ED AS A KI1IIL1ST. A Prominent Nebraska Citizen in the Ons- todj of the Bnasian Authorities. BIG REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS , /V / I-iargo Number oCConnty Treasurers Who Have Not Vet 3Ini > o Settle ment Notnrlea Cominls- Elonoil Ijlnculn Sown. friJOM THK nnn's UNCOIL nmin.vu. I The news reached Lincoln yesterday th.it Hashan Thlosscn , a well known resident of Jefferson county , Nobiaska , was \n \ tlio custody of the Utisslan authorities , created a great deal of comnictit among Lincoln resi dents who were well acquainted with him wlilloln this state. It la undni stood that ThlesiBn Is held by the Itnsslan authorities M a Nihilist , and what blcps may bo taken by this uovurnmont was n general toulo ot discussion. Thlossim three jeats a.so pub lished a book on silk work and the culture oC silkworms as It could bo carried on In Ne braska , lie Illustrated his faith by planting n largo niulbprry grove on his farm In Jeffer son county. Th lalo Peter Kiirbury , of the .Staats Anzclzpr , was a co-worker with Mr. Thlesscn In his book on sill : culture , nnd It was published In several lancuages and con- Hldeied a valuable book on that subject. It was currently reported that ho had some ycnis before coining to Nebraska been a prisoner in Ku sla and hatl been ono ot the subjects banished to Siberia and hail made bin escape In 1S77. Whlln In Siberia , on account of his III treatment by the ofllcera In charge hu cnmo near losing both his eyes. Alter ho landed In this country from making his es- C.IIPO he siiceeeded In savins one ot tliem. It Is understood by Lincoln parties neqiuliited with him that his banishment was lor polit ical opinions ami n susnectof Nihilism. After rniiiinc to this rouutrj hu settled with the IMiiiinonltcs , ho beluga tneinbei ol that sect. Ho has large property Interacts In thu Rtito nnd went b.ick to Russia some six mouths slnro tor a. visit. Jlo Is a man of ( inn Intel lectual attainments and was looked upon as u leader among the Mcnnonilo colonies In the stato. Several citizens of Lincoln have fretiuenlly listened to his descriptions of the treatment of exiles In Siberia and the mode mid habits of the people In that country , lit ) Is u man of about litty-Itvo years and no fam ily , living by himself nt his homo In this Bt.ltO. IMPORTANT RCAIj KHTATK MOVr.MCXTS. J. J. Imholl , ttio well-known former pro prietor ot the Commorclal holol In this city , hits entoied the real estate arena anil haspur- chaped th corner of N and Twelfth streets , the old Clifton hoiiso pioperty. Uiicetly tol- lowlng this purchase Mr. linhoft purchased the lot adjoining tills property of Air. Wamulnr , paying for this lot 58,000. nnd U makes now three lots In the he.u t of the city upon which It itf'tasted that Mr. Imholl cither by himself or In a syndicate of capitalists will ureclouc of the finest hotel sUuctuics in tlio wesiern country. His generally 1111- tlerstontl that Mr. linhofl has hud for some lime this particular proj > erty In view , nud its piirobaso evidently menus business. The Sheldon and Hurr purchases eontlnue to climb up in the Immediate vicinity of this ptiicliaso iccoiited above. A short time ngo , but a tow tlays at larlhest , Mr. L. C. Hutr purchased the Hobeits resitleueo on N street lor 8 .000. It Is now announced that Shel- tlen ami Hurr have either piuoliased direct or have the bargain closed lor the residence propelty In this block owned bv Joe Itoyco , the purchase price being 30.000. 'J'lio Ir. Carter homestead propci ty adjoining is also under uontnict tor piuclmso at the handsome liguio of 10,000 , and the corner lot in tnis l.lin k , ailjolnniL' the Catlerresltlence.ls under rontiae.t of pureliaso fiom ,1. M. T. Jones for the ooiisUleiation of 8U.OOO. These pur chases also revive hotel talk , but It Is gener ally nnileistooil that It Is wauled lor business piopeity. DKI.INOUISNT COUNTY TRKAftURKIIS. The law leitiiirus that every county treas urer shall mauu his report to tlm nutlltor of stalu prior to the llrst tlay of February each year , anil it the statement is tiled by that ditto no Interest Is chnrged.and the tro.isureis have ton additional thiys in which tti pnjsent thti cash. Last year when the 1st of February cumo mound only ono county was delin quent , and that was Otoe. Tins j ear , bow- ever , the case Is far dlffeieut , and a laigo number have yet to be heaul liom , nnd will evidently have mi opportunity of paying some Interest in the state to pay tor their caielessness. The comities reportetl delinquent In settle ment at the auditor's ollleo yesterday weio as follows : Bliiiue , Chase , C'herrv , Ouster , Dawson. Holt , Howard , Keya lMha , Loup , l'iore.o , Saline , Sarpy and Satimlcra. The llvo stock saullnry commission were In tlio city yesterday from a tilp out In tlio llcpubllcan valley country , whom a lot of block was Inspected. The work of the com mission will e.tll them out to the not them u.utof the stale to-morrow , whore glandcicd lioiscs are reported us needing attention. NOl'AlllKS COMMISSIOfiKl ) . The followlnc supplementary list of no taries was handed down by the governor yestenlay. George M. O'llnen , Jr. , Oin.ilm ; I'hriH llooppuer , Hustings ; John 11. KOB , Kearney : ( I.Cleghorn , Loulsvillo ; 1C. W. Harvey , Valnntlno ; K. II. liurnard , Fro- inoiit ; I toy Itunelo. Klverton : James K. liusli , Ifeatrleo ; Wairon II. 11 ayes , Steele City : Al. Hammond , Candy : Charles J' , I'M wards , Auburn ; O , F. Koe.ii , Columbus ; K. I' . Anderson , Soward. AIIOUT Till ; CITV. ' The liohannon biothers , who are building one of tlie linu blocks now in course ot con struction In thU city , nio couteiuplHtliiK iiiunlni ; the walls up n story higher than lirst contemplaletl , and U it meets with public improvement and tineour.ipemeiit tlio upper Ktorleti will bo Mulshed us n grand theater , with nil the modern Improvements nml appli ances. The liohanuons will bo pleased to hCHf from citizens upon the feasibility of the prosper- and to what decree of encourage ment the m'ojcct will bo .sustained. A mhlnlirht tilazt > was enacted In the linker elotlilm ; store Monthly tuxMiini ; tlmt happily was dlseovered in Its early sitices anil was met befoio a conflagration lesulted , Aphy- hicliiu who .slept In nis ollleo In n building ml- jolulni ; was awnkeneii bv the smoke and In two minutes after ho yelled from his window tlio nlarui tlm liremen hail a stream ot water pouring In the building mid in n half hour tlio tilowai out. The damngo was largely 11 oiu water and will amount to some $7,000 , on stoek nnd Iixlures , paitly Insured Hob MisHcynoltls , who Ims been stirring up the telt'grapb columns ot the eastern press with a vivid leport of nrusurrectcil Itriuham \iiiinu' living near Ulueoln. Is In lilnh glee over the sensation he has created. Alne has nuidu a greater success of his fcnsatlonal nrtieloon Hrighnm than he over did on his soul photography article , which ho still re- vi'iberatc-i mound soiiiKscluntllic circles as tliough there went elements of absolutu facts In the crr.Uluns that Mac studies up In the box olliee of the Theater FunKo. Deputy Auditor lieutou nppiovcd elalms ami tliew wairunts on the slate treasurer to the number of l..Oon .Monday , the creat iiisli beliii : on tlie pait of employes to secure their p.ty on th legislative fund , the direct result ol the passaiai of the llrst bill tliroujh thu Kil lature that nppropriatetl funds for the pa > nit'iit of salaries and expenses of thu sos- ulnn. Yesterday the rtioii was somewhat lively nud tlie money has been rolllngoutat a lively rat . This is a p.u t of tlm harvest time lor Lincoln cilUons In the days of tlieaes- klon. ( Jcorrs Jtalbntlne , who Im4 benn for along term of years the stu-i. a ynt of tha li. & .M. railroad , has letlgned his position with the company to take the management ot the union stock yaids at Denver. The many ne- iitulntHiieesot Mr. llwllaiitine art * wlshtui ; him pimppritv In his cliaugo of baso. It.V. . livers of Cuss comity , the now war den of the state penitentiary , was In Lincoln > esterday receiving the eonEratulatloiis of friend * . Mr. ll > era won the name of being the best sheriff In the stain and hu has a pub- llo word that is good as well as a private record tlmt IB attested by the hosts of Irleiuls he has In the state , Th pollotM'ourt yesterday disposed of two parties who \\oio lighting , giving them S10 each and eostft , and the pair of Smith * were given the saiuo amount. Three of the four are now eity btmrdeis. A CO,000 damage suit was brought In the district conn yo&tardav , the case tx > ltu for breach of contract In a land deal. The par ties sued are named Dur.Ul. They are r wi de nti of Now York City and doing business ihcre. I'oniplnxiou Powder is nn absolute lU'cetsitrot the retiiuul toilet in this cli- tiiato. I'oz/oni'a combines uvory eleinuut ) i beuiity and purity. C1UNKSK OAtUM3U9. A llccctit Dplontlc In tlie History Of the Ivnunl Oolonj- . Tbo r.iid of the New York police upon the Chinese gamblers , as mentioned in the HUB'S dispatches , calls to mind a recent episode in the history of the local Uliincpo colony. The "China boys" nro inveterate Ramblers , and their mania for toying with the fickle goddess is stronger , per haps , when it once becomes firmly rooted , than in the breasts of their Caucasian bretliern. This is true ns well in Omnlia ns in other places. There are several laundries in this city where gambling games are maintained every night , and where many n Mongolian is in the habit of dropping his dollars earned in \vaslice-washco. . "Tan- tan , " n species of nlay totally unlike any thing known in this country , is the favorite Rr.me , and is played with the utmost abandon by thu s.ilVron-liued gambler. ? . The episode referred to was the visit of n Chinese gambler from Now Orleans , known asTniiiR-l-'ii , whocnmo hero about a year ago. 'lluitrue Inwardness of Ins visit to Omaha will probably never bo known , but is said that ho wn brought hero by a couple of Omaha Cinnamon , experts at "tun-tan" who desired to llecco their innocent anil less experienced breth ren by .steering thorn against a crooked game. Yinig-l'ti came , snw nnd conquered. Not only did his two Omaha colli-urnies succeed in interesting the local China- in of "tan-tan " men Yung-Firs game - , lint they managed to ntiverlio his ar rival so thoroughly that Mongolians from. Blair , Sioux City Mis souri Valley , Council Blull'H , LMattsmoulh and Fremont Hocked to this city and dropned many shekels in thu attempt - tempt to break Yung Fit's bank. Did they succeed ? Notmiich.1 A few pulled out of the gambling tournament for nei ther more nor less than that it was pome dollars ahead. The great majority , how ever , lost , ami lost heavily. The "tourna ment" lasted for nearly a week Then , without saying a word to his victims , Yung Fu quietly packed up his "tan-tan" implements and stole away , whither no one over knew. It is said that the Now Orleans Chinaman left here with almost ! 57,00 ( ) in his pocket as the result of li s experience in Omaha. "Man's work's from sun to sun ; Womans work is never done. " Work is a necessity to all ; hut , upon how many , women especially , does it tall with the burden of the "last straw , " and tliis , because their tiectiliarly delicate constitutions arc so liable to fiinctual du- rangomoiit. We cannot lessen your toil , luliis : , but wo can make it easier for.you , by making yon stronger and better able to do it. Dr. Picrcu's "Favorite 1're- scription" will relieve you of nervous and other weaknesses , and all the many ills peculiar to your sex. The New Street Hnllroail. Mr. Woolley , of the real estate firm of Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , was met yesterday morning by a reporter for the UKU , who asked him : "How about that new street railroad you folks are talking about ? Is it a fixed fact ? What is the route determined on ? " Mr. Woolluy replied : "Well , there is just this about that railroad : Wo have obtained permission to build from the county commissioners , and work will bo commenced as soon as the season opens. In fact , we have contracted for construc tion material already. The route will be from the west Bide of llanscom park , west on Park street to the west line of Kekcrmann olacc , a short distance south of the JUisspuri Pacilic and Holt line depot. It will run the whole lungth of Kckermnnn and Ambler places. It will then continue on Thirty-sixth street along the cast line of the poor farm , making in all a distance of about four miles. " "What is to be the motive power ? " "Wo have incorporate right to use horses , mules , electricity , cables or anything clso in use for propelling cars , but have not as yet fully decided. In all probability it will bo a horse railway. 1 tell you this railroad will bo a great benefit to persons residing in that vi cinity. The county commissioners are enthusiastic in the matter , and urge us to have the road linished before May 1 , when they intend to put the county farm on the market. An old settler out that way told mo the the other day that tiiis road would make the countv property worth from $2,000 to $2.r > 00 per lot or easily $12,000 per aero. The commissioners in tend to do a great deal of grading on Thirty-sixth struct and. that vicinity this spring. " Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns , cuts , sprains ami bruises : for use in such cases Jr. ) J.lI.IMcLenn's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Mimlcalc. Under the auspices of St. Andrew's brotherhood a muicalo will bo given by the Mendelssohn quartette club , assisted by Miss Tracy of Hurlington , la. Ntihan Franko , Thos. J. Pennell , J. E. iiutlor ami Mr. Trench on next Thursday even ing , Feb. 3d at 8 o'clock in the brother hood room of the cathedral. PltOGltAMMU : .Bolero Jf osko wskl Mr. Mutlernnd Mr. Trench. The Parting Kiss Plnsutl Mendelssohn Quartette. One Summer Niuht Grieg Mr. Wllkins. Dost Thou Know Tlmt Sweet Land ( Mlgnon ) Thomas Miss Tracy. 1 jest Prescribed Flotow Mr. Wllkins and Mr. Franco , Fantasie Mllltalro Leonard Xahan Franko. The Jteapcrs Clsplsson Mrs. Cotton , Miss Kith and Miss Tracy. I Last Night Kjerulf ] Mild Mo To Llvo llatton Thos , J. Penuoll. La Separ.-uiono , HossI u 1 Mrs. Cotton , O Hush Thee My liable Sullivan Mendelssohn Quaitctte. Tickets A llmito 1 number are on sale at A. T. Kenvon's , Max Meyer's , Lvon & ' Wood Hro.'a. Kuhn's lloaley's , bridge . . drug store and Save'.s drug storn. Take home a package of Electric Lustre Starch to-day. It will save your wlfo lots ofVork. . _ IJHilc" Tolls. When the improvements on the Union Pncilio bridge betwcon Omaha nnd L'ouacil HHifl's are completed , there will be a public wagon road and footpath. The follofft& are th * proposed bridge tolls : Foot passengers , eaeh Co l'iisingcra will ) teams , ( drivers lice ) ex- copi with two-horMi caulages. bttgdes. baroucheis and farmers' and movers1 loams , . . . , 5c Horse ami rider 15c " Hound trip a5c One horse and vehicle -Oc ' Hound trip We Two horses and vehicle , 35c " " ' Hound trip fi"c Three horses and vehicle 40c " " " Hound trip 70c Four horses and vohiclu. . . , , M > c Hound trip. O0c Horses and mules lOc Colts , perhc.id 1ft ) Cattle , lOc Calves 6c Sheep and heirs So Kaolianimal attached to teams In addition to above , lOc Jiuy a lot in Bousou of C. K. ilayue. NOt DdAD. Mrs. hornard Storta Vlvtfa Her llns- bund , IJendcrs of the Hen will doubtless re member the case of Ucrnnrd Storts , who was sent up to the county jail a few days ago for beating his wife. Last Saturday it was reported that thu woman had died at Columbus as a result of the injuries she had sustained at hi. hands. Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock a woman called at the county jail and asked to sec Slorts. She claimed to bo the wife of the prisoner. The woman who died at Columbus , as a result of the beating at the hands of Hornard Storts , was her sister Kinniri. In explanation of this she told a story , which is , if not cred itable , at least rcmarKablc for its in genuity. According to her story , which she told to .lailer Joe Miller , she was one of a trio of triplets , all sisters. Her name was Marv , those of her sisters , Emma nnd IxHifta. They had grown up to bo exactly similar in appearance , weight , height nnd every other particular of their re spective persons. All three of thorn had met with accidents which caused a lame ness in ono ot their nether limbs , and all three limped exactly alike. This , at least , was the story thai Airs. Slorts told. U was to this ro.markablo similarity between the three sisters nnd to Kmma's infatuation for her bi. ter Mary's husband that the death of thu former was due , Mrs. S. claims. Mrs. Storts was fro- ( { ULMitly away from home , ami on those occasions Kmmu , it is said , would take her place in the household , and without Bernard Slorts1 knowledge , personated his wife. It was during ono of these surreptitious visits , Mrs. S. wont on to saj' , that her sister quarreliul with Bernard and received the boating which caused her death. Mrs. Storts went on to tell tlmt it was her sister Kmma and not horsoU who had him arrested. Mrs. Storts told this remarkable story Monday to her husband , in a conversa tion which lasted over tin hour. She was about to band him a loiter , when she was inlcreeulod by Jailer Miller , who took the missive. There was enclosed in the letter a slip containing about three lines , signed Kmma , " which she claimed her sister wrote shortly before her death. It rend : Bernard. Mary loves the still. Till death does take mo. The is " 1 1837 " letter dated "February , , ami begins : Well , dear ono , I feel awfully sorry for you , but 1 would of have never done it to you , my dear. It was Mrs. ICiumy that done it to you , but she Is deil now. She tiled last Wednesday nit at 11. She died at Mate's. She kept callim ; all the time , "know sir , not If you kill me , IJt-rnaul. " She said you had promised to build her a home , but. she would only get n little homo under the ground with out a window or a door. Then she shook all over anil said , "O what a cold place it Is here , Bernard. " Then just before she died she said , "Mary , I've made you an awful lot of trouble , but I'm sorry. " The rest of the letter is taken up with reference to quarrels hot ween Mrs. Storts anil her husband professing undying love and pity for him , and concludes , "With love antl kisses , to my own loved ono , Mary , " The writing on the slip which Mra. Storts claims was done by her dying sister , Anna , was made with the same ink as the letter which Mrs. Storts wrote to her husband. It is probable that both are the work of the same hand. Storts was questioned by a reporter for 'ho Bin : yestenlay and said that he did not believe ono word of the story which the woman told Monday. Ho thought t was a cleverly concotcd scheme to s-hift the blame of having him arrested upon the shoulders of a woman who never ex isted. He said that he seen his wife's sisters anil neither of them bore a marked resemblance to her. It is quite probable that Mr. Storts strange story is all a myth. Spinal Disease amiVcalc The world is full of persons alllietcd with weak backs antl weak lungs. In the following letter Mrs. I. T. Crockett , of Max Meadows , Va. , tells how she was cured of those troubles : 1 have used ALI.COCK'S Poiiors PJ.ASTKKS for ten years or more for weak back ( spinal affection ) and weak lungs. and I can say with perfect truth that I have been jrruatly benoliitcd by them. In fact , 1 don't believe that lcouldgut ] along without them ; certainly not for any length of time. I have bcon thu cause of many others wearing them who have ' been' greatly benefited. If you have not seen the rapidlj grow ing city of South Omaha tro to C. K. Maynes oflice and you will find frco car riages in waiting. mil CAPITA INSANE TAX How It Is Opposed l y tlio OiiiiiinU- HionnrH of Douglas County. Commissioners Tiinmc , Mount and O'Keelfe went to Lincoln yesterday morn ing to look after the repealing of the law providing for assessing upon each country tliod per capita cost of car ing for such county's insane in the asylum. This law imposes a second tax upon the people of every county , which has inmates in the asylum , boeau.su , tbo support of the latter is and always has been , paid for by money taken from the general fund. As tliero has never been n deficit in the amount of money necessary to support tbo hospital for tbo insane , the need of a per capita tax in addition seems to bo entirely suporlluotis. In the estimation of the commissioners , the present law optnitca to send money to Lincoln which may bo uscil in a manner which may need watching. JHtt fu\v of thu counties , however , have been paying this per capita tux , and consequently at least sixty of them in this state , are : : ew in dented to the ntato in sums varying frotn two dollars and fifteen cents to $38,000. The latter figure represents the indobtotl nus.s of Douglas. The commissioners fool that when the arrearages and ob jectionable features of the present law are shown , legislators will have little dilll- culty in yoling to repeal the law in ques tion. In connection with the repeal , Senator Durus has introduced a bill pre pared by Gen. Cowin of this city nt the instance of the county commissioners , which provides for the refunding of the per capita tax to all counties that may Imvo puia any ot it at any time. M05T PERFESY MADE rd ' toPnrlrr , Strength , JEWELBY , Importer's ' Prices MAX MEYER & BRO ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. This limb is on the latest - | est improved plan. The | Hcst , Lightest and Kasiest to manage nnd the most durable limb made , I have had thirty five years' experience weiring , man- uf.icturine ; and adjusting. Will give special rates _ _ _ Until March 1st. My best limb for ? 03 lroimer price $100. Circulars sent fiec Dr. J. S. CBAWPOHD. OH N. 17th St. , Omalm , Nob. Afsit your retntlrr forttoo Jnmes Means , S3 Shoo Cautlonl f-onm dealers rccoramcntl In Inferior poods In onlor to nuxko r larger proOt. Tills Is the OltlUINAtiJT Shoo , liowaro of linltntlona which nckno\Tlrilire their own inferiority by Ht- tomptitig to build upon the rupulutiau of tlio original. None genuine unless bearing this Stamp , JAMES MEANS' For Gentlemen , J& 5 Mada In nation , Concrois nml I. c , llrsr CALP SM.N. Dnoi- celled In Di'HMiii irr , COMIOIIT untl ArpHAnANCE. A posLil c-ii a icnttout will brills yuti Ini .r nistlon liow tn BQI thl * hboo lu any blr.to or Territory. Sloans & Co. , 41 Lincoln Street , Floston , Mnsa. ' sQggasp Our colcbrutBtt fnctory jirottuccs n Inrsor niii'ntity of shoos ot this srrmlo ttitin anyiitlirr Inctory lu iho world. 1 hoimnndd who wear them will tell yon the roiiEon IT you ask them. .J.AMIvS .Ml CANS' * a SUUE lor Itojs IB t.imp- pioHctoJ in Durability tAill llnua nf llio ubnvn fnr ale br L U A * > a IV 1C A I K. Il li S TllKOUUIIOUT ' 11IK II. B-'OSt A Inrpo nwnberot recorded I'crchoron nnd GlyilosiInU ) Slullliins. Also Homo Irod ! I'olts. livery mutual gunrnntooil a breeder. 1'rlcos iL'Ubonublonml turms oiixy , Ourrtock lias been selected with leloroiieo to both Individual merit unit podicree. A largo niiiiibor of our Stiilllons HTO nccliinatcd nnd Colts ol their pet can bo shown. York Is or. the 11. & Jl. H. it. , two hours' rldo wi > st of Lincoln. For catu * louucs mid further Information , nd'lics TKV & l-AlfltllACIl , York , ByDr. Snodlkor's mothod. No opt ration : No 1'alii ! No Detention from bnlne s. Ail noted to children anwoll ns crown peoplu. Hundreds uf nutocnipu U inonluU on file. All baslnsii strictly canHdo tiuL CONSULTATION FUKU. R KOF. N. . COOK , V NEIIVITA IP7 " 7 VB " " " ' i" Uilal rren E Sorrow D.WH . m.oion. > nH luI. ff tl . . . T.W . | UK. A. U. OU.N CO. . > . l 1L ! tl.OOyerl'ueLuin Taylors' ' DOME GRIDDLE The best Cake Baker on Earth The only Practical Reversable Griddle in the market. With de > achahe ! nnd non- heating handle which turns the cakes with out aid of the knife , Does not smoke up vonr kitchen , burn the cook's face and haiii ] as thu old style griddles are sure todo. Will fit any btove , sitting on stove without removing any stove lids' ' . Works nicely on gasoline stove. We guarantee it to turn oft red hot cakes at the rate of fi and 8 per minute. An urticle of .real merit that no family should do without and sells at sight. Agents wanted in every county in the state of Nebr.-uka. Any dne having small capital can make one hundred per cent on investment by writing tv F * W Sehulen- burg & Co. , i215 Douglas st. , Omaha , Neb. Inclose stamp. For nil territory except Nebraska , address , A. D. Taylor , -115 K. 6th st. , Des Moines , Iowa. THblllutn ! Ibrtf , Ccsior &HU * , fir. aothlngcurrtnu of . ffll Kitullr . , , , fjlf.it JiOB ia cuh. tft otktr UIU. V < utl c We will offer the following closing out bargains : 18 doz. fine all worsted ineiis' Cardigan Jackets reduced from to 1.50. 40 doz. striped camel's hair heavy weight Underwear re duced from 60c to 35c. 65 doz , scarlet all wool men's Hose at 12 e. 25 doz. all wool "Wristlets atlOc a pair. In clothing we offer the following specials : Oassimere lined Overcoats reduced to $2.75. Blue chinchilla beaver Overcoats , reduced to $3.75. Fine all wool plain beaver Overcoats , in black and brown , reduced from $14.50 to $8.90. A 1 , heavy blue beaver suit. Grand Army style , double breasted and warranted pure indigo dyere- duced from $16.50 to $11.75 ; second grade reduced from $14.50 to $10- All of our heavy winter suits which have been selling ior $12 , $14 and $16 , are marked down now to $9 , $11 and $13 , respectively. In ( idtliflon tit tltc ? ; * -e ire will close out TIKIS WS JMKt 0 < ! oz.fine SHkyecJiivear erf USB nominal price of Ittc cacti. These cannot be Itoityh < it less fliftn . ? c < tf any oilier csfablinJiincHf , a-nd in order tt prevent : flealerafroin btti/ing thetn , ire have dtcidcd not fo sell more thtui two i < > ffiojie customer. Please bear in mind that we brought new goods into this market , and our only object in these sacrifices is to move goods in such quantities so as to insure us plenty of room for spring goods. All goods marJtcd in plain figures and at st r icily OIIG price. Gor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia. I'oison tlio System with Nauseating JJrucs.Ir.Hnrnc's : ) Klcrlric Dolt Cures Diseases Without Will 1'ositivoly Cure AVitliout Medicine I' lnilnUKi bnck , lilM | hetiil orliiutia ; Norvoui 1 > lilllty , l.umliiiKo.fienvMl Doolllty llli um'itlitm , I'nr ulynK Nt'uralf a , So : UH ; , Ulioimn of ICIdnnr' , Spl- iml l > lafnt.L's , roriild Llvor , ( J > nl , A tliiuft. lloirt I > i- BCn e , nynpcpslii.OonntliiHtlon , KrjFlpplti9. lndi c ( ! * tltm , Inipotcnuj. rntjrrh , iMlus. Kptlopsy. Auuo. 1)1.1- liotcnUrdrocn a. Kxlninntlixi. Note the .Following who M'ero Cured A.J. llojcliind. U. S. IMHiir. J. M. llnilett. nil on boi.ut of tracloi U. W. KHrnliain , Amoilcnn ICviire s Co : A. Or-rory. - ( coninil'.Blin nifrchmit , Hto lc Viird5 , 13.Tnwiixmil. Palmer lloiiiu ; llu.1,1 Diiblii. tbu b''u ImrM'miin : COI. l.'oiinellj , of tis ! IntiM--Ocpjin , 8. W. Iliirrls 3 ! > iKrlo t : S , M. Divla , Pvtretary Amerlcxn llor omuii ; .1. lj..Snputrer,2Jl on Pt ; J.O. Mnlth , ictri'ler.ll : ! \lnll3on Ft.nll of ClilciK"Kv. ! . llnll i , M. I ) . . MoiinontoH-n.lowii ! l.cmnPl Milk , Kaniukcc , 111. , JudKUl.N. HurryNapervlllo , 111. , and liiinarixli of tilers reprcfpntlnu nenrly every town In tlm Union. AKo clivtrlo beltit for ladU'H. Cull nr flprul ptnmp for Illtistrotod cutnlociiu. Open dully , nlso etcnlnn nml MUIIHTH. ! Kluctrln biinoeiinorlEii frea undnll .MnluUclli. llnirnrnof tituuscnniilidos wllh ininyiiM.isevKolllnz : worthier irai.H. with nnlyCto IS oluincntii All my belli cnnulu tlomenta \ or iMitlprles , hrnoo liavo four time * the power nnd iiiinntlty of electricity. Honest ( 'oojj and lioQiBt ilonllim'Ttho iniitto. Ul.I.W.UORN'B,1lWiiliilis-nvCliicniro { ! ) ) Inventor , 1'ropriutorand Jliinufucturcr. Ono Aeent ( Ucrrimnt onWi w nir.i in i-vrry teen for ir Your " "nnstU's I'uneli" fie Clirar are RolnR-olf like hot cukes. I intunit tlmt ihoy filmll lie well nilTertised. W. V II SrnrnNsox. llullulo , No\r York. O PJil A J-3 A Avcnuo , row Tim TntAT n < T or Chronic Ct Surgical D DR. McMENAWtY , Pronrfotot * . jre rs' Ijo'iillti mid Vrivtlu I'racUte Uio facilities , pimMtit | | untl icmedk * for lhenuccci riH Ucatmontof crery form of ah- i-aio requiring either inf dloal or ยง ur lcnl troUnfiit , And lauto nil tncoiiioauJ lil7 * tl aUri.rtli iu i'v j irrorreajioHil with us I.onc ciprH nt * In ttrrt- ingoioi lir K-tlrrcniblci na to ( rent mitsjr ( MM ( CloDlirtr/iUr iyl inutcc lni < tbcia WJ11TJ3 yell CIKCUI.AIt on Dcfornltlei find nriu-r , Club I'wt , Curvnttirfn of tlio DisEt > or Womif , rili > 9 , Tnm ra , C Cntarru , B incbitl > , Inhalation , Electricity , jla , E ) > ll < n ; UUtn < 'j , } c , sr , Skin , llloud i.J all surgical opcr/ilicfir , llatterlo , InhaUri , Hrrcej , Trnxrr , an ] ill KlnJn of ilvdJcal stul icripsal ApTSJiucee , mun < iiUcturi'd ADI ] far tila lha only tellable ijadlcal Institute x klng Prlvato , Special S Nervous Diseases 'A Hi > BCTAi/rr. AI.Iv CO.NTAOIOU9 AND ULOOD niSEAREK , from H linterer ranse rrortucwl. mcctMfnlly tinted \Vu can n-tnoTo Syphilitic Jialion from th * sjstMii lYilhont nicrciirjr , New r ti > ratlTetrp < itm nt for lonnf vlUlwuwrr ALI , COMMUNIUATIO.NH aiNFlUCNnAI. C ll unil consult ne or i > iud njmo nud poit-nflVf nJdrrts phtmljr written GIICMU | ttamp , uuil wo nill tend von , la pUlu ttrapurr , our nniVATE cmcuLpiR TO wintr t'l'OH J'mviTn , Prr.cn i. ANIJ ftcnYuui , Dire in * . SKIMNAI. WCAKNKII , KraniiATonniitzi , Iiu'utcN cr , Hrrnius , ( 'osctitiE : * , OLIET , VAKICOC-ZJ. * , SmrcTUnK , i u ii. I , nitiifEi or THK fl ir > L'niKiiiir Onuxwa , or I tEd hitlory of jour cww for an opinion. HeraoiK nn ble to vlitt no may be treated at tlirlr honiHB , by rorrecpoudeucs AlO'lWr.nind llu'rn meuUM'ntljy mall or cii > mS2C'US'U.Y ' I'Ai ti El ) FROM OB3UltVAT10V.no marktto tmlir > . rnntrnla or trnJcr. One personal iutrrribtr i-i ft'trcdif ccniinlent fifr-r nj for the a < > ta modatlun of pcticnti Board auj atC.THw.j. ! , . : rc2 unablu prices Addrcib l > i.i-itura to Ocialia Medical and Snrdical flat. tSlhSI cntf CanlloHvc . WOODBRIDGE BRO'S. ' , State Agents FOH TIII5 DECKER BRO'S ' , P'INOS ' Omaha , Neb. il ) 6tn < \ tlie KKI.IAIII.K FOItl'UNR KI.I.CIl.ir'c ' .I.OHIIllVIUlN'K DUKAM HOOK. lOo. , I'Al.lllS'l'ltV , i'o. All tliicu , 4'Jc. ' SEItlAh LEAPKUl' ITIILIriHINU ( XJ . Box 12 , Nour Vork Utf , K'cautly ' ilhiitrutcd. Illdltu < r r Makes and Sells These Goods. / Millard Hotel BlockOmaha. The crETMajie'Seal Estate and Trust Co N. W. COK. ICth AND HAHNJ3Y , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in all ) ) art3 of the city. Lands for sale ia every county in Nebraska , A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Douplas county kept. M.ips of the city state or county , or any othof information desired , furnished free ol charge upon iipplioatioii. Tlie Cedar Crook Slone and Gravel Quarry lias just boon opened up for business. A frooil quality of white and blue lime stone for .biiildiii } ; : purposes , is furnished by i. L FARTHING , The General Salesman. Also gravel of the finest quality for lawn and otlmr purposes. Olllces at riattsinoiitli , Fol ) . Tlie R. & M. rnil- " uses a Isrt'O amount of this stone. Nebraska national Banij OMAHA , NEIJUASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 40,000 II. W. YatM , President , . A. K. Tou/.alin , Vio.o Pre. ldont. W. II S. Hughes , Onshler. DiiticcTorm : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , U.W.Yates , Lewis S. Heed A. E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IRON RANK , Cor lath anil Ftirimm Sts A General lsuni ] Musiness Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Co. RANKERS , CHICAGO. nnHHC ' COHHIIPB , CItlns nnd others of btulvBdu lilth rmlobouehtunJ en Id , Kustcrn onico BSDevonshlra U. " enoe solicited. " wnOSTONMASS. nOSTONMASS. CAPITAL , . . . $400OOO ETJR.PI.US , - . . . 40O.OOO Accounts of Hanks , Rankers and Corpo- ratione solicited. Our facilities for COLLRCTIONS arc excellent and wo rt-discount for banks when balances warrant it lioston Is a Reserve City , and balances with ub from bankt > ( not located in other Re serve Cities ; count as reserve. We draw uir own Kxchange on London ami the Continent , and make Cahle trans fers and place money by tt-legrapli through out the United .States and Canada. Government Bonds hough1 and told , and Exchanges in Washington inaie for ISankb without extra charge. We have a market for prime first cliss Investment Securities , and invite jiropot-iU Iroin States , Counties and Citic-b when is suing bonds. We do a general Banking business , and invite correspondence. ASA P. POTTER , President. JOS. W. WOI'.K , Cashier. To keH tha licit Window Sash Lock Kwr Invented. A semi muko l'in ' profit lur.lroo. Fuliorton. E. T. ALLEN , M. D. feS'EX'lAJLJVH1 , Eye , Ear , Isss & Throat Room 9 Williams Unlltling , cor. 15th and Dodge fcts , Omaha. ours 8 to 12 a.m. 2 to { antl 7 to 8 p. in CmryiUKthonelKlnra lloynl unrl Unltod StntM uvury MiiurUiiy flnhvorj ) York TO TUB RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. KALI , AND WINTISU. Halon from fW to ( ; ; . Kxcurilon trip from J110 to JUX Heooud Cubin , oiltnura , Hi : prcpnltl.MSj oxuurmon. t'JO. Btourniro pas ng nt low mini. I'utor Wrlitlit A yoni , Uoaart Apents , W > llroadwny. Now Yorlc , llunry I'uudt , UU i'.inminsu ; I'milsen It Co. UM riiriimu st ; I ) . O Knuinian 1 4 luim.uu 'CHICHESTER'S ' ENGLISH. " Orlclnnl nml Only U I dlii. < iii > tili u LADIES. Aik your Ilruiaia hr "UhlrliMtrr' * roBll.lP'niiI " ' ' tt k . * . ( itftaptM * u f > r p ncuUrt IM ttHir bj rrtwra mniL . . Cklrkxtrr Ob i lil l Co. , MAME r J/i'M-4.B / , , | llllr rkllitda. , ! . B.IJ \ < j r > ru ( l > l < .rrr/nhrro. lit for "C'lilrbt * tr > * C.iU.I" l'r u > r.r.l I'llU. 7 > decently Unlit. Nonly The Tremont , J. C. i'7jltMHAlU lc HON , Proprietor * . C'or. feth und h'Sts. , Mnr.oln , Nob. nutosllO' ' ) tier < J r. btrudC CM : ; froia.bouia to toy fan of Itiu CU/ , CUJ. J. II. W. HAWKINS , Architect , OftlcfB31. . 31 nml < - ' , Hiuhurtls lllock , Lincoln , Neb. Elevator on I ItU mrmt. lUredtrof V. M WOUUS , Live Stock Auctioneer Hiilwi mmlp In nil imrln of tin ) IT H. at fulr rut us. Itnoii ) : i , KUio lllock , l.lnixiln , Kclj. tiullowuy ami bliort Hum liiills lor tulo. IJ. II. GOULU1NO , Farm Loans and InsurancD , CorrospoMiloncc In rcpurd to loans solicited. Uooiu i , Hloliarils Llluik. Mimulu , Nub. Riverside Short Horns Of atilctly uuro llatcamil ItnUiaTujipodoattlu. llord numbem bout GO bead. roprttsontvdi Filberts , Cratci , AcuiubN , Honlc < , Itotuof SHaioiiH , M')99 lto oi , Kiuirlitly Duohmnei , I'lat Crook Voun Mry , 1'liyllisos , l.otiniu and True l/ovo . liulU ( or lo 1 I'uru lime * 1'iiDort. 1 Pure lliut CrflKi'S , 1 Host. of Mmion , 1 Vnuiii Mury. U'mo t'rulck hhuttV mvl others Como u i < iiBl > otltliD : ht < rd. Addiei. . OIIAB. IL 11UA.V BU.V. Uncolu. NoU. Wuoii in Lincoln otoput National Hotel , And yd * KOO J uiiium fo 2. > c. i'rop. I