Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1887, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered t > y rnrrlcr 1n nnj-pnrtof the city nt
twenty cents per week.
11. W. TII.TON , - - - Manager.
ncFiNr-PS OFFICE , No. 13.
NIUIIT KuiToii No. 23.
Ell IVrkinp , February 3.
New York Plumbing Co.
llcnvy .suits chcnp to order nt Keller's.
Fraud .Shields died lust evening nt { j:30 :
o'clock nt his home , No. 10 South First
fetrcct ,
The necessary permit was yesterday
granted Timothy O'llearn , of this olty ,
and Nora Alnhor , of Atlantic.
The iM. I , . I * . K. club will bo entertained
to-morrow evenintr by Mrs. Horace
Kvcrctt. Curds promptly at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. ( itiorgo Hanson and child died
yesterday morning. The funeral will uo
held this afternoon at ! t o'clock at the
residence , No. 1)00 ) Fourth street.
John Coylc , of the Ogdcn house , lias
purchased "The Mint , " anil will bo as
sisted in his business by Deri Forney ,
who has been with Duvu MeAdams for
several years.
The Congregational church ladies are
preparing for an egg festival at Kastcr
time. They arc not buying eggs now for
Unit purpose , but are simply planning.
They promise to have numerous novel
features to the entertainment.
Mrs. Cole , who is to give an address in
St. Paul's church this evening in the in
terest of the White Cross inovemcnt is
desirous to meet the ladles at the llaptist
church at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon.
To-morrow evening IJartloy Campbell's
comedy drama , "Heroine in Hugs , " is to
bo given nt the opera house by Miss Flor
ence Bindlev , supported by Henry Talbot
and an excellent company. On Tuesday
evening the same eomnany will give the
comedy "Kxeitoment.
The Do1) ) Moincs Register devotns a
column editorial in regard to thn pros
pects of that boastful city , and heads it
' 'I'rcnarn for the Doom. " Fortunately
Council Hlull's Is not like Dos Moines. In-
Bteatl of having to prepare for a boom ,
Council Hlnll's nas already got its boom ,
and its no boomerang.
The hospital enterprise is one which
interests and concerns everybody. The
attempt to raise a snug amount 1'or its
benefit is therefore justly entitled to the
generous supportof all. Those who par
ticipated in the old fasluoned district
school have consented to repeat that en
tertainment , with variations , and the pub
lic will see to it that there is not a vacant
seat in the opera house on the evening
named , Tuesday of next week.
Mrs. C. T. Cole , who lectures this even
ing in St. Paul's church dn the "White
Cross League , or Social Purity Among
Wen and Women , " wilhiditress the ladies
Tjf Council Hind's Monday afternoon at
8)0 : ! ) o'clock in thu Baptist church. This
work , which originated in Knglnnd. has
crossed the ocean and found a large
urmy of good men and-women , who have
taken it up anil are carrying its princi
ples into pr.ictical use to the mental and
moral elevation of both sexes. Wives
and motheis are by virtue of the influence
ence- they exert , vitally interested in this
movement , and should not fail to meet
JSlrB. Cole at the ladies' meeting. And
us it is a theme which so closely concerns
the young of both sexes , the young ladies
are also earnestly invited to attend.
Now cmbroido ries at Harkncss Uroth
Stovcsl Stove-si Stoves ! For the next
thirty days I will soil heating stoves nt
cost for cash only. 1 * . C. DiYoi , .
Tlio AVnys of AVorsliin.
The following notices will enlighten
those who desire to select some place for
worship to-day :
Services in the Congregational church
this morning and evening. Subject of
the pastor's sermon in the morning , "Tho
Quo ( Jreat Desire. " In the evening there
will bo a union meeting. A pressing in
vitation is given to all who may desire
to attend these services.
Services to-day at Union Chapel , Kar-
mony street , at 3 o'clock , conducted by
Kov. C. Hoover , of the M. E. church.
Sabbath school at ! o'clock.
Hcv. II. W. Clark , the new pastor of
Calvary Baptist church , of Omaha , will
preach in thu 1'irst Baptist church Sun
day at 10UO : a. in.
The union services of the Baptist.
rrosbyterian and Congregational
churches will bo hold Sunday evening at
710 : ! , in the house of the latter church.
The young peoples' meeting of the three
churches at 0:30 : p. m. in the Congrega
tional church.
Uov. K. At. Forrest , the evangelist , will
conduct services at the Broadway M. E.
church to-day at 100 ! ! a. m. , U p , in. , and
7:110 : p. m , Rev. Forrest has attracted
largo congregations during the past
week , and the meetings are doing a great
deal of good. Services will be ncld'oach
evening during the week at 7JO ; ! p. m.
To Contractors ami BullderH.
Proposals will bo received by the undersigned -
signed until the 2I5U of next month for the
huildlng of the now Catholic church-
Plans ami specifications may bo seen at
the pastoral residence. The right is reserved -
served to reject any or all proposalo.
B. 1' . MrMKNOMV , Pastor.
Ladies are inquiring for "now embroid
eries. They can liiul them at Harkncss
Sullivan's Ktrenutli.
Sullivan , the slugger , is a powerful fel
low , but the greatest instance of his
power was manifested Friday night. Ho
was in New York , having his arm lixed
up , and he oven then knocked down a
telegraph operator in this city , seventeen
hundred miles away. Frank Nleol , the
operator , was taking the press report
over the wire , and was taking the ac
count of the surgical operation" which
Sullivan was subjected. The details
proved so faickuning to thu operator that
lie found hlniMilf growing faint and
dizzy. Ho nmdu a break for the hallway
to get a sniff of fresh air , and as ho
reached thu door ho fell hnadlong , faint
ing clear away. It was sonio time before
lie camu to.
Go to South Omaha to-day and buy
Bonui of those beautiful residence and
valuable trackage lots ( being the nearest
trackage for sale in South Omaha ) . These
lots are located on the main line of the
Union Pacific railway , within ton
minutes1 walk of the stock exchaniru
building in South Omaha , andaro known
as Jolleris1 roplat. Terms 10 per con1
cash , balance on n\pnthly payments
This addition is across the railroad track
west troin Albright's choice addition
which was sold in oifu week. If yoi
want choice lots don't delay. Umnhi
property is all good , but South Omaha
lias given the largest and quickest re
turns. For sale at the otlk-o of T. ( \ .lef
fcris , next door to the postoflicu , Soutl
Omuha , or on the grounds.
Sco that your books aru madsbrMoorp
house & Co. , room 1 , Evcrrtt block.
All my coal is weighed by Amy , the
only authorized city wcighmaster , anil
cuarautcod to hold out S.dOO pounds to
the IQU. ( iood soil coal lit ? 3. < K > a ton.
. .N.V ,
Prices on Eeal Estate Hopping Up and he
Bluffs Excited.
Tlio I'rolilljllionisis Win Ono Iloiiml
A Ono Foot Until BiilllTAti
Knocks Down nn Operator
1700 Miles Away.
\ Foundation For the Hoom.
The past week has been an eventful
and exciting one in the history of Council
Huffs. The boom in real estate has be
come oven more of a craze than Lake
Alanawawas last summer. Everybody
s eatch'ing the enthusiasm , anil arc back-
ng up judgment by a free use of ready
cash. Last Sunday the Bur. called alien-
Ion to the fact that sales and contracts
lad been made the day before amount-
ng to $100,000. The evening papers took
ip the statement , anil enthusiastically
umounced that the boom was really
opened. The Nonpareil alone hung back ,
xnd laughed at the idea , saying th ; t such
statements should bo discounted 75 live
icr cent. After having for some time
jcen cautiously but nominally urging all
0 help build up Council Bluffs , the old
; raud-mothur , with sight enfeebled by
ige , did not see that the boom
vas alreay here. She laughed
it the Bin and other pa pun
or giving the news and kept declaring
that there was nothing to it. Now even
he has been convinced ami she is as on-
husiaslic as any of the others. The
Nonpareil indulged in much sarcasm
ibuut the illustrated boom edition of thu
> oor little evening Herald , but she has
jcen her folly and is now trying to make
imunds by borrowing the cuts and copy-
ng the articles. Yesterday it repro-
lueed the picture of the now court house ,
md despite some bad breaks in the make
ip. which spoiled the description , it was
1 commendable movo. The other papers
of the city aru glad that she is { rutting
nto line and that she shows a disp'osition
o help what little she can in "working
o build ui ) Council Bluffs. "
Thu real estate ollicos have been
hronged during the week trom early
nornnig until late at night. Almost
every clerk , every young man who has a
> ocket and a few minutes time , has been
Uulying the man , which has become as'
; rcat an essential as a pocket knife or a
coy ring. Everybody has been spcculat-
ng more or less , generally more. Many
of the duals have been over the cheaper
mil unimproved lots , but a number of
ialus of inside and improved property
lave been made.
Prices have jumped up rapidly , so rap-
dly that it has become almost impessiblu
to keep track of them. Some lots have
: lianged hands as many as twelve times
n a day. Instead of decreasing the ex
citement is increasing , and the news
) eing spread about the country , money is
flowing in for investment here.
Thu building boom has not started j'ct ,
t being early for that , but there are
nany tangible rea.sons for buliuving that
t will be hero on time , and form a solid
foundation for _ the speculative boom
vhieh precedes it. There seems to be no
loubt but that the charter for the wagon
md street car bridge iittho footof Broad
way will bo secured , and work commence
on that at once. Tlio bill now pending
s simply delayed by the natural course
of time taken by congressional ma
chinery. An effort is to be made to get
the rules suspended , and the bill hurried
up so that the actual work of construc
tion may commence earlier.
There is also every reason for belicv-
.ng that thu union depot ou Tenth ave
nue will bo built this season. The prop
erty recently purchased from the Catho
lic church will without doubt bo occupied
by a largo business block this season. D.
I" . Eicher will probably put up a line
ollico building running from Main to
Pearl street. A starch factory is among
the enterprises being arranged for. Yes
terday the work of organizing a syndi
cate for a new hotel was buing startud.
The proposal \ to purchase the present
Pacific house property , and build a larger
and better hotel there.
The completion of the new court housc-
thu new government building , the rail ,
wav work being done about the transfer ,
tho'number of residences being planned
for , all these things indicate ! that there is
to bo much to support Ihe present antici
pation of better prices for real estate
here. Prices have been ridiculously low ,
and oven then there has been little ac
tivity. It seems that Council Bluffs has
awakened to its senses , and that the re
vival is one in earnest , and one which
will continue.
Among others Odcll Bros. & Co. yes-
terdny sold lot 11 in block ! ! 7 Ferry's , for
$100 , Jot 8 in block and Jot 10 in block
82 in Railroad add to E. W. Hart , for
$40 and $50 each , lots 10 , 11 and 12 in
block 0 Fleming & Davis' add to II. M.
Reed trustee for $1,000. Also 23 lots in
Railroad add to A. T. Ehvcll , lot 7 in
block 11 ! Uayliss & Palmer's add to C
Sprint for $250 , lot M in block 22 Rail
road add for $40 , to E. W. Hart ; lot 0 in
block 12 Burns' add to J. M. Fuller for
$1.10.Messrs. . Odoll Bros. & .Co. have in
creased their clerical force by four , llual
estate is changing hands so fast and the
property being placed in thu market and
taken off requires thu entire attention of
two clerks to keep their mapa in proper
shape for their customers , who appre
ciate their efforts highly. They go on thu
plan of "all goods marked in plain Jig-
it res , "
Messrs. Kimball & Champ yesterday
sold three lots In Mullm's sub-division
for $ ir < 0 toC. R. Allen. Little did Mr.
Allen , when hu got out thu last map of
Council Bluffs , boliovu there would bo
such a demand for his maps in such a
short spacu of timu.
O. P. Wickham sold to William Keo-
line , of KuoliiiK & Felt , yesterday , the
house and lot No. 7111 , Seventh avenue ,
for 11,000 cash ,
I ) . W. Archer vestorday purchased lot
11 in block P Riddlo's for $0.)0 , of Odull
Bros. & Co. , and lot 7 in block 4 Riddle's
of F. J. Day for $700.
C. J. Colby , the well-known real estate
man , who is recognixcd as a Union Pa
cific land agent and one well versed in
real estate matters , has concluded to lo
cate here , and has rented an office with J.
T. Oliver in the Masonic tumiilo , Mr.
Colby maile the remark yesterday to a
gentleman : "You haven't a boom here ,
just wait a few weeks and people will bu
standing on their heads ; . .outsiders have
been looking for this more than you folks
have , and by May things will boil. "
Bob Huntington yesterday morning
bought eight lots in block 32 , Railroad
addition , and held them about an hour ,
belling at a big advance.
What is known as the Babbitt property ,
belonging to J. Daiiforth , near the ter
minus of the street cars , was yesterday
sold to a Council Bluffs syndicate for fIW5
per aero.
The 22J acres cast of the fair ground ,
which was bought by a Council Blutls
syndicate about a week ago , was yester
day sold to an Omaha syndicate by F. J.
It is stated unon reliable authority that
Mr. Ames , of Boston , and ono of the
directors of the Union Pacitio , is ono of
thu svndicato which recently bought up
tho'lower track.
F. J. Day sold over $30,000 worth of
Bluffs property yesterday.
H. R. .lones yesterday sold to U. II
White his storu property , No , 331 Broad
way , for $3,5UO.
W. II. Butts bought two more lots in
I'ierco's addition yesterday.
Martin Hughes bought 45 } feet on Main
"trect and Tenth avenue known as the
Englo property for ? ; ,200.
A Now York traveling man , who ar-
ivcd yeslcrday and had not heard of the
joom , heard a man say a house and lot
was for sale for $1,500. llo asued where
t was. and \\l\an \ shown the property by
Mr. William Moore , said : "Why that is
cheap ; I'll take it at that price , " and con
sequently bought the Roscncran/ prop
erty on Fourth street.
Odcll Bros. & Co. yesterday kept three
.cams busy showing property to cus-
; omcrs.
Winchester's brick yard was yesterday
sold to the Wlekams ( or $3,600. ,
Odell Bros. & Co. sold lots I ) and 4 , In
jlock 13. Mullin's sub-division , at $100
each , anil six lots in block 3 , same addi
tion , as well as lot 10 in block 12 for $200.
D. W McDcrmott bought lot 17 in block
10 , Fleming & Davis' aildition for $200.
,1. II. Ford purchased lot 13 in block
)7 ) , Ferry's additiou , paying $10i ) for Iho
J. Cloldborg last evening bought lot 8 in
block 4 , Railroad add. for $30.
J. E , Ilarkness yesterday purchased
ots 12 and 11 in block 22 , Railroad add.
COOK it Morgan yesterday increased
.heir clerical force , also added another
arge map to their office , making three
they now have.
Kimball & Champ sold yesterday ,
.hirty six lots in Railroad addition , eight
n Mullen's subfour , In McMahau , Cooper
& .lellries addition , two in Curtis fc
Ramsey's addition , and six in Riddle's
sub , the aggregate of sales being $7'8IO.
The transfers ot real estate recorded
yesterday amounted to : ? 57.bl5
uld to church notices
J. W. & E. L. Squire madu sale of
ibout twelve lots yc'-tcrday. two of which
were purchased in Riddle's to llaxon &
Ivd Wickliam bought six lols in.Mullin's
bub. for $1,000. and one on Broadway lot
1 in block in , f 100.
Odell Bros. & Co. sold lot ! ) , block 14. in
Jryanl & Clark's addition , to J. C. Bixby
or $1,400.
Kimball & Champ yesterday sold thirty-
ix lots in railroad addition and six in
Mullin's sub-division and Hall's addition.
Judge Larimer yesterday sold ten acres
.o a Council Blulia syndicate , consisting
of Messrs. Van Brunt , Dudley , Parsons
mil Rice , for $10,000. It in said that the
same will bo platted immediately and put
n the market.
The boom grows in proportions daily.
ScoJJook & Morgan before it gets beyond
your limit ,
George Rudio.real citato and nego-
iator of loans , No , 1507 Farnam street
) maha. Bargains in Council Bluffs and
Omaha property.
Dr. Hanchbtt , office No. 12 Pearl street ;
csidenco , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
A Now Deal.
II. A. and E. C. Cole have just com
peted the purchase of the largo hardware
business of Cooper & McOco. This is one
of thu largest and most prosperous mer
cantile concerns in the city. The new
inn , Cole & " -Colo , makes ono of the
strongest linns financially in this part of
.he state. II. A. Cole comes hero from
Ml. Pleasant , la , where lie has been pre
eminently successful , and is making the
change to Council Bluffs , whoru there is
ilenty of room for push ami enterprise.
Ur. E. C. Cole is well known here , having
jecn identified with thu city's interests
'or the past five years , also own-
, ng considerable property and busi-
less interests here. Mr. Cole is at
iirosent manager of the wholesale busi
ness of Cole Bros , at this point , who are
also contemplating the consolidation of
one of their other houses at thjs point. It
is his intention , however , to give his time
to the interests of the new linn as soon
as his present position can bo tilled.
Messrs. II. A. Cofe and W. I. Cooper will
eontinuu to show all patrons of Cooper &
MctJce thu former courtesies of the house.
It is only one more of the sure signs of
the increased business prosperity , when
men of enterprise and push continue to
increase their present business interests
and invest now capital in thu city.
Dress robes at Ilarkness Brothers.
Prices range from $50 to $12,000 on
improved anJ aero property. Call on
Cook & .Morgan and invest while there's
money in it. There's money to bo made
in almost anything you can buy now.
L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at ouu-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
The Kate Bonsbcrg opera company ap
peared at Dohany's last evening. Thu
audience was not so largo as the merits
of the entertainment deserved. There
was little generally known hero of thu
artists composing the company , and with
the exception of those who aru posted in
musical matters , there was not a high ex
pectation to bo met. Those who did at
tend were surprised. They found the
company to be far beyond anything they
had expected. Miss Bunsberg , the prim a
donna , is a young American girl , a native
of St. Louis. She has a bird-like voice ,
ewcel toned , and very flexible. Added
to the charms of voice arc graces of man
ners which make her a favorite with the
audience irom her first nipcarnnco | , and
causing increasing enthusiasm to the ( in-
ish. As nn actress , too , she shows more
than ordinary ability.
Miss Montugriffo , thn contralto , is a
very pleasing singer , with a voice of remarkable -
markablo compass and strength. She is
also an American girl , her homo being in
Cincinnati. She has been in the Miuniu
Hank company and other famous organ-
i/ations , and her voice evidences both
natural gift and careful culture. She
wears a diamond necklace , the gift of
Patti , and has numerous mementoes of
her associations with leading artists and
their appreciation of her merit ,
Air. Knight , the basso , has a powerful
voice , which ho controls in a masterly
manner. The company has also in Mr.
David a tenor well worthy of such a po
The entertainment consisted of Balfo's
operetta in ono act , "Sleeping Queen , "
and the third act of "Martha.1- ' The com
puny is not largo in numbers but makes
up in merit. The policy is thus to keep
the expensed at such a low figure as to
enable the management to give the people
ple cholco music , and yet enable the
company to stop in cities when ) they
could nnnlly afford to appear had those
leading artists a support consisting of a
largo number , with largo choruses.
Wo have good deals to offer in every
addition inside of thu city limits , and
money can bu made on them if you pur
chase'now. . Cook & Morgan , Real Es
tate , No. 5 Pearl street.
Ten thousand dollars worth of lots sold
in Jeffcris' addition in South Omaha on
Friday and Saturday without the aid of
printer's ink.
The First Koiinil.
The motion to dismiss thu last batch ol
saloon injunction cases was yesterday
morning overruled by Judge Thornell.
The points claimed in support of the mo
tion byMr. Baldwin , and those sot up by
Attorney Sims in resisting the motion ,
wore given in full in yesterday's UKK.
Tlio decision of the court yesterday gives
tirc't blond to Attorney Sims. The sit
t.ciup * * " v > w' bo madet.O1 . .pi'oss.tho
oases to a hearing , bnt this will probably
be resisted by motions to obstruct , based
on other alleged technical defects. The
move to secure Injunctions is being
fought Inch by inch , and the contest
shows much ingenuity and ability on
both sides. The citi/.cns generally are
greatly interested , as thov feel that the
closing of the saloons p.innol but have
its effect on business , cither for bettor or
worse , the general ciulmcnt bcingthnt
such an action will not stop the sale of
liquor , but will simply result in more
harm than good. On the other hand it is
claimed with much shmv of justice that
it is the law and should bo obeyed. The
prohibitionists are in the minority hero
and those who are actively pressing the
suits number but very few. They aru
keeping at it , however , and they declare
they will not yield.
The city was full of outsiders yester
day buying up properly , and Cook te
Morgan have increased their force to at
tend to customers.
ICdwnrd-j Must On Across.
For some time the motion for a new
[ rial in the case of Edwards , the con
victed crook , has been under advisciuonl ,
but yesterday Judge Carson , who had
: lie motion in hand , overruled it. It was
proposed to sentence Edwards at once ,
but his attorney , Colonel Edwards ,
Dleaded for some time , expressing the
liopo lliat arrangements could be made
by which Edwards could give a bond. In
view of this statement Judge Carson
ixed upon Saturday us the time for sen
tencing Edwards. It will be another
week of anxious watching on the part of
Jailor McNoill , who has justCgrounds for
liiispocling that Edwards will make a
break if lie gets a chance. Tools have
neen passed into the jail , and have been
diseovere.d before they wcro usedand the
vigilance will be kept un. It seems that
i gang have determined that Edwards is
.00 valuable a man for them to allow to
; o across the statu , and arc. doing all in
heir power to prevent his being son-
lenced. This is the way it looks at
"TlioVhl c Cross. "
The Brotherhood of St. Paul's church
> ms secured thu .services of Mrs' C. T.
LTolc , to deliver a lecture on the White
Cross movement in St. Paul's church
Lhis evening. Mr.s. Cole conies highly
commended by the press of this state ,
and is a woman well known to many of
our citi/.ens as an earnest enristiau
worker. She has devoted hur life to this
subject of Soeial Purity , and it is hoped
[ hat an active interest in this subject may
be aroused by tier lecture. The public ,
especially young onus , arc coadially in
vited to attend.
Sec Cook & Morgan if you want a
cheap lot.
For Making Starch.
Messrs. J. T. Stewart and Samuel Haas
liavu purched the Voorlys Spring prop-
irty. This means a revival of the starch
factory project. The water of this spring
is considered the be1- ! for starch manu
facturing purposes in the United States ,
making a yield of three to live pounds
| ier bushel of corn more that any other
known water. _ _ _ /
Place your property with.Cook & Mor
gan , Real Estate , .No. 5 Pearl btreut.
Snlit Ills Foot.
A man named Driver , while chopping
at Rank's place , met with a serious acci
dent yesterday , lie accidentally lut the
axu strike his foot , cutting between thu
toes back almost to the ankle. Dr.
Hanchett attended to the injuries.
Everybody is buying , and if you have
any property you wish to sell place it in
our hands at once. COOK & MOIIGAN.
A line chance to double your money
inside of two weeks by purchasing prop
erty of Cook & Morgan.
Personal. l'
A. P. Cramer , of Avoca , was in the city
T. W. Ilarford , of Davenport , a real
estate man , is at the Ogdcn.
Kate Bcnsbcrg and company were
quartered at the Ogdcn yesterday.
Will Agncw and wife , of Ashland ,
Neb. , aru visiting Mrs. Agncw's sister ,
Mrs. S. Swan.son.
A. M. Johnston , S. 1) . Mc/jreath / ami J.
( J. Mcgreath , of Omaha , wcro hunting up
propHrty to invest in yesterday.
The Misses Merkel sang in concert the
other evening in Moline , and created
great enthusiasm. Their voices , both insole
solo and duel , show rare sweetness and
power , and it is with pride that Council
Bluffs friends note the fact that they not
only easily win praise at honiOj but arc
no enthusiastically received , else
where. '
Bargains in all kinds of Council Bliifi's
property. Cook & Morgan , real estate ,
No. ! Pearl street.
City lots improved and unimproved on
easy terms at Cook it Morgan's , No. 5
_ _
W. C. ( larman , of Omaha , was in the
city yesterday looking for a list of Coun
cil 'Bluffs property to put on sale over the
Tlio Shall In Hi *
In the presence of the imams and dig
nitaries of the court the shah receives
the salutations and New Year's greetings ,
and accompanied by effusive and longwinded -
winded compliments ; the court poet re
cites iin ode or panegyric upon the wisdom
anil above all the decernnient of the king
ofkmys. Later on the members of the
various corps diplomatique , after being
received by some of thu ministers of
state , aru admitted Into the presence anil
behold thu i'.uirust countunauen of the
shadow of ( iod. Although he has
a larger collection of jewels than
any other monarch , this is one
of the few occasions unon which
lie displays them , for as a rule the shah
dresses plainly and in quiet colors , with
only a fuw diamond buttons on his black
cloth coat. But on the New Year his
majesty is usually bedecked in his most
magnilieent juwols , many of 'which ' wcro
lrouglit by the ruthless Nadir Shah
from Delhi : his tunic Uabla/.u with diamonds
mends , his bolt , sword and scabbard incrusted -
crusted with the same costly gums , and
in his hat is the aigrette or distinctive
emblem of his royalty. .Thu cere
mony is usually not a Jong one ;
his majesty addresses , a few words
to thu ministers , inquires after
the statu of their country ami the health
of their respective sovereigns or pres
idents. The distribution of bags of
money which , by the bye , year by year
decrease in valuu-uml the distracting
noise of twanging musical instruments
announce that thu reception ir over. The
coins presented are contained in tiny silk
bags made for the occasion , and consist
cluelly of silver as thin as a wafer ; some
times there aru a few gold pieces among
them about thu size of an old silver
penny , of not much intrinsic value , but
much appreciated in Europe when
mounted as earrings , buttons , and other
oriiainenta. _
"a- O A I P"
Ladies' ' and Childrens1
E& < *
Wo have succeeded in pur-
ug at nn
Extraordinary Bargain
A Ini'ae quantify of Muslin Un
derwear , Childrens1 Drones ,
Aprons , etc. , we have di
vided into two lots , and to make
quick sales will sell them at
25c Consists of
Ladies' Night Robes , Chemises ,
Drawers , Corset Covers , long
White Aprons , Childrcns' White
and Hod Msthor Ilubbard
Dresses , Drawers and Infants1
Slip ? . These garments are well
made and warranted pcrscct.
50c. Consists of
Ladies Night Dresses , Skirts ,
Chemise , Drawers , Corset . Cov
ers and Childrens1 White and
Tnrkoy Hcd Dresses.
All trimmed with Linen Torchon
lace. Such garments as these arc
usually sold for 7f > c to $1.
Wo take great pleasure in plac
ing this immense purchase be
fore our customers and invite an
early call , as we believe this to
the greatest bargain in Muslin
Underwear and Childrcns Dress
es ever offered in this city
s. itl-t , HlO , XJ8 and > 'MO JSroad.
way , Council liluffa ,
All fresh goods , well made , full
sizes , good shapes , and warranted
free free from imperfections.
J i Council muffs Jlcal Estate , but if yon arc btiyiny or selliny any
property , we want to L-ll yon that onr facilities arc unequalled for
handliny it. Onr maps arc plainly iayycd so that location and prices
whether improved or unimproved , can he told at a ylancc. .Property so
listed is bronyht before hundreds of buyers that visit onr tficc daily.
Have Bargains EveryHour
And promptly post the. latest prices. Special options Ctn bo given dttr-
ini ; t lie day on extra bargains.
Carriages in Waiting for Those Desiring to
Look at Property.
This advertisement was written at 5 o'clork p. m , so that , it is al
most impossible to name prices for Monday morniny , lj 4 we can offer
a few prices subject to chanyc.
Two fine lots on Jiroudway , ono a corner , one block from home car
line (17th ) , the two for $3,000.
A one acre piece Jive blocks from First rational Jiank , on two
streets , frontayc of J.'ififcettOOfcct deep. An clcyant piece for per
manent investment , orforspci'alation , Price , $ > 'lOOO. ,
A few lotsjnst received < ind , on sale from a non-resident owner in
Jlailroad Audition , most in best part. I'rices # ' > / ' > to 7VJ.
Lots Xos.J , 2J and XX , block 7S , X6s. IS and C , in block , ' ( J , in
Jfoward's Addition , for , fiJ-l5U.
Nos. 7 and fi , block XO , Mnllln's snb. , , Jy J each.
Lots 7 , S and i ) , block X2 , Jlayliss and ralmcr's Addition. The
flnast os these is a corner and Is held at # ! W.7. The others $ XOO each.
11'ill sell all for $ C,00 if taken early to-morrow in a bunch ,
Lot .y , in block It , lots S jnul 11 in block 1' , Curtis and Jtamscy'i
Addition , $ SOO each.
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Ilesldanccs and Farms , acre property in
western jtart of city. Ail sclllny cheap to tnalcc room for spriny stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Jloom f > , over Officer P Ptisey's liank , Council Jlliiffs.
Illy Jlaryains in all kinds of City I'roperty , Tin proved and
Lots of outside capital is beiny invested in this city , and thousands of
persons will cimia from a distunua to jntrchasn In the ncM few next
few days.
Forrest Smith , - - No. 130 Maiai St.
WANTKD-lmmiiOmtoly u tiret-flnfi tjarber
nt No. IM , Mum ft , Council llluLTu.
O Ooo < l Kill for Konorl liuueowuik ,
Mrs. W. Cooilor , 63 , lltun St.
TTUlll HAJ.K A llrat-cluss , Iliroo sprint' . sili
-L jilmoton and lumiuaa , imrt onnb , b.'ihuico
in monthly payments. A. J , Mnmlol , Ho. ii-l :
unil IK5 Uroudwiiy , _
SALE- bunruin I'Juo now rwldnnco ,
Foil rooms mid Iwlli room , H. u. cornur
ot Sutn struct nii'l ' WiisliiiiKton iivonuc , two
blocks from Kovurnmcnt limlding l-'uniiicd ,
witter and win. Lot la feet front. J'rlce lor III )
dtiys only f 1,5'fl. uuu cliinp rojiiloneo property
in all pnrta of thu city. Apply to 11. Shoo-
tnuKor , No.M - ' , llurrlson et. _
JEAS sTitrrsi A
Veritable Boom ,
- AM-
X < > , 'J8 KI6OAISWIV ,
\Vt\\ \ \ show ycu jiiijny eliuief pieces of
proi < fi'ty tit nM iiiaiiji' Iv Juw
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying n ? 5 liat or bonnet , one fare
will be pai'i ; ? lo , loutid trip ,
.loiiriialH , 4'oiinlj ninl
ESanU V 'orlt t > S' AH
Prompt Altontion to Mail Orders
Uoom 1 Kvoret Hlouk , Coum-il Ulull * .
Standard Papers I 'bed Ail } " > ol
ing in Aliymiius ; uml
If KKUBNl | W.
C. II. Nnt.'jnul ' Hu it , M. H. B.H.tU & Co. ,
Cllimr,1 Ilaah , Jiwro , Well * A : Co. ,
Jurot N'ui.iinul IliniK , C' 11. lns.ur.inou CM. ,
01tC ! i &J'u.tylUukiT3O.U rill Vi a. d IJault