Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1887, Part I, Image 1
* jr.- I THE OMAHA 1 DOUBLE SHEET , PART I , 1-8 , I I SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SUNDAY MO11NING , JANTJAliY. 30 , 1887.-S1XTEEN PAGES. NUMBEK 220. WAR TALK IN FRANCE New Bellicose Rumors Sprung on the Ex cited Public Ever ) Day , FUEL ADDED TO THE FLAMES. General Eoalangor Working Hard on His Finns of Mobilization , THE ELECTIONS IN GERMANY. How the Government Is Pushing Ita Plan of Campaign. COMMENT ON INGALLS' SPEECH. Itcmnrlcnblo nvporiincntR In Iljpo- tlNin Continue to 1'vcltc Parisian Hclmitlllc Circles Tlio Italian UnioriiMicnt'H Victory OtlirtI'orclt1 News. 1'nliitfl Prom I'nrN. | r M/rf/ ( ' iifi'bu Ininn r7inf'in Ilenndl 1 1'AiiH , Jan. ' . " . . [ New York Herald Cable Special lo the Hnr.J Thu pessimists arc still to the fore. Kach day hrimrs do/ens of waillko rumors. The bourse is as tickle as quIckHllvei , and I'ailslausaio bewildered by Ihcconllictlng stoiles. They jud o the situa tion according to the Impressions of the mo ment , and , as V. Hane sas today , "C'est ' nltulro do tempeiamunt. " t'ho same person wlio at breakfast time announces that wai is Inevitable before six weeks are passed , will at dinner time tell you , "No , there won't bo any war this jcai. " Meanwhile an cx-captaln of Fiench artil lery , M. Ivan doVoPst \ > ne , adds fuel to llio llamesby publlbhing a 'pamphlet dedicated to the mcmoiy of the Frenchmen killed In lbTO-71 , bearing the Ulla of "How to Flisht the Cermaii Army , " the answer being to got ns near as von can to them in Iho night and then bajonet them. Although Ibis sensa tional pimphlet iccalls by its title , 1'iinco Fiederlck Charles' famous memoir , "How to FL'littlio French Army , " published In 1S5' ' ! , it also reminds one ot a once famous receipt for cooking a bale , not i v\oi it's Moim.i/.viioN PLANS. Ccneial lloulan ei Is woikin night and day in perfecting ariangemcnls vvilh the railway authorities to enable moblli/atlon on the Herman frontier to be as lapld as possible the moment tlio oulei shall be given , iho two army corps lo Iho vvesl of I'orls the Thhd with headquarters at Kouon and the Tenth with hcadqiiartcisat Henner can now be transported dliect by lail to the eastern liontlci without passing throiuh 1'aiis , a feat thai would have been impossible six weeksaKO , and which shortens by two davs at least the lime lequired to mobili/e the o two roips d'armcs. COIIMKNTS OX 1NOAI.I.S' SPBKCII. The I'.uisian papeis have reproduced with much trlcu Mi. In alls' speech In the senate acainst Kimlind whicli , translated into terse , tieuchint Fienih , has a tiairic ring about It tint pleases the boulevaullers. To-da > 's republican llvenement devotes a lead ing article to Senatoi Ingalls and concludes with the woids : "Lo vltnleiit .eniteiir du Kansas a etc 1'echodo la conscience hiimaine. Jj'AnclLleuo csl jugee. Llio ne tombei.i pas plus has apres avoir elo doincstiiincu pii I'Allomand. Kllu hnlra elronglce pai deux jn'iiples jeunes it impltojablcs lo Yankee et le Co u pic. " iirAt Tirvi. vviVTiiiit. : The vvcithoi for ( hu last lew dajb has been suprrb. The bright uunshlnu every day has given us a forelaste of spring and made I'aiis almost as eheciful as during the ' 'uiand prlx. " run mi'Noric s\f ! vuo\ . Illpnotliiu and Di. Cli.ucot continue Iho r.irlsian soiisatlotis ot Ihe day. A most In- leiesling seance took place jesterdaj moin- ing in the museum of the Salpclrlorc hos pital. Di. Cli.ucot leeched n delegation from the bocietj do Medicine Legate com missioned with examining Ihe possibility ot nny one undei lij pnotle liilluoucu making or higuliiK n will. A very eiiiious expcii- ment was made in which a > oung cirl ' < < , ' i Di. Chaicot's admonition signed a ji < er after having violently rot used lo do t > o toi .several minutes. She remembered having iceclvcd the paper trom one of the member * ol the commission. Dr. Jironardcl then made her a present ot M francs. The experiment lends to prove that If such a thing is Impiobiblo It is not Impossible. This btudv has become a p isslon among medical men , who say It may greatly help Icval pio- eiduie , Inasmucli as by sending criminals to sliep and diajging their secret from tliom while undei lopiiollc Intlucnco , there would bo little fear of judges condemning the inno cent foi ( hostility. A thett In tlie hospital was lonndont in this way by Dr. Maurio , for mini } ears Dr. Chaicot'b assistant. The sub ject refused at hrst to tell where the object was hidden. After a little diplomacy on the put ot the loung doctor , who told the blsop- Ing gill ho was llio louiiL' man from whom Iliii card case had boon taken and not to fear lelllnr him where It was , she gave a detailed account ot liav Ing stolen and told vvncro the cat dense was lobe toiind. Dr. Mnuilo im- medlatelj went to the spot indicated , where , buiocnn eh the stolen article was found. M.VV CAIIMVAI , COSlL'Mi : ? . Thograndes coat u lores are rack Inu their Inalns to tind something now tor the carnival balls. Thohacknnyod wattcau shepherdesses , vlvaiulleies gijisles and Andalousneans arn giving place to somethiiu more original. One new costume is that * of u snail. It Is composed of a short sl.irtof pale gray i ; iu/ , looped at inteivals with largo Imita tion snail shells in strlpod black and yellow bilk. The corsage , composed of the same striped bilk , is rut In a deep point In front and has a largo puff , simulating a shell at at the back. It is boidered at the lop with trimming of cray frlezu feathers. The head- IN adorned with two slender horns imi tating those of n snail , 0 Another veiy original dress represents a bummer storm. 0 no-half of the skirt Is In fky blue bitln , on which Is worked in gofd a half disk aud Ihe long rajs of a setting sun , From this side an ) drawn back full skirts of Mark tulle , striped with lines of n plcasint rain , Ttit-se widths fold full and are uncon- lined over an underlining of black satin at the other side of the skirt The cor < ge Is of black tulle , striped with silver , made full and crossed transversely with a gauze scarf in the ] rlstnatlc colors lo represent a rainbow , This scarf is attached at the vvaK to that si Jo ot the skirl , which is composed of blacK tulle , and over which ita Iwo long ends are allowed to fall. Averypreity costume , representing winter - tor , has a abort skirt entirely formed of swan's down And a corsage In while corsage , bordered with swan's down. A pair of silver tkatcs Is attached by a white satin ribbon to one sldo of the waist. A 1'ollsh cap in swan's Jown and a mull of the same material com plete the dirts. Among the passengers who failed from Uavro this uiorulug on board the Normaudle are the Haron de 1'ava , the Italian minister at Washington. Madame de Fava , who Is still in delicate health , remains until spring at Nice. Mr. aud Miss Hcach Orant are basking in the sunshine at Cannes and -Miss Adele Orant Is to wear Ihe co lumo of a soubrclto at tlie seventeenth century bill civ en by Lidy Murray at Cannes In tlio nilddlo of Febiuaiy. Mrs. James Hrovvn Potter has wisely chosen as her coach In French classic Mine. Arnold Plcssy. The societal of the Comc- d'o ' Fraiical c predicts great things of la jollo Amerlcalne. Mr. S. V. A. Vanhorne , of Now York , Is at the hotel do I'Athenee. Mr. ChailcsS. Shaw and wife , ot New- York , aie nt the Hotel Continental , Mr. and Mrs. H. Turner and Miss Ames , of St. Louis , nre nt the tlio Hotel Uellcvue. Mi. and Mis. S. S. White , jr. , of Philadel phia , are at the Hotel liinda. Amen i the Amciicans at Monte Carlo are Ml. and Mrs. William Astor , Mr. Prescolt L\nrenec. Mr. and Mrs. Delano and Mrs , Tuckei. 1 saw the ex-klipdive , Ismail , today. Ho is veri much alfeeted by the death of ( .leneial Stone , whom he said was ono of Ihe ablest and best men that ever served In Lsj pt. AtTAIHS IN ULHIMANV. 'llici Governinont'H Election Methods I'li'imrntlotiH Pop War. Uniti.iv , . Jin. us , Mnrch 'J bavins been nxcd foi the ballot the relchstae cannot meet belnietho Mh of lhat month. Pieparatloiis foi the elections are now proceeding very qnlclly but on nil sides with much activity. The government Is working cliletly along two lines , to Impede the socialist electoral piopagandaand to Influence the return of the clerical candidates supporting the bcplennate. Toward tlio lallcr object a new church bill w ill bo laid before Ihe upper house of the Prussian Iniultap on February It. The bill embodies a thorough revision of the Mai- laws , including the right of losldence of religious orders , recognbes the Vatican's interpielation of the An/el ( Jepliuht , and practically renounces during a staled peiiod ( reported to Du ten icars ) , all rights of the stale to approve appointments to eleilcal vacancies except in Iho Polish distiicls. The lepresslon of the socialists extends to suppiesslon of electoral meetings , the arrest of leading members of local committees aud the sel/uro of manifestos if the police con sider iho appeals a breach of law. At Dant- /lc on Thursday twelve soctahsls were ar rested , including Ilcrr Jochcw , a candidate foi the leichstaff , and nearly all the members of his committee. The police make the usual chaigu that the pilsoners were members o a secret society. The iJcrlln police hive so teiroiii-ed the own ers of hills In worklngmen's qtnrters , In which populir meetings have hitherto been held , that they now lefuso lo let tliom for political purposes , and a similar difllculty Is encounteied uy these desiring to hold meetIngs - Ings in beer I'OtHes. Hut not withstanding the efforts of the police the socialist candidates are prosressii'K. Singer , the socialist caudldate in the fourth district , Ilozenolevcr in the sixth , and Ctis- tensen in the hist are all considered sure of election. The progressist prospects arc rather doubtful. Since Ihe DanMe progrcsslsls de clared in favor ol the septcnnato olher disltlcts , including KonlKsburg and Somier haiiscn , have decided only to elect candidates who will vote lot the milltaiy bill In its ontliety. At Frcdobers and Arnsweldo a pto.'ressist has been nominated who piom- ises to vote foi the septeunate. WAH rilLli'AllAllONS. Thnstalement of the ollichl press that the calling out of the reserves does not Imply vv.u lias failed to reassure the public , while both on the bouise and in military circles the measure is interpreted as a p.irt of the cam piltni preparations. The Jlnlhausen papers announce purchases of the largo school build ings at Xlllishelm , near Calmar , for barracks for German tioops. llo intorcemoiits have arrived at Dieu/e. H.uenan and other frontier I osts. An Alsace Journal reports lhat the French aie building wooden bairacks at Gei- aidmer to accommodate 3,090 men and that at other places in Vo ges smaller bairacks are belnc erected. The garrisons at hplnal Hiuj ores aud baintVin have each been rein * torccd w lib 5,000 iroops. Tlio Italian Government VIctoriouH tCopuiltlM 7AS7 buJamft Gortlon Hewlett. ] IloMK , Jan. 29. | Nevv York Herald Cable Special to the UKE.J An excellent luipicsslon has been produced on tlio mono > market hero by the victory of the Italian ministry , obtained aftei lonz and animated discussion , of tlio public works budget. A majority of llfleen votes proves the stability of the government of whicli Signer Dcpretls is chief , and the immense in linen ce exercised by Signer MaBllani , tlio mlnlstei of finances , Slgnor Genala , minister of public works , would have been boalen without 11.o assist ance of Slgnor F. Depiltls and Magllaul. Another gieat parllamentaiy ballot will take place In tlio early part of March next , vvnen the discussion on the next budget will com mence. The same pupils of the elementary classes of political economy who last year brought about the dissolution of the chamber of dep uties are preparing to make another attack on their master , Slgnor Magllanl , who is waiting for them with a smile on his lips , conscious of having rendered immense service to his conntrj , He has maintained the credit of the Italian coveinmenU not withstanding several icars of depression caused by the Inundations and tlio cholera. It Is to him , too , tliat the laboring classes of Italy owe the abolition of the tax on corn grinding , the reduction of 50 per cent In the price of nail. Slgnor Mixllanl's victory will bo a crushing one for his adversaries. Pqrls unit Ilrussnls Hello. [ CopvriM 1W Ly Jamet ( lonlm Ilennttt , ' ] Hnussui.s , Jan. W. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the Uii : : . | Experiments were made lo-day of telephone wires estab lished between Paris and liiussels , thn long est line of communication > et established on the continent. Parisian and Jielglan jour nalists and some ministers telephoned over the wire and their voices were perfectly aud ible. The experiments having succeeded , the telephonic service will bo opened to the public and worked regularly from Febru ary 10. A Protest From Turkey , le'oj vrleM IS87 by Jamti Qnnlnn llcnnctt.1 Co.NstANTiNoi'LK , Jan. 'JO , [ New Yoik Herald Cable Special to the llKr.-All | the Americans here , including the mission aries , have bisned a petition to congress protesting - testing against Ihe pioposcd Ircaly with llio porto which revives tlie status of protected nud naturalized citizens. Senatorial Contests. CUAIU.V.STON , W. Va. , Jon. 25' ' . Thn legis lature In joint session cast another ballot for United States senator to-day , without any result. AVSTIN. Tex. , Jan l.U The deadlock In the legislature over the election of senator remains unbroken , Jan CO. In tlie Joint ses sion of the legislature to day the republicans refrained from voting. BILLS OF PUBLIC INTEREST , Substance of Some Measures Which tha People Will Watch. THE PROPOSED POOLING DRAW. Whnt Ucprcacntntlvo Sinjth Has In troduced For tlio KulRht < 4 of Labor-Miller's Live Stock Com mission Document. Important House Hills. LINCOLN , Neb. . Jan. an. [ Special to the Hii : : . ] Among Iho bills which were Inlio- mtccd jeslerday and lorwaided lo second reading In the house lo-day some have gen eral Intel cst. Mr. Yutzv presents a measure which pro v hies that any Individual , hrm or compiny who shall fraudulently contract any debt or obtain credit upon fraudulent repie&cntatlons shall not bo entitled to the benefit of exemp tion laws , and all propeitv , ical or personal , shall bo liable to sciruio upon atlachment. .Mr. Smith has Introduced thu bill drafted by the sinle asscmblj of KnlirhU of Labor forblddlncpoollni ; contracts bv rathoads. It provides ' 'that all conlracls , ellhei express or Imiillcd , whether made within this stale 01 without this state , by any rallioad company orcanl7cd 01 doing bit ilncss In this stxle , to pool or divide Its earnings with any oilier ralhoid company or companies , oilhor in or out of this state ; and all contracls , expiess or implud , lo charge an agreed rate foi the carilageof goods 01 pnbsemieis from any point , without this state lo any point In this state or from any point in this state to any point without this state , or between any points in this slale , tire hereby prohibited and declared illegal and void so tai as Iho s-uuo rcbilo lo tlio carriage ol uoods or p xssoiiKcrs within this slate. " 'Iho bill further provides that any person that bh ill pay biichiallroad commny any money lor tlio carriage ol goods within this stite'oi for passoncer faro during the time such company shall bo operating its road un der such illegal contiact orattrcoment pro hibited by the provisions of tills act , may ie- cover all such money. Another bill , also dratted by the Knights of Labor , is introduced by Mr. Smyth. It de- claies that no telegraph company shall charge nioie than the following lates : Foi ten wort's ' , 100 miles , 20 cents ; and 1 cent for eveiy additional word. For ten words anj where in the state over ono miles , : n cents ; and 1 cent for every additional woid. The penalty Is 5r30dollars ; lei every violation. Mr. Sm > lh aNo lutioduccd abill making standard time the legal time. Mr. Whltmoio has piesented a bill estab lishing the Nebraska Dalrj men's association and reeosnl/lng It as a stale Institution. The olliceis named aie : W. ( i. Whit more , presi dent ; S.O. Hassell , vice president : 11.11. Wing , secretary and treasurer : D. 1' . Ash- bmn , J. DKon Avery , K. F , llowe , llemy jicke ; , and J.JC. Meinll , direclors. The asso- cialion shall hold an annual meelin 01 con vention on the second Tuesday of December , at which leports shall bo received. 'Ihe ino- Iho convention and repoits shall 'bo printed ( -,000 copies ) and to pay this ex pense S1OUO annually is to bo appropiiated out of tlio geneial fund of Iho state. Mi. Bowman's bill to provide a boird of live slock banilaiy commlssionei- a very voluminous document , and appeals to bo quite complete. H names the governor , at- loinoy geneial and auditor as ox-ollicio com- missioncis. J'ach shall appoint a secretary who shall bo a practical stock grower , and whoslmll lesideiei-iiectlvcly In the Flist , bee- end and Third congressional districts. The stlaiy of each secretary sliall bo StiUu ] > cr annum. The boaul shall also appoint a veterinarian at a salar > of S'J.WO. The board bhall bo emnoweicd to order quarantine , in vestigate all icports of contagious or intec- tious diseases , cause slmiKliter of inlccted animals and do tinny olhui things eilciiiated to guard the live slock ot Iho slale from dis ease. The bill also makes It the duty of every peison owning or handling slock to re- poit appearance or disease at once to the bheritl of thu county in which the stock is lo cated , and ol the sheiifl lo establish tempo- nuy quarantine and report at once to the commissioners. For violation of tills duty on pai t of an Individual lines iiro to be im posed ; and for bringing Into the stale any infected animal the tine is placed at not less than ? 00 nor more than 51,000. Theio are some piovislons of the bill which will boat scrutiny , especially one which extepts from stock to be paid for If killed by ordei ol Ihe veterinarian any stock which belongs to the United Slales. Senate LIXCOI.N. Neb. , Jan. 29. | Special TeKj gram lo Iho Ui.i : . Another petition fiom the volers of Yoik counly was presented by Mr. Keckley , Piavjng that tlio bill bo passed , vv Inch prov Ides th it no combination among grain dealers to conlrol prices shall be allow ed lo exist. The bill for re district inc the btalo Into lifty senatorial districts was reported noon favorably. Sea ate lilo 47 was passed , It provides that Sl,000 ! ! be transferred from the unlverslly lo the general fund. A peti tion signed by bOO voters In tlio Fourth Judi cial district will bo presented to the legisla ture. It pravs that the lull providing for an other judge lor that distiict bo not passed. Mr Sterling's bill to prevent pooling and combinations anionc lumber and cnal dealeis. and iho tixlnc of prices of dilferenl computing dealers and sellerswas introduced to-day. It is a very important measure and will no doubt meet with tormulable opposi tion. tion.The The bill providing thai bonds nny bo voted to reward tlio discovery of coal was icporled back unfavorably. The bill piovldlmr arbitration in contro versies between Hbor and capital was recom mended by the labor commillco to pass. The committee on mllltarv affairs leported favorably on S. F. No. 72 providing penalty upon those who wear ( ! . A. K. badteu with out authority , Mhis measure has become necessary because of the largo number of men seeking alms on the stieimlh of n < ! . A. K badge who were never soldieis. The banio committee also reported favorably on the bill tor a memorial to congress lelatlng lo pension legishtlon. 'Iho committee on railroads reported n sub btituto providing lhat a summons against a railroad may bo issued upon any olllcer or euiplojo thereof , HIU.S iNTitonrcr.r ) . Hy Colby To lix date when rnal and per sonal tax shall become delinquent. Hy McNamar To establish a state normal school in tlio cltv ol 1'liim Crook. Hy Slerllnit To prohibit pooling of lumber and coal dealers to lix prices among diflcrunt dealers and sellers. Uy llobhlns To apportion the state Inti judicial districts and for appointment o clerks and ofliclals thereof. Hv Colby To exempt personal property of heads of families to the value of S500 fron levy and calo for taxes , Hy WrlKht To Indemnify farmers for loss of svvino from Log cholrra. Hv Holmes To provide sullahlo books btationeiy , etc , , for use of county othcers. Hy bterlins To piovldo that marrlet women whoso husbands are incurably In MHO , may have Iho bonds of matrimony an nulled. The senate adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday. _ Doings In tlio House. LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 29. iSpecial Tele gram to the lii.i : . | The house of represent. ! lives appeared somewhat attenuated at the conclusion of the morning session to-day Whether the adjournment is taken or not , tlio members who want to go home get ex cused and go. About twenty-five gentlemei were excused this morning , and there were therefore that number of vacant desks. The committees reported favorably tins morning upon the following- bills To appropriate 85,000 to reimbuiso Otoe counly for the expenses of the triil and Keeping of Hohannan. the murderer ; to compensate Chas. A. Johnson in tbc auioun of S3OS < i.80 for a barn hnrned In order to aptureamurd < rer about a vearagoj a bill edlns jtiilsdlctlon to the United States over lie Nlobrara reservation. In accordance with ho recommendation of the uovcrnor : to amend section 13 , chapter 4 , of the criminal ' commtttt'o seals and ode. 'Iho on counly county boundaries ftcommended the Indef- ulle postonomcnt of thi bill which provided that If a county seat should bo situ ated more than live miles from the geograph- cal center of the comity the commissioners ipon petition signed by WO ctl7cns ! should onleran election forlocalion of county scats. The report was adopted. ' 1 ho committee on ippointmentrecommended the appointment ot two additional paires , a superintendent ot tills , an assistant janitor and ono or two other employees. Upon resolution by Mr. \KPO the appointments recommended by tlio committee were made. A resolution by Mi. Smith that no bills shall bn Introduced on or after the thirtieth day of the session. > xccpt by consent of two-thirds of the mem- beis ot Ihe hou,0was adopied. A resolullon Ihal the secretary report the number of copies of iho compiled statutes on hand and the number icqulicd for the needs of thestito luring the coming Iwo jears , was also adopted A titcjfeagc was received from the goveinoi announclnir that lie had approved the legislative anpropilallon bills , 'theex- ponies of this session w ill be SnS.OOO. A laice number of bills were Introduced , and all inttoduced jestcrdai were lead a second end time and icfcrred fo appropi late com mittees , 'Iho hou e adjotuned until 2o'clock .Mon- da ) afternoon. THI ; niitn niov rim. Keprc entatlvo Henderson , ot Iowa , will be a guest of the ( .rid lion club at its recular monthly dinner at Ch iinberlaln's to-night. Senator Allison was lecently a ; uestof tills clubwhich iscomposedol lead ing newspaper eouespoiuleiits ot Wash ington. tieorgc F. Wright , of Council HlulT : ) , Iowa , is heie. rosTAi , on v\ar . The following Iowa postmasters were appointed to-day : J. J. Klcliai , Clarkesville , Hutler county , vice Mis. C. M. Mitchell , lemoved ; I' . A. Hooker , Coburgh , Monttromery eouuty , vlco Albert il. Lull , icmovcd. NKW , XOHH STOCKS. llic DrliX of Prices Shows a Downward Tendency. Niw : Yonu , Jan. 29. [ Special Telccram to Ihe Hr.n.J The diift of prices on Iho stock exchange to-day was downward , not withstanding a higher London market and an Increase of over 53,000,000 in the reserve of New York banks. The theory was that the majority of the shoits had covered on the bhowof bticngth ycbterday , and lo day , In the absence ol outsldo bujlug , thcicwas nothing to even sustain prices. Theio was a steady crumbling down In values all thieuch the list , the most marked declines being in Trunk lines. Krle preferred and the seconds biokeabouts percent and sellers found a [ rood deal ot difficulty in securing any mar ket at all. The old cliques in Heading and were still bullish , and the point was given circulation that these stocks would boom on any improvement in the conditions of the geneial maikct. It was reported that Mr. Corbin had bought a controlling Interest in Jeisuy Central , aud it was Known tint his biokershad lecently transfeired into thou own names some 1U.OOO shaies of the stock , supposed to be for Mr. Corbiu. It w as stated that It was his intention to make ceitaln changes in the management of the road and put it on a pa } Ing basis it possible , 'llioie was some activity In Richmond Tenulnal.but Ihe piessuro all seemed lo bo on Ihe.oiling side. Consolidated Oas made again of 1 per cent. The bull pool in It was veiy confi dent , claiming Uiat as soon as the general market cot out of Its present rut Gas would btaiton its piedjcled par. A rather sharp advance In Like Shore jnsfohforo the close was followed IV advance in the rest of the list. Theie was , however , no snap to the market and no demand for blocks , excent-on the p irt of a few tradeis , who desired to iver before tlio close. The inarkiitelospddull nud a shade under the opening. Tlio total sales weie about 1T5.000 bhatcb , ENULiAND AVIIjIj llKljP. Mon-ofVWitr to lie Dinpatclied to tlio I'rovinCOH In tlio Sprint ; . OTTAWA , Out , Jan. 29. U is officially stated that the govcinnipnt , in response lo an appeal to the mother country , has jusl re ceived assurances Irom Ihe imperial aulhoil- tics that men-of-war will be dispatdic'd to the maritime piov inces in tlio spring for the pur pose of co opciatlng with the Canadian cruisers in the onfoicement ofthehshciy proteclivo service. The promise ol Ihe Hiu- llsh government cieafcd great sitlstaction In ofllcial circles and Indicates that American vessels will be more rigidly excluded 110111 out waters during the next season than in the past. A cabinet minister speaking on tlio subject expressed himself as follows : "I have conic to the conclusion that Amoiican Icgta- liters having ( rene so far will nevci jield their consent to the appointment ol a com mission. Gloucester lishcrmen will not ven ture Into our watcis again In lorcc , and next April will witness the first slailling fall olt in their trade. Two jeais hi-nco the splendid Yankee lishlng Hoot will be a tliiiiL- or Ihe pist. Lei them resoit to ictallatlon if they will , and the lesiilt will be that the game will work both ways. Portland , now a win ter port of Canada , will decline , vvliilo Hall- tax , under thu now older of things , will llouilsh , and civil war between the easlein and western blatos would followIbo adoption of a retallatoiy bill. " _ Tlio Great Strike. Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 29. The extension ot the strike to the lallroad freight handlnis on the pleis of hcvera ! roads having dock facilities on the city water front biouxht the number of men out to nearly 0,000. , The probability is that before the day is over the raihoad em ployes will cease work. The men on the Now York City fc Noithein railroad pier , 40 , Kast river. claim to have crlovanccs against HIM conip anv on ac count of the low rate of wages and It regii- laritj of piyment , tlio men claiming that in homo cases the my had been moio than a month overdue. This Is denied by the com panies. 1 he men. through sv mp.ithy w Ith the coal handlers and sUumshlp longshoremen , went out jestcrday. Those on the Hartford dock , Kast ilvcr , were next to KO out. It is rumored to-day that men on the 1'oniibilvanla and other railroad docks will ( P > out. 'Jho giealest diniculty Is experienced In moving freight on the dock along the North liver , whnro most of the ocean Hteamcis are berthed , All out-goiiiK vessels have been delajed for want of coal , and it won said at the head quarters ot the strikers that several vessels had pioceoded to sea with insntllcicnl supply of coal. James F. Qulnn , of the executive board of the Longshoremen's union , was arrested at noon today for roiistiiring to injiun the business of the Old Dominion bte.imshlp romp my in an action brought in the United Stales circuit court toiecover 4-,000. He was released on K > ,000l > ail. The suit Is brought not only agalnbt Qulnn but four'other members who , with Qulnn conbtllulo the executive boaid of the Longbhorcmen'tfftssociatlon. Counsel said that the charge vt s brought for the purpose of intimidating tne mm and compelling the members of tlie executive boaid to flee the city. Acquitted on Hie Second Trial , DES MOIMS : , la , Jan. 2 < J , [ Special Tele- cram to the HKI.J Tills afteinoon the1 Jury In Ihe trial of May Foster , eharsed with the murder of her room-mate , Jessie Carter , brought In a verdict of acquittal. Tlda was the second trial of the same cause. Miss Foster was tried first about a month ago , the Jury declaring her guilty of murder in the second degree. Her counsel succeeded In get ting heranmv trial and now she KOOS free. Iho trial has been the talk ot the city for the post two weeks. The de-duration ot the victim of the bhootlnsf , which took placp lust siirinj ; , charged the crime upon Ma > Foster , und the v erdlct of acquittal creates the greatest sur prise , OUR DEFENSELESS CONDITION , An Aimy Officer Talks on the Possibilities of a War With England. LAKE CITIES FIRST TO SUFFER. The Ijnto Woman Suffrage Convention Sniil to Be the Most Successful Vet llchl More About MiUtliovvs' llrjcctloiii Our Poor Ohl Nnvy. WASHINGTON- . 2t > . [ Special Tclcpram to the 15in.I : There continues to bo n gooil deal of talk In nnil out of congress about tlio possibility of our getting Into n war with Kngland. Especially Is Ita wide theme foi comment In army ami navy circles. The Hni , reporter licaul it everywhere to day. " 1 see that a naval olllccr predicts the Immediate dcijttuctlon ol Washington In case of war with ( llrltalu , " said an army ofllcor. Undoubtedly the ) and all our coast ports would bo at the nicicy of the enemy in such an event , " ho continued , "but that Isn't ' w hero Knu'lund would strike us lltst. She would triko our weakest points ; pcrlnps not the .wcikest , for all our ports ate equally defenseless but the most accessible. The Canadian bordei Is the part of the country that needs looking attei In ciso ol war , lor nn j ono can see with half an cjo wheio the lirst blow would bo stiuck. ' 1 ho bk citieson the lakes would lirsl icccho their attention , for there Is nothing to t > re\cnt Jlngllsh gun- boals trom bwarming lluough on Lake On tario and ehectlng complato disaster and iiiin. According to the treaty of $ 1817 o.\ch country Is allowed but ono vessel on Lake Ontailo , and we have only Hie harmless old Michigan In that vicinity. The Urilish.havo none , but they have complete control of the iiav igation of the i5t. Lawiolicc. at least as far as Kingston , and they possess lust 111 mill boats that can navieato It. The bt. Lawrence and \VcIland \ canals allord ample opportunity for reaching the lakes. To bo sure , theie are numerous laplds In the St Laurence , but since 1M7 the Canadians ha\o been lui'-j bulldlue canals around these rapids - ids so that today a vessel drawing twelve ieut pass through and by tlio opening of navigation tills\\ill bo Increased to lourtccn feet. horty-clRht houis alter a declaration of wai it would ho lee late tor us to inaUo a move. The bic Itrilish ironclads would take posPbslon ot the entrance to the bt. Lawrence and keep ns away , while theii light gunboats would svvaim to the lakes , and. as I said , they have 111 that could get there. Don't vou know that the Hiltlsh keep a number ot these vessels In the vicinity ol Hermuda to bo rendy in case of necessity. When the fisheries tumbles first aioso six of these ves sels were ordered up to Now Uiuns\vick. 'Iho reason assigned was a speedy change of cli mate lei the squadron , but upon looking thiough the regislei 1 leaincd that live ot the-- . ! " vessels weie ot proper depth to navlgalo the St. Lawrence. Wo can't do nilthing to alToid ns piotcctlon without money.Vo ought to be able to cut vessels to the lake by wav of the Mississippi and Illinois Uveis 11 we had a canal of requisite depth fiom Lv balle l < i Chicago. Or we might get there It the Kile canal should bo murto navigable. Hut there are ahvavs ifs in the way , and these the British would not hate to contend with. Kvcii thine is In readiness lor them to RO right to woik ellectlvely. " WOM VV SLITISAOmTS > NCOt'It VOT.I ) . In discussing the woman sullnqe ; conven tion which has been In session hero this vveclr. busau H. Anthony said this afternoon that It was one of the most successful ever held. The meetings were largely attended and the speaking was the best that ladies could do. She thinks that ni'xt } oir tlioy will engage ono ol the theaters for their meeting1' , not only to accommodate the crowds , but so that the speakers may be heanl by all , "although , " she added , "J said In adjourning the meeting that next jear we would meet in the house of represent atives , and I think that we ought to hold our evening sessions there at anj rate. " Doth Miss Aiithoni and MisKibella Hooker siid that the ) were much giatilied with the debute In the senate because It placed the enemies ot the movement on lecord and showed tlio weakness of their aiguinenuj. "Wo think , " said .Miss Hooker , "Uiat if what was sild by t'iesenators In opposition tepio- ents the arguments against om cause , that we have taken a reat step lorward. Such vapid , empty speeches dlsplajed the weak ness ol that oide. Theie vv as notlune but old sllppd and ribbon argument advanced , wli ei Is in effect that men don't want to dis- en-- , with Iheir wives the taiiff ami other subjects ol this chaiacte : when thcj go home. " win M.vrniFvvs WAS iti.ii r-ri.n. Ademociatlc senatoi Mid to daj : ' 'We rejected Matthews , recoidci of deeds lor this DMiict , because ho vsas a non-tcsidciit , im ported hero to hold ollice. Why , on the very bnmo dai we iejected a clti/en ol Iowa nom inated lor surveyor ol Idaho toi the very same reason and there was nothing said about the latter rejection. Wo did not think that a clti/cn of Iowa should bo given oflice In Idaho , nor did we think It right to Import a citi/en of Now York into the Distilct here toadminlstei affalis of local \ rejected both nominations for the same rea sons. " AIIVIVI VV. General Thomas Wilson , chlel eominlRSirv on General Wilco\'s .stall , is president of a central com t-martlal which will convene at Foil Lcavenworth to-morrow. Lieutenant lien b. Weaver , Firbt Infantry , v\ho was iccently tried by court-martial at San Fianclsco , lias been oideied back to his station at Henlcla barracks , California. A ecncial court-maitlal < omened last week at lienlcia tmn.icks , C'aliloinia , which Isappaienlly lor the tiial ol a lieutenant. Lieutenant Colonel Charles ( ! . Jiartlott , 1'iist Infantry , is president of the com I. Captain Jou jl. Kiikman , Tenth Infantry , who is stationed at Tort Union , New .Mexico , hashccn granted two months' leave and has pel mission to apply to the adjutant gcnoial for two months extension. Lieutenant Charles llumnhrovs , Third artillery , who was tiled at the arsenal hero last week , has been released fiom arrest and icstored to duty with his bittery. His ben- tcncoof restriction to ganison limits lor thirl ) dajb was remitted by ( icneial Scho- Held. bergoaul William II. Tabu , coiupiny A , Fourth infintry , has been cranteil six months' furlough from Tort fapokane , Wash ington territory , 11 IISOVAI. MENTION' . J. II. Hums , of Omaha , Is in the city. FOIl 1"V'-M.NTH COX KKS8. Konnte. W \-iHMnoN , Jan. 29 The senate bill to amend the establishing ot the Yellowstone park , which was under discussion K'tcrday was token up and fuithcr discussed. On motion of Mr. Hoar the bill was amended bj inserting np'ovlsion lorappca to thotll&tilct conit ot Wominglerriloi > In cases of Imprisonment and It was passed lens , 40 ; na > b , H. The I'aclhc lallioad funding bill came up as the next special order , but wits , on motion of Mr. Hoar , postponed as the special older till Monday , Februaiv 'A On motion of Mr. Heck the inllrond attor nor bill was again taken up so as to be iiniin ishrd business lor next Monday After secret session the senate adjourned House. WA HIJ. ( IOS , Jan 29. On motion of Mi Lanham ot Texas , the bill passed appioprlal- iir , ' 10,009 to enable the commisslonei o agriculture to make a special distribution o seed In the danght-strickcn counties o J'exas. Aftci furthfr business the house went into tomnmteo ol the whole on the postollico ap propriatlon bill. On tliorommlsslun rlslne the bill was lepoited favorablj and parsed. Tde house aKulit went Into committee o the whole.on the District of Columbia appro priatlon bill. Aftei abilefdi bate the torn iinlU'o rose , thcblll was passed and the hou e adjourned. IT WASN'T AN nAUTIlQUAKU. 'rciuont'R Slinko Snhl to llftrc Kern CniiRcd Ity n .Meteor. Vnr.MON-T , cb. . Jan. ' .t > . i Special to the JIK. : ] The violent disturbance of the earth n Thursday night In Dodge and adjoining ounties was caused by an extraordinary noteor. The Tribune to day clears up the v liolo mvslcry In Iho following article : "A olutlon of our supposed earthquake on Thursday evening Is at hand and It pioves to lot have been a 'quako' ' after all. From Mr. i. P. l'ae , who lives in Everett precinct In ho central put of the county , a Tribune re- > ortcr this morning learns some Interesting acts which clear np the mystery surround- ng the cause ot the shock on Thursday oven- ilng. Mr. ( ! ago lives on a road that Is icivily traveled by farmers' teams col UK to and from the I'verett postolllcc and store , and has no fence aiound his ircmlscs. Often limes teams break ooso at the store and crash Into his bnrn orothei out buildings In their ( light. I bur-day ovenliu a few minutes past 8 ( the dentlcal tlmotlic shock was tell hero ) Mr. iatruhearda crackling , tumbling noise and started for the door , expecting , from the icit dlsturbinec heard outside , to Iliul the toitlco ten n otf his house , crushed by some eim. ilusl as he opened tlio door ho saw a irilllant meleoi Hashing thiough tire sky at an attitude of about r > degiees. llo viewed t foi about- ten seconds , until It disappeared. llo describes It us Intense ! } Inllliaiii. with a u'lil appm'iitly fimr 01 live feet in dlamctci and tin1 tall icseiiiMIng a rainbow , only four 01 live times biiuhtei. Ho sa > s Iho houst ) shook as he novel felt It swaj in Hie hcav lest wind. A singular experience ot .Mr. digo was thai since the dlstuibaiigo he has felt no * lace of an axci avail im ihcnmatie pain In his mil which tumbled him up to that time. Mrs. (1. was alVec ted ttn a few hours with a it'iceptlblo electric shock. Thus our 'earth- make' lias gouo a'Bllmmerlng. " Columbus Wntor WorltH n Hucocsi. Coi.i'vtiu's , Neb. , 1)1111. ) UO. [ Special Tele- train to the Bnr.J The llnal olllclal test of ho Columbus watei works and the report of the experts , .1. K. House and John Jenkins , was made to-nluht to the city council and was satlsfaetoiy in every way to the coun cil. 'ihoicDort was full and exhaustive , em- braclnc all the scientific tests and appli ances known to modem civil cnmnecung. The report closes with this expressive en- lorsement ot the contractor's fidelity : "Tho tists pnne that overvthing now works be yond tlio point called lei In the contract and hat all tlio won ; examined lellects honoi ipou the contractor and testilles to his hon- ctt.In . lullilllngall the lequiiements. " A Ilur lnr TriiHt rated. HI.OOMIMIION , Xeb. , Jan. 20. [ Special relegram to the Br.r. . | Late last night two joai tiers at the Tremont hotel were awakened n a nolsoln therear of the Fianklln county nnk adlolning the hotel. One of them wcnl for Deputy Sheriff Kthorton , who was at the court house watching prisoners. Ktlierton ciept tin on ih the allo > to the icar of the nnk ami claims to hive found a man at the uclcdoor trjing to get In. He hied at the burglar , but missed anil tlio man escaped. Investigating State InRtltutlons. Nouroi.K , Neb. , Jan. 29. [ Special to the Jrr.J A legislative committee of fourteen arrived late last nldlit to Inspect the new asylum building with a view of repotting Its iceds to tlie ceneial assembly. It compiisos the membeis of tlio house committee on public lands and building , headed by Chaii- man J. L. Caldwell. They e\niossed them selves as well pleased with the handsome julldlng erected last year. Awarded Dn'm.iKCs. Counrnu ? , Kcb. , Jan. 2J > . [ Special Tele- ciam to the HI.E. I James O'Uonnell against the Union I'acllic railroad in a suit for 510,1)00 ) ms Dcen on tilal In the distiict couit at Columbus the last two dajs lei injuries re ceived at St. Kdvvaids last Februaiy , the ocomotive k illini ; O'Donncll's mules and in- boveiiibodlly Injuries upon himscll. 1 he jury awarded a vnrdict of 5' > , rOJ , which Is Kcnuallv thouglit by the community a richt- ons judgment. A motion for new trial was nnde. _ Pin in HOIIHO Hiirneil. Xouroi.K , Xob. , Jan. liO. [ bpccial to the Hi i .J The line farm house of Jacob Obrcst , In the western part of this ( .Madison ) county , Inn ncd vesterday. Mhe loss Is paitlally cov- cied by insurance. TIMGUAJ > H Norns. A Philadelphia newsboy was awarded feis.000 by a jurj jesteidaj lor thelosb ol one of hih lo/s on Hie traction lallvvay. hie In tlio ordnance machine shop of the ajlilnnton navy vaul josteiday afternoon did damage to the extent ol SrlO.OOO. The oiiKincei and hieman of a freight train on the Louisville & . Nashville lallioad weio killed in a collision neai Montgomery , Ala. , josterday morning. The United States KPologlcal biirvey has issued a lejiort showing the total mineral pioducts of tlio country for Ibs/j which reached a value of 5 US r > iOiW. : J.ord Dunsandlfi'H talv\av ! tenants are re joicing over a victory tlio ) have gained in se- cuilnga icdiictlon ol 'Xi per cent In lunts and the reinstatement of evicted tenants. Iho street car men of New Yoik will piob- ablv give "moral Mipport" to the sinking longshoremen by tjiiiK up all the bin face lines In Ihecity within twent-four houis. Uhtck diphtheria IH lairlnu near Madison , Wis. , and Friday n' farmoi named I'eter Mjeis , lost live chlldien by the diead dis ease. Iho Wannakeo schools have been closed. nln County Cork , Ireland , jcburday , a ciowd aimed with bcvthcs and pltchfotks , biicceoded In driving otf billllls and loity policemen who had come to evict a widow named Scanlon. Dean's linseed oil woiks on Statcn Island weio obliged lo close down jostciday on ac count of a lack of coal. Mho KM companv'H snppl > is nearl > oxhaiihtcd and buslnias Will bo stopped in a day or two. Joseph Wilson Kehce , who swindled the National bhoo and Leather bank , ot Newark. N. J. , outer 375 , < X)0. ) has been nrrrhted at Winnipeg , contested his crime and slarted with his captoi.s tor the states. 'iho Monongahela coal inlneis jestenhy held a inictlng and dccldi d to ask lei an ail- value In llio pilceol mlnliii ; fiom 'Jj ; cents to : i ( 'ants per tmsiiel.Vork \ w 111 ho bus- pended pending an answci from the bosses. The minor Is current that Hecretaiy Man ning Is to lesion nom the cabinet lo lake Iho position of presidenf ol it new bank In New Yoik cltj. Hoini ! qiu'stloni'd on Iliobiibject jtsteidaj thobecicla'v gavcanevasivureplv. In thogreatiailroad Milt of haiali A. Aiifrld against the Clilcago , I'oitugoiV bupcilor iall- load lei breach ol contract , tried at Madison , Wlb .the Jury jesleiday biouihl Ini veidlct of SKl.OJO.Mi. A motion was made for n new tilal. tilal.Tho The worst bll//ard for jearw is reported raging in Dakota and Montana , with the thermometer at liom liO to 'M dearies below /cio and Hid weathei giowinu colder. 'Ir.Uns even where are either abandoned 01 stuck in the snow. Jay Gould had himself Intel viewed In I'ittsburii jobttrday on llio hne-atata com merce bill and remarked to the leporier that If the measure becomes a law "It will not ho worth anbod > 's while to extend the rail- roadu ot to day bejoud their prefent limits \\illputan end to ( nUrgmuntb ot an ) road * in the boiithvvrst. " Fire broKe out jeslrrday alternoon on the Oromwell line pier , No. U , North ilivcr , Now York City , and In less than an hour the whole stinctiiro audits ccntcntsweie de siroywl. It was rt-imrUd that the lire was stalled I ) ) htiUrrt. , but the police deny this 1'ollco cbtlmato the damage all told at atiout SiO.OOO ; tullj insuicd. The canoe of the tire Is not known. Touiid Korllio Dolondanl. CII'.A LAKH , la , Jan. J0-becial [ ] ) 'Jtle Biam to the HKK.J In the Hooth vs. Dr. Me Dovvell malpractice case whlo'i lias occupied tlio court at Mason City binco last .Saturday the jury tumid for the defendant. To Important Changes to Note iu tlfl Oountry's Finnnchl Affairs , THE MONEY MARKET EASIER. ] 'a snjp of tlio Intcr-Htnto Coinniorcs Hilt nud Iuxlor Troubtcn In New York Depress Trices of Unllrotul lloiuln. The AVoolc llovlcvvod. CIHC.UIO , Jan. 29. [ Special Telcpram to he Hi. K. ] Local bankets repoit a lltllo bet- er demand lor money \vllhln Iho past thrco 01 tour ( hijs , but it is mainly from opeutora n craln and provisions , who are piovlding or antlclpaled deliveries on February con- racts. Meiehanls , too , In the wholesale rade ate asking fet some accommodations : ormaklni ; monthly settlements owlnic to etnrded collections In some sections of the vest. Outside ot these featuies theio is no mportant ihango to note In local linanclal atTali.s. Hankci.s appear to have an ample WUHily ot loanable funds , but nro Inclined to 10 quite conseivallvc , and not Inclined to gicatly extend lllelr discount lines. Shippers 11 gialn and provisions and packers ask for lltlo llnanelal asbistauco at present. Veiy Itllo cunency Is being foiwarded to ho Inteiloi , and the receipts are com * laratlvcl } small , interest rates have been ather moie favorable to boriowcrs and the nonoy market may bo remarked easier , specially for regular customers of the banks. 'list-class paper Is accepted at 0@7 per cent. , and occasional borrow eis are compelled to > ay TQS pur cent. Money In eastern cities ixhlbltsa little more unotslness , and rates of utmost have been slight ! ) reduced. Advicea rein tqielgn money maikots indicate consid erable Idleness , with discount tales well iiatntalnid. New York exchange has ruled quiet dur- ne tlin week. Shipments of produce contin- icd limited , and few bills have been ollered. The market ruled steady , vvilh biii cis al 'i'KJ discount i > er 31,000 , and sellers at pai , and transactions weio made vvhonovei necessity compelled it. Foielgn exchange exhibited considerable sticiiglh during tlio week. Commercial bills were bcarce , consequently few transactions were made. Shippers' slstj-day documen- ai v bills on London were quoted at SI , and closed linn at 4 bpeulatlon in lallroad stdcKs was qtillo itctivo dining the week jutt closed. Iho 'cclinc has been unsetlled tluouchout ana iricfs have ruled very liregulai. and on neaily all leading pioperlies icdncllons have been submit Icd to. ' 1 lie pabsasio of the inter state commence bill has no doubt Impressed lou'lgn hohlcis ol our lallioadsecmitles he idea tliat some difficulties w ill be met in .ts enforcement and they have been quite ftco bdleis of slock which thev think will he nflcctcd. Laboi lion tiles In New York have also had a deprcbsing etfcct , as business on some ol the Hues which center theie has been eiently delavedand opciatora v\cre dlstrustltil that It nileht extend lo Iho coal Inluicsls. Advices from London Indi cated a weaker ieelinj : in that quarter and irlces have i tiled low ei with moio picssmo .0 bell , bales on the New Yoik stock ex change lor the week iHgregatid U.ObO.OOO shaics. ' 'Iho pioduce markels attiactcd consider- . nblo attention durinu' the past week , and speculative trudliiK was quite active , tliouah chlellyln moiedefei red deliveries. Outside inlluences weio Kencrally "brarlsh" and tlio binroundlngs ol Iho li.ule were unfavor able to holders ol Kialn. Foiolgn markets weio we.ikei and the export movement was lighter than expected , due to soiiiu extent to labor tumbles M the seaboaid , w liicii has interleicd somnw hal with the load- iiiK of vessels. The icceipts ol grain and live block were moderalo at all wcbtorn mar kets. Shipments wen somewhat limited outsldo of a uncial movement-ill provisions. blocks of giain have biilTeied very little re duction dining the week and thostockH o iirovislons h ivo not Increased to anj extent. 'Iho packingol the west shows a Itnther re duction , w ttn piospcctd that the decrease will , bo linlliei enlaiged as the vvinlei fcasou I 0 taws to a close. Prices lor gialn have de clined during the week , while those for provisions - . visions havoaveiaged higher. n TIIIKVIS. A Boston GIIIIB Hrohon Up Die Ijcaitc'r Ijcavrw 1'or Cnnndn. HOSTO.V , Mass. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele- Ciamlo IheHu .J A gang of juvcnllu hoi so thieves whlcli has been stcallnij horses and Iclgtis irom this and neiehboi me eilics was bioken up by the police jeslerday. Two o the cang have been ui tested and the other Iwo have ascapcd with the htolen haincss and hlulRhs. The gang was oiganl/cd about the Hi slot this month and blnce that tiuio has stolen upw aids ol fcS.WO worth of prop- eil > . The hoises and sleighs were taken tea a stable on U Insui street , which the thieves lilted for Iho puiose ) ) of kcuplni : Iho stolen propel ty until it was Hold. 'Iho opeinllons of iho gang weio so 3 bold lhat Iho police supposed thO j work was done by prole'-slonalB. In r.everal cases the lads broke Into stables and stole thrt lioiK-sand slelglis. but ucneially they drove olfhorbis which they loiiinl In slieets. Oc casionally they Healed thenibelVfs to a ride , changing the horses and sleighs about to ei- capo detection. The polite weio Inlormcd a lew da > sago of the lioj.s' actions and ou making an investigation discovered that they weio the parties lor whom they had been searching. ( Jeoigo D. 1'ease , uovcnleen veais old , one of the gain ; , whine brolhoi was re- rcnlly sent ( o piison for burglary , was ai rested ! HO Thursday ovenlnir. He atlliBt de nied knowing nnj llilng about the hoisca and hleighs , but alter being locked up a short time he made a lull eoiilesHion and gavelbo olllceifl tlio namea of the remaining mem- be-iH of the panir. The onieers jesterday mornin ? arrested anollioi one of the gang named \Mnslovv A.ilbon , aged blxleeu lears. K.iward I1' . Oitl , tvvenly > cars old , leader of the pang , and James Sullivan , toiirteen j ears , le lined in Homo wav. ol tlio ariesl ol II eh companion and lefl llio city , tnkhiK wall tin1 m the stolen IIOIFCS and Bleluhs. It Ib biipposcd that they have gone to Canada. _ 'J he Uoodlo 'i'rlalH. Ni'w YOIIK , Jan. 20. In the trial of K- ' the defendant's Aldeiniin O'Neill to-day counsel Introduced as a witness MIHS Lou Fox , whose testimony Is a Hat denial of all Uiat Katie Met/ and j\-A ; Merman Waite said as to the meeting of the "combine1' at Mi'Langhlln'fi house. Illehmond J. Sulli van , wcutary of Tammany hull commlltco and cleik of tlie supi ( mo conit , said ho was at M tl.aiuhlin's house MCI j night Horn Jan- 1 , lb l , until July , and that the "com bine" nldermen had netur met there. Justice Harroltaskid him sharply why he did not < oino foiward and tell the Htory then. Sul livan icpllcd ho did not wish to uet nilrtd tip with Ihe allalr , "Then jou sat by the olllcet ol the couit and heard testimony given against Mcljimde , vthlch vou knew vou tould contradict , and was silent. * ' J'ibtUo Hnirett s face had a dlsaurecahlc look as he tumul in his chair trom bulllvan. IJIU/uid nt Sioux City. Slot x I'm , la. , Jan. i'J.- ! < Special Tele gram to the HIK.J : A lliard Is racing hire lo-night. Tlio sudden change In HID vvealhpr tonlaj w as remarkable. It continued KIOW * Inj colder all the afternoon with a bteady wind blowing from HID north , until at 0 o'clock It was buveralde.-iecs below mo. It Is also snowing nomewhat. 'Iho piotppcta Are for a verv low temperature by moinlnb' . Mi and Mrs. D. L ' 1 bourns entntained a puilv of about sevent-li.o of thelrtriunds at their spacious lesldence on Idaho f tie t 1 rl- day night. Daneinr , caul plajlnu' and re li ( hments.vve > rufealuie > ot a much unjojed 'b c'litcrtaliupciJt ,