Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    M W *
A < lvcrtl tincnts under this he d , luccntipor
line lor the first insertion , 7 cents for cachijb-
cqupnt in'ort'on. and l\M \ a line per month
N advertisement taken for his than 26 cents
for tlio llrst Insertion. Seven nerds will be
counted to the lines they nmi t run consecu
tively nn < l must bo paid in advance. All adver
tisements mmt bo hamloJ In before 2 o'clo k
ji.m. , and undtr no clrcum'tanf-ci will thoybo
token or dkxontlnucd by telephone.
1'nrtits ndttrt ting In thcsu olumnsrndhiv-
Injrlhonnswcn n.dres ! ed In earn of THE llrr.
will r > lpn o nsk for ft checV topnnblo them to ( ret
their letters. n none will bo delivered oxccpt
on uro cnUtlon of check. All answers to ad
vertisements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
" 11 fOitTOAOES 1'iirclinto monov mortgages
111 on Improved Omaha rnnl ostnto. bought
lit No SI Frenrlcr block ; apply between a nnd a
p. in. 97
TVIONEV to lonn. Ellis Hros. . real pstato nnd
If I agents , room 17 , Whltnell block , cor ,
Htli nml llnrnoy. CIS
t\1 ONKV to lonn. cash on delay.
wl. J. W. nnil K I * Squire , 1413 Farnam . ,
I'nJtton liotfl building. SOT
T OANB-loans I/onus.
llcnl ffitato loans ,
( "ollntorlnl lonns.
ChRltrl lonns.
lionu tlmo lonns.
Hliort tltno lonns.
Monny nlwnys on hnnd to loan on nor ap-
proipd security.
Investment BOOH ritlp" . taught nnd BOM.
Oimihn hlnnnclal Exchange , u. w. cor. l&th
and llnrnoy.
Uorbotti Mnnngor. 80. )
$200,00(1 ( to lonn on six months'to nix yonrs'
tltno nt lowest rittoB. W. M. Hnrrls , room 5 ,
.Tron/or block , opp 1' O 714J-2a *
" AliHIsTllAHltlS , 320 S. 1Mb at
Money to loan on first class security , from
J600 upwards. " 94
$ ; ryOO , < KXTOlOAN ) at 8 per cent. J. J. Mn-
Honey , ino-l Knrnnm. 0fl I'KNT Money.
0 It C. 1'nttoipon , 15th nnd llnrnoy. T.i7
QjFo.OOO to lonn. Sums J609 nnd upwards ,
P Lowest rnto . Ilotnls , ronin 3 , llnrkcr block ,
8.V. . cor IDth niiUjnarrinin sin CU7
MON'nV Tlrnt tnorttruRO notes. The Douplns
ifinnty bunk will buy pupnrs accurnd by
Hr tmoitKnoon city ronity. 7SO
r- Gl'l.H CUNTMoney to lonn.
rt'Kor ti llndloy ,
Itooms 1 nnd S , Hcdick block , IKO 8. ICth St
> pO LOAN Monny T.nntis plneod on 1m-
.L proved real citnto In city or county for
Now KtiKlnnd I.oim .V Trust Co. , by UoiiRlns
County bnnk. ICth nnd Clilcnijo cts. 810
MONKY to loan on city nd farm property ,
low rates , Stewart Jc Co. , Hoom 3 , Iron
Bnnk. 12
ONKY TO LOAN O. P. Dnvls * Co. Hoa
Kstate and Lonn Agents 1503 Farnam st
fONKY TO LOAN On real estate and olmt-
I tels. D I Thomas. b5
$ r < nO,000 To lonn on Omnhn city property ntO
percent G. W. liny , over III 12 DouRlnsgt.
_ h7 !
MONnv to loan by the undorslRnedwho has
tbn only properly orKnnl/ed lonn agency
in Omftbn. Ix > ans of (10 to $1,000 miulo on fur
niture , planoF. orRnns , horses , wngons , machin
ery , 4a , without removal. No dolnys. All
business strictly confldnntlnl Lonns to made
that any pnrt can bo pnld at any tlmo , cnch pay
ment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances
mndoon One wntches nnd diamonds. Persons
nhonld carefully consider who theraro denlln ?
wllh , M many new concerns are dully comlne
Into exlstcnco. Should you need moner , call
and * ! mo. W. n. Croft , Iloora 4 , WlthneV
Bulldlntr , 15th nnd llarnoi. RIB
M "oTTRy JANKIi ! iT C F. HcodiCo's-Loan
olDcs , on furniture , plnnon , horsca.wncoiiB ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd all other nr-
Helps of value , without removal 1119 8 , 13th ,
over UlnKhHiiVo rommlsslon store. All bust-
iicBsstrlrtlr conndentlnu Bin
\\7ANTI5D To sell or oxchanio pony for
T luriter ono : cash dilforonco paid. 27I'I ' Far-
Hani. 827 2S *
TmOH 8AI.K The best business chance in
.v South Omnlm. A Konts' furnishing find
boot nnd shoo stoic , liavlnt ? the nne t locution
nnd ilolnit hnst business In city Must soil Itn-
incdlntoly. For particulars address bor No.
01 , or Inquire owner of said box nt 1' . O. 819 L'U
F ; Huslnoss lot In Chlenco
for Omaha property. Address D 2X , lice.
K10 2D
\trANTED-An oxporlonced hotel man wishes
T > to IOHSO a ( rood furnished hotel 2. " > to no
Toonix Will buy invoice. Address II. Hi-ntli ,
inanaKcr Lusk house , Logan , Iowa. 774 28 *
WANTr.D-l'artnorfortheDalrynnd Garden
business. 1200 required. Address , I ) 24 ,
ieo Offlco. 8U 29
\t tMAHA Heal Kstntn to trade Tor Stock of
'V-S MoreliHiidlso. Hammond JcUlbson , lull
JhiUKhiB at 800 i)0
rpWO Lots in Fowler's Pliioo , South Omnlm , to
X trade for horse and buggy , Hammond 4
Ulbson , 1511 Douglas st bOO 30
rpWO lots In Jotter's addition. South Omnhn. a
JL corner , flontn front , cheai ) nl $1,6UJ for
both. Hammond & Cllbson , 1514 nouclan st.
see at
GOOD busliiois lots ncnr the renter of busl-
. ness in South Omaha ore bind to nut
1'rlooH for well located lots will ? o much
blither. Wo will offer , for n few days only , ono
of tlio best corner * for flbOO , Hammond &
Olbfion.lM ! Doilirlas Bt. 80330
"J710HSALK Moat market dolnir eood bnalnoss
J.1 ( lend locution , tools and fixtures. Ad
dress D 10 Hoc. 702 !
wlshlnjr to Invest * I2IOO ( to15,000 In very
lucrative business , can find an opportunity by
n llntehor .vco. , Mlllard IJlock.
782 28
AHAIli ; opportunity -You can purchnso or
trade for n vnlunblt. newspaper on easy
terms by nddtoasltiii H. \vindhain , I'latts-
mouth , Nob. 720 2b
Bl'SINKSS CIIANCR Stock Oroccrleg nnd
MentmarKiit for sale. Finest location In
Oinnlia. Doliik' nn excellent business. Address ,
, 71 , llpiiOMlco. fisl
SAIH Hotel Omnibus , used 8 montlia.
Addrcsi , Hjder , Stromburt ; , Nob.
' ' " ' *
- _ _ " " "
T7IOU flAT.K-.Mllk dairy , 20 Tows. I bull"S
Jlionen , milk wuiron nndtlxturos , ovorythlntr
romplctp , conn nil fresh nnd tlio best ml k
route in the city : call or address J. W. I'onny ,
: ; th and ( irnnt t. 47 ! ) 28
BUSlNnSSCHANCH-Slocit ( Jrocorlesforsnlo.
No bettor Incntlun In Omnhn Snlos now
luorngu J300 n day. Husti & Sulby , 218 S. IQth Bt
FpTixcilANl.-MerT ( : ( ] > rmiiillsu for farms lind
- > wild lund. U. J , Caswoll , room 10 , Iron
Hank , uuil :
] T > OH SAI.U Or irndo for mnrchnndlso , 040
} niTos of Jin i farm land near ( Irnnd
Island. C. J. Cannn 1,15
HOU KS U > tBFarinM.atiiii ! ni.onpyiofinod.
] lemlsroomi. : HarKur block 8. W. cor.
Jbtu ami riinia.n sti. tui
"rpoif 5ALK Hnidwnro Husmoss Wu offer
Jj ourshi'lf nnd heavy hnrdwnro business for
HO , together wlih our lease and irood Hill
Trade Inrceit In the city and location the best.
Itntlrlnp from the business canto for sollliitr
The Ilnutn Hardware Co. , 1028 O St. , Lincoln ,
I'-EllSOWAX. .
IEIIS' > NAL-Mrs. Dr. Nannie V. Warren
cluiMoant , lied kit I and business Medium
Iloora No. U , 121 North 10th a. .Omaha , Nob.
I OS 1' Last Sunday evening In north part ol
A'lty. 01 garnet net broiiMpIn I'lndur pious *
loturn to 21U N. 10th nnd claim reward. Ml 2
L OST-Clty collectors book Please return to
Juxcph Oarncau cracker compnny. 77J 2i
L'HOSE who wish to see n good rell'iblo clnri-
\iiyiuilandtPitir.edliimpalloii the l.'ast
India man , ho tells all about buslne * ! mutteie
ho In Iho HHventh tonof the uoventh nun ; he
hcnUb ) IftyUitfon hands. Call nt 1508 Webster
el. 775 2a'
MADAM ALASKA , Clftruvoyant and palmist ,
612 South ItHh it. bSl
* * Vf EHHASKA Cultivator and Housekeeper. "
AI KMiiblUhod 18 > i-an. Departments ag
ricultural , llvo Btoolc , LouDeVeoplnValuntlo (
collection of reielpts In each issue ) , and gea
erul mlicrllanrout reading , Including short
MurlM and poolry. fl.OO a year. Valuable
premiums rumple copy free. H. R , Kuiitti
Pub , Hoom 3 , Wllhuoll Hloct.Ouiahu , Nsb ,
| 344
fl'AKK NOTICE 1 have on hand a arzo quan
* tily of timothy , clever nnd millet seed for
JHIP. . r"u for Pnccs. W. U. lloaton. David
"y , Nek 671 f. 2U
S moHTHAND-ln ten 1e son . No
J no po 4tlc > n : rnptd n ? snPooh- . Instructor ,
60 cents , I'ernm't Shorthand Institute , Detroit ,
Mich. IMflu'
q-jdro Hlnno $3 montdlT. A
Hoypo.l5131 > oiiglfts. fill
FOH SALE Span of ponies and .larness ,
HOC fuming st 835 W *
'iron PALP. Medium-M od , double door jafp.
J-1 good ns now. 1'hll fctlmmol i Co. , " 11 and
injotipsit , 823
iriOH SAlTE Two costPd CarriageT wltli trTiT
J-1 Modlmbnr make. Orlirlnal prlco * .rai. Will
'pllforca ' h , $2i ) * > . Everything In good order.
) nly bcnn ustt ] a little , llooms IS nnd 19
Wlthnoll llmldlnz. N. .1. lturnhani. _ H0 _
" 171011 SALE TOO extra Inrgo packing boxes nt
-JL 25p , by Vineyard ft Schneider , 10th and Far-
"mm. 810 2 > i *
17 > OH SAM-Or ! Tmdo Ono 15-horjo power
" ciiglno and tmller and pinning mill ma
chinery , ono 21-Inch KoMnnr feed mill , ono Vie-
or sheller , ono Holt shnftlng , pultlcs , plpvntor , It J.WnttB.20flS.2'th ! st tCD-304
I7 OH SALE Medluni'Sl7od , dmiblo-door onfo.
1 good as now. I'lill Stlinmol &Cu.Ult nnd
3 Jones St. 82t
r OH 8AIE-StHmpnt ! I'dttorns cbenpi nnd
1 Mnmulnffdono to order. Mrs. J. W. Mor
risen ? , 1505 Dsvonport. 287 F13
roil SAl/R The bo t biiKiry In the world for
tlio ItcM C tnto Uuslncss , Columbus IHiegy
Co.lllailnrneyst. SlflfU
FOH SAMS A irood R ycnr old liorso , hnrnc'1
nnd bngiry. Unqulro lit ll'W ' Doiiirlas St. MJ
POHBAMJ OH TltAli-Ono ; 2d band side-
bar buirKyono 2il hnnd phnoton , ono de
livery wngon. Choip. A , Hospo , 16111
761 . ) HO
Tjpo-wrltor , JOO. J. B. Ilnvnca ,
HoxC.i.1. Omnlm. M7
Foil MAI-K furniture and ICB B ot en-room
hoiiFo , time on pnrt. Call 1ZCU North I'tti
street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. 8U3
WA-KTill ) MAEB HU1.P.
" \XrA\TEIl Two oiperloncod plcturo nironts
VV to ire to ht. I'mil on Biliary. Cnll nt room
078 llth st nftur 10ji.jn. 8111
WANTKU Two cinvimlnjr agents , HoomS ,
107 Buiith 14th , nftur 10 n. m. 817-S8'
\\7ANTr.I ) A irood cylinder proMinnn ntTho
IT Slutc Journnl Olllco , Lincoln , Neb.
8di ; 21
rirst class head cook nt \ \ Indaor
hotel. 785
WANTUO-A boy nt Omnlm Shirt 1'nctory.
753 25
-IlonorKutlo men ntonco. Apply
to Ik'llp.-tu Instulltncnt Co. , 1103 Uodiro st.
701 : il
WANTK1) A first-elms book-kcuper. Must
have vorv best cits" references or need
notnpply. 0. I ; . Mnyne , 1Mb nnd llnrnoy 05" ,
WANTnb boy or yountr 7nnn ln\Tn ?
Rood liorso nnil living In south pnrt of
city , to cnrryn route on Dally Kvonlng Iloo to
b'onlh Omnlm. 40J
' \\TANTKD-Mon , woman , boys , rirs ! to earn
T f71) ) per month nt tliulr own homoi costlv
outfit of siimplo , n picknKo of poods nnd full
Informntion for 10o to help pny postiiRo. Ad
dress H , C. Itowull & Co. , itutliind , Vt.IMflO
IMflO *
"IX rANTRD W ) sober , IntelllKont men of good
i iiddrcis to try n ICe muni nt Norrls" res.
tnurnnt , 101 H 10th st. 153
AOKNTflln the city or country cnn mnKot. > to
$10 ii dny sollln ? our uiiocliiluoj. X.V. .
Noveltycomnnnv. 1307 Kiirnnm st. 013
W ' . - Laundrsa at Occidental hotol.
WANTED 30 if'rls for ( fcnoral housework ,
( rood pianos nnd Rood wnircs. Cnll Omnlm
Employment Bureau , 110 N. ICth st. and Cnpi.
tolnvc. 8)029 )
W ANTED-(1 ( oed Rlrls at all times for con
prat housework. Cnll nt 2111 N. IGtli st
Miss Kennedy's Employment llurcnu. 8 < 2 20
"VVANTHD-Oood llrst-classlst and 2nd cooks ,
women prefcriod AddrocB ( "ontral
House , Washington , ICnnsns. 831 30 *
WANTED filrl for penornl housework ,
( icrmnn or fccnndlnnvlan preforrnd. Call
418 > ; SlUthst. 82128 *
WANTED A woman pastry cook nt Now
York Chop House , UW Douglas st
82223 *
WANTED 2 experienced girls , cook and 2nd
b'lrl,2 2NmiiBt. _ _ 8211 iiU *
W ANTKO-Sonmstrosscs at 1200 and 120S
Doiwlnsst.iJdtloor. 82S 30
WANTED Olrl for ponoral housework , 1MB
Shormnn nvo. Mrs. T. I' . Hall. 820 2 ! )
\\TANTED A lady who has dally employment
T ns companion nlchts. The comforts of a
homo. Mrs. J. II. C. , Heo ofllco. 76(128
WANTED A ( teed nur o ( ? lrl or elderly
woman , German Ciood place
for rlRht party. 2015 Cass f-t 81121. * *
WANTED- for general housework. Good
wneos locompetent poison. M > s. Ceo.
W. Hall , TOO SBth st.nnd St , Mary's live. 704 2S *
WANTED At the Cnnflcld House , dlnlng-
loom girls. SOS 2S'
W ANTED-Olrl. 14 or 15 years , for light
housework. 1201 Howanl. 8D' > 2 *
W ANTED-OIrl for general house work. 1415
_ _ NortU 18th st. 71 22 *
WANTED Servant gin who understands
house woik and known how to cook- .
Oorman or Swcdo preferred. Oood wngos and
pleusnnt homo to the rlcht partv. call willi ref
erences on Mrs. J. I' . Hlco , 1704 Saunders fit.
7U.1 S9
W ANTED-A chambormald at Windsor hotel
WANTED A competent nurse girl tor child
two years old. AyplyMra. Gco I'atorson ,
110 S 24th st 75728 *
17ANTED Experienced bon oloopor. Col-
f orcd preferred. Cnll at 112 N. Uth. 733
WANTED Two girls ; ono for llrst undone
for second work at 2311 St. Mary's nvo.
Apply 600 S. 13th St. CS7
w 'ANTED 75 good Olrls for domestic work ,
to call at 122 N. 15th St. t ) t 28 *
ANTED Competent girl at 2535 St. Marys
avo. 044j26
"V\ TANTED Oood cook and Laundress , 20J N.
1 > Ibtliet. f > 8'J
_ _
Oood girl , English or ( ionium ,
iok , washer and Ironor. Imulro 2'IJ
Cass st. IU7
\\TANTKD W ladles ft gents to leirn teln-
ft grnphy I'rospoct good for position when
competent : address W. J , U. , Hoom 1 , Croiiiu
blk.Omahn 137
"Vl ANTED Situation. A young mun of
ff good habits u 111 work at anjthlng : re
cently from Now York. A. U. llaldwln , 8. U.
cor 9th and Howard ets. MO 30 *
\v ANTED pltuntlon by young man between
10 nnd 4 , where ho can earn his board. Of
fice work proforrod. Is good correspondent ,
Monographer and rapid penman. Address
1)22 ) , Heo Olllco. 779 27'
WANTIU ) Situation as bookkeeper or
palcsmnn. Can gtvo best of references.
Address I ) , 27 , thwoflk. BJ1 2J
rpo Merchant Tailors : A flrst-clnss cutter Is
-L open for ongngeinent. Hest references ns
to rharnctor and ability. Address 1'ilncn Al
beit , Heo Olllco , Lincoln. bS3 *
" \\7ANTED Skilled accountant will nccopt
Bltuntlon i't-b. 1 , 1BS7. Address G65. Oto
olllce. _ M91 *
l\7"ANTED A position by an American
if woman ai nurse to young infant , or chil
dren , or some position of truat. Address Lock
box I'i7 , NnliiusWa City , Nob. _ 7'JS 29
\\7ANT15D 1'ositlon. A gentleman with
f f cnpltnl desires to enter some wholesale es
tablishment In this city. D. Fnrrell , 1'axton
hotel. _ 7iU 29'
WANTED A young man wants a situation
at driving or taking cnru ot horses. Ad
dress , lit ) , Hoc. ( Ml 28 *
VIMNTED To learn dry goods or grocery
ff traloby ayounir of unreproaati >
able pharai'ter and hulilts , llavooxiurlonce | as
school toHchor. licit of inference , try him.
AddrcaaH SI3thst. 'cOi 28'
\T7ANTED-A nurse , who U willing to help
> arounJ house. AdJro N , C.U5i Wiiou
ton st. 60i
\\rANTED-Sltuatlona9 hougekoooor m small
ff lamily. Address 1230 tilxlh nvonuv ,
Council Uluifa. KM 2tf *
juitscai.r.Aiisou3 WAITTS.
V\TANTKD-lly goulleman nnd wife , best
f < room and board that can bo bad for $5'J '
per month , with ttrat olats family within 7
b.ocVsur pottoillco , ilcst rulcrciicua. Addrt-ss
1) 2 1) ) , euro Dee offlcu. 8J2 23
\\rASTiD-Several : children to board : plt'a -
ff ant homo ; terms reasouublu Address D
30. Hco ullluu , EJ > 2a
"V\rANTED-3 or < good team * and man to 8el )
f ' kindling wood on eouumsjion. Inquire
of thoOmnha KlnailuirMfe , Co. ,1209 , 1211 Alch-
OlM SU 7M23.
\\rANTE3 To pnrchaso a stock of clothing
f f BUdgonta' furuUbing iroodi. Uurrlion ,
Ambler \\oolloj , room 20 , Omuna Nut. llnuk.
\\7AVTED to purcWoeo piehn ftbctof dry
"f f goods. Hsrrl r > n , Amblor'i Woolley , room
50 , Omaha Nat lUnk. 737 31
_ _ _
'ANTED To ptchnno WfacrcT imi'rovcd
f land , six mllea from liortranJ , Npb. . for
hanlwaro or furniture. F , C. Schroedcr .V Co. ,
llertrand Nob. f.TO _
WANflUJTeams , 303 S. llth st. "
I" j
partnership m a retail H\rd-
wnro store. Can furnish cnpltnl nnd ox-
porlcnco Address , A , 433 First avcnup. Ctdar
ttapld . lown. H''a 2T
ptirchnso clean stock bootl
and shoos. Hnrrl'on , Atnblor it Woollcy ,
room 20 , Oral ha N&t. Hank. 1B681
WANTKD-To buy flvo to twenty acres In.
eldoofor near Omaha. Olvc descrlp.
tlon , price and terms. Addrcsj , C,3J , Hcoonicu
ANTED A young man desires instruction
on the guitar from a competent teacher.
Ai1drp s II 41. Iloo o'ncp. 7fl5
HENT Five room bouse , 1109 Dnvon-
-L1 port street. Enquire 1016 1'arnam street ,
up stairs. 803 2d
TilOll HENT A two-story nnd basement brick
J2 housn , modern Improvements , on 20th
stropt , two doors from "t. Mary's Avenue. Ap
ply to Mrs. Clnrkson,2ul St. Mary's Avonuo.
j > OH HKNT 0-roomod furnished cottage , 1410
; I.pnvcnworth ft. 7.V ) 28'
O3 FEET on ilodiro ns good ns a corner : cash
O $8rrKl ; 6I.I.OJ ) for a fowdajs. (1. M.
Cooper. 1508 Farnam. 41J 2i )
"rnoiniF.NT-House , C rooms , In IfanAcom
X1 I'lnco. UoItcrA ; Campbell , Hoom 1. 1503
rarnam. 70.1
FOH HENT A largo two-Btorv , 5-room hou o
nt2R07Dn\onportat ApplyotC. N. Hut-
lor , jloo olflco. C77
T7IOH HENT 10-room house with lariro stable ,
J very phoipto right party. .Marshall .V lo-
bock. IjuO Farnam. 221
FOH HENT-Hy Fob. 1st. ton room house ,
modern Improvements , 15 minutes walk
froml'.O. On st car lino. Inquire at 1103
Douglns st. 140
Ii > OH HENT A bnrn for \ hold of horsps. In-
1 n"lro of M. F. Martin. B
"nVoilfllKNT A nlco 6-7oom cotfiiro , by sTrT
J-I Peterson , a. o. cur. 15th and Douglas.
FOH HEN'To room house , citv water , street
cara , 14 ! miles trom I * . O : $ -0 per mrmth.
D. C. I'utteraonOinalm Natl bann. 710
FOH HEST-Inrso barn with water privi
leges Apply at 18IS Chicago st.water
FOH HENT House , 4 rooms , corner Thl
Sheridan and Howard sts.
House , 0 rooms , nil modern Improvements ,
Ilnrney and 20th sts.
New brick store , north lfth ! st
4 nnwBtnrcsnoir Hnacnll'g hotel , south 13th
st .ft.1 per month
llrlck warehouse on H. K. track anil pavol
3rd story Hnrkor building , 15th and Farnam ,
( W foot square.
C. K Mayno , 15th and Hnrnoy. 227
FOH HENT-lf you want to rent n house , call
on Hen iwa & Co. , opposlto postolllco , 53J
IjlOH HENT 0 room house S. W. cor. 7tnnnd
i1 1'acino. Inquire M. F. Mnrtln. 213
I7VOH HENT Slv now brick stores with baso-
1 monts.corner Eleventh nnd Howard : choice
location ; all convonlonccs. L'ouvitt Hiirnham ,
Hoom 1 , Crelgbton block. 627
P > Otl HEN L'-Ono now cottage , 7 rooms , S3 ! ) .
Thron now 2-story houaos , * 41 , ono nt ? Ti :
wclllocatod , all conveniences. Loavitt Hum-
hamHoom 1 , Crolirhton block. 127
jVMl 1 KKNT-Storo 22xfX ) , 1110 Jackson Bt
FOllltHNT A nicely furnished east front ,
bow window room , to ( 'entleintin nnd
wife or two irontlomon. also board. Terms
loasonablo. 1D8 north 17th street 84S 30 *
"TT1011 KENT Two Olllco Kooins , and furniture
JL1 Iorsaloonl5thst. Enowold & Unrrott,220
S inth at. 840 W )
POH HUNT 4 rooms at 1712 4 Jneksoii st.
Inquire 202(1 ( St Mary's nvo. 8J8 30 *
FOH KI.NT Ono or two nicely furnished
rooms , east font house , near business cen
ter : pleasant nolitnborbood : frns ; bath ; heated ;
possibly board ; private homo nnd homo com
forts ; terms reasonable 1)- ) . ' , Heo ofllce.
KS ! 28 *
T Oll HENT Nicely furnished front room to
-K ono or twogontioinon. with good oppor
tunlty to learn German , at No. 1519 Jackson t > t.
8,11 28
C1OH HKNT-HcaiitlfUl siilto turnlshad or unfurnished -
- - furnished rooms on St. Mary's avo. with
board : every modern convenience. Address
1 > S.1 , Heo Olllco. 8U JfO *
FOR HKNT A pleasant front parlor nnd
bod-room suitable for man and wife or
threojrentlomeu ; gas and bntb ; 1011 Howard
St. , Ikl lioor. 80 ! iiO *
FOH HUNT 3 nnfurnlshod rooms , modern
conveniences , to parties without children ,
610 N 17th St. 788
FOH HENT Olllcos in Oruonls block , cor.
13th and Dodge. Davis & HotniiiK'ton. Mil-
laid Hotel Hlllard Hoom. 777 ! iO *
F OH HENT FurnlshoJrooin , 1915 1'arnam Bt.
i OH HENT Desk room In Oinulm Heal Es-
tuto KxchanKe. 151'J F.irnam. 771
FOH HENT Furnished rooms , with or with
out board. Terms low. 1124 I'lorco. 7(1331 ( *
) lt HENT Ono window with sulllclont room
for real estate olllco. 308 North 10th Bt.
754 28
FOH HENT Elodnntly furnished front
chamber and bed room. All modern con
veniences , near business , HJ15 Cap. avo.
753 31 *
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished front rooms.
1H13 Howard street , 2nd floor , Inqnlro
Hoom I. 74'J 31 *
i0K HlTNT 2"n""ico olilco"room8 at'B12 S lCth
V street 732
FOH HENT Two or three "furnished rooms
for hoiuokceplnir. ono block north of ox-
poslllon bnlldlnir. ! II5 N Ifith t. 72J 28 *
FOH HENT 2 very ploasant.nowlv furnished
rooms , 1 a largo front loom with bay win
dow , 1 small room , 20J5 Karnam st 703
17OH HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms , 421 S.
-U llth at , 2d stairway from Howard.
072 20 *
OH HENT-Nleely furbished front room 203
South 25th street. 05429'
HUNT Furnished room lft Farnnm ,
FOH HENT-3 nlco front rooms In the brick
blocK on Howard st. between 10th and 17th
sis. Leo. Nlohol St Co , Wlthnnll block 5Ct
I71OH HENTAt 801 Howanl street , ono block
J.1 from Coz/ens house-street cnr every tlvo
minutes a largo front room , furnished newly ,
for$12.C,0 per month. MJ
F OH HEN'T Furnished room. 711 N. IDth St.
FOH HENT rurnlshud rooms for light house
keeping , Uoomors tloclc , cor 8th it Howard.
Clj _
I710H HENT Nicely furnlsheil room. Hofor-
-1 enccgronuired. 10J7 Douglas. 937 *
F I OH HKNT-Fnrnishod room. A. Hospo ,
ISI'I Douglas st. fill
FOH HENT 3 rooms unfurnlshol suitable
forhousokoopln ? , 1017 N20th st ; apply to
M. F , Martin , 310 S 11th st 40J
ITiOHHENT A nlco , light basement. Inquire
1 of Leslie & Leslie. Ifith and Dodge sts. 3)3 )
OHKENT-Nlcoroomsat 1S21 Farnam st ,
one block west of court housesouth side.
HENr I rooms sultablo for house
keeping , 7111'aciauat Heut , I15.0J.
ITIOH HENT-Hocms nicely furnlsheil at all
-L. prices , from $ ) , $10 , $12.113 a month cinch.
MO .South Ibth 8tn f t , north tit. Mary'a avenue
upstairs. 2l3flO
FOH HENT Furnlshoa room , fiirnacH , com-
fortabln in coldest weather , and gas. In-
quirelUIl Fiiinam 111
IP OH HENT Noatlv fiirnishoj rooms , single.
1 or double , Ills IlowarJ Stroot. BU
POH HENT 3 nice newly papered rooms ,
watorln kitchen sultablo '
; for honso'coop-
ing. I'lico.f2.6a ! lull N , 2 < ) tli st Apyly to
owner M. F. Martin 313 a 15th st. U24
"ir.OH HEN'T Elegant roams on street car
- 1lino , bath mil ftH , i. w. oar 2)ta ) and
Webster. 132
FOH RENT Four unturulsned rooms
for hoiHoioepiiiir to smill family , lo
cated on Ouorgla nvo near strootcarssurround
ings pleasant and will rent cheap t > > trool
partiesreference ; required. Addrois A dl.llea
olllco. | 2tr
FOH HENT Suite of newly furnlahol rooini
la new house ; modern couvunloncoj : to
gentlemen. IV-il Dojge st. 2CO
BUHUNOTON Contcr-Tlie bills protect It
from foul smells , that Invade points south
and vast of the stock yard * . The place for
liouiei ,
allook , Solo Agent , 1509 Farnara. C823 30
TTVO not forgot tboblgealo of lots in Crelghton
J- ' Heights Friday , Saturday and Monday. 0.
W. Mount Heal Estate & Investment Co. and
John 1. Hedlck & Co. , 318 S. Oth st 7tV4
ONE Acre in lledlck' * 24 Add. , J7.00J.
One . . Acr . . .V * in New , - port , (500. Uummoud . . A ,
: t DUO | U _
"TT10H PAI.E 4 Icfs In SouthTT-nnhn. po cent
I ? below syndicate price. AJlrcfs I)2 : > -llco
otrjcn. _ SOU 2 ; "
fvUHMNOTON Cpntcr-E n ne'tne" tnnpi
Jnnd you will nnd it tholftace to put your
Hook , Solo Agent , 1503 Fnrf'Um. 833 30
STIU , nirnln to the front I < ots In IIIlloUc's
2nd addition , Wxl3.amn iii < tancoas UPO.
HOITBS' addition and on 15 feer rtulu r land , each
lot povercd with timber , only t73 cnch , on cnay
terms , Slots Ina tinnch f3W. ' 'J. U Hico ft Co. ,
over Commercial Hank , Sole Agents. WO
HEAtTIFlh. homo on Cfl' ' h st for sale , lot
K0xl27 , 0-room honso nnd geol Imrn , city
watpr , (1,201. $1,500 ca h , tuihnco cn y. Two
south front lots In llndford 1'laee , | 6 > il onch.
H. W. Huntress , 1509 1'nrnam tt. txi" aa *
H S.MPonthlSthst
Oood honso nml lot. Idlowlldo..f \ 0.
Corner lot , Mnrsh's addition , SJ.100 ,
Lot In Mrora .V ' 1 lldcn's. $550.
Lot In 1'ntrlck'sndd , J2.400.
Lots in llurdotto Court , f HOO.
I/jts In Hodford I'lncc , J750 to $ J30.
Lots In Campbell's , f.t.iiOJ.
l.of In Rosters' add. , JOKX
House nnd Iot In Klrkwood. f2.rflO.
Lots In Kllby I'lnco , burgnlns. tC.Mo J 01.
Lots In DwIghtA I.ymnn'sadd. , $ Wto ! UOO.
Ixjt In HMIMdo , Jl,7ifl.
I/ot In Hnwihornc. $1,050.
Ixitsin Hnwcs'.f HO tot i.OOO.
Lots In Hnnscom 1'lnco H 16. $2,100.
' " lldj.'si.iiU
. .
" ' 1120 , * I.4M. (
" " ! < nl.lW.
" " ' llis ' . 'i-i ) .
Corner lot In Improvement Association ,
f3VW ,
Lots In Potter .t Oobb's South Omnhn , 1400 to
| 55U.
Nineteen lots In Jotter's add. , South Omaha ,
These are line lots ,
t < ots In Harris & Patterson's annex , $300 to
Uitslnnny pnrt of thn city anil good busi
ness lots Also aero property for snlo.
Call and sro us nnd nn will show 3011 the
property , Harris & Harris , 3.0 South IMh st.
770 28
220 S. 13th Bt.
Hiti'oand Txn \vnlnut Hill , fS30.
Lots In Fowler 1'1'ico , Easy terms ,
13J foot on Cnss st , ? 3,100.
llU'lness corner on S. 13tb , rents for 5115 per
month , 110.0)1) ) .
Lot on Webster , nonr 17lh , with 2 houses nnd
Iniin , { 1,000.
House nml Lot In Walnut Hill. t050.
Cnll nml examine our llto. R15 33
100 acres northnrst , much nearer than lion-
son. It will sell too quick If sub divided. Lots
wlllco t SW and sell like hot cakes nt { ' 'Ol ,
John A. Crolchton has sold within half mllu nt
f 1'Wpor norn Wo only nsk frnetlon ever
T-oOnnd : a'o solo a'TOiitsnro olTerpilIwlthln $ . ' 000
of our prlco. Hurry up. Clautson & lloatty ,
21 SlUlist 817 2S.I
BUIIIiINOTON ronter-Tho Biipply point for
the city away trom the foul smullj , west of
stock yards.
Hook , Solo Agent , 151X1 Farnam. P3.1 30
T"\O not forsot the big saluTifTots In Crolgliton
J-J Heights I rlday , Saturday and Monday. C.
W. Mount Heal Estito , V Investment Co . nnd
John I. Hodiclf & Co. , 318 S. luth st. 7C8
totho front. Lots In Hlllpko'a
2nd addition 50x13. , snmo dlst.inco ns OPO.
Hoggs' addition , and on 15 foul hlglicrland. each
lotoovoied with tlmbor , only $75 unoh.ontMisy
terms,5 lots inn bunch $330 . ' Ij Hlco & Co. ,
oor Commercial Hank , Solo Agents. fix )
F O\l \ SAliE 10 acres , Ufhiocka trom packing
houses , fi blocks from II , & M depot ; roa-
Bonablo prlco , llnost land. Wlso \ Parmelc ,
150'J.lainam. 723 IT
HOMES tor salo. House of H rooms on 18th
street near Paul , one thluLcsisli , * : ! . ' ! 3J. (
Itnusoontirth Nt , noir Sherman , $2.500.
House of 5 rooms , ton full lots , $2,100 , ono-
third cash , balance if W per month.
Huiisoof4 rooms on Cnldwoll Ht , $1,000. $700
cnsli. bnlnnco easy.
House of 5 rooms on Hamilton st , lot CO\lW ;
feet , $1,00) ) .
H W. Huntress , 1103 Farnani st. 714 21"
G M : lends them af ) . prlcpa consid
ered. Wlso & I'm mole , 1509 rariinin.
7'JO I *
Bntl.I.S'OTON Center StnLlon ground nl-
rcBdy sold H. A : M. road.
Hook , Solo Agent , lf,93 Fniuiun. 823 30
STTI.Ii again to the front. Lots in Hllloko's
2nd addition 50x1112 , same dlst'inco IIH Oco.
Hoggs'adilltlon , nnd on 15 teetlilgherlnnd.caeli
lot covered with tlinbnr , only 515 each , on easy
termsfi lots In n IIUIICM $ > 5.i. ' .I. L , Hico > 1cCo. ,
ever Commercial Hank , Solo Agents. 800
DO notforpot the big snip of lots in Crclghton
Heights Friday. Saturday nnd Monday. C.
W. Mount Hpal Estnto & Investment Co. , and
John I. Hodlck & Co , 31S S. 15th st. 70S
MUST nave seine cash nn Fobylst Will sell
desirable resident lots at n sacrifice In order
to lon on matters up. For full particulars ad-
dres I' . O. Hex 4Sf , ctly. 715
SPEAriI < sauT < ) f CrolThton llolirhts Friday ,
Saturday nnd Monday. Free carrlncpa
ovcry hour from C. W Mount Heal Estatu &
InvosttnontCo. , nml John I. Hodlck & Co .3188
15th st. . 767
DONTbo sldotrnckcd but put \oiir money In
buslnosa property of Hurllngton Center ,
the place lor large prollt.
HOOK , Solo Agent. UOJ Fnrnam. 2.1 3 }
IF YOU have property for sale list it with us
and it will receive special attention. Ellis
Ilros. Hoom 17 , Whltnoll block , cor , 15th nnd
Hnrnoy. U'J7
TTVO not forsrot the bly sale ot lots in Crolghion
\J llolghti * Friday. Saturday and Monday. C.
W-Mount Heal Estuto Hi Investment Co. and
John I. Hodlck Ac Co. , 318 S. 15th st. 70S
TWO lots In Kllhv I'ince , onch $750.
10J feet on I'lorco street ( corner ) , 83,303.
0 feet on Illtli street ( corner ) , f 20,00J.
H. W. Huntress , 1TO3 Fainnm St. CSC-23'
SPECIAL sale of Croltrhton Heights Filday ,
But unlay und Monday. Free carriages
every hour from C. W. Mount Hoil Estate &
Investment Co. , und John I. Hedlck A ; Co. . 318 S
15th st 707
C ; LOVEIIDAIE loads thorn nil , prices consid
ered. Wlso & Purmolo , 1WJ Farnam.
790 1
FOH SAfE-Olio lot 70vl7il on South 20th St. ,
with house , south of the Hollovuo road ,
fl.tOfJ ; J500 cash , balance to suit. Ilouso rents
lor $8 per month , iiorlanty A ; Co. , 1323 Doug
las Bt , < W9
1JAHIC AVKNUK I have 10) feet front for
jsnlunt a bargain if hold soon. Verydo'lre-
nblo for building n swell from , 1'or particu
lars , address , I' . O. llox ISS , Cliy. 7S
B Ultl.lNliTON Center Street cars coining.
Hook , Hole Agent , l&OO Karnnm. 823 30
Ql'IX'IAI. sale of Crelphton Heights Friday ,
n Saturday and Monday. FIDO carriages
every hour from C. W. Mount Html Entato &
Investment Co.and John I. HoJick & Co.,1118 S
15th st. 707
OlirilAHD HILL-Wo hnvo HIP exclusive
sale or 30 cholco lota In ( his wl litlon , from
$050 to $ 'JOO , on small payments , ( joingfimt.
H , it. Hnll * Co , 115 S 15th. I'M
SI'ECIAIjsiloof Crolghton Holgli.ts FrHny ,
Saturday and Monday , Kroo carriages
every hour from C. W. Mount He il Ustnto > V
Investment Co. , and John I. Hodlck & Co. . 318S
Kith st. 7G7
POH BALE-Omnha and Council Hlulfs prop
erty , also Nobiaska and Iowa lauds. Cull
nnd see us. Ellis I Ire 3. Hoom 17 , Whltnoll block ,
cor I'nh and Harnoy. ( i'.m
BIMUI.NTON ! OENTBIt Wll hnvo no foul
smells. The hills nnd soujlnve t winds in
protect It In slv montlM ijots will brlnir
liluher prices there tlmn mm other spot In
South Omaha. Huynowuml tliako big prnllt.
Hook , Hole Agoiit,15 JJ I'ur.iam St.
HSI 30
TT1OH SALE liuslnois cornel C'lvliU , Fiirnam
X tuiUMien I7h ( and I'Jth. ' at n rnro bargnin ;
( J2'JKX ' ( ) cash ) fn.iWJ. Wlso & I'armolo , 15.-J
Farnnm. j ( ! M su *
pvO not forgot the big sale oMMs in Crcighton
\J llulphts 1'rlday , Saturday and Monday. C.
W. Mount Heal Estate. A : In\csimoiit Co nnd
John L Jtcdlck i Co. , 31K S , ifitu st.
LOT30xl85 , 2 story fmno hoiibo , H rooms ,
eltywnter , nto , for glol\itli or without
house Ennulro for prices and jorms. ( Jrogory
' " * ' rOwJD. ' - 1 I'.tlikt r.'l < . *
FOH SALE Four elegant two stury liousos
and lots , onucottagc.on street car and mmr
cable cur line. Will give you a bargain C. W.
Cain,2'JO Ohio st. 512
JOT 3)i ins fott , 2-story framoTiougc. ' , J rooms ,
-elty water , cto. , for spin with or without
house. Enquire for prices and terms , ( irog-
ory \ Hndlcy.3JO 8 , thtli st , 552
rpHE building boom will bo ctof Stock
X Vares when It guts u arm. No stimuli thcro.
Ixita in llnrlington Center , iho mislno-s lipart
of the west tonn Hill then bring tlio ntgncst
prices in Fouth Omaha. Iluy now and make
bU money.
money.Hook , Eolo Agent , 1809 rarnnm St
0 ALL and sno the fnllust andmojt complete
tctof iiustract books or Douglns county
now In the oiliceof H. a 1'uttcrion , 15th and
Hurney , & 3T
DO not forget the big sale of lots in Crelghtoii
Heights Friday. Saturday and Monday C.
W. Mount Heal IStatu Co.
< - WHII f ivttt < 7'iMl'a & Inittstinent und
John LJledlo'i ACo. . . Jls S , nth st
A ChoicePlocB of ground on SOth stro t Just
somh train St. Mury'l av . Gregory i" HaU-
lfiP..lJII H. iitu t RiJ
MKAt ) & .lAJllUSOV ,
No. 311 South 1.1th St.
Lot , fronting ' 2 street * , 35th nnd Pacific , 3
\\tt\ifps \ , $2,100 Ka y terms.
Hpst lot In Orchard Hill with & room ho P ,
barn , well , ds'.orn , fruit and s'indo tree * . ft , U.
Lot frontlne on Convent and 24th ts. lm-
prorempntf worth fl.'XH ' , 2 hou o . city and
cistern water , $ i1oo ( Kmy terms.
5-room cottage ami lot , 2 < th and Charles ,
Jfl.OO ) . $100 on h , hnl pisy.
N E i-or of IMn and Leavonworth , 3 houses ,
rout * for $73 per mo , lot GU9I. line business
property , fl2XW. ( Mend i Jamleson , 31S 3 15th
street. 772
SPECIAI.snleofCrclzhton Heights Friday ,
SitUnlny and .Mondir Frco cnrrlnirps.
every hour from 0 W. Mo mt Heal Kstnto *
lnrestnentConndJohn 1. Hodlck & Co..313 8
loth st 767
HOI'T1 * i.ots.Fnrms.i.anrt money lonne > t.
Hemls. room3 , Hrtrker blocX , S. W. cor.
Uth and Furnamsts. _ 6 * > 4
BUIIMNOTON CF.NTElt-Only 601 yards N.
W. of the largest pne'tlnir ' house" . N" foul
pmplls. Lumberyard will open In two wieXs.
UuslncJS lots lacrca-o fa tp t.
Hook , Solo Agent , 159 rarnnm.
a 30
QPliCIAfiSnloof CrnigFtiin llpfghls Frid'nj- ,
O Situnlnv nnd Monday 1'rpn carrlairns
every hour from C. W Mount Heal HstntoA :
liucMtucnl Co. , nnd John l.HcJick.t Co.HSS :
15th ft. 787
STIII < anln totlio Iront. Irfits in iltltcko's
2nd iiildlllon Mitl3J snmo distance as ( ! ro.
Hovgs' adult Ion and on U toet hlithor l.ind , each
lot covptpd with tlmbor , only $73 nnch. on onsy
tPftinSlots In nbiinch f-15) . J. L. Hlco A Co ,
ovcrComnietoinl Hank , Sole Agents. SOD
HOUSK- < tots.l'arnis.I.nnrts mon-yloixnpd.
llemls , room 3 , llnrke WOCK , a W. cor
IMh nml Fnrnam sts. M4
A IISTHCrS OKTITliU nn1 titles to real esinto
-tV guaranteed Midland Ouarantoc * Trust
computiy , l3JiFnrnam _ st. _ 1'llfl _
SPECIAL sale of Crelvhton Hoiehts Friday ,
Saturday and Monday rico carriage'
nroryhotir Irom C. W. MOIIIU Hpnl Kstnto .t
luvp.'tmont Co. , and John L Hodlck & Co. . HIS S
I5th st. 767
AHAHE bargain ; 40 acres of lind very oitoap
In line , warm southern cilnmto. lor pir-
tloulaniiidilinss H l.ljloo . oHloo. _ JJiJSs * _
FOH SALE An improve 1 farm of 3 JO acres
In Uago county , .Nnbrnskn , 10 mlles notih of
lleatrlcc , and. ) miles from Plckoroll tiitlon , on
1T. P. Hy. : now S-ionm house , larjo Imrn , well ,
wind mill , orchard containing- applu trees ,
130 ncres iimlor cultivation. 1U acres fenced ,
lariroo ittlo slioil , wagon shod , crin room foi
3iJ I bushels of corn , hog and cattle corrals ,
plenty of water for stock , lirge cotton wood
jirovo This Is ono nt the host farms In OHCO
county nnd a bargnin at $10,501 Ono-tliird
cash , balance In 10 years nt (1 ( percent Intornst.
To trade lor Omnhn real ostatc. ono loam of
larito work horses , now set double work harness
and now wniron.
Two business lols 22v8t ft on Loavnnworth
street , cheap , $1,0)0. Helter vt Campbell , loom
st 210
BlWLlNOTON CENTHH-Tlip stnt ion prouml
501 yards west of Stock Yar s , the spot for
8II1O pl'Ollt.
HOOK , Solo Agent , 1609 Farnnm Pt.
S ih again totlio front. Lots In Hlllnko's
2nd addition 5 KI3J , snmo dit-taneu us Geo.
Hoggs' uddlllon and on 15 fort hlghor land , each
lot co\oio < l with tlmbor , only $75 each , on easy
leimsB lots in n bunch I Hi ) , J. I , . Hlcc A Co ,
over Commercial II ink , Solo Agents. FOO
RPECIAlTHiTfTo'rCrolitiTtfm lUiiThts Fililnv ,
Saturday and Monday. Free carriages
pvcrv hour from 0. W. Mount Hiinl Estate &
Investment Co. , and John 1. Hodlck & Co. . .118 S
KHIij't. _ 7fl7
Arholce piece of ground on 21th ntreot just
south from St. Mary's avo. Orogory it Had-
ley , 320 S l tli8t . 552
_ _ _ _
STILL again to Iho front. Lo's In Illllcko's
2nd iidillllon f > 0v32. ! pnnio distance us ( ! oo.
Hoggs' addition , and on lufcot hlglicr land , each
lot covered witli tlmbor , only 875 , o ich on easy
terms. A lots in n bunch $35J. J. L. Hlco \ Co ,
01 or Commeicial Hunk , Soln Apents. bUJ
DO not forget the big sale of lots In Croightou
Heights Friday , Saturday and Monday. C.
W. Mount Heal Estate Ic Invostinont Co , nnd
John I. HcdlcK \ Co .3ISS. 15th st. 703
GENUINE HAHJAlTfs-Two ( oorner lots m
Hurdetio court , only 4 blocks from Sum-
dor's root U'irs. W. M. Htishmnn. Hoom 10 ,
Uushnmn Hlock , N Eoor ICth nnl Douirlnj.
FOH SAI.K Two lotscorner on Lowe nvo , In
West Otii'ilm , 2 blocks s tilth of F.irnsm St. ,
both for t-VJM.
Corner In Pla o,3 bloens from
Rireot car. 1 block from church unj aohool ,
Corner lot on South 13th st Cheap nt $1,10) .
Itelter it Campbell , room 1 , 15DJ Farnnm St.
SPECIAL snlo of CroUhton Hoiirhts FrlJny ,
Saturday nnd Monday. 1'rco carriages
every hour Irom C W. Mount Heal I'Mnto &
Investment Co. , nnd John 1. Kodick & Co. , 318 S
loth st. 787
STILL again to the front. Lots In Hllloko's
2nd adilltlon , 50x13- . ' , same distance as ( Ieo.
Hoggs' addition , and on 15 feet higher land ,
onch lot oovoiod with tlmbor , only ? 75 parb , on
easy terms,5 lots in n bunch , $ ' 1' , ) , J , L. Hico > * c
Co. , over Commercial llnnk , Solo Agents. n < )0 )
Our now addition.
Acres ? 1 ) J to $3 ! > per naro.
Near South Omnlm.
And Sydlcnto Hill.
Jlarshill Je Lobock ,
103 IOTJ Puriiim.
B UHI.INr.TON CENTKH-Hoartof city west
of Stock Yards. Lota thuro a legitimate in
vestment , with blc profit.
Hook , Solo Agent , 1509 Fiirnnm St ,
T\Onotforarottho blorsalo of lots In Croighton
J.llelifliti'Krlda.v.Satuidayaiid.Monday. . C. W
Mount llcnl Estate A : Investment Co. , nnd John
1. Hedlck & Co. , 318 S. IMll St. 7C8
SA. SLO.MAN , Hrnl KsLntP.
1512 Parnnm St. , room 2.
A It no of choice In ldo propeity at prices
which nro not Inllnted nnd which will prove
liuth sato and pronmble investments
Doiik'lns at bet 2.1th and 2.ldrt'lxii ; : f fl.03.1
Karnam st bet 20th and2Jd,22xl3i fl.MJ
l''arnam ' hi bet 20th nnd2)d,5'xl3. ) ! 1D.OM
Karnnm stcoria.Ioromo parlc 2'XX )
Farnam Bt Cor 31st 1.10x13j 15,00 ( )
West Omaha 165x187 , ilnoslzht 10.0JO
I.ouvonworth cor 21st Improved 12,105
Howard st nonr 10th. .l\08 0,1110
Ixjavcnworth st near Holt I.lno , 100x127 . 2.3O
I envon ortb Ht.Mayncplace corner , . . . 2/.OO
llnrnoyot near 20tU , 171x170 , Improved. , 3.1.UO )
ICtn st. niuir Viaduct , 10x120 I.OIW
HiislniHslot , South Omnlm 1,03) )
HiislmtsH lot. South Oinulm l.t-OJ
llcdlordl'lnce. lot 11 , block IJ 1,0)0 )
Acres In Lakeside J3V ) to 400
Lots in Joioniu I'arlc , East Fronts , near
Fiirnnmstruot 1,590
Lots In Wnliely add. near canning factory ilft )
Fnrnam St.cor. south and K. front . . . 3,001
CholcnIota In Oiolmra IIIII J7M to 800
STI 1.1 , nirnln to the front , Lots In Hllleko'H
2nd addition 50x13. , Hamo distance us ( ieo.
Hoggs' uddlllon nnd on 15 foot hU'lier lund.cneb
lot covered with tlinbiir. only $75 each on t-nsy
terms. f > lots in a bunch t3VJ. J. I * Hloo A Co. ,
ovorCommorcliil Hunk , Solo Agents. HOO
STOCK FAH.M-318 urrcs all fenced. Ilouso
nml good barn. Donhlu com cribs. Hog
hoiiHOH. 300 It'otiloublu 8)10 ) Ming. Wind mill.
Hesctvolr. Oood ( irch'ird. 90 ueroi f-eoded ,
40 noros In clover , I'lenty of running water In
pasture. Dltiintud In I'otlnvvatanilo county , , 12 miles ( Uist of Council HlillTK , anil 7
miles fiom two inihoad stations. Terms $3) )
per aero , nno hnlt cash nnd balance on tlmo tit
six per cent inteiest Clark ic French , 1516
Douglas St. O'k'i 28
DO not forgot the big sale of lots In Crolchton
Heights 1'riday , S.-turdny and Monduy. C.
W Mount Kftilii ft Insoatmunt Co . and
John I. HodlukCo. . , 318 S. IMIi Bt 7fi
JrOH SALE AfJjJ-acro farm with house , barn
and erll ) , on the U. I1. Hy. , and only 0110-
half mile from a good rnllwny town , with
chuicliosand scliools. I'rtco f8 , jQ ] . Apply to
l.ouls llrjdlord , cor. Oth and Douglas , Omaha ,
Kub [ _ UJ J
KTIU. again to the front. I/its In llilleku's
2ndaildition , .VvlJ ) ! , pnmii dlalnneu ns < ) ou ,
1'o/gn' nililltion , nnd onnfeot higher hind ,
ench lotco\orc't ' with tlmbor , only f.7 , ' > eai'li on
pHsy turms , 5 lota In abiinchf3.'iO. J , U HlruA ;
Co. , over Commeicial Hank Solo AgontB. 8JO
opporiuultyyet for autxlivtslon.
H6 acres on Hnrllnvton short lino. Short dls-
tnnco uoat of ntucu yurdd. Dopat on tlio
Aere-f ono-fourth milo past , aold nt 11,000
will hell this for about ono halt that , Como
iiulclc no ar olleien fiil/D.i to , iuy. Want (75 , *
MA fortune in it. Clnrkson & Hetitty 219
bouth Mill street. MS 29
TOOK SAM'-Hy Huncher. 1511 rnrnam Bt ,
-I- Huir Oak ucrolot , mumisslx Inrgu lots on
Virginia at oiitie nnd I'hll Sheridan n. > IOIO.
Ono-loiiilh cutih. Kouutz place , two loisono
75 x 121 unil one 60 x 124. Thcsn uro ( ilccunt lots
for line residences nnd will bo sold cheap.
Hrennnti place , flno corner California and
I'leasant streets , only f 2,100 lor a few days ,
Elegant lots in llanncom placo.
1'rospect place , south front on Hamilton Bt. ,
on grade. 1 His lot Is cheap at $ lfi < w.
Several good lota at low prices on Califor
nia Ft.
I hat o a lar.-o list of good property In all
partbof thocity that I should bo pivused to
show buyers at tiny tlmo. Hunchor , 1611 1'ar-
numst. W32
1" J OK 8AMJ No. 1527 South 15tn st Ixit ax
1 157 to olio ) . 7-raom l.ouso , hhadu ucd fruit
treca , (2.AOO cash.
Ix > ( t blocK 251 will be track property. 1m *
uruvud ( arm lauJ * cliefco. ii. U. Ccviou. KJ3 'JJ *
S'lVAS it CO ! , Fren/or Wools , 13thstopt > .
| H > tofflcp. Our turn next. (1rt > M otclte-
menu Klituros won't Jin. "
lots sold since Jnn. IMv ami still we hnvo obolco
bargains loft
Hmlncss lots on Farhnm and Itarney.
" Pouglis nnd D < > d < ro.
" Cupltolarcnuo and Davenport ,
" " Chclnjro and Cass.
M " Cumininiis nndSnunders.
" " Hon aril and loth.
" " lilh and 10th * ts.
WOlots alone on the lines of tno 50 cnbloronJs
ow being built. Fioa pas-os for nil.
r. S. Hub out nil but ono of our ciphers nnd
come and too us. WJ 2J
DO not forget the blc snip of lots In C
llolirhts Trlilay. Sntunlay nnd Monday. ( X
. Mount Hpnl Estate & Investment Co. , and
John I. Hcdick A Co. , 318 S K.tti st. 7 < W
UTIt.ti ap.iln to the front. I its In Hllloko's
k5 2nd addition MtM. : , S'imo dlstnncons ( Ire
Hoggs' nddltton niul on 15 foot hlshor Intul.pnch
lot i-ovcieil with tlmbor , onlr f,5 pooh , < in easy
terms , S lots In a bunrh t" > d J. 1 ; , Hlco , V Co ,
over Commercial Hank , Solo Agents. 800
FOH SAI < E-Four special contritets In Knuntro
1'lnco at a bsrgaln if sold at once. Ad
dress O.V.I. Hoc Olllco. 4P3
f71011 "SALK-
-L1 llnrealn ,
Hargaln ,
„ . Hariraln.
o hnvo It now. Got the ownoi tied up to
hob. 1 , Novpr will bo another cbanco to get a
tlnnhomollko this so ehpnp flotolMll ( Iporgtn
nvo and take a look at IhosplnmlM hou < o and
grtiiindi there Consider that they are with
in ono block ot slrcot cars , school and church ,
Don't let this opportunity to nroouro a good
bargain or handsomn resilience slip. 1'rli'o
J4.SOO , fxMO.1 cash , MJO Mny 1 , t37 , ! 7HOMnvl.
1SS9.11,200 Nov. 1 , IMl. M. A , Upton It Co. . (609 (
Fnrnnm. Telephone 73. gJ5
Sl'KClLsMoof CrPlghton Ilnlglua Prldny ,
Sntdrday nnd Monday. Frep carriages
every hour horn C W Mount Hiinl Estate. .V
Investment Co. nnd John 1. Hodiclt .V ; Co. 31)1 )
8 I5th st. 7(17 (
Ti ( vet onMth street , 157 foot from St.
> Mary.snvo. Emiulro for tirlccs. ( Iregory &
llndloy. 3'OS , 15111 st. 652
MAHSH , fc l.OHEriC.150' ) Farnntn Rtrpet ,
members of Oniatia Heal Kstatu F.xclmngo.
Corner of California street and Twenty-third ,
PflTSfi foot , oiny terms Jrt.dOJ.
Hou oof eight rooms on Twenty-third near
Cass , ( IftxSS foist. ono hnlf o.ish , J3.200.
Klght lots , Lincoln 1'laco , ono thlid cash ; (175
to $ MXi.
Kouriots In West Cnmlngs , easy terms , $150
to JWO.
Lots In Mt. 1'lcnsnnt addition , easy terms ,
$300 to Jl&O.
Twelve B nero lots 111 Spring Vnlloy , f 3JO.
Also 2 1-2 aero lots In satuo addition.
All on very easy terms
Wnlnuo a largo line of houses nnd lots on
ourllst.and Ittvito bujprs to pall und won III
show the property. Marshall & Lobeek , 150J
Farnam , Tulcphono 73. "ai
TlioOrncloof Omnlm , bolter known ns
,119 South 10th Street , Omnhn , Nob.
MnilEtornr 1'nlmytry nnd Condltlonnllst. Will ,
wltli tliuuld of cnch ono's Spirit. ol > -
tulii lor nnyono n view In the 1'ASI nndtho
I'ltKSKNT , nnd oil cortiilti conditions In tlio
ruTUiti ; . _ _ _
Special Ordluauco No. 012.
AN Ordinance 1u vymjrii special nndnisess- -
menlon ccrtnln lots nnd ronl estnto In Ihu
city of Oiimlm , to COX-IT the co t of ciublnif
Duvcnpoi-t btiout tiom 10th stieet to 17th
Bt root.
Wiiine.It : : hnvlntr boon , nnd bolnp horpby
ndjudcod , doturinlnod nnd ostubllsluxl thtit the
snvDiul lutsunJ | ) iocosol' ronl ostntn licrolniiftor
rcforrud to hnvo ouch bi'on Hpeclnlly bonutllted
to the full amount hoioln lovloil mid H.HM > SOJ
niiiliistoach ol ° salil lots nnd pleco of ronl iHlnto
ic < 'poctl\uly , by ronson of the curbing of that
nart of Oiuunport stieot trom liitn tjtrcet to
17th sticut
TIIKHFFOHK , forthopurposoof pnylns the cost
of such cutblii } ? :
Ho It Ordulncd by tlu- city council of the city of
Section 1. Tlmt the cost of ourbliiK thnt pnrt
ot Unvonport Hticot , In thu city of Omnlm ,
I n > m inth Htructto 17th HlidL't , said rostboliiR
the sum of ft'4 " 6 , bo nnd the ruimu 18 hernliy
levlnil nnd ns-Of-od , in propoitlon to the Jurt
I rout nlonursalil Improvement , nnil according-
Hpuclnl boiipllts by ronson of Mild linptovcmeiit ,
upon the following described lots nnd icnl
ostnto , ns shown by the ( ronurnlly ircognl/od
mnpof the city ol Oinnhii , 1H.V ) , lltlioirruphnl
nnd published bv C. K. Mnynu : f-nld c t bolmj
so lovlvil on Pnld lots nnd ronl cMnto , rospoo-
tlvely , ns lollows. to-wlt :
Nnmo Lot or Am't of
of On nor. Dcscilptlon. Hlock. Tux.
Mnthowson Tl'ntrlck 5 Ml JHT 61
do ( i 60 fti till
Henry A Vlschcr 7 Wl ( r. r.'l
do H M fi. ' , ifl
Pt A n lialcombo nlOSftl 77 SS 41
Mu-otilo Tuinplo Craft ot
Omaha RlU ftl 77 7 10
Mueonlu Templu Crntt of
Omnhn s li ft 2 77 7 in
St A O llalcoinbo . . .oSSnlOSS 77 1943
City of Omnhn. w 10 o it ! n Kli 2 77 8 H , " >
St A I ) linlcombo. . .w "A n 108 2 77 ! IO 10
KnroptnS Dlllranco o Ji ! 1 77 4173
Sopliln Lehman w ! s ' } 77 21 H7
Simon Lolimnn 4 77 ( M ,7J
Foctlon2. Taut the special tnxrs and nsses .
nients levied nnd nsst > < od ns nlorosnld , slmll bo
duo Itainuiliiitoly upon the pnssno aii'l nppinviil
ol this oidlnanco , nnd Bhnll bucomo ilollmiuuat
if not paid within tlfty days theirnfler ; nnd
thuioiipon n penalty of ten porcunt slntll bo
added , toifcllier with Inlen.-t at the rate ol ono
per cent a month , pnynblo In a Ivanco from the
tlmo Knld taxi's bocoino so dt'llniui ] > nf.
Section U. Thai thisordlnancoHlmll tnko cfloct
nnd bu in loren from and after itipassiiKO.
1'asHii'l Janiinry llth , 1887.
Win. K. HKUIIKI. . 1'rosldimt City Council.
J. H. SotrriiAiin. City Clerk.
Approved January Wtli , Ibs7.
JAMES K. UOVD , Mayor.
These taxes are now duo and pniiblu In the
city treasurer , und will bccomo dollnnuont on
March 4tb , 18S7iiftor which dnto a penalty and
Inluio-iwlll bo ndiludas sliown in Section S ,
J27d5t TnuMAif IIUCK , City Tienstiror.
Special Ordlunnco Ho. Oil.
A N Ordinance lovylnK n Secial | tax nnd assess-
JTV. niont on cortuln lots anil roalostuto In the
city of Omnhn , to cover the cost of curliinif
und ( .nitturlnc ChlciiKO street from Itilh Ntruut
to2Jth street.
WIIEHU\S , it Imvirik- been and bclny licrnby
adJiulKod , iletiirmlncd and estublisliiij Unit the
Bovvral lots and piocesol ival oMiiloliorolnnllur
retuncil to , hnvu nacli been eutiolally biMiollted
to the lull amount , heroin livlo.l nnd nssusiod
ak'uliiKt cnuh of Biild low und pluciH of nml
estate , loxpt-ctlvoly , by reason nf the curblnif-
and Kiittuilni ; of Hint pnrt of Chicago street
liom lUth street to 20th street.
TiiitiiMOKK , for the nurpoBo of pnyinar the
cost ol such curbing anil viitterliiK :
Ho It 01 dallied by thu city council of the city ot
Oniann :
Section I. That the cost of curbing and fftit-
torlnz that pint of. Chlcaxo street , In the city of
Omnhn , trom 10th street to 20tb ntn-et , Hiild co t
beiiiKtho sum of fO.iJ2.8i ) , bo und the fuunu Is
hereby levied and ui ussod , in proportion to the
feet fiont aloiij , ' said Impiovemoni , und auroid.
IIIK" to special benefits by ren ° on of Biild Im
provement , upon tliu following descrlbi'd lots
nnd nml o&tiite , us ehown liy the Konorally
ri'coKiil/inl mupof the city of Omnlm , IhM ) , lilho-
Krnplicd and publldhud by C. K. .Mnyno : said
costbolntf so levied on said lota nnd iculostntu
respectivelyus follow. , to-nlt :
Nnmo IjOtor Ain't of
of Owner. Description. Hlook. Tnx.
Caroline A dowry < 41 Jlb3 ftl
0 43 IMM
7 4.1 1KJ AC
" H I'l W. M
John ACiclh'hton r , 41 2W ! W
0 41 2 . ' ) )
" 7 41 Sti W )
Mary A Mrfionry H 4t 22S- , >
John Af'ioisjliton r 45 2:1148 :
Win I'fnrlin wWO 45 ,0 M
llntta | { McKobblo Ill ! - > H 45 71) ) Kl
WinWMursh , .oK" 45 702 (
Coruellft II ( Jllbett 7 45 210 4'l '
" H lri 2 4fl
John II Kellora 5 40 S25 M
" U 40 2.,1.VJ
AIiStinilK 7 4 ! . ' 2.t 5S
8 4(1 ( 2-'lM
Ann K McSlmno. . . , I Ki ifi'i K
1 ll Contrddii a Kt Zl'i 57
Jvwslii J < Kitchen a r.'l KJ1BS
J II Conirdon I XI ' 3 M
, lo % O WOIIIIITS n H 1 fit U'J Ml
Catli. Scliwnllonbiirir m H I fit HI 41
licitn.M ( uniiiiiKhuia ni n ii 1 r > l 21 Id
John DCrcitrhloii s ii H Yi 1 IJI 2.1 i ft
( illllCTim : Itollldorir ei ! : ! Cl 116 20
Mnrlabliiniui wyy At 115 2"i
KnieiKon I. Mono U M 2W Gl
MnryT llilllto 4 54 : .TO 5' !
Bioiiliun IIanfoid 1 - fi 2J8 12
Koiwnll Smith 2 fii ! 224 H
John M Marston : i D5 : xa 1.1
Sophia I.chmiui 4 G"M 1.1
Auif SWiiu-Ilt 1 M I6.IW
JameiJ lirnwn 2 M lc"i trt
J II McOrenry ! 1 M JM 07
Win Arnold. . . ' n % 4 M IV ; u
.1 II i Win M Morton..B U n ' . ' , 4 .56 44 8.
I.ucrella II Seymour , n'ic'il ' M 2740
Juno It llopo . . ' 1 M 27 47
hi'ct.on 2. Tliut thu cprclul tuxes nnd assoss-
mentd lovlnd nnd ns fb.-od in aloiisald , shull bo
duo lintni'dlulcl ) upon tliui > aSi.ivuaiidappru\nl
of tlili ordinanoo. und blinll bi'tiiuiu dfiiiunont )
If nut pnld within fllty dayi tliorcitfter ; und
tberpiipon , a penuitr of icn per ci-nt sbulibo
addpil , together with lnloiut > l at the ruin of oiiu
per cent n month , pioahlo in udvancu fiom thu
lime SHI ) tasos boi-ome so dclimiucnt.
Pc-ctlonJ. Timt tills ordinance ) s'uill tahoollojt
find beln forcu from and after us pnss.i u.
1'ussed .lannniy llth , Ifc37.
WM. K. llccnr.i. , I'roildent City Coun-IL
J. H. SoUTiuiui , C itv C'lorlt.
Approved Juauary I Hit. is .
J tMhs H Hoi D Miiyor
Tuuso taxes are now due uud pjyublt to the
city Irea urur , und will tiocomu dflui > ) ur > ut on
Jlaiclntli talter Mhlch duto n IM-UIIIH und
Interest it (11 ( bu added ah sunn a In motion 2.
J2745t 'luuuiH UIICK Oilv 1'rl < iu . .
In th rirvull Court of the Culled StM < - for tht
DlMrlrtaf Xetinukn.
Alonro It Vitleatlno , ct. nl , )
v . > InOi ncpry.
Fnnnlo \VUomnn , ot nl. |
ronn'MXfiiK or Montnvnu.
llfllMC NoriCK Is hereby iflven , that In pur-
I MinnconiM by tlrtneof a dooreo entcrol
In the above onn o , on the Alh dny of Mny , I'sso ,
I.r.lllslt. lliorboner , Kpcelnl nui tpr In ctimi-
i-ory In si\ld court , nlll on ( ho Is-t dnr of Mnroh ,
187 , nt the tionrnC 10 o clock In the forenoon of
thesnlddnr. nt the noith door of the I'nlted
St itoscouithou o nnd nostoillco buildingIn
the rlty of ( Miinlin , DoiiBins county , fitnto nnd
district of Ncbrn kn. ell nt auction tli follow
Hit' dc'crlbod property. to-wt ! i
The south hnlf tsliof the northwest qunrtnr
wmntid the wc t half of the tiorlnpnM < iunr-
tiT < w'i ofno't'of ' vcllon twelve t2i ! In town *
whip olot en ill ) north of i-tnuo ton ilO ) > vpst of
thiKixth principal morldian , In the county or
Hull , nnd tale of Nulmuka
The ciKt one-third ( oS ) of lot tto < M In block
iwcnty-ulKlit (21 ( situate In the city of ( Irnml
Islnnd , In the county of Hall , nnd stitp of No-
brnsk.i. Kl.l.l.S I , ,
Special Ma tor in Clmucery.
OrolT , Montgomery .V JflTrov nnd J It.
Woolcy , solicitors foroomplnlnnnt.
PropoiMi for
SKAt.KO Proposals will bo rpoolnxl by tht
undortltrnc.1 until U o'clock n. in. , Mnrch
1st. 1S57 , for the following' kinds of pavlntrinv
lei Inl , MM
Sheet nsnhnllnm , a per cpccincaliont.
A phnlt blocks , ns per BppoHlontlons.
Sioux Tall * tit-unite , ns per spiicillcntlons.
Any other ( Itunit ? , as porsi'polflcallons.
Coloindosnndstone , as per spoclflcntIons.
Any other stone , as per upoclflontlona.
Mncndnm , ns PIT specifications
Wooden block" , ns ppr spcoltlcntions.
Any bids for pavinpr In addition Id bolnjr no-
ordliiB to snld Bpeulrirntlons may nl i > bo no *
cording to Mich spec-mentions ns the bidder mar
prc crlbo. tlio : inio to bu set forth ludotiUl nnd
to ncromimny bid.
Knch bid shall specify a prlco per snunio ynrd
for the inivlnir complcto on the street or alley ,
or any pnrt thereof.
Work to bo done In acpordnnco with plniu
and uppi'lllenlIons on tlio In the olaco of ttio
llonni nf 1'UDlio Woiks.
lllils to bo Hindu upon printed blnnks fur *
nlslicd by the board , nnd to bo aruompnnlcd n Ith
n certified check In the sum nf one thousand
dollarspntnhluto thoulty of Omnhn , nt ntruar-
nnteo tdnt the bidder will within thirty dms
f iota the oponlnt ; of such bid ilvo bonds in the
mm of tno thousnnd dollars , ns the mnjoror
cltv council mny illroet. Hint tueli bidder will
outer Into contract for sui'h pnvlm , ' , of the
kind and mnteilnl Bpivllloil , ns mny hetcnftcrbt
lennlreil for thu > nar lHi7. !
Tim board ipsorvos the rlirht to rojoot any or
all bids , and to wnlvodetects.
Chairman llonrd of 1'ubllu Works.
Otaahn.Nob. , Jan.27th. 1M7. .
Nebraska Hational Bank
Pnld up Cnpitnl $200,000
Burplub 4O.OOO
H. W. Yatps , PrcsUlont.
A. U. Toii7.nlin.rioo [ 'resident.
W. ll S. HtiKhos , Ctishler.
W. V. Morse , .Tolin S. Collins ,
11.V. . Yalos , Lewis S. Hood.
A. E. Touxalm.
Cor liJth and Fitrntitn Sta
A General Bunkiujj Kusincss Transaclett.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
Of Counties , Cities and otlieriof
hlRhpradoboUL'htnnd sold. Kustern
ofEoo 6Slovonslilie itUoston. . Correspond-
ouco solicited.
CAPITAL , . . . $4.00,000
SUKPLUS , - 400,000
Accounts of Hanks , Bankers and Corpo
rations solicited.
Our facilities tor COLLECTIONS ar
excellent and we re-disconnt for banki
when balances warrant it
Boston is a Reserve City , and balance !
with us from banksnot located in other Re
serve Cities ; count ns reserve.
We draw our own Exchange on London
and the Continent , and make Cable trans-
Icrs and place money by telegraph through
out the United States nnd Canada.
Government Bonds bought and sold , and
Exchanges in Washington made for Banki
without extra charge.
We have a market for prime firot-class
Investment Securities , and invite proposal
Irom States , Counties and Cities when is
suing bonds.
We do a general Banking business , nnd
invite correspondence.
ASA P. POTTER , President.
JOS. W. WORK , Cashier.
Red Star Line
Carrying the Holglum Iloynl and United Statei
ilail.salhnjuvury baturdny
Between Aniwem & New York
Balon from J80 to $75. Brcurslon trip from'
(110 to SUi. Second Cabin , outward , | 1) |
IneiHild , J < 5 ; excursion. JDO , stournfo pntsaga
at low rates. I'otor Wright k Bong , Uouara
Agents , U Urondway , Now Voru.
Henry 1'undt , 1218 Farnam su : 1'aulaen k Co.
1428 Fnrnum st : D. O FIOUIUUII 1321 Knin.iui
Wo doslriito cull the
ntt'intlon ot the pub
lic gonerallv to tha
Biiperlor morlta of thu
\Vasliinjr PoiTdctly Clciin with Least
Lulior , unil with ( .rout Rapidity.
Tliouannda now In Ubo. All kinds of Wrlnguri
ropnlioil ,
onrt I'rlrH' ntnpilri | ) < llon Hi/I U by
iirrUijuiiillrtfiHunil Ix-nltri.
Culuu AdiVrtu. COO Hill.
100 Washington St. , CHICAGO.
MVn pur tint i'iibt ; pjfsMrfA
maikol iiriuulor County , l.'llr , JraBSKla )
lowii und buhiiul USltSa iSJ
C'orrripondeucu Invlleil.
ii ffft At'i-oiiiits uf nHfilts anil
htl H.iiilii'ri uuil nlhur * iv-
JUiiX r li nl mi latur.ibluUinn * .
Ural In I.u I ill \Vurr lll unil Si-rlf.
WKW YOlfK OITIt'l ! : I'nltnl ' lla.ih
Sutoi'Mors to Jno ( J Jacobs ,
U A * I > Kf T A K K It
it ii dst'ina 1H7 Karnumst , OHen
hytfli'fjrawli Ho.ioitcd and promptly at-
t uii < ! ( ] LCI , Tuloulioua .