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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1887)
OMAHAL DAILY BEE : SPISTDAY. JANUARY 30. ISST.-SIXTEEN' PACKS. ccaEHi O O I I if Friday's ' sale ought to satisfy the L S DYMEN LEADS THE DANCE , i Matrimonial Events Absorb Society's At tention in a Largo Degree. INFORMAL MUSICALS POPULAR. Social GiUherlncH nnil IXnncr Parties Kill In tlio AVeck Two Etcc Jlccoptlonn The Coiulnt ; Itall I'crsonalt ) , Society's Society of late .seems to turn its atten tion to hymeneal mattcra , occasionally illling in with a reception or small din- Tier party. Small informal withering uro taking the precedence as regards popularity , and impromptu musicals of JIH unpretuntiotis order arc growing in favor and promise to have an oxtnnsivo run in the circles of upper tcndom , Nothing so quickly generates congenial ity among a rootu full of people as the /nagnclism of innsin. It quells all that is . -discordant , circles the unresponsive with S-ts warmth and magic and brings upper most every element of harmony in the ranman character. It more surely and promptly discovers ulllnity than weeks of ( ordinary association , olways nioro or loss ihainporcd with the half concealment or Isttlt repression engendered by the usages bf conventional society. Uorcd ears arc jrtifreshcd with the sweet or otherwise , ionnds of the human voice , and taxed tongues arc alVorded a space for recupor- | r.tion from the irksome task of shoving the ball of conversation. ' The next event ol a iiublio nature is the 5 lks ball , February i. Ivxtonsive pre parations nro being * inado to render the rfcllair elaborate and dressy , and an at- bempt will bo made to have the ball as ( wiled as circumstances will allow. A -V tin-go attendaiico is anticipated and every thing will be done to insure the success jilcasuro of the uvouing. HTcCrrary ltlloy. * "he marriage of I\lis3 \ Minnie Kiloy and T. . J.1. MoCreary was solemnized with pinch fatato Tuesday morning. The { ta-ldo were a heavy cream ottoman silk on bruin , with noli pearl front. The train was bordered with feather trimming. The corsage was V-shapod and garni- turedlth seed pearls , The veil was /estooned with orange blossoms and diamonds mends and natural llowors completed the toilet. The bridesmaid , Miss Liz/in Jtiloy , were pink batin draped with silk tulle , V-shaped corsage and natural Jlowors. She was attended by Edward BloUreary , A gas light reception was hold at the homo of the bride's parents from 1'J to1 , which was largely attended , The invited included the Klght JJov.Q Uishop O'Connor , Father Shaf- fol , Father Koopmans , Fatiier Dowling , Father O'Meara , Father Kelly , Mr. mid Mrs. John F. Coad , Mr. and Mrs. S. iilath.Mr. and Mrs. If. J. O'Uonahoo , Mr. and Mrs. .Jame.s II , McShano , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hiloy , Mr. and Mrs. U. U. IVood , Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crclghton , Mr. and Mrs. 1' . U. Murphy , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoyd. Mr. and Mrs. N , H. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. 1' . F. Connolly , Mr. and Mrs. Vundonborg. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt , Mrs. Alice Mcbhano , Mr. and Mrs. John McCicarv , Mr. and Mrs. M. Cannon , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swift , Mr. and Mrs. John Shelby , Mr and Mrs. Bethko , Mr. ami Mrs. 1-M Nash. Mr. and Mrs Fred Xash , Mr. and Mrs. F ( \ Alor- ygm , Misa Morgan , Mr. and Mis. Hichard Cubh > n > r riankJoJinson , Joseph Croiiih- \Vulther \ , Mr. unit Pavid Sopor , Mr. and Mrs. V. Hnrklcy , Mr. and Mrs. Gentleman , Mr. and Mi > . F. MeCreary , Frank Deltone. Mr. and Mrs M. Millott , Mr. and Mrs. Aleck McGavoek , Mrs. Kil C. Mo- Shano. Alfred Millard , Mr. and Mrs. T.Dillon , Mr. anil Mrs. J. I' . Murphy , Win. Hamilton , Walter Sopor , Wallio McCroary , Chus. Creighton , Kd Uiloy , I5on O'Connor , Kmmot McCreary , Jas. Millott , John Kiloy , Loins Hoyd , .John Hoyd. Frniik Hurkloy , Dr. Keogh , Dr. Harridan , Mr. Minahan , 1'hilip Seward , John McUormick , Mow Haven ; Uobt. Nicholas , Cheyenne ; Mr. and Mrs. Fit/- morris , Mr. and Mrs. F.dhohn , Miss Allen. Miss Arnold , Miss Nettie Burklcy , Miss Alice Coombs , Miss Maggie Millctt , Miss Minnie Sopor , Miss ( jeorgio Dun can , Miss Flo. Coombs , Miss Mary Powers , Miss Is'ellio Mnrphv , the Mi sos Dellonp , Miss Ktta Crcigliton , the Misses Maggie and Annie Kiloy , Miss Sadie Kclfy , the Misses Kobinson , John Murphy , Ed and John Mct'reary , Henry Hurkloy. Chas. and Fred Dollono , Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Nobles , Salt Lake City ; Mr. and Mrs. S.U. Kwing , Salt Lake City ; Mr. and Mr.s. J. II. Lynch , Hutto , Montana ; Air. and Mrs , A. Dangliorty , Helena , Montana ; Mr. anil Mrs. Jacob Hochin , Denver ; Mr. and Mrs : Matthew Dee , Londvillo ; Mr. and Mrs. P. Cavanaugh - augh , Chicago ; J. E. Hoohmke , Chicago ; M. 1' . Fan-oil , Chicago ; Mr. and Mr.s J. J. Fit7gibbon , Chicago ; Mr. and Mrs. Glaeeuin. Now York ; Chas. F. linker , Now Yon : ; Stanlov Wollman , Now York ; Emil Katz , Now York ; Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Clark , Mr. and Mrs , J li. Connor , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kiloy , Mr. and Mr.s. McEroy , all of Mt. Pleasant , I'n. ; Adam Hennidin , Now Yorkj'Ihos , Cloon , Penn sylvania ; Mrs. Sarah Ann Kilcy , Mt. Pleasant , Pa , The presents were rnumoroiis and of tlio costliest description. Among them were noticed a cut glass and silver salad dish with spoon , Annie and Maggie Kiloy ; do/.en silver spoons in case , Mary MeCreary ; glass and silver cream sot , Nellie Murphy : silver and pearl knives and forks , Wallio McCreary ; cake dish. Mr. Maker , of Now Yorkpitcher. ; Mr. and Mr.s. Gentleman ; silver tea sot , C. F. Mc Creary ; water sot , Mr. Hurkloy ; marble clock , Edward McCreary ; sugar spoon , Sadie Kelly ; punch blow water set , Clara and Liz/Jo Kiloysngarspoon ; , Mr.s.lavld Sopor and ( laughter ; silver watm- pitcher , Edward Kiloy ; eofloo spoons , John Mur- phv ; dosscrt dishof glass and .silver , Mrs. S. lllatS ; pearl handled fruit knives , Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. McSlmno ; poach blow and silver Iruit dlsu , Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mur phy ; silver berry set , Hun Con nors ; bouquctlholders , Agnes Smith ; plush jewel case , Mr. and Mrs. Alo\ . McGavockj painting , Frank Dollono and family ; bronze urns , Mr. and Mrs. Ja cob lioohin , Denver , Col. ; china coll'co sot , Mr. anil Mrs. Andrew Kilcv , silver butter knife , biigar spoon and pickle lork , Professor Walthor ; napkin rings and salts , John MoCrcary and Alice Cnombo ; silver jewel case. CajUain O'Donahoo , sugar spoon , Mnirgio Millctt , complete sot of cutlery in CIM : > , Mr. and Mrs. T , A.Dillon ; hammered il\ornul dish , James Millctt ; tidy , Minnie Sopor , silver ice tub and pick , Mr and Mrs John Coad ; silver collco urn , John Mu- Cronry , jr. ; tidy , Nottio Hurkloy ; chair , Emmot McCrcarj' . The joiing couple went south for an extended tour Mrs. Goldsmith' * Kccoption. Mrs , ( ioldiinithgavoa reception Thitrs- day from 0 to 0 o'clock , in honor of her daughter , Mrs , 1. M. Appel of Denver. They were assisted in receiving by Mis. llellman , Mrs , Max Meyer , Mi Lake , the Mlssea Goldsmith ot Aurora , Miss Newman anil MisaSonual.ill. Mrs. Goldsmith \\oro a black velvet dress , en train and diiiinonds Mrs , Appol were black velvet with bil- vor brocade front and duche- lace trimminirs , di-unonds. Mr.s. llellman wore lavender and helio trope velvet , diamonds. Mr.s. Max Meyer wore black satin , trimmed with pu'-samenterio , diamonds. Miss Nuwman were white silk and lace. Miss Lake were garnet satin en train , trimmed with garnet pas'aniontciie. Miss Sonnaliill wore heliotrope ca .h- nioro trimmed with panties and silver laco. laco.Miss Miss Goldsmith were white cashmere and MNs Hannah Goldsmith gray silk trimmed with garnet velvet. The largo and tastefully appointed house had decorations of smilax and ( lowers and the dining room looked very pretty. Among those who called to pay their respects were Mrs. S. 11. H.Clark , Mrs. anil Miss Pcrine , Mrs , Goldsmith , Mrs , Deiiel , Mrs. Dr. Doni'-o , Mrs. Meredith - dith , Mr.s. Morrcll and MissMorroll , Mrs. Her , Mrs. Dr. Tilden , Mrs. Sharp and the Misses Sharp , Mrs. Aaron Calm , Mrs. Martin Calm , Mrs. Morilz Moycr , Mr.s. Fisher , Mrs. Monahoimor ot New York , Mrs. Newman , Mrs. Now , Mrs. Mendels sohn , Mrs. Dr. Parker , Mrs. Altrcd Kennedy , Mrs. S. K. Johnson , Mr.s. Mo- neil , Mrs.V. . V. Mono , Mis. F. 1J. John son , Mrs. E , Kosuwator and Miss KO-.O- water , Miss Piindl , Miss KindMtoph , Mr.s , Hoimrod , Mn > . Iloyn , Miss Knght , Mus Capron , Mrs Slonian , Mrs.Kahfoldt , Mrs , Jnllo.Mrs. Elchinan.Mrs , OborfoldorMrs. Hnntinglon , Mr.s. Campbell and Miss Campbell Miss Irene Moore , Mrs. Kustin , Mrs , Congdon and Miss Congdon , Miss Armstrong Mrs. Polack anil the Misses Polack , Mr.s. Kat/ , the Misses Kothhchild , Miss Alice Kogcrs , Mrs. P. Her , Mr.s. Mandolberg , Miss Uundit , Mrs. Adler , Mrs. McMillan , Mr.s. Purvis , Mrs. Sehlesintrer and Miss Schlcsingor , Miss Hrandois , iMm , Hiiney , Mrs. Parrotto , Mrs , James. Unity Clnl ) Snolnl. Unity club gave another of its popu lar \Veiinesdn.vlovcningatMa3onic \ hall. Holl'man furnished the music and the largo gathering present entered into the dance \\ith hearty /cat. The pro grammes were as dainty as anything that has boon turned out These present worn I'M. McCor. W. I' . Kelly , Dr. ll'itoy , Win. Wallace , J. U. Porter , C. K. Sher man , Mr. and Mrs. Kiggs , G. Lydeck. Chas , A. Uernoy , Perry Hadollet , Mr. anil Mrs. G. A. Jo-.lyn , Mr. and Mrs. Pratt , G. T. Downey , Mr. and MrL. . M. An derson , II. A. French , II. P. Lnwis , E. Corby , F. L. Moody , Harry Shrove , Ed. Livesoy , C. H. lillis , E. A Shorrill , J. O. Handy , W. E. Wakolield. J. L. Uichards , Mr. and Mrs Edhohn , Chas. Matthews , A. L. Rood , J. C. Long , 1) . h. Lees , Mr. Hawkins , Mr. and Mrs II. C. Akin , Mr. Castbcrg , Dr.Villmms \ , F. C. Halllngor , A. F. Smith , W. O. 1) Howard , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith , A. J. Kondrlck , A. M. Akin , J. N , Mor ris , E Solomon , F. H. Koestors , Dr. and Mrs. llaughawont , II. G. Gordon , E. A. Loavenworth , Win. Pike , Mrs Houses , ( J. A. Starring , b. li. Fcrrino , Chas. Orr , ( has. J. AltonAinsworthNob , Mrs. C. I ) . Woolvvorth , Miss Woolworth , J\I s , Hlancho Kenny , Miss Pinto , May and Jennie Wallace. Mrs. J. U. Shrove , HID Misses Shrevo , Mrs L. A. Grofl' . the MisseJrolV , Mi s EiKon , Mrs. W. E , Copeland , Mis > . Helen Copeland , Mro S. E. Jester , Miss Ella Annstoiitr , MI s Jennie - nio Voorldes , Mrs. Puters , MUs liruner , Mrs. Dr Unrroughs , Mi = sValdo \ , Mrs. C L. Hannistor , Miss ( iortrudo Cham bers , Miss Kawles , Mi < s ( 'hainburlin , Mrs. 1-lorence Kooil. Miss Hubbard , .Miss HOH , Miss Corbv. Miss Shears , Aliss Kun- nody , Miss ( iibion. Mrs Laura Powers , Crete , Nob. , Mr. Trench. 1'rosrre.itito l'i l > rp. Mr. and Mrs. ( i-or { ' ' i gave a car. } party Tuesday j at their honso on Dodirc street. Progressive cnchro was the game and an exciting session was had. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartman , Dr. and Mr.s. Stone , Mr. and Mrs. Purvis , Mr. and Mr. * . K. C. Pease , Mr , and Mrs. Charles lirown , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook , Mr. and Mrs. Will Scott , Mr. and Mr.s. A. P. Lucky , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Konnard , Dr. and Mrs. Whinnory , Mr. and Mri. J. U. Fowlo , Mr. and Mr.s. Miller , Mr.s. W. 15. Wilkino , Miss Huttcriield , J. M. MoNait , Mr. and Mrs. S. I ! . Johnson. Mr. Cook carried oil' the honors with thirteen gold stars and was rewarded with a wine set , diicanter and glasses. Mr.s. Puryis took the booby pri/e , a cabbage head lilled with chewing gum. and Mrs. Pease , an- olhor lo er , was solaced with an elabo rately decorated drum. Tin ; German CIuI ) , The largest cotillion of the season was danced at the Millard Friday evening. The dancers were Mr. Crary and Miss Ijams , Mr. Sharp and Miss liishop , Mr. Lohmor and Miss. Carrier , W. A. Carter and Miss Kilbourn , of Milwaukee ; Mr. and Mrs. Kimball , of Council Hlugs , Al Patrick and Miss Luna Dnndy , Mr. Chase and Miss Graves , of Salida , Col. ; Mr. Uradfofd and Mrs. VY.A. Kcdick , Mr. Mnir and Miss Harbor , Mr. Wilson and MKs Peck , of Keoknk ; Air. Hrock and MibS C'airon ) , Mr. IJarkalow and Miss Al bright , of tori Madison : Mr. Kingwalt and Miss , Mr. Clarke and Miss Pauline Wndloigh. of Clinton , la. ; Frank Hamilton and MissTraoy. of Burlington. la. ; Will Hamilton and Miss Kencily , Mr. D'jnel and Miss Lake , Mr.Vyman and Miss Woolworth , Mr. Mi-Cord and Miss Hoagland , Mr. and Mrs. Keller , Mr. and Mrs. Colpetxor , Mr. and Airs. Gorman , Mr. MeCord , Mr. Coo and Miss Cam An Knjnyahlc lOvcnlnc. Mr. and Mrs. Joslyn gave a delightful party Friday evening in honor of their niece , Miss lioiso. All wcro royally on- tertaiuod and had a most pleasant even ing. Music was furnished by Prof. Unt- ler. Among those present were Mrs. Pratt , Mr. Do Normandy , Mr. ami Mrs Groll' , the Mis c-s Groll' . Mrs. Copeland and Miss Copland , Miss Edson , the Misses Shrov.o , Mis * Ward , the Missus ( iibbon , Mr. and Mrs. Ivlholm , Mr. and Mr.s. hmith. Mr , and Mrs. Anderson , Air. and Mrs. Pinto , -Air. Laing , H. Shrcvc , A. M. Akin , Mr Corby , Mr. Urr. 'ts at the r.onnl. One of the mpst social onlcrtniunK-nls of the Aveck wnr > tin- banquet hold at C. S. Hlzgms , on Douglas street , hist Thurs day evening. It was given by ten of the members of Triangle1 Lodge K. of P. on the occasion of uhur taking certain of their degrees , in tin ir hall , corner of Twenty-second and Cumlngstrcets. Forty guests sat arouiul the board , which was weighted with Hlgginc' Ubtu and lavish. ness. Harry Mferri'im presided and the How of wit and -niimont was as greatly appreciated as wore the viands. It was a very happy memorial ot the now Knights. 1'iirtles. Mrs. 0. K. Coleman gave very pretty lunch parties Tuesday and Thursday. The tnblo had attractive service of line china and floral deeorations. Tuesday those present were Air. and Airs. J. H. Daniels , the Missus I'ooko , Alr.s Wilson , Mr . J. C. Whinnory. Airs. Allan Koch. Thursday the guests woroAIrs. Dr. Knlui. AirP. . 'U. \ \ . Cooke , Airs. Coman of Cleveland , and Airs Daniels of Iowa. Tito Itiitlerlly Clul ) . Air. and Airs. Frank Aloores enter tained the Hutterlh ul' ' lj FriJay evening at their haudsomo nsw house ou South Eighteenth street. The = e jiresent wcro Mr. and Alr.s. Hhick , Dr. anil Airs. Coll- man , the Misses Curtis , Wakoley. Doano , 1'onda , Himebaiigh , , Alanslield , Ilcllley , 'J rcmaine , Shari ) , Cobnrn , Crandall - dall , and Messrs. Cook , Uogers , Aloores , AlcCormiek , Kustin , Kcdick , Smith , Clark , Stephens , Fonda , Grillctts , Alarsh , Keller , licall , O'Kcilly. A UomeOJaUc Ilnlnliow. A "rainbow" social was given in the ba = e- mcnt of tlic Cliristian church last evening under the auspices of the Willing Help ers , a socioly composed of the young people ple in the congregation. About fifty guests wore entertained. The ladies wore tissue paper caps and aprons , As fast as the gentlemen visitors arrived they were provided with hats similar to those worn by the ladies. The walls and gas lixtures wcro tastefully decorated witii tissue paper roiiro'-onting the colors of the rainbow. A largo paper rainbow occupied the wall at one end of thp room and added considerably to the ef fect of the scone. The old legend of ( hiding a bag of gold at the end of the rainbow was well represented by a paper sack marked with a dollar sign and fastened to ono end of thobow. Keficsh- incuts of a light nature were served. A I'roshylerlaii Social. The social gathering in the basement of the Second Presbyterian church last oycning was attended by a large and thoroughly interested number of ladici and gentlemen. A programme of con siderable merit had been prepared. Air. Schormorhorn admirably tilled the posi tion of master of ceremonies. Air , Keistor the entertainment with a vocal solo. Air. Heller rendered two creditable recitations. A vocal solo by Airs. Woloh called lorth deserved applause. The pro- gramme ended with a duel by Mr. hols ter and Airs. Welch. Light lefrefahments were sci veil , A Ijimulieim , Alonday Airs. Chas Powell gave a small lunch party , at which she was as sisted by her daughter , Mr.s. Nichols. These present were Airs. Doano , Airs. Koddis , Airs. Wakeloy , Airs. Kount/.o and Airs. Woolworth. Art ( iiisHip. Ali-s Hull is passing spare hours in Don and ink sketches. Miss Sliul/.o has painted a pretty study of birds on porcolain. Kopousso is revived with more ardor than over. Aliss Southard hr > - > seine line specimens. Collins and Shant/ have made an o\- collent portrait ot Airs Jo/a. Homier ; toll in elloct and a true likeness. Airs Halbaeh la at work on a large painting of Niagara Falls which shows considerable dash and vigor. Aliss Alamio Joslyn has recently fin ished a liirnro piece that l-ai boon much commended for llllooh tints and , anat omy. In Chicago.stiidios cows' headswhother on canvas or plaques uro the last caprice. Grapes seem to divide popular fanuy and many attempts have been made to catch thuir peculiar transparenoy. Hmnll niul l-arly. ; Mrs L H. Lowes gave a dinner party Thursday. General and Airs Iluwkm.s gave a dinner party Friday evening. A gerinan was given at Airs. Dickoy's. Thursday night \ > ) the club , Holl'man furnished the music. Air and Mrs. S. 1) . Harknlow ontur tained ihe members id the AlendcUsoim quartette and Air Alegquier Thursday evening. A charming evening ot vocal , instrnmcnt.ll ind banjo , was eir joyed. Air. Harkalow'.s nieeo , AlissTraey. of Hnrlington , sang delightfully and the other guests gave various selections. Air. and Airs. E. Buckingham wore sur prised Wednesday evening at their home , corner Twenly-lifth and Davcnnort , by a few of their neighbors who knew that the date was the sixth anniversary of their host's marriage. A pleasant oven- was spent in card-playing and onchro. Those present were Air. and Airs. Smith , Air. and Alr.s. Ximmcr , Air. and Mrs. Wangh , Air. and Airs. Alorton. Air. and Air , Sol by , Air. and Airs. W. H. Wilkms. JJruviticH. Air. and Mrs. AlcCord wont to Chicago last night. Airs. Alonahoimer , of Now York , is vis iting AloritMeyer. . Air. and Airs. Hitchcock went to New York last week on a pleasure trip. Madam Dunn , mother superior of the Sacred Heart convent , is on her way to Europe. Arthur Wakclv gave n small dinner party at the club' Thursday. Tlio irue-ls were Aliss Kiehardson , Airs. Peck , Aliss Chanuto and Miss Somors. The Trinity brotherhood will give a musical next Thursday evening in the chapel. The program will bo furnished by Miss Tracy , ot Hiirlinszton , Alr.s Cot , ; ton , Aliss Hath , Air , Wiluins and Mr. France. The week has been tolerably satisfac tory in the amusement line , especially in a musical way. Tlio concert at the ex position building Tuesday night was ono of the finest ot the scries and the fact that the newspaper reports of it were limited , inaccurate and insiilllcient speaks more eloquently for its merit than would column s of the f ulbomo praise that Is usu ally but the ollervesccnco of beer. Elab orately detailed accounts of the atV.iirs at the exposition building are limited to the pri/.o lights that take p ace there , and the science ol pmninoling is given columns and Daring head , wnero the science of music is dismissed with a hatched up no tice , generally written from a pro grammeAir. . Franko played superbly , as ho always does , and was encored The Alo/.art quintette also lilled an excel lent portion of the programme. They play \\ith much and ehading and will .soon bear comparison with the club in Hoston. The Alcndelssohn vocal quaitelto compoiod of Air * . Cotton , Aliss Hath , Air. Wilkms and Air. Franco received coived enormous applause and were re called. The proportion of the voices , thnir blending qualities and their un annuity of feeling gained ondles.i ecomimus froni the thoroughly critical audience. Their reputation is such that thii Linroln people have expressed a desire to heur them tlioro. Wednesday , AlissNelllo Slovens played lor thii members of the Ladies' Alusieal society and Mr. Franko sang two nnm [ jura in a very agreeable baritone Air. Trench accompanied him , At Hoyd'rf opuni house an enormous business \\iib done by u variety troupe Wednesday and Thursday. Minnie Aladdern played to talr business the liibt of the week. She is ono of the best of. the ingenue school and deserved bettor patronage than she received . Aliss Alad dern is about twenty-six years old , but is ono oi those "soft clinging tilings' ' that uill look infantile n lion many more years have boon added to her. She is petite and earessing , a kittenish creature who might bo tantali/.mgly facinating. To those whoOnotcd the lo\o making bo twccn Alie.s Aladdern and her go ml look ing leading man , it might bu of uituruat to know that she wears matrimonial manacles with another man , but the con tract excludes her husband from acco/ii * panying her in her theatrical wauderii- . His boyish heart is , at any rate , spared the pang of witnessing the realism ot his ingeinio little wife's love passages. Alinnie Aladdorn melts into an embrace and hangs on to a kiss in a way that sets ono to wondering why pcoplo ever talk about the Abbott kiss when some thing so much more hcientilic is illustrated by Aliss Aladdorn. Abbott's kiss is a mure , noisy spultur that might bo hoard a block oft" . It arrests attention with its olVnsion and demonstrativoncss , but it is never theless Hat , stale , and empty , and the marvel is that a progressive woman HU Abbott hasn't got on to .something diflcr- ent. Her oscillatory fireworks sink into insignificance compared with the linked and long-drawn-out sweetness of Minnie Aladdern's kiss a kiss that merges a man's voiy soul into a single caress. Honl KHtnlo Dealers desiring to sell Portal properly , can now call on the secretary at 1or South Fif teenth street. Full commission will bo nuid to those who arrange. Prices will bo advanced Fobrurary 10 , and all who contemplate buying in this booming manufacturing and suburban town will save money by doing so before that date. The rush has commenced. Can This He Deal ? As sole owner or AMiitiiJiiT'tj CHOK i : In South Omaha , containing the finest acre and residence property in that no- live packing town , ana as solo agent of Co.NKI.IXd PlACI. , Embracing 1GD of the most beautifully located ! > ) ts onLcavonworlh and Howard streets , largo anil cheap , with easy terms and of HAKI.U PI.ACI : , on military road , where lots have ad vanced no per cent in the last few days by reason of the street car line building through early in the spring. I can as sure real estate purchasers that I can oiler them MIITIU ; : UAIKJAINS and greater choice of locution than can bo found anywhere else. W. G ALintutirr , 1MB South inth st. OBV1AHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE Cor 13lhSI aid CAPITOL AYE. , OMAHA , NED. Best tacllitlca , at > narati > and runuiHeBforturcfra. lull/treating nil Kinds of mi iliro , nnil urilr l cotes WHITSrunC'iuci/Mr.sou Dcfrirmltk-nnndUmct/v / Clnl ) I'cit , Curtuiuro of lie b | > lno , JJInctuicB of Wo. turn , ! Mf , 'Furnori , t'-incirn , Catsrrli. JlroDtliltln , l'arulj j , Kplk-pey , Hiitnvy , lllailder , Kyc , J'ar Hklnnnd Ilincd , ami all SnrpJrul Oix-miloin , PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN Oil I'rUutc , bntclul uud Nervous Dlffufcn , Horn lnalWeii.niii ! , Hj | < .TUistriniuaIiii ) ( > otciirjr SyplilHi , Uonorilma. ( Jlfft. Yarlcoccle. rjrnlln-Urinary lrrul > l.-4 Only Reliable MEDICAL IN < STSTUYE mukios u ! > ccUitjr vt ( lie uhovc- name ld. . M-IH. New I ! t"rul Trcnltnoui. tor I/ies ofVllol Power , All CUNIAI tut olni JlinOD Di n-i Ki from ultat- crcr cauev iirodiicrd , eucrtufully Irretcdllliout mcrcu'yMidlcmia ur Irutrutnc U rut by mall vrctprvii , tecyrc-ly packcii from obicr'Atlcn. Call cud uunnlt u , or rend liUtory of cnne , wljli rtamp All communlinitons etrlrlly roiifldcntlal RH linflMQ rorUruorputicDti. Hoard mid nJI < nil. UUnUUiUJ anr.urioBOinbie Acl < lr uUlrltira OMAHA MEDIKAL & SUR3I6AL INSTITUTE , Co- lath atfiaDttol Av < u Onala.Neb ,