Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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French Bonds and English Consols Show a
Considerable Decline ,
1'ork tlio Mont Anlmateil In tlio Pro
vision IIRI Supply of Cnttln Ml > -
oral Ilocf ) Active General
Slnrkct Quotation ! ! .
CHICAGO , Feb. l.-jspcclnl Telcsram to the
UIK. : ] The Chicago board tlld not open until
10:30 : o'clock because of deliveries. In tlio
Interim on thu curb there was a good deal of
excited talk nnd a little excited trading.
French rentes closed last night at TOf 3Tc.
This morning they opened at 7bf 5c. Hy 1
o'clock thuy wore down to 7f ? 70c , nnd at il'.CO
o'clock , 1'arls time , tficy closed nt TOf 70c.
Tinders liure Imd all these figures before the
opening. Consols something of a
decline , too. So scn&ntlonnl a drop was
Rlntlly sol/.cd upon as a siun of war excite
ment , and 11 probably was a good sl n. If
Iho crowd had not been some of them en
couraged and others of them f lightened
Into buying wheat tlmo after titno ounces
of thu same soil only to Und it shortly turn
out to bu scimtlomil and without basis , U is
thought likely that then ; would have
been n hear panic , but appaicnlly there
will lie no moro bear panics hero until some
prcat ploco of IIOWB comes along and Is veri
fied. The rttimmnccment this morning that
In twenty-lour hours thu Frenchsecnrlty had
fallen _ f OTJ e. did notadvancu wheat
received miideiatoiitteiitiiin and only Illiclti
ateil he. Receipts were not Inrpu nnd dc-
llveiles nn Kebiuary contiactsof no iinpoit-
nnce. llusiness was mainly ot a local scalp-
liitf nature. Mny opened at W ( ii iOXWl r6 < e.
declined nnd closed nt 1 o'clock nt I0'4f < $
lOXe. .July closed aH'J'fc. Provisions were
moio animated , especially pink. Kecelpls of
ho s were fair and prices r.C'jlOc lo\\i'r. A
general feeling of weakness prevailed , and
under raiding by bears a eood tunny lame
holders ol Ionistulf were fotced to unload
nnd prices declined . ' 17Xc horn the highest
liKtires. A reaction ol 12 > e followed , but
last sales at 1 o'clock were 10@17fe ! lower
thnn yesterdny's close. Aless pork for .May
opened nt SW.77K , sold nt $18.77 > $ ( < U2.80. Ao-
cllned toSli-ia , reacted and closed at I
o'clock at S12.M < iilS.fi7K. l.nrd was easier ,
and Mav sola at Si > .fi7J < ( I0.05 and Sfi.fMG *
0.07K. nnd closed at 50.0J1 * ; June at Si.ri7J ( < f.
UiO : : p. m. On thti nlternoon .session tlio
crnln markets were steady. Mess pork wns
lOc lusher. Lard and short ribs steady.
Wlicat , February , ? * ; ® " * , March 775 < ®
Kljic , .lunoST.' ' , closlne at b3\ftS3c (
nnd May M C't Oie , Corn. Febiunry , 3. J8o ,
March : BYoi > : ltfe , April : rc , May 40' * , ®
4i ( ; c. Juno -tHfc. Oata , February , a.e ,
Mnrch ii"ij < c , May S0's@:0'4c ' : : ' , Juno 80&c.
Mess pork lor May soltl at Sia.fi7iif@12.CO and
nt Sl07) ! ) and closed nt S12.G5 bid. Lard ,
Mnich , SC.OJX , May 50.70.
CIIICAOO , Feb. 1. ( Special Telegram to
the HKE. | CATTI.I : The supply to-day was
1 liberal for Tuesday and otTurltiRS for the
week are some 3,000 heavier than last week.
Tlio general matket was slow to open , ns
buyers , especially those who are depended
upon to take heavy cattle , were slow to take
hold nnd were waiting for lower prices.
Some smooth , fat "Plttsbnrg" cattle sold at
fully former rates , but the 1400 to ICOO-lb cat
tle weio very hard to sell nt prices a shade
lower. In New York they are having to sell
cattle and beef Intended for export on ac
count of the strike of longshoremen. Ono
lot of very fancy cattle sold lo Pennsylvania
buyers at S5.30. Tlio London cnttlo market
IH quoted weak butfnlrlysteady ; fancy , 5530.
Shipping steers , 13AO to 15'.0 ' lot , JM.40M5.00 ;
1200 to ir : : o IDS , si.oOjK"-1' ; use to IUOD n > s ,
J3.40@3. > . Stockers and feeders. S2.40@3.bO ;
COWH. hulls and mixed , 81.7503.80 ; hulk ,
82.40rlW.00 ; Texas cows , 12 W&.GO.
Hotitt. The market was activn and prices
fully ns strong ns yesterday , with here and
there a fancy lot Bellini ; n shade higher.
Choice and fancy heavy may bnjquotedat 85.00
Ctr > .75 ; good to choice mixed pucklui ; sorts ,
4.SO < * I.K ! > : common , 84.0S@4.75 ; light sorts ,
! 4.40@4.95 ; Yorkers , S4.SO@l.b5.
Now York. Fob. 1. MoNicr-On call
S-1 ! per cent , closed nt 3 > C il per cent.
1'niuic MEIIOANTILB 1'Ai'Kii & > @C > ; per
cent. ExcnANOit Firm to stroni ; at
54.Mfor sixty day bllN ; S4.t > 8 for tlfinnnd.
( ! ovKRNMKNT8 ( Jovcrnmont bonds were
tlnll , but Meaily.
STOC-KH The stock market exhibited much
more niilnintlon than for several days past ,
accompanied by n himri > depression which ,
howitver , was In a irieat measure neutralised
Into In the dny. Thu opening was decidedly
wi'ak. declines from jesterdny's cluslncK \ \ -
ures ninKliiirup to 1 per cent , the latter In
Lnnlfivlllo it Nnshvlllo. Thu market \vns
fuvurlsh and somuwliiit IrrcBiilar In early
dealings and whllo a tovr ulltht advances
wcru niaili ! the pressure of Mocks tor fialo
soon foiccd iho list down and before the end
of the first hour declines rniiuini ; close to 'J
per cent had been estnhlistied. liuforo noon ,
nowoviT , the market bocanio nniet and rather
firm , The iminovoinent continued until th
end ol business , the close dcliif , ' steady to
Chlonen , Feb. 1. Following quotations
are the -I'M eloslne licuroa ;
Flour Dull and iiuchanccd ; flour , 84,2 , ' @
4.SO : southern. ? llXg4.20 ( : Wlhcoiibtn ,
* i.0 < 3-4.0 : ! ; Michigan soft sprint wheat ,
3.70ot4iO : : AllDiiebota bakers. $3.70(34.80 ( ;
patfciilK. 4.50 ( 4.bO : low trades. Sl.D5j'.S5 ( ;
rjo Hour , quiet at $3.25 < < f3,40 ; in sck nud
barrels , $ -5 ( < i3.70 ,
Wheat Wheat opened wltli slo-.v excite
ment occasioned by : ' ; ; irtcd jwnlo on Paris
bourse , an/i sliarp ilecllun in France rentes ;
Jl 5Tf ncd at Sic for May nnd closed > fsc
lower ; cash , 77c ; March , 77 c ; Alay ,
b3 11-lCc.
Coin Steady with no material change ;
cash. a to , ; March. 85 7-lCc ; M y , 40 c
Outs btrady nnd unchanged : casli , 25'/c ;
llnrch , 'iWe ; May , 01-lCcf
Hyo Quiet , at 5le.
llnrlO---lllll. ) at 60T 53c.
Timotny seed Prinm , 51,63.
, . - < ed-S1.05.
lix V tl.lS.
f'iMon * Showed considerable nnlroa-
inu tone of the maiket In speculativn
pi w was weak. M ay poik declined 35 © : > 7Ke
from the highest point and later adraucud
-'K .
ork-Cash , 312.50 ; March , J12.55 ; May ,
Lanl-C.ish , 50. > f ; March , 55.00 ; May
Bulk Meats Short ribs , 50.30 ; shoulders ,
. 'iiQ5.50 ; short clear , SC.51.
tiutter Dull ; creamery , -XK32SC ; dairy , 14 ®
Cheese Weak : full cream cheddars ,
'Jjrc < il3J/c trials , 13)i ) ( < il3c ; young Americas ,
lSciWXc ; skims , 7K'iiliC. .
Hides-Steady anil xinchanccd ; Oreen ;
6e } , ; heavy gti'en salted , 7Kc ; alted
bull , 0 > jc : dry salted , ll(21Jc ( ,
drv tlint , liiiTMc : deacons , 25o each.
tallow > , u 1 country , Sic'o \ , 2 , 2 c :
cake , 4c.
Itecelnts. Shipments
'Floor. bbU . 8U.OOO 33,000
i > yiicat , bu. , . . . „ . . . BU.OOO 19,000
Corn , Im . joo.oco 4J.OO )
O.US bu . lVi,000 ( 197,000
Kycibu . 2ono none
Unrlcy , bu . T3.c\K ) 31,000
Now York. Feb. 1. Wheat-necclpts ,
0,000 ; exports , none ; spot UO'ic ' hlcher :
options advanced JjfAVc , rulliiic firm and
closltiK stonily ; uncrndril red and white S7K
t4'x ' : ; No. 3 red , Dl'Vc ; No. 1 red , MJtcS > o.
J red , frJJiffltOc In elevator , OlM'Jl c nttoat ;
IM.'rt f. o. b. ailoat ; March closin ? atlQVc.
Corn Spot lirm ; optlonsashadocaslorand
modyrntely acllvo ; receipts , l ,0tio ; exports ,
! , . % < ) ; nnBraded. - 7 M4S > 4c ; No. 2 , 4Sr $
4 'nc In elevator. 49 0 nlloat ; Match closing
at 4SJc.
Oats Lcsi active ; receipts. 82,000 ; exports ,
1OUO ; mixed western , 37(4USc ; hite west
ern , 1 420.
Petroleum Steady ; United closed ntr.sVc.
K s Steady ; western , 31@32c ; limed , S3
( aWbC.
Pork Steady nnd moderately nctlrc.
Laid Oponi-d linn , later declined IXft7
points , closlne steady and more doing ;
western steam spot , 80.80.
Hutter-rQiiletand linu ; western , 12QJ2c ;
Klein creamery , aofrtsoc.
Cheese Firm and In fair rofiuest.
Mliinnapoils , Feb. 1. Wheat Steady ;
So. 1 hard , c.ish nnd Febnmry , 71'e ' ; May ,
WAC ; No. 1 northern , cash and February.
"So ; May , 81V ; N" . 2 northern , cash and
'Ybrunry , 7Cc ; .May , NiKc ,
Flour Quiet ; tiatcnts , 54.50(31.00 ( ; bakers ,
Itecelpts Wlicnt , 38,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , 3oWibu. ; Hour , 10,000
Milwaukee. Feb. 1. Wheat Steady ;
cash,7 'ie ; February , 775-4c ; May , b3X&
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , on track , 300.
Oats-Steady ; No. \\hite , on track , 31c.
Hyo Finn at .Wi'e.
Hurley Knsler ; No. 2 , 50Kc.
Provisions It regular ; pork , February ,
S12.M ; May , 3U'.n.\
Cluctnnntl. Feb. 1. Wheat Stronger ;
No. S led , SIJ c.
Corn Slrouuer ; No. 2 mixed. 38c.
Oats In moderate demand ; No. 'J mixed ,
I0ti0 ( ! ! c.
{ ( ) - ( ; N'o. S.fiOi- .
Pork -tjulct at Sl'J.s7i
I .aril Finn nt SO.-tO.
Whisky-Quiet at 31. W.
St. lioiiK Feb. 1. Wheat Firm ; Nn. 2
red , cash , 8fiJ < ( asic ; Maichb2) ) c ; Mav.WiJfe.
Com -Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 'Mkf&XWc ;
Maich.iilTCc . ; Mav , 37c.
Oals-Kn-iy ; No. 'J mixed , casli , 27gS7Jfe ( ;
March , 27vc : Mav. 29 } c.
Kje-Kasy at.Mic.
Pork-Steady fit S12.73.
I.ard - Easy at S0.30.
Huttcr Steady ; ciuamery , 2-l@27c ; dairy ,
Afternoon Hoard Wheat , llrm and
ilphor ; coin , about unchanged ; oats , steady
anil , '
nti City. Feb. 1. Wheat-Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 7Xc ( ) bid ; Mav , 7'J c bid.
Corn-Steady ; No. 3 , cash , SOQM'&c ; May ,
M 'M1.
Oats Nominal.
Ijlvrrpuol. Feb. 1. Wheat UnctianROil ;
California , No. 1 , 7a nd@7s 7d per cental :
red , western spring and winter , 7s 4d ( < J7s 5d
Corn Dull ; mixed western , 4s , Cd.
New Orleans , Feb. 1. Corn Dull nnd
lower atl c.
Oats Easier ; choice western , 37 < 237 > { c.
Cornnieal Steady at 52.3Ti.
Hoc Products- Steady with fair demand.
Pork ? 12.S7 } < .
hard-Kelineil tierce. sa3T.0fi.37K. .
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.iio ; Ions dear ,
and clear rib , S0.50@O.C2K.
Chlonco , Feb. 1. The Drover's Journal
lenortsas follows :
Cattle Jtecoipts. 7,000 ; market slow ;
heavy cattle lower ; shipping steers ,
S3.40@T..OO : stockers and feeders , SU.40&J 3.MI ;
lancv , sr.0 : ! ; cows.bulls anrt mixed , S1.75
( R.T.80 ; bulk , S2.403.00 ; Texas cattle , S2.40
( H2.CO.
Iloss Receipts , 23,000 ; market ononeil
Btrong and closed 5c to lOc lower ;
loiitfh nnil mixed. S4.3T.ta4.0 ' ; packing and
8hlnilnsS4.70@5.75 ; light , -i5@l.b5 ; skips ,
2.'r.4.00. .
Shenp Receipts , 8,000 ; market slow nnd
lOc to 15c lower ; natives , s.00 : ! ( 5.00 ; wost-
ern. 8t.OOr : l.C5 ; Texans , 82.75@4.25 ; lambs ,
S4.00@.r > .00.
The Drovers' Journal's speclnl London
cable quotes best American beeves barely
steady at ll > c per Ib. dressed. _
Ht. iMulu , Fob. 1. Cattle Receipts , 1,100
head ; active and strong ; choice heavy native
steers , S4.40 .r > .00 ; fair to jjood shipping
steers , S3.bO@4iO ; ; butcher * ' steers , fair to
choice , 53.10@4,15 ; feeders , fair to good , S2.SO
© : - , . ) ; stockers , fair to good. $2.30 < 33.00.
Hoes Receipts , 4,200 head ; opened strontr
and higher than yesterday ; choice heavy and
butchers- selections , S4.U5i35.10 : packtnc , fair
to good , S4.N@I..H ) ) ; Yorkero , medium to
fanev , gl.C3Q4.bO ; pigs , common to good ,
51.OOM4.tO ,
Kansas City , Feb. l. Cattle Receipts.
-.000 head ; shipments , 300 head ; about
steady ; common to choice shipping , § 3.40 ( < l >
4.40 ; stackers , $2.00(3:1.10 ( : ; teeding steers ,
83.20 ( .05 ; cows , Sl.flor j3.15.
lions Rncelpts , 0,500 lie.ul ; shipments ,
300 head ; good stuff stronger , others about
steady ; common to choice , SI.35Q4.00.
Tuesday , Feb. 1.
The receipts were fairly liberal. The mar
ket was about steady on light entile and
butchers' stock , but was lower on heavy corn
fed steers. The market was dull all day.
The mniket opened stronger nnd active nt
yesterday's closing prices. A few loads sold
early before the market was fairly opened nt
prices about steady with yesterday. The de
inand was good nnd the general market was
about 5c higher nnd In some instances lOc.
There were none In to-day and nothing do
ing on the market. _
Cattle . 700
lioss . 2,100
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for Hvo
stock on this market :
Choice Bteorn , 13.V ) to 1500 lbs..8l.304.40
Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Iba. . . .90@i.35
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.75r ; 3..J5
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00i'J.50 ( !
Howl to choice bulls . 2.00'i2.75
Ijlghtnnd medium hoes . 4.0.V24.b5
Uood to choice heavy hogs . 4.fO4.flO
Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.75g4.85 (
Representative Hales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3. . . . 073 S3.iT : 10. . . .1101 33.t-5
7. . . . Sb5 a.W 27..115S a. 00
43. . . . 1187 3.CO 8. . . .1153 8.90
14 , . . . 1 3 3.CO 1..14W 4.00
15. . . .1127 S.TO l'J.,1313 4.0.T
27. . . .1207 3.70 S0..121U 4,10
a.1 ) 3.7S 31 , . , . 1544 4.10
5. . . .110(5 ( 3.75 , . . , : S 4,15
4. . . .1110 3.fcO 10. . . .1578 4.17K
No. Av. Pr. No. AY. Pr.
1..1210 ' . ' .OU 1..11K ) S3.00
1. . . . b'.K ) 2.25 0 . . .1040 3.00
a..ia s.-io 2i..iit.i aoo
3. . . .1000 S.M 18. . . .1124 3.00
a.ioja 2.50 o. . .neo S.o3
13. . . . 013 2,75 6. . . , 1090 8.20
0. . . . 078 2.W 4. . . . b70 3.W
. . .lOM 2.80 4. . . . 1120 8.35
b.,1170 3.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1..14fiO 83.25 2..UiU S2.75
5..1005 2,35 3. . . .1030 3.M )
3. . , . 1000 2.05 1 , . .IblO 2.00
2..17N ) 2.75 1..1210 3,00
S..1UG5 2.,5
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 . . .1077 53.53 2. . . .1740 53.55
No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Slik. Pr.
04..1M ! b 81.75 C2..27700 ! Sl.bO
01. . . . 200 SCO 4.75 G3..201 4.bO
67..2a100 4.75 5S..301 40 4.SO
5'J..2.V5 40 4.75 77. . . . 235 4.80
71..2.C1 100 4.75 CI..SU1 200 4.tO
7J..210 4.75 C1..310 200 4.SI
70. . . . 227 200 4.75 75. . . . 203 bO 4.tO
bO,211) ) bU 4.75 f,2.51 40 4.W )
C5..251 40 4.75 17 . . .174 40 4.bO
OS. . . , 257 40 4,75 Si..3M : 40 4.b5
C5.2ffl 80 4.75 4U. . . 2iW BO
b'J.,101 100 4.75 bl..10S 40 4.b5
2S..2W 40 4bO 43. . . . 205 4.K5
03. . . . 254 120 4.bO 7Q..251 4.10
Showing the number of cattle , lin.-s nnd
sheep shipped from the yards during thu day.
No. cars. lit. Dest.
17 . .N. W . 0 Icayo
4 . , . .V/.MU..V. . . . . . . . Chicago
Range ; of Trices.
Showing the hleh < 53t nnd lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this market during
ihopast seven days nnd for the Mine time
last montli nnd last years
Jnn. 1SST Jnn. 1S55
2Cth Sundny 4.0J 61I.T24
27th 4.1:0 : ( ittl' ) 4.W1 . * ) aw SH.SJ
2-th 4.10 Ct43 : 4.H.I U.W ( 3.75 ffrlPS
2-Jtli 4 15 m.4i 4.00 3.B5 ( jfrlSS
ftlth 4.15 ttUO 3 (15 ( 411.75
31st 4.15 45I.M ) 4,70 ® \ . # ) Sunday
Jnn. 1SST Tot ) . 18SO
1st 4.7S a 1.90
All s lcfl of stock in this innrkct nro
iiercwt live weight unless otliorwlso state 1.
Lpail ) hoes soil nt J c per Ib. for till weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs wuUhloi : loss tluin 10J IhJ.
nov.iltio. Irpinuit : sows nro docked 40 Ibj.
ixud sUxus 80 Ibs , by the public luspootor.
Hogs ndvancp.
Ciootl cattle lower.
Hogs nil sold ns usual.
Hon. Josh. Cox , Hampton , WAS in looking
for fucilors.
John Folcy , Urailshaw , was hero nml sold
Iwo car.s ot'cattle. .
HOKS SI per hundred liUicr to-day than .1
n yi-ar n o to-day.
l.uwls Akin. Clarlnda , la. , was licro In ad
vance of n load of butcher stock.
I ) . K. Solvers , nf I'minaloo it Co. , Cedar
Creek , was in with n of cattle.
Thp Ancln-Atncrican PackliiR company
bought laia hou3 on to-day's maiket.
X. H. Ileerccreon , Walioo , was hero nntl
inpiketed two cars of corn ted steers.
Geo. Mclsncr. Shelton. was horn looking
for feeders , llu wants to buy 1,003 , head.
A. 11. Kiiieilnoatid 11. U. Jones , Council
Hluns , weio hcto nnd bold three loads of
Mr , l'ioi > cr , nf the firm of Proper & Watts ,
liloiiilitKton , .Neb. , was in nnd bold two loads
of cattle.
Mr. .Stewart , of Stewart & Cook , Danne-
irofr , was hero and disposed of n load of cat
tle on the market.
.A. S. hlnn , nf Linn , Snbln it Co , , Knst
Nodaway , la. , was in with a loadol hogs and
n load ol cattle.
M. M. Kdcar , Dillon , Nob. , will read an
article betoie. Iho Kino Stock Brooders' asso
ciation entitled , "Tho I'linciplcs ol Urccd-
iin ; . "
Oskamp , of the firm of Lewis it Oskamp ,
Louisville , came in to-day with a load ot hogs
for which ho rocoiveu 15c per liundted mote
tlian he expected.
.Mr. Lyons , of the firm of Moore & Lvons ,
Uiinlap , la. , e.xteuslvo feeders and bleeders
of horses and cattle , made his first trip to the
yards to-day with two loads of com fed eat-
"A great many shippers in the county ap
pear to have the idea"renmikeil n commis
sion dealer , "that the wek'ht of cattle deter
mines the price. They do not reali/.o that a
snug built. 1000 to I''OO 11) ) .steer , that Is fat and
solid will bring moio per hundred than a
half fat animal weichiiiir two or three him-
died pounds moru. "
General Produce.
Tuesday , Feb. 1.
prtcM tire for round fotso /
cc.d.s Koiil im the niurhcl to-iuiy. 'J nc
< lttot < ttlttiK < > n frultH represent tlic prices ( it
which oiitxhlc orders < uc lillal.
Euro , The receipts were liberal to-day and
the market weak. A few dealers weio at.k-
infj 2Gc in thi ! inorniiKr , but them wen : no
buyers at that price. The bulk of the fresh
stock sold at .MQ'JCc , it beinc haul even to
obtain the latter pi ice.
Hi'TTKH The receipts arc a little moio lib
eral ana the market is easier. The choicest
is selling mostly at NVvjlbc ; fair to good.
14ftir ( c ; common , 10 ( < Zir > c ,
GA.MK Piairio chickens , quail and ven
ison are out of beason and it is con
trary to the law lor dealers to handle them.
The law has never been verv strictly en
forced , nnd a coed many dealers handle
them after they nro out of season : Ducks ,
Mallard , per doz , Sl.TiXfC-J.OO ; ducks , Teal ,
Sl.il5C < Bl.'JO : ducks , mixed , SLITS ; peese ,
S'J.MKyaoO : Hrants. S12.0U ; Jack raDbits ,
St.OO : ; small rabbits , MfSTOc.
POUI.TUV The leceipts were llsht , but
there was not much demand. Chickens ,
when choice , sell mostly at So , and tutUey.s ,
geese and ducks aio not bringing much if
anv more.
VKHTAIII.IS : ; Beets , carrots , parsnips and
turnips are quoted at fXc. ) 11 orse-radish
roots S4.00@4.M ) per.bbl.
Ai'i'i.KS The apple market Is firm and
stocks on hand nrn light ; Choice Missouri
stock per bbl. 8H.751.00 ; Clioico Michigan
stock per bbl. S4.00.
ONIONS-Homo grown stock , per bu. 51.00
CKJMIIY Choice stock , per doz. lOO-l.'ic. '
OIIANOIS Valencia per caje , Sli.SO ®
7.00 ; Calllornia oranucs comuioB. per box ,
S3.00@.50 : ! ; Hivcrside , 51.00.
OitAMiKitnins Capo Cod , fancv. per bbl ,
81i.00 ! ; bell and bugio , per bbl , S10.00 ; Hell
and Cherry. S'J.75. '
UKANS Infoilor stock , 75tJiS1.00 ; good
clean countrv , Sl.ODiJl.'jS ; medium , hand
picked , 51.40 1.50 ; hand picked navy , 51.50
Advertisements under this licod , lUccntspor
line lor the first Insertion , ' cents for onchsub-
sequent Insertion , nnd $1.50 n line jicr month
No advertisement taken for IcfB thnn " 5 cents
for tlio flrst Insertion. Seven words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consccu-
tlroly and must bo paid In advance. All adver
tisements must bo handed in before 2 o'clo"k
p.m. . und under no circumstances will tlicj betaken
taken or dlerontlnucd by telephone.
Parties adcrtlelni ; In these columns rtrul Inv-
Inplho ntiBwers uJdrrsscd In cnro of Tut : BEE
wlllnlonEO aekfor n check toennblo them to set
their letters , as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In onvelopos.
FOIl RAIjK Or trndo Imkerr and confec
tionery. Inquire Konp , UrclbiiH & Co. ,
Omabn , Neb. ' U8H in l
B US1NKSS cnANCn-fSOOilawn and J200 In
one and two months buys a peed ji'stnu-
r/int and chop house ; Kood loasons for selling.
Inquire of V. CL Beaver , V Co. , real estate , room
13 , Kronzer block , opp. P. O. 873 2
- hardwaro. In cential
Nebrnskii , doInK business f.1OM to $ : IS.IKX )
ft year ; will trnde for Oinalm property , Jtoltor
& Cnmpbell , room 1.150'J Karimm. 9r > 5 U
TT'OHHAtiE-llulf Interest In one of thu Imst
43 unyliiK druif stores In southwestoru lowu ,
Cnpltul ro > iulred , Ju',000. Address 4U , lice of
fice HIS
BANIC for mlo m a now rapidly urowlne town
of ( .GO Inhabitants Tine deposits. Money
loans from 3 to 4 porront , monthly , A splendid
chiinoa. Address DOT , llooolllco. .115
WANTEli-Stocks of mcrcliiindleo to ox-
chniifro for Inml or city property , lift
South 15th. II. H. Hall \-Co. o 7 V
FOIl SALK-Mcnt n. rVet dolny peed business
( Iood locr ion , tools and llxturos. Ad
dress I ) 1'J rteo. 7'Ji 1 *
Bt'SINKSS CI1ANCU Stork Orocories nnd
Moatiunrkut for sale. 1'lnen location In
Omaha. Dolnn nil uxcullent business. Addrobg ,
C. tl , lieu Ollico. m-l
Foil SAI.K Hotel Oninlhus. used 8 months.
Address , lljdcr , tlromburtr , Nob.
_ 52 ! ) f 2'
BrBINESSCIIANCK-Stoeic ( Irocerlt'Sformula.
No bettor Inctitlon InOmnhii. Hales now
i\\era o { 300 u day. Hush & S'jlby , ] S ri. 15th st.
FOK PALK Or trade for merchandise. Ml
nerei of No 1 farm land near ( Irund
Uland. O. J. Cunan 815
HOUSKS I/t ) , Fnniis I.HIKISrn.oncyionneii. . 3 , llsricor block S. W. cor.
15th and I'limaa 813 _ 5U4
F01I SALE Iliudwiiro llusincss V\o ofTor
our plii'lf and heavy hnrdwnro l.uslnoss . for
stile , together with our Io so and peed will ,
Tnicio larpest In the rity and locution the best.
Itetlrlntr from the business rauto for solllnif
The fluum Hardware Co. , lO-'S O St. , Lincoln ,
" "
pEltONAI.-.Mr8 I"r"NannTB ) V. Warren
- tvlamojant. . Meillml and butlneas Medium
Koom Na 3 , U'l North ICth st. .Omaha , Nob.
T O > r IlctwcenCrounso hloou end turKUh
f * bath , botu vlovo. I'lnder please loa\o at
rcnrcto A llardln's imd itot reward DID
STU VYKD Abouta WOOK eire , n d rk bay
horse , one hind foot uhltOiuul joint larito.
Heward will bo puid tor bis return to Klorolt .V ;
Johnsou's brick jard , cor Decutur and ' "Jth
itlpota. WJ.l *
ADAM ALASKA , Clurnyovant amfpnlmlstT
513 South 161H St. KM
FIRST-CLASS stoioso tor nlco furniture or
bo.\cd goods , at 1513 Poilso st. 031ml
ITiQIt ADOPIION-A plrl bnby sir \rock liiir
JL1 will bo Riven up lor adoption. Mother
licnlthy nnd vleorous , but too poor to innlntHln child. Anpl.v to Miiry Strnha. nt Joe
Slink's. UlO.WIIIIftin st . l 'j ! ! _
k V KiniAKA Cultlvnlor r.nd Houf okcepcr. "
-L > itnbll : lied ISjeiirj. Departments up-
rlcultunil , live tocK , houjf-ktoplnir ( n vnlunUo
collection of tetelpts In inch issue ) , nnd cen
tral miscellaneous rcndlne , including short
stories and poetry , f 1,00 a jcnr. Valuable
promlntni Sninplo eoipy froo. U. P. Smith ,
Pub , Hoom 3 , Wltlincll Hlock , Omnhn , Nob.
_ _ _ _ _ _ HI I
Ci : I hnveon Imnd n nr ; oiiunn-
tlty of timothy , clover and millet seed for
Fnle. Write lor prices.V. . (1. ( Huston , Uavlil
City. Noli , 671 f. )
_ _
171OK mTFqunro : Plnno , fi month IT. A
- Jlo8pe , 1613 Douglas CIO
_ _
FOK HKNT Organs , f2 per month. Hoppo ,
1613 IlotiBlas. ( ioa
TTlOKUHNT-ST.iiiro I'liino la montnir. A
-P Hn ne.lM31 > otighig. _ _ 611
UHOUTHAND-ln ten le on . No ohaditiK- :
> J no position ! rapid as spoceli. Instructor ,
to cents. rcrnm'sSliorthnnd Institute , Detroit ,
Meh. 1 *
OIl SALU At nbnrpam. two choleo claims
nour Clindron. Tor purtieulnts wrlto to
fieo , nin\c , Ncllijh , Nob. 100 B *
ITMlIt HAl.K-One sot Amcrtenn Crelopnodla ,
-L 10 volinnr , lilunry ct\le. ijnod us new.
Al o onn olllcliil stain nl ln of Ncl.riKkn . , Ik8. " > , nt
n tmrualn. I'.nqulro at U , W. look's shoo Moic ,
1300 rui mini st. H1-
IT'Olt SALR Tlneo cowo , one horio H jenrs
old , and lleht iii'itie Wilson , very elieiip.
M. A. I.onthlin , 'J miles Most of lr ) , Mercer's ,
annlilB ft. UTH.G *
Tj OH SAI.lJ-Or Trnilc One ir.-horio power
1- ciiglno and liollor nnd plinluc mill mu-
chlnory. one L'l-lnch Kestuor leed mill , nno Vic-
lor slioller , ono Molt slmltlnir , pnllles , clevntor ,
belts , \c. IL J. Watts , aWS.Siith St. fiiVJU *
inoTrsALl-ono : a ) if. P. boiFrV omTs'i iTFT
1 entrmo.ouo steam ment unoppor unit stulTor ,
one plntlorni sciilc , I'nlrlmuks1 , one pair ponies ,
hnrncss and delivery WIIROII. OIU Soutti Uith st.
_ Ml ! 4 _ _
I flOll SALn-dood Move wood , cheap by tlio
lonil , ntl8fnctlou Kunrantucd. AiMie < s , I ) .
42 , lleoolllcp. _ ' . ' "iT-li *
FOHSALK No. 1 fniully mllrh cows , Filrny's
yards , Cumluif st , or IOJ Montaiin ft II. S.
.1 ' c ter. _ _ Wl 1 il
'IJ OH SALK Modium-sl/ed. ilollblo door snfe.
JL' Kood as now. 1'hll Stliumol i : Co. , nil and
0111 Jones st , Ko
FTTlt 8ALIJ Two touted enrrlniro with top ,
Medlinhor inuke. Original iirlco $ .IL'5. Will
Boll forcn < h , $20J. Kvcirthlnu In good onlur.
Only been used n little. Itootna 19 nnd 10
Wltlincll lliMdlni ; . _ N..lLIliirnluim. HUB _
IiHlll SALI4.Vhnr4o ! power tKillpr , no'irly
1 now. Knqulro Western Pottery Oo. , i\po- :
sltlon bnlldlnj. i > 70
FOIl SALti Mocllumlod , doulilo-iloor snfe ,
peed us now. Phil Stlniniot &Co.'Jll mid
1)13 ) .lones st. HIM
FOIl SALK-Sttunplmr Pnttorns cheap ; nnd
stnintilntrdono to order. Mrs. J. W. Mor
risons , l"0 > Have n port. _ 287 K I- _
FOR SAI.R Tlio best bimiry In tlio world for
tlio Heal Kstnto llusiness , ColumbiH Itustry
Co..llli ; Iliirnoysu _
r OUSAtlT > po-wrlter , JGO. J. II. Ilnvnca ,
_ llov tH5Jniahn. ) _ f.G7
Foil SA.I.K l-'nrnuuro and icnso ot six-room
hoiiFo , tlmoon part. Call ISft ! North S7th
street , two blocha from Hod Car lino. 8JJ
WANT1ID llnrber A flrst-olnps nmn for
rood city job. Innulro ut Mclclilor Ilros. ,
1110 Knrnnin. 102
\\7ANTRO-A yonnp nnclislinmn Id to 18
' ycurHold to malichltnrelf iiM > lul In n store.
Ono Just over preferredilJ : S. 15th. 101 'J *
WANTED Dnvor nt the City Slenm Lnun-
dry. Must tie thoroughly ncciinlntod |
with tlm city. Itclorcncu requlicd. O'Jl 1
V\TANTRO A iroorl Btcndy cotier harbur.
' Wnpes $10 per work until Mm-1st mid $12
nftcnvurils. 1M. . Ityburn , Fnlrinount , Nob.
\ liiKl ii
WANTKD Iinmoillnt < * l7. a cnrnora with
wood horses on Dmly Kvcnhitf Hoc. Apply
nt Itoo ollico. Itili
VirANTKD A roslsteieil plmrmnolst for
T > town , lo tnko entire chnriro of store.
Kefcroncos rfinreil. | .In1 ? . II. Hulltml , M. 1) . ,
- ' ' - ' , 1'oclllo Junction , lown. W" 3
T17ANTKO An A 1 Held Kstnto Snlc'innn
> wnuts a position nfter Feb. 1st with porno
KOOil rout estate tlrni. Address D 4i , Iloo ollico.
WANTBD A peed mini to push our business
In Omnhn. Apply nt room (1 , Itcdlck
block. 1' . F. Colllor , publisher. 8'J.i 1
VVANTKD A nrst-clasa book-kouper. Must
t T have very best eity reference * or need
not apply. C. U. Mnyne , 15th nud Hiirnoy. ! . " >
WANTKD-A boy or .vounif niBi ; imvlni ? n
h'oodhorao und hvlnir in south part of
city , to carry u route on Dully Kvonlnir Iloo
" \\TANTKD Man , woman , boys , irirls to earn
i ? 70 ; > sr month ut tliolrown homoscostly
outo.i fii' Rninplr ? , n packnko of poods nnd full
infonnntion forlUctoholp pny PO UIKO. Ad
dress II , C. Itowell &Co. , Itutlund , Vt.
190flO *
" \\7ANTni ) M sober. Intelligent man
IT address to try u lOo meal at NorrN' res.
liiurinit , IDlSlOtlist. 153
ACiKNTS In tlio city or country onn miiKof.ri to
$10 n dny selllnir our specialties. N. W.
Novelty companr. 1317 K-rnnm fit. "IS
AX/'ANTHD 5 laundry Klrls at the Windsor
> > Hotel. OU2
WANTKD fllrl forpeuernl houpotvork. Mrs.
Kltchctt , Vlriflnla nvo fouih of l.cnvon-
worth. US1 II
\TrAXTBn filrl to dn Rcncrnl hoiihowork In
TT j.rivnto . bourdlntf house , nt 517 S. IL'th st.
"IX/'ANTKO ( Iood girl fortronornl housework ,
IT small fnmlly ; will pnv J4 per week for
rlKht party. Apply 313 N Kith st. WO 3
WANTijfi aoT"NoTtTr st ,
ironoral housework ; must bo u good plain
liuinilresa and cook. .170 0'
WANTED-83 Birls , nt 123 N. 15th Bt.
0780 *
W PANTKD A ( rood trirl for general housework -
work , ot IMS Cuss st , 077 1
TtrANTKD-Lady partner ( sln Io ) with JTOOor
> V f 800 to tnko half interest in established
retail business In this city. Address for 3 days
D : i , cnio Iloo ollico. Ml 1 >
XVAM'KD ( Iood Klr\ \ for housework , i-ood
i washer nnd Ironer. 3 0 s. 10th , V5.V3 *
WANTKD 40 treed jflris , lots of plncos mil
peed wages for cooks , dlnlnt ? room nnd
chamber work , and llrst nnd second work in
private fumlllos. Omaha Employment llurenu ,
Hi ) North Ilith , Capitol nvo. DM 1
\VANTKD A eonipctunt ifirl at St. Ilarnabua
> > rectoryK.j Nortli'l9li. ' ( IU8
\7t7ANl'F.D Two ( lininir loom clris tt Rx"
> T clmntro hotel , South ormitm. U13 1 *
\TrANTrI-CirlforHiUiion woik , 413 North
> > 1.1th street. 907 l
. \TANTKD-Ilnliig ) room girl nt Hmmott
i V house , Mj
\ \ 'ANTIJl ) Kxparlenewl housokoopor. Colored -
M orod preferred. Call nt 112 N. Dili , 73S
\VTANTHI-Jood cook and I.-4Undro39.303 UI
1' 18th et. f.8J
\\rANTKO 30 ladlei ft xnnts to loirn telo-
IT graphy. Prospect wood for position when
competent ; address W , J. 1) . , Hoom 1 , Cranns
blk.Omnha. 137
T\7AJ T3Ii- ! Situation by llrst cliiss btono-
> i irrnpher and typo.w riter , irood reference.
Address D 47 Heo ollico. Op'J 3
DltUfiJIST Tliori > iiiilyToiiipatcnt | nnd oiT-
porloneod.clodiresHttiiution. Host relcr-
enccsnnilcortlllcntes. 1)37 , Heo. Oil
rpo MurchantTallors : " A flrtt-class cutter ll
-L open lor engagement , IloBt references ad
to ctinr.ieter and iil.lilty. . Address 1'rlneu Al
bert , lleo ollico , Lincoln. blS 3 *
\\7ANTKf > Skilled"iiccouniant will accept
't bituation Feb. 1,16S7. AddrofS OOS. llee
olllcc. M3 1'
\ \ / ANTKD A nurse , who U willing to help
IT uioundhouao. Addrcsj.V. C.,031 Wlioa
ton st. Ml
U'ANTKD-3 boarders on N 30th Bt. private
family , hoard und bed f J M per week. Ad
dress I ) . o , lice ollico. VM 3
WANTKD lo piirchus.0 n rooa seven room-
L d house and lot. Ceatrallv located , ud-
drera Ii 48 Iloo olllio. ' yd7 3
AV ANTED A lady room-mate , ut IOU1 Far-
1' QQU > st. UofciMiecji uicliiu'tjcJ. 'JJ11 *
AVTANTKD-lly younu ln n , small ntrnlshod
* room , Herman ( riuilly preforre < l. Ad
dress 1)45 , Bee ollico. 0551
\V.\NTiD-AKentS. : eOO No rTli K.tiTltre'eT .
JJ _ M 4
\\TANTKD TOetchnniro ! < U acres unproved"
i' land , six mlles from llortratul , Ni-b. . for
hanln are or furniture. F. C. ScliroeJor \ Co. ,
llcrtratid Nob. .wo
AVANrKDTeams309 S. llth st.
JL > [ K 3
WANTKD-Tobtir nvoto twenty acres In.
fldoofor near Omnhn. ( Hvo dcfcrlp-
tion , price nnd terms. Address , 0,30 , Iteo onico.
WANTT.D A yonnir mnn ilo ire instmctina
on tlio iiiltnr from n competent toucher.
Aililrf g 41. lloo ol oo. _ Tffl
roB. asHT-nonsr.s A D LOTS.
"TjlOH HiNT-3-rooin : cottairo on Cnllfornln
iatront. . nonr ilotli , 1iiituro | I * . J. Crooilon ,
room 15 , Nut Itniik lnitld'tr. V5J S
FOIl UKST Two torr Imlldln ? , ( food locn-
lion , ! > iiltnlilu for wlmlosiilo or Ilitlit tnnnil- '
torturing puriioocs. 1) 41 Iloo offlco. 18 6 *
irOH HUNTlly I'ob. UtTTen room hon o ,
J modern ImprovomonM , 15 inliinloi wnlk
frnral' . O. On st lino. Inquire at 1108
llou eliis jit. _ 140
ir < OH lir.NT A burn for 4 lioiul ot horsoo. In-
tllllro of M. I' Mnrtln. 8 < 7
Ij jlOll Hr.N'T fi room liouso , citxirntor , street
iMri , I < tnilcMlrnm I * . O : f.0ior mnntti ,
P. C. r ttcr on , Omnhn Null bnim , 7lu
r HUNT -Lnriro burn with wntcr prlvl-
Apply ut 1819 ChU'ilgo Bt. Ma
FOIt IllJXT-If you wniit to rent n house , enll
nn llomtwn Co .opposite postoftlcu. MJ
1/lOlt HUNT 9 room IIOIHO S.V. . cor. "In nnJ
JL1 I'uclllo. Imiulre SI. V. Mnrtln. 811
3 71011 IH'.NT S rcomod lieu o with KB * , i < ort
nnd linnl wntorlli block' from ear line ,
1217 N. liUh st. Iii'iulro ' nt 1211 N Will st ! rent
to rlitht parties ono year ISO per month.
Ij OH KUN'T Sit new brick toros with IIIKC-
' tnunti ) , corner Kluvunlli niul llownnl : choice
loralloti ; nil convcnlonci't. l.onvltt llunilmm ,
Itooinl.Crplglnon blook. _ Oi7 _
UNTlTou n , ! > room" , In lltinscoin
I'lnco. ioltor& ( Cntiipboll , Hooin 1. 1603
" 171011 HUNT 10-room homo with larce ntuble ,
JL1 very c'ho.ip to right party. Marshall \ Ui-
beck , 5UU ri
Tj > 01l lir.Nl' Otio nmv cottixiro , 7 rnnmn , f-M.
J1 Throe now2- tory housm , JI1 , one ut $ ! " . ;
wolllocntod , nil convonlonooi. Luavilt Hum-
Imin.Honm 1 , Crolgliton block. 127
t\U [ \ ItUNT Store 23x01) ) , 1113 Jnckson Bt.7B3
TjHH ) URST Nlcoly furnished front room to
-I ? ono or two iicntloinen , wind opportunity
to learn German , nl No , 1712 St. Mury'B uvunuo.
Kill I *
FOIl HKNT 1'urnlshcd rooms , 101f > 1 lodge
[ 10 10
_ _
FiiOU HKNT An oltcant fiont pnrlor with
JL hoard , also other ptnnllor rooms. Homo
1ms nil modern convonlences. ( lOiitlomcn de-
fcirod. t-outlmcst corner Webster und "Oth Bt.
FOIl HKNT Hnndiomolr fnrnlsliod room
for two irontlcmcn , hot nnd cold bath , tire
nndcas. 1011 Howard , -d Hour. OSO S
TTtOlt HUNT Two front rooms for llirht hoit'-e-
-L1 kocpinp , rutulshcd or unftirnlBhed. 501 S.
14th St. U3I 4
HUNT S unfurnished front "irooiTisTo
intrn and wlfu ; no children. Apply 310 N ,
loth , IM5 3 *
I UU IIK.NT A very do lniblo lurnishcd
room or suite for gentleman and \vlie , 1811
Capitol ave. 070 : i *
FOIl UKNT-NleeTy furnfsheil "rooms , 2-27
Dodge st. ; KIIS , Until nnd furnace heat.
1174 7
F 15iT HUNT Klotrantly fiirnl lied Front
clmmDer and lic'il room. All modern con
veniences , near business , 1015 Cap. nvu.
755 0
"IjlOH lir.ST Purnlshed rooms , modern Itn-
JL1 ptovcmcnts and llrst class board. 703 S
18th s-t. UIU 3
FOIl HUNT One nlco lariro unfurnished
room , with board , within six blocks of
postolllco ; 111 South UUth Et , bet Ootiulfts and
led o. U5S ' -
"I71OH HIJrlT A plotisiuit trout parlor and bod-
Jt ? room , Miitublo lor man and wlfo or three
pontlDinan Ran and Imtli , will rent chenp to
good pintles , llill Howurcl St. 3rd lloor. D"i4-3 *
FOIl HUNT 3 unfurnished rooma , modern
conveniences , to parties without children ,
010 N 17th at. 783
FOIl HENT Desk room In Omaha Ilcal Es-
tnto CxclmiiKC , 151 ! ) Furnam. 771
fOU HKNT 2 nlco ollico rooms at 512 8 16th
' _ _ 6troot.
F I Oil HKNT l irnlsliod room 1903 rarnam
I7IOU HBNT : i nlco front rooms In the brick
hlocK on llowm-d st. hctwcun Ifllh and 17th
BtB. I.oo , Nioholi Co. , Wlthnoll block 584
FOH HUNT -At 803 llowiml street. 0110 block
from Cozzons house street cur nvory flvo
minutes uInrtfu front room , turuls'.iud newly ,
for tKM per month. 5'Ei
T71OU KENT Furnlsliod room. 711 N. IBth St.
POH UKN'T Nicely fnrnlshod room. Itofor-
fiiccarciiuircil. ICQ7 Douxliia. 8S7 >
FOIl Iir.NT t rooms nnfurnNhot suitiijlo
for bousekoeplivjr , 1017 N iiJtli st ; upplv to
M. F. Murtln , 310 S 15th St. 10J
I ? OH 1 ! K NT A nli'o , liirht b".r.piiit'in. Itunuro
1 of Leslie XLeslie. . I , ' . . and Doilno sis. JH
FOIt Ki\T-Nlsaronni8at : 18JI Fnriinm st
otiu blocS west of court houselouth si lo.
1/10K HUNT 1 roam ? Htiltublo for honso-
JL. ' kooplntf. 711 1'iioma 8t. UontJ15.0J.
"ITIOU HRXTItooins nlcoly furnished nt nil
Jliriccrt , from Jl , flO , $1- . $1" ) u month eiich.
UH .South 18th Btrnf-t , north St. Mnry'x uvcnuo
Full HKNT Furnished room , furnnco , com-
fortnbln In rolduat wo.Uhor , anil KIIS. In-
( ] Ulrcl92l Kninnin 111
1i OK Itr.NT N'ontly furnished rooma , lnglo
1 ordouliln , llltj Howurl Stront. KI'J
FOIl HUNT j nlco newly pupijro 1 rooms ,
watonnkitchen ; suitable for hounokocp-
inif. 1'rlco. tli.W ) . ion N. 20th st. Apyly to
owner M. K. Murtln : I10 S. 15tU it. tfil
FOK KKVT rooms on street car
line , bath aiH m , s. w. oor adth nnd
Webitor. Vtt
FOK ItK.NT I'onr unturnlHhod rooms
for housokoopln ? to fliivill family , lo
cated on ( InorKiixuveuonDitrnot carssurround-
Inira pleasant and will rent cheap to K'ooil
piirtifirororonco ; required. Address A. IIIloo
otnco. -47
Master' * Dale.
In the Circuit Coin t of thu United States for the
District of Nohruuku.
Aloiuo IL Vrtlontlno , ut. id. )
vs. VInChr.nccry.
Fannlo K , Wfsomnn , ct nl. )
rniiKtxotiimt : ov xioitTdArii ; .
PUIIMC NOTJCn IB hereby ( jlvun , Hint In pur-
Biiancsnnd by vlrtnoor u ducrco outuicd
In Ibo iuvo ) ciiuse , on the fith day ot Mny , ISM ,
i.fClllsL. IIIerboHur , epoulnl nuiBtor In ctinn-
cury In tHld couit , will on thoGth dny of Mnrch ,
18S7 , lit the hour ot II ) o'clock In thu forenoon of
thosuld day , ut the north door of thci I'lillnd
ritiuud court hoiiBo and noslofllco bull < lliiK , in
the city ot Omnhn , Doni'lua county , htutu and
dlBtrlct of Nubrablm , eull nt auction the follow-
Inir described property , to-wlt :
The south half ( sv'i uncl t ho northwest quarter
( nw > 4) ) nnd the west half of the norlhoabt quarter -
tor ( w'J ol noh ) of section Iwolvn (12) ( ) In town/
fhlpolnvon (11 ( > north ol r.uiBo ton (1U ( ) vt-st of
Ih Mxtli principal morldliiu , In tUu county of
Hall , and ttulo of Nohnukii ,
The oiiht ono-thinl ( u-jl of lot flvo ( ft ) In block
twi-nty-Mlirht Co ) sltmito In the rlly of ( Jrnnd
iBland , lit tliocounty of Hall , and stiito of No-
brubku. hl.l.IH h. Ill 1)1(110Wiit ) ( ; ,
Spoclnl Maxtor In Clmncory.
Oroir , MnntKomorr V Je'troy ' and J II.
\Vouloy , solicitors for comphilmiut.
Artists' Material.
ArtistB' Materials , J'ianog niul Organs ,
U13 Doiifilni Htrott , Omaha.
Agricultural Implements.
\Vlioltoalo Pcnlcr In
Asrricultural liiipleineiits , Wugnns ,
nad HucyleB. Jonri ttii'tt , between OU.
ana lUth.Oiuuhe. Neb.
A i'icultural.Iniploiiicnts ,
\V Enni.Carrlaxei , lliigglet. Jltc. . Wholesale , Oiltha.
LErt , FRIED < C CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware nml Xaila ,
TIDHUO , HUoet Iron. Ktc. ApcnU far How * boalot ,
and illiml render i.i. : Umuha Nvb.
RECTOR o wjLiiKLtrYCG , ,
Wholesale Hardware.
WMlern n rrnt for JcfTer on Sirol NalK An tli
rowdert'o. Kitlrkank * standard Soalm. Corner
10th ami Ilarnor , Omaha.
Whole'.ilc l > cAlrs In
AjrrknUural Implements ,
( V con amljluerlot. WMttUOSjinil ' .W , Jones st
flutter and Eggs.
Kuycrs of Hut tor nml Kppra.
nefrlteritor ( an.1 1'ncVlnc llous * , llth itnJ l.caxen-
worlli st. U r. U. 11. Trark , Omaha.
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Mechanics1 Too ! nnd llufriloSc.ilc _ . tlM Douglas U ,
Omtih.i , Nets
Boots and Shoes ,
" '
AMEltl\t N 'ft A ND SEWED
Manufacturer * and WholriialnDoilcrs In
Hoots anil Shoes ,
Compli > Mor k of Knl > l > cr ( looiti nlnnj on hand
hp S. Uth ft . Dnmlm. Neb. A T. Atirtlii. Aconl.
7P. J" MORSE .0 CO.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
llll Karnam ft , Omnlia , Nob. Manufactory , Kunimor
uri-et , ItoMun.
7. . T. L1XDSK r 0 CO.
Unhlier NonN nnl Shoos.
Iluu and oiled Clotliln * * tiU roll
Uiiill'oriidr Ulh unit DoiiRlni.
. for AnlicHsor-Husli Hrcwinir Ass'n
Spcclnl llrnnrts. Knu't , llinl ol crnnil Krlongcr.
Laijei1 Heor Hrewcra ,
1571 North 1'tU Slrcrt , Omnlm , Nob.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
JBUSOKO Caning * of nil kinds nlirnye In Mock. 1515
Jones pUiUiunh.i
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
Onmlia Cofl'uo and Spice Mills.
Tfla < , OolTi'OiSrilco . llnVlnE I'ondi-r. KHTorlnx .
tracts , Ijiundry lllud. Ink , iic. : UK-Id Ilnrcer
bireelOnmhn , Nob.
Homo rnfl'ooniKl Spice Mills M'f'sr Co.
Co-TroUoKleraand Splcc ( IrlndcruMnnnfncliircrs
of Halting 1'owdor , KltrurliiK l'.itrictIllulnc. . IHo.
Trv one en if ot our 1-tt > iiackueo Homo UU'iid Hotttod
irct ! . Ituj LIOMiuil m. , omnbu , Neb.
EA < iLE cbltXWE WORKS ,
Jolin Eponcter , Prop.
Manufacturer of nnlrnnltcd Iron nml Cornice. V73
nnd 103 nnd 11)5 N , lOlli nt. , ( lra h , Neb.
Unnufncturcrs of
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , l'lnn > , MclnllcSkjllyht.otc. 310S.
Kill < t. , Unmha.
C. Specht , Prop.
flnlvnnltei ! Iron Cornices , etc. Spoct'Blniproved I'aU
vnt .Mctallc.skyllk'lit. UB undill ) H.l.'tli lia.
Jobberi of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths.
Linoleums , Mnttlnits , Ktc. 1511 Douglas alrect.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Mattlnfi.Curtain ( loods. Etc. 1133 Karnam btrcct ,
Omiht. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Agent for the Munufncturcrs nnd Importcroof
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamps , Clilmnej , etc. Omcc , 317 South 13th et.
Omaha , Noli.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and .lobbinpf.
Ilntler , Eggs and Produce. Conslgnmonis nollcltea ,
XleadquHrtera for : Uonfjwarc , lierry llozes n a
lirnpo llnskvls. Kll Dodge street , OroOo.
Commission Jlsrchants.
Fruits , Produce ati rrorlslons , Omaha , Neb.
and Commission Merchant.
Bpccltiltlcs Mutter. ICggv ( hceso , Poiiltrr. liame ,
Ojnters , Kto. , Hlc. 112 South l < th street.
Froduco Commission MerchantH ,
Poultry , lluttcr , Untnc , Knilts , etc. 220 B. llthat
Dniuhn , Neb ,
Coal ancf Lime.
! ' . MILESTONE 76 'cb7
Dealers In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OfOeonnd yard , Itth and Nicholas PH. , Omaha , Neb.
YarrtTelcpbimu , fi/7. !
UEU. 1 , J.AIIAUM , I'reil , C. K.OODDMAM , V. I'fOK.
J. A. NUNDEHi.ANn , Hoc. and Treas.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
KM Couth Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of Coal nd Coki > . Cement , I'luater ,
Unif , lUIr , Hro Brick , Drain. Tlla and Hewer 1'ipe.
omen , I'iiiton note ) , rarnam ft. , Ouitilm. N b.
F F. FAT iB CO. ,
ManufactiirlnRr Confectioners ,
Jobbcri of KrulU.NutsandClgaii. Ull Karnmn St.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Qana and Ammunition , 215 to 223 8. llth St. , 1020 to
V1U Kirnam St. , OmahaNeb ,
irniuifactiirers of Fine Cicrars ,
And Wholcmlo Dcalorn In Leaf Tobaeeoi , Nog , 103
udllN.mli | ) itrcet , Omaha.
\Vhcio ! , ln l > i > nlon In
Cigars , Tobacco.- ) , 1'ipe-j md Smokers
Agentifor n. I.IOM lorr i Uo. , Fine-Out m ! Hruo *
n 'rji oeoi , Mllwaukoo , Wlioaniln. No.lll
a NortkSUtnoath'Hriet. Omibi , Neb.
Dry Cootls.
M. E. fiMlTH , ti CO , ,
Dry Ooods , FiirnisliIiurOoodH &Notoii8 !
I103nml 110 * Ilauulm , cor. lltli St..OmurmNcb.
DlBtlllori of I.lquori. Alcohol ncl Pplrltt. Importers
BUI ] Jobbtriot Wlncitnd l.lquori ,
CO , and ILER i ; CO , ,
Importer * and Jobberof Flno Wince and I.lanori.
tiolu manufnotuielb ( if Krnncdi'n Hurl ludlK Jilt-
ten nnd IXiincntlc Mquors. 1112 llarim ; Bt.
Drain Tile , Etc.
. J-W nrnronn.ficc.Trcai
U. J.CAnsoW. V.I'rti.anasupU
Offlco 213 P. Hth H. , Omnhn. Neb. Macblnrrr and
for JUnufociurliii Cement Drnln 'lllu.
" '
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
f'arnam it. , Oinalm , Nfb.
Furuiture , Uodiliutr , Upliolstery ,
Illrrori , etc. IMC. 1208 aud 1210 K rn ro t Ooiaba.
Groceries ,
Wliolosnlo Groceries anil Vrovlsions ,
NosriY..7rr ; , ay nn4 til 8.10th St. Om hi . .NPb.
, if it * t
Wholesale Grocers ,
Ulh nnd T.cftTan-ortti U.Onmh .
Hardware ,
w. , r.
Honvy llunlwuro , Iron nutl Stool.
Springs iron Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1SOJ
and Mil llarncr M. , Omnh.i.
SYiP GIltltON ,
lo Iron niul Stool ,
VTncon ami Cnri-lnco Wood Stock. HCHTJ llnrdwtr *
Kic. HIT mill ism l.rvi < nworlh ft. , Oninlm , Neb.
Uiuigc ! * , Funiuco.- ' ,
Mantlet , ( irntct , Mmt9tooa : > . 1,31 and 1:3.1 : t'iiru m
MM'Pl ,
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wroiifihl nnd C t Iron HutMIngVorV , Iron Stair * ,
llnlnnK , llennn niul < ! lnl rs , SlPnni hncltio * , Iltni *
Work , tli.tu'rnl ironndrjr , Mnrtilno nnd HlHrLmnUU
Ni'otl. dtllcennJ\VoiknU. I' . Hy.niHliniiflicot.
P H MrMAXIW. ( ' . y
OMAHA WIRE r tito *
Munufartiirera of
Wlro niul Iron Hiiiliu , Desk Kalis ,
Wlmlim tluntrtc. flower UlnmK Wlro Sltin * . Ktc.
Ill N. tilth. Order * bj mall promptly Htlrn.l'-d ' lo.
irA rirMttEit co. ,
Doalar . All Kind * of
Material at Wholesale.
ISlh atrei't nml Union t'nclrlo Truck , Omnhn.
Jualor ) in Lninbor. Lutli , Limp , Sasb ,
Doors , Kto. Yanln-CornrrTth ami Uou lnti | Corner
Vlh nnd Pniultts *
Wlmlcsiilo Lninlicr ,
811 S.llthptrcotOmnhnNob. P.Colpcticr. Mnnngor.
C. N. D1ETZ ,
13th nnd Cnllfornln M recto. Onmhn , Noh.
FRED ' . Git AY ,
Lumber , Limp , Cotncnt , Etc. , Eto.
Or.Cthnntl Duimlui in. . Umnhu. NoX
Luinlmr ,
To Dealers Only.
Odlc * , 1(03 Fnrnnm utrcot , Omnhn.
Hardwood LiimbcT ,
Wood Carpeti nnd 1'nrquet KluorltiR. Vtli mu
( Mtitihn ,
AVholesiilo Lumber , Ktc.
Importrd niul American I'orllund Crmrnl. Ptntt
Mllvmiiki-o llrdrniillc Ccuiuulnnd Host
( JulncyVhltuI.lnic. .
Live Stock.
Of Onmha.
I.lmltcil. John F. lloyd , SupcrlntordenU
Lin Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Ono. llurkn , MannKcr
union Stock Yurdn , H. Omnhn. Toleplionn M7.
Llvo Stool ; Commission Jlcrchanta ,
BhlpmcuU of any nnd nil klrnla of Slock ( elicited.
Union Stock Yanls. Omnhn , Nuh.
Millinery and Notions.
Importcri and Jobbers ot
Millinery nud Notions ,
1J13 nnrt 1215 MnriiOr Ptvoct , Omnha , Nob.
Are the onlj Direst Importer ! of
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Gootte
In Ncbrnnkn. C'nlcairn priced ilupllrated wltliout add.
IPK trrlghu 1415 Kurniini Sirout , Omnhn ,
Wholciilo Donlprs In
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
403 and 405 H. Tenth Kt , Utnahn ,
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery nnd Gents' Furnishing
lOOfinrullWI Farnnm St..Omnhn. Nch.
Hannfactnrcrs of Overalls ,
Joana I'anu , fium , Ktc. 1103 nnd 1101 Uoujlag Htrcot ,
Omnhn , Nub.
Paper Boxes
, T. L. W1LKIE ,
Manufacturer of Pajior fioxcs ,
B.lltb HU , Oranh a , Nabraikn. OrdurKj \ \ ui
llcltadanil will rccelv * vromiit attouilun.
Job Printers , IHank Book Makers ,
And Hook llludcra. lOrt nnd 104 South fourteenth
( tract. Omaha , Neb.
Auxiliary riililiHlicrs.
Doalcrn InTrpo. I'rein > and Prlntcn'buppllos. tO
Houlli Twelfth hlrret.
"WholoHiile ruiiipH , Pipe , Flttinps ,
onmanil Witer Rupnlloi. IIi > nilciunrlor I < r Ja
Koo tCo' ( ioy1 > . llll fHrnam it.innh . rteu.
Pumps , I'ipOB as < l KiiKfines ,
Bteam , Wmer. Ilillnir and Mlllliin Bupiillcs. KW.
! W , VllinH'itl I'aruatu Bt. , Omulm , Net ) .
U. fj. triNlt ENGlNE and PUMP
n llnd y Wind Mlllii rlcam nd W tor Piipiillea ,
iMumMnti < io 4t , lUltlnK. llnic. I > 1R HIH ) Vll fur-
nuiu t. , Omnlin. H. K. I'ultnn , Muuuuvr.
leluplinne No.'JIU.
Safes , Etc.
] ' . ItO YER 0 CO. ,
Affonts for UiiII'H Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flrn and llurii'ar ' Proof Snfai , Tliua l ickn , Vault !
nd Jail Work. 1U1J CarriHin ttrurt Oniiiln , Meb.
Omaliit Safe AYorkH.
llanufocturrriof Klre nod Ilaril rl > rnof Bufro , Viiull
Jull Work.Hliulivrs iiinl Wlro Work , Cor.
Kill nnil Jack ion HU.Omtliii , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M.A. DJSltJtO W < 0 CO. ,
V 'bole ale H nuf cturci of
, DoorH , Illiiulu Hint
llrniiclioaice.ntli and Usrd t > . ,
Sasli , Duor , JtlinilH , Mouldings ,
Ilulldlnv I'jper , etc. 10U1 Sou 111 ' 1'lilrti'entli hlruot ,
Uuiuba , Neti , A coinil | i nock ol IJullderV
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'jii.'i ' > l lrWjrk rid Interior llurd Wo .d rjnl h
N.i : cor ( Jib und J.euvcuwtttubU.
( ) ui La , N ti.
Wagons and Carriages.
Tl''i/ . 'iilMPfiON ,
Tlio LeaiUntfUiuTlttgo Factory ,
II'/J rd Kll I > 'j0uu otrcct , OmuUa.