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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. JANUARY 30 , 1S87.-SIXTEEN PAGES. MAUD UDLL'S ' STOLEN BODY , The People of Warren Oounty , Iowa , Still Excited Over the Affair. HOW THE CORPSE WAS FOUND. Arrest of the Dcnn of the Iowa Colleco of I'liyslclntin nnd Surgeons In Jlopnq of Un- rnvclliip ; the Mystery. AVlio Worn the Grnve Holihcr > ? DMMotNF.s , la. , Jnn. 20.-fSpeclnl Tele gram to the Hi.t : . ] The pcoplo of Carlisle , a village In Waricu county , about sixteen miles south of DCS Molncs , nro still greatly ex cited over the grave robbery that occurred there 801)10 ) week1) ngo. The yoiiuc lady , Miss Maud Hull , whoso body was stolen , was n resident of that place nnd highly re spected by all who krevv her. She was about sixteen or seventeen yeais old , unusually beautiful nnd attractive In her manner , nnd a gcncial favorite In the village , She was liv ing nt dome with her mother nnd her brother , who was n physician , ns had been her father , who died n llttlo more than a year n o. During the middle of De cember Mhs Hull was taken sick with some lllncsn resembling n fever but not considered dangerous. Indue tlmo ( > ho began to ic on or nnd bad nearly regained tier usual health when she suddenly grew \vorso nnd soon died. The suddenness ot her departure caused a llttlo comment nnd there was n llttlo suspicion on the pait of some that shomlcht have lieijii poisoned , either accidentally or for suicidal Intent , nnd Some of the friends wanted n post mortem examination. Hut the family did not think there was any need of one and none vvns held. The burial took place In n country graveyard , and the following morning a farmer living In the vicinity no ticed wagon tracks In the ficsh snow loading to the cemetery. Ho followed them , nnd saw indications that the grave had been dis turbed. ( lolngback for neighbors ho returned and made the staitling discovery that thu grave was empty nnd the body had been stolen. The family nnd friends were nt ouco nollllcd , nnd n dlllgont but quiet seaich was made. This occurred eaily In Christ mas week. On Wednesday of that week the young lady's brother came to DCS Molnes and made n search through the various medical colleges here , there being three. The family by tills tlmo were nearly distracted with giief. but they could Und no comlort orsatlstactlon In their fruitless In quiry. The help of local ofllcers was secured nnd the search was continued Thursday and Friday , n watch being kept of the medical colleges each night , but without ptfect Ulllccr liradshaw , however , had asusplclon that the body would vet be biotight to one of the col leges , and was Inclined to think that this ouo would bo thu Jovvn College of Physicians nnd tiuiKCOHH. The professois In the college had shown ho reluctance to their Inspection of the promises nnd ho was satisfied that the body was not yet there. Hut ho had an Idea that It would como beforn lonu , so on Satur day night ( Christmas night ) lie waited until thu college had been closed for the day nnd all connected with it had lolt. Then ho cnmo down to the Itcglster block , which nd- loins it , nnd clhnblni ; out on the roof ho lowered himself thinugh the scuttle to the medical college. Plot-ceding straight , way to the dissecting room hu was rewarded by finding stie.U'hed out on thu dissecting table the body of a young lady evidently the onu ho sought. The body had not been mu tilated In any way save that the skin of the lace had been removed , apparently to jirovent identification. lie vvns satlslied that hu had loiitid thu body of Maud Hull. Ho hastened avv.iy nnd In ought bnck the brother , who declared nt once that It was his sister. When the olllccr first onteiod thu room hu snw n lock ot hair lying on the table. Ho jitomptly secured that and It nltci winds helped to Identity thu body. Theio wuio other marks of identifica tion as well. During thu girl's sickness homo hot bricks or irons had been applied to her feet which had slipped loose nnd slightly binned the ilrsh. This mnik now appealed nn lliu body that was found. There had also been a slight bum or sciatch on the tirm madu at thu time ot death to see If llto was extinct nnd this now appealed to conliim thu bellof that thu missing body had been found. Dr. Sehooler , the dean of the laculty , was iiotlliod nt once. Ho oxjupsscd Ignoianco concoinlni ; tlm Identity of the remains. but said that if the family were iiatisiied that the bodv was Hint of thulr child they could rnmovo it without tumble. They were indeed satlshed nnd the body was at once taken back to Wiu- ren county. Hero , lor a tlmo , the matter apparently rested. Snvoial citizens of C.ullslo , fiionds of the allllcted family , came up to DCS lollies and wciu indignant at the otttrai-u that had been perimtiated and sounht to discover the guilty juitics , but they iccelved llltlp pncourageirent and scarcely nny clue on which they could work. Thu medical college luitlioiitles , as usual In such cases , aio thu most Ignotant of all , and whllo "deeply regretting the sad occmronee , " ns usual could throw no light on the mysluilous nlfalr. Meantime the trlcnds of the joung lady and her family have been leavlm ; no stones untuined to liud out who had done this ghoulish vvoik. The past week the Krnnd jury of Warren county has been in session in Indlauola nnd information was laid bolero it such us to cause tlm Indictment 1 Dr. Schooler , the dean ot thu medical col- lecu where the body was found. Yesterday n deputy sheriff fiomVanen \ county cair.o to Jcs Molnes and jilaced Dr. Schooler under nircst. Hu went nt once to lu- illanola , tiled a bond nnd was released to appear when his case will bo heaid , which will b nt thu next toim ot coutt. Dr. Schooler Is vciy gonciall } IP- f-pccted In this community and thu general Impression seems to bo that he was nnested luoio with the hone that fiom him somu clue to the names of the guilty parties miirlit bo obtained lathni than from a belief that hu was hliuselt n paity to or concerned in the despicable outiago. Infatuated Senator. UI.TIIOIT , Jan. 2' ' . lSjccial ) Tulo/ram to the UKI : . ] "Any baby would know better than that , " said Senator Jones , of Florida , when shown a statumont In n Florida paper to the clfcct that the goveinor of that state had n light to dcclnto the senatoi's place vacant because of his continued absence from the body to which ho had been elected. "It Is thu senate that has jurisdiction over mo. If my presence Is needed theio to eom- ploton quorum , 01 for nny other purpose , they can send the suigennt-at-arms tornio and 1 must go. It is a question with mo If even llio hcnato could declaru n vacancy In my case beeauso of nbsunce. It never has attempted Mich a course In similar cases. Tlm constitus tlon sjieakx of n vacancy tioni resignation- death or otlior cause , but that other cause ha , uuverjpt been consttued , nnd It would place n dangerous jxiwer In the hands of the ma- Jotltylf nipru absence , when thostMiato has power to compel attendance , should ciuato a vacancy. " Iii < > iijiu ) Dots. Duni'Qt'i : , la. , Jan , ' . ' 9. [ Sjiecl.iITolo ram to the HKK.J Colonel Day , of Manchester , Is announced ns a candidate for romnmndei of the Grand At my of the Hopubllc for Iowa. Senator Knight , attorney for thu Illinois Central and Chicago , Milwaukee & Kt. Paul , In nn ! ntervewain ! > rou'd the niter-state com- muico bill , and doubts If President Clark , of the Illinois Centinl , utteiud the sentiments charged , Thounamiss' drugstore look lire from the , ra > sof thu sun u-llociod by u colored globu In thu window to-day. Joseph Chapman , late fiulght agent of the Dubuiiuu division of the Chicago , Milwaukee V St. Paul , has been appointed agent foi ti St. Paul and Minneapolis Huslness Men's a AVOIIKING .UiAI.NST HAUIUHON. Porter ami IMaino UNliitr Their In- tluonco in the Indiana ConieHt. CtiiCAdo , Jnn. ' J , ( Sjicclal Telesram to ho IJKis. ] Tie | Journal's IndlanapolU special says : National politics is having bomethtng to do with the keeping of Senator Harrison out of the full-vote of bis party In tlm leelslatare. Governor Porter Is working with Hlalno to defeat Harrison and make the. national ticket road Hlalnu und 1'oite.r. . The latter could comumnd thu votes of the three tecalcltinut icpubllcau greoubackers In the house , and probably that of Hoblnson , a democrat. Inls wonldmakftntlo vote It all the republicans now supporting Harrison would turn over their support to Porter. Tortor has not only refused point blank to Influence the o friends to support Harrison , but denounced to-dny , In private conversa tion , Chairman Houston , of the republican state committee , for allowing Porter's views to become known. Uanlson's great speech before the supreme court In the lieutenant governorship rasa hassatlsiied his supporters. They say they wlll'never nbandon him for Porter , even U the latter Is assured of elec tion. Vnssnr IMaco h the name of n nevr addition which will be offered for snlo Monday morning. Vnssnr Plnco is just west of Creifthton Heights on that now popular street Mili tary-Road , is right on the line of the now strcptcnr line running to Ucnson , of which plitop it 1 ? away this side. Ono feature of this property nnd of paramount Importance to the buyer , is its title , which is absolutely porfcpt. Thousands of dollars lars worth of property changes hnnils dally without the buyer having anv certainty " tainty ns to the validity of this"title. . Some day thuro will bo n harvest of dis appointment , Place is the per sonification of perfect property. Well located , lies elegantly , is surrounded by first class property anil odors put feet se curity to the btiior. hots in Vassnr Place will be sold from $ WO to f300 , except cor ners 1-10 cash , bal. to suit customers. The enterprising lirms of Flack & lloman , Koom 11 , trcnzer block opposite I' . O. , ami II. H. St. John , 150 ! ) Farnam. Hoom 7 upstairs , have solo agency ami will run ITCO Carriages to Vassar Place nil next Iiutttet | Ijnst Night. Last evening the Crcighton Heights syndicate gave an elegant banquet to the A No. 1 real estate fii m of Uenawa & Co. and their employes. This" is a deserved acknowledgment of first class work done and is n mark of appreciation shown a lirm which has no superior in our city. The slow coaches must give place to these more energetic. Henava & Co. are thoroughly postcdin Omaha property , are thoroughly conscientious , and cannot bo induced to enter into any wild cat scheme , bo it ever so enticing. The sale of : f 175,000 worth of property In less than tiircc days beats all known records and will not soon bo forgotten. When placing your property for Kale you can not do better than to place it in their hands , and the buying public will find them courteous , honest and wideawake. JJunnwa & Co. , llio heroes of Creiglilon Heights big sale , Frcn/er block , opp. P.O. They Are ( Joliic Fast. Lots in Randolph Place addition to South Omaha for sale cheap. EVAN ? & Jon.VsON1 , 52t S. 13th Street Cunningham Hall. Notice. I have quoted to several parties price on the N. W. cor. of 2d ! ! and Ctiming street afin,500 , and the S. K. cor. of 2d ; ! and Cnming at f 17,000. If anyone is figuring on either of these pieces at those prices they will please lake notice that the price is advanced ijia.OUO each. C. E. MA.YNE. 10 to 100 acres near Mute Institute anil proposed car line , high < iml sightly ? 800 per acru , 12i ppr cent cash , balance easy. \V. (5. ( SmuVEit , opp. P. O. Portland Place lota near Bedford. Place Monday and Tuesday. 1UO C. E. Mayne has contracted with J. C. Oladden to build 100 houses in Heusou. The material will be hauled on the ground at onjc anil building commenced wheubpiing opens. Nn Time to If you want a lot in Henson , get one soon. C. E. Mayne has sold over half of them already. Twenty acres lor ao cheap , a bargain. EVVNS Jonxso.v , 521 S. 13th St , Cunningham Hall. - . Hoffman Terrace. To-morrow morning , Monday , January 31 , this beautiful and dosir.tblo addition vvill be jlaccd upon the market , To day's lii.n contains the plat. Hoffman's Ter race is located just ulsido tin ) Belt line and right on the Missouri Pacific rail road near a depot , is hut a few roils from u uew canning factory already built. The view from this pait of Onialm is im mense. \ \ alnut Hill ami t'ic ' whole west part of Omaha is m j > lain sight. The prices are such that the buyer cannot fail to secure a handsome profit. Free carnages vvill run fi oin hovgrcti & Dal ai-IPs ollicc , 115 Noith 10th street. Telephone QIC. _ _ Siiuivnu soils South Omaha lots. Ten acres for sale cheap. EVANS & JOHNSON , G'Jl S. lUth St. Sumvr. ! ! sells South Omaha lots. Portland Place lots Monday anil Tues day. ' _ _ Vassar Place lols are the cheapest and the terms best in the market. FlAC'K i\i HOMAN , 103 Fron/or Ulk. , opp. P. O. Tjonvcnxvorth Ktrcot 1'roprrty is considered by injiny the most desirable in the city , and UONKUNK ri.ACi : is justly classed among the best lobe had thuru. No liner lots sold anywhere NV. ( i. Ai.imrmiT , Solo Agent , 218 South Fifteenth St. Kolommi's Addition , Splendid aero lots $500 each on monthly payments. C. E. MAVNI : , _ Solo Agent , Notice. The South Omaha Land company have appointed C. E. Mayno sole agent for the pale of theirlots. Ho will Rhoyv the prop erty ami furnish all desired information upon application. ISignudJ NV. A. I'Axrov , President. Vassar Place lots are the cheapest ami the terms beat in the market. FJ.ACK A : HOVIAN , 105 Freir/er Ulk. , opp. P. O. Conkilnt : I'laoo , On Loavonvvorth .street , Five , ten and tweniy-acro blocks , ad joining South Omaha , for sulu cheap. Just right lor cutting. Call at OIK-U on onEV VN3 & ifollNSDV , OXM S. ith ; ( St. sells ISiiilmgtoti Ccntur lots , South Omalia. _ sells Sulphur Springs adil. lots. Vives , The alarm for the lire , yesterday even ing at liy" o'clock , sounded incorrectly , beeauso the moment it was received at cngiuo house No. ! ) . the goug foil to the iloor. The telephone was 1 1 ion used ami the department responded qulnkly and saved au old tenement rookery in the alley between Eleventh mid Twelfth htreuta , and owned by Mr. Hofl'man. Four families were tmhoused and their goods were more or less destroyed. The building was damaged to the extent of ftOO. About 12:30 : to-day the ( ire department was called out to extinguish a blaze in a small dwelling ou Twenty-third and Ixuiveuworth streets , , The lots Wis : about ' C. tJ. S. C. On Thursday last the Omaha C. I < . S. C. enjoyort n pleasant evening nt the residence of Mrs. Fitch , 2318 St. Mary's avenue. The occasion was observed ns a "Hums memo rial , " the cnliro ovcnlns being devoted to study of the life nnd work ot the poet. The members contributed to the pleasure of the occasion ns follows : Miss Mary Fitch , reci tation with prelude , "For n' That nnd ft * That" ; Mr. William Tlndell , sketch , "Hums and Ills Land" } Mrs. Ira James , prose ver sion of "Cotter's Saturday Night" ; Mrs. C. F. Harrison , reading , "A Winter Night" ; Miss Agnes McDonald , story of "Tntn O'Shau- ter. " The circle accented nn Invitation to meet nt the residence ot Mr. J. H. McConnell , corner of Twent.v-second and Cat-s streots.on Friday evening , February 11. The following pro gramme has been nrrnnzed for the meeting : 1. Discussion "Employment For Women" Led by Mis Walker 2. ltcndlns-"A.Child's Dream of nKtnr , " Miss L'lllngwood 3. Paper-"A Study of Mountains. " MlisMinnie Wood 4. Table Tnlk "Common Knors In dram- mar O. P. Seward 5. Class Exercises. Last Twenty-live Ques tions In January Chautniinuaii on "War- rpu Hastings" and "TheChtistlan Roll- pton. " 0. Koll Call. Valentines , Kach member Is requested to furnish a selection In writing suitable for a valentine. llrcvltlcq. The revenue coMectloiis yesterday amounted to 510K3.fll. ( Permit to wed was gnntpd ycslprrtay to Kuiroiio Virgin and 'Iheresa M. Schlnter.both of Omaha. The bank clearances for the week end ing yesterday amounted to S-4filtSOl.aj , an Increase of 00.5 per cent ov et the saino week ot last year. A German named J. W. Shult/c. who claims to bo n collar-maker of Oouncll HlulTs , was found on Douglas street la t night In a badly dozen condition. Ills arms nnd feet arp so badly frozen that 'amputation will probably bo necessary. The old soldiers of the Mexican war met at Desmond's hall last evening and disposed of n good deal of business connected with the days tronu by. The muetlng * lasted n couple of hoiiis ami adjoin nod to meet again subject to the call of the chairman and secrctniy. The ofiico of the Mutual Life Ins. Co. , \V. F. Allen , goii'l agent , has boon re moved Irom the cor. 14th autl Farnam Sts. to 215 South J8th St. Portland Place lots Monday and Ttiea- 'lay. ' p Twenty acres for sale cheapa bargain EVANS & JoiiNbON , 524 S. 13th St. ; Cunningham Hall. Portland Place lots Monday sum Tues day. Konl Instate. Real estate transfers filed January 29 : Wm P Fleming etal , to Win Sgchwcrin , lot 10 , blk o , Marsh's add to Omaha , w d S".000. Ralph E Oaylord and wife to Wm Wade , lot 12 , blk 8 , MeCormlck's M add to Omaha , w d Sl,000. Leo It Horn to Thomas Hrennan , lot 43 In Cunningham & Hionnan's add , w d SJBO. John AMcShane to John 'J' Uoyd , lots 1 and 2 , blk 1 , 2d add to South Omalia , wd STOO. Susan F Wells and husband to Mercer H Crovvol , lots , blk' ! Washington Hill , w d SI , 100. Wm Walling and wife to Michael Hcaly , s ; : S ft of o l3 ! ! ft of lot S , blk l" . Improvement Association add to Omaha , w d ? l,100. Michael Lovejoy und wife to Kllra J Lor- Ing , o ) i lot 3 , blk 254 , except n portion south of section line , w d Sl.-OO. ( ! co C llobblo nnd wifu to Jno L Kennedy , lot 3.5 , blk s Hanscom place , w d S)00 ; : , Walter Wills to Maty KbimmondM , lot 1 , Martin ClaiJc and wile to llinjoJil.uebbon , lot 1 , Ludwlck nlace , w d 5100. Clins JleCormlek to Andiow Johnson , lot 9 , bllcli. McCoimlfk'nSil adii , wd S500. J 11 Hiineate ( mistec ) to Sam'l M Bovd , lot : ? , blk ! , Uedloid place , w d SKX ) . ( ieo 11 t5o s and wife -Miniiio inlander , lot 10 , blk * , Aibor place extension , w d 5 .5a. Jno Clinton and wife to A II Gladstone t al , s , ' . ot lot 14. blk ( > , ICountc's1th supple add to Omalia , w d-2,500. Win 11 Kdsun otal to IMwaid II IMson. lot 0 , blk 1. Patrick's mid to Omaha , w d Sl.bOO. Jno A Lawrence and wife to riias Impey , lot D , bll.2 , idlewilil add , w d-SV-U Anthony. ) llobanet al to Gee W Loomis , lot 2 , Tiittlo's sub , w d-sM.OOO. OeoV llall and \\ifo to Anton Larson , 'Jb\12t > M H cum on S line ot lot 7 , Johnson's add to Omalia. w d S2,7."iO. Christian bautttn etal to the ptiblic.Laurell W setf sw/4 / 10 , H. 1J Dedication , Andrew Johnson to Warren A. Ilowland , lot Ji. blk a , McCornncU's "d add to Omaha , w Goo 11 HoTKsand wf to Dinipl Kendall , lots 1 , 2. : ; , 1. 5. 0. ID. ' . ' ( ) , 21 , 'M , ' , > ' , anu 'Jl , blk " 0. Gee 11 Uos ? * ' add to Omaha , w d SIMX ) . C C Field rt al to Howard A Woiley , lot , blk 3 , I'atnck's add , w d-S2lJO. ( Jno H HuiiKalc , tiusteo to KiiKono L lor- ! trand , lot 7 , blk 1ft and 21 in blk 17 , ISodtoid Dace , Omaha , w d-31 175. Anna K bha\\ and Ims to Kduaid G Ciap , lot SO , blk : i , i\orctt : 1'lace , w d § 475 llcmplt . . . . . Tlios W IJIacKbiirn and wf to Lmiia M Q Andrews , lot 18 , bit ; 2 , Fowler 1'Jace. w d w C A Heinplramiifo to Kama .1 ! An- driiwH , lot , 5 , blk 2 , Yates and llemplo's add , w d fc&to , i ; 15 Chandler to Lizzie .Moirls , lot S , blk 5 , Melrose Mill. wd-SiWO. ( ! eo K H irker ci al to Auzust ] ) ell , lots 11 , 12 and ii : , blk : ! , and lots 11.12 and W , bllc-1 , Ma\ne 1'laco add ; w d-S10UOO. Jno N Dennis to Marnaiet Hoyd.lot 10 , blk IS , Highland I'hica ; wd SI.MW. Juo Kush et al to Xncharlah 'riiomason , lot i , bile lill ) . Omaha ; w d-STO,000. C H Itiadnekto 1) H Andrews , o4 \ o J < f lots land 2 , blk 3 , Shinn's add to Omaha ; Aiidi'ow Petcison and wife to 0 II Hrad- ilclr , o \ $ o yt lots 1 and 2 , blk : ; . Sblnu's aclU to Omaha ; q c { j'-,0')0. .MT J'atriok and wife to L P I'riiyn , lot 11 , blk 10 , 1'atrleli'asico id udd to Omaha ; w d w MT I'atilck and wife to \ P Pinyii , lot 10 , blk 10,1'atiick'sfcecond add to Omaha : jv d S1.0.V ) . Jno T I'auNon and wife to Delboit David Days , lolblt and IB , blk 4Vm lla cdorti'd nail ; w d gGOi ) . Jerry Kj an to Sawn F Wells , lots , blk 2 , WashlUBton Hill ; wd81.0JO. . yaniuul K lioijcranit wile to Jno AnH- lleld. sixty /ect oil w side of lot 11 , blk B , ti K Uojri-rs' add to Omaha : w 1 X Watson to Thos Hau'iic , lot lit , blk 17 , lli'dloHl place add , w d SCOO. ( ieo C Hobble and wife to Fred W Melcher , lot 34 , blk N Hanscom place add , w U SU.MK ) . 1 G Cook and luiiband to Walter G Ten oil , lot ( ! , blk n , Sj lulu-ate hill add. w d S1V > . Canlo J Alurlcs to Lewis J 'I bin , lots 1 and l , blki ! , ( 'iinuln lmiii'sbiib , < i e S7,00i. Allen i ; Kllby et id to Jeicrnlah A Whalau , lot 1 , blk ' .i. Caithaco , w d50J. . Marcus P Mason and \Mt to Holsey W HnynohU , lot 17 , blk 1,1C III ) ) place , add w d ? l.too. Lucy K lilackburn and husband to Alex l-'iul.nfion etal. lots laud 2 , blk 1 , Pratt's Mill , W d-W.tO. ( Hoien T I'l terson and wife to Jacob Kou- Uls , lot 10 blk : i , Aibor place , w d Sl.fiOO. Jno S Kim ; to Ktwlk T Audiews , lot ft. blk 21 , j : V hmiin'sadd to Onmiia , w d S7.-400. Calhprine Hudistiosaer ami luisbniid to 1 * L Simoner , jr , h11 ft lot i , blk 10-i , Omaha , w ConUlini ; 1'lace. Large loU , excellent location , safu and profitable investments.V. . (5. Albright , sale aguut. Five , ten and tvvoiuv-acro blocks , ail- joinlng South Omjtlm. for sale clieap. Jiut rigl.t for cutting up into lots. Call tvt once on EVANS & JOHNSON. 521 S. lUth Si. Sintivr.j : has the largest list of bur- ' gains. Portland Place lots a blocks west of State St. . Monday and Tuesday. ' ciT .NOTICES. ' tlio Different To-tlny'n Bervlcos int Cliurclics llifqn'cliotitthc City. In the SwedishliVangelical / Lutheran church , comer at Uiss auil Ninoteenlli streets , divine dot vices and preaching by the pastor , E. A. I'okelstrom , nt 10Ui : ) n. in. and 7:80 : p. m , . Sunday school nt 8:33 : p. in. Tuesday CTonlmj , urayer meeting , and Thursday evening , preaching of the gospel. Scandinavians tire iuvited to nt tend all tlio , All Saints' Clmvch , Twenty-fifth street , one block north of St. Mary's avenue. the Itev. Louis Zaimor , rector. Celebra tion of the Holy Communion at 8 a , m. Morning service ami sermon at 11 a.m. Organization of the , Sunday School at U p. m , Even song ut i p. m , Heth-Edcn Haptist church. Services at 4:15 : p. m nt St. Mary's Avcuuo Congregational church. Preaching by Nov. M. Sullivan , of Ulicyouneyo. . Sunday school at ! l p. m. Prayer meut- ing Thursday evening at 7:30. : The Ladies' Aid society will moot at Mrs. A. M. Clark's residence , Twenty- fourth nnd Hartley streets.Ycdnosday afternoon at 3 p. m. The public cordially invited to all services. First ( torman Free Evangelical church , corner Twelfth and Dorcas streets Rev. F. H. W. Hrucehert pastor. Sabbath school at 2.30 p. m. Church services and | ) rcaching by tlio pastor at 10:30 : a. m. and 7'30 p. in. Friends and children arc cor dially invited and welcome. Unity church , corner Seventeenth and Cass streets. Services al 11 a. m. and 7-30 p. m. Sabbath school at 1'J 15. Hov. W. 1C. Copuland pastor. Subject this morning , "Live To-day.1' Subject of lecture at night : "An Evening With Vic tor Hugo. " Calvary llaptist church , Satmder street. Rev. A. W. Clark , pastor. Services nl 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 , p. m. Rev. Wm. Haigh , U. 1) . , ot Chicago , will preach. Sunday school at 3 p. m. All arc cor dially invited to the services of this church , German Lutheran church. 100. South Twentieth street. Service every Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday school 2 p. m. E. J. Trese , pastor. Presbyterian church , corner Dodge nnd Seventeenth streets Services at 10'30 a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Rev. W. J. Harslfi. Sunday school al close of morning worship. Young pee ples' meeting al 0-45 p. m. North Pro < , Saundcrs street , Rev. Wm. II. Henderson , pastor. Ser vice nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7UO : p. in. Sunday school al noon. Young people's meeting al 0:30 : p. m. At the evening service the pastor vvill deliver the second of the series of lectures on"Popular Fallacies in Religion. " Subject : "It Matters Not What a Man Relieves if Ho is Only Sin cere. " Strangers made welcome at nil services. Rev. W. J. Ilarsha will try to answer the question to-night : "What Intcresl Has the Ucvil in Harming Us. " Strangers cordially welcome at the Dodge street Prcsby'orian ' church. Tabernacle 1-irst Congregational church. Capitol avenue near Eighteenth street. Services at 10.33 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Preaching in the morning and even ing by the uastor , ilcy. A. F. Shhrell. Sunday school atuooa. , All welcome. Saiula' Chapel , Twonty-lirst and Clark streets' . Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday school al 12 30. Every body welcome , i i Saratoga precinct. , 'Sabbath ' school at 2p.m. Preaching at .7 . p. m. by A.M. Case , of Blair. All welcome. Cherry Hill. Sabbath- school at 2 p. m. , followed at 3 p. m , by ji caching by Rev. A. M. Case , ot Blair. Come to the Cynthin Chapel , Walnut A. 11. Sawyer , M. D. First Baptist church , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets. Jlov. Dr. A W. Lu mar , pastor-elect , will preach at 10 30 a. m mill 7-30 p. in. Sunday school at 12 m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 30 will bo led by Dr. Laiuar. All are invited to these services. Scats free. St. Johu's church , corner Isorth Twenty-skill and Franklin streets , Rev. William Osgood Pearson , rector. Sun dry school al ! M5 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon al 11 a. in. Evening prayer and sermon at V.30 p. in. All are wel come. Red car line passes the door. St. Mary's avcnuo Congregational church. St. Mary's avcnae and Twenty- sixth street. Rev. Willard Scotl will preach Ihis morning and evening at 10-0 : ! and7:30. : Gospel ficrvico in Hie evening. Seats free and all welcome. Sunday school at noon. First Christian church , Twentieth and Capitol avenue , Rev. Jos. H. Fey , L. L. D. , pastor. Services at usual hours. In the forenoon Dr. Fey vvill speak on "Man's Higher Xccpssities" , in the evening on "Your Husband or Mme ? " Seats free at all sen ice.s. third Congregational church , corner of Nineteenth and Sprnco streets. Rev. A. B. Pennimaii will preach at 10:30 : a. in. and 7 30 p.m. Morning subject : "Fellow ship. " Evening subject " ( 'onfus.umj Christ By the Visible Church. " Sunday school at noon. Tlicrn will also bo Sun day school and preaching services at Saratoga sclnol house , one mile west of the Third Congregational church at 2. 15 ami 3.15 p. m. , respectively. From Monday morning free carriages will continue to go to Vassar Place until lots are all sold. FLACK k HOMAK , Frcnx.or Blk. , opp. P. O. I'lauc , On Leavunwottli street. Suiiivcit has the largest list of bar gains. Tlicy Are Going Past. Lots iu Randolph PHco addition to South Omalia for sale cheap. EVANS JOHNSON , 5-4 S. 13th Street. Cunningham Hall. Portland Place lots 2 blocks west of State St. Monday and Tuesday. Investments. It is safe to say Investors can make 100 per cunt monthly on money invested in Vassiir Placo. Mitck A-'Homan , I'ron/er Block and II. B. StJ Jo.rjn , 150U Tarnam street. ConkllnR Place , On Loavonwortli stfVet,4 Portland Place loin nuar Bedford Place Monday und Tuesday. ' Five acres in South Omaha for sale at a bargain. iKvuiNS & JOHNSON , The grocery and tLoE market of ,1. H. Johnson & Co. will l > o o ) > en for business as usual Monday morning. Attorney J. T. Moiiarity vvill deliver at the Omalia Commercial College , this city , at 8 p. in. . Tuesday , February 1 , a lecture entitled "Comments on Henry ( jeorge'd Opinions Upon tlio Land Ques tion " No admittance charged. All are cor dially invited. Ten acres for sale cheap. EVA.NS ft JOHNSON , 5J1 S. 13th St. 10 to ICO acres near Mute Institute and projioscd oar line , high ami sightly $800 per acre : 12J per cent cabli , balance easy. W. < ! . SiHtiviat , opp. i' . O. Portland Plane lots near Bedford PJaco Monday and T EPIDEMIC OF ENDOWMENTS,1 Another Big University Started Among the Many Now in Now England. DAWES1 DEMOCRATIC DRASV. Sum .lones Stnrtlcd the Hub With Uti- Rrnnunntlcnl Kollulon Other Ho- vlvnU Things Thentrlcnl Ilouclcnult'ri New IMny. Uovros , Jnn. 37. [ Correspondence of llio UIK : | The making ot bounteous bequests seems to have bccomo nu epidemic. Tlio Inst Is Jonas Oilman ClarkoC Worcester , nlio tilanks down a , trilling million or so for the founding of nn educational Institution to bo known ns Claik university , In the city of Worcester. It seems i.itlior unkind to find nny ( null \vltli n man \\lio Is so generous with his money ns Mr. Clark has been , nntl I would not say anything to discourage the bo * stowal of monov for such n cause as educa tion. Jiut would It notlmnclcllglittulchange If the givers would now and then overclso n llttlo discretion In m.iklng their glfta. Massachusetts , and oven all Now Kncland , Is crowded \\ltliscliools nnd colleges. Harvard , thn foremost of American unl\orsltlo.s , Is but n short dUtunro tioiu Worcester , nnd It \k\\i \ bo an ago bcfoic Clark university can cope with her. IJcsldcs gre.\t sums of money , It lias taken tworonturlusnnd a hall to make llnivnid what she Is , and It Is highly 1m- Diohablc that a nc\v unlscislty bo near by will over bocomn her successful ilval. "ialo follows close behind Harvard , whllo Amherst , Williams , Dartmouth , HIO\MI , How- uoln and Colby art ; within thoradlus of a lew miles. If Air. Clark had given his lortuno to strengthen ouo of these smaller college * , or If lie had t.iken It to tlm west and given It to Rome of thti many stiuggllng voting Institu tions which soicly need assistance of this kind , he would much mnio juolly have ( Mined the name ol benefactor. Mr. Clark's gift Is not the onlv example of misplaced generosity. Across the rhcr at Harvaul the snug little sum of S10.000 trout some westein enthusiast lies waiting ; to bo converted into " , i gateway to bo elected at the main ciitianco of the college jard. " .Tlicro are no narticulai objections to a S ? 10,000 gateway , but the money might be used In n hundred other wa\s of more ad vantage to the college. Then comes Mt. ( ircHUloaf'a million , ho tied down It cm not bo used lei the building of douultoiles , which are just what the college needs now , since one-third ot the men aio unable to get looms in thoyaid. 'I'hosoiiatoiial contest Is ovci , and unlike Nebraska , Massachusetts has lo-elccted her senatoi. It has been a ( inlet am' ' steady liiilil between the supporters of Goveinoi Koblnson Cointressiuan John D. Lontr , and Senator llenry \ * . .Danes and resulted In the re-election of Mr. lawca on the Urst joint vote. When the democrats saw that their votes would elect Mr Dawes , they began chanKing Jrom their candidate , lion. P. A , Collins , to U.iwes : and in littcen minutes enough democrats had changed to glvo Dawes the election. There Is a pretty general teulinc of satisfaction among the lepublicans that Dawes was elected , but m.iny ot them are cxtieniply sorry that ho got the election by deuiociatlc votes. In my opinion Massachusetts has done heiself iitoul tore-elect Mr. li\ ; s. llehas sencd the paity and the country lor m.iiiy jeartIs an eminently capable man , and thoie U no leason why he should ho removed. Mr. Long Is a younc man , and It was llio youncvr element In the republican ranks which suppoitcd him. That ho is brilliant there is no doubt ; but the ii-publicans need brilliancy in the house as well ns in the sen.tte , and Mr. Kontr \erywellwhere hois. It is true that Mr. Daw es * success has caused n trilling ripple in thopattv , but it could not base been otheiwise , and it is .sale to say that any other lesnlt of the election would have lett the party in a much less har monious condition. The noted re\ivalists , Sam Jones and Sam Small , are both in Hoston , preaching to laige audiences and no doubt doing good among the class ol peopln who go to hear them. Another dopartuio in the way of revivals is the beginning of asorles of public leliglous sen ices to bo held In old Knneiill hall , nndei the auspices of the Tilnity club. A most eloquent sermon was pieaehcd Inst night l > r Jtev. rhllllps litool.s , to an Immense amll- enco which icpio ented neaily every nation. Those meetings are n. God-send to many ot the North Knd inhabitants. Many of the e people novel attend chinch , while those who do attend larcly ha\e an opoitunlty ] to heat such a man as Dr. litooks. Jt will boot interest to watch the result ot these meetings , since they aie a ladieal change liom the general way ol doings , and there is mneh conjecture a'- , to how the idea will suit some ot the o.xclushe Kpiscopallans ot Tiinlty church. in establishing these meetings the Tiinlty" club has tollowcd dlicctlv in the wake ol the Unltaiians with their bnllolk confeiences , and nicotines in the llow.iid Athoiueuin ; the Y. M. C. A. with its public meetings on the common , and thu Methodists with theii Jones and Small rovhals. * * * 1 miif.t not fail to mention thogieat ponltiy show whfch took jlaco ) In Mechanics' bullu- ingl.istweflk. I unow some of my Ne braska icadeis who are Inteiestcd in fancy poultry will bu glad to know that oven In Boston the good qiulities of n highly culti vated hen 01 rooster mo dnl > appreciated. Hostonlansasa rule are not very much in- teiested in chickens , hut they Ifko a good thing when they see it , mid when tliL'io is a distinguished gatheiing ot the very arls- toci.ic > ol the Iratlieiul ttibo In their midst , they will not ( nil to ghe it eveiy possible conshleiatlon. There weio : ! ,000 hluls of different kinds in Mechanics' building , .mil this Is the largest display ot line poultiy on recoid In this cuiiiitry. Tlieiiality | of the exhibit was also bettei than that of anyothet preceding show. The collection Is a superb one , containing sonio beautiful specimens ol low I , not only lioni Massachusetts , but Irom nil New Iceland , New Yoik , and men Canada. Mr. Dion liouclcanlt bpuMns an ongaso- ment at the Hollis Sheet theater this week with "The Jilt. " This j > lay will run lor two weeks , when he will jiresent a now wai play , or jiuliei nn old 0110 lovlvilied by hlmsell , liom the old play ol 'Hello Lamar. " This play Is looked foi- waul toiih conslileiiiblt' Inleiest by those who admire Mr. Houcic.uilt both UB nn nu- tnoi and an aetoi. Anolloil wis made to get Miss Maida Crnlifcn , who made such a success as 1'hyllls last wlnlei , to tal\o the same nvt again ; but this lady Is now in the .Museum comjianv and thoieloie the pait will have to be played by some one else. MIIIP. Modjeska't. engagemiiiit at the Ilollls street has been vc-iy successful and if she eould ha\o juolonged hei stay sliu could lm\ to na > Ing houses for a conslduiablo length of time. Tht ) favorite Hnston Ideals have made a tout Into the northwest as far as St. I'nul and as lav south as Klehmond , and Milliard Kos- tei tells us that thov will glvo a presentation of Auber's "Kia Unuola" In the Hoston theater on the ! Jlst Inst. , w hleh will rhnllengo cOmpailsoii with any orgaiil/ation of the present geneiatlon. One Is tempted to bu llet e this when he learns that the leading shmers of thu troup comprise buch at lists as the following : -Mile. Xcllu do l.uss.ui and Mailo Stone , sopranos ; Mile. Louibo bihlacho and Miss flui- rlPt Avoiy , contraltos ; Mossis Tom Kail and \V. 11. l.awton , tenors ; Messrs. II , U. Uurnnhee. W. 11. McDonald and Clem- mi t Hainbrldgu , hit Hone * , and .Messrs W. 11. and Ivan Moiawskl , bn--suH. Mr. Loins James and Miss Marie Wain- wilgbt ait' In be soon this weuk at the ( ilobc , Tncsoai lists are well and lavoiably known to Hoston theatrical elides. Mr. .lames will bo rememonred as having taken prominent parts with John Mcl'ulloiU'h. lit ) lias had lemaikablu success In other cities , and much will bo expected of him. Ills company Is noted for its icndltlon of ' Kotueo und Ju liet , " "Much Ado About Nothing , " anu "Vlreinlus. " Mr. Lawieiico Harrctt has delighted large audiences at tlm Hoston < 't this week with his plav ot "Klen/i. " Thu spuctactilar parts of the jilay are skill ully given , and these , addi'il to ilr. Hairetl'H own ueniiH its an actoi , maico a pleablug and crudilable. pei- lormance. O. .M. A. THOMPSON Amy . ) . , aged 18 jpars 3 months January aO , at 0:10 : o'clock. Kuneral Monday at 2 p. m. liom her lasl- dence , WW North Nineteenth. DCS Moiuei paj > ers please copy. _ SintiVKit sells Sulphur Springs tiild , Jots. From Mumlay moriiiniC heo carriages will contimlo logo to 1'Iwo until lots nro all btold , FI.ACK A : HOMAN. ' \ 0. GOINCOUToftlieBOORBUSIESS - -y- An Absolute Closing Sale of ItsT. Book and Stationery Dep't ' TO BE CLOSED OUT , To make room for an immense line of Spring Goods , weliave decided to- sell the whole of our fine And Plain and Fancy Stationery , Every article now on hand in this depart * ment must be disposed of by February 19thf and to accomplish this prices have been made which will sell the goods , No more BooJcs or Sfa- tionerti will be on sale after February Hie 19th Come and snake vour selections before the assortment is broken , © _ > Absolute Closing Sale of Books and Stationery , -COMMENCIX- ( } -i\ \ Wewill oSbr n complete stock o Clothing land Furuisliing Goods VALUE ! To open tUG ball we will sell on Monday from 1 % 1o 7 x > . in.f SUITS FOR BOYS 4 TO 13 YEARS OLD We can sell for less than manu facturers' cost , and ail we asJt is the oppor * titnity. 707 NORTH 16th STBEET. I can buy shoos for llio children and family , clothiim for himself mid \vifo ut jour own prices at auction , 110 North 1-onr- tconth htrcot , every dtiy tins week at I and ? p. m. A. SV. COWAN. it soils Burlington Center lots , South Omaha Auction ! Auctlon.1 every day thin weott at 1 and 7 | ) m , , Dry Coodi. Clotliiiii. , liootb : mil Sxioas must tso ; no rcbcrvo , 110 North rourtucnth tit. A. W. COWAN , Portlaud I'lace lots 2 blocks west of Statu St. Monday ami Taiewluy. PEOPLES' THEATER AM. THIS \VIIK. : PnirnReinont of tUo Plcuslnjf Mttlo Actre , MISS GEORGIE HAMLIM r riny nt llic cxti'ii