Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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DfcllmcJ ty carrier In nnj-partof the city M
twtnty tints per week.
H. W. TILTO.V. . . . Manager.
" ? Orncfi , No. < 3.
NIUIIT KniToit No. S3.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
M Heavy suits clump to order nt Rollers.
I- 0,000 Hooks at u b.irgan nt Publishers'
- Hook Sale.
The money consideration for transfers
of reiil estate yesterday was $3'JCC3. '
The Publishers' Hook Sale will close
out their entire stock of books during the
next two weeks.
Don't delay but come at once and buy
books at prices that will nstoimli you.
Publishers' Hook Sale , ! I17 Hroadway.
Will Trade A line family horse and
I'URKy for real estate in western part of
city : will pay cnsh difference. Address
II. F. L , UIK : ollieo.
Leave to marry was yesterday granted
Noli .Jensen and Mary 11. Nelson , both
of this city : also to John P. Ktuus , of
Omaha , ami Mary Ludwig , of this city.
The lady friends of Abe Lincoln post
G. A. II. are requested to meet at post
headquarters to-day at 2 p. in. to assist in
the entertainment to take place this even-
in- *
Mr. A. H. Stcphcnson and Miss Martha
K. White , of Omaha , were married in this
city yesterday afternoon at the resilience
oftliuonlcliiling clergyman , the Rov. G.
W. Crofts.
All those who participated in the dis
trict school entertainment are requested
to meet at Odell llros. & Co.'s ollieo this
ovunfng ut 7:110 : o'clock. ' A full attend
ance is desired.
The entertainment to bo given by Abe
Lincoln post ( . A. H. by Miss Emily
Kvans for the benefit of the relief fund ,
will take place this evening at headquar
ters in Everett's block , Pearl street. Ad
mission 25 cents.
John J. Fraincy has commenced suit
ngalnst the county for $800 fees as justice
of the peace , which ho fools the county
lias wronged him out of , by the board
cutting down his bills. L\-Constablo
Wesley commences a suit for $500 fees ,
mid Constable llickctts for ? : )50. )
It seems to bo pretty well settled ,
though not formally , that Rev. Dr.
Pliclps , president of Coo college , will ac
cept the call to the pastorate of the Pres
byterian church of this city It is to bo
hoped that Council Hltill's folks are not to
be disappointed in this respect , for Dr.
Phelps is a strong man , both in and out
of the pulpit , ami Council Ulufl's , as well
as the church , will gain much in securing
As an instance of the way in which
real estate is going , Williai.i Moore , of
Percgoy & Moore , on Tuesday bought
four lots for $ ' . ' 00 each , making in all
P800. lioforo night he sold them for
$1,200. Yesterday morning when he
came clown to his store he there found a
man waiting for him who offered him
.fflOO each for the lots and seemed greatly
disappointed to learn that they had al
ready been sold to another party. Ono
year ago the same lots went begging at
? 50.
For several clays the happy home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harkness has been
under a shadow caused by the illness of
their infant daughter , who about n week
ago was taken with membraneous croup ,
and has been gradually grxnung worse
despite the combined skill of physicians
and tcndcrcst care of parents. Yester
day morning the white ribbon on the
door told to friends that the worst fear
had been rcali/.ed. Little Blossom , as
Kite was fumiliarly known in the house
hold .and the circle of friends , was
a beautiful child , a favorite witii all. She
would have been three years old had she
lived till March. The sorrow is a heavy
ono to the household in which the little
ono was almost idolized , and the lender-
cst sympathy is felt by the many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harkness have ever been
ready to bring cheer and comfort into
the homes of others , and in this great
sorrow of their own the heart ot the very
community seems to pulsate with sym
pathy for them. The funeral hervices
will bo held at the residence Fiiday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Sco that your books are made by Moore-
bouse & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
For KnrmH.
The bright future of Council Blufts ,
dazzling as it Is , is by no means confined
to this city. Owing to all of Douglas
county's farms being platted as additions
to Omaha , stock men and horse men are
now looking up good farms within reach
of Council Ulufls. Mr. W. H. Green , a
noted real cstato man of Omaha , was
hero yesterday interviewing the real
estate men as to location , prices and
terms of good farms within an hour's
drive of this eity , Mr. Walker drove Mr.
Green out to several farms cast of the
city , and expects to close deals for Home
of them soon. It is predicted that good
farms will soon be as good as gold at
prices ranging from $100 to $200 per aero
within ten miles from this city. Conn
ell mulls' boom has just begun.
Jj. II. Crofts & Co.
Call at real estate and loan agency of
L. D. Crafts & Co. , No. ! } Hroadway ,
Koom 1 , and list your property for bale.
If you wish to buy , call and select , as I
have bargains. Buyers are constantly
making inquiries ,
L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
cstato loans , J. W. & E. L. Squire. No ,
101 Pearl btrcct , Council Blutld.
To Itcnl Kstnte Investor * ) .
I have within one mile of the Council
IJlutls traiibfer and within three miles of
the Omaha and Council Hlufl's postolllces ,
three hundred and seventy ( DTO ) acres of
cnoici : iiiini LAND , which can bo bought
In a body very cheap. This property is
within two miles of the now Union Pa
cific railroad , wagon and street car
.1 * bridge and can bo had on reasonable
terms by calling on F. J. DAY , the load
ing IIKAIESTATE agent , No. HO Pearl
fitrcot , Council Hlutl's.
The White Cross.
The White Cross movement , which has
attained such prominence * in England
and m the eastern states , is an organized
endeavor to counteract the looseness of
morals and want of purity of thought
and speech ami action , so prevalent to
day. It may not be known that wo have
i a 'branch of tills organization in our
city , but as wo learn from a recent copy
of a Chicago church paper , the "Saint
Paul's Brotherhood" recently formed
luiro , is pledged to support tha White
Cross niovi-meiit. On next Sunday eve
ning in St , Paul's church Airs. U. T. Cole ,
n lady who is well known in literary cir
cles all over this state , will deliver u lec
ture to the public on this topic under the
auspices of the Brotherhood , who will at-
xmii iu a body ,
A Company Incorporated Tor a Grand Union
Passenger Depot.
A "White Cross Movement Ttit > Insnr-
nucn Company Must Pay McGlnnls'
Ijoss SltootltiK at Midnight
1'roulcrsMentions. .
The Hunt Kor n Smith.
Wanted The whereabouts of Smith.
Any information concerning him will bo
thankfully received by Wright , Huldwin
& llsiUlenc , or by the shoriir.
The above is the syllabus of a case be
fore Judge A losworlh ycstcrtiay. The
story of the case is about as follows : At
torney Sims , on behalf of the prohibition
alliance , recently filed petitions asking
for injunctions against about forty saloon
men. Accompanying thcso petitions
were affidavits signed by A. 11. Smith and
John llarmsen , stating that they had
purchased liquors , both whi ky and beer ,
in these places , Wright , Baldwin As Hal-
done , who are attorneys for the saloon
men , began examining into tlm matter.
The petitions for injunctions are to
come up before Judge Tliornoll
to-morrow. It is claimed that
Smith mill llarmsi'ti , as shown by
thicr affidavits , visited twenty-four
saloons , and got beer and whisky .it each ,
drank it. or tasted it , all in forty-eight
hours , or , as it is figured out , averaged a
drink everv hour for two days. It is esti
mated that they must have been too full
to have known what they were up to. or
that they must nave been pretty good
liars themselves , One affidavit is to the
ell'ect that thev purchased drinks of
Charles liarghalisen , while , as claimed ,
llarghauscn has not been in the business
for several months. Another affidavit is
to the ellect that they bought also of John
Cramer , No. 72 ! ) Broadway , when in fact
that is a vacant lot. and Cramer , who
used to keep a saloon at No. 7'21 Broad
way , has been out of the state for a year
past , and now lives in Lincoln.
These circumstances have led to the
filing of an information in Justice
Sclimv.'s court charging these two men
with perjury. The trouble now seems to
bo to find who these men are , anil where
they are. In order to got this informa
tion proceedings worn commenced to
compel Air. Sims , L. W. Tulloys ami O.
O. St. John to ijivo up any information
they might possess concerning the where
abouts of these two men. Special inquiry
was directed about Smith. Alter trying
in Justieo Biggs' court in > ain , and also
in Justice bchur/'s court , yesterday
Judge Aylesworth , of the superior court ,
was petitioned. He crantcd the request ,
and these three were subpiunaid and ex
amined. There was very little to bo
learned. It appeared that Mr. Sims
knew how ho could got the men here
when they were wanted , and assured Mr.
Ilaldeno that they would be hero
in duo time , but he did not know their
present whereabouts. These men had
been the rounds of the saloons and had
used various devices to get a taste of
liquors without getting drunk. In most
cases they watched their chance while
the bartender was busy making change ,
or otherwise engaged , and would pour
into the c.ispidorea the surplus , after
tasting it and making sure what it was.
The men wore paid their expenses and
a a day. the total bill being about $ l0. !
Beyond this information , given under
protest , there was little to bo had. The
assurance is given that the mysterious
Smith and his equally mysterious com
panion will he hero at the time the cases
come up for hearing.
George Kndio , real estate and nego
tiator of loans , No. 1/507 / Farnam street ,
Omaha. Danrains in Council Blulls ami
OmiUin property.
A Union Depot.
For some time past there have Dcen
numerous reports of a scheme on foot for
the buildincof the long desired union
depot m this city. Such an cntei prise
has been much discussed. It has been
hoped for by all , but there has been some
obstacles in the way , and some practical
indifference despite the theoretical en
thusiasm. The first real move to secure
the enterprise was made a matter of rec
ord yesterday. Articles of incorpora
tion wore filed of a company to bo known
as the Union Depot and Railway com
pany. The inconorators are John T.
Stewart , Samuel Haas , J. J. Brown , K ,
II. Merriam , Thomas Officer , Thomas
J. Evnns , George V. Wright and Horace
Those witli G. M. Dodge form the board
of directors. The capital stock is fixed
at $000,000. This much of u start is
shown by the papers on record.
It Is understood that quite u portion of
stock has been subscribed , und that there
is every indication of a successful carryIng -
Ing on of the enterprise. It is reported
that the railways entering the city are all
favorable to the enterprise , and that all
but one have expressed themselves as
willincr to enter heartily Into the plan.
The proposed location of such it depot is
not yet announced , but it is understood
that the plan now is for its location near
the gas works , and possibly fronting on
Main street. If located anywhere in that
part of the city It will bo of great advan
tage to the cify at largo , and allbrd ac
commodation which the city now needs
Foster's Now Catalogue.
W. II. Foster & Son have just issued
from the HKB office their now illustrated
annual catalogue of greenhouse and bed
ding plants , vegetables and vegetable
plants. The catalogue Is very complete ,
well arranged for reference , and those
desiring it can secure it by addressing W.
II. Foster & Son , Council Hind's. Mr. Fos
ter's greenhouses wore established hero
in 187U , and his name has become a famil
iar one in this line , The proprietors give
their entire time and attention to the
business , and are yearly enlarging their
facilities , their stock and their business.
The shipping advantages arc such that
for a largo extent of the western country
the plants can be received on the same
day they leave the greenhouse horo.
Those desiring llowcrs should send for
one of these illustrated catalogues , /rom
which they can readily make choice selec
tions , and customers at a distance can
root assured of as prompt attention and
satisfactory dealings as if hero in person.
Opcrn Saturday Nlht ,
Miss Kate Bonsbcrg is to appear at the
opera house Saturday night with her
grand English opera company. There
will bo presented hero by them the
"Sleeping Quuon , " and the second act of
" .Martha. " Miss Honsborg was formerly
with Carl Rosa's grand English opera
company and the American opera com
pany. She is a native of St. Louis , and
is quite young , but very promising. Her
support consists of Miss Pauline Mon-
tcgriflo , contralto , formerly with I'atti ,
Gorster and Minnie Ilauck companies ;
Mr. Ross David , toner , late of the Kel
logg concert company ; Mr. Ed Knight ,
basso , formerly of the Strakosch opera
company. The director is Carlo Serrano ,
formerly of ihe Milan opera company.
The "Sleeping Queon" is a ono-act
opera by the same composer of the "Bo
hemian Girl. " The second uct of
"Martha" will ulso bo given.
OOic District TclfRrAph.
Clarence H. Judson has obtained con
trol of a larco portion of the stock of the
American District Telegraph company
here , and having resigned his position in
the Council H luffs National bank , pur
poses devoting his personal attention to
the active management of the company's
interests and business hero. The com
pany has proved a success from the very
start. The accommodations furnished
arc more and more appreciated and re
lied upon. The business has increased
steadily , and tinder the new management
will doubtless increase still more rapidly.
Mr. Judson Is a voting man of push , ex
perience and ability. Ho will sec to it
that every possible accommodation is
furnished the public , and will cause vari
ous improvements to bo made at once ,
The service will bo made as nearly per
fect as comes within human possibilities ,
To Contractors ami Builders.
Proposals will bn received by the under
signed until the 23d of next month for the
building of the new Catholic church.
Plans and specifications may bo seen at
the pastoral residence. The right is re
served to reject auv ' or all proposals.
H. P.'MoMr.xoMV , Pastor.
Best cradcs Iowa soft lump coal ? 300
per ton at yards , ? ! 50 delivered. Telephone -
phone No. 1K ! ) , No. Wll ) Broadway.
Countoi-rclt Monoy.
As stated in the BEI : yesterday morn
ing , L. C. 1 aylor has been arrested in
Omaha for passing counterfeit money.
Taylor is the fellow who was caugl.t
stealing a trunk from the Kiel hotel here
and sentenced to the penitentiary , Hav
ing served his term , he has returned to
his old haunts. The officers have been on
his trail here and have had their suspi
cions aroused that ho is the cause of the
appearance here of a number of counter
feit silver dollars. The case is being
worked tip , and there is said to be a
woman in it also. It may be that if he is
not wanted too badly in Omaha , Council
Ulull's can gel a chance at him.
5,000 books at less tin n wholesale price
for next two weeks at Publishers' book
Uon't wait , but go at once to the Pub
lishers' book sale and select your
booUs betoro they are all gouo.
Shooting at Suspects.
At an early hour yesterday morning , '
long before light , the watchman at the
Crystal mills discovered two suspicious
fellows prowling about the place , and as
they slunk into a dark corner ho became
satisfied that they wore there for no
good. Ho started for them ami they
broke inlo a run. As ho gave chase he
called on them to halt , and thuv not
stopping ho fired at them One fell" , but
quickly recovered himself. About the
same time the watchman slipped and fell
also , and when ho got on his feet again
ho could sco nothing more of the fellows
he was after. Ho docs not know whether
he hit one of them , causing him to fall ,
or whether the ice did what the bullet
failed to do.
Dr. Hanchett , office No. 12 Pearl street :
residence , 120 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
Centcrvillo soft-lump coal , ? 3.7u per
ton , delivered , Wm. Welch , 015 Main
street , telephone ! Kj.
Personal Paragraphs.
Colonel Scott , of Omaha , was in the
city yesterday.
W. M. Sparr , of Cromwell , la. , was at
the Pacific yesterday.
Miss Mari'd Musgrave. of Logan is vis
iting the family of Fred W. S. Forrest.
Tom Ratline and Billy Lmcbenror left
last night to take a peep at the ico'palaco
in St. Paul.
Frank Chamberlain , who eijrht years
ago was a resident of tins city , now a
prosperous and prominent Denver packer ,
is here among his old friends again.
Chancellor L. W. Ross has decided to
sever his connection with the law depart
ment of the state uniyersity , and return
to Council Blufis , to resume the practice
of law hero.
A sale hko tiiis but once a year. Books
at wholesale prices at the Publishers'
Book Sale , commencing Saturday , Jan.
2Uth , for two.weeks only.
Our book shelves and counters are full
of choice booUs , which will be ollercd at
wholesale prices for two weeks , com
mencing Saturday , Jan. 2th. ! ) Publishers'
Book Sale , Cocko Morgan's old stand.
Clos'ing out sale of books at Publishers1
Book Sale , Saturday , Jan. 20th.
ThoInsurance Good.
The long drawn out case of Kiscman
vs the Ilawkeyo Insurance company was
given to the jury yesterday afternoon ,
and last evening they returned a verdict
for the plaintiff for the full amount
claimed , $1,200. The case has been very
hotly contested , and John S. Baldwin ,
who was for the plaintifi' , is deserving of
much credit , the attorney for the com
pany , .Judge Phillips , contesting btoutly
mid ably c\cry step.
All my coal is weighed by Amy , the
only authori/cd city weighmastor , and
guaranteed to hold out 2,000 pounds to
the ton. Good soft coal at $3.00 a ton.
Stoves 1 Stoves ! Stoves 1 tor the nc.xt
thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at
cost for cash only. P. C. DuVoL
Troubles and Annoyances to Which
the Girls Are Subject ,
I visited the telephone exchange , says
n writer in the Boston Post , for the first
time yesterday. 1 beheld , as the door
was opened.twenlyuomolyyoung women
sitting in a long row in easy arm-chairs ,
before tables with endless apparatus be
fore them. That was the first fact that I
grasped. The next one was that these
girln wcro not shouting at all. There was
a low distinct murmur , and that was all.
As I approached nearer i could hear , in
tones not much above a whisper , the
over-monotonous "Hollo ! hello ! " "No ,
128. " "Hello ! hello ! " "Yo-osl" "Good-
by I" but ono clear voice , in a good
speaking tone , might have been heard
plainly across that whole room above
all the business of maKing the connec
tions for over two thousand people.
Every girl had strapped upon her head ,
or rather hold there by its own grip , an
apparatus composed of crossed steel
bands , which held a small telephone re
ceiver to her car. Before her.dangling by
a long wire in just such a position as to
hang exactly in front of her mouth , was
the transmitter. Each girl loaned back
in a comfortable attitude , and seemed en
tirely oool and unconcerned , while both
hands were occupied in inserting wires
with metal plugs at their ondsiutn certain
holes before her and pulling them out
again. There were rows upon rows of
these little apertures , and every one of
them represented somebody's telephone
number. Each girl takes care of a
limited number of calls , which are
signaled to her by the dropping of a little
metallic tablet with the number of the
caller'h instrument upon it , but she has
within her reach , in those Jittlo aper
tures that I have mentioned , every one
of the telephone numbers within the
radius of the exchange.
"Theso seem to bo young women of ex
cellent ph\siuuo , " J said to the fctipcrin-
tendent , Mr. Carty , as ho invited mo to
scat by his desk.
\\Telusi3tunou \ that , " said , he ; "wo
r < tcant Lots , L m1n , City Residences ami Farms , acre property in
western purl of city. All scWny clicapto make tooin for uprtny stock.
Keal Estate and Insurance Agent.
JJooni i > , over Ojjiccr < 0 J'IIPCI/'H lank , Council
Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from ftf.OO to
10.00 per aero. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' time 5 per
cent interest. Land Buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
No. 555 Hroadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , agent for Froidrikson & Co. , Chicago.
have found that girls of good physique ,
healthv young women , are much less
liable to irritation nml impatience , mueli
less likely to'get rattled , ' than those who
are a little weak or ill. It is not that the
work wears upon them so that only
women of unusual physique can stand it ,
but that wo must have operators who are
likely to keep their tempers and main
tain coolness of demeanor. Does it
deafen them ? 1 know of hut one case of
an operative's hearing being affectedand
that might easily have been from some
other cause. They do not scorn to suffer
much nervously , though there was ono
ca o of hysteria hero last week. Ono
of the girls that ono with the slender
figure and dark hair , war the end of the
line got confused and 'rattled , ' as wo
call it , over a series of vexations , and
asked to have a substitute placed in her
chair. You see. that we keep live
substitutes m the room to relieve
these who desire to be relieved at
any time. Well , this .young woman went
into the girls' waiting room and had an
attac'k of hysteria thoro. Not infre
quently something occurs on the lino-
somebody gets impatient and loses his
temper which troubles the girls. They
generally go into their room and have a
good cry and come back tceling better.
They certainly seem to like the work ,
though the pay is only $7 a week. The
hours are not long , they sit all day , they
are relieved when needful , and the actual
work seems to be agreeable to them. "
There was a strumming bound under
the superintendent's table. He held a
telephone receiver to his ear and talked
through a movable transmitter on the
table , "Certainly , " he said , in a low
tone , " 1 will relieve you. " Ho _ sum
moned a young woman from the window
and motioned to her to take the chair of
one of the operators , lie hail been talk
ing with one of the girls not fifteen feet
away over the telephone. She could have
spoken to him through the air by turning
her head , but it would have made a little
noise and confusion in the room , and this
modern tower of Babel , this vocal con-
sorium of a whole citj.isas quiet as a
public library reading-room. The sub
stitute girl took the other's ' place , two
"calls1' came tumbling clown at the same
instant , and somebody was undoubtedly
vexed because ho was not answered for
an instant while she was making the
other connection. But it takes but an
" We like to have people who have tel
ephones coint ! up here1 said the super
intendent. "Itgives them an idea how
the thing is done , and we notice that they
seldom get impatient in the use of their
telephones afterward. " Certainly these
girls wcro not trilling with their work.
The superintendent by merely putting an
instrument to his ear can hear every
word that passes between any operator
and the people with whom she talks , and
that seems an almost unnecessary re
straint. Vexation makes the work
harder for the operator , and she avoids
it. Women are found to be better oper
ators then men , though boys must be em
ployed at night , and that is why the day
srrTico is better than that of night.
FOR SALK Cottngo , sit Innro rooms , with
'M ImlldliiK lotg , two good tmniB. gtnoico
house , \ioll nml two cisterns. I'lftcon minutes
Mnlk from oporn house. Address Q , Uco olllcc.
Council Illutls.
FOK SALK Choice , smooth , unimproved ICO
fxcros cloio to llralnarrl , in llutlor county ,
Nebraska. Will ( five Inrjn ) discount from pres
ent vitluu for ciiBh. Address 1111)11111)7 ) , Kunron
& Jones , David City , Neb. , or W. J. , iloo olllci- ,
Council lIlufTs , la.
TJnOHSAI/K At ftbnrffnln , Sflo nores with flno
JL ? Improvements , sl\ miles ont-t of Council
Illuirs. 1'iloolnw nnd nil the time needed. In-
qul ro of T. W. Vim fcclover , Council IllullH.
WANTI5U A cottuifo of llvo or six rooma.
located convenient to uuslnus * ; small
family , no children. Addrosa "Crispy , " Iloo
WANTKD-A boy with pony to carry Uoo
BALIS Old papers for sale nt tbo Uoo
WANTKD Parties Intending to ho married
are wanted to cull at tbo I'ryor'n Uoo jot )
office to select their v , oddlntr cardB.
IE3ea.l Estate ,
If lion wish tojnircltasofor specu
lative purposes Jhai'esonie property
yon can double yonr money on by
opening of sjiriiifI have a larye
ll-tt of city residences , lots , acre prop
erty in the western part of the city ;
also acre property in the hills which
cannot bit surpassed for residences ,
Jn the past few < lans there ha re been
a nninber of wealthy Omaha men
mho have been Jookiny for residence
property in the hills , and this prop
erly is ndmndiiy. J hare some lots
on which price has remained the
same for past sl.i ; months which can
be bonyht cheap if purchased of me
now ,
No. 180 Main St. , Council Hlufls ,
Established ISil
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and told , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fipm Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council Blufli.
Veritable Boom ,
M\M >
ftO. < ! .iS KltOADWAV ,
Will show you many choice pieces of
propoity at n-tonishingly low prices.
ATTORliYS-AT- [ ) ,
Practice in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 3 Shngart-Beno lilor.k.
H. BICE , M. B. ,
Or OtllOr TlllnorS rCIIIOVPll VltllOUt
thokniroorilrnTTlnt- blood.
Over thuty jonrs prnuticnlexperience ) .
Nn. 11 I'onrl St. , Council 11 luffs.
KVConsultation froo.
Abst acts of Titla , Loan and Real Es
tati Broken , No. 236 Mala St.
ptirchdscd the "most rcJla'
We itlmlract boaku in this coitnti/-
known n the "McMaliun Abstract
Jlook.v , " wenrennw preparedto fur
nish abstracts and resncclfnllii so
licit the iMitrontif/Kof all those ac.ilr-
iny correct abstracts of title to lands
and lota in Potlawaltamlc county.
Tuesday Evening , January 25 ,
State Master Workman of the Knights of
Cordial Invitation Extended to All.
W , S. HOMER & CO ,
23 Main St. , Council Bluffs ,
The cheapest place In the city to buy
J , The Finest Tin
jmrkd J.lno of
Goods West of
Mrs.C.L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 Main Street.Council Bluffs , Iowa.
s , Journal * , County nml
Itiuili Work of All Kinds u .Spec
Prompt Attention ] ! ) Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvcrct Block , Council Bluffs.
Standard Papers Used Ail blyles of bind
ing m Magazines and
C. n. National Hank KUFEHENCKS , M. . Smith : & Op. ,
Cltlzeu % Uank , Deere , M elli 4 Co. ,
klrst National Uank , C. IJ. Iiuurnnca < ; . ,
OUiceri I'utijyUunkersC.ll tfawn * U-ialc.
People's ' Store
For tlie next wcel : , to make
room for lanjc lines of
-2Vbu > about to arrive.
Regardless of Cost.
Immense Variety to se
lect from.
Buy a Cloak now , and
More than One-Half the
Price of It ,
Everything in the way
Must Go.
At any Sacrifice to Sell
Them ,
JJon't fail to take advan-
taycof these yrcut bargains
now offered at
JVbs. iUl , Hid , 318 and 320 Jiroad-
way , Council Jilnffa ,
KccrcrsiEs O.F
lMrt.KMKXTjl. * ' '
agricultural Implements ,
Cnrrl ( tc3 , Kto , Kto. Council llhiT ( , town.
Mfinufactiireriiof mul Dealers In u
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
Anil Rffcmorn line of flrjt olnis tiKrlcuHura
Implement * .
NOP. U01 , J/H , 1KW nn.l , IMT ? onth Main Strotf ,
Council H.ufT , low .
M ami I'M nn 1 Jnbtioi s of
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Boggles ,
f rrUs-p" , nml nil Mmli of Farm Mnehlnorr.
1100 to Ilia South Mnln Street , Council Uhtili ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clotlig , Curtntn Fixture * , UpholMorjr Ooo
Ktc. No. 405 llromlnny Council muff * ,
lonn ,
CM1A11S , TOHACCO , R1\\
Wliolcmln Jobbers In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes
Nos. SSMaln and 27 I'onrl SU. Council IMmTj ,
Frnit andProduco Commission Merchants ,
12,24 ami 2U I'oal St. , Council ItlntD.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
s' Sundries. No. 22 Mnln St. , and
No. 21 I'onrl St. , Council ItliltTa.
O. W. 11UTTS ,
Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty
Qonornl Commotion. No. 5U Hraa.lwny. .
Council nines.
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery.
NOB. iniind 13 IVurl St. , Council llluirn.
ilauu'ncturora of mul Wholosalu Dollars In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. tea Main Bt. , Council Ululfs , Iowa.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
No . ,112 nml 3(1 ( Ilroadwny , Council lllulTi.
Wliornnl )
Iron , Steel , Hails , Heavy Hardware ,
Anil Wood Stock , Council llluuX limn.
B. H. McDONliU ) & CO. ,
[ Krtabllaliol 1A ]
No. K9) ) Mn\n \ Hlrrpt , ; : : Council Illiiffi.
Whnlcsnlo Dealers In
lluminatiDg & Lubrlcatiag Oils
B.TIioortoro , ARonl , Council Illulfa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
A-nJ llrlilgo Material Snnclnltli's.Wholoi&le Luta *
l ) r ol all Kinds. OIHco No. I'M Hula tit. ,
Council Illuffs. loirn.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
forSU GuttUard's Hurb Hitters. No.ll
MnlniiU Council Ulullt.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
Ko. 416 Jlromlwny , Council llluirs.
1514 Douglas St , , Omalia.
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one Tare
will be paid ; flo , round ( rip.
Justice of the Peace
Oflice over American Kxprcis ,
The only hotel in Council Ulufl * having
e IBsoa/p ©
And all moJcrn Improvements ,
210 , 217 and 210 Main , t.
MAX MOJ1N , Prop.
Slai Sale Stables and Mule Kards ,
0ijKjtllo | I ) u in in-
, _ _ tt
Howes an < 7mules kojit constantly oq
hiuid , for n.-iln : it retail or in cttr load * ,
Odcrs promptly iilled by contract op
short notico. Stock sold on comniiHsion ,
KIIUJTF.U & BUU.V , Proprietor * .
TclcphonuNo. 1M
Formerly of Ki-il Sale Stubles , eornoj :
lat , ave and 4th street.