THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY. JANFAHY yi , 1887 ERICSSON'S ' BIG INVENTIONS The Man Who Mentally Conld Build and Destroy Navies- STEAM SUCCEEDED BY OLD OL 1'itrly Ilfc of Cnptnin John Monitor mxt Hum Connlriiollon J he Urcnt Man's I'fr onnl llubila Whcro Hoorkvil. . The men whose lives enan all the great nchieviiinunts of a century arc rare and those who have been personally idi'titi- lied \\itli tbo leading achievumcnts of their own country are still rarer. Cap tain John Kriesson , who carries the weight of his eighty-four ycursvith a dtep as elastic as a man of forty , is one of the raru mortals vho can lav claim to enrollment in tiie extremely -elrct list last mentioned. Jdcn'iliud with the ap plication of steam to railway locomotion in the early pavl of the ccntnrv , a con temporary ami competitor of Stcli | ) < Mi on he "till lives to carry on his experiments in tin ! application ot steam and hot air , and to all appearances may continue to do so for to conic. ins r.MII.Y : . John Krics on wns born in thu prov ince \Vurineiand in Sweden in f'J ! ) At tin * aue of ell-veil yeard lie vv.isap pomteil a cadet in tnu engineers , and two jears later bewail Ins active life as a lev- eli r on the ship canal between the H.tltic and North scin. At seventtcn lie entered tin ) b\\cdish army , as an eii'i n , was hoon prnmotid to a liuiiteiiancy and hhortl. > afterwards to the r.uik of capt.nn. 'i'lie luiit uf Ins mind was townul thu pio- fusiion of a nit fhamciil CIIKIIICLT and he resigned his coiiiiiussioii : tnd united linrope in 18 0 for thu purpose of Intro- ilnuinj' a nu\v llatne eiiHine of his inven tion. 1 lie ( icneral nu of fuel rendeied Ins new invention ot little pine- tieal value anil bo set himself to work upon inventions adapted to tin ; wants of thu a e. He lirit applied the principle of of at tihual draught to steam boilers , sin invention which is in / eneriil use at the present day. In is-'ii the directots of the " Liverpool "and Manclustcr nulwav of fered a pn/.eof KOJ for the best railway locoinothu. This load at that tune was approaching completion and it was yut undetermined whether stationary or lo comotive engines should he used 'J here were four contestants for the pn/e , Ericsson beinj' anionc the number. His engine , the Novelty , attained the hijli- cht hpeed , Hlailmu oil at the rate of lifly Illlle an hour. The pri/e. however , was aw.irtied to ( Jeer ti blepliensonlio = e Kocket , while Mttainiii" ; a speed of only tventnine miles , was thought by the judges to be capable of more .service than J'ricssonN ppeudier competitor , the Novelty. KriesMin shoitly atti'rwards constructed a ( he engine tor the king of Prussia , for vv'iieb ' he was awarded the pri/u medal of the Mechanic's institnto of Now York. 'iin : scisnvy I' In ISItll Kriesson producett his first ca loric eiiirme. 'J'ho .seientilic world gave it a hearty endorsement. hardner , Uro , Faradav and Philips gave special atleu tiou to it , i > ronouiicing it an astonisiung iinention. 15ut bcfoie bringing his ca loric engine to a high dcgrco of perfec tion be was destined to make a discovery that would revolutiom/o the art of steam navigation. In 1837 he built a binull tug fortv feet by eighty , with two screw oro- jiellurs of live and a quarter feet diame ter , the liist of their Kind that had ever been scon. lie invited the British ad miralty to inspect his mvetion. and towed their b'argu at a rapid rato. _ Their lord- slup.M , in the plenitude of ttiuir asseinbled wisdom , f-olemly decided that while the BOrcw propeller could drive n vessel thiough the water at u rapid rate it could not bo steered. Thoroughly dit-nustcd with the owl-like stupidity of the British admiralty and despairing of e\ur secur ing the adoption of hi ? invention in Ihig- land , Knc.sson came to America in IS' ! ! ) and oflcrcd bis invention to the United States govern ment. He was employed by the navy de partment to .supervise the building of the war steamer , Princeton , in 1811. To this vessel the screw propeller was applied with entire success as well as several other of Hi lesion's inventions , including the telescope smoke-.stack , a centrifugal blower in the hold and a gun carriage witli machinery for taking up the recoil. The machinery of thu vessel wns below the water line out of the reach of the ene my's shot. The improvements intro duced into the Princeton by the Swedish inventor revolutioni/ed the war vessels of all progressive nations in a very short period , and the screw propeller came into general u u for all vessels ex cept those designed for the navigation of the shallowest waters. What the English ndmirality would not adopt when first oHcrcd by Ericsson they wore only too glad to adopt when thu now steamer Princeton piomised to be a very forimd- ublu opponent to the best English war btcamerb of the day. i in : CAI.OUIC sinr inticssox. Having compelled the general adoption of his screw propeller , Ei lesson again turned his attention to the caloric engine , nu applied to navigation. In 185 : ) ha had completed the Ericsson , a ship 260 feut in Jcngth and of 2,000 tons burden. The trial trip from New York to Washington was imulu in the roughest weather , the engines being in constant action for seventy-three hours and working per fectly during thu entile tiip. The con sumption of fuel was only live tons of conl in twenty-four hours , Thu expert * ment proved a aisnppointmcnt , now ever , us the speed attained was not equal to that produced by steam , and steam en gines were soon after placed in the vessel. Convinced by this experiment that thu calorie engine could not com pete with steam where speed was re- inured , Krics'soii next tinned bis Atten tion to applications of the caloric princi ple in channels where cheapness was a more important requisite than speed. It has been applied with entire success to more than six thousand engines now in use for pumping , minting , grindinghoist ingninnin ; ; sowing machines , wood s.nv- ing and other domestic purposes For the lust few veurs Ericsson has been export mcntiuc extensively witli a sun motor , winch ii-quitci no fuel at all , It consists of a rectangular trough eleven feet long 'iy sixteen bioad The inside of thu trough Is composed of curved plates of window glass suvered underneath. The tun's rays aru reflected fioni this mir rored surface against a cylindrical steam boiler directly overhead , the boiler being - ing MX and a quarter inches in diameter and eleven feut in length , uxposimr 1'JTl Mipcrhcial mi lies to thu action ot the re lleeted solar ravs The trough ant heater are nicely balanced upon u cen tral pivot and by means of a horuonta' \el can bo given auj required inollna lion to mti'U'ODt the sun's rajs to the best advantage. A steam chamber is at tiicbed to the upper end of the hunter from which a lloxiblo tubu carries- tin tteain to the engine. The average speei of the engine which has a Mx-mch working cvlinder and an eight inch stroke , during the vailous trials of 16SU and later , was I''O turns per mini to and tbo absolute prosMiio on the working piston thirty tivo pounds to thu fiiuaro inch. Tins trough and heater , which is capable o indefinite expansion in sue , is cxnectei bj itb inventor to come ubi ) for a domestic1 motor in tropical am semi tropical rvgioub where cheapness is a desideratum MUMIOUh AND I.ATKII VVAH V ESsH-S Ericsson is doubtless best known no puly iu tills1 country , but throughout the ivilizcd world , as the inventor of the urrcled iron-clad war vessel , which stir > ersedcd the wooden fleets of a quaitc- > f a century ago Ericsson's inventive nind had enrlj conceived the idea of he revolving turret. Jn 18."j4 ho had oflercd the device to Napoleon III. , only o have It rejected as contemptuously as ils screw propeller had been by the Jntish admiralty seventeen years be- ore. Hut he believed in it , if Napoleon lid not , and in IS'H ' uroposcd the novel dea to the United States naval depart- nent. His proposition did not fall on lull or unwilling ears this time nnd ho vas given the contract to build his first psel on this plan. Hy an extraordinary lisplay of energy the vessel was com- ilcted in one hundred dnjs and arrived n Hampton Heads on its trial trip March U , 1M 2. in t after the confederate ron-cl.ul Mernmac had sunk the Cum- lorland and Congress and was about to k"-lroy the rest of the wooJcn licet. Cne son's "cheesn-bov on n 'aft ' , " as the confederates called t. engaged nnd defeated the durrimac , thus relieving the northern H'iiboard cities from diead of . nccu < < sfiil lotnbardmcnt. A licet of monitors was milt with extraordinary rapidity nnd vere found to be absolutely invulnerable tgninst any of the guns then in use Six it these vessels weie struck G-i ! ) times luring the Mi-go ot Chai lesion without me penetration of side armor , tin ret or ulol house The entire success of the lew war ve el which Etioson had in- veutid levolntioni/ed for the second imu the navies of the civili/.ed world [ 'he inventive Swede , however , not satis- led with having produced the most tor- nid.iblc ve .iel the world had ever seen , at once began to experiment with m invention to dc' tioy the very system of vessels he li.til so recently intro luced. His new invention m tins direc- ion is an n on v.'s ol called thelJestrojer. tislUJfeel long and can ics a snbnia- me sixteen inch gun , tlmty feet in eiigth , which ili'-chargcs a projectile rc-iiriitig | 1"M ) pounds and charged with 100 pounds of gun cotton. Its in ventor proposes that this projectile shall lie Hied against the hull ) f hostile iron vessels btlow the water- ine , the projectile to be exploded by the concussion The greatest disappointment of l.iic on's lite has been that the navy tcp.u uncut has not proven itself as ready o adopt his new Dotrujcr as it was to ivail ilselt of his Monitor. This iiuliil'ur- Mice rises doubtlessfiotn the fact that the Jnited States is at pcaeo now instead of teiug engaged in a war lor its very cv- stenco , us it was in 1801 If the nation weru at war Captain Ericsson's invention , t nnjw here near as cllecthcas he claims t to lie , would bs cagetly accepted and and its usetiilnestested. . His fiiouds are low in Washington urging the govern- nent to accept the Uustioycr.ind provide for the buildiugof ten similar vessels tin ier Ericsson's supervision It is claimed that the entire number can be built at a total cost of t'-.IMO.OO1) , and that the pos session of ten of these vus-uls would ob- vi.ito the necessity ot fortiiications ami other war vessels. Ericsson is confident hat his Destroyer could sink the luviuei- ile , the most formidable vessel of the British navy , in fifteen minutes. UKICSMJ.V'S l'iiHNAL : ! IIAltlPS Tl.o great inventor has lived for more ban thirty yeais in Heach .street , New York city His house , which is largo and roomy , was at the time ho first oeeti- iicd it in an aristocratic quarter of the jity. The beautiful park uiion which it hen bordered has been blotted out by D ( John's depot , nnd the old dwelling louses winch still i cumin standing in the neighborhood aie occupied as cheap tone- nciits. Captain EIICSSOII alotic of all the old time residents icfusus to move. Ins liouso remaining exactly as it was thirty years ago. Here bo works regularly at us drawinc and in writing for the sci entific periodicals. He averages from ten to twelve hours a day.athis work and isiially spends two hours in walking and jymuastic exercises. His intimate 'ricnds say that at eighty-four ho is in jotter health than at any time during the last ten years. There appears to be no iecay in his remarkable faculties and Jiero is every prospect that ho may live ind enjoy another decade ot active life , llu is certainly one of the most remark able men of the nineteenth century. ABOUT PATENTS. How the. oillcc in nnd \ \ hence InvcntloiiH Come. In the matter of ingenuity the Ameri can people lead the world , writes a correspondent - respondent of the New York Herald. Moio applications ! for patents are re ceived and moic patents are granted at the patent otlico in this city than any other two countiies of Europe. ( Jreat Britain comes next on the list , Trance third and Germany fouitli. Tt was not until isilii that the patent ollico was or- ir.ini/ed as a separate bureau with a com missioner and .suitable assistants for the proper discharge of its duties. It is rather a singular fact that duriim that year only one application for a patent was tiled. The next year the number in creased to lOli , The increase has steadily ' grown until in IS'-O 21,71)7 ) application's were filed. The whole number ot pat ents granted since 1830 is , in round num bers , ! tor > ,000. The applications for pat ents are regarded as a good index of the general business , prosperity of the country. When times are dull inventors realise that capital is slow to risk the suc cess of their experiments. On the other band , when money is plentiful it is a poor inventor who can not find some one willing , nt least to pay the legal expenses necessary to the taking out of his patent. It mav bo said en passant , if this theory of tno patent ollico holds good that the country was never in a more prosperous condition , inasmuch as the number of ap plications for 1880 exceeded by several thousand those of any pteeeding year. More patents have been granted to the ulti/i-iis of Now York than to those of any ether btnto. This is owing probably to her larger population. Upon this hypoth esis I'enusv Ivania takes the second place , ami according to the same reasoning Illi nois or Ohio should come next , but the truth is that Mu-Bachusotts holds the third place , with Illinois fouitli ami Ohio fifth. The character of the application usually denotes the locality from which it proceeds. 1'or uxamplu , applications showing the inventor to be a man of high .scientific education mainly come from Now York , Massachusetts or Connecti cut. Improvements in cotton ami sugar machinery 'iro the work almost entirely of southern inventors. The development ol inventive genius in the south has been remarkable during the past decade.This is especially so in tioorgia and Texas the two most progrcFilye states south of and Dixon's . The Mason lino. applica tions fiom the south as recently us IS ? ' , were only a fraction of those tiled fiom the north About 1670 u change was noted , and the mcrcaso since then has relatively as great its that of the northern states. Inventions are the natural sentience tea a demand in that direction. When the telephone was patented , for instance , men began turning their attention to subordinate devices necessary to inaKu the telephonic system complete In this particular branch moro than 1,000 applications have already been received. It is so with railway accidents. The ef fect of the recent horror near Tillin , O , is to deluge tbo otlico with dozens of ap plications for heating and lighting rail- w.iy carnages dilloreat from that at present employed. Within three muuths after the grcr.t Milwaukee hotel lire , a feu jo.irs ago , moro tliiiu 100 ap plications for lire escape ? were tiled. Kven the Charleston earthquake the etkct of stimulating half a do/en invi u- tious for detecting the appru.tch of tuUi disasters. Thomas A Edison , of New York has the honor of receiving moro patents than auy otUer American , podt or present. tlLs applications number 701 , and the list is still growing. It is a curious fact , according to the best authorities In the patent oflice , that the three bet commissioners It lias ever had were Ohio men. The hrst commis sioner , who reorganised the ollice and established the present code of practice , was Samuel S. Fisher , of Ohio , ( icneial M. D. Lcggett , of Ohio , enjoys the dis tinction of rank witli Mr. Fisher , while the last of the trio is Hen Hutter- worth , now a representative in congress from the first Cincinnati district. It is related of General Lcggett that when he accepted the commissioncrslnp it was upon the express undcr tandlugfiom the president that he should bo wholly independent of the sccietary of the in- tenor in the matter of appointments and dismissals. Ho at once began clearing out the lir t "dead wood , " as he expressed it. and almost the brsl man WHS a nephew of ( ieneral ( irant. The latter Instructed Commissioner Leggett to reinstate thu clcik , but the commissioner icininded ( traut of their umlcistanding , and , the result was that the nephew was trans- lei red to another department. It would lequiro a voluino to enumer ate the dilVerent applications for patents made bj the cr.uiK element. While their applications cover every variety of sub jeets , the most alluring field to them is of aerial navigation. A few years ago Frederick Anderson , an Englishman usiding at Southampton , sent to the of fice heio drawings for a flying machine upon which he ( lciied a patent. A few weeks later he appeared at the ollico in pet son and ollered to demonstrate to the officials the utility of his inventions. The machine was c.urietl to the top of the building. The inventor wa asked how far it would lly. lie replied that it ought to , even in its crude shape , sale as far as thu Smithsonian institute , n distance of a half a mile. All arrangements were carotully made , and the machine stinted adrift. It fell to the ground like a shot. The spcctatois gujeo thn luckless in ventor so freely that he w itlidrew to Ins hotel , and there , in a lit ot despondency blew out his brains. Mr Charles Kintner , chief af the elec trical division , speaking about the crank inventions thatby reason of their charac ter , are assigned to his class , said : "I remombur a few v cars ago an application was filed for cuiing netVLiis alloctions. it consisted ot a copper wire earthed at both ends and carried over the bed of the patient in iv north and south direction ; that was all. Of course it wa.s refused for lack of utility , vv hereupon the appli cant produced the atlidavits of at least a a do/.on neighbors to prove that his wife was benefited and icstored to health by the ti o of the simple and alleged ofleotivo device. It is needless to sai that the patent was refused. "Another instance I recall is a small battery adapted to bo worn about the neck bv the patient. I ! was about two inches in diameter und had no c.xcitant. It was refused as being inoperative. The applicant , not to be daunted , was cunning enough to place upon the exterior sur- lace a design and to take a de sign natont thorotor. In this wav he accomplished his cud by get ting the seal of the patent ollice. 1 have since seen a printed book of over two thousand testimonials from uorsons bcne lited b > this alleged great ema- tivo. tivo."Jn "Jn another instance an applicant de vised an aooaratus ior gener.iting .steam in locomotive boileis without the ti'-e of wood or coal. He first generated steam in the usual manner , then caused this btoam to actuate a local engine and fiom it a dynamo , which geneiated electricity. This electucity , in turn , actuated an oil-due heater under the boiler , so that alter having once started his locomotive , of , no more luol was necessary. It was , of course , a clear case of per petual motion. He was asketl to furnish a working model. This wus : tu-n y.Xfr ago , but the model has not yet4VVfl | ceiveil. THE OLD MAN AND HIS BRIDE. She Turns Out to bo a Slrnpiiltij ; JSoy A Cnnnl Street , lokc. Chicago Tribune A man named Sil vcrman , ovei .sixty years ot age , has been for several years a tamihar ligtiro in the vicinity of Twelfth anil Canal .streets. Since last Friday night his usual haunts have spoil him no more , and the cause of his disappearance is a marriage coiemony performed that owning in a house not fartroniNo 2t > West tourteonth street. Mr. Silverman , while he appealto have been a haimless old fellow , was eternally tolling every young woman ho met that lie wanted a voung wife. As he was poor and not particularly prepossessing in ap pearance , Ins protestations oil'ullcetion wore not received wiln any great amount of Savor ; but , nothing daunted , ho rode Ins hobby until he became to be icgarded as a nuisance. Finally a number of young people determined to teach the sexagenarian a les oii , and concocted a deep and dark conspiracy against the old man. hast week , Monday , ho was informed that a wife had boon found for him , She was repiesonted to be twenty-two years ot age , handsome , and the proud pos sessor of : ? lCOiu cash The old man was nearly beside himself for joy and bogged to bo introduced at once to his pros- peclivo bride. That evening ho was pre sented to a tall , buxom young woman with handsome clothes and a prepos sessing face. The voting woman was a young man in sknts ; but the aged lovsr , carried away by the ardor of his emo tions and restrained by the presence of several "relatives" of the young woman , never dreamed of the deceit. Everv evening ho called , ami on several occa sions his beloved accompanied him on a short stroll through the entrancing scen ery of the noiLrhboi hood. Such progress did lie maho in his wooingthatthe fair one was piovailed upon to name Friday as the happy day. Her friends evidently be- Moved in doing things up in style , for a wedding feast was ordered , musicians were ongngcd. and guests invited. At thn appointed hour all was ready. A conspnator in the guise of a rabbi ap pealed upon the scene and porfor.nod the ceremony in an exceedingly impres sive manner Then nil p'resent had sup. pur , during which the bndo stepped out of the hoiiMi. Finally , later in the even ing , amid shrieks ot 1 uightor , the guests informed the old man tlmt.his bride was a boy. The poor old victim refused to bobovo thenij and cried out that they hail carried oil' Ins bndo. They drove bun nearly cuizsy with jeers and taunts , and finally tin list him out of doors. He has not been seen since. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postolbco for the week ending Jan. 27 , Ib37- Note--l'.u tius. calling for these letters will please say "Advertised , " giving the date at the head of the list , and inqurei lor samu at the "Ladios1 Delivery Win dow. " To avoid mistakes have your mail ad dressed to street and number. or.Nn.i.MKS'.s : u5r. Andrews ( J L Andrews ( iV i Aineil > U Aiuroll ( i 1 ! Ad.iius ( ! Anderson 1) ) S Adams 1) Anderson It Alexander J 11 Armstrong H Anderson W Alueiisiloit J l A'lj Atkins 11 A AtUms H Win HlshouV O Uentlo > W S Huell 0 liilsk A Berplei U Her uiiUt P U Halll S BUNCOV L , cJ ) lloiuon . ) llriiicluo ,1 li Bncli. n in V A liremi-r J K IJislmp I ) U lleclitcl J Bacon K U Be.iincr K Uomirll \ \ II M Bl.iUele > .1 iL'.s K Hriiton FV Hishoi ) K 11 mack L Uuiliingtpu H ) P liwjrEiwi A I1 Bowman W K BotRp on S I' Blizzard S H rpiinan .1 Hettuev .1 0 I'm ' Ian r n Horchert K Urtiwu K ( j Marker .J M Hriiltts Kd Ulaurclt K A Heel.K I. Hrown S U liwkcil I1 A Bnttcn O " 3 U Hueklcy 11 T muner A Hftrgcr II How man T Holes U I , Blink C Henson n W Cairns A Clinc A U ComlonierA (2) ( ) CinitiineliamCE CniiHJiiti-rWO ( Cuke A Cobb H F Crombco W Clme ( t S Chow ins W rimmian O CuitUDrJ S Carder \V A Clark .1 H Coy 1) A CoirJ I ! Crane. I K Campion I N Code W H Otillc-n J T Lurr > ( i U ( 'omad U tt Cain M Coleman M W Cohen X It ConiMooU 11 J CronK C ! Caitcr 0 Chlplej A Cine IIS Cnopc.1 ,1 Ola ) ton S ( "onus S W Cook I' 11 Co < Yw Clc-vclnnd AU Cell man II Cleaver J H niambcilaln J U Calincnson L. I ) iv S3 Dnvlo.lC Dyc.IU DovleJ Dij W II Doiicyon 8 T is Dennett W 1) Diwon VV U Damn Itli Dmilati 11 U ' DietI' DtirnnllS Despip * C Dunn K J Dean tt tt Do ) le.I Dmiimii A F Davlsp II tt Doeillincei 0 Davis.I DnscollJ Daniels 0 Do Manger .1 'K ' .astinan W It Kdwunl I- ' ttnie on V C IMwanNM Klllott .1 A IVlgnsnii Alt IViittin K A IViiell.l Pinch ( J W roster 1) ) Ktirnrst K Kosti-r.l V rialiKlin.l W ralieldld 0 Fetter C W I iy II Kitrpaltlek J li rieilerlf1ss(5 W ( iit'i-nwalt U lirilllnV ( iillcu K ( laiitilism'm ( irejron (5 0 Oinily D O ( inodnll D ( ! io\-r Win ( illless M Hanlncr .1 At ( iiicbolVm Condiiinii J Canatt.l V J A ( iibson A M J A ( iiotcwold H ,1 Hinjlies W 1 , Hinnley Ij Iliu lot'I lliiulci-cin , ) lluntci ( ! ] , IlallettC K Hainsliei D Horton ,1 IkpbiniiV I ] Iin 11:1rtn : 1 law orV K Hasting K HosUiim J U llubuit L HjitoM Ilnll.I ll.u llt-v A O lliillnn A H.u riottO llooekC M Jlnrvuv tt llubbmi F I Ian is-O I' lllckrkO A Hall llll Herman U llillS Illiliol1 A Hawk ! ' ] , llciiinin V Jlaivey KO Minion P H.nisdli II \ , Hanson r ,1 Il.inisli llewli-ttllK llcss II Hills I , S House J 1 ? jr Hall.IJ IrwinU Ivvs.I .lolillsoll ( t H . .letilc0 i ' ' ' ' Jnusnn ( ! . .I'oiics'jV .Innsoii II Johnson S Jones S W .loimson M K .loimson A Johnson ( ' .Johnston A M Jones H T .l.tmcsoii S L Johnson K tt .loimson 11 I ; .1 ami-son li L Koilov T Kettlu ( ! C KlnjonnW F Kain J Koch F Kuii ; II V Kline 11 (2) ( ) Kainei O V Kr.uiier IIV Kclloy Ij I ) K.iiiliiian J F KeuisV \ FKilos Kilos S Iaild eher VV La Master M IJM n < IS T Uook-iblllTC laililtierjrT l.awrpnce tt 0 LittleUelil E J (2) ( ) l.ont C h liirMin N 1' L.iii | > W A Lnins J C L.iiciu'o.l lainrei J M Leslie J S haws X M (2) ( ) l.oion J JOU'1JS ( Mclchei H MRSOII J JI .MuriHiv Jt iMnnav M Mrddens J M il.i o 10V Maxm J Muiliud it JIcKIn/.lo .Main II S .M.iilliiiC i : L Miller Hev P. N .MonUomerj K MUlipMii Kd Mjlins K ' * Moitr.ui J L Miliii'an J It Mnrili\ | II MontKoim-iy J G MaruleV H Marvatt W jMillM C MlUnUUo S F JUiisgrnvctf 12 M.itllci- Jle-idowcintt J Ma.ilu ( A Mullen VA'm Miichell V.V N Mattsou K D Malleus J P Moore J X Mm er J Masbon B F Mokli'i A J Meicei C'J MnirisU K Millet U MrCawloy A U 2 .McDonnell. I li MeKvov i' .McCuiieC 0 McClelland It N McMtillen A Mttncaii ( ; A II W .M. . Minion M It Mc-loiioiiili J Mi Voluh.1 ( i MrKlileirv.1 We Wale.I II Mi-Nutt J 11 VicMillRii 110 Mcl'ov 11 ' Nitl ICC II Nolln'N O Xe us ,1 Aoirls F L XiclioKou G Noels .1 > ' -itiii : > : il U'lre wka Olden S A O'Connor " if nicscn A W Vctt-rson M I'ratt U M 1'rattllT 1'alrlckCa I'hclps C I'oter.son C ! I'ratt O Peterson O Pond M M 1'lielps h Peterson It Peterson J N Paintei P Palinltei A .1 Post 11 1'ettitt II VV Pop"Vm I'ickert AHro I'caison A Parbonsit Co Qultie Win Uuiii f ! ItcnnisJ K Knst.l P Itioks U liainlioilln J D Koss F Koos F Ke.-an H IU\\liips I , Itobblns A Haclinmn V/ Kalnov Wm lihlne mr Kobbins S U lEathbinn S II UileySII Klelillioml 11 Itani'i-y S 1 Keillnctnn H U llavinond I. Kistinu li HKtitlicrfonl KO'KCIS A W Ktitlicrfonl A H HoderliiUK 1' Smidblad 0 K Sullivan 1)2 htocUton C ! O bldal F tSanliorn V Schnoidey 'A'in .Stibolt O .Smith J hleains J X Snyder W A .Sheridan W a Sheldon W U Stone. W A Scott J M .ShoeKley Wra fcjhecdy T .Shinto H ' .Smith J W .Smith'J \ > Stow a it.I .Sclionborn li tiawdiy S .Speiicei A Stopkton 0 O Stnncdale J A hliaferA tt Si\unison A Snider A W Shaik J W .SihOiilioo A SoiiiniL-rs A Stevens A ( i Tavloi W li Tiench F P Topinan ) J Turner W D Tlbbitts licit Touiisend .M II Toohey J P Toilbra J Turiler Win I'orrv J K 1'honias VVia To enr 0 It I'niatlii in H Valentino W J WardJ II Wulff 0 Withmnn II WallMinii F West 0 F W.H.MICI .1 Wensler M Williams M Wiillcnuw Wm Wnodiud B K Willuir M P Wood II Wallace A J , Wilsc n V W Wats T VV Whaleli W Wilmot K Wilkln O l Welch O fc > Wimby J Welt .1 Wood .1 H Williams J r Windcll L Walkoi A WlrV \ A Webb C 0 Weist L L Wrb'jKll Yewinan 11 'iates ( J I.AUlta i.lsr. Abimdi MisDr U Alien Mrs \V W Anderson O AnileisoD ( J Allison A Anderson C II Atkinson mrs A J Anderson U HerteNon mrs A M Jo ! > er mrs H W Bowles mrs A L V Bowles M He-nilo > K Hear mrs M Hell mrs Hcvhtd m Bertelsen mra Baker mis M A Bollm.ui M Bunlmtel Jt Broun U Barns S Haiti L Broun tirs ) A Hutts C Jiiirnuin mrs A Crctkinan D Crolt J Cliatles inra CouuiuyUain L Canen L Co < er mrs J T Conroy M Dcnnry 0 Datichcrtr mrs A Djrrll DiKton B Uav ison mr C W laIs mrs M Dakln mrs C 11 Knee JI Kills mrs A Blkliis E Llirtsiunnn P Kkelund mrs M harmer mr.s M FMier O Freeman mrsJL Farrar C Fox mis W K Fuller mrs M A Griffin S GcorKcnnsJ Gailcs mrs L Hold mrs K Hall mrs F Iltioton nits X.I Hutt. ) Ilutiderjion I ) HuMies mrs K li Hooman mrs mrs H Hoffman M Hastiatis H Hauls It 1 , Hoppln M 0 llnrrls mrs 8 Helm mrs P Ik'ii cn SI Hall A It Hood m i s.l A H.U1MJ HcthmroM Hill L Johnson H Juro M Jeniiel mis T S Johnson A Kllno mrs F Kemlrick uir" M Kcatliii ; mrs I , W Klikpatiick 0 Kmicctk A Kuhl T I.lit ? T 3 L xrex A 0 L-xrson M Lanktice N Le Due K Morgan li Matin mrs M Mllcliell K Miller 1 Martens mrs A Moll-Mill II 51n > ci A MaiiL'old mrs A 'Monhs-cy mrs A A Moore mrs 11 Moriison yirs A Mevoy.l McKiuley mrs T McNeil 11 McCartv N MclliiRh 11 McCrttlv V MeCaithy mrs D McNeil L Nol'el ' mis S NieholisC Nu-lmls mrs. ) 0 ( Jiiraiit mis M 11 O'Douald M O'Kcefo mis , ) Pnikei mrs S Pcndloloii L J Pumdfoot A Pat ton mrs L St Price nils A mis K Philips HIM W ltobliion A Soreii en A Sifion J Stehbins M A Stools mrs S Smith mrs U Scott mis K Shea M Smith mis K C Smi'hiuis M F hli.uii mrs J Se\li-s I. Simpson mis Smith VI btall mis J blonu D mrs F \ , Thomas M tt Tiarv F Tail mis J Thompson nut. Win Thomas M 7. Tlieoiln J 7.Turner Turner II Volchak M Vail mrs P Waul O Wnlsh mis K \ \ ashlnqton mis P C Wilson mi' . M .1 Wilkins 1) VV illlam mis C K Williams- mrs li Wilcox 0 Wclheiell A J Wooiliomh mrs L J VA'iiinei mrs .VI 0 White mis C li Wrest H Wcmlrlulss mrs A TIIIKI ) AND lOL'lim PI.AS5 MATT Kit. Allen J It mis S r.illanan mrs N Calm S Cady llattiu Cow It's W B Cowles Uossio Clavton T llaceluiid ; 8 C Kellt-v T Lowe Xcllio Khoaucs H 1) i lev ! A Weeks C Y Talin Ida C. K. Postmaster. ' CHICAGO Council BMs And Chicago. --id to toke for D Molnos , Mar- , Cedar RiijiliU , Clinton , Plxlo , Gblcn * BO , MllwMikee nrul all points ctnl. To th poo- nlo of Nebraska , Colorftilo , Wyomlnir , CJtnh , IclHlio.Novmtn , Otoson , VVn lilnglun and Call- fornln , It offcn fiupatlur aJvantasca not poijW tile by nny other line. Among a few of tlio numerous points of su periority enjoyed liy Oin palroni of thUro d uetwooB Omnha and Chicago , aie Its two trnlni ndnrof DAY COACFIBS which ar the flnont thnt human n and Infronultr ran cr.mte. lt PALACE BI.KEPINO CAKS , which nrn models of oomfort and nlogranoo Its 1'AHLOn DUAW- INO IIOOM CAKS , uniurpussod br any. and tta widely oelelirntod PALATIAL DtNINRCAHS , the equal of which cannnt be found elaewhoro. At Counon lllutTs the trains of the I'nlon l-acl- no Ry. oonnf < 't In Union Depot with thone of the Cblroffo 4 Wortlivrpjtorn lly. In Chicnifo the trains of thti line mil If o clou * connection with thoio of nil eoxlorn llni > s Vor Untiolt , Columbus. In'Mnnnpolln , Clncln- nntl. Nia iira Knlle. nuITKlo , l'ttt tiurir , Toronto , Montreal , lloetnn. New York , 1'hlMdplphln , Hal- tlrnor * . VVnshlnston and "II | olnls In tbo R t , uk the Uokotacent for tloknt via the " " "NOIirnWRSTIIKN If you wlh thn bo t r.oooniraodotlon * . All t'.r'/ot iiynpt ell tlelinio i n this line- il Hl'OIIITT. K. I' WIt/5W. ( Jonpinl viHunpor , Ornl. I'ns 'r ARi-nt cllU"K'0.lll. : WM. IIAIICOCIC , n. uoLmg , ( J WiBtciil't ( Litj-1'.m A.'t CHICAGO SHORT LIE oi' rnh ChlcapMil , aulee&St.PaulR [ . > y THE BEST ROUTE < , IQ mn ud COOICIL mm it THE TWO TKAINB DAILY HErWEBN OMAHA CXJUNCIL DLUrF3 Chlcajfo , AND Milwaukee , tit. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Itapidi , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Itock iBland.FreBport , Rockford , Elfrin , Madiaon , .Tanoavillo , lioloit , Winonii , La Crease , And all otter Impoi taut points Eau , Northeast and 8uulhcut. Fortbrougli tickets call on the Tloket Aton at 1W1 Karnam utioet ( la 1'iuton Hotel ) , or a Union Paclfio Depot Pullman bloopers and the Cnast Din I UK Can la the world are run on the mala llnw of the CHICAGO , MII.VTAUKBK ft UT. J'xui. KAILWAV , and Terr attention U pnld to paisuagurj kr oourtuons emplofei af the company. It MILI.EK , Ueucral ilaun nr. J. V. TUCKEII , AnUtant Ooncral Mone w , A V , H. CAHPEMKH , Qenorol I'uM n r and Tloket Agent. OKO , B llEArrnnn , AsblitQnt Qenertl Paiiorv ftt aod Tlckot Agent i. T. CIARK , Ucurriu Suporlntondont Artists' Material , A. IIOSI'E , JJl. , Artists' Materials , I'iunos and Oj'trans , I'll DouElns StreetOmuha. Agricultural Implements , " CllUllCIIILL PARKER , Wholesale Dialer In Aerrlcnltnral ImnlenientH , Wasrons , ou < ] HuKftiiJnnes street , betHLCU Vlh end 10th.Olol.lili fivl > LINING Elt , C JIUTCALF CO. , Agricultural Jmidenicnti , VVann Carriages llugglcs Etc. Wlioloale. O-nthi. co. , Jobbcra of Hardware and NailB , Tinware. Hiesl Iron , Klc fur IIouu bcoles , and Jliaiul Poudcri Omnlia Ni-l > HECTOR tf'ILIIELMY C'G , , Wholesale Hardware. Western auentv ftr Jeffcrt > nn lcel Nails Antll ? I'owdcrCu l-Hirhank * MunrlBrd Hale * Currier ] 0th and Hunter Ointtin PA J ( LlN OItENIH ) R / ' , ll MAltTLN W'h ilisale Dealers Jn Agricultural Jmpk'iuents , IVogonianil Jlu.lei. . 'J01 /Xiand'/Jt Jonei it Butter nnd Eggs. McSllAXE .0 SClIltOKDUJl , llttj crs of lint ter ami nefrlscntor ti I I'scHns House llth nnd woriht I I * ll.ll 'l' i K.l > nmtii Builders' Hardware nnd Scales. Mrw/r , o TA YLOU , Unilders'llardwareASdleKotmirShop Uetbaulcs' Tool * and HiirT > lo Sfxlcf. DOUL-IUJ tu , w UnialiM Neb Boots and Shoes , . , AX " 'ffANnNEH'JKD SHOE COMPANY. Manufacturers nnd Wholesale Dealers In Hoots ami Shoes , Complete toek of Itnbber ( iooils alwjro on hind MO y Utliit. Omtuu , Nab. A 1 All-tin. Acent. m r. MOUSE co. .lobbera of Doots and llll I'arnnnii-t , uiualii , Neb Manufacioi j , Suinmot urtet llo ton. tv c. Wholn ile Uubber Huot-j ami Shoes. Rub nndoiloacioUila * mid Veil iiiilCorncr llth rind Doim'liu. fleer. Apt , for Anhanser-ln ! h Hrovinfr Ass'u Kn t 1'iirti ol cr KTOUX iP ILElf Laffoi1 I'eor Hrewera , 1WI Vnrtli l ib Street , Omnlia. Neb. Butchers' Toots. LOT I ft IIELLEH. Hntcherfl' Tools and S nusacu Cilllc < of nil klnilx nhv.ij | u ntotk. ISIS .Uivatii Building Material. OMAHA } > lMHEIt CO Konlf All Kind , nf Hnildiiifr M.uorial at Wholesale. IStli Strcotaiit' Union 1'ncllle Truck , Oniulm. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CL A Ji Ic 1'fjij } esT a ctv. , Omaha Co lie o ami Splco Mills. Ton" ColTooi , tikn IlikmK 1'ottdi-r. 1 UiorineRx- tracts , Laundry lllua In ! . in < HU lull ircuy Mreol OmaUi. eb. GATK.S , COLK < ll MILES , Homo Collecand Spieo MilN M'f's : Co. OoTooUointiTBanil * .pliolrlnili > r > .Mnnaf itiiri'rs of llnklnu roitdcr , 1 Itvnrini ; inrnrt : Illnlnt ; . rtr n tit i * of nnr 1 n > | mi knk < * Homo lllcnd Iton loil ( DITio. liOM llimtird M .Oranhfi Cornice. .lolin Eiieneter , Pron. Mnnufnetuter of Cnl ! nnlipil lion nnrt Cornlco. Dodco und lOt nml 1115 .N , 101 li Bt . Oiunhk. Nub. L'lXG t' HOLTE , Manufacturers of Ornamental d'alvaui/ed Cornices. Dormer Wlndowj , lna' ' .Mcl ll ( 5SyllKbt.ctc. 3108. 12U it ! dninliii. 11'ESTEltX CORNICE WOKKS , C. Speeht , 1'rop. Galvnnlreil Iron < 'ornloo , etc. HnoLt ulniprovciil Pi pntMi-lalloMcylliilit. MH anilSIO h l.'llui Oiniihu. Carpets. OMAHA C A lili'ET CO. , JoLbors of Carpets , Curtains Oil Cloths. Tinys , l.lnolc linn , MHlllnpg , Rt" 1511 Douc'ni ' street. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths. Mattings , Curtain ( iood , Kin. 1(33 ( 1 uincm blrcct , Ouatia , Neb , Crockery and Notions. ML. . Ageut for thu Manufacturer * nnd Importcro of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Ctilciucyi , fie OMco , 317 Houlh Utli ft , Oinnlin , Tsrli. Commission and Storage. ' A. Commission and .lobliimr. linllcr. Kccsand Produce ConslKiitacnts solicited. 'leadqiiurlers for tjtnnuwan1 , Hcrrj llnxi'n and ( Jiupe llHskets. 14U DodccuticulUmaba. PEYCKE Jilt OS. , Commission Merchants. Fruits. Produce nnd Prurlilom , Oiunliu , Net ) , If. E. 11IDDELL , Storage ami Commission Merchant. biuclaltiev-Hiiitor. \ GK * ( * heeao Poultry , ( lame * ly ) t rs , Kic. t'.lc ll2 * > ouUi lull street Produce Commission McrehantP , I'oullrj , lluttcr. GIIIIU1 1 nilts. ctt. ' . " . ( ) 8. ItthbL Coal anif Luna. MILESTONE CO. , Dealers In Hard and Soft Coal , Officoand jarJ , Kill ami NiehoUn > li , Ouaba , Neb , lar'V Irlcvlionu r/37. / Gco , I" 1/uiAOll rres f F GoonUAV , V. I'ro . J A bUStimi.AVD , tc. . and 'Irrus. OMAHA COAL , COKE 0 LIME COMPANY , Jobhorsof Hard and .Soft Coal. i Thirteenth Strut , Omnlin. Neb. , T. ,7. .TOJTNSON C CO. , Manufacturer a of Illinois White Lime. And flilppcri of COH | and CoKi1 , Ce-nent , Planter , Uino.ll-ilr.Hra Ilrlelc , Drain Tile nnil He rer l-ipo ortlrc. Pititoii Ilutcl. KuniuiQ t. , Omnlin , .Sub. Tcinnonahll. Confectionery. / ' . I * . FAY iC CO. , irannfactnriiiRr Confectioners. Jobberi of trulu.Kun ami Cltui * . nil haruHm St- Ouiulm , Cigars and Tobacco. " MAX MEYEH C ( JO. , Jobherfl of CijrarH , Tobacco , Qans and Arumunltloa , Jlj loKl S lllhtt. , 1C30 to 10K F rrmm M Omnba Neb WEST ,0 Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And VVbolci-ilc Dealers In I.eif Tnbaeroi , Noi 109 lllh ( Iri-i C , O uolin. no us mt < o Wliiiluealn lc ) lur In vrf , Tobaccos , I'ipc.s ami Article- ) . JlsenUfor I ) . l,9l.lar lorf i lln Finn Out and Muak DiTobiecos , Milwaukee , Wliisoniln. No.IU c = i Nartli-jlilnoatUSlriiiit OratUn , Noo. Dry Goods. M. E. fiMJTJI , V CO , , Dry Goodri , FnrnishiiifrfioodH 1107 and 1101 Dounlat cor. llth Hi dmilia Nib. Distillers , Dllllllcrt rf l.iciur n , Alenholand hplrlti Importers aud Johliersof Wlnnand l.lquori WILLO n' fil'ItlNdN HlfiTILLE > 1' CO. and JLElt A ; CO. , Importer * and Jobbere of Hue Wines and l.lquori Bolo miiHifucluriTi < f Kenned ; Fitt India Hit ters anil llouui'le l iquors 1112 I Unit ; * > l Drain Ti'e , Etc. A. .SA < VH I'res JW llrrironn'-cc.iTroai II. J. CA Ht-oN V I'm , and ijupl TJIE UX10N HYDRAULIC 1) It A IN TILE CO. , OWco IIS H lltli tt Ouisbn Neb Machinery aad Huppllts iiirllanufactunnt ; Ctmtn liram 'lile. furniture. ' " ' " 1HWEY A STONE , Wholesale DealeiH in Fiiniitiirc. > nrnan , l OnitliH Neb. CIIA RLKS HIU I'ERIt 'If , Furniture , JioddintTi I jiliylHter Mlrrtm , tc. 1SOQ.IJ01 nud I2JO lurnamtt O' ; iJ JOBBERS DIRECTORY . Groceries , \l ATO.V , GA L Wholesale Groceries anil Provision * , _ No 'M. ? ! ) " . 7MandilS IMIiSt.Onmhv Xeb. McCOItl ) , HKAl ) r\C CO. , Wholesale- Grocers , I'lri and I nT n < rortli it > , Om bt. Hardware. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Stool , Sprlnci , VVacoti stoc * . llnnlnnro I timberetc. 1 nd Ml liarnir rt onuha. EDXEY i' ajnnoy , Wholesale Iron mid Steel , tnn and Carriage VVoixl Sloc i. llearf Hardware * Mr. mt ami Itu l.M\cniturlh ft , oniaha , } seb. Stoves , Hamjeo , Furnaces , Tiles , Manllcs , Crates , ItrassCoorts Ijjl nnd ISU larnai Utreet. / / on ( fonts. it * / Ell LL\G Iron Works , VVroncM nml m t Iron Hull line Work Iron Mnlrn , Italllui ! Ueanie ami illnter * steam Ui.itinrs llrnm VV'i tl , ( Kueral IToiimlry , MftUmiu and lllni kitnltb. Voir Oiler an ) Works , I' r lly ami Kill Micrl. ! II M < M IN l'i. c it | | ,1V VS OMAHA iniiK.vntoz nonifs , Mannrnctiirci * of Wire itnd Iron Itallinir * , Desk Hails , Window ( linttlii 1 loner Stuint * VV ire ylc is , lUc , lilN I'.lh Orilcr 1iv null inoniinlT tittrmli'il to. Lumber. LOl'IS HHADFOJtl ) , Dealer in Luinlier. Lath , Lime , Sash , Itooti , ito. ; Vnrds-O rm > r7tli "ml Douglas , Corn or V'tiimd l > muln . CIUCAdO Ll'MltKJt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 { llth streetOmnlni.Npb I Colpilrcr , Mii C. X. DII1TZ , Lumber. Kth auJ California Mrci-f OmaliB , Nob. rit ED ir. vitA Y , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Ktc. Cor.till nml noiiklas ill , Om I'l i .No ) . JIO Ad LAND , Lumber. T. jr. JIAin'EYLrMltEll CO. , To Dealers Only. ome < > , 1(0.1 rarnam streetOuiaha. CHAS. li. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wooil Carrels and Parmiet Fluorine 9lh mid Douchd Onmlni. JOIIX A. U'A KliFJKLJ ) , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. Imported nml American I'ortlnnil Cement Hint * AtenllorMilnaiikiilltiltnulle Ceuivulund Host yulnc ) W liile Hun1 Live Stock. UXJO-Y STOCK VAX US CO. , Of Omaha. I.lmltcM. Jotm r lluvd , b'jperlnterdont. Live Slack Commission. r. jii'itiiK , o .s'o.v.s' , Live Slock Commission. Ooo. llnrke , VaniKor Union Mock Vnrdi.H Omnlin. Telepliono r . SAVAGE l ) dllEEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of nn > and nil kinds of .Mock solicited. Union Jtocli Yards , ( hnnhn , Neb. Millinery and Notions. Importers mid Jobbcra of Millinery and Notions , 1JI3 and 1315 nnriioj fil.oct. Omnha , Neb. Notions. " ' ' "c''s. Ari > the only Direct Impoilcrsof Gorman Ar French TO.VH < fe Fancy Goods 111 .Nohniskn. ChlcjL1" ( irleen ihlpllrctcd nlthout lulU- Inu IrelElit HI' , I amain MreetOinnha , VVIiolefalo Dealers In Notion ? ami Furnishing Goods , till and 40 8 'I enili ft , OUIHIIH. Jobbers In Notionn , Hosiery tnid ( ienta * F Goods. I KITS Knrnam it Oinihn Overalls. AXriKLJ-T MAXn-'A CTCltlXQ COM r A AT , Manufaetiirers of Overalls , Jomia I' nt , SUIrti. Kir IKf-'iind 1101 Duti'ilai Street. n , Nt'h Paper Boxes , r. L. n ////t'// ; , Manufacturer of 1'ajier I5oxei , B.lllli Ht . Uiinti M , Nubruikn. Orjori bjr m llclloilkiid will rtcelio yroitipt uttonllon. Printing. 21EES J'JtlXTlXU COMPANY , Job Printers , Blank Book Makers. And Hook Ulndi'm 1M urifl 103 huutli I'uuiUciiUl iliuet Umulia.Ni'k. rA nut Auxiliary I'nbliHlicrK. DonlfrslnTjpe. I'rcji'i nf1 I'rtntrri * Supplloa. M9 honth Twi'lflh Mrout. Punps. LL J'UMI * CO. , " \Vhoiesalo \ Pumiis , 1'ip ? , FiltiiiffH , fttoflm nml Water SuppllF ) llrHiliiiinitcri I r Mftit I oonCo Kliiiyta llll luniiin m dmnho.Kc" A.L. riTltANG CO. , I'limpH , I'lnus and ICntriiioH , Btcarj , Wntor , llullivnr hud Millinu Hupt'Un. Kta , VII ) , VAnrO u.'l I nrnutii ri ( Juiiiliu > 'l ) 17. , S' . r/A7 > UffniXIl and I'UML * COMl'ASV , Htllailnr Wind Mlllx. rlcnm nnd Wktor hupllci , I'luiulmit. Guudr. lluUlnV ; llii' l'l nml 1MJ 1 ur- uaiu * t , uuintiA h 1C I tlt'iii , Muuu cr. jelvibnnuN | < > IU Safes , Etc. ' P. JSOYEIt , ( CO. , . . for Hall's Snf & Lock Co.s' „ JiIra and lluiB'ar ' Proof Sifo . limn | JP ( S , Vault * and Jail Work 11)11 ) rnrnnin lr , tt Oinalm , Neb. ( J. AN I ) KEEN , Omuliti Safe WorkH. ITunnfnrtiircric.f Kirn anil llnrB' ' r I'roofHafcj. Vcult Uuurt.Jnil Wurk Mutitra unU VViro SMuk. Cor. ht omi.bu Sash , Doors , Etc , M , A DINIlltO ir CO. , \S'tiolcrnle Mnnuftciurcri of Bash , Door.HlindH ! and II-finch oSice i.lh find l > r.rd ( U U. lf , LYMA V , Rash , Door , Hlinds , ilou Jlulldiuif I'apnr etc 1/)1 ! ) South Tuirteoiuli hircct , ( JUitUn , Net ) . A corniili'tu nutV wj Ituilduu' Kurd ware ISOIIX MAXUlfACTI'ttlXd CO. , Munufactuiers , of Susti. Doors , Blinila , Itoulcl'riKuMiiir ' Work and Inli-rlnr HaniVoo < ) HnliU Ju t upmtU. . II rnr Bill und jA-u nwurili bl . Ouiulm , NuU Wagons and Carriages. A. , / . HIMI'bO.V , The Lcadinif Oarrlauo Factory , ll SI Mil I 111 II II I li'.i ui.d lul MuUuu mrect Oiuaha