, " M t'"T - ' -T' j * , , r - - * * * * ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , FEBKUAKY 10 , 1887. ; . 3 WIEAT ON THE DOWN TURN , Everything Conspires to Poll Down tha Price in Chicago , CORN STAYS ACTIVE BUT LOWER. Provisions Take a Shoot Upward ntul Slioxv Activity and Strencili lioth Cnttlo find Ho s Urine IIlKlicr 1'rlccs. CHICAGO MiYKKKT. CIIICAOO , Feb. 9. ( Special Telegram to the UF.E. I Wheat was weak and ilrooplnc notwltlistanillng the largo decrease In ocean jiass.igo. Cables were weak , tlio local ciowd licarlsh , and margins In many Instances thin , , vlill war news was scarce. Keara ol clanger by the disappearance of snow have vaiilsliod , and with predictions ot snow and warmer weather bl $ operators liaiinncrcd the market. A largo business was transacted but the liberal olterinirs crushed price * and the closing * show n shrinkage of J < r on those current at the adjournment yesterday. May Flood at W2fc ' ( at the opening , but dropped to BlJ < c and the llnlsh was SS' ' c , Jnnu sold at W c , down to Sl c , and closed at 8c. .July closed at Wo iind sold at Hl' c down to 8.V. September sold at S7fc down to bGJ < c , and December from ljc to tKVc. ) February closed at 7Cc , March at 7(1 ( c and April at 7Cc. Corn was lahly active , but sympa thized with wheat and prices ranged lower. Lirgi : ; anil small louga became dcinoi. illzed * nd sold fieely. Shot ts bought liberally but prices declined MC. A further break was prevented by a sharp advance In piovlslons mil predictions ol lighter iccolpts to-morrow. 1'riccs rallied # c , but closed Xc below jcsterd.iy. .May opened at 40' © lOVe , sold atlOXc , dcollncd to 40Jfc ( leaded tolO 'c , and closed -tOKOIO. . c. J\ily closed atI'l' ' c. I'roviblous weio active , htronger unil lililicr. The receipts ot hoes weio light nnd prices hlither. Uoldcis of the product were backward about soiling. The blunts who sold at yesterday's break weio scared and wanted to get out , and In their endeavor to extricate themselves foiced iirlccH higher. Stiong local partieb who ha\o been on the long sldo for homo tlmo past WLTO also buying , and at the 1 o'clock close prices were at outside lli'.ure.s and showed an advance of 3i } < c on mess pork , 7J < c on lard , and 15e on short ribs. .Mess poik for .May opened nt Sill K , advanced to SI&B5 , loccded to S13.-I7K , became stronger and sold to S13.7fi , and closed nt Sl.'l.WJ < f. Lard for May sold at S0.77 } < &f .S-r < , nnd closed at SO.b'JKC'5 O.M. Short ribs received moiuattcntion , and May advanced from S0.87J < to S7.02X. and closed at thu latter llgnre. 'JiliO p. m On the afternoon board the grain markets were weaker and lower. Wheat broke Jfc , corn V@lfc. Pro visions were stronger. AMieat , March sold at IWanWc , April at 7r70Kc , May at m'fl&HJfc , June at y4'@siifc : , July at S4 e , closing at the Inside. Corn , May , June. 4l 4lltfc ; July , 42 c May , s0.b5G.b7 > { . CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CIIICAOO , Feb. 9. [ Special Telegram to the UKK. ] CATTI.I : The supply to-day was comparatively moderate and salesmen asked higher prices. Buyers contended that the light receipts were owing to washouts onseV' cral of tlio railroads , and tint nmplo supplies would only bo delayed a few hours. However - over , the demand was fully equal to the sup' ply , and the choice and fat cattle of medium weights stood higher , such stock being ir.y ( 2T > c higher than last Friday , This was the lirstday of the week when there was a dis play of fancy heavy cattle. There were cai lots of cattle sold at S5. 00 , 55.05. S3. 15 , S5.1K andS5.50. Homo 1.182 Ib. meal fed \Vyom Inns sold at S 1.00 , with 07iJ Ib meal fed Tex- uns at S-l.'Jo , against S-i.lU on Monday. Shipping steers , l.ii-'iOto 1,500 Ibs. , S4.00 ( < 55.00 ; 1.2X ) to 1.JBO Ibs. , SI.10@4.CO ; OSO to 1,200 Itjg. , SD.703J.10. Stockers and feeder ? , S2.CO : cows , bulls and mixed , ? 2.uo@y.bO ; bulk , HIHIS Tlio non-arrival of stock trains had the clli'ctof reducing stock to about the num ber shippers wanted , hence there was nlivolj ficrambln on the part of buvers for shipment and dut Ing the scramble juices went "wild.1 .In Homo Instances , especially on light anil good medium , tlio advance was 15@ :0c whei compared with the lovvest ot yesterday , ant In aeonerul way values ruled fully lOc hlghei than at the close laht night , ranging right nt to Monday quotations.- few fancy lieavj sold at 55.40 ( 5.45 with packers at S5.00ii5.0 ( : ! nnd common at SJ.SOQjS.itf ; Yoikeis , S.UOt ( 0.10. F1NA.NU1AU York. Feb. 9. MONMY On call 304 per cent , closing at 3 per cont. I'ltIMB MKltCXNl'lLB i'Al'KK 520 pCi cent. riTKni.iNO KXCHANOK Dull but steady a S4.85,1 * for sixty day bills ; SJ.SSjf for du imind. UOVKUNHENTS Government bonds wen dull but steady. * SiorKH. Tlio stock market showed mor < animation on a morepionounced bull Icolltu than has been scon for some lime , the prmcl pal causes of which were the M-ml-olllchtl announcement nouncoment of the extraordinarily goo < following of St. Paul tor the year ItibO , and i KOiieral belief Unit the strikes arc nearly a an end , the amlcablo hcttlmnunt with th Jtnadlng employes being specially favornhl to that company anil Jersey Central. Th opening was stron : , ndvances over last even Ing's linal prices ranging ui to Jf per cent li Hlchmond iVVest ; \ I'olnt. The general lis was dull. The entire market \sith the ex ci'ption of Hlchmond & West Point , whlcl shaded off a traction , was strong throughou the Ilrfit l.our. Later tlio market decreased ii thn amount of business done , which was ac companlcd by a slight yielding In piico which continued until well In thn afternoon After 1 p. in , , however , the activity nnd ad vance were resumed. There was some hcsl tatlon In the lust hour , but the market closm Htronir , In many Instances nt the best figure ot the day. day.TOOK TOOK ! OK WA.t.1. BTIIKKT. cent bonds. . „ 100 preferred. . 139V U.B. > < ' liutf N. "V. C. . . 11S' < NewVs m ? < ' ' " I'ftClfiC O's of ' 03. ' I'ucliic Mall. . . 57V Central I'acitlc. . iS r. i ) . asj C. A A. . . . . . . . . imnerreci , . . , 155 KocU Island 125 C. 13. AU 13' ) St. L. AS. K. . . . aij II. L. it W 1M/VI nrefeired. 05) ) I ) . < t it. G - C. , M. & St. P. Erie preferred. . St. I' . ' Illinois Control. preferred. . . . ins' 1. . U. itW. . IbKTexas I'-H-ilio. . . 2JJ " " Union 1'acltic. . . 57 LnknShora , , W. , St. I , . & 1' . . 175 L.A. N 01fl piufunod. . . 29' ' Mich. Cmitr.il. ' \Vrbtcrn \ Union. 7-1) ) . 110.1'acitlo. . . . O. . H. itN. . . M > < Noitlifin 1'ao. 1)7 ) Canada South. , . . 5b' muferred. . . asji C. .t N. W Ill/ I'HODUGR Clilcniro , Feb. Kollowlnj quotation D tliu iWclin' Flour Dull , stuiutv and uuclmneed ; Hour l.'i' H.POi.outnmn. f .lOd:4.0 ( : : Wisconsin Michigan sou sprint : wheal Mluiu > > ota lakers. S3.70 i.au ' ovt4.i > jlow ; trruilos. tfl.ltirj.i.05 ryu Hour , quiut at ifti.'iM.ci.-lti . : ; huarks nni barifls , S.lka.70. ( Wheat Active and lower ; opened K lowerclostriK _ , W < 31Ko _ unilcr > e ti-rday ( ) . ts Active but weak : closing about 1 * l'ic ' under yesU'idiiy ; cash , 24 fe ; Marcli cilI4L ; .M. y.2 < Jo. Uyu-ntiil at Mo. Uarley- Dull at ft0351c. Tiniotliy socd-1'rlum , Sl.bS@l.S6X < 'la\ i.'oit-51.03. Whlskv-51.18. 1'oik Hulod ilrut nnd aiuanced about Xi to ; cas > h and March , SiaCQj Alay , 813.7i l.srJ-iloilcrnU'iy active and "XpilC hlBjier ; cash , JfO.05 ; Mtucb , SO.T-'H ; Alaj | 6.s ? llulk MeMs-Shoulders. 55.7.X < { 5.SOj slioi cUr. ST.a037.25 ; sliort ribs , S6. ' . . , Butter-Dull ; creamery , 20(3 ( o ; dairy 14U.4C. rl'lrinct : lull aa m chuddars , To ; flats 10 ? ' (3ln ( ; yoting Americas , 13.U e ; fklm- < , . Hides Steady and nnchaneeiU Orcen5 ! < c : heavy green salted , 7J < c ; salted nil , OJrc : dry saltcil , ll@12c , ry flint , \ wzJc \ : deacons , aic each. Tallow No. 1 country , 3 { c ; No , 2 , 2 c. - llecelpts. Shlnmcnti. Flour , bbls . -17,000 10,000 Vheat , bn . 40,000 20.000 'orn , bu . 1'7,000 31,000 ) at.i , bi . 1,000 3VXX ) lye. bu . 44,000 none. Jarleybu . los.ooo : 23,000 .St. liouU , Feb. 0. Wheat Weak nnd ewer : No. 2 red , cash , SOtjtSOWc ; March , bOjcMay. , ; 83 f S3J < c. Oorn llcavy ; No , 2 mixed , cash , 34tfQ } ri , ' j ; March , < < c ; .May , : v.c. U.\ts Knsy ; No. 8 mixed , cash,28Kc ; May , Op. Ityo-FirmntW' c , Whlskv-Sl.13. Pork-Firm at 813.75. I.iud-HlKher at 8a.W3fi.BT. Mutter Steady ; cteaniery , ftl@27c ; dairy , BrjltKlc. Afternoon Hoard. Wheat-Weak and ; W < s lower. Corn JIuary and } fa lower. Oats Unchanged. K.tnsnq City , Feb. 0. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red. caih , 70c bid ; Anril , 75Kc bid ; May , 7i > c bid. Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 20Uc bid ; March , 83'fcbld ' ; Mny. MVc- Oats Nominal ; 'JGc bid for cash. Ijlvorpool , Feb. 9. Wheat Quiet ; < lo- nand f.ilr and holders oirer freely ; red \ tein spring , nominal. Corn tsteady but quiet and unchanged , Now York. Fob. 0. Wheat Spot JffrZJfc and options K ! ? ! " lower , rloslnc heavy ; ie- rolpts , 111,000 ; exports , 20.000 ; ungraded rcil , ( ( Wco. ; . : i H-il. WiOUke. ; No. l red , tMo ; No. a red , OlVfGi'JlJfls In elevator , SW"ltc di'll\ered , O.'c f. o h. In stole , I3j f. o. b. nlloat ; \Iarcli closed att'l c. Com-bpot } JI HC and options 'CCl ' cower ewer , closini ? lie.tvy ; leceipt10,590 : ex- xiits : inou3 ; iniL-railed , )7' ) ' a'4iJic ' ; No. U , In elevator , -ly l'JJ ' c delivered : March cio'cit ntl c. Oats 'fQXc lower ; receipts , 00,000 ; ex- 13 ; mixed western , , ' ! O Ci37Kc ; white I'etroleum Steady ; United closed at KKIS Dull andlieavy : western , UIc. i'oi k Fall ly active and llnuer ; mess rinotcd nt Sl2.87l ( ? 13. ' lor old , 514.05 for new. Laid 0S points higher and fairly acllvo ; wcstetn steam , spot , quoteil at SaingKVJ'H. lluttcr Quiet ami easier ; western , lO < SlWc. Cheese Firm ; western Hat , llj < @ 13 > c. Feb. U. Wheat Demoral- zed ; cash. V.i' ' c ; March , 75Jfc ; May , Corn Firm ; No. 3,37c. Oats-Quiet , No. 2 white , 31c , Hyo Kasier ; No. 1 , 54c. Hurley Lower ; No. 2 , 40Wc. Provisions lllglier ; pork , February , S13.40 ; May , S13.CO. Cincinnati. Fob. 0. Wheat Weak ami ewer ; No. 2 red. & 1@34tfc. Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , Oats Harelvstcadv ; No. 2 mixed , Hyo-Dull ; 'No. 2. toe. Pork-ljulot at 813.75. Liird Active and linn at S0.55. Wlilsity Finn nt $1.13. Minneapolis. Feb. 0. AVhc.lt Weak and ewer ; No. 1 hard , February , 78 } c ; May , c ; No. 1 northern , Februaiy , 7Tc ; May , c ; No. 3 northern , February , 75o ; May , 7Sc. 7Sc.Flour Easier ; natcnts , S1.40@4.50 ; bakers , S3.r > ocau.no. ] leceiits-Wlieat. ) 119.000 bu. bhlpments Wheat , 15,000 bu. ; Hour , 13.00C bbls. bbls.New New Orleans. Feb. 9. Corn Dull , weak and lower at 4.Vfti(1c. ( Oatb Quiet ; choice Western , 37@37Xc. Corn iii'al Firmer at Sl.tX ) . Hoi ; Troiiucts Quiet but weak ; pork , S13.70 ; laid , refined tieicc , Si.37 ( } . Hulk Meats Shoulders , 55.G2J ; lone clear , and clear rib , lS STOCIC. Fel ) . 9. C.ittlo , receipts , O.OOC head : strong and lOc higher ; shipping steers , S3.70 i.7o ; stockeisand leeders , S2.CO@4.00 ; cows bulls aud mixed , S2.00@3.bO ; bulk , lloia Hocolpts , 13,009 head : steady and 5 ( < ? 10c higher ; rougn nnd mixed , 54. < JOrt5.0 ( : ! ! Hacking and shipping , 8. > .15@5.45 ; light S4. & : 1.VJ5 ; skips , S3.00ZJI.G5. ( Sheep KerulptH , D.OOO head : strong ; no.- tlves , y.50 ( H.bO ; western , ? u.50@4.60 ; Texans , Si50@I.OO ; lambs. ? 4.00@5.50. St. L.ouls , Feb. 9. Cattle-Iteceipts , 1,300 head ; shlDinonts , 200 head ; active and n ahadohigherchoico ; heavy native stoorsi4.40 Ci5.00 ; fair to good shipping steers , 83.85(3 ( 4.K5 ; Dtitcliers' bteers , tnirto choice , 84.10(3 ( 4.20 ; feeders , fair to good , S2.8J@3.yO ; stoct ors. fair to good. 52.15f.4S.10. Hogs Hecelpls , 4,000 head ; shlnments , 00" head ; active and lirm : choice heavy anil butchers' selections , S5.30(35.40 ( ; packing , fair to good , S5.10@.U5 ; Yorkers , medium tc fancy.S 1.9535.10 ; common to good plus , S4.2C Kanuan City , Feb. 9. Cattle Receipts , 3.000 hnait ; Bhipments , 2,003 head ; weak to choice , S2.25G53. 10. HOES Receipts , 9,000 head ; shipments 1,200 head ; opened strong and closei bteady ; common to choice , 54.70 5.25. OMAHA LIVIS STOCK. Wednesday , FCD. 9. Cnttlo. The receipts were heavier than for sevora days past. The market was fairly active a prices about ste.uly with yesterday , nni about everything was sold. The receipts were liberal , though not quit < as heavy as yostoiday. The market ojieuei with tlio bujeiH only oirunng St. 00 forth top , but they worn soon bidding up to Sl.W The market was active and strong at yestei day's nriccs , nnd 0110 load ot clioico liog brought 5c more tliitn auytlilng yesterday Everything was sold. Sheep. There was nothing doneon the mm Ice to-day. _ Ilocelpts. Cattle. . M Hogs . . . . . . . 3,20 Prov.illlni ; I'rlcos. Showing the provaillng prices paid for llvi slock on this maiket : Choleo fltocM , 13.50 to U > 00 lbs..84.'r > ( a4..r.O Cbolco stcern , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . a.t @l.oo ( ! oed to clioico corn -fed cows. . . . 2.7.Vi(3.50 Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00ifr.r ( > 0 Uood to cholci ) bulls . 2.00rat.2. : > i Light and medium hogs . 4h.V < $ U > 0 Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.90MU.95 Coed to choice mixed hogs . 4.S5 ( < $ I.90 Choleo sheep , 90 to 120 Ibs . 3. 50&4.00 IlonrotJGiitutiva Males. Hnins. : : No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. ' . ' 0 . . .1W3 SS.70 17. . . .1181 4.X ( ) 43..I14S 8.W 18. . . .1157 4.10 20. . . .1024 3.hft 10. . . .141 : ) 4..kJ } 10..11K5 8.TO 18..12M ) 4.2-J' ' 17 . . .12-:0 3.H5 3L..1SC8 4.40 28 , , , , 1000 4,00 COWS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av , Tr. 3. . . , 9S7 82.10 14. . , . IMS SW 1..VJ20 821 1..1830 3.83 1..10IO 2.75 15. , , , 1201 30 ! ! 14. . . . 1105 8.S5 70. . . . Hill 3.40 13. . . . 1002 2..W 7. . . . 1400 3..V ) 4. . . , 1150 3.00 1..12aO 3.50 IJUI.I.S. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1410 S..W 1..151K ) 52.SO 1 . . .14-50 855 1..1043 2.1KJ 2. . . . 1505 2.70 1..17iO : 3.00 4..1SSJ 2.75 1..1S50 3.12 } STAOS. No. Av. Pr. I. . . . 010 S'J.fx ) cows Asn STAOS. No. Av. I'r. 3. . . .1155 8'J.OO HOOS. No. Av. Shk. I'r No. Av. Shk. Pj 7U..80tl 100 SUO ra..2T4 KU 8V.K ) 57. . . . 272 100 4'JO 03. . . . 278 200 4 , K ) 70..20a bO 4/.X ) 73. . . , 2M 100 4.10 77. . . . 237 1'JO 1.10 CO . . .28.J bO 4.W 80 . . .219 . . . 4.90 bO.2-'tl bO 4.W 5.2SJ : ! KO 4.90 b2..ISi1 120 4.90 TJ. . .2.S9 80 4.90 CO. , .281 240 1,90 W..217 120 4.90 Oti. . . .241 40 4.90 04 . . .3.W 1'JU 4,90 C7..it > 0 120 4.90 87. . . , 815 ICO 4.90 08. . . . 807 240 4.90 69..2J3 SU 4.90 05..JSJJ bO 4.1'5 7a.20J 180 4.90 65.2s9 100 4ttt 7rt..203 180 4.10 07. . . . 208 60 4.95 81. . . . 821 40 4.90 6S..814 bO 4.95 69..2-JI 120 4.90 ( W..2bS 40 4.95 07. . . . " ) 180 4.90 76. . . .802 120 4.95 75. , , .230 180 4.90 69 , , , .275 200 4.93 OS..S31 bO 4.90 04. . . .833 . . 4.95 M. . .850 110 4.90 ' 81. . . 200 80 4.97) ) , TO : . . , 240 160 ' 4.W 70.255 ; . . . B.QO Price * . Showing the highest nnd lowest tirlcfia paid for lo.vlt of 11073 on thl3 market during the past seven days nnd for the same tlmo last month nnd n vcar ago. Jan , 1S37 Kol ) . 1837 rob. isso uo eiTo" ( .70 l.05 4th ( .40 ( < t4.7.r > 4.83 < if > .00 8.75 5lh * 35 WI.70 ( .70 SW.OO 8.75 © ( .05 Bill 4.35 l.70 Sumliiy 3.70 &I.OO 7th 430 (61.70 4.H' > Cii.00 Sunilny Still 3.35 ' ® i.tn I'ttll ' 4.40 61.00 4.W ) 8liliinontq. Showing tlio iiuinbor of cattle , lies nnd sheep shipped from the yards during thu dny. CATTI.I : . No. cars. W. Dest. 4 Mil Chicago 7 N. W. Chicago All silo ? of stock in this market nro made iicrcwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weight * . "Skins , " or ho.3 weUhlna loss tluii 10J Ibs. nov.tliio. Pniintint sows nro docked 40 Ibs. nnd stausSO Ibs , by the publlo Inspector. Nolc.s. Cnttlo steady. No hogs left over. A strong hog mnrkct. All kinds of hogs brought nbout ono price. F. Dunning , Shelby , Nob. , was hero and sold n load of nogs. Hog ? soltl to-day nt SI.15 per hundred high er than a year ago to-day. The Ansrlo-Amerlran racking company bought 15M hogs to day. William Charleton , Hocn , Neb. , was herewith with lour loads of cons. Itobcrt McDonald , IJurnct , Neb. , was In nnd sold a load of hogs. The Standard Cattle company. Ames , had ten loads of meal-fed Texans on the market. Charles \Vrcde , O'Neill , was In and mar keted one load ot cattlo. Frank J. Cell , Lyon.t , Neb. , was hero and sold three loads of cattle. J. M. Cat ter , Weeping Wnlcr , came In to day and sold n load of cattle. Mr. Morris , of Norris t 1'arkcr , Klliott. In. , was huro and bold a load ot cattle. ,1. M. Cox. Hampton. Neb. , wns hero with two loads ol cattlu which sold on the mniket S. A. MnndotlKium. Blue Hill , Neb. , was in nnd bold u load of hogs and a load ol' cat tle. tle.II. II. S. Klliott , Lost Cicck , Neb. , onnio In to day with a load ot cattle which sold on the maiket. (5. G. Vrcoland , Jiuilata. Neb. , was In with n cnr of hogs and a car of cattle which sold on thcmaikct. A. Clark , a heavy cattle feeder of Dexter , la. , was here look ing over the market. Ho has COO head of lat cattle ready for market. J. E. Thompson , of Thompson & White , Council HlulTs , was in again to-day and mat- koled a load ot hogs which topped the mar ket , C. T. Ward , KislngH , Neb. , formerly n well-known shipper , but more recently en gaged in leedlng , wns hero and marketed a load of cattle. K. H. Cowels , Gibbon , Neb. , was hero nnd sold two cars ot cattle. There were seven cows among them which nver.iged 1100 Ibs. , nnd brought the top of the market E. M. 1'ar.sons , Carrel , Iowa , had n load of hogs which arrived at Council iilnllsovur the Northwebtcrn at 8ir : ! n. in. of February 2 ; weie turned over to the U. 1' . nt 11:30 : n. in , , anil nrrlved at the raids at 4:05 : p. m. There is no excuse In such delays , and It Is to be re gretted that live stock men do not make some combined cllort to have the evil rem edied. OMAHA. WUOIjKSAIjE MARKETS General 1'roduco. Wednesday , Feb. 9. T7ic/onoioJ(7 ) ! ( pr/ccvs / arc for round lotn of prodit Ctvrs * W on the market ttt-dtuj. 'j/ic qnotittiunf * mi fruits represent Oic prices nt which ouhfita orders tire Midi. Uimiu : The receipts are liberal nnd the market weak. The choicest Is selling mostly at lOQlb'c ; fair to good , 14gl5c ( ; common , Eoas The receipts continue heavy nnd the market was lower again to-day , fresh stock going at 17@lSc. Poi'i/ruv The receipts were very light and tlio demand gooif for choice dressed chickens. Chickens lOc ; turkeys 10@lle ; gpe.se nnd ducks bi10c. aVr.or.TAm.KS IJeets , carrots , parsnips and turnips arc < inoted nt OOc. llorse-radibh roots S1.00@4.f > 0 per bbl. POTATOES The weather has been so cold duiing tlio past few days that It was Impos-sl- bla to handle potatoes to any extent. Tlio trade Is limited almost entirely to the sale ot small lots trom the store. Fair to good stock , from store , small lots , 00(9050 ( ; choice stock , from store , small lots , 05@7c. ) OVSTKHS Mediums , 20c : standards. 20c : selects , 2Sc ; extra selects , 33c ; N. Y. counts , 3Sc. 3Sc.Arri.ES Tlio apple market Is firm and stocks on hand arc light ; Choice Missouri stock per bbl. S3.755J4.00 ; Choice Michigan stock per bbl. S4.00. ONIONS Homo grown stock , per bu. 51.00 @ 1.40. CEW.IIY Choice stock , per doz. 40@43c. OIIANOIS There is alineral supply ol good stock on the market ; Valencia per case , S0.00a0.50 ; California , per box , 83.00&3.35 ; Florida , per box , S3.00@3.25. Lr.Moxs The market looking up and prices have advanced In New York ; Mcsslnn fancy , per box , S5.00. CisA.vni'.uniKS Capo Cod , fancv. per bbl , 812.00 ; bell nnd bugle , per bbl , $10.00 ; Bell nnd Cherry , S9.75. Hr.ANS Interior stock , 75031.00 ; good clean countrv , S1.03@1.85 ; medium , hand picked , 51.40@l.Co ; hand picked navy , S1.0C KJS.OO. PHOVISIONS Ham , 12c ; breakfast bacon , 9J c ; clo.tr side bacon , 8 } c ; diy salt sids , So ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pieces , 14c ; lard , Will ] cans , 7c : lard , 80 Ib cans , Fahbanks , 7' < c ; lard , 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7 } c ; lard 5 Ib cans , 7K < ' ; lard. 3 Ib cans , 7Kc. FI.OUH AND Mir.i.8TUFFs Winter -wheat flour , best qualltv patent , S8.75 ; second qual ity , S'J.8V rJ.M : best quality spring when ! Hour , patent. S2.40@2.90 ; W. J. Welshan's buckwheat Hour , per bbl , 80.00 : do. double sacks , 53.00 per hundred ; W. J. Welshan's No. 1. ready raised , forty 2J < ; Ib package * ! n ca < o , S4.50 ; do , twenty S Ib packages in cuso , 54.50 ; bran , 70c percwt ; chopped feed , 75c pel cwt : white corn meal , 90c ; yellow corn meal , 80@90c per cwt ; screening. 50ti$75c pei cwt ; hominy , 81,50 : shorts , 70o per cwt graham , 81.75 ; hay. In bales , 87.00per ton. Grocers'Mm. riCKi.r.s Medium. In bbls , 80.00 ; do , In half bbls , 83.50 ; small. Inbbls , 87.00 ; do , Ir half bbls. 4.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 88.00 ; do , 111 half bbls , 84.60. SUOAIIS Powdered , OJ < ( S)7c ) : cut loot 0i40Kceranulnted,04 ( ; ! 00 i < se : confectioners A , .wCffOc : btnndard extra C , Ckdi-Wo : extra C. SVGJOXe : medium yellow , 4ft@5c. MATCHES Per caddie. 880 : square cases. 81.70 ; mule square. 81.80. SVHUl'-No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 8i.201.25 ! Now Orleans per gallon 88Q4Cc ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old tlmo , " per gallon , 70c ; l gal lon cans , ner doz. 810.00 ; halt gallon cans , pel doz , 8A..V ) ; quart cans , 83. < M OANDV Mixed. uUXo : stick. 8) ) < Q9 c , CRA.CKKUS ( iarnean's soda , butter and picnic , &Xe : creams , b c ; ginger snaps , 8 c ; city soda , 7K. STAIIOII Mirror gloss , 1 Ib , Co ; mlrroi gloss , 3 Ib , ftjfe : mirror gloss , Olb , Oj/o ; ( Jrascornl Ib.O c ; Klngsford'sconi.l ID , 7c ; KingstorJ'8 gloss , l ib. 7c ; Klngsford'E gloss , Ib , 7Xc. Klugsford's ' pure , 31b , 7fc ; Klngbfordsbulk , 4c. SoAi'tj Kirk a savon imperial , S2.70 ; Kirk 8 satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk B standard , AO. ; Kirk's wlilto Uusslan. 84.00 ; Kirk's whitecap cap , SO..Vj ) dome , S3.b5 ; washboard , 83.10 ; whlto cloud. 83.75 , CANNKUioois-Oystersstandnrdporcase , 83.150 3.8.1 ; strawberries , 31b. pi-rcase , 33.aO : raspberrieg. 8 Ib , per case , 82.25 ; oCalllornio pears , per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj , S4.00 ; poaches , pi < r case , 85.00 ; white cher ries , per case , 88.00 ; plums , per case , 81.65 : blueberries per case , 81.S5 ; o'g plums , 8 Ib , per rasa , 2.60 : plncapplns , a Jb , per case 83.805.75 ; l Ib ni ekfrei. per doz , 81.40 : 1 ID salmon , per doz , SI.50(41.55 ; 2 ID , gooseberries berries , per case , 81.75 ; a Ib string beans , pei case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per case , 81.00 ! 8 Ib marrow fat po.is , porcaso. B.J.50 3 ( X ) ; 2 Ib early J nno pc.ii , per case. 82.75 : 3 Ib toma toes , S8.5 , ! 2.0a ' ib.corn 8J.S0512.40. DHIEI > FnuiT No. 1 quarter apples , 5Jf(3 ( fie ; evaporated In boxes , I8 @l3e : black , berries , boxes. 10f@llo ; penchos , Salt Lake , IbbU. IOQ IOI < C ; peaches , evaporated. 15 * < o rnspberrics. now , 8.'c ; currents , 7@7Kc prunes , new. 7c. CoKFr.KS-Ordlnarv tcrados , 14 } < r < tlRc fall l Ol'iHc ' ; prime. l SlOc : choice , ICQICJso fancy gr < ien and yellow , 10@17c ; old cov- General Markets. liiDES-Oreen butcJiers. 6Jf@Oe ; croer cured. 7c ; dry tlint , llG$12c ; dry salt , creen calf skins , ° ® 9lfc ; damaged nldes , wo-tldrds price. Tallow 3-Ve. Urcaso I'rnno white , 3 < c ; yellow , 2'4c ' ; brown , l * { Sheen Pelts , 2va75c. \ AitNisiiF.s-Hftire i , per gallon ; rnrnl- ture. extra , 81.10 ; furniture. No. I. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; conch , No. l , 81.20 : Da- mar , extra , J1.75J Jamn , 70c ; nsplmlttim , extra 85ci shellac , $3.50 ; hard oil llnlsh , 11.50 HEAVY HAnnwAf.R iron , rate S2.so ; plow steel special cast,4 c ; cruclblo stccl.OXc ; cast tools , do. 12O1SC' wagon spokes , per set , 82,00(33.60 ; bubs. P r ect , fel.25 : lelloes. Pawed dry , 81.5 ( ; tongues , each. 80e : axeli. each. 75c : square n ts. Der Ib. 01M71C : cell chain , per Ib. 0 , ( < } l e ; malleable. 7 ( < t9c ; lien wedges , Oc ; crownars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4Mc , Jlurden's horseshoe' ' . Blirlng stool , 76iPc ; fe4.i5 ; Burden's mule -shoes. $ " > , ' 5. Barbed wire. In car lot" . 84.00 per 100 llw. Nails , rales , 10 to 60. 8UO ; steel nails , 82.90. Shot , SUM ; buckshot , 81.85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 82.50 ; do. half kegs , 82.00 : do. quarter kegs , JI.50 : blasting , kegs , 82.35 ; fuse , per 10 feet , G5c. Lead bar. SU > TATNTS IM on , White lead. Omaha.P P. , Oe : white lead St. Louis , pure. 0 > < rj Mar seilles green , I to Ib cans , 2c ; Frencn zinc , crecn peal , ISe ; rench zinc , red seal , lie : French zinc. In varnish asst. 20o ; Ko nch zlne.75c : vcrinlllton , Knglish , In oil , 75c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , Amcriean , IKc ; Winter's mineral , 2c ; Lchlgh blown , BXc ; Sjanlsh brown , 2 } c ; I'rlnco's mineral , Ucbrinm Cologne spirits. iS3 proof , SI.17 ; do 101 proof. S1.1S ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 ; do 18b pioof , 81.10 Alcohol. Ib3 proot , 82.20 per wine uallon. Kcdistlllcd whiskies , St.OOMl.50. ( lln , blundcd , S1.M > (8 ( S.OO ; Kentucky oourbons , S2.00@fi.00 ; Koti- lucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S..00fi.50 ! ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon nnd ijo whiskies Sl.'wgn.oo. iir.indlcs , Imported , S5.oo@s.ro : domestic , Sl.R003.Oi ) . ( lius , Imported , S4.50 (40.00 ( ; domestic , S1.2.VU3.00. Cliamiiaunos , Imported , uer case. S23.oo33.00 ; American , per case. SlO.OOijClll.OU. Duv TAINTS-While lead , 8c : French /Inc , 12c ; Parli whiting , 2U'c ; whiting , gilders , 2Jfc ; whiting , com'l , lUc ; lampblack , Her- imtnstown , * l2c ; lampbuck , ordinary , be ; Prussian buer ] > 5cultramarine ; , I8c ; vainly K- brown , 80 ; nmber. burnt. 4o ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , nw , 4o ; Parts green , genulno. 25c. 1'nrls green , com mon , 220 ; chrome preen , N. Y. , . 20c ; Tcrnillhon Americaii. 18c ; inaian raw and burnt nmber , 1 tl > cans , iic ! ; raw nnd burnt Blenna , 12c ; v ndyko brown , * I3c ; relined - lined lampblack 18o : coach black and Ivory black , KKJ ; drop black , ICc ; 1'russlan blue , 40c : ultrnmarlno black. 18c ; chromu green.h. , M. it D. , 10c ; blind r.nd shutter green , U. M. it D. , lOc ; Paris green , lb > ; Indian red , l.lc ; Venetian red , tte ; Tuscan , Vl''c ; American vermllllon , L. & D. , 20c ; yellow ochre , Sc ; I * . M. & O. I ) . . Ibc : good ochro. lOc : naient dryer , 8c ; graining color , light oaK , dark oat , walnut , chestnut and nsh. TJc. BJDiiL'os ANn I HKMICAI.H. Acid , carbolic , 5'c ; acid , tartarlc , C2c ; balsam copnlba , per tt , .MJc ; bark sassatras , per tb , lOo ; calomel , per tt , 78c , rhlnchonldla , per o40c ; chloro form , per Ib , fOc ; Dovcrs powders , per tt > , S1.25epsom ; salts , per n > , SXc ; clyccrine , pure , per Ib , 30e ; lead , nretate. per Ib. 21c ; oil , castor , No. 1 , per gul. , S1.50c ; oil casior , No. 2 , per gal. , Sl.-IOjoil olive , per gal. , 51.40 ; oil orltranimm , 50c ; opium , S3.-o ; ; nuinino , I' . A W. and K. < teS , , per oz. 75c ; potassium Iodide , per V > , ? ! .50 ; sallcln , perez , 40c ; sul- Tihate mornhlne , per oz.52.V5 ; sulphur , per n > ,4c ; strychnine. t > eroz. S1.2) . Kuits AND OKIXS The lollowlng prices are for prime , well handled skins ; Heaver , prime , clean per pound ! S1.50@3.00 ; fall$1.26 @ 2.00 ; meaty nua iiilcrior. S1.00@1.U5. Hear , brown and griz/.ly. 85.008.oo ; rubs mid yearlings , S'-.00 4.00. Uadgor , M&dOc. Cat , wild , 20@0c ! ; domestic , black. 10jloc ( ; do mestic , sundrv colors , f@Sc. Fox , red , 81.00 @ 1.2cross ; , § 2.004.00 ; grnv , 40@r)0c ; sliver , S10.U ( ) < 340.00. Fisher. 54.00(3,0.00. ( Otter.S4.00 (30.00. ( Martin , S1.00j@1.70. Muskrat , win ter , largo , lite : fall , 5c ; Kills , lc. Mink , large , daik , MgMOc ; smalt and pale , 15@20c. line- coon , large prime , 40 ( < ? 50c ; small and inferior , 20@30c. Skunk , common , 15@25c. Wolf , large grey , Sl.noxiiS.nO ; coyote or jirairle , 75 ® l)0c. ) Doer nnd nntclope , winter , per pound 15c ; fall nnd summer , per pound 20c. Dry J-inmoor. BOARDS. No.l Com. 8.1. . 12,14 and 10 ft $17.50 No.3 " ' 12 , Hand 18 ft 14.75 No.3 " " 12liaudl61t 13.50 - ' - ' " " 12WandlOft 12.00 niMKXPIONS AND TIMilEltS. OEILINO , A.Jfn PAHTITION. 1st com. , &ln White 1'lno Partition..533.00 2d " " " " . . . . 27.50 SdCom. - In. Norway rinoCcillne. . . . 1100 FENCING. N o. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 and U ft. rough. . . 517.00 No. 8. 4 & Cinch. 12 and 14 ft. rouuh. . . 14.00 STOCK nOjLHDb. A 12 Inch. 8.1s. 400 S3rt.OO U12inch " " 4aD 23.50 No. 1. com. 12 In. , s. Is. . 10. 18 A 20 ft. . . 21.0G No. 2. " " ' " . . 18.5C No.3 , " " " 12teHft 17.00 " " " 10ft 10.0fl . . RIIIP i-Ar. No. 1. plaln.Snnd 10 Ineli 817.50 No. 2. plain.8 and 10 Incli 15.50 SHIXfll I" ? T A.TF * " ' A Vtandard , S2.50 ; No. 1 , 1'oa.M WhTto Cedar , 0 In. , KS , We ; 8 in. rs. , 'J e. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP nib THE BEST ROUTE too mm and COUNCIL BLIFTS i ) TWO TBAIN8 DAILY DETWEEN OMAHA COUNCIL DLUFl'3 Chlcsfs , AND Mllwauke St. Paul , Uinnoapolis , Cedar Rapids , Clluton , Dubuijuo , Davenport , Hockliland.Frouport , Rockford , Elgin , Madison , Janesvllle , Ueloit , Wlnona , La Crease , And all other Important point * Bait , Northeast and Southeast For through tickets call on the Ticket Agaa at 1401 Varnam street ( In Poxlon Hotel ) , or Union Paclllo Depot. Pullman bleoours and the finest Dining Can in the world are run dn' the main line * of the CHICAGO , MILWAUIBKIA ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and erery attention Is.pald to possengars ky oourteoni employes of the company. Ii. MILLMII , General Manager. J. V. TDOKIH , Assistant General Manager. A. V. B. OARPKNTBII , Qoneral Piuweijer and Ticket Agent. Quo. B. HuAFroiiu , Aatlstant Qeneral Paison- ger and Ticket Anent , . . . J , T. Oh ABU , Control Superintendent WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents FOR THE Omaha , Neb. Stone&Gravel The Cedar Creek Stone nnd firavc Quarry has just licon ojicnuil HJI foi business. A ? oed quality of wliito am blue liiuo stone for buililin purposes is furiiislieil by J. L FARTHING , The General SileHiiinn. Also gravel of tha finest quality foi lawn aud otliur puviiosca. Oillci-B at Plattsinoiith , Fob. Tne H. & M. rail roail uses a large amount of this stoiic fllE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. COUNOllj UIjUFFS. MORTH- w WESTERN W RAILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chicago. The njily road to tnka for Dea Molnes , Mnr- ihalliSwn.Codnr RRnlilB , Clinton , Dixie. Ohlcn- iro.Mllwaukeo and all points cast. To the people ple of Nehrnska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah , Iilrtho , Nevada , Orcfrnn , Waahln ton nnd Cali fornia , U offers superior advnnlugoa not possi ble by any other line. Among a few of the numerous points of in- nerlortty enjoyed by the patrons of this road between Omixtia nnil ClilenRO , are Hi two trnla * n day of DAY COACHES which are the nnent that hnmnn an and Ingenuity can crrntf. Its PA LACK 8I.KKHINO CARS , which ore modoli of eomfon and elognnco. Iti I'AKLOU DIIAW- INQ ROOM CAMS , uniurpancodbT any , nnd Iti widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CAIt8 , the equal of which cnnnot be found eliawhoro. At Counofl niuffi the t nil in of the Union Pad- Do Rjr. eonnoot In Union Depot with thn * of the Chlo & Northwcxtorn Ry. In Chlcafro the tnUnt of thli line make close connection with those of all ca t rn linns yor Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis , Clnoln- oatl. Nlajrnr * Falls. RtilTnlo , ftttshurir , Toronto , Montreal , lloston , New York , PhllndolphU , Hal- tlmor * . Wnshlngton and all pelnla In th * east , Mk the ticket arent for tickets via the "NORTHWKSTKHN. " If you wish the bnn nocommodatlon * . All ticket nirents cell tlrkuts r'n this line , II. H UQ niTT. It. P. WILSON. General Mnnniror , f > enl , I'nss'r Afont. w M. HAncocK.Clllcugo ' { J ; . 1101,1,1:3. : O W cstcrn Agt. City I'usn As Red Star Line Carrying the Delirium Royal nnd Unltod Btatoi Mnll.Eullliu uvury Saturday Between Antwerp ft New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL- LlND AND FRANCE , FAIJ , AND WINTKit Bilon from | GO to ITS. Excursion trip from $110 to tl X Second Cabin , outward , $15 ; prepaid , 1 15 ; excursion. I'M. StUorn e at low rates. Peter Wrlirht It Sons , Genera Agent * . U Uroadway , Now York. Tleiiry 1'unJt , Kit rurmunsu ; I'aulaen Sc Co. HU8 I 'an in in bt ; I ) . O Vnifimui1H } \ Tnrn.Mn OMAHA JOBBERS'DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. C11URVJIILL PARKER , Wholenle Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons , eud llutglon. Jone > flret't , bvtwuea UU _ tnJlOlb.Omuba N I > . _ LININGER tO METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Wttgont.Carrlaitcs , llngglea , Kte. , Wholcialc , Oimha. LEE , FRIED cC CO. , Jobbers of Ilanlwaro and Nails , Tinware , Hlieot Iron , Ktc. AgenU for Howe builes anil Mlmiil ruwdcr'o..Om b .Ni'b. HECTOR H'IL.IIELXY CO , , AVholcsalo Hardware. AVettom ncer ( for Jttrernon Plccl N lli. Audit I'owdcrCo , Kalrkanki htunilara bcalct Coroor IQtU unU lUrncr. Oroalia. _ I'A ULIN , OR ENDOR F < ti MA R'l 7J\ \ Agricultural Implements , ( Vagoni aud lluzglui. I01snjv0i und'jW , JOQII it DIRECTORY Artists' Material. Artists' Mnfcrlnls , Pianos nnd Orpans , IM3 ivongln" Ptrcpt , Omoha. Butter and Eggs. I ! 0 SClIHOEDElt , Dnycrs of Unttor nnil Kssrs. lUfrlRCMtor nml rurklna llouio. llth ntul I. worth St. U P. It. It. Tmck.iimnhK , Builders' Hardnar * and Scales. tA UGJr ,0 TA YLOK , Ktilldora'IInrthvnrcitScalo Repair Shop Mechanics' Toola nnd Iluffnlo Po lc . 1105 Doiigln U , Onuhn , Neb. Boots and Shoos. S1IOI1 COMl'AXT. W nufncturcr i > ml WUolf f Mo Dealers In I oots and Slioos , Complete tork of Hubl.fr tJnoils ninny ! on ImnJ Ull 8. 13111 lit. . Onmlin. Ntb.A.T Aiiitlii. Anent. jr. r. MO its K , p c'o. Jobbers of Hoots mid. Shops. 1411 Fnrnnnift. , Oranhn , Nch. Xlanutactorr , bumtaot HrpcMleHon , z. T. nxiii-fr , o co. Wlmlesaln Itnbbor HtviN ami Shoo * . nubaad011oaoiutliln nU Kelt Jnstuornor llth nnd DoUBliu. Beer , . JfKATIXG , . for Anheuscr-Husli Krowinf , ' Ass'n Bpcelil llrnniU. Knuit , llurtwclnpr nJ Frlangor. STOlt'ZA JLER , Lnjjer Heer Urowers , 1531 North Plh Hired , Oranhn , Neb. Butchers' Tools. HiitoluM'8' Tools anil Supplies , 3nu9fiKO CuilnKJ of nil kliuln nlwujB 111 cluck. 1515 Coffee , Spices , Etc. + f > * * fswr + ' * * wv * " * sv * ' * * * i' CLARKE JlliOS. C CO. , Omnlia ColTco ami Spice Mills. Tcs < .OoTco ! , Bplre . llaUlne I'owdcr , tracts , Lsundry llluo. Ink. ICtc. Hit-Ill lliirrej Sire ol , Ouinbn , Nob. ( SAT Kii , COLWd * MILES , Home roflooand Spice Mills M'f'er Co. CnrroHoisteraiuid ! Splm ( Irlmlorn , ManufMHircra of llaklnit 1'owdcr , llnorlne lixtrncl ; , Illiilnir. itr. : Try one cnsi1 of our ! imrknto IlomoIJIeiid Hunt ted OiITco. ln)9 Uoniird > t. , OmnbH , Ni'ti. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponctcr , Prop. Manufacturer of aalranlzocl Iron nnd Cornier. TO Dodge and 103 and IPS N. IDlh it. , om h , Neb. KUEMP1XG C ItOLTE , Mnmifucturcrs ot Ornamental Galvanized Cornlrcs , Dormer Windows , Klnn'n.Mclallcbkyllelit.etc. ' 3108. 12th tt. . Uiimlia. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spocbt , I'rop. GMrnnlied Iron Cornlcoa , etc. Btiuct'flmrrovod Patent - ent Mctnllc SkylltiliU OM and MU S. l-lli rt..OiiiHln , Carpets. OMAITA CARPET CO , , Jobbers of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , RUSTS , Mnolomns , Mattings , Ktc. 1611 1 Doug'aa Btrcct. S. A. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Cumin Unods , Etc. 1 < 23 1'iirnam btrcet , Omaha. Neb. Crockery and Notions. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for tbo Manufacturers and Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , I > amp . CbliuuujB , etc. Offlcc , S17 South 13tb tt , Onialia , Nob. Commission and Storage. J > . A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butler , Knesnnd 1'roducc. Consignments solicited. lleadquurtcrs for btonewaro , llerry IIox < > s und ( irape Hnnkeln. KI4 Dodjo street , Umabu. PEYCKE SROST Commission Merchants. Fruits , Produce and Prorliloni. Omaha , Neb. ' w. E. urn DELL , Storage and Commission Merchant. Bpeclultles nutter. KgR > . Cheese , Poultry , ( iaina , OyBtcrn , Ktc , ICtc. 112 Soiilh lltb Btrcot. WIEDEMAN 0 CO. , Froduco Commission Merchants , Poultry , Iluttcr , ( inmc , Krvtlts , etc. 320 B. litbit _ Onmlm. Neb. _ Coal antf Lime. COT Dcnlcra In Hard and Soft Coal , Offlco and yard , inth anil Nicholas Ms. , Omaha , Neb , ynr < Vl' ( > leiilinnoM7 , UEO. t. IAIUUII , | > ron. C. F. OOODMAN , V. Pius. J A. tm.SDEIil.AND , Sue. nnd Treaa. OMAHA COAL , COKE ,0 LIME Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. IV ) South Thirteenth Htrecl. Omaha , Nob. J. , T. tTOnNSOX 0 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo. And Hhlpptirs of Cottl nnil Coko. Cement , l'IUAtar < JJme , Hnlr. Tire Ilrlck , Drain , Tlio and KuncrPlpu , ( inieu , Puiton Hotul. Kurnum el. , Umiha , Nub , Telephone HI. Confectionery. F. F. FAY & CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of KiulliNut undCI uis. 12111'arunm St. Omaha. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYEll iV CO.t Jobbers of Clgara , Tobacco , Guns and Ammunition , 215 to 223 8. llth St. , 109) ) U lO.'i Kanintinl.OiiiiihHNal ) . WEST tO FRITSCIIER , Mannfactnrera of Kino Clears , And \Vbolesalp Denlern In Leaf Tobaccos , Nos , 10 aud 11U N , Utll ttrrut , O-niihu. Dry Goods. M. E , N.UJTjr 0 CO , , DrF(5ooda , Furnlshinsfd'oods & Notion ! 1102 and 1104 DouuUe , cor , lltb HI.Omnhii.Nnb. Distillers. Distillers of Liquors , Alcohol and Hplrlts. Importer ! and Joljbrrsof Wlncsnnd Liquors , WILLO W SI'RINGS JtlSTJLLE'l CO. and JLER 0 CO. , Importem and Jobber ! of Fine Wires and I.lqnori Bolu raanufxeturvrs nf Kvnn dj > > Kail India lilt- ter Hriill > ouiisllc l.lquura. 1112 llarney ht. Drain Tile , Etc , A. ll.SAfEH.Pr" . J.W.IIrninnn.Soc.ATroai U , J. CAIIhOK , V.l'rei. uud Kupt. THE U XIO N HYltRA ULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Offlco 213 S. Ulh st. Omaha. Neb , Miculnorr nni buppllfi for Mnnulueiiirln. Cement Dr.iln 'I lie. Furniture. DEU'EY , f'STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furnitura. rurrsru st. , Oinabn , Neb. C1IA RLEfi SillI'ElifCK , Fiirnlturi' Ueddlnj ' Tpholstery , , , , Mlrror , KIC , IJOfl , 1203 and 1210 Farnnm it. , Onmhr Groceries , A'LLAGll Wholesale Groceries and Provisions KOI ISu.'BT. T09 ol7l | B. lOtb bt .Omaliii , Neb Whnlo ale Grocer * , IA and LtiMVurpMB Hi , O it * . OMAHIJOBBERSDIRECTORY Hardware. ir. , r. ] Icnvy Hardware , Iron nnd Steel , JprlneiVnrnn Stock , llnrilnxrr I.unbtr , etc. 1XM ml 1211 lUrnrj it. , Dranh * . EDNEY , c > Vliolcsalo Iron nml Steel , \Vi > on ni1C iTl t Stoci. Unity Kic. HIT innan ) l.t > Tf nwortim. , ROGERS .C SONS , Stoves , HIIIIRCS , Knrnacrs , Tiles , Mtntlci.C.rttei , limit ( ioodi. 1331 nod 1333 Mrol. Iron Works. Iron Works , Wronghl nml Out Iron IliilMInK Work. Iron . ItAtlinK , llenms nml ( lint * , Mourn Kniilticf , ltrn v ' Work , lit nvril ffounilty. Mnetilno and IllirkimUll I \ > 'ot > . umcof > na\Vuik > , U. 1' . iiy-nmlUlriHioct. j K. II. MrMANt'S. ' O. SI'l.l.lVAX. j OMAlLtl U'UtE r JROX 11'OJtKS , Miiiiiifnctnrcr" ! of Wire nml Iron Huilingfs , Desk llullg , Wlii'tow ( lunrd * . Vloiror Htnnilj , Wlro Slsnn , Kta , 123 N. HHIi. Orilors bj mall L > rumptlr iillciulcrtto. Lumber. OMAJLl r.UMKER CO. , Denlar. . AllKliidduf Bnlldltiff Material at Wholcsp.lo. 18tli tlttcot nnd Union IMcino Triicli. Onmlm. " LOUIS 11RA It FORD , Denlor In Lumber , Imtli , Lime , Sasli , Doors , Kto , Ynrils Corner 7th nnd Uounlml Corner SHIinml CHICAGO LUMJIElt CO. , Wholcsnlo LtiinliL't1 , ill S. lllh fin-el , Omnlin , Noli , f. ColnoitPr. Mttiiiiner , C. N. D1ETZ , Ltunlicr. 13th nn 1 Cnllforrln Mroctn , Omnlm , Neb. Fit El ) W. GRA Y , Iiuinlirr , Limp , Cement , Etc. , Ktc. C'.r. fill and Duuglas ill. , oumhn. Nu . HOAGLAND , Lumber. T. W. HARVEYLUMHER CO. , To Dealers Only. Offlco , 1103 Karnfim itrof t.Oruiln. CIIAS. Jl. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpeta and 1'arquot Flooring. 9th uml Dotiglai Oiunlm. JOHN A. WAKEFJELI ) , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported und Aniprlrnn I'orllund Cement. Rtntt AKCUI JorllllwuHkoo lljdmullc Ccuiuulnna licit - > Live Stock. UNION STOCK YA11DS CO. , ' Of Omaha. Limited. John r. Boyd , Buporlntcndont , Uv Stock Commission. M. HURKE C SONS , Live Stock Commission. Clno. llurkr , I Union Flock Y rdK , H. inimlin. Telephone f l. SAVAGE , { ) GliEEN , Live Stock ConiiniKHion ilurclmnta , BblpmcnU of any nnd nil kliula of .Slock nullclted. Union Stock \an1n.Oinatia , Neb. Millinery and Notions. linportcn nnil Jobbort of Millinery and Notions , 1511 nncl 121.MInrnoy rU.'flot , Omshu , Neb. Notions. c. s. GoonjiTcir , c co. , Arotheonlj Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nebrnilin. ThlCHKn prices dupllratcd without add * Inu freight. HI5 KHnmni Mrcet , Onmlin. T. JtOJifNSON NOTION CO. , Wliolenalo Dealers In Notions and Furnishing Gooda , < ai and Ui B. Tenth fit , Omaha. VINYARD ,0 SCHNEIDER , JobbcraIn Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing Goods. ItKV.andlOM FMrnam at. , Omaha , Nc-l ) . Overalls. CANFIELD MA NUFACTURINa COMI'ANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jcani rauu , .Shirts , Ktc. 1102und 1101 Uoujlau Street , Omaha , Neb. Paper Boxes , T. L. WILKIE , Mnnufnctiiror of I'mwr Roxcs , B.lUUSt. , Oni iha , Nubru4kn. Urden by u llcltudaud will racalva prompt ntteutlon. Printing. JKEES PRINTING .loli Triiitcrs , Itlank Hook ilalora , Aud Hook lllndcrt. ICkl and Kfi South Kuuilrenth Ireet. Win itha , Noli. WESTERN XEWS1 > A PER UNIOX Auxiliary Publishers. Dealers In Typo , I'rcsnan and I'rlnteri'Bupplloi. Wt South Tnolfth hi real. Pumps. ItKOWNELL ,0 CO. , Manufudurera and I > e ler In , JiolIei'H & ( ioiieral Murlilnory Iron work , fttcnin 1'uinps. Haw Mllla , Acnitt Doilt'o Wuuil plll I'ullvya , llcilllni ; , otc , in , hcra | > i'iiiind bulollua. ' t. , Uuiiiliu , council ILL rvMP co. , " \VhoIosnlo \ PuniiH | , IMjie , FittiiiKS , Btenmiuicl Wntcr Bupplleii. llpmlnnnrtern f r Mail - > < ! > . lillliiriiiiiii m.liunhu.Neti. A. L. STRA NG CO , , Plpua and Engines , Bteara , Water , Itallwir unrl illlllni ; hupnllei. ICto. 920 , SttfunUKOnrnuru it. , ( Inialin , Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. nnlbdnT Wind Mllni rloam nl Wnler Hupnllet , J'lumblnaUocdii. lleltlni ; . lie r. | ix | Him ' . 'id far * iiatu it. , Ouialin. H. K. hVIInn , AUuick'tr. Tclcphnnu No , 2W. Safes , Etc. P. JiOYER C CO. , Atrouls for Hnll'B ' Kafo & Ijock OO.B * Tire and UMIK r Proof H.if.u , Time Ix.ckn , Vaults ork. lii ( > I iirnnra ulrext Oumln , Neb. G. ANDREEN , Omaha Safe Works. W nifacturfrnI ] Kirountl Ilurfl.irProofBnfcs , V ul | JJourn.Jall Work.hhuticri mul Wlru Work , Cur. lltli nmljurliiun Hli. , Oru lmNub , " Sash , Doors , Etc , MrA DISlRTr cb , , T/liok'mlo Mnnu.icturt > ri of Hash , Doors , liliiulH und lltnnrh u&ice.l ( J. / ' . LVMAN , Sash , Door , JHiiuU , Jilonhlliirs ( , I'ltpvr , ole , ljQ ( | Snutti 'llilitruiitb SlroeL lux , Null. A I'dmplelo alult c-f UullrtfU' JIOIIN MANUFACTURING CO.t Manufacturers , of Susli , Peers , Blinds , Mould-ni : * . ! tnlrWorkanrl Ir.iiTlor ll irl Wool KinliU Just DUtucil. N. 1 ! cor Illi nnd l.cnfonw Oui li , Neu. Wagons anil Carriages. - r - I ' A. t/ . The J.eatUns : Carriutre Factory , llll Uui'i'o itrr" , Oiv l .