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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 30. 1887.-STXTEEN1 PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES AdTertl > rment8"\indcrtliM hid71o"cent per line lor the Bret Insertion , 7 cents for each ub- icnuent Insortlon , and $1.50 n line per month No advertisement Ukan for less than 25 cant ) for the first Insertion. Seven words will l > e counted to the lines they must run confecu- lively and must be paid In advance. All adver tisements muit bo handed In before 2 o'clock p.m. , tind under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by telephone. I'nrties advertising In thoiucolumns nndhnv- trip the answers nJdrencd In care of TIIK Urc will please nnk for a chick toenablo thorn to fret their letters , aa none will bo delivered except on orewnUtlon of check. All answers to ad vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. TO LOAH-BIOWE * . . I'nieliaio mnnev morttrnpes on Improved Omohii real cM ate , botiRht nt No 21 1 rentier block ; apply b.tncenSnnd3 p. in , 237 _ ONKV to loan. Kiln IIro . . real estate nnd loan nnoulp , room 17N liltncll block , cor. 15th mid llrtnioy. _ K > a ONRV to lonti. cash on dclny. L j.v and K. I , . Sriulrc , 1413 Tarnum st. , Pailon liotrl billldlny. ? OJ _ T OAN8 lx > ans Loans. Ilcnl rftfttr lonns , CollntetlHl loans. Chuttul loniiN. Jxinp time lonpi. Short tlinn lonus. Money iilnnjs on hand to loan on any ap proved fccurlty. Jnvc tmrntFeouritlrs bouftht and gold. Uniaha financial i ; tlnuiKc , n. w. cor. ir > th and llnrnoy. Corbctt , M " AHUISA HAHISIH. au-0" . 1Mb st. Money to loan on llrst class security. Irom 80000 Tf ) I.O\S nt 0 per cent. J. J Ma- $ honey , IWJ Fnnmm. 10" * t KNT ' ' 6PKK I'nttorton' . lf th nndjlirney. a > 7 " " " 30,000 to loan. Bums * 60J nud upwards , $ Lowest rates. Itemls , room 3 , Darker block , \\.cor 15th nml I'limumsts _ _ _ _ _ W7 _ MONI'.V PliPt mortifiico notes The DoilRlat count ) tj'iuk will buy pnpma secured by llr t innrtRHKO ou city realty. 710 GPl'.K Cl'.NT Money to loan. Oroirory A Hudloy. Koomo 1 nnd 3 , Kedick ulock , WO 8. 15th Rt 8U3 v rt O LOAN Mono ) Loans placed ou 1m- JLTiinvod 101 estate In city or county for New I'nKlmid Loan & 'I rust Co , by Douglas Count ) bnuk. Kill nnd Chicago bta 810 ONKV to loin on city nnd farm property , M low rated , Stow nrt & Co. , Koom ,1 , Iron Iiauk _ "I" IO I.O.V.V O I' . Davis A Co. Kott MOM2Y Kstato nnd Loan Agents IM'i Fnrnnm SL O < U > LOAN On real ostutii and chut- U D 1.'IhoinM 15 $500,000 To loan on Omalut city property utO purcont. 0. W. Day , over HU lloui-'in . M ONKV to loan by the uiulorsiRntd , xrho has the only propei ly orsanl/oil loan aironcy In Omaha I oans of $10 to ? IWO ( mndo on fur- nlturn , pianos , oiirans , lidrfcs , ngni : , machin ery , Ao , without removal No delays. All bi'nlnpss Milctly ronlldontlal Loans so made Unit nuy part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment rcdiiolnr the co t pro rata. Advances mndo on line watches and diamonds. Persons fcbould carefully poncldor who thov are dealing with , as mnny now concerns are dally corulup Into ojrlrtrncp. Should you need money , call and flea mn. W. It. Croft , Itooro \VlthneL' Rulldlntr , IMh and Harnn } . 813 MONhV I.OANI.I > atC PTTli oil A , CD'S Loan olllcs , on furnlturo , pianos , horn > s.waKons , personal piopcrly of all kinds , nnd all other ur- tlilcsofxiiluo. without removal. 310 8 l.lth , ov or miiKM-uu's Commission store. All busl- ncfBBlilctly conflduntlm 8ln WANT Kn-Stocks of merchandise to o\- cliuiiKK foi land or city pioiirrtx. 111 South 15th. II. It. ! A. Co. 8'J7 I FOKSALII Ono of the best loeatod snloons In South Omnlia , 3 doors bouth of City hot ol. biS 3D * "IT'OK SALK A first class newspaper nnd Job I ollleo. dolnif n Up top business , lle-st op- I nrtunll ) \\Vstorn Nebraska. For purticu- IIIIH nddiesM ] ) , ! ! , Heo olllec. Mill , ! 0 O MAIIA lieul retain to trade for Stock of Men liandlBo. Hammond ACillisou , 1611 Wifl .n rp\VO I ots in few Icr's Plnoo. Poutli Omaha , to 1 trailo for hoisii and buguy. llainmond X C ll ) = on , 1511 DoUKliu bt. bOU .U rp\\ lots In .letter's nddltlon , South Oinnha , n 1 corner , aontli liont , chonp at ? l , < 100for both. Hammond A Gibson , 1GU Douglan 8t. blfl.'ll ( * OOI ) biislniss lots near the renter of busl- \l no-H in South Omaha are hmd to uot. Trices i ni well loviilrd lots will io miieh liUlicii.Vo xMll oircr , for u few da > s only , ono of the tin t corners foi fl.bOIJ Hammond & , . Gibbon , 1514 Douclas St. 800 3d TT'Oll ? A LK .Moat market dolntr ( rood linslnoss -V ( iooil location , tools and tixturcs. Ad- dr < ss I ) 10 Bee. W _ ' ! _ _ I'BINKSS CllANCK-Stock Ciocories"nnd B luntinnrkot for sale. 1 lui'st looitlou In Omaha Doliit ? au oiecllent uu-lness. Addicts , C. 71. lien Ollleo. _ 5 > 1 _ FOlt hALU liotrl Omnibus , used K months. Address , Hjder , blroinbiirif , Neb. . . SCIIANCi--btocicrrocorles : ! for silo. BrSI.Sr. No tx ttpi Incatlon in Omuha Salem now voiaio f JJO n day. Hush & bo I by , 'JIB H. 15th st. _ _ _ _ rpo KXCII.Nli ( ; Mori-liaiidlso for farms an 1 J wild hind. C J. Casnoll , loom ID , Iron IljuU. _ _ _ 3-14 'II _ Foil 8ALP Or tiuiln for murchandlsn , ( ! 40 acres of No 1 farm land near Grand Island. C. J. Canun 815 HOIJiKS Lols.rarnm l.nnnsmonoyoanoit | , Ilemls room'J. llarKor b.oik b W. cor. inth and I'ttrimjistJ. f > 'Jl TTiOlt SALK Hardware ISusinoss Wo offer Jourhhclf and heaxy hardxi are business for , together xvlih our lease und frond will , liiiilo larpost In the rltv and location the boat Itctlrlnir from the business raiifco for selling The Ilaiim Hardware Co , 10-8 O st . Lincoln , Mi 1 > HHSNAL-\\e ( > wish to repent the Informa tion Unit uo tire making the loncst price's on trlpplo plated knives , torks and spoons and ( 'hoii xultttm triiarnteo v\h | ( every set cold. Don't bu > until jou KOI our prices. Mood ) 'a Cliliiu store ( or Ullh nud Daxonport streets. Ml 30 _ > I5ItSON'AI-.Mrs. Ir Nniinie V. Warren clair\ovant. Medical and business Medium Koom ha a , r.'l North 10th et. .Omnha , Nob. _ eoi K I'll \ \ 151) About a week iiiro , n d rk buy horse , one- hind loot x\hlto and joint larun. Howard w 111 bo paid lor his return to Klerolt A Johnt-on'u brick yard , cor Decatur and -"JtU Atrnitlu. . K.I.I I * LOSI'-ltoau cow , mull ) , 4 ) oura , Koturn 2410 PurKor bet Ciiundcri und PIOI und ot rouurd ti7J Jl * LOST A palrof K'lld rim nyn Blisses with black coid ultachud , hotuoon Kxpositiou bulldliiK and 1 Ixhtc'cnth st. I Indoi will please Ic'iuo bume at 1114 Huinuy st. t > 5 * .il LOR r 1'ea cow ! 1 years old , return to ScmuJI- u iv mn hotel , Hili mid Jonus. Clairvoyant. [ ADA ALASKA , Clnruvo ) ant nnd pulmlst , I 51. bouth Idth st. N > 1 tt JKCULLAHHOUS. ACJIIN'IS I'.xcry houei'kccper ' wunta U Hlif money lor jou bend ttamp , lx > ck llox ) J ? I'rlo , Pu. Tbi .U * _ " " kk VJ r.llHASKA Culllv utor ud Housokcopcr" ' J. > 1 htiitilUhrd Ibiturt Ummrtmonth ni ; < rlonltiirul , llxo e'.oek , housckioplnK ( n valuable ccillectlon ot luiclpts Iu each lesue ) , and wen end mlfccllnucous reading , Iticludlni ; iliort Honea nnd pootrj JUKI n ) vnr. Vulunblo pionilnme Mimplo cop ) Irco. H h. Mnltli Tub , Koom JV , Itlincll llloekOm-ha , Kt < bUll Ull n I Iittvo on Imnd a nriroiunn | illy of timothy , clov or und millet teed for full , \\riteifor prieeo \ \ . (1 lloston , Uuvlc Cll ) , Nub. _ 671 f. JO 171OK JUM' : Fquuro Piuuo , f i montblr I -1 ? Hoepo 15U DouuliN 010 FOHKi.NT : Organs , S3 per inomb llOf'IC 1613 Doutlus. toy , i ( i3ll6uilf\Su-ln ten lessons. No fnadinsr ' VJJ no position ; rnjild us untcc-h Instructor W cenis. Porum s Shorthand Institute , Detroit Mich 18u 1 10 _ TNbl'ALLMKM' Ml'N-And ( icnts trc-ncrallj % Iwlll Hud Just wlmt the ) need b ) addrrs-sln , InttiiUiiieiH Uuulctrg bupily | Co , Krlo , Pa 17\0lt \ IlKN -Njjurc * I luiio uioutulr. JU Uon'C. Ill j liou.'lua. uioutulr.SU FOK SAIK-Ono 20 II. P. boiler , ono 8 It V. engine , ono Mourn rncit cnoppernnd sinner , me platform Beile.K/ilrbnnks' . one pnlr ponies , mrncss nnd delivery wagon. 510 South llth st. FOK SAIiE45 horse poix-er boiler , nearly now. Knqulro Western Pottery OJ , Kxpo- Itlon bulldlny 870 _ If OKS\IiK No. 1 family mill h cows , Furny'B 1 yards , CeimlDtf st , or ' . 'oj Montana < t K. S. ester. Efll 3 * FOIl SAI.I Spun of ponies nnd .inrntss , IQOSCnm Ing Bt. 8.1S ! _ FOK BALK Medium tbol , double door snfc. Rood ns now. Phil Stlmmcl A Ca , 11 and Jones Bt , S25 [ JlOK SM.lTTixo seated rarrlupo with top. J-1 Mcdlmbermnko. Orlirlnnl prlco Wtt Will ell for cash , $ JO ) . Ktcrrthlnif In Rood order. ) nly been u ed a little KOOIIIB IS nud ID Mthnoll lluil 11m ? _ N. .1. Hurnhnm _ 800 IT OK SAIiK-Or Trade Ono 11-horso power L1 niflno and boiler nnd phtnluir null mn * rhlnery. ono 21-Inch Kestner feed mill , ono Vlo orsholler , ono Holt shnftlnp , pullles , oleviitor , belts , Ac. IL J Watts , "M 8 Mlh st C03-.W fOK SALK Modlurn-sl7cd , double-door snfe. I1 peed us now. Phil Stlmmcl A Co. , Oil und 11 Jones Rt. _ 5j' ' [ ? OK BALK-Pt implm ? Patterns cheipj nnd U tamnlncdono ( o order. Mrs J W. Mor- Isons , 1MB Davenport. 287 I'lJ Poll 8ALF. The best biliniy In the wotld for thu Ilcnl Kstato lluslncss , Columbus Ituirgy Co _ , nn Haruot st. mm FOKSU.i : Ot ! T ll.li0no : 2(1 hand side bar bucB ) , ono M hand phnotou , ono do- Ivcry wagon. Cnoap A. llospe , 1511 Doimlm rOK3AIV. Tjpo vitcr , IM. J. U , Hnvncs , I ] ox KJ Omnlin. tS7 POIl SAI.K I'nriiitiiro niul Icaeo ol sir-room hoiiFO , tlmo on | art Cull 1-U ! North 7th Ft i eel , two blocks from Ked ( Mr Hue. K UAI.B WAV1KD-A Kood mill topnoli our business in Omaha. Apply nt room ( i , Itcdick ikck. P. I' . Collier , publl-hoi. 8A > 1 V\"ANTin-No ; 1 mnii and vxifo to work on < > fiuit fai m nud take chnruo of same Inrlntr nbsciicoofownur dooil house futn- sliod. 'Iho best inferences requited. None but u trlctly temperate mnu need nppl ) . Ap- ily to .Samuel Aver ) , Omuha , Neb . staling B.-.5 31' TV"ANTK1 > Two experienced picture agents IT toKotoSt Pnul on salary , tall nt room I-107s llth stnltei 10a.m. 81 ! ) ) \TANTBO-1 list clnss bend cook at xv ludsor > hotel > > _ \AN'I I'.I ) .louonrctlo men nt ( nice , \pply > to Mclipso Inst illmtnt Co. , 14US Dndjfo st. 701 II \ \ \\IRn-A tlrst-clnts book kouptr. Must ' haxovorx host cltv rnforonros nr iin-d notnppl ) . C D. Majne , 15th and llnrnoy i/S.'i " \\rANI 131)A bo ) or ) ouiitr limn hiving a ' T Kood hor'u and living In south | ) arl of city , to carr ) a route on Dully t\enlnj : : Iloo " \\TAN'IKt ) Ainu , ixomnn , bojs , Kirls to earn VT f.Jpot mouth at tholronrn homes costly mint of samples , a packaito of iroiVU and full nformatlon for lOu to help pay postaKO. Ad- Irces II. U. Itovxoll A Co , Itutlaud , Vt , 193flO * "V\"ANT13D " 0 sober. Intelligent mon of oed ' address tott > a lOc meal nt NorrlV rca aurant , lIMSlflthst. IM AORN'IS In the city or country can maKofi to $10 n dny sulllnir 'our spocliiltios. N.V. . S'ovclt ) oouiuini'i liJ7 Kuril im st. 012 " WAKTED-JFEMAliE H131.P. \\7ANIKn-Airlrlto do ncii"ral hou owork. > > Ooiiunn prefciiod. ApplyllUl rariiam St. W)8 ) , ! ! \ \ Oirl for Kitchen woik , 4V North 15th street. 007 I * ! ) ( Jirl II or 15)cais foi Ilirht house- woik and earo for children , 2114 Iliiinoy. bS ! 31 * W ANT IU ) flood Kirl for foil era I houso- x\orK.21U8 I'lirnam. 880 Jl I7AN1KD Dining loom flrl nt Uminott i house. bS ! 17ANTP.I ) A Good woman cook inn Iloxy- i aid St. , ut tlio Vienna colfoo house AN'I I' ! ) \\oman | > nstiy cook , r.vchnngo hotel , South Omaha. b.M , IJ * TAN'lIM ) A woman pastrycook at Isow Vorli chop liouso , 14 ' 0ii Uoiiglus t.m b5i m * _ _ fANTRD A Rood elrl for Roncrul housework - work ; Kood wanes and biuall lamll ) . Ap ilytoC. U Rrickson , JU N lUtli Bt. . Masonic ilock. bOO W ) YI'ANTI'D-Oood nrst-claeslst and 2nd cooks , i > women piolcrrod Addro-a Contial llouso , Washington , Kansas. H.1I , iO * \7AN1 RD ' . ' cxporinncod girls , co k imd'-'nd irlil.SiU N Ibth St. fti'l , W ANTRD So unstresses at 1200 Douglas Md ! lloor W ANTKD A ohamborinnlcl nt Windsor hotel 7'J1 I'ANTHD-Kvporlonccd honsekccpor. Colored - ored prcforred. Cnll nt I1.J N. Htli. 738 l7AVIl.l > -liirT4 ! or 15 ) o.irs7 for'HKht l hpusonork , l.01Howard. _ 80jJ ! < ) * AV AN I'KI ) Good cook nnd Laundress , 20J N. Ibth St. SSJ AN I ii-jooil : ( irlrl , Kn lish or ( ionium , cook , wubhor uud Ironor. Iniulrc 'li Cess st. 1)17 ) \\7 ANTIH ) JO lidlos , V gouts to loiru tolo- i jfraphy Prospi'i t wood for position when competent ; address W. J. D , Koom 1 , Cronus blk.Omaha 117 UlTUAl.'ION WAHTUO. DltUflGIST ThorniiKhly competent and ex perienced , desires situation. Host rntor- cncos nml curtltleutca. l)7nco. : ) 1)114 ) * \\ANTUD Position as collector , book- ' i Hooper oj cashlor. Host ot rofercuco f mulshed. Address " ! / ' No. 1811 Lnko st , city. 858 JO * \\7ANTRD Fltuntlon. A ) oun ' man of KOod habits will work nt utithlntr : re cently from Now Vork. A , 12. llnldwln , 8. K. cor Uth nnd Howard Bts. 850 .10 * rpo .Merchant Tnllora : A llrpt-class cutter Is JL open for ouKUtfomcnt. licet reference's as to character nnd ability. Addrois 1'ilnco Al bert , llco ollleo , Lincoln. blH : i * \VA.YIH ) t-Kllled nccoiintnnt will accept situation 1'eb. 1,1887. Add g C05. lice ollice. MU I * \ \ / ANl'i ; ! ) A nui > o , wlio Is vrllluiff to help > ' around house. AddrcssX. C.,0 l Wheaten ton bt. 501 WAHTS. WANTKD 3 or 4 unfurnlsliid rooms by KUII < tlemnnnnd xvife suitinlo for lltfht house , Keeping. AdilKHS , J , 1' . 1),1.15 Putnam st. ! Nrt .11 * \ ? ANTKD-Alad ) room-mutt- J'KXI Pm mini Bt. Itoteiencea oxchaiiKcd. UJ1 1 * 1TAN 11U-Agents. 203 North ICth Btrcot. > 100 4 YVAX1KU Ajrents to handle the now Ink KriVhimrPuneil ( Iroitoit Novelty over produced Kruses ink Initanlly , No nbraalon of jmiiei. At.i nlH are making trom 100 to S'Ufl pel month ' ! errltory freo. bnlnry to ( food men. Samplo50 cents 1'or terms mid lull pur- tloulnrti , address'IhoNonpareil RniBur Co.aX ) nud JJNtbnuUu Et. , bloux Cll ) , Iowa \\TAN'1KD rurniBhtd looms b ) two gentlemen - men In firkt-clabs no otlior family Klie , Knsnud bousocpmfo'-ts. Kcfcrcncos cxehanrod. Address DM , llco. 831 3J \ \ 7AN1 HI ) Pirtncr for room imto , room and boaid 14 per week. JJ1 N 14tli st _ V\rAN'IHD A well oducalcd icntlcman ; to Klxolisiuusm I5nirll h , In uxchiitijro for room and board on email puyniuni. alS Howard. \\T AN'l RD A seed sucond band ollleo desk > Addicss 1 A. II , Frunzor block , room ' Describe Uoi.k and prlco. bs7 M' " \\7ANTUH 'lopnrhnbon sloe * of iloinliiK > > nnd funtfc' luruhhuiK iroods IliurUon , Ambler \\oolloi. . iooiu20 , Omaha Nut. llnnk "lArANrKD To purchase clean stock of diy i > ioods HunUoii , Ambh i \\oolloy , loom 20 , Oiiiuba Nut Dank. 7J731 \\TAM l'.n-1'o c'iehamfuTlicro4 imprbvod II laud , MX miles trom llorlruud , .Sob for hard win o or furniture. K C , Schroc-dor A Co , llutriind Neb f > * 0 \\7ANrLD -Teams , 30 ] ii. lltti t. \V ! 10 _ _ _ \\rANrrn I'o purclnso cleffn Etocl. boots il nulKhoos H.irrUou , Ambler A Woollc-y , rooiuSO.OmthuNut Ilauk To buy llxo to twenty ucroj In- < > tldaofor near Oiiiahn ( Hvo dcrcilp. tian , price and terms. Addros , O'JJ , lleo oilice. AN I lH ) A j'ounir maudfoifc"mstrilctioc oinlui Kiittar from ii Competent teacher Addros U II , lite ? OIUC.Q. 7'lj rOS UfcHT HOUSES AJTD LOTS. FOH KRNT Smntl cottn o hou e In rood lo cation nnd complete. Household for sale , 1150 required Inquire 1003 Douglas st. ? 70 31 * FOIl IIKNT Hou o , 7 rooms , 2024 Hownrd. Inquire next deere t. 8.VJ30 * rOK < KKVT 8-roomed furnished cottnec , 1lt A1 Loavenwortlijit. 7M ) .11 * J 1T10K KKNT-HouTo , 0 rooms , IrT flunscoin JL ? Place , lleltor A Campbell , Koom 1. 15J3 Fnrflim. 705 FOK KKN T 10-rootn house with Inrce stable , \cry cheap to right party Marshall A. Lo- beck , l.VW Pnrnam. 221 "TTOH Hl.XT-Hyrcri l t. ten room house , J modern Improvonio.iU , 1 minutes walk from P.O. On st car line Inqulro nt 1413 Douglas at. 14J HRNT A harn for 4 hold of hors s. In- FOK qtilro of M. F Murlln 8 < 7 FOKllKNT-B room house , citv witor , street cirs.l'i mlloslrora P. O : tt3 per month. I ) . C. Patterson , Oinahn Nntl bnnic. 71) F OH Kl'.NT-Lnrjo birn with water privi leges Apply nt 1818 Chicago st. IKH FDH KKNT 'louso , 4 rooms , cot nor Phi Shcridnnnnd Howarlsts. House , n rooms , nil modern Improvements , Hnrncy and 20th sts. Now brick store , north Kith st 4 now stores neir Hnacoll's hotel , south llth et . tlr > per month. Ilrlck warehouse on IL IL track nnJ pavol street 3rd story darker uuildmir , Uth nnd rnrnntn , f,0 feet square. C r. Ma ) no , lith nnd Hnrnoy. 227 FOK KKVT-lf ) ou ivnnt to rout n houso. i all on Itonuwn A Co .opposite poitoflleii. ft ! ) . . . IlKXT 9 room house q. W cor. 7th nnd Pncino Iti-pUro M V Mnrtln 21J FOK HUNT Six new bilck stores with base ments , corner lilovonth nud Itnxvm l ! cholco location : all conventc'iir"- * . I.oultt llnrnlrim , llootn I , Crclghlon block. OJ7 Ti > OK HI'.V I'-Ono nnw ontt vo , 7 rooms , fl ) . -T" 1'hreo now J story ho isj , SI ) , ono ut f K ; wclllocatod , nil enuvonloncoa. LuAxitt Hum- humKoom 1 , Crolirhton block , _ _ _ 127 IiVIK 1 HKVr Stoio'JSxjO , IllflJnckSPn St. 789 soc. FOK ItPNT One or two nicely furnished rooms OPS ! tout house , ne'ir lutshicpa cen ter ; jilcnt.uit nc'f-'lilnilino 1 : ; , 'is : buth ; henttd : po'slllv boa-it : pilvuto IIOIIIP nnil homo com- loitb1 tcims reasonable DJi , llceonie-o. is ; w FOIt Hr\l rurnlshod room , S" > per mimtli also an uiifuriiishud loom , i > 0i N 17th st , K74 ,11- " 17101 ! Ill'N'T rtiinlhlicd loom with boaid , t\xo JL blocks trom U. 1 > depot , 10r b llth st. 87(1.50 ( Ff U ItrN'T N'ico'i ) f irnlshod looms I No. "U7 N"Jd st , tx t. 1 inniuii and noiialu . IjlOK-KDNT-ulcely turilNtuil front room to -I1 nnoor two yi utlomoii , wltli or without board. 818 Howard. bW , ! 0 * ! { KI'.NI' I-iirnlshod fiout loom , 8J8 Hoxuird. 8 < 8 J3 * I poll HUNT Two Pin ill looms and a pailoi ; 1 modoin conveniences , 17-0 Capitol avenuo. tM 30' Foil KRNT Nlcclx furnished rooms , boaid 11 desired. I1J S 2Jid6tbot Douglas nnd * ' H2 .10 FOIl KRNT A nicely fuinished cast front , ho\r window loom , to Ki'ntk'iniui nnd vxlfoor two irontlcnitMi. also boaid Terms ronsonablo "oith nthPticot P13 30 * _ FDIl HRVl'-Txvo Olllco Itooms , nnd fuinlturo tor Mile , on Pit'i st. Know old A ll'irrott , ' . > 'JO b nth Bt HI 30 171O1I HR > T 4 rooms at 171J'i Jackson bt. -U I Marj's nvo ! Ui > 30 IjlOlt HUNT -lleniitirul stilto tiirnlshcil or un -I ? luriiHicd rooms on St Marj's avo. ixith bonul * ovoiy modern convcnluncc Address nsjjlcc ollleo. _ B14 .SO- FOIt Iir.N P A pleasiint front parlor nnd bed room suitublo tor mnn and wlfo or three freiitlemcnj gi\s and bath ; Hill Howaid tlooi bOJ J0 TiHlK lUJNT 1 iinl'inniched looms , modern J3 convcnicncos , topirtios without children , fllpN nth st 783 FOK KENT Onices m flriicniir block , cor. ' 1 Ith uud Dodirc. Divis A Hotuinu'tou. Mil- bird Hotel Illllurd Koom. 777 .M * FOK IIHNT rurnlshod room , 1315 rnrnnm st , 7"4 F I OK KRNT Desk loom In Omaha Kenl Ks- Into i\chanL.e : , 11111 Farnnm. 771 F I'OllTiKNr rurnlslied rooms , with orvxith- out board , leims low. ll-'l I'icreo. 7I < 5.)1 * FOK KRN ! ' Klojantly furnished front chnmtioraml bed 10011. All modem con veniences , near biielncss , 1 ( > 15 Cip. uvo. 751 II * FOK HUN t' Nicely furiiNhod Inmt rooms Hill Howuru strjot , 2nd floor , Imiulro Koom I. 74'l JP 1OK IHNT : 2nlcoollicoroomsnt 612 S 18th street. 7J ' FOK H13NPvet ) nlonmxntnoxvlv furnished rooms. I a largo front room with bay win dow , 1 small room,20 * 5 I'nniaui Bt. ,0i F I OK HUNT Furnished room 1U03 rnrnnm. 015 FFOH FOH KENT tnlco fiont rooms In the brick hlouKon llon'uid st. between Irtlh nnd 17lh sts , NIcholA , Co , Wlthrtoll block 5" < 4 FOK HRNTAt bOl Houiirl Htrcot. ono block trom t O770HS house sin ot oir ovury ! l\o mliiutcR nlnriru front room , furnished newly , for $1 .10 per miiiith. _ P J3 _ FOK KDNl' rurnlshod room. 714 N. inth St. Mil' ; * _ _ FOK HUNT rurnlshnd rooms for llirht house kooplne , Hoomois Llock , cor ethjc Howard. OK KRNT - Nicely Tnrnlsnod room. Kofor- F cnccB require . 10J7 DoiiKlas. _ 9871- FOK HRNT Furnished room. A. Hospo , _ ir.HOlUKlHSBt ) _ 911 _ fTIOK URNl' ! J rooms uiifurnls'iol auitiSlo JU for housekeeping , 1017 ti 2Jth at ; apply to M. T. Martin , 110 S Jlth St. 40) ) IJxOKKIINr A nluo , light basement , Iniiulro L1 of Leslie A Leslie , Ifithand Dodge fts ! IJ3 FOHUBVr Nlcoroomsat I8il I'niiiam st , ono block west of couit housesouth sldo. fi.11 " 1JTOK URNl' i rooms miltnlila for house- -L1 koepliiff. 7111'uBillust. Kant , 911 KRNT-Kocnu nicely furnished at all FOK , fiom $5 , $10 , JIjll a month rach. HW .south l th utrort , north bt. Mary's IUDIIUO upstnlrs. 2IJ110 FOKKRNT rurulshol room , furnnco , com- fortablo In coldest woulhor , and Kaa. In- 'UI l' inim : 111 KR.Nr Ninth fuiiils'iod looms , Rlnglo F ordoiiblo , HIS ( lowarl fatreot Hl-i FFOK FOK IllINP 1 nleo newly paporoj roomi. wntoi In kitchen ; aultublo for housekeep inv PiIco.Cl.'io. lullN. JOth st. Apxly to owner M. 1 % Mnrtln 3IQ S. Pith at UJ4 "T71OK JUINT 1'lo nnt rooms ou btreiit car Jlino , bith nni g&t , a w. cor 2Jth nud Webster. HJ "I71OK HUNT lour Htituniirttied rooms JJ for housekeeping to small family , 10- cuted on Ooorgin av o near Nt root carssurround * Inv * pleasant urftl will tout chonp to goal purtieflirct'orenco roqnlrod. Address A. U.IIoo ollleo. 247 TIUK KKM'-Sulto of newly f urnlsho 1 roe ns JIn now hoiibo ; modern convonloncot : to gentlomou. 1M1 DoiUe et -W POit KiliB-HOU3U3 ZOTH. BUKLINO'lON Contcr Iho hills protect It from loul smells , that Invade points Eontli nnd oiiBt of the stock ) arda. Iho pluco for homes QlIooU , Solo Agent , 1109 1'urnnm CSS ) 30 R FVxniHTKTrVn6Sur : T'laeo oii iho Mllifoiy Itoud , vNhuro the xtotor or htroot car line will puss iu K low months. Hack \ Hoiunu. U05 T olioFf orirerthd bisr eulo of lot iiTCroiif htoTi -tJ Ilcishts i'rlday , sjiiturdi ) mid Monday 0 W Mount Heal Kotuto \ Investment Co and John I. Kedick A Co. , J18 S Oth bt. 7iW ONK Aero in Kedick s 2d Add , 87,000 Ono Acio In Nov\ioit | , f.VW. tlammou 1 A Gibson , 1511 Douglas St. N 3 M BlTKLIMilON CtntciKxnmlno tnc mnpa nnd ) ou will Hud it the place to put vour mono ) . Hook , Bole Agurt , 15/J rainnm. 8i TJ 30 K Koa4 , win rtitho Mntor or slrcottar lint pats iu u fern moutlia i. Homiiu. FOK S \ L13At n lnrn'ain ten n res on Umnl ) , ton etrcvt , over ) lot K < > od. Call Mion. AUa I'.nolotiin I.\eri"t I'luco nnd mid a low uhcncc loU lu Amtiicr Place b ) lluliuu llios , lus street , VL' . A few houses , on cis > . llroj ,15111 Doui.1 .sstioot uo > IK AlMlCiAlN--'lwo lots in Hiums bcionc addition Cnll und xcc. 115 bouth Fit tcenth It K Hall A Co. t < ii 1 Bl'ltl INC , TON' Coutor sjtaiiou uruuiid ul- to A I ) said Jl \ M roil Hook , faulu Ak'cnt , IVS ) laruaoi. UN-CornonMtUO on cnr line In r. V. BAHO smith's ddultlon With 3 hou os. If v ou wnnt something choice ? tsRd R look at th's Amcj , Solo Agent , 1B07 bftrnntiMtroet. NO 2 Ij KEwoLuX If.Mtrtfcrn. ' " all ; , 2.0 S nth St. House nnd Lot In VSnlntit Hill , f s50. Lots In fowler Plnc < , i : sj torms. 13) feet on Cuss > t , VJ.1X ) . Hu lness corner on S. Uth , rents for $115 per month , tlOOJU. lot on Webster , pear Uth , with 2 houses nnil bnrn , $1,000. Hnu o nnd Lot In tt Nlnut Hill. P50. Cnll nn I examine ou ; ll ts. 84' ) 30 licTi A KD TTl noh iv on few lotsloft In this nddltlon nut pilccs will bo ndvanccd February 1. llSSJUth 1Mb. 1) ) . IL Hull A Co. i fi)0 ) 31 * SAM-Tw ; r'cI d contracts lu Kount/o Place nt n b-trirnin If sod | at onco. Address - dross C 53 , HOP ollico. 4 ! > 1 _ CHE PHOPKKTV-7 acres to TolTnenr TTTo A U. nud I ) Institution ( .heap , Hall ACe Co , 115 S 15th. S'iS 1 A"jrTrSAIt'PLAVT. LOTS hVo "the cncapoi'l ' nud the bests tciuis bo t in Iho market. 1 l ck it Homnn , M)5 ) 1 roiircr lllock , opp. P. O. IJt'llLINCiTON Co'ilcr-I'ho supply point for > tlie city nwn ) irom the foul smells , wcslof etorknn1s. Hook , sole Agent , 1MJ rnroani. 82. ) TO DO not for ot the bl * s | t. ( ) r lots in Crc"lghton Heights t-ridii ) . i-aturday and Monday. C. W. Mount He nl list ito A Investment Co . nnd John 1. Kedick A | S 15th st 708 IJiOH SAM' 10 acres , 10 blocks from packing JJ houses. 0 blocks Irom It , \ M depot , rea sonable price , finest Inud1 Iso A Pnrmclc , 1W ) 1.11 nntn Til IV LOVl.KDALP loads them nl rlccs cotisld"- C ciod.l3o \ A Pntmclo , 1M3 I urniim. DO not fornot the bU sale of lots In Crolghlon HeUrhts I'rldij , Siturdnx nnd Monduy C. vN Mount Kent I.stnto A Investment Co .and John I Koillck A Co , ,11s 9 15th ft. 70S ML'tiT Ii ive some tasu on loTylst. \\lll fell ilcslinhlci resilient lots nt as lerlflceluoidor to lee > cn matters up lor full pirtlenliu * nil- dres P O llov 48 , ctly. 715 QPBAC IL sTlcuif "CinUIitrm n UhtTrilda77 * ' haturdav nml Moudav. 1'reo cm i luges oxcrx hour from C. W Mount Itoal 1'stiito .V Investment Co , , mid John 1. Kodlcl.ACo . .1188 llth st. 707 DON I'bo ldctraced but put jour mnno ) in bifduo-s property of lIutlliiRtou Center , the place tor largo prom. HOOK , solo Agent. 1'Ui Tannm. SJ ) 33 TV YOP hr.vo proportv for snlo list It with us nnJ It vvlll rocnlxu pi ' 'ill attention 1 Ills llooiu 17 , W'lltncll block , cor. Ifith und Dfuot loicrnt the blrsnloof lots In Crolchtou llolglils 1 ndnj. Siliinliir an 1 Monday. C. \S. Mount Itoal l.stniu .V luvcjtmcnt Co nnd John I. Itcdick A Co. , 3ISS 15th St. 7CS QPI.riLdilo of Croljhtou Heights Tilliy , n Satinday nnd Mnudiiv Pioc cnriluges every hour from C \ \ Mount HOT ! IXt ito Investment Co , nud John I. Kedick A Co. , " ' 15th St. 7t > 7 LOVIHIDALK loulst'iemnll. pilces consld- oied.lsoiVPnimelc , 1UJ 1 nrniun. 7IK ) 1 * VA S A ff 1' I TC i f 1 'oTsliro' ii o'"c ' I 'i c Tj icst'ii ml the best ; tcims best In the maiket. 1 lack A Homnn , 005 l'ion/or IllocK , opp. P. O. IJAIffC AYnNlTi : 1 Imvo 103 toot ftom for pale atv birgaln if old soon. Very doslio- nblo tot building a sxvoll front Tor pnticii- Inrb.uddicss , I1. O Ilo4ss , city. Ii78 "OUKLINiriON Conlcr Bltcct cirs coming. Hook , bolo Agent , 1509 rnrnint. 8-1 30 QPCCI Mi sulo iif CrOljlitoti Hoightl I'rldu ) , k ' fcuttirday mil MVmdav 1'roo carri igcs cvorv hour fioii | C. W. Mount Hold INtuto .v , InvcBtment ( \uud Jphn L Kodii k X Co . , HS S 15th s ( . 7l7 ! SlTClALsaloof Creiglitou Heights 1'riday , Sittuiln ) nnd Mondir I too carnu/es PVCT ) hotii trom C V. ' Mo lilt Konl Kstuto A Invest lie nt Co , , unu John I. Kodlck A. Co ,3H S IJth St. 7li7 HOIJSK t ota.rnrms Uinds inonoj lonnoil. Jleinis. room I. ilnrkor block , S. W. cor. IMh nml Fin mini Bts. 514 UllMNC'ION CnNJ'Kll-Onlj f > 00 jnnlfl N. \V. of the I irgost luiLklnjT houses. No loul smells l.uinborj-ird will open In two wiokg Uuilncss lots Inciciibo fuxtrM. Hook , bolo AKUUt , 15)9 I'limnm. W3 JO ' , b-Ueof CroiKhtou Hcldlna Indny , SIMX'IAI and Mimdav. True oiirrliurus every hour from C.V Mount Heal KstatoA InvostmcnK'o. , and John l.ltodick& Co . .118 S 11th st. 707 ) HILT. Wo have the o\clusivo OKCHAKI salcot .W choice lots In this addition , from FuV ) to $ JM , on small pavmonts. Uoln fust. It. It. Hall A Co , 115 S nth COS SI'liCIAIi Biloof CrcUhtoii Hulirnts rrllny , Saturday und Moiidav. Prco carnages very hourfiom C.V Mount Kcil K < t ito A Investment Co. , and John I KoJIck A Co . 113 b lritli Bt. 707 F OK SAT/K Omaha nnd Council muffs prop er ! ) , also Nohiabkti and Iowa lands Call and see us. Rills llros. Koom 17S IdtiU'll block , cor llthnnd Ilarnoy. CHI IHtMNOIOH Cl'A'lRH Will hnvo no foul smollg U ho hills and sotitliwo-'t winds to [ irotoct It lu MX mouths lots will brim ? liUhcr piliPS tlieio than any ether spot In fcouth Omalm Hit ) now ami inakog \ \ prollt. Hook , Solo AKcnt.lDOO i'urniiin bt. P. 1.10 \O not tortrot the bln'salii of lots In Crclurlitoii Ilc'lnh'-H I ililnyatnrda ) and .Moiida ) . C. \V. Mount Itoal l.btato X Inxofitmont Co nnd John 1. Itodlok A Co , ni8 S. 15tli gl. 7l > 3 SOI" ! II OM AH A I/ots In ov c.-y good addition to South Omaha Also business lots 'jn N ZAtli , OandlUu sirccts , chcnp Mnhoiu-y A-Jliunohairs add Is the best thlnif now In tlio market Don't buy iuixvlniro lu South Omaha until } OUiro vvltli us undtco tlioso lots at fSOOench. Lnsj tortns , ( iKK' ' > r > A Hadloy , Koonisl and , ) Kodlclc lilockLM .S. l.Mli Ft. POK SAIiE Four closrant two story houses nnd lots , onocottaKP.ou street cat nud mmr cable car lino. Will Kivoou u bargain C. W. Culna-JM01il.iBt 61. Till ; builditiK boom vt ill ho won of Stock Vines whim it Kets vvniin. Nostonch thcro I.ota in IlurliiiKton Center , ilio business heart of the west town will tlieu Drinir thu nlKiicst In t-oiith Omuha. lu ) ) now mid miiUo trices . Hook , Solo Agent , 1509 I'm nnm t. Hil 10 CALL and nno the fullest and most coiujuoto set of uuatiuct books uf Dougliis county now In tlio ollicoof K. C. Patterson , 15th unit Hume ) . fiJ7 B O not forget tlfo big t < nlo ot lots lu Croightim Heights I'llday , Saturday mid Mondiij C. W. Mount Itoal l.stato A Investment Co. and John 1. Ko llok A Co . J1S S , llth st. 4iH A HSrHClSOrfFrLUiinl lltloalo icnlistiao Hguarnntcod Mldlniid ( Juauiutoo X Tiust compau ) 1VJ" ) I'm mini at. HI 7 7 * ItP.r.OKV A H M > Livi V.I Mcmbors Omuha Iloal I'attito I'xchungo , Hooma 1 and 3 Hi did. blk , IM S I'tli et. Wo cun deliver the following pit cos of buM- ness propei t ) , and the ) nro real biiignlns , for wo ull know that such proper ! ) us this can 110x01 bo purchased m prlcrs howu below evcoptat the pie-ent time We nro also axuiro ot tlio tact that Omaha real cutnte in g ( nornl nnd biislmns ptopcit ) cspcclall ) bithotioHt pnug ) nud twfcst Inxc tmcnt thnt cnn be. made in the iri out woit. I'uruam ht lot 44zUJ , improved ; this Is near 10th n and in the neighborhood which will be froatlj improvodln the ppriiu' $ XtfKU DodgoetcornerWixHi , improved and renting forSJmjper } onr , lease nx- plros tills spring vxhcu rent can bo mudu i.ajO , n,0iO r.levonlh n corner , 1 tivUx' , near the Hinith end of vluduot 10.000 4i\tt ! , Jiniuorod an I tenting for JW per mohalf blcck fi an vmlon Ircl.'ht depot silo ; splondld lot for wholosulo hoii'o , ins ) tt'inis . 12,000 JJodgo stint lUxUi , tluoo stor ) hrl < k buslnes-t bloei. iciiiui. ' ioi f..IOJ pot ) onr-hnll liittroi-t ( or fl.ono Kcsldcniound butlncVii lots Impioxod nnd un improved in idlpfcitBdf the cit ) , lluy now and muko luouo ) b.l . Gregory i. Hiidley. nANSCOM PL CK Our books shoxr somn of tlio licet piopoit ) inlluiiscom pljcoaud at pn < es thnt iiiBiiro not onlj n Ka'o Inxe-lmcnt but good letiirnsou money folini std Purtloa "lulling u lot in one ot tlio best rtisldouco por- tlousot the ill ) either lor u homo or ioi In vestment should call und eoo us driver ) & Iludley , llooms 1 nnd J HodicK bio L , J-W b , 15th st. b7l M KAl > & j.\\iil 'if' , ' . .No J18 South 15th St. Lot , frontln/ btreets , 25tti und Pacific , 2 tion.cs , f-VJj ras ) teimi llc-t lot in Orchurd Hill with 5 room IIOIIFO , I mn , well , cistern , ( ruituud ehado irocs , l\W \ ) . KKJ ) terms Lot troutn > ron Convent and 21th sts Im provements worth fV" ' . - heuioj. cit ) and Cistern water , fJDO Kiisy terms 6 teen cottugo and lot , 2 th nnd Chnrlos , ( f..OOJ. f 100 tuvh , bill o iay N KOI nrrtnuml Lcnonwortli , 2 bousos , tcut for$7ri per 11,0 , lot o.xBd , ino | biultiQis proix rs ! , f L'.UOJ Mcfid A. JKtiilosur. , J16 S 16th Urcct , 77J \\7. O SHHlvr.n-Spcclnl Ilnrpnlns 1m- ' proved 1'roportr. Cr.ttuset nvo rooin , lot 4K1W , poulh liont , well , bnrn.elc , Pntker Rdilltlonf 2,300 New olnht room house , full comer lot , south front , slmd" , etc. , bhmu'8 ccoud nddltlon . . 3,000 , -irfro house , nil modem Improvement * . full lot. on Dodcn.rippixltc lilih echini 11,000 [ , nrio hcuso , nil modern Imprmrnicnl" , full lot , ei'ft front , Plcasnnt street , uenr St Mn-'i nvenuo . . . 11,500 'ul ! lot nnd five room cotingc on I nko street , nenr'lwcutleth. . SfflO ? ulllot , on it front , ind new tlvoioom cottntto , two blocKi from Ked cnr lino. i'.VV ) Coltapo nnd one-half lot on cnblc line. ueirrClnikitreet. . . . 2,100 jtit , cotiu , with two homes of flvo nnd foven roomi each , two bnrn , well nnd c ! ! orn , Jt.OO cn M , bnlinco runs three nnd n linlf ) ears nl 6 percent , on Nluo- tci nth ucnrPnill trcct. . . . . 0 , 00 S'on six-loom cottneo , lot Olxl40on Mno- tcenth uoir Lake itrcct. 4cX > 1 Ino-lmlf lot nud cottnao ( ill lied car line 1,500 [ 'CMI item tracts near mute Inftlltuto and Itcil car line to Uomin , J'Od ) icr nere , 12'i portent cn h , Imlinco onpy Nlcccnst front lot. Plalnvlow . l.noo 'nil lot In Ito lick nsubtllvlVou. . . . . . l',3JO oij In Ilodford Place f WJ lo fioo .ot cm UrlMol ncnr t-nundurs , fllrlW , . front. . . 1,250 'ull lot , Wxl > 2 , ncnr Croljrhton collone , on r i s . . 6,000 . 'nil lot on Caltlornl i , ncnrCrclKhton col- IIBP 1K)0 ) Tull lot lu Washington squnro , ncnr Sher man avenue . 2.1X ) 'nil lot lu lllineluiif.IMiuo ! ! -A'J'I ' iwo Inls lu A. 8 Pnlilck's nddlllon , near bnitliiler , each , % orn r , Cft\lrJ , rourtcenth and Howard MOJO "oincr , 1 ourtpcnth and , lack on . SViX ) 1'xiW f < 1 1 on lluwnrd , near Tenth. . 0,4 , > Wets ots lu Sulphur yprlnirs addition f 1WO to . ' ,40il. Lairfi1 number ef ! ot In "outh Omnhn. ( 'nil nnd 'Co u . wo cnti ( live ) ou n bargain from Cull and sec the Im pest ll t of bnrtralns oliowu ty tin ) iieoiit In Omalm. W. H bbrlvcr , oppo- BltO pOStOlllCO. _ S.I4. 1. HOllSKs l its I nrun Lnmls tnonnv lonnod. Ittimls , room , ) , llarko blocx , S. cor Tith nnd rrn mi st " < . _ _ f'l ) Ol'l ClAlj snioof "CieUhlou lleijhtfi I'lidav , O Sstuidiv and Moinli y 1'ieo inirhujc" ivorv hoiir liom C \ \ . MOIIIK llcul 1'tt ito A. nxoptiuont Co ,1111(1 ( .lohn 1. Kodlck \ ( o . US 8 nth st 787 _ Fnit SMKAn improve 1 farm of 30 nc-cs lu Gaffe- county , Nnuiaa'tu , 10 miles uoith of tcntileo , nil 1 1 mum from Plckoicil htutlon , on ' P. I ! ) : HOWS loom Im ise , larjo birn , x.cll , Nlnd mill , oiehaid cout ilnui ; 1-J apple , ,1) ) acres under cultivation 11J acres fence 1 , ai ocittlc sliul.wafoa shed , inu roe u for < ] , " > ) ' liuiliol oCcotn , htirf nud cul'lo cnu il , ilcnt ) ol w.itur 1m stock , 1 irsn cottonwool I'lils i * ono of the best larms lu ( ' .111,0 count ) mil a Imiirnln at fll.50) One third c.i-h , b il nice In 10 v ears nl fi per cent iulci cst 'lo liiulo tot Oinahn lonl oilnlc , ono teitm of ar o xvorK liorstx , now But double work haruo's uidiicw wauon. Two lmsliio s lots -2\ ( ft on Lnnvonvvorth Btroet.choap , ? 10JO Iteiter A. Campbell , loom 11.10 1 I'arn im hi _ ! JW _ CRN'I Hit Ihcstalioti Kioiiml BTKLINOION "iO I ) aids west of block \nrKs , the spot for sine iiiollt Hook , Solo Age-it , 1GU ! ) Tarn im t WJ.O ai'l'.C1 ! M.nilnof Croiiihloii Hnlvlits I'lldaj , W' Satiirda ) and Mnnd ty. Vrco cinlnircs oxer ) hourlioniG W. Mount Itenl 1 stntc \ Investment Co , and John I Kedick \ To IIS S Hill st. 707 DO not fonrc'ttho bipsaloof lots In Crelrhlnu llolclils Trldajaturdny n id Mondiij O \V Mount Iioni Rit ito A Investment Co , and lolm I. KcdlcK \ Co , .118 S 15tli st. 7I.S /"lENl'INl ! IIIU MNS Two cortior lots in V5 Kurdetloiolirt , only 4 blonks fiiim S inn- loi'sstre-utoirs M Ilushmnti. Unoiii 10 , llushman HlocK , N Rcor 10th nn 1 Douulas. 017 " ' ' " ' ' ' W < ril'lU H BI'tlN ! ( clli'iin''l oi's TTl'Tiiiii k7 t , , block 0 , can bo sold ul M'HK ' ) om n tin a fowd ijBonlv vet ani.ther lot lu tills block CM. be tinllio addition ) ( an bu bought lot thin irlcoS iirinnt > deed imil nlHtrni t tnrni > lied. ( iregoi ) A Hmllc' ) , ! 10 ! South I5th street. b71 Ol'llINO VALLin' , fj Our now addition Acres ? I ) J to f IM per ncro. Nonr South Omaha. And Sjdlcnto Hill Mttrsh ill * fxihcc'c , 1113 ID ) Kuril it n. BritLlNITON cnN'Tl.K Heilltof cit ) west of block Yurtis 1 ots thcro n icgltitnnto m- vebtniont , wltli blir luollt. Hook , Solo Agent , 1503 Tuinnm St , DO not forsct the bl sale ot lot" In CroiRhtou HeltrlitH l'i idiiSiitilrdaj anil M < md 15 C VV Mount Hc"il Rdtuto \ Investment Co , and lohn I Kodick X Co , US S. 1Mb st. 7bb SA. SLOMAN , HculRstntn. 15ij g-iirnnm St. , room - A line of choice insldo properly at prices w hlch are not Inlliueil and which will proxo both Biifoatul pi olltublo Invest monts DouBlusstliotJ.tlimilildiivlH ) ( . . . .I H.OM 1 ai mini st but 2Jth aiul Jld. xl U , . 0U ) I'arnam sthotJOth and .iJd.Sixl ! i . 15.0K ) I ariiam stcor in.Ioinmo pitrk . . . . ,1'WO Ininnin Bt Cur .UbtlMxlU . H.WX ) \ \ e t Omaha 111x187 , line si/ht . l..OTQ I.oixenwortli cor Jlst improxod . . l..IOi ) Howard Pt neni lOth , llvii , . 6,100 I c-avc'iiwoith htnenrllolt Line , 100x1 7 l.cincnwortli s ! Mayuc place eoi mn . . 2 , IK ) llmmn at. no ir 20tli,174vl70 , Improve I .tl.UOl Ihtli st nonr Viaduct , 40rl 0 . 4,000 Uuslucsa lot , South Omaha . Iliislno-s lot , south Omaha . . llediord I'liuo , lot 11 , block 11 Acicsln I.nkcsido . . . ? , ! ,0to 403 Lots in .loiomei Park , I'aM Tronts , near rariiamstreet . . . 1.S03 Ixits lu Wakolx add mmr caiimiiir factor ) ! W rnrnnm ft. , om south and \V 1 rout . 3000 ( hnienlo'H lu Oiolianl Hill . . $710 to fcOJ Lots In Ilcllm ill's and (1,500 , one lUUi cnBli. IK7 DO not fowot Hie blir sain of lots in CrnlKliton ili'lf.'lHs 1'ilday , h.tnrdiij and .Monday. C. W Mount Kual Rst ito A Invoilmcut Co .and John I. Kndlck A Co , 1118 S. 15tli si. TBS FOK BALK A f.'O ncro farm with bongo , imrii and rrlli , on the U. P. Ky , , nnd only ono- half mlle from u ROO I railway town , with churches and seliools Prioo fS.'jD. Apply lo Louis Hridford , cot. Oth nud Douglas , Omiilia , Neb Ud ) FOK b.\l.i-Ily ; Hiiueher. lilt rariiam Bt , llurr Oak ucio lot , nniires silar'u ) lols on VliKliiIn avoiiuo and I'liil bhnrldaii HI. t'i.J.U. ) Ono lourlli citsli. Koiiul/ place , two lotsono 71 x l.'l an I ouo 5) ) A Ul. Those are ulcttnnt lola for line residences and will bo sold < honji. llroumm place , line corner ( 'alllninln nud Ploasantstrcds , only ? -00 ! lor n fciw dng , RIcKimtlolh lu Hanscom pluco. Piospcct ul ice , south front on Hamilton it , , on irndc. 1 lilsiot Is clienp at f 1,000. boxonil Koodlols at low pi lees on Calllor- nla tt. 1 Imxo n Inr 'o list of ( rood piopcrtv In nil parts ot Ibuclly thnt I hhould bu plcato I lo show Imjcrs at an ) tlmo lluuchoi , 1111 I ar- iminBt , VII 2 1/OK SAI.U-No 157 South lit l ft Lot 3jv J1 r > 7 lo idle ) , 7 loom l.onso , fchudo m.d Irult trees , t-J.fwO cash. Lot t blocK'JSI will bo truck propeit ) . Im- pioxndfurm laudschcap _ li. IMjopPon. B.U.IJ * DO not forget the big sale ol lots In ( rnulmm llcl-rlils I'ri lu ) , hutuidii ) nud Moudii ) , C. W , Mount Itcid Kslatu A Inxcstmcnt Co . nud John I lledlck A Co , .llbS IMli fit 7M SPI'.CIIsaloof CieUhtou Heights I'lldnj , sjtitdrd.i ) und Monday. Free oirrlarcs every hour fiom C W Mount Heal i'slnto A Inxostmont Co. and John L llodick cV Co , Jl H 15tli Et. 7i'7 riTWo llnostlota in 8 A. H aid toVuliint \ lluTl JL flontli , fronts on Hamilton n. cable st f 1,500 ; n bargain T , J , Hook , 1DOJ 1 nriium CffJ 0 _ _ _ _ _ OOK , Cstatc , 1M/J Fnrnam. I OIH In Mnnli ittnn add t 10r ) 1 ino east trout lot In Ambior Pluco no Aci o lot iu f.owpoi t : t50 ICle/ant fcontU Iront ou llurney , neur 25lti Bt . . , rOX ) Lurgooast Iront on Virginl i axe , eornei bin few blips liom hurnnui ; euro to 11o & , 'iOO fjOxlti' , xxllh houseon Hniiioy , near20th Bt Pr/)0 ) W fcocoui liuilohBt iidirHt MIID'SIIVC , 1'iM iJl.iiH ) moroubVid lu mine block I A block ol ! new I loom lioiifca at adf cdded bnrgum it sold this neck. An aero lot iu Ifolxcucro 400 A nleoi cw 4 10:1111 : hiiu'-o ou I ruukllti et , lot 2GX1.M , Jl,6 . jriOuisU ! eholmionieiB iu luster add Clinico lut m Iliiinioin Place- . 1 mo lot on HiKbd ht.neiur Mason . -00 UU It lut , With houseou 20tli tt , near Lhurles . 2,400 south fiom ou llrlttol si , near - Lot 0 , block fr't , South Om ilia. 7ijO CliUi lots in Kllbj Pluco . . 1HC W.\7' . ' , cornet Hamilton : .nd .otn bt. I.OX 2 lots in Maroh b add. both for . -Y-tL IC'.iSl , cor 14th and Patllli.wlib 8 houses ItVOJ Full lot , with line 'Jioom houbo , ou .lone-d Et , near llth. n ft ou I < avonworth , between llth and IMh , with J hoiiErs , rout foi fui ) per mouth .100 0 room hou- , Indiana bt , near bnundcrs st ? V > Oi ) , fl'Jj eiiBli. bouth from lot in A. t. 1'atrUVs udd , l.v.5' Lots in Liit&lpa I * 'j > line east front on2" > th Bt , near Lcaxen- wo ith 2. * > J 7 loom now IIOIUQ laldnell tt , I i IIIOCKI from t-aimdtrs , water , 1'Ufc , otc , J.l.DW , JuOO Ulfclu Choice tots in Orthfir I Hill . n tV4ll'4cri ' | I'liClflv I'U I Utll M 3Hh CO * 140cor licit uud Hi , r ) fci.s - > , jlU JJ Hook , iMJ I urnum. QJPKCUIj Mloof Creluhton llelffhl * Krtliy , 0 Saturday nnd Mondnj. Trco cnrrln os every hour from r W Mount Itcsl Rstnte A nveMmont Co. , and John 1. Itcdick .V Co , : i8 ! S Mhst 7ft7 1JAOU SAI.K- I1 llnrpaln , llnrfrnln , nnrirnln. We hnve U now , Oot the ownei tied up to > b. t , Nevci will bo nnothcr chnnco to t-'et n 1 ne homo like thhso i heap ( Into Ull Ocorffhi nx o and taUo n look nt the uplcn 111 house nnd rrotimU there Consider that they are with- n ono block ot Ptrcct csrj , school nnd chuivh ) ou t let this opportunity to procure n peed inrtrnin or linnilsomo resldoueo slip 1'rlco , HM. fj.100 cash , r > X1 May 1. 18S7 , fioOMnx 1. ws. f ) . oo.Vov. M A Upton A Co . iSO 'nrnnm 'I elcphono 7.1 2 5 MAlfll A LOIlRrK.1503 rnrnura Mrcct , mi nitiers of Oiimnn Itciil K'lnto Kxchimee. Corner of Callfornln street nnd Iwcnt ) third , iflxS ! feet. ca < ) torijis , $ dt l Hou i > of elRlit rooms ou Twonlv third near Cn s , filxss fr ( . | , ono inif , cash , $5JJO I'.luht lots , Lincoln I'liuo , ono third cnsh ; f475 o JWJ. loin lots In West Cumlmrd , easy term ? , $150 o J ! M Ixits lu Ml. Plonsnnt addition , cn y terms , f300to JC-0. ACKUS. Txvelv c f ] ncrc lotslubprlmr Viillo ) , 1330 , Alto i 1-2 aero lots lu fiuno nddltiou. All ou very oa y terms \ \ o hnxo n larifo lluo of houses nud lots on ourllst , and Invite bujor to cnll nnd wewlll how the piopcrly. Marshall & Lobcck , 1503 'at nnm , Telephone" . ) . 75S l'ai-tneTHlili | I HMO ! nil OH. Ttio copartnership ncretoforo oxistlnR bo- ween the ttniloi signed tins this dny lipcu ills- olvcil by mutual coinent 'I net business lu tituro w ill bo enrrlc 1 on by (3. \ \ . Cook nt the old Ptnnd , I 1 rnrnnm stieot. All debts duo he hriu will be collected by O W Cook nud the iuUbtediic s of the nun pnid li ) lilm. \ \ . ( ! . IlKKUU. , 0. W. COOK. Omnhn , Neb , Jan. 28 , ls < 7 Jnu : Wdft O.MAIIA MVi : STOCK. _ Satunl.ij , Jnn. ! 20. Cuttle. 'I'lio ipcoipts of cattle vvcio too light to uaku n miiKo * . The low that \\eu Inuio old. 'lliu'tu vvoio no now toatutcs In HOJJI. The leeeipts vvcio llbcial foi tlio list of tlm vcvU. ' 1 he opened fnlilv ncllvo nnil he jaids vx rro clean il. ( Snnil. smooth llithl ui s and good IHMV \ hess of SOU Ibs anil up- vaulb vve'ie llrtn niul n siutdoliit'liL'rlhan > cs- cidnhlle tl'.e mixol and ioutli hogs did nit sell o lendilj nl pikes a sluulo lov , ei Sheep. Tiioir vvnio n foxv In to-liny lint only ono cm ill hunch was sold , the balance buint : tu- bliipptd. _ Kccclti. | CUtlo . 100 lo . 2,101) ) Jshti'p . MO Pi \nlllntf 1'ilcci. Shoxvliu : tlio ptcv ailing prices paid foi llvo ilocK on this miikct : Oliolco itwrs , n ) lo 1VK ) Ibs fl..T > ( iiU 10 'hiiicuslpeis , 1100 loUOJ Ibs . . ! . ; HItfUO ( ! lOod fecdeis . ii 71 100 ! oed to choice corn-ltd cows 'J.71i < t l.'i'i 'air to medium mass covxs. . . - , . 'Juu JfiO i nod to clmicii bulls . 2lOirJ.7" ) > .iflht and niL'ilinni heirs . I .M > vt > I fr > .loocl to choice h".iv ) hu s . 470js | ( ) tiood to cholco iiilxud lion's . . . . I. GO I.70 Itcrescntati\o Mules. cow s. No. 5I. I. . n 15. No. No. 44. No. No. b' ' ) 70 81. 7s 74 70 fib 70 l'b , ( .0 .0X ( X ) .71 01. Kanijr oi' l'i Icoi. Show In ; : the hlulfst and lowest paid forUnds ot hoMon Ihis mirUet diirlni ; tlicpast sevoii davs and lor tliu siuio time list month nnd laslvuar : StlipinoiKs. .Sliowlns the numlier of cattle , hns nud sheen shipped liom thuuds ; duiing Iho d ly. hiii-.i.i1. No. ciis. Ut. Dcst. 1 U. 1 ChlL'.i o AllHilosofstocif in tills inirlcct nro mndo KM cut. livu wcl-'lit unless otliurvviso slated. Dead ho s sell at Kc i > ur lb foi all weights. "sjtlns"orlionps ) weU'lilnc lestluu 10J Hi ) . noviliiu. i'le naill sowsaio docked ! ! ) Ibs. nndiitiis30Ibs , by the public iusiMotoi. .Notes. 'Iho Nnuls , cleared. No kind of Htoek loft over. \V. J. ] ) a\lf , Clt.ind Jsl.ind , was nt the > arils. Mi. Morse , Kearney , eaiuo In with two loads of sheep , 11. A. Hon/li , descent , In , , wns in looking ovci the maikcl Fied Wilt1) , Ke.uiioy , Neb. , was in with two loads ot aliccp. J. C. U'oudmlicli , Duid Cit ) , was III nnd hold n load of cattle. Colonel Hooker , ono ol tlio oldest live sto < k aentot ; ; the Hock Iilnnil , wns .it tlio i.inls. ( ! . ] ' . 'I hoiiii-nn. ] Anderdou , Ii , was hero nnd hold n lo.ul ot ho s nt aer > tntibfnctory jiriee. A. Wilson , of the linn of Wilson it IM wards , Hubbcll , N'cb. , was lu nnd marketed n load ol lion's and a load ol cattle. C , 11 , Uuid , Murray , In. , wns hero with three cars of hius. Itwas his hccond hhlp- inent here nnd he lluds lie can do much bet- tei hero tli.iu nt Keokuk , his old bhijiplng point. A. 11. CillUu , of Douclns count > , t'.imo In with hhcon today. Turtv four lieut were hold for 1 US. Allied Mlllaid , of Om.ili i , IM liiteiested in tiiu loedliiK establishment nnd the ) aio hcduiK about two thousand head , OMAHA WHOlS/VIjU / MAUICin'S ( General riodiKic. Saturday , Jnn. at ) . Th' fiitlnwliKi in ice ? nrefoi annul tut * < > f jiroiluc ,111 sulion / tlic innrl\cl tn < / ' ( / / . T'u , Hiiotull inn unfiiiltH njrisuitin. / . 11 r [ ten nt whlflt ontutilcfiriltriKiic mini , K'liis 'lliotecelits | were lahly to day and tlm prcvnilliu piiio for fctiutly Iresli block was " > c. Voiteidnv tlio took n lltllo Hputt nnd in somx Inil.uiLns siiiKlu case- , were sold ns hl < ; h as7c ! , or Jbc. I'Di'inn Chickens nra in tali demaiid , but thu iLceltitb mo not lieivj. Tlio bulk of the bi-itstotk is coliii ! nt 8 < r Tluro are vtij lew turke ) s In , hut thu demand Is liclit. A few II.INU told In u small way at U l ° c. Cecsu nnd ducks aio citing at ' ' 10. Hi j n , K Thuieceipts nro a little morn lilt era ! ami the matket lb inbiur. An nicisuinal hilo of veiy choice or fancy butter m.ule at ! ) < ( JOe , but tlio choicest n selliii } no-Jy | al inr lbc , Inlr to eoud , IKulV ; eonimoii , 10 GAMP The market is overstocked wltli smell labbitb Jack n.bUU a ID abti in jib : nl ieeeid | but asidu lium that tin IL isur > little K.UIIO ( omiiiK in. 1'iaiiiu chtil.ens , 'juai and venison uro out of M'UHiii and it is ion tiaiy to tlio I > w lor dealrlstohnpdhi them The lax\ has ncvoi been vcrv ktiutly en forci il , and n teed uuur/ dikj.Inindli them attyr thov are out of sc' iuij IJutk- ' Mallntd , uer iltm. , - ll/tfiOJ dtukii 'Itil VI.-"iJ.j'J dinks , nnI'd , vl is s trice ' "O'j.C'j lUant. b'J I ; J itl , r.iUt/t , bM Kibbits , SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES , " Reports of a Severe Blizzard in the Noiti ! west Agitates the Wheat Pit , CABLES VERY LITTLE IMPROVED. Onti lixceetlltiRly Qulot Tor Kittnra Helix pry Protli lonn Iicss Aollvo Hut Very Htondy-Jio i lu Hoc Values. CII1CAUO IMtODUCi : M/ CmrAdo , .Inn.SO.HSpci'lalTclPKram to the Ui.K.J The slcnnl service thKs morntnir re- pottcd n blizzard In the norinvest ! , with the thermometer nsloxv ns SO degrees below ? ero. Ou this news the cioxvd linmcillntely lost nil Interest In the situntlon abroad , nnil aban doning ull thought ot , betrnn to estltnnte tlio damage \vlileh might bo dona by n frce/o In the vvInlet belt. This vyns what the niniKct started on. Cables wore n llttlo better , but nut decisively so. May wheat , which wns ai low as s o jos'.onhy caily , retched bio nt thu opening this morning ; , unit then linns near there. The hope for n ro- fipeotnblo decicaso In the \lslblo this wivk hn about been nlnndoued. The strike nt Now York of longshoremen has mailo it Ini jiosslblo for bte.imurs to iet out on time , nnd so whc.Uvhlch naturally would ha\o cleaied nnd clisappcated trom the onor- niousniiKicgnto will Htlll bo on hand Mon day. I'ates nt still neainst the bulls- accounts still on the side of the bears , bo tot ns thu speculation in the pit vvns con- con ul It wns ot nei.x . hnmdtuni older. The bitoperators who vveto short ha\o pretty gcnciall ) coveted , and tin re lias been lieaxy liquidation onfotced In n ninny In- ! htaiicosamoni ; thc'lon s , The result was tlio * pit was in n coifdltlon to Dolslbly nil cell done ono vv. iv 01 the other byorv slight causes. Mnv stattul ut St'nC , juuipul to bl'je ' , lull to Wife nnd closed nt Sl' e. rebtnnrj elosednt 77"hC , Alaich nt 77Jsc and Apill at Ttf c. iluno sold nt f-ft'iOKV-iC ' , closlnt ; nt bTj'ic ' , Coin was stupid nnd unlIliutti.iled ' 4e. ] { c- celptsori ) sin ill. ilat > old nt lO , nnililusod at I0\c. Jills sold nl 4. ind cliiM'il t'lsj , tint at the R.IUW piicos na jSteidi\ . ( _ ) us vvi'iy c\et'cdln l > quint for titnio di'llvc'i ) and piiccs VNOUI vvithoul ( tiiitublo . .illct.tiun. . .lauunix , nnil Fubnmiy , lonunal nt iV.c. " " > \ts nud Apiil 'Jie ; Mi > SO ' , (3 ( 'U"4i' , dosliin' at .Vi'4c. ' I'tox IsioiiH vxt-ii ! lusHiietlxoanil tliunuuKet dlsplnjcd tin- McMilIlit'ss Outside business \\i\3 iglit and most of the liotxvucu oeul bcaljiois. 'Iho bulls liiul ueithiiiu' lit hull favoi liom : i statistical standpoint , as nutliontk'd staloil Chleaco imcUiliK thin v , cat would be the lightest sitieo 1 * > 7 < , i'lio nnrKct opi > ned linn and slijflitly hlKlici , but e.icted unit COM ! dlth tlui nihauei * nil lost , iiul on ini'iis poik u JSc'O * dcclinovas cw- a&llshudhllu l.ud and slioit libs wore sit-ndy. Moss inn k oponid nt PIJ.-O. May li'ollucd nud cloved at $ li.7J' ! 2. l.iudxa3 Ullot .it t ( .r.'y.70 ! and c'lnscil at ? rt i.r for Mav. Miort tibs SO SXuO.W . Mn > closed nt 51' . M ) . ClllCAOO IjlVHSl'OOK. CiurAcio , .l.ui. a'l.-iSieolal Telestain to .ho Hrr. | CAJTLI : Ki'Liiijits to dnyero otilj nbout 1.00 : hend , ol'vvhiili about half vu'to ic'tehod by diossed moat niuii fiom \vcstoiii audits. HID olloiin s luoliuled souio liltoen car * ol hoaxj i-Utlo letl over ' 10111 jostoidij , vvlilcli \\ilhdomandainl 10 coiupclltlon , The mirKi't was uu'iely 'onuil and cluse d with a Konl : iiianv i.attlo imnld. homo tld } tall stcots ot lUlit and iirdium weights sold at about ste.uly inioos. Iho st'.lko of lonj'slioremeii nnd othuia nt Novs VotU iutuiforud with the loacilni ; of. c.xttlo and moats upon vessels , and indlicetly , it not dlieotl > , nlTcut ! < > the lUo stock trailo. Shippiu , ' Htuois , 1 'MO to lttJ ) lb , H.'Mii I.T.'I ; lliH ) to 1V 0 UN , W.'KVidl.H ) ; UV ) to 1-00 It)3 ) , ? ) . I0@ ! bO. Stoi'kois and leodei s , fcj 'AH&'l DO ; O\XN bulls nud iul\od , tfl.M ) Ufi : bulk , t.\4U 5D 'JO. llod I'nlrlj nttixc with llttlo or no h IIIKOS ill values comp.iiod with \csloidav. I'lio market closed c.uiyltli about all bold. 'lioic-o , uid faiuhiMvr , triKC'i" ( ) : choice nixed incline soils , Si.buciH.UO ; comnion , SJ.irx'i.T'i ; lUiit boitb , Si.-surfU'5 ' ; joiker-j , " FINANCIAU Yoik. , lan. iJ'J. Movnv On cnll c.isat J'jt'f I net ( cut. closed nt 8 pel cent. arinti INII KXCIIANOK Quiet , stead ) and tun handed. PKIVIIC MEKOAMM.R I'APKII nVaOij per cent. ( lOVUitvMf.Nrs ( ioveinment bonds were dull , but Dim. hiorus docks weio duller Ilian on any preccdini ; Belay ( ot suveial vxcoks. The ojieuilii ! ; was weal. .Tiiiin , litst pilecs blioxv- inK declines ftom last evonlnu's llnal ijuota- iiousot ftom 'a to fin per i cut. Alter a few M.u'ntadvance- entire list rave war. ' 1 ho mn hi t bcenme oxiiciuel ) dull , with the movement in piiees aimosi inipeiceiitililc , but vvlieto ( in iiuot.illons weio cstnb- llslicd the.v weio nlmo'it ' inevitably in the dl- lection oflowei lltiires. ; ' 1 Im market closed dull nnd hcnv ) . Kenciaily nt the lowest prices leached. STOCKS ON WALL Bl r.EKT. ip cent bonds. . . . ICO 1C. A J ? . W. . . 112 11. fc > . 4' 's 110' ' , ! pruiencd . . 1J18 Nexv 4'H 12s > M X. Y.C 1119 racilicti's of'D'i ' , 12d | ( ) K con'I'rau. . . . ! .0 g -eiitial J'ncibe . : I'ncilic Mall. . . . ' .0 C.&A HI I'.D.itK MM nrdcricf IVi II * . 1' . ( ' Ill C. U. &O 1117'j ' Hock Island . . . I2 Jtf i ) . i , . &W m 4 bt. L. fcb. K. . . . : : o'i I ) . &Hi : i preteriPd. . . 04 Krie. . . . :0 : 0.M. tVht. I > . . . MJif piefeneij. . Wi i inelcticd. . . 117JfJ Jllluois Ccntial 1iJ : , fat. r. iV.0 47' I. , B. it W . . . IS } * pi el erred . . . W > } $ KnubnuiVlVxas. 'JSJ Te\.is I'acllic. . . 'Ai l.aUcbhuiu. . . . ! i'J'4 ' Union I'.iulllc. . . ! % I/.AN" riV. ' , . , St. L , it I' . . 14 Mich. Central bS ' pieferred. . ATiJ Mo.l'ncllie . . . . 10' . } Wi Mcrn Unloii. 7l / Noitiitin I'.ic. . ai'jO. ' . It. AN. . . U7' piofcircd. Wj IiIVIJ hJ'OUK. Ki.I/oiiin , Jan , 'i' ) . I'nUIci Ueccipts , 100 liiad ; Hhiiiments , 400 ; market nom inally iiiK'liiuik'i'd.dio ce l.cavv nativehtdtr- , SI , Vt' ; fair to good Milpplnj ! stecia , &i < .7nf't1..SU ; butcheis' ntcc-in , Ian to cluilie , ' ' ' ' ; slixU'eis , Jail'to ( rood. 5'i.lOC4''i 00. . .OKS HcceiptH , NX ) head ; HhlpmmitH , 2- , 500 head : actho nnd Hlenilj" cliolce heavy and biitchorb selections , ci..i.'iiJS.lO : pad- inc. Tar to Kootl ! , $ lT'ifiUK ) ; Yoiltem , medium to lauc > , % \C \ > V 1\.T \ \ pi s , common to Rood , fe4.00 < 4 \r . ItiiiiMiM Oily. Jan. 2' t'attlf Iterelplfl. 700 IIIMII ; hliipmeiils , none ; htiiiiIiiK | ) yi , ides 10c lowoi ; butdieis' htocit , ' ( lowi i ; common to choice bhlppiiifr , SHO HO ; Mockeis. 5J ( Mtt > i.oo , tooaliiK MtciH , f.l.lOa ( j.O'j ; cows , 's Itetelpts , r > ,400 ; slilpnients , 1,000 head : about steady ; comnion tuelioici , < ; i.i : ; . / 1. v , _ Cuiucr-i' liitt. PltKI I s-Mediuiii , in buK , SOOO ; do , 111 half bbls , Si.'X ) ; tiiiull , In lib ! * , 8700 ; do , in hnlt bbls SI DO ; licrklns , In bbls. 8M.UO ; do , In half bblfi S\.r \ > > . CAN.M.nCioons-OjHten.standnrd.poi case , t , ) I5 ! J J5. btiavvbtfrilcs , ' ! lb. j ei case. SJ.BO ; iaiilLiil | ( > H. Jlb , per ( . .anfcj.i' . , oC'aliloin'n ' per cisu , S4.VJ ; uptkotu , per tasj , uuu'ii * * , pt > r case , i'i ' < ) ; whlto i her- caie > , & 1 70 , Jib lima beans , per case , Sl.i < 0 ; Jlbmiirow fut pu-n , peretso t'-J.W tji''Jlb ( ; I'irlv Juno peas , per caso. ii.Ti Mb toina- toes. i O'Jdi'-M ' 0 . i lb corn S. 0 ( i ! Dun. D I'm n .No. 1 ijtuiiur ajiph s , > Co ; cvaporatud In IJOXIH. li Oii'i black- beirliis liuxos. 10 4J5Ho ( , peacliOs , halt , IBM ) . lOcvilOJ o ; puachca , cvaiorat | * > d , l'ic , ; raspbcrrlos. ntxv , lie ; cnnciiti , 7 { 7'a ' prunes now "c. COFKI I'M Oullnnrv eiades , It'i r.c fair , priiur. - , liinc ) rcn and ji-iluw. IWijlTc , old o < - erntnent Java , 'MyitM , inlcuoi .i.iv.i , U > ' 04 'JOc ; .Mocha , U-Auiif , An.ucKlo's s y > c , \I ( haii.lil.u'd \ \ \ \ iiu ilj , \MltllH ' ! ' ( ItCtdlKjs I- Si DAIIS Pu.vdiTpa < i t7e. ct Io- < ( > " \&r ( > ' c raiiuJatcil.G , i(0 c , i nfcii tut J\ \ * ' * t.i < id\iiUx i i ( 0 , S/B < ii j > , c , nicuiu.