Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1887, Image 1

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    ft . i r m yvtzsMFw KiUHtf-iiW' ' ' r ; "S6'3 * y j , \ - , y { i
Edward Uuger Confesses to Having Com-
wilted the Horrible Deed ,
Confronted Il > I'\ldoncc
of Ills Crime He ScniN I'or Inspector
specter Itjrncq null ( Jives
( lie SlukrtiiiiK Details.
Ni w \omc. .lau. : ) Pdvvaid Unger , the
inurdeier of August Hohl , whoso bmly wns
found Inst week In a trunk shipped to Haiti-
Hum , IMS made a full confession of the Kill-
IIIL' . I ngcr was arrested on Tlnnsday last ,
inn ! iftcr In Ing a sliort time locked In his cell
lie was brought before Inspector Iljines. In
the room wns n table on which boon
plnrod the li.ini'nur ' with which liohlas
lolled and the suv used to put up the body ,
ninl Hit1 in blip i cloth In which the boil } hnd
bicn wrapped nftoi tlipKillllnr. At slirlil of
these I'ngcr winced In iiiioasinoss and was
deemed stubborn. Lverj tlino Ungcr loll
Ills cell 1m vvas ponfiontcd by some pvldenco
ot the crime of which he was believed to bo
the author. A detective watched constantly
nt the door of thu toll In which Ungcr wns
ronllncd. but under strict orders not to
lespntid to the prisoner's atk'mptod conver
sation , which lie did at Units. The trunk
with the body arrived liutn llaltlinoio .vostcr-
d.ij. The body sent to the morgue.
Last night U > rues went to L'ngcr'scell nud
asked him how lelt. " ' "
he 1'retty well , said
lie , huskily. Then the Inspector unlocked
the door , and Dutectlvo Hit-Key u.illcil Ungor
Into the conldor , where the lights were
turned low. The pilsoner stepped
forth , tint did not see the Inspec-
toi until the latter c tiled him by
name. As ho tinned he saw ISjrncs stand
ing and pointing at the trunk which held
Hold's dead body. I'liRer st.iggorod nt u10
hight and totturcd towards his cell. Hines
then took from the trunk a piece ot the
murdered nun's coil which had been used
to wr.ip the body , and , holding it before the
prlsonei s eyes , asKed him where the rest of
liohl b ( .oil was. L'nger sliuddeied at the
fie sicht of the blood stillcnedgaimout , and ,
clasping Ins hands over his ops , was about
to tall , when Detective IlhKoj caught him
and seated him upon a couch in the eonidor
Jle sit down upon It and removing Ins hands
glanced about him btiihtenl ) .ind with
a s\itlod | groin ho to his leet ,
asking It ho could ( hango his sett ,
and Inking a prolleied chair. T'.io sufi on
which ho hail been seated was the one loiind
in Tuber's loom after his anest. Pnger's
faip liicinio gh istlv pile , and when assisted
to hisci'll ho was almost In a fainting condi
tion. Inspictor Ujrnes then told I nger ho
would be nr.u , il hand when te.uly to
talk , and when the Inspector leturned from
supper t ngor hnd asKcd to.seo him. Again
1'tiger was brought to lljines room , wlieie
nil the blood v toKens confionted him. "I
want to tell the whole truth about the busi
ness , " he b ild to the chiel. lie then told hid
btoi ) , which was t-iKen in wilting :
" 1 live at No. til Kidgo stieet 1 have
l.nown Aimust Iohl ? siiRO November , ISM > .
1 nrst met him at my s iloon , No. ! ) Illdiidpu
Micet , where ho called in answci to in ad-
vetlisemont which 1 had put In the Ma its
/elding lei a pirtiu'r. U'o could not .11IPO
on tuims and I subsequentl ) gave up the
business nt lint niimbei end went to Iho at
No " 1 KiiUo street. A shoit time afterward
August came to live with me , the
arrangement being that ho was to
pay mo half tno lent which was S7 50
per month , and one-thlid ot the household
expenses. On the night ol January JO. iss.7 ,
nltei sumier , my son Kdw.ud lellthe house ,
le.iv Ing liohl and mj self in ho room.Vo re
in lined talking and le.idiug until about ' JO.
Jtohl was a very pimeitul man and was
b\M nring about his his haul lueK. He called
me it . I told him 1 was no
. and put my hand up to shove him
awav. llo then hdnck mo ovei the notK with
Ins list and knocked me down. I spiang
to my leet and attempted to striKe him
with a poKci which I h.ul In my hand ,
llolil grabbed the poKct from my hand and
nt the s.iino tlmo ho sei/eil alcniie liom the
ttihlo and tan nftci mo. 1 ran to the bed-
loom lie followed me. I picKed no .1 ham-
mei tiom the chest under the but. llo made
another liinno at mo with the Kinte and 1
w.nded it oil , icceiving a slight cut In the
hand. 1 then stiutl. him with the himrnei.
Jle staggered and J lollowed him up and
fclruiK him n'itin with the haniniei , the ham
mer MnKiiig Into his skull as In as the handle ,
llo st.iggeied and fell back on the sula , deul.
' 1 Ids oecuired about 10 o'cloeK p. in Lxpoet-
Ing ID } son home eveiy moment anil to avoid
m > son heomg wh it had happened , 1 tool ;
his bodv limn the sola and tmt It on the lloor
close b ) the wall. 1 then took Hold's bleep-
Ill ) ; eel and j > h c 'd It on its Hide buforo and
beating against the wall , coming the mils
with somoclotlus. M ) son soon eamo homo
and WP went to bed logcllioi in the bedioom.
"U'hero's August , " ho asked , "lie's gone
out , " said I. Un I'rltl ij , .laiuiuj Jl , asuoon
us my boy left the hoiiso tor his woik ,
1 went out to buy ainbboi baK to put the
bed ) in. I was nnablo to KPt thebi ! ; and
bought two jards ot i libber cloth at NJ cents
] > er jaid. 1 bought a bntchi'i's saw lot IK )
( onts. 1 drank iiuicli whisky and cot hack
to the hoii-o at' ) a. m , 1 * pioad the rubber
cloth on the tlooi and laid the hod ) upon It.
J ( lion slat ted to cut him up. 1 lust cut Ins
Head from the hodv and then laid it asldo
and ulapped it In papei and pirtothls
' Jh''jJ' 1 tlh'ii cut both h'h's
oir , and I think the leu nun
iloso to ttio shoulder. 1 then
took Hold's tinnk. The trunk was too short
and 1 nil oil Iho foot and put them In the
tinuK. 1 then put the bed > on top ol the
Ices and , 1 think , the aim on top of the body.
1 tooK put C the tlothcs of the dou'ised and
MIIIIO pipt is , wipid the Hour with them and
then put them on ton of thu hod ) in iho
tinnk. I locked tlie dunk ninl lashed it with
rope. 1 then lett no hoiiso alter > leanini ; up
the blniiil the bc-.t I could , looking'
the dooi , taking the head undii m > aim ,
vshlch wa-i then v\tapped up in i lothini ; bo-
loiiKln * ; to Hold , and also sumo newsp.iput , .
1 went to the ( irand i > treet toil ) , went into
the torwaid part ot the foil ) boat , leaned
in el the lionttailint ; . looking into the water ,
and when J iot miiUvay in the rher I
> lropped iho ho id and clothing Into the
watei. 1 assumed that the p.uldlo wheel
htiuck it. 1 then went to the hoiiMt of llonij
hieKel. No. . ' ( ) ' 1 lnooiavenue | , and learning
that hieuel was sick , 1 tola his wito that Au
gust Hold hul KOIIO to I'luevo the night bo
lure. 1 then ictnined to m > house , aitiv inn
there about .1 o i lock in the afternoon and bo
twien 'i and ( I o'ehu k the n.iino alteinoon ,
nud with the assistant cot an Italian whom I
met In the htieet and tolunu 1 pivot
( iiiaiter , 1 took thetiunK to a siloon iutiraiu
htieet and asked permission to leavoitover
nielli , which was panted. 1 called for it 01
Ml in da ) mm ulnt : about U o'cloik , nnc
bioiiiiht it out on the sidewalk 1 ia\o i
r.irmnn0 tents to taKe it to thosali on o
lleni ) Hi'tisf , .No .KI5 Kent avenue , liiuok
] ) ii. 1 uot ptimissiun irom Jteii'-o to leave
tlie tuink ihem , i fiw minutes until 1 win
\Vesleott' oxpies olheo. 1 told tbo e\- man whoio to tall anil returned ti
Ifeti'-i' s tore. 1 "t MIIIIO mneil.uo and pu
thrs libel mi the tinnk. "Juhu A U il-on
llaltlmoie , Mil. 'lo bo calk-d for" Afte
pl.icins thib label on tin' trunk I left the store
and 1 leijuesteil Jienso to irivo the trunk ti
the espresMuan antl take Ida ren-ip
mid tint 1 would call for i
In the eu'tiliu' 1 did rill tha
sauio eu'iiliu and rccelud the ttceipt Iron
lient-e. 1 tlieii lelt and wt nt home lluforo
1 cut the li'Kb oil Itohl 1 think that 1 nn
buttoned the jni't * at the \\aUt and pullei
4 them down The coat 1 cut up the back am
v jiulieii It otf before cutting the arm "
The statement then Identllies the trunk
ami i-lothes of Hold and othet tliln b con
luftod with the murder , nnd rotuludua a
foli ivr " 1 did not nieau to Kill diwased
II" was a quaircNomci man and
I'l-'uved < hat my l"to " was in duw
when 1 btrmk him 1'ho nun.ner in winch
imposed of tliobxl ) v\as o as to $ AVt > noscl
and lawilj troin diigiaee '
jbiutiedj EliwAnu
Jl thu facts stated by Uneur Ua\o bccu
nrroboratcd and ho w ill be nrralcncd in the
ombs police court to-morrow morniii' ' 1 ho
oroner'sinquest will bo held on 'J nesday
run cuuiicii AVO TIIU STAOI : .
tlstiop I'ottpr In Ijfimlon Heiuy
trillion of Shakcoponri * .
I- * ; tin Jiinf Cinrilnii tlrnn'll. ' ]
Jan. 30 ( New York Herald
Cable .Special to the lit r I Hoth the chuich
and the MTIP ; weic to the fore to d iy. IJIslmp
'otter arrived list evenlin ? from .Montono
and wont tol'nlteiipj's hotel , In Albomarlo
trect , Piccadilly. In the inorninar he took
laitin the services at thr Savov Chapel
tojal , but was too fatlcucd by
he jmnmy to preach. llo looked
veil and listened nttcntlvcl } to n sermon
iteached by the tojal chaplain , the Ucv.
lenry While , on "Abundant Lite. " fioni
St. .lohn x10vhlcli was delivered before
n full congregation , Including members of
he houses of peels and commons and dis-
Itmnishcd West KndoH. ' 1 his belnu the llrst
bun day In the reason , Mr. nnd MK. ( ilad-
slono WPIO Knests to-d.u at .Sntidrtnghnm
lall , the scat of the I'rlneoof Wales , wheto
mo of his own chaplains , the Kev. Canon
Jiii Kworth , pleached.
111V IN(1 OIV I S \ ntVM I !
Mr Henry Irving this uvenltn ; t'ave a din-
IPI party In the hlstorieil hnildinss known
as the ltiiilintton ; hotel. Covers wcie laid
or slxtj-two. J veii in the days of ( iond
Jiiecn Aunt1 the noble static isc. which H
Ito ( 'rcat fcntuie ot the place , was never
redden with more famous exemplars In the
iroleislon of arms. law , llteiatmo , medicine ,
nnslc , the aits and the diama than those
vlio now Illled the tables In
ho old paneled tlinlnff hall.
At the end ot the dessert Mr. UeorRO An-
jtntim Sala lose , sa > nn ; : "I am alwajs
amoiis for a reckless disregard of rules , by-
nws and ipgulations of everv Kind. I never
vent to sea , but 1 wns perpetually tnlKIn of
he man at the wheel. It's against social
rules even to toast the host , and espeehllv. on
Sunday niiht. Don't cheer. It Is Suinhy
lUlit liosldes , fie coed cheer we Invo Ind
las alieady spoken tor il'elf Hut I must
HeaKall inlesor 1 cannot breitho. I wish to
noposo the health ol the host , as a man , an
irtist , and , above all , as om fiiond. "
IUVI.NO'S mi i u , orn vMiirrnr. .
Mr Irving briellv and ftelincl ) lesponded ,
uore In the simple vein ol a Mai iicute and
forgot till ontiiel ) of Mehsn.
( iosslpitiK later with Mr. Irvinp , ho s-iid
ho edition of bhaKespe.uo , edited by him
n collaboiatlon with Mi. Mai shall ,
he hiihband of Ada Cavendish , and author of
ho comedy " 1'alse bhame , " would not ,
is had been cabled to a New orK
npei , bo imhlished in a few vveeKs , and the
company would not in tact apocar until
uitiiui. Mr , 1 1 vint : added tint the \\oik
would boannotaled , havlnKiepaidtobhakes-
pcare as an actor and a professional drann-
ist moro th in as a poet. Mr. living
aid that his woilc on the forth
coming edition had evoked the
dei of cnlaigliiK the ishakespoaro
nemoiial hbrar ) at Stiatfoid onVvon ,
spcclall ) rc atdlnir woiks relatins to the
bhakesnearemi diama. .Mr. Irving Is of the
opinion that , notwithstanding the persover-
IIK labois ot blo iapheis , all the descriptions
nnd recoids lolatim ; to the life of Shakos-
10 no directly derived fiom or
mmedlatelv succeeding writers aiovoii im-
) ei Iceland tiagmcnt-iry. Dm ins the last
hlity jeirs the Industry expended on the
elucidation of the career and piodiictlons of
ho board have been nioit and
uiiistaKIng boond the ordinary ev
icrienco. Yet wo have lo acKnov\led o
iiir lamentable ipnoranco of the pout's lllo
and the conditions under winch his succes
sive wiitlnjrs weto produced Accordingly ,
on the poet's birthday , Apul'i , ho intended
.hat a public meeting should tie held In the
lconm to excite Interest and lalso funds for
Iho oblect , ospceially fet the putposo ot
i.iro books , and , if possible , man > volume ? in
val.iied prlv.ito collectionMein -
w Idle books and monejs could be forw aided
to Ijibraiian Uawle ) at btiatfoid-on Avon.
Mr. hvlni ; paid , In a conveisatlonal way ,
lii h tiibnte to Amencan leaiiiini ; on
bhaKospeare , to its v\ealth ot aiithoiship In
that ilnection , and to the extent to which
staico and cmiotis editions ol the bnd'.s
vvoulb aiu to be touinl In Us libi.nlos.
Ohio Patriots Anxious Per War.
Nnvv Yonif , .Ian. .iO. A Columbus , O. ,
special siys : In Northoin Ohio there Is
much excitement ovei the possibility of a vvai
with Canada , ( loveinor Toiakor la con
stantly rceelv ins letters from pitriotic citi
zens asklni ? leave to raise homo milltl i coiu-
i.inles. In eonneetion with this a United
states arm ) unit has levealed soiiii'thln , , '
hitherto nninblisliod. | During the diseiinsion
of tlio Canadian trouble the wai dupirlment
at Washington nsceit lined minnicly thu
strength ol the iiiillli i in eveiy state , and re-
qucstotl ftom tlio Ohio antliotilies Inloima-
tion as to the number of troop- , their arms
anil the tlmo in which the ) could be concen
trated at Cleveland in case of an attack on
the Canadian Irontlei.
Min.Nimii It has been learned that no
body was killed , but that nian\ pet sons 10-
coived uun shot wounds and a 1 111:0 number
of others moro 01 Icsbinised b > hcinc stiuck
by atones. The town la now
Iniperiiil Council In Session.
Vn xv , Jan. 30 A fjrand coun
cil was held heio ) estoiday. 'Iho ompeioi
lie-ided. All the Austrian and Ilnnnailan
minlstors weio piesent. 'Iho dclc itcs were
pnnvoked for Marth to vote extia tiedltsof
bl\uiMuuo ) toi the aim * nnd a bpctial eietiit
lor the equipment ot the laiubtinm.
Pmmiterpil in tlie Itlnolc Sea.
Om - > s \ , Jin. UJ TIKI Hatiah steamer
Hl.iir Atliol was foundered In the Kliielc ei.
' 1 w'entj peisons weio drew ned ,
A School Tenolior's Good fortune.
Ni w HAVI v , Conn. , .Ian. ! ' , o. Ibpecial
'leleKiam to the li ! i .1 Miss Julia A.
com la a school teacher , who n few weeks ago
bad nothing to depend upon for n livelihood
but a meagre h.ihuy. Ten > e irs a o Thomas
r. Claik , In a jokin/ way , made her a pres
ent of a deed to certain lands In Colorado ,
which at the tlmo woroconsldeied worthless
b } the owner. Mi s M-ileom m copied it in
tlio sauio spiilt in which It was oiteied , re
marking that although it was worthless .sho
would Keep It as a reminder She I lid It aside
among some oilier nii > einnd line then had
thought no mine about it until last week ,
when .site received a letter fintu Cohiado
telling her that a mine ot Kroit ru hness
had b > en tliM'oveied anil that asv ndieate , of
winch tlio writei was ptctidtiit , had em
powered 1dm to unko an oiler ol ii' > u uoo fet
it. After miiklns liiuniiie- , Miss .Malcoui accepted -
cepted the nlfer and i now- waiting the ar-
uval ol a check betoie sentlin0'on the ttued.
A Iliilulelililn ; | Suuiol ) Sensaliiin.
vv YOIIK , Jan. ! ! 0 [ bpecial lele ram
to the lini-'Iho : ] World'a rniladolplda
bpccial savs. Another social sensation of
the nrst dOK'ieo is about to afjitato the stud
plrclcaiif this to'vn. The fact- , are the talk
ot thOLlnba but will not l > o : eiiurnlly known
till to-morrow morning : . All but thu mo t in
timate friends uf the partie > will bo surprised
! ij shocked to leirn of the IllKht of jo'iut ;
Mrs A. bidnuj Hobertafiom her husband's
handsomohomo on South I'lfrecnth street to
her father. a magnllicent residi-ncoon Walnut
street. I/ast bunda ) tins jonni ; and popular
b'H-iety worian , vUio wii marned about tour
jearaagu lell ht'l husbi'id , as she bis , tor
yood , because Ins IOUK course of abusu uiimi-
n-ated then III a beU'u ' whi-h her deliiAtu
btatoof lieultli rondeied dau tro'is l'h ) iuv
baud is tbrcatu ea vmli a club DUJCQU.
Question Propounded to the President Which
Will Probably Remain Unanswered.
> n sp ] Again Indulged lu
bcoretary JIuunltiK'M Succcisoi
The Ititll of tlio Cliiiuvie
tlon WnshliiKton Xevv .
Miller' * Mission to Mexico.
W VSIUM.IOV , Jan. ! io [ Special Tele
gram to the Hi r.j A writer In to-ch's
Vashliigton Herald , in discussing Mexican
natters In particular , nnd the nianasement
of thedlplomitie blanch of our govuinmcnt
: n general , sa > s : "While I nm upon Ues
Mexlcana 1 would Just liKe lo ask otic lines-
ion of the piesldent. Did he send Dr. ( leorge
j. Miller , editor of the leuling democratic
ournal In Nebraska , to Mexico up ) ii public
justness , nnd if so , what is the eniso foi
such extieme secrecy nDoul his goiiu'.1 Mem-
jeis of iho Nebraska delecUlon In congiess
ono bianch at least say that Dr. Miller
-amo to Washington at the president's 10-
incst. As Millet Is n sound demociat , it was
bought at hrst that ho vvas lo bo consulted
ibottt the pitronage of Ihe st itc. Tills was
lot the mallei. After three consultations
Miller was sen I to Mexico on bnslnessso
onhdentially guarded that no human being
xcepting thu piosidotit , Miller , nnd
losslbly thu secielary of state , have
ho slightest idea of what U Is.
This Is the story precisely as it was told to
no. Pel haps the futiiio may unveil tills
nstery , If mjsteiy theie be. Nebi.i-kins
i ) there Is one and seem lo bo'Jjve it bo
NO will wait and see.
mi : MAAMNO st cris-iov.
rUthongh .Seeietxiy Manning will answer
10 inquiiies rol iling to tlie leoort lhat ho is
lioilly to retiio from the ttoasiny dopirt-
uuut , il can bo stated on leliablo authority
hat Mich Is Mr. .M inning's determination ,
[ 'hoscerclu ) lias discussed the matter with
he piesident , ami the tlmo lor his rctliomcnt
las been decided upon , which will bo about
da ) 1. The c.uisoof Mr. Manning's resigna-
1011 of Iho treasmy is the tendet of the piesi-
leney of a buiKing institution , which is to
> oestablished at New Voile , Ills impaiied
icalth doubtless prompted him to accept
n oiler tint would icliovo him
f Ihu labor and responsibility
f theltoastir ) depattinent and turiiisit him
vith.xsiliry thieo times greater Hi in thai
uid the ) of the treasui ) . 'lieasuiei
will also ictiie from the deasury to
ceopt the vice presidency ol Ihe same in-
tilntlon tindei Ml. Manning. Assistant
beeiet.iiy Purchild was so hnu the acting
iccictai ) and managed Iho deputmenl with
aich si n d abllttv that gossip u aurally asso-
i.ites hiiTTwitli the succession. It Is believed
hal Ihu piesident has consulted Mr Mm-
ling about his snccossoi , .mil lhat iho nun
i is been selected Many poisons hero be-
iovo that Ilepresonlativo Scott , ol Ponns- !
.111 la , will be Manning's smc"ssor , and this
> eliel has been sttengthuiied b ) the taet that
Mi Scott was in consultation to a l.ito horn
ast nljlit ; willi the president and boctolaiy
A riiiM-sK ni r. .
The ball at Iho Chinese legation on Tues-
l.i ) night was the most conspicuous event
his } eu in the social season. It was note'
in several senses.
United and demands tor them un
edly lar e. 'Hie suveiest Kind of pressino
w is bronghl to be.n on Mr. Hartlett , the at-
fable , dignilied Decretal ) ol the legation , and
a week belore the evetil Iho cards weie ex-
lausted. .Seven linndrud invitationweie
ssucd nnd ' .WO people were ptosent. Ol the-o
.H)0 . ) , there VVPIQ 1 0 who , with untiliislnng nt
liient etrionteiv presented themselves with-
) iil Ihe fnntesl" possible light. Never was
there a better diessed , handsoiiier and moio
ll-bied eiow gatheied togethei tnthiseltv ot
well dressed , 111 nianneied assemblanos.
'I liuio weie tvvcntj women foi e.u h man.
The eh ins ami couches the cticnUr stall-
vvav , the dooi wavs , the veiy walls wore eov-
eied and lined with distiait looking women
wlio looked daggcis at those who sailed b )
with a man.ttei a hcaity hand-clasp from
Ihe suave minister ol Iho Celestials the
. row d hinged thiongh the spacious diawing
loom and into the pilm adorned
ball loom , whereat lOo'tlotk the stiains of a
comealed and ellei live oichestr.i annoiiiicod
that dancnu had lugnn Toil ) people daneed
on the slipperiest llooi thai ovei w is waxed ,
and fou i hundtcd people ciowded around
them , suggesting n gigantic c ake-walk in all
sivo the costumes , ' 1 his hum in ring st mil
theio with but slight altuiation In its pei-
, onnel thronuhout the nuht , mil stated and
i'lt'il and made rancoions remarivs. 'Iho
conttly Mongolians , who weio all hinvity
and atlabilil ) , did their level best to clear the
room so tint these who wished to dance
might do so , but altei an horn's vain I'llort
gave up their nugintofnl t isk
When al 11 o'clock the supper parloi was
tlnown open the rnsli thitlier was like that
in a ncwshos' home , and fortwt ) hontsthoro
was a line eiiht feet diep , btiuguling. ( iiisli.
ing antl crowding , and II was enl ) after the
fable was stripped ot overtlnng edible and
diinkablc that the swell mob letired
At 1 o'clock the ctond began lo diminish
nnd the lust enjojinent ot the night was ex-
Iieiienced b ) these who lem lined.
'IhcnUht will maik the boginnlntr of an
era In matteis social al the c.ipitil. The
piescnco of stj nianv unbidden guests , the
wanton vnlgaiit ) and exceedingly hid man-
nets 01 mail ) , added the last halo of straw to
the load of abused enteilaineis. A move
ment wbiili had Ms origin in the dawn of
\VediiPMli ) moiningina gr. " | ' ( )1 piomiuent
people who were incensed at the uerlor > -
ments ol the pieceding night , has already
glovvn to the point th il olhcials and diplo-
111 die hosts publicly assert that no one will
in Ititine bo adnnlted al then entettainments
unless the card ol admittance which will at -
eompiii ) all future invititions sliill bo
shown. Lists li.ivo been ciretiill ) seintnii/ed
and laigeh leduced , and all who act like coal
heaveis ami hshoiuen will hive ended
their carms in the ollicial and diplomatic
entuitaniments ot the town.
boollunsivo had this intruslvo nuisance become -
come that Mrs , Cleveland was on I'liuisdiv
toned to announce that bet cud moinings
were at an end. blio InohPd nnon them as an
oiipoitunit ) to meet these whoso acquaint
ance she wished to cultivate , but when sev
eral hundred people rushed in upon hei as
though It was a public tee-option she , .liter
these exponent es , gave up as hopeless any
attempt loeari ) out I ci wish.
rni nn s uisii ; ( i\nin D ,
A cabinet ollucr is inioted as silng this In
roteience to the lisheius bill which passed
thu senate lust week : "In Importance ol pos
sible results ihoio has been no debate since
jsi * ( hat has been ot gioatei Inteiest to the
nation thin that which 01 tin led in the sen
ate on Monda ) afternoon , 'Iheie was ono
leatnreot the debate tint appeals to have
been overlooked bv the press in the consider
ation of the question , I ndei tlio I dniunds
bill thodumotialic pait ) . tlnoiuh the action
ot the president , will have an oiipoitnnity to
do what It did in 11 i , and again in lMr > and
lislii defend this countr ) from foieign en-
cro.uliments upon tlio li lits ot its cituens.
The bill so ablv drawn b ) Ldmunds tnes
the executive almost unlimited power. ' 1 Ins
must have been appueut to every repub
lican senator on the lloor. lint tor once and
to their cr.-dit be it said that political picdi-
lectioas VMTO ignored. I'rje's reference to
the president was vei ) handsome and Kindly
No hit'her eulogy could have been parsed
upon the chief m 1-Utrato than that ol the
Maine senator , and thousli Iho bill ( drawn
by a lepubtieau tenator and n polled by n
committee a majorit ) of which is tcpnblican ) ,
gives President Cleveland an opixirtnnity
ollurett to but few men in their Jives , the
nearly unanimuns vote b ) which it was
passed showed that it was jxissibla foi sena
tors to toreet to bu partisans in periods of
omergonev and remember tnat the } vrero
Americans. The president justly regards
this > uie of lurtv six tor to ono a-ralnst uct as
an expn ssiuii ut the highest couiidenco , nd
the tabmct loneurs. "
It Isiinde'ratobd among iho iilcuds.vut pn
of Uyvcruor RuhuiiU Le.9
in Virginia that hU present visit to th north
west Is to work up n boom for himself as n
candldato for vlco-presldcnt on the demo
cratic ticket In l s. Congressman John P.
Harbour , of N Irulnla , who has been Lee's
political malinger nnd covh , nnd has been
worKinc tbo notthwcstprn programme foi
Lee. Is qnlto encouraged by the reception bis
candidate has received ,
n vstovs tor.
Pensions hnvo been Issued to the following
Nebrnsknns : llooigo b. Kendall , DeWItt :
] MP HrocK , Pawnee Cltv ; I hen H. Wilson ,
Armstrong. Increases of pensions .as fol
lows : John Dovej , I'lrlli ; Ch is. L. Melt/ ,
Palls Citv : Silts II. Il.acon , Mnb'ipil ; Win.
(1 llildrclh. P.xoter ; .las. W. WlNon , Kcar-
nev : John H. Howard , Atkinson ; Moses
t'l isiet , Cains.
Pensions were Issued for the following
lowans ; I' thor A. , widow of Henrv ( ! .
Lambnd. ( Ireon I lind ; Lvdln Wlipeldnn ,
niothui ot John W. Prod. Lucas ; Mirlha ,
mollier of Thomas Thompson , Kandall.
Kn ellno. widow of Nathaniel Noband ,
Ogden : P.ll/nheth H. , mothei of Amos Pisk.
StoambnU HocK : Alexander , lather of
John , bmlthland ; ' W.
Calahan , Coon Itapids ; William King , Ira ;
Charles W U II son , Knnxvllle : John P.
HoynnhK ( jsknloosa ; James U. l.rmlngton ,
Centerville. Inct oases ol petislnns as follows :
Henry C. I'ickeiel , Hatavia : Jo eph T. Ham
mond. Sergeant Hlntls ; Hern 11. Jefferson.
Louisville ; Alfied Piancis. .Spring Hill :
Charles II Stevenson , Avon ; Nathaniel
Noland , Ocden ; Samuel Hopkins , Not way ;
Vardnwon ( jinnott , Lincoln ; lia C. Tuttfo ,
Mount A ) r- John C. foster , DeWItt ; Joseph
Mitchell , Noithvvoo , ! : Amarlali Cobiirn.
Waterloo : Milton b. Monroe , 1'loris ; Samuel
It. MiCrnry , Keosamiua ; Lemuel Paikcr ,
Sdawbeii ) Point ; Aaion U. btory , Kp-
rvrn AT , XOTI- * .
Mrs , Mandoison was assisted In receiving
list week b ) Mrs. Joseph Catcy \Vomlnir ,
Mis Dorsov of Nebraska , Mis. Djku of New
\ oiK , nnd Mis. General Landei.
Mrs. LoKan Is considerably Improved In
hoalth. She has not decided when shn will
go to Chicago , but tindei the state law. which
leiiuires hei to take out letters of administra
tion within sixt ) , she will have to go
west boloio Pohruaiy . The bust of Cen- !
eral Logan made by Pugenlp Pcdon , who
took the death mask , is nowat Mrs. Logan's.
11 is regarded as pretly good very coed on
ono side , bill not eutliolv satisfactory. Mr.
Mills , son ot Clark Mills , is at work on u
Lew Is E. Or.aham , of Madison , eb. , has
been appointed a storekeeper and enagor
lei the internal rev cniiodlstilct of Nebraska.
CnaOH Which Were Disposed of Dlir-
iutt the PnHt Week.
Pi. V.TI SMOU i ir , Neb , Jan. SO. [ Special to
tlio lii r.J The district court has been lu ses
sion since Tuesday , with the now judge ,
lion. b. M. Chapman , in the chili , and thus
lar has given univeisal sitlsf letloti. Uho
ciso of Williinis vs SlwrilT Kikenbair ) , in-
volviuirtlio ownership of n lumbei > ard at
Mauley , which was levied upon as the piop
ert ) of L Holland by the Commeicial builc
of Weeping U'ator , vvas decided by juiy In
favor of the defendant. In the case of
Walker vs Johnson a verdict of § 40 was
given in fxvorot the plalntltl. In the case ol
Iho St ite of Nebraska vs John Huekiimham
thevoidiitof the jury was "gniltj ol larcenv , "
and valued Hie whisky , elc , stolen at Ml.
The facts as proven in this case are as fol
lows : One Sunday morning last November
John HucKingliim went Into Iho drug sloro
of W. Walters , M I ) . , in Louisville , this
onnnty , and bought ono 0.11.11 1 of wlnsKy.
He took it to the hotel where ho and a friend
had : i good timu and gel onlsido of the samo.
About 0 p m. , the bottles lining empty and
J. IJ. "prctt ) lull but wauled inoio , " ho went
back to Ihe stole , llo loiind It locked , but the
cellut dooi I In " ' ' 1'j jMVr I took
p. m. aii
open and tlie whlsK,1 < . ! . . Tnu next diy
the doctor had Huclclngham arrested
in Ashland and bioiight lo Ins
store1 , where he confessed lakins iho
whiskv , and having spent all his inonc ) ,
L.ive the do < tor his watch to pay foi the
whi d.v and brand ) ho had stolen. The chiel
ot point : of Loinsv die then tool , him to the
justice ol the peace , vvhuio he pleitl guilt ) to
thechirguot I iicfiiv.and has since been con
fined in our conntv jail. Many of thr citi-
/etis would bu glad to know jtisl how much it
lias test theeount ) , whie'i was all caused by
the selling ol onoipiaitof whisky on bun-
day. In theeiseot Uilando Hurgess vs. John
II. Davis , hcith Dailies lesidlng In Weeping
Watei , in regud to Iho possession ol a sow
and nigs , the pny lutinned a veidict in favoi
of tlie piaintiil. .Indiro Pound is expected
heio Monday to occupy the chali lei tlneo
M.iri ipl ( Thirty Vpars .
Piuni , Neb , Jan. : > 0. ( Special to the
Hi i. ] A suipnso party was given lo Mi.
and Mis. It. W. Gable , the genial l.indloid
and landlad ) of the Kent house. Jannai ) > ,
in honor ol the thirtieth ) of their
wedding day. Thcpirt ) vias given by their
d.inghtei and was a tompleto success. There
weio piusenl nnmeious fiiends from Kiith
and vicinltv , and a few of tlio ncccssarv tiav-
eling men. The brute vvas presented with an
elegant silver cake-stand and butler dish and
all weie unanimous In wishing .Mi. and .Mis
Cable mam liappj letmnsof their wedding
nnniveis.iiy. C liicken , cold meats , cakes ,
iiies and colfeo appealed seemingly without
limit , and alter the usual amount ot clmt and
coiiscijiiont bun ) and bustle In prepaiing iho
feast , all icp.inod to Iho dining loom and
made a vain attempt to unko w.i ) with the
patablcs Attei llio silppei Ihe dining loom
was eleared and all present unjojed a social
dance , at the close ot wind ! tht * guests eon-
giajnlated the Mlssesiabloand ( Mrs. How.nd
upon llieli unlimited success , and went homo
with pleisant thoughts and a wish that they
ma ) h ivo sotiiu moio re'tuins ot the wedding
A Iliislianil'x Crime null Snloido.
CiiAri'i. : : , Ni > h , , J.IU , U ) A homesteider
named A. P. Hlomi'ren , living aSv.t t"'vn '
miles trom this village , ( ommlttcd sulcldo
fast Wednesday nlglit after a brutal attempt
lo mtiKU'r his wife. llom'ien ! and his wlfo
fpiaireled Wednesday mom nig. and ho sdnck
her a blow over tlio heid with a hatchet , lu
ll u Hug a ten ible wound , Iho woman then
took to hei bed , and lu the evening , when
bhu was in a stupor , Iho brutal husband set
the bed on lira. Aftei seeing the llames well
nndei way lllomuien , supposing Ins wito
would be binned ullvc , went Into the stable
and hung hiniselt , Tlio woman , howeur ,
succeeded in escaping liom the binning dug
out with hei seven-jear-old son. Shels now
at n neighboi's housn being caicd lot , and
fears are entoitalned that she mi ) not 10-
iovei from hei injuries. Thu eoionei held
an inquest over Hlonigrcn's icmaiiis , and
the abo\o \ facts wire developed ,
An Interesting War Loot lire.
Ki NS Vii ! > , Neb , Jan. ! O ( Special to the
111-t.J A number of our nti/ens vvunt to
Blair to hear Captiin V.m Lttun , foimurly
ol the Pirst New Votk b.itteiy , deliver a
lei tine on the late war for the benoht of the
( iiaiid Arm ) ot iho liopiiblic , entitled "From
the Death ot KlUwotth to the Death of Lin
coln. " 1 never had the jileasino of listening
to so eloiiueiit and finely poiti.ned a pino-
rr..iia. Ho bioughl the pictuie ol the baltle-
lield vivnlly befuio vou His description of
thu battles of Hull Jtun , ( iettsbiirg ! and before -
fore Kiehmond vvas intensely interesting.
Captain Van Liten is an admirable speal ui.
Ileliborcd under a greit disulvanta o on ac
count ol a bad e < dd , which elfeu ted his speech
ho hi ) was nul able to bring out lull ) In
colors all tlio pec Hilarities attendant on the
battle held , lie Is certain ! ) master ot the
lit Id and was there in iKiison. and is the
ouginal ( aptain \ an Llten that tired the
nrst salute of gnus on iho icuuptiun of the
news that thu vvai was over ,
An Italian Idol lu I'itthlnirir.
PiTisin no. Jan ao. l lark's CourU a re
tieat for Italians on Suvt nth avenue , was Ihe
scene ot a not this cveniur : , m which four
men were senou-ly stabbed Woven Ualiani
who vveie in bed leigu g diep when the pu
iico arrived vvurttaireiiid and wui be hilt !
lor nut. J'wu of the wuauui-ti wdl
dlo ,
May Poster's ' Acquittal nt Des Molncs Sur
prises and Shocks the Community.
A Story Told on n Cheeky Itttt
tliuluo Improved I.umls Iteiuly
I'or Settleinout Other
lovvn News.
A lurv' * StrnniiP Deolslou.
Di s MIIISKI , Li , Jan. no. [ Sp-ctil to the
Hi i ] The vpidiet on Satunla ) In the Mav
Foster trial has tovlved the old ( | iieslon | as
to the worth or worthlessness of the jury ss-
lem. "Wh it's the use ot conits and Jtitlos , "
said an old eltl/en , "If such davestles on
justice as this eon bu peipctrated. " The ghl ,
May Poster , was fried for the minder of hei
loom mate. Jessie Carter , last March. On
the hrst trial the jurbiotight In a voidlct of
guilt ) of iiuudei in the second degre'e. Thai
was ahcml a month ago. The defense se
en rod anew dial and now another jniy of In
telligent ( " ) men s y fhat slie is Innocent ,
and should bo dlsehaiged. Which jury was
right' ' In the latter ti i il all of the testimony
that was given on tlio llrst tri il vvaspioduced
and In addition there wns given the diug
declaration of the murdeied gill , that spc-
cll'icall } fixed tlio gnllt upon hot loom-mate ,
thi * defendant. With this swoin statement
of n cljlng gill , naming the person who shot
her , and showing the brutal and haul-hearted
character of the intirdeiess , an intelligent
juiy delibeiately iironunnccs the accused
innocent. 'Iho verdict is a great
suipriso and shock to the people
plo of this community The trial
has been the talk of the town and no one
dtcamed of acquittal. The evidence against
the aecuscd vvas so slrong and convincing
and Hieding de'claiation of the victim vvas
so clear and unanswerable that it didn't
seem possible that any other veidict but
guilt } could be rendered. Hut people will
lose faith In a jni } svstcm that within the
space of about two months cm rclnrn on Iho
same evidence Iwo such conti.ulittoiy vei-
low v's riri.11 noi s.
If lowi doesn't have justice administered
vv ithln its gates it cannot be lor lacK of eoui Is
and judge's. The inleipsting tact has just
been noted thai their arc more judges now
in Iowa than In all Lnglaud antl Wales put
together. The entlio numbei ot judges In
England is loitv-six , Inelnding the judges for
all the courts beneath pullaincnl itself the
King's bench to queen's bench , the
admiialty nnd chnncer } courts. But loVn
alone has to da ) five supreme conit
judges , loin judges of superior courts , and
loity onodistricljudges , a tot ilof litfor tour
moio than in all at Kit gland. More than that ,
the judges of Lngl.ind picsido ovur the com t
Intelests ot ir-oO,000 ) to ,0,000,000 people. In
Iowa the fill ) judges look allot tlie allairs of
but J.OKl.OOO people. So it om Lnglish cousins
are as litigious as tlieii Amencan relatives ,
Iho Knglish bench must htvo to hustle Us
vcnci.ible dignlned self to keep up with the
procession , low.i's lift ) judges aio quite
busy attending to the needs of . ' .000,000 pee
ple. They would co distiacted if they had to
attend to the allaiis ol J5.000.000. IHT in : HAD in : vss.
rlMgof judges , " said a visitor from
AMP l eutly , "we h.ul a good joke on
cjiicsVutativo ot thu snnrcmc
bench who lives n my city. Kvciv-
body Knows lhat judge well , v\o will
call him Judge X. is excoedlnclv
"near" in money matteis nlthoiigli a rich
man. He has been on the bench lot a great
man ) } cais , and had a good sil ny all the
time , and lias lots of mono ) invested in real
estate and other piodtittlve investments. A
new lailiou ! h is boon knocking at onrdoois
nnd om people determined to scenic it it
llbeial donations of money and niivdegos
would do .so. Accoidliul ) we i ailed a pub
lie nieotms of citl/ens and woikod up
enthusiasm for the icud. Wo had to i.ilso
00.000 , and to do it all ot om leading men
would have tosubsciibe liboially. JiuUe \ .
is one ol tlio wealthiest in 0111 little town.
Ho talked enllnisiasticillv all that di ) and
when night came lie vvas at thu meeting and
made one of tlio speeches , I tell you it was
a loiiser. llo pointed out the gie it Impoit-
ainoof seeming the load now , and oxhoiled
everbody to belli lilt. When ho sat down
o\ervbo i ) cheeied , and slid ii.ind the paper
to tiie judge and lei him head the list. Jlu
took the papci and pioudl ) wiotu ins name.
Just then n man looking over Ins
shoulder caught sight ol soinrtliliu'
and shouted : "lluiiah foi Jndgu XI
ho suhsenbes S IO.H ) P.veibod ) eheeied
and the judge stalled to rise in a
deprecating sort ot wa ) , but wo all supposed
ho was modestly piotesting against thu
honor , so wocheuicd again. Then ho got
red in the face , and attempted to speik.
"Novel mind judge , " we all shouted , "lineo
moio cheers tor the 8',000 ' siibscilpiion. " Hy
this timu wo saw that the judge was livid
with la e. ( iiaspin his case ho stunned il
on the lloor and screamed , " 1 did not subS -
S ( 11 be & 1.000. it was ; ' ! 00 , ami If l had Known
as m ich as I do now , I wouldn't have given
aeeiit" 'lhat paial/ed us , anil the meet
ing ipiickl ) hioKo up , bill } ou novel saw a
madder sort of men than om people wen- .
Hero was the judo worth ? 110,000 01 ? iOOooo ,
with piopert ) that would almost double in
v due it the lailioid came , subscribing a
pettv i ! 00 towanl i.iisiiie Somool
om leidlmr men went light to him and told
him he hid got to lalso Ids snbsciiption lo
51,000. 01 taKe his name on llio p iper. Well ,
what do ) ou tinnk lie slid to that' ' Wh } ho
find thai liu called his Inlliiemo and tno
speeches lie had mule lei tlio piojcet woilh
sTOO , and with his hiibsi iiption would
niikii up the fcl.oon Tlial's what > vn cill
about the biggest r"1''i ' of gall and stlngi-
ness that the state ol Iowa ean aiioit'i.
There is a good chance foi sevcial penplo to
get splundid ( arms In noithwoslern Iowa ns
soon as thu goummcnt opens lor settlement
the lands up theio iCentl ) L'lveli Inek to it
by thu state. 'Ihu lands numbei about Jii(0) (
acres , mostly in Woodbnry and Plvmouth
counties , ' 1 lie ) wenoiium dlv gr inted to
Ihe stale to becoinoved to the Slonx Citv it
SI. Paid railroad. Itut that lallnud never
complied with the londitions imposed , and
the state letuins them to the eoncnil govern-
ment. ' 1 lie ) include some ot the best lands
In the state. Impiovemunts have been made
all mound them , and hero they aie with
virgin soil untouched In a nth and populous
state , awaltliiL' thu disposition ot the govern
ment. It is supposed tnat they will bo
thrown open to pro eniptlon or other lonn ( d
settlement as soon as the nteessary papers
can bu prepaid ) ,
A d A n. vmvi Mrvr.
There is a movement on foot for erecting a
law and appiopriatu building lor thu Mate
lieadiiiarters | ot the ( Jiand Aiinj of the Ue-
public on tlio new fair giounds. The asso
ciation has set nparl five acies foi this pur
pose , and the piofect w ill c unit * hot ore tlio
annual encampment ( d the ( iiand Aimy ot
the UepJblie at Dubniiie | in a lew vvutks It
U proposed to uxpt ml fiom ? ( iox to fes.MW
lor a building that ( an boused as head-
ouartors lot the old soldiuin , not enl ) dining
fan week , nn ) oihui timu during
the > car. 'Ihen tliu giounds adjoining can
bo used lei ( .amping it dcsind , and Iho vet
erans will hnd themselves vtry well aceom-
mod.iti d It has beiomu thu praetieo to set
apart one da\ during the state fail , which is
Known as "old sohjieis' da } , " and thisifiog-
nltion ( it the ( ir.nul Ann ) of the Itepilbllo
would be follow edb ) still liiitlieraiundon II a
permanent headiiuarters building wnu
elected , 'lliopioject ismteting with IIIIK h
fjvoi and will juobabl ) somu time be uained
TIIM Bonv STKAI ixn.
There is a good deal of feelinir in Warien
count ) ovoi tiie CUM ) of bed ) snaUhnig that
oei lined then sumo time ago , tts .ilreaJy
noted Dr Sthooitr clean of a medical col-
lo.u in this < it ) w here the JOUIIJT lad ) l > od\
was lutind li.cs In in airested , ilthuuih ho
denies auv i j p ' it ) n > the all.ur l it tt u
i uuuistaims .jtundiug tl.o ileseirat > "ii of
l'ii h'tivo wi te si sliui.kiiii ! that pubiii iiidi
nation jutJaveri bi b , and astron ; atteuipt
vtlll tp nnde to ferret out the gniltv and
jrinc them to punishment.
A Dnrlnit Pi
Pnvtntr Cirv. la. , Jan. 80 |
Telegram to Iho Hr.r ] The banking iioti o
of L. P. Scaehaiy \ Co. recently hail nn
experience with ono ot the most daring for-
geiles seen in this section P.atly in the
evenlngn voun ; man civlng the name of
Jones Kiik wanted lo purohiso n draft for
Si. The diaft was made out to Thomas
Allen and the money jnid. It now trnns-
plres that ono Thomas Allen presented a
diaft for Sl.otM at Ihoewlon ( Kansas )
Comnieicial bank for eolloetlon which was
the identical diaft for SI drawn by Seachaiv
A ; Co on Iho Union National bink of
Chicago. Having nkon a deposit for Iho
amount ho diow on the Ntvvtoti bank
Uiiotuh a Mci'herson bink .and has so lar
escaped detection.
I ' \nmhint Ion lor Nnvnl riiIiM ! ilta. |
WvTinton , la , Jan. 50. [ Special 1'elo.
Mam to the Hi r.J The pxaminatnll of ap-
illruils lot Iho naval cadetsidp at AnnnpoIU
i\asoonpludod hero vesterdiv. There were
'our applicants-Thomas Phllnot and John
MeNally. of HlacKhawK conntv ; Dowitt
Illamei , of Independence , and John Unit-
inger , of Dnbinpie. The examination was
mile by Di. W Cioiiso , ot this ellv , and
Mnvoi 1.\iins , ot Hamilton , Pint , lush , of
Dnbiiiiiie , the thud membei of the coinmitloe ,
not belli. : piosont. Allot n Ihoioush exami
nation Dewitt Hlaiuet was declaied to have
( Mssed tlie examination , and will bo ice-
inimeuded to till iho vacincy. John Klut-
/ingei , of Dubnqne , stood second , and was
named as alternate in case Illamei tails to
OIllclalH lnsipc'i | the Ito.ail.
Hi : vi mer , Neb. , Jan. " < 0. fSpecinl Telo-
giam to the Hni ] A special train liom St.
Joseph to Hebron on the Hock Island road
went tlncituli last night , lelnrnlng to-day.
? ssis , I.OVVP , piestdont ; P.uKes , vlcopiesl-
dent ; Plsher , gencial manairei ; Allen , divis
ion supcilntcndont , antl ( tllstni , emiineei ,
were Inspecting the load. They report it in
good shape and s iv that regular tialns will
be running lids week. Theii depot at this
point Is completed and the tclegiaph line
ne.uly alllup.
Uiniih.i Thlitpcntli on I lie I With
(11) . " I'er Cent Incroase.
IJosiox , Jin > 0. [ Special Telegi am to the
Hi i ] The following table , compiled fiom
special di ) > itches to tlie Post fiom the uiann-
geisof thole idingelo n Ine houses of the Uni
ted .SI lies , gives the MOSS exchanges at each
point lei the week ending Jannar ) "U , ISST ,
In compnison with those of the correspond
ing wee-It In Ibbtl , as follows :
Nt ol
Jan. ; . The rallioad at
tornev bill , which b ) a vote of the senate was
vesterda ) hulled deep in the calenclai , but
winch , b ) the peisistencj ol Sunatoi Heck ,
vvas rostoied to the ] ) ositton of ' nnlinished
business , " will probabl ) sutfei no further
postponement except lei the rujnlai appro-
Piiation bill. Itwillcomo 1111 at - o'clock to-
moiiow , but will K\\U \ place ( o the sundiy
civil bill , and if not btoiuht to a vote without
much fnitherdiseiission is likel ) to be pushed
nsldit latei in thu week h ) HIP Indian and
military academy appiopiiation bills. He-
) end this no toieeast ol tlio business ol the
week in Iho senate can bo mado.
S.ivo a jiossiblu leopeinmj ol the tarill
question by the 1 1 lends ot Hand ill it is
Impossible that this week's pio'oedings in
'ho ' house will not bo ol commandinc inlei-
cst. 'Ihe iiKiicnitiiral and diplomatic and
consular appiopriatlon bills aio likely to betaken
taken uii In theii oulei and will piobahlv bo
lollowed b ) tlio naval appiopuatiou bill or
ono ol the pos'ponpil special 01 tiers. ' | | m
sessions ot Tuesday evening and 'Ihnrsd.iy
have hi en ret apart for the ( onsiih ration of
mcasuies to be icported b ) thu iiiilitucom -
mitteo and the ( ommitleo on foieiu'ii ilf.nis ,
respictiv ( I ) , Iho pKsent indications aio
that Ihu committee will not be ahlo on that
di ) to present Its ic | nt upon the hsheiles
let iliatoiy bill 'Iho conic unco repoits on
various me.isiires , Including Hie anti polvg-
amy bill , laml gi nit loift ituro bill and the
iciiiiil of the judicial ) lomnntto on thu
Hawaiian tu uv re".1. ! " " ' ma > b expected
at an ) oppoitunu timu.
Kiollnu in ISellitMi ,
Hiirvsi , Jan ' > ( ) . 'llieic was tcirlblo
rioting in I'elen , Hill.Caiilck Hill and Slmnlc
Hill districts ot this city last night. The
double oilgnmted thiongh soldiers belong
ing to a West hiiney regiment Insulting a
niimbei ot Catholic Chilians , thu lattei retal-
lating by stoning Iho FoldhiH , many of
whom were Injured. This was followed b )
wholesale arrests , over 100 poisons being
placed In the loc Kup A constable engaged
in tills business was soi lousl ) injured b ) thu
excited crowd. Pinally the nnlluiy pickets
weio ( ailed out and pearu was icstoud ,
This evening Iho rioting was renewed and at
tins liom Ibu police and mob .no exchanging
shots. Thlrt ) peisons .no repotted killed
and one hnndted or mnie injiited ,
The Pinv inchil ( "nhliip. ! ,
QIHIM , Jan , .0 Mr. Merelor has sue-
rccdtd in loiming a cabinet lu lollows : Mr.
Meiciei , piemiei and attorney gtnoial ; Mr.
Duhamel , sididtoi uuneral ; Mr. bhehy ,
dtasurer , Mi. Mi Shane , commihsioner ol
public woi Kb , Mi ( Javnoi , piovincial socro-
tir > ; Mr ( i.nne.iii , commiss oner ol crown
hinds , Mcssri D. A lions ami Turott ,
ministers without portfolios , All the mem
bers have been sworn.
Killed II ) a'lnuuli Koportor.
Di iv i it , Jan no At Piicc' , a small .sta
tion on the Kio ( iiandu load , Orth btfin shot
and killed Homer stone The tragedy vvas
the result ot a ( | ii.n rol ovoi fc4. Stum is a
rentauiant Keeiiei and was at ono time pity
editor ot the 1 eadvllle Clnonitlu and a 10-
poiter on the Salt Like liibuue Ho klllcil
a man In Kansas Cii ) luiined
jour ) cns ago in a < | ii irrei ovui a woman
'Ihu muiduui was nnisted.
hail I'ralKlsioH II ) uniiiiK rx.
S\N I n \ v ( i -i < > Jan iO 1 woi irs o tl i
Suttoi Mittt line mil t 11 dn in IK inii
I drito , | iy 1 In wins w i hicK. n in
UC KvfcB olutte-ted but uu ouu wuu.juied. .
itocks Open Under Great Depression nniL
Remain Stagu.aut nuil Uninteresting.
Prcilli'tlittm of the Kneotq of thA
httlUo nntl the , Slmilnu of the
Intoi-Htalo roiuiiK-ice llltl
on thu A
On the Stock. ihnnup. : .
Xr.W Vdiii , , Jan. : H ) . 1'elpsram
o the 1)1 ) i.j : Thmo aie no two wetks in tlu >
stock oxch.umo twlco alike , and ) et It I * "
.Uhci stianw that the miiket should IKV
noM'd eominiatlvel ) now inlluenees aiuL <
hat without bolm ; vei\ seiloiislj alTteled.
List week there weio leadeis which seemctM
0 domltnto specnlnllon and In a IIHMMIIOJ
ontlol It. Tins weeK theie Ins been almost '
nbMlutel\ featuio of le.idlii Interest and
in iip.ilhx which was of nuNido
"otecs at woik. Ililill ) theleaiKet opened
inilei Kieat dopiossion owltiK to heav v ' ales
it stocks In London , following the most
u-iioiis scale that wo have seen jet.
Iho panic was cieatei In Heilni and
Vienna. Jtotli jold on the London
stock exchange and caused n ( let line there
vhichwasnot entlielj the lesult of local
) peiatlons The sc.uu was over , and on
Tuesday the maiket lallled with almost
quit buoaney. blneo then It has been
tainatit ; nnd eompaintlvel ) unlnteieslln ,
vith impoitant Ilitctnations tendlni ; townul
i sllphtl ) lower iamo of piices.compt nsated
" 01 ba decided , disgruntled tone. The in-
luencoof tiadlncou the foiel u ket was
: educed to a nilnlmum atlei the wild tlnctua-
tlonsol the Hist , and theio wns a
ileasuit surpilse to nnd Unit the excitement
ibioad has proporllonatel ) so little effect
iipon our home mai kel. Since Tuesthi ) it has
jeen onool anticipation and uiiiet expett-
iicy , otilMdo opei ilois standins b > wilh
li.inds in tlieii pickets doinu : nothing , whllo
mom liadeis have amiistd themselves by
fccalpnn ; on the ftnv oideis that came In ,
' 1 heie are two influences which miu > t hnvo
1 vei ) Impoitant ellect upon the maiket and
hat , too , soon. It tlio eoutlmmnco of tlio
Htnko should It In violeiue , the elfcct
would bo most dlsistuius , hut if it ends
lieacefull ) , and that is onlv possible through
; he sinienilei ot the stilUeis , eonndcncH
would bo lestoied In a maiKed device. And
vet it Is curious that Hie sliiku heio at this
'c'ltei , invoUInu IIIOK ; men than went out on
Ihe MisMiml I'.u ilie. haseiused less anxiety.
It thu inlet state eommoue bill becomes a
law , tlie m.uKot will he sustained tan I ) well
it iirst , onlv to 11U awa ) Kiadu illv alteiwaul.
Itut U it weie vetoed , stocks would nuiinos-
tionabl ) advance , and Ihe mat kel is Bound
enough and sliom ; enough at piesnnt to Im-
nish , iuiile ] loundation toi the wild bull
speculation in such an c\ciit
' 1 he week has hionnlil not Highlit favoia-
ilo letiniis In. . in i.iiliuids. ' 1 hnl-eilit | 10-
) oitiii ) ; lei the tlind weeu in show
i net ineiei-u ol Jin t pel tent , the do-
HneolM Paul being the most important.
Iho JViinsl\uila Is ine last ot the tinnk
ines to make letiniis but that and I. lie aio
.he onlv lepoits wldeh iivo a net olllcl.illv ,
[ hose of the V.indciblll lines beln ostlinnteil.
' 1 he avoi.iKOot net eaininRs have been about
10 per cent ol the { { loss , and seven Rieal loads
show an impioMMiient , ol moio than
5JO,00l ( ( )0i ) ) in KIOSS and h.lf .is much in net.
Monev still loans to lowti pi ices , ami
althon/li theio Is Incieased dem.intl lor mer-
Miitilo piper iho snpph is abundant and out
id town banks taKe it fuel } . I'lm In hesl
pil(0 at the stocK tM h tniio was r > pel cent
ind it loined Hat one atteinoon 1 no avei-
I'-o foi the week is less than ) pei cent and
Links aie well sitislied II thev em net r > pel
cent on call. I tun months' lo ins .no made ! > , . ( uminer-
r-ial jujiei ruled ft to IP 1 1 nN tun the hank
statement sho\\s a stum. : ill ilt ul moiiev to-
waid the nieliopolis , W'jth little cliantu ol Us
'I honsands of Hollars Mini
I' i Medical Ti cut input ,
Jan. JO. ( Special rele-'ram to
Ihe Hi l .J A lew dijs auo , sis the Iteioid ,
i veiy ) ) ooily diessed woman named Cathei-
iliP Donovan went to the Utv , hospital and
aid she needed treadmill. She was i v-
indued and it was found that she was sul-
leiint ! liom a hid scilp wound s'ie i el used
to till how it was ieci\ed and would nuc
tile whrio .si ic livid. Tim wound was
iessed , and as the unman claimed to bo too
1001 to pun h iso medicine some was ( ; l\cn
lii'i. Mm asked lo be allowi d lo lemain ovtr
The teriiiest was mauled In the
call ) evening slu wan ex.imimd b ) a nuiso
and in a pocket id thu diess she woio was
found h ink hooKs n piosuntlnj : abouk
. ( . ( ) ) in various cit ) institutions , hewolup
In the lining ol hei iliess was loiind about
5 .UO in ie ( nbaeks and a lnue stocking con
tained about & -U in silvel. btveial bonds
woith niaiiv thonsuid dollais wuio also
loiind sewed IIP in tin linini ; ot her town.
blip was hu'hl ) indignant at the ontiau'e , as
hho called n , and said that the inn so had no
liulit to scan h her. She s ml II she had
mono ) blip came lionoiablv b ) it , ami that
she did not piopi > to tell hit business to
CUT ) one who asked hei questions She lett
the hospital at ome , but it is not known
where slio lives. 'lh < > pulieo will m iko au
nn estimation.
\Vecl.lj < 'i up S u M i in ( try.
( 'UKio , Jan. ' < 0 'I ho follow intr sum-
maiy will ho pi iiiled In this week's issiio of
tlie I'aimcr's Ifeview : Id ports liom the
jiriniipal wintei vvhuat ( 'rowini ; statocon -
tlnno to bo uonerall ) favoiable , with the e\-
n ; t" > 'i ol thoiu liom Illlnoit and K uisis.
In Illinois some of the lontln-iii tuuntp. " * 10-
ixiit fluids as baio and I In : plant looking
pooil ) . Thus Is thu case In liond ind Jlaiu-
ilton eonnties. In Lduai and 110411.11 , tuun-
tics the lii'lds ai lepoiled luio Imi no in-
jiliy h.lsiesnlted. liom tvvent ) tlnee other
Illinois ( utilities Iho repoits show the
Kiain JH looking well. In Allen , Clown ,
rianklin. Liinoln , bedu'wh Ic and I bhaw lidi
( onnlles ot Kansas , Ine lii'Ms aio
iuio and the plant his Mill , ml in <
jhi ) and * looks badl ) . In I liantaoiiua ,
liond , Ncosho , Hraneh , di ind , 'liiveine ,
Len.iw.iKeo and LlviiiKstnlio i oinitu s win it
is looking well liepoits liom Missoini ,
( ovcilnx llnileen countus , aie onitnimly
favoinhlu. Ol SIMCI n Ohio i ( unities making
IPpoil tins vxi'k , tlileo lepiill wheat a look
ing pooily , niimolytinii" , V > hh > and
' 1 iiiuilmll counties 'Iho leinainini ; tonn-
ties lejioit the oullook as fair to L'oml Nn.nlv
all the Miiithi in Ohio ( oiiniies an IMIO oil
snow , wlne'i ' is iilso line ol 1 niton and other *
( d Iho lioillieili nannies tioidumu on tno
Jake. In 1 niton and Ohio ioiintie > ot In
diana tlm lu'lils am baio of simw a id till )
plant has sidtuud imm tnt nui. Uisioitaiii
lields am noneiallv v\t 11 piotteled
and no llijur ) i leiioited.
the < ) | ( li-r ol
WA illlNdlON , J , It 'Jl. I III l < p it/liC 111
( aliens has alic-ady beu nn the U.IK ol out-
IIIIIIIK the "older ol business loitln-rt t i/f
the bcssion , but so many HUMSOM .uu
pressed for positions nt the lit ul ol ( ' >
that thu task | JHAIto he a dill ut one.
A lldthdi ( aliens on Hit ) hiibjoi t will MIDI lu
lield and imaliwhilo the > > eii in nl dt < io
itshparo inomenu to mi c llaneuii muttiiy
on thotalund u.
I'ldhahl ) 'Vluiilcio I
K VVK VM i , Jau " ( ' At iho in iui t on
11 , < bud ) td I'oln C'liian < ill lid Wli" W is S > i -
POM d ti > hiu Mii < idi.d I I iduy n t- > l in l < i S.
wi i li- . . \i n d on till- 111 ( . . .
wii- i aiili att I U .it ( j i 11 I i > ' ' < '
in , . ' - . now tl. ni.hl ti , tl - - U
I eei. i.