. , , . , _ , vr * . . Y fug"'mvii 7 - w.r in - - T-- r % i rr THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : THURSDAY JANTAKY 27 , 1387. SPECIAL NOT10BS _ Acltertl'emonts under ibis ho d , loeentspor line tr > r Iho first Insertion , 7 etnts for cnch sub- serinr-nt In'ortlon. nnd 11.60 n line per month No advertisement tnkon for lcs tlmn 55 cents lortno nrst Insertion. Seven ords will bo counted to thn line : they must rim con'ecu- lively nnd must bo pnld In advance. All ndvcr- tiFomcnU must bo tinndcJ in before 2 o'tlo k p.m. , nml under no clicutnttnnces will tliej bet t l > cn orillscontlni'ed by lelcplmno. I'M tug ndxc.rti'.lni ? In theu < olumns rmlhir- Inp the answers ni'ilii-sfttd In ctro of THE Urn will tilrwo nsk for n check toennblo thorn to ( ret tliolr litter * , ns none will bo delivered except on flrc'tcntntlGn of check. All RIISWPM to ad vertisements should bo rnetofpd In envelope * . MOK'IOAOLS I'tirclinio monor mortcnpes. on Improved omnlmroal ostnto. boiiirht ntNo 21 Tren/lcr block ; npply between 2 nnd 3 p. in. EtfT _ TVI ONI1V to lonn. Ellis llros. . rcnl cstnta nml J'l loan nient8 , room 17 , Whltncll block. cor. i nnd llninoy. 005 _ " UMjy"to limn , cnsli ( in nnnd.nn dclnv. , | . W nnd E. L. H'liilre , K1J Futnnm Rt. , hotel buildin. Wl fr | ier cent saved by falling nt Paulson \ Co'a. < tor lots In fcctitli OtiiHliu mid Annot. 570 27 _ T OANS Ixjnns Loons. Hcnl relate lonns , Colluterlnl loans. Chattel loan" . I/ontf tlmo loan' . Hhnrt tlini ) lonns. Money nlwnys on hand to loan on nny ap proved security. Investment securities bought nnd sold. Omnhn rlnuticlnl ExchmiHo , n. n. cor. lrtli ntnl Iliirnov. Corbett , Jlnnnifpr. E05 $ 'jxnjaui to lonn on six months' to six jonrs' tlinu nt lowest rntp . W. Jl. Hurrls. room Ii , Froti7or block , op | > 1 * O 7I4J-28 * HAHItlS * IIAHHIS. RIO S. 1Mb M. Money to loan on llrsl Gluts security , from SHX ) iipunrds. M ! , ) TO LOAN nt 0 | icr cint. J. J. Mn- $600f hoiipy , I60 ; I'lirnnin , BOB " PF.lt CENT Money. H 0. I'ntlorfon , IBth nnd Hnrnoy. 357 nlMXMrfo lonn. Bums J.WU and upwards , Lowest rules. Heinle , room 3 , Hnrkcr block , 8. W. eor 15th mid Fm nnm Bts _ _ _ M)7 ) r MONKY First mortirnito notes. The Doilfrlas county bank will buy papers SLOiirc-d by Tr t innrt ( tn o on city remty. 7 M GPEH CENT -Money to loan. Orctrory & Ilndley , Ilooms 1 nnd 3 , Hcdick block , 320 S. 15th Rt. fPO LOAN Money Loans plncnd on Im- JL proved real cstnto in city or cotiniy for New EiiKlnnd Loan k Trust Co , by Douglas County bank. ICth mid ChlPiiiro Ms 810 olty mid fnrm property , low rules , Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3 , lion IlHtik. 812 ON1.Y TO LOAN O. F. Dnvls i Co. lieu M Kstnte and Lonu Agents 1505 Farnam st. r ONKY TO MAX On real estuto nnd chut- L toll. I ) I. Thomas. blS ffiriOO.OOO TolonnonOmnhn city property ntfl P percent. O. W. Dny , over 1.112 DouKlnsst. 817 MONKY to lonn by the imdornlnnnil , who hni the only properly orrnul/od ( lonn ngoney In Omnhn. Ixinns of $10 to ll.OUO mndo on fur niture , pianos. onrmiH , horses , wn ons , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. 1/onns PO mnrto thnt nny pnrt can be pnld nt nny time , ench pay ment rcdnclnu the cost pro rntn. Advances made on fine wntchen nnd diamonds. Persons hould carefully consider who they are denlini ? with , us mnny new concerns nro dnlly comlnir Into oxlstnnce. Should you need monor , call and BC mo. W. R. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncl' Itulldlnv , I5th nnd Harmtr. 818 MoTfKY LHANllu at 0 TriieeiT.iCi7 jr oan offics , on furniture , pianos , horsPB.waBona , personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar ticles of value , without romovnl. U1Q 8. 13th , o\tir HlnKhnm'a rommlsBion store. All huel- nepsstrlctlv confiilontlnl. 8I ( < BUBIBESU CHANCES. rOK SALE Tendnj.s , best pnylnir dry jroods -L business In the west. Investment $ .JfXH ) , Onsh s lies per mo. JIM ) , rent $12.50. W. W. .Fisher , Mnlvoru , la. V-5 27 Fll SAIiK ? 00 will buy lunch counter dolntr trooil buslnesB. A Bood liirjiUii C. L. rinnchutt. 1321 Douslns Bt. 7TI9 2il * FOIt SALE A whole or half Interest in Job prlntlnirnnd publl-hliiH1 ofllce In Omnhn. II fi4 Ileo olllco. 7.11 27 "r\TANTiD : To oxchmiBO Ilcntrlce , Neb. , city V > property for ( ? oed pnylnir jrrocory store. Mtnto nmoiint of Block nnd buslucss do- IIIK- . Address N. F. J. lloutricu , Nob. P. O. box 468. THIl 27 * A HA HE oppoitunityYou cnn purchnsc or -X trnde for a vnlunblt , nowspnper on onsy .ernis hy nddrcssini ? H. U. Wludlmm. I'lntts- iioiilh , Neb. 7 0 23 * 171011 SALE Oroeery business , Rood imylnt ; i. family trndo , pales nm ape f3 , < > 00 n month , fhcnp rent. ( ! oed reasons for sulllii ) , ' . Address 1)21 , llco otH < e. 702 20 * CHANCE Stock C.rocerlcs nnd BtSINKSS for pule. Finest location In Omnhn. DoliiBan excellent business. Address , C , 71 , Hco Olllco. CSl /7KW SA Mi A pnylnir law , lonn midi real cs- itale business In A treed town In Centrnl i < ebinsl < a. Addie.3 with stamp D 10 , Hoe of- tlco. 073 26 * FOll SALE A irrnntl bargain for como ono wnnllnir n clchn stock of irroeotles In Omn. hn ; Mend ft Jnmlcsan,31. S. 15th Rt. Ml 27 TPOTitADlf for Western LnniT Oho peed pny. JL liitf hotel with 10 rooms In nrst class coiKll- tlon In n town with two inllronds ; nl.o black. Bmlth ohop nnd tools hi same town. Address Ilnbt E. K. Mellor , Mnlvcrn , Iowa. fiCi : 2(1 ( * TI Oll SALE llotpl Oimitbus. used 8 months. JL Address , 111 dor , fcuomburi. , Nob. _ _ _ _ B2lf2 ! * F IOK 8ALK-Mllk dairy , 20 eows , l bull. 2 Inn HOB , milk wnuron nndtlxtiires , everything complete , cons nil Ircsh nnd the best ml k roiitu In the city : cull or midress J W. Penny , Iiflth nnd ( Irnnt nt. illr ; § ' ' - ( Irocorlea for snlo. No bettor lacatlon In Omaha. Pules now w in eniKO f3)0 a dn > . Hu.h i Sulby , 21 S. 15th st. 27 fl rpo EXCHAM.lr-MiirchnndUo for tnrms nnd J wild land. C. ,1. Caswoll , loom IU. Iron Jloiik. OU HI 17 OH SALE Or trude for inorclmnillfn , 40 1 neres of NO 1 inrui land near Ornml Islmid , C , .1 , Citnnn h)5 ) HOUSKS Lots , Fnnnt ) Lnnii9nioniyonnet | ( , llninl" . room I , HnrKur block H. W. cor. 16th und Furnnaists. _ _ 6 l " 171011 SALK llaidwnro Hnpinofs-Wo offer A our shelf niul heavy hnrdwnro business for FHP | , toKPthor nlih our lea-o nnd pooil will , Tiailo larront In the cltv nnd location the best. HetlrlUK from the busluois cniii-n for Bolllntr Tbo Huum HnulTrare Co. , 10-3 O PI. , Lincoln. _ fO.1 ll'ANTED A lady who ha. dully employment V 11 ns compnnlon nlk'his. Thu comlorts of u homo J , ll. C Hco olllco. 7-02S IT OII BAL15 Clinup llcsinurnut mid ohn | ' bouse , ilolntr wood business nnd K od loca tion. Iimulre V. ( X Reiner , V Co , , run ) citato l-OOIll 13 , Frun/cr block , opp P. O. ,30 2j ( * Ijr.HSONAL l.adlt'iiilosirlnRlli.st-c.nfis itinc3- .1. Uo IK Ip i-hnuld call on the Mill KIIIUMI AfPut Omnhn Emplovment lluicau , H'J N IMIi l. , Ciounsu bloolr , E. O. Hello Ihle. 72J 20 I > iiSo.\L-J1rs. : ! IrNniimi ) V.Vnren clnirvojnut. Medical nnd buslncs. Medluiu Itoom No. a , 121 North Ktb gt. .Omnhn , Neb. LOST. \ OST Citj collottors book Plo.iso return to ,1-j Joroph Oarneiiuerjoker company. " 7.12S * UTTliU EO-FiomMO Pkirco "st , Omnhn , on D Haturilay , January 22 , one small buy inaro , ono red liny hoim , ( inn b < , y hoiso wllh whlto star on forcbcad , all had hiltors on. Parties Iliiilliik them III bo paid for their trouble by Mollf ) Inif us. Wm Pri'iton . \ Co. 7J1SI * UTKAYEJIO'll SI'OLEV -Wo.lnoMliiy.'Jun.Tv , fj l < s * , black pony iuari > , branded I'und Eon left hip,3 white lei t.Blinrphhod , bend btnll on. Hen unl paid Dau'l llrowu , mail currier. Oma ha postolllro 091-26 * "Clairvovant. [ ADAM ALASKA. Clnrovoyaut and palmist , i 612 South 10th st. b > i O.V H ptid for old U'ol.l nud silver , C. L. Er- Ickbuu & Co.,21. ! N If.tli 6U 71927 SINOINd Ies > oii6lii "btjle'1 and "nlirnsltiis" In the Iliillnn uid French method , trhcu by n ucutleiuiin hmiiif studied under the bosc 1 uopcmi inastiirs. For pmtlouhirsnddress 1 > ll.Uamha Ui > o ollice , Oiiiahu. 7U7 2i * CulHMilor uiul 1 I' tnblhheit Ibioaii. Doiuirtmcntb HE-- rlc'.iluiral.llvo stock , liousckcoplnv ( u vuluatlu collcH'tlon of iu > clpts In each is.ue ) , mid ten- mil iiiucellunious rendluir , Inrludiuu : ( hurt itorlod mid iu > ulry. fl.Ou a jour. Vtiluitblu prumluiiiF frumplo rouy free. IL S. Smith , 1'ub , Itoom 3 , WUbucll UJockOmaha , Neb. .111 'JKO TUKK NOTICE Thdvo on hunil n nrpon n- a tltr of t'lmithy. clever Ktid millc-t f c nl for file. V rlto for prices , w. ( I Huston , Dand . -lly.yBli. 671 t. a ) _ IfUUl ltKNT- < ] ui > rfl rinno , Ji monlnlr. A ' HOIPO , 1518 Dougli ? . ' 610 STTrmrTlNDln ten le on . No } no portion ; mpkl ns ( r-CM-h Instructor , flcfnts. rcrnin'sSliortlinnil Inslltntp , Detroit , Mich. 18 < MO * _ _ _ _ _ FOUllKNT Orgnns , ? 3 per montn. lei > pet 1E13 UoilBln * . CM _ inoit KHNT Sqj ro I Inno U rnontnlr. A 1 Cll _ TTOlt SAL"rT-Or Tnno ! oHoTvhor o power J. engine nnd lioller nml plnnlnir mill inn- clilnory. one 2t-lneh Ko tner feed mill , ono Vic- or lieller , ono Holt linrtlntt , piillles , clovntor , ) UtsAc. It. J. Wnttg , 2Qil S gflth t. flffl-U ! FOHSALK-Ptiimplnir 1'ntterns chrnp : nnd jtninnliiKdonii to order. Mrs J W. Mor rison" , r,03 Davenport 237 F12 _ I/Oll SAl.R-TholiMt buirey In the world for L thP lti > M R tntu lluslncsi , Columbus UtiifKy Co.,11lillnrnovst. ; n A irood 5 ypnr old tiorsp , tinrncss nnd bilir > y. Knqnlro nt HW DoiiK'ns ' St. Wi FOI ' 8"\I.B Oir 1 ilAIMIbno 2d haml tldts Imr buifiry , ono M linml phaeton , or.o tli- Ivcry w n go 11. Cli en p. A. llo.'pc , 15111 DoiiRlns. 751 J ! W T OUSAI.i-T : > pc-wrUor , | 00. J. II. llnyncB , X1 Hiuiu'i , Omnlin. 6 < i7 F > lt S.VI.IJ-riirniiiiro nnrt len o ot en-room lioii o , tlmp on part. Cull IISK North 17th street , two blocks from ItPd Car lino. 6'JJ WANTKD-A boy nt Oinnlm Shht rnctory. 75J S \V ANTKI ) lloy nt llco mill loom > V .733 M * \\ANTUI ) Two uoodcolitor ) , must bn men > > of nlillltv. Apply nt lleoin - , UOH Deft ft , , bet. 8 nnd On in. 711 " I'ANTED-ilonerirotlo men nt onco. Apply i to Eclipse Installment Co. , 1403 Dniliro st , 701 31 AATANl'l ! ! ) Thrco tlrst class sliooumkers for ' flttlnp nnd Imnd setvlnir , Cull or nil- dress Knrl Krle el , 711 St Mar > 's Ave 70(1 ( 2t _ _ _ UTANTF. ! ) A llrst-clnsi book-kcnp'T. ' Must hnvo vorv best city reforuncos or need notnpply. C. I' . Mnyne , 15th nnd Ilnrnoy 085 WANTED liny or yountf mnn having n Kood horse mid living In south jinrt of city , t carry iiioutu on Daily Kvciiln llco to bouth Omnhn. 40.1 \\r ANTI3IMon , women , boys , cirls to onrn f'O per mouth nt their own bomes costly nut lit of smnples , n pncknko of ( roods nnd full Information for lOe to help pay postage. Ad dress HC. Howell A Co. , Hutlnnd , VI.IWflO IWflO * " \\7ANTUD-W ) sober. Intcliliront men of tree 1 ' nddress to try n lOo niciiI nt Norrls' res. tnurunt , lOlSlflth ut. l.V ) AOF.M'SIn the city or country c'in miiKo J" ) to J10 n dny sclllnir our spoilaltioa. N. W. Novelty comnnnv. 1207 Fnrnnm st. 112 WANTED FEMALE nilP. \VAN'rll-A : lu'nr ' ( room girl ut the Wind- ' f Bor hotel. 775 \\7ANTIJD-A competent nurco ulrl for child two years old. AyplyMrs. Quo PntnrAon , S 24th st. 75728 * IADII'S nnd Konts smiled for nn onsy pollinir J nitlclc. Apnly between 3 nnd & p. m. nt the Hostnurnnt 118 S lift ! ) st. M. Olson.7CD 7CD 26 * WANTHD-Oood Rlrl for Bcnoral hougowork nt22l Cnss--t , cor2.ld. 7fl2B * \\7ANTKD A ( rood Bill for ironorilhoiiH ) V > work , 711 S 18th fit. 70127 * \VANTKD-A Kood iflrl lor tfenornl housework - > ' work in a family of three ; irood npply nt 101 Soutli 25th s t. 748 2 WANTED Root Klrl for Koncinl housn- work , to thn right ono n good homo nnd ptendy plnco 10)2 ) Snundois--t , 74725 * A I/ANTED A cook Inn piluito fninllv nt 101 M N. Ihth st. 7J72J * " \Vr ANTED Two illsh wir lie irt mid ono Inun- ' dry \\oiuiui ut tha Coz/ons. Apply nt once. 742 WANTK.D A irlrl for frcnornl house work. Apply nt once , Mrs. John Wldonor , WO ColloBO or South Kith St. 7JO 2fl * _ good Kirls for llrst work nnd 2 si'cond Bills for No. 1 private families llcstof WBKPS. Cull Omnhn Employment Ilu- ronu , IlHNorthl-tb.Cnpitolnxe. 7-3 2C TX/'AN'niD-'oTrl / 14 or 15 yours for Hcht housework , and caret for children. 2414 Ilnrnoy Wl 27 * I/ANTED Kvporlonepil bonsekoepor. Colored - > ored preferred. Cnll nt 112 N. Uth. 733 A Kood jrlrl for Benernl housework - work In n small family- steady plnco lor n g-uod Blrl. Apply to ( / . L. F.llokson It Co. . 212 N ICth Ht. Masonic block. 713 27 l/ANTED-OIrl for ironem ! housework nt S. ' K. Cor.-Olh niul Farnain Kt. 71J27 I'ANTED llutton liolo workei ? , 1112 Far- nnm. 713 27 * Two Kills ; ono for first nnd ono for second work at 2311 St. Jlary's nvo. Apply 50CS. 13tli St. Gf-7 i\'ANTKD A Rlrl for ( renornl housework ; ' must Uo n Kond COOK nnd cone : well rocom- mended. 215 S. 15th st , 811420 W IANTRD A clrl f or ireneinl house work m smnll family. 1PW1 Farnnin CM-20 TXrANTED-A competent clrl for ponornl bousowoik. AjiplytoMrs. C. It , Scott , 2031 Dodffo bt. < > 7'J 20 W ANTED A ( rood stiomr ( ilrl ns washer In laundry nt Windsor Hotel. 408 Wv _ \ TANTED Tifiroort oTrU for doiiioiTio works to call nt 122 N.-lRth fit. Oil 2S * WANTED Competent irirl nt 2535 Ht. Mnryn n\e. | OU 28 * ' x'V ANTED-Good cook and Laundress. 2(12 ( N. > IStlnt. WANTEO-linod ulrl , English or ( iormnu. cook , wn.hor niul Ironor. Imiulio 2.1 ! CBSS st. _ _ _ .147 " \\TANTKU 30 ladles * ( funtd to loirn tclo" > i Rraphy. Prospect KOIM ! for position when competent ; address W. J. D. , Itoom 1 , Cromu H7 W ANTTD Dlnlnir-ronm ( flrl nnd dish- washer. Inquire MIllor'Hliu.itauraiU , 10UI ICth st. Sii SITUATIOH WANTED. TITANTIJI ) Position. A ( 'oitlomnn : with T > capllnl desires to enter sonm wholcBnlo i > s- InbllHhmcnt Iu this city. U. Fnrrcll. Pnxton hotel. 7iil 2'J ' * " \\TANTED Sltunt.'on. A yountf mnn of ifiiod hnblts will work nt nuytli.nir : recently from New York. A. E. Haldwln , 8. K. cor. flth und Howard sts. 745 27 * " \\7ANTKO-Kmploynicnt ns | CK iiur.-o , peed refuicnee. , IbOl Wobitor ; also lady loom mnte , inu.t nl > o lofercuuos. 740 27 * \\7ANTED A ycnintr mnn wnnts n situation T > lit drivlni ; or taking euro of hoises. Ad- drefs , DU , Ileo. r > .l 23 * \\rANTED-Hoytodochorps nronnd ho so l forhlsbonid.OJ b loth st. 1) . L ML- Ouckln. t7l 28 * \VANTED-Situnllon to post booka , or Komo other likowoiliudo uvonliu's. Address , 1) 14 , llco Omee , 703 - ' : \\rANTKD Position , liy llr.t clnsa stoiioirr.i- tT tiliur anil tyno-nrltor. Addrob , , D r..llco Olllco 70J 28- _ _ _ \\ANTKD Situation as hniibokofttior ill smnll > ' Imnily. AddrcsJ 12W Suib nvanuu , Council lilutfs. _ . * Trr lonrn diy jjdods or Krocory ' trade bj nyounir nrin of unreproaoli- nhlopharmiterandhubltd. llnvooxporlonco ns hdiool toucher llcst of reference , try him. AddrcbS 4I 8 13th 6t , _ _ _ tO" . 20- _ \ \ ANI'ED-Aiiurso , who Is willmir to help ? around houss. Address N. C.U1ne.i ton 6t. Ml _ _ _ MIBCULLAITEOUS WANTS. \ t CANTED An oxporloncod hotel mnn w l-hc's 1 i to IcHbo n krood furnisho I hotel 2' to 50 rooms Will buy linoice. Address H. Heath iiiniinser Lusk tiou9c , Logan , lo ti.77l _ _ 2s _ " \ VrANTKD Second 1-nnd cylinder iloik nin > > second bund email or medium safe. Ad drc.j D 17 , ututlntr price , euro this olllco. 7i30 21 * _ Al ANl E-To ! rent n house sultablo for fur ' nished looms. Itcnt pur inoiiili , IJ to J j. Addrots 1) ) H HeoiUlce. 761 21 * . board by younif man Near L' P .hops , uddruad U IS. tinting- price and locution. 7M27 * _ - mid luuriry 'or his > > keeping , * > o-jd euro truamnteeii. AiMresi 1) 15 Hee oillco. 720 & ' _ \TANTKD-To cichanjo W acres Improve > land , Blx mlles from llorlraud , Nub. , for bnrdnuroorfurnituru. f. C , tictiroodor \ Co. ny ANTED -Tcnms,30J S. lltti st "IVANTKO A pnrtnershlp ih n rotml lUrd- > wnro 'toro. Cnn furnish. cipltnl nnd ex- ) drleneo Address , A , WJ First avenue. Cdnr lapldj , Iowa. W9 29 * _ WANTKD-To buy nvo to twbnty ncres In side of or near Omnhn. Oive dcscrlp- lon , price nnd terms. Address , C , 2 J , Ilcoolllca _ 227 _ WANT LIJ A jouiiR mnn desires Instruction onthORiiltnr from n competent teacher. .ddress II 41 , Ileo oTlcc 7 i REUT-HOUSCa AKP LOTS. 'irOK HENT Throe bcAUtlful , now. four- JL1 roomed , vnrnndn cottngos , with blinds , etc. . nt south Omnhn. W 8. Senoy , 111 Sou th 141 h street 751 37 fj OH KENT ft-roomed furnished cottnco , 1115 -T Lcnvcnworth > t. 7M 230 Jl PT-ETon DoU'ons Brood us a corner : cnsh t fM : * l.nl ) for n fowdnjs O. M. Cooper , 150/j Fnrnam. 413 29 FOll KKNTHouse , n rooms , In llnnscom I'lnco. 'toiler ' , V : Campbell , Itoom 1 , I5U9 'nrnntn. _ TO'i _ 131011 HFM' A lnr o two-story , fi-room house JL1 nf.'O'KDnNonport st. Apply of O.N. Hut- c rl _ leq oincq. B77 _ Ii'Oll HHNT-llouso of ton rooms , modern ' Improvements , Rood location , chonp. lid- win Dnxls , I5W ( Farnnm st. &GO Tr\OH \ MliM slxrooin house with barn. * 1S J.1 per month , Corner llth nnd Vlnton. In- ulro on promises. 4.11 FOll HUNT ID-room house with Inrso stnblo , \orychonpto rlht ( pnrty. Marshall * la- jcrk.l.VI9Fnrnim. 221 17 011 HUNTlly Feb 1st. ten room house , J modern Improvements , n minutes walk 'roml'.O. On gt cnr lino. Inqitlro nt 1108 Douitlnsst. 140 H III'.N'T A bnrn for t bond of horses. Inquire - F quire of M. V Mnrtln. 8n FOll HUNT A nleo n-ronm cott < io , hy S. T. I'oterson , s. o. cor. 15th nnJ Doiltfln } . 47 ! FOll HUNT -ft room hnitao. eitv water , street cnrs , 1 * < miles Irom I' . O ; $ .10 pur month. I ) . C. 1'nttoMonOmnlin Niul bmiK. 71u FOIlHFNT-lari.'o bnrn with water vrlvl- leifes Apply nt ISlsChlenw Bt. TO T71011 lir.Nr-llouso , t rooms , corner Phi -LA Shcrldnn nnd ( Inward sis. llouno , ll rooms , nil modern Improvements , Ilnrncy and 20th sti No brick store , north 1Hth st 4 now stores no-ir Hnscnll's hotel , south nth st .SIB per month Itrlek wnrohouso on It. It. track nnd pnvol Btrect 3rd story llarkar building , 15th nnd Fnrnam , M feet snunro. C. H Mnyno , 11th nnd Ilnrncy 227 Poll HUNT If you wnnt to rent n house , MJenll on llonnwn& Co .opposite poslolllco , MJ 171011IIRNT Sutlttblo for Joblilmr House.Soc- J ? end mid Third Floors , inxino with base- mentnnd olovntor , entrance Irom front on Doutrlns St. , nnd entrance on uroundlloor from rcnr to olovutor. Address A 33 , Ileo ofllco. _ _ 270. I lir.NT Broom house H.V. . cor. 71 h nnl 'neino ImiulroM. F Mnrtln. 211 IOH HUNT Sir now brick stores with h'ise- 1 mentflcorner Eleventh nnd Hownr.l : eholco location ; nil conveniences. LoavlU Hurnhnm , Itoom I , Croluihtoii block. 027 T. 011 HR > fr-Ononowoittniro , 7 rooms , J.il. J1 Throe now 2 story ho'isus , jn , one nt $ r > ; rrelllocatod , nil conveniences. Loavitt Hum- humHoom 1 , Croliflitnn block. 127 FOll KINT ( to acres ndjoinmir city north- west , sultnblo for dniry or mnrkot triinluu. Apply to Thoo. Willlnms , Uee Ollloo , 14 Fur- nnm. oT > \i\'Hl \ \ HUNT Store22iUO , 1110 Jackson st. L1 783 POH IIKNT Desk loom In Oinnha Heal Eb- Into Exchange , 151I ) > Fnrnnm. 771 TjlOH HENT liirilshcd rooms , with or with- Jout board.'leims low. 1121 I'loico. 7W3I ( * FOH HENT Ono window with sufllclont room for rent estate otllco. 308 North 16th st. 751 28 FOR KENT Rlownntly furnished Iront clinni Uur nnd bed room. All modern con veniences , near business , 1015 Cap. avu. 755 31 * FOll HENT Nicely fiirnWiod front rooms 1013 Howard street , 2nd lloor. Inquire Hoom I. 7I'J 31 * F > OIl HENT 2 nice olllco rooms nt 5123 ICth street. 7U ? FOll HKNT-Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping , one block north of exposition - position bulhlhiB. 31.1 N 15th st. 7'J28 * FOR HENT 2 very plonnnfitnowlv furnished looms. 1 largo front room with bay win dow , 1 small room , 2025 Furnuin st. 701 I7OH HENT-Nlcoly furulslied rooms , 4'l S. I. lUhBt.,2dstnlr ny from Howard. 072 20 * FOH KENT Furnished house of seven looms until Mny 1. Dcilrnblo locality. Inqulio olllco Western Pattern Co , Exposition Ilulld- Illff. OGJ _ F H HEVT-Nlcelyfuthlsheil front loom 205 South 25th street. U5I 2'J < FF F IOH HUNT Furnished room 1 J3 Fnrnnm 015 FOIt HENT Eleirnntly furnished fiont loom with ulcovo nml closet 111 S liitht. . 0,10 28 * 10U IlEM'-rurnlshod rooms , 1015 JJodeo fit. C.'O 171011 KENT ! l nice front rooms In the brick X1 hloc.i ; on llou-anl at. botuoen liith mid 17th sts. Loo. NIohoIACo. , Wlthnell block SHI 171011 HEN'T -At HOI Howard street , ono block X' irom Co77ons houso-street car every live inlnuies n larjri ) front roomfurnished newly , for $12.50 per month. M' TmOH ItKNT-Furnlshod room. 711 N. IJfthJJt. "J7 > OH HENT Furnished rooms for llilit homo JL kucpinc. Hoomors block , cor flth i : HoyrirJ . - 14 _ _ FOll HENT-Nicoly furnMiod ru Hofor- cnccHreiHired. ] 1007 DoiiKlas. F HENT FiirnUhod room. A. Ilospo , 1 1513 Douglas at. Ull FFOK FOK KENT ; i rooms unfuriiUhol suitiblo for hoiHokoopin , 1017 N 2JtU st ; npply to M. F. Martin , Jl rt nth st. 40J IflOH HEM' 1'wo Miuth front rooms , sln lo 1 orciiBiilt ; nUo fiont room , Mrot lloor. wither or without llru , 1512 Cms St. _ 35.-2H * _ J 7 < OHIIEM' A nice , liwht bisement. Inqulro ( if Leslie & Leslie , liillinnd Do Ik'Q Ma. ,1 171OH KKNP Nice roil n > nt 18JI Fnrn un st , -L1 one block west of court house , south sl ftl-i " . . KI.Nf I room , milfihlo for house- kooplns. 711 Pnultlost. Hont. 916.0) . m liENT - Hoems ' nicely f uriilslTed nt nlT prices , fiom $ < , $10 , 812 , $15 u mouth each. toil South IBth giititt , noithSt. .Mary's nvenuo UJ ) Stairs. _ 2UlflO _ l01l HEST Furiilshou room , furnnco , com- X1 fortabln In coldest woallior , and ens. In- flillrelV2l Fninnm. _ 111 1r OK KENT Nently furnished rooms , slnulo 1 or double. HIS Howard Street. HU FOll KENT 3 nlco newly pnporol rooms , wnterln kitchen ; sultnblo for liuusokoep- IiiL' Price. $12.50. 101 1 N. 20th fat. Aptly to owner .M. F. Mnrtln 316 3. 15th tit 021 HEN'T Elo. int rooms on slroot enr JL1 ( mo , b uh aiU t.iti , s. w , cor 2Jtb nnd Webster. _ _ 13J HES'T Four unturnlstiol roonn FOK lor housekeeping to xinull fnmlly , lo cated on ( loorpin nvo near btreotcnrii.surrounil- Int-s pleasant nnd will rent eheaii to i.no.1 paitii6rotoruiiuurviiulro ; < i. Addrojj A. Oj.Hoo otlLO. _ 247 FOH HKXT-Sultoof no.rly furni3hol rootni In new linuso ; modern convenience ) : to gentlemen. I'J.'l Dodiro t ; 5U POK. ciALO-HOU-li-d LOTd. Do not foiKd the blur snlo of lots In CrolKhton Heights Friday , Saturday nml Monnay U W Mount Hem Estate > V Investment Co. nnt ! John L HedicU \ Co. , 318 S. Jjith 8U _ 7iW TAN'I Kl-lnvestors"to know Tliat the ATi" 1 ' nex Is the premier suburb of South Omnhn. Every l t incrcaMnir flOJ i > er nioiitn In valueNo tiellln ? fiom t.WI to fOiO ; 10 per tent cnsh , bnlnnco 510 per month. Don't miss thin rnru chniuo of makint : money , W. a Seiuoy , tolu Agent , 111 South 14th ft. 75. 27 _ lTil-lIiiiuo ot I TooliTs Jnqmro'jfj N. I7llnt. 741 27 * _ f\Oiiotfor .ortho blir taleot lots iiTCrel liton U Heights I rldayainr.lay nud Monday. C W. Mount Heal Ei-tito & Iniesfiiont Co . um John l.ltedlck X Co. , 313 b. 15th t. 70S ITAOK SALE 10 aero * . 10 blocks from paekln ? L' houMis , 6 blooka Irom II , \ M depot ; rua- fonatilo price , Illicit land , Wl.u H Pnrmelc 1WJ 1 HIIHIIll. 72:1 : 1 HOMEd tor salo. llou oof H rooms on ISlh street neir Pnul , one third cash , f Jtjo. IIou > oonA.tb st , no ir Slinruiiui , f2.00. Mouse of 5 rooms , too full lots , fJ. 100 , ono- third cash , bulinco f20 per moiiib. lliitit.o of 4 rooms on Caidivcll et , nOJO. (700 cash , balnnco easy Hou.u of 5 rooms on Hamilton et , lot 60x130 fed. 4OJ.l , 11. W. HuDtrc. . , 1&09 Foraaia at. 71 ( 2S Anmsiii ; , _ . . _ , JO South IBth st ( food lionso nnd lot , Idlnirlldo . Ccrlior lot , Marsh's nrtilitlnp ; iilMt ( lx > t In Mvcrs \ ruder. ' * , t * ) . LotlnPntrlck'sntld , ? 2,4 , 2 Lots in llurdettolonrt.J O Lots In lledford Pl.ice75jt0 fXW. IAII In Ko ters'ndd .J6XX Hotl ennd Lot In Klrkwood. | Jro5. Lots In KllbyPlieebnrintn JWiltr. . ' 11 > n IRht .V Lvnmn'auMd. , | SCO to Ix > t In llnwthorne. f I .WO In Hnwi-s' , JWt In Hnnseom I'll " " " II" " , M.ltM. " " " 11 n. ft.'iuo. " ' " 1 ! 1 < , 2S51. Corner lot In Improvement As'oclntlon , J.V TO. Lou In Potter * Cobb's South Omnhn , $ IW to $ 511. Nineteen lot. In Jvttor 8 aid , South Omnhn , f 700 o ! " > 0. These nro line lots. Lots In llnrrfs * Patterson's nnnox , f300 to J5IX ) . iKilslnnny pnrt of the city nnd peed busi ness lots. Also ncro property for snlo. Cnll nnd i < eo us nnd wo Mill show you the property. Harris A. Hnrrls , O.'O South 1Mb st. 770 2'J ' T \0 not forcot the biff snip of lots In Crelirhtnn tJ lick-lit' Friday , fnttmmv nnd Mondny. C W. Mount Hcnl Estnto > V Investment Co .nnd John I Hodlck A Co , 31s 8. Uta t. 70S MUSI'hnve some ensti on 1'obj 1st. Will poll doMi nblp resident lots nt n s irrlllco In order to lee cn mnltcrs up. for full purtleulnr.s nd- dres p. O. Hot 4 , ctly. _ "IS SI'KAPII , snloof Crolaliton"Holzlit * Frtdny , Siiturilnv nnd Mondny. Trcw rntrlniro ovcryboitr from 0. W Mount Ho.il Kstnto * Investment Co. , nnd John I , llodlcl : \ Co . .1I8S IMh st. 7il" IV YOU Imvi'property for nlo ll t It ltli us nnd It will rernlvo sppctnl at I on I on Kills llrn . Itoum 17 , Wliltnoll block , cor. ICth nnd lliirney. ( W7 DO not fortret the blirsnloof lots In Crelphton Ilcluhts rnilny. Siitimlny and Moiulny. f. W. Mount Hcnl IJstnto * Invnstmotit C'o. nnd John I , llediek A Co. , 318 S 16th at. 7M TWO lots In Kllbv I'.neo. onch $7Sn. 109 feet on Pierre sti oct ( cornnrl , $3,301. n feel on ilttli street icornor ) , C i.W > . II. W. Huntress , 150J rurniiiu st. fi * CS' QI'iCIArBiiloof : rYoliihton Ilelirlits Frl Inv , O Saturdiiy nnd Mondny l"ioo cnrrlnites every hour from C. W. Mount llonl INtntn ft liiM linont Co. , and John 1. Itrdlek A Co. . Ills S 15th st. FOll SHiR-Onu lr > t 70x171 on Poilth Uth ) st. , ulth house , ooulh or the liollovuii rend , $1,500 ; ? .Viuca h , Imlnnco to suit. llou o rents lor f 8 tier month. Morlunty iV Co. , 11KI Dou Ins st W'J ' _ 1'JAIIK AVlTNin ; 1 hnvo 10J teot fiont for pntentnbiirffnln if old oon. Voryileslio- nblo for building n swell trout. 1'or piutlctl- Inrs.nddiess.l' . O. llox l 8. City. 073 Cl'l'.CIAI. snlo of l-iululiton lloluhts Trldny , k j Snturduy nntl Mondav. I'loo rnrrlaires every hour from ( iV. . Mount Itenl lUtnto \ Im optinoiit Co. , nnd John I. Itodiuk A. Co. . J118 S 15th st. 7G7 OUCItHI ) HlU-Wo hnvo the snlo or : KJ choice lots IntliU ndditlou , from fil' > 0 to $ : ) , on smnll piiymcnts. ( lolng fn < t. II. It. Hull \ Co , 115 S IRth SI'CCIAIjBiluof Urolurhtnn lleltrits I rMuv , Snturdny nnd Mondnv. I'roo oarrinircs every hour from C.V. . Mount Henl Kstntn & Investment Co. , und John 1 Itodlck A ; Co . ! I18 S ir.tli bt. 707 "I710H 8AW5 Omnhn nnrt Council lllillTs prop- * - crty. nlso Nobrnska nml Inwn lnnd . Call nnd sco us. Kills llros. Hoom 17 , Whltnell block , cor 15th nnd Ilnrnoy. i > ' 'n ' "iriOK sIi : Intsluoss corner r.Jxl'U , Farnnin I Doi pen 17th nnd Ilith. ut , n nuo bnrpiiln : cnsli ) flj.OO ) . Wtso XI'urmolp. . Tin num. IHS SKI * BO not lortret the biff snloof lut-t In Ctekhton lluljrhts I'rlduy , Knturdiiy nml Mondny. f W. Mount llonl I'.stiito A ; Investment Co nnd John 1. Ilodlck .V Co , 1118 S. liith St. 'M IOT3D\IB5 , -story fr me house , S rooms. jcltvuntor ' , eto , for silo with or without houso' Kmiulro for prices nnd turnn. ft HndloyU : ) S. K.tht Rftt I \\O\l \ \ \ SAIjK Four eleffnnt two storv hou os mid lots , onncottnieun PUcot cnr nnd iu > nr pnblocnrllnc. Will give jou nbnrjrnln. C. W. Cnln , L' iO Ohl st. & 1. ! _ T AND In lown nnd Ncb-nshn to trndo for city XJpioporty nnd pny dllVoronco ICfiur&Tonipleton. At Citl/on's llnnk , 2103 Ciinilng bt. 0 H sfl ! LOT alvlW feet , S-story frnrno house , ,1 rooms , city water , etc. , for Kiilo with or without hoiiFO. llmiulro for prices nnd terms ( ire - ory \ Hndloy , ii-'O H. l.lt Ii st. .ViS SAL15- FOll llnrenln , Hnrgntn , rinrirnln. Wo hnvo It now. Oot the ownoi tied up to Fob. I , Never will bo nnothor tlmncn to net n llnohoinollkc thlsso ehenp Koto 1:111 : ( .cor l.i iu o nnd tnko n look nt tbo splendl 1 honsn Hnd irrouniU there Consider that they nro with in ono block of stroo' curs , -c heel nnd church Don't let this opportunity to niocuio n ( rood Imnjnm or hnixlsomo rosideneu flip. 1'pfco SI.SOO , M.40) oiisb , ? 'iX ) Mny 1 , 1W , $700Mnvl. 1P8. Sl.'OO Nor. 1. ICS'l. M. A. Upton V Co. . I50J Fnrnnm. Telephone 73. " ' .15 " PiciAL6nloof : CrpRhton | Helirhts Frldny. Sntdrdny nnd Mondny. Tree cnrrlnzos OVOIT hour from C W Mount Henl Kstntn ft Investment Co. nnd John I. Ilodlck A ; Co , 31a S 15th St. 707 v ) oot on 20th street , 117 feet from St. 'Mnry.s nvo. Kmiulio for prices. Girgnry ti Hndloy. 3M P , IStli ht. 552 FOIl SALR AlliJ-nero fnrm with house , bnrn nnd erlb , on the tJ. I * . Hy.nnd only omi- hiilf mlle from n Kood riillwny town , with cliurcliQsand icnonls. I'rico Sifl ) ) . Apply to I.onH llr idford , cor. Oth nnd Douglas , ( ) mnhn , Neb. OUT _ GA Mi nml see the fullest nnd moat eomploto set ofnD3trnct books of Douglas county now In the olllcoof H. C. Patterson , 15th und Ilnrncy. .VJ7 DO not foriret the hlirpnlo of lots In CrclxhtcTii Heights Kildnr , Saturday nud Mondnj C W. Mount Itenl I.ttnlo .V liivo tiuent Co nnd John 1. Hed.'ok ft Co. . .118 . S , Kith fit. < 0 < ArholcoPIocaof ( fround onaith Htrcmt Ju t south irom St. Marj'a nvo. Orejroiy \ Hud- ley. 11.11 S 15th fit 55J . & HKA.lt No. 318 South 15th St. Lot , fronthiif 2 streets , 25th nnd Pncltlc , 2 houses , $2,100 Fnsy terms. Hest lot In Orchard Hill with 5 room house , bnrn , well , cistern , fiuitmid shade trees , $ IWH ) . Easy terms. Lot Iroiitlniron Convent nnd 21th st , Im- proveinents worth $ ! , ' > , 2 hniisos. city mid cistern wuter , t'l.tUQ ' F.nfly terms. .Vroom ciuluKi' ' nnd lot , --tli and Charles , K2.00) . JlOO cash , bill o.iey. N Kcor of IMii mid Leavenworth , 2 houses , rents for $71 per mo , lot UlxM , line business property , $12,000. .Mend Je Jamiosor. , 31s S 15th street. 772 SPFCIALhnloof Crelk'hton Iloluhts Fiidny , Haturday and Monday I rco e rrlaics every hour from C W. Mo nt Heal Estate Invest.nent Co , , mid John I. Heiliok X Co . : iH S 15th at. 707 F SALE-TWO corners , Callfornln nnd L ? Plens int And Cnss ami Plemant , $ i,0i' ' ) , for either for llviidnya only. 'I hey nro daisies , ceo llioiu. Ilunchurbulu iiKuntui5H Fuinaiiiht. , , nil 27 Hai > sl- > l.ote.FnrmB Lnfiils nioiiuy lounod. floinis. room I , llurltoriiilock , ti. W. cor. 1Mb nml Fnrnnm et * . f _ 514 SPECIAIiMiloof Crnifhton Helping I rlday , Salurdny and .Mniidu ) ' Frcn oarrlaiiiis every hour from C. W Mount Itn il Hstnlo ft Investment Co. , and John irllodicK X Co , : ilS l..lh bt. [ 707 HOt'SKi Lots hnrms.Lmius--mon" ) loaneil. llomls , room.1 , Haiku blocx , B. W. tor 15th Hnd Farnam HIS. riUI AHSTHOrSOFTlTLl : an I'llhi Hi ie.il CBIUIO viiaianteed MMnml 4-u.ir.uitoe &Ti.iat company ril'ij'jirnam st. .J'liL'I SJ'I'.CIAI. hnieof ( .iiilBhiiiininiehlM Friday , Snturdny nnd Momlnf. Tieo cnrri.iirrn over > hour liom C W.ipun. . Itenl i : ° tuio & Imcstmcnt _ o.und .lobn l.Hloilluk X ( o . : ili n 15lhtt. & 767 AHAIti ; tiariniln ; 4lucre , ot bind \urychonp In lino\tiiiin Huiithern iimmite. lor pur- tloillarbiuiaioss Ii It lien oljlcb 7H-i ? ' F'JH SALE-Ail imiiroved faun ol 8W iieros lil ( Jatjo eouuiy , .Vobraeku. U nnloi n inli of Hcatrlcu , nndll uilloj from I'lcKcciltuti.ni - , on I' . P. lly ; now8 loom ho-ian , IOMO burn , well , wind millorohnrd contnlnin/ I. ' nppbi Iron * , UJ acres under oiiltivution , 11) ) uurcd. fenced , lariroeatilo shod , wa on shod , cno roe n lor 3 , ' > iJbusheNof ) coin , ho * and catilo oorriils , plenty of watar for stock , , j iriru cottonwood unmi Tills \1 \ one of the best firm. In Onto couniy and a bargain ut JlJ.jOJ. One-third ensb , b.il.'inro In 10 jenrs nt 0 percent lntcro-.t To trudo tor Omaha real estate , ono Hum of lar.-o wet K horocs , new get Uoublu work hariiea.i and new wuifon. Two bUBlnosa lots 22xSI ft on Lonvonworth streetcheap , $1,0X1. Itoltor i C.uupbpll , room 11 JIM Fnrntim at 210 QPl'.CIALsuleof CroIjThtoiTHeuhts Friday , 1 ' Saturday Hnd Monday. Free currlHt ( every hour from 0 W. Mount Heal Fstutu A. Im uitim-iit Co. , and John I. Hcdick A. Co .318 > 15th st. 767 A Choice piece of uround on 2 > lli utr.ot ni.t J V gouth from St. Mary arc Orofory A Had- ley.J--03. limit. 5J "t"\0 nut forget the bipsnlnof lots In rrNphlcn Illclchu Frl-lnr. SntuMnr nailMomtay. O. 'U Mount Hcnl K tate & Inv'cMmont Co . nnd Jol.n hicillck ii Co .31SS. IMh at. 'BS GfiVTINKl sVUrtISarwo corner Inn m Hunletlo court , only 4 blocks from S un- dor's Mrceto r ? . w. M. llushmnn , Hoora Ii ) , Uu9bmnnUocnN ! Koor 10th nnJ Dou ; ! ' . _ 7UR SAI.K Two loiscornc-r on t iwo " \\vi , In - \\cstOnnni , 2 blocks south of fiirnam St. , both for JJ.OOO. Corner In lUnoon I'l 'o , 3 Moots from meet ear. 1 block from church nn I school , 'ornorlot on South nth it Clioip nt fl.MD. llcltor A Ciimpocll , room 1,15JJ Fnrnnm ft. SPr.riAI. silo of Crolihton Helc-hts Pntilrdny nnd Mondnv. Free c t-\cry hour from C W. Mount Henl Estnto A luvi simont Co. , nnd John I. llcdiek .V Co . HIS S 15th St. 787 Sl'llISO VAM.r.\ * , OurnoT mUltton. AorrsflM to t tJi per er < > . Noir South Omnhn. And SydlcMo till ) . Mnntinll , v Ixibcok , 1IW IM ) Fnrmm. D O not fortrct the tile silo of lots In Crcurhton Ho1cht Frldn > , Snturdaymiil Mondny. O. W Mount Henl Estate . \ Investment Co. , mi 1 John LJledlck A Co. , 3H S. 1Mb t- 763 SA. SLOM A N.Hrnl . KMafr. 1512 Farnnm st , loom 2. A llnoof choice Inside property nt prices which nre not InHated mid which will prove both sifonnd profitable Investments - Douirlnsftt hot .Mtlinml ld O'lxl.U ' $ sQW Fnrnmnst hrl2ilih ttnd23d,22xW fi.'M Fnrnnm st bet SOI h mid 2.M. fi > * 132 15,0 Fnnmin stpnr In Joromopiirk 2 , > 00 Fnrliani si Cor 31st litrtxl * . Ui.iVKJ We tOmahn lC5xlH7 , nnesltflil 10,0X1 I.eiteti orth cor2l t Improved 12,10) ) llimmil st near 10th , .Ultf.il 0.400 1 eiven 01 th st nonr Holt Line , 100x127. . " . 'Ud Lcn en ortb st Mnynt tilnco cornei . . . . 2.U'1 : llnrnp\ t near SOtti. 174x170 , Improved li.tn st npnr Viaduct. JOxl'Al . lot , South Omaha . I , MI lluslno > s lot , South Omnhn . IkM lledlord Plnco. lot Itblock 11 l.WO Actesln Lnkcslde fV < 0 to 400 Lots in Jerome Park , Eiwt Fronts , nenr Fiirnnni street Lots inV nknly add near cnnnlturfnctory Fitrnam st.eor south mid E. Front ( holc lots Iu Orchard Hill f"iO to 80J OTOl'lv FAHM 313 ncri's nil fanced. House i ' nnd peed barn. Double eorn erllis. Hoi ? bouses ivu feet double she Idlnir. Wind mill lleseivolr. ( inol orchird. tin acres similpil , 40 ncres In clovor. Plotitvot innnlnir wntet III iinsiin | < Slttinted Iu Piittauiitii'iiln county , loun , 12 miles rust of Council HlulTs , nud 7 miles fiom two inllto'id 'tntlons Terms $ > ! per ncro. nno hnlt cash nud bnlinionii time nt six pur cent interest. Clark & French , 1516 loii ) lnsst. _ U53 2S DO nnt forjret HIP bljr wile of lots In Crelirhtoii Heights I'rlilai , Situnhi ] mid Moiulny. C. W Mount Heal IMuo tc Inxpstniont Co , and John 1. Itedlck \ Co. , 318 S. 1 Mil st , 70S 7OHSALEFourBpeclnlcontraotsIn ICount/e ! Place nt n b irtaln If sold at onoo. Ad- i ess r 51 , lice oiiico. 4'.n ' SWAN' ACO. . , Freiivor block , I5th st.opp. poslolllco. Our turn next. Dront OJielto- ment. I'lk-ures won't Uo. 20,0IO,0)JOOJlKliOilO ( ION snl.i since Jnu 1st , nnd still MO hnvo choice Imnrnlnslcrt Husinesslotson Fnrnnm nnd H.uney. " " Douijl is and llodite. " " Cnpltol nvenuo nml Davenport. " " Chelnpo nnd Csss. " " Ciiinmuurs nnd Snundors. " " llnwnnl nnd 10th. . " . " 15lh nnd I0thst8. 500 lots nlonr on the lines of the 10 cnble rends ow bomi : luiilt. l'i oo pns os for nil. 1' . S. Hub out nil hut ono of our ciphers nnd come nml aeo us. ( i'J'J ' 2J not forjret the bl snlo of lots hi Croijjhton DO lloluht * Friday. Siitunlnx mid Monday. C. W. Mount Hcnl Kfitnto & Investincnt Co. . nnd Joliu I. llcdlek.V Co.,318 S 15th ht. 7fid . \ ? VLL A. I.OIlinC : , r > 03 Knrnum street , members of Omnlin llnnl Itctuto lixrliiiiiK' ! ' . Corner ol California struct ami J'wcntj third , COvh'i leot. cnny terms , fii.ylO Ilou'o of eluht looms on Twenty-third nenr Cii , fiflxM foi't , ouo-hnlf cn h , t5.2UI ] Kluht lots , Lincoln 1'l.ico , ono thlul cnsh ; $475 to f.'iOU. Four lots In We t Cumin.a . , ensy terms , 1 150 Lots . In Ml. Pleasant Addition , on y terms , 1450. Twelve ncro lots In hprlm _ ; Vnlloy , 1319. ANo ' . ' 1ncro lots In sumo nddltioa. All on very easy toiuis. Wo hnvo n lar o line of houses nnd lots on ourllst , nnd Invlto buyers to cnn mid wo will show the property. Murshnll & Lobeck , 150J Fnrnnm , Telephone * : t. 75 5J"t"0 ESTABLISHED USED IN AIL a.sj-z'Bi S.ER 200300 PARTSQFTKE WORLD iii'S and PrkfGou nppllcallnn. Suidby < > llthu best OnrrtHc , * llulltit-ri * niiU Orulers. CINCINNATI. U. S. A. Catue Adc'xt'sj. COO CIN , S. A. KEAN. JOHN IOO V.'a3hlnfr on St. , KiT\Vo imr tbo ni. rkut price lor County , City , 'louu ami bohonl Currrgpuiuloim ) l Ai'i'iiiinls of Hiinlts nnd Jlinln-r : * unil ullinrs rn- ( vlrutl on latoiabla terms. Di'.il In r.nnil Warrants nnd .Scrip. MK1V TOItK OFI-iri : I'nlliMl llniil < ISIdP- CnrryliiKthollolnium Iloyal nnd United Stntoj Mullt.nilliu uvtii bntuiday Between Antwerp & New York TO THE RHI1.E , GERHMY , ITALY , HOL- LfiND AND FRANCE. FALL AND W I NTH It Ralon from { GO to $ : , ' Hicurslon trip from fllO to ! . > . Second Cab-n , oiitwant , tl't ; picpnldt4i : x. $90. atotrn.'o pnssaffo nt low ratna. Peter Wrlirht & Hens , Oonora Ag-ents , to llronilwny. Now Vorlc. Henry Pun It , 121S Firnumst. ; Paulson S Co. 142t > Fmniim kl : D. O Fiecinan 1.UI 1 ani.ua BROTTSK. . & BRESSEC Taxidermists Deuleraln general mi. tuiul history und ma fcoumsupplier Artill elal o > o _ , ras-oa eto ( ustom ork ot all kinds mil ieie lirompt utteiitlou. lOlt Cajiitol Avc , OMAHA. N1.HHASKA. A Hrjfp nnm crof ro orded Pprchcron nnd Ujdoilnlc S < na ' ! ) > Also Homo Jlred lolih l.vcrj ilium. il k'i'iirnnieo'l ' n broi ill r. Prlca. rcasouiiblound lorms ca-y Our lock ha- been goloilol with niiioauB to both individual merit nnd pcdlprtu A I. i/c numb ol our Sialiliiiia i-roucdiin-tted mid loll , ol ibe.r tt . an lie h wn Vork i m. the II \ M. H H , two liouib r"letbt of Lm oln. For cntu- lo.uoa an I fuithui informntaui , ivl Iress ruv & . r..iiin.u : n , Y \ , l.f n I f ti cure 1 d j n 1 1 r r. y 10 .t p ti < ' * ur . llrat adlh nli * etli in return m.lM ii ra < li l cur. i , trim y r l AI.LIMI OT rr i > l mr rcmJ locat MH Ilut ell' * ' ' * t te fet oJ It BO it-M-n ft r TK l lo ttra r ? d t car . I > r a tre-llf M i lovlinylliM Milr > JT olt. TlprMi.ud J' > : vrnrUI ml 1 1 u ' It rn-Ujmimlkiu < ; J i Dr. u. uowr. . in niiUi. . JW IKI- ! . BIG BOURSIER BELIOWINCS , The Game of War That is Qnietly Being Played in FRENCH FUNGI FUNCTIONARIES. Tlioltlrnlorstnnlcy Unwlml * tlio I.ctl Tnpo CilllcVnllop WntMnmie Pi lefts' .Marriages .Momiinont to Napoleon III. I'AHis , .Jan. 7. [ Corrpspoiulonco of tlio Hun. ] Never , during the present Renrnv Uon , has tlicro been such seeming nml Insincere unanimity in favor of pence. Tlio wicked bonrsiors , who nrc anxious to rake in a few thoiHaml by sowing ru mors of wnr , hnvo boon propurly chas tised , and hnvo retired to the obscurity , in which they belong. At the festal table in Itorlln , room is smilingly made for the Kronen ambassador uy the highest Ger man gentleman , who unbends from his frosty Prussian etiquette to show "articu lar politeness to his nncieut enemy. On 'change nnd nt the clubs in Paris nnd in Berlin , tlio plain unvuiiiisluid ntntement of 1'rlnco Ilismarck , that ( Scnnany is do- slriotis to liavo pence \\illi Franco most of all has been repeated in n hundred forms , nnd is now generally behoved. At the celebration of the eightieth nnnivur- snry of the ttged emperor's entrance into the Ciimuan armv , in Herlin the other day , nil the speeches were for peace. Thu crown prince .said , ns plainly as words can say anything , that the object of the lierman army is best o\pre.ssed hy the Latin jnoverb ; Si vis paeum p.irn bellum. The oimieror even seems to make nn ef fort of will at prolonging his existence , because he knows that so long as ho lives Franco ami ( tcrnmny are not likely to exchange blows again. And what a won- ilerlul fund of will po\\crthis old veteran has ! Tito other day , when nt noon a guard marched past the. palace- windows XM'h n llasi , and he heard the noise of the music , his attendant physicians tried to reason with him , and to bhow him the folly of getting out ol hi.s easy-chair and standm < ! on hij teet for a quarter of nn hour. "No , no , gentlemen , " lie s.ud : "Do not bother me , I am only doing my duty. Tills is the hour nt whieii Haedeker Kiys 1 am on slew. " Altet the distinct disclaimers of nny desire for ag gression on tlio pait of the ( Jer- man" must come the. subsidence of tiie angry passions of Franco. Yet the arminc of fortresses nnd frontiers , the ro-cqnipmcnt of all the soldiers in the lit'.rnum army uo on night ami day. How can the promise of Germany bo recon ciled with her present acts ? KLELS or uii : > TAPE. French administration lias lone been renowned for its red tape , and has in deed been the laughing-stock of other countries for a century or two. When the republic was established in 1870 , a vain hope was cherished that the bureau cratic would get a severe blow , that pos sibly it would be swept out of existence ; hut nothing of the kind has taken place. Functionaries have been multiplied until their number is almost n public scandal ; and the comical feature ot tlio system is tlio maintenance in oflico of all the old bureaux , as they nxUtcil under the mon archical government.Vo have seen with what hesitation the French approached preached tjio abolishing of the sub-pre fects , officials useless for any other pur pose. than for reporting on tiio temper of tlio masses before a general election ; and the idea of sweeping away the assistant secretaries of state was considered as nn attempt to sap tlio very foundations of Franco. Now nml then n vigorous man , it'tont upon n great piece of work , holds tiieso circumlocution ollices'nnd their pro cedure up to the contempt of the nation , and the action of n few such men may result in the linal amelioration of the service. NOSES OUT OP JOIST. A very pretty story is told about the manner in uhieh M. de Braz/.a , the rival of rftanloy in the civilization of Central Africa , was treated by the government clerks , nnd of the onergetie manner in which he relented the treatment. DC lirnzza would long n o have been on tlio Ojjowe , with his barks lailen with scien- tine instinments , nnd the little company which is to constitute the advance j-nnrU of commerce in those remote regions , had it not been for these same govern ment clerks. When ho was nearly nt tlio ' end of his preparations lie 'went to Italian , the great cotton manufacturing center of the country , and said to n man ufacturer : "lou know that cotton cloth is nsod a money in African travel. Can you make me 100.000 meters of Mich and such cloths ( specifying tlio pattern , weight , etc. , most in use among the tnucs with wlut'h he GA peeled to come in con tact ) . and can you deliver it very soon ? " To all of these questions the manufac turer answered yes. Do Hra//.i there upon drew up a preliminary contract , nnd took it to his friends in 1'aris , asking through what channel it must go. Jt was decided that it must be sent to the colonial secretary. That official kept it fifteen days , and sent it to the committee charged with tlio revision of contracts. Here , for unknown reasons , it remained another fifteen days , utter which it went back to the colonial secretary , who kept it yet another lifleen days , ami then sent it to the maijtime inscription ollice whatever that may mean at Havre. There , the functionaries kept it religious ly for lilteen days , and then it trundled back to tint maritime inscription ollice nt Kouon , where it laid another lilteen days before the functionary in charge thought lit to call upon the manufacturer and say : "Hero , by the way , is the draft of your contract with M. do lira/xa , and , as you see , wo have approved your price.1 "Oh1 but I can no longer deliver at tiiat priro , " said tlio manufacturer. "The market fluctuates , and cotton cloths have risen in value. " So this unhappy contract , with tlm prices changed , went the round of all these circumlocution ollice.sonco ( moro , remaining fifteen days at rest in each one , while De Hrn//.a and his men hnvo heen waiting patiently in Franco for this paper to come back nnd for the cotton cloth to ho manufactured , before they can start upon thuir voyage. Du lrn//.a ! was so indignant at this , and at the per- siitcnl manner in which each limp he asked for something some eli-rk insisted that ho ought to - have something else , that he was ready to res.gn , and made n tremendous low. Ilia energy carried the day It was decided thai he should contiol his own actions , nnd the func tionaries in the circumlocution ollici-s , for the first time , perhaps for a threat many jear-i , found their noses put out of jo.nl \V.WIIinNJ.'a : Will I ISO ! ) . The publication by ex Minister V/.ish burno , in the new bcribner's .Maga/.ine , ot his reminiscences of the sicirn ot Paris ami of the commune IMS brought clown upon him vaiioun att.iclhnnd nci'iis.itions by the scnbis of the capital , none of ulilchisispcchloithyof ) Mr.Vash \ - burne'b nttmillou ; and in all Iho ai tides tin : facts , ir j so distoited and changed to sn.t the malic" of the wiiters that they almost SUMto disprove the charges Tin1 1 n nch public is called upon to bo- liine , by \uitcr in tint Figaro , that Mi \Yashhurmi is not only without sympathy for the French people during their strug gle against ( iermany , but that the Umti d biat'-s legation uub an agency through \\hirlilrttrra were n-jruiaiiy forwarded to the ( icrman lieiiilcjii.irtiTa for ci'riuin sums ot money , paid , the \\ritor is care ful not to say bj whom , but malicious loaves it to be inferred that the inmiMisr nrolittd thereby All tins .s nhHird , and the more so because * tlu-ro was noer any nei d of forwarding li < U r Uirnugh the Tinted btntea legation from P. < ris to \ rr saihcs at UD.J time iJunntr tlio sic o ol 1870-71 , Thojo who wore nt the Gorman headquarters during tliti whole period ol the slego know tha a regular communi cation wn ? kept up between the two l > l.\Res in splto of both French nnd Gor man military commanders. At ono tnuo seventy francs was the price regularly liaid for sending letters Into Paris from Versailles , and the person who took them was changed daily. Mono of the runners was over discovered nml shot , nnd tlio underground railway prospered while many innocent people got into terrible - riblo trouble because of uroumllt'SJ sus picions directed against them. Ths French animus ngninsl Wnshbnrno nnfl Grant will never < tlo out in this irenera- tion. It is founded on n tolnl misconcep tion of the actions of both tlio minister nml the general , nml Is another proof of the manner In which war warps the mind.s of men , nnd results In the twist- Im : of history by nations to suit their prejudices , their passions or their ro- vengo. rmnsTs' MAUUIAOI : ? . About n year ago , M. Dauphin , to-day French minister of finance , but then dpo at Amiens , decided that there was no legal hindrances to the marriage of priests. 1'ero llynclntho was highly pleased with this ruling , which was iiulto contrnrv to the jurisprudence of ! ranee up tothat time , nnd thought to see In it n crowth of libernl opinion in favor of Ids view of this Important ques tion. Hut ono of the courts hero has just decideil n case in quite thn contrary sense. A French priest married four years nqoin Knglnnd his former mistress , who lie now nceuses of adultery. She plends not guilty , on the ground llintsho was never married , her pretended bus- band being nn ecclesia tio. Thn Paris tribunal Is of this opinion , nnd tins an nulled the so-railed marriage , which de cision has occasioned no little comment in legal circles at the French capital. If we were to venture a comment wo should say that this is a striking iu- stance of social morality bolng sacrlllcod to religious narrowness. IT WIM. DlSl'I.KASi : VltANCE. Some rich Italians , in Milan , are about to erect a monument in that city to Na poleon ill and the Kronen army. The place chosen is a favorable spot near the triumphal aroh of the Simplon. It is im- lossible not to see a political sdgnilioHUOo n this undertaking. The committee snya in its circular : "This monument will displease Franco : but we mean nothing hostile to the French republic. " Coy- tainly this declaration is uniipio. The Maine is to bo "to the French army , " and yet its builders say in advance that "it svill displease France ; " it is to be to the overthrown Kronen emperor , nnd yet they pretend that it is "not hostile to the French republic. " Tlio simple truth is that the long-continued existence of the French republic , a government which its monarchical enemies throughout all Eu rope expected to sea RO to pieces long ago , is everywhere stimulating all kinds of monarehiaj combinations against It ; political , religious , social nnd commer cial. All the royal intermarriages of the laat half-do/.en years , nil the International Kuropean treaties , all the army and navy augmentations , have had , in addition to their primary purpose , a soconday aim : to combinojtho continental monarchies against tlio continental republic. The monument to Napoleon 111 , is simply anolher protestation nnd glorification 01 ihe monarchical principle. OnsKitvi'.n. A SWIXDLKK. Docs not refer possible purchasers to his victims. The Athlophoros Co , gladly rc- fuis sufferers fiom rheumatism , neuralgia , sciatica , ncr\oiiR or sick headache , Mdncy and liver complaints to those who ha\e been cured o ( these diseases by Athlo- phoros , and will furnish names and nd- di esses of many such persons to those de- siiinK them. Athlophoros is the only rem edy for these diseases that can Bland buch a test. Edgcrlpn , Kan. , Jan , M , i830. I was nlllicted with ihei.matism for eight years , nnd it bad become chionic in its worst form , and after tibing ont bottle of Athlophoros 1 have not felt any symptom of it for six month' : . It done more than that ; my wife was nfllLtcd with neuralgia for twelve years , had an attack every month. After taking one bottle , six months ago , has only fell once or hsice since. J. C. DOOME , Mrs , Thos Medic. Sanford , Block , corner Btb and Main streets , Dnbubue , Iowa , fays : "I am ( till well. Last winter was a very severe and cold one for me , but I did not have any return of the rheumatism. Athlo * phoios has proven a good medicine for me. " About a year ago Mrs. McCue hnd a very severe attack of immflnmatory rheumatism in which the feet anil hands were very much swollen , so much that you could scarcely see one of the ankles , ami some of the toe nails were comple'cly covered for many weeks. She had suffered almost the agonies of death. Finally , after resortinc to various remedies with no avail , her husband noticed the ad- vcrtisment of Athlophoros , The result of its use was miraculous ; the swelling was soon reduced , the pain subdued , and she was again up and around and has not been troubled since , Every druggist should keep Athlopho- ros and Athlophoros Pills , but wnere they cannot be bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co. . 122 Wall St. , Now York , will scud either , carriage paid , on receipt of regular price , which is $1 per bottle for Athlophoros and COc for the Pills. I'orllvor nn < l kldnoy ( llnoisos , drspnpiiln.lil clltfuktion , noiiliiiPstf , norvoiH Mobility , illsouvi ol woman , cniiHtlimtlnn , lioiuluolio , luipuru lifooil.ctu. . Athloplioros I'llls mo uno < | iiullo < l. ! CATAllltll. Ihenrri'tGunriiin MOlll is n jiotltlvo cure. Prim mpU piit.it unit hoolc fur 4 cenli Iu ilumpt. V. II. JIM > ICALCO.jaiUIaiuljtouOnn. ! : WniloMrutocull ttia nltcnlloN or the pul > - Iki irmimitlly in Hi * mipi'ilorinorlls ot tha ILLINOIS WHSHER In Washing Perfectly fleaii with Least Lnbiir , itnd with limit Kupldity. TlioutundmiuiVlnuBo. All uiiuls \VimtT3 inpnliuil. NTAIt M\\l'lJA 'B'ir \ CO. , 10'JI NOKTll 1I1TH STHKI.T , w AUI. STELI. Fo bUivoii yo r . tluy have bl'itilll ) In fuvoi. nml wnii pales constnnlly Inon butubuuomu tbo must p jiilar | uoi.ut throuirli- out tin. ITnltid Matte. 'Ihe E , O und It II irindoH nrunxuloln SHOUT Wriui'M AMI Exnu I.OMJ W.usr , Niilinlilc for nil UKUICS. 'I ho ( ! | _ > , inn lo of Entrbsri Cculll.iH wuriauttd to wuar twice Hb loin ; m ardlnnry corsets lliuht ) > .t nwnrds from all the World's erent Fairs. 'Iho Hut ineiuil rc < mvi d in lor | 'III-T Di.mir.i : Hi' MK.IIII , Irom the lain ljrpiniti > > ii liv d ul SiiivOilpnnn. Wbl cs in OH of pitunli Imvo been foini- ! worth leas , iho prlnrlplcs uf ttio liluve-Futmi ; hute iMoMxIlnvaliiublii. Hul Jili-rg nro uulhiiruPil to refund money i' . on fxiinnnHtian , tiieso CornelH do tiol iirovu n > tip cn-iii. I FO't SALE LVEHVWllfelll { \IALOOl K I'lll-K ON AITLICA1IO. . . THOMSON , LANGDON . CO , . N w York ,