Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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The Finances of tha State Predated in De
tail to the Legislature ,
An Important llecnmtnenilntlnn Mndc
in Itnftnrd to Ilio Snlo of Sutiuol
Ijnnds Aclilltlnnnl Innuranco
lloiorts | Jjlncoln Now * .
frnoM TUB nix's MSCOI.X mrnnAtr.l
Comes now in the course of human
events the printed report of the state
treasurer ready for distribution nmong
the lawmakers. This ia tlio first oppor
tunity that the legislators have had to
view in detail the finances of the state ,
although they have been in session for
fifteen days , covering a period of time
nearly thirty days in number since the
rcuort should have been ready for use.
State Treasurer Wlllard has made a very
complete , concise report of the finances
of the slate , showing in detail the receipts
of the past two years in the dill'crent
funds and the warrants Issued on the dif
ferent funds in payment of expenses of
the stale. The treasurer's report Is shorn
of verbiage ntid but few recommenda
tions arc fired at the legislature to mixer
or vex them in the work of revising laws
nnd appropriation matters. Treasurer
Wlllard docs make ono very imporlaut
recommendation , and that is in regard to
the purmanenl school fund derived from
proceeds on sales of school lands. Air.
Wlllard , upon llils topic , says in sub-
Bl.-iiico that the disbiirsmenlsof this fund
under the board of educational lands and
funds is limited to investments in bonds ,
nnd much dillleull.yls found in the pro
curement of sureties contemplated by
law. The past two years county bonds
have been bought amounting lo $105.-
11I > . ' . ! 1 , and the balance of the accrued
fund of this kind is constantly being
nugmonlod and no place open for in
vestment under the law. Mr. Wil-
lurd , as u rpmedv , says : "It
might bo considered provident to
require sales of school lands to be dis
continued whenever notice is given that
n stated surplus remains in this fund for
want of investment. The state would
thereby become its own beneficiary in the
enhanced value of school lands , and the
twine conditions might bo made applica
ble to sales concerning ncrlctiltuul col
lege , university and other lands.
The most interesting Hem iu the report
of the treasurer is found in the compiled
table showing the exact amount in dollars
lars and cents that the difl'erent counties
In the state have paid to the state treas
ury in taxes and other moneys collected
and paid over for the period of two years
from December 1 , 1881 , to December 1 ,
188(1. ( It will bo observed that in those
county figures that Douglas leads the list
heavily with Lancaster sueond , Cass
third , Oago fourth and Seward fifth , the
figures from all the counties being sus
ceptible of interesting comparisons. Fol
lowing Is the table :
Dnwson 33wi.4a : Plinlps
Dlxon 41,2H4.illl'lLTto : ! ! ,201 7.1)
notice fiOS85.70rintto ,
Doimlns UOO.iMl.OTIl'olk ' 4-'mir.
Diiiuly. . . ASfiLiitlltctl Wl'liow ! aoiriousi
I'illnioro. , M,48S.MlUchnril9on. ) | ) ;
Krontlor. . Surpy 31,1000
Kurnas. . . 74,070.70
81,010.0:1 : Stiward 80 , : t4.00
Oarlli'ld. . . . 181.7ft Sherman. .
( tnspor lS.17U.7IStanton. . . 20.410.80
( irooley 18 , S7.iiTliavftr. ) : . . .
Hall 43.U.-.7.14 Vulloy lo4fiV.UI |
llainlltoii. . 48lfS.MJ ! WashliiBton.
Jlnrlun KOiiU5..r ; | \
llayos ii.2-J4.oi Weustur 4i-i1i ; > i.fs ;
Illtuhooclc. 11.4-iO.bOi Wheeler iii01.20 !
Holt 4a.07J.WjYork ! ( 01,904.91
Since the hisl ryijort mtiilo the follow
ing ailditionul insurance coinpiuiios
duinrr business in the stnto hnvo lilud
thuir nmiual reports with thu nuditor of
state : American of St. Louis I'roniiunis ,
$1,833.11 ; loasps paiil , $ U)1.03. ! ) lioiitinan's
1'iro uiul RlurinoofPittsbiirg I'romiuuis ,
r > ; ! , liOt.V. ( ) ; losses incurred , $1,551) ) ; lossu.s
imld , $814.50. Gcrmtin of Frcoport Pro-
niiunis , $8,378.08 ! , ; losaoa iifcurro < l ,
$7,080.40 ; losses paid , fai.833.-ll. 1'oonlo's
of Mnnohostor , N. II. I'roiniiims , fl7.
Sun lire Olllco ol lx > ndon I'ruuiuuns ,
$5,079.50 ; losses incurred , $5,020 ; losses
paid , 13,75'J.ll. ' Traders of Chicago
I'romlum.s , f 8,805. lit ; losses incurred.
* 1 , 16(1.73 ( ; lossofl paid , ! M,170.08. State of
DOS RIolnos I'romiuins , $ a8(8-1.44 ( ( ; losses
incurred , f 13,375 ; losses paid , $13,747.07.
I'onns.vlvanlii of Vliiliulolphin I'roniiunis ,
$10,810.28 ; losses incurred , $3,078.48 ;
losses paid , $3,143,50. Insurance Com
pany of Worth America L'roniiutns ,
iJ'.tf..iaa.SO : losses incurred , $13,001.40 :
losses paid , $11,037.70. American of Now-
iirk Prumlums , $ -1,781.45 ; losses incurred -
currod , $ l,7tV,67 , ; losses paid. $1,709.51.
National of Hartford Premiums ,
S ,071i.40 ; lossus incurred , $7,037.01 ;
losses paid , $1.053.U. ( ; Sun of California
Premiums , $3,107.05 ; losses incurred ,
$70 1.80 ; losses paid , $131.50. Mnrchants
of Newark I'romluniB , $5,023.50 ; losses
incurred , $2,317.33 ; losses paid. $3,147.30.
Citizens' of Pittsburp ; Premiums ,
$2,107.57 ; losses Incurred , S2'0.04 ; losses
paid , $229.01. Hockford of Illinois-
rriimhiina , $3,093.05 ; losses incurred ,
lfl.7.80 : ; losses paid , $114.80' . Scottish
Union and National Premiums ,
$3,800.00 ; losses incurred , $3,897.73 ; losses
paid , $10.5' . ' , 1'irmnun's of Newark
Premiums , $1OJ7.04 ; lossoa iunurred ,
$1,517.11 ; losses paid. $ H9.00. Pennsylvania -
vania of Pittsbur i'romiums , $1,103.50.
Now Hampshire Premiums , $1,800.02 ;
losses ineiirnul , $2,030.58 ; losses paid ,
$01.58. Dwelling House of lloston
, : f 10,431. ! > 0 ; losses incurred ,
$913.10 ; losses pniil , $013,10 , ( utrman of
Pittsbtirc I'rominms , $3.130.37 ; losses
incurred , $1,130,05 ; losses paid , $139.05.
\Vineasjor \ , of Sioux Citjla. . , was
in Lincoln yesterday in hot pursuit of
fiomo parties who were making away
with morttfajrod stock. The parties in
tPromuuns bought thn horses of li , P.
Hedges in Sioux City , nnd after mort ag-
in tjiom back tt > secure pavment crossed
the river into Nebraska. The stock con
sisted of two mules and four horses , and
the party after them found that they worn
trying to trailo and sell them. To the
best information obtainable the parties
wore in Li.icoln Tuesday , and had when
hero succeudiul in getting rid of ono of
t the teams , Mr.Vinoager was making a
vigorous pursuit , nnd left on the trail
liusinuss is decidedly dull at tlio West
Lincoln packing houses , and a week ago
over ono-half the force in the Fitzgerald-
4 .Lloyd house were laid oil' from work.
1'ho great scarcity of hogs and high
prices elsewhere are ascribed as reasons
tor this , but it is ulso understood that
lomo shippers out iu tho.staio nro dissat-
Isficd will ! West Lincoln nnd ixro ship
ping to Omaha. Ilowlruo the- report ?
may bo tlmo will develop , but certain it
is that the packing houses are not recciv-
inc one-half the hogs necessary for tholr
force of men that they had when they
commenced , nnd it is probable that if re
ceipts are not greater that other curtail
ments will follow.
The riheriir had not arrived nt noon
yesterday to take McNally , the man
charged with murder , to Kldorado ,
Kan. , but a careful watch was being kept
ol the man that he might bo ready when
the ofllcnrs put in appearance.
Detective Pound left yesterday for
Misfourl , nrincd with requisition papers
for a man who is wanted in this state for
an offense committed in Nebraska. The
detective went from this city to .Joll'orson
City to interview Governor Mnrmaduke ,
\V. U. Powell , nn employe of the stock
yards , was practicing on n horizontal bar
at the Y. M. O. A , rooms the other even
ing when ho fell to the lloor on his face ,
breaking his cheek bono. Ho was not a
newspaper man.
County Judge Lavcrlv of Valley county
and the county clerk of the same county ,
whom In Lincoln yesterday reviewing the
legislature and renewing acquaintances
with old friends.
Pol'co ' court was dull yesterday , in fact
Is dull nearly every day. Only one plain
case of drunkenness was up for hearing
The tilkhorn & Missouri Valley pay
car was among the welcome arrivals at
the south end of that line of railroad yes-
ton'ay. '
The receipts at the west Lincoln slock
T.'irds yesterday were 1200 head of hogs ,
ruling prices from $1.50 to $1.80.
Ioo Tolstoi.
St Petersburg Correspondence of the
Inilopendancu llolgu : Our great novelist
regrets Having written stories , and in
order to obtain pardon for this Hiu , has
become the apostle of a now religion , lie
Is very earnest in this new departure ,
and makes converts of whom the most
ardent evangelists would be proud. Even
Uus.slan students , those eternal revolu
tionists. those terrible nihilists , have been
touched by his leaching , and are begin
ning to return to the bosom of the
church. They not only make genu-
lleutions before the altar und kiss devoutly
the holy images , but several of thorn act ,
us altar boys , and one of them , who was
studying for the bar , has now taken or
ders. The lime not devoted to his tipos-
tloship , Tolstoi employs in doing deeds
of charity.
The count makes with his own hands
Rhoes for his domestics , and builds ovens
for his peasants. Hut few of his adopts
seem disposed to follow him to this
point. The countess herself is very care
ful not to imitalo him , and while ho is
preaching charity , she is publishing her
husband's works , but with no intention
of presenting them lo his readers. The
book-publishing business is not largely
developed in Russia , and , consequently ,
It is no uncommon thing in our country
to sop a novelist print ins own works ,
especially when lin knows that they will
have a good sale. Hut as Count 'lolstoi
will have nothing more to do with the
all'airs of this world , he loaves his book
interests entirely in his wife's hands , and
will not oven hear the subject mentioned.
The countess has just issued a new edi
tion of Ins works by adding a twelfth
Tolumo , made up of unpubli-ihcd talcs.
Those who bought last year the edition
in eleven volumes would like now to
complete their sets by buying this now
volume , but the countess has an eye to
business , anil refuses to break a set , so
that the only way by which you can gut
tlio twelfth volume is to purchase the
other eleven ! This worldliness of the
wife contrasts no strongly with tlio un-
worldlincss of the husband , that com
ments are made which would not bo
hoard with pleasure by cither of the
Tlio First Ilccu Twinge.
As the season advances , the pains and
aches by which rheumatism makes Itself
known , are experienced after every ex
posure. It is not claimed that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is a specilic for rheumatism
wo doubt if there is , or can lie- such a
remedy. Hut the thousands benetitted
by Hood's Sarsaimrilla , warrant us in
urging others who suffer from the rheu
matism to take it before the lirst keen
Pattl's Kooeptlon in
City of Mexico Two Republics :
Everyone who attended the Patti con
cert on Friday evening was free to ad
mit that a Mexican audience is a queer
institution. They heard singing sueh as
has never been heard before in this city.
and this everyone admits , yet remained
cold nnd unimpressionable , and only
thawed when their admiration _ was
wrung from them , and then -seemingly
yielded up their applause grudgingly.
Under the circumstances Aline. Patti has
perhaps scored a greater triumph in
Mexico than anywhere else , for while
the applause with which she is greeted
on all the other stages of the world is
spontaneous , ongcndorad quite as much
by an admiration of her genius as by her
magnificent singing , the applause which
she called out on Friday evening was
forced from her auditors by her irresist
ible vocalisation alone. If the people be
fore the footlights were at all pre
disposed toward her , it was
certainly not favorably if their action
was any criterion , laken all in all ,
tlio audiimco was a thorough disappoint
ment ; undoubtedly a disappointment to
Patti , and a disappointment to itself
most certainly. The singer's first np-
pearanco in Mexico , it was supposed ,
would bo horaldud by such a demonstra
tion as would ccltpso any of the grand
triu in ps she has so often achieved.
Flowers would rain on the stage , Ilio au
dience would rise on masse , the applause
would be deafening. Such was the pic
ture everyone drew of the first night , but
instead there were a few faint demon
strations when the diva appeared , which
subsided at once ; but few llowers were
thrown , though a full rose garden had
been earned by the grand work of the
singer. What possessed the audience it
is Impossible to say.
From a social standpoint the gathering
was all that It could possibly have been.
"Everybody" was there , from President
Diudown. . A number of the costumes
worn by the ladies were grand in their
richness , and throughout the house , with
but very tow exceptions , everybody was
in full dress.
_ _
Homo Very Old 1'onplu ,
Manuel Harrlent and wife of Mata-
moras , Mox , celebrated the eightieth
anniversary of tholr marriage a few days
ago. The husband is 103 years old and
the wife is ninety-six.
Henry Myers , who died at his homo in
Prairie Croig , La. , the other day , was per
haps the oldest man in this country , Ills
ago as proven by family papers , was 120
years ,
Mrs. Lydia Watson , of Leicester , Mass. .
who lia * lately celebrated her centennial
birthday anniversary , has hail ten chil
dren , twenty-three grandchildren , thirty-
three great grandchildren , and ono
Ezra Mansfield , of Verona , N. Y. , who
will bo ninetv years old January 29 , resigned -
signed the otlice of justice of the peace
December 31 last , and was then said to bo
the senior holder of that oflico in the
United States.
The sixth annual ball of the Ci"rar-
makers' union No. 03 takes place in uor-
mania hall on the 14th of February.
Taylor , the man who was arrested as
a suspicious character and had seven or
eight silver counterfeit dollars in his pos
session , was taken before Judge Ander
son by the United States authorities and
arraigned as a counterfeiter. Ho was or-
dereit to bo taken before the court at Lin
coln for trial. Uu will bo escorted thither
1 LilLmUL/ nil 17 1 LO 11) 11 li
General Hazon'a Grave-March Mingling
With Gaiety's Merriment ,
The \ riiltcHnuscVlilrlMro. . Unit
oT Burlington , la. Okl So
ciety Fosslls-A Little
Iiunch Party.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 02. [ Correspond'
once of the HEB. ! Really , ono hasn't
much heart to write of the gay world of
fashion when there comes the solemn
tread and sweet , sad music of the Marino
band on the way to wall out its sorrow
at General llazcn's funeral. And how
fond of the gay world ho wasl and one of
the most delightful men in Washington
society. Last winter General and Mrs.
Hazcn's receptions wore among the
most pleasant and attractive. Now
society pauses for a few moments to pay
its last respects to General Ilnzcn , nnd
may bo will shed a pitying tear for the
wife and children so far away , for Mrs.
Hazi'ii anil the little boy are in Europe.
As General Ilnzcn died in his apart
ments , his beautiful homo has neon
rented for the season , ho was taken lo
St. John's church for the last sad rites ,
and sail rites they were , with the loved
ones so far away. Tlio very woatlior.ovor
which he presided so successfully for
tlio last live years or more , was sad and
gloomy. ' 1 ho morning papers gave
notice thatsoveral families would suspend
their receptions out of respect to
General llnxen. How kind und mournful
they arel Keno enjoyed the white
house receptions more than General , being among the lirst to go and
last to leave. It was hero that the grim
messenger came to him taking a cold
which caused his death.
Merciful heavonsl if great big men
lake cold at those receptions , where there
Is a strong current of air from the win
try blast without , from the constant
opening doors , what does protect the
half-naked women from tumbling right
into their graves then and there ? Heaven
does temper the wind to the shorn lambs !
to the diplomatic corps last week said
one who knows whereof he speak * , was the
finest over given in the white iioiise since
his day among the nlllcial and political
gods. The rooms wcro never more beau
tifully decorated with moving 'jalms , cut
flowers and potted plants , never so many
handsome men , beautiful women , pretty
dudes in military attire , and lovely girls ;
in point of numbers , all toH. about two
thousand. Never so many big and brill
iant diamonds , Mrs. Senator Stanford
and Mrs. Frank Leslie wearing the best
and most of them. Airs , Stanford hav
ing the most In quantity whileMrs. . Les
lie the most in quality. Mrs. Stanford
was all nblaxe while" Mrs. Leslie set
everybody on lire with her .sparkle. And
never was there sui'h magnificent cos
tuming and so little of it ! "Tho lowest
necked dresses I have over seen oil' the
variety stage , " said my informant , who
knows all about such things. And this is
the age of reform , too. Oh , my , wcro
there any good , pious Catholics and
ether holy people present , what going to
confession and prayer meeting there
will no during lent ! „
Said another godly follow , ono who
worships himself alter the fashion of
"tlioti shall have no other Gods but
mo"---lots of that kind in Washington.
"It is a fact that our pretty young girls
dress their necks high , their faces at
tract , but the old women (1 ( lcg : pardon )
dress or ralher don't dress their necks at
all to attract attention to themselves. "
And attention they do attract , and no
mistake , of the most vulgar kind. Hut 1
am glad to see these
oi.o soi'iirrv FOSSILS.
do not corrupt the young and innocent
mistress of the executive mansion , bho
dresses modestly and in the most OK-
quisite taste. 1 don't think her paternal
and lover-like husband would give his
approval to scant clothing at this season
of the year when the wcnther and menand
politics , and things generally are so very
uncertain. The president , dare he speak
his mind no doubt he does to his wife
in private would siy ; that ho was
thoroughly disgusted with the old fossil
style of economy in dress material.
President Cleveland may be a political
economist , but the .stinginess of not
waist-ing dress material is not Ins domes
tic economy ; ho had enough of that kind
of economy at his receptions last
winter. So Ids wife so dresses tUat wo
see just c'lioug of her neck and
arms to bo assured that shy is of form
and teatures fair. What a pity that our
society matrons do not attract by tlioir
sensible heads , and soinu of thorn have
very beautiful heads. Sundy this low-
neo'kcd drosMtig must bo tlio fashion to
please man ( with some few exceptions )
and as society women wish to please
tlio knights ot their color , why wo must
have naked arms anil shoulders minus
sensible dress. At the state reception
there were
as Mrs. Cleveland in a ruby , plush or
velvet as I did not go tip and feel of it , 1
can't tell the exact quality but it showed
oil' lior handsome face and form bolter
than any costume- she has yet worn in
public. There was a simpli ! elegance
about it that was most attractive and
becoming. The bodice was close lilting ;
the front cut modestly square ; filled in
with white lace , with diamonds about
her neck. No sleeves , and long gloves
reaching above Ilio elbow. Whatafashion
Iheso long gloves are ! Might as well
have long sleeves to cover the arm truly
much prettier than the hidp of animals
and less wicked. Hut fashion is nothing
if not wicked , and so Mrs , Cleveland had
her pretty , shapely arms after the fashion
of the day. The skirt of the dross was a
court train and very plain two heavy
broad box-pleats falling from the waist ,
which gave a very graceful sweep to the
train at the bottom. Mrs. Cleveland
seems to understand how to handle- her
trains without giving them a little stage
kick. It is all very well for Mrs , Cleveland -
land to wear long trains , it is costly and
queenly to do sobut it is just too awful
tno terror a follow fuels following after
a long train in front of him , and the
space lo put his foot so limited , and es
pecially if the wearer has a scrim ] )
quantity of dross material above the bolt
line , ho is in mortal fear and trembling
lest he should , in treading on hoi ilress
at ono end pull it oil' the other end !
Ono of the funniest sights in Washing
ton society , whore there are so many
small men , is to see a little man in swallowtail
low-tail coat , tight pants , high collar ,
douhlo-bnmstod shirt front , boots too
tight , gloves too large , hair parted in the
middle , and a waxed moustache , sailing
along alter a great bouncing woman with
a tremendous train to her dross ! The
wav the little follow keeps bobbing about
to escape the long kirt reminds one of
an empty bottle riding the waves in a
heavy sea. Viss , a heavy sea !
Among otlieis I'.lo 'antly dressed at the
state reception was Mrs , Hall , wife of
Menton J. Hall , member of congress
from Hurhngton , Jowa. Mrs. Hull's
black velvet cbstur was elegant in its
perfect lilting and stylish plainness. Nit
frills and puckers , high neck ana long
sleeves with lace at throat and wrists.
Nothing dazzling to attract from the
{ rraiul woman. Her largo , perfect-shaped
Greek head is shown to good advantage
by wearing her blonde hair , delicately
stroked by time's tender lingers ,
thrown plainly back and gathered in a
knot behind a most becoming style. Slie
has a fair' complexion , bright , ' blue eyes
and strong handsome features , n most
intelligent fai'o with mm ft varying ox-
pro-viion as shetalk. . * , lu-traying n mi'nil
well stored and a Soul fuil of goodness.
She Is brlow .tho nicduini height of
women , rather physique. In ape ,
if 1 may bo allowed to guess , about forty ;
In good deeds of charity , about a hundred !
Who does not know , in Iowa , of 'Mrs.
1 tail's good deeds of charity ? She is in
every sense ft true helpmeet to her dis
tinguished husband. While she Is a
womanly woman of tlio world she is not
a woman of fashion , appearing very lit
tle in the 30 called gay society of \ \ ash-
ington. She is frank und candid In
speech , calling all thing * bytlu-lr right
name and not mincing matter * when the
truth must bo told , will not even spoil n
story for relation's sake. A peed
story is told of Mrs. Hall's meeting with
the wife of Speaker Carlisle , who is a
great stickler for the homngo due her
nnd her luistiaml's position.
Said Mrs. Carlisle : "Yon have
notcalled mum tno , Mrs. Hall , as is your
duty. " Mrs. Hall replied , "I am not a
a society woman , I have neither taste nor
time font , but now the gay season Is
ever ami lent has begun , ! will put on my
bonnet , take my knitting work and spend
some afternoon with you. " It is nnnoc-
oessary to say the angular Kentucky
blue blood smiled too w-iys at onoo.
lli'3tdes assisting her husband with his
correspondence in every way possible ,
and she is capable of the .soundest legal
atlvico , and most tender sympathy , she
has studied the Freneli language , taking
lessons almost daily , since coming to
Washington. As a friend she is devoted
and helpful , as a foe to wrong-doing and
injustice , strong and deeided , and yet
most tender and forgiving toward human
weaknesses , Won d wo had more wo
men In public ami otlieial life like Mrs.
Benlon J. Hall , of Iowa.
A I'lturrv i.rxt'11 PAUTV
was that given by Mrs. Cleveland to
thirty young lathes of about her own ago
last Wednesday an entertainment after
her own heart , the lablo being spread in
the private dining-room , which at times
looks co/.y and domestic as it in bright
and elegant with noli furniture and
costly plato-chitm and glass ware. It is a
rare opportunity , that of lunching in the
private dining-room , possibly the lirst
largo luiu-li party ever given there. Mrs.
Cleveland took a girl's tlel'ght ' in this
party , and hail tiling.- ! her own way. and
her way was most enjoyable to all. Flow
ers ami potted plants evervwhero shed
ding their fragrance ; the Marino band
playing soft music close by. All sorts of
delicacies to tempt the appetite -but no
wine glasses , only goblets for Ice and
Apollmaris water. What do young girls
want of Apollinaris water ? only lit for
club dinners and sona'.e . cloak rooms.
These sweet young girls should have had
a glass of milk instead. Hut then it is
the fashion to have Anpllinarls water on
the table. And just think of each one of
those girls parrying away a dainty china
cup Idled with bon-bonsthe saucer being
licit on with bright ribbon. CON.
Dr. J. II. McLean's strengthening Cor
dial and lllood 1'iiritier , by Its vitalising
properties , will brighten pale cheeksand
transform a pale , haggard , dispirited
woman into one ol sparkling health and
beauty. $1 per bottle.
The Firm African Diamonds.
In 1807 a trailer named O'Koilly was
passing through Uarkly , a small village
on the banks of the Vaal river , where ho
slept at the house of a Dutchman named
Van rCiokirk , anil saw the children play :
ing with a bright sparkling pebble. The
stone struck him as beingsoinethingcuri
ous , and ho hogged it from Van Niekirlc ,
who did not like to take it away from
the children , but eventually parted with
it for tlio sum of " > . Ho also told O'Koillv
that ho had seen several of those kinds
of pebbles in the hands of native chiefs ,
who kept them for charms. O'Koilly
some weeks afterward turned up in lira-
hamstown , and showed tlio stone to Mr.
lialpln and Dr. Atheretono. They both
declared it to be a diamond of the first
water , nnd it was afterward sold to Sir
I'hilip Wodohonso , the governor of the
colony , for the sum of .WOO. It weighed
about twenty-one carats. The news
spread , but it was not believed at
lirst , and it was ISO' ' ) before anv number
of people wore at Harkly , 1'neil , and
Cong-Gong digging away in the river
bed , removing enormous boulders , and
finding diamonds in fairly large quanti
ties among the most beautiful pebbles
and garnets , agates , and earnelians ; the
presence of garnets being almost a guar
antee of tlie'pro.xiimty of the diamond.
In IHO ! ) was found the lirst large diamond ,
called the Star of South Africa. It was
pear-shaped , and weighed 8I5J carats in
thorough. Messrs. Ulioofeld Hrothers ,
of Hope Town , purchased it for L'l 1,000.
They wore nltenvard ollbred 10,001) ) for
it in 1'ort Kli/aholh by a syndicate
of merchants , hut thinking it was
worth unite 100,000 refined to
sell it , and evenually sold it to
Hunt ift.Uoskcll for -0,01)0 ) , who in tlioir
turn sold it to Lord Dudley , and about
twelve years ago it could have been seen
in a tiara of Lady's Dudley's which was
exhibited at the South Kensington
museum. Then Mr. Spalding found
his diamond weighing ' . ' 8 ? carats , slightly
otV-cojorcd. Thousands now Hocked to
the river diggings and prosperity be
gan in all directions.
" I would not live always. " No ; not if
disease is to make my life a daily bur
den. Hut it need not , good friend , and
will not if you will bo wise in time How
many of of our loved ones are moulder
ing in the dust who might have been
spared for years. The slight cough was
unheeded , the many symptoms of dis
ease that lurked within were slighted
and death came. Dr. I'icrce's "Golden
Medical Discovery" cannot recall the
dead though it has snatched mini burs
from the verge ol the grave , and will
euro consumption in its earlier stages.
NmvTrloItK of tin : l'r < 'Hti < Ii < ; intnr.
M. Haulier do Kolta , inventor of the
now commonplace feat of "Tho Disap
pearing Lady , " is doing surprising things
in London , On a stage draped in black ,
with the simplest accessories , the master
magician presents himself in the conven
tional evening dress , with ample foal
and tidiness of shirt sleeves. These are
mere concessions to tin ? Ordmory entour
age of the protcssor , of legerdemain. In
producing on a plate of glass supported
between two chairs a spirit hand , whiuh
tups the points on die.obe.foro the mucstro
himself knows the numiuir , the magician
relies possibly on , those subtle
arrangements which belong lo the reign
of Psycho. The production of n bushel
of roses from a paper simply celled to
hold a pound of sugar is oflootod by
monsieur with hi * " shirt sleeves
doubled up , a departure from regular
usage which , with nuUvo pul.tuness , is
not carried out by a Frmu'liniiin without
a special reiiucst for permission. A bird
in n cage Iliitturs in a lively way , and
"heigh presto" bird aiVd cage are gonu
into thin air. Tim ampl.-i coat is ( tolled
and passed round. Spectators rummage
the pockets. The coal i returned , and
before it is again put on , the bird and
cage are wltn electrical sharpness repro
duced. Weird music from the automatic
orchestra gives the signal for tlio instan
taneous appearance of a spectre in the
contra of the stage. Disenshroudcd. the
ghostly presence becomes a beautiful
woman elad in Grecian costume. A
newspaper in placed on the carpeted
stage , a chair placed on the newspaper ;
the lady scats herself on the chair. She
is covered with a intigio mantle , and in
an instant mantle and lady have van
ished leaving the chair and paper intact.
Cv r 1OO Varieties
of the purest and best toilet soaps made
by Colegato & Co. Cashmere Bouijiiut the
Business Commenced in Few Days ,
In six months lots will bring higher prices
in Burlington Center than at any other point
in South Omaha , no spot excepted.
HP I , ! , Sole Agent ,
Pit1 rmrivl with fitrtctwpirdtoT'tirltr , Strength , ai _ . .
lleimhfulnoaa. Dr. J'rico'o HikingPovrdercontiilns
oo AinmcnlaLImo.Alum or I'lioeptmteo. lr. Price's
ISitracts , VaaillOi Lemon , utc. , flavor deUdouely.
'tffjgff '
One Apcnt ( Mrrfiiimt onlT' vrnntM in I-TITT ( own for
Your "TnnslU'R I'unoh" r > o Clunr nro polnjroir
lllu hotcnkub. 1 Intend Uiul they nhnil bo well
ujvcrttaoil. W 1' II. Srni'KNSON.
llultnUi , Now York.
Cpeclal Ordinance Ho. Oil.
AN Oiflinniico lovyliiK'ii spoclal tiirnnil nsscss-
inuiit mi c'l'i'taln lots nnd lonlostuto In tlio
oily of Oiiiitliii , to covoi'tlio cost of uurbln
nnilKiittorint ; Chicago street tnmi IClh struut
to-Jtli Htruct. lmviii ( ; born mid belli ? licrcby
iiiljiiilKiiil , iluti'niilni-il and pitubllxlioil tliuttlio
tovoral loU anil piocusol' roul ostatoliurulnaftor
rofoiTPd ti ] , huvo each boon BDojIitlly bunulllod
to tlio full amount liuroln levied mid nssi/escd
nirnliiftl I'lioh of f : lil lots nnd ] > | OCIH of roul
o-tiito , rcspnotlvt'ly , by reason of the curbing
and KUttorhiK of 'hat part of Uluuaeo otrcot
from ICthMn-ut to''utl ) strout.
TIIPHKFOIIB , for thi ) jnirpoao of piiylnf the
cost of Hiich curblnir nnii KiilturliKr :
Ho it onl.ilnea by the city oounoil of the oltv of
Omtni : : :
Snetlon 1. That the cost of ourhlni ? and gut-
tprlnir that purtof Chicago struct , Inthocity of
Oniiihn , I rota IDIh strout to01 li Mruct , ald cost
liclna thit uni of $ ii.ra.8U. bo and the sumo is
hc'rebj lc 'iod and nv'ossoil , ! ! ! proporUon lethe
foot front nlonj , ' Brtld Iniprovunicnt , and accoid-
< n to rpcoial bonotlts by ronsor. of said Im
provement , upon the following described lots
ami real oMatu , as shown by the Konurally
rwoiriil/.od nuipol the city of Omaha , IbNl.litlio-
Kniplioil and pnhlMiKil by C. K. May no ; said
ooat bdhur solovlcdon snld lots and roul estate
ros-poctvolyiii ! > follows , to-wltj
< ) M\I1A CITY.
. . . . . .
Sections , Tliiit tlio npoolal ui\os and assess
ments levied Hnd iiatcst-t'il as nl'ores'ild , shall bn
duo Imniedlutcly upon the PUESIIKO and approval
of this ordinance , and Phnll bucntno dollnciient |
If not puia within fifty days thoroafler ; anil
tliereuon ] , n pomiltr ot i n per cunt shall bo
lidded , lovulliur with Inlornstat the rnto of ono
percent a month , piiyable In advance from the
time Mid taxes bo < omo so ( lclln < | iiint. (
Section ! ) , That this ordinance shall taUoellect
and l > oin IOITO from and uflurltd jiajiairo.
i'nftrd .Innnary llth , Ib37.
WM. l' . llKCiir.i , , 1'resldent City Council ,
J. II , SoiTTiuiil ) , Oily Clerk.
Approved January Ulth , Ifif" .
J.VSIKS K llovD , Mayor.
Those taxes are now duo und payable 10 the
city trimMirrr , and will Imeonio dollmiuent on
March 4th , 1W7 , after which ilato H penally und
Intercbt will bo added as iihovvn In Section - .
J27d5t TIIIIUAN DUCK , City ' 1'runsumr.
2 K l ) Cumiiifr Street , Uiimhn , Neb ,
General Banking Business ,
Forcin and Domeftlo Kichnntte Ilouebt und Sold
and Collections .Made , Intorf at 1'nid uo Time
Fire Iiuuranca. Sell Heat Kjtate on Ciram lon
( Jive prompt u.tentlon to nil bujineii emruilaj to
lout. TeloptiorioSJi
W. 0. TEMTeTpN { , 0 *
A.I > . KINU. Prallduu.
Poison the System with Nauseating
Driifirs.Dr.Ilorno's Klt-ctric Hi-It Cures
Diseases Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without Medicine
! * MMB lu the hiick.hlpt.hoHil op UmMt Nr'rvoiu llo
hllltr.l.timlmxo , ( leiicnil Debility , Hhmimutlim , I'nr
nlTPis. NtMirulp n , sclti icii , I > ICII IM of Ktilnoys , Spl *
mil ni > rim > , Torpid I.Ivor , ( lout , Antlimi , llwurl 1)1- )
i-onsM , l'spGpMiGnnMlimUnn : , Krysliiclns , Imlluos-
lion , linjioli'iicf. fninrrli , I'lles , I2llep | < y , Ague , l > la-
brtcn , llyiiriKO o. liitmuitloii.
Note the Following who were Cured
A. J. Hnniihnil. U.S. IMrnxr. J. M. Uiulptt. H on
hoi.rtl of trnilp ; KV. . I'lirtilmm , Aracilc.ui Kxprcua
Co. : A. ( IriKurr. conitnl lin nu'rchiint. Stock YunK
C. Townicnil. Pnlinvr llou < < i lluiM Dubla , tlio Krciit
lior < eniiiii : Col , Connelly , of tlio Inter -OotMin , H.V. .
Harris JUIKrlest : S , .M. Duvls , Sccroiurr Amorlo'in
llnrsciniini .1. 1. . SnciilTor.SJI MinllvoiiKt i J.O. Smith ,
jcn.'lur. m.MiullDcm K. , illlo.'Clilniiiu : < ) . \ \ ' . Ili'llcn ,
A1. ! > . . Moiliionlown.low H ; huttniul Milk , KiiniHken ,
III. , .ludKOl. N. Murrjr.Nnpr'rvlllp , III. , anil huiulroils
of others reprrtontliiit ncnily every town In tin )
rulnn. Aim oloi'trlc hi > ll for Inilion. Cull nr ncnil
! * tuinii fur ItliiHtratotl oiitnlngtio. Open ilully , nli o
evening * nnil Htiiidiiys , Kleoirlo HiiHiionaorlei fri'o
nnd ill ! Muli'lloll * . llen'iircof Imjiis oomimnluH with
in 'nynllMhCs ' , rolling wonblo-n k.0'n ! , with nulyiito
lit clnnionti" All my liplts < nnlnln il i-li'ni"nt or
ImttiTlon , lion co IIIITU four tlmos the power HIII !
< iu 'itltr ol I'k'ctrlrlty. lloni-st KOO Is itnd liuni t
oonllntfT' ttm motto.
Inventor , Proprietor ami
AM ; your rclnllcr for ttio JninenMoann , S3 Shoo
Cautionl t-'oniedealers rocomiiioiHlliiInferior
poods In onlor to rnuko u Inrtrur pro lit. This In
tlioOIiiniNATif'ISlmo. llownroof iinltnllons
which ftcknnwli'ilirc tholr own liifcrlofit } ' by nl-
trnipliiiK : to uullU upon tlioroimtiition of the
orl.'liial ,
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
For Gcmlomon , < fe 3 - ' '
I Mnilo In Button , Cnnuross nnd
I. r , IIEST CAI.K KI.V. Unexcelled -
celled In Dt'iiAiui ITV , COMrOUT
nnil Ai'PUAItAM'K. A postal cara
> cntton > iTlll hrlnu you Infor-
mntlOM bow to nut this Shuo In
uuyi-tnto orTorrltory.
J. lUoaiig & Co. ,
41 Lincoln Stroct ,
Itoston ,
Our relcbrnted factory prodticos n Inrpor
nininttty ol'Hlioosot tlila Ki'nilo than liny ottn-r
factory In the world TiiousnmU wlio wenr
tlioin will toll you tlio rfiiennif you iisk thciu.
.IAM1.S MKANV WJ MIIOK Jor Hoys Is lilillp-
prOHclioil In Ouriiblllty
Full llooa of the aborn Rlioo for rnlo br
L E A * > 11 % < < ; Et iaA i a , t-i EC s
TiiriouriiiouT Tim i ) . s.
Tlio < ) rilm | > l nnil Onl.r Opiinino.
Ptre tnilMwi/f KrlUUe. Rfw r of wnrthlr > H Imlu tluna.
ludlifnujle Li LADIES. Auk jour Urnculil hi
Mrhlchf ter RuclUll * * * nd Uke ootbror locloin 4e.
( itataiii ) w MI tar | > * rlleutkr n ttttrr hjr return mall.
fJAME PAPER. CMrliritrr Cbrialrul < . .
IttlbtlxlUonHqiiarr , I'bll.dH. , i'o.
Bold lij nruczUI * rirrynkerr. Aik for "Clilrlit *
tr' . EiigUih" Innir Tul I'lllt. T k > < . ! * >
„ , u , , o , ano ,
ud llnlild B'.clleoi. Tilll t > ! 12 ° . | l > ( . FIK i.ti < ac4 ,
DU. A. O. tll.If * CO. , No , 111 ' ihlne' SUMl , Chle gn ,
111. Bl.OO > . r P el n J . hU fur t5,00 ,
DyDr. Sncdlker'a mothoil. No operat'on : No Pain ;
No Detention from builni-Bn. Adaotoil to children
nsnell at urown people , llundrcdi u ( uutoxrapb
toitlmonltli on Hie. All b'i > lno i strictly conndo
P OF. X. I > . COOK ,
Accontlr Built. Nonljr Furalibvd
The Tremont ,
J. C. I'lT/JliltAIl ( ) & SON , I'rnprlotnra.
Cor. till nml 1'rits. , Lincoln , Neb.
tUte-iJl.M pcrdnr , blroot curt from.bouaa to anr
ran of ( be cllj.
Architect ,
Office 31. 31 uiul 43 , Hkihurds Block , Lincoln ,
Nub , Klovutor oiilltti etiuut.
llreederol Ilrcederof
! ' . M WOODS.
Live Stock Auctioneer
t'uloi iiuiite In all imrts of Ilio IH. . utfalr
rales. .Itooin 3 , Slnlo Block , Lincoln , Null ,
aallowuy un < 1 rihort Horn bulM lor sale.
1) . 11. GOULDINd ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrrsiionilcnrn In rctrnnl to loans eollcitoJ.
Itoom 4 , UlcbarJs Diode. Lincoln , Nub.
Riverside Short Horns
Of Btrlctly pure Uiitfsand Ilatcs Tuppeduuttlo.
Herd numbers ubout Kl uuud.
i'nmllltft represented : I'llbortn , Craggi ,
Acomlis. HrnloK , Itosuof SlmroiiH , MOM Itosui ,
KnlRblly UucliegH > , Flat Croulc Vounif Murjri ,
PhTlliaui , J-oiiann nnd True I/jves.
Bulls lor talo. 1 1'uru liutes 1'ilnorl , 1 I'nra
Bntei CmirtfB. I Koieof Khuion , 1 Young Murjr ,
ll'uiu Crulck Shank nnd olhnrs. Come mid
Inniitctttio bcrd. Atlclreu , CHAS. M. 11UAN-
SUN , Lincoln , Neb. .
When in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
Au < 3 gut a good dinner fo 2ic.FEDAWAf
Containing ono hundred nu.l
fourteen acres of beautiful Inntl
( with trees ) nnd school house nl-
rcml } * erected nntl iu use , lio.i
southeast of Armour Park , is
near the B. & M.'g Ashland cut-
on" ,
lu Section 5 , Douglas county ,
ono inilo by chain uieiwtiro west
oC Fowler's Packing llonso , on
two section line rondn.
Will plat ono hundred and four
teen lots which will readily soil
at ? JOO each.
To run within two blocks. B. &
M. Depot and Lumber Yards
wit bin one-fourth mile.
This tract will be o fibred fern
n fnw days at $1,000 per acre.
Can be made out o this addition
when platted. Any one desirous
of purchasing addition property
will hnd this n great bargain. *
Land and map shown on ap
Situated within 4 blocks of
the Lip on & Fowler packing
houses , nnd within 3 blocks of
tlio now B , & M. depot.
All the lots nro very fin 5.
On Easy Terms
Which will bo worth double
within a year , making
several hundred per cent profit
on the cash invested.
Room 9 llcdick's ' Block ,
1509 Farnam St ,