OlVfATTA DAILY BEE : ' RATURDAYJAJSTtFAKY 29. 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS SATURDAY MORNING , JAN. 29. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Delivered by cnrrier In any part of the city at twenty cent * per week. , H. W. TILTOJT , . . . Manager. TKLEPHONE3I BcPiisiM Orricc , No. W. NIGHT EDITOII No. S3. MINOU MKNTION. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Heavy suits cheap to order nt Relters. Tom Buckncr , the well known colored citizen , is said to have secured a pension at last. , For sale CO lots in Railroad addition cheap for cash , $50.00 each. Enquire of. . Cook As Morgan. Lcavo to marry was yesterday given Joseph II. Mnrkimin and Orrlo May Blakesloy , both of this county. Next Monday is the time to send the beginners to school In all public schools of this city. Now first primary classes will bo formed then. Cory & Conovcr ami A. B. Walker bar gained for the property ot W. 1' . Ayics- worth on Eighth street yesterday , but Bomo Haw prevented the closing of the deal until next week. Services will bo hold this evening at the Broadway M. E. church , at 7.150 o'clock. Rov. Forrest is proving himself to be an able and ellleicnt evangelist , and the services are growing in interest con tinually. In the police court yesterday there wcro only two cases , and each named Peter .Johnson. Ono of the Peters was charged with being a vagrant , the other with liaving been drunk. The vng case was dismissed , and the other resulted in n fine. The managers of the old fashioned dis trict school entertainment to bo given for the benefit of the hospital , having learned that they cannot get the opera house on next 1-ritlay evening , have de cided to have the entertainment oi > Tues day evening February 8. To-night the opera of the "Sleep ing Queen , " and the second act of . "Martha" are to bo given by Kato Bcnsbcrg and her English opera company , bhc comes hero with many words of praise by dramMic and musical critics , nnd.tho company is said to be nn excellent ono. In the ease of _ Day vs Smith & Co. , in volving a claim of $100 on the part of plaintiff for commission in selling bonds for defendants , the paving contractors , the judgment was rendered in behalf of the defendants. It appeared that the plaintill' did not produce a prepomler- enre of evidence in support of his claim , and tlio evidencij being an even thing on both sides , tlio defendants wore given the benefit. It is expected that by soiling the pres ent poor farm and buying a larger ono the paupers will be made self-supporting. Under the present arrangement the super intendent is given free use of the farm , furnished with fire wood , and allowed $3 a week for providing for the paupers. It is believed that with a larger farm the products of the farm will equal the total expense of providing for the unfortu nates. It scorns that Edwards , who is in the county jail awaiting tlio result of his motion for a now trial , has mete faith in saws and files than iu tlio law or his own innocence. A few days ago a drill was found in his cell , anil smco'fhcn two sa\ys were found in the adjoining cell , within easy reach of his fingers. These had been passed in from the outside. It takes constant watchfulness with the jail as now constructed to prevent the introduc tion of such helps to escape. The insane man is still being cared for at the county jail. When showed to his room tlio night lie was brought in he was not very carefully searched , as iio was in separate apartments from others. When put in ho had a heavy mustache , but when Jailor O'Neill saw him the next morning ho had not the sign of a hair on his upper lip. The mystery was bolved by finding a razor secreted in his cloth ing , with which during the night the lunatic had succeeded in shaving himself. Ho was spocdly relieved of tlio instru ment. Mrs. S. S. Slovens has shown wonder ful taste and skill in several artistic pro ductions , but her brush has never pro duced a moro pleasing painting than ono which she lately presented to Mrs. Dr. Ilanchctt , and which now hangs upon the wall of tl.o Jatter's new homo. It is n scone in the White mountains , the ris ing sun just beginning to send its rays over tlio snowy peaks. The painting ex cites the enthusiastic praise of all visitors and is certainly full of merit. The paint ing has the happy merit of "growing" as the gazer studies it. There seems to bo moro and still moro in it loadmire. It is n gem surely , and the happy possessor is to bo envied. The funeral of the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Harkness , Little Blos som , as she was familiarly called , was hold yesterday. The homo was filled with sympathizing friends , and the services were peculiarly tender and impressive. Rev. G. W. Crofts ottered prayer , road appropriate selections of scripture , and niado a few remarks. The lloral tributes were numerous , and many of them very beautiful. The descending white dove , gracefully poised over almost n bower of roses , was strikingly significant and beau tiful. There was also a beautiful circle of white llowers , with the sadly signifi cant break in the circle , Ono of the most touching incidents of the occasion was tbo singing at the close of the service , n sweet lullaby , "Byo Lo Land. " This t lullaby was a favorite with Little Blos som , and almost nightly she asked to have it sung to her , and uy its soothing strains she would drop into sleep. It was therefore touchlngly appropriate that this should bo sung as she dropped into the longer slumber with the promise of the bright waking. Miss Crofts sang this , and none present will over forget the incident. Klock 42 , Hnllronrt Attention. Wo will sell the above to-day for $35 inside lots , $45 corner lots. Ow.LLBiios. &Co. , No , 103 Pearl St. Telephone No , 100. I'ersonul ' . l'nrniriiplis. A telegram from Pennsylvania an- nounees the severe illness of Mr. Myers , father of John and Jerry Myers. Jour loft for his father's bedside at oneo. R. N. WhiUlesey , whoso sharp-pointed poncilings have ueon misstd from the columns of the Globe for several days has returned from DOS Moines , whore ho was called us a witness in a murder ease there tried , Miss Maud Oliver is expected homo this morning , after a very pleasant visi of two months with relatives in Chicago Her many young friends in this city who have missed her from their circle vil' welcome this news. Recorder Thomas is Kept en the jump , there being more deeds and other papers to record than over in the history ot tin ofllco. Ho seems to take to it kindly , am : despite the rush no more accommodating ollleial can bo found , and ho is winning his wav into the hearts of the Council BluUs folks. RAILROAD ADDITION. The largest list of lots in RAII.UOAU AUDITION CHEAP. For sale by F. J. DAV , THE LKADINO REAL ESTATE DKALF.K , No. 3U , Pearl itreot. Lets range in price from ? 20 to I K > 0 each. i POINTING TO PROHIBITION , The Contest Over Technical Points Takoa a Day in Court. THE REAL ESTATE ENTHUSIASM. A Whirl of n.xcltomcnt About Denis In Dirt A Suburban HtirRlnry Notes From All About Town. Flchtlnc For Injunctions. The latest batch of saloon Injunction cases canio tip before Jiulgo Thorncll yesterday. There was n legal light over technicalities lasting all day. Attorney Sims appeared lor tlio prohibitionists and Attorneys Haldwin and llnldcno for the defendants. Tlio defendants sought to have tlio cases dismissed. They claimed that the actions were brought under the provisions of tlio law , which provides that In order to permit private parties to step In and prosecute , the district or county attorney must bo first requested to do so. If ho refused or neglected to do so then the private parties could do so. Uy the now organisation of the courts the oflices of all the district attor neys expired on the first of January. That was Saturday. On Monday , tlio Od , Colonel Daily , who had been elected county attorney , filed his bond at 1) ) o'clock , ! u l > cntorcd upon the dis charge of his duties. His affidavit was filed showing that the request had not been made of him to prosecute thcso cases , and ho had not refused to do so. If thcri > was an interim of two or three days in which thcro was no district or county attorney these private prosecutors could have waited , and ought to have done so , as thcro was no ollicinl to whom the re quest to prosccuto could bo niado , and hence the private prosecutors could not pet the right coming from a refusal of the nubile prosecutor. It was shown by alliilavits that tlio notices of thcso suits weto served between 10 o'clock in the morning of the Oil of January and 7 o'clock of the evening of that dav the same dayon the morning of whicfi Col. Daily qualified , and the same day on which he was serving as county attorney. On the part of those seeking to get the injunctions it was claimed that tlio peti tions wore prepared on the 2 Hli of De cember , and that they were filed on the 30th of that month. At that time 'llhor- ncll , now the judge hearing thcso cases , was the district attorney , and ho was ro- ( inesicd to prosccuto tlicsc cases , but he declined to do so , on account of other pllicial duties. The notices were placed in the hands of the olliucrs on that same day , but through some delay on the part of the ollicers they did not servo some of .hem until the 3d of January. The cases lad thus been regularly brought , and the notions accrued at the time of tiling the petitions. Judge Loolbonrow was tlio ndgu on the bench then and he bet the .imo for a hearing , and the cases were , hus regularly started. It was also argued Irht oven on the morning of the 3d of January Colonel Daily was not regularly qualified as county attorney. The allida- vit ol County Auditor Clausen was filed showing the bond of Colonel Daily was : soc approved by the board until 3 o'clock n the afternoon of that day. It was nrgued that the approval of the bond was one of the essentials of the qualifications , and until that was done there was no ccally qualified county attorney to whom any request could bo made to prosecute the cases. Such is the outline of the two positions taken. Judge Thorncll listened patiently to the arguments , and as they did not close until shortly before the hour for ad journment , he said ho would not decide the matter until this morning. The audiences was a largo ono and nearly every saloon in the city had its representatives present. Many of the owners of buildings rented for such pur poses were also present and deeply in terested , as some of them are also made defendants. See that your books are made by Moore- houbo & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. All my coal is weighed by Amythe only authorized city weighmabtor , and guar anteed to holtf out 2,000 pounds to the ton. Good soft coal at $3.00 a ton. N.V. . WILLIAMS. Dress robes at IlarkncsR Brothers. L. 15. Crafts & Co , are loaning money on all clashes of chattel securities at one- half their former rates. See them before bccuring j-our loans. Still Hoonilncr. Leonard Everett yesterday said he had , two lots ho was thinking of advertising in this morning's paper for a certain price , and Postmaster Bowman handed lira $50 to bind the bargain without a word , the balance to be paid when the papers are completed. George Hughes bought n lot in Bayliss & Palmer's addition of Odoll Bros. & o. , and D , W. Archer purchased two in iirtis & Ramsey's addition. Mr. Hercld , of Wheeler & Horeld , pur chased two lots in Bryant & Clark's. F. J. Day sold twenty lots in Hall's , Beer's , Everett's and Kiddle's additions. M. I. Scars bought 125 feet square on Washington avenue and Frank street. Mr. Kay , of Collins , Gordon & Kay , and John W. Paul , of Omaha , were among the inquisitive yesterday. George Metcalf and P. J. Day yesterday completed the sale of Homo's park to Dr. f'innoy , Win. 11. Burns and W. A. Saunuer.s , of Omaha. H. W. Tilton. of the BEK , has purchased - chased the Z. T. Lindsay property opposite - site the court house , on Fifth avenue , eighty feet front , with residence and other buildings. Adolph Plato , n traveling man , repre senting a Now York cigar house , having heard of the advance in rgul estate , came into the city ycstculay and purchased four lots on Broadway near Seventeenth street for $500 each , and in ton minutes after refused an advance of $100 on the whole deal. Five lots in Mullin's sub wcro yester day sold by Odcll Bros. & Co. to William Hanthorno. Among these residing out of town who are hero looking after satisfactory deals in real estate are George F. Butler and W. C. Dickey , of Farragnt ; J. B. Christ- ianson , of Hamburg ; It , W. Morns , of Shonaudoah ; W. H. Nilson , of Shonan- doahScth ; F. Hitskoll , of Pcona , 111. ; O. J , Colby , of Crcston , who is thinking ot opening a real estate oflice ; C. H. Dodder , of Washington ; A. M. Johnston , ol Omaha. On Thursday A. B. Walker sold ninety- eight lots.lifty of which wore in Hailroail audition. and aero property to theoxtontol s13,000. Yesterday ho sold to a prominent Omaha gentleman to the extent of ? 350. D. W. Archer and others bought of F. J. Day 370 acres , ono and one-eighth miles south of the transfer. Klmball it Champ yesterday sold four lots in Kiddfc } ' * snb-aduition to a Counci HI u lib syndicate for $1,100. Dell G. Morgan purchased yesterday of Forrest Smith four lots iu block No. 14 Mullin's sub-addition. It is. safu tq say that about 75 per cent of the deals in real estate are by con tract , the deeds not going on record for from six to nine months to coma. Taylor , of Taylor & Calof , yesterday cleared $50 on u deal in Picrco's addition hat he didn't have In his hands' five minutes. Lots in Railroad addltiort sold a week ngo to-day for $10 each. To-day they are nlucd ns high as $50 each , and new ad- litions that lay further off arc being apidlv bought up. Odcll Bros. & Co.'s map , which Is agircd with prices on cacli lot or piece of- iroperty they have on the market , Is n ; rcat convenience and ono which every eal estate broker will bo apt to adopt iu ho near future. Four brick houses wcro yesterday sold on Tenth avenue by F. J. Day at a very ; oed price , on the very thoroughfare that ho residents have been alarmed about ho Union Pacific getting control of. J. W. & K. L. Squire arc tagging lots , hat are in the market , on then map with irices on the tags , which is more con- enicnt for buyers than the slow process > f getting a man to go through his entire 1st and then not being satisfied. Bert Innis yesterday sold eight acres to } . Gillinskl for $250 an aero. The Slierradon tract Is being platted tuil will bo on the market shortly. A well-known manufacturer who has ocatcd In this city last night said ho was veil satisfied that this city had been selected , and that n starch factory now oeated in DCS Moines , would bo removed o tins city ; that the proprietors are icrc , and it would bo settled in a day or 0. One of the Hr.i ; men was last night old by a real estate man that it Is nl- uostan assured fact that 1'iis ' city was to ) o selected by the starch manufacturers. The Hov. A. Overtoil reports that when 10 registered at a hotel in Texas the clerk aid , "Hollo , are 3-011 fiom Council Mull's ? 1 understand you are liaving a big boom thcro , " and ho then began to ix tlio reverend gentleman. The following transfers wcro filed , 'estcrday : C. U. Allen and wife to M. Marcuslot blkO , Beers' add ; ? 2.'iO. Blair Town Lot Company to J. F. Ivans , lots 4 , 5 , 18. 10 , 20 , 23 and 21 , blk 03. Kni I road add ; $70. E. B. Bowman to James N. Bowman , v | lot 3 and all lot 3 ; blk 10 , Bayliss' erond add ; $1,500. Thos. Bowman to J. W. Buchanan , lot 1. blk S3 , Bayliss & Palmer's add ; $330. J. P. Casady to D. Goldstein , lot 0 , blk 23 , Boers' sub ; $100. J. P. Casadv to S. T. French , lots 15 ind 1(1. ( blk 11 , I'icrcc's add ; if 100. G. W. Fulton , William Richmond and vifo to J. F. Evans , lots 1 and 2 , blk 8 ; ots 4 , G and 0 , blk G , McMahon , Jotters & Jooprr's add ; $2.000. C. Geiso toV. . B. Rue , blk 31 , Beers' ub , ( fourteen lots ) ; $2,800. W. B. Rue to F. J. Day and George ilctcalfo. blk 3 , Beers' sub , ( fourteen ots ) , $2.800. C. C. Ilown to M. E. Fuller , lot 10 , blk 7 , Beers sub , flOO. 11. J. llollman to Hatty & Bigclow , ot 2 , blk , 10 , McMahou , Cooper's add , $300.Austin Austin Howard and W. W. Dearborn ; o D. Goldstein , lots 1) ) and 10 , blk 25 Mill- en's sub , $200. A. L. Hendricks to S. A. Rodda , lot 23 , blk 33 , Central sub , $200. S. II. Kelly toF. J. Ducrr , lot 2 , blk , 31 Mullton's add , $100. A. J. Kingsland to C. A. Bccbc , lot 5 , blk 2 , Riddle's sub , $200 Wm. Moore to J. W. Wilch and J. P. Swing , lot O.blk 21Bryant & Clark's add , $200. John Roure , to Fred Edgcbush , sw. 15 , " 0 , 11. York township , $ -1,000. J. P. Casady to II. G. McGee , lots 1 to 10 , blk 3 , lots'12 to 30 blk 4 , lots 1 to 10 blk 8 , Pierce add , $5,800. Thomas Bowman to John McClurc , lot 4 , blk 1 , Bayliss & Palmer's add , $300. George Rudio , real estate and nego- later of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street , Jinalm. Bargains in Council Blufls and Omaha property. Dr. llanchott , ollice No. 12 Pearl street ; residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone No. 10. Jj. n. Grafts & Co. Call at the real estate and loan agency of L. B. Crafts & Co. , No. 523 Broadway , | { oem 1 , and list your property for sale. [ f you wish to buy. call and select , as I have bargains. Buyers are constantly making inquiries , Burglars in the Suburbs. A telegram received from' Portsmouth yesterday stated that burglars the pre vious night hail broken into a store there and got away with a large stock of jew elry and clothing. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. J. W. As E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl sircct , Council Bluffs. Contorville soft-lump coal , $3.75 per ton , delivered , Wm. Welch , 015 Main street , telephone 93. To Contractors uml nullilcrs. Proposals will bo received by the under signed until the 23d ot next month for the building of the now Catholic church. Plans and specifications mav bo seen at the pastoral residence. The right is re served to reject any or all proposals. B. P. McMENOMY , Pastor. Ladles are inquiring for now embroid eries. They can find them at Harkucss Brothers. To-Dny'B Special. Lots 11,12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 10 , 17,18 , 10 and 20 in block No. 4 , Piorco's addition , for $275 each inside lots. Corncftlots , $300. TKHMS EAsr. Other specials in almost every addition in the city. Some extras which hold good only for to-day. We can give short op tions on a few extra deals. MATS PLAINLY TAOOKD. J'lat books and maps at service of cus tomers. Odcll Bros , iv Co. , the real estate dealers , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Telephone No. 100 , Miss Elnlno Goodule's Ufa Work. Hartford Courant , Jan. 21 ; Miss Elaine Goodalo , the young woman whoso name is to many a household word , has left General Armstrong's school , where she has been teaching ncgros and Indians for the past three years , to bo a teacher in a day school among the Sioux at the Lower Brulo agency , Dakota. Miss Goodalo is scarcely out of her teons.beautiful. linoly educated , relincd , intellectual , full of life , and u warm lover of nattuo. Stand ing on life's thacshold , with a keen ap preciation of the pleasures that art , liter ature , travel and society have to offer , she has deliberately chosen to dovolo her life to aid in the solution of the Indian problem. To many she will doubtless seem a sickly sentimentalist and quite likely her friends will bo censured for al lowing her to sacrifice herself in such a way. But she is something more than a f-ontimuntalist. She has boon studying the Indian question with the true philan thropic spirit. She has studied it nt Hampton and on the rescr ration. She beliovcs that cduciv tion ( which means civilization and Clirislhuiuation as well ) is the true and only solution. Sno also believes that the best educational centre , the place where the greatest results can bo secured , is in the day school on the reservation. She has visited the day schoolslias scon how little good they accomplish , what dillicul- tics they have to encounter. She was not discouraged. She saw that in many eases the school was u uirro adjunct of the agency , used to increase the agent's income by furnishing salaries to members of his family , She saw that in too many cases the teacher was not imbued with the missionary spirit , cared little or nothing about the moral , intellectual or spiritual welfare of the Indian , and was interested only in making the most pos sible out a government position. When she heard the objection that day schools were of very little use she said , as she said at Molionk Ijiat .year , they ought to MMWWM Vacant Lots , iMiids , City JlcsMtinccti and Farms , acre property in western part of city. All selling cheap to malic room for spring slocl : . P. OFFICER. . . . ' Real Estate and Insurance Agent. JRoom < 7 , orcr Ofllccr C Pitsci/'s tank , Council Muff * . Farming Lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranglug from $5.00 to $10,00 per aero. School and state hinds in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per cent Interest. Land Buyers fare frco. Information , etc. , given by F. Or5. rj-A.TJSI'aR.-CriE' ' , No. 535 Broadway , Council Hind's , Iowa , agent for Frcidrlkscn & Co.Chicago. . bo made the great civilii'.inK nRcnples. They should be thn true mentis of getting hold of the parent Indians. They should combine technical instruction with the primary cnglish studies , teaching the girls to cook , wash , iron , and housekeep ing generally , and the boys how to niiiko cunlcns. etc. It is because of her belief in this theory that she has gone among the Sioux at the Lower Urulc agency to demonstrate to the doubters what a brave Yankee girl can do with an idea. Electric door bells , burglar alarms anil every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. A big gopher shake was killcil. recently it Datona , Fin. , 'in. ' whose stomach was : ound n three-foot rattlesnake , still alive. The gopher wasiovcr six feet in length. Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! For the next .hirty da.ys I will sell heating stoves at cost for cash only. 1' . C. DKVoL. The Vicomto Oscar do Rivoire do Coligny , lineal descendant and repre sentative of the illustrious Admiral Joligny , is a stationmasler on a French railroad. t Best grades Iqwa soft lump coal$3 per : on at yard , $3.51) ) delivered. C. B. Fuel Co. , 539 Broadway. Telephone 1UO. At an inquest held not long ace at Hath , England , respecting the death of an old huly. it was found that she had died from the results of n wasp sting. Now embroideries at Harknuss Broth ers. The Chatham ( N. B. ) World says that nt a recent revival at Mill Branch every man and woman iu the place , except one , was converted. John Gomez , n Portugese , has lived over fifty years among the 10,000 islands oft the coast of Florida. Ho is 101 years old. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTS. HALE Nine ticrcB ot Inncl in the sw' { of FOIl nw'i of soo. 3. ) , T 75 , li 41 , in Council Illnirs lulJolnliiR the Union I'liolllo depot Krounds on the north and direct y nest of the liink. Horuco Everett FOIl SALE CoUntro , sit liinro rooms , with 30 bulletin ? leif , tuo { food burns , sinoko house , well nnil two cisterns. Kitteon minutes wnlk Irom opera houso. Address Q , Uoo olllce , Council Ulutrg. TjAOH SALE Choice , nmootli. ualmprovotl ICO _ D acroscloHoto llrnlnard , in Ilutlor county , NcbrnBktt. Will ( flvo lnr o discount rrora pres ent vtiluo for conn. Address Hunting , Hunyon &JOTIOB , DnvlilCity , Nob. , or W. J. , Jieo olllce , Council IllulfB , la. TjlOUSAfjE At a bargain , 205 noros with flno Jt } improvoincntR , filx miles east of Council Hind's , 1'rlrolowimd all the time noodod. In quire of T. W. Vnn Sclovcr , Council Bluffs. WANTKD A cottniro of flvo or nix rooms , Jocntud convenient to business ; small family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Bee onicc. ) A boy with pony to carry Bee route. BALK Old papers for sale nt the Bee FUIl ofllco. WANTKD-Partles intending to bo married are wanted to call at tbo I'ryor'l lice job office to select tbolr wedding cards. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , Established 1857 CITY REAL ESTATE HAS STRUCK A Veritable Boom , R. T. BRYANT & CO. , NO. C.2S IIROAITAV , Will show you many choice pieces of property at astonishingly low prices. N. SCHTTRZ , Justice of the Peace Office over American Expreis. CBESTON HOUSE The only hotel in Council Bhifft , having Esoa/pe And all moJern improvements. 215 , 217 and 219 Main Bt. MAX MOHNi Prop. R. BICE , M. D. , Or other Tumors romoM-J without thokiiiroorclriiwIiiKorblooJ. Over thntj yonrs iirnctical experience. No. 11 1'onrl St. . Council lllufTs. t3 ? Cou9UltnUon frco. FORREST SMITH , ! 3eal Estate , ff Unit wish to purchase for upccit- latireintri > < n > c # I hin-cnomc propurtii you can double your money on b\i \ oni-niiiy of spring. I have a iarye lift of city residences , lotn , acre / > ro ; > - crtij in the western part of the city ; also acre property in the hills which cannot be snrpn ed for rv ldenccs. In the jtastfcw days there have been a inunber of tvcalthii Omaha men who have been loolciny for residence property in the hills , and this prop erly Is adtxtncimj. I have some lots on wliich price has remained the same for i > atitxljr montlis which can be bonyht cheap if purchased of me noii ) . FORREST SMITH , ZESeaJ. 23sta/te , No. 130 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Horses and Mules For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail and in lota. Large quantities to select from. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin gle or do'ible. MASON WISE , Council Bluffs. W , S. HOMER & CO , 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. The cheapest plnco In the city to buy CROCKERY , LAMPS , SILVER PLATED WARE , GLASSWARE , AND FINE POTTERY THEATRICAL WIGS , BEARDS , Grease Paints ETC The Finest Im ported Line of " Ooocls Wcet of Mrs. C.I , . Gillette's Human Hair Emporium Ho , 209 Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa , BOOK BINDING i , Journal * , County and ItiuiU Work of All Kind * a Spec ially Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mail Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Everet Uloek , Council niufls. Standard Papers Used. All btylcs of bind ing m Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. Hr.FKIlKNCBSs O. B. National Uuak , M. K. Bmltb & Co. , Citizens' llunk. Deere , \VelU 4 U > . , Hr t Watlonol Hank. C , II. Insunmce ( ) o , Ollloor & l'osuyUaukcrsC.U tiavlu.-s Uaulc. GRAND pirninrr 01 r SULRIFICE SALE AT COST AND BELOW COST AT EISEMAN'S People's Store For the next wed : , to umfro room for large lines of . about to arrive. Regardless of Cost. Immense Variety to se lect from. Buy a Cloak now , and Save More than One-Half the Price of It , Everything in the way of Must Go. At any Sacrifice to Sell Them , Don't fall to take advan tage of these great baraulna now offered at PEOPLE'S ' STORE . an , Midi vis < J uaojtro way , Council lihtffa. WHOLtSALE AND JOBBINI COUNCIL BLUFFS. * a .ililCVl.Tl .l L DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bowles , Cftrrlngca. Ute . Kto. Council WutTi , lows. KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO. Mamifncturorflor find Dofttoraln tl Hand and Power Corn Shelters , Anil atfonora line of flrst class nitrlcuUuni Implotn mils. Kos. U01 , 1551 , IBM nn < l , tfi07 South M ta Council HiUtTs loir * . DAVID HUADLKY * CO. , Mnnufru nntl Jonbor of flgTIcnltural Implements , Wagons , Boggles , luiri" ' ? ? ! . 1 ftl .Vni ! * of F rm MftohlQor * 1100 to Ills South Mnln Street , CounoU Ulutri Iowa. CAtlt'KT * . COUNCIL Bl.UFFS CAUPBT CO. , Cirpets , Cnrtalns , Window Shades Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixture * , UphotMory Ooo Ktc. No. 405 HromlTTRy Council llluffs , lonn. s , roiucro , Bin , PKRI'.GOY & MOORH , Wholesale Jobburt In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Plpuj NOB. SSMntn nnj n 1'oarl Sts. Council Uluffs , lown. t'tUMff&s/O.V. / SNYDER & LEAMAN , STOltAflR Frnlt and Produce Commission Merchantfe 13,21 mid SO 1'oul SU , Council muff * HAHLE , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass * s' Sumlrlpfl. Htc. No. 12 Mnln St. , ami" No. 211'onrl St. , Council HlutTg. r f'HP/TS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qoiioral CommlMon. No. SU Dr iulwnr. Council Illuffi. WIRT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery , -AND- COMMISSION , Noe. lOiiml 18 Vonrl St. , Council muffs. HARNESS. KTO , BECKMAN , STROIIBKHN & CO. , Jlnnu'nctiirors of nml Wholonnlo Doftloraln Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. (25 ( Main St. Council UUiffs , Iowa. HATH , ( MRS , ETC. METCALF BROTHKltS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. NOB. 3C and ntl Ilroodwny , Council RlulTfl. vr HAitD\\'AnE. \ \ 1CEELINK & FELT , Wholraala Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware , Anil Wood Stock , Council Illuff * , Iowa. IIIUI.'S ANI > TAM.OW. D. II. JIcDONELl ) & CO. , [ ICsUibllslioil 1BTA.J No. 820 Mft'n ' Slrrcl. : t : Council Hindu CO.IIJIIISSIOX nEr.KCIIAIVTii , \ AMI lir.Al.IClH IN HIDES , TALLOW , WOOL , ETC T COUNCIL ULUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Doalcri In llumlnating & Lubricating Oils GivHu ) B3TO. , E3TO. . B.Th ( OloroAi'ont , Council IllulTs. loir * . ' LUMUER I'lLlSQ ETC. A. OVEIITON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Filing Ami UrUffo Material SpoclnHI < 'nWboloii > lo Lum bororall Klmla. Oinco No. 1JO Main 8L. * Council llluira. Jown , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - II'IKES AffD LlQUOltS. SCHNEIDER & 1JECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Llquoraj JOHN LINDER , WholcsiUo Imported and Domestic Wines & Llquort. Alfcnt forSU fiotthard's Hnrb Illttpra. No.1 * " MaluBt. Council lllutti ) . L. KIKSCHT & CO. , Wholesale Liquor Dealers. No. 410 llromlwny. Council llluffj. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPENi Lailiesbujing a $5 hat or bonnet , one faro will be paid ; .fio , loiuul Irip , JOHN V. BTNB JACOB Blllg STONE & SIMS , ATTORNEYS-AT- , rractico In the Stain and Federal courU Uoonm 7 nml 8 Sliu uvt lluno Ulo k. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yank " UUOADWAY , COUNCIL ULUM-'S , ( ) l > | iubltu Duiuujy Depot. 09. . . IN i. < * gs. < * * " - - * * * Horses and mule * kejit coiihtanllv on hnnil , for s.ilu lit rotiill or m car IOUUH Oilcra proniplly Tilled by contruct oa thort notice , block sold on coinniisMou. SHU-me & JJou'.y , 1'roprietoiH. Tuloplione No 111. Formerly of Keil Sale Stube3 ! , cornql 1st. ave aud 4tli