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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY : JANFABY 28 , 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES Aiixirll rmonU underHiH ho-d , 10 cents per line tor the first ln crtion,7 cents for cftchB'ib- ttrpiMit Insertion , nml H.60 n line per month No fwlvtrllfcment taken for lets thnn 24 cents for the flrM Intffllon. Seven word * will bo counted to the line ; they tnuf-t run cense < u lively nml must bo paid > n * dvnnct- . All ndver- tlsomcntq mu t bo linn < 3oJ in bo.'oro 2 o'clo k p.m. , nnd under no circumMnncei'wIlI thcj bo tf.kcn or ( llw-onllnurd l-j telephone. Pnrtus mlvcrlldnir In thc u' olumns end hav- InrthonnuwcMn.'drefsftl In euro of Tnr. llrr. will r > lpti o r. k for nthocv tonnhlo thorn to got their letter. " , as nous will bo delivered oiccpt on wMcntntlon of check. All ftn , wers to nd- 'vertlfcmonts nhouU bo enclosed In envelope * . _ TO I.OAM MOHZ * . A IOHTOAUK3 Purchase mnnov mortgages 11 on Improved omnlm renl etnttbouaht ntNo 21 Fronrlor block ; npply b < .t\xcoii2nnd3 p. ni. _ _ _ " * ' MONEY to loan. On llro < . . rcnl fMnto nnd . loim ngcnts , room 17 , Whltncll block , cor. IMh nml Hnrnoy. TlTOJfiJY to lonti. cash on dclny. wi. .1. Vf. nnd K. I. . 8ililre | , 1113 Farnam ft. , Paxton hotel building. J < or , per cent gnxcd hy calling at Paulson & > toi lota In South Oinulin nnd Annex. U T OAN8 l.onns Loans. lienl estnto lonnf , Collnterlnl lonni. Chnltcl loiins. Ixnik' tlmu Ioar4 , filiort limn lomin. Money ulwny * on hnnd to lonn on any np- proxed fcciirltr. . , Jnrvstincnt fociirltle.s boticht nnd sold. ( Jinnhn Mnnnclnl Hxclmlitfo , n. w. cor. 1Mb nml Mm NOV. Oorbutt , Mannifer. n , to lonn on Plx innntlm' to nix $201onu nt lowest rntc . Vi. M. Hiirrls. room 6 , 1'ri-nror block , opp P O _ 7I4J-2S Aliui8 TlA'lllllH. ! WS. ) 15tll t. B Moiioy to lonn on first clnss security " , from , I.OAN' nt 0 per cent. J. J. Mn. $ honey , U 'J rninnm. _ ' < "i , : , , , ' Money. 6P C PntloiMiii , ISth nnd Hnrnpy. 3" 3OOOO to limnT Sumo J500 nnd upwards , I < ovrcflt rntos. Bomb , room ,1 , Darker block , 8. W. cor. 1.1th nnd Fnrmimots. B07 _ TVIT ONIiV rirftmortirnKO notes. irl.ONIiV banh will buy pnpnrA soeurnil lij- nitiraRo mi rlty ronity. 7JU PiUCiNTMcmny : : to lonn. 0 Ore rory .V Ilndlev , Itoomn 1 nnd 3 , Ucdick ulockSM \ 3. 1Mb PLaN ) LOAN Money I/onns placed on Im aN proved real ontato In city or county for NCXT England I-oan & Trust Co. , by Douglas Comity hank. ICIh and Chicago MB. BIO ONKY to loan on city nml farm property , low rates , Btoxvart & Co. , Hoom ; i. Iron Ilnnk. 8'3 ' ONKY TO LOAN O. F. Davis i : Co. Ken M Katntenud I.oiin Agents 1M15 Farnain Bt. TV ! ON7n ro LOAN On rcnl estnto und ohnt- -l l loU. D. U Thomiw. HIS $ U)0,000 ) To lonn on Omnha city property iitfl percent. O. W. Day , over 1.112 Douglnftgt. * M ONKY to loan by the undersigned , who hns the only properly orgnul/nd lonn agency In Omnhn. Loans of f 10 to fl.OiX ) mndo on fur- nlturn , plnnos , orenns , IIOTHOH , wngons , machin ery , Ac. , xTlthout romox'dl. No dolnyn. All tniHlnos * Mrlctly confidential. Lonns to matte Unit any pnrt cnn be pnld nt Rny time. cRCh pixy- toent reducing the coi < t pro ratn. Advnncos tnndoon fine wntches nnd diamonds. Per on < < should carefully consider who they nro dealing with , us mnny new concerns are dnlly coming Into existence. Should you need tnoner , cnll and BOB me. W. n. Croft , Hooro t , Wllhncl' Dulldtng , 1Mb nnd Ilfti nnr. 81H MONKY"l.T AJfKT at O. F. li'ed.VCo'8.Txmn ( oflli-R , on furniture , pianos , honw-s.wngona , personal property of all klndn. and nil other ar ticles of value , without removnl 31 8. 13th , over lllngham'B Commission store. All busl- ncusstrlctly coiifldontliu. all * . " " BUBUJESS CHANOEIJ. \irANTED-An oxporloncod hotel man xvl"hes ' ' to IOIIKO n good furnlbliod hot l 2. " > to r > u rooms Will buy Invoice. Address H. Heath , Jtinnngor l.usk house I.ognn , loxvn. 771 2H * WANTKD-Partnor for the Dairy nnd Onrden linalncna. $200 rcipjlrod. Addrcts. D 21 , Hoe Offleo. 812 28 * O MAHA Henl Kstntn to trndo for Stock of Merchandise. Hammond & ( Hb8on , 1511 Dotiglns st. EOfl 31) rpwo Lots In Foxvlor's Pluoo , South Oninln , to JL trndo for horse and buggy. Hammond Ac Gibson , 15H Douglas bt. bOU 110 O lotH In Jettor'a addition. South Oiniiliii , n corner , Routn front , cheap ni SI , CO ) for both. Hammond & Ulbson , l&U DonglnN ft. / 1 OOI ) business lots nenr the center of btisl- VJT nosa in South Omnlm are hard to cut. Prices for well located lots xvill go much higher. Wo xvill olfer , for n few davs only , ono of the host corners for $1,800 , Hammond St Ulhpon , 1514 Douglas St. 8JIW : ! FOHSAMi Meat n.nrkct doing good business ( lood location , tools nnd llxtuios. Ad- drees D IV Ilco. 7 ! > 2 1 * A T fKNTI ON. CA P I T A I , I ST3- iiy po rsoti wishing to Invest $12,1100 to I15XIO ( In x'ery lucrative business , can find an opportunity by culling on Hutclior A ; Co. , Mlllnrd Hlock. 782 23 _ fjlOH SAIJ5 TcmlayB. boatpnylnir dry goods JL ? Inmlness In the xvost. Investment t.J.lKlii , onsh gnlon per mo. t < KX ) , runt f 12.60. W. W. Fisher , .Mill voril , In. _ 725 27 _ FOR SA1.U A whole or half IntorcBt in job printing nnd publishing olllco In Omahn. Addioas II M Dee otllce. 731 27 WANT1.0 To exchange llfatrloe , Neb. , city properly for good paying grocery etoru. Stnto timoiint of Ntock nnd business do ing , Address N. ! ' . J. Itcatrlco , Neb. P. t ) . box 405. _ 7M 2J _ AHAHU oppoitunityYou can purchnso or triulo for n vnlmtblt , innvHimper on easy term ! ) by addressing H. IL Windliam , I'latts- Ilioiith , Neb. 72U 28 * USINKSS CHANCP.-Stock ( Irocorlos nnd Mcntumrket for tfiile. Klnnst location In Oinnhn. Doing nil oxcullent business. Address , C , 11. jlei Onico. _ f > Sl T7OH SALU A grand bargain for some ono Jj xrnntlng n clenn stock of groceries In Oinn- hn : Mend , V Jainkmon.niH S. 15th st. 0.1 1 27 F OH PA IK Hotel Omnibus , used 8 months , Address , lljdcr , Btrouiburg , Nob. TTIOH 8AT.U-MHk dairy , 20 coxvs. 1 buli 3 Jliorncn , milk wagon amlllxtures. everything complete , co s nil fresh nnd the best ml k routn In the city : call or address J. W. Penny , Ultli and ( irnnt Bt. _ 4'il 2H BITSINKSHniANCK-StocK Orocorles for sale. No better Inoatlon luOmalin. Hales now nrorneo f3JO u day , Itnuli i : Sclby , 218 S. IMIi at. _ _ 27fl riV ) llXCHANOH-MerHiaudlno lor farms and J wild land. U. J. Ciiswoll , room 1'J. ' Iron Jlant , _ _ . _ Ulint _ T7VOH SAI.H Or triule for merchandliierein _ U acres of No 1 fnrm Inud near flrnml Inland. C-J-JCnnnn _ HIS _ HOUSKS'anu ! > , l.nmiftn oneyionnen , 'I. IlarKer block ti. W , cor. ICth and rarniumtJ. &VI TT'OH SAM ! Ilntdwaro IliHiness-Uo olfcr J our shelf nnd heavy hardware business for ale. together xrlth our lease unit good will , Trndo largest In the city nnd location the host. Hrtbtng from the biiHlnons raut-o for selling The Iliuini Hnrdwaro Co , , 10-d u Bt , , Lincoln. A WIDOW lady woukl like to form the nviinii\lnniti | of SOIIKI respectable middle. n rd man. Object mutual beuetlt. Adilii J , D2u _ , Ileo nnii-o. _ 7M jj7 \\'ANTK A lady xvhi > ua-i dnlly employ niont > 1 ns companion nights. Thu com forts of u homo .1 , 11. C. , lluo nlllco , _ 7trt2S PKHSONAIMrs. . Dr Nnuiue \ ' , \ \ nrrvn cluuvo > nnt. Medical nml bu inr > 4 Medium Hoom No. 3 , 121 North ICtli et .Omaha , Neb. COS T OST Ilctxxecn Millard Hotel nnd South JJOmatui , a land conti net. Siillutlo toward for U-turn to Mlllnrd Hotel or Hlctmrt's real estnto ollice , t'onth Oimihn. _ _ _ _ _ " 7 j27 _ IOST City collectors book. Plenso return to J Joseph Utmicau cr.ickiT company. : rj2a- STHAYiil-ProinfilO : Picrco bt , Omaha , on Saturdny January 22 , one small bar mm it , ottered bay hoi so , one bay hurgo xvlth xxhito star on forehead , nil had bailers on. Parlies llndlngthom will bo puld for their truutde l > y notifying us. Win Preston V Co. 721i * Clairvoyant , riMlO- who wish to ace n good rellublo clan- . * . voynnt nnd teit medium call on the Kadi Jndlu man. lie lulls ullqlxiut busli-eit luiitteia ; he U thu bcvcntli sou of the seventh twin ; he lu-ala by laying on haad . Call at 1M.3 Webster ft , 775 2s _ MA DAM ALASKA , ClaravoyRtit And palmlit , 512 bOuth ICtU 6U MI for oi 1 iroia nnd Silver , a K Ur- & Co.lN ICth St. 710 27 _ _ " t1lNJlNO"io ( OMln"Btylo' ' nnl "phrnstng" i. . ) In the HMlan nd Prench methods given by n gentleman linvmir stndleil under the bmc P.uropf-nn mnstcrs. For pnrtioulurs nddresa I ) 11 , Onmhn llee office , Omnhn 707 2i * l Hr > u olcooicr | " l xcnr . Dernrtments tig- rlcnUnral , live stock , housfkcoplng ( \nlunUo collection of it < clpts In ench ujui-i , nnd gen eral mlstollnncom rending. Including short ftnripg nnd poetry , Jl.oo n year. Vnlunlilq premiums. Snmplo tony frco. It , S. Smith , rub , Hoom , Wlthnoll Hlock. Omahn , Neb. _ nit 'PARK NO I It'li I : linveon hnnd n nriro" " < iunn. .1 tlty of timothy , clover nnd nnllM e 'd form mWrite \ for price * . W. ( J. Hostoii , David City. Nob. 671 f. 2D _ TOlt KiNT-Pouaro : , Piano , S tnontnlr. A i3 HOSDO , IMTDoiiglis 010 - ten lo on . No fniviinc : nnpo ltlon ; rapid ns ? pooch. Initructor , Mctuts. Petnm'sShorthnnd Institute , Detroit , Mich. _ J8ii t la' TmoiTiTiNT : Organs , J2 per month. Hospe , Jj 1BI3 Dointlan. COT Trfoit HUNT s < ] UKro I'lnno a monltilr. A X1 Hnspe.lMllDouirl.ii. CH TOR jlOH SATiP.Two sonted rftrrlni/o xflTTi top. J * Modlmher makp. Orlglnsl price t'.M Will pell forcn h , fKvcrylhlng ) ) In good order. Only been used n little Hooms 18 und ! ' . > . N. J , Iliirnhnm. 80 1T1OH 8AIn-.1 < M i-tlrn Inrgtt packing boxes nt JJ 2fip , by Vlnojnrd ft Schneider , lOlh nml Kar- n.-ini. K0 ! _ _ SAIi-Or : I'rndo-otio iCTiorfu poxvrr etiRlno and holler nnd pinning mill ma chinery , one 21 Inch Ko'lnor feed mill , ono x lo- torshcllor , one Holt Khnftlng. pullles , elovntor , bells. Ae. It. .1. Watts , 200S.2ilth Kt. Cff.l-Jit)1 ) BALK -Stamping Patterns clump : nnd slamtilngdone to order. Mrs. J W. Mor . 2S7 1 < 13 risons , I > 03 Davenport. " " "iroil"SAl < R-Tho best buggy In thn xvorld for X1 the Itenl Kstnto HuslncjS , Columbus Hiugy Co. , Ilia Hnrneyst. 2llifll 771OH SALE A good r , year old horse , hnrnc'S JL nnd bujtgy. Eniiilre ] at U H Douglas Ht. Vli P OH SALE OH TIIADE Ono 2d hand side bnr buugy.ono 2d hand phaeton , ono do- Ivcryxnigou. Cheap. A. llospc , 1511 Douitlas. 751 .1 .M _ _ IjtOIlSAIiK TI po-xrritor. SCO. J. II , Hayucs , JL' Iltixtt21 , Omaha. 607 TTIoit SAI.K Furniture nml leiuo ot Fii-rootn L1 hiiui-c , time on part. Call I'.U ! North 7th street , two blocks from Ited Car line. fc'JI - . Hoom 3 WANTKD-TxTocnnx-nsstng ngenls. , 107South llth , alter 111 n. in 81728 * \\rANTii : ) A good cylinder pressman at The 1 > State Journal Olllcu , Lincoln , Nth. yoi : 28 A ( HINTS i\-oryhoiiFcUrepor : wnntslt. Ilig money for you. Send Btnmp. I > ck llov IJll , Ilrip , Pa. 7l < 27 * TNSTA1.MKNT MP..V Anil agents genrrally L will tlnd JnBt what they need by addrefslug Instalment Dcaleis Supply Co. , Htlc , Pa. . 2- V\TANTP.D-Plrst class bond cook nt tt Indsor VV hotel. JTSi WANTKD A boy at Oinnhn Shirt Kaotory , 7M 2S " \\'ANTKD--ionergetlo : men nt once. Apply T > to Kcllpso Installment Co. , H03 Dodge st. 701 I ! ! W7"AN"ni-A : llrst-clnss book-keeper. Must T have x'ory be t city references or need not npply. C K. Mayne , l&th and Ilnrnoy O8."i WANT1ID-A hey or jouni' mnn hnx'lng n good hnr.-u nml living In south pnrt of city , to carry a route on Dally Kvonlng HPO to South Omnhn. 40.1 WANTED Men , women , boys , girls to earn $70 per month at their own homes costly outfit of sninples , n pncknuo of goods nnd full Information for I0 < - to help pay postage. Ad dress H , C. Howell .V Co. , Kutlaud , Yt.IMflO IMflO * \\'ANTKD M sober. Intelligent men of good ' address to try n lOo meal nt Norrls' res. taurnnt , 104 S Ifitli st. l.V ) AnKNTSInthoclty or country can miiKoJ'i to $10 n dny soiling our sin.'lnltioj. ; N. W. Novelty comuanv. 12J7 Viirnum tit. 012 WA.HTED I-EMALE HEX.P. WANTED A peed nurfo girl or elderly xromnn. German prefured. ( jood place for right pnrty. 2011 Cnss ht bl I 2it rhrooxvnlst llulshors.2 kirt lln- labors Miss Kate IS.Crounso block. M" 27 * WANTED -Girl for gnnonil bousoxvork. ( lood wages to competent person. M--rt. ( ! eo. W. llnll , IXK ) 2Bth et.nnd bt. Mnry's nvc. 704 28 * W ANTED At the Cunlleld House , dining- loom K-rls. 80 : > "i > " JANTBO-OIrl , 14 or Ifi years , for light housework , 1201 Howard. SO' , : : ! ! ' w PANTlID-OIrl for general house xvork. Hir North 18th St. 7S1 2'J' _ _ Sorx'imt girl who understands WANTED house work and knowrt how to cook. Uornnin or Sxvedo preferred. ( , oed xrugcs mid ] ) lcasniit home to the rlclit party , call with rof- eronccaoii Mrs.J. L. llico , 1701 Saunders ft. 7I 2.t ANTED A chumbcrmaid ut Windsor hotel WANTED A competent nurse alrl for child two years old. Ayply.Mrs. ( Jeo Paterson , 119821th St. 757 28 * "W7ANTED A good girl for con oral lion to- VV xvork , 711 8 JHIhjit. 70'I27 > T\7ANTED A good girl for gcn.iral house- worklna lamllyof three : gond xi-ages ; npply at 101 Houtti 2.1th st. 74S 27 * " \\fANTKl > A cook lu u prlvnto family nt 101 N. mil Bt. 727 27 "ANTKI > Two dl h xvashoM and nun laundry w dry woman at the Coz/ons. Apply at > . 742 \VANTHD-C.lrl 14 or 15 years for light VV housework , nnd onro for children. 2111 Hnrnoy 7.1S 27 * Al'ANTP.D Kxperloncod lioiiBfllipopur. Col- > 1 otod prof erred. Cnll at 112 N. 'Jth. ' 7HS \\7ANTI5D A good girl for general house- V xrnrkln iiHinnll famllx' . steady plnco fern n good girl. Apply to U. li. Htlcksou fi Co. , 212 Nllith et. Mniomc block. 71827 7ANTiD-filrl : for general housework nl S. \ \ K. Cor.Mill and Parmiin Bt. 7IJ 27 1'ANTED lititton hole xvorkers , 1112 Far- nam. 713 27 * Txvo girls ; ono for tlrt undone for second xvork ut 2ill St. Mary's uvo. Apply &OHS. 13th st. m NTI'.I ) 7.1 good Girls for domostln xvork , to call at 122 N. Kith Ht. 611 28 > ANTED-Conipotout girl at 2W5 Ft. Marys uve. (144 ( gfl _ ANTED Good cook nnd Lnuinlross,20i N. AV 18th it. r > S ) A\ JTANTE1 -'dood girl , TinglUh orTlTirmau. conk , xrnsher nnd Ironer. Imiulro 2-'l ) U47 " \\7"ANTKD 30 ladles & gents to lo irn tolo. V l graphy Prospect good for position xfhoii competent ; address W. J. 1) , Hoom 1 , Croutu blk.Omaha 1H7 BITUATIO * ! WANTED. AVANTED-SUIlod ncconntnnt xvill accept fit nut Ion Peb. 1,18J7. Address Cat , lite otlice. ul'J 1 \\7" ANTED A position by nil Ainrrlcnn T > xvoimin ni niirBe to joung intnnt , or chil dren , or some posltloii of trust. Address Lock box Pi7.NclnisUa ) Citv , Neb. 7Ut > 2J \\'ANTP.D Sltuntlon by young mnn botxvi-on 11 10 nnd 4 , xx hero he can earn his board , Of- lice xxorlc piefcired. la goo I correspondent tnr stenographer and rapid peninuti. Adilros 1)22 , Ilco olllco. 77'J 27 * AXrANTED Position , A gentleman with I ' cnpllaldo > lres to enter some whidesale ej- latilislinicnt lu this city. D Parrcll , Paxton hotel. 7i)4 ? J \ \ 7"AXTT.DSltuallon , A young man of good t > hnbhs xvill xvork at ; recently from NI-XT Vork. A , li llaldwlu , S. i : . cor Uth and lloxvurd BIS. 745 27 * AXTANTKD-Employmont as sloK nurse , good > ' icforcnees , lMl ) Webster ; also lady room mate , mu t jrlvo reference * 748 27 * \\rANTKD A young mtm xvanls n situation i i nt driving or taking euro of huraosAd dress. DB , Hoe. OM 23 * _ _ \ \ " AS I'KDSituation to post bonks , or SOIIIB ' other llko xirork , to Uu uveuliud. Address , D14 , IKoOltioo , 70J Si * \ \ ANTEO To lenrn dry goods or grocery ' ' trtili ) by a younir man of unreprouoli- able churncter and habits , lluvo oxpurtonce im pclHMiltenc.lior. Ht-st of rt'foreues , try him. A ml rossU S jSJIUUj. t. Mi J3 * " \ \ , ANTKD A nurse , xvho Is xvilhnir ro help * l uround , house. AddrenN. C..U31 Wtieu toil sL 601 \VANTBn St ( mtlon ns ho soSco'-nei1 in . mnll fnmlly Addrojsi U Six h nvenue , Council Illiiltd. & 2s WAHTS. ATANTHO .1 or 1 good teams nnd mnn to sll kin illng wood on commission Inqulro ot thn Omaha Kindling Mfg. Co. , Wi , 12)1 ) .Nich " - ' " ° olas st. \\TANTFr -1o pnrchison lo-k ( ot doming nnd gen's' ' furnishing goods , Harrison , Ambler & Woolloy , room 20 , Omnlift Nat. Ilnnk. 70 31 \\TAM Kl ! To rent a house sultnblo for fur- > nl hiil rooms. Hent per month , 5W to $25. Addro s D Irt lice nltlci- . 7fll 27 l luxrd by yoiin * mnn , .Nenr t' 1' sdiops , uddrosj 1) IS. stilting ; > rlco nnd locntion. 7602i * \\7AXTRn-Topurehapo clean ftook of dry i > goods. 11 nrrt'on , AmblfrVoolluy , room 2P. OmnhaNnt Il nk. 7J73l _ ° \ \ * A N 'I K DTo oxclinno Nlnoroi improved ' > InndM * tulles from llcrtrnml , Noh. . for hnrdwmo or furniture. K. C. Schrocdor & Co. , llertrand Neb. tffO Ay ANTED -Tcnms , 3T S. llth at. " \\7ANTED-A partncr hlp in n rctnll Hard. ' xvnreMoro. Cnn furnl'hcdpltal and i't porlf-nco Address , A , I.T. ) First nx-omio. Ctdar Hnplds , town. t/.W 23 * "WANTED To purchase clcnn flock boots and shops. Hnrrlfon , Ambler A Woolley , room 20 , Omi hn Nat. Ilnnk. VA ,11 WANTED To buy five to txvontv ncroi In- eldoofor Oinnhn. Hive de crlp- tlon , price nud terms. Address , 0,2) ) , Ilco ollice. . r. t WANTI',1) ) A younir man dinirn Instruction on the Kiilliir from a competent teaehur. Addroja II 41 , Hun oilloo. 7Hj HOUB1M A1TB LOTS. 1J1OH HUNT 1'no room hoii ! < p. 111X1 Onvon- J port street. Knqulro lOltJ I'lirnnin 'tu-et , upstnlis. Si82i _ _ UINT1'RrTr : store , tust pun ot im i- ncsspnrl of i > ttyf r millinery , tnllor.drr s- innliof or bnrlu'r hop : to iood I'.itty ' for fill per month. Addro s P. O. bov23. . S1527' "I71OK HUNT A two story nml li-i rinoiit bitek J houpn , modern Inipmrunivnts , on .Oth Ptreot , two dooi- from St. M r > 's Avcniif. Ap ply to Mrs Cliitkson,2'JlD ' St. Mary's AM-MIIO. rO I ff'j Olt ItKNT I'urn.shod . hoii t of snvcn rooms I 1 iiiitil Mny I. Hp3lrablo lounllty. Imiulto olllcoVostorn Pattern Co. , Exposition Ihilld- Itiff. fiU | _ _ _ 17011 * nr.XT Three licnutirul , new , four- J roomoil , vnriiiiiln cottnsfu.s , vitli blluds , etc. , nt South Oiniiliii. W. S. Pcnvey , 111 South lUh street : _ 7517 /HJU / ur.NTBroomed furnlirliod cottiiro , 1115 r 1 Loitvonwoith ft. 7.02 _ oil " i'KU'Foii Doiliro as itood in"n t'ornor : rush > sn.'Wl ; Sl..OOO for n fowdnjh. C . M. Cooper , 1503 Fnrnnin. 43S 2 irtDK HUNT -llou n , rooms. In llnnscom JL' 1'lnco. ' UoltorA Civnipuell , Hoom I. 15'J'J rnrnitin. _ _ " _ _ 7Q.'i _ "I7101E 1115 vf A liiriro "lwiT ibrv , 5-rotim fiousu 1 nt-l07 ( Dnxonport st. Apply of U. N. Iliit- lor , ll.-e olllco _ _ _ 77 _ Oll Itr.N'T lloiiso of ton rooms , modern IJ linprovmiieiitfl , Lrood location , uho.ip. Vd- lnlnvls , I50J Fninnin st. Wl ) FOU IH'.NT 10 room ho.isp with Inrjo statilo , \iiry elioupto rlK'lit party. Miirslmll > V : ! / > bccjt , J.ViU Knrn uu. _ 'I _ FOH IH5ST Ity Fob. 1st. tun room IIOIIM ) , moilorn Itnprovoninnts , ir > mlnutns wiilk from P.O. On st car lino. lit'iulro nt ll'JS ' Iouilugat. ) _ _ _ 14D HUNT A barn for 4 ho id of horsos. In- FOH inlro of M. P. Mnrtln. S < 7 _ _ . _ OH lir.NT A nice 5-room cotfigo. hy S. T. Peterson , s. o. cor. 1,1th nnJ DottgKs. 477 "TT1OH HRN'T-II room house , city water , street JP cars , 1" < miles trom P. O : 520 pur month. I ) . C. PnttorMinOmaha N'atl haim. 710 FOH HUNT-Largo bnrn with water privi leges Apply nt ISIS I st. Foil HUNT ! Iou o , 4 rooms , corner Phi Sheridan and Howard MS. HOURI- rooms , all moJern Improvements , Hnrney and 20th sts. Now brick store , north 11th st 4 now stores nnir Hnscnird hotel , south 13th st . $15 per mouth Hrlck warehouse on It. H. track nnJ p.ivo 1 street 3rd story Itnrkor bulldm ? , 1.1th and Pnrnam , (10 ( feet square. C. U Miiyiio , 15th nnd Hnrney. 227 FOH HUNT If jou want to rent n liousa , onll on llonuwa A Co.opposite postolllt'ii , WJ I HOI ! HUNT Suthlblo for Jobbing Honse.Sec- ' oud and Third Floors , 31x100 with b.iso- mentnud elevator , entrance Irom I rout on Douglas St. , nnd entrance on irroundlloor trom ronrtoolovator. Address A 3J , Hoe office. 270. HKST 9 room house S. W. cor. 7tn nnd Pnclfto. Inquire M. F Mnrtln 2U > OH HUNT Six new brick stores witi Imso- I7 incutscorner Eleventh and Ilownrd : choice location ; all couronlonccd. Lo.ivltt Hurnhum , Hoom I , Crclghton block. C27 TjOHHENr Ono new cottiU'o , 7 rooms , ? .1J. JP Throe noxr 2-story ho'isoi , HI , one nt $ .r > ; xvelllocato'l , all conronlenciM. Loax'itt Hum- ham.ltqpm 1 , Crolghton hjoj-lc. 127 FOR lSiNT 80 ncrn * nlJoinuK city nort'i- xvpst.sultnhlo For dairy or ra-irkot gurden. Applyto Thoo. Willlums , Ileo Olllcu , UU Fur- nam. 89 < 1T-.OU KUNT Sloro22x'W , 1HU Jnclcson st L1 7 P8 eon HUNT Hcn'itlful suite turnlshod or unfurnished FOH furnished rooms on St Mary's nx'e , with boaid : every modern convenience. Addicss D2I.Jleoolhco. HM .10' T7 > OH HUNT A pli-nsant fiont pallor and boil-room Niiitable lor man nnd wife or threefrcutlemon : gas nnd bath ; 1U1I Ilownrd St. , : id floor. ) . ' ! M FOH HKST H unfurnished rooms , modern conveniences , to parties xvllbout children , CIO N 17th Sj. _ 768 TTinU HUNT Olllees in Orm-nlg block , cor. i1 iiih : nml Dodge. Davis & Hotmnjrlou. Mil Inrd Hotel Hlllard Hoom. 777 : u * F OH HENT I'lirnUhodrootn , 1013 Purnam st. 71-j BO.\HI-Iovoly trent room to man nnd xvlfe , cloven blocks N. lioin I' . O. Half block fiom led car line , ( li oil locality , with widow lady much alone. Address D21. Ilco olllco. 7702 : * ) H HKNT-Desk room In Omaha Hcnl Ka- F tnto Exohangi' , ITdil Fnrnnm. 771 Poll llENTKurnlshod roomsTwith or'witir- out bonid. Terms low. 1121 Pierce. 7i ! " , ; il' j'OH HENT Ono window xvlih suniclont room F for rent estate olllco. 308 North ICth si. 731 28 POH HENT-Kogantly ! fnrnl-died trout chamber and bed room. All modern con veniences , near business , 1U13 Cap. nvt > . 1710H HENT Nicely fiirnlshod front rooms A ? mis llowaru strict , 2nd tloor , Jnouiro Hoom I. 74 ! ) , U I OH llliNT 2iilco"oilTco rooms nt 512 8 lGtli F Btreflt. 732 FFOH FOH HUNT-Txvo orthrco furnished rooms for housekeeping. 0110 block north of ox- posltlon Inilldliig. illfi N 15th Bt. 72J M * FOH HUNT 2 very plonsant.miwlv furnished rooms. 1 n large front room with liny win dow , l small room , 20.5 Pnriiam bt. 70S I7OH HP.N'FNlcoly furnished rooms , 421 ST I. llth et.-d Btalnvay Irom Howurd. 1172 2il' F ) H HE VT- Nicely tuilusliou front room 205 i-outh2Sthhtrcct. U5I K ) ' FF F I OH H1ENT Furnished room IWi Farnain. fiir , OH HENT-Furnishod rooms 1015 Dod/o it , HENT-.l lllco front rooim In thn brick blot-K on Howard Kt. between Kith und 1'lh Ms LuoNlejigl& Co. . Wltlincll block 54 HENTAt W ) Howard street , one block fiom Cn/ions house uircot car every llxo minutes a large front room.furnUbed newly , lor f 12.V ) porjmnnth , ' " ' 1710H HSNT Puriilshod room , 7H N. IBth S HUNT Purnlshml rooms for Ilifht hoiua Vtoplns , Iloomors tlozk , cor ath i Howard. L _ _ _ _ _ Bit _ 171011 HEN'T Nicely furnUlioil room. Hefer- _ ' 'iiccs required. _ 10J7 Douglas. _ 9a7 * inoit HIJNT-Furnlshod room. A. Hospo , . _ i51JD'iiKl ' wsj. an 171 OH HKNT ( I rooms uufiirnUhu ! guitiblo -13 for bou okaoplnv , 1017 N2HU st ; upply to M. F. Martin , .Ilflh th St. _ 40) MMUIUNT A ulco , light biiaemcnU lujulro ' of I.e llo& I ilU16tfaand Dolgu hts. Jj ) 1OH KKNT-Nleo rooms nt Isil Farnum st , -L ! oao block west ot court ho jsesauth silo. ftM _ 1/10H ItENT I roorai oultitlilo for housj- -13 keepluir. 71U'4ull3iit. ! Heat , tlS.Oj. 17 ) K HENT-Hoem * nloolr funUshoa nt nil -L1 prices , from $ , $10 , * U.n n montn cucli. WX ! South ISth stift , uortnSt. Mnry's nvonUo up ituir J. T710TI HE\T-Fcir.T hc > room , JL fortnh'p ' in coldest wonlher , and gas. In- Fnrn.ln ) til 7 OH M NT Nortllr VurnljfiM "rooms Mnglo L1 or double , 1IH llownriifci r-et Sia _ KNT Tl nlc-o newl kpippre I roomo Jxv terln kitchen ; sulJioIA for hou okopp- nc. Pi ieo. f 12.NV. MU N. 2 < 'th ' st Apvly to onnt-rJH FJjnrtjn SI"t _ vzt _ 171O H IIRVT Klrirnnt rofltn 01 Direct cnr - * - line , b th un I goa , .T oor 20tn nnd Webster. _ 1S2 I 710 K UK. N'T Kour unttirnuno I rooms i1 fc.r housoVofplns to sin-ill f-i-nlly , lo- cntcdon Georgia nx-ononritront cir . urround' IIPI plonvint nnd will rent chnup to good nttiessroforonco required , A.Mrojs A. 8.llleu < _ _ _ _ . _ 371OH URVTnltoof newly furnUho ! roims - In new ho o : nioJern convenience * ! to gentlomrn. iwi Do West. " ( ,3 D id not fnll to rend the first pnyo of the Ilco to-night 813 27 RILtiKKKSrrond ndilltlon , < nmo dl tniicn ns ( loo. Hoip'ft ndd. on the east , on 15 feet ilghnrlnudonl } ? ; s o.icli. on jour o n terms. J. I , . Hlco & Co. . solo agents. C7U.1 27 _ QPKP1AI , SAT.K of t'rolghton llolzhts Mill Ocommoneo Friday morning , .Inn. 2Mb nnd onllnuc i-nturdny nml Monday. Pl.l ii7 I VOnot forgot tlio blgsnloof Ion in Crelghton L' Hi-Milt ? Frlclny , Saturday nnd Mommy. 0 W Mount Hcnl E t itc & liivotinoiit Co. nnd lohn I. Itmllck & Co. , ! JI8 3. IStb st. ' , M ONi : Ar-r in iu-dlck'sSd Add , $7 63" Unocro In Newport , J5cO. Hninmond & , loll Donulns St. t/ > 'M OPKClAIi SAM ! of Oreijthton lloiclils will V 'commrncn 1'rlilny luniiilnir , , ! iui. 28th , nnd rnntlnuoSnturdft ) nml Monday. 8ia 27 iJEIfONAIj If reiiorts nru true , tlio /.MO I lota In ( leo.ltnjiETs' nddltlon nro nil "i hi out.nvor hnlt lieliikT oM the llit ilny nmHmiTiiixilny , < > Iliitt IIOIIK rtrc llhclv to bo kupt lit thli diilp VNlnlo uu niu i > orrtiiat t < i tminy lin\u lost bur- KHiii1' . If this fuel be true , wo can olfcr tlio bo t uobn\o In tlio wn > of lot * fiHKl'S. , on 15 feet luphpr irrnniui , Ilio stmo illttmioo o\it. \ lorono- Imir thu pilvo , only ST'i , of & lott for f > lV ) , nn your own | i-nn . In JitMleo to thoao w ho lmo Inft tlii'dinii'-o on the llwt iiddlMon , o ui\ toil nnotlifr ch nun to la-duo. llo poctfittly , J. l < . Hlco , V Co. . iilo Aconts. MB i'7 Tf nil S AUl-l IO'H In Soutli fliunhii 'M i > or cent LA below syndicate price. Addro I > "S. Hro olllco. NW2. " 7i : predict that TreiBhton Hoffhts illbu all-old out In mu > week. Si-'i | : QTILLitenln lo thn front. Iot < In n 2nd ml/llHon. f Kif. : pnmc distance as < ! i-o. lloirt ; ! , ' nddltlon nml on in ft-et lilvhi r hind , i-m h hit co\eied with tlnibui * . only ? 7S c'neh. on cany ti-rms , Mots Inn bunch ? iri' ' ) . .1. I , , lllco , V Co , oct1 Coinmeiclnl Hank , Sole Agents. KX ) T-T AUltlSXIIAUHIS. li- : , ) south inthst Hood houo nnd lot , bllinrllde. ? l.i5'fl. Ctnner Kit , Mai-di's addition , f.t,100. l.ol In M vors \ TIMOir * . fft.V ) . Lot In 1'iilriok'siuM , tlO. . 2 Lots in Hunhilte Cdinl , ? HIO Lots In Heilford I'laco , Jifi ) toSJJO. l.oln In Cninpbi-l ' > , f l.imi. I Kit In Kn teraild , < r , 0. lloueoiind Lot In Kiiknood SJ/.01 l.ot In Kllby Plneo , biirirnliis. vi to S Ol. 1 ols In MwllitV ) l.vniiursiid.l. , f-HMto fliOO. lot In Hlll-ddo. ? ) , TiH ) . In llnwthiirm . Sl.O'iO. Lots In Hawi'sT , $ ' -03t < ) $1Ol)0. Lots lu Ilnnsconi Plneo 1 > ! , t-.WJ. " ' " IIS. Ji.71'0. ' " " " 112) ) , $ liro. " " " UW.fl.JliO. " " " 11 11 , S I. " 00. " " " II'I1 * , 2,231. Corner lot In Improvement As oclntlon , $ ,1'KH ) . l its In Potter .V Cobb's South Omaha , t 10 to $55 J. J.Mnoteen Mnoteen lot * In Jottor's , South Omaha , $7in ) 10 $7.w. . These iiro ftno lot- < . Loth lu Hauls A Patterson's annor , C-00 ! ! to T S.'iO. ) Lots In nny pmt or tli" city and eood busi ness lot- " j\ls aero property for sulo. ( Lilian I geu us an. I wu will si ! ( r JOH thu propci'ty. llarri i t llairlj , jI.'O rfoiitliJ"th st. HII.LDKT Soeond nddltlon. H'IIIIO dUt inco as < ! t'i. liogj-'Miild. , on tlio cast , on 15 toot hlgiipr hind , only 375 ouch on jour own terms. .1. L. Hleo XCo. . , Mlo ) HKunts. 7'J'.I 27 \V-A.N'rni-lnyestors toTtnovv" that The An- > HOY Is tlio prcmlor BUhiirti of South Omaha. Uvury lot nvreuslnir SHU per montn In mint ! . Now solllnif fiinn f'M ) to $ ii'X ) : 10 per < cnt rnoli. hiilnnco SID pnr nfiiirh. Don't miss this i nrc chance of mnxlmr rnnnuv. \V. S. Soayoy , solu Aifont.'lll ' South llth Bt 7ft : 27 PKCM.Uj SAM ? of CroKhtoi Hol hts will S tommence Friday niornlmr , .Inn "Sth nnd 'i'l Mandny. Hii : i7 T71OII RALE-Honso of 4 rooms. Iniiiirn21l ] -1 ? N. 17th t. 741 2T' _ not forfeit lie"lil jVile of lots In CrclirhtoiT DO Heights I-rldnr. Saturday nnd Monday. C. W. Mount Iteal EsUto i Investment Co. . and Jolin I. Itedick & Co. . HIS S. 15th it. 7W ( . front. Loti In Hllleke's 2nd addition 5)vll ) ) . ' , s.ime dht'inro ns (5eo. lio/uV adilltlon. and on 15 feet higher land , each lot i-ovi-red xvlth limber , only ? 7fi e.ic1on i-n > y terms , 5 lots in n hunch fo.'i'l ,1 I , Hlco .V Co , oxcrCommi-rcial Hank , Polo Agonn. soil TjVHfsAL 1 10 acres 10 blocks fiom7 > a < khur I ? houses.nhlnoUH trom I ! , .V M depot ; rea- xonablo price , llnest laiul. Wise & Parmele , l.i'i'.i ' r.'iviiiiiii. . 72.1 IT . tor sale. Hou oofH rooms oil ISth HO.MIN tret-t near I'aul , ono third cssh , ? ' ) , ' ! 10. Iou-ooii2 ( tli M , Sherman , fj.n'JO. lloiiei ) of .1 rooms , too fnll lots' , ? 2,100 , one- third cash. Inland * f'liJ pimonth. ! . Hiiiiyiiol 1 rooms on Caldxvell st , S'l.OOO. S700 ciish. bal.inca onsy llo\i-nol ' , mores oil Hamilton st , lot 00x11)0 ) foi-t , $ l'KH ' ) . _ I1 W. llnntnm , P.OJ Farmini st. _ _ 711 as * _ . lends them all , pi lees consid OI.OVEHDALE i Paimelo , IM ! ) Pannim. 7'.M l STILL inrn-n to the front. I ots in llllloko'n 2nd addition ftKI' ! ' . ' , mime distance as Oeo llo.'gs' addition , nnd im in Icet higher land.t ach lot coveted nltii tlmhor , only fill euch , on easy terms , A lots In a bunch $15) ) . J. L. llico \ Co. , over Commercial Hank , fole Agents. f'OJ TTVO not forgot the big snleof lots In Crelghton J' Heights' PiMix" . Pntur.lny and Monday. C. \\.Mount Heal Kaiato A : Invostmi-iit Co. , ami John I. Itodlclc Jl Co , an S. Ht. 7ii-i MPSTimvfl Mimicii'-h iin'eDy lnt. Will ns\\ \ \ desirable rc dent lots at , a sacrifice in order to loo'cn mnttars up. Per full particulars ad- dre I' O. llov 4i , c-tly. 71.1 II.LKKT. Poroml addition , aamo dMnucn n.-i ir ( Jeo. HOOK'S add. , on the cast , on li ! liet higher laud , only 9" , > rnoli , at > our own term < . J. L Hlco \ Co. ; solo ngents 7'J'J 27 _ ' froUhton Helithn Friday , SI'EACILBiIeof Mondiiv. Fri-o o.irrlagcs nvi-ry hour from O. W Mount Heal Estntu , V Inviihtmcnt Co. , nnd John 1. Hedlc'Co ) .MISS Pith su 707 TP VOI' have property for snlo list It xvlth us nn 1 It xvill receive special attention. EIIU Urns. Hoom 17 , Wnitnull hlock , cor. 1Mb and UO not forirot the bl hiiloof lot * In Crolithion lloldhts I'ridiiy. Saturday and Monday , C. W. Mount UoiU INtato It Inyi'stment ' Co nml John I. Itedlck A. Co. , airt S. IMh st. 76S lot * In ICIIhy Plaeo.p.ich S7-V ) , TWO \M \ f cct on Plorco street ( coi nnr ) , f 1JO ! ) . it leel on 10th ctreot ( eorms-i , < -0,00) . II. W. Huntress , 1.10J Farmuii st. _ fiJ 28 * SPlTIALealoof CrolslitonJIniKMH Filday , Saturday nnd Monday. " 1'rou cariia us every hour from C. W Mofint lioal Ustato , v Iin u-liiiL'iit Co. , and John l.'licdiu'i A : Co. , Ulb S 10th St. 707 C UVIMtlAIP ) ) loads thnmfjll. prices consid ered. Wlgo .V Parinclu , ' 1 Ml i'arnain. _ ; . ' " " ' * OH SAI.H-Ouo lot 70xl7Jl , , < ui South ' ! 0th St. , with hotifio , eouth ofno llcllovun road , ? I.M ) ; ) f.Vica'-b ) , halance to dill. Huii-o rents for ? 8 per nionili. Moilanty \ Co. , Jirjo Doiu- lasat. , > tiJU _ 1JA1IIC AYENPl'-l have tq1 tcet front lor J tnlo'it n huriMin ifkoMsoon. Vervdo-lro- nblo lor building n swell I runt 1'or p.irticu- Inre.udilKSji , p. u iio4Vi. . Cny. 7s QPP.CIAI , snle of rrolJilum Heights Fri-ltTyi t ' S nturday und Monday ; Free rnrrlngi-i ox-ery hiiur from (1 ( W.rjpjint Iteal lUtate i. lnxtment Co. , and John 1. IloJick .V Co.lla h 15th nt. 7t1 ! Ollt'IIMH ) IIIU.-Wo hax'o Ha oxcluelvo biiloof 'W hiilco lota iulliH nillitmn , from toji ) to tJKt. on smnll payment : * Uolng fast. 11. H. llnll & Co , 1I5S IMh. _ BC > i SPECIAL silo of Crelghton Hi-liruM Krl'l.iy , S.iturd.iy and Moinlny , I'rco onrrmges ox-cry hour from C. W Mount He 1 15-lnto & Inxostiuc-iit Co. , and Johnl. HoJicU X Cn.iHri : ICth et. 7G7 8AI.i-OmBhanmlCiuncll : Hlu'.fj proji- J urty.nlMi N'obrasliii und Iowa lands , ( . 'nl nnd reo us. Kills Ilros. Hoom 17 , Whltnell block cor. ISlh and Haruuy. CM Fort rtAlTE MusIiio-s corner OltUU , P.lniam not\\CIMI 17th and lUth. nt n rare bargain- ( * 20uot ) ca h ) fi5jOVlso ( & Pnrmole , 157J Farnum. 2J * DO not tor et the big sale of lots In Cielghton Helgbtti Friday. Saturday mid Monday. C1 W. Mount Houl r.atatu , V Inxc liuent Co tun Johu 1. Hfilick & Co. , 3I 6,15tU t. 7W 1 CiT Ifixl'JS , 2-itory fr mo home , 3 room * . l rllywAter , eto , for ile xTlth ot without > on o Kti'iulro for prices nnd terms. Gregory \ llsdlcy , CJ 3. 15th t as3 _ "I710H PA UK Pour elegant two-story hou es Jnnd lots , one pottnx-e.on street cnr nmluoir cpblecirlino. Win give you nbArgnln. C. W. > ln,2-iWOhlost. 813 LOT iMxlWifoct , 4-story frntno house , .Iroomf" , city xrntcr , rte. , for sulo with or without iou o. Einpilre loriirlcps nnd terms5rosf < ory A nndleyt.0 : g. 1Mb st 6V ! _ OAtI , nnd seethe fullc.n nnd moat complete act of nttjtract booxs of Dougln county tow In the olllco of It. C. Patterson , IMh and Hnrney. fr'7 DO nol forzrtTiio biff ale of lots In Crolg'hton Height * KrldfiT , Saturdny nnd .Moiutnj U > V. Mount Heal r. tnln & 1nrc tmont Co. nnJ John 1. HedloW * Co. . J1S S. l.Mlnt. 4iH A Choice Pleco of groilu 1 on 2'lth ' strfnt | u t south trom St , Mnry's nvo. Gregory .V nml. oy.lU ) S. IMh st. r > 5J _ -\rKAi ) & No. 31S South IMh Pt. Lot , fronting 2 § trcot , 2Jth nnd Pneluo , 2 inust'i , &V > 00. KMf term * . Heft lot In Orchil til Hill xTlth R room lnu r > , inrn. xvcll , cistern , fruit nnd slmdo trcos , tl.'WO. ' Uasyterm . Lot trontlneon Convent nnd 24th * M. Im- iroTcments xvorth J.l.U'H , 2 IHUISB. * , city nnd cl'tprn water , Jrt'W ' ) Ety tornn. f > -rooni cottage nnd lot , 23lli and Chnrlc * . Sf I.IXX ) , $ IOJ 0.1 .h , bal eAsy. N Ecor of l.Mn nnd Lenvnnworth , 3 hnil9C4 , rent' tor 7.1 per mo , lot iVHrti ) , mio bu'lnn1 * property , f 12,1100. Mend & Jfltuloson , 31 * S IMh ctreet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ 772 "JIAVK you bought your let In CreipTiton J I Height * ? They sell Irom ? 2 0 to f 700 , 1-S cn h , balnnce quarterly or seml-aununlly , . " 13 27 _ _ _ _ _ _ SPI'.CIAI , nleof Crnljhlon IlniuhH Pildny. Satilrdnv and Mondiir I'rco carriages every hour fiom f W. Mn ml Hcnl Ejtato .V Itive tnciit : Co , , and John I. Itodlok > v Co.aij 3 15th Bt. 767 _ FOH 9AI.E-T < xo cornorfl , California nnd Pln ( < iint iin I Cn"- and l'lennnt. J,0'M ' , for either for Mvod.iy * only They nro ilnNlpa , co them lluncherolo ngent , 1511 Piirnnm ! . ' U ; _ " ' _ _ D'not fnll'tu re.idtho llrit pai e of thn Ileo to nkht. 8U 27 HUlt Ko l.otM'nrtns.l.nnd < mousy lonnpd. llrinK room I. lliirkor block , S. W. cor. Uth nml Parnain su. _ _ _ _ _ _ R'rt _ SPKCIAKsiileof Cioiirhton Heights 1'ridixy , Sntur.l'iv and Mnndav. Pu-e C'xrrlagei ox cry hour fiom C. W Mount Heal l ( taioV lnve tmcnl Co. , nnd .lohu 1. Itedick * Co. . Illrt S 1 1 th .f. 7Ci * _ _ C'TlM. ngnln to the tront. I.ols In HllTcKo's V' 2nd nilibllon lj snmo dl tance ns Ilco. llo/ps' inliiHIoii and on In teet higher l.mdeach let io\etp.l with timber , only $7.1 moll , on i-nny Irfnip. "i lols In n bunch $ % ) . J. 1 , . Illce A Co , overConinieicint Hank , Sole Agent' . Si ) HOIJSKs Lou I ixrm'.l.nmiM-moti" ) Innnitd. - Hcmla , room ! ! , llnrko blocit , 8. W. cor Ifith niihllViririiii _ - , ( ! , Mt AHSTHCI'S OF TITl.i : nn 1111109 to re.ll eslato gtiainnteed Midland Ounrantei-.t Trust company .livr , Fnriuun ? ! . _ 1U t'7 _ DO not liiillo road the ilist pigeof the Ileo to-night. aia 27 S Creluhlou Ilnlithts Frldny , Saturdiiv nnd Moudny. Tioo enrrlnces i-vorj hour Irnm O. W. Miiinu llenl IM'ito A Investment Co.and John L Kodlcl : , V Co.ll8 : S ITith st 767 AHAltHlmrfinln ; 40 acres of land very cheap In tlnu.wnrm southern eiimnto. 1'or par ticulars address II tl Itee offleo , 7. > - < J2S' UPP.riAl , BAI.n of CiciL'hloF llelBhts'wlfi Ocoinmeneo Friday inornliii ; , Jim. 2Mb , and continue Saturday and Mondaj- . 8\3 27 7llliiC.lIlrrN'llolVhTs"7u : rtlio clTeipes.t. by V/ f "ii a lot , ot iiaj- lots luVofit Omaha. Onlj * one-tilth down , bal. easy terms. C W. Mount , Itual Ustato nnd Investment Co.,318 tf 15th st. 813 27 SALK Ail imiirovoil farm of 3M acres FDH In OiiKe county , Nebraska , 10 miles north of Huattiue , nnd .1 miles from PICKeioil Station , on IT. P. Itj' . ; ni'wB-iooin house , lar > ; o barn , well , wind mill , orchard contiilulne 120 apple trees , liK ) acres under cultivation , 1'U acrei fenced , Inrirp cattle shed , wavou shed , criti room for : ) / / ) ) bushels of coin , how and euttlo corrals , plenty ot walur tor stock , Inrga cottonwood Krox'o This li one of the boU farms In ( lapo county ami a bargain at flO.-M ) ) . One-third cash , balance In 10 vo.irs at t > percent Interest. To trade tor Omahii leal estatn , one team of lanro work horses , now set double work harness and now wauon. T -o hualnos ) lots 22\Sl ft on Loavenworth stioetcheap , JI.OjO. Itelter & Campbell , loom 11.50' ' ! I'arnam st. 210 ' ' . ntriiln totlin front. Lota In Hdleko'H S'l' 'nil add'tlon filxl.'U , aamo dKtanco us (5eo. lions' artdltion nnd on 15 feet hiurh-ir Innd , each lot covered with timliur. onljf7fi each , on easy teiins , ' , lote In n liuncli Jf > 0. .1. L. Itico \ Co , oer Coinnierclal , Solo Agents. MH ) ( ji'KCIALs'iluof Ornijthioif lleU'htTT'rlilny , Satutdav and Monday. Free carriages evorv hourtromC W. Mount Heal Kstato A\- Inve-tmeiit Co. , and John L Itedlck & Co. , HIS S Ifitnst. 707 \rhoipopleeo of ( 'round on 20th xtruot lust south trom St. Mnry'H avu. Urogory & Mad- ley , 32uS. l.lth st. 552 OTILIi aualnlo tholront. Lois In Illlleke's O 2nd addition r lx13J. name distance ns Coo. Hosts' anilItlon. and on la leet higher Innd , each lot eoxeied with timtior , only 475 , each on easy ti'ims. 5 loin In n hunch & ! 5H. J. I . Hlco A ; Co , over Commercial Hank , Solo Agents. 80) ) DO not lorKPtlbo hursnluof lots In Creiphton Heights Prldny , Sntuiday aid Mondny. O. W. Mount Iteal INfito & Investment Co. , nnd John I. HedicK \ Co , :118 : S. loth st. 70S CHKIC.IITON Holihts arc the cheapot. by f.'pfl a lot. of uny lots In West Omaha. Only one-fifth donn. bal easyteims. C. W. Mount , Itonl Heinle uud Investment Co.,318 S 15th st. 813 27 GRMLMNP. llAUKAIN'S-Two corner lots m lliirdottoeourt , only 4 lilocks from Saun- dor's street ears. W. M. Ilnshmnn , Hoom 1U , ItUEliiiiiui llloeli , .V K oor 10th nnj lomlin. ) 417 niLLKKE Second addition , snmo distance nn ( ieo. llii.-i.s ailil. , on the east , on 15 feet hlghor land , only $75 each , at your own terms. J , I , , llico A ; Co. , feolo agents. T'.l'.l 27 " 17H ) | { SALH Two lots comer on Lowe uvo , In WutOmaha,2 bloelcss'Xith of Parnum St. , both forfi.OdO. Corner lu Ilii'aon Plifo,3 bluoKS from street car , 1 blouk from church and fialiool , SJ.10) ) . Virnorlot on South 1'lt'i st. Cheap at JJ.IOJ. Helter ifCamptiell , room 1 , 15JJ Farnain St. 05'J SPP.CIAL suloof CroUhton HolirhH Friday , Sntuiday nml Moniluy. 1'rce cnrrlnxos e\ery hour Irom C W. Mount lieal Instate & Inveitment Co. , and John 1. Itedick & Co. , 1118 8 15th st 7fi7 SI'lLLi.unlntothe front. Lots In Illiloko'g 2nd nddltlon , 50vl.f. . , .samo dtstanro as ( ieo , lloirir * ' addlllon. nnd on 15 feet hlglmr land , each lot covoiod with timber , only f75 eaeli. on easy terms,5 lots In a bunch , M" > i ) . ,1 , L. Hlco A : Co , over Coiiiiiiurclnl Hank , Solo AgentH. iKK ) SPUING VALLHV , Our now addition. AorosT 1J ) to f t ; per aor > ) . Xoar South Omaha , And hydlcato. Hill. Marsli'ill fc Lohock , ll1 ! 1WJ Fa rnn in. DO not forget the liiir snlo of lots In Creighton Ilelirhtii l-'rld'iy.Saturday ami .Monday. C W Mount lleul Ktatn .V Invent nniiu Co. , and John I. Itedlck &Uo..1ll 8.iilliiit. 7IH _ _ _ UI'KCIAIi SALK of CVeliliton IUdglits wTTF I ICOIKIIIIIIIPO I'llday morning , Jan , 2Mh , and continue Saturdny and Monday. _ Hl.l 27 Cl A. SLOMAK , HralKslute. O 1512 Fnrniim at. , room 2. A II mi of choice lnldu property at prices \rlilch nro not Inllated and which will provo Iiutli sulii and prontalilolnvo'jtmeiits iJouirlnsst bot2Mth and 21dii'lxii. : . , S 8,0)0 Pnrnnmat hetaith nml2.ld,22\iU : . 11,511) Tin nam st bet Ulllh und 2.d ! , 5'Jxl.U ' . 15,0 * ) Knrmim st cor In Jerome park . 2,910 I'nrnnin Bt Cor illbt itntlU : . IS.O1 * ) WestOmalm W.xlh7 , lluooUlit . 10,0 ) Leafenwortb tvir 2Ut Improved . I'-.VJi Howard f > t near 10th , UxOil . tl.H ) I.eavenworth f < t near Itolt Line , U.xl27. ) . 2ni : Lenvuiiwurlhst Maynt place corner . 2i')0 : ) Hnrnoy HI nenr 20111 , 174x170 , Improved. . J5uO ) intti st no r Viaduct , 4UxlM : . i.oiu Iliifliicfs lot , South Onmhn . t.'ioi Iliislno-s lot , South Omaha . lv < > ] Ik-dtord Plnco , lot 11 , block 11 . IM ) Acn-s In Lakeside . ? UV ) to 4UO 1,014 111 Jerome Park , I'.ast Fronts , near FnrnaiUhtriii't . 1J"1 I/on In WnUoly add near running factory WH PiiriiiiinHt.oor south and 15. Front . . . . 3,001 Cholcn lots in Orchard Hill . f"W to 0'J UTILI , anlu to the front. LotHln IlilluUo'a O ind addition 50x1 : ) ' , same distance 114 ( ieo , Hoggs' addition mid on 15 f et hlvner lund , each lot cinemlMiih timber , only { 75 nnch on eu j terms. 5 lots in a bunch Via J. L Hlce & Co. , Hank , Solo Atfont * . BM HILLKKK Soeond uddltlon , snaio distance aa ( ieo Hogg's udd , on the east , on 15 tort higher land , out ) $75 eiieh , mi your own terma J. U HICB A : Co. , solo agents 7W 27 PAHM 3H ncrnj ah foncpil. House and goo.1 barn Double uoru crll.A llo/f houses. ajO teet double she tiling. Wind mill. IUicrvo1r. OooJ orchirl. 9J uoro * toodod , 40 iicros In clover. Plenty ot running wiitor In pa-tur < i Situated In i'otluuntumlo cutinty Iowa , 12 luiles cue ! of Coiui'-il Hliilf5 , and ' mllci * from two railroad Ftatious. Terms | 'i > jver iicro.onu halt cu li and balaucoon time > tl sU per cent interest. Clark 4 ; French , ' 1518 BO not forgpt thn big lolo of loM In Crplghton Ilolchts Krldar , Sftlinlny mid Monday. P. V Mount Hoil K t\to V ln\r tmcut Co. , nml oliu 1. llealck & Co. , alS S. Utli t. 70S FOH " AtiSPour [ > ccl'il contrnct tn Kountro Pln p nt n b rRnln. If sold nt onco. Ad- Ircss C b9. Hpo onico. 4KJ TIMnifnln to thp front. Ixit * In Hlliekn's Xnd addition , 50.xl3isf mo instance ns Oeo. 'ocei' nddltlon , nnd on 15 feet luphtr land , each lot coxorod with timber , only f ,5 each on easy term , 5 lots In ft bunch. $3W. J. U Hlen , V o. , ox'or Commercial Ilnnk Solo Agpnts. WO AVliryoiT Toughl 'O iir ItTCreTghloii Heights' They foil from t'fiO to t-700 , 1-5 cash , balance n.untorly ( or cml-aitnunllr. sin 17 _ OWAN' * CO. , Frcnrcr Woc't , IMhst.opp. i ' | Hi loiltcp. Our turn next Orpnt itclto- nonl. PUtiros won't Uu. 20OiM,0 > 0i J.Xi ( > , iW ) oi sold lneo Jnn. 1st , and still xxohixxo choice isrirnlnsloft lu llIC lotson inrnnm nnd llninpy. " " 1'ougliisanil ihMliro. " " Capitol nvcnun ami Davenport. " " riiclniro nml " " Cummlnos nnd Saundora. " " Ilownrd nnd loth. " . " 15lh nml SIR. Wolots nlongon the lines of tno. VI cable roads ow helm ? built. Kieo pas os for nil. P. S. Hub out nil but una of our ciphers nnd come nnd see us. < V'J 21 DO not forget the big snlo of lots In Croighton llel.iliu Prldny. Sniitrdny nnd Momlny. C. w. Mount Itenl l > tn ( ! e Investment Co. , nnd John I. Itcdlck A Co.ni8S IMh st. 7M QT1LI. ngaln to the front Lots In llllleho's > 2nd addition Wlxlit. ' , snmo dlstnnoons Uco. loggs' nddltlon nnd on 15 fret higher liind.enrli ot covered with timber , onlr $75 i-neh , on onsy ernis.r , Intu In n luineli $ : V > 0 ,1 , L , IllceV Co. , over Commercial Hank , Solo Agents. WO SAI.K Ai20-ncro : fnrm with house , bnrn nml crib , on the U. P. Ity. , and only one- half mile from n good railway town , xvlth churchijinml schools. Price fs.iKK ) . Apply to .oiils llrAdfont , cor. Utli and DoiiKlns , Omahn , NclK thkl SALK- Unreal n , llnrfinln , Ilnrcnln. Wo hnvo It now. Oot the ownei tied up to I'eb. I , .Never will bo iinothor ehanco toKVtn , InelmmelUe this an cheap ( , oto Kill ( ieorKla itpnmltnkp n look nt the splendid house nnd rronihU thern Consider Hint they nro xvlth- inino block of stieel ours , school nnd church. lou't let this opportunity to proouro u good inrgnin or ImmUomn rr ldnniij slip. Prteo $ t. ' > 0)$2.40) ) ) wish , $ . -iM Mny 1. IW , $ ; iMMuvl. * > * . $1.200 Nov. 1. l s-l. M. A. ITptOll V Co. . ffi < J'J 1'arnnm. Telephone 7H. ' . " . ' 5 OPP.t'l AlTsnlo of CrT'lghton Heights PrhlnvT O t-ntdidny nnd Monday. Tree unrrlaites ex-ory hour Horn C W. Mount lloal Katntn A- Investment Co , and John 1. Hodlck \ Co , Ills S 15th Nt. 707 ) Oxl85Ieot on 20th street. 157 toot from St. 'Mnry.Biivo. Kuuulio for prices. ( Irouory & Itmlloy. 320 P , 15th sU f,52 Cltl'.iniiroN llelihts nro thp chmipcstTliy ? Vlnlot , of any lots In West Omaha Only one-lltlh down , bal o y terms. C W , Mount , Heal KM mo and Investment Co. , 31S h 15th st. bia 27 _ _ MAHPIILL S. I.OllP.riC. 150) Parmim street. members or Onmiin llpal Kstnte Kxehaitgo. Corner of Callforn'n street and Twenty-third , OOtN ) li-ot. easy terms , $11,11)1. ) llou'oof eight rooms on Twenty-third near Cass , fielxHS feet . one-half cash , $ . > ,200. Klghtlots , Lincoln Place , one third cash ; $475 to $ M)0. ) Kour lots In West CnmlnirB , onsy terms , $150 to * WO , Lots In Mt. Pleasant addition , onsy terms , $ % 0 to $450 , ACHKS. Twelx-o5nern liris hi Spring Valley , $3)0. Also 2 1-2 aero lots in same uddltlon. All on x'ory ensy terms. Wo hnvo a lar/re / line of hou na nnd lots on ourllst.Hiid Invlto tiiyors to call and owlll show tlio property. Maishall A : Lohcck. 150J Fill until , Tcluphono 73. 75S Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Cnpitrtl $250,000 Surplus 40,000 H. W. Yates , President. A. K. Touzalin , Vice President. W. II S. Hughes , Cashier. DIUI.CTOIIH : Vf , V. Morse , .John S. Collins , H. W. Yatcs , Loxvis S. Uuod. A. E. 1'ou/alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE JRON HANK , Cor VJth and I"irnnn : : SLs A Ueacnil Biuilcinir JJustncsH Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Co. } .IAVfKJtS , CI11 ClfO. Of Counties , Cities nnd othcrsof high grade bought and sold. Eastern oDioo MUovonshire et. ilouton. Corroapoud- once solicited. To Soil the lost Window Sash Lock Kvor Invented' inaho blK iirotlti. Clron Saninlo liv mult IJcU. ll.H.WlllIKI.oriC. rullorten. Nebraska. Bale. In tin , rircult Court of the United Btntos for the DHtiiet of Nebraska. Alon/.o II. Valentino , et. nl. ) x's. VIu Chancery. Fannie H. Wiseman , ct al. ) KOitKCixsuitn ov MOianAOK , PUllLIC NOl'ICi : Is hereby given , Hint In pur- fiiiunc'e nnd by virtue or a decree entered lu Uu ) above cause , on the nth day of Mny , 1HM1 , 1 , Kills Ij. Hlorboncr , special master in chan cery in pnld court , " 'III on the I si day of March. IHtiT , at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of the Hiilil day , nt the north door of the United Kl'iicn court house and postolllce building , In the city ol'Omalin , loiivli county , Mate and district of Nebraska , mill nt auction the followIng - Ing dexcrlbuil property , to-wit : The south hall ( n't ) of the northwest rjunrlrr ( nw lnnd the xiost half of the noilhoast ijinir- ter iw1' ol noU'of ' nectlou Iwolvo ( Hi ) lu town- tthlpeloteiulli north ol r.ugu ten (10) ( ) xrest of thoalxth prlnclpul meridian , In thu county ot Hall , and ritato ot Nulnuska. The eaKt ono-tlurd ( em of lot live ( M In block txventy-olght < 2M Nltnato In the city of ( > rand Island , in the county ol Hall , nml state ot No- la-iibka. I.I.MS I. HliitllOWiit : : , Special Master In Chancery. Orolf , Montgomery to .Icltroy and J. II. Wooley , uolleltorfl for romplalnant. Proposalu for Favlu ? . . Pionosnls will ho reeoived by the SRAI.KD until 11 o'clock n. m. , .March Iril , Ihfi" . lor the lolluwlnif kinds of paving ma- teilal , vl ? : hectnsidialtum , UK per speolth-nlionj , ANphnll IilooliH , ns per HpMllcatlonK. Sioux l''nlls Uiiiuile , as perHpecilhmtloni ) . Any other ( iranlt. , ns per spocitlcntlnns. ( ' ( ilornilnsandstono , us porspeclllcntlnmi. Any o'hnr xlime. as pcrNpoi-iflcmions. Macadam , us per Fpocillcatlonx. Woonen blocks , a > > per spt > olll < 'iitioii8. Aux bids lor paving In uddltlon to being an- cording to snld specillcatious inayal-o be an- coiding lu sucliBpecilleatloiM UK the bidder may prescrilio. HiiiHitinu toliuxcl torth in detail nml to necompaii ) bid. I'.arh bid tliiill fiponlfy a price per niimro yard for the paying complete on the Hticitor nlity , or any part th-roo > . Work lo be ( tout ) In nccordanco with plans nml biiocllU'iilIons on tile in thu ullice of the Hoard < > l PiiDhe Works. III.Is to bo inuilo upiiu printed lihinlin fur nished by I he board , nnd toboareompiuiiud with n ct-rtHied check In tlio mini nl onu lliiiiiHunil ilollure , imviiblo to luu city of Ouuilia , ad agiiai- nntiie tliat the hlilder uill within thirty dais lidin the opening of micli hid give homlx in the ni in of two thousand ilulliiin , as tint major or city ( oiincll may dhoct. that Hitch bidder will enter Into lontiact lor ouch paxlng , ot the kind and unitoilal Hpi-cllloil , in may berealterhe rennlrod for the > oar 1M > 7 The board te-oni-i the right to i eject liny or all bldi , nml to w nix c delects. .1. 15. HOI ol , , Chnlrmrn Hoard of Public Work * . Omaha , Neb. , Jan. 2Jlh. lbH7 , J27-itnwJud : Notice , rpODi'inas llnrnes , J. S. Stout. C J Haliuis , 1 C. I. . Allen , I ! M Hartlctl.V. . .1. llronich. .1. H. Cnsu , joliii John/ ! . W lltcu , ( , liul ! i K Kerrls , prank I. Uuiin , Jncoh W llon.lur , Jrmuph M Moicalf , ( J. C. KiiiK , A S. Snor- uoo'1.0. II. Shaw. H. T Cinrkn. . Vou aiu hiTi'by mititled a rncctlngof the hlockholdur ol the Chlc.ifo , Oniahu uud Kiiuthwe.stein llullrund ( 'ompiiny , of Noi > rusku , xvill bo hold at th ollico ol bind c inpiiuy at. Niniihor l.-l South I'liiirleonih street Omaha , Nibriiika , nil IliolClh day of March. A. I ) . ISK , at iliruo o'clock p. in. of hni I duy. lor ihipur pocuof considering aitieles htntuiHntiniH of tou ulldatluu bi'lwoon MI il c'umiiany and the Chirago. Dmukii uml Soutinvem- Hai'ronil ' Comiainy of Kutiau" , .iild uf uiirut iiij ui re IJati d Omnha , ' .Vnli , Janunry nth , A 1 . IWHU. W. J. ItHoATl'H , i Lurcciois > t ho ii.T. CI.AHIU : . [ i'iii , ' i. om.iui : .1 M. MIM't"1P. . ; 4indso itliwovtvrn II M. HAHTI.U'Pr. I Hai.roatl Lomp'y. H. T rl.AHKi : , Pri-.Mrnt. U. M , H viiTLLtT , Secret .r > jl"UXt ) ( Ti'nile > the innut sltnplo , ntiro nnd t > puaily ciuo.nnd marki n now cm In thn mn-i-cuful trontuiont of CHlnnh. \itlimn , liny IVMT , lliondiHU , NcarnUIn , Croup , lU-ndiichp. Doafiicpi" , i : > c Jl'i'n-cii roMs , oto Notloo tlmtwo not KO nbroml for ovl.lcnoj of tli * elllcncr ef Iho Sinuko Hull. OMAHA TUSTIMONIALS : OMAHA , Nr.n. , Jnn. 4,1S37. CnibolleSmoko Hall Co , ( lenllemen. 1 wish too.xpress to you niyfnll- est commendation of the merits of yoiir mokc lull. It haseilied my cntnrih eompletcly. I loliovu It to bo the greatest medical discover ? of the age. ( llxe mesomeof yourelrculam and 1 xvll dlsirlbnto them on the toad lor you. Vcrytrulv , A. S. COST , Tiax-elmg Siilesmnn ChuichlU Pump Co. , 1111 I'arnnm t > trcet. O\t xil.v , Nr.u , Dcd. 27,1830. Carbolic Smoke Hull Co. , Orntlomen Vonrx-aluablo remedy , "Cnrlvollo SmoKe , " as npplled throimh your Cm-hollo Smoke Hall , has been Ubod In my family nnd Ims nllorded hnincdlnto i pilot'Irom headache , colds nnd catarih. In tactII piopeily applied , ! consldpi-l tiiHiu-clllo toi thmo complalnis , and I beliex-o It will cure nny dlt-ense ol the muoiif inuinbranu that can be reached by luhnlatlon , Vours truly , ' II POKIIV. Trunk Mauufactuier , I ( DO Don Kins street , OMAHA , NK.II..IIIII. 8 , Ift37. rnrholicSmoUollnllCo . Omaha , Neb. , ( Jentlomon I haxoujedyourCarbolic Smoke Hull for colds ami soi u throat nnd Ibid It to ho in Infallible remedy for such troubles. Yours truly , DHA. . H. IllU.lNriH. S. K. Cor. Dodge and 15th Mrocts. OJIAII x. NRII. , .Inn. 5,1837. Cnrbollo Smoke Hull Co , Omahn , Neb. . llontlemen Your Carbolle Hmoke Hall Is In deed \\oinlortiil remedy. H IIIIH cured me of H very Mivero cast ) of catarrh nnd throat tiou- bio , trom xvhleh 1 hnvo sutlered for minin tlmo. It thissimemeutxvlllboof any oci vice to you use f I ns > on M-O proper. ' "v VAl W.K PostnlCIcrk U. P. . U. | t03ilUmcoOl | N.lil street. Carbolic Smoke llnll Co. , Omaha , Neb . ' Gentlemen Hnvinlg sutferod xvlth catarrh for many years , l havotrled almost eveiy remedy and have but little fallh In "patent medicines/ ' Annul a month ago I was Induced to tty one of \ our Smoke Hnla ami cnn honestly any thai ! have recolvcd mloio lienollt Irom the USD of It Ihnii an > thing I haxo oxer tried. I bollex'o it xvill entirely cure mo. Yonrn verv truly , DAN C HHELLKV , Foreman Hees Pi luting Co- nox Omen Horn's OI-KII x HOIIM : . Jan. 5,1837 CurhollcSiniike Ball Co.Omnhn , Neb. , Gentlemen Booing jour remedy ndvorllsod in Iho programmes of raMorn tlum'rprs , I purchased - chased a Carbolic SmoKe Hall , xvheu yoiirngoii- cy llrsl stalled huio. I am pleaded toslato that It has pioxudnlloctlvu In cuiing bad anil eatarrhaliillc'ctlons 1 ronshlur II a xvnndorful ren.eily. You mo al llherty to use tills as you see proper. Very truly xniirs , K , U. WlllTMOIIH.Tionsuror. OXUIIA , Nin..Tnn. : 10,1817. Carbolic Smoke llnll -Gentleman 1 BOO that you havonpcncil uu ollice In Omahn nnd xylsh you great success. It XMIS your remedy thnt cured mo ol neuralgia nnd pick homlache , Irom xvhleh I hnd suilered for years. 1 procur ed n ball last summer thinugh llm Indlniiiipolts ( Inil Ingency , nnd Nlnce I cnmmcnced Its us hnvo been I'litlrelv ' irllexod from my trouhlo. \ouraveiytionblo. T. C. HiJTLEDOK , Conductor Pullman Car Company. OiTirnor FIM-HK.K& NIX , I Williams HlockOmahaNeb. , Dee ! , 1W ) f Carbolic Smoke Hall Co , ( Jentlomon I hnvo huon n constant sufferer fromncuto catarrh for 2" , years and have spent hundicds of ilollnis for uillol. Nothing hug gly on mo Mich Fiitislnetlon ns your C.irbollo Smoke llnll. It affords Immediate relief. I have also used It for sick headache xvlth benefit. Vours truly , ( JEO. H. FISPHEH. lioniivur ililn Krint r.'inoillnl nijoiit dun boon In- roduct'rt Krnnd riMiilta have followml und letters of thohlulHiHt ceiiimondiitlonarotliilly rccolvoil at our olllco. Nolioupphuldidiuuld ho nltluiut Smoke nail , it will euro n cold In lincon inlnutu If tnkua In tlmo. Olio Hull nil ) hint from nix wotka lo ti-a rers ill-cord- Ingtoimo. Toall who will tnki ) the Iroiiblfl to cnll iitonrollloowoolTor A I'ltKIC TKST. H atby million ri'ciilpt of price (2 ( , am ! 4ctn. X. 11. llowaro uf Inuultutluni nn 1 frniuln. CAIIIIOLIC S.MOKIC HAI.I. Co. ItnoniH 1 unit3over 1UI H. llth Bt. , opii. 1' . O , Oinnhn , Null , Otllcn hour * . WI-I-K iluyH , ' .I n. in , tu'J p. in. Hun * dn > ri , finin to 4 p in. l.HitldN'1-nrlor A nrpiiiuui rumilinoiit for Inillos , tvho mo rutiiiOHtoil in uill Ix wHi'ii thu houin uf 11 a , la. unit I p. m. lo nvolil tlio crow. ! . DR8.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . , 17-l'S tiAWKNOK ! : STItl'.KT , I > Iv\Viit , . - C'OI.OBCADO , Or the Missouri State M"heum of Annto- my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital London , GicKcn , German/ and New York. Having devoted their atten tion SPECIALLY TO TUB TKBATMBNT OF DISEASES. More especially those arising from itnpni- dunce , invilu all M > suffering to cot respond williout delay. Ditc'asci , of infection and contagion cured safely and hptedily without detent ion from Imsincbs , and without the use of dangerous drugs , Patients whoso casch have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced incurable , should not fall to xvrile ui > conrcrniiif ; their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention , ki-STJtJST PUBLISHED And will be mailed [ -'RICK lo .my address on receipt of one ! i cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " tohicli is added an "Kbsay on Marriage , " with Important chap ters on D18KASK8 OP TIIK UC.I'IIODUCTI VK ourjANS , ihcxviiolelorininK a valuable med ical trcatiho uhould he read hy all young men. Address i its. s. A i > . i > Avanso.v , 1741 ! l aivriMic-v hi. , Denver , t'ol , WOODBRIB6E BRO'S ' , State Agents FOHTIJH DECKER BRIRi PANIK Omaha , Web. ttlftti Wdlend Iho Hl.1,1 AIIL15 UluUTEM-1'.lt , Hk > .IXlHDHVUON'h DHKAil HoOK.lix- . , PAI..XIJ.STHV.2.r.e. . All lliu-o , 4'-c bEHlAI , 1.PAPI.1.T J'l'llUrlllNU IX ) . lie ; S642 , New Vork illy , Kiorantly llluntiliUii. fllOlm