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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1887)
THE CXMAHA DAILY BEE : .E . IDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1887. tic n very uneasy. A mcctlnc was held hull'lay ' night In consider the advisability forming an open union. An executive com mittee , appointed at that time , decided last night to leave the Knitjhts ot Labor and scud lo the American Federation of labor for a charter. Tlio Tj3l > or Convention Closed. Si'nixonnr/n , 111. , Jan , 27. The conven tion of the Stale Iaborassoclalion was closed to-day , A resolution winch was referred to thooxeriitivo ooinrnttlco was offered oppos ing tl.o establishment of a braneh ot tlm United SuteH army at Cliiu.iio. ( The chief /eatiirctif to-iUy's session was the abtiso tint was directed a/alnst r < M > "r.trs ! for alleged inlsropnv-i-ntliu of ynsterday's proreedinzs. A resolution was adopted to the elTeet that ( be statement contained In the Associated press report as to the conlliel between the Knluhts of Labor and trades unions was nn- true nnd ri'n.dcitin a correction. Thoreso- liilloniis to ailed and one offered In Its statiuiM'ial ' the conflict , so-called , be tween the two order.s hid ended with the adoption ol the bltiu label. Coal Mining to lln Hosmnrd. WII.KKSIIAIIIIK , 1'a. Jan. 27. The Wllkcs- bnrro Hecord \ authorized to announce to morrow that all the collieries of the I.chlgh & Wllkesbarro COA ! company will rcsuiiio oper ations on Saturday at their full capacity. This slop Is made posslblo by reason ot the comjiany having succeeded In overcoming tlio labor dlfllciiltlos at 1'ort Johnson. Tbo vast qtmntttv of coal that Is sldo tiaeked In this roglun will bo forwatded to 1'oit John- sou to-morrow as fast as It can bo taken over the railroads. NRW YOUR STOCKS. Tlio .Market IJpJcctrd nnd All News of n lliulicnlly IlcNirlsli Nature * . ftr.wYomt , Jan. 27. [ Special Tolesrain to the Uii : : . ] The stock market opened rngKcd and dejected this morning. Alt news was ot a depressing nature , and .sentiment , which afler all makes pilces , was radically bearish. The bulls apparently possessed neither conra"o nor resources , and any feublo attempt to rally prices was promptly met by yonlidcnt .sales from the bear quarter. The strike amoiic coal handlers was repotted to have assumed a most serious aspect. Kor- uljtn operators \\eroasnlnihellcis of Amor- lean Blocks and tin1 rate of stci II111 ; exchange wasdaiiKWously near to the uold exporting point. Added to these tartars was the un certainty caused by the prospect that the In- tor-statocouimeico bill would become a law and brine about sweeping ehaiitcs ; in a uood many eommeichil Intetests. A ftnr shotts c.iiuo In on thu opening decline and tlu.'lr coverlnu paused a. Irnctlonal rally , which was lost airaln wlion the pressure was icinorvil. Tiadprs WITH Ron- orally expectint ; a dull market , spreads buhiK olTe.riid on St. I'mil lor eleven d.iys at ! } < i per cent , for 05 for each 100 shares. A rumor was cuuent at one time that Attorney Gen eral Garland had retutncd the Inter-statn pommerco bill to the , Indorsed "nncoiiytltlitlonal , " but no aiithorltativo In- fornmtlon could bt ) secured on this point. At noon this market was steady at about tlm opening. There weio few features in the market. After mid-day it was noticed that ROIIIU pooplu weioiiuiotly picking up stocks , but tlicro no pioisuru to buy , and the of fer in 1:1 were plentiful enoiiL'h to lemovo tlio neeesBity of biddlnc up jirlces In older to tot stocks. Chicago dispatches woio bearish on Graimors. and the feellnclat the clobo was anythlnirliut Htron ; ; . The total sales were about 2oOCOO , shates , Natural Gna In Illinois. Si'itiNOKir.M ) , Jan. 27 In the house of tlio Illinois legislature to-day , while discussing the resolution of thanks to Senator Ciillom In connection with the inter-state commerce bill , a member received an Associated press dispatch daled Washington , January S3 , set ting forth that the legislative committee of the Knights of Labor had ro- miested President Cleveland to veto the Intcr-stato commerces bill. Dlxou , of Cook branded the dispatch as a falsehood and said that It had been promulgated In the Interests of monopolists. Kopreeontattvo Bailey , ono of his lieutenants , thought DIxsou was mistaken ; that ho himself was not prepared to the bill until ho lurtliiir understood Us provision ! * . Halley was cheered to the echo by the democrats. The resolution was linally rufcrred to tlio committee on federal relations. Hold IIH a A , Mont , Jan. 27. Hon. A. J. Beltgman , II. W. Child , E. AY. Bach and Thomas West , ofllcers of the Gregory mining company , went to tins mine yesterday near Wicks to close down tlio works and opeia- tlons. The company has been running behind - hind several months. On their arrival , when their mission became known , these pontlo men were laken into custoity as secmity by the exasperated minors , who have two mouths' waves duo. The men closed down the works and took possession of the town. They are peaceable and orderly. Hach , Child nnd West were linally allowed to come- to Helena to raisu Hinds to pay the men. tiellinnan was hold as a hostage and security for tholr rctuin. Seligman Is a son ot Jcsso Sellcman , of Seliuman Uros. , bdiiitors , Now 1'ork. TELiEOKAPH NOTES. Slightly colder , fair weather , is the prcdlc , tlon lor to-day. 11. S. Jlay & Co. , Now York , wlno dealers failed yesterday for SC7.00U. President Cleveland's icceptlon to congress nnu the judiciary took place last evening at the white hoiiso. The schooner Carthage , belonging at Glou cester , is believed to bo lost , together with her ciow of ten men. PlnUortori & Turner , boot and slioa manu facturers of .Monticai , have asiiKiied , with liabilities amounting to $180,000 and assets of S-JO.OOO. Lumber rates on Iowa , Minnesota nnd Da kota roads will not bo changed until a mcut- Ing of general managers to consider the Inter-stato commerce law. A jury has been secured in the case of "boodlefi Alderman O'Neill , of Now York , and vostoidav KiilgialV. one of thu "squeal- ers , " ( cstllied against his tormcr associate. Sir Charles Tupper is to enter the Canadian cabinet as minister of linance , Hon. A. W. Mcl.ollan Is to bccomo postmaster general , . and Sir Alexander Campbell retires trom tlio ministry. A bout'-00 women broke Into the basement of St. Stephen's church last evening and sur- lounded Or. McGlynn's confessional. Father Donnelly ordered them to leave , but he was driven out of the church. The police were called and cleared the church. ItrovltlcN. The revenue collodions yc&tortlay amounted to $5,311.'J7. Edgar C. Snyilor , associate editor of tlio Excelsior , is an thu sick list. F. S. Heutli , u blo.yolo punt ; of Minne apolis , is in tliooity on IMunot lodiio , K. of 1' . , will glvo its annual bull in .Mot/ hall on I'obruaryTth , The directors of the board of trade luivo employed John Hood as engineer at the new chamber of commerce , W. 1) . Heehel , of KuusasCity , president of the KnnstiH City , Wynndotto it Wi'.st- orn railroiid , and Newman Erb , nttornoy for the same company , am at tliu 1'axton. Pluttsmouth capitalists have pitrohusod from .John A. CruiKlitou n twc'iuy-acro tract immediately north of Lowe's addi tion. The consideration paid was $50,000. The police aru looking up the case of a man named Albert Drunker , of Sioux City , who sold u span of mules and a span of horses which had been mortgaged to E. 1' . lieges , of that city. Alter dispos ing of the property in this city last Tues day , DrutiKur went west. It is believed that ho will ho captured before long , as there are good olues to his whereabouts. AVintoc Suits. 91 Ill the county court yesterday the Mer kt\ chants' National bank commenced suit John ( Jholhnan for f'235 on a promissory. Stoiv. & Her commenced two suits against Arthur 1'urtull , ouu for SU'U for goods sold ami delivered and for $100 on promissory notes. John Osborn , tjons&t'o. , ol hew York , commenced fcidt against ( J. W. Duncan for Sirj.ys on promissory notes , The Hank of Omaha commenced suit against U. W. Edgerton nnd Charles Hramlcs for ? 200 on promis sory vto3. PARLIMIEXT AGAIN OPENED , , Quiet Reassembling of the Lords and Com moners in London , THE ADDReSS OF THE QUEEN. SIic Refers to the Situation In us the Gravest Question to 13 o Considered herd Randy Explains. England's LoxnnN1 , Jan. 27. [ Special Cablegram to the Hr.r..1 The following Is the full text of the queen's speech dcllveicd at the opening or pirllamcnt to-day : My Lords and Gentlemen : Sly relations with all forelen powers are friendly. Affairs in southeastern Kuropn are still unsettled , but I do not apprehend that any disturbance ot .European peace will result from unad justed controversies which have arisen In that region. Whllo deploring the events which compelled Prince Alexander to retire from the llulgailan throne. 1 have not judged It expedient to. Interfere In the proceedings for tnn election of his successor until they reach a stage at which my assent Is toqulrcd by the Ilcilln treaty. The task undertaken by my government In Kgypt has not yet been accomplished , but substantial advance has been made toward assurance of external and Internal tranquility. Operations in Hurmah have been conducted with bravery and skill for the purpose of extirpating brigandage , which has grown- during re cent years. The bands of marauders by whom upper Burraah has long been In fested have been dispersed , many of the leaders have laid down their aims , and I on- teitain the coniident hope that the general pacification of the country will bo effected dining the present season. Commercial treaties have been concluded with Greece and Itoumaula. Gentlemen of the Ilouso of Common * : Estimates will bo submitted to you , framed with careful regal d to economy and efficiency of the public service. MyLoidsnud Gentlemen : The condition ot Ireland still lequlres jour anxious atten tion. Gruvo crimes In that country have happily been rarer In the last few months than dm Ing the similar period of the prcced- In-r years , but the relations between the owners and occupiers of lands , which In the early autumn exhibited signs of Improve ment , have since bi-on seilously disturbed In BOIUO districts by organi/.cd attempts lo incite thu latter class to combine against the fulfill ment of their legal obligations. The efforts of the government to cope with this evil have been seriously Impeded by dilllctiltles Inci dent to the method at present prescribed by the statute lor dealing with such offenses. Your tally attention will bo called to pro posals lor reUirm of legal procedure which seem necessary to secure the prompt and olli- dent admlnistiatlon of the criminal law. Sinro I last addressed you the commissioners diiectcd to Inuiiire into certain objects of creat importance to the material weltaro of Ireland have been actively prosecuting their labors. Thcrnpoitof the commission of HID operation of the lecont acts dealing with the tenure and puichase of land will shortly be laid belore you and will doubtless receive lioin you the early and careful attention which the Importance of the subject demands. Bills lor Iho improvement of the local gov ernment in KiiL-Inim nnd Scotland will be "aid before you. Slioum circumstances ren ter it possible they will bo followed by a measure dealing with the same subject In Ireland. A bill for improving and cheapen ing the process of private bill legislation tor England , Scotland and Ireland will bo sub mitted. You will bo asked to consider nieas- ires havjng for their object the removal ot lindranccs which exist to tlio cheap and rapid tiausferof land to facilitate the provi sion of allotments for small householders. and to provitfe for the readier sale of glebe lands. The commission which 1 Issued in 183o to Inquires Into the lamentable depression under which trade and azilimlturo have been buffering for many years , have presented a valuable ropoit , which , with important uvi- : l nce collected , will bo laid betoro you. A lIII for alteiing the mode ot levying tithes in England and Wales will be submitted. Wit regard to Scotland , you will be asked to consider moasuies for the reform of uni versities , for completing recent legislation as to thu poweii of the secretary for Scotland , and for amending the procedure of the criminal courts. Measures dealing with ( ho legulation of railway rates and preventing the traudulentuse of merchandise marks will bo bro.ight under your consideration. In the pcit'oimanco of these and all your other momentous duties , I earnestly pray that the blessing of Almighty God may attend your labors. ' A DUI.T. OI'IIJJI.VO. LONDON ; Jan. 27. The scenes at the open ing of parliament to-day were duller than those usually attending this event. Sir Randolph Churchill , when ho lirst entered the commons , tried to take the coveted seat below the L-angw.w which he formorlv occu pied. Ho found that It bail been taken by Henry Chapman , whoso hat was on the seat. It is notorious that a feud exists between Churchill and Chapman. The speech from the throne excited little intoii-st. The weather was damp and foggy. The P.irnell- Ites , alter the rending of the queen's speech , bold a conleicnco and discussed the advisa bility of ofloringan amendment to the ad dress in reply to It. They adjourned without coming to a decision. Lord Randolph Churchill entered upon an explanation of the icasons which led him to resign the chancellorship of the exchequer. lie said ho retired because tlio govci nment's naval and military estimates cxccoded ! ! > , - 000.000 , withoutcountlng largo supplementary estimates. He insisted on having these esti mates i educed , but his colleagues lotused to cut them down , "althouirh , " added Lord Ran dolph , " 1 had been urging economy over since August. " Lord Randolph then re- 1 erred to the government's foreign policy and deelaied , amid loud opposition cheers : "I also objected to the government's policy of needless inteifcranco in affairs of other nations. " Lord Salisbury opened tlio debate for the government by alluding to the resignation of Lord Randolph Churchill , saying the govern ment was sensible of the loss It sustained through his icslgnatlon. The premier said , however , ho thought the execution of Ran dolph Churchill's policy at the piesont time would Indict injury on the puullc .service be cause it was a time when no one could tell wliatcilsls might happen. The marquis salti he hoped the conservatives would soon again have the advantage ot Lord Kandolph Churchill's service , Gladstone was apnlaudnd when ho called Lord Uaiidolph Churchill's resignation a sacrifice in behalf of a sound economic pollc > and the judicious mode in which ho pro posed to npplv the principles ho advocated , He ( Gladstone ) found no fault with the gov ernment's foicign policy , but ho thought thai Lord Salisbury's Mansion house speech was calculated to nrouso apprehension , and tlio country was entitled to bu reassuied. Refer ring to the Canadian liahciies question , he s.ild ho trusted that the papers on the subject would speedily bo pioswited to thu house Ho was le.uly to Itet ten to one that the loca government question would not bo sottlec this session. _ Scones at the Opening , ICopjrfyil&J7 / / lj l \ Jiunrs ( ; > ni < m Iltnnrtt , ' } LONDONJan. . 23. [ Ne w Yoi k. Herald Cable Special to tlio DEI : . ] The lirst day of par llaiuent has just muted. It appropriately mel on a misty , molsty alteriioon , The peers ami members who hail driven or walked to the palace yard disappeared Irom the view o thousands of shivering spectators outside Into an impenetrable fo ; Inside. The cham ber of tlio peers looked doleful with its din gaslight. The throne was empty , and only a feu pcorosses were present in dull walking dresses. Lord Salisbury scorned to bo litho the "dumps , " and Lord Granvllle was mul audio ! } ' . The sent of Lord Iddeslolgl was vacant. Upon him , as the lirsl business eulogies were made. In England no ad journments are made anywhere for a death and no memorials are placed on the minutes The atmosphere around the black rod o Admhal Drummoud was blacVer than hi wand. The lord chancellor smacKed hU lip as he read the queen's speech , Humoring wit ! gusto on the ten "Ps" which It contained Then speeches followed on the queen' spet'cli , and Lord Huischell made the stereo typed tory announcement that the govern ment would strongly tight Irish home rule. The house of commons was , hnnover , jolly Captain Selwyn , the Cambridge member not jet twenty , and the son of a late justlc of t lie court of appeals , a descendant of th Selwyn ana n brave horse guard lightu In Kgypt , had been the imst caily bird t catch the worm that Is , lua favorite seat with lib hat. .Soon after his traditional > rcakfast on Hampshire bacon and Devon- hire cc , Lord Randolph Cl.iurcnlll , who Is othinc If not otlelnal , claimed his scat be- ilnd his old one , by depositing there a now air of gloves Instead ot his hat , T. C. O'Con- lor was wildly cheered by the liberals and Is Parnclllte colleagues on entering , bc- auso It Is well understood that he was the cal winner of the Liverpool election by islng smart American polling tactics and hat ho prevented the Goschen people from uloptlng ether American tactics by which hey might count in Goschen. Pnrnell , look- ng palo and feeble , was also loudly wcl- omcd , but when Gladstone came the rafters vcro endangered. As L. J. Jennings went jp the gangway the liberals scowled , rcmem- jtulng that his latest book , published last vcek , Is uncomplimentary to Gladstone. Jut , generally , little interest was shown , not sven when the orchid and eyeglass of Cham- erlaln their "Joe John " beamed ( , , Imper ially on Ids friends and foes. The galleries , however , were not yet open , xccpt the reporters' , which was crammed nd echoed with the scratch of pens. Now came the usual farce. Strangers cannot join lie devotions ot the house , so the reporters , Iko wretched sinners , were cast out Into tlio utermost darkness of the lobbies. Party nlmositles were then soothed by an cxelti- ivo prayer from the chaplain , the Hon. and tov. F. E. C. Byng , whoso first wlfo was a Ister-ln-law of Lady Miles , who figured In he Colin Campbell caso. Then the heathen opoi tors were re-admitted and the galleries were opened , Mrs. Gladstone taking a seat o glance embraces at her Tom , while Leonard Jerome's daughter was shooi ng proud glances at her .Randolph as he sat nirsllng almost with explanations. Among ho new members who teak the oath was Dr. Jobertson , of Brighton , who was blind. He vas led amid friendly cheers to the desk by ils tory colleague , William Marriott , the ad- ocalo .general. Liberal , ana especially Irish cheers , also greoled the sneaker's reference o the Liverpool vacancy , and when ho said hat Paxton was elected to sit for Belfast , and a letter was read from McCarthy saying 10 would sit for Dcrry. li ish groans greeted ho new war minister , William HenrySuiith , vhon he announced fresh procedure rules , xmld some Parnellito exclamations oJ "G.ig , sag , gag. ' ' Then followed notices of coming > ills. The list of the lirst day's pioposifions Deludes bills to amend the Irish land I.iw , to ; t abettor London government , to prevent .ho postolllco trom employing foreign .steam ers in carrying malls , to Institute local option iquor laws , and to obtain a minister of agri culture. Howcvertexpccatlon was soon centered on [ iord Kandolph , who seemed to bo In an ex- ilanatlve dropsy. The technical business over , ho received a sign Irom Iho speaker ind lose , with a red camella in his button inle , amid a profound and complimentary silence and looking as cool as a great actor on a one hundreth night. At his lirst word , Mr. Gladstone put his hand to his ear , lean- ng on his elbow , as ho Is wont when ho Is very attentive. A rustle it was Lady Ran dolph leaning against the lattice of the .idles * gallery. Then the ex-chancellor of the exchequer delivered a lucid speech. It s nlvcn eloquently and in a solid , states manlike manner. It was a speech that was studiously moderate- and lasted about thirty- ive minutes. Then Mr. W. II. Smith , successor in the leadetship , followed in a dry , olliclal and lommercial stylo. Ho was a good foil for the Jrilliant orators who preceded him. Next came Mr. Gladstone , who was In line voice and evidently full of energy and hope. His speech was principally occupied In lauding his old secretary , Lord Iddeslcigh. 2sToxt came the dummies , who had been selected to move and second the queon's address , and Lhey prattled out tlio speeches prepared for them by the cabinet. Again Mr. Gladstone arose , after drinking a tumbler of eggnog , and made another speech amid the cheers of the house. The house then began to thin , although little pocket pistols of oratory were tired , and the members adjourned to supper and chat PUGILISTIC POINTEU9. Gossip Concerning : Famous in EiiKlnnil. ICapi/right 18S7 buJamta Gordon Hcnnttt. ] LONDON , Jan. 27. | New York Herald Cable Special to the BiiE.J-Charlcs White , "Jem" Smith's principal backer , referring to the piospectivo visit of the English champion to tlio United States , said to your correspond ent to-day : "I hope Sullivan's accident is not so serious as to prevent his meeting "Jem , " who will sail tor Now York within a month. Smith will bo accompanied by his wife , Charlie Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Fleming , who is managing Smith and Mitchell. I tool sure that Smith will Win if. Sullivan is able to light , and that the two men are allowed by the authorities to light to a linish. Anyway 1 shall bo glad to bet a few thousand American dollars on Smith. Smith lias lately improved In science very much by traveling with Mitchell , whose ways lie has copied. Besides , Smith is naturally a very quick learner. 1 am certain if ho can only got Ids terrible left a few times Into Sulli van's 'bnttoii-holo' ho will knock him out in quick time. Of course Smith will be giving away weight and height , but Tom bayers was a a 'little un' and fought all Ids lights against taller and heavier men than himself , yet ho always won. So hisloiy may icpeat itself with Smith. 1 candidly believe Smith as he is to-day , could have beaten Saycra when at his pilme. " Charlie White Is the leviathan bookmaker. Ho is as well known In the city as on the racecourse. He is nearly always to bo soon driving a pair of the llncat plobold trotters to be found In England , Jem Carney Is on board the Italy which loft Quocnstown this morning. Ho is a nlno stone two pound boxer of Birmingham. Ho goes to America on the Invitation of Patsy Slieppard to light any ono there for the light weight championship. Among those to sea him off from Liverpool was Alf Greenfield. Hols ' 'mine ' host" of the "Swan With Two Necks Inn , " In Liver street , Birmingham. Ho said ho had received the following tele- grain from Mr. Webb of Now York : "Tom Bowe oll'ers you 55,000 for three months to meet Mitchell , Smith or any ono. Shall I accept ? " "I Immediately dispatched a letter. " salil Greenhcld , "In which I btated I was perfectly willing to visit America and gave directions for financial matters to be left In tlio hands of the Now York Clipper , If tlio deposit of tlio money is arranged to my .satlsiaction I bhall commence preparations at once. " Your readers will romomhor that Green field had a successful tour throii.'h the states two years ago , when many Americans were pleased with the ability lie displayed. TWO EXCITING INCIDENTS. A Stoninship I'libHonuor Attempts SulclUo Klro in Mlil-Oooaii. Quur.Nsrow.v , Jan. 27. [ Now York Heiald Cable Special to the Br.K.I-As ttie Giilon mall steamer Wisconsin , from Now York , was entering the Inner harbor hero this evening , and when the passengers wore gathered on deck awaiting thu arrival of the tender , a steerage passenger a younj , woman named Malonuy attempted to com mltsuicldo by ] ilunging Into the sea. The gieatest excitement prevailed aboard , am ono of the steamer's boats was naturally belli } , very slowly lowered , to save the diownlm , woman , when fortunately a pilot's bout cuue on the scene and succeeded In rescuing her In her exhausted condition she could not be Interviewed , No ono know thu cause of her attempted suicide. She proceeded to Liver pool. Passengers who landed told your corro ponilcnt that flre bro"ke out In the blinkers of Iho ship the day 'before yeslerdajvnnd hreatcncd serious cptisequences , but such vcro the excellent arrangements and discipline ' cipline on board the sh'Jp that It was promptly extinguished by thd'tiremon , Goachen Defeated. Ltvnr.rooi. , Jan. 27 ; The ofllclal count of he vote In yesterdays parllamentaiy clcc- Ion In tlieexehanc division of Liverpool shows that Goodipjr was defeated by just seven votes. . , , nisti-ict Court. The January term of the district court or Douglas counjjjj1 will bo called on Monday , January 31. There are now something more than 1,000 cases on tlio locket , among which is the Latior case , vhich will probably bo called the second week of the term. The bill for the increase of the number of judges in this district to four is now icforo the committee on judiciary In the oglslaturo and will in all probability bo mssud at an early date. Already , in a quiet manner , n number of local attor- io.ya aroJscttinRllhcir pins to secure a ) romotion to the bench. Among these ire JudKO Baldwin , O. H. Ballon , 11. 1) ) . Saslabrook , H , J. Davis and others. Prlnco nnd Eclc. John S. Prince , the champion , in reply o the challenge ot T. W. Kck , the chain- lion of Canada , for a twenty milo bicycle ace , stated yesterday that ho would meet Sck for $30 or $100 a sitlo and is anxious hut the match bo made at once , as ho vants to bocin training. Mr. Eck , when scon by a reporter last night , said that 10 would accept the proposition for $ ; > " 0 a side. A meeting will ho held to-day to irrango the time and terms of the race. Ho Will Mnko n Bicycle Rider. Tlio little eight-year-old son of John L. lill , the Thirteenth street butcher , met vitii an accident yesterday that would uvvo icsultcd in the death of a loss lucky > orson. He was playing on a high bank ) n tlio Bcllovuo road , at the crossing of Thirteenth street , when ho full a distance of twenty-five loot. His only injuries voro a bruised arm and a sprained knee. lis escape was a marvelous ono. A. Needed. Hond. The county commissioners have been engaged for several days in the prelimin ary work of opening a road to tlio stock yards through sections 3 anil ! U. It is proposed to extend the road from tlio crossing of the B. & M. track on Thirteenth street west to the stock vards. Personal Paragraphs. Miss Dora Speoht , of Dixon , 111 , Is vis- ting her cousin , Christ Speoht , of this city. city.Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Ilcagan and family loft yes- .onlay morning on a trip to Los Angeles , to be > absent until April. Percy Snyder , the real cstato agent , eftycstorday lor Grand Rapids , Midi. , to jo absent about ten' days. C. .1. Alton , cashier of tlio Farmers' ' nnd \lorclmnts1 bank at Amsworth , Nob. , and formerly a resident here , is in thu city. Horace V. Cox , of England , came over n tlio Umbria with Dr. Chambers , and s so well ulcascd wi li Omaha that ho in- .ends to make this city his homo and enter into business at onc.c. THE FAT PASSENGER'S HT. . After It AVas tLoat tlio Conductor Could Not. Do Enough Cor Hi in. Chicago Herald : A fat man with a now plug hat was lauglj'ing merrily in the Northwestern depot yesterday afternoon "Just beat this road from Milwaukee to Chicago , " he said , ' with a roar. "I wanted to got to this town the worst wav , but 1 didn't have a pent. It was too cofd to sleal a rJde , so 1 hiado up my mind to get into the best car of tlio train and trust to luck. Wo had just got out of Bay View when a queer scheme struck me. liaising the window 1 run my head out and began smiling the cold air. My plug hat , which was not the best in the world , was for obvious reasons tilted on the back of my head. The conductor came down tlio aisle of the car. Never before did a ticket-puncher make such rapid progress. Ho llittcd from aisle to uislo like a uutterlly. Pretty soon I felt his hot breath on the back of mv neck , and then 1 heard him yell , 'Ticket , please ! ' I was too much interested in the passing scenery to pay and attention to tlio hoarse , rasping voice. There was a moment of intense silence , during which my heart boat a loud accompaniment lethe the pulling of the engine , any then I felt the conductor's hand fall heavily upon my shoulder. The concussion was so great Unit my plug hat fell oil' into the snow. The conductor stood aghast when I withdrew ray uncovered head and looked angrily into his pale face. " 'You've done it ! ' I cscliamed with a fierce air. " 'I didn't ' jostle your hat on" , did 1 ? ' ho asked. ' "That's what yon did. ' " 'But your ticket wasn't in it ? ' " ' ' 'Certainly. Thnro was another moment of silence and then tlio conductor said : " I'm sorry , but you'll have to pay your faro. ' " 'I have no more money,1 I replied ; 'my nil was in that hat. Can't you stop the train V " 'The tile is about a milo behind us. It's against orders , but I'll Jet you through without additional charge. Next time keep your head in the _ car. ' " 'But my hut , ' I uxclanncd with aloud air. 'I lot it through your rudeness and I must lie indemnified. ' " 'Indemnified nothing. Thuro's no hat store on tlio train ' " 'But you have got to got mo a hat just the samo. ' "Oh , I guess not. ' ' " \\relll guess yes. ' ' "What tire you going to do about it ? ' " 'Report 5'oti to Marvin Ilughitt , ' I yelled with defiant mien. "That's a chestnut. ( ! o to sleep , I'll wako you up when we get to Chicago , ' "This is what I dldr and when 1 woke up ( the train was then passing Hose Kill cemetery ) 1 foundrtriis new tile on my head. You can uifiy the initials just above thu s\veUlniiil : ) , that the hat be longed to the conductor. I didn't see him again during Uip.rost of the trip , but I'll but dollars to o4Jim shells that that follow would kick fimisulf irom hero to Sturgeon Bay if ho know how beautifully ho had been sold. " Irvine & Latoy.dontjsts , Masonic block Mendelssohn & Ldwrio , architects. 1) . L. Shane , suporinioujdbut , Coal Bust quality1 Iowa Nut Coal ? t.OO Contain & Squires , t13 ! S.ltf th St. ynrnituro , stovos1 "and carpets on weekly or monthly 'payment ; lowest prices found anywhere in Omaha , St. Louis Furniture Store , 715 N. llith street. lliu Momoiit. You buy a lot in Creighton Heights you are ? W ) ahead , and you will have the best investment in the city besides. C. W. Mount Heal Estate and Investment Co. , U16 S. 10th St. Bargains for everybody the actual value of those lots in Hollman's addition is nearly double what you can buy thorn for now $150 each , 1-5 ciuh. S. A. SKOMA.V , 1513 Farnam at. Use tiioy genuine Brazilian Pubbio SpecUs , thec are "lighter und cooler than tliusg. " ba isfactlon guarant''ud. ' C. L. Erieksou 6 : Co. , 21 : . ' N. lU'.h ' St. , Masonic block. The Agricultural Esrjcritnent Station Bill Passed b the Senate , DEPENDENT SOLDIERS' PENSION. s _ _ The Mcnsitro Passes But the Vote to llo IlccoiiHldcrcd The Ilouso Disposes of Hirer nnd ilnr- bor Appropriation. Scnntp. 27. Mr. Wilson of Iowa , from the committee on pnstofflces , re ported bick the bill introduced by Mr. Kd- minds to provide for thu establishment of a tostal telegraph system , with substitutes , which , when stated , consisted of the eleven Irst sections reported by the postofllce com- nlttco ot the Foily-oighth congress. Calendar. At 3:15 : the senate passed the dependent soldiers' pension bill , without amendment and without division , Mr. Uullom stated that after consultation with Ids colleague , ( Farnoll ) , It was deter mined to announce to the senate thatWedncs- day , February 0 , ho would offorproperresolu tions and ask the senate to take proper action with reference to the life and services of his late colleague ( Logan ) , Sir. Cultotu offered the following resolu tion , which was adopted. Whereas , Since March 31 , 1SS5 , the secre tary of the tteastiry , In his monthly state ments , has tieatcd fractional silver com In the treasury as no portion ol the cash bal ance ; theicfoie , Resolved , That Iho finance committee of the senate bu atithori/.ed and bo dliccted to examine Into this subject and icpoit whether additional legislation is requisite to make the fractional silver coin now in the lieastiry part of the available cash balance ; and also whether It will bo or not judicious to provide for having such silver coin re- coined Into standard silver dollars. Mr. Edmunds , piesotiled a letter received by him as chairman of the committee on foreign relations irom the seere'aiy ' of state , Rivlnt ; a tevised and Iatos.1 . list of seizures and warnliic , etc. , of lishinj ; vessels In Canadian waters , and be asked that it bu printed nnd bound with the committee's icport. It was so ordeied. The sen.Ue then resumed consideration of the aRiicultural experiment bill. .Mr. ICdiiiunds oOeied an amendment that nothing In the act shall be construed as bind ing Iho United Stales to continue these ap propriations ; but that collides" may , at any time , suspitul or icpeal all or any of the pro visions ot the acts agreed to. The bill was then passed without division. It directs the establlsliiiiHiit ( in connection with agricultural colleges ) of a department to be known and designated as an "agricul tural experiment station. " Wheio theie ate two such colleges In one state the amounts appropriated to each state and territory tor this purpose ( Sl-,000 a year ) is to bo divided equally between them , unless the state legli- latuiu shall otherwise direct. The obiect and duty of such experiment stations Is to con duct original researches or to verify experi ments on the physiology of plants and ani mals , the diseases to which they are severally subject and remedies therefor ; the chemical composition ot useful plants ; comparative advantages of lotative ciopplnir ; the capacity of now plants or trees for acclimation ; an alysis ot soils and water ; chemical composi tion of inanities ; adaptation and value of grasses and forage plants ; composition and digestibility of different kinds of food for domestic animals ; scientilic and economic questions inwdved in the pioduction ot but ter nnd cheese , and such other researches or experiments bearing directly on the agrictil- Industry of the United States as may be dcemcii advisable. Mr. Allison , from tho. committee on appro priations , leported back thu sundry civil appiopriation bill , and gave notice that on Monday or Tuesday next he would call It up lor consideration. Calendar. The river and harborappioprlatlon bill was received tiom tlio house and releired to the committee on commerce. Mr. Hour moved to reconsider the vote by which the dependent .soldiers' pension bill was passed , and a message was sent to the house requesting the return ot such bill. The object of the motion Is understood to be a correction of some object. Adjourned. House. WASHINGTON , .Ian. 27. The speaker an nounced the unfinished business to bo the liver and harbor appropriation bill. Mr. Hepburn ot Iowa withdrew his de mand for tlio reading of tlio engiossed copy nnd the question recurred on the passage of tlio bill. T''u ' bill passed yeas , 154 ; nays , 91 in the exact lorm in which it was reported from the committee on livers and haibors. Mr. Hammond of Georgia , fiom the com mittee on judiciary , reported adversely the joint resolution providing for the election ot United States bonators by the people ot the United States. At the loquost of Mr. Weaver of Iowa the joint resolution was placed upon the hoiibo calendar. The bill for the Incorporation of the Wash ington Cable railway coinpanv was taken up and , after considerable hlibustering. it was decided to take a recess till to-morrow , when the bill will be further consldeied. Of all kinds , old lion , Copper , Brass , Zinc , Lead , etc. , etc. , Hough ! , ; uul C oo l B'riccs Paid , Bv II..SOXNKNSCHEIN , 101) N. 10th street. A post ; ; ! card will do. Complete Banking Fixtures and Business , Also house iiinl lot ; on erooil rnilroail : nice town in Central Neljniska. Will anil toffotlicr or scparnte ; or will ex- clinntfo for Omaha property. For particulars call on or adilrcsa S. D. PIKE , 60S South 9th St. FRANK D , Carpenter and Builder , F1XKCAUINKT WOUlv ASl'KClAI/l'Y. Tolopliono 000. 201 > SotHli Slvtucnlli direct. ALT VST HARDWARE ! As the seatou is about over Iill close out my Cook and Heating Stoves at coat. Call and get a bargain. S. W. Cor. 17th st. and St. Mary's A ve. OSl Howard Street , Brick Block. Ollleo , i 111 I-B rarnaia. Uesicleucr. 40th and t'ull'urnl Bpceinl OntlnHQCQ Ko. 913. Ohlnmnco IpryiiKc nspcclnl tat ftiul n < so . mont on ccr ln lots' njid ten ! rstiit * In tlio rlt.r of Omnlm , to. coVer tlie COM of ourblnff lii\cnporl street trom liith jtrcol to Ivtli WiifcitrPi It li.nrlnar Vwm , nivl lclnpr ) liorcliy hdjudjrcil , tletrniilrteilniuloMnlilMiOil thtit tlio Forornl lot ntitl pU'ijos of ronl txtrtto liOrohmftcr rcfi-niM to Imvo oacli boon , specially bonetllt < vl to the full nmutint herein lovl&l nnd imos * ( > il against each of s M lots nnd ploecu of ivnl i-tato ri'ipoctlvoljliyroinon of tlio curlilup of that patt of Davenport street from Ifitli strcot to litllfitfPOt. . , . Titr.nRcani : , for the purpose of paylnp Ihooost ot siloli uvirblnc : UP It Onlaliicil by tlio oltr council of the city of . Srctlou 1. That the cost of oiirbliiff that part ot Davenport MtPBt , tu thn city of Oinahti , from tr.tli streftto 17th stu-ot , said costlioliiK1 tlio linn of $ VI4.7d. bo nnd the snino l hornhy luvloil nnil ii o odlu I'ropoitlou to the loot front nlonjf pnltl Inipuncincnt , nnd according to special bouotlt by run on of snld ImproM-inont , tipon the following decrlhecl lots nnd real ostntv. af shown by the ironorally rpcoenlod mnpof the citv of Omnhn , 1S.S ) , llthoifraphod nnd published by 0. 12. Mnyne ; said cot behiR 00 lovUM on paid lot mill ical estatu , rospec- tlvcly , a * follows , to-wlti OMAHA CITV. Nanlo I/ot or ofl ) nor. Description. Mnthowson T 1'ntrlok . 5 do . n Henry A Vlsehcr . 7 do . H St A 1) llaloombti . n IDS f 1 1 Slavonic Toinplo Craft ol Omaha . Rliftl Mnsonlo Toinplo Cratt of Omaha . s 12 ftS St A I ) liulcnmbo . . . , v > 22 u 1H ( 8 flty of Omaha. , w lOotUn 1 S 8 St A 1) llalcombe . wi4 ! n IOM 8 Surepta S Iillli-unco . o ' , ; i Sophia l.oliinau . w > j 3 Simon liolunan. . . 4 toetUmS. That the special ta\c < nnd nsii- . ini-nts lovlcd anil IIS-HM-HM ! us nlur ( nlil. shall bo duo linnuvllatoly upon Iho iins iiitn and ntipmi al 01 tlilfloiillnanc'c , nnd bhall boconiodi'luiiim'iit If not paid ? ltlliu lift ) ' ilays tliurt < nftt < r ; and tlioioupou n penalty of ten perernt shall bo nddcd , toitutlivr n llh lnt iti" t at the into of ono per cent a month , payable In adviinco fnim tlio tlmo snld Hues liuroinu Bo ileliniiienf. | Seclloni ) . 'L'lnit this oiilliuineo Chilli take otloct nnd 1m in ferro troinand after IKp.tssngu. l'as isl .liinuary llth , IRS7. W\t. K. IlKCiiMi , l > io > ldent CltV Council. .1. II. Sonni vitu. City florl.- . Appiovt'd.lauuary l.ltli , 1SS7. J xMiP. . Ilovn. Mayor. These taxe1 ! nro now duo and piiynhlo to tlio city tion nvcr , and will bccomo ilullniiiunt | on Maieh 4th , IHS7 , nltor which dale a piumlly and luteuHt wdl bo added a-t shown In Section 3 , Tut M\W IltrrK , Citv Tiunsurer. , 1'rcs. lj.Il.WllMAMSVICO.l r01 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , LOANS WADE ON HEATj 12STATE. School , County and Municipal Bondo Negotiated. ItOllT. I. . OAIIMCIH , V. B. JOIINSnx , Secretary. Ti-oiisutor. F. . I'OV1 ! > , A. ( ! . McCAMPURU. Mcmhpr < islvo tonOot' | Sloinhor tililciitn llonnl often ton HI'KO A , yt. liouls Trn'lo , uml Now Orleans Murchnnu UxclmtiKC. I Col ton ixchn ; t > S. S. FLOYD & CO 111 SO5JT32 llttli it'll1. Omaha , .iVh'mrMAv. ItllOKUUS l.V For Future Delivery Trndoi mmlo on quotations soon m Ilnlli > tliu < d. Write for oviilanotory immoliliH. Ditllj niarkut re port luatleil Trco nn miriUculloii. llanlt references Elvon m. ii. insnox , INSURANCE x AGENT , Merchants' National Hunk Ilullilin ? . lloom 1 , Up-Smlts. Telephone No. ! li5 , Onmlm , Nclnnslm. Phoenix , London , r.mland $ r > ,72nn74.trt Kircincn's ' , Nnwnrlc , K .1 ( ileu'H Fulls , ( Jlon's Knlls , N. V ' O Irani , I'lilliuiclphin. I'u . . l'an ! VI 1.71 WostclibStor , Jfow Vorlc , N. \ ' Sporlnlh Dlxtlllrd for Medicinal line. IMI BEST UNEOUALEDforCONStJMPTIQ\ ! \ WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBIIITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION DP. EDtV I ) WAIiUMl , Pur KtMii In Chief , National Ginrc of N J. , will * * : "Sly ntl-nllon HM callrd t ( yniir Keistone Malt Whbknf bj Sir. I.nlor , DmjjUt , of Tirntua and I lmllteil a f w buttlol with f i teller efTtict than any ' IIKTO liml. I am recoininendfn { ) our nrtlclo In m.r | iracUci > , auc find It crjr ullflicliiry. " BIWAE2 Of miTATim ( TT * Tlif Oi itiiluc IiH * It-.e SUuilute o IISNMl fc KKSIJM.bOX on Iho 1 Kbvl. for the U S. ) 316.318 and 320 Race St. . Philadelphia. P. ' . Goodman Drupe ro.jonl.AfontsOinalia ) Nebraska. u _ _ . , _ . . . _ , olc , ies'ilinKlror.i ( In. ' Hl.imucii nflC"1 * rV flF - Wi nflftlJ1" I rilIBl IT.Iirlll ! , ll/n / ) kOBtAT MARSTBN TREATMENT. B/viil. / ltm.triih Mi'i"lilli iw l lir pMtliPin A I'liiri-fl In lliu tiaiith jf'I llli-lrf-nii . tTf ItrplHB vrllU _ 1 jnrormnllou ofalua l < il Mini. MARSI0.1 BEH OV CO. 10 Park Place. Now York. Mcnt'on ' Omaha H < ia AND ItESlDKNUK- Itoom 17 , AfllndtPii lllock , (1st ( Uulldlng Wostof 1' . O. | Tck'plionu Ko. BSi orricn uonns- H too , and 11:30 : to 13 itm. . : ! to 4 , nnd T to H p. m , buuUays , 13 to 1 p. m. DBEXSI. & MAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacohs , If. EJtS tchi'ol ilatand HOT I'iirnuiu st. ( Jnliirs bytoliifcruuh o.ioitoil uiitl lU'omptly at- teniluilto. Tiilupli'iuo No. 2W ; _ Omaha .Savins . Bank Cor lilth nnil Capital Stock . $150,000 Liability of Stockholders . . . 300 , OOO Thponly it-tfiilnr savings b.tnk m tlio lnto I'no percent lntt-ro t jmu : on Loans Made on Ileul I-'etato. UtivC. IHIITON , I'leillont ; J. J. ItHOWN , Vlto I'r'ostdont , h. M. UBNNtTT , Manuifinv > > ' , JOHN \ViLiiuu , Cttililer. to.- * l. . DIRECTORY " ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. UEN'INS A CllUUCtltt.I. , X-W. Cor , 13th niut Dougta ? 3U. \V. J , CONNELU 3133.11th Street. K w. DOANE. ATTCWNEr AT liAW , Falconer's lllook , 13th and UcnuUv i. . i > . noIMew , Attorney at Law , RoomS Vrrnror lllook Opposite I'oslofllco. G. A. UUTHKIU-'OKI - ) , Attorney At Law , S. K. Tor. OoiiRlixs and 1Mb sis. , room 4 , Omaha. Special attention to Trial Case * A Collections. TUTHER"RVRIGHTr : \ Attorney--At--Law , 1JJ2I DoiiRla * Slrool. PHYSICIANS. 1)11. KMAU J. DAV11CS , llOMOIM'ATII , lloom , 353 N. Irtthst. . Oniahn. Otllco hour * , l2lii' ! " 'VL ' Io 4 ' ' ' ' " ' CJUJILES KOSIWATKH , M. 1) . , Physician & Surgeon , JUS. 12th St. , cor rarnnm. Iron Hank Iliillilliic. onicnhoma , : : to4 mul" toll p. in. 10 to 12 on Sunday. Telephone 50-1- . jIATV , 3 B. ! > . , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Ofllco Telephone 4rtj. KpsIilpivolVlcpliono 13. \v. .1. < ; Yi.tmAi'rss , ± Surgeon and Physician OFFICE , N.W. Co" . 14th nnif Douglas St , Oniro1Vlopbonuinr > . Uesidonco Tulvuhono'ili JAMICS 11. PEAHODY.M. D. , Plivolclnn nnil Surgeon. llcsldrnco , No. H07 .Tones HtrooL Offlco , Wllhnnll lllock , Telephone , rJSldonco , No. 135. oflicp , GI2 DH. JAS. 1JECKKTT PHYSICIAN AND SOimEOV , _ Office and Residence , 7M N. IBlhSt. VAN 0iir M. 1) . , I'll Tin1o 't , Nt door wo t of 1' . O. Take ole nlor to rooms 12-1'J tlilnl Hoop. Tolopboito No .fiSIN. COtbstroot. Telephone No.31 T.M. C11ADW10IC , riiyslclan and Surgeon , Tolepriono WO. OrtleoSn 8. i4th t H. W. COXNKLL , M. U , Jlomccopatlilst , _ 0fnro. H13S. Hth st. ToIophonoSSJ _ " " "OB. J. w. DYSART ; N and PHYSICIAN OlRcc , Ci'oiinso lUoi-U , Itonm 5. lOthuml Capitol Avouiic , Oiualiu , Nebraska. Kcsidpiicc 2010 Webster st. ToIephoiuiXo Ml. CO1U&ISH , Physician and Surgeon , IATIJ OK CHICAGO. All clironlo CUTS a specialty. Ciiu bo soon at olllcn clay or nmlit. Omrn N'o. 812 North llllh Street , Omnlm. Neb ' INSU RA NCE. A'i J7. ITATCHElt , General Asont Pfoildont Saving ; Lib Assume ) Ca of Now Torfc Mllliinl Ho ol Woo * , Oimdin. Iho Ftrictlj 'Nni urul rr-'iiilnni Plan " Aetna average yearly coil iluilnir 133) ) , 1331 iiud 1835 , ut ngo U7 , lor S10.1WOnus $78.Si . ' " " "FINE JOB PRINTING. i scrvirsv : < ; co. , Printers , Book Binders And Hlank book Manufacturers. No.s. 10liS.14tligtrrat. Omalm.Nob. J.P. Kn.rlio , Bupor- Intonilont Illiiilm-y. Tuluphono No. > \ AUCTIONEER. A. W. COWAN & 00. Auction and Commission ConelRiimcntx bollcltoil ; furniture bought an 1 rold. tf'ilos of II VQ stock niKl household rural- turn at privnto lusldoneos In a Rppclnlty with us. Iti-inoinlioi-llio iiltioo , West Ac 1'iltsuliur'a uloulc XollU " STOVbS and TINWARE. OHO.J. AHM1MUST , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , to. AleoTir. Knofln ? , niittBrlmr. poutln ? , ani Oonornl Job Tmnluir. Tlio host of wirk nivl rni eoiiuliloclmrtfoi. Milk cnns mul other tlnwaro n stock. HXICumlnirSi , Oumlui , Nub. Dentists. WJ11NNKUHV & KK1M , Dentists , 1.1H rnrmmi Stroa THE BANK OF COMMERCE Mirth Kith Nl Paid in Capital , . - - - $100,000 Gio. : K iiAltKlUl , I'rc'Sldcnt. Itoin1. I. . OAItMJIId ( , VICD-l'rcsldent. Kll _ JOHNSONC.ibhlor , ' P .lOIINPON , ( ill ) . I ! . IUllKr.ll , Ituiir. li. GAIII.ICIIH'u , iiiivius : ; 1' . II. JniiNRox. A iirnr-ral liiiiiklnif liiihlnuss Iriuiflactol. Inii'iC'St allin\ud on tiiuudnuoslt.- ! . National Dank , U. S. DKI'OSI'lOItY. Capital $ DOO,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kountze , President , - * John A , Creighlon , Vice-Presirttr.t , f , H , Davis , Cashier , W , II , Meuuier , Assl.-Cashier ,