy business mon , headotl
by Henry W. YaleC. ) , . W. Hamilton , P ,
E. Her , W. V. Morse , nnd Ben Gallagher ,
came elowu to Lincoln with Judge Savage
ns their spokesman , to urge ) n com.
promise. At tlioir invilntlon the Douglas
delegation was called tocothor.nnd Judge
Savngo appealed to them on behalf of out
city against antagonizing tiio railroad
interest too much , lie called nltentioi :
to tlio fact that the union depot wns
about to bo built , the Iowa roads
to cross the river , nnd several im
portant railroad connections wore on
tlio point of being secured for Omaha.
While admitting the righteousness he
eioubtod tlio wisdom at present of push
ing n sweeping city taxation clause
which might bo used against us by rival
towns. Ho called for : v comparison of
views by the delegation ns to what was
the real moaning of Mr. Connell's pro
viso. A majority of tlio delegation de
clared that they understood when they
voted for it that it meant to tax tlio real
estate of railroads , excepting the road
bed x > r right of way occupied
by tracks. Judge Savage and the
other representatives assured tlio
delegation tint they also were
in favor of taxing all lots owned by rail
roads that were not actually occupied
and used for railroad purposes. Upon
this basis , namely , that in the future city
taxes should bo paid by railroads for all
Ifiiiels elevators , warehouses ,
coal and lumber yarelg , smelting works ,
etc. , whether inside or outside of the righl
of way , Judge Savage elrowup an amend
ment to the railroad tax section in the
charter. The delegation , excepting Sena
tors Liningor and Tzsohuck who line :
gone homo , agreed to the change solely
to save tlio charter , and they alsc
agreed to stand ns a unit and to oppose
all further amendments nt all hazards as
a matter of safety to the charter. I hat
no vote upon this question and , while 1
reigret the concession , regarded it as an
important advantage gained in the mat
ter of taxation nnd the best way out ol
the deadlock. The editors of the oppos
ing papers were present. They heard the :
discussion nnd took part in it. Not one
word diet they say against the compro
mise. But now these coparceners oMIir
paving and sweeping contractors , win
attempted to throttle free eliscusaion at
tlio charter meeting on Saturday , charge
mo with betraying the people. Such
shameless hypocrisy is without n parallel
in this state. It is a defiance of nil thu
elcconclos of honorable journalism and
comes with decidedly bad grace from
men who have scarcely liveel long enough ,
in tlio city to know the names of thn
principal streets. Fair minded men wili
not countenance such work.
K. HosnwATKU.
Arc They Knelorsecl ?
Senator Caspar hns gathered n Inrgc
collection of statistics relating to Nebraska -
braska railroaels. They are full , inter
esting nnd instructive and nro as
basis for an excellent argument for the
railroad regulation demanded by the
people of the state. But where did Mr ,
Caspar secure his figures ? Have they
been endorsed ns correct by the railroad
organs and secured the seal of approval
from the odicos of general managers ? le
ho certain that they include every item
which is tabulated in freight auditors
ofliueis , concealed under the " .slush
fund" account or adroitly incorporated
under headings not intended for public
consumption ? These nro vital questions ,
On their nnswor must depend the value
of ills figures. Hocognizcel authorities
have no weight with Nebraska railroael
managers if tlioir tables furnish an argu
ment against the extortionate impost *
under which tlio people of this state are
sufl'itring. An industry which collate !
and an energy which compiles are
"mnlioo"nnd ignorance If the result is an
arraignment of corporate abuses. Nc
figures which elo not lie on the railroad
side will bo permitted to fro unchallenged
during a session of the Nebraska logisln
turo. The railroads hire statisticians bj
the year. They do not propose to pcrmil
their province to bo invaeleel.
That Printing Steal.
Ihoro Is ono section of tlio city charter
and ono only , which lies at the bottom of
the opposition of the Omaha press tc
that much needed reform measure. Tha !
is tlio suction relating to tlio city adver
tising , The business proposition that
papers bidding lor the city's advertising
shall accompany their bids with a sworn
statement of circulation sends cold chills
of horror down the backs of the Hun's
envious contemporaries. They insist
that such a regulation woulel bar them
out of the competition because they
elaro not expose to thu publio
the wretched pretenses under which
for years they have boon * * attempting
to gull advertisers and readers. When
reputable papers throughout the country
are voluntarily piinting elay by elay
their circulation statistics in order that
patrons may know whether they are got.
ting the worth of their money , thla proviso
vise cannot be elonouncod ns unfair or
unusual. Tim city is as much entitled to
the knowledge ) of newspaper values as
advertising mediums as tlio merchant tea
a knowledge of the values of the good ;
ho is purchasing. As a matter of fact
however , the charter proviso on printing
eloes not require that the city advertising
bo given to the paper having the largest
circulation without regard to the price
charged. It requires only that circula
tion shall bo duly considered , It protects
tlio city .still further by insisting that the
paper securing the city advertising shall
not charge the city a higher price than
the lowest rock-bottom price charged te
any of its patrons. Nothing could be
fairer or more liberal to competitors 01
more carefully watchful of the hiternste
of the city treasury ,
The milk in the precious cocoamit oi
the opposition of certain editors to char
te - reform -Was fdlly expose * ! when the
claim was made that such a provfslor
would take the city advertising out ol
the list of party perquisites nnd put it on
the level of business competition. It
the eyes of honest ; mon this will not b (
considered n grnvo objection.
Unnelnll to Carlisle.
When wo referred yesterday to the correspondence
respondonco betwce'n Mr. llamlall am
Speaker Carlisle , representing the eiivis
ions of the democrats in congress on tin
question of revenue reduction , tlio ct
peeled letter of UIQ former in response te
the communicationof , the latter had no
npponrcd , It has now been mnelo pub
lie. Mr. Carlisle stated for himself nm
his followers that the revenue measure
framed by Mr. llamlall would not bo nc
ceptnblc to them without certain change :
nnd modifications which were suggested
Ho proposed two methods of testing tin
opinion of the democrats of tlio house 01
the bill , ono to submit it to n caucus , ill
parties to bo bound by its action , and au
other to go into committee of the whole
As anticipated , neither of these prop
osltlons wns favorably regardeel by Mr
Kamlall. lie coulel see no necessity fein
n caucus 111 this case when it was not re
quired to deal with other important subjects
jocts , ns tlio silver and pension questions
The bill in question provides for the re
peal of the tobacco tax , nnd Mr. Hanelnl
desired to get this proposition before tin
house by a suspension of tlio rules
The plan was not favorcel by tin
speaker and failed. Tlio letter o
Mr. Randall expresses rcgre
that the speaker could not sco his wa :
clear to allow this plan to carry , talks o
tlio grave responsibility of opposing tin
desire of two-thirds of the house , assort
that the country is watchlngwith intense
interest the action of the house on thi :
subject , nnd nflects solicitude for tin
" " who would bo
"oppressed taxpayers" re
lioved. of taxation to the amount o
$28,000,000 if the tobacco tnx were re
Never hns Mr. Randall moro com
ploteiy shown the shallowncss nne
hypocrasy of his professed dcsiro to ro
licvo the people of burdensome taxatioi
than in the present instance , and si
nearly confessed himself driven to tin
wall in the effort to find a conveuion
subterfuge by which to obstruct and de
feat tlio oflbrt to secure a needed rovisioi
of the tanll for the reduction of revenue
Every sentence of his letter to Carliili
denotes conscious weakness nnd reveal
palpable insincerity. Dofcatcel atn dis
lioncst game , with tlio instinct of i
trickster ho seeks to divert attention froii
himself by chnrging responsibility 01
another. lie will not succeed. All in
telligent men , protectionists ns well n
revenue reformers , understand the tricl
ho sought to play and its pur
poso. They know that his scheme
is from first to last a mockery of tin
urgent demand of the people to bo re
lieved of unnecessary and oppressivi
taxation. A repeal of tlio tobacco ta :
would reduce the ravcnuo , but it woule
give no relief to tlio people. As Mr
Manning correctly saiel in his annual re
port : "Nobody pays n tax on tobacce
except the consumers of tobacco. Tlioj
nro willing to pay for tlio luxuryanelnsl
no relief. " The abandonment of tins ta :
would nrobably not make a difference o
n dollar n year to the largest consumci
of tobacco. But the loss of tlio revenue
from this source woulel help to fortif.i
Mr. Randall and Ids protectionist follow
crs in their hostility to a reduction o :
tariff duties , from which the people
would obtain relief , nnd it is solely will
this end in view that their efforts are
elirccted , The country is to bo congrat
ulated upon the fact that they have beer
foiled , and that their failure has served te
bring out moro clearly and unmi&taknblj
the hypocrisy of their professions.
The Emperor William has chanseel hi :
habits , anel now sleeps hi a warm room nne
takes food every two hours.
Prince Albert Victe r of Wales has com
pleted Ids twenty-third year , but is still one
of the least known members of the roya
family , lie solelom appears In public.
Tlio baby king of Spain , says the Lomloi
Graphic , Is a line , linnelsonijo child , who on
.joys robust health , and doe's credit to the im
mense amount of care with which ho is sur
Prince Alexander , late of Bulgaria , con
templates a visit to the United States nrx
autumn. Ills mental ns well as his physlca
condition Is reported badly shattered by the
events of the last six months.
The emperor of China Is the shortest mon
nrch In the world , being only five feet tall
tlio Emperor William , of Germany , Is the
tallest , being just six feet ; Prince Albert , o :
Germany , nephew of the emperor , Is six fee
six inches tall ; the emperor ot Itussln I :
nearly six feet.
Queen Kaplolani , of Hawaii , will leave
shortly for a four month's visit to England
She gives the United States the go-by , prob
ably because she feel.s more at homo on i
right little , tight little Island.
Queen Victoria has ordered from a Lyom
firm 3.800.000 pocket-lmiielkercbiefs with hei
picture ) an them , for the occasion of he :
coming jubilee , thus preparing the way fo :
the hardest and most extensive blow he :
dynasty has yet received.
The empress of Austria has been studylm
the English language , and she Is said to hav <
surprised the emperor the other day by call
Ing out : " 0 , dry up em that old chestnutl1
She will flnel Itn beautiful lan.uace wher
she gets down to the foundation.
On April 4 Queen Ylctorl ! will sail for the
continent on the ro > al yacht Victoria am
Albeit. Tlio public relubratlon of the quoen'i
jubilee will be held June 20 , the day lixed foi
the thanksgiving fccrvlco In Westmlnstei
abbey , which her majesty will nttond.
Queen Victoria's bonnet might not fit hei
eldest son , but should she take a notion te
dolf her crown during the jubilee year ne
doubt the prince would niako the roya
bauble stay on Ins bald spot. Abdication I ;
believed to be amonfj tlio possibilities.
Princess Beatrlcu will her husband occupy
n most sumptuous sultu of rooms at Wlndsai
castlo. The drawing room Is elucoiateel will
thu most deltatu tints of gold unit very pale
blue. Special apartments have boon sot apari
for the royal b.iby ; tUese , tooaro luxuriant ! )
I'rlnco Henry , of Hattenbertr , has fallen
Into tad disgrace with Queen Victoria ,
When he went to liurklnvham palace to rop-
rcbe'nt the queen nt the Idilesk'Igh memorial
services he staid out two nights , eolng one
evening to the theatiennd the othur to the
circus. TheijUten was exceedingly wroth ,
and the reckless joiing man will not airair
be permitted to carry anlsht key.
Slmnvil SI ail n I ne.
CMcagt ) TrUw\t. \
Secretary Manning lias never boon sus-
pecteel of alack of stirowduess. He know *
that a good , solid bank Is not going out ol
oflice two years hence.
A Unit to tlio rmelies ,
\VMhlniiton \ KijiiiliKcan.
If ladies In our street cars would try to bf
about half as polite to'eacn other as gentle
are to the laillos , the situation o'uld l > e
in&rvclously Improved.
Modern t'lirnscoloRj- .
When you want to bo complimentary yoi
say n man has a large brain ; when you wlsl
to be the other thing yon call It n big hcsel
Modern phraseology is mighty queer , any
how. _ _
February ,
dntolnftfe Vein Hwten HYiJrtman.
Above the earth , purseless nud colel ,
Low bends the gray , storm-brewing s } '
> \ Idle nature's forces manifold
In Icy bontlaso silent Ho ;
In gleaming phalanx , far and wide
bti etches a nebulous , snowy tlele.
But underneath this shroud of snow
Throbs promise of a sure Increase ;
And llfo In every active gleiw
Flows from the source which cannot cease :
1 torn tiniest root to topmost bough
It swells the red brown leaf buels now.
Oh , mortal I ot but surface slpbf ,
Tell how is wrought this mlraclp ;
How underneath the winter's blight
Spring imlsos sure. thoiiKh mystical ;
How nature's force , through slot m nnd calm
Works out its grand , tilumphant psalm.
Nebraska Jotting * .
Orel is on the lookout for n creamery.
Lotip county's expenses for 1837 are
estimated at $1,100.
Tlio Union Pacific stock yards at Scoti :
have been onlargeel.
Fifteen Grand Army posts have beet
instituted in this state eturing January.
The Otoo County Fair association hni
been reorganized with n capital of fi5 ! ,
lUoommgton hns sent James ami Abra
ham Laudroth to tlio penitentiary fo :
three years eacli for cattle stealing.
Superintendent O'Urion of tlio state fisl
hatcheries lias gone to the northwesten
part of the state to plant 33,000 younj.
speckled trout.
A crcnmcry company with a capita
of $7,000 has been orirani/cd at Aurora
D. F. Ulmcr , of Hastings , Is the movinj
spirit In the enterprise ) .
Tlie Hastings waterworks , nt n rcccn
test , sent aloft three streams with n pros
sura of seventy-two pounds , The work ;
are pronounced first-class and the best ii
tlio state outside Omaha.
Mrs. Hill Kelley , n Grand Island pan
per , quarreled with Monroe Taylor he
cause the county had not sent her grui
with sufficient promptitude to nppcnsi
her nppetitc , nnel when Taylor tolel hei
to "get out1'and slammed tlio door in hei
face , she stamped and raved nud tore :
hole in tlio door with a pistol. The bnl
passed within a few inches of Taylor * !
pie-pan. A hungry lunatic is as danger
ou.s as n mail eiog and should bo muzzled
A mammoth specimen of thnTrisoculu :
Uostogomgus has been unearthed from
the bottom of the Missouri river at Rule
To the clever wooel carver of the Bridge
man , scientists nnd the rest of innnkiiic
are indebteel for a paralyzing picture o :
tlio beast. This antieleluvian monster ii
described as part boast and part reptile
with n neck as long ns a winter's coal
bill and the teeth of a cross-cut saw
The Darwinian links look like the plume :
of a ba.iel master on parade. Tlio stem
aeh denotes the capacity and assurance
of n railroad lobby. A brief stretch o :
nn imagination can see tlio mighty Bos
togonipus plowing the billows of the
Council Blutl's bottoms , chewing sun
flowers hero anel corner lots there , will
a desert of "interjacent loci. " Wil
wonders never cease ?
Iowa Items.
Dubuque has four lines of railroads.
Atlantic's system of waterworks , whicl
cost $100,000 , have at last reached a pay.
ing basis.
Fort Madison is looked upon ns the
site for $ ! ! 0,000 knitting factory by in
diana capitalists.
Red Oak lias regular monthly live stock
sales and the peoulo of the county fiuel
them highly advantageous.
"Shall Wo BoroV" shouts the Burling
ton Hrwkeye. It is needless to say thai
tlio town will continue business at the
old stand.
There were thirty-six boys and thirty-
seven girls born in Scott county last
month , and forty-seven Hiuerals anel
thirty-one weddings.
The Cfarinda Herald lias invested in a
Cottrell power press with foleling attach
ments , and issued a twelves-page town
booming edition to celebrate iu
A blooelcd cow on a Powcshiok county
dairy fnrm has given birth to n tailless
heifer calf. Those who have endeavored
to extract the lacteal fluid in lly-timo will
hail this as n needed reform.
The total number of school cliileiren in
Iowa is 0 7.878 , of which 821,07 ! ) are :
m.iles and ! )12,005 ) females. Thu numbetr
in Polk county is 18,717 , of which 9.G7C
are females and 0,141 males. Tlio perma
nent school fund of the 'state is ifl,183-
Four of the county superintendent *
elected in the stntei last fall have resigned
their positions , which nro now filleel by
appointments made by the board of sup
ervisors of the respective counties. Tlio
resignations nro : D. Miller , of Jnspcr
W. J. Meelo , of Leo ; Mary C. Brown , ol
Van Duron , and U. T. Toye , of Kossuth ,
Tlio granulod o of tlio Iowa Legion ol
Honor will meet in Dos Moines , com
mencing March 1. It will hold its session
in Good Templars' hall , nnd probably remain -
main in session three or four days. This
organization is confined to this state ,
having frntcrnal features as well as an
insurance of $3,000 to each member. II
lias a membership of nearly 0,000 , anel
there will bo in the neighborhood ol
nearly 200 delegates in attendance.
Mr. C. L. Zorbaugh , the winner of the
college oratorical contest at Des Monies
last week , was overloaded with nn en
thusiastic welcome on his return to Fair-
field. When tlio train pulled into the
depot the band played the "Conquering
Hero Comes. " Ho wasplnced in n cutter
to which was attached long ropes , and
the hero of the occasion was drawn to
tiio city by an immense delegation ol
students nnu citizens , preceded by the
band nnd followed by a torchlight proces. .
sion. Fireworks nnd red lights were set
oil' nnd the town painted n brilliant hue ,
Turner county is in debt $31,000 ,
Lennox shipped 71.00'J dozen cggtf last
Water soils at twenty-live cents n barrel
in Gettysburg.
Farmers of 1'ankton county say the
snow is plenty to bliuw a good start on
crops in the spring ,
Lincoln county has $14,000 in its treas
ury , n tine court house and a quarter sec
tion of land suitable for u poor farm.
The Indians are surely bee-emiing civi
lized. Up in Bugnor , tlio other day , n
gang of squaws brought coal into town
nnd traded it for corsets ,
Tlio total number of original entries at
the Aberdeen land office in IbSGnmountcd
to 4-15 ; total number of acres newly en
tered , 70.U00.70. There were 580 final
proofs , representing 87,800.23 acres.
Northern Montana is cove'red with
snow to an average depth of twenty
What Is known ns the "nnnox" of thn
International hotel at Helena was burne-el
recently , involving u loss of from $12,000
to $15,000.
Coal is scarce at $ GO a ton in Bcnton.
The thermometer was CO degrees beilow
zero on the 3d. " .Never before , " writes
a resielunt , "have we had such a pro
tracted colel Buai ) of equul severity. The
loss unioiig cuttle must be dreadful. To
mnko the mnt'tor worse there is n grow
ing scarcity of fuel hud provisions Ii
town nnd tiio spirits ot the people nro a
low ebb. "
Two cowboys In Montana ciech deposited
posited $ ; 00 with n friend , with the
agreement thnt the first one to get ninr
rleel witiiii > ten months was to got the
boodle. They both tailed te catch on
nnel therefore , according to the contract
the stakeholder rcceivoel the $100.
A prominent cattleman who hns driver
cnttleuicross the Crow reservation elur
lug the past season , estimates thnt the
Crow nation has received during the
summer season of ' 8l ! about $10,000 ns n
revenue for permitting cattle to cross
the reservation.
The Cretans CryliiR CmHnUronel
Competition ,
CitETK , Neb. , Feb. 8. [ Correspondence
of the BIE. ] One of Iho most hnrmon
ions nnd enthusiastic meetings over ns
scmblcd in Crete , met in Band's oporr
house on Saturday night to devise way :
nnd means to liuluco hither one or more
of the railroaels now looking towareh
the central part ot Nebraska. Speeches
wore mnelo by seivcral business men win
were willing to vote aid to any reasona
blc amount for this purpose. A com.
mittco of fifteen wns appointed for the :
purpose of gnthprinjr statistics nnd te
confer witli various rnilroael manage' '
ments. Crete is possessed of tlio vurj
best water power in the state of No-
brasKa. At present two grist mills , will :
a capacity of 200 barrels of Hour per dnj
each , situated only a half mile apart arc
running night anel elay. They elo not ittil
Ize ono naif the power of the elams , which
could bo greatly incrensrd by rnising
them two or three feet. These mills ship
in tlio bulk of the wheat used anil
send out many hundrcel cars e > l
Hour nnel feed during the
year. Being locatcel in a fiplcnelid corn
growing district tlio cattle , hog and sheieii
interests are by no means insignificant.
The stockmen as well as merchants anet
lumber dealers are especially tuixlous to
have a competing line to Omaha nnd ro-
eun'vo the benefit of your excellent stock
market nnel eastern reinels. The largest
nursery in tlio stnlo nt this point ompwys
from bixty to elghtv hands and is nn extensive -
tensivo shipper. Two Inrgei elevators ,
many thousand bushels of crib corn , n
brick yard , brewery , and wholesale- ice
elouot , nro nlso important attractions for
freight handlers. Dbano college with its
140 students from various parts of the
state , a German seminary , nnel the per
manent establishment of tiie Nebraska
Cliniitnunun , nro n fuw of tiio features
which will make the passenger trnlllc to
and from this place a special inducement.
The population of Crete precinct is nearly
four thousand , and of Saline county
moro than twenty thousand. The
low assessed valuation of tiie precinct
nnd county is $150,000 and $23 000,000 re
spectively. It is estimated by experts
that if twelve foot dams wore loentoel
along the Blue , at necessary intervals ,
upwards of two million five hundred horse
power could bo obtained within the limits
of Saline county. Our people ) nro nnx-
ious and willing to confer with the man
agement of the Missouri Pneilic , Neirtli-
western , Rock Island , Milwaukee & St.
Paul or any other line of road that will
corno to this city anel partake of our
patronage Strong resolutions vyoro
unanimously adopted , nnel there is a
united determination to have another
railroad. The brick is now on the ground
for a new creamery backed by n homo
company with $10,000 capital. A largo
seed house hns been located nt this place
nnd a canning factory is on the tapis.
First come first served. Wo might also
mention tlio agricultural implement
houses ns a factor in tlio line of freight in-
duceirs. There are live establishments of
this kind in the city , nnel ono firm in
formed mo this morning that its
freights into tlio town amounted to more
than ono thousand dollars last year.
Grand Island Items.
GIUND lsi.ANDNeb.Feb. 9. [ Special. ]
The Grand Island Independent is nbout
putting m n new two-revolution lloe
press , nnd when they net into the now
building , which will be very soon , they
will turn tlioir evening daily into a morn
ing paper and run the dispatches. This
will be a very desirable change nnel n
grent convenience for the counties to tlio
north nnd west of Grand Island.
The increase of population in Grand
Island for 1880 has been between 50 nnel
CO per cent , and there are now in this city
about 8,000 person. Few towns in tlio
state can make such a showing.
The Baptist college eliel not materialize
for this city at the Lincoln meeting of tlio
committee of that church on the 3d iust. ,
anel the postponement till May is very
liable to throw Granel Island out of their
list of Indeleirs , ns wo understand the
Evangelical Lutheran ch'ireh has gone
to work like beavers to take in the oilers
made ) by the people of this city to the
Baptists , nnd if they decide to locate in
tills city before May we learn they can
have the bonus and thnt will give
Omaha a clear fielel for bideling on the
Baptist college. The people ) of our city
is largely Lutheran , nnd will lend AH
earnest support to a college to bo man
aged by that the denomination. They ,
the Lutherans , lire also desirous of locat
ing their state publishing house hero , and
as they have a valuable ! property in tlio
business portion of the city on which to
locate it , it wili be among the probabili
ties of thu near future. There is grent
interest being taken by thu people gen
erally for an educational institution in
tills city , and it will get a hearty sup
port. The railway prospects of Grand
Island nre very good , nnel wo have line
prospects of at lenst two lines tlio present
senson , but Grand Island is not flourish
ing any artificial booms not substantiated
by facts. Our city eioos not believe in
inflation of prospects to deceive , but
those mnking their investment hero /ind /
thorn worth one hundred centbon the del
lar. There Is noeloubt but Grand Island
is the best business center in the .state
west of Lincoln , ns ovielenced by the
amount of business actually done. Over
fifteen thousand cars were shipped and
ivcuivod in this city during the your 1B80.
The express companies' receipts for the
mime year were SJ75.000.
The bonrel of trade in this city under
the reorganisation is actively nt worn
nnu will rouiul up several now enter
prises in tlio way of manufacture's. Tlio
nature of these will bo fully describee ! by
your correspondent ns soon ns they tret
on nn active ) footing which will ho in the
is.irly spring. The now hoard hns three
timeis the ) membership of any similar or
ganization in the city nnel the mteircht
shown IH far beyond the ejxpeclation of
the most banguine.
The city elections nro being diseussejel ,
but the issues will be purely local ami
deal only with the method of manage
ment ot tlio city government. It lams
now as though it we > ulel bo n contest for
ilio raining of the preisent license of $500
to 11,000 , Some of tlio saloon men favor
this and a public honlimcnt is growing in
tts favor. Jt is generally conceded there
arn too many saloons , a faet known to
those favoring thnir cemtinunncu as well
as those opposing. Thorn will bei n
weeding out of more than half by the
change ; as none of thu smaller concerns
can ullbrd to pay tlio $500 and should It
bo doubled only the moil profitable and
best managed could exist.
The Baptist und Presbyterian churches
nro holding revival "meetings. Thu for
mer with bomemicccss asaelditions to the
fold amount to about sovonty-fivo.
A. W. Cunipboll.slierifrof Harpy county ,
was in town yesterday morning.
That Coal Has Been Dis
covered in Omaha
Thurc can now bo no doubt.
The most skeptical are ready
to admit that such is the case ,
and the future of Omaha Is
solved beyond a doubt. Man
ufacturing of all kinds will bo
in full force within one year.
Packing houses will spring up
like magic in South Omaha.
In fact we can not hold Omaha
down. Now is the time to buy
Do not wait , as property is advancing -
vancing every day , and you are
loosing money every day you
Everybody is rushing for lots
in this addition on account of
its location. Be sure and look
at this addition , Lipton Place ,
before buying elsewhere. First
come , first served , is our motto.
We Have Bargains in All
Parts of Town
In improved and unimproved
property. Carriages at the
floor at all times to take you
ut. Call and KGQ