Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    - " *
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A Union Pacific Fireman Meets With an
Unfortunate Accident.
A IjlttloGIrl Mlsilnir r.iylor's Cnsc
Tlio MnrBbnl Goes HabblnRtou's
Jlclcnso A Hotel Man's
Dentil Oilier Local.
Horribly Scalded.
The Union Pncllic overland train from
( ho west last evening was delayed over
two hours and a half by an unfortunate
accident which occurred near Silver
Creek , Neb. Ono of the Hues in the en
gine burst while the train was running at
a high rntu of speed and the cab
of the engine was Instantly filled
with scalding steam. Hans Peterson ,
the iiroman , was at tlio time throwing
coal into the lire box , and the escaping
steam completely enveloped him , horri
bly scaldiny the exposed parts of his
body. The train was quickly brought tea
a standstill , nnd an examination made of
the unfortunate man's injuries. It was
found that the skin on his face and neck
had been completely burned away by the
Btoam and both hands so badly scalded
that the skin and ilcsh dropped Irom
Ohom , exposing the bones of a portion of
both hands. Peterson's injuries were
dressed temporarily in oil ami cotton and
lie was made as comfortable as possible
under the circumstances. The engine
was complntoly disabled , and it was
necessary to walk live miles to secure
another one to pull the train to Omaha ,
whore it arrived about 8 o'clock. Ur.
( talbraith was at the depot to attend to
Peterson's injuries , and the unfortunate
man was at once taken to St. Joseph's
hospital , where ho will remain until able
to return to work. Ho will undoubtedly
be disfigured for life , although his in
juries are not considered dangerous.
T1113 MAIlSHALi GOliS.
Mr. niorbowor Compelled to Vncnto
for Mr. Cnlboun.
Mr. Calhoun , collector of internal reve
nue of this district , told a Hr.i : reporter
yesterday morning that the question be
tween himself and the marshal with re
gard to the rooms to be occupied by each
in the postolflco building had finally been
by a peremptory order of the secretary of
settled the treasury at Washington to Mar
shal lllerbower to vacate his present quar
ters. "Wo are waitingonly until an order
on the treasury can be drawn , giving us a
little money to moot the necessary expense -
ponso of transfer. Some of the marshal's
cases must bo taken apart lobe removed ,
and that will require some mouoy , lor
which this delay is necessary. "
Marshal IJicrbowcr acknowledged the
issuance of the order in question , not
withstanding his correspondence on the
subject , but said at the same time he
had asked for some money to build a par
tition in his new quarters , llo did not
think that the removal would take place
until this request was granted.
IJy tliis , Mr. Calhouu gets two rooms
for one. which latter the marshal will bo
compelled to divide Into halves , which
will afford him very small quarters.
The Mystery of nit Emigrant t'asscn-
Kor "Who Jumped OH * the Train.
Dispatches received at Union Pacific
headquarters yesterday announce n
etrango occurrence , which took place on
the Idaho division of that road Monday
On that evening , as train No. 501 was
speeding its way westward between
Shoshone and Ontario. Joseph Kilbur ,
nn emigrant bound for Walla Walla , was
observed to disappear. Ho had announced
his intention of retiring , and indeed had
partially disrobed , when all at once the
fact of his disappearance was noted. It
was supposed that ho must have gotten
oft" at one of the stations between Shoshone -
shone and Ontario , or more probably in
n lit of insanity jumped ojV into the
darkness as the train was moving. This
liitfor supposition is the more probable ,
us Kilbqv had from time to time mani
fested signs of mental weakness.
Nothinjc moro was known of the lost
passoiiper until yesterday , when train
No. fi9 ! west-bound , Conductor Swanson ,
Engineer Dorlmm , struck and killed a
man near Glenn's Ferry , about ! ) :33 : a. m.
According to the report , the man who
ehoolctis and tailless was walking west
when the engineer signalled him to
get olV the track , The man did so. but
just as the train was about to pass him he
Stopped on the track again. Ho was in
stantly killed and irigl'tiully mangled ,
almost beyond recognition. It lit sup
posed from the descriptions which are
furnished that the unfortunate man was
Joseph Kilbcr who had jumped oil train
No. 001 the night before. Kilbor's part
ner states that ho had several hundred
dollars about his person when on the
Gorman Subjects in Omaha AVlio Are
lanblo to Military Duty.
The ominous preparations for war in
Europe has caused many a young Ger
man in this city to feel that before many
days ho will bo compelled to return tc
Germany to taka up arms in defense oi
the fatherland.
Last night a BKE reporter was made
aware of this fact by a conversation with
several intelligent youiiK Germans who
have served some time m the German
" Wo arc under compulsion to go bacli
to Germany , if a war should bo declared , "
said one of them "because wo are still
citizens of Germany. You see , wo enter
the army over there at the ago of nineteen
years , to serve three years. It wo arc
nbla to pass an examination in at least
two foreign languages together with all
the branches taught iu our schools ,
we can save two of those
years ami bo compelled to servo but one
year. Whether we servo three years or
one year , we are still obliged to go into
camp for six weeks every two years , and
for two weeks in the fifth year , thus mak
ing fourteen weeks of service in the live
yjars. Wo are then usually about 25
years of airo and deeply in love with our
country. Wo do not question the necessity
of these military Jaws , because wo feel
they are necessary for the preservation
nf the nation. When we have attained
to the ngo of thirty-one years wo are en
rolled among the landwehr , or the first
reserve corps , and later wo go into the
land-sturni , which consists of old men
ttml is the last reserve to bo called in
event of war. When wo enter the army
we swear while wo remain citi/ens of
Germany no matter whcru wo may reside ,
to report to our command in the event of
war. The unpleasantness of this oath
we do not see over there. It is only when
t ; wo get here , ami we see how much better
wo can live and advance ourselves that
we fee the disadvantages it entails upon
us. Ami yet , if war should bo declared to'
morrow , thorn are 100 , yes ISO , young
Hum who would leave this city to join
their old command in the army. If they did
not they would forfeit whatever property
they might have In Germany and lui
open to the reproach that they were al
lowing thmr fathers ! and mothers to be
? F9tJc < * Ue 51MS of oilier parents. .
Of course we try to get absolved from
allegiance to Germany and that we ecn-
crally do by asking for an extension of
our leayo of absence , because all of us ,
who hare boon in the army arc hcre only
by permission of the government. Yesif
war be declared 150 of the finest young
Germans of this city will return to the
fatherland. "
Lcnvcnwortlt Street Property
is considered by many the most desirable
in the city , and
Is justly classed among the best to bo had
there. No liner lots sold anywhere.
W. ( } . ALHUtniiT ,
Sole Agent , S18South _ Fifteenth St.
"Fi vo acres 1 n South Omaha for sale at u
bargain. EVANS & JOHNSON.
Oppoio the Sewer Tax.
The citi/cns of sewer district No. 20 are
objecting to the payment of the sewer
taxes imposed this year. The residents
of the hill a few blocks west of Satinders
street are taxed as high as the storekeep
ers doing business on Saundcrs for the
combination storm-water and house-
drainage sower. This is declared unfair ,
as the hill men do .lot use these sewers ,
and the unhealthy eden that emanate
from the catch basins are a nuisance.
They want all sewers to bo run under the
alloys instead of In the middle of the
streets , so that the house drains can bo
connected with them with fewer feet of
load pipe than by running from the
kitchens through front lawns to the
street middle. Certain of the objectors
met in Grace chapel and a committee re
ported that it had legal advica to the ef
fect that the citizens had good cause for
action against the citv. They agreed to
meet again pn next Tuesday night at the
same place and appointed G. H. Uatlibun ,
Robert Colvin , Joseph Darker , Mr.
Holmes and Dr. Spaulding as a com
mittee to make arrangements therefor.
Five acres in South Omaha for sale at a
bargain. EVANS & JOHNSON.
Crmkllnc I'ltice ,
On Leavcnworlh street.
A Llttlo Olrt Missing.
George H. Kingham , an Englishman
boarding at the Emmet house in this city ,
is in great distress over the whereabouts
of a little daughter. The little girl whoso
name is Gcrtio , cloven years old , has
been visiting relatives at Albion , in this
state. Yesterday morning Kinpham re
ceived a postal card , saying that the little
ono would start for homo , arriving in
Omaha Tuesday evening. The postal
card had evidently been delayed , and as
his daughter had not put in an appear
ance , the father started out to look her
up. At the Union Pacillc depot Kingham
was informed that a little girl answering
Gertie's description had arrived on the
overland train and had gone across the
nver. Ho immediately went over to
Council JMufl's to search for the missing
girl , but up to last evening was unable to
get the least trace of her. It is King-
nam's opinion that some one in the Hlull's
has taken Gertie to their home and the
distracted lather hopes to get word from
the little olio through publicity of the
Solomaii's Addition ,
Splendid acre lots $500 each on
monthly payments. C. E. MAVNE ,
Solo Agent.
They Are Unlug Past.
Lots in Randolph Place addition to
South Omaha , for sale cheap.
521 S. 13th Street ,
Cunningham Hall.
Death of n Hotel Man.
Yesterday morning Mr. C.C. C. Hulett ,
of the clerical force of the Millard hotel
went to Grand Island to break to Airs.
Fred Clark , of that place , the intelligence
of the death of her husband Tuesday at
Adrian. Mich. Mr. Clark was manager
of the Pacific Hotel company's house at
Grand Island , and had been in charge of
it for a year , having come there from
Laramic , where ho had also represented
the company in question. Ho was com
pelled to leave the place , however , because -
cause of the lightness of the air. A short
time ago , ho went to Adrian to be at
tended by an old family physician , pas
sing through hero just a wcelc ago. The
cause of his death is unknown. Mr.
Clark was an old and well known hotel
man , and a member ot the Hotel Men'fi
Benevolent association , which fact en
titles the widow to ? 2,000 insurance.
Ten acres for sale cheap.
EVANS & JOHNSON , 021 S. 13th St.
Conkllnt ; I'lace ,
On Leavcnworth street.
' .Three licndcn IMlIs.
Last evening somebody kicked a dog
in the postollicc , and when the animal
reached the corner of Sixteenth and
Dodge streets , which ho did with re
markable dispatch , ho was found to bo
frothing at the mouth , A largo crowd
gathered in a moment , and finally Mr.
Goo. Leslie , of Leslie & Leslie , drove him
into an area loading to his cellar and put
three bullets into him. In two minutes
there were u thousand people on the
They Are Golnn Past.
Lots in Randolph Phco addition tc
South Omaha for gale cheap.
021 S. lath Street.
Cunningham Hall.
ConUllnIMucu ,
On Lcavenwortn street.
KnoTi )
The case of Mat Kecfo. the hacknmn ,
who was charged with mayhem in trying
to bite oil1 the nose of Policeman O'Grady ,
came up in police court yesterday
morning. Kecfo was on hand with his
lawyer. O'Grady was also there , minus
his attorney. Jndeo Stenborg gave the
case a fair trial , and upon the evidence
presented discharged Kcofo. O'Grndv'e
nose appeared to be intact , and did not
give any evidence of having boon dam.
aged by the hacunian's teeth.
Twenty acres for sale cheapa bargain ,
024 S. 18th St. , Cunningham Hall.
A Counxiil's Poco.
In the county court John C. Shea
brought suit to recover $700 as legal fees
for securing for II. E , and K. J. Gunner ,
under the will of their father , who died
in England , t'to sum of $ lf,000. In secur
ing the legacy Mr. Shea enlisted the ser
vices of Thos. M. Waller , consul general ,
and with the result mentioned. Ho has
appointed Lee Estelle to prosecute the
Par Hik- .
10 acres 1 } miles west of stock yards ,
on Q si.- , will make -10 largo lots ; per
tioro $050. J , A. Douui : ,
Rooms 3 and 5 Fronzor Blk. , opp. P , O ,
Arrival of EcU ,
T. W. Eck , tlio famous long distance
riiter , arrived in the city yesterday witli
his trainer. Ho ims'.blood iu his eye , ami
wants to get a race out of Dlngloy. If he
does not succeed he will probably try
conclusion * with Princo.
Ec.k took u look at the Exposition track
and its accessories. Ho pronounced the
the , liflest U\toor \ } tek ) iu AflMrlasi ,
It la ESfTootca by His Wife's I'lciul-
Judge Stonborg is continually troubled
with the cases of wife-beaters. Not a
day passes but that ho disposes of one or
moro of this most degraded class of
criminal offenders. Strange as it may
seem , however , the greatest obstacle in
the way of justice being properly meted
to a scoundrel of this kind is the wife
herself. As a usual thing she is very in
dignant when she comes to swear out a
warrant for her husband's arrest , but at
the trial she generally relents and begs
for his release. Even if she does.not do
tliis , she rarely or never fails to appear
about the third day after ho has boon
sent to jail and ask that ho be allowed to
go free.
A striking illustration of this is
of the man , Edward Bnbbington , who
was sent up foe thirty days n short time
ago for beating his wifo. Ho is a thor
ough brute , and has been time and again
arrested for ill treating his wife. E.ioli time
she has successfully pleaded for his release
On till1' occasion she deflated to the judge
that she would not ask for his release if
he were sent UP for six months. Yrstcr-
day however , she went to Mayor Doyd and
told him a piteous story of now she and
her child were starving , having nothing
to cat , and having no moans of support
except what was all'ordcd by the labor of
her husband. She stated , furthermore ,
thai her rent was past duo , and her land
lord had notified her to get out of the
house. Under these circumstances Mayor
Boyd ordered her husband's release , and
the woman went oil' happy.
Can TliN Bo IJcat ?
As sole owner of
Ai.itimntT's CHOICE
in South Omaha , containing the finest
acre and residence property m that no-
live packing town , ami as sole agent of
CONKLINO 1'i.Aci : ,
Embracing 100 of the most beautifully
located lots on Leavcnworth and Howard
streets , large and cheap , with easy
terms ami of
BAKKU Pt.Acn ,
on military road , where lots have ad
vanced 50 per cent in the last few davs
by reason of the street car line building
through early in the spring. 1 can as
sure real estate purchasers that I can
oiler them IIAHGAINS and greater
choice of location than can bo found
anywhere else. W. G. Ai.mnmiT ,
218 South loth st.
Tnylor Claims to be Employed by the
United States Secret Service.
"You newspapermen are always d d
hard on a man when ho gets into a little
trouble , " remarked Taylor , the man ar
rested as a suspicious character , to a re
porter yesterday. "The stun"that has been
printed iu the morning papers about me
since I was locked up is nothing but a
pack of lies. "
L. C. Taylor , it may bo remembered ,
was arrested by Special Policeman
Thompson near the St. Paul depot night
before last charged with being a "sus
pect. " The fact that he had six or
seven spurious , very clever counter
feited dollars caused a lurking
suspicion in the minds of Uie
police that ho was ono of a gang of coun
terfeiters who have boon infesting this
city and the Blull's. It is alleged that
while riding in the patrol wagon Taylor
tried to slip thcso counterfeit dollars out
of his pocket , but in so doing was detect
ed by the otliccr. Ho explains his pos
session of this money by baying that he
is in the employ of the United States
secret service , in Irving to ferret out the
gang ot counterfeiters of which the police
think ho is a member.
Taylor denies most emphatically that
he ever served live years in the Iowa pen
itentiary or that he has "done timo" in
the Nebraska stale prison.
Here Again.
N. 1.1) . Soloman placed his addition in
C. E.Mayuo's _ hands as solo agent this
morning and before 3 o'clock this after
noon over half of the lots wore sold. Mr.
Maync bays if there is a lot left in this ad
dition ten days from nowhu will agree to
give any one a horse.
Nose Bitcr .
There wore two tough looking people
in Judgc'Bcrka's court yesterday morning
Ono was Edward Tliurbor , who is
charged with biting W. R. Davis' nee
almost off his face , llo says , however ,
that Davis commenced the biting , ami
points to a pair of teeth marks on each
side of the bridge of his nose. The case
will be heard Saturday at 1 o'clock.
Cnr.kllnc 1'liicc.
Largo lots , excellent location , safe and
profitable investments. W. G. Albright ,
sale agent.
I > cllonc-Doyli > .
Mr. Frederick Dellono , the well known
contractor , was married yesterday morn
ing in St. Philomcna cathedral to Miss
Margaret Boyle. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. P. F. McCarthy and at its
conclusion a reception was held at their
residence on Colfax street.
The South Omaha Land company have
appointed ( ! . E. Mayno solo agent for tha
sale of their lots. Ho will show the prop
erty and furnish all dooircd information
upon application.
[ Signed ] W. A. PAXTON , President.
Mr , and Mrs. J. H MeCroary loft Iaft
evening for Now Orleans and Florida on
their bridal tour. 1'lioy wore accom
panied to the depot by their parnnts and
.1 number of friends , who wished them a
pleasant time upon their journey.
Colliding ; 1'lacc ,
On Leavcnworth street.
Mrs , Crowley , widow of tholatoWin.
Crowley , and mother of Miss Stacia
Crowley , principal of the Jackson street
school , is lying dangerously ill at her
resilience015 South Seventeenth street.
Shu is suffering from a severe attack of
'H Halo.
Jno A. Creighton gold a piece of land
for $2,000 per aero , which adjoins Solo-
man's addition , C. K. Mavno is offering
acre lots in Soloman's atf 500 each. Go
to C. E. Mayuo's ollico for bargains.
A Hmall I'l re ,
Yesterday morning at 8:25 : o'clock a fire
wasdiscovcrcd intho | iiour and feed store ol
Wies & Co. . Seventeenth and Howard
streets , which destroyed some hay stored
there valued at about ? 300.
1'Ivo , ten and twenty-aero blocks , ad
joining South Omaha , for side cheap ,
Just right for cutting.
Call at oneo on
521 S. 13th St.
A Now I'aMor.
Rev. Malcolm J. Sullivan , of the First
Baptist church , of Cheyenne , resigned his
pastorate at that place on lust Sunday ,
and arrived here yesterday morning ,
where ho will assume his pastoral Julius
Five , ten and twenty-acre blocks , ad
joining South Omaha , tor sale cheap ,
Juet right for cutting up into lots.
Call at once on
6ft S ,
Honl E-jttttc. i
Real estate transfers filed January 23s
Henrietta McC6y nnd husband to Jno 0
1 toward , lot 10 , blk 10 , Shull's 2U add , w d-
Chas Impcy and wife to Thos C Hcndryx ,
lots , blk 1. Idlewikl ndd. w d-S5,500.
JnoAMIIroyto Elsie 1) Troup , sKlots3
and 4 , blk 9 , Isaac & Seldon's ndd , w d-SoO.
Adelaide Jahn to W U Sloan , lot 81 , Burr
O.ik , w d ,
KIslo D Tronp nnd husband to Olive
Branch , $4 lots- mid 4 , blk' , Isnnc & Sol-
don's mid , w < 1 51,200.
11 M Weir nnd others to Olive Branch , lot
1 , blk 2 , Paddock's place , w d S3.SOO.
City of Omaha to V H Collman , lot 3 , blk
D , Oinnhn. q e-SL
Nellie Courtney nnd husband to Jno (3
Chrlftllnnson amiwife * , sk lot 0 , blk S , sub of
J 1 llcdlek's mid , w d-S-f.m
Allen E KUby ct nl to Jenny Roberts , lot 5 ,
blk 18 , Carding , w d-S-)00. )
Huldn .Mitchell rt nl to Lewis P Hammond ,
nf } lot 0. W A liedlck'.s mid , w d-SMOJ.
llio Omaha Heal Kstntn and Trust Co to
Bernhnrdt Jnokerott , lots K > and M. blk 1.
Saiindcrs A : lllinebaiiu'h's ndd , W d-ST.'Kt.
Cyrus A ( iellcttc and wife to .1 C Cowln , s
133 H lot 2.1 , Uaik place , w d-S .0.
llio Crclglitnn University to Thos llrennnn
ct al , lots 1 , 2,3 , I , 7 and , nnd r 10i > ft lot 5 ,
and w VI ft lot 0 , nil In blk 4 , Pant place , w
d Sr : .ooo ,
Jos C ( ireen and wife to Chas C I'minnleo
et nl , no'j s\\ ' . s\y > / -lM3 , w il SIO.MW.
Jno (5 ( Willis ami wife to Win K Riddle , lot
4 , blk 2. Idleviid add , w d-SV > Vl.
. T ( J Records to Ann Dervlu , lot tf , n sub of
I.ot4 , Hasan's add. w d-Sl.WX ) .
, ,1'atrlcu MH'abo and wlto to lluch Me-
< -abi , s , lot 31 , blk 'i , Armstrong's 1st ndd ,
' 1 c-Sl.
Dennis Cunningham nnd wlte to Chas 0
Mlehael < ; en , lots 12 and 13 , blk a , Door park ,
w dsisoo. :
Bntthns Jutter and \vlfe to Andrew linns et
nl , 10.22 ncics iu 04 Mil , w d-Sr,2GI. !
, ) nn K Summers to Win M Dwjer , Iot3 , blk
1 , O'Neill's sub , w tl-83,500 ,
Jno.M Doualiertv to Annie M Darst , lots
21 , 2-J , 23 and Ml , blk 10 , Clovculnle , w d
v Wllsmi 1) ) Dennett to the imlille , pint of
Dennett's sub of lots ' . ' , 10 and 11 , blk . Or
chard II ill-dedication. ,
( Jeo DO.UIO et nl to the Omaha Belt Ry , 12
ncres in 10-1B-13 , w d-SSOOO.
Conrnd Mover nnd wlto to Peter Gees , \\yt \
Bo'4 2MO-it : : , W d-S4f > 00.
Ji-liu It lluncato ( trustee ) to B It Smith ,
lot 21 , blk 17 , Bedford plneev d SMO.
HO.Iones to Ole llroi rcn , lots 5 , 0 and 7 ,
blk 3 , Klkhorn , wil-8125.
Win Sclmldt and wife to Christ Bcal , lot 2 ,
blk 1 , Klkhorn d-8215.
JaiiKoroiif ly III.
Zaeh Thompson , formerly manager of
the Otralalhi Land and Cattle company ,
is lying dangerously ill at the Millard
hotel , llo is in charge of Dr. Lee.
Twenty acres for sale chcap.a bargain.
021 S. ISJth St. , Cunningham Hall.
A Sulininrlno Koat that Works AVcll.
London Daily News : A boat called
the Nautilus was yesterday tried in the
( loop-water ( look at Tilbury , in presence
of a large number of naval and military
men among whom was Lord Charles
Beresford. The boat was made to rise
and sink and to take short trips on the
surface , and under water hidden from
view of the spectators on shore. The
limited space prevented the Nautilus run-
ninir full speed , and the Doek company
objected to experiments with exploding
torpedoes. What was done gave great
Mr. Campbell , the. inventor , bethought
himself how to supply a boat which could
bo readily submerged or lloatod in a safe
and simple manner , leaving nothing to
chance , and not depending on the power
used for propulsion a boat practically
indestructible , efficient in any climate ,
and ready at any moment. 'I lie theory
that it could bo done by simply increas
ing or decreasing the weight had failed
as also had that of propelling the boat
down nose foremost , for as soon as the
machinery stopped she found an even
keel and lloulcu to the surface ; nor did
he think finality and nb > elute success had
been readied by that better method
adopted by Mr. Nordenfcldt , by which
the boat is forced down by means of
propellers or screws working Tiorixontiilly
at the side of the boat , tor the capital
fault still remains thai submersion is de
pendent upon the machinery.
Fish and animals subsisting in water
rise and sink simply by mut-ciilar eon-
traction and expansion. The same ex
pansion and contraction to such a rigid
structure as a boat was given by placing
in the hull -of a water-tight vessel a
serins of metal cylinders , into which arc
lilted rams and drums , which can bo pro
truded or withdrawn by a simple process
governed and worked by the screw of
the vessel , by moans similar to those used
in steering an ordinary sliip. The speed
of rising or falling is ea ily and per-
feellj regulated ; an even keel is always
maintained and perfect safety is assured.
A torpedo may not simply be taken
within striking distance , but may bo at
tached and Irom a point of safety. J'he
inventor , in short , claims that ho has
produced a boat which is perfectly under
control ; can bo kept at anv
given depth , can be raised or sunk
rapidly or slowly ; can be propelled sit ten
knots an hour , or , floated or submerged ,
may bo Kept for days without using a
traction of the stored propelling power.
The Nautilus is a cigar-shaped vessel ,
sixty feet long and eight foot diameter
amidihips. She is propelled by twin
electric engines , worked from storage
batteries ot largo capacity. For safety
she is divided mlo lour compartments ,
all the projectors and machinery being
contained in one of these , so as to render
them under easy control. Besides the
projectors ho is htted with water ballast as
well as horizontal rudders , and in case of
an absoluts break down , such as might
be caused by collision or a similar acci
dent , a turn of a bolt will enable the
crow to release a heavy woiiflil and raise
her to the surlaco. Tims everything is
believed to have been done to insure ab
solute safety to all lives within bur.
Ton acres for sale cheap.
EVANS & JOHN-SON , o.'l S. 13th St.
FiUtl's Album.
Autograph collecting is ono of the most
harmless ns well as the most in-
Icnutiiig of hobbies , says the Pall Mall
Ga/.ettu , and when a celebrated person
takes to keeping an album of autographs
a collection of more than usual value is
likely to bo the result. 11 isnolgoneral'v '
known that anung others who sham this
weakness is that greatest of singers- ,
Mine. Adoliua Patli. For ninny years
past no friend of any distinction has
been permitted to pass the threshold of
the prinia donna until he or she has
written a few words cither upon Mine ,
Patti herself or some other subject oi in
terest. The consequence is that the sig
natures of almost every notability both in
nnd outside of llio musical world are to
be found in ono of her albums , while , be
sides those , are many letters of well
known composers and musicians which
Mine. Patti IIUH had presented to her or
has herself purchased. Of these are loiters
ters from Mo/.art , Beethooven , Chopin
and other illustrious ones.
Many extracts could bo sriven from
thcso albums. Wo will now. however ,
merely give the following , which wo trust
the gifted songstressll \ forgive us for
publ hing. The lir.-t is troin Rcasini.and
is dated February 10 , 18yt. Ho wrKes :
' "Tisan easy and a pleasant task which
you have set -namely , to jol down al
random n thought or two in your album.
There are then thrco things which I shall
over do first , admire you personally ,
secondly , marvel intensely at.your talent ,
and , lastly , bo until death your mo.t
laithfuland grateful friend. ( J. ltosmj. "
Meyerbeer is much more formal and stiff.
" 1 bug of you. " ho writes , ' 'to accept this
as a tribute of my respectful homage and
my profound admiration. " Bcrlioi , on
the other characteristically witty.
"How am 1 to translate 'oportct pati * ' It
has been variously rendered , you know.
Pednntio scholars would have us believe it
' 9"flB"Uf $ I * to lot of yiuij,1
And until Saturday , January 29 , inclusive , we will offer the following
closing out bargains :
18 doz. fine all worsted inens' Cardigan Jackets ; reduced from $2.75
to $1.50. 40 doz. striped camel's hair heavy weight Underwear ; re
duced from 60c to 35c. 65 doz , scarlet all wool men's Hose at 12o >
25 doz. all wool "Wristlets atlOc a pair.
In clothing we offer the following specials : Oassimere lined Overcoats
reduced to $2.75. Blue chinchilla beaver Overcoats , reduced to
$3.76. Fine all wool plain beaver Overcoats , in black and
brown , reduced from $14.50 to $8.90. A 1 , heavy blue beaver suit ,
Grand Army style , double breasted and warranted pure indigo dyere-
duced from $16.50 to $11.75 ; second grade reduced from $14.50 to $10.
All of our heavy winter suits which have been selling for $12 , $14 and
$16 , are marked down now to $9 , $11 and $13 , respectively.
In addition to the above we will close out THIS WEEK , 80 doz. line
silk Neckties at the nominal price of lOc each. These cannot be bought
at less than 25c at any other establishment , and in order to prevent
dealers from buying them , we have decided not to sell more than two
to any one customer.
Please bear in mind that we broiight new goods into this market , and
our only object in these sacrifices is to move goods in such quantities
so as to insure us plenty of room for spring goods. .1
All goods marlted in plain figures and at strictly one price. .
< &e& ra
Cor. and 14-th sts. Omaha.
. Douglas - . , .
so say the jolly monks : 'oportct pati' is
Mm ply , 'briiur hither ( npporte/ ) the pate , '
while with a still ncaiurapproach to truth
I. with all true lovers of music and song ,
say it means , 'it is impossible to exist
without i'attiV"
The B. & M. train for llio west last
evening brought in ti large delegation of
passengers bound for the ice carnival at
St. 1'aul
1) ) . 15. Kcclcr , assistant general freight
agent of the Union I'aeilic at Dourer ,
left for home yesterday.
Three solitary drunks were disposed of
by Judge Sti'iiberg yesterday two being
fined and one discharged. One of the
prisoners , a man from" Iowa , claimed to
have been robbed of all he had in a dis
reputable "joint , " in the lower end of
town , wlnle he was intoxicated. Olliccr
Mostyn was sent out with hijn to look
3he matter up.
Absolutely Pusre-
This powder never varies A marvel ol
purityst rentfth and wholesoincnesB More
economic than the ordinary kinda and
cannot be sold in competition wi-h the mul
titude of low test , short weight alum or
phosphate powders , . Sold only in cnns.
Royal Baking Powder Co. , 106 Wall street ,
New York.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases ,
hitu-un jcara' llonimal nnJ rmulu I'racluo
Woh : o Iho f.uilltufi , ei > | mratui cr * < l mimliis
for tlio ouccc ful treatment of fiery form uf ii ! -
( tie requiring clilicr imdical or tiirglcnl trcntmrul ,
fiu.l Im He nil to coma niU ) liivittlxnbi fur tliciuitlvei
i corirepuntl ullli un. J.ontt iifrltnro | In treat ,
lugcuiei liy letter inabU'j u to treat many tusn
cientllJcAUy without erpinff them
WIUTK roit ( " 1I1CUI.AH em noformltlei and
finxcci , Club Xrct , Ciirvnturcn of ( tin Hplne
laei ! E * or WOHKX , Piles , Tnmori , Canccrr ,
Catarrh , Hroncliltli > , Jnualntion , Klcclrlcltjr , I'aral-
y U , pll | i < 7 , Kidney , Kye , Kar , 81.IU , IJiood and
all < j [ > erntloru.
llutlcrlm , Inhalnri , Ilrarra , Trniiri , fin I
nil kind * of Midtcal and fcurnical Aip ] luuctt , Latu
ufactiimlandfor §
Hie only reliable ntedlcal Intt.tute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
rA M'fftlAI/JV.
frum h tcvercuii oni'idiiceil , nicccMfully trcatei )
Wo ctn rciiiuvo K/jiuiliuo jioitou froi _ tlietui
without niemirjr.
Neir rcitorsliTetrentmert for IOM nf vital nnwfr
( ' II nd connnll u * or Bund airae and patl-oHir ,
fi'ldrtis ' plainly written cncloeo eUwp , tmd u.
lull tend you , In nl..ln irramirr , our
vro.i I'mviTii , ti'tiui. JM > hEnroi'i DniiAur
SCUINil.VriSNlH. . bl'ei-.U.lTOHI'.lKEl , iMI'Olt
cv , bxTiiii.ii , Uoss iim ? , GLEET , V Ricoine
I'liixiKi OIIOAMJ , or n.'i.a h-ttury gf yrurioiv'vi
au opinion.
I' r ottkiiEl'l ' tJ tWtusinaybe treated al'lit'
IIQPUJ. byoomrpnndeiica Medlelno * and Imlri
rnpuu eeui by mail or i'xi > rc * SHC UilCI.Y I'M K
EIJ KttOM ( tnarkj to ; u < li. .
content * or ftm'cr One personal interrliw i r
ferrcdif coiKcmsiit Fifty r oui for thecru
inodation cf ra'"n" Hoard and nltendau-c
rcaionnkle pitcei Addruu &l > I. < Uera to
Omaha Helical and SQrglcal instll.ate ,
Cv. . 13ili it , end CulUI 4vH
The C. E , Mayne Real Estate and Trust Co
Property of every description for sale m all parts of the city. Lauds for sale In
every county iu Nebraska.
Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Mans of the city state or county , or any other
information desired , furnished free ol charge upon application.
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and I3O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
Prices , quality and durability considered , are piacod at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their moot
liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects In materials and workmanship.
" " .
1305 & 1307 FARNAM CTREE" !
A magnificent display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture-
maker's art , at reasonable prices. _
NO IIIH ! IVKUV : vi.ut : OVUK A jusTitiiu ni >
Only i2.00 required to secure one Royal Italian 100 francs gold bond. Tlic.e bonds
participate in 225 drawings , four drawln every year ard retain their original valnu
until the year 1U11. Prizes of 2,000,000 1,000.00'J , fiOO.OOJ . Kc. franc * will be drnwn , be
sides the certainty of receiving back 100 francs in gold , you may win 4 times every year
and so come into possession of a fortune. . . . ,
flOTcnlollarsan ) first piiyniPiit you om : Fonuro 1 1 m Austrian jrovnrnmont liondJ
Wlth < )
' ,
. various IMropuuu gnvi-rnmi'iit ' lionda , which mo drawn ,11 tmitu
with ni I iiilly H nor wit i r / ' 9rti i ountliiK to over I'l -.0) i.'JO ' ' . Im imoo nu eiwy monthly liisti.llimmU Hnln
vostiiiPiil of CHpltul us the itm to.1 mmic.y must Ijo pulil Imok nnd iniiny chimics to win n lilir
i i rl/o Monciy can bo Font liy iftflslurod Itttor , momiy onlop or liy express , mill In rutuin vu | U
orwiiiJthoaucumoiitH Tor liirthur liifurnmtlon , cull un or luliiiuss ,
ICIMtM.V iSAMtEMii < - < ) . , ilOft Itromlu'iiy , JV w York.
N. II TJieso bonds uro not lottery tickets , fttid the sale is loitnlly pountltod. ( liy linrof | b76) ) ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
The largest slock. Prices the lowest. Uupairlngspcciiillv. All work warrant-
nu. Corner Douglas and Ifith streets. Omuli i
Licunecd Watc'hmtikor for tbo Union i'uuillo Ka'.lroiul' ompariy.
E. T. ALLEN , M. D.
Eye , Ear , Nose & Throat
Room 'J Williams Building , cor. 1 Dili and
Dudgc s1a , Omaha.
ours 8 to 12 a.m. 3 to1 and 7 to ti p. in
Iff I .fini'/W ( Jl. ' .in iit\ii luuibi ( tf h tjr M
C rt-i-t-.V./-J j.ll c > tll.ttrc.rtt < lltilil.HJ lui.lh.
( Jiitffitln i ' .tLicniiiiurn ih > rt > K Wtui . . .inr.
> . ' / I < ilit n
7ii &iaJ nEI clrisCo.