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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ! MID AY , JAjSTUAKY 28. 1887. PORK JUMPS SEVERAL POINTS The May Product Takes a Plunge Upward Bight From the Opening , vVHEAT HEAVY AND LOWER. Corn Weaker nntt Oats Fairly Actlro Cattle IJiijcrs Only After tlie I Jest Kinds HOB Values Hl licr Quotations. CII1CAOO IMIODUCK MAUKKT. CiitcAoo , .Ian. 2"- | Special TcleRram lotbo ItBE.I May pork opened tills iiiornlnt , ' at 12.C7K nndentnt once to S12.W. Wliy , nobody could loll. If the pit wont by logic at all tbo price would bavo just gene tlio other way because there were morn hogs at the stock yaids than were expected , and llnlchlnson. If liu was dolne anjtlilni , ' In the pit , was soiling. Itochu disposed of a few lots , but grain men wanted to buy for some R-ason or other , and \sero more tirirent in their ( Icmninh than tlio professional provi sion men wcro In supplying. Tlio lesull was n sharp ntlvnnco of ir > $ ll Mc a bariel and tlio very toji prices for the May option In this advance. Thuro wore ev < ! i ) moro traders In pork for a whllu than In whc.\t. The advance - vance 13 ns much of a injstury as uvur. Ilntuhlnson , who has bepii n great scalper for the past ten days , was un questionably a seller on an enormous scale In the early part of this week , but the whole oC his 75,000 to M.OOO tierces were snapped up with [ such avidity that the market ad * \anced In the midst of the operations. Wheat was hunvy and lower mill after sev- eial tips nnd downs within a Jfc rancu closed fie per bushel under the closing quotations of yesterday. There wuro very few oulsido ordcrn urn ! values were lower In Now York mid other points , \\hllc news from Califor nia was oncouraylntr lo the bears. .May opened at 85'jc ' , , closing at Sic. January closed at 77tfc and February at the same llKiirn. Mnich rinsed at 78 'sc ' , Apiil nnd .hint ) at Wife. Corn was weaker mid lower. Kreelpts were fair. Liverpool wits dull and Now York easy. Tlio lonirs , who have been holding on lor omo tlmo past , be- f .HMO dlsconiaKctl and sold freely and prices declined Kc. The nliort.s , who have waited povoral days for the chance to conic , bought liberally and n slight rally followed , but nt the 1 o'clock close the market was weak anil kc lower. May ononi'd at40Kllc , declined to 40He , rallied to 4J ( ) e , but closed at 40Wc. June closed at 11 0 anil July at 42'/c. Oats were fairly active In the early p.nt of the session , but became milet and closed at Inside llcure.s , \vhlch show a shrinkage of ' C ' c. Mesa pork for May opened nt Sl'-Millf , soltl to Slit ? * , declined to S12.7JKwrJ.7r , , Milled to ei'ibO ami rlosod at 1 o'clock nt 3fl2.7.V"i 12.77K. Lard was quiet at Sri.CT ) ( 0.70 mid closed at 80.07 . Short ribs were In fair ro- ( jucst at SlU7k0.f ( [ { sind closed at 30.50. 'JiOj : ! > . in. The markets were easier. Wheat mid mesH porlc tleclinctt a trllle , but other ar ticles were steadv. Wheat. February , sold al 77c , March at"77c , May at KIK lJift , Juno nt S'r' ' c , closing with inside bid. Coin , Kobrtmrv , ( K > c , Maicli : { 5jfc. April : t5 ° < c. May 40j < fC'4IO > < c , Junc4i/c. ; Mess pork , February S12.M ) , March S1B..WW , May S12.70ftiiy.75 , closing at Sl .7nijia.J ( . CUIOAGOIjIVK STOCK. CIUCAOO , Jan. 27. | Special Telegram t < the Unit. I CATTI.B " 'J'ho market will bo IK bettor , " seemed to bo an expression of qulti Kenoral foellnc early this morning. Uwint to tlio fact that receipts wore laice , buyers were out looking for desltablo cattle , and handy , desiniblo stock , whlcli just suited certain orders , in some cnsos sold at strongci prices. Un the other hand , some tliln aiiti lough and some good heavy cattle sold orJ fclowly anil wore quoted lower in moro than one Instance. Un the whole , however , th ( general market did not show any quotabh change , 1'ho market was reasonably active tliouch , as stated , sales were very nnevoi nnd some of them were at lower prices. A lot of meal-fed Wyoming Tovnns , 1041 Ibs. from Amos , Neb. , sold at Sl. 0 , not being ot as good quality as those that sold jester day for S4.H5. There were some 1SOO to IGbS Ib cattle of choice quality sold at S4.b5@.05l Pretty good 1400-lb cattle were In rathoi largo supply and some of them sold lower Some fancy 1700 Ib catllo sold to Chicag ( butchers nt S5..i7 . Shipping stceis , 1 : ) . ' < taawo ibs , S4.4o@'i.oo ; 1200 to iav ) ibs , S4.15S ( 4.50 ; ! I50 to 1200 Ibs , si.iri : : ( 4.00. Stockers ant feeders , S2.3'i54H.b5 ; cows , bulls and mixed (51.0001.00 ( ; bulk , S2.f > 0i.OU. : Jlons The market was active and value ! fully 5c higher than nt the close Wednesday on best heavy nnd best packing sorts nlsoon closely selected light , especially lint Yoikers nnd the T. nnd li. sorts. A lev fancy heavy sold at 85.00ft.r ( . 12X , and pack urs paid trom 81.75 to S5.00 , largely S4.bOf < 105. for their sort of good to prime mixed Liu-lit sorts sold nt S4.40QUX ) , Yorkeis a JN.7f > @ .bO , nno T. and U. soil nt S4.S > 5 F1NANU1AU Now York. Jan. 27. MONEY Un cal easy nt2 > @ 4 > < f percent , last loan at ! i pe cent , closing nlTurod Hat. flTKiti.ixo KXCHANOK Firm to strong 84. WU lor bixty day bills ; , 84.87 for do inanil. l'it HI it MRKOA.MTILK PAPEK 0@7 pei ctnu ( JovKRHMicNTS ( lovcrnmont bonds wcri dull , but steady. STOC-K8 Alter the first hour the stock mar kct pri'bonted very little feature and lluettm tlons were narrow and unimportant. It wai n decidedly weak opening , the drains runts Inc in the Koncral list from X to Jg per cent while Jersey Central was down I/ ant Louisvlllo it Nashvlllo l > 4 per cent. Dull ness continued In early dealings on an ncllvi trndini ; , but the market WAS quickly nilliei nnd became nulet , prlcei being carried gen { rally small fractions above the opening 11 men. The maruot sagged oil slowly iinti after 12 o'clock , nf tor which another genera advance took place , when prices were gener nlly brought up to the highest figures of tin morning. A slight roesslon occurred In tin last hour , but the market closed bteady t < linn , goneially small fractions nbovo tin opening. STOCKS OK WA.I.T. STIIRKT. V cent bonds. . . . 100 0. & N. W 111\ U. S. 4X's 110rf preferred. . 13S > < 188' , ; . YO ! 112 i'acliio O'B of ' 95. 125Jd Oreeon Tran. . . 301 , wcnttal Pacllio. . 8IK ( Paellic Mull. . . . C.A 143 I1. 1) . ilS . 13J ! cri'ierrea. , . . 155 140 C. H. &U 137' ' Hock Island J ) . Ij. A\V SUL. AS. F. . . 30 J ) . AH. O ! tt preferred. . 04V JJriB. . HI 0. , M. A : St. 1' . . b7Ji proferreil. . 08 nreferred . . 117 Illinois Central. 132i < St. P. AO , 47' . ,1J. , ifcW. . 15H preferred. . . , 107MJ T < wis Pad lie. . . ! MJ ; LnkHHhoro ttt 'l ' nion Pacific. . , miJi 1 H IkT . -IW. , St. Lte P. , 14' Mich. Contrail ! ! bO jircforrod. . , 'JflJ Mo. Pacific mi Western Union , 715 . 20t'lo. . K &N. . . U7 ? pivlurrtd. . . 67X1 i'UOUUOB MAUKKT. Chlcnco , .Ian. 27. FollowlUE quotation nro tlio " ; 'M closlnt ; iiiiiros : Flour Uuchnnei'd ; winter wheat tioui | 4.'i' : : soutiiein. fi4.lO < a4.- : wii conbin. 84.50tii4.SO : MIchlKun BOft sprin wheat , S.70yC4.0 ! ) ! ! : MlnnusotabaKers. S3.7iK.i .5iO ; imtcnts. ? 4.&oa4.W ; low crades. Sl.U © . ' . 5 ; rye flour , quiet at sy.'J5aj8.40 ; I : larks nnd barrels , S5ii3.70 ! ( , Wheat Weaker nnd lower ; opened abou tliusainoas close yesterday , ana closed ( 5o untler ycsteniay ; cash , 77Lc ; ilarcl 77ko ; May. ba c. Corn Weak nnd lower with moioactlvlt than for some days , eltxlnc about ? hH untler vesterdayj cash , 85c ; March , WAt W y , 40Ko. O.its Market easier but sllchtly lower cash , 'Xn Mareii. WXc ; May , toSc. Jyo { ijtili't at 5lc. Ilarloy-Dull at & 0 fi2Kc. Tnnotliyseed I'rlniH , 51.01QJ2.00. Flitxsml Sl.Ot ) . Whlsky-Sl.IS. I'ork Active , lltictuatcd cousidcrabh prices clobiiii : lower than icMeidav ; casl $ Hi.4n ; March , 8W.5JKS MHV SfJ.TiJK. Lard 'Moderately act i\o and utrlllahigliei cash. 5 45 ; March , C.52 > 3' ; Mav , $ fl.fi5. Hulk Meats bltnulders. f.Vi'i&'i.SO ' ; shoi clear , fc0.70ii ( .75 ; short ribs , to.85. Hutter Slow ; cieamery , ' . ' ! > . , tJ29ci dalr ; ' Chpo o Slow ; full cream Cheddars , I3c ; nat , l2' ' < ( iJ'.l3e ; young -Americas , . 13 ct skltn , 7'S Mi nl . Hldes--Steady and nnchaneed ; Orcrn , f > ; < c : heavy greeri salted , 'Me * , silted bull , Gtfc : dry salted , ll@l % ; drv Hint , IMUc : deacons , 2Txj each. Tallow No. l country , 8 ; ci No , 0 , OJ/c ; cake , 4c. Uccelnts. Shipments. Flonr. bhts . T ; . ' 27,000 ss. , ww \Vhu t , bu . Corn , bu . W.OOO 8S.OOO Oats bu . 91,000 84,000 Hyu , bu . 1,000 1,000 liariey , bu . 4 ,000 35,000 Now York , Jan. 27. Itecelpt ? , 42,000 ; exports .T3.00) ; spot kCJ c lower ; options opened heavy , declined V < < Jfc , rul- ln weak during the day , closing at bottom rates : tnieraded red , Vii < flQl4c' No. 3 red , IilWOlJ/c ; extra red. Die ; Ko. 1 red , inc ; No. S red , tu'4WJ2c ' In elevator , WJa f. o. b. ; February cldslne at 015fc. Corn Spot lower , eloslnc heavv ; receipts , 17,000 ; exports 75,000 ; ungraded , 47ifffc48c ; No. -JO'nWIWc ' ; No. 2. 47' c In elevator , 4S"fo $ 19140 dell\eicd ; February closing nt 47s < c. O.ts Without quotable change ; receipts , 0.001) ) ; cxnortB. 1st. Kir.cs Higher and firm ; western , ftl P. I'tirk Steady ; mess quoted , new , 812.75 ; old , S12.lS.XrM2.75. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at70'fc. Laid Dull ; western steam , spot , SO.bO. lluttcr Quiet and barely steady ; western , I2oi,2 < c : TJKln crcamcrv. iWQoOc. Cliccso Firm and qulot. Mlnncnpoils , Jan. 27. Wheat Active but Itiwet ; No. t hard , cash and Febnniv , 7"c ; Mav , tp ; Ko. 1 northern , eanli and Feb ruary , 7 o ; May , 3te risked ; No. 2 northern , ca" > li anil Fcbumry , 77c ; Mav , vJc asked. Flour Dull ; uatcnts , Sl.50i. ' * .00 ; bakers , sS3.r.o u.rM. Hfceitits Wlwat. 03,400 bu. hhipint'iits Wheat , 57.00J bu. ; Hour , 11,000 bills. Mllwniikoo. .Ian. 27. Wlieit Weak ; casli Kc ; l'Vbnmiy,77 fc ; May , Corn Kasy ; No. 2 , : i. " > 'Jc. o.tts Droopins ; No. a , aoc. Kyo Weaker ; No. 1 , fiGc. n.irloy Kaslcr ; Nn.2 , nir. Provisions Finn ; pork , January , S12. 17 > ; May , SUTiiK. Cincinnati. Jan. 27. Wheat Kaslcr ; No. 2 led , IU(3lCji' ( . Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed. ,17 > f < Oats-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , : )0c. ) Hve-Kaslor ; No. 2 , fi'Jc. I'ork-tJtilul at Slii.OO. 1-ard-KlrmntSO.n. Whisky St. ijoulH , Jan. 27 , Wheat Weak nnd lower ; No. 2 led , cash. Sic ; May , 8'iJ < @SOc. Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , cabh , 3-l@ U < c ; May , n7V < ' . Oats Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 27c ; May , 2c. ! ) K.\e-iasy : at.MJfc. Wldskv S1.13. Pork Firm at S12. 7. " > . Lard -Steady nt SO.10 , Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 25(22Sc ( ; dairy , 15@24c. Alteinoon Hoard Wheat , easier and J < c lower ; coin , 'hftj c lower ; oats , unchaiiKed. HnnwaH City. Jan. 27. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , 70 Vc bid ; March , 7lc bid ; May , 7SVC bid. Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , COJ c bid ; Feb ruary , so'fc ; May , : : % . Oats Nominal ; cash , "OKc bid. New Orleans. Jan. 27. Oats Kaslcr ; choice \u'stern , 3 > > @ 3sjfe. lloj ; I'louucts uood demand and tcntllni : upwiird. l'ork-S12.S7 } < . Lard-Kelinud tierce. Sf..n7K- Hulk Me.tts Shoulders. Sfl.15 ; Ions clear , SO.OO ; clear rib , S tavia STOCK. Chloncro. Jan. 27. The Drover's Journal lenorlsas follows : Cattle Kecclpt.s. 0,000 : market slow but steady ; fancy , S-.lOC'i.'i.S'X ; shipping steers , Sa.KSQft.OO ; stockeis anil feeders , : ( | : i.b5 ; cows , bulls antl mixed , Sl.'fl@1.00 ( ; bulk , S2.Wira.oo : ! ; me.ii led westerns , 54.JO. Hoaa Iteceipts , 'JG.OOO ; market stronc antl active amlfic hlsher ; lointli and inixe < t. peed ; common lOe lower : natives. S-.lOg 4.90v ; ( " U-rn.St.OOral.75 : ) ; Texaiis , SlMCu .Ou : lambs , Sl.OOCa5.00. Hr. lAMils , Jan. 27. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 600 head ; stroim ; cholct heavy native storrs , S1.iOa4.70 : ( ; fair to cooil shippint ; steers , S3.70(3 ( > 4.iO : ; butchers' steers , fair to choice , SiOO@-l.00 ; fcedeis , fair tc peed , S2.GOtg3.50 ; stockers , fair to good , S2.0C Hogs Heccipts , 5,400 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ; active and linn ; choice hcavj and butohcrb' selections , j4.TOi5.0. ? > : ii.ick- Inir , fair to good , $4.70 $ U > 0 ; Yoikera , medium to fancy , S4.COQ4.75 ; pigs , common to Kood , 53.b5i44.45. ( RUIIBIIH City , Jan. 27. Cattle Itecelpts , 1 , " > 00 head ; flhipmunts , 1,100 head : shlpplnij trades weak and slow : cows active and 5(3 ( lOc higher ; common to choice shipping , S3.4 ( ( < J4.40 ; stockers , S'J.OOfJrH.OO ; feeding steers , SUO : < yj.f > 0 ; cows , Sl.oofrca.20. lions Knculpts , 7.000 head ; shipments , bUO head ; active audSc higher , closingbtiong : common to choice , S4.40g4.bO. OMAHA MVI2 STOCK. Thursday , Jan. 27. C'nttlc. Tlio receipts of cattle were very light to day. The markut opened slow aud dull. Tlu maiket was about fie lower on common stock , whllu good cattle weio about btcady. 11 < > KH. The receipts were the .same as on yesterday , The market opened active at an advance oi lOc. .Everything was sold. Sheep. There were no ficsli receipts , but out load that had been held over sold. Receipts. Cattle . S0 < llo ; s . . 2'70t 1..1130 S3.CK ) Rnnce ot'l'rlcos. Showing the hik'host and lowest paid for lu.uU of hogj on this m.irket duriiu the past sovun days anil tor tlio s.xinu ami last month nnd last : Jan. 1M7 Jun. Ib'-O. 21 ft 4.50 l.77' 4 00 1.10 © 1.75 iJnl 4.iK Buiulny _ _ 340 4AV ) 5M.15 ' holiiliiy t.&O &l'"j 3.40 CW.S5 Sundity i.OJ ttl.T'Jii a&o fti MI S7th J.DO ai HI Prevailing Prices. Showing the provailiHjj prices paid for llvi block pn this market : Choice steers. UV ) to 1500 Ibs. . . .54.30(34.50 Choice tceis , 1100 to 1300 Ibd. . . 3.WQ4.40 Good feeder ? . , . . . 2,75 3.00 [ Jood to choice corn-fed cows- , . . . 2.7.v33.2o Fair to medium 'cross cows . 2.00M2.M ) Uowlto choice bulls . ; . 2.00. 2.75 Mght and medium lies . 4.50 ( 4.05 Hood to choice heavy hogs . 4.70 J.K ) Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.00 4.70 Alls lesof stock in this market arc made ; xrcwt. ; live wclnlit unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Xc per Ib. for all weights. "Skins , " or 110.53 wcUhlnz less than lou Iba , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs. and stags 80 1 us , by the public luspeotor. Notes. . Cattle lower. T- r Hogs advance. No hogs left ovc-r. J. K. Boyd was a buyer on the market to day. day.L. . Vf. Hcynolds drove in 21 head of cattle from Fremont , Georo Il\on , 1'merson , la. , was In and marketed a load of steers. 1. P. Hle.abatuh , Malvern , la. , was hero and disposed ot a load of cattle. .Mr. Murphy eamc In with two loads of cat tle tor llemy Klv , Fort Callionn. Crate Wavland , of the Anglo-American Cattle company , was a vlsltoi at the yards. M. H. Sullivan , Spaiildlng. Neb. , came In with a car of cows , which sold In the market. It. 11. Harbor , Klu nod , Nob. , was in , and marketed n load ot hogs and a load of cnttle. T. H. l.o Pool , Cedar llhilTs , Neb . was In and marketed a drove of hois of his own rais- inir. Henry Kepler , Doichcster , was In with a load of corn tetl stuers which tupped the mat- ket. ket.Mr. Mr. Morrlll , of the llrm of Howcrs > t Mer rill , Northboro , In. , was In , anil &oltl a of good cattle. Six cars of meal-fed steois of the Standard cattle were sold late last night to G. 11 , Hammond mend it Co. The Anglo-Ainericin Provision company's drove of hogs , bought In todays nun Itet , numbered l.l.'iS. Jess McAluen and J.V. . Stiohtn , Dontson , la. , wi > in at thu yards to-dav and invested in South Omaha reil estate. ( ! . II. Ijjtlc. HonkiiH. Mo. , was here for the llrst tlmi ! and muketcd two loads ot hogs. He is an old shipper to Thlc.igo. Dr. McCoy. Jlilfmd , Neb. . nnnagiT of the firm ot McCoy llios. , live stock coiiiinNslon dealers * , was at the yaids to-ilay. J. 11. Johnson bought four loads , Andy Haas four loads and Lobinan > t ltotli--olilld thieo loads of cattle on to day's maiUct. Hen Moore , a noted line stock dealer of Dtinlap , la. , wai looking OUT the market with a slew to shipping bomi' fat cattle heio later. A call hns been Issued for a meetintr of shippers to be hold at the Kxchangc building on January 2S tor the pin pose ot organising a Ijivo Stock Shippers' association. The following ciruulnr Is being sent out to some of the most prominent breeders : Dear Sir : Them will bo a meeting of ti'o Nebiaskn Fine Stock Hi coders' association held at Sow- nrd. Mi-b. , beginning Tui'stlay , Tobruaiy 8 , 11-87. You are lespecttully leiiuestoil to at tend the meeting nnd read ,111 aitlcleon some branch of the block business. Subjects of your own selection. Pleasn nntlfj thofcccio- taryof jour Intention to do so that it may ap pear In the programme. J. H. DINSMOIII : , President , fenttou. K. P. SA.VAOI : , Secretary , South Omaha , Neb. Neb.Alaige attendance and a very interesting session is anticipated. OMAHA \VHOIjKSAljl3 Bl.-VUIi.t2TS General Pruiluco. Thursdav , Jan. 27. jir/ers / me fur roiintrifs / / of toltl on tlic umrhct iNi-dni/ . The n Intttt repicvcnt the prices t wlilcli outittlCDnlcr'niic Illlul. K'iti-5 The leceipts were lairly liberal to day and the prux.iilln price foi strictly lie-ill stock was 2ic. Yesterday the maiket took : i little spurt and in sonw iiistancc-s hinglo cases were sold M hlsh as 27c or 2 ! < c. Pofi/i iv Chickens are lu lair demand , but the leciilnls aie not heavy. The bulk of thu best stock is goiui : nt be1 Theio aie very iuw turkeys in , but the demand is also light. A lew have sold in a small way at UMlOc. Geese and ducks are going at ! > C10. HiMTiin The- receipts are a little more lib eral mm the maiket is e.isicr. An occasional sale of very choice or fancy butter made at 19r20c ( , but ihe choicest Is selling mostly at ir > ( } lx ! ; ; fair to uood. 14cn-15e ; common , 10 ( r$15 < ! . Ciu.usi : Full cream Cheddars , single , lie ; full cream Hats , twins , 14c ; Finnic Ameri cas , 14c : fancy Swiss , 1.1$10c ( : impoited Swiss , 25c : Llmburger. 13c ; bilelc , i41 C'15c. Pori.Tiiv Poultiy is not brlnginti ( inite as good pi ices as a week ago. The market is with tin keys and there is very little sale tor them at any price ; bo is about the outside for the best stock while a gi < a * deal ot it is selling foi 7c. Chickens are in l.iU demand at Sc lor the choicest stock while peed stock is selling as low as 7c. ( ! e.0se and ducks sell at 8ci9c. ( GAMI : The market is overstocked with smr.ll rabbits. J.ick rabbits arc also In ill ) ' , rtl iccoipt but aside fiom that there is very little game coming in. Pralile chickens , quail and venlpon are out of season and It is con trary to the l.uv for dealers to handle them. The law has never been verv strictly en forced , and a coed many dealers handle them after tlioy aie out of season : Ducks , Mallard , per doS1.7.X < 2J.OU ; ducks. Teal , Sl.25Crei.ftO : ducks , mi.\ed , 51.25 ; gee o , 82.50 3.00 : liiants. S2.00 ; Jack niD'olts , 53.00 ; small rabbits , .WiCOc. PorATOis There are no new featuroH In the market. The trade is limited almost en tirely to tlio sale ot small lots trom the stoic. Cnolco stock iroin store , small lots COJ5 05c. 05c.VKOKTAHMIS Beets , eanots , inisulps and turnips are quoted nt iiOe. Hotse-radish roots S4.00Crt .f'0 per bbl. Arri.KS Thi ! apple maiket Is firm and stocks on hand am light ; Choice Missouri stock per bhl. S3.75Jii.00 ; Choice Michigan stock pei bbl. SI.OO. ONIONS Homo triown stock , per bu. 81.00 @ 1.40. Cin.riiY Choice stock , per dolOffTTic. . IjlIMO.vs A car of Messina lemons arrived this week In jjoud shape ; Messina per box , 85.00. OUANOKS Valeiiclaoiiraiices have arrived In tlio maiket : Valencia per ease , S7.25 ; do , 3 to 5 cases , S7. 00 ; Santa Anna oranges per bov , nao. CiANiiinnir.s : Capo Cod , fnncv , per bbl. 812.00 ; bull and bugle , per bhl , S10.00 ; Hell imd Cheiry. ' . ' .75 , HIIANR Inteilor stock , 75ii51.00 ; good clean country , 551.0.V ( < > 1.25 ; medluni , Imud picked , S1.40iSl.5o ; hand [ licked navy , 81.50 . . PnovisioNS Hani , llM@12c : breakfast baron , 9Kc ; cloarsltlo bacon , bj < , c ; diy salt siiis , be ; shoulders , 7e : drletl beef , regular , lie ; dried beef , ham pleres , 14e ; lard , W ) Ib cans , 7o ; lard , 20 Ib cans , Faiibanks , 7' c ; lard , 10 Ib cans , Fairbanks , 7)fe ) ; Iiui51b cans , 7Ke-i laid , 3 Ib cans , 7Kc. OvfiTins : Mediums , 20c ; standards , 20 ; selects , 30 ; extra selects , 3'xs ; N. V. counts , 40c. _ Grocers' l\nt \ , Picici.r.s Medium , in bbls , SO.OO : do. In halt bbls , S3.50 ; sin.ill , In bbls , S7.00 : tie , In halt bbls. Sl.oo ; gherkins , InbbU , 8S.CO ; do , in half lbl B , 84,50. OAS.VKnOoons-OyMers.stantlard , per case , S3. l.V 3.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. 5-5.20 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , jier case , 82. iO ; California pears , per case , 34.50 ; apricots , per casj , 54.01) ; peaches , per case , feS.tK ) ; white cher ries , pur castgo. . 00 ; plums , per case , 85,0" ) ; blueberries imreaso , o.'g plums , 2 Ib , per case , s2.5U : plueapnlus , 2 Ib , per case 2 Ib marrow fat , perc.iso , 8..40 riy 5'j ' ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , per case. 5J.75 ; 3 Ib toma toes , H2. ' 5ii2.--5:2 : ib.coru S.20ail.i ! ( ) . DIIUD : i'lit'ir No. 1 quarter apples , r * { @ Cc ; evaporated In boxes , 12 > 4@itc : ; blaek- berries , boxes , lO Qllc ; pcaehes , Salt Lake , 1630.10(7410 0 ; peaches , evaporated. 15'jc ' ; raspberiios , new , 2e ; ; currents , 7 ( < J7ke : prunes , new. etjdi.Tj.c. . KUGAHS Powderen , fi'ic7e ( ; cut loaf , f'Jfi ( ° Kctjaijulatoi1,8 ; ; 4rOl.c ( ; confectioners' A , iiJftfic : btaud.inl extra 0 , S WSJio ; extra C. ViVOiSKc ; nu'dltitn yellow , 4 % < e. Ordinary grades , I4) frci5c fait lpif l5Kc ; prime , r > X@iOe ; choice , 10aio ( > 4c ; fancy gieen and yellow , lOanc ; old BOV- ernmeiit Jav.i , 2Vj-jOo ( ; Inteiior .lava , 10K < 3 ate : ijoelia , 22t f24o : Arluicklo's roabted 20Xc ; MeLauglilfii'd XXXX roisicd. LlO' ' c ; Dilworlh's/'Jijc ; lt-d Cioss , 20' < e. MATCiiKS-Per caddie. 2so ; s-juaro cases , 51.70 : mule square. 31.20. SYKUINo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs , Sl.SO < il,25 : ; New Orleans per gallon 3s 40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 7c > ; 1 gal lon cans , DLT doz. 10.00 ; hall gallon cans , per dot , & 5.50 ; quait cans , SiOu. STAIICH Mirror gloss. 1 Ih , Cc ; mirror .i stick , CnACKViis-Oarneau's sodA , butter and picnic. 5 > < c : treamss ; > Hc ! ginger snaps. ° Ho ; ° bo -Kifk s savpn Imperial. S2.70 : Klrus satinet. S1W ; Kirk s standanl , S3.05 ; Kirk's white KuJslan. Si 00 ; Kirk's white- cap. SC.50 ; dome , § 3.83 ; washboard , 83.10 ; White cloud. 53.73. Generril Alnrkcti. UIDES Gieen butrhcr * . si acc ; green cured , "c : drv Mint , lim'e ; dry salt , Of.tlOc ; creen calf skins , Iw'V ' ; damaged hides , two-thirds price. 1 allow 3Vc , CSreaso Prune white , 3 < c ; yellow , 2'/c ; brown , lf bheep Pelts , 2va < 5c. \Ai.visiiKS Uauelj , t < ergallon ; ftiriil- ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. Sl-00 ; coach extra , 51.40 ; co.ich , No. 1,51.20 : Da- mar , extra , S1.7. " > S Janati , 70c ; a ] ) haltum , extra s. > c : shellac , S3JO ; hard oil linlsli , 51.5U FLOttu AND MiMATtTFo Winter wheat Hour , best nualltv n.itunt , 2.75 ; econd Itv , S'j.2' > ( .i250 : bc t uualitv spring wheat Hour , patent , 52.00 ( 2.70 ; . j | Welshatfs buckwheat Hour , per bbl. SrtOO ; do. double sacks. § 3.00 per hundred ; \V. J. welslmn's No. 1 , rcatly raised , forty 2 > 4 Ib packages In ca e , § 4,50 ; do. twenty f > Ib packages In can1 , 54.50 ; bran , 70s per cwt ; chopped feed , 75e per cut ; white com meal , "OcCjtSl.UO ; jellowcoru plow stt el sneclal cast,4 ' p ; crueible st cast IivU. tfo. 12irjiv ; wavtoii spokes , per set , S2.0i > ( ( ( . : j.f)0 ; hubs , per set , S1.S5 : felloes , sawed dry , 51-50 ; tongues , each , S'e : axels , each. 7'o : snmn ! nuU , per lb.flUrt.7lc : eoil chain , per Hi. 0 < ? 12c ; m.illeahle. 7ol'e ' ; neil wedge * , Cc ; crowbars , Oo ; hirinw teeth , 4'fe , spring steel , 7'i'c ( ! ; Hmden's hor'p slitu1 * . t4.00UurtIen ; s mule lmes. S\50. Harbeil who , in jjar lots SI.OJ per lOOllK Nails rates 10 toTM ) . S.'O : steel nails. 52. M. Shot , Sl.O'i ; buckshot , Sl.s , " ; oriental powder , kegs 5 = 2 50 ; do. half kegs , 5 ex ) ; do. quarter kegs , SI.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.35 ; fuse , per 10 leet. OTc. Lead bar , Sit' TAINTS tv On , While lead. Omnlia , 1' P. . T1wlntn ; lead St. Louis , pine , 87..6.Mar ; seilles green , 1 to Ib cans , 20. . ; 1'ieucii t me , creen seal , 12c ; reiich zinc , red seal , lie : Fren li 7ine. in varnHi nsst.'Oc : lo neli 7.1110.750enuillloii : , Knirllsh , In oil , 7."ic : led. lOc ; ro-o pniK. I4e : \ rnctlnn led , Cook- son's , 25 0 ; Venetian ted. Ametleau , l c ; reil lead , 7Kc : ehromo yellow , genuine , - ! c ; chrome yellow , K , We ; oclue , roehelle. ; e ; ochic , French. 28 c ; oclne , Amcriraii , 1' c ; U'intpr's mlneial , 251' ; Leulgh blown , 2' < e ; S , anlsh brown , 2Mc ; I'rluco's mineral , 3e briutrs Colotriiesulrlts. iS3 proof , 81.17 ; do 101 proof. ? ; spirits second quality , 101 proof , S1.17 : do 1 nioof. 81.10 Alenhol. IbS proot , 2.-'o per wine I'allou. Hedistilled whiskies , s-l.oo l.W ) . Gin , blended , si.fioon i.\00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 52oOt(100 ( ; Ken tucky ami Pennsylvania ryes , S--OOr o 50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , Sl." : Hranitles , imported , SVOOjS. ( " ( i : domestic , 51 30.rf3.00 , ( ilns iniiiortcn , SI.M ) HO.iX ) ; domestic , S1.25cit300. CliammKiies , Impotted. ner ease. 82S.OOS33.00 ( ; Ameiican , per case. SlO.OOyilO.W Dnv PAINTS Whlio lead , be ; French /Inc , 12c ; Par ! , whltlnn. 2'ic ; whiting , gliders , 2fo ; whiting , com'l , IMC ; lampblack , ( ! er- ninnstnwn. I'-'c ; lampblack , ordinary , * c ; Prussian biuo.V > oultrainarine : , ISs ; vainlyK- brown , Se ; umber , burnt , le ; umber , raw , 4 ; siennn , blunt , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c ; Paris gieen , genuine2V. . Pjiris green , com mon , 22e ; clirome green , N' . V , , 20e ; vermllhon American. lite : inninn raw aud burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , I2c ; raw anil burnt sienna , 12c : vandvko brown , I3c ; re- lineil Inmpblack 12c- coach blaek and Ivory black , lOc ; diop black. iCc ; Prussian blue , 40c : ultramarine black. ISc ; ehromo urecu.h. , M. A I ) . , lOc ; blind r.ntl shutter green. L.M. . < t I ) . , lOu ; Paris green , Ibe ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 'Je ; Tuscan , 22e ; American \ermillioii. L. it D. , 20c : yellow ochre , 2r ; 1 > . M. As O. D. . ISc : copd oclirp. Ific : natont drver , Sc ; cralnlng color , light oaic , dark oak , walnut , chestnut anil sh. l'-c. DKUOSAND < IIEMICAI.S. Acid , carbolic , R'-c ; acid , tartarlc , roe ? balsam copaiba , per f ) , ' 'Oc ' : bark --assafras. per Ib , lOc ; calomel , per H > , "SG , chlnclioniilla , per o40o ; clilnro- lorm , per Ib , 4 c ; Dover's powders , pei Ih , 81.25epsom ; salts , per tb , 3 > < c ; Kljeeiitie , pure , per Ib , 3'c ; lead , acetate , pel ft. 2lc ; oil , castor , No. 1. per gt , ! . , 81..We ; oil caiior , No. 2 , pur gal. , Sl-40 ; oil olive , ner gal. , S1.40 ; oil orliraiinum.Wo ; opium , $3.20 : quinine , P. it W. ami It. its , , per or. 70c ; potassium Iodide , per ! t > , 82.75 ; s.ilicin. pei oz. lOc ; sul phate morphine , per oz. SJ.iif ) ; sulphur , pur ni,4c ; strjchnine. ueroz. si.2 ; . Ki'iss AND amxs The following prices are for prlmo , well handled skins : Heaver , pi line , clean per pound , 81.50 ® : ; ( X ) ; fnjl , 81.2.'i C'i'nl.OO ' ; meaty anil Inferior. t < l.ifijl.2.'i. ( ( Hear , brown and crl/zly. 8500(11.00 ; rubs mid jeatllncs 82.00100. . Iad ! er. .Vl&tOOc. Cat , wild , 20lOc ( ; domestic , bluck , Htslle ; rlo- mestie , sundry colois. 5@sf.Fox. ml. SI.CO ® 1 25 : cinss S2 00 © 1.00 ; crev. 40J."ic ( ( ( ) ; sil\er , 810.CC'aiOOO. ( Fisher. S4.00iio.OO. ( ; Ottcr.fc4.00 ( gO.OJ. Martin , P1.00S1.75 ( , Muskiat , win ter , large , l 'c ' : lull. 5c ; kills , IP. Mink , larue , daik , 3. > fi40c ; small and pale , 1.1@20c. Kac- coon. latge irlme , 40Ct50c ; small niidintPiior , 20i/WOc. Skunk , common , 15 ( < 2oc. Wolf , laige crev , 51.50 ( 2.50 ; coyotn or prairie , 75 © Oc. ( Deer anil antelope , winter , per pound .5c ; full aud summer , per pound , 20c. Drr Liu moor. IIOAKUS. No.l Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft S17.50 No.a " 12 , HandlO ft 14.75 No.3 " " 12,14 and 16 ft 13.50 No.4 " " 12 14 and 10 U..T. 12.00 WMENMOSW AS'll Tl 2 ft U ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft ! ft U It 10.50 lfi.50 17.00 l8.OUgi.00 21.00 Hi r > u 10 ru 111.50 17.00 n.oojj.i02u'.ou 10.1J 10. 1(1 ( 17.00 18.IWJl.OOai.HO ZxlO I.JlBIW in.s , 18.50 17.01/ / is.or.-.uo''ioa ItLW IT.CH IR.IJO SJ.OO.OO in no I7.0H iKikr.'fiixi'vooii ' rnn.ivn AND PAUTITION. 1st com. , Jfin WliHo I'ino Partition. . . .Sltt.OO 2d " . " . . . . 27.50 2d Cora. % in. Norway Pine Colling. . . . K.'W ' FENCINO. No. 1 , 4 i&C Inch , 13 and U ft. , rouih. . . 817.05 No. 2 , 4 As Oincli , ia and 14 tt. . louixh. . . 14.00 Bl'OCK ItOAltOb. A 13 Inch. 40G . 8. .00 Uiaincli " " 4'JD . -1.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. la. . 10 , IBAUOft. . . 21.00 No. S. " " ' " " . . . l .r > 0 No.3 , " ' " 12&14ft . 17.00 . " lort . ID.OO SHIP i.Ar. No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 inch . S17.50 No. 2 , plain , 8 and 10 Inch . 15.50 ' ' ' ii'lv j ti,8' , ' " ' " ' 534ri0 ; NoJ > i'osis VvTiTtu'cedar , 0 In. , s , 12cj 8 in. rs. , y > 'c. CHICAGO SHORT LIE or run ChlcapMilvaiikee&StPaulB , , > f THE BEST ROTJTE FroQ mm and doifXCIL BLGITS it E.A.I3T. . . . TWO THAIN8 DAILY 'lIRTWnBN ' OMAHl , COUNCIL WI.UKW Chicaifo , AND,4j Milwaukee , St. Paul , BUnncapqlis , Cedar Rnpids , Clinton , Duhuque , Diivoiiport , Kock Island , FreupurU Kockford , Elgin , Madison , , Janes villo , Helolt , Winona , La Crosse , And all other fuipottnirt points Ilnul , NortUoa * ! unj BouUicuet. For thro'.itfh ticket * call on the Tiakat Aifon at 1401 Kiiriiuiii fitruut ( lu 1'uiton Hotel ) , or a Union Pftuillo Uujiot I'uUiniu ) blu ii r and the ttntut Dining Can la the world ure rue ou tlio miiln lin i of Iliu Cmcioo , Mn.wAtiKBU i ST. I'AUI , UAII.WAV. out ] orjr ttttontlon Is pnld to pneiongarj b/ uourteon * employes of ilia itompun/ , li. Mn.i.uii , Goncrnl Mann or. J. K. TUCKEH , A 3lbtanl Oenoral Man z r , A V. H. OAHI-Z.MKH , General P s n er ni Ticket Ag-ent. Uuo. n llEAFvnun , Assistant Oenerftl ftr und Ticket Atrcnt J , T , CIAKU , Uuuerul SuporltitoaJunt. A CABD. DR , ROBT7 GILMORE , ( Graduate of Dublin and Edinburgh , ) Con bo consulted imy hour t hlb toomi , 1613 HOWARD STREET. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. Leave I Lon\o ' . UltimSKTUAlXS. Tr.nisier. Umahn. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. This limb is on the lat- Jest * improved plan. The -Hest , Lightest nnd Easiest to niiuiago nnd the most durable limb made. I have had thirty five years' experience wcarinn"nian- ufacturiiifj and adjusting. Will give special rates Until March 1st. My best limb for $05. Former price $1CO. Circulars sent free Dr. J. S. CRAWFORD , 611 N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob. CHICAGO- RAILWAY- Omaha , Council BMs And Chicago. Th only road to tnVo for Dee Molnon , Mar- ghnlltown , ( eJarltmitils. Clinton , Dlxlo. Clilrn- ( jo , Mllwnukeo and nil points cast. To trie poo- nlo of Nnhraska. Colorndo. Wyomlnif , Utah , IilulioNevada , Oioprnn , WnnhliiKton and Cnll- fomla , It offcn supot lor ndvnntagns not possi ble by any other line. Among R few of tha numeroiin points of u- perlortty enjoyed by the pntrons of thin road between Omnhannd Clilonifo , nro Its twetiiilms Bdnyof DAY COACHES which are the Oncst thnt Inirann art and Ingenuity cnn create. Iti PAI/ACH HI.KKIM.NO OAII8 , whlcli arn mndnh of comfort and nln nnco Its PAUI/OU DHAW- INQ HOM ) CAIIS , imsurpinsotlbr any , nnd III widely oelobratod PALATIAL III NINO CA US , the equal of which cannot be found etitwhcro , At Council HlulTs tlio trains of the Union Paci fic Hy. connect In Union Oopnt with the e of the Chlocffo & Horthwcatorn Ry , In ChlcORO the trains of this line iniike close connection with those of nil eastern linns For Dotrolt , Columbus , Indlimapolls , Cincin nati , Nlaxnra Kiilla , llnlTalo , PtttBhurir , Toronto , Montronl , lloeton , New York , Pliiliidolphlx , llnl- tlmor * . wnshlnRtnn nnd oil ro'nts ' In tlio oait , aik the ticket ncent for tlrkotn via tha WmrHWKhTKIlN. " If you wish thq best r.o-ommodntlons. All Hfkdt njnnt'fell ticku'g t alhlf line JI.IIl'OHITT. E. P Wir. < ON. ( Joncrnl Jtnnairnr , finnl. Pnss'r Afrent WM. IJAIICOCIC , clllunfo.IIIv. | J1.I10LL153 , ( j Western A t Clly l'.m \ f t OMflHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Artists' Material. . A. HOSP E , , Il Artists' Materials , 1'iunos nnd 1E11 DouulnB Urcot , Oninliu. Agricultural Implements. PAititEJt , Agricultural Implements , Wagons , tB and lluKKlet. Jones Mriiut , Letwuin Ctj ! unil lUtli.Oiiiuliu , ib. LININGER Ll METCALF CO. , Affi'lciillnral Iiniiloinonts , \Vouoni.rnrrlanoi , nnerloi , KtcWho'esnle , OTiah LEE , FltTEI ) cO CO. , To'jbors of Ilanlwnro niul Nails , Tinwnic. Shoot Iron , Ktc. Ai/enln for Howe bculej , HnU illlunl ruwdfrCi. . Orualm Nth JtECTOJt ,0 WJLHELMY CO , , AVholcaulo JIanlwnro. \VoHrrn airnti fur Jetrerfon Hud Nnlln. Austin I'owikrt'o , ( Hlrtenkt. t-taiuhirrl f-inli , . Cuiucr 10th mil llnrnar , Oualia PA ItLIN , O It IJNDOHFA MARTIN WholetalD Dealers la Agricultural Implement a , auil Uuggtci. 901 W3 , vOo uud W Jonei > t OjjJjjUJOBBERS' DIRECTORY Butter and Eggs , McSHANE r SCltROEDE2t , Ihiyors of Butter niul Etrps. AcfrUrtrMor anil Purtlrc Itomo. llth nn > ) worth St , I' r. II. It. 1 ruck , Otn h . Builders' Hardware and Scales. Builders'Hardware * Sen loHepalr Shop Mechanics' Tooli nnd lluffnlo 9cnlc . 1405 Do Eln > U , - Omaha. Neb. floors and Shoes , SHOE COMPANY. Manufacturers nnd \ \ holcMlc Dealers In Hoots and Shoes , Complete- Mock of lluM-pr Woods nlwvs on linni KM H. 13th it. . UBIMIB , _ N ti.A. _ T. Au llii. Apont. If. 7 * . MOUSE .0 CO. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Karnam M , Dranhn , Neb , Manufactory , Summer meet , HoMim. Z. T. IjlXIfSsl'iV CO. Rubber Hoi N mil Shoos. Hub nudoiloJU Kthlnit nnd fait lUat I , KaitCurncrlltli nnd Douelns. fleer. .If. JtEATlXG , . for Anhcuscr-Hush Hrewinff Ass'u Hpeclnl llrnnds. I'mut , lludwelser nnJ llrlancer. Liifjer Heer 1S31 North Kih Street , Omnlm , Neb , Butchers' Tools , 7.7) ( V.S / / EL L Et Hutrhers' Tools and Supplies , O Ciislns ) of nil MiidR nlwns In "lock. 1115 JUIUTPI . Oiuuhu Building Material. oMATr.i f.rMHEii co. , llo-vk" . All KlinU of Hnildinqr Material at Whole-snip. 13th Htropt mid Union IMcltlc Track , OinahK. Coffee , Spices , Etc. Omaha Coffee and Spire Mills. a .Oou'oo * , Spires , ll.iklnu Po dor , KltvorliuKr- tmcta , Ijiunary Illue , Ink. lite , lilt lullnrcey bircot , Uiiiuhi , Neb MILES , Jlonio ColFeoand Spice Mills M'f'ir Co. Co'TeoRuitsterannd Splio Orlndeio , ilHn'ifHctiircri of lluklnic I'owder , Kl ivorlna Kttrict , Ithilntf. Ktr Tr < > one inst * of inir l > n > pnckHue lloinu Ulund Hoiiitad CXirr.'U Kit , llowiirdrt .Omtbii , Nv't. Cornice. John Eponctcr , Prop. llanufacturcr of Onlvniilzed Iron nnd Corntco. 023 Dodge nnd 10.1 nnd 135 N , 10th at. . tmah ) . Neb. MUEMPJXG ll JIOLTE , Mnnufncturer of Ornamental Galvanized Cornices , Dormer Window r , Klnaln. Mclallci-kyllfht.etc. 3108. Ut i t .Omntiii , WESTEltN CORNICE WQliKS , C. Speclit , Prop. flnlvantred Iron Cornice' , ete. Spect'ntmnrovod Pat ent Motullo Skyllnht. 'Mi und MU H lllh K . ( Inmlm. Carpets. OMAJIA CA li PEI CO JobbOM of Carpets , Curtains Oil Cloths , Mnoloiniu , MnttlnKB. Kti' . 1511 Donc'nt stri'i't. Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , H , Curtnln Uoodn , Ktc. 1UJ bnrnam fctrcct , Omaha. Neb , Crockery and Notions. "Irr/r 'wit fffJiT , Agontfor the Manufacturer * and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lnmps , Oilninejr , itc. OtHcc , 31 ? South 13th St. Oiuilm , Nob. Commission and Storage. Commission and .lobbing. Butter , ECKSitnd Produce. Con > lRriucniu rollcllod. Iluudquiirtors for blon 'wnr , llcrry llorc iitid ( rnpu llnekcti. Itlt lotljubtreet ) , Omnhtt. PEYCKE JiROS. , Connnlssiou Jrorchants. FrnltK , Produce ami I'rorlklont , OnmliR , Neb. W. E. Storage and Commission Merchant. bpeclalttf K Ilntte * ' . l fff9. ( Mieesu , Poultrj. Guiuo. OlBture. , Ktc llisonih Hth ( trcct Produce Coniinission Jlcrt'liants , Poultry , Hutter , Ciinia , Knilts , etc. 3X > S. Hth st ( llllllllA , Null , Coal ana" Lime. P. MILESTONE & CO. , Dealoi-B In Hard und Soft Coal , Offlco and yard , nnd Nlchulna u. , Umchu , Neb , Varf * Telciihunu. W7. OEO. K. I'rcs. C. F.OOOIIMAN' , V. Pro. J. A. HU.NIJEIU.AND , beo. nud Trc.'is. OMAHA COAL , COKE < U LIME COMPANY Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal. J South Thirteenth Street. Omahn. Noh. , T. , T. JOHNSON < 0 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And thtpi [ < > ra of Tonl and Coke. Cement , Planter , Ume.llalr , Klro llrl < It , Driiln. Tlio nnil Hewer Plpu , onxo. P.ixton Hotel. Varitum et. , Umiha , Nvb. Teli'1'honn HI. Confectionery. > ; j > . FAYA co. , Hannfiicliirinff Confectioners , Jobbcri or KlulH.Nutd niiclClciUB. 12111'aruum St , Omuhn. Cigars and Tobacco. MAX MEYEJI , e cai Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco , Quni and Ammunition , 315 torn S IHUlt. , 1020 to _ VJU r rn mH..Omi\haNob , _ WEST C FJlITSCHEIt , Munufacturcrs of Fine CicrarH , , And WliolrtAln DoHlcri In J.i' f Tubarcoi , NOB. 106 udllON.1 th itrnet , Onintin , _ _ HOUSE11 , C WOODLAND , Whole aln DQHleM In Cigars , Tobaccod , I'lpiid aud Smokers Articles. A entufor I ) . r,9ljorilorf * Co. , Klno-Cutand Smok TobucooB , Mlluraukou , WUooniln. No. 1 11 .NoriU Utooolliblraut. Oraatin , Neb , Dry Goods , Dry OoodH , FiirnishiiiK' floods & Notions 1102 mid 1101 Douiilue , cor. llth 8t.Omnhn , Neh. Distillers , DIHIIIcrt or I'lquorB , Alcohol and Fplrltn. luiportero nuil JubbcriotVlnvtand I.Ujiiori. WILLO H'NPJtlNGN DIHTILLE'V CO. and JLEIl ,0 CO. , Importer nnd Jobbctrof Klnn Wln - and Mqnnri. Buleiimnutnoiumiinr Keunvdr'i Kaillndl/i Illl- tin nii'J Doind'le I Iquort. 1112 Ilurnoj ft. Drain Tile , Etc. A. ll.BAlEU.Pr" J-w llriirnnn.Hoc.iTfom It. J. CAK'OV V.l'ici.unilbupt. THE f/.VJO.V IIYDItAULIO DKA1N TfLE CO. , OfBeo 211 H 14lh tt. Omtthn. Nel > HachlneryanC o lur Manufuciurii.k' foment llniin 'lilu. Furniture. JJEH'EY , P STONE , Wliolcaalo Deuleis In Knriiiturs. Farnnui H , Oinnhn. Nitb. C1IA ItLES KillI'EItlCK , Furniture , Hoddiiiif , Upholstery , Ulrron , etc. 1SOC.1J03 and 1719 I'arnniatt. Oinaba. OM4H4JOBBERSDIRECTORY Groceries , GALLAGIfEH ,0 CO , , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , * P TiXi , 707. tPtt nti.l til S. IQlli St. Om hn. X b. Mccoiti ) , jtitA t > r c co. , Wholesale Grocers , ISIn nml I.Pxrenirprtti MCiush . Hardware , if. r. into ATC ir , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring * , Vugnn stork , llnrdnaro Lumber , elo. 1209 _ i n > l U llarney H.dnmlm. Wholesale Iron nnd Steel , htc. cnworth M. , Oniulm , Neb. MILT ( F Stoves , llniiup ? , Furnaces , Tiles , " " i , Urnis ( loixld. rai nnd 1311 Mn-i't. Iron Works. PAXTONd * VIER Iron Works , Wrouclit ml Putt Iron lliilMltiu Work , Iron Ptnlrf , llnlnni ; , llrauin niul ijtnlrrn. Mrnm Kiifliu-K. llrn n Work , ( It nornl JToinnlrjr , Mnohltio niul HlnoH ralttJ > ot . Orciifmi IWutin.f. I' lly niulUlli flu'CI. K. 11 MrMANl' . C Sl'M.lV.VN. OMAHA iriltE , VJHON U'OUKS , Mnntifnoliirori" of Wire anil Iron Itulliuurs , tosk ) Italia , VVIiulnw llunnl * . I'lonor Stnrnl * . Wlrn Mmm , Klo , 13.1 N trill. Untori lij iiinll | ironiitlj | nttpiuloil to. Lumber. LO I T1S li list D FO II / ) , Denier in Lumber , Lath , Lhm > , Sash , Doom , Kto. Yutila Corner " 111 utul lou lnii | Coruof yth nml Housing. CHICAGO LUMJiEli CO. , Wholesale Lumber , P14 P. llth Mrcet.Oiiwhi , Neb I . ( Vlpctier , MniURCr. c. y. y.Lumber. Lumber. IStli mid Cnllfornln Stloctp , Orontm , Nob. Fit En W. GJtAY , Lumber , Llmo , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor.fth ivinl DouKlm its , Omnlia , No1) . 11O AG LAND , Lumber. T. W. lIAJirEYLUMJiElt To Dealers Only. Office , 140.1 Knrnntn etrcot.Onmlm. CJIAS. Ji. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , \Vooil Cnrpct niul 1'nrquot Flooring. Clli nnd DouglM Oiuulm. JOHN A. WA KEFfELD , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. Imported ml Anirrlrnn Portland Cement , Rtntfc Agent lorMIIniuiVcu llyilrnullo Ceiuuntuml licit yulncy Whltul.liuc. Live Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. I.lmltail. John r. Boyd , S-ipcrlntordent. Live Stock Commission. M. JIUHICE ,0 SONS , Live Stock Commission. Ooo. llurkn , llnmiitnr union Stock Vnrds , H. Onuilin. Tolcpliono 68t. SAlrAGK tO ( JltEEN Live Stock Commission Merchants , Bhlpmrnti of uny nml nil kinds of Stock nollolted. Union Stock Yufiln. Oumhn , Neb. Millinery and Notions. Importero unit Jobbcrg of Millinery and Notions , 15l,1nml 12l5Hnrncy Pt.cet , Omalm , Neb. Notions. C. S. GOODHICJT , ( TG'O.f Are tlio only Direct Importers of Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Ncbnmkn. CblcnKO prices iluiillentorl without add- liiKlrciglit. Ulli I-IUIIMIU f < ire t , Omnlia. J. T. ItOJilNitbN NOTION CO. , Wholesale Dcnlem In Notions and Furnishing' Goods , 40.1 nnd 403 H Tenth Ht , ( Uniilia. o SCHNEIDER , Jobbern In Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing ( rlOlS. ( lOfyinnil 10T ) Pnrnura Ht. , Omahn , Neb , Overalls. COMPANY , Srannfactiirers of Overalls , Joani rants , SlilrU , Ktc. 110 ? nnd 1101 I > ou jlui Ktrcct , Oumhn , Ni'b , Paper Boxes ,7. L. WJLKIE , Mnnnfncttircr of Paper HOXPP , 8.Kill 8t. . Oianb , NabruikH. Urdorn liy mn llcltocluuU will reculvo proin l atloutluii. Printing. 21EES PltINTIlfG COMPANY , Job Printers , IHank Hook Makers , And llook Illiidcri. 1 ( ; nnd llri South Fuuitucutb trc ft. Oumhn , Neb , PA PElt CAVJOJV Auxiliary I'libliHliers. Dealers In TJIIO. I'rc o nnil rrlnters' Supplies. (09 houth Twelfth htront. Pumps. cinritciriLL PUMP co. , WholeHftlo Pumps , Pipe , KitthitfB , PtOHraunil Water Pupiillfa llvnilqunrturt fur Must toiHCo'aUM4 . HlU'iiriiHiii > t. , Onuilin , Noli. A.L. STltAXG C07 Pumps , 1'ipos and Kn ines , Btcaro , WHter , Hillnny nnil Mllllni ; hiiimllPB. Uto. D , V nnd VU hnrnnm gtOiiiiihn. Nub. U. ft. WIXl ErXE and PUMP COMPANY. IlBllad 7 Wind Mlllii rlcnm nnd Wfttor Pnipllo , J'luiublnKl'Oodt. lleltlnv. llomi 1 < IB und /ju fur- nain it. , Uninlm , H K. 1 olu > n , . 210. Safes , Elc. Il , C CO. , ' & Lock C'o.s' Agents for IIuH'H Safe . Fire nnd llurxlar Proof Rnfui , Tlma lx > rki , Viiulta and Jail Work , IIMJ Mnmra ilroel Oiiinlm , Nob. G. ANDItEEN , Omnlia Knfo WorUfi. HenufHcturerMif Flraund IlurulnrProorRnfri , Vnult Uourn.Jull Wurk.Hhutceri unU Wlniork. . Cur , llthuiutjackion Kl > . Omulu , Nxb , Sasti , Dears , Etc , Wliolo alu MnnufBCturon of HitHli , DOOTH , HlintlH anil Ilrnncli oalfc.l'ali tiul Kurd eta.rjL < J. I'LYJIA ' N , Sit li , Door , ItlimlB , Ilulldlnir I'sper. etc. 1011 Mouth Tliliteeiitli Htroct , ( juiuhu , .Stli. A cnmiilftu rtutk uf llullduri' MANUFA CTUltINU CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Interior Hard Wood I'lnlih Jutt optni-d , N. K cur 6th and j Oiuuhu , NJb. Wagons and Carriages. The Leadin'Uiirriairo ( Factory , ( HXI < IDIIt.ll 1 * 1 1IU9 undlin liuUtomieut , Oiuxhu.