Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1887, Image 1

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The Railroad Lobby in Lincoln Reinforced
Trom All Sections of the State.
A Conference1 on tlio Otnnlm Charter
Itcsults In Ono Amendment
In Both Brandies of
the Iiojl'jli\turc.
Tlio Hnllrnnct
, Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special Tele
gram to the llKr. . ] The regular railroad
lobby has been re-enforced by arrivals from
various sections of the state , men who are
notoriously in the pay of these corporations.
The most numerous delegation camn down
from Omaha last nUht. Among these are
Hill .Mo11 ugh.Iolin Smiley , Mike Meancy ,
Hugh Murphy ami his pard Fanning. Sev
eral met chants ami capitalists who are
closely In business with and especially fav
ored by the ralltoads have also arrived to
exert their Inllucnco in conjunction with the
railroad lobby in an cITort to have the Omaha
chatter amended to suit the railroad
managers. What their tactics will bo
has not jet transpired. The regular
brass-collared gajig nro not llag-
plnir In the least In their work to defeat
the charter. Ono of the most active of this
cla s Is Geo. Crawford , formerly from Omaha
and more ipcontly from Idaho. Crawford
expended a great deal of wind on a demo
cratic member of thu senate last night to con
vince him that It was his duty to havu the
Omaha charter Jccommlttcd by the senate ,
lie boasted that he had brought over Van-
dcmark to his own disinterested views , but
all In vain. The senator bluntly told nlm
that ho was tlicd of all of such attempts to
fllllbustcr , ana understood clearly
what Influences were brought to
bear upon Colby to Induce
him to antagonlre the bill In which no mem
ber outside of Omaha had the lemotest
rnorrnns OF nmnns.
A representative of the llnv : was Informed
to-day by a member of the legislature who
has some railroad leaning , In a burst of coiv
lulence , that money had been prolfcrcd mem-
bcisof the legislature to defeat any railroad
legislation , and that there was enough of it
to be used at the proper time. Desnet ate ef
forts are being made by the railroad man
agers to prevent the abolition of thu railroad
commission. Senator Sherv In has been ad
vised that a petition will reach him froir
Dodge county asking that ho change his vet <
on that Ibstte. These petitions have beer
set In motion by thu Klkhorn Valley railroai
cmmlssarlcs , who thicaten the people ot Fre
mont that the promised railroad shops wll
not be located there nnd the dlro calamity
will befall the state of no moio railioad build
Ing in Nebraska If the commission has to go
This threat Is not generally considered a new
device ; It Is the old story repeated eveiy time
the legislature meets.
" \Vork of the Charter Conferees.
LINCOLN.Neb. , Feb. 8. | Special Telegran
to the liii.l : A meeting for conference be
tween Omaha property holders , vvhocami
jicio last night and this morning to securi
changes in the charter bill , and the Dougla
county legislative delegation was held in tin
private dining room ot the Capital hotel thii
morning. There were present besides tin
members of the legislature 15en Gallagher
W. V. Morse , -fudge Savage , Hugh Murphy
E. Hosowater , P. K , Her , Henry W. Yates
Charles Uieene , O. II. Uothackcr , F. It. Mor
ils cy , and others. The discussion wa
opened by a statement by the chairman , Vf
V. Morse , that the meeting was called fo
the purpose , If possible , to reconcile the dil
fciences rcgaiding the charter and com
to an understanding. Judge Savage wa
called upon nnd said that the most vital for
turo of objection In thu charter to his in In
was the clause relating to municipal taxatlo
of railroad track property. Ho said .that i
the clause provided only for the taxation c
such railroad propeity lying outside tlmrlgli
of way , aud such ptoperty as might encroac
upon the right ot way not used in actual o\ \
cratlon of thu roads , thn ccntlemcn who vvcr
them to conler with tlio delegation would IK
Interpose objection. He thought It to th
best Inteiest of Omaha that the ground co\ \
cred by ties and rails should not bo taxed b
the city. Ho intimated that It was the undei
standing of some of theleglslatlvo | delegatio
that the charter In Us picsent shape does nc
piov Ido for a tax of this propeity.
To this Mr. Smyth responded that In so fr
as ho was concerned ho was aware that th
chatter contemplated municipal tax on tl
tracks as well a.s all other property , and 1
believed tills was right. At present the vali
ation ot the Union Pacific trackage , as ai
bessed , was Sfx,000 ) , when it should piopcrl
bo assessed nt 500,003.
Mr. Andres said his understanding wr
that the clause referred to property outside <
the rlL'ht ot way.
After considerable discussion nt randon
during which a suggestion that the Unlo
Pacific would possibly wish to build a SWO,0
depot next tear If It would not bu taxed \ \ ;
gcneially smiled at , Mr. Andres moved th :
the delegation bu allowed to confer alone wll
Judge Savage as a representative of thocil
yens' commUU'o present.
lleforo the motion was put , Mr. Smvl
asked whether , if the dele.ation slioitl
agree to make suitable amendment to tl
railroad tax clause , the gentlemun of tl
press , ( meaning Morrlssoy and Itothnckci
would then refrain from further opposltto
to the charter.
Mr. lEothacker replied In substance that I
his opinion the tax clause was not the mo
Important and ho should continue to oppo :
the charter on other objectionable feature
This caused Morrlssey to attempt to oecuj
time In urging his objection to the prlntli
provision. Ho Insisted tint It ought to I
ho worded that the pationato ; of tl
printing would go with thu political slat
of the city government. It nppean
the legislative delegation did not roll
ilorrisscy'a deflection from the main issi
before the mealing to an unimportant matt
In which he , us a representative ot a papc
apparently had only a narrowly selfish InU
est , as several ol them put on their ha
and coats.
Andres * motion was put and parried , A
most as soon as Morrissey , Kothacker nt
others , who had but lltilo earnest interest
the meeting , had withdrawn , the delegatlc
reassembled , nnd invited Judge Savage ar
Messrs. G.ill.vher , Hosowatcr , Her , Benne
nnd two or three others to remain. At U ;
o'clock the nice ting was concluded. 1 ,
agreement was signed that the railroad t ;
clause should be so amended that thu right
way and real estate covered by thu tracks
exempted , and that no more amendments
made. A vote of thanks was tendered I
the representatives ot Omaha , inoludl
Judge Savage. Messrs. Vates , Gallagher (
Paxton & Gallagher ) , P. K Her and othc
lor courteous treatment accorded them by t
iclcgation. and an expression by them fav <
UK the charter as It will bo tniu amend
tuJ recommending its passage without fi
Ler amendment.
ProceedIuuu of the Snnato.
J.IKCOLX , Neb. , Feb. . [ Special Telegrt
UEE.J The senate had an hour's &
slon this morning. The lobby was stronger
than ever , owing to the fact that there were
so many Important Issues coming up for con
sideration. When the committee on engrossed
and enrolled bills reported this morning
senate hies 20 and 41 were brought up. Tin-so
bills both provide for the repeal of the rail
way commlss.un. Mr. Colby moved that the
report of the committee with reference to
the o two bills , be indchnltoly postponed ,
Mr. P.obbins objected to the action which
designed to kill the bills In the absence of
their friends. , , , ,
Mr. Holmes moved to amend by hiving
the two bills recommitted to the committee
on tallroads.
Mr. Casper stoutly objected , lie did not
want to see the bill referred back to the rail
road committee. The senate had had a
square tiu and down , manly light on the
question nnd simply Decauso certain mem
bers were absent on account of sickness he
did not went to see a dirty trick plaj ed upon
Mr. ' Itobblns held that it would bo discour
teous for tlio senate to take this action in the
absence of Mr. Sterling , who was sick. Ho
wanted the matter to stand Just where It is
until all members were present.
Mr. Llntngur moved to make the original
mallei a special order for Thursday.
The chair decided him out of order under
lho rule applicable to bills cngiossed for
third reading. , , , ,
Mr. Holmes blandly explained that his
amendment to lecomitilt was prompted by
deference to the friends of tlio bills , which ,
under the rules , could only bo passed , Indefi
nitely postponed , or recommitted. He was
in favorof postponement by recommitment.
Tholiies would bo kept burning until the ie-
turn of the friends of the bill.
Mr , Ca pcr looked with suspicion upon the
expressions of kindness from the enemy.
Thn bill was now in the hands of Its friends ,
nnd If recommitted would be given over to
lho enemy.
Here Mr. Colby came up again and said
that , while his motion was to Indefinitely
postpone , ho had accepted the motion to re
commit solely because ho did not want to
take advantage of the absent ones. The
child-like simplicity with which ho explained
that ho did not want the bills to go to a vote
in the absence of some of its friends , moved
some persons to tears , including
John M. Tliurston. who sat in thu
gallery complacently watching the
the piocrcss of atiairs. Mr. Colby , however ,
was in favor of the bills being recommitted
out ot deference to the absent mem
bers , because the death of the bills
In the quiet confines of the commit
tee would bo pieferablo to n public
execution , but the tiiends of tlio measures
were not ready to have the bills put upon
their passage , and in order to prevent it , Mr.
Casper moved an adjournment to 2 o'clock ,
that all members might bo present , which
carried by a vote ot 11 to 10.
Otherbtisiness transacted during the morn
ing hours was as follows :
A petition was offered in the senate from
titty residents of Saunderscounty , pioti-stlnc
against the repeal of the mechanic leln law.
Mr. Duras ot Saline ottered a resolution
that no bills be Introduced on and alter the
thirty-first day ot the session of the senate ,
which was lal'd over until to-morrow undei
the rules.
A petition from citizens of Nemaha county ,
praying for the confirmation ot Chinch llowi
as member of the normal board of education ,
was read and referred to the committee 01 :
normal schools.
A few bills were introduced this morning ,
but none ot them are of special Importance.
Arn.nxoox SKSMON .
The ; cnato met at 2 o'clock. The chali
stated the previous question.
Mr. Meekley of York offered as a substl
tutu that senate files -U and 2J be recom
milled to the commitlee of tlio whole , and hi :
motion was seconded by Mr. Fuller.
Mr. Casper called for the yeas and nays.
The substitute prevailed by a vote of 21
tor. .
Tills vote will show the friends of the
bills did not want them put upon theli pas
sage until all members were piesent. It was
unfortunate , of course that the matter wai
brought up nt this time , but it was afer t <
defer passage a little time than to allow the
bills to go back to the railroad committee am
die. This being the touitli lime that the cue
niies ot these bills have been balked in tlieli
attempts to stianglc them. It is to be hunci
that they have by this time reali/ed the fac
that the senate is deteimined to repeal tin
railway commission act , and they caunu
prevent it.
Seveial bills were passed this afternoon
Mr. Colbj's bill. No. 4 , nxlng the inaximun
rale per mile on passenger trafllc at 3 cents
was parsed. As all the railroads Ivlng eas
of the 105tn mineipal meiidlan in Xebrask :
have charged no more than ! i cents for fou
years or moio the bill affects but a very smal
propoition of the railroad mileage of th
Senafo file Xo. 8 was also passed. This i
Mr. Culbi's bill menioriallzini ; confess t
legislate upon thiotigh railioad tales.
ulr. Snell' bill , No. 115 , convening certaii
lots In Fatrbury , Nob. , was passed.
Mr. L'mKvj'.s ' bill , No. 20. amending th
cod of civil procedure , w.n passed ,
Mr. Colbj's senate 111022 , providing for al
toinoy's fees In suits to lecovcr mechanics
wages was passed.
Two petitions fiom citizens of Otoo county
asking the confirmation of Church Howe a
member of the normal boaul , were read.
Under the order of unfinished busines'
Mr. Vandomark's motion of Friday last t
leconslder the vote by which lho Oman
charier bill was ordered engrossed for ;
third reading , was taken up , The dial
stated that the question was first upon Mi
Mnlnger's motion to lay the motion of Mi
Vandemark upon the table. Hut the oppc
sllton to the charter was not ready for th
Issue , and Mr. Colby moved that the senat
adjourn , giving as a reason that the standm
committees debited time to consider a vas
number ot bills. His motion pievailed by
standing vote of W to l > . This vote Is ver
significant tor this reason : that mule
lulu I'J , of the standing rules of th
senate , the day will have passed who
the senatu meets tomorrowlieicln a i <
consideration of any motion acted upon ca
bo made. The last clause of that rule roa
as follows : "Nor slnill any motion or u
consideration bo in order unless made o
the samu day In which the vote was taken c
within tlm no\t two davs of actual session t :
the senate thereafter. " This U why tli
friends of the charter bill were so wlllln
that an adjournment bo taken until to-mo
row. The only way In which the ehartt
bill can now bu wrested from Its position I
by a suspension of thu above rule , which n
quires a two thirds vote.
Fuller , of Wavne. looks disgusted.
Casper , of liutlcr , Is always on the alei
and sotiiktimes suspicious.
Colby , of Gage. Is always there.
Meiklojohn. of Nance , Is olten found b (
tween two fires , but disposed to bo talr.
Schminke , ot Otoe , seems to bo having
good time.
Kobbins , of Valley , is cool and collected.
Why don't llonesteel , of Kuox , say ! > oui
thing ?
Campbell , of Sarpy. has nothing to say.
Doings In tlio House.
N , Neb. , Feb. 8 , [ Special Tel
gram to the BIE. : The house proceedi
promptly to business as s-oon as the roll w
called. Hills on third reading and final p :
gage were the orders of thu hour. The tli
bill was one with the following vital claus
"If any person shall have carnal know led ,
of any other woman or female child than 1 :
daughter or sister afoiesald , ( punishment f
this being already prescribed ) , forcibly
against her w HI , or If any male person of t
age ot 17 and upwards shall carnally know
abuse any female child under the a < o of
jears with her consent , shall be deem
guilty of rape and shall be Imprison
in the penitentiary not more than twun
and not less that three years. " The b
was read and Mr. Agee ioo to speak In I
favor , liu vvascalled to order upon the ru
that after a bill had been read a third tli
dubate upon It wai closed. He was. hovvev
permitted to continue his remarks aud co
eluded by saving , " \Vo \ are making a gre
ado aboul Mormonlsm when In my oplnloi
libertinism of this country is wursetliari Me
monism. Libertinism of this state is a mo
stcr which this bill would seek
kill. Fur my part I .would vote
make adultery and fornication bo
penitentiary offenses. " The bill had o clo
call , receiving fifty-three votes , while the
were thirty-nine against it ) lift > .one being i
quired for a constitutional majority.
Mr. Calvlvvejl voted uo because he belUy
It would enable a woman of bad morals and
bad character to set n snare for a good boy of
seventeen and ruin him. It was placing a
dangerous power In her hands.
Mr. Cole " 1 vote aye because If a coed
boy of seventeen allows himself to be enticed
bv a bad Kirl of cUhtccn ho ought to bo pun
ished tor It. "
Mr. Garvey "There Is no Just reason for
allowing the tlmo at which a girl ran give
her consent to exceed the time at which she
can many. I vote no. "
Mr. Nichol "When I go out Into the coun-
trytolookupa plrl ( shouls ot laughter ) to
work In in > ' family , the farmers fay : vve
have datvtitprs who would suit jou but they
aiu young and vve don't want them to lho In
town , because Peck's bad boy Is there. 1
\ ote aye. "
Mr. Pcmborton "I ndcr this bill the man
who marries a girl of sixteen years can bo
sent to the penitentiary any time during two
je.irs for sleeping with his wife. 1 vole no. "
Mr. Itandnll "If this bill becomes a law t
w 111 ptolect the pure girl of sixteen to eighteen
years. 1 votoayo. "
Mr. Whitmoio "I have been given a lezal
opinion that this bill vlituallv piohibits . \
man living with his wife be she younger
that eighteen. Nature has so arranged that
woman can befomu a wife and mother at
sixteen. Society would be bettei If more
women did. Uy ibis bill society would suiter.
1 vote no. "
Tlio following bills also passed : To pro
vide for the publication of the names of alt
evsoldlors , sailors and marines pacsedwlln-
out sciions opposition ; regulalln ; the
weights of bushels of farm products ; Incor
porating the Baptist Educational association
In Nebraska ; providing for election of regis
ters of deeds In counties of 1S.OO : ) population
or over. An attempt was made to leconnnlt
this bill but was deteated by the firm stand of
the Douglas county delegation. Mr. Whit-
more said lie had spent a whole day ascer
taining the wishes ot the people of
Douglas county nnd rather than have
'ho bill defeate'd would permit recommlt-
al for the purpose ot rising the population ,
fho bill passed. ( .7 to 1U.
The bill regulating process of summoning
[ tries so they will not be Ftimiiioncd until
ceded , passed. Kecess until 'J p. m.
In the afternoon final consideration and
ction upoy bills was resumed. The follow-
ng were passed :
Joint memorial and resolution urging upon
ongiess the passage of Knevals l.ihd bill.
To amend tl.o act to provide lor the Issuing
ml payment of school district bonds , so that
ID such bonds shall bu issued in the aggrc-
: ate amount to exceed 5 per cent of thu last
lompU'ted assessment of the taxable property
if the district , for state and county purposes ;
lor shall such bonds issue unless theiearu
ight children ol schoolligo in ho district
To provide for minting ' . ' ,000 i copies ot the
eport ot the board ot agriculture each year.
To provide for the gprotcctiou of hedge
The follow ing bills were introduced :
Uy Caldwell Making further provision for
he payment for thu erection of the new cap-
tel now in process of eonstinctlon ,
Uy Wardlaw To pievont swindling by
irocurlng the s'gnature ' of icsponsible taiHI
TS and others tolnstrnments in writing and
jy charging attorney and devices making
.hem appear as negotiable promissory
Uy Wilson To amend 4V5 of chapter 45 of
.ho compiled statutes of Ibbo , entitled
'Change ot venue. "
Uy KL'glcston To authorize the board of
, ) Ublie lands and buildings to purchase addl-
lonal giounds tor thu use of lho Home of the
'rlendless and to appropriate money to pay
'or ' the same.
Uy Agee To require corporations doing
Business In this state to become incorporated
tnder the laws of this state , and providing
: or sei vice of notice and process on such cor
By Tracey Protecting canals or ditches.
By Tracey ISegulating Irrigating ditches.
By Andrews Joint resolution asking con-
cress to investigate tlio killing of Captain
Emmet Crawlord , Third United States cav
alry.UyEwiris To prevent neglect ot duty by
crty and county ollielals and to provide for
forfeiture of pay aud forfeiture of cilice In
certain cases.
By Cole To amend section 0 , chapter 11 ,
of compiled statutes of IbSo , relating to kill-
'ng of game at ceitain seasons of the year.
Uy Cole To compel railroad corpoiatlons
and others to make and keep In repair cross-
Mr. Smvth introduced a resolution thai
Kddio Butler bo appolted a page. It Y.MS re-
fetrcd to the committee on appointments.
Succeeding the reception of leports of com
mittees thn house went Into commitlee ot the
whole. Among the repot ts was ono of ad-
veiso character on the bill to piovlde for the
iiaidon of two convicts on eacli 4th of July.
The report was adopted.
The same disposition was made of the fol
lowing ; To authori/o a dog tax of SI to 55
and the killing of the dog it the tax is nol
p lid ; to provide for election of the justices ol
the peace in cities of lho metropolitan class :
to provide tor uniformity of text books U :
public schools.
The bills which have been before the com
mitleo on common schools reappeared in f
somewhat discouraged condition. Ten 01
twelve were reported vvitli the iccommenda
tlon of indefinite postponmont. Ot these
live or six were recommitted to the commit
tee. One was iccomiucnded for passage
Dividing each county into three districts and
providing tor election of n commissionei
Irom each district. Ullls Introduced bj
Messrs. Green , Hurst , Yut/.y , Xowton am
Hently , all being amendments to the schoo
law and school election law , wcrciudclinitol'
Mr. Agee took tlio chair In committee o
the whole , and the committee took up con
slderation ot the bill to throw thu expense o :
main lalnlng and repairing bridges on publU
roads in counties under township oruanl/a
tlon on lho whole county. The comuuttct
agreed that sticn bridges must bo acrosi
streams which are moie than CO feet wldi
nnd that the bridge must cost S-ftU. Mr
Miller opposed the bill. It was ufijne * tax
ation to make a man who lived titty mile-
from a bridge and never ciossed it pay fo
its construction. Ho submitted an amend
ment that wherever a bridge is sought to h <
constructed tlio proposition should bo sub
nutted to the people ot the county. On tin
an extended and rather spicy collorm ;
took place between Mr. Miller and Mr. bill
Ilvan. The former said , holding aloft a bun
die of papers , that ho had there petition
from 700 people In Platte count } from vvhicl
lho bill came , objecting to It. Mr , Sullivai
said ho was glad to find that Plaite count ;
had .so able n rcpiemulative as the gentle
man from Butler to whom the people vvoiih
appeal by petition. Mr. Kenney and Mr
blater favored the bill. It was finally recom
mended tor passage.
Mr. Whltmoro's bill giving county com
mlssloneis thu additional power of sclllni
property Including real estate , belonging ti
the county , was recommended for passage.
The bill for establishing a Nebraska bean
of pharmacy , was recommended for passage
It provides for the appointment by the nt
toriioy general , secretary of state , audltoi
tieasurcr ami commissioner of public land
ami buildings , of live secretaries
who shall bo skillful retail apothecaries
These secretaries shall receive S3 per day lo
their sessions aud their secretary , one ot th
number , 100 annually additional. The
shall exact liom every person who is ovvnci
manager or clerk in any drug store or v , hen
drugs are sold certificate of qualification am
n lice.DM ) fee of S'J , tnzciher with annual fee
thereafter of SI. I'ho board , through th
secietarlcs , shall bo empowered to icfusu 11
cense to any person ; aud any person spllln
drugs without a ItcenEOshall bo lined 810 t
SlOO with additional punishment ot imprl :
The bill to fix the duration of the term c
town supervisors In counties under townsshi
oruMni/atiou was recommended for passagt
CbThe bill to protect primary elections an
conventions of political parties , and punis
ollences committed theieat , was also rccou
mended tor passage. It makes it unlawf i
for any person to falsely personate and vet
under the name of any other injrson. or t
vote without the right to do so , or to wllfull
and wrongfully obstruct and pievent othei
who have the right to vote , or to tamper wit
the ballot box. In cities of the first class th
nolle at primary elections shall bo open fioi
13 o'clocK , noon , until 7 o'clock in the ovci
lug. The t'ote or ballot of any person oiferc
at such primary election shall , upon challcni ;
by uuy voter thereat , be rejected , unless I
bo sworn as to his qualifications : and U
presiding officer of any such election Is en
powered to administer an oath. The pun Is !
yient shall not exceed JWXI or imprisonuiti
for moro than one year.
The committee rose and reported progres
the e
association urging passage of certain bills
were read.
The speaker appointed Messrs. Watson and
Thornton additional members ot the special
committee for mvestimation of the "talus ot
Insurance companies. The house then ad
Senator-Kiwi Paddock \UItcd the house
during thealternoon.
The galleries were tilled with a largo num
ber of spectators , ladies predominating ,
during the afternoon.
teven-lcnths of the members of the lefilsla-
turc are so hoarse from colds conlractcd by
exposure to the vllllanous murkv atmosphere-
ot Monday that they are unable to make
themselves heaid ten feet away.
New Hnllroad , Tclejjrnpli anil Telephone -
phone facilities .Make n Boom.
SfTio.v. Xcb. . Feb. 3 ( Special Telegram
to tl < c liRr l The new depot on the Kansas
Citv * Omaha Is nearly completed. The
tek'tjraph line will reacli heto tomorrow.
We will then have another wire connection
with the booming metropolis of the state and
within three months the Kansas City &
Omaha wll ! be completed to Stionisburg , giv
ing us another line of main road to the gate
city At a meeting of the board ot trade last
night , it was decided to take Immediate steps
to secure telephone connections with Omaha.
Business of all kinds Is looking up. Seveial
new enterprises are maturing , among which
Is a laige canning factory , the committee
reporting very encouraging progress. Tlio
board of trade Is In communication with'
business firms wanting to locate here , and
the outlook now Is that the rapid growlhot
Sntton the co m I UK jear will aston
ish lho most sanguine. The advent
of the Kansas City < te Omaha promises a
revolution In fieluhls from this point. Hogs
are selling on the street to-day at S4 > 0. A
farmer near town shipped last week sixteen
carloads of fat sheep on which ho saved S3-0
freight by shipping over the new road. The
B. itM. will commence the election of an
elegant new depot in a few weeks. The
prospects are good for two more competing
lines of road this year. Two new additions
to the tow n have ocen laid out in the last
few weeks. Propeity Is advancing and
overbody is jubilant.
A Crtttlo Thief's Arrest.
V.VLn.VTiXE , Neb. , Feb. S.-iSpecial Tele-
cram to the Bnr..l Shcrllt Connelly re
turned to-night with James Bohanan , the
noted horse an it cattle thief , for whom there
has been a standing reward of $300 the past
year and a half. In lho summer of 1SS5
Bolianan stole ten head of horses
and eleven head of cattle , part of
them being W. U Waito's. The thief was
finally located in the eastern portion of the
county bj Mr. Waite. 'Iheofllccr sent to ar
rest him cave mm permission to enter the
dugout lor an overcoat , when Bohanan
grasped a Winchester and tinned upon the
ofllcer , w horn ho had at his meicy. He made
the officer leave the house under cover ot the
rllle. then mounted a fleet horse and escaped.
Dilltgent search has been kept up by the cat
tle association , llu was arrested In Hastings
bv Sheriff Murphy , ot Urown county , and
Marshal Hall. Much credit Is due to the cat-
Ie association for the arrest of this notoilons
.hlef. , '
Conviction or Cattle Thieves.
UI.OOMIXOTOX , Xeb.Fcb.y. ) [ Special Tel
egram to the : . ] - cattle thieves.
Abraham , James and Martin Landrcth ,
tvere arraigned before' ' Judge Gaslln yestcr-
.lay in the district court. James and Abra
ham pleaded guilty and were sentenced to
three years In the penitentiary. Murtin
pleaded not guilty , and/Moore , his attorney ,
objected to the Introducing of testimony on
account of the names of witnesses not being
contained in the Information , as required by
law. The judco sustained the objection and
Instructed the jury to find the prisoner not
guilty , as no evidence could be introduced.
.Martin was proven on preliminary hearing
to bo the leader of the thieves. James and
braham wore taken to the penitentiary this
Pine Stock Brecilcrs.
, Neb. , Feb. 8. [ Sp cial Telegram
to the Uunj The first session of the annual
meeting of the Fine Stock Breeder's associa
tion was called to order by the president , Mr ,
J. B. Dinsmoie. The minutes of the lasi
meeting and other loutlno business wai
transacted. Dr. Billings delivered a lengtln
and very interesting lecttuu on infectious
and contagious diseases. The attendance i <
good and many moro aie expected to-mor
row. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fatal Accident at H Hl Cloud.
Ilr.i ) CLOUD , Neb. , Feb. 8. Monday after
noon Leonaul Mattlx , a young man residln ;
here , while riding a colt on a dead run , th <
animal suddenly stopped , tlnowlng Maitb
headlong tor twenty feet , .striking on hl <
head. Ho was picked up in an inscnslhU
condition and still remains unconscious. Ni
hopes are entertained for his iccoveiy.
Oleo County's fair Association.
XKIIRABKA CITV , Neb. , Feb.Spccla (
Telegram to the Btil : The Otoe Count\
Fair association was organl/ed last nlelr
with a capital stock of S2.\000. Articles ol
Incutpoiatlon will be filed Ibis week.
Poisoned by Canned Fruit.
Pcxmn : , N b. , Feb. S. ( Special to tin
HUE. ] Last bturday evening F. E. Bcemi-
and wife , ami their two children , wen
poisoned by eating canijed raspberries. Thnj
are slowly lecovering with the aid ol yooi
medical treatment.
The Strlko In New York.
NEW VoitK.Feb. 8. It isgcnerally believei
that the strike Is about to come to an cm
The Times says : The fact If the frelgh
handlers strike Is confessed to bo n talluie
oven by themselves. They were rcftisei
work when they offered to return. Tin
Pennsylvania and Jersey Central companlc
have an unusually need class of green hands
The union coalmen who struck bocausi
they would not handle "scab" coal , althougl
they wore satisfied vvitli the price paid , -
cents per ton , are weakening. They hositati
tooiHinly abandon the cause of the sliiliers
but thn sovontvlive cents a ton now offered i
something. Those who own boats compromise
miso by making out bills of sile of thu' '
to a friend ; that friend goes tothocompanle
and offers to transport coal at the ruling rates
Their offers nave mostly been refused ; tin
companies pioferrlng as long us they hnvi
got to pay an exorbitant pi ice to nay It ti
outsiders. The Longshoremen's union No.
met in Brooklyn last night. About HOO mei
were pro-sent. They wwo decidedly In favo
of continuing thu tizht. The older men
however , expressed their conviction that th
men would havu to back before Thursday ,
1'aln Storms and Floods ,
CucUiO , Feb. 8. A special from Jolicl
111. , bays : Forty-eight hours of contlnt
ous rain In this section Is causing serlou
damage to property. Yesterday the rai
poured down In torrents tor several hour
accompanied by the most violent thunde
clashes and frequent lightning. The rai
road bridges across the Springfield an <
Hocking creeks are swept away , and alon
the valleys of the streams , which are spread
Ing far over their banks , ihe people are , moi
Ing out to safe quarters. The rain is fell
pouring down and a serious flood Is threatui
Ing. Traillc on thu Santa Fo road along Hi
Desplalnes river is suspended and exlenslv
damage will result unless the rain and Uia'
ceasca soon ,
The Ohio Flood.
CINCINNATI , Feb. b1. The river has con
tlnued to fall at the rate of ono and tw
Incnes per hour. The wateis have so far r
ceeded that all trains have returned to th
central passenger depot and the irclght en
barge has been lifted.
Detective Iliilllgan Dies.
CLEVELAND , O. , Feb. 8. Hulllgun , ono c
the police officers who was assaulted OH tli
train by desperadoes , died at 0:30 : this nion
Ing : . lie leaves a wife aud four children.
Senator Oaspor's Argnmont Before tko Joint
Legislative Committee on Railroads ,
The Flnnnclnt Porous Plaster That Is
Sucklnj : tlio LIlYi of die Ne
braska Farmer The A run *
ment In Full ,
FroljjIU Untcs Needed.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 8. The following ar
gument was piopared by Senator Caspar of
Untlcr to bo pteseiited to the meeting of the
Joint committee on tallways held this eviU-
Ing :
One of the grave mistakes made by tlio
frlemnof rallfoid legislation , congressional
Invcstlcating committees , etc. , seems to re t
In the thought : "How can wo prevent In
justice being done to the commerce of this
countiy , nnd yet allow transposition 10111-
panics to earn dividends on watered stocker
or , on a shoeing of Indebtedness that was
never honestly created-for vast sums rang
ing from two to six times more than it ever
cost to build and equip the loads that practice
these wrongs'.1" Finding It impossible to
reconcile such flagrant incongruities , many
honest , aud apparently fair minded men pro
nounce the subject to bo one ono of profound
mystery and extreme delicacy.and who finally
abandon tlm subject as a financial puzzle.
They find that protection of the people whom
they have sworn to protect In congress and
state leglslatutes and the national congress ,
means an upsetting of values , and a disturb
ance of business. During the whole time
those timid conservatives are halting on the
ragged edge of an Impending conflict , the
masses sutler from the continuation of the
old systems of organized fraud and plunder ,
which all honest men deplore , and which
only tlie tliteves'and their cohorts have tlm
presumption to deny. While Independent
industries apparently small anil insignifi
cant are paraly/cd , and labor groans and
sweats In the broiling sun , the beneficiaries ,
of these syndicated gangs of chattered
money sharks , thrive and grow fat on the
bread eained in the sweat of other men's faces
In order to save the patient's life physicians
frequently adopted what Is termed heroic
measures by using the Knlfo and saw. The
time has como tor the use of heroic measures
In dealing with the subject of lallroad trans
portation. As the subject now stands it Is a
jug-haiidled arrangement. Delays are worth
millions annually lo lho coiporattons. Kvery
advantage is thus conceded to a few corpora
tion capitalists , who have the power to loll at
ca c In some far off city on the Atlantic sea-
joard , and with a few scratches of their pen
tax lho NXJ.POOpeople of Nebraska up Into tut
thousand * , without either law or iustlce.
For twelve years there has been a pro
vision In our slate constitution grant
ing the right ot piotection to oui
people , and tor the whole of that time
It has been a custom of the railroad com
panies to emplov Ingenious men to ntteiui
each session of the state legislature , and in
form the people's icpioseiitatives that thej
have not the neccssarv amount of brains anil
training for the question , and therefore an ;
not qualified , by nature nor education , todea
with Us remarkable intricacies. If the legls
lators are not now sufficiently Informed , tin
pertinent query which readily suggests itscl
is , "When will they be/ ? "
Dnrins-the last twelve or fifteen years , llkl
their co-laborers in all the western states
Xcbraskans have been making ends mec
solely on the ris-u of their land ( which thc\
have libeially plastered over with nun images'
and now , when a uiilvei-al collapse seem'
imminent , and when the bravest hearts tiein
ble on the brink of uncertaintv. the maxi
mum of land values Is now. or neail ;
reached , and the problems ot what the iniuri
has In btoio for them in their ok
ago is moro and moio Intensified a >
the hurrying seasons como and go
To say that our lands have not fuinishcd i
living to the e who toll and till them , is no
a cheering confession , but I challenge anj
man to examine the recoids lo bo found ii
every counly cotiit house , and dispute tin
statement , In any coitntv east of the lOOtl
patallcl , in tlio whole state ot Nebraska. At
examination of the moitga-e records of tin *
state , will show a mortgage Indebtedness o
not le = s , if not far In excess , of § 100OJO.00 (
This great financial poms-plaster , which l >
so Insidnotislv sapping the life-blood of In
dustry , Is drawing away annually the sum ol
S12OfX,000 ) to 815,000,103. Does any sain
man think the people of Ncbiaska are con
tiibuting this vast stun for fun ? When inn
of tl e v ctims of this recently devised suetioi
pump gels di allied of the lit ftp ai eiimnlatlon
of a lifetime , and Is tossed upon tlio inhospi
table shoies of binkrnptcy as a stiandei
wieck , we say : "Poor fellow ! It is too bad
Sorry lor film ; but , his land lemains. '
Some other men , with moro mean * , w ill bit' '
the land in at sherill 01 moitagusah > speni
his tlmo and little surplus ( saved from tin
wreck of a farm in somii state further fist
in digging haul earned dollars out ot tin
ground to swell tlm already plethoric ptirsi
ot a Could or a Vanderbllt , to show tlm fat
ot his unfortunate predecessor In a tew sub
sequent years.
There are a tow of us In this room whr.
have listened to the roar of musketiy nni
siege-guns , the ccream of shot and Miell , It
older that It inlclit bo said In our dead ]
loved and adored America , that a black mar
had a soul to save and the right to lie Me < i
The time has coinn when thn color line eai
bo abmdnned , and a eh men given lo o.irl
man , who is willing to work , a fail i-hinei ; ti
make a living , to clotbo his witti and dill
dren , to educate his little oncs-ai
Inheritance ot dnlno and natiira
right , laminfavorof corporations shailni
the same tate anil hardships as individual'-
holders of lallroad "wafer" "
The are not "in
nociint purd.iifers. " Let them go tluouul
the samn sweat mill that all otlu-r- , have , wh
have been lilt on fraudulent deals , ( ioutlt
men whobuy "common" lallroad stock l.uo\
full well what they ate gettltiL' . They g.itu
bio on the chanceaud nro no butler thai
their follow craftsmen , thu faro dealer an
pokerplajer. The tanner mav luo > his grl |
as has been said , but his farm icnmlns. Tli
gambit r In railioad stocks may iret "fimn
out of the game , but his railioad remains
This much favored class of gamblers h.iv
been allowed to stock the cards , and play
lone hand , in the great game of eucher thn
has been going on during thn pasttweut
years , and is It now time to give the otlu
fellows a chancoV
It preventing the constant peculations thn
have been going on during thu past tw
decades throws uvety railroad I
Nebraska Into the hands ot reed1
ers , no one doubts but the ro.u
will all remain just where they wer
before. They will bo worth Just as much t
those who pay tor their suivlre. They mi
represent a less number of Intorost-drawin
doll.irs.but they will not havu thu same nece
sity to steal. Decent law s.however.iieed not I
a course of bankruptcy. At the present rai
of charge , tlm tlmo Is not far distant , whe
the farmers must certainly go under.
Believing that thu railroads of this sta
can afford to haul freight at a far moro re.
sonablo rate than ihoy now do , and that tl
fact is susceptible of proof , has been tt
object and purpose of my Introduction i
senate file No as , tor the consideration <
this body. I believe thn rates there !
established are rensonablo and jus
and easily within ' the power i
our railroads in this state to II )
and do a piohtabln business on. Thu Inti-i
tlon is to make a clean thin
l > er cent cut , without Introducing any pe
principles Into the discussion or consldcratlc
On a 100 miles haul the bill Is 10J per cci
lower on all tlm articles enunurated in sei
tion than what lho Union Pacific has seen I
to report to Ihe railroad commission situ
this legislature convened It establishes
rate l1 cents lower than was rccoiuinendi
by the railroad commissioners of Kaiisa
and was in force on tlio Kansas Pacific an
Union PaclIIQ branches during l&Sl ,
The Ijrst question that will naturally 1
asked of one who nro | > oses freight rates shu
be established by law , Is "to'what pxterit In
the equities entered into tlio calculation. "
skThe next thought entering Into ( lie mind' '
the Investigator , Is that of simplicity. At
4 i\
that which will not only furnish relief , but Is
oaoyoJ Interpretatlon-not liable to cause
inlsundentandlnis. ;
In adopting the mill asatmls of calcula
tion \\oondeavor to get a unit of valve tint
has.irleat cut and well defined quantity In
the mind of every cltlron. Uno hundred
pounds has been given for the amo reason
as the mill because of Its simplicity and ease
of calculation , It is the method employed
by the railroad companies them elve ; . The
capacity of ftelght cars vary all the way from
ten to twenty tons , hence It Is not necessary
to set a fixed priceon every class and vaiicty
of cars to prevent the snipper from being
chrated , by paj Ing as much lor a small car as
a largo one. As to whether the reductions
Miiadoaro just or not , to all tlm parties eon-
coined , and especially the lallroads doing
business In ours-tite , patient Investigation
Into the facts-Is the only method whereby
correct conclusions can bo ai rived at. Those
who It would seem should bo the ablest and
clearest thinker * are not , unfortunatutv.oftcn
found de\otlng theli energy and talent Inn
direction which tend to ltiit > ro\etlu > economic
co milt I HUH of society , They are the men
who seem to bo foromoU In the deslie to ac
cept with unquestioning erediilty the nphls-
trlcso geiiciously dealt out bj therullront
Two inline elements enter Into all buM-
ne aclulty , and thej are so universally ac
cepted as to challenge no contradiction , and
they are these :
l'ir t , a Just remuneration for labor. Second
end , a icasonable Inteicst on the capital in-
Nested. Any de\Ico or scheme to get more
than this Is hound to millet Injury on sonic
other Individual who has to piy as much
more In proportion as the other paitj has
been unduly benelitlcd.
In the less Imtioitant affairs of life these
tilings legulato themselves , because competi
tion Is sharp and constant. Monouoly Is pos
sible under all conditions , but to bccoiun but-
densomo Its gralp must becanio so strong
that It can outride those elements of natuial
force which so easily set aside those llttlo
oue-horsi ! atraiigements which people some
times devise to sKIn their neighbors.
There Is probably no man living who
knows a thousandth part of nil tlm details of
railroading , lint this proposition the dullest
simpleton can appreciate : If a railroad can be
built and equipped aheady for bttsines
for the sum of 310,000 per mile , no reasonable
man Is going to object to the company
charging enough for its services to coverall
kvitlmato expenses , wear and teal of ma
chinery , and a legal rate ot inteieston the
money it invested In building that road. It it
cams enough to pay a fair Inteiest on six to
ten times that amount , It is no Men that n
man is either a crank or n kicker because ho
nakes a piotest against the untoward intllc-
Having often sauntcied along railroad
racks , when In a speculative mood and
lightcen months expeileiico as a section
land In early life , 1 have had thu curiosity to
omit the tics In a mile ot toad , also thu
pikes used to hold the Iron In place. 1 have
ilso counted the number of fish plates used ,
ivlth bolts , to tlo the mils together , (3.YJ (
, ) lates ) , and 1 have faithfully lead thu market
iiuotatlons giving the cost of these things.
,11 , order that some senatoisniav yet a delin-
.to Idea < > t what It costs to build a mile of
railroad in the state of Nebraska 1 will make
the follow IiiRsuminary : Many graders whom
1 have talked with In times past have told
mo they could grade every mile of load in the
state for an average of 51,500 per milo and
como out of the transaction rouust million
aires. There arc 1,700 yards in a mile. The
standard weight ot lails used in Nebraska is
ifty-six pounds per yard. This gives ninety-
L'ight and a half tons to the mile. At S : > o per
ton , thu highest price quoted by the steel and
iron association January 1 , lbi > 7 , we have
Si,45t : lepresented in this Item.
The accepted average lor enough ties to
.ay n mlloof trad : is'i.WX ) , though 1 musteon-
fcss that I have not been able to hud that
many , but wo will say there are that many.
At 00 cents apleco wo have 51,500 Invested in
ties. In examining the United States census
reports of ibto , you will unit the whole cost of
equipment uii.tlie Union 1'acllic reported at
S'JOTn pi'i-ITnftOivcrage , while the little ( ) it
It. V. . which runs through the town 1 live
In , only averaccd 5445 per mile. 1 wish to
remark that the Union Pacific's account in
cludes every worn out car or encine purch
ased by the company since its completion in
lsr,7. A railroad company Is the only insti
tution on earth. I believe , which charges its
p itrons for repairs this year , aud then pro
jects the account forward into its permanent
"construction and equipment fund , " and
pioposes that , during the oncoming ages ,
while the citcles and centuries aio gliding
along toward the eternity of the future , to
tax the public over and over for old worn out
plunder condemned dining that period
when ex-President Hayes was teaching stal-
vvartlsm that Packaid and Chambci-
laln weio not elected the governors of
Louisiana and South Carolina , respectively ,
Xow. 1 believe that 81.000 will cover the
cost of transpoitini ; mateiial for any average
milo of laiirood ever built in the stat'1. To
build a miUml toad will require ten thousand
spikes lour to the pound , aH cents a pound ,
S100 , also about ! KO fishplates , with MOO bolts
and nuts S50. TracKlaylng may cost SIM ,
but 1 doubt It. Depots 'and biinges will not
coat a sum to excc'L'd i.'jOO per mile. If any
of the smaller details are lett out of this suui-
maiv. Ihfj are cfrtainly too insignificant to
count for much in thu aggregate sum'e
liavf , by this Itemi/ed statfincnt , found that
wo can buld a milcot railioad in Nebraska
on the general avurago of jjlO.AW.
Wiillo 1 would not accuse these gentlemen
of lalslfjing facts1 1 do insist that they have
a method ot handling statistics that excite-
ni ) admiration , while denloiing the compla
cent credulity with which so many eminent
statesmen and renowned juiista accept their
It an ) gentlemen will take the tionblo tr
tudy tlm tables ot statistics furnished on :
commissioners he will find that none of flu
companies answer the question piopoundcd
which cndtuvors to ascertain tlio Itemi/ed ac
count ol tliHcosiot building and equipping
n milt ) of railioad. 'liioy invaiiuhly evade it
Iming well awaio that thu nuxt < iuestion would
he ; "How do ) ou Jusllty yoiiinflt in charg
ing a stun many times in excess of what i-
lu'cessaiy to paj afair percentage on > our In
Vfstllll'llt. "
\ \ liilt ! they rofnsp nil Itemized stitement
limy give n goiieial statement of the miioun
which is icpfMiiitcil in their load under ( hi
licad of "construction and equipment. " j
will uniimciaio some of them :
The first on the list Is tin ! Union Pacific
which shows an appaiont coat per mile of
U P fes- : ! . . ! )
B * M , : i'i,7U7
K. , K it.M V Ki.f.W : V
( ) . , N. All. II 17,017.7'
St. .1. it ( } . 1 .7M)7r ) > .i
S. C. A.P filf . .V
Miouii Pacific rj.iir'i.-j ;
T. , M. .t St. Paul ll,70'.i.t :
Now * , why should thu Union Pacific coi
tw let ; as much its thu I ) . & M.I' Why shouli
the St. Jou and Grand Island cost ninru thai
two and a half times as much as the .Mlssour
PacihcV Why should the Union Pacific cos
seven times as much as Its branch line , tin
O. A : II. V.V Why should tlm con ot tin
Union Pacific appear to bo 6W5 per mil' '
more than It was repotted at In IbSi , us WM
shown bv tlm railroad commissioners ol Kan
sasV Why is it that the Union Paciln
showed up an apparent cost ot constructioi
and equipment in Ih-i. , of only SfiO.OOJ pe
milo ; 01 , j-i7,000 per milo less than In tin anodominl , IWi'f Verily , unntloiiicn
OaUes A mes K dead , but his soul L-OCS uiaicli
ing on. Thu spirit of .Mohiher nil ! lives
Kallroadsaru the onlv Institutions , I believe
known among men , which tiulj lepresunttln
old maxiui of , "He lives on thu inieicsto
what ho owes. " Divide S27.000 bytouitcei
vuarn , and wn find an average annual In
cieaso of S1/.K.H ) . Multiply this bum by < M
and you will find that , at the close of on
second centennial this corporation wonh
have a railroad representing thu sum o
S-i.Vi.MX ) iiur mih ) . During these fonrteei
jearaof iungus growth , labor has dcchnn
nt a raft ; ranging Ironi 'Jl to 10 per cent. , whil
bteel rails , at ? and : - ! ' ) pur ton , have takei
the place of lion tails at SsS pet ton.
Thegentlemen who have long been in tli
habit ot representing tlm interests of thi-s
corpoiatious In the lobbies and on the lloor
of our state Icgitlatuies , on their bl-cnpl.i
asseniblln a customary courtesy take I
very personally It wo bltoiild presumu t
doubt their veracity , and jet even ttalemun
made by them to any former legislature ha
teemed wltn sophistries , subteifugus an
patent contradictions ,
Two veais ago , Mr , Kustls , as spokosma
for the It. it M. , uiadoono statement ( in con
ncction With many others like It ) , which
feel disposed to call attt ntlon to. Ho sad
that Iowa averaged " ' > 0of pup'ilatlon to th
mile ot railroad , while- Nebraska average
only SCO. The ipcthod puuuid uv ih <
LauHuwl re tUAouljcal. stystuW. was tld :
lie figured the population of .Nebraska Ion
tlm census reports of ISMI , and the railroad
, . . . , , i i'opulatioiYon tlio'Votos
"st at the presidential election of IV * I , b
the well-known and accepted rule , ho would
have found that .Nebraska had 2J3 population
to the mile of railroad.
Another point raised was that , as the Iowa
ro.ids transported all the passengers coming.
from the east to ths trans-Mtssoitrl country ,
they therefore got an Increased traffic ,
and could afford to cany passengers cheaper.
I here Is one Important lad that he entirely
noelccted to mention : That the United
btates government and the state of Nebraska
havt ) donated p ; I.Ti.t acios ot lamt to the H ,
iVM. liallroad company , for which , accord
ing to our board ot lallroad uommlsslmtor * ,
cifXin'JA ' ? lSeolv'il ! lho ii > l ctit sum o
SH.f40..j,4. ! In addition to tills amount the
company has tccelved In bonds and Interest
from the counties , eltlc * townsand pri-olncts
/ " "Wo the sum ot S-.ou.uoo on Its uinlu
line and blanches.
Further , that this SU.M.3V4 , divided
among Its 1,200 miles of toad Winches In-
cliided ) , iiverastM the hand-some sum of
fetMIO per mile. The snug little boiiiu o
eleven thousand per mllu ought to oil sot n
coiisideiable degree of scarclt.v In population. a number ot
railroads go Into the hands of iccclvers every
vear. \ \ hen wereall/othattherallioadsoftlilj
cmintry are cat rj Ing over nvo and a halt
billions of watered -dock , we aio not sur
prised. His a vvondor that more of them
nave not foundered on the hidden locks ot
this shoreless sea of fiand and coriuption.
U that < ! amo nioniornblo occasion , Mr. Kim-
lull delivered himself of a querulous plea In
behalf of the down-trodden railroad corpo.
rations. Ho thought It strange that thu rail
roads .should bo singled out uvery tvvoyeara
us subjects of discipline on the part of the
eglslaluro , It may bo a new thing In the
history ot American politics , but U Is no )
htran/o. A legislature isa law making body ,
and law Is a devlcu Instituted among men
vvheieby bad men au made to respect thu
rights of their neighbors. Good men en
deavor to ueal Justly without being disci-
pllucd by law. To take moio than
a fair recompense for services per
formed has the spirit ami essence
of loguery In It-no matter
tic legal technicalities may bo that hedge It
about. No king or emperor even among
the pharaoli- Egypt and contemporaneous
monarch of Clialdea , followed bv llabylonla.
Asyt la , Medo Persia and Home' over taxed
their subjects with a moio nnrestialned
prodigality and unbridled license than had
been exercised by the corporate monopoly
kings ot these United States , and none havQ
transcribed the arrogance of that for which is the spokesman. Xow , let us ox.
am lie Into the methods ot the great company
which employs him at a hamlsomo salary.
lho general government originally donated
this corporation the total sum ot i2nsiW
actesot land. From these lands the com
pany has iccelvcd the total bum ot 521b'.M-
fa. . I'lieiolsnow duo on outstanding con-
tiacts , tliesumot Sify.K3li3' : > , Its entire 10-
souices from land up to date , Is thtifl
placed at the sum of S.n.7Poftoi. It's coal
sales , dug out of lands compiiscd in this gift ,
lia , If we credit the amount consumed in
their own sci vice , grossed them the total
amount of ? 'JO.XX,000 ( ) sincv lsj. in addition
to this gift ot the public domain , equal in ex
tent to a modern piinclpalily , the govein-
ment Joined them its credit to the amount ot
W , , 000,000. The total gift fiom the people ,
which this company has consumed , agcro-
gates the enormous-bum of SUJfiMl. . It's
original trunk line is l.Oaj ; therefore , wo
have a sum equal to SsibOO ; per mile.
Nothing In . . ' "Fables" "
.Ksop's or the "Aiab-
lan Nights" can begin to equal it. This vast
sum would span the continent on a late ot
SIW.OOO per mile. Wonderfully kind , indeed,1
lias been oui paternal Uncle Sam to this
much-favored coi Duration. Yet , 1 know a
particular friend of tills rotten institution ,
who boasts that ho doesn't believe In any
hell hereafter I
Mr. Klmball said that It was not the Inten
tion of railroad companies to lob the people.
Out of duo legard to tender consciences , it
may bo admissible to call It confiscation
ow Ing to an absence of any kind of law spec
ifying the quality and chaiacter of this
peculiar kleptomania , llnrglary anil cilb-
eracking , it Is presumed , are merely tabooed :
because of this usual absence ot tlio party or
the second part , rarely kill people but with
icckless courage , simply "hold von up , " on
a public thoroughfare and demand your
money or your lite , liallroad corporations
avoid the unpleasant feature of obtaining
your money , by .simply bribing justice on the
bench , and coloni/.ing our capital lobbies
with bajwindowed , bull-necked , whole-
Minled fellows who make it an "obiect" to
"the boys" to defeat railroad legislation.
I'ho gross earnings of all the
Nebiaska railroads for the year
lv * > , aio reported to the railroad
commissioners at § 15,720,748. Their total ex
penses niu set down at 15V-07oi. : ; This ex-
pensu aeceottnt Includes all the wine ,
whisky , hotel and other expenses ot the mob
sent hero to elect "lilendl > " United Statea
senatots , and pievent protective laws going
on the statute books. It iuelud.-s even'thing
found in the fund facetiously dubbed the
"India Kubber Account. " It Includes all the
high-priced olliceis und political attorneys.
It includes many of the items that might not
bn deemed ncccssaiy. it all thu Internal
workings of thu machine were thoionglily
undei stood. Yit , it may bo proper to say
that all this expense bill Is legitimate and
square , wo still have an honest right to quar-
lel with ihe-e companies , and do not have to
siipnosu a case , cither.
The laws of our state say that 7
pel cent shall bo a legal Interest. Now ,
lei the sake of lotind numbeis wo will bay
that It takes Sll.OOJ.COO to build our i.iilroads
and equip them lor hcrvlce , then what do wo
tmd' . ' That these bamo railroads earn a divi
dend , or intcifst , ol .Ti per cent. On a Just
valuation of their actual worth , and for pur
pose ot obtaining a straight 7 pur cent , they
should not have collected a net sum ot moro
than § Uil'.V : ! iO. They are not satisfied with
biieh amounts , however. They insist upon
taking fiom the Industrie.ot this htato a
sum equal to 5,101,171 moio than a truly le
gitimate sum.
Among mechanics , trades and piofessfonal
men , there is gem-rally a tlmo for evening1
up on each other -to pay up old tcores , as It
were , or charges but when voti get to the
tanner , jou ui dealing with first causes.
The limit IB i cached. Ho guts
what the soil > lelds In rctuin tor his
labor , nnil can L'o no further.
Hols thu foundation ol the whole supor-
btiuctiuf. Kvuiy Item of cost thtonglioiil Ilia
rangoof business eventually falls luck upon
him , just so sure as shot gold finds bed lock
at the bottom of the stieam. in lotind num
bers , wo can call the roll of Nebraska fanners
at an even bundled thousand. This live mil
lions and over then , Is a pel capita lax ot
Srl Ci to each man engaged in agilcnUurc. It
Is an illcKllimatu schomoot plunder which
takes anv man's money without rendering
a just equivalent In service. Don't forgot the
India inbbui" account during the dash nt
ideas , however. No tiilling SM was ever
calculated to satisfy tlmiobtist appetites ol
these conscienceless cormorants , who confess
to pen-niilal hunger , with belly gorged with
W appreciate many Important truths
better through the medium or comparisons ,
therefore , It imn not bu deemed a hiipeilluoin
di U'ssion to do a little genctuM/Ini : on thu
Mihjt ct of our consolidated industi ICH.
All business activity comes under tlura
principal heads manufactuie , agriculture
an < l ( ommcice. Onu cannot snlfei without
flioui all being atllictcd when thu reactlonsoti
In as It al1ays does. Natural law H , picslded
ovci by tnu omnlclent ojn ot the Divine
Jurist who created them and set thu wet Ids
in motion , are Immutable , and all violation o (
them bi Ing us .sooner or later to that period
when wo must face the evil results of oui
trans-iri'ssious-only the guilty ones nro not
ulwujs these who Hiillerit was not the ilcli
New Kngland pliatesand bolder Males kid
nappeis w ho suflcrud during the war of tlm
KOI twenty long years thn manufacturers
and tiaiisporlation companies hiivn i loved
upon tigrlciiltuiu nnd thu weaker e'liuentd
of common e. in tlielr mutual compacts to
fleece the fanner , these two havu spent lily
Accumulated " " have
energies. "straws.
Wfafcentd HID camel's bplne. Unable to
compete abroad , ; in < l with financial bauli-
inpU at home , t'tu con-umption ot manu
factured wares Is Inadequate to the supply on
hand. Goods are "sheir-vvoin" labor Is
nplo } mcnt and bclligcicut. The
lord-i an < l dukis of tiiunco aio i-famorlni ; for
a nuvy to protect them horn foreign fees ,
and tlio national ppltco ( standing aimy ) to
prevent thuir own uoxl'ln uifn from culling
their tl.roaU and UiiUUilui. tlielr