Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DcllTcred 67 carrier In nnr part of the cttr
twenty cent * per week.
II. W. TiL-roy , - . - Manager.
RCPTKTSX Orrici ! , No , O.
" HIOIIT Emioit No. 23.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Ilcnyy suits cheap to order nt Roller's.
' List your property with Crossland &
Morso's ndditlon. The Benson &
Mnyno Real Kstnto Co. , No. 502 Br dway
Lota in Curtis & Ramsey's addition
very cheap. The Benson & Mayno Real
Kstnto Co. , No. C02 Broadway.
Good bargains on lota in nil parts of the
city nt Crossland & Otis' .
Wall nnd sec the plat of Squire's Park
addition before buying a lot.
Armour , Barbeo & Co. have put in telephone -
phone No. 811.
Wait nnd FCO the nlat of Sqtiiro's Park
addition before buying a lot.
Crosslnnd & Otis have now a list of
fine residence property In all uarts of the
"Mugg's Landing'1 to-night. More
laughs to n miniito than any entertain
ment given hero in n long time.
70 lots in railroad add. nt $35 each if
taken before 10 n. in. Williams , owner ,
18 North M-iin street.
Lots in Brown's addition very cheap.
The Benson & Mayno Henl Estate com
pany , No. 502 Broadway ,
The city council is to meet in regular
session next Monday night. There is a
crowd of business to be looked after.
Ul'l'lio cheapest nnd best lots on the mar
ket are those in Tcrwilligor'3 addition
adjoining the transfer on the north ; for
sale by F. J. Day , No. ! W Pearl.
The supper that was to have been given
by tlio ladies ol the Woman's Exchange
nt Miss Baldwin's this evening , has been
postponed until Friday of next week.
Benson's First addition is the cheapest.
$100 to $250. The Benson & Mayno Kent
Estate company , No. 502 Broadway.
As an indication of the heartiness with
which Benson & Mnyno are welcomed to
Council 1 thill's the other renl estate men
joined in giving the new oflicc a serenade
Maps of Counc'I ' Bluffs are in great de
mand , it is almost impossible to gel
them at any price , the old edition being
exhausted. Some are buying second
hand ones at $25.
Isaac Boloy , of Schlcutor & Boloy , yes
terday returned with a car load of first-
class mules , 1,100 to 1,500 pounds , four to
six years old ; on sale at their barn on
Uroadway , opposite dummy depot.
Wanted A first class real estate ofTico
man immediately. Must bo n plain penman -
man , accurate , acquainted with the busi
ness nnd n worker. None other need
apply to Baldwin & Troutman , real cs-
tate , No. 500 Broadway.
Benson's First addition is the cheapest ,
$100 to $250. The Benson & Mnyno Keal
Estate company , No. 502 BrOadway.
Anumbcrof the demi-monde have been
jailed for not having contributed their
monthly lines to support tlio city govern
ment. Four of them have concluded to
board it out , ns they say business in their
line is rather light.
The real estate transfers yesterday , ns
recorded , footed up to $53,480. She
doesn't weaken. If folks weren't too
busy soiling and buying to get the papers
nil made out , the amount would show up
still larger.
Everybody was rejoicing yesterday
ever the announcement made in the BEU
that the wagon bridgn bill had. passed
both the hotco ; nnd ( no senate. The as
surance of this enterprise being speedily
pushed to completion has sent real estate'
uo and up.
Benson's First ndditlon is the cheapest ,
$100 to $250. The Benson & Mayno Real
Estate company , No , C02 Broadway.
It is next to impossible to cot painters ,
paper-hangers , sign-writers , carpenters ,
job printers , etc. , to do work now. They
all have as much work as they can at
tend to , and the majority of them work
at night trying to catch up.
Edwards is to bo sentenced to-morrow.
The extent of the law in his case is fif
teen years hi the penitentiary. It is predicted -
dictod that ho will get n full benefit , and
from all time can bo learned it seems
that ho should bo kcp _ t from running at
largo as long as possible.
There was adiineo on Main street Wed
nesday night which broke up in a row ,
loading to the arrest of Tom Brown.
James Troy nnd G. W. Smith. As usual
the police must have made a mistake and
got the wrong parties , us they all de
clared they wcro not in tlio row at all.
Benson's First addition is the cheapest
f 100 to $250. The Benson & Mayno Real
Estate company , No. 502 Broadway.
The case of Kiigono Call against the
Council Blufls nail works was on trial
yesterday in the district court. This suit
was to secure a claimed indebtedness
arising from services rendered by Call as
secretary and manager of tlio company.
n Benson's First addition is the cheapest ,
f 100 to $250. The Benson & Mnyno Real
Estate company. No. 502 Broadway.
Lots in Curtis & Ramsey's addition
very cheap. The Benson & Mayno Real
Estate Co. , No , 502 Broadway.
Ono physician has evidently cot rattled
ever the boom. The other night a man
having a sick child applied to the doctor ,
who wrote out a perscriptiou , which was
1 taken to a drug store to bo filled. The
clerk called the man's attention to the
fact that the physician had forgotten to
toll how often the child was to take the
medioino , The father hurried back to
thn doctor , who made the correction , and
then the perscription was taken back to
the drug storo. When examined it was
found that , the doctor had given the fol
lowing directions us to how the child
should take the medicine : "One-third
down , balance in one and two years at 8
per cent interest. " At this rnto the child
will bo an invalid for two years to come.
Lots in Curtis & Ramsey's addition
very cheap. The Benson & Mayno Real
Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
L. II , Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at ono-
- * ' half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Benson's First Addition is the cheapest ,
f 100 to $250. The Benson & Mavno Heal
Estate Co. , No , 502 Broadway.
The "Old Fashioned District School , "
it the opera house next Tuesday evening
for the uenolit of the Cottage hospital
fund. Tickets 50 cents. Tickets on sale
now at Bushn'jll's. Rusorvo your scats.
Benson's First Addition is the cheapest ,
1100 to $250. The Benson & Mayno Real
Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
J. W. L. Squiro's abstracts are
perfect nnd cost no more than others.
Benson's First Addition Is the cheapest.
1100 to $250. The Benson & Mayno Real
i. t Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway ,
t " I Gcorgo Rudio , real estate and nogo-
' tintor of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street ,
: f ' Omaha. Bargains in Council Blufls and
Omaha property.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York 1'luiubiug Co.
The Finances Of the Deaf Mtito In
stitution Heine Considered.
From the Dot Molncs Register Islcarncd
the following concerning the finances of
the institution for the deaf anddumb hero :
rMr. 0. L. Wyckoff , superintendent and
secretary of the Institution for the deaf and
dumb ai Council UIulTs , together with the
trustees. Lewis Wclnstcln. Uurllncton , A.
T. Fllcklneer , Council Bluffs , and C. a.
Ranck , Iowa City , were In the city yesterday
in consultation with the covrrnor and aud
itor of stnte. When the quarterly bill of Jtho
superintendent for support fund caino to
hand Auditor Lyon noticed that the bill was
for tlio quarter in advance , contrary to the
custom of all other ctate institutions. The
auditor therefore refused to Issue the war
rant until the matter was explained. The
superintendent came to DCS Jtolncs to con
sult about the mutter , and stated that the
warrants Imd been issued heretofore without
bdne questioned. Tlio superintendent ,
being n new man , was simply following In
the footsteps of his predecessors , but could
find no law authorizing the stnto to nay In
advance. The meeting was held yesterday
to nj'rco upon what to do , as the Institution
cannot run without pay. It wasjcslerday
discovered also that since 187S the per dlcm
nud mllrngo of the trustees had been p.tld
out of the support fund. As this would
amount In total to about 31,000 , It Is proposed
to have a warrant drawn for the amount on
the general fund , from which these expenses
should have been paid , and thus put the
finances In Rood shape. An opinion of the
attoinuy jrencral Is to ho gotten , and the ac
counts to bo righted by the nxccutlvo council.
The stnta has not been In any manner a
loser by these transactions.
Opening Up With a Hurrah.
The Benson & Mayne real estate com
pany opened their olliccs at No. 502
Broadway yesterday afternoon. T'IO '
day and night previous wcro
occupied by busy working mon
who wore trying to get the
ollieo ready for the opening , but yester
day morning tlio crowd was so great
that it was found necessary to lock the
doors . o the carpets could bo put down.
The enliro force ol outside salesmen of
the C. K. Mayno Real E.stato , Loan and
Trust company of Omaha , bended by a
four-horse carriage containing C. E.
Mayno , Samuel S. Curtis , Dexter L.
Thomas , David Jamison , W. D. Mcado ,
T. B. Wililo nr.d M. Sloman of Omaha ,
paraded the streets. There \rcro nine
teen carriages in nil , each driven by a
salesman. "When the parade was ever
the band played in front of the olliccs
and business opened up. It was almost
impossible to get into their being
so crowded with buyers.
When the procession was going along
a gentleman nsKcd "whoso luneral is
tins ? " and the answer came , ' 'they come
hence to attend the funeral of the old
fogies and mossbacks. "
Captain Curtis , who was in this city dur
ing tlio 1857 boom , was behind the ollieo
railing shaking bands with his many old
friends and acquaintances yesterday. Ho
is a fine gentleman and a civil engineer
nnd helped lay out the Curtis addition to
this city. Withal the Benson & Mayno
company opened up yesterday to n line
business. It need not be said that they
arc energetic and wide-awake , for the
enterprise and success shown by them
in other ventures has made their names
familiar ones. Their coining hero has
been largely watched for , nud they are
welcomed witii enthusiasm.
There was a perceptible increase in
tlio boom excitement yesterday. The of-
[ ices wcro more crowded than ever.
There was eager buying and quick sell
ing. Numerous deals wcro not made
public , or the papers could not bo com
pleted , so great was the demand for
Hugh Goss has sold his house and two
lots on Third street just south of Ninth
avenue to John Morgen for $1,000 cash.
W. S. Stacy & Co. have sold the Giles
farm , cast of the Jefl'oris tract to E. L.
Shugart , Fred Davis and others.
J. P. Hess has bought twelve acres of
the Rich land for $75 per acre. It is
located three and one-half miles east of
the city.
George Brown has bought lots 1 to 0
inclusive , block 11 , Central sub-division ,
paying $150 each.
Ton acres of the Frisbec tract was sold
yesterday for $000 per acre and again
put on the market for $800 per acre. If
not sold to-day it will probably bo
Martin Hughes yesterday purchased
two elegant lots on Third street , opposite
Ninth avenue , on which ho will build a
fine residence in tlio spring.
The Cochrnn tract of forty acres was
yesterday sold for $1,000 per acre. This
is located north of the transfer.
John W. Tcmploton has sold forty
acres of the unimproved portion of his
farm , live miles east of town in Garner
township , for $00 per aero. The boom
acorns to extend into the country.
The Benson & Mayno ollieo opened up
with a big crowd and many sales were
mado. Omaha addition , Benson's First
addition and Benson's Second addition
were the locations which attracted the
attention of buyers.
Colonel Tulleys sold his interest in the
K. C. tract , now a part of tlio Omaha
addition , yesterday to Omaha parties for
$500 per aero cash , which cost him $200
per acre in November.
Claranco H. Judson yesterday sold his
eighth interest in the Dullard tract , now
part of the Omaha addition to Council
Blufls , to Messrs. Himobaugh & Mcrriam ,
of Omaha , for $5,000 cash. Mr. Judson
purchased bis interest in November for
Among the buyers in Omaha addition
at Odcll Bros. & Co , yesterday were : E.
Woinlield , of Dos Monies , two ; C. G. and
N. J. Swanson , ono ; Mrs. M.L.Bradbury ,
three , cash ; I. Gillinsky , two ; L. Sim-
nions , four ,
A Shonandoan syndicate has been
formed , consisting of It. W. Morse , W.
M. Cronn , C. E. Smith nnd Messrs.
Hutchinson , White and Christian. They
have purchased twenty acres in Rico's
subdivision nnd have platted it and placed
it on the market as Morse's addition.
R. W. Morse , who owns tlio Stownrt
property on Sixth avenue , near Main
street , was ollured $0,003 for it yesterday
but declined it.
H. W. Huzolton sold to Isaac Gillinski
lot 2. block 4 , Beers' sub , for $100.
Tlio skating rink property at the corner
of Fifth avenue ami Mam street , was yesterday
torday purchased by Mr. Maxwell for
W. C. Staoy & Co. yesterday sold two
acres a block east of Frank street to
Omaha parties for $3,500 ; also four lots
in Burns' addition.
N. D Lawrence yesterday sold to A.
Louie lot , 1 1 , block f ) , Buyliss' first addi
tion and the southerly portion of lots No.
15 and 10 for $5,000.
Ann Buttorlicld sold yesterday to E. II ,
Walters twenty acres tor $1,000 :
\Vies & Clnusim dissolved partnership
yostorday. Mr. Wics is to devote his at
tention to the nursery business , Mr.
Clausen bought Air. \ \ ics' ono-half in
terest in the store building for $0,000 ,
The Knabo pluco , on Washington av
enue. was yesterday sold for $2,000 to a
syndicate consisting of N. W. Williams
and others ,
J. W. Paul , of Omaha , who has been
purchasing so much aero property , yes
terday closed the deal for tlio Rudd tract
for $150 per aero. Shortly after ho bar
gained for the same Ii9 was offered $500
per aero , but ho refused it and yesterday
got the deed. It is a slcnilicant fact that
none of the 300 acres which Mr , Paul has
purchased for a syndicate has yet been
on the market , nor will it bo for a long
while to come. This speaks well for their
confidence in the future of this city.
The largest sale yet made was yester
day by the new tirm of Baldwin & Trout
man , who sold the Wright tract far
$80.000 for the 80 acres.
' 'Charlie" Baujjlm yesterday was some
what surprised as ho stood before the
door of a real estate firm , lie remarked :
"Whafs the matter , arc the people wild ?
As long ns 1'vo lived hero f nbver saw the
like , rvo traveled all over and never
saw such crowds buying real estate ,
Why , how do you account for It ? "
An Omaha gentleman yesterday on-
lorcd a real estate oflicc and found a $10
bill on the floor. His impression was
that Council Blufls folks must bo making
money if they could afford to throw it
The Browstcr property on Park avenue -
onuo was sold yesterday by Crossland &
Otis for $0,000 to an Omaha gentleman.
Morso's addition. The Benson &
Maync Real Estate Co.No.502 Broadway.
Amusements ,
This evening and to-morrow afternoon
nnd evening "Mugg's Landing" is to bo
jivcn at the opera house. Three hours of
solid fun is promised. It has gained
such a reputation that it is needless to
urge these who want to laugh to go pre
pared to have a big evening.
Monday night Maggie Mitchell is to
appear at the opera house in "Lorlo , or
the Artist's Dream. "
Tuesday evening the "Old Fashioned
District School" is to bo given"at the
opcrn house for the benefit of the Cot
tage hospital. The hospital is > an enter
prise in which all are interested , nnd the
ladies should bo given a bcnelit fund of
several hundred dollars to enable them
to go on with their worthy work. The
participants in the "District School" are
nil residents ot this city , most of them
prominent , and many of them among the
oldest citi/.cns. It is an entertainment
which has much fun in it , and novelty , so
that while helping out a worthy cause ,
these who attend will have their money's
The pic sociable to be given this even
ing in thn parlors of the Congregational
church is a novel entertainment , the
full details of which will not bo made
imblio in advance. All nro invited , and
10 cents will give you a chance to poop
inside the pie factory itself , while re
freshments can bo ordered nt will. No
admission charged to the social.
Morse's addition. Tlio Benson &
Mayne Real Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
A Fnuilly ,1ar.
Mrs. Eliza Cogley now seeks to get a
livorco from Daniel Cogley , to whom
she was married in Clarindn , in 1881.
she claims that last December lie tried to
kill her , and came for her with a stone
inr , and when this was wrested away
Tom him he picked up a spade with
which to continue the assault Others
chanced to be near , and interfered , and
10 threatened to kill lieraud her rescuers ,
She begs now to bo set matrimonially
free. ;
Lots in Curtis & Ramsey's addition verv
cheap. The Benson & Mayne Real
Estate company. No. 502 Broadway.
.Tutl Pot- Ono Your.
George Brown , who was tracked for
miles and brought back to answer the
charge of crooked work in connection
with the Hamburg postollico , has had his
trial in Keokuk , nnd yesterday was
brought to this city and lodged in the
county jail. His sentence is said to bo
one year.
_ _
For Sale At a bargain , 10 acre tract
two miles from city. Ira Scolielcl.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Pacific bouse is the nearest hotel to the
majority of real estate offices in the city. '
$2.00 per day.
A Uls Thing.
if. J. Day has for sale -11 acres , known
as the Babbit tract , marked on the map
J. Danforth , at $1,000 per acre ; it lies J
of a mile fronting on Broadway ; the
street cars run past it every 15 minutes ,
and Broadway is paved up "to the prop
erty. This tract is just a half mile above
the Ogdou houso.
When you arc in the city stop at the
Pacific house. Street cars pass the door
every fifteen minutes for all the depots.
Meals 50 cents.
At the Pacific house you will F.TVO from
50 cents to $1 per day. Try it and bo
Uooni , Doom , Doom.
When you can't ' sleep buy a bottle of
Warner's Nervine , when your head aches
buy Bronio Caffeine , when you want con
solation buy a good cigar at Grandy's
City Drug Storo.
Dr. ilnnchott , ollieo No. 12 Pearl street ;
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
To Contractors nnd llullderN.
Proposals will be received by the under
signed until the 23d of next month for the
huildinc of the now Catholic church-
Pluns nnd specilications may bo seen nt
the pastoral residence. The right is re
served to reject any or all proposalo.
B , P. McMK.vo.MV , Pastor.
Best grades Iowa soft lump coal , $3 per
ton at vurd ; $ ! ) .50 delivered. C. B. Fuel
Co. , 539 Broadway. Telephone I'M.
Help out the Cottage hospital fund ,
nnd renew the memories of youth by go
ing to sco the "Old Fashioned District
School , " next Tuesday livening at the
opera house. Tickets at Bushucll's only
50 cents.
Person al Paragraph * ; .
J. P , Beach , of Hamburg , was at the
Ogden yesterday.
E. 11. Merrinm.of David Bradley & Co. ,
went cast yesterday.
J. II. Arthur , the well known railway
mnn , was greeting his friends hero jvs-
II. J. Palmer , who lias boon confined to
his bed with a severe fovor.was last evening -
ing much improved , but will not bo ablu
to bo out for perhaps a week yet ,
G , II , Hopkins , now of Wi'&ton , Neb. ,
but formerly in the dairy business hero ,
arrived in this city yesterday to look
after his property and take advantage of
the boom.
Bids on thn beautiful lot on Oakland
avenue will bo opened at tlio ollieo of
Stacey & Co. at 10 o'clock Saturday
Kiplingcr & Wickham , real estate ; No ,
410 Broadway.
Walt and see the plat of Squiro's Park
Addition before buying a lot.
All orders from real estate brokers for
job printing wilj , eceivo immediate and
careful attention at Pryor's UKB job
Benson's First Addition is thn cheapest ,
$100 to $250. The Benson k Mayno Real
Fstato Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
List your property with J. W. & E. L.
Squire , They have $30,000 to invest for
a non-resident to-day ,
This licats Them All.
The Cooper & McGee hardware brick
building , No. 41 Main street , will bo of
fered for sale for two days only for
$12,500. If not sold before Friday after
noon the price will bo $15,000. This
building has for a number of years
brought in $100 per month rent. Apply
to Kiplingur & Wickham , No. 419 Broad-
waj- Lot Exchange ,
For Sato.
The no } of 'tho no i of section 10 , town
74 , range 41 , forty acres , J of a mile south
of the Union Pacific elevator and stock
yards , $210 an acre ; nlso lots 3,5 , and 17 ,
Midland addition. The last two men
tioned lots within half a block of Broadway -
way , $500 each. Lot 14 , In blk 4 , Glendale -
dale , $100 : lots 0 and 10 , blk 11 , Fleming
& Davis add. , at $500 each. Prices sub-
jcc to change without notice.
Benson's First Addition is thn cheapest.
$100 to $250. The Benson A : Mayno Real
Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
Morso's Addition. The Benson &
Mayne Real Estate Co. , No. 502 Broadway.
Morso's Additiou. The Benson &
Mayno Real Estate Co. , No.502 Broadway ,
Speclft' Advertlnoiiionta , such M test , Fo.inJ
lol/nan , For Sale , To llont , Vxxnts , llonnllnir ,
clc.irlll liolnoortoJ In this column at the low
ratoof TKN CKNT3 1'KIt LINK forttio first Inter-
Son and i''lvuCoiiUF rl.liio for cncu subsequent
Inoortiou. LCHVO nJvorUsatncnU nt our olll j
No. 13 Votil itrcot , tic.xr Uroaclwiir , Council
FOH SA1.M I.nrjo residence , corner I'.lk'litli
nnd llrouihvuy. Inquire nt Metropolitan
I poll SAI.K Thono ' 5 of the no > t ot poet Ion
10 , town " 4 , nnmo K , forty IUTCS , * f or a
milo Botith or the Union 1'nclllo ulovntornml
clock ynrils , S'JSU im nero : nl o lots : l , B nnil 17.
Mlillnml ndultion ' 1 lie lupt tno mentioned lots
wltliln halt n block of llio.ulwiiy , J.'iW each.
I.oLlt , In blk 4 , Ulondnlo , $401) ) .
l.,5ts , n nml 10 , blh 11. Kiomlnir & Davis mid. , nt
? 50U ouch. Prices subject to change without
notice. Ilomco Ktcrolt.
V\7"ANT0 ! A competent abstractor ; to the
T T richt mim coed WIIROS nnd stund- employ
ment will be given. Inquire nt-W S. Mnlu M.
FOUSAfjK If tniioti this \\pek A flvo room
hoti't ! on Firtli nvoniio , ni'Hr dummy
dopol. Thnstrri'l , sidewalk nnd lot llllod to
Kriido. Price $1,1.10. lla r terms. Address
I.nt , lieu olllce , Council Hinds.
FOH S A lit ! A nr. t-class , throo-sprlnir ,
plmoton and harness part oash , balance
In monthly pnymenls. A. J. Mnndel , No. li'-J
d : .1) Ilrotidw.iy.
FOH SAI.K-A Imrghln 1'lno new residence ,
clifht rooms and but h room , p. o. corner
" > f Sixth street and Washington uvonun , two
liioclcs trom Kovcrninpnt bulMlnp Furnace ,
water and ens. lxt fij foot front. 1'rleo for 110
] ) B only 51.MO , also cheap residence nroporty
In all parts of the city. Apply to H. Shoo-
imikcr , No. < , Ilnrrlson Bt.
"C1OU SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved IfiO
JL ? ucres cloto to Ilniltmr.l , in Hutlrr county ,
Ncbrttskn. Will jjlvo Inrco discount from pres
ent vnluo for null. AddroiH Iluutinir , Kunyon
& Jones , llnvlil City , Nob. , or W. J. , llco olllce ,
Council Illnffs , la.
FOIl SALE At a barKnln , 255 no res with line
Improvements , six miles t-nst of Council
Illnffs. I'ricolnw und nil the time needed. In-
qiilro or T.V. . Van Sclover , Council
WANTCn Acottiio ( of flvo or eU room * ,
located convenient to liuslncfs ; RID nil
family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Hoe
WANTKD--A boy with pony to ( lurry Hoe
[ 7 > OH SALE Old imnoru for ealo nt the Uoo
I' olDco.
WANTKI > Parties Intending to bo married
are wanted to o.ill lit the Pryor'H Dee job
office to select their wedding : curds.
STACY & CO , ,
Scaled IJUlu will be received at this
ofllco until JO o'clock Saturday
niofiihiif , February / > , for lot JV . 17
In Mill add. , Including about jiffy
feet off tlie south side of out lot.Jt ,
CO feet , front hi/ about ttOU deep.
This is one of the
Finest Residence Lots
In the city , OH Oakland avenue otdy
tliwe bloclm north of Main street.
JSids will be opened at JO o'clock
Saturday mornlny and the lot sold
to the hli/hett bidder , provided the
price is over $2,20O. This lot Is
VERY CHEAP AT $3,000 $ ,
TEUMSs One-Third cash , balance
to suit.
A few lots In Riddle's sub , within
flve blocks of the Milwaukee ami
Rock Island depots , and about the
same distance from the block on
which the
New Union Depot
dO acres only ono mile from Jtroad-
way , only $10O per acre.
Acre property on Franklin avenue
very low.
25 foot lot and store bitlldinu on
Jiroadway , between the Onden
house and Hie Methodist church ,
for $ < i,0)0.
Improved anil unimproved prop
erty I" all parts of the city and
W. a. STACY & Co. ,
Real Estate Brokers ,
JVro it , Main stn , Council JHujfs.
Veritable Boom ,
R. T. BRYANT & CO. ,
Will show yoi many choice pieces of
property at aat ouisaingly lo\v prices ,
Ladies' ' and Childrens' '
Wo have succeeded in pur-
clmsing at an
Extraordinary Bargain
A largo quantity o Muslin Un
derwear , Childrens' Dresses ,
Aprons , etc. , which wo hnvo di
vided into two lots , and to iniike
quick sales will sell them at
25c Consists of
Indies' Night Robes , Chemises ,
Drawers , Corset Covers , long
White Aprons , Childrens' White
and Eed Msthcr Ilubbard
Dresses , Drawers and Infants'
Slips. These garments are well
made and warranted pcrsect.
50c. Consists of
Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts ,
Chemise , Drawers , Corset Cov
ers and Childrens' White and
Turkey lied Dresses.
All trimmed with Linen Torchon
lace. Such garments as these are
usually sold for 75c to $1.
We take great pleasure in plac
ing this immense purchase he-
fore our customers and invite nn
early call , as we believe this to
the greatest bargain in Muslin
Underwear and Childrons Dress
es ever ofiered in this city.
. , 'tJ-l , 310 , : tlli and . ' 120 liroad
way , Council Jiluff's.
All fresh goods , well made , full
sizes , good shapes , and warranted
free free from imperfections.
Council Booms !
The Leaig
Corner First Council Wuffs.
Has the Largest List and More Bargains
than cam be quoted by any other agent. Call
Over 100 Feet Front on Central Broadway
For Sale by 23-
Jloom f > , over OFFICER 0 rUSEY'S ItuiiJf , COUNCIL JlLUFFS
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Residences and Farms , acre property in
western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring slock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Room fi , over Ofllccr iP Fuscy's bank , Council Muff's.
Fannlnp Lnnds in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from J.'i.OO to
$10.00 per ncro. School nnd state hinds in Minnesota on 80 yv.ira' time / jnir
cent inturcbt. Land IJuyers fare free. Information , oto. , given
No. 555 Broadway , Council lilufl's , Iowa , ngont for Froidrikson & Co. , Chicago.
' . Tlio Finest Im
ported I.lno of
Goods West ot
Mrs.C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 MainStreet.Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice of the Peace ,
.115 IJromlMiiy , Council III nil' * .
Refers to any bank or business house in
the city.
Collodions a specialty.
1514 Douglas StM
Ladicsbuying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; ? io , icund ( rip.
The only hotel in Council UlnfTb having
FJr © Esoa/pe
And all mo'ern ' improvements.
S15 , 217 and 219 Main st.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Erprets.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and eolJ , at retail
and in tots. Large quantities to select
from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council Bluffs.
JOHN y. 8T.VB 4 V I I ) Hit t
Practice in the Stnto nnd Federal court !
llooms 7 nud 8 Siutirt-loiio ! ; ! Mlook.
R. RICE , M. D. ,
f > Or ether Tumors roinovoU wltlioui
1/U/ft.era | | , o 1,1,11orilntvrlniror , blood.
Oior Ihnly yonrRiiHUtirulux | [ > L'rionuu. \
No. 11 I'onrlSt. , Council JJlulls. i
P7 CuniiUltutlou fruu.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Ojipotlto Dummy Depot.
§ i
F * * S.
Horses nnd mules kupt constantly qn
hand , for gala at retail or in cur louda.
Oilers promptly filled by contract oa
short notice. Stock sold on commission ;
Siinrriru it Bousr. 1'roiJiiiHors.
Telephone ) No. 114.
Formerly of Kcil Sale Stnbles , corner
1st. uvo and 4th street.
U 11. MgDONKI.l ) & CO. ,
IKitublUbed ISi'Al
No S74 Mam Slrttot , . : i Council Hluff < M
< : oiiii : : .sioIIK : H.V.\T .