HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 9 , 1887. while monopoly * continues to pool and fleece. \V hlle the railroads throughout the union , and their federated associates In manufacture nunually earn CO to 49 per cent , the land owners are compelled to put up with 1 nnd 2 per cent. When they complain of this Injustice , they are told to raise more corn and hogs and less " hcol. " It will not require a very aireful nnaljsls of the Mntistic.s of this state to show that them IB a ireniiliin cause of compliuit on queAlotis which affect a very largo proportion ot our population. On paoMof our Legislative Manual , the If tolal value of .Nebraska's agricultural pro- Ik ducts Is placed at the gross sum of 9. > i,033,022. IF These figures form a very Imposing anay , but before vvo get through with multlpllca- tlon , subtraction and division , they are de cidedly minified. They develop the fact of a criminal neghct on the jnrt of past legisla tures which I hope will not DO necessarily charged to this. Heloro accepllng the figures of the manual , let us Investigate for ourselves nnd compare notes. Its multiplication has been patriotically attended to , but Its subtraction has been sadly neglected. The filate board of apiculture reports thu entire . nmouut or grain raised In Ib85 as follows : It Kinds Hiishels Trice Total r Wheat 19,030M .50' S 3MIOO , ! ) Corn i.it.mmi : : .15 wm.'J" Oats ! M , 73,20.1 .10 8.U77 , < il3 Barley 4Gntj3J .25 1,1C1-2.J Kvo 3,7TO,3JO .23 M ffM Flax seed. . . . OSr,2. 4 1.00 r > 27.2. > t 1'otatoesI.TKI.OOO .23 1,087.7.10 llecf. lS4iOi,000 : Ibs , .O'ltf 4,347,000 Total gross value S4U,3.Mi2J Ills not unreasonable to estimate thu dairy , poultry and miscellaneous products at an amount , .sufllclent to enable us to agice with the X'aUX > , Vl estimate furnished in our manual. Now , It will Hkc 2.V,000 ) horses or mules to work ttio 100,000 tarmsIn Xcbra ka. It will taku nn average of twenty bushels of corn and twenty bushels of oats oteli to feed a work horse ono j ear , or 5,000,000 bushels per annum. At 10 cents a bushel for corn and 15 for oats , will requlro a reduction of 1,550,000. ( irantliiir that It takes onu bushel of corn to plant oliiht acres , and three bushels of oats to HOW an acre , calls for another reduction of { MOO.'yi To feed and fatten our cattle , at 'JO bushels p r head par annum , will requlro JiS.bOVi-io bushels of corn , valued at 15ctints , calls for another reduction of SU,41U,510. block men and farmers all agree that , Irom plghood until tlm tlmo It goes into the pork barret , a hog will eat on the average of eighteen bushels of corn. This calls for another | reduction of 30,084,710. To sow 1,218,475 acres to wheat will require 1D10U& ! bushels , worthS' > iU,5il. ( To sow G5,72S acres to llax will require 33bC4 , or S4UKK5. These Items are a part of each year's permanent Investment , and make a total sum of Sia.aVMlX ) . leaving a pltllul sum ot SW- 072,4'ito bo divided among thu 100,000 Ne braska farmers an average of SS'JO.TJ. Thu farmer has not had his living fruo out of this , as some optimists fondly Imagine. This amount simply represents the actual cash value of their gross products. Not a penny for gmb Is found in this calculation. \VlfI \ any one say that 5200 apiece Is too much to allow these men lor their labor ? It is only a dollar per day for liOO working davs. It Is depended upon to purchase fuel , fo'od and clothing for an average family of r v. How would von guntlomuu llko to work hard yoodays In the jear , nay all the wear nnd tear ot machinery , and taxes required on n one-fifth valuation , on 53,410 wortli of property , with only 3Uti.72 to do It with. Accoidlng to our manual the total value of Nebraska farms mo placed at S itt.'JJG.iJOO. Accepting tlio cash value per head of our horses and mules , as estimated by the de partment of agriculture at Washington our horses only , actually in service on thu farms , represents SUO.OOO.OOO. If we allow each farm SliOO worth of ma chinery , wo llnd 830,000,000 tied up here , making a total investment of 5341,000,000. This makes an average of 3J,410to each farm er. er.For the snko of comparison let us take a look at the condition of our few manufac tories. This same manual reports -.Nil estab lishments In the state of Nebraska , valued at S12T.-J,33.l. Each establishment represents an average investment of 84.447. TIM total value ot the product Is reported at S4'J,387,970. The cost ot labor and raw material Is given at S.)2,5b9- ) 310. Net uroht , after deducting cost of labor and raw material , 810,708,760. As the capital Invested is only 812,750,000. wt ) find that Nebraska manufacturers earned 84 per cent , BS against the farmers' 2.&MOO of 1 per cent. This is to say that SI Invested in manufactures shall earn nioro than twen- tr-nin and a half times as much as SI in vested In farm property , Lotus take ono moro loving squint at the railroads before tearing ourselves away from the subject. The amount piid out for labor on the part ot Nebraska railroads last year hardly exceeded 84,000,000 , which In cluded some BVl.OOOper annum for presidents a fair to medium .sin-Inkling of political at torneys , at 810,000 with a tan acre Held full ot lobbyists. At their actual cash value the railroad system of Nebraska oiuht not to cost ? : ,000.0'JO. Their earnings over the costof labor , was a trifle over eleven millions. Hero wo find an average earning of 33 pur cunt. A dollar Invested in railroads In Ne braska Is allowed , by combination , and tlio graclousness of Nebraska legislatures , to have an Interest drawing capacity ot cloven and two-thirds times greater than the farmeis' dollar. In 180001 , the farmers earned an annual gross sum of over 8700 per capita. Today , owing to the multiplicity of rings and combi nations , they are not earning four-tenths of that amount. And yet , characterless moun tebanks stand around these lohbvs and stulf greenhorns with the Idea that the farmers uio trettlng rich. Important Hnrlx-d Wire DoclHlon. ST. Louis , Feb. 8. United States District Jud.10 Treat rendered a decision in ono of the most celebrated manufacturing cases which has of late years been In the courts , that ot the Iowa Steel B rbed Wire company , of Aiarshalltown , la. , against the Southern Barbed Wire company , ot Sr Louis. The de cision was against the local comnany. declar ing that the Hess patent forbaibed wire man ufacturing , under which the St. Louis com pany was operating , was an infringement upo.i the Uurnell patent held by the Mar- Bhall'own company. This suit has been pending for three years , and the decision of Judge Treat Is regared by lawyers as the most important wire litigation since the do- rlsion of Judge Drnmmond at Chicago In the Ullddon case of lbS4. .Storms and Fninlno In Montana. CHICAGO , Feb. 8. A special dispatch from Fort bhaw , .Montana , sa > s : There wasahuavy snow storm Sunday night ex tending throuih northern Montana , from north of Foil Asslnabolno to Fort Shaw. From four to eight Indies fell , mak ing from fourteen to twenty Inches on the level. The rattle are Buffering tenlbly. The fuel famine stilt continues at Fort Ilenton. Coal Is ( > o a ton and Is extremely dlillcult to obtain even at that figure. Wood Is scarce and is selling nt a high figure. 'Iho Indian commlbsloners have been biiow bound at Choteau since January US. Tlio Cani | > nlK In Germany. UEHI.IN , Ftb. S. Police attempted to dis perse a Socialist meeting , which was being lield lu a bock biowery.it Stctton , last even ing , but failed. A foire of military was then summoned and with fixed bayonets drove thu ix-oplo fiom the hall. Several of the people weiu wounded bybajonet thrusts nnd one man is leportud killed. The hall In which the meeting vva- > held was completely wrecked. M Jlagrobutg , yesterdiv , twenty-four Roclallhts were aiiested on the charge of be longing to illegal societies. Arri-Ht of nil ninliez/lcr , OIIICAOO , Keb , a Honjamln H. Chamber lain , the bookkeeper for Combes , Hannah A ; Co. , Union Stock yards , who was arrested pome tlmn ago on thu charge of emherrmunt , nnd wab discharged for want of piobecutiun , was le-arreated vesiordav , A bund was given in the sum of S40,0oo , It Is stated that e\- jifrti who have been exaininlir ; the books , r Iiavedlbi-ovotvd a shortage of $11,000. IU illO48 l' " . llllt IVi. LOSIION , Feb. 8. The West London Com mercial bank ( limited ) lirw failed. Its doors were not opened this muinlng. The lirin did n small biuluc * * , consisting mostly in lo.ina to small tradei > . TOUOXTO , Out. . IVlu & The Cosgrove lirewlug and -Malting conmanv hib tailed. Liabilities $100,000 : assets , obO.OOO. * ICok WliiH at i > cnver. PuNVKit , Feb. 5. [ Special Telegram to Iho UEK. ] Eck won the tvvputy-uve-mile wee against A > , liint't'r tp-uleht by one lap , rnue , l hour IT tuluutes. THE COiDIISSION'S MARE UP , Gonudorablo Nervonsnpss in Washington As to Who Will Be Apointcd. WINDOW READY FOR SURPRISE. Frank Hntton nt the National Capital lioomlns ; John Sherman t'or President Const Defpuso Sentiment In tlio llonsn. AVImloin on the Ground. WASIII.NOTOX , Feb. 8. ( Special Telegram to the Uir : ] There continues to be a gicat deal of nervousness about the appointment of the Inter-statecommerco commission. Kx- secretary Wlndom , who Is at Wormloj's. ' sajs he Is hero on business connected with the Touuantepec railway , that ho has not seen the president , that he Is not a candidate for the inter-state commerce commission , and docs not expect to bo appointed. Ho sal s ho naturally ieelsgratllicd , at the favorable men- tloh of his name , but Is not seeking tins , or any other olilco. It Is generally be lieved , however , that Wiudom Is In n frame of mind whloti will not admit of a surprise ) should ho bo .sent for by.tlio president at any moment and tendered u place on the commis sion , It was stated at the white house that the president had concluded to postpone these appointments for a tow days. JIATTO.V J1OOMINQ SlIKItVIAN. Ex-Postmaster General Frank Uatton , now editor of the Chicago Mail , Is here , and de clares for Senator John Sherman for tlio presidential nomination. He says Sherman can cmy Now Vork against any democrat who can be nominated. COAST DKrnNsna. General llarmer , of Philadelphia , a leadIng - Ing member of the house committee on naval uflalrs , and an intlnnte personal friend of liepresentatlvo Handall , said to \oiir correspondent this morning that thu bills appropriating 521,000,000 for coast de fenses , which passed the senate yesterday , will be referred to the house commltteo on appropriatlons.and will bo favorably reported in tlmo to secure passage. Chairman Handall used to oppose the ex penditure of so much money for dotenses , but Is now heartily In favor of Ft. Ho could not allord to refuse active suppoit lor his con stituency demand It 1 believe at least Sli5 , ° 00,000 will bo appropriated at tills session lor coast defenses and navy. The northern lakes are to be piovlded with adequate de fenses. We cannot afford longer to subject Michigan , Ohio , NevV York , etc. , to such ex posure. Mrs. Cleveland's noon reception to-day was attended by about ouo hundred ladies and gentlemen who had been Invited to pay their respects at that hour. Mrs. Cleveland re ceived In the green parlor and looked very handsome In a toilet ot black silk and jet. Mrs. Folsom , Mrs. Cleveland's mother , was also present and held a court of her own In the rear partot the room. She alsowoie a rich black silk dross. Mrs. Cleveland says Hhe Is quite well satlflicd with the determina tion to exclude the general public at her private reception , and intends to hereafter admit only those who receive invitations from her. NKIIHASICA. AJiD IOWA mNSIONS. Pensions granted Nolnaskans to-dav : James Barnes , Scotvllle ; George W. 13. Telft , Heaver City ; Alexander S. Adams , Old ; Kdward U. Wright. Omaha. Pensions granted lowans : Arthur Green , Cioton ; Benjamin W. Searle , Ottiiinvva ; Charles S. Heinman , Clannda ; John liates , Oskaloosa ; Joseph M. Kilgore , Washington ; George lllckmaii , Newton ; Thomas Giillin , Uritt ; William Lickens , Barnes City ; Justus M. Ithodcs , Jefferson ; Albeit John son , Svvedesburg ; Leroy S. Stouer , Mel- bourn. MTLITAIIY JIATTHUS. Post Chaplain Oavid Wilson has been granted tour months' leave ot absence , com mencing ihoOth instant The leave of absence granted Captain F. White has been extended six mouths on sur geon's certihcato of disability. Serscant Edward Smith , of the Third artillery band , has been granted a iurloiuh for thirty days trout the atscnal hero. Army leaves granted : LieutenaiitColonel Joseph S. Conrad , Twenty-second Intantry , Fort Lyon , Colorado , ono month ; Captain Lafayette K. Campbell , assistant cmartermas- tet , Fort Loavenvvortli , twenty days. PAlBNThTO WESTIIIIN INVKNTOIIS. Patents were issued for the following to day : John C. lion null and IX Gibson , ilur- lington , la. , head-rest ; Couielius Cook , Fre mont. Neb. , giadcr ana ditchei : John Faw- cet , West Union , la. , window blind ; Charles D. Hanson , Dos Molnes , la. , device for trans planting trees ; Frank M. H. Kcmpul , PlattH- mouth. Neb. , com planter ; Marv K. llope- k rk. Agency , la. , nat proetctor ; Ellas P. Jenlson , Kock Valley , In. , violin tall piece : John K. Jones , Clarksvllle , la. , egg case ; Wright Kuapp , Evelaml Grove , la. , machine for binding and tightening fence wires ; John Markman , assignor of one-half to P. J. Mackey , Muscattne , la. , sham ) retainer ; Mil ton Gppenhelmer , Shcnaudoah , la , , autom atic windmill attachment ; Parry C. Pittln- irer , Mount Pleasant , la. , snade ; Charles B. Putnam , Marlon , la. , windmill towei ; Henry J. Sclimeuer , Burlington , la. , tougueless cultivator ; Hansom S. bumner , Fulleiton , Neb. , car coupling ; Geoigo I. Wau''htal , Mason City , la. , harrow ; Thomas C. Young , St. Charles , la , , corn planter. 1'OSTAT , CHA.NfinS. John Prultt was appointed postmaster at Blanchard , Page county , lovva , vice Barrett Thurman , resigned. Georeo Elliott has been designated acting postuuCstei at Giccn Mountain , la. A postofllco has been established at Field ing , Cheiokeo county , Iowa , and Matthew Gi ecu appointed postmaster. Channel have been made In the time schedules of Nebiaska star mall routes as fol lows : HLoup City to Dannebrog Leave Loup City Mondays , Wednesdays nnd Fridays at 8 a. m. , arrive at Daunebrot : by 4 p. m. ; icavo Dannebrog Tuesdav s , Thursdays and batur- dajs at 8 a. m. , ai live at Loup Citv by 4 p. m. Almerla to Ord , Burwell to Ida Leave Almerla dally , except Sunday , at 7 a. in. , ar rive at Ord by 7:80 : p. m. ; leave Ord dally , except Sundays , at 7 a. m. , arrive at Almeilaby 7:110 : p. m. : leave Burwell Tues days , Thmsday.s and Saturdays at 'J p. in. ; arrive at Ida by 3:15 : p. m. , leave Ida Tues days , Thursdays and Saturdays at a'j3 : ' p. m. , arrive at Burwell by 4:40 : p. m. I'lJItSOXAI , MKNTION . C. S. lllgglns and sou , of Omaha , are at the Ebbitt. Miss Weaver and Miss Glllett , of Iowa , an nounce that they w ill bo at home on Wed nesdays during the rest of the session at 101. ! fourteenth stiect , northwest. FOUTV-Nl.NTtl CONCKKSS. Somite. WASIIINOTOX , Feb. S. Mr. Ingalls pre sented a mciuoilnlof citizens of Lexington , 0. , asking the Initiatory ot nozotlatious tor the acquisition of Canada. Referred to the committee on foreign relations. House bills were reported back from the committee on military affairs and placed on the calendar , as follows : To authorize the hecietary ot war to credit the territory of Dakota with ceitaln sums for ordrnnco nnd orunaneu stores Issued by said territory ; to provide for the location and erection of a branch homo lor disabled volunteer soldiers vvcbt of the Itocky mountains , Mr , Van W > ek ollered n resolution ivquost- Ing the commltteo on approinlations to have lead In the senate any communications re ceived from the commissioner general ot the land oltieo showing the disposition of moneys heietpforo appioprlated for suivoys of public and bearing on jailroad land , and on lands hi Aevnda refeired to in the senate deb-Ues last week. Attei some discussion the icsolu- tion went ovei till to-morrow. Iho follow Ing bill passed the senate : To prohibit any olllcer , agent or servant of the government hiring 01 coutractina- thu laboi ot prisoners. , , A''clock , the unliuUhed business ( the had s bilh ent over until Thursday. i lie henate bill for securing statistics of . ? "ktie"t ftl'd value of. the veel fisheries of tlm United Statoi was po.ssed. J ho house bill relating to importing and loading ot mackerel cauuhtdiniugthespawn- ing season was taken up. During the dis cussion on thu bill Mr , Edmunds presented a leport fiom the commissioner of lUlierky as to complaints tiom owners \esselsof ill tieatment ou the Canadian coast , showing sivty-sevtm cases in addition tp those re ported to the sufo dtpaitmeut Ordered printed. On motlou of Mr. Hoar on amendment was adopted postponing UIP period when' the bill l < to take cflicl from March 1 , Ibi7 , to March 1 , ivy * . Without dhposlnc of the bill the senate went into secret session and soon adjourned. Hiinse. WASHINGTON' , Feb. 3. Under the special order , the floor was accordc-d to the commit tee on foreign relations and the house wont Into a committee of the whole on the scnato bill to Indemnify ccrtiln subjects of the Chinese empire for losses sustained by the \lolenccof a mob at liock Springs , Wyom ing t'-rrltory , Septembers , isss. Mr. Belmoiit ot New York dwelt upon the necessity of the United States Roveininont granting Indemnity for losses Inflicted and commended the action of the Chinese author ities since this occutrpiico. Thu icspectlvu merits of the sen ite/ bill ( which piovides for thcasceitalnmeiit of the looses Incurred ) and the house bill ( which makes a dliect ap- prourlatlon ot Sll,71S ) were discussed. Mr. Morrow of California favotcd the senate - ate bill and criticised congress for not pcr- fotming Its duty to the country by the pas sage ot the bill icstilctln ? Chinese Immigra tion. ' 1 ho house bill was substituted for the sen ate bill 101 to 03 and as so amended thu bill was passed. The house then passed the senate bill pro hibiting thu Importation of opium Into the United States by any subject of the emperor ofriilna. Thohouso passed the bill to carry Into effect the Intel national convention ot Mnich 4 , IbSM. for the protection of subnmrlnucables. Mr. McCtoary of Kentucky called up tlio bill authorising tho-piesld ( > iit of tlio United States to arrange a conference for the pur pose of promoting aibitratlon and encourag ing reciprocal commercial relations between the United States ot America nnd Urn repub lics of Mexico , Cential and South Ametlca nnd thu empire of Bra/.il. Pending action the house took a recess , the evening session to bo for the dellveiy of eulogies. A HIjOODY li-lGHT. Two Texas Families Fljjht to the Death rour Persons Ullloil. DE KAT.H , Te.x. , Feb. 8. [ Spelal Tele gram to the liisn.1 This town was thrown Into a fever of excitement yesterday when a man on horseback came dashing Into town with information that a deadly light had been loughtabout four miles from heio. Four male members of a family named White were pitted against Colonel John K. Hosser , his son Willie , aged 15 , and a hired man named Mulltns , resulting In the killing of the three Whites and Colonel Hosser and the wounding of the boy. A few minutes sufficed to impanel a jury , who , In company with the ollicers and J ustlco Proctor , left huriledly for the scone of bloodshed. A ride of an hour brought the party to the battle ground. Thu homo ot the Whites con sisted of one room twenty feet square. The party enteied and weio struck with horror at the scene. On the ground In trout of the entrance was louiid tlio body of ,1. C. White , a bullet hole through his breast and one throueh his side. In the center of the room in a gieat pool of blood , lav A\ alter White dead , shot twice through the neck and bieast. Upon the bed was Law-son White , dead , witli gun cocked and clutched In his Hand. A bullet hole through his head told how lie met his death. In one coiner ot the loom was found young Hossor , stiot through the side , with a Winchester at his side. Blood was ever ) whom and over evcritliiinr. Tlio weaoons that wrought so much destruction were scatteied promiscuously about. But this scone ot death did not end heie. Halt a mile fHither ou tlm home ot Ho ser was renohcd. lleie in tlio center of tlio room was tlio deau body of Kosser , suirounded by his vvVeninjr family. Ho had received a death wound at the hands of White , but being a man of great vitality , mounted his lioise , after having , as he supposed , killed all the Whites , and rode home , djing at his own door. The feud had its origin in a law suit. Whitopuiclused the propeity ho was living on from Kosser over a jcaraao , hut failed to pay for it and Kosser brought suit to obtain possession. Writs were served on Wliito last week , tiut he retusod to vacate , and yes terday Kosser took his son and went to the Whites to eject the family. The rest of the story as told by young Kotser is this : The elder White shot him and his father , and he shot the old man White once and then tinned Ids rifle upon the White bovs to keep them from killing his father. About fifteen shots were fired. Kosser's hired man , Mul lens lias disappeared. What pait he played in the awful trairedy is not known. Search Is being made tor him. LOST 11EU Sl'KCIAIj HATI38. Jlubuquc's Preleht Tariffs liaised by tjxp ICnilronilB. DtniuqUE , liu/Nb. -Special [ Telegram to the BuE.J Thoiljrst city In the United States to feel the eiTcct he new Inter-state commerce law Is Dubuque. The Telegraph sa\s : "Dubuque to-day has the proud , if it be the coitly , prlyllego of being peihaps the lirst city In tno nation to experience the ettect oE the Inter-state commerce law. All rates to Dubuque are special , which is to say that they are made without regard to rates to points either side of the city. Yesterday the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Illinois Central placed in effect a new tariff between Chicago and Dubuque. The most notable advance is in sugar. Until to day the rate was 12K cents per hundred tor twenty-live barrels or over. Now it Is U cents per hundred in car lots and 20 cents in less than car lots. A heavy advance had also been made in boots and shoes , in groceries other than sugar , and in other aiticles. The Chicago , Milwaukee i\j St Paul agent has also been instructed to notify Dubuque shippers that all special tates will bo withdrawn March III , n few dajs be- lore tlio inter-state commerce law goes Into effect. " _ Disastrous Railroad Wreck , Diss MOINKS , la. , Feb. 8. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. | A Difbuqtio special says that a disastrous wreck occurred early this morning on the Chicago , Burlington & Northern railway at Hay station , four miles Boulh of East Dubuque. The rain last night had caused a wash-out and the engine and twelve cars of n freight train went down the embankment. The cars weio loaded with coal oil and coal and were smashed to kind- line. The engineer , Vaughn , was seriously bruised. At Durance , six miles north of Dubuque , the bridge over the Manuoketa river on thu Minnesota & Northwestern toad was washed out this morning. Six loaded freight 'cars were thrown into tlio creek into tvvcnty fe.nt or water. Two spans ot the biidge were washed out _ Floods Delay Trains , Duiit'QUi : , la. , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram to the Bii.J : Trains on all roads 'lending Into this elty are delayed or abandoned on account of the floods. Some bridges have been f wept away , OrrtnivvA , la. , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram to thu BHE. ] An Eddyville special says that the ice started In the Dei Molncs river at 0:30 : this morning , talcing out thu falsn work of thetirat spauot the new budge , diopping the striiiL'ois and floor bi ams into thoiiver and knockiiu the Iron pier out of plumb , The damage is 31,003. The. river Is clear hero and rising rapidly. The weather Is freezing and windy. Chanced tlio Kcocivcrs. DCS MOINES , la. , Veb. 8. [ Special Tele- piam to the BKE. ] The district court this morning set aside the appointment of Frank Allen as receiver ot the bankiupt Monarch Insurance company and appointed instead Mr. Isaac Brandt. Mr. Allen was president ot the company and his appointment as re ceiver was lollowed'at once oy piotests from creditors. to Persia. Dis : Moixis : , la. , Feb. 8. [ Special Tele- pram to the Bun.J Serglns Bar , Mosea and Oshann Bar , and Jesus Chaldean , students of Drake university , will bo ordained this even ing and give a f.uewcll reception. Alter a trip through the eastern states they will re turn to Ttiheian , Persia , to take chaigu of a Christian inLssioU. Jack Hanlev is in training for a fight vyiUi George LaBIancho , tlio "marine , " which is to conio oil" near St. Paul , Feb ruary 2(1 ( , for a purse of $1,000. Johnrjy and Kil Hothery , of tills city are backing Ilatiloy in the affair. , ADOPTING A USE OF POLICY , The Central Trnffib Association Meets and Discusses In er-fetnto Coaimerco. NOTHING DEFINITE DECIDED. ComniUslnnnr lllnnctiaril Tlilnkt the Organization Crjit Still llctnalti tti Existence : Under the ' Now ijavv. Tan tlio Pool Ho Mnlntnlnort ? Ci.Kvr.r..VNi > , Feb. 8. The executive com mittee of the Conttal Traflle association met to-day nt the ofllcc of President Newell , ot the Lake Shore , nnd adopted n very Import ant scries of resolutions. The meeting had been called for the purpose of decidingtho fate of the oiganlzatlon whether , under the Intel-state commerce act , It could maintain an existence ; It so , In what form and what its relations to ihls recent national legisla tion were. Commissioner IJIanrhard deliv ered an address to the committee outlining what ho thought should bo thu policy of the association In i aspect to the Inter-state com merce act Olher addressed followed from vailotts members , and icsolulions embodying the sentiment and opinion expressed weio unanimously adopted. . These resolutions are In effect that the committee recommends that the Contrail radio association bo con tinued , with thu nnilL'istanding that Us methods , statistical statements , etc. , be re vised to conform with such railway action under the Inter-state law as shall bo dually decided upon ; tlmt the law should bo ac cepted , Interpreted with a just togard for the great mtituil railway nnd public Interests In volved generally , In conformity with the definitions of the law ns explained bj Sena tor Culloui In the senate debate thereon , and the association will co-operate with the com- mlssloneisunder the Intel-state commerce law , In securing , as far as josslble , the benehts of that bill and In the faithful observance ot all Its ptovislons ; that the committee meet with the trunk line executive committee on the call of the latter , and that the joint cxeiu'lve committee so constituted lor that purpose proceed to such further agreement and recommendations of detail as may be required by the Interpretation of Urn act agreed upon by such executive committee , nnd then submit the same to a meeting of the association for its Hn.il action. It will bo noticed that the shape which * ho association will assume Is not dictated that it is lett for n future meeting ot the associa tion to deteimlue. A renoiter met Commissioner IJIanchard after the meeting adjourned and inquired whether , In his opinion , an edieieiit org.in- l/ation could bu maintained In face of the stncturpsas to poolhu'which the luter-stato commerce act presented. "Thi'ie is no doubt of It , " roulipil Hlaneh- artl. "These Is a very eiroiicous Impression with a L'reit many people that the object of the Central Tratlic association is to pool the business ot Its luembt'is. The leal purpose off the association is to maintain Kites , anil the pooling of business Is onlv one of the means adopted to obtain this , -object. " "And can rates be maintained without Borne means of nptvntionlng business ftom common points among competitive linesV" "Undoubtedly. Some membeis believe that under tlio inter-state commerce act means can bo devised whereby business may bu appoitinned without violating the clause piohibiting pooling , but tlio general feeling Is not to attempt anything of this kind just now. but to nllovv each line to keep all the business It gets. " "Would not that encourage the cutting of rates'.1" " .No ; for the reason that it must bo done openly and tor everybody. Cutting of lates in the past has been most disastrous because It was done secretly and in favor ol lai o bhlpnris. A roaa vvoulu make a induction quietly and scoop all the business. The other lines would not k low of it until It was too late , but now they Will know it at once and can meet it piomptly , So that there will bo no advantagn to be obtained by a icductlou. " THE STOCK MAKKUT. Not KspcclnUy Active But Prices Well SiiHtaineil. Nr.vv Yomc , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram to the IJnu.J The stock market was not espe cially active to-day , but prices were vrcll sus tained. St. Paul was the bull card , and tlio rest of the market was held pilnclpally on the strength it exhibited. Various stories were current in regard to the St. Paul pool. It was , however , conceded that Armour was not In tlie deal and a sharp advance to ! ) } > furnished the bust evidence that the noel had strong backing. Northwestern was can led up a point in sympathy wlt'i ' tlio movement In St. Paul , but the top prices were not sustained. Outside of granger stocks , which were undo to appear strong by the noel support of St. Paul , the market acted heavy and tlio advlcoghen by conservative vative commission houses was to wait fora reaction before buying. Coal stocks opened higher than yiwteiday's closing , but were unable to make much of an advance. There ) was some talk of a bull y ° < > l in Pacific Mail. The advance ot nearly 2 per cent In it could haidly bu explained as due to buying of an ordinaiy kind. It was thought that a com bination had been formed to put tlio stock up on expected -benefits which would accrue thtough the opciation of the Inter-state entn- meico law. The ( act thatCorbin was in con ference with a commltteo of thu striking coal handlei.s cave coil stocks some strength , but when it was announced later that nothing had been accomplished there was a rush to soil stocks , whicli carried tlio market down. War minor ) were received In abundance and oxeicised a disquieting Inlluenco. St. Paul weakened toward the close , and as It was the cniet bull caul In the market , thu rest of the list declined in sympathy. Tlio total sales weie about 300,000 shares. TI3LIJOKA1MI NOTES. The Italian cabinet has resigned. Troops aio being concentrated In Southern llussia. Fair weather , warmer , are the indications for to day. Troops were railed out to suppress a riot among the striking miuuia at liluntjre , Scotland , yesterday. The president yesterday signed the Indian landsoveialty bill and the "Uaclc Hone" land trailt forfeiture bill. IJeach Uas accepted a challenge to row Han Ian , and the latter will start for Aui > - tialia n bunt thu end ot August. Destructive Hoods , the result of recent heavy rains , are reported from Helolt , Tattle- vlllo and oilier Wlbcoijsjn points. Peter Smith was arrested at Columbus , O , , on suspicion of being imeot the gang who lescued thcciook .McMiuiu at lUvunna last week. , The Gorman minister .at Tanglers has been Bimimoned to Itiirlln oh account ot'an im portant change seemed , by Franco ot the Algerian irotitlei. The National Sugar prowets' association met In St. Louis jest ritiy. and an imciest- ing addiess by Commissioner Colinan was lead by thesecretaiy.j ' Latent advices from the While Illver Junc tion disaster frhovv that Uilrty-four psissongeis nut known to haui hMiu killed and thirtjlx in Jin eel. Fifteen bodies luvu been Identified , ( inventor I'orakei , $ f Qhlo , was authoii/ed by the legiblattue to elm | a toward ot S10.UOO for the thu uirest of 4ho outlaws who made the assault upon the Cleveland ullicer& at Ua- venua. , ( ' ( .eorse Franklin Anderson , hal'lin from Detioit , has been committed tor trial in Lon don , England , tor KwindlingCharles Dcakln. ot busquuhanim , Pa. , out of a huge sum of money on the bo jus English estate plan , Detectives having charge Mof iho case of Henry Schwartz , the supposed Itoek Island train robber , have .struck a new clue , having discovered the prisoner's lirst wite. The nature of the developments are , however , kept seciet. The president yesterday sent to the Mouse , In answer to the resolution Introduced by Sir. lielniimt , copies ) ot till ) correspondence between the department ot Mate and the gov ernment of Gieat Britain relatho to the bcli- ures made by the Canadian government. To Contractors and Builders. Will bell 500,00.0 bricks , best quality , nt low ti < rures , PLATTSMOUTJI HUICK & TKIUI.V COTTA Co. , riutU mouth , Neb. SMITH AND ? tITCIULIj. ; How They Propose to Wlml tip the Career of Sullivan , ICopt/rfoM ? SS7M/Jiunr < Gordon Ucnntft.l LONDON. Feb. 7. [ New Yoik llcr.ild Cable-Special to the HUE. ] I met Jem Smith and Charier Mitchell this evening In the Washington music hall. They had just leturncd from a provincial boxing tour , heretofore rrlcrrcd to In the ilerald dis patches. Mitchell showed mo as n present to them last week In Dublin by Irish .sports men of two pold lockets with Shamrocks on the outside , the leaves made of emeralds and the stem of diamonds. "When do j on go to New Yoik ? " "In about three weeks , " said Mitchell. " 1 nm seven pounds heavier than when 1 left U. He ( pointing to Smith who left tlio talking to Mitchell ) will fight at ItO pounds. " At this Smith's smllo seemed heavier than that. "i'os , wo are both thoion'hly healthful and hope to have a gooiltlmo In America when wo meet our old friends. Please say to the American public that Smith don't want any exhibition with Sullivan In any respect , or any merely money making trans ictlons. " At which Smith gave a hearty nod of assent. "All you want , don't j on , Jem , Is to meet him in a twenty-four foot ring In the old style for a substantial stake. " Another nod. "Ho will not light In any place that Sullivan chooses to select , but In n fair place , and wheie Smith will receive American fair play. When I was In America Sullivan twlco re fused to light me , nnd paid the forfeit. Sulli van , 1 see by the Herald you show me , calls me Cunning Charlie , and is credited with saying that I want to make money out of him. 1 want to know how I possibly can make money out of him ? All that 1 ask Is that when wo arrive lie shall Tight mo with Knuckles. Jem and I are willing to light , In n fortnight after our arrival , anyone ono In the United States. ling- lish sportsmen , for the last two months , have been willing to make a match for Smith with Sullivan for 81,000 or S'J.OOO n side and have olfeicd every inducement to Sullivan to come over. Ills refusal icsnlts in our deter mination to go over and light him In Amer ica. We do notgoovcrfoi the solo purpose ot meeting him : but are open to meet all comers up to any price. " Mitchell , thus far , was the spokesman , and he looked as unlike a prl/e fighter as Wilson Barret looks unlike an actor when ho is at the dinner table. Mitchell wore a dark suit , tlio oveicoat being trimmed with military biaid and the collar and cuffs being of heavy .sable , also a l.u go diamond lioiso shoe pin , and two diamond rings. He spoke in n soft , low voice. Smith , who was very reserved , not to say moioso , was dressed in dark tweed , and woic a heavy oveicoat , the collar and culls of which were trimmed with AbUakhan , but no jewels. I then said to Smith : "What do you think of Sullivan , from what you have read and heard of him. " He replied in a deep , double G bass , speak ing as if It were out of great good nature : "Well , lie Is only ono man. He Is not two men. Ho has never eaten anj body. Ho has never killed anyone , and I feel confident that 1 can fet tlio better of him. " When ho paused at this point his determined look grew pleasant , for Mrs. Smith , a pretty and tastefully dressed woman , with the bright e.vesofa lion tamer , was beckoning him to her side , and ho said : " ( Jood night" It is announced to-day by tlio Sportsman news- piper that a giand assault at arms , under Its promotion , will soon occur at the royal acquarium , Westminster , on Februaiy 21 and 2J lust. , according to Queensbury rules , for two sums * of 25 so\crigns in prices , while Smith and Mitchell will wind up each even ing witli an exhibition ot their boxing science. THE IjAWS IMCLiAY. Kngllsh Comment on American Jinx- itj- With Criminals. irojij/r/u/il / lfS7 by James Gnnlnn llcnnctt. ] LONDON , Feb. 8. | Now York Ilerald Cable Special to tlio Uni : . ] The evening's Globe , evidently taking for Its text that in Lancashire next Tuesday a man will bo exe cuted for a murder committed one week after last New Year's day , invites attention to the laxity In America of carrj ing out sen tence. The Globe instances the ease of Maxwell in St. Louis , of Spies in Chicago , and of other cases In New Yoik and elsewhere It ironically si > s , touching tlio delay : "Alter sentence has been passed in America , the law of the republic holds as a first prin ciple that every possible chance should be given to a suspect to prove his Innocence. The law will not take a mean advantage ol a suspect simply because circumstances nro cruel towaid him. In a few years the wit nesses might forget the point of their evidence , or die , or be come aldermen , or in some other way make themselves unworthy of trust. The prisioner himself , in the inter val , might succumb to high living or old age , but that would bu his own lookout and the law would only pity his misfortune in his untimely dropping oil. In no part of the world has crime n better chance of escaping with impunity than In the great republic. It Is rampant and detmnt. The Knowledge of U Is no barrier to acceptance in business circles and a known criminal Is apt to be regauled ns a little above the rest. The ball system , and the theory that a suspected man should bo given all facilities for proving his possible or impossible innocence , are at the bottom of this state ot things. " After citing other American Instances , nnd especially civil injunction a.-aiust the execution of criminals , as procedures being curious to English lawyers , the Globe con cludes : "So the merry farce goes on. Oc- casionly theio is a noise about It Some times an exposure of some exceptionally hid eous travesty calls attention to the hard fact that justice Is crippled and that all kinds of deviltry are wandering loose , that rascals snap their lingers at the law as though they owned the city not a far-fetched supposition and the opinion Is oxpiesscd that when people understand the situation they at oncn Institute vigorous remedial meas ures and show criminals that the laws are made ot triple steel and law breakers will bo handled so roughly and justly that the states will quickly bo rid of them. Never theless , the pcoplo do not do anything of the kind. They complacently turn over to the columns where diabolical outrages and Wall street reports aio wiitten. " I have observed similar comments In the Kngllsh press lately with expressions of but "tho laws " has wonderment , delay" loft the land of Shakospeaio to becouie a pioveib in the new countiy. THE AMERICAN OAUDINALS. They ore Having an Knjoyalile Tlmo In rarjs. [ Cii ) > l/HoM llVftlniJnmet ( Jonlnii JltnnettA PAIUS. ( via Havre ) , Feb. 8. | New Voik Herald Cable-Special to the Ur.K.J The American cardinals aio having quite an ova tion In Paris. Cardinal Gibbons peifonned mass to-day at the chinch of Saint Koch , near the avenue do La- pora. Cardinal Tnscliereau performed mass at Mont Martre. Jtnth the cardinals ate an excellent dinner a la fouichctlo at the seminary attached to the church of Saint Sulpice at noon , and afterwards paid a visit to the Archbi'/iop of ParH , who chatted very pleasantly with them for about an hour. Caidlnal Gibbons then drove to thu studio of llealuy , the American artist , to whom he gave a prelim inary sitting for the portrait intended for the Ualtlmorn cathedral. The Blttlii S will bu re- .sumedinthe spung when the cardinal je- turns from Rome. At 4 o'clock Mr. McLane , tie American minister , called upon Car dinal Gibbous at the Hotel Uluda and had quite a Ionic talk with htm.- The cardinals leave for Homo on Thursday , They are both In first-rate health and spirits and have been bronzed by the sea voyage , which they enjojcd immensely. They are having a delightful tlmo In Paris. 'the invi tations to breakfasts , dliincis and services from the Faubourg Saint Germain are al most taklnc them by storm , The weather hero Is coldcand clear. Cardinal Gibbons told me , as I took le.avoof him this afternoon , that It was almost as cold as when ho left Now York but much moro damp. Mormons On to Washington. SALT L.VKI ; , Feb. 8. [ Special Telegram to the Hrr.1 The Mormon lobby lelt hero for Washington last night to work against the Kdmunds-Tiicker bill. Among them are IX A. Smith , president of the council , and W , W. Ullock , speaker ot the house of the last legislature. Major Armstrong and other otllcials. The talk hero Is that they po as monogamous Mormons , prepaied to promise to glvo up pol > gamy provided the Mormons are not incased and Utah bo admitted nsa slate , alter which they would do ns they pleated , The Gentiles hero aio much dis couraged at the delay and begin to dread another failure of congress to assert Itself against Mormon treason. The Financial World. LONDON , Feb. 8. The stock exchange markets closed rather firmer. American se curities , however , were tlat , notwithstanding New York people were buying heio. P.Mits , Feb. 8. The bontso Closed tlat o\v- Ing to unfavorable rumors fiom Germany. AMUHIJM13NTS. Mlai lUncKlo Mltcliell'fl I'rrTortnntico In "Mttlo Itnrcfoot. " .Miss Maggie Mitchell played "Little Hsirofoot" at the lloyd last night to n house which was pnekoil from the carpet to the plaster. The play ran smoothly and twice during its projireps the star was called before the curtain. Miss Mitchell has been nccoidud this recogni tion doubtless numberless times , thoujih it may well bo asked whether her recalls of last evening were prompted by artistic appreciation or that sympathetic feelinu which , it is alleged , makes a lariro part of the world's population kin. Urovltios. Thomas F. 15arr , United States army , is ut the I'.iNton. Mrs. J. K. Nicholas has ROUO to Kansas to visit an old school friend. William Alstadt loaves to-iiilit { for Chicago cage and Milwaukee on a business trip of about ten da s. A regiment of seven sorry-looking tramps was arranged before Judge Ston- bcrg yesterday morning in police court. Four vveru sent tin for thirty days ami the others worn discharged. Charles Haker and Mike McUaun , who had a row in u house of ill-repute , were lined $50 ami costs. G. H. Horton. the inspector of the \Vcst- orn Unionhas returned from a visit to Ueadwood , Dakota. Ho had both of his hands oadly frozen in an intensely cold stage coach ride from Kapid City to Dead wood. Ho reports that the ice on the telegraph wires in the vicinity of Valentino was as thick as his arm. Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease , with distressing ami ntrcnsHo sjiupUmis. Hood's Saisaparllli phcs ready relief and speedy cure , from the fact It acts through tlio blood , and thus reaches every part of the system. " I suffered vIth catarrh fifteen ycirs. Took Hood's Sarsjpadlla and I am not tioublcd any with catarrh , and my general licilth is much better. " I. W. I.IM.IS , 1'ostal Clerk Chicago & St. Louis Kailrond. " 1 suffered with catarrh C or 8 j cars ; tried many wonderful cures , inhalers , etc. , spend ing nearly ono hundred dollars without benefit. I tried Hood's Sarsipanlla , and was greatly Improved. " M. A. ACUEV , Worcester , Mass. Hood's Birsaparllla Is cluracterlrcd by three peculiarities : 1st , the combination of remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ; 3d , the process ot securing the active medicinal qualities. The rcsultisamcdlchiootunusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Scud for book containiug additional evidence , "Hood's Sirsanarilla tones up my system , purifies my blooil , sharpens mv appetite , and seems to nnko mo ovei. " J. r. THOMPSON , Ik'gistcr of Deeds , Lowell , Mass. "Hood's Sarsip.irllli beats all others , and lsvvnrtIiltsvvclKlitlninIil. " I. UAUIIUXITOX , 130 Bank btreet , New Yoik City. Hood's SarsapariSIa Bold by all drnpslsts. $ t ; six for $3. Made only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. , Proposals fcr raving1. SRALKD I'l-omwils ill bo roeolvoil In- the umloislRiica until 11 o'clock a. m. , Mmih Ibt. 180" , lor the following Icliuld of piivlnur inu- toiiul , vl/ : Shoot MBiOmltum , as per specifications. AHplmlt blocks , ns porspocllleatloim , Stonx r.illa G nun to , as per xpocilk'atlous Any othoi CnmltSMiB Dorspochluitlons. Coloiitilo MimUtono , no pur ppcoltlcutIons. Any other Btono. us per spouitleutloiis. Mucudiim , us per hpocillcatlnns. Woollen blocks as pel hpcolllrutmns. Any bldrt lor puvhitf In u I'tltlon ' to bring ac cording to htiiil spoulllcatlnns imiy ulso bo 110- fOiiliniMu Buchsf'c.'llcitloiin | ) ) : n Iho bidder miiy prcMTlho , tliosiiino to bu set forth in detail uml to iictompany bid. Kituh bid Bbiill specify a prlco per sqimro yard for tlio p'lvitiK complete on tlio Hticet oi'ulley , or any part thoioof. Work to bo done in iipcoidaneo ntth pinna nnd spotlllr.itlons on Illo In the nfltcu of tlio Jlnitiil of I'unho Woiks. lllds to 1'H made upon printed lilunka fur- ulslied by the bom d , nnd to bo accompanied with ucertllloil chock In the sum of onu thousand dollars , jmvnbloto tno oily or Umnhtt , as tiKUur- untoo tfiut tlio blddor will ulthln thirty du > fl fiom tlio opening ol uch hid Klvo bondH in the sum ot two thousand dollais , as thu major or city council may directthat such blddor will outer Into contiiiot lor Mich puvlmr , of the kind nnd mntorlnl spucltloil , us miiy hereafter lie roonlrod for the your 1887. The board reenrvca the right to reject any or nil bids , and to ivulvodolcots. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. OmuhuXeb.Jun.'nii.l8J7. : KICKING AGAINST rnto Jtnmlnll Atrn Conmiro the Speaker of the House. WASHINGTON' , Feb. 8. SpcAker Carllslo to-day Nroivod a loiter , fllcuetl by John S. llcnilerson , (5eorio 1)Vl o r.ml Samuel Kaudnll , of which the following excerpts convoy significance : Di'.ir Sir \ \ o refirct exceedingly that you could not see jour way clear to give recog nition ou jcstcntav to seme < li < mociat to enable him "to move to SUMHMII ! the rules for thu pur pose of krhlnc the house an o | > - portunlty of cotishtcrlne the iiucstlon of n total repeal of the Internal rev onun tax on tobacco. " Your tofttsal to give this recognition , tocother with jour letter of the 7th instant , deserves more than a passlnc notice. If tvvo-thlnh of the house are In favorof surh repeal It was a Ktavo responsibility tor you to onpo.se such a latKe majority of tlio rcpie ontatlvcs of the people. Assumlnp , however , lor thosaki-ot argument that the lilunds of the proposition constitute a less number than two-thirds their strength Is certnlnlv such that they onicht to have been permitted to test the sMii = o of tlm house upon thu question , Ks- peelnlly so slnco the country Is watching with Intense Interest the action of the house In respect thereto and tlm constitu ents of a large number of members of the house have boon urging them to obtain If possible , a consideration of this subject , We do not wish to bo misunderstood.Vo earnestly dct > lro Irom a partv standpoint that a lecoiriittiou should have been ulvon to n democrat to make a mutton , but wo veto cheerfully for the proposition whether made bvdemociat or by reuubllcan.Vo oellevu that the friends of a leix'al of the tobacco tax vveiosostionc In the house that vvo would save to tht ) oppressed tux-pajers of this country an annual leduction ot taxation to the extent ot 5 2SoooMO ( if the motion for re peal ( ould have been made In the house on Mutinay ot this week , tlm latest day when such n motion to ba etlectlve. under rules , would bo In order dur Inc the roily-ninth cotiie.vs. ( The motion. It niailo iliirltiK the last six da } sot the session , would almost ceitaiuly bo too late to seem u a favorable consideration for the question In the senate. We think that a revision of Ilia tariff nnd of tlio Internal lovouuc la\vs can bu attained fiom time to tlmo by rofoimlni ; ol > - vlotis ami Kieatei prlovaucos of two svstem" , and that we should not refuse to make Mieli icloi ins because sweeping chances have not been ptactlcahlc. If the house was consid ered competent to deal with the sllvei question , with the pension question an 1 with the oleomai grille question , free Irom tlm dictation ot a demociatle caucus , wo think It ought to bu competent to deal with the qties. i lion of a i eduction ot ta\a tlon. The emeus ouuht not now to bo In voiced to justify the pollev ot delav and non action on tills subject. Wo dnccrelv bopu with > ou "that some plan may vet be devised vvlilch will eu iblo the house to considei thu whole subject of levenuo reduction and revision. " In the -spirit of fairness to all inteiests and In accordance witli the let- ley and spltft of tlio platfotm of the national democratic pally adopted ut the convention hold at Chicago In the year ISM ; and we as sure you that wo are ready to meet nny ol our democratic associates who aroprciMied to tieat with us on such basis. Special Ordinance No. 029. AN QnlitmiiL-u Invjintr n speelnl tiix imd M seBsinunlon ceituln lots mid runl ostiito in tlio city of Unniba to coui thu cost of un hint 1'arnam stieet , Iiom "Hb street to "Dili iivo mio. Whereas , It having licon uml bolnjr hereby adjudged - judged , determined ami established that tlio smut-tit lotsundplocc1of rent estatohmohmftor referred to , hti\o enuh bocn soc-olnlly bonotlttoJ lo tlio full amouiiL licicln luviud mm uaso suil nmilnst oi\ch of siud lots imd pieces ol reix cstuto , rospoctlvoly , bv reason ol the ourlilm of thai part of I'ariiam stieet Irom "Uh blrooi to-"nil nvGiiiii ) . TUoioforu , for the purpose of pitying the cos ( if piicli eurblnir : lie Itoidulncd by the city council of the city ol Omaha : Soc-tlon I. That the eo t of onrblnir tlmt putt of I'timum slicct , in thu city ot Oninhii. lion ! ? ) th street to tflth nvomio , s ild cost holnir tin sum of f48 ! ! > - , bound the Mime Ishoiobj levied nnd assessed , In proportion to the leot front alonir Raid imnocmcut | , and according tc fspeeial benellts by letison of Mild Impioxument upon thu tollovtlnx iluscnboil loin nnd real cstuto us shown by Ihu Bonornlly iLCOtnl/o | < l mat ) of tlm city of Onmhu , IBbil , liUmgriiphoil nnd published by C. K Majuo , Mild co t liolnij so levied on snid lots and iciil estate , icspoo- livelyas lolloH-8. to-wlt : llOndS & Itll.I/SKKCONI ) ADD1TIOV. Niimo J < ot or Ain't of nfOtviicr. Dosoiliillon. lilock. Tax. r.udwlBlVniik.w 10-isH fi B f5 ( H r. .loiuiison , w ID'I a G 10 ! ii v\ KID 7 n at M " W Vl'i 8 B 42 ! )8 ) Low W Hill 9 G G8M 10 5 U' ) 7S " 11 5G 5G SO 78 ' B 10" IS G GG3 M'CO'IMIUK'H AUIiniO.V. School Di-trict olOiimhii. . . . 1 10 CD SI . . . . 2 10 C'J fl " o H. 'J 1(1 ( U.I I Section'Tlmt the sneelul tuxes and osso- - inontsliivlod nnd nssoasLd us atorcsuld , nhull bo due Immediately upon thu imssniruiimliipniovnl ol this ordlntinco , ami shall boconio ilelln- iiuoiil H' not piiid within llfty dnjs tlion-nlter ; uml thniunpon , a penally of ton per cent nlmll buiuliloii , together-vitli Intonist at thurutoot ono not contu month pajatilo In advunuo Irom thu tlmo said laxos hccnmu M > dollnniKint. cltlolla. Thnt thisordlinincohliiill take offeot nnd tie In Torco from ami after Its nissniru. I'liBsad Jnnuiuy 18th , Itto" . Wu. V. llui-iii : ! . , 1'rusldont City Council. J. n. 8ouTiMHi > , CllvCleic. ! Approved Jnnuiuy aillh , ltW7. WM . ! ' . lliciiKi , , Acting Mayor. These taxes are now duo uml piijalilo to thu city treiisurur , nnd will boconio delinquent on Jliuch llth. 1W7. nfter Thlch diito u puunlty mid iiitcicstrllllio iidduil as hhown In Beet ion . ir'l TiiUMANjJiJCK City Ti ennui or , Proposals ior Forage. Hi.u : > o.tr.umiis iM\iiTMt NT oi'-iin : I'.ATTE , Ol PICK OCltlH QirAHll.HM VSTI-ll , OVIAII \ , NotiiiihKn , .Inniniry "I , IS87. , Mils In liipllc-ute , Kiilijeot to the s , wlllbu lei-ulvod ut tills olllcu until 1 o'tloek p. m. , contra ! Miuidnrd tlmu , Mineh Bill , 1 87 , for Biipplyinv and dollverliiK utfollawliiKpolntH , Biich Kriiln nnd In an us miiy bo inqulrod dinliifj thu fiscal jonr ciiUliur.luim , ! 0,18H..VI/ : Omaha Depot , Cbeyenno Depot , Hawllni , VV'vo .and Cuitui , Wjo Proloiuncu will bo Riven to articles of domes- tie production and nmiiu'artun ! > , comlltlons of pilco nnd qunllly bnliiif iiqiiul , nnd Hitch piuf- uiuncu ulvun to aiticles of Amiiilciiii piodiio- tlon nnd niaiiurnutiitu piouueed on the 1'iiclllo c'oimt , to thoovlcnt of thu ronaumptlnn roqiili- c-d tiy the public fiei vice thoio. 1'iopo'uls for either rlnss of Biippllns raon- tinned , or for quantities It-si ihiin the whole ro- qniiod , wllllio rot-olvtd. 'Jho t'O\cinmc'iit i"horves the ilnht to reject any or all niopo-alB or to arunpi proposiils for loss quiintity than total a.hKrllsml for llliink piopounlsaiid full Inrnrniutlon n 111 bo I'uinlshcd on npiilleatlon to Ililuolilco t'iHiic3 : ] | ( | ( oiitnlnhiKpiopoBiils to IKI iimrKcil " 1'iopnsiils tor nt " mid ud- iic.--.iil ] ) lo the nuclei signed. O II. DANDY. wet Chlot QuiirlonmistiT. RESTORED , Vvlrl'mo- 9i > uliifullniiruiumi | fniu > iQ'Y THE ECLIPSE FANNING MILL Su.nerior to all Others. IJucauso RtrungiT and bc'itcr madf , and will do Ijfil * r ; m < l more tliorougli work. Askyourdcalcr for them orv it Deere , Is Counoil Bluffs. Iow °