Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1887, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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* "
Latest Oraze in Gotham Sofciety Originated
by the Diamond Dozen.
NoTlinnks for ClRfir-llclitM "Slum-
mini ; " Now n KANlitonuMo. Clicst-
mil Tli c Clioa"Cliroino-
Nr.\v Yomc , Jan. -Correspondence [
of the HKK.I The dinnor-danro is tliu
suddenly modish diversion among tlioso
\vlio mnko pleasure tlio chief object in
life. A cloven matrons in tip top society
ngroo to simultaneously glvo dinners in
their sopnrnto residences , ntul after the
banquet tin ; dl lib rout companies inert in
one liotiso for waltzes and quadrilles.
Tor n wonder , this is not an imported
device , but was invented solely and orig
inally by the wife of young I'erry Hoi-
niont. The llrst combination of dinners
and balls had all the social
weight and brightness to * bo natur
ally Rained from its givers , w1 >
wro Mrs. August Belmont , Mrs.V. . W.
Astor , Mrs , Lull L' . Moiton , Mis. Kilgor-
ton Winthjop , Mrs. Frederick liron&on ,
nnd Mrs.illiatu K.Vamlurbilt. 1'riority
of invention has been claimed for Mrs.
Wnthrop , because she gave a bull last
winter whereat some of nor cticsts had
Ijuen invited to dinner earlier in the
Gvuninu , while .some others chanced to
liuve dined collectively elsewhere ; but.
after a careful , exhaustive and judicial
examination of the evidence , I am con-
Hlrnmcd to decide that In Mr.s.Winthrop's
case there- was no dellnite intention.
while the entertainment planned by Mrs.
Ik'linont was a fully worked out and
complete alVair. I trust that 1 have set
tled the question fairly and permanently.
nro careful affairs , it need scarcely bo
bald , for they are inevitably compared ,
contrasted and discussed by the guests
when they assemble immediately after-
wards. Mrs. William Waldorir Aslor's
ilh'iior , on the last of these occasions ,
was for only twelve couples. The long
table had no cloth , the beautifully pol
ished mahogany being bare , except for a
strip of lincly embroidered velvet
through the centre , on which stood
rare ( lowers in art vases and wax
candles in elaborate candelabra. At each
nest's place a hand-painted lull of fare ,
with his or her name not on it , but in-
Hteatl a caricature portrait , by means of
which locations wore made. These
pictures diil not distort the faces , nor at
: ill ollensively exaggerate any personal
peculiarities , but wore merely big heads
on .small bodies , and altogether rather
flattering than otherwise. They were
exquisitely drawn by some clover artist ,
and duo who did not care to be known as
having done such utilitarian work , for no
mark of his identity could be discovered
on the cards. To every lady was also
A inn I'qiiRAnn uoi'Qi'ET ,
lied with satin ribbon lo hnrmoni/o with
lior toilet. A great variety of colors
must have been provided before haul : ,
nnd selections hastily but accurately
tnadc by some expert , after the arrivals ,
because no instance of a bad match
could bo seen the table round. The gen
tlemen got buttonhole tranches of ( lowers.
l\lr \ and Mrs. Astor led the way into the
dining room , but separated , and took
i > laccs opposite each other at the centre
of the board. The rest found their as
signed chairs , in pairs. The feminine
toilets woio beautiful and costly , but in
310 instant gorgeous. Simple elegance
weeiuod to bo aimed at. The bodices
went all low and the arms bare to the
fihouldors. To this there was no excep
tion. And no long gloves gave covering
< o hands and forearms. A look across
the table revealed ho very little of fabric ,
nnd so very much of llesh , that the inter-
hporsed men in solemn white and blade
were necessary to convince the observer
that this was really a full dress allair.
IVk bl mis ON W11IK.
The repast began with raw oysters , tiny
ones , opened on the deep shells , the out-
Rides 01 which had been burnished until
they were lit for jewelry. They were not
served on plates , but in frames of twisted
nnd silvered wire , each of these novel
contrivances holding ten. The next
roursu wan clear soup in hand-painted
ilishcs. Boiled salmon , with whife sauce
nnd Parisian potatoes , came third. The
iish was not brought on dishes orna
mented with pictures of fish. Such
crockery has gone out of fashion with
the extremely swell , and now it is not
thought refined to have representations
of anything eatable painted on dishes.
ICven ( lowers are not approved of for
Mich purposes. The idea is that if , in
] iftinir a morsel of delicate food a rose
hhotild be uncovered , the highly educated
nnd acute palate cater might be offended.
Chicken croquettes and asparagus were
iourth ; next small broiled birds ; then
lllluls of beef with mushrooms ; then ices
with cake ; and finally cotl'eo. It will bo
hcon that no great rarity was allbrded ,
but the cookery was perfect. The dinner
1 > egan at 8 o'clock and lasted until 11 ,
Talk occupied much of the time , but
thorn was hearty eating generally , lor it
is considered stylish now for women to
have robust appetites.
Was there alcohol in this dinner ?
1'lonly. Total abstinence is not prac
ticed in any swell New 1'ork family
that I know of. A di Huron t wine was
brought with every coiir o. And each
wine had its separate and fanciodly
appropriated glasses , C'hablis came in
u hiuall ghiis , with a slender stem
concave sides holding no more than a
good swallow which was taken down at
one irulp by most of the guests. That
was regarded s an appotber , ami
accompanied the oysters , The soup
was simultaneous with red wine , tastinu ,
like Macon , and served in steamed
j'lass whose hides were convex ,
thus holding enough to sip slowly during
the course. The lish was contemporane
ous with a Khenish wine in a green , thir
tumbler , and in this case decanters wen
left within reaeli of all the diners , sc
that relillmg was handy. Uitli tin
chicKcn came red and white Bordeaux ir
tliifougina ) bottle.s. , Just attcr the bee :
u rum punch was served in tiny cups o
homo rare eliina ware. The clrimpagm
arrived with the desert , and was a choice
of three makes ,
Two men stood near the door of tin
MnoUing room looking carelessly at UK
hieiio at a fashionable public ball.
"Harry , " h.iid one of thorn , " 1 am go
ing to make you pay for a bottle o
wmn. "
"How ? "
"By belling you that I can within ( if
tout minutes do a favor tor at least lei
men in this room without getting a won
of thanks for it in any case. "
It was a queer proposition , but after i
brief consideration Harry took it. Hi
M-niuresonio companion went gravel1
to the cigar counter and bought a weed
w hieli ho proceeded to light and got iliti
good burning order. Just as no wa
about to throw his match awav a mai
approached whosaidlmlf interrogatively
half imperatively :
" ( ii'mo u light. "
"Certainly , sir , " was the response , am
the match was passed to the stranger
who took il , applied it to In * eigat
pulled vigorously a moment , and wen
"Take out your watch , Harry , " sal
the wagorer. "That's one. "
Then , followed by 'Harry , ho mean
dertul about the hall smoking ostonta
tiouily , aiming to get uwu1 thos
whoso clears had gone out , or who were
not smoking.
for by attracting the attention of some
people and appearing to enjoy his smoke
hugely , he Incited some to indulge who
might not have thought of it , nnd before
fifteen minutes had elapsed nearly as
many men had asked htm for a light.
How the wager stood may bo gathered
from the experience with Iho fourteenth.
Ho took the proffered cigar , ct his own
to burning and returned the first with a
gracious "I thank you , sir.1
"Believe mo , " exclaimed the wngoror ,
starting forward and grasping Iho stran
ger clluslvely by the hand , * 'tho oblign-
lion is entirely on my side. 1 thank you
most heartily. "
The stranger stnrcd. " 1 don't under
stand you. " he snid
"Why , " returned the wagerer , "if you
hid met me UNO minutes ago I should
have lost a bottle of wine.1'
Then a further explanation followed ,
and the stranger , much amused , sat xlown
to join the wngeror and Harry in the bot-
tliMyhieh the latter paid for.
sicnir : ; or su MMINO.
Slumming 1ms had its Jay in .Now
York , and Is now a toothless , gray
headed and tottering ora/.c , employed nt
very rare intervals for an evening by
somebody who liked the fun and wants
to repent it , or somebody who hasn't had
the courage to try it before. There is
one young woman in this city , belonging
to the bettor class , who for the last few
days , has boon wishing she had novcf
heard of slumming. She tried il recently ,
and it took away nil enjoyment of life.
She is a young woman who never does a
thing until it has been tried by everyone in her set and she is perfectly
sure that il is quite the proper thing.
That is whv she nut off her slumming ex
pedition until this winter. If she had
undertaken it when the crn/.u was in iU
prime , mid everyone went slumming as
the regulation thing to do. she would be
happy yet. As it is she is sunk into a
melancholy so deep that it is proof
against daily visits to a candy store , or
the promise of a new pearl necklace. She
is the possessor of : i bonnet for which
she paid $ ( i ( ) . It was wonderful , stun
ning , Kreuchy , the very climax of the
milliner's art. When she bought it
mudame told her with ecstatic little
shrugs thnt
that the eyes of customers had never
rested on It , thai she certainly would
never see its counterpart here , and that
she would not be annoyed by a repetition
of it even if she wore to go to I'aris itself ,
because it was n work of art , the inspira
tion of a moment , which the artist-crea
tor could never duplicate. So she bought
the bonnet , and her heart has been sing
ing a song of joy ever since JYellshe went
slumming , that is properly accompanied
chaperoned , and guided , she started to
go. But she thought she would lik to
Begin by going down through Division
street to see the millinery shops there ,
Tlmt .street is an institution in itself , as
unique as iinvthing to bo seen in the whole
city of Now York. It has the flavor of
the Bowery , tlio "peosness" shrewdness
of Baxter street , nnd un airiness and
pieturoiqui'iiOFS all its own. It is full of
milliner shops. Ono after another , for
block after block , there is nothing but
big show windows filled with the most
gorgeous concoctions of ribbons and
feathers. Cases stand before the doors ,
holiday hats covered with lly-away
wings , and bonnets built up to astound
ing heights. And before each door
stands a woman
If a woman in passing turns n wistful
eye half way toward the window , the
door-guardian is at her side in an instant ,
ringing all the possible changes upon an
in vitation to step inside , and bu//.ing in
her car until the girl at the next shop
door takes her up. My young friend had
heard of this unique plnco.aiid thought --he
would like to hco it. They sauntered
Ihiongh it , and her heart was tilled with
tender pity for the poor creatures who
would wear all those dreadful things nnd
think them nice , while her thoughts now
and then turned to that love of a bonnet
lying at homo in its satin-lined box , and
she was happy. Suddenly right there be
fore her eyes , in the showiest and vulgar-
cst ono of the windows , was tlio exact re
production of her pride and joy. And
on one of the strings was a placard
"Thi i magnificent bonnet only $5. ' Of
course it was inaite of cheap materials ,
and was to her bonnet as the cliromiost
k Ind of n chromo is to a master's original.
But it was a lower-class counterfeit of her
own beloved bonnet and at a little dis
tancu only a practiced eye could tell the
dillorenco.Vhilo she stood and stared
at it , the girl came up : "That's a stylish
bonnet , mum. Won't you come in and
look at it ? It's awfully cheap. You
could't buy it anywhere else for loss n
three times that money. Bettor come in
an'try it on , mum. It'd just suit your
style of beauty. " "
The young swell didn't go very much
further on her slumming expedition.
She wont home and cried. Ami would
not bo comforted. She lias had no pleas
ure in lifo since that night. The b onnot
reposes in its satin case unworn , and its
owner lias lost his faith in milliners.
"How can I ever wear it , " she wails
' 'when 1 fully expect every day to sec
ono of the servants going out with that
dreadful caricature of tlio dear thing.
How can 1 ever trust a milliner again ?
Oh , dear , I shall never have anolhor
minutes1 peace about my bonnet as long
as 1 live.1 CI.AUA Bin.i.r. .
Uoucle stuffs are much \\orn by ehll
( Jlilsunderlhliteen wear their frocks with
out oveiskirts.
Yellow shaded , light , tin fly. badiser boa
and mutts am allectcd by young ladies.
Kiench taste Is nt its best this year in the
production of textile fabrics lei women's
All of Iho light wools this season nro In
cicat tavor , nnd they aio used both for day
and evening wear.
Plush Is moro In vogue than overwhile vel
veteen , corduioy , niuluoidcrlno nio In higher
tavor and moiu extended use.
It Is n sad nnd a curious fact that n great
many men nave n much better notion ot an
Ideal wife than ot nn ideal husband.
( iiecn nnd black , hi own nnd wine , nnd
palo sea-ciuon nnd holiotiope ate tnshlonably
combined in wlntoi toilets made in 1'nris.
Underskirts of striix-d , barred ,
baymlou' . and lijruml stuffs ate wein with
all Hie other patts of the dicss of plnlu stuir.
Homo while tmuclo jorsejs have been put
upun Ihe inniki't nt low prices. They mo
admirable lor Uicsaluf ? loom ami
The Normandy loque , uiiitlo of vnrloiH
kinds ot tin , is hlu'li-l't-akeil on top , and
makes its \\carci look like an Impelled hs-
style that srems lo obtain ( his winter
oonsisu in Iiavlm : the train ot a lomr dress
to Imimoni/u with thu ilo = s , but ot ndilierunt
nmtuiial ,
There is a decided return to vchct skirts of
evi'iy degree ot worth , llidudiM' ' , ' velveteen
in Mimics ot m.iy. KoUion blown , olhoaud
d , til ; gat not.
Plaids nro very fashionable , but they must
boin aitlstlecoluis only , Thr crude , bill-
llnnt pluuliof eten iwo years uo ; arc casl
" . . "
aside as "
A mutt ami boa arc the correct fuis lo wear
with a tailor suit , no mutter how cold the
weather , the clmmoN mulct wear in thnt case
supplying the warmth.
Sixty Chlcaco gU \ \ organized a co opera
tic establishment for makim : men's , clothIng -
Ing foi wholesale dealers1. Tlmy h ivo o good
plant foi their establishment and the piomiso
of pk'iity of work.
Fan-pleated plastrons and labllers ore still
scon upon closant cvenliiSKOwus of Mile and
satin , with cnrsiwo nud panels each ldo of
tlio rlcliDit Wntteau brocades.
I'lnuls ) are very lasliioimble forundprsklrts ,
and the half concealed , half revcilcd p.nts of
costumes , ttu > uppoi skirts , tusipioa or bod-
tecs and sltx'ica being invaii.ililjr of the same
S" T / * IHI , *
t * M.
OMAHf. Neb. , .Inn. S1.18ST.
1 hereby certify tliftl ,1 hnvo ncotirfttnly sur STREET
TO } od nnd staked out tip | lots nnd stroolsof
Sulft 1'ldco. ns shown ou nlioro plat ( xnil thnt
tlio said Swift 1'lftco Is u sub-djvlston of tlio fot-
lowing ilescrlboJ li nd ; Couitncnelng nt n point
on confer line of section IS. township It , north
of rniifre Kl , cnt of Ctli ptinoipnl morldlRii , that
Is 7 chains irest of ccntor of snld eocllun lh , 14 ,
13 , thence west 0'4 chains ; thoncp north SO 10-31
chuln ; ; thcnco eastCVi chnltn and tnnnca soutb
SU 10 K ) chiilns lo bottlnidiif ; .
w. U. HVWI.LV , Sur > pyor.
I.Oco. 0. Hobble , owner nnd proprietor of
Swift 1'lftco , ns pho n In tliu nbo\o plnlnadln
wtioin the title to tlio cnld promlcos Is now
voMcil , dostntonnd ndnilt tlmt nltl pint ( sin uc-
cordnnco with my ilo ire nnd nlolics ; nnd Ida
hereby dudlcnto to the public thu streets n *
iho\rn on the nbcno pint.
Witnc'smy hnnd thlsaut ilayof .Innimry,18s7.
( Slsnoa ) o. C. lloiimu.
In presence of Hurry I ) . Iteod , ,
BUTT or NV.musK \ , i „ ,
Doiifflns Co. I
On tills -1st dny of .Inininry. A. T ) . 18S7 , before
ran , notary public In nnd lor nld county , por-
nonnlly npponrod Ooo. C. lldhlilc , who Is per H
sonally Known to mo to be tlio Meiitlcal poison
whoso nnmoh afliiod to the iibovo dcitlcitlon W
anil ho noUno\\lplfcd ( thoEninoto bo his volun
tary net nnd iled. . W 8 my hnnd nnd Notarial soul tlio di'.to
( SKA i. ] nforojald. M
HUMIV I ) . ItLEt ) , Notary I'ubllc.
These Seventy-Two " 7,2" lots , located just south
of and adjoining Albright's ' Choice. They
are daisies and the price will make
them go , < quick.
10 per cent , down , balanqe-in monthly payments
In ch of home--now is chance w
sea a - . - your , I (
Tiow is your chance to get in on the ground floor o
Don't go into the bottoms , or so far out
as to lie tied to a street car line for invest
Call for plats and any information de
sired at my office ,
i / \ \ li rn 1 111 Qf Do vi AH II At A ! "R1 A ' d
lilO i aludllloL.,1 , dAlUll lluluDliL 5
G. C. HOBBIE , Proprietor ,
stuff. matcUliic tlio in-omlncnt color ol the
Keatlicr fans arc sliou n mostly In loiuid or
oval Bliapos. Tlio tips usi-cl ou tlioiiiiuu fiom
cldit to twelve inclios In IciiRtb , o plncod as
not to show the qtillHa ; liiimmiiiK-blrd or
dainty alcruttu ot homo sort Is placed In tlio
The list of slelsnliiK lioods tills winter is
mucli moro varied In style than o\or lioioie.
Tlio Kusslan hoop or sable fur is tlio richest
nnd most expensive , and tlio Knullsli hood
of plusli , fiir-llucd and fur-bordered , is tlio
most protective.
Kxtra larso ( ilnlds of cold nnd lilno. hlnclc
nnd cardinal , blue nnd fawn color , mnsh-Kicen
nnd pale almond , mauve nnd bishop's purple.
and wine color and nun's moy am combined
with plush orTliit in the construction ol
pay , rlcli skatlns ; or tobo an costumes.
1'ink Is n very fnvoilto tint wltn ynunt ;
Indies tins season , and n clmrmlni ; cobtumo
ronsUtb of n nross of pink nnd whlto 9irlH | > i |
SIcllldiilH1 , ultli u bodice anil drnpcry of mnU
silk tulle , with bcrtlia of lace mound tlio
half-open bodice , or bietelles of velvet , with
u irnrintiiro of velvet pinlts bPt nt onn side.
Ka&liionnllo younj : eitls o | blender build
nro wearlnt ? gownb this winter made in an-
tiQiio fnshion , with full-cntliorod fchnrt-
walstcd bodices , slioit pulled sleeves , and
\\lilo bi'lts , nround which Is snii.'lv drawn an
India silk snsh. witli luiu emlbliich tic in
wide bows nt the back.
Amonvthe now tlio s woolens to bo nsod
lor \ IbitliiB sowns iluiini ; tlio winter and for
iiamisomo pronienndo diesses in tlio bpiinir.
me line soft Indies' cloth tabrlcs in novel
palo hues of heliotrope , chanioi * , ii.ile ropppr.
ninplo leaf LM eon , i.xspbeiry red , amaranth ,
i of.o color and cieim yellow nnd bluoof the
tints seen on biequo uud ItujaMVorcCbter
The new Trench polonalso is very effec
tive. made of the lineal enmol'i , hnir or ladiea"
clotli , OMT nlalnelet bkirt.s. The limit
turns back from belt to hem , nnd hit ; wide re-
vei of % el vet are set upon these. The front of
the corsage nlso turns back in i overs Irom the
waist up to the shoulders , and discloses n vrst
of embroidered silk or of wit In laid In line
pleats bolted nt the wnlst nnd terminating
there. At the .sides mo wlilo u-het poeketn
nnd the back of tlio polonaise Is M-iy lonx ,
and but little dra i d
Lester Wnllack lspend \ \ the lest of tlio
winter lu Florida.
A movement Is on foot In Louisville to
erect n monument to Itainey McAnloy ,
Uernlinnlt'a tniaieiuent begins at tlio
Chestnut .Street theatre on Monday. March 7.
Soigne U reported to luve made a
( ? ieat hit In Clilcago as Ond.xido ! n "Lor-
mine. "
K. I ! . 1'olk has acccptod a now comedy for
next season , \\hich he will pioducu anony
.John W. Keller , the nuthor of "TniiRled
Lives , " isiltini ; nnotlier play for nn
Ucn Maginloy will star next f-eason In an
Iilsh iilay , under the iminaKement ot ( Smiles
11. Illcks.
Al. llayman has liroucht suit for WOO !
damacpsugnlnst Lilian Ulcott lor cancelling
her 'Frisco date.
ills. John K. Owens Is niannirliKf her hus
band's estate , theCliailcston ( b.C. ) Ac.ulemy
ot Alusle included.
Suah Jlornhatilt , say tlio passeiiirers from
llnvana , Iscniwdlnii the Tncon theater theie ,
nnd receipts am enormous.
Jlooloy's thuater. at Clileago , has followed
the lead of Hid Columbia theater and icdiiced
the prlco of the btet ' .eat-s to SI.
Wilson Hautitt s business in Chicago
light dining fiis Unco week's piiKnet'inunt.
lie iiiodnced ' 'plitii" last instead ol at llit. .
Lawrence fiariV'tt has purclmsed outright
iiom the atitliorV. . \\r. \ \ Young , hit ) tr.usudy
of "l'oinlrn ( > ii1"Mlilcli is being enlliely ie-
written. <
Svilnoy ItoLonleld dcclnies his Intention
of making , nwie ojier.i 'Hluetto out of
Flunk btucUtuu's no\el , "Tlio Lady nnd the
Tiger. "
Ml s Adelnldn.rThornton , who has wade a
hit ns I''rnncesciu in "The ( i.illoy Sln\o , ' i- ,
the wifn ol I'awl NK-lioKon , n Now'ioik
Dinlnu' thn flint Americaii tour or Mine.
Hintoil , In istv ) , Theodore Thomas ( illed the
poiition ol k'ader ol the oiclieatra at n salary
of { - liOavcok. .
Kdwln llooth's first nppearanco ns n star
was matin when ho was but eighteen , ns
Hlclinrd III. , in C.bbcr'a Noi.sionol hhaku-
bpearo'b tragedy.
It Is now asserted that Hartley Campbell
shows mnikcd indications ot incroabed
mental vitror. and tliat theio Is a fair chance
lor Ills entire ieco\ery.
( ieorn'leCajvan has been engaged by Mr.
Douclcault to play n leading part In his new
Ameiicaii plav.hleh he Intends to produce
In lloston on Kebruar ) "
Augusta Van Uoren , n giadunto of the
lioston Museum company , who lias been
seen in the support of Modjeska and Ithea ,
is prcparin ; to star In a new comedy of
lubtuonable society.
Kobert IStoepel is writing the music of nn
original Ainu lean comio. opera that will bo
pioduced at an eilydatc , lie has been at
work on it for .somo months past , nnd com
petent ciltlcs nio highly pleased at the style
of the music so far. j
These nio tlio long rnnsnt the Mow York i
Casino under the AronsonV management : '
"Nanon , " 1W ) niKhtj ; "Kal'.n ' , " 110 ;
"Amoiita , " 110 ; 'Mleggar Student. " t r :
" 1'ilnco Methusalem , " tiv. "I'ho ( lynsy
Union , " 8nnd "Kimlnle" has leaclied Its
tilllth peifoiinnnce.
Cora rannor , who Is meeting with suwois
ns the slur ol "Alone In London , " was bom
on Tridav , the l.'ith dny of thu month ; made
liur debut on the sta'o on Kndiv. hhoho-
lioves that the ith : : of each month is her
lucky day. Klin has bi'on mndo an honorary
member of tln < Now York Thirteen club , nnd
Is the only lady connected \\Uli that lumou.s
LlncoIn'H l
The nntliors of tlio Century "Lifo of
Lincoln'1 thus rofur to Lincoln's isscnpo
from li'coiniiiK ti ros'ulont ollleo-liolilur
iiiidof tliuV usliington rovornineiit. ultor
liis conjrossionii ; term iiiul oxpircil : "It
was in ttus way th it Abraimm Lincoln
mot and escaped ono of tlio greatuit iliin-
KOIS of Ins lll'o. In nftor dnys lie rouog
ni/.cd Iho cirror ho had onniniittcd , nnd
uonjjrntiihiteil himself upon tliolnippy do-
livernnco ho hud obtained through no
merit of his own. Tim loss ol nl luust
four years of the active piir iiit of his
m-ofossioii would hiivi ; hoon irreparable ,
leiivintj out of view tlio htroiifj
iirobability tlmt the singular nlmnn of
Washington lito to niun who hnvo a pas
sion for polities mi ht have kept him
there forever. It lias boun said
tlmt a residence in Washing
ton leaves no man precisely as it found
liiin. This is an axiom which may
ho applied to most cities in a certain
oonse , but it is trno in a peculiar decree
of our capital. To the mun who coino
there from small rural communitius in
the south and the went , tliu bustle and
stir , the intellectual movement , Mich as
it i.s , the ordinary subjects of conversa
tion , of such vastly { ircater importance
than mo thing tln-y have previously
known , tiio daily ami hourly combats nn
the lloorof both hoiuos , thu intri im and
thu strii lo of olllee minting , which in vast 'numbers beside.s thu olllco-
seekers , the superior puinnncy and inter
est of thu scandal which is talked at a
conyc-s-iopal boardinix-hoiisi ) over that
which scions the dull ilaib at n ullagv
tivorn : nil this gives a savor to lifo in
\Vashinitlon.the memory of which doubles
the tedium of the sequestered vale
to which the beaten legisla
tor returns whnn his briuf hour
ot clory is ovor. It is this which brings
to tint stiito department , alter every yon-
oral tileotion , that crowd of hpuetors , with
their bales of recommendations from
pitying colleagues who have boon ro-
oluctcd , whoso diminishing prayers run
down the whole gamut of Mipplication
Irom St. .lames ( o St. I'anl.of Loando.and
of whom at the la t il must bo Bnid , as
Air. Kvurts onc'o Miid uftor an iiiinsnally
lioavy day. ' .Many called , but few
chosuii.1 Of llioso who do not aehicvo
the ruinous success of going abroad to
consulates that will not pay their board ,
or missions where they only avoid daily
sliuino by hiding their penury nml their
ignortinca away from observation , a
great portion yield to their fate and join
tlmt Ill-lit of wrecks which lloats forever
on the piuomontotVashingtoii. .
"It is needless to cnv tlmt ftlr. Lincoln
received no daiimgu from IIH ! lorm of
ollici ) in Washington , but w ? know of
nothing which MIOWH M > strongly ( ho
perilous fnciii.ttion of the place as tlio
faot tlmt a man of his oxiraordinary
moral and mental qualities could over
have thought tor a moment of accepting
a position HO iii iiiiiilicaiil and mnon-
grtious f.t. tlmt which lmwa.s ; moro than
willing In assiimo when ho lelt congiess
liu would have tilled the place with
honor ami cnditbut at a monstrous
ospunsu. Wo do not no much rotor in
his cxei-ptiiiiiiit caroci and IUH gn-it
liijtiro in history ; these inoinentou.s con-
tin 'i could not have suggested
tliumsulvcs to him Hut the pl.ieo ho was
reasonably sure ol Illlinc in the battle of
lifo hhouldhavumadoa h'tibordinato ollico
in Washington a thing out of the ques
tion. He was already : i lawyer of
bkill and reputation ; an orator
upon uliom lii- > party relied to speak to
thu people. An innate love of combat
waa in his heart ; ho lovud dibuiission like
u inodioval .scl.oolman. Tlui air was
already tremulous with faint bugle notes
that heralded a conflict of giants on a
Hold ot moral .si nilicanco to which ho
was full * alive and nwaue whore ho was
certain to le-id at U-n t his linndnIs ixnd
thou-aiUla. Vet if Juallli liuturlii'ld had
not boon a moro supple , more adroit , and
less scrupulous suitor for ollice than
himselt , Abraham Lincoln would have
sal for lour incstimnblo years at a bureau
dck in the interior department , and
when the hour of action .sounded in Il
linois , who would havu lillud the place
which ho took as if ho had boon born fpr
itv Who could havu done the duly which
ho bore as lightly n * if ho had been
fashioned for it from thu beginning of
ICiio\ County All'nlrs.
( Jiii'.inirrox , Nob. , .Jan. 23. [ Torn ) .
Hponih'nco of the -Hcprcseiitalivo ]
\Y. L. Turner and .Senator U. K. Bono-
htccl relnrncd from Lincoln Saturday
Jan. 25 , and worn mot at the depot by a
delegation of Van Wyok republicans and
democrats , accompanied bv the Cruighton
cornet band , and wore given an ovation
for their honorable course in trying to
f-eunro the ro-ulection of lion. C. 11 , Van
Wyok. Although both were democrats ,
they promised to support tlio senator n < j
second choice , and Ihoy their faith ,
winch is more than inanyho ealleil romib-
llcans have done. If we had moru enuh
men the people's choice would have -won
against "boodle" and traitors , but traitors
are short lived and will be remembered
by their ( masters ) constituents despised
and hated by the \\Iiohavogiven
thorn their positions of trust ami honor ,
\Vulmv it btii'ii having iiuito a revival have
tortlie past two weeks It was commenced
under the Jcadoishipfjf Mrs. 1'almer , the
gospel temperance revivalist of the
National Woman's Christian Temper
ance union , ot Iowa. Much good has
been accomplished.
Petitions are being circulated here ask
ing the legislature to grant a permit to
vote on the prohibition amendment in thu
Mute of Nebraska.
( ) : ir defaulting ovconiity treasurer ,
Kadish , has not returned the ? 1U,000 ho
borrowed from Knox county over two
years ujo. The hist grand jury failed to
indict him by a vote of eleven for indict
ment and live of his friends airainst in-
diriment. The pvoplo are crying for
s > ni < thin to be done , but I ho Knox
county ( ing if aluiiJilinix the guilty.