Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1887, Part II, Page 11, Image 11
Semi-Annual Statement of the Treasurer of Douglas County , for the One-Half .Year , Commencing July 1st , 1886 , and Ending December 31st , 1886 , Inclusive. STATE VU\i > S. To nmotint on hiiml .fitly IsttlRPO . (55,700 21 Toiiinoiint ( ii'liornl Fund colloi'tnl . 14.V > 1 To iiinoiint Hlnkinir Fund colluvled . 1,23 ! ) To iiiiioiint School I'll nil collect I'd . 3,105 57 Tonnmiint University Fund collected . 1,14 ! ) 71 o amount IVnltcntlary Fund collected . . . . 10 57 To mnoum Normal School Fund collected . 8 (15 ( To amount Still u Itond Fund collected . 81 To ninount Anylum Fund collected . IO To amount Cnpltol Fund collected . 1. * " 60 To iiinoiint HoTorin School Fund collected . ' " ' 88 To nnioiint Institution lor Feeble-M hided Fund eodcclcd 319 To iiinount I.tvo Stock liiiluiiiiuty Fund collected . 2.15 To iitiioiiut School Liuiil 1'rliu'lpal Filiul collected . ! lt50 ! To ninount School hand IntoivM Fund collected . 19.1 To ninount School l.iuul I-eato Fund collected . 112 $ S2iS : ! 50 IIV ninount piild Pinto Trnn'Uror , Xo. 2873 Wt.KSi 91 lly ninount paid State. Trcusuror , No. 2927 28 , ' . il 20 lly uiiiount transl'errdil to County ( luncrnl Fund ( collected 180 , und previous years Ilnlunco. S17.384 09 C'OUA'TY Ci S\I2KAIj Tonmount on linnd July 1st , 1880 . $35. 87 3S To uiiiount colle'itod . - . 25r > 2ii HI To iiinoiint traiiBtorrud from 1'ounty Plnlchiir Fund . 2'll ' M To ninount transleriod from County 1'oor Fund . 101 71 To ntiiount tnuisrorrnd from County Doir Fund . 30185 To ninount tnuitrcrred from Oounly SluhliiK llond Fund 117 5.1 To amount tran loiTod from CountyOld Court House F'd 43 113 To ninount tniiHfcrrcd from County I ntoro Fund . 3449 To amount trnifferred from County Ad vurtlslnir Fund . . 1.1 17 2t ! To amount transferred Irom County Miscellaneous Fuml 441 9J To amount traiiHl'crrod from Stnto Fund ( colluoted 1BH7 . und pnovloitB yonrs ) . 87 ( > 0. To timount tninsforrud Irom Fee FunJ . 1.H2J . > l lly nnioiint wnrrnnts rodcnmod $14.07705 lly union nt transferred to Ditch Fund WK ) 00 lly ninount resolutions on General Fund IDs > ' lly amount I cos lor collection of county tiues IUN > > 50.1,771 .7 nnhinco. tlOlM 46 . SB SCIAI. : SUSIOOE. , To ninount on linnd. Inly 1st , 188(1 ( . $ l2.i'i ' ! > O'J To iiinount collCLtcil le a that of IbflS and previous years ( < ! ll 01 f III , * ! . ' ! 3.1 lly amount paid Dlstriots J12.834 03 lly iiinount colloelion Ice irl > ' | 12,8'J7 43 Ilnlnnco 10,43590 SCHOOL , Ai I OaiT30XMK.\T To ninount on linn.l July Ist.lRSO . t 3,30) 4 To ninount receive. I from Stnto . . . 11,3.14 07 To amount special school tax IHlSand pruvlous yours. . 1HI ill To amount doir lav 187 and previous ycnra . 10 UU To amount liquor HoeiiBO , translerrcd from Miscellane ous Fund . , . 750 00 To ninount lines and forfeitures , transferred from Mia- ' ccllnnooiiA Fund 80 00 To uiiiount peddler's license , transferred from Miscella " neous Fund . l" " ° f 18,401 88 fly ninount paid DWi-Iets 1 16,005 .10 lly amount collection feu > > * > K ! 95 Ilalanco ft ? . 73 1 \ < > S. 5 AM > 'J To amount im linnd July Ut , 18S8 . f 70S 41 To ninount eolleclud . . . 375 U'J J1.U83 41 lly ninount collection fee . t 375 Ilnlnnco . , 11,079 C9 KAIL KOAI > O.M > .SB.VKI.VO FU.VU. Toimount on hand July 1st , 18SO . , , . . . . f 30 ,530 , 21 To amount collected . r. . . . 11,7V ) 61 To uiiiount trunutcrrcd trom Hull Head HrUlije FunJ. . . . 127 31 H2.I21 W lly amount wurrnnta redoomeil. { 31,031 00 Ilulnnco J21.40000 : ru.\i > . To amount on linnd July 1st , 1850 . , * fl,747 20 To amount colli'cleJ . 2VUI 47 f 9,711 73 lly ninount warrants redeemed t 0,920 7 ? lialimcu ) . To nmotint on linnd July 1st , 1680 . $ 1,591 20 To amount collected . , . 7.W7 BO To amount transferred trmu Unulu , $ : ( ; ItouU nnJ Jlridgo , * l'J3.KJ , ) l.dl1oll1.fAW.7t . 00177 ' J12.21I3TU lly ninount wnrrnnts redeemed . , . , . , , f V,9'13 SO 4 IJy trroriutejrest cUurtfed on fcrradotn.\iast report , . ' "Hi go 4I .Unlnnco I 2,294 07 Tonmount on hand July 1st , 1830 . $10,1(13 ( 7f > To nmuunt collected . 2,118 n.1 $12rS7 41 . lly amount warrants redeemed . flO.811 09 llaiimco . f . " ' " 33 . - 4 t IXSAXIJ ruxsp.v " 'i f ' " To ninount on linnd July 1st , ISSC , . ? 5,531 tih To amount colleclca . 1,218 M1 , ' ' J. 0,513 19 , Balimcc . . \ t . 'rd3 19 CETY 4 > P OMAHA TAXK3. . , t To ninount on linnd July 1st , I8 i ! . ? 1:13 : no ToumoUiil loliceted . l.2 7jJ ( $ l.lli. iB Hy amount collodion fee . 'C ' 1953 ' Balance . , ( 8 I..31 ' BTY OF E- ' ! . E6K.V K TAXH3S. Tonmount collected . f 81 51 lly amount uollnctfon foe . f . " ' > Hy orrtir In fees on last report . * t 11 57 Ilnlnnco . * w ' ' * VSLBA , < ii : or WATJ3S6E.OO TAXIW. To amount on linnd July 1st , IR'fi . $ 4530 To amount collected , Itidu.tln iloi' tav of village . 110 'M if 15(1 ( 2S lly ninount collection fee . J 11 10 Hy ninount paid Vlll.igo Trunsurcr . ' - ' ' 85 S 3.1 95 ' Iljilanco . * 12033 * " virj > A < li ; : or ] Mia.BJABeB > TAXKS. Tonmount collected . $ 1020 lly amount collection feu . S 1 03- Hnlanco . $ 918 EHTCBE riI.VI > ( Xorlli Oinulin and Waterloo } . To ninount collected . $ 110 00 To amount trans ! erred liom General Fund . U4) ) 00 $ 010 00 lly amount warrants redeemed . f 4W 25 Hnlanco . . . . . ( 12775 B'OB.B H-8J.VB ) . To ninount collected . $ 'J39 79 lly ninount Supervisor receipts redenmed . t COO 00 By muoniit traiibfciiod to Houd Fund . 839 ,9 S 9:19 : 79 I'KXAB.TY. Tonmount on linnd July lt , 18SO . , . , , , .f SOI Co ' Hy nmount refunded . , . t 11 35 Dnlnnco . . * 'wl 30 To nmount on linn'l.luly Ut , 1880 . , . $ 35' ) ia i To nmount omitted by orroron last rci | > ort . 6S 34 To amount collected . , . 7,9:10 : 18 i t 6,35:171 : , By amount pnld holder of certificates . I t B.B70 00 " Ilalanco. , , , . ; . , i f2fi77C5 i 1 To ninount fines and forfolturcs . $ 7M oa To amount llij Mir Ho use . 750 no TD amount | ipUillur llconso . , . 17 faTe To nuiouiit surplus fees of county olllcors . . . . . . . . . . . 414 uo t 1,092 40 Hy nmount InillPfurrod. Jo Appqrllonment Fund. . . f 1,5(7 ( [ a lly amount transferred to General Fuu'l. ' . . . " . . . . . . . 411 IM * Amount of warrants registered nnJ not puld for wnnt of tiliul | li llunoriil Fund . f39OI9 1C Amount of wariiiutsro.tlstered und not paid lor want of t MllJs 111 Houd Fund . . ' . . 20,38591 Auiount nt warriintbiet'Utercd and not paid for want of i unUs In Hriilgo Fund . . , , , , . 768 00 | COG2l : 83 To amount on hnti'l July l t , thV. 5 2,010 21 To amount tor collect ! n or county laves 1,085 75 To nmount for collection of District School and appor- tloiiui'Mil taxes 8081 To nmount for collect ion of city ami vllla-jo tu\o. ? 43 27 To amount for collect ion of ml-collimoius taxes 0811 ! ! 3 To amount for collect Ion of school bond taxes 3 75 f 4.M1 U lly amount sil-irlos paid > , $ 2"CO , CO lly amount inlleaKO to and from Mncoln 13 HJ $ 2,713 CO Ilnlnnco . f 1.B20 fil To amount on hand July 1st , 18sn . SIO'.i.flM ' 48 To ninount taxes collected . Kl. liS 87 To amount FOluml land , principal intei-e.-t nnd lease . 4 , IN ! 22 Toamouiil miscellaneous collections . 1,9I3 ! 40 To amount niHLellniieous lees . OR ) 8,1 To nmount Om Him city laves collected . 1,020 72 Tonmount i-cdemplions . 7,9 in is To nmouiil omiltcd liy error on last rcpoit . 58 24 To nmount received fiom thu Slate . 13t5.S : 07 $2K,05I ) 01 Uy nmount warrants redeemed . $103,2411 OS lly amount paid Stnto . ti4 n2 19 lly amount paid Schools . 28,499 68 ' lly amount traiiRlerre.l troin Itoa'l Fund . U3 Stf lly amount redemptions , . . -5i > 7U.oii , nnd salaries $2,7UO.rO paid . 8,37(1015 ( fly amount paid Village Treasurer . 24 8,1 Hy nmount penalty refunded. J11.25 , nnd icsolu- tlons , $10H.87 , on ( ionornl I'liml . 119 72 Hy nmount Kunorvlhor receipts rodconied . MM HO lly amount milage to and Irom Lincoln . 130 ( ? 205rU7 41 Hntanco . ? . . ' . f 77,4.10 57 Amount State funds on hand January 1st , 1887 . $17,384 n9 - Amount County flenernl I'liinl on linnd . lO.IWi 4(1 ( Amount School Apportionment Fund . 2,721 43 Amount Special School Fund . 0,435 90 A mount School llond Fuml . 1,079 (19 ( Amount County Slnkimr 1'iind . 21.49 , ) M ) Amount County Hrldu-u Fund . , . 2.V.IO III Amount ( 'ounty Itoad Fund . . . 2.V94 97 Amount City of Omahn taxes . 1,131 .4 Amount VllliiKO < il Waterloo . 120 3 ! Amount Village .Mlllaid . 9 18 Amount Villain Florence . (1994 Amount Ditch Fund . 127 75 Amount Penalty Fun I . 7933) ) Amount redemption money . 2177 ' (15 ( . Amount lii-aiio ! Fund . 0,513 19 Amount JuilKii'eut Fund . 1,740 83 $77,4.16 57 I certify tl'i't ' the sibovu is a true : niil correct stitumcnt to the best of my knowledge uiul belief of the biluice : : on linnd July 1st , 188ti , iinil the uiiiount of receipts : iud di.sbnr.SL-m Mils from tlien until Dccembur Ulist , 1830 , together with the balances on hand al the hist mentiotu'd date. I1ENRV UOI.LN , County Treasurer. MARY SHAW'S ADMIRERS. Slio States Her Jlouson for Giving Them tlio Allttcn. Some time last fall there arrived in this city , says si Jamestown , Dakota , correspondent - respondent , it yoiini ; woman who guvo her nnmo as Mary Shaw , wlio s : id that she had come hero for the purpose of taking up some land. She had several hundred dollars , and though it was thought Ktruniro that she should want to embark on the hard life of a Dakota fanner in the fall of thu year , it was ad mitted that she was a woman of pluck , and that as she had some means she would probably succeed. As it hap pened , n man who had taken np hind : i lew miles south of here wanted to sell , and with him Mary bhuw made a bar gain , taking his farm and house as it stood and moving in with the determina tion of living there all winter. In the course of time some of the men here abouts who are matrimonially inclined begun to notice Mary's thrift and indus try , and , as she was companionable , she never lacked for admirers. She was not to bo easily captured , however. Ad mirers , young nud old , all fared about tlicsamo , Such as mustered up courage to pop the question were put oil' with a joking answer , and all who undertook to llnd out just who she was fared even more unsatisfactorily. She had no con fidantes of either sex , and' , as winter came on , she kept things shipshape and said nothing as to her antecedents. It has bince been learned that Shaw is not her name. She was a runaway wlfo when she canto here and her home has been out in Wyoming , where her hus band was a well-to-do cattle grower. One day in the early autumn she was rumaging through his coat pockets for something and discovered a letter there from a woman whom she thought she had reason to bo jealous of. Her husband was then oil'on his ranch and would not bo back for several weeks. Her mind was made tin in a minute. Horn and raised in the far west , she was possessed ot an independent spirit und a courage which many a man might envy. The , housQ in which she lived was in her own iiamo , and linding u purehrser aho sold it us it stood , wrote u letter to her husband , telling him that he would never bee her again , and leit for parts unknown. After a brief stay in Lincoln , Neb. , she went to Chicago , whore she spent a week or two. and frpm that city she came directly here. She had road of women who had come into Dakota and made successful efforts at fanning , and * > hu .had ix-solvcd to try the exiK-nmuiit , ( that here she would find a livelihood as well i freedom from b'earch by her husband. The mystery whioh seemed to snrroui her only madn the interest of the , Ii Kiver beaux the greater , and if she hi not been a woman of rare good sense at tolerably diplomatic in her way si might have been annoyed beyond me ; tire by them. As it was she took all t ! attention paid her in good part , and I chivalry of the valley voted Her the Jinn somest woman in the territory. TV weeks ago a tall and linn appearing ms arrived hero and without stating his m sion began an inspection of all the fars lying within ten miles ot town. Ho seen to have found what ho was lee ing for at Alary Sltaw's liouse , for , alt calling there one day ho returned town and did not leave his hotel aga except as ho journeyed once a day to h place in the country. It has now leak' ' out that the stranger is the woman's hi band , and that ho has made an cxphiu turn of the presence and the contents the letter which is highly satisfactory his wife. The letter was written to him by t -woman in questionas it appeared to ha buon , but it was never answered , ai there had boon nothing in his coiulit which warranted such familiarity on h part. It had been his intention show his wife the missive.but in the bur of preparing for his extended trin ov liis ration he had forgotten it. 1-eelii that his wife had done herself ami hi an injustice he spared no pains in traeii her out. Al first he found the searel most dit.icult one , but in Chicago he h got a clue and had followed U succ-ei fully. After the reconciliation it bocai a question what would bo done with t farm hero. The young woman wanted keep it , and her husimnd , linditig tl there was : i mortgage on it , cleared tl up and leased it before leaving for t west. The last evening that the couple spc in the little farmhouse it so happened tl two of Mary Shaw's regular admin called , just to see if there was an.ythi that they could do for hr > r. They wi received with the customary grace , at after a little , were introduced to her hi band , who greeted tiiem cordially , a said that he guessed lie wet have to take her homo , win the work was easier. Ono of 1 callers , an old fellow , was so ov como with nnta/.cment and chagrin tl ho became almost speechles-s , luotigh linally found words to say that he ci grauilatud the gentleman on having 1 lovely a Wife. lh > hail Ml | < IJMMMl Unit 1 Wi.i faingk- , and if she li.ul LI.UII lie v free to admit that he would hnvo stood on his head in n bli//.ard for twenty-four hours if by that means ho could have won hrr. The other was a Aoung man , and his only remark as ho wlshi'd the couple good night was to hope , that they would hnvo a safe journey homo. All this happened in so short ti space of time that It was not until the couple bad gone that the fads leaked out , and shieo that the little farm house , now occupied by a Swede , has boon vis-iti-d every day by u do/ion or more people curious to tee the place where the thing of which they had heard so much happened. It is said that the westerners will visit the farm iut sumnu'r that the young woman said so when she . was leaving and if they do tltoy will be- received by the entire population. IN RETIREMENT. How tlio Only liv-l'rrsldont Iilvlnc PiiKSCM lilH Time. Kx-1'rosidiMit Kayos , says a rcrrrsi oid- : cut of the Is'ow York Star , loads a sort of nomadic life just south of Fremont , O. Ho has sixty chickens and innumerablu goats. Ho occupies in northern Ohio n position similar to that which Norvnl held on the Urampmn hills. His chickens como from every clime and arc black Spanish , Logorns , Cochins , white lirahmas , Shanghais and bantams. I.uc.y milks the goats , which pasture in n mMglibor'mir granite miarry and go about chewing the rocks. Once in : i while they loiter ito Fremont and oat the theatre advertisements of the bill boards. Kutherfordauii Lucy live much on goat's milk and the cheese and the butter that are made from it. Last fall , when nuts were ripe , Rutherford thought from the flavor of the butter that the goats had boon feeding on mast. A short investi gation showed him that they had been , browsing on the advertisomenta l > f a negro minstrel company , and so had been living on the chestnuts of the contemporary stage. Rutherford is quite gray , ami is a plain , simple man who laughs and talks with his neighbors , lie has forty acres , his goals , and his chickens , and lives as Imp- nily as an Arab in his tout. Kvory year > e invites the "upper class , " of Fremont , by which is meant the local shop kcep- ors , millers , usurers , und bog packers , mil to liis farm , and these have a picnic under the trees and drink goats' milk and onfermonted sweet wmo. It is u great Occasion for the village small fry , who ( iaiher together to ( liei number of 500 or bliO to shake ban.Is with a fellow whohus aeon president. The villagers exchange awkward compliments under the trecH end fall over the furniture und have a oed time , Uutherford has a coachman with a blue coat and brass buttons and a high hat caught up at the side. This coachman , is a sans culottein respect to his uniform , for , while his coat , and yost , anil hat go together , he wears Huthorford's east-oil trousers. His coat is a concession to llunkyism anil Kuthcrford'M trousers area ' a concession to domo'eracy. Rutherford has a lish-liorn , by blowing a blast on which he calls the coachman. Whenever Hutherford wauls the coachman to hitch it ) ) the horses , he goes to the second-story window of the house , pops out his head , and blows the born , which is about three feel long. Thu cyclones which de vastate Ohio are popularly attributed to this lishhoriu Lucy is getting fill. She used to bo a liuekoyo belle with cheeks like red anples and eyes like sloo-berrios. She went from the farm house lOuthe white house and drank catnip tea all the way. She is a charitable and kindly woman , and , as a shining example in the prohibi tion movement , is considered to be worth a hundred FrancisMurph. s , Hutherford himself was once u lively swain at the country husking bees and apple parings , where ho lir t met Lucy , but care on ac count of his chickens has turned his hair white , lioth Hutherford and Lucy are liked by all their neighbors because they came back from the white house ami fed their chickens and walked on the com mon ground and breathed the ( ( million air , and did not go around stubbing their toes against the stars. When the sun is rising over Fremont anil the dew is on the grass in Ohio , Hutherford may otten be Keen with a littlu pan of grain fcediii' ' his chickens. In 4ho gray dawn the chickens gather under his window and wait for the ex- president to rise , as the courtiers of Louis XIV. gathered at the royal cham ber. Thu chickens follow Hutlierford around when he walks through his Melds and inspect his farm with him. He takes thorn to poultry shows , and what with two or three coops of chickens and three or four pumpkins the Hayes exhibit makes a large part of many country fairs , Often the chickens come back to the lit tle Kayos farm gay with ribbons and crowing with victory. And the pump kins , they come back wearing blue rib- bojis , but all their gladness is , swiftly changed into pics. Some of the chickens "soldier" on the nx-nroshlont. but most of them lay with commendable industry and regularity , so that Hutherford guts on an average fully forty eggs a day. As there is no such thing as iinfermontcd cirgnog , cggnog never crosses the Hayes' threshold , and Hutherford n.ay not use all his eggs. So he sells enough to keep the chickens in bone dust and gravel. Hutherford has a little list of funny anecdotes , a little golden treasury of puns , a regular sinking fund of humor , and n light armory of wit that has never rusted forlaok of use. To people not fa miliar with the older n.tnuntics ins lighter conversation is entertaining and pleasing. Hutherford delights to tell funny stories to his neighbors , and often pauses be.sido hifi chicken-coop to rolt-to some "chest- nti | " thaHlio read by a pine knot in a bitters almanac in IB 17. Of course , the joke seems crisp , for everybody else who survived tin' hrst edition of the almanac is dead. And so it happens that Huthor ford's reputation as a humorist equals his reputation as a poultererand many of hin rustic admirers regret that he ever wont into politics , ami wonderingly boloiyo that if he had not been elected president he would be a second Hill Njo. Thus passes the declining da s of the nineteenth president. He once ruiod ( iO.MJO.OUU people ; he now rales 8 xty chickens. Loved by his chu-Kei , his ? goatsand bis ncighboi'i > , Ha..s . llourHics rather than loiters toward bis tomb , in the lat land of Ohio -the mvuK'St states- m.ui poulUTur , the onU KiuKiyu Im *