Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1887, Part II, Page 16, Image 16
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : RUNDA\r , JAXUAKY 30. 1887. SIXTEEN PAGES. ' ' . . . dfrli'n' ! Tn r i -m - - - a.yrnrT . Tfrf - . il 't ' * * MT * - - . . - - - - - i * r rM-ftm mil T mi rMfrt lfTfriir nil I 1M-wii > i ! iin i an - ! i CTHBffy iBa Will nmltc the fir si payment on any one ol-MICM ; lots not ulrcady sold I AM SUM.IM. ; Til KM I'OU 1-5 Down , Bal , Montiily , FOR A AVlicii price will bo gradually advanced until lliclr real value U reached. A'ext ivecli you cannot buy a lot in Hellman's ' 1 I For Less Ami IT you ivnul to make money luiy now. HJeMinan's Addition aH'ord * a Hplendid ojipordiuiiy for investment , 12th Sf Being 1fs East 1 : n Boundary , It I * .Ius ( north of Forbes' Sulidi- vlsoii and ICarkcrs Add. St PnnliliiiiicapoUs and Omaha railway and the Kelt I.liic run near by it ; the Chicago & \orlli- wcNtcrn are siirvoj iuj , ' tlieir road l > y Ilellinau's addition , and the Union Pacific have already ex tended their tracks to within two blocks ol'it. Tlic pronnd within three or four blocks is Jbciiiff used by the railways now and tlio now roads that must conio to Omaha this year cannot help but-nso tliis ground aa there is none other for them , 4 14th street frontage , $150 each. M-4 S BISMARCK STREET s 15th street frontage , $150 eacli. 16th street frontage , $150 each. LAOEYSTREET 60 As Soon as One-half of these Lots are Sold at $150 Each , the Price will be Immediately \ Advance - toj we think of it , it only takes $30 to secure one of these lots , and before you have to make another payment it will be worth $300. c i Ba L