Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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nrui P'-LJ . - . t f y fl
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gZ3 55 p"1'M
E2BBS aacsss .
ita < wllii rK8Kafii.i AKtuSii rf J
Lies Directly \ in Front of Union Pacific ific Auen ue ,
6" "
mM _ AJ
f WI
fi i W s are and wi to
82USSB Q rr
No. 101 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , i
"Work Bclni : Carried On NoiAvilh-
Ktnnilin the Cold Weather.
The work of digging for coal or
rather prospocling for it is going on
nobly despite the cold wer.thcr. To bo
operations cannot bo pushed very
last , but nevertheless nothing that can
Jpo ( lone is being neglected , in order to
reach a paying vein of coal as soon as
At present operations are being con
fined to rimming the .shaft which has al
ready been sunk. This shaft 13 over
favo hundred feet in depth , and its sides
nro being protected by an iron tubing
eight inches in diameter , which is grad
ually being sunk down , and has
already been sent to a depth of over-100
feet. The tubing or rimming is .sunk in
order lo enable the men to pump out the
water more quickly and elieetivcly. A
drill is used at the same time lo deepen
the shaft , operated of by a steam
engine. A shoit time will siillice
to enable the shall lo be Mink lo a depth
of 070 feel , where Hie vein of coal origi
nally Htriiek will bo found. In pros
pecting above that vein some specimens
of slato. black and gray ( the former very
much rnscmblmg coal ) nave been found.
No remarkable specimens of coal have
been found sineo llie discovery was first
tinnouncod. However , it is thought that
when Unoriginal vein is reached and
the water is thoroughly pumped out , the
ti/-st impresblons of the hud will bo fully
< 2onlirmed.
The. operations of sinking the shaftand
rimming it with the iron tubing are car
ried on in a small slruoturo which has
, bcnn built directly around the hole , and
enables the men to work in thnoldest of
winter. This strueluro conneels with
, another , which contains the gleam engine -
* gino used to furnish the motive power.
i A reporter for the HKI : paid a visit to
this place yesterday morning and found
four men at work pumping out the water
und sinking the shall. Knginoor Martin
was in charge of the work ,
Tlioy Are ( Joint : Kant.
Lots in Randolph I'laeo addilion to
South Omaha tor sale cheap
A EVANS ( .loiiNsox ,
G31 S lilth Street ,
Cunningham I hill ,
Tlio HrlfjUH i'l'operty SoliI for
S-t O.OOO.
The well-known llriggs properly on
West Farnani street was sold last Friday
to C. 1C Mayno and Knisltis A. IK-nson
tor f'ilO.OOO. There are elghly-hvo aeres
in this tract and lies just west of Lowe
iivtmnn. It will bo graded on" , trees
planted and all improvements made bo-
font an > platting or belling is done. It
is thn inlitntion of the pre-fiit owners ( o
make this the choice t inside residence
properly in the city , with every advan
tage to bo gained by iv icsideiice in the
' oiitral part of Omaha. No .selling will
' .done until probably mt > fall.
/on acres for sale cheap.
KV.VNS & Jon.NbON , 5.'I S. 13th St.
A ririAiH/i ; CASK ,
A .Mother Driven I'Yom Homo and
Koblit'd of Her J'ropcrty.
A case of matrimonial infelicity , \\hich
eei-ins temporarily , at leiust , bojond the
reach of jiibtice , was detailed yesterday
morning to Judge Herka by Mr.- , Amelia
Hoi well , Shu roiides a t-hoit distance
south of the city limits , and during the
nineteen months which shohas been mar
ncd , she claims she has been the victim
of r\tn mo brutality on the part of her
llfrlKuul , llu has be.itcn and kicked
her , and driven her out of the house ,
Ihioatoucd to lake hurlife and compelled
her to depend upon her neighbors for
mpport. As a consequence of this cruelty
the has lost two children , and though she
owned the lot upon which their house
now stands , her husband , she asserts ,
claims it , nlllioughit has been mortgaged
to a real estate man in town who ad
vanced $500 with which to build a homo.
Yesterday sue was literally clad in rags ,
part of which was an old coat of her hus
band's , and suffered keenly , both from
the mortification of her si'uation and
the intense cold. Judge Herka felt pow
erless to help her. He agreed to issue a
warrant , but as there was no money to
pay a constable to servo it , and espec
ially as it had to bo served outside the
city , for which the county would pay
nothing , he did not know how to bring
the cruel husband to justice. The judge
thought that such cases as the one above
outlined , needed legislation.
If you have not seen the rapidly grow
ing city of South Omaha go to C. E ,
Mayne's ollico and you will find free car-
liagcs in waiting.
The way lots have been selling yester
day and to-day in South Omaha , C. E.
Mayno will sell more lots there this week
than over before.
Tlioy Are Going Pnst.
Lots in Randolph 1'1'ico addition to
South Omaha for sale cheap.
021 S. 13th Strcel.
Cunningham Hall.
As C. E. Mayno handles nothing but
lirst-class property , an investment with
him insures a handsome profit.
C. E. Mayno is solo agent for South
Omaha lots.
A Sportlnn Weekly.
It is stated on excellent authority that
early in the spring a printing firm in
this city will Cbtablish a weekly journal ,
which will be devoted in the main to
sporting events , at the same time paying
considerable attention to theatrical mat
ters both at homo and abroad. Ono of
the projectors of the enterprise inlendi
to leav o in a few days for Chicago to se
cure one of the most reliable snorting
editors to bo had there , \yith a view tout
once giving the eniorpriso a llrst-class
Hcforo the prices on lots in South
Omaha are advanced , and while you can
buy them for such a small amount cash ,
call at C , 13. Mayno's ollico and buy a few.
You can doable your money in a few
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed ( ' E. Mavno solo agent for the
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and lurnlsh all desired information
upon application.
( .Signed ] W. A. PA.XTON , President.
Twenty acres for sale chcap.a bargain
521 S. inh ; St. , Cunningham Hall.
An investment in lots in South Onnh.v
proper and the lauds adjoining known as
the South Omaha Syndicate lands , is as
perfectly sure of large returns as a lot on
15th and Farnam streets. C. E Mayno ,
solo agent , 15th and Jlarnoy.
rollco Court.
William Anderson was lined ? J5 and
costs in police court yesterday morning for
difturbing the peace. William Aaron , a
hack driver , was fined $5 and co > ts for
violating the hack ordinance in over
charging a stranger.
Artnur Kobinson had been guilty ot
disturbing the peaco. Ho was promptly
lined $10 and costs. C'has. Dunn , u vag
rant , was sout up for ten days.
From 10 o'clock in the morning until 0
o'clock at night C , 13. Alayne's ollico is
crowded with people buying lots in South
Omaha and Beusuu.
it i .Not Certain 'Iliat the Ijiittcr Will
Heat the Former.
Certain pai ties are trying to make it
appear that the race between John S.
Prince , the world's champion , and
Thomas W Eck , which comes oil' in the
exposilion building next Saturday night ,
has been arranged beforehand thai I3ck
has no fhostly show of winning against
Speaking of Ibis mailer yesterday
Prince-said ; "Eck stands just as good a
show as I do. On a half-mile out door
track 1 think I could beat him at twenty
miles or any distance. On this indoor
track , however , where there are so many
turns to make , the race will be
an altogether dill'erent one , and will tesl
a man's speed instead of his staying
powers. Tliis being the case , Eck will
stand a good show of coming out ahead ,
though I intend to do everything in my
power to win the race. All this talk-
about my having a sure thing on it is
mere nonsense You mav depend upon
it that it will bo the mpstliotly contested
race ever run in this cit , > , too. "
Moxt Saturday night the reporters will
test their respective abilities as riders of
the "Hying wheel. " Three entries have
been mide so fur. Mr. Prince desires it
understood that only honalido reporters
will bo allowed to cuter. Individuals
who are connected with a newspaper in
any other capacity than that of a reporter
will bo barred out.
The way lots have boon soiling yester
day and to-day in South Omaha , C. E.
Mf.yno will .sell more lots there this week
than over before.
From 10 o'clock in the morning until f >
o'clock at night C. E. Mayne's ollice is
crowded witli people buying lots in South
Omaha and Henson.
Fiyo , ten anil twenty-aero blocks , ad
joining South Omaha , lor sale cheap.
Just right for cutting.
Call at OUCQ on
521 S. 18th St.
Heforo the prices on lots in South
Omaha are advanced , and while you can
buy them for such a small amount cash ,
call at C. K.-Mayno's ollice and buy a few.
You can double your money in a few
months ,
Huy a lot In South Omaha. C. E.
Mayno , solo agent.
Odd Fellows.
The Hall association of Omaha Odd
Tollow societies held a mooting Monday
night and elected olliecrs for the ensuing
year as follows : Henry Jackson , presi
dent , P Olson , secretary , and F. 1 $ . Hryant ,
treasuicr. Mr. W. A Kelley , the retiring
secretary , on the conclusion of the meet
ing , cnteitaincd the newly elected gen
tlemen t an n\eollent oyster and wine
supper , gotten up in Higgina' best
stylo. Thursday night a numboi of Odd
Follows will moiit at the hall corner of
Foultconth and Dodge streets , to make a
fr Uernal visit to Lodge li ) ot Council
C. E. Mayno is solo agent for South
Omaha lots.
If jnu have not seen the rapidly grow
ing city of South Omaha go lo O. E.
Mayne's ollieo ami you will liud free car
riage in waiting.
or Deeds.
The county commissioners heard yes
terday that the bill providing for the
election of a recorder of deeds had been
favorably recommended by the committee -
too of the whole of the Louse. Tlioy also
learned that the oflico is to n6 one of sal
ary instead of foes. Further , that the incumbent shall bo elected instead
of appointed , as contompliited , until llie
ensuinir state eleetion. The announcement -
mont wis highly satisfactory It meant
the savinjr of 4 < 20OI)1 , ) annually to the
county , and saved them the necessity of
deeidinir between a host of applicants ,
each of whom wanted the appointment.
The governor of Missouri has become
iealous of Ihe attention given to outlaws ;
mil he still continues to recommend ( he
famous Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup for
eoti hb and colds.
The proprietors of Salvation Oil , the
greatest cure on earth for pain , will pay
a large reward if anyeertiticato published
by them i.s found not genuine. Jt costs
o'nly 25 cents n bottle.
I5uy a lot in Itcuson of O. E. Alaync.
From 10 o'clock in the morninir until 0
o'clock at night C. E. Alayne's oflico is
crowded \utli people buying Jots in South
Omaha and Henson.
Five , ten and twentr-acro blocks , ad
joining South Omaha , for sale cheap.
Just right for cutting up into Jots.
Cull at once on
Gi > t S. lilth St.
Huy a lot in South Omaha. C. E.
Mavne , sole agent.
A New Htorn-Koejmr.
A new store-keeper has been appointed
for Iler's distillery , making five in all to
lind employment at that place. The new
appointee's name is George I1' , ( iedultig ,
of Falls City , Hichard on county , and Ins
bond wab sent him for signature , but thus
lar has not been returned.
Buy a lot In liunson of C , 13. Mayno.
The way lots have been selling yester
day and to-day in South Omaha , C' , 10.
jMayno will sell more lots there this week
than ever botoro.
Five acres in South Omaha for .sale at
bargain. KVA.NS A : JOJJNMJN.
Before the prk'os on lots in South
Omaha are advanced , and while you can
buy them lor such a Muall amount cash ,
on II at C , E. Mayno's oflien : jrit | buy : i few ,
You can double your money in u low
months. .tt
C. 13. Mayno is solo agent for .South
Omaha lots. \
Ih * . Ciilliraillrs Inline * .
Dr. ( ialbraith , the UnioiQ'.icIlic bur
geon , who , it will bo renumbered , was
injured at Valley a few davM'ago , is said
to bo recovering as rapiiilyiaas could bo
expected. Ho is yet compiled to use
crutches , but it is expected rtlmt ho will
bo able to bo attending to 'tnismcss in a
lew days. : - . (
If you have not seen the iljfyldly ffi ow
ing eily of South oumlu go to C , E.
Mayno's ofiioo and you will ynd free car
riages in waiting.
If you have not seen the rapidly growing -
ing city of bouth Omal'a go lo C. 13.
Maine's otlico and you will Jind free car
riages in waiting.
Ten acres for sale cheap.
Kj ; & A : JOHNSON , 53i S. 13th St.
C. 11. Mayno Is bole agent for South
Omuliu lots.
As C. E. Mayno handles nothing but
lirst-class property , an investment with
him insures a hundsomu proht.
From 10 o'clock in the morning until 0
o'clock at night O , E. Mayne's ollice is
crowded with people btuiujr lots in South
Omaha and liuiuou.
Tlio licHiclenco of Ulra. Itosf on Hurt
Street licstroyrd.
Yesterday morning about ! > : > 0 o'clock , a
file broke out in the residence of Mrs. Will
iam Ross , 2215 Hurt street , and before it
could be e\tinguiilied , it destroyed
about two-thiid.s of the house.
There was an Insurance of $1,250 on the
furniture , only a part of which however ,
was destroyed. The building was owned
by C. C. Ilousel , and was insured for
$2,000. The total loss will amount to about
three thousand dollars. Two firemen
were injured by the falling of one of the
chimneys , several bricks striking Deles
Heard , of No , 1 , and John Steinert , of
the j.ook anil ladder , on the head and in-
Hinting cuts about an inch in length.
A Swedish servant , who worked for
Mrs Koss , claimed to have lost about
lfiO of her earnings , and mourned her
loss with many tears.
Easy work and still' glossy collars by
using Electric Lustre Starch.
As (3. E. JMaync handles nothing lint
first-clas-s proper ! } , and investment with
him iiiMiics a handsome profit.
Huy a lot in lionson of C. E. Mayno.
Five acres in South Omaha for sale at a
bargain. EVANS As JOHNSON.
The way lots have been selling yester
day and to-day in .South Omaha , C. E.
Mayno will sell more lots there this week
than over betoro.
A New Musical Society Orjianl/.ed.
About thirty-live ladies and gentlemen ,
i ntereslcd in the promotion of church
and other music , assembled Monday eve
ning in the Sunday school room of the
Trinity cathedral and organi/ed a society
to he known a the St Cecilia society.
Mr. John 1' . Williams was elected
president , Prof. ,1. 13. liutlur , vice presi
dent : W. S. ( Joiiltl , secretary ; Mrs. Will
T. Tabor , treasurer ; and Mrs. J. W.
Cotton , musical director ,
The society will hold regular rehearsals
Monday evenings at 7ti : ! ) . Ladies and
gentlemen with good vo ces are asked to
join. It js hoped that the society will bo
able to give an oratorio next summer.
Jieforo the piices on lots in South
Omaha are advanced , ami while you can
buy thorn for such a small amount cash ,
call at O. 13. Mayno's ollico and buy a tew ,
You can double your money in a low
Huy a lot in Henson of C E. Mayno ,
Twenty aerca lor MIO ! eheap.a bargain.
521 S. lth ! ! St. , Cunningham Hall.
As O. 13. Mayno Ini'idles nothing but
first-class property , an investment with
him insures a handsome profit.
I'ur Sale The Solomon residence of 00
acres ot ground , including all improve
ments , race iraek , Are. , cheap. For par
ticulars inquire of C. 13. M.Tjno , solo
1 he ( Jnrhnnd Ordinance ,
Within the past two days the police
have made the arrest of aeveial express
men who are charged with violating the
now garbage ordinance , in carrying on"
slop , without being properly l.consed to
do that sort of work. The new ordinance
distinctly provides that no evprc.ssman
or other person shall cart away garbage ,
unless they ha\o secured the proper
license for that kind of work from the
city authorities , All persons found violating
lating tins ordinance will be promptly ar
rested and prosecuted.
From 10 o'clock in the morning until 9
o'clock nt night C. E. Ma > uo' & ollico i
crowded with people buying lots in South
Omaha and Uenson.
Lawrence Ostrom & Co.
Is Death to Consumption ,
Sleeplessness ,
Chills anil Or Insomnia , auil
Typhoid Foyer , Dissimulation ,
Indigestion , 01 Food ,
Dyspepsia , Ton Years Old ,
Surgical lAjvar , ? No Fusel Oil ,
looi 1'oisoniiigr Absolutely Pur *
Thl will rprMfjrtliut I Imvo otamlnea the IlKlihK OK IlimmtOV WHISKY , reoilvoil from I < * w-
ius < EO-nirM \ Co , nn I f mnl tli < mni > In ba porljutlj fn-0 from duel on ami nil olli-r clolotor-
oiifl BilLntiKup-i anil strictly piiro. I cli iiriiily | ri > 3 I'nmmnJ the mini for ft nllrin I M illclniil niiriioiiui
„ , „ . J.I' UMlNtlM.M I ) , Aiitirtl-nM ' ( Imimst , LmiUvllla , Ky ,
I nrsnloljjr PniHRlsU Whin Mor'tmnU in I IIIMUPM ovurywlia IVh i Jl ji n"r hnttln .
in'ui ' KSMi XtV M rli1il'il'1'l'n ' ' ' ' " "o < 'wiu "u "ont lo nn- y aililrasi
LAWRE3STOE OSTKOM & Co. Louisville , Ky
Wholesale antl Distributing Agents ,
ntiua co. , n < i
ILltOX , niuletnlc. Liquor DcnlrrsOinalut. \ .
i > ( iclI > lIhADS'lONK JtltOti. < 0G'O. , Umulnu
Tirollhifj can be done in the oven of the
Chailur Oak Itaiiso or htovoIth the Win )
( iait/eOven Door , moiepuileelly than over
he live coals.
Lay the hteal ; , chops , ham or fish on a
wlieliroiler or meat lack , placing It In an
oidmaiy bake pan tocaUh thediippiiigs.
Allow it to remain lu the en \\lthtlio
door closed 26 or 1 ! ( ) minutes , .No ttirnini'
Hie < ] iiircd. Atthnemlof this liimi it will
lie found nicely ready to serve.
Tins JSTIIJ : IUI.AI. iAY TO niton , MKAIH.
Tlifio it no taint of coal-gas or wnoke ,
nnd the nionts in enioio tender and better la
ll.iu.r than those bioiled o\er the coals.
The coiiM-iileiu'o or 1/iuilniL' in the oven
\Mll boapprei iated by cveiy hriiibe-kceiL'r | ,
find ndils iinolliir to tnoniaiiy icabtms vhy
the Clmiler Oak ItatiRO or htovollh tint
AS'Hofjuii/nO\en Jiour hlnnildhopiotcnid
GUID FUJI ItlUST.UTED CfiCUURS f.M ) f'tlfE ' 1.IS1S. to nil others now in the inaikut.
P KENNLV. UoKUON. ( , l I Jl I t \R ) , KKANKLIN.
IAI.Iw\bSi ) 1.I.1SON , HASTINGS. N I lullS ON N' H III llVNU.
i : C IIRKWKK , H'Y f > rtiM- , . I J M.CAU I.I'TY , . . . . O'NniL CITY.
II AlKHftCO hsl.KA ! KA ( .1 V K ll\/-l LWOOU , . . ( KCI.OIA.
W J- 'Jl MI'UCION' . / . H'I I b Ht'kl. ' i'l AIT'iMllUrtl.
J I ) Sl'ilKV\Nr ! U f-OM , AIKI , .i A. IM M.SDN ,
J. KASS\'tO . ( I AKh M J O ( , l < I I N SlK.Jllbl'UfC , ,
KHAl'sl- LKI ! ! ! iU.l CH , CHI nun J A I'ADHI- M MiN . bi
OI.Db lKOs ; I H 'l IMMI KM N I I \l 1 I' '
Watches Diamonds Fine Silver
, , Jewelry * ware
The largest stock. Prices the Jovn-it H , itjrm Jt > , dally. All wur : warrant-
cd. Corner Douglas and JOih lreuts , Um.ifi i
\Vutctiiuitktir \ for Uiu L'n.un I'ucilu ; l6.iojdcouiijuy. { ]