Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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1 Two Oeleliralod Oases Galled Up , But Mora
1 * "
Time Allowed the Attome/s.
Locked Up For Four Days nnil Xo Ver
dict "Vet Itcnchctl Utlicr Inter-
cstlng SultH Stnto llouao
nnd Cliy NOWH.
frnoM run nr.r.'s MSCOI.X iiuur.Av.1
Jl ! Tlio session of the supreme court yester
day was largolj attondeil anil in closing up
Second judicial district business two cases
came up of some celebrity nnd the parties
in tiio cases wcro given extra time in which
to lilo their briefs. Ono of these was the
celebrated case of Dr. Doggo against the
slate , nnd the ether was the celebrated
case of Church Howe's , in which the
Hoard of Church Extension , that once ex
isted on tlio site of tlio present city of
Lincoln , seeks to recover the title lo n
largo amount of valuable property in the
heart of the city. The lust case Is tlio
Hoard of Church Extension vs. Johnson ,
nnd on its hearing in the lower court the
hoard was very easily dofentcd. The
day's proceedings of tlio court wore as
follows :
Court met pursuant to adjournment.
John Harsly esc ] . , of I'roinoiit , was ad
mitted to prnctiua.
Doggo vs. state Leave civcn plain ti IT
lo hlo abstracls in ton days.
Hoard of Church Extension vs. Johnson
IAMIVO given defendants to lilo briefs in
ten days.
The following causes wcro argued and
fiiibinillcd : Daniels vs Cole : Seymour vs.
llicketts ; Hull vs. Chicago , Hurlinglon &
Qiilnp.y railroad company. Court ad
journed lo this morning at 8:30 : o'clock.
Tlio following decision was lilod yes
terday :
Cole vs Colo. Appeal from Cass county.
Atllrinod. Opinion liy Cobb , ,1.
f ( ) . , a man past sovonly-yuars of age , af
flicted with soiiilo cerebral atrophy to
eiich an extent that his mind and mem
ory wore so impaired thai he oflen did
not know his own sons , with whom ho
had resided all their lives , would oflon
become lost in his house , dooryard and
orchard ; being possessed of a farm of the
value of nearly $20,000 , nnd being the
father of thirteen sons and daughters , ail
inattiro men and women , the fruits of
three several marriages , his third wife
being tlead and the youngest son being
married and occupying the olil homestead -
stead wild the falher , n claim was pro-
nontud to C. by an attorney on behalf of
S. a daughter of the lalo wife of C. by a
former liusband , for her share of $1,000
alleged to have been received by C. of
money heired by tils said last wile from a
dcueased unclo's estate in the year
18M Ami some of the sons of C. by the
mild wife , including the said youngest of
Biiid sons co-opornled with the attorney
to cllect n sctllemont of the claim of Mrs.
S. , their halt sislor , as well as the claim
of this six sons and daughters of C. by his
Bind last wife , to the balance of said
$ lr , > 00. Whereupon C. executed and de
livered to the six sons and daughters , liy
his Paid last wife , a deed of general war
ranty of and to his said farm ( the same
being his entire possessions ) reserving to
himself a life estate therein and except
ing from the covenant of warranty Iho
claim of Mrs. S. for no other consideration
tion than the said claim. In an action
commenced in the name of C. ami which
nt Ids death was revived in the name , pf
i his seven sons and daughters by Iho two
former marriages. Held , that the judg
ment and tluerqo of the district court ,
whereby the said deed was vacated ami
annulled and declared of no force or ef
fect , bo nllirmcd.
In United Stales court the jury in the
damage case against the H. & M. railroad
wus pulling in ils fourth day in Ihe iury
room , not yet having reached a verdict.
This is a case of keeping the jury down
to business worthy of emulation , ami
Rome kind ot a finding wilt have to bo
forthcoming. The prevailing rumor that
comes from the secret room is that the
jury wcro divided upon the question at
issue nine to tlirco. They have been ex
pected to roach a verdict for tour days ,
and the expectation yet holds out.
In the case last on trial , that of Fos3 vs
Hate , over the sale of some stoek in llio
T'irst National bank of Crete , the jury re
turned n verdict for the plaintiff for
$1.710 , within IB conls of the amount
neicod , and the uncommon part of the
trial was that the amount of the judg
ment was paid over to the plainlill , Mr.
Toss going homo three hours afterward
with the cash in his pocket. *
The case occupying the attention of llio
court yesterday was Unit of M. O.Williams
& Co. vs tlio First National bank of
Wahoo , Hell & Burr for platnntin" , Thiirs-
Ion for defonso. There is about $1,000
involved , it being a draft on a Wahoo
linn sent to the bank for collection.
While the draft was at the bank the linn
against whom it was drawn failed , and
the plaintiir's case is that the bank euro-
k'suly held the draft several days , when
if presented it could have been made.
Tlio grand jury yesterday liled into
court and received their discharge for llio
term. Among the last indictments found
wcro three against three parties , names
unknown , charging them with robbing
tlio postolllcu at Hlair and Silver Creek.
The Hlair ollino has boon twice robbed ,
the last time , the Oth of January , this
year. The Silver Creek robbery was ao-
complishitd on tlio 25th of November ,
Thanksgiving day , Iho thieves making a
haul there of some $250 in cash and
Another indictment found by the pres
ent lorm of Iho grand jury was Iho in
dictment of Hobcrt A. Moore , an at
torney of Kearney , charged with perjury.
It is probable that his trial will occur the
present term of court.
In Iho auditor's ollico the bonds of Lin
coln comity amounting to $20.000 were
approved and registered. These are
county funding bonds that draw 0 per
cent interest , cumins duo in from fifteen
to twenty years. Seven thousand of an
issue of $10,000 refunding bonds issued by
Dawson county wore also registered yes-
lordiiy , Ihoso bonds being 0 per cents ,
running twenty years from data of issue.
The hvo slock commission have matte
their eslimalcs on value of slock killed by
tlii'in Iho past year , as asked by several
members of the iogislaluro. This usli-
mate * is made with $100 as the maximum
value of any anlmiil nnd is made on 211
iuunl , as recorded in the minutes of their
proceedings. The commission lind a
total value of these in amount $1.8S4 ! ! ,
nnd it la understood that a bill will at
once be mtruducod , paying each owner
of this stock two-thirds of its value us
fixed by Iho commission. Thorn is prob
ably enough cash in Iho live stook fund
lo make this reimbursement if the bill
passes , and it is also understood that a
bill will bo introduced in future paying
for condemned stook at a like rate ,
The busiesl otllco these dnys at the cap-
ilal is Iho governor's , and that ofllclal
has scarcely a moment's time while ho is
nt the ollico tiitit ho is not closeted with
tioino one who has business with that
branch of the government. With the
governor' * entire attention given to work
of this kind many call for audiences ,
and find the governor's ' time fully occu
John Lapacho , treasurer ol Col fax
county , is at the capital mukinir somi-nu-
nun ! K'ttloment with the auditor.
It is ascertained that the list of ap
plicants for the poHition.of . superinten
dent of the Norfolk insane asylum num
ber the following ; Dr. Stone of Wahoo ,
Ur. Kelley of Omaha , Dr. Jones of Liu-
coin , Dr. Shueg of Columbus , 'and n
( . rand Island physician , name not
I ho arrest of James McNallvas melted
in yesterday's HUE , proves to bo ono of
much more than ordinary importance.
Telegrams were received yesterday by
the olliccr making the slating that
McN.illy was wanleu nt Eldorado lo an-
wer to the charge of murder , and in-
tructions wcro telegram ul to hold the
nan , that olllcers would come at once to
o take him to that state for trial. Ac-
cordinglykvcslorday morning ho was ar
raigned and committed to the county jail
0 await the arrival of Kansas ollicials.
II that can bo learned pending
ho arrival of those parties is that
McNally fiomo time ago murdered
1 man at Eldorado by beating him with
iomo instrument until he died. Since
hat time Hie murderer has been at rort
Smith , Arkansas , from which place orders
amo for his arrest. McNally came to
jincoln , as near as can be ascertained ,
about the time of Iho stale fair last fall ,
mil has been in the city since , spoiled by
'he ' police as a gambler.
Jt is understood that a number of
capilallsU and property owncis directly
"ntcrestod are making plans toward hav-
ng n line of street railway run from
Fourteenth slrcet cast on J street to the
city limits. A line of this kind would go
through a very central part of the city ,
and would undoubtedly raise up con-
' .ingont real ostalo.
The railway commission was in sisslon
, 'cslerday , and in the case brought to
hem from Weeping Water they decided
.o recommend that the Missouri I'acilic
nako their rate $15 instead of * 19 per car
iiotwi'en that place nnd Omaha. As a
recommend i.s all there is in il Iho coin-
> auy will undoubtedly act at its own
) leasuro as usual.
Ono of the sensational items alloat 3'cs-
Inrday was that of a certain restaurant
keeper in the citv had been caught In a
critical position l > y his wife. What may
result remains to bo demonstralcd.
Scarlet fever and the measles arc both
raging in tlio capital city at an alarming
cxtonl , and Iho spread of Iho loriner
disease is creating much apprehension.
ho Knights of Labor organizations of
the state , or rather the state organiza
tion , is in session in this city the present
week with closed doors. A largo attend
ance of delegates are on Iho ground.
The receipts at the west Lincoln stock
ynrtls climbed a nolcli higher again yes-
lorday , 1800 head of hogs being on tlio
market and finding quick sales to Iho
packing houses. Sales ranged yesterday
as the day boforc , from $ -1.50 to1.75 per
AT Till : IIOTr.I.3.
Among the arrivals at the hotels yester
day were noted the following Nebraskans -
kans : E. D. Webster , Strattonj IL C.
Andrews , Kearney ; C. Thompson , Ash
land ; Ed Ciirnes , Seward ; G.V. . Shirley ,
David City11. . E. rainier , IMattsmouth ;
A. Hiirg , faoward ; M. M. Coad , Fremont ;
A. 11. Slater , Wayne ; F. W. Hunter ; Os-
ceoln ; M. W. Stone , Wahoo ; E.McIutyre ,
Seward ; F. D. i'ates , Tokamah ; 11.
Wheeler , II , T. Lcavitt. Flemon Drake ,
E. Kosowalcr , II. T , Clarice , W. E. Clark ,
E. M. Hartlett , Win. Mann , Omaha.
Hermann is up to many tricks ; but ho
will never take in us much as Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup in its big raid on coughs or
Wo indorse all the proprietors have
said rehitive to the merits of Salvation
Oil. It is nonpareil.
The IstliimiH Caiinl.
San Francisi.'o CalJ : Tno country will
lo very fortunate if it docs not see the
time when it will lament the supmencss
which permitted a canal to be built under
foreign control between the oceans which
wash both shores of the United States. A
continent li.OUO miles long lice between
the I'acih'c coast and the capital of the
nation. Water communication by the
ordinary channel occupies about live
months trom an Atlantic lo a I'acilie
point. The French are opening a water
way which will reduce this time to about
one month , and so far the government of
the United States lias expressed no ap
prehension of the result. It is true that
this French canal is to bo open to Ameri
can vessels ; but it is also true that in tlio
event of war understandings of this na
ture amount to nothing. French forts
will line either side of the canal , and , at
a signal from the government , would
close it to any power that could not force
its way through. The construction of a
canal across Nicaragua would at least
place the United States on an equal foot
ing \yith France in respect to ship com
munications between the Atlantic and
I'acilic coasts. The Nicaragua canal
should bo clearly and distinctly an
American enterprise. It should bo open
to commerce in times of peace , but closed
to ships of war at the discretion of the
American government. Wo certainly
should not permit a European power to
control a route between New 1'orlc and
San Francisco , which will give foreign
ships of war four months' advantage
over American ships in a trip between
tlio two ports.
Don't Hawk , Spit , Couch ,
suffer dizziness , indigestion , inliamation
of the eye ? , headache , lassitude , inability
to perform mental work and indisposi
tion for bodily labor , and annoy
and disgust your friends and acquaint
ances with your nasal twang and ollon-
fiivo breath and constant ollort to clean
your nose and throat , when Dr. Sago's
' 'Catarrh Remedy1' will promptly relieve
you ot discomfort and sullbring , and
your frionos of the disgusting and need
less alllictiou of your loathsome disease.
A Maine man , wliilo chopping wood ,
cut a big gash in his booc. Thinking ho
had cut a gash in his loot also , ho sat
bown and shouted for help. Assislancu
came , and the man , who was not able to
walk , was placed on a sled and hauled
homo. When ho got there his boot and
stocking wore cut from his foot , when it
was found that the foot was not cut
enough to draw blood.
Is a very prevalent ami exceedingly dis
agreeable diseaso. liable , if neglected , to
develop into serious consumption. Ho
ng a constitutional disease , it requires a
constitutional remedy nko Hood's Sarsaparilla -
parilla , which , acting through the blood ,
reaches every part of the system , ellbct-
ing a radical and permanent euro of
catarrh in oven its most severe forms
Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell ,
_ _ _ _ _
Mrs , Mackay paid $210 for a box at tlio
loprcsantalion of "La J'atrio" for tlio
bonolit of the Hood suflurcrs , and wont
from London to i'ans tc attend it.
When she got tlioro her doctor prohibited
her wearing a low cut dross , so slio or-
doicdand had completed in twenty-four
hours a splendid directory costume of f
blue velvet and satin and lace.
"Hroiim's /JroJic/ilnl / Truches"
will ullay the lirllatlon and stoncouililuj ; ; .
A ( Jcorgii ; colored boy , aged twelve ,
accidentally shot u girl ngod fourteen.
The neighboring negroes Insisted the
shooting was willful , and it was with
great diniculty the ollicors got him away
m safety.
_ _
Indigestion results from a partial par
alysis of the stomach , und Is the primary
cause of a very largo maiority of the ills
that humanity is heir to. The most agreeable -
able and ctVectlvo remedy is Dr. J. H.
McLean's Liltlo Liver and Kidney Pilluts.
0 cents a vial.
Hcothovon's piano-tuner died Iho other
clay , but the horn player at whose head
llerlio ? throw his baton , and tlio trum
peter who elicited Wagner's direct curses
at .Munich , Mil liv on , venerable relics
of an era of musical Titaus.
"What It Has To Say on the Late Senatorial
"Political KntGrprMc of tlio Herald1'
In itiTriipljlRht-Vnii Wyck
Moro Popular Than Hvci ?
Docs N'ot Apply to NohrasUn.
Tliaver County Herald : "Tho voice of
tlio people is the voice of God. "
The above ancient ami s.iyin g
docs not apply to the people of Nebraska.
A. S. Paddock has been elected United
Stales senator.
Oolnc Tor the "Creole. "
Slate DomocratLincoln ( ) : The Omaha
Herald savagely denounces the demo
crats who voted for Van Wyck. The
associate editor of the Herald was ono of
a party who undertook lo force llio d < > m-
crals in the legislature to vote solidly for
Van Wyck in a contingency absolutely
certain to arise.
Trin mpli of Trpnclitry.
Wymorc Democrat : The people who
wore so unanimously in favor of Hon. C II.
Van Wyck for United States senator and
who endorsed him so overwhelmingly
at tlio polls last fall , have once more wit
nessed the triumph of treachery and tiio
corrupting inllueneoof corporate capitalo
Money by the millions came forw.trd.
from its hidden recesses to aid the elec-
I Ion of ono of their capitalistic tools of
this slate , himself a millionaire.
Itcatcn liy Hulldo/.erfi.
Plattsmoulh Journal : With an endorse
ment at the ballot-box the like of which
was never known , Van Wyck has been
beaten by rank partisans , backed by the
power and inlluoncoof the railroad cor
porations of thoslato. The verdict of the
polls lias been set aside , and a creature of
corporate power takes the place of an
independent , outspoken defender of the.
rights of the masses. Hut so long as lib
erty and equality am worth struggling and
lighting for it will be the duty of every
freeman to continue the battle.
The HnhlicLi Crow Must Co.
Plattsmoiith Journal : Nebraskans to
day sit down in tlio ashes of defeat an d
disaster , victims of the trencheryof tiieir
own representatives to the Moloch of
greed and avarice. Let them road the
list of those whoso votes betrayed them ,
and like men worthy the heritage of rev
olutionary sires let them buckle on the
armor of political righteousness and go
into tlio b.ittlo that is sure lo come deter
mined to free the state from the thralldom -
dom of tiio robber crow that would for
ever shut out the light of liberty from tlio
A Mncliim ; Victory.
Plattsmoiith Journal : The senatorial
contest is ended by the election of a "ma
chine" candidate and the public can now
reflect upon the result. That it is a vic
tory for the raijroad corporations and a
defeat of the wishes of the great body of
the people no one knows Hotter than Iho
former. These professed democrats who
aided and conlribuled to bring about the
result by the use of their votes or their in-
llnuico will have the consolation of know
ing that their course has been in direct
conflict with their boasted claim that the
democracy is the party of the people.
Mowed HIM Hnml fn Shunn. :
Nebraska City Press : The Slate Jour
nal commends Mr. Shedd as a parlia-
liamcntarhm. For an exhibition of his
tact in that line when ho was speaker of
the house , he was called to account by
Hon. John McSlmno somewhat as fol
lows : "Did you or did you not , Mr.
Speaker , when you entered upon your
duties as speaker , take an oatli to faith
fully and impartially discharge your
duty ; and if you did , "havo you kept it ;
answer mo. The fearless questioner
thrustthis at him three times , lie bowed
his head in shame , failing to give an an
swer that even his apologists deemed sat
Ono Com lore in Dofout.
Nebraska Cily Press : These who think
that Van Wyck is done for , do not know
the old man and the people who arc behind -
hind him. Van Wyck represents n prin
ciple and he represents it ably and hon
estly. The element that has stood with
him in his grand light against monopoly
and ring rule is growing in strength , and
this defeat will do more to necellorate
that growth than any victory could have
done. The 51,000 voters ot Nebraska who
have expressed tlieir preference for Van
Wyck at the last election , will bo tlirco
times that number two years from now , if
their choice is a candidate for Mandor
son's place , and they will see to it that
their will is obeyed. The defeat is not all
defeat , the victory one that wiffiot make
tlio conquerors very weary.
"lost the Cronluro Howl. "
Plattsmouth Journal : The Omaha
Herald has black-listed Messrs. Iliggins
and ( iilmoro of Cass. together with live
other members for refusing to bo bound
by the dictum of "King Caucus. " A few
years ago the Herald used all ilsinlluonco
to elect a republican instead of a demo
crat , because it served its purposes. Its
denunciation of tlicso men now , wo im
agine , will bo a crown of glory and will
commend thorn to the people as nothing
else would do. A domocraoy which is
not wide enough to take in tlio expressed
wishes of the whole people is too con
temptible to deserve the namo. All
honor to the men thus marked I It wore
bettor to deserve the contumely of tlio
organ of the corporations with a clear
conscience than to bask in its smiles. Let
the creature howl.
Ulji Jol ) Air the Hcalp-liuntor.
State Democrat ( Lincoln ) : The Omaha
Herald announces that it is camped on
the trail of certain people. If it means
that it is pursuing with hostile intent
these democrats in the legislature who
voted for Van Wyck , it will find the
Democrat between it and thorn from the
going down of the sun on ono day to the
going down thereof on the last day. The
Democrat is determined lo have ] ) caco in
the democratic party if it has to light for
it. It will have no aggressive assault to
make upon these ten democrats who saw
fit to pursue n policy that dilforcd from
what it thought best , but the man or Iho
paper that takes a solitary scalp from
among Iho twenty-six men who agreed
with it must bo able to lirslgct away with
tlio Democrat. And may not bo
much of nil undertaking , but a calcula
tion that leavo.s it out is liable to skip a
somewhat important cog ,
Ihey Served the IlnllroailH ,
Grand Island Independent : Sixty-seven
members constitute a majority of the
Nebraska logiMaturo.and arosulh'ciont to
elect a United .States senator , yet Senator
Charles II. Van Wyck received tlio votes
of exactly that number for re-election
and yet was not ro-olectcd , a state o
aljairs that never bcforo oxistei in the
history of Nebraska politics , It can bo
explained only upon the theory of treach
cry of seven republicans who were
pledged to vote for Van Wyck , am
oleotod upon that issue refraining fron
voting , whenever it was apparent thai
their votes would elect. They wanted
to serve the railroads , and at the same
time deceive their constituents In the
J former they huvu been successful , bu
whether or not they Imp deceived the
constituents they so faisv.y betrayed , re
mains to bo soon.
Ooe Down WltliTolora Fly in IT.
Fremont Tribune : Senator Van Wick
las been defeated , but he goes down with
ii colors living. Ho m.nlo a gallant
ight under lire of all the mud batteries
oithe state. That ho ' so near to
success in spite of all the vituperation ,
slander and malignant lies that were
viciously and pcrpctunlly circulated
ngainst him , shows the strength of the
cause ho represents.
Senator Van Wyck will relinquish the
position which he Iris'so ' honorably filled
[ or siv yours regretted li\- n largo ma
iority of the people of Nebraska ami tlio
jutiro nation. During lus senatorial
term ho has been ono of the most con
spicuous figures In the American congress -
gross , made so by his ability , his
energy , alertness and courage. Ho has
made a national and enduring reputa
Insanely Vloli-iit A sau1 < 8.
Fremont Herald : Tlio Omaha Herald
liad an "immortal nine" two or tlirco
years ago , and now it lias another
In the nine who would have been proud
lo have died with their boots on at its die-
lalion. The first galaxy has been sadly
reduced , at ono time and 'another , in its
estimation , but the nosegays who adorn
this last bouquet nro never more to
wither , but be a perpetual frankincense
lo bo held lip every ilav on a fork before
IN admiring constituency. Its epithets
Jireeted at democrats who have tlio man
hood independence to do as they
think right , and to got out from under the
lash of a dictatorial and hogishly-sollish
taskmaster , are unlit for public print.
The outlit is inslinctive.l } n fee to every
thing Unit is decent and independent. In
IN true sense , and the insanely violent
assaults upon three-fourths ot tlio dtnn-
oeralie party represented in the legisla
ture will bo measured by their true worth.
The "Driini-hend" Herald.
Stale Democrat ( Llneoln ) : Traitors
and strumpet are tlio favorite epithets
which the Omaha Herald applies to the
members of its own jmrty who do not
liappen to agree with its somewhat ueeu-
liar views of party policy. It denounces
by name and without stint long lists of
democrats eacli aim all of whom are per
sonally and politically honest and upright
men , it abuses them villainously and
without cause. lint it doesn't matter.
At the present rate of progress it is but a
short time till the Herald's disapproval
and denunciation will be. deemed neces
sary to the party standing and personal
decency of every democrat. It does not
criticize. It merely abuses. A man , a
democrat sees lit to do something not in
accordance with its order. He i.s at once
drum-headed by the Herald. No reason
is given. No trial is hud. The Hi-raid
at once pronounces his expulsion
from the democratic party. lut !
it is a happy thing that the Herald can
not expel so much as it can pronounce.
The Herald has not been equaled since
till ! pope's bull against the cornet. The
pope had a good deal more power over
Iho comet thi'.n the Herald has over the
Nebraska democracy. The Democrat
once suggested to the Il.irnld the advisa-
hility of not sitting upon the limb while
it sawed. Hut it paid no heed. It sawed
oil' the limb. The Herald is on llio
ground with its limb , while the sturdy
democratic oak still stands , erect and un-
imitilated , save by tluj absence of the
limb upon which the Herald performed
the great act of amputation. And the
breeze sings its sott luljaby among the
leaves and the birds sing in the branches
I hereof , while tlio seasons of bud and
bloom and fruit will come ami go. And
the colored Kid , looking tor luel , will
gather tip the sawod-olV limb and break
it into lirewood and take it homo as the
wherewith to boil his mammy's frugal
"Unhealthy llvoiilli oftho Snalco. "
Fremont llerald ; As usual , tha Omaha
Herald's idea of peace and harmony is to
kill everybody whom it can't conquer
with sugar. It reeogni/.os no equality
everybody is either its master or its slave.
When it 'can't win with ho'iey it , resorts
to vinegar. And of ail the sickening
addle ever beslobbered over u newspaper
page , the honeyed vomit of this prince of
toadies is most nauseating. It shamed
lay Gould out of the Union Pacilie by its
disgusting and loud-mouthed worship ,
and wotilu have supported Van Wyck as
it supported Ililchcoek , if (3onld was
still there and ordered it to do M > . Not
its least grievance against Van Wyck is
that ho has thrown oil" the manacles of
protection which its pets Sum Randall
and Smith Weed have fastened it with.
It hated him as bitterly for this as for
.some of the ellbrls ho lias made to cur
tail the power of gigantic corporations ,
whose tool it has always been. Wo do not
Know that ho has been sincere in th is
never thought that he wasn't largely con
trolled by his own scllHi inloresls and
desire for applause. Hut ho has done
something of benelit and set the people
thinking , and tor a good deed the devil
himself i.s entitled to credit. Ten j'cars
ago it assailed democrats who wouldn't
support Ili'.elieoeiv at its dictation , who
represented nothing democratic or in
sympathy with the people. In the same
\y.ty , anil with a venom born of humilia
tion and anger in its editor being ac
corded about half the democratic vote
witli which Morton was complimented
( nineteen lo thirty-two ) , it now assails
three-fourths of Iho democratic momber.s
of the legislature with epithets suitable
only to an outlaw to society and lost to
all instincts of decency. It hasn't been
three days since it was applying tlio
honey of unstinted praise upon the same
men it now cannot lind words enough to
abuso. They are to bo congratulated
upon the change in the weather it was
sulTbcating and noisome witli the un
healthy breath of the snake trying to
charm its victim. When the snake rat
tles llioro is no danger ! His llaltery is
far more to bo despised than his hate.
The Cholco ol' tlio
PJattsmouth Journal : The senatorial
conloHt is ended by the election of a
"maohino" candidate and the public can
now rolloot upon llio result. That it-is a
victory for the railroad corporations and
n defeat of the wishes of the great body
of the people no one knows bettor than
tlio Jormor. These pr.ofehsed democrats
who aided and contribute ! to bring about
the result by the use yf their votes or
their inlluonen will h.ivi ) the consolation
of knowing that their course has been in
direct conllict with their boasted claim
that the democracy is llio purty of tlio
people. If it is the 'aim ' of political
parties to conserve the interests of the
masses this accomplishment is the direct
defeat of that purpose , \vlulo there is no
kind of doubt but thai it was brought about
through party machinery. If the democ
racy was to reap an advantage through
Van Wyck's defeat 'It ' sosms to us
that democrats should have been
wise enough to see ' that it is from
among the masses of republicans and
not the politicians thnt'iceretions ' to the
ranks of democrats are to he made. Suoli
men as White. Ramsey , Patterson , Ne
ville ami Kiillnor wore doubtless actu
ated hy proper motives , but in opposing
Van Wyck's election The Journal be
lieves most profoundly that they have
made the greatest blunder of their lives
Whatever their motives tlioy have laid
themselves open to the suspicion that
their purposes wore no belter than the
men of the ether party with whom they
worked in harmony. While the whole
power of tlio corporations was being
used to bring about the defeat of Van
Wyck , who was unquestionably the
choice of the masses , democrats , U scorns
to us , should have kept hands oil' . Then
the inlluenco ami moral force of the
whole party could appeal to the people
with clean hands for a reversal of the
judgment the creatures of monopoly
have secured. It w with only feeling of
regret that wo mnko tlieso criticisms.aml
with no unktndness. In politics , as in
matters of business , it Is best to bo plain
and honest. In our view Messrs. llig-
gins and Gilmore by their course have
como far nearer voicing the sentiments
of the great body of the people of Casi
county -democrats and republicans alike
than has Mr. White or the gentlemen
vho so earnestly backed him.
MlllerN Democracy All Orlis.
Grand Island Independent : The Omaha
lerald savagely and In a most indecent
iiuiiner attacks Senator Wolbach among
others for voting for Van Wyck , the very
liing ho was elected to do , and llic Very
hing ho openly staled ho would do. be-
'oro , during and after the election. Sen
ator Wolbach was cleeted directly on
.hat issue , having received more rcnubli *
an than democratic votes. This district
s more than UOO republican , and no deiu-
> crat could hope to be elected on a party
ssuo , yet Mr. Wolbach was elected by
icarly u thousand majority on the Van
Wyck is uo , and ho would have been ono
of the basest of traitors had ho not rep-
eseuU-d the wishes of the constituency
hat elected him. Ho owed i.othipg to
the Omaha Herald for his election , nero
; o Miller's democracy , and hence
ivas not bound to cast his vote
n the air for Dr. Miller , which
lie Herald was hound every democrat
should do. The crack of the Herald whip
10 longer has any terror for decent dem
ocrats who are free from railroad control ,
is they plainly showed by Iho unmMak-
ible manner in wliloh they repudiate. !
Dr. Miller when the Herald tried to la h
hem into railroad line. In the c.ves of
Miller , it was all right for democrats to
slrive to re-elect Hitchcock , a republican ,
10 himself devoting weeks to endeavors
to bring about that end , hut when they
hire to vote for a republican who is not
> wnod by corporations , they commit the
unpardonable sin. Miller sanctioned the
lotion of the stalwart democrats who
joined with the railroad republicans in
lie organization of the senate , but a
lemocrat who dared to vote with tlio
ether republican wing , standing up lor
llio interests of the people , and above all
who dared to decline to vote for Miller ,
" . " "harlots1
mmediatoly become "pimps. ,
' 'strumpets , " "traitors" and "hell-born-
miis. " It does seem rather rough that
i two-thirds majority of the representa
tive democrats in tlio legislature should
belong to the classes referred to by the
jnriiged Herald , than which there is not
i more prejudiced or unprincipled paper
in the face of the earth. When the dem
ocrats united upon , and voted solidly lor
Morton , the prejudice- and envy of llio
llerald were so great that it would not
condescend to mention the name of Mor
ton in the proceedings , and yet after such
in open insult it feigns surprise that the
.lemoorats refuse to vote ior the editor of
the Herald , after ho had evinced such
littleness of soul. The llerald may rest
issured that Miller democracy will bo
much farther below par in tlio liituro , but
then its chief ell'orts for some time seem
o have been given to disrupting the dem
ocratic party , air ! it lias clone more in
that direction than any other one agency.
The entire. Hall county delegation was
elected by the friends of Van Wyck , di
rectly on the Ksstio of the rights of the
H'oplo being paramount to the interests
jf the railroads , and the venomous darts
) f the. llerald will fall harmless at the
feet of the objects of its venom and ma
lignant hate. They owe tlio Herald no
iiliegiance and will not acknowledge it
us their "high chief. "
The breweries of DCS Moincs continue
elling beer by the < rhiss and blow the
froth in the eyes of llieollieers.
rrormrr'rt'wltli strict roctnrd toPnrlrr , Stronffth. nnA
] lt > ltlifulnet < fl. JJr.l'rico'flDakinPowderconf.ilnd (
iioAmmonaUmoAluinorl'hoipImtos.Dr.rrlCB'B ! !
IZxlracta , Vanilla , Loiuuu , etc. , flavor CcUclously.
1 h e f potltlTo rtmoily for Id * nboto < lli ; by Hi u o
tlintibfcnd * vt CMirf nf thn wortl klivl ftnil ft InnR iiitidms
tiavo bi * n curort Indf ( til , fn utruiiB M my faith In Its efllcaey
Hint IwlllK'nirrwoliOlTI.fcarilMi , loitrltorwUliaVAL.
UAIU.KTKEATlEin1tilB < Ilien > ' ' .t" iiy inHfrtr. ( ilticx-
prces& V.0.nMmte. ( H .T. A.BLUCUM.ISI . JMarlSU M. Y
Ono Agent Olcrrnnnt onlT\wftnf Mln _ iTf ry town for
Your "Tnnslir * Punch" r > o Clmir are polnirofT
lllo lint oultos. I Intend that tlioy slmll tin wull
ndvortlsod. W.I' II. Srni'KNSos.
Jlnllnlo , Now York.
us ciuiscs , anil a now nnd
ucctMBnilCintKatyour own
bonio by ono who WHS cjonf twenty olBht
years. Ti out oil liy inot of the noti'tl Bpoclul-
Ms without bunulH : uiirt'il Inmsoll In Unco
months , niul slnco than hunilriilH of others.
Full imrtk.'iihirs sent on application. T. II.
I'AOK. No. 41 Wostaist fit. , N ow York City.
llocently Unlit. Ncnljr KurnUlioJ
The Treinont ,
J. C. KIT/.OKHAI.DA bON , 1'rojn lotori and I'.Sts. , Lincoln , Nub.
HMP ll.C/l nurdajr. fctrool cart Iroiu.liouu ID nnf
part of Ilia city.
Architect ,
Offlcc31. . 31 iimi 4'J , Hirlmrds Illook , Lincoln ,
Neb. r.lovutor iinlltli stiuou
Ilrecilornl Ilroodorof
ii.1. o.irrn
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hales made In all parts of thn U. B. at fair
rau > 4. Itooin U , Hiato Illook , Lincoln , Nub.
Uallutfitv and dbort Horn bulls tor bale.
15. II. GOULD1NG ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrunponilence In regard to loans solicited.
Itooio 4 , Ulcbards Block. Lincoln. Neb.
Riverside Short Horns
or btrlclly puio Ilalusand HiitnsTuppuduattla.
llurd numbera about W buud.
Fainlllos roprosuntudi Filberts. Crxi % ,
Acouibs. Honloic , Itoeoof ShaionB. Mo < s Itosos.
Knlt'btly Uuchosses , Mat Crook Young ilinys ,
I'hylllsuH , l-outuj * aiid'l'rue Ixivus.
Hulls Ior BUlo. 1 I'uro llaies rilbert.I Pure
BMCB Crntrca , 1 Hosaof Bhuron , 1 Voting Mary.
11'mo Crulck Shank and others Come and
ln pi > ctlho liunl. AdilrujJ , Oil AS. M. DHAN-
SON , Lincoln , Neb.
When in Lincoln stop at
National Hotel ,
Andeet n t'ood dmuer to 2Jc.FED
FED AW AProp. .
tv rftci.y < if & Jacote Oil and Iw
euro ,
ix-Vrcst. St.Jolml ! iill tSor. 18S3.
_ . . MmVcRon.MlfhlRim.
IVIntr ono of your jx > tlcnts In the me of
Ft. JiuvM Oil , In i > CKSO of chronic then-
Jnall ni , t ran recommend It fully , in my
rnlin rocen lniff < ml I om mlnn n tlilril
From S.1IHO 4 Ti-nrn I.ntrr ,
M uiV rton. ( M Ich. , Nov. 2,15W.
SnCTcrcil joars with rliciimntUm In Iho
Sow ni iiv doctor * mid nothing illj
" -pood. 1 trloil n fuvr bottle * of SU
Oil. The tlicutnnll m entirely ill-
ni'penrctl. NAl\ > LiON : NOUMANPIN.
An Editor' * Snircrlng Oct. , 1880.
llloomlngton , 111.
I hfivo hnil TlienmMInu In my miklo
for iniuijrmn niul could ( tft no relief.
Three npplli ntlon * of St. Jacobs Oil liu
nlinost entirely cured mo.
1'rom Snmn 0 Yrnr * I.ntPr Ctirnt.
Hlwmltigton , 111. , Oct. IS. ISSfi.
IthlnV tl\uiMHlfiiFt.Jncoli Ollcureil
111 c ( .if rheumatism. 1 lind It nil my llfo
nnd It nettled lu my atiUo. Coulu tint
walk M Ithout a cntio. 1 liotichtonp liotllo
oudlisi.Mllt. In a fe\rdny Iho | > nlnni
I nnno nnd to this dny 1 hn\f > not hnd n
' touch ofit. 1'EUCYA.1XL-OM ! ,
1'ioiu n HhcuninlloSiiffrror Curril.
Ironton , Ohio. Nov. C , ISSfl.
Tour ycnrs nK 1 wm tioiililiil Mllh
tlicutnnilsin In nrm nnd "houUlor. I u od
fl. JncotjjUUnnd coM'trd the | > nrtsllh
lUunicl. t routlnurd IM tito until I no
longer fell tlio rhrumfttlMii. J Imvonncr
liocn hothiTidlthltfiliuo. \ .
JAC011 WKUUI.U , iJito Col. Yols , U.S. A.
THE Cl ! UU.E3 A. VOOU.UllCO. , n Ulmor , Md.
CS-AU ptrmni V'lNn S. Jacobt Oil ornl
S'.ir CVnipi Cure , trH ( by touting a tu o.tcnt flamn
anil a Mtory oftUir CM ( , recent AIIVICK nu.E.
viun : ntoJi OFIATKS A > DroisiN.
SAFE. dTfols f'tci '
SURE. V ; | S.
" -
VllR aiiUL fi A. TUUKUwU CO UlLtl&OlUV OOt
IOA | ( hronthfrrori or 1 > J
) l > rctlfff . tntv r rffflly
Jin * n w Civialc Urethra )
S. Rn1fnronr ti w tllu t ! !
tel ! llh. ' * Attolut * wjcrtcj ,
Aadi i th ctvialo Agency , 174 Fulton si , , N.T.
Of the Missouri State M"seum of Anato
my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College
Hospital London , Giescn , Genniiny nnd
New York. Having devoted their atten
Nervous , Clinic and
More especially those arising from Impru
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured safely and speedily without
detention from business , nnd without the
use of dangerous drtigs. Patients whose
cabcs have been neglected , badly treated or
pronounced incurable , should not fail to
write us concerning their symptoms. All
letieis receive immediate attention.
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent fctamp , "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy
sical Exhaustion , " to which is added an
"Ess-ay on Marriage , " with important chap
ters on DISEASKS OF Tltlt KEPHOnUCTVlt !
ORGANS , the whole lorming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be by all
youmr men. Address
DICK. s. v i > . iAVI nsoiv ,
171'- ! Lawrence St. , Denver , Col.
Nebraska National Bank
Pnid up Capital $250,000
Burplub 40,000
11.V. . Yutos , President.
A. E. Toii7.ilin. ! v"ice Prosidont.
W. 11 S. Hughes , Cashier.
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
11. W.Yatcs , Lewis S. Rood.
A. E. Touxtilin.
Cor 1''th nnd Ftirnam Sts
A General Banking Husmcss Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
or Counties , CltlcH ami othornof
! ilf'li t'liulohouKlit and sold. Eastern
offlco exDovoiiebiio eU. Uostou. Correspond-
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
To Sull tlio Dost
Window Sash Lock
Ever Invented.
Annuls nmlio bin profits. Clrcu
Inralruo. Hamulu lir mall lllcti.\VIllKlA > CK.
t'ullcrlon. Nubruikn.
ChicapMihaotae&SlPaulBlf , ,
hio mm ted council BLOIT. it
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
Bt. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Jluplils ,
Clinton , Duliufjuo , Davenport ,
Hock lalawl.Freoport , Kockford ,
Eltfin , Madison , Junosvillo ,
Uoloit , Wlnona , La Croasc ,
And all other Important point * Kant , Nortbeut
For through ticket ! unit on th Tloktt Avaa
et 1W1 KRriium oirout ( lu 1'aitou Ho toll , or a
Union Pf clllo Depot.
I'uUmau bloeueri and the rjneat Dlnlny Carl
In the world &r run on the umln llutaof the
Oiucuao , UIUWAUKII It BT. PAUL. luii.vrxr ,
uid orerr attention In puld to paisunifuri by
oourteoni employe * of Ih * company ,
B. MIIXBH , Ueueral Maunder.
J. K. TUCCBII , Aislttant ( lenural Manarn.
A V , H. Oiiii'iNiKFi , Uencrtl P&M er and
Quo. K HiArrnun , Aulitant OcnerU PM B-
t r and Tluket AeiU
1 , T. O.AUK. UtiueriU Superlntendeot.
IIOOK.lUc. , I'AI lJSntV. li'K ) . All lhri , 40a
6KIUAI , IIUU.IT : ; I'i'm.iMiiNo co . uoz
ICI' ! ' , Nor Vork Uly. K ek'iuitly illuettatcA.
Containing ono hundred and
fourteen acres of beautiful land
( with trees ) and school honso al
ready erected and in use , lies
southeast , of Armour Park , is
near the U. & M.'s Ashland cnt-
oir ,
In Section fi , Douglas county ,
ono inilo by chain measure west
of Fowler's racking House , on
two section line roads.
This Tract
" \Vill \ plat ono hundred and fourteen -
teen lots which will readily sell
at 5100 each.
,1 ,
To run within two blocks. B. & \
M. Depot and Lumber Yards
within one-fourth mile.
This tract will bo ofiered fern
n few days at $ ] ,000 , per aero.
Can be made out of this addition
when platted. Any one desirous
of purchasing addition property
will lind this a great bargain.
Land and map shown on ap
Situated within 4 blocks of
Iho Lip'on & Fowler packing
houses , and within 3 blocks of
the now B , & M. depot.
All the lots are very fin ? .
On Easy Terms
" \Vhich \ will be worth double
within a year , making
several hundred per cent profit
on the cash invested.
Hoooi9llcIiel'sBlock ( ' ,
Sii09 Farnam Si ,