THE OlVrATTA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JATsTTTAItV 27. 1887. 1 TJIE DAILY BEE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS or sunscrurrtovi Dnllr ( Mornl.isr IMltlon ) Including ijumlnr Ilr.r , Onn Year. . . . . . . . $1001 For Blx Month * . , . Ji ( O For Tlirr Months . 360 The OtnnhK Sunday HUE , mullcxl to nnr tuldro < 4 , Ono Yonr. . . . 200 OMAHA Orrirt : , Vo. nil Avti ! > ! < ! Nrw VOIIK iirrirc , KunM r.V Tnnii'sr lli'ii.itoa. \VA8UINUTO.V OX-ICE , NO. 13 KOUUTEENTItSrllKLr. connr.srosnr.scE ! All comtnunle-itions rotating to noirfl nnil nil- torlnl mutter xliduld bo tuMrossaJ to the KM- Ton OF TIIK Dr.K. nusiNcss i.r.TTF.ns : All liii'lnoM lcttor nml romlttRnccs uliould bo ftdilroRsocl ti ) TUB llcii I'mti.isniMt COMPANY- , OMAHA. Ornfts , chocks nml po toTlco ( orders to bo mndo payable to tlio ordcrof tlio compnny. THE BEE POBtlSHlSliipm , PROPRIETORS , E. IlOSEWATEIl , Em-ron. TIIK DAIIjY BKK. Bworn Statement of Circulation. Stftteof Nebraska , I , - Cuunty of Douglas , r ' 15 co. 11. 'IVschnck , secretary of Tlio IJco Publishing company , does solemnlv swear that tliu actual circulation of tlm Dally Ucn lor tlio week ending Jan. 21st , 1K > 7 , vms as follows : SaturdaY. Jan. 15 13.CKK ) Hundav. .Jan. 10 ROM jvlnmlny , , iati. 17 Hl- ( ) Tuc tlav. , lnn. IS U , x ) Weilne ilay. Jan. 10 ltin7 Thur.'day , .Inn. 20 14,050 Friday , J nn. HI M.OM Amaco 14.W.3 UEO. 11. Tzsnit'CK. Subscribed nnd swoin to In my presence tlils.M.M day of .January A. D. , ! Sb7. N. 1' . KKII. , ISEAljl Notary Public. Oeo. II. Tzscliuck , bclnp first duly sworn , deposes nnd says that lie Is secretary of tlio Hco I'lihllsliliiK company , lliat tlio actual nv- erniro dally circulation of tlio Dallv lice for tlio month of January , 18STi * , was 10.t8 ! ! copies for February ! , IBM , lo.'ji copies ; for March , , 11.M7"copies ; for A pi II. 1SN5 , 12,101 copies : for May. ItM. I3,4.iu copies ; for Juno , IBSO , 1U,8M ! copies ; for July , 18W5,1'J.iH I copies ; for AUL'iist , lb.s/5 , 12,4VJcopIesf ( ; < > r September. ISSfi , 18. X ) eopies ; for October , ISNi,12.0SO copies : for November , IbSO , IH.IMS conies ; for December , lb8G. 13,237 conies. QK.O. 11. TzsrimcK. Sworn to and subscribed belore mo this 1st day of January A.I ) . 1837. N. 1' . Fini- Notary Public. Ir Sister Uosevoula shoot Niagara , or declare her loyo for Spies , never-dying fame would belong to her. IT Is to bo hoped that the inter-slate commerce bill provides for bank cashiers who litivo buen making long and short hauls from their employers. ANOTHHH bill has been introtte.ccd in the legislature to prohibit gambling. A bill prohibiting live stock from running against barb wire fences would be of equal force. THE defenders of Mr. Whitmoro's treachery and the vouchers for his ster ling republicanism are all found among the monopoly organ grinders. There is a world of significance in this fact. Tun real estate market reached its highest pitch last Sunday when a dealer of this city , while engaged in prayer , for got himself , and blandly hinted that his Omaha town lots were like good men's souls. They would rise again. IT is claimed down in Washington that it is necessary for the use of military methods in prosecuting the business of the weather bureau. Major Pcarman and Colonel Colby would make excellent weather if knowledge of military mctli ods is all that in needed. PIIOK. FOSTER persists in trying to en Bhrino his name in the memory of men , by building up a reputation as a peerless prevaricator. Mr. Eli Perkins has long hold a , monopoly on the art taught by Ananias , and if Mr. Foster succeeds , the world's applause awaits him. THE Salvation army is attempting to do some good at Lincoln. With n peni tentiary , an asylum , a salvation army nnd a legislature , it in really to bo won dered why Lincoln has need of such en thusiastic meetings of the Law and Order league as are being hold there. BILL NYK , quaint and bilious , has just discovered that volcanic tiilla board no relation to the tufla cigar. As associa tion develops ideas , wo are to judge that historic William , in his scientific re search , has been obliged to form the habit of smoking. Men's devotion and patri otism are best shown in their sacrilic to their country. SKVKUAL of the organs of the industrial monopolists are shrieking in loud mouthed cc&laoy over Van Wyck's de feat as another expression of western sentiment againbt tariff reform. It is ol course needless to say that discussion of the subject never entered the contest. Van Wyck's opposition to an Iniquitous tariff was not what defeated him. Oppo sition to the robbery of the people by cor porate monopolies had everything to do with the result. The railroads nnd not the iron and lumber barons can claim the result as their victory. "WHAT will become of the old man now * " impertinently queries one of the rural bantams which is crowing loudly over ( Joneral Van Wyck's defeat. Wiry , blos.s your soul , ho will bo found right among his constituents , energetic and vigorous as over , more earnest by reason of n temporary reverse and with a daily increasing following at his back whicl will make itunlf felt when the time conies in planting the people's .standard on the ramparts of monopoly , ( Jonoral Van Wyck is the liveliest corpse that over burst the lid oil'a political cofliii am called on the choir for more music. AMONG the suggestions made to the legislature islature in Governor Dawos' hist mo.s Btige were two whmh deserve friendly consideration and adoption attho pros cut session. Reference is made to those calling for n state board of charities am .reform and a state board of health. The board of charities is found in nearly even Etato in the union , composed of benevo lent men and women , appointed by the governor , to examine and report upon the management and operation of charitable itablo and reformatory Institutions am make suggestions looking to their im provement nnd the lemoval of existing nbuses , The state board of health is also demanded in the interests of the public and would prove a valuable adjunct tc the work done by medical societies ant municipal organizations in conserving uuct supervising the interests of Hut health of our people. The legislature will do well to consider both these subjects and to put Governor Uawcs1 suggestions into practical form. Needed County rteform * . Thcr committee on counties and county boundaries will shortly have in hand a number of measures of importance , rad ical in the changes which they suggest , but called for by the growth of the state and the increase in its taxable wealth. Among is the bill cutting oh" all mileage and allowances of commissioners In counties of 70,000 inhabitants and substituting in their place a Il\cd salary of $ 2.500 yearly. This measure is in the line of a needed reform and will receive general approval. In counties of the size of Douglas and Lancaster the business com ing before the county boards is so largo as to require , unless it is greatly neg lected , their undivided attention. In im portance and amount it calls lor the watchful care of able and faithful olfi- cials. Such men are difficult to procure at the present rate of compensation. Few business men can ba induced to accept a nomination to the county board tor $3 a day and mileage. At the salary named the county would secure a higher grade of commissioners and better service. ThU is reason enough for the proposcil change. Another bill which is of scarcely less importance is that increasing the size of comity boards from thrco to five members in counties of 70,000 inhabitants and over. Three commissioners are too few to transact the Hood of business which , in addition to allowance of bills , apportion ment of expenditures and inspection of public works , includes equalization of taxes and supervision of the poor. Two make a majority of our county boards nnd the agreement of two men can pass any measure of however doubtful pro priety. The interests of I he public de mand that where the annual expendi tures reach a total of more than a quar ter of a million , as they now do in Douglas county , the board shall bo enlarged , if for no other rea son than to make combination more dillicult and jobbery less easy. Aside from this argument an enlargement of the board would give better representa tion to the country precincts and provides for a more careful supervision of their needs. These proposed measures should cer tainly bo supplemented by a bill creating the oflicc of county auditor in counties containing tlio number of inhabitants above noted. Knullsli Comment. The opinions of the leading newspapers of London on the action of the senate in passing the retaliatory bill are on the whole in a friendlynndconciliatoryspint. Generally they appear not to have taken seriously the rather caustic denunciation of England by certain senators , and pro fess to believe that such views do not voice the general sentiment of the Ameri can people. All recognize the importance of the question , and express a hope that nothing will occur to exasperate the quarrel. Only the extreme tory organ , the Standard , manifests any combative feeling , and even that journal says the dispute ought not to be beyond the power of diplomacy. That paper is understood to relied muro nearly than any other the sentiment of the existing government , and it is therefore to bo inferred from its utterances that the government is satis fied with the attitude of Canada , but ex pects and desires a settlement of the con troversy by diplomacy. This has been the wish of the United States government for a year past , but the correspondence of the secretary of state with the English foreign secretary docs not show that the hitter's government was at all anxious to reach an arrangement in this way , while the actual course of the English govern ment in the support civcn to the nolicy of tiic Dominion authorities lias been such as to shut out diplomatic effort. When , m the face of repeated protests of this government against the violation of Jrcaty obligations by Can ada , the imperial government assented to a statute of the most aggressive ami hostile nature , intended to continue and render more serious the wrongs against American citizens of which this country complained , there was plainly no further use for the ollices of diplomacy. It was time for talk to give way to action. If this government had notified Euglan d that the first act in execution of the hos tile law would bo regarded as tantamount to a declaration of war , there is not a doubt that such action would have been justified by the world. Hut there is a milder method which there is reason to behove will prove quite as oflicacious , and which is proposed by tlio senate bill non-intercourse. During all the time which this dispute has been pending Ca nadian vessels have enjoyed all iho privi leges in the ports of the United States of the vessels of the most favored nations. They hare had tlio full benefits of our markets unhindered and unquestioned. American vessels have been annoyed and harrassed on the sea , seized for alleged violations of law , and brutally excluded from the ports of the Dominion when seeking necessary supplies in pursuance of treaty rights , but the Dominion skip per came and wont at will , proba bly with a keen solf-consciousncss of superiority under the pro tccllng legis of the "Union Jack. " It is now simply proposed to apply to the vessels of Canada the wimo treatment that government applies to the vessels of America. In this proceeding the United States seeks neither conceHiion nor coercion. Canada has never been asked to do more or less than her duty to respect and con form to treaty obligations , and there is no disposition to ask more of her now , The oflbrts of English and Canadian journals to make it appear that the pro posed action of this government is coer cive can have no weight with those who have an intelligent understanding of the situation. Under treaty provisions , the established principles of the comity of nations , and the reciprocal legislation of the United States and Great Britain , all American vessels having permits to touch and trade are entitled to ordinary com mercial privileges , without reference to the fact that they may be engaged in lisliing ouUkle of the exclusive jurisdic tion of the British Dominion , This clear and reasonable ground , perfectly in ac cord with established principles and prac tice , the United States insists that Canada shall recognize. Her refusal to do so , and her declared determination to per sist in that refusal , is the cause and justi fication of the proposed retaliatory policy of non-intercourse. GIKKHAL VAN WYCK In defeat Is'tho most popular of western statesmen. The frauds and sell outs who bonsl that they have laid the old man Under 'the political sod will yet hear the thrilling notes of the Gabriel of the people sum moning them to -judgment where they will bo forced to answer for their treachery. Charles II. Van Wyck is to-day the most important political factor in Nebraska. His friends who are num bered by thousands in every section of this state will have n bitter reckoning with the men and tlio corporations who strangled the expression of the people's will in defeating the people's choice. Scotch tlin Monopoly. The attempt of the Omaha llorso rail way company to rush through at the last mcetiua of the council an ordinance granting them the perpetual and exclu sive monopoly of ttio Eleventh street via duct was an audacious and outrageous game of thimble rig which cannot bo too loudly condemned. No member of the city council should hesitate for n moment iv his duty when the matter next comes up. The ordinance proposes to grant to tlio city railway company the right to cross the viaduct ior all futuie time without providing for any com pensation present or future to the city , nnd without rcservins to the city council the right to grant similar privileges to other companies. Last summer tlio Cable company applied Ior permission to use the viaduet under rigid restrictions , which gave the oily an annual rental and granted other com panies the use of their tracks. The re- was refused by the council on ac count of the change * which would bo re quired in the structure in order to accom modate it to cable business. Thereupon the street railway company made appli cation to lay their tracks upon the viaduct , nnd an ordinance similar to that asked for by the cable was prepared by the city attorney , con sidered , passed and approved bv the mayor last November. That ordinance , which is still in ell'ect , provides that the railway company shall bo subject to Mich reasonable rules and regulations as maybe bo prescribed by ordinance , and that the street railway company shall pay such rousouablo annual rent as might from time to time bo deter mined by ordinance. In addition it ex pressly reserve 1 the right on the part of the city to grant to other horse railway companies tlio privilege of crossing the viaduet upon such terms nnd conditions as might hereafter bo prescribed by ordi nance. The ordinance now introduced is-prepared by the attorney of the Omaha horse railway company. It excludes nil valuable features of regulation by the city and in cll'oct grants an exclusive monopoly ely of the viaduet for all time to the street railway company. It repeals the existing ordinance which the street rail way company decline to accept and in ef fect makes n perpetual donation of the Eleventh street viaduct to the monopoly without a dollar's worth of compensa tion to the city in return. The city council will bo recreant to every sense of decency and duty it they decline promptly and emphatically to re fuse such a sweeping grant. The via ducts are tlio key to the situation in South Omaha. Unco granted to a sin gle corporation without am ple reservations of regulation and competition , monopoly will be bulwarked and our people shut out from all hopes of relief. Such a franchise is wortli hundreds of thousands of dollars. No councilman who votes it away as a free gift can clear himself from suspi cion of what influenced his action , lint entirely apart from the value of the fran chise and the gross disregard of the pop ular rights , is the- dangerous precedent which such action would set. 'J lie Eleventh street viaduct is the first to bo completed. The question regarding its use raises for the first time that of tlio relations of the public nirhts and the demands of tlio cor porations for the right of way over these structures. It is of the highest im portance that Omaha should not at tlio very outset throw away the money of her taxpayers expended in building via ducts by donating their free and exclu sive use to a corporation which has not contributed a penny to their construction nnd which proposes to bar out all other competing companies from the privilege of paying for its advantages and accomo- dating the public over its spans. The council should scotch this arrogant monopoly at the start. Heassemblins of I'arllninnnr. The British parliament will reassemble to-day. It will open with conditions somewhat changed from those which prevailed - vailed when it was last in session , and under circumstances that are very likely to add to the annoyances and embarrass ments of the government. Among tlio first incidents of interest will doubtless be a speech from Churchill , in his own peculiar style , defending his action in re signing , which it is ovpcctcd will carry some ilibiimy to the tory ranks. Accord ing to the London correspondents , it is expected that his defense will take the form of putting all his ministerial col leagues deeply in the wrong. Jobbery and corruption will bo unsparingly ex posed , and all the shortcomings or wickedness of those who opposed the late chancellor of the exchequer will be held up to the public observation in the strongest colors in which the deft hand of Churchill can paint them. There is good reason to believe that the material at his command is abundant , and it can not bo doubted that he will make the best possible use of it , since ho has the strong est personal reasons for doing fao. A failure to jiibtify his action might bo fatal to his political future. Mr. Gladstone arrived in London Tues day , lie was reported to bo in good health , his step linn , and every physical condition indicating that he is again ready to confront the lories in defence of the principles of which hois the foremost advocate. It is expected that the discus- bion of the queen's speech will last t > emu time , after which the champions of Ire land's cause will find their work ready for them in a light upon the coercion bill which the government has been prepar ing. This measure is described as the conspiracy bill , and to give it an appear ance of fairness it is to bo applicable to England and Scotland as well as Ireland. It will of course encounter the vigorous opposition of tlio Gladstonmns and na tionalists , and it is said that even union ists like Chamberlain are anything but warm in its favor. An abundant supply of motions of censure on the government , for which thuro is no lack of reasons , is promised , and altogether the indica tions are- that the session will ba prolific of matter's of deep concern to the people of Great Hritamand not without very considerable interest for thee of 'other lands. Ilic ItnMncBfl .Situation. The trade movement exhibits the usual .lanuary inactivity. In most departments sluggishness is geuerally reported , but there are evidences of reviving activity in some directions , and the situation , as a whole , presents many encouraging feat ures. Shipments of grain and produce have been retarded at many points by the recent severe weather , and the same in fluence has operated against the resump tion of work in outdoor enterprises nnd the preparation of slocks of merchandise for spring requirements. There is , how ever , an increasing representation of southern and western buyers in the sea board markets , and indications point to a steadily expanding volume of business during the next few weeks. The failures throughout the United States and Canada for last week were 301 , against fll'J for the preceding week and O.'l ) for the corresponding spending week of 1880. The wool trade is more active , nml low nnd medium grades are fully 1 cent per pound higher. The market has been strengthened by improving reports from Antwerp and London , where prices have recovered most , if not all , of the decline noted last month , Tim rise abroad has encouraged the hope of lessened compe tition from foreign-made goods ; but the permanency of the advance is yet to bo te.sted by the olVcring of JJltf.OOO bales of Australian and Capo wools at. the auc tions which are now in progress in London. The iron and steel Industries are actively employed , but now business is restricted by tlio advancing tendency of prices , which in many departments have reached a point that admits of the com petition of foreign products , and this1 tends to unsettle confidence- among buyers. Tlio grain trade still rules dull , but shipments of wheat and Hour to Europe have continued largo , and the movement of wheat at primary points has been small , so that the visible supply in the United States for the first time in many years considerably de creased at the close of last week. The receipts of winter and spring wheat centres last week were smaller than this average weekly receipts since the begin ning of the cereal year ; and the contin ued moderato interior movement and frco cxportations indicate that a further reduction in available supplies will be re ported next week. Current business , however , has been very quiet the. clear ances being tlio result of sales made to foreign buyers last month , The apathy of exporters and the absence of outside speculative support give a weak tone to the nrirkct , and in spite of the improved statistical position in this country and in Europe prices continue to decline. Tuintn will bo a lively scramble for tlio two now jmlgcships which will bo created by the passage of the bill enlarging the bench of this judicial district. Candi dates are already excitedly bobbing around with petitions and urging their claims on the bar preparatory to bom barding Governor Tisnyer with their im portunities. The bench of the Third dis trict , as at present constituted , stands at the head. It must not , be weakened. Small-bore lawyers and impecunious shysters should be given a wide berth in the .selections which are to be made. One of the judges will probably bo selected from outside Douglas county. Ileshoiildbe chosen for his ability as a lawyeFandTiis character as a man quite independent of the size of his petition , the amount of votes he may control , or the clamor of the constituency which he may have gathered around him. The same rules ought to apply to the second judge. Other things being equal , a young , vig- 01 ous and active lawyer , of good legal attainments and sound judgment , should have the preference. A judge who can put in eight good hours of work a day without calling for camphor will greatly facilitate the clearing of our overcrowded docket. 1'KO.MIMSXT 1M2ICSO.VS. l\ittl , In her will , elves half her fortune to her husband , Nlcoflnl. Conuiessman Thomas of Illinois is one of the best .story telleis In public life. Charles Dickens , jr.illliegln Ills read ings In this country next October in New York. I'.iul Tilton , son of Theodore Tilton , Is an artist in Home , whcio ho Is making quite a reputation. K. J. Wiirlntr , a colored lawyer of JJa'.tl- ' more , will edit tie ! Star , the new weekly paper of that city. John U. Moore , the builder of the lines of the Mutual Union Telegraph company , is worth CI.SOO.OOO. Ills capital to start In lite was S.,0. Cornelius Vandcrbllt Is Rolnp ; Into the dairy business extensively on the farm In Hhndo Island he recently bought from Au gust Uolmoiit. Miss lie ttio Green , the thirty-millionaire of New York , wcais an enormous pair of rub ber boots In wet weather to avoid the expense of hiring a cab. Boston CorDett , tlio man who shot Wllxes liooth. the assassin ot President Lincoln , Is now nn assistant doorkeeper In the Kansas legislature , lie lives Ina , dug out in Cloud county , ar.d Is very poor. Mrs. Lamar has tluH far remained In such strict seclusion \Yasliington \ that the secio- tary's filends are twlttlnu' him with having "mnirled a myth , " Hut everybody knows she was a Mrs. Mine. Nllsson's marriage to Count Miranda will take place at Mentone , February 15. It will bo an extiomcly ijulet affair , only the Spanish and Swedish consuls and a few pei- bonal friends being invited. President Cleveland | ias been Invited to at tend the Mardf ( Jras festivities at New Or leans next month. Ilex 1ms conferred upon him the title of "Dukoof Washington" nnd presented him with libInsignia , of jank. Au burn-haired Dan LaiiKVlt will piob.ibly bo christened "Knight of Jtud-Top. " Mar-chine On. Kew y.uft . H'orU. Prohibition Is btundlly marchint : on : and the drug tuisinesb In Kansas Is equaled only by the jus business In Ccorglft. I'lquor In Ma I ne. Allnida C'ltiiitUiitlun. Alter about thirty-live > eais of piohlbltlon the cold-water people of Maine are clamorIng - Ing for a law that will stop the sale of liquor. That Whitman I'onbion. Clilcauo llciald. Friends of Walt Whitman who are trying to secure a pension for him , will be pained to learn ttiat Senator Whitthorna has reported adversely from the senate committee on pen sions thu pctitlou of Sarah Ann Kelly , of lion- -i t , esdale.r.i. , fora pension. Sinxh Ann ajplres to bo the American laureate , nml Is known ) n tfio cast as the Hani of Shanty Hill. A congress which can refuse Jicr a pension will not bo apt to be more generous with Walt. A l > iul I'rrccilcnt. CMfaao Trilnint- , It would bo establishing a bad precedent to permit Spies to be married by proxy. Ho would Insist on being hung In the same way. Gould nnd tlio Sonixtc. r/iflmIfl / ) > Mii Inquirer. Somebody proposes the name of Jay OouM for United States senator. Hut Mr. Gould docs not wish to Dclon ? to the senate ; ho pre fers that the senate should belong to him. For Itatlrond Commissioner. Kana > C < tu Star. Tlie name ot Senator Van Wyck. who has just been defeated for re-election by the stupidity of Nebraska democrats , has been naturally suggested for appointment on the now railroad commission , and It Is to bo hoped that the president will rccognbo the force of the suggestion. The law provides that the minority warty shall bo icpresentcd In the commission , nnd Vnn Wyck would bo one of the useful members the president coultt select. Uiiforlimnto lor Nebraska. Denver lci tliltcan. The defeat of Van Wyck In his candidacy for re-election to the United States Is an un fortunate thine for Nebraska. Ho was pro nounced In his opposition to laud and rail road monopolies. Ho wns one of the lew members of the senate who could 1m counted upon to void for the people ncainst the cor porations when Imuortnnt measures \\ero under eonsldeintlon. He was the choice of the people of Nebraska , the republican voters having so expressed themselves by ballot at the. last election. In defeating him , the cor porations base maintained their leputatiun In Nebiaska with preat distinction. lie "VVas tlio Popular Choice , The democrats of the Nebraska legislature might have taken a hint from the \\Iso action of tlio democratic members of the Massa chusetts legislature and have broken the sen atorial dead-lock by the selection of the least objectionable among the republican candi dates. They Had tlio greater mason for this couise because the vote of the people had demonstrated that Senator Vnn Wyek was the popular choice. His defeat by so Incon siderable a peison as Mr. 1'addock Is a mat ter ol ie ret. Mr. Van Wyck doubtless would have succeeded If ho had not earned the enmity of powciful corporations. Since Nebraska was oignimcd as a state It has never M > nt to Washington so able a repie- scntatlve. Tlio Hnomy of .Jobbers. A'tw Viilft Times. The defeat ot Senator Vnn AVyek will re move from the seuato at the oml of tills ses sion a moat aggressive and persistent enemy of the jobbeis v > ho have striven to hhape legislation for llieir own beiiolit nnd the Injury of the people , Mr. Van Wyck's services have been of great value , and thou sands \ \ 111 regret that the people are to bo de prived of them after Match ! ! . He has fotizht manfully and Intelligently ncalust op- pic.sslvc monopolies and the consummation of rascally schemes. The course of legislation in the senate will run smoother after his de- paitunt , for he was a disturbing element , but the country will lose something by the re moval ol the wholesome restraining iullu- euce which he has exerted. \VIiat Mil do Him Gla.I. Jtihn ItutiJf O'/frf/Iy. / He was old and alone , and he snt on n stone to lest for a while trom the toad : His heard was whlto and his eye was bright , and his wi inkles oveillowrd With a mild content at the way life went. and I closed thu hook on my knee ; "I will \enturo a look In this living uooic , " 1 thought , as ho greeted me. And I said : "My friend , have you time to spend to tell me what makes you glndV" "Oh , aye , my lad , " with a hinilc ; " 1 am glul ; tnat I'm old. yet am never sadl" "Bat tthjV' said T , and his merry eye made an answer ns much as his tongue ; 'Uecatise , " said he , "I am poor and free who \\asiicli and a slave when young. " Til U12 AM ) J''AljS10 DUMOCUACV. A Jjettor From Olmrlcs II. Ilrowu to the Kditoi * uf tlio Herald OMAHA , .Jan. 21. To'thoEditor of the Ilcntld : I read the telegraphic dispatch from Lincoln , .signed by K. 11. M. , which appeared in your paper of the 21. In this dispatch presumably from the associate editor you apply to five-sixths of the democratic members of the legislatum the epithets "chumps , " "purblind fools , " and "strumpets , " ami to demo crats , not members of the legislature the epithet ' 'pimps.1 Assuming that those words being in a message received late at night and in the absence of one of thu proprietors of the paper , Mr. Hiuli unison wore MirreptHiously printed I con cluded not to notice them ; but when in the next day's issue of your paper , I ob- bcrvcd that the whole editorial space was given to abuse and vilification , in coars est vulgarity , of five-sixths of the demo cratic legislators and to full that proportion tion of democrats in the state 1 deemed it most appropriate to protest puulicly against such gross injustice ai open wickedness. Such party journalism can not bo properly reprehended with any words at my command. I leave the llcrnld to wallow in its own filth. These legislators and other democrats- omitting myself are the peers , at the least , of any man connected with the J/crald. That they dill'ered with it on the question under the circumstances , what was best for them to do in the selection of United State.- * senator , is , in my humble opinion , no just cause ; gave no ground for the vile calumny you have heaped upon them. In any light your course is indefensible. Difference of opinion , and with right of action upon it. is to bo expected , and no man ean stand rightly condemned for exercising his right to think and act in harmony with his thoughts , especially when in a re presentative eapaoitv on any given ques tion he voices the wfshes of tlio people whom he represents. Let us look at the justice of your foul aspersions You favored a caucus system and advocated that the democrats should net as an unit ; of course a large ma jority of the caucus was to determine what that united action should be. Your advice was followed , f.nd when two senators put of the eight bolted the cau cus decision , you duliMided and lauded thorn to the skies , and by so doing you censured and endeavored to east obliquy on the remaining six. This demon strated the sincerity 3011 had and counseled in the unity and binding force of caucus. Your object in crying caucus was shown to be a patent fraud. If its action suited you , you were for it ; if not , you were it , In this matter you stood with two and ugaicat six. As thirty-ljvo Sam Uandallilu high protectionists , in the view of thu Jlcruld , at one time , constituted the democratic party of the country , so now , I presume , you consider the tivo demo cratic senators the party of the state. The first ballot for senator was taken on the 18th. The Jkraltt , of that day from , as I believe , motives of pure ma lignancy to Hon. J Sterling .Morton , in sulted ovcry democratic member of the legislature , and through thorn every democrat in the state , by withholding his name from publication a the hrat choice of the democracy of the state a * a demo cratio United States souator. You spuko of him , rtftor you know ho was tlio choice of the parly , when ho was no longer Mr. Morton , a private citl/.cn , but a chosen representative of the parly , ns "some one south of the Plalte , " "a uian from Otoe , the "democratic choice. . " Do you think sueh an insult , by omission , tendered to the democracy of the state by the llcraltt , which claims to bo a democratic paper an organ of the party , will bo lorgotlcn or tends to its harmony and unification ? If the Herald is a democratic paper , not controlled by petty meanness and blind , savage revenge , why did il not let the democracy of iNebraska and of the nation know the name ot the man whom the democratic- legislators had des ignated as their llrst choice for United btutos scnatorf There is not another paper published in the state that has withheld this information. The way to harmony in our party is plain , but it run not thro'ugh the Herald ollico. While 1 denounce in unmeasured terms the Herald for applying such opprobjou epithets to the legislators , and consider sueli journalism , apart from its oll'eels upon tlm party , unjustifiable and degrad ing , I am content to let you fettle with them and their indignant constituencies for the insults you have thrown at them They and their people will press to your lips the cup you have proM'ercd to them nnd make you drink your own foul ad mixture , even to the last dreg. A lie , a slanderous word , open or covert in justice , sent out as 11 messenger of dis grace and destruction , travels fast at first and with slackening pace as it goes , realtors mischief and wrong , but ihisro comes a time when it stops. It then retraces > traces its steps , collects what il threw out on its outward trip and dually le- lurns lo , embraces and destroys its cre ator. These senators and representatives , whom you have traduced , and their friends , will resent with deadly ell'uet llie'o insults and wrongs. You have "sown the wind" and you "shall reap the whirlwind. " 1 pass now to this "pimps. " Whom , sir , do you have the eli'rontcry , in your sell-styled democratic organ , to call "pimps ? " Your language is broad. " 1'imps" are plural. You mention me tins J/crald is always playful with my name and then dastardly assail , in your plural word "pimps , " this most influential and reputable democrats in Nebraska. You seek to but , oh most feeble ? man , do not chastise me , because when I .saw that there was no more show lor thu election of a dem ocrat to the United States senate than there would bo of a man nuikinir a good , hearty and satisfactory breaktast out of ono of the corner stones of our court house , I deemed it wise party politics to return to Van Wyckl and after our party had organized distinctively as jsnrly and voted as a party lor its most esteemed member lion. J. Sterling Morton-and after an opportunity had been given to the slulward republicans lo elect a democrat to no avail , 1 advised the democratic legislators to vole for Van Wyek on the 21st , because - cause I , in common with others did this , you attempt to stigmatize us as "pimps. " Look at your noble act. for a moment ! There is an old man in this stale a life-long democrat who is to-day rejoic ing over iho election of Mr. Cleveland as president , and wlw-olifo has been spared lo witness and rejoice witli us over tlio election of Mr. McShane to congress from this First district in this state. Ilo has oft been honored by Ins fellow-citi /ens and has served terms in Iho congress of our republic the intimate and trusted friend of Stephen A. Douglas , and a man as pure in lifo as lie is sound in denioc- raov. Ho is loved and almost venerated by Fiis neighbors and friends 1 consulted with him on what was the wisest courses for the party to pursuit on the senatorial contest. Ilo advised , 1 listened , and wo were of one accord. 1 refer to lion. H. S. Malonev , of llumboldl : and you dare brand him as one of Van Wyelc's "" Thou shameless man ! And then , too , this old man is to got on his knees lo yon , and with ' 'conlnte" heart , between .sobs , f.illcnnjrly cry : "J'cccitvi ! " Thou fool and madman ! When for your base treatment of Dr. Maloney yon have settled with him and his friends , 1 will turn you over to Con gressman-elect McSliane , who agreed with mo , and from the best motives , and , for as wo thought the best interests ot our party , counseled with and advised democratic legislators , as 1 did , to vote at noon on thu 21st for Van Wyek. Do you actually think you nnd your paper have done an honorable tiling in brand ing the Hon. John A. MeShane , as he sets out for Washington , with the legible word "pimp ? " The ctoak of charity can coyer a multitude of sins , but it cannot - not hide this disreputable attack' upon the representative of the "Big First" from the resentment of Iho democrats residing within its boundaries. When you have squared your account in this regard with Congressman Me- Shams an o In cor of justice will invite you to call and adjust your account with lion. William A. Paxton , and maybe ho will be able to tell you what were the views and promises of thu democrats in the legi.sla- tuic whom yon have been "soft soaping" in your paper. Do you , even dare you assail the democracy of Mr. I'axtonV llis support of this party has been unwaver ing , active and elhciont a rugged and potent democrat , lies is not a Maverick , and yet you brand him with the word "pimp,1 simply because lie , believing it for tbo best welfare of our party , advised the legislators lo vote for Van Wyek on the 21st. Do you deem it essential to Pa\toii'fl democracy that ho humiliate himself before the ucralil idol and whines "I'eccaviV" Before this sturdy man docs such a thine : as that you will have made the discovery lhat Iho over arching sky is made of solid and durable brass. Sotllo these individual accounts , and , if bankruptcy has not overtaken you I will then turn you lo al least 85 per cunt of the democracy of the slate to balance your account with them. You announce in an editorial of the 22nd to a terriliod world that you are "camped on the trail "of democrats. Per haps ! The great trouble with the llcrnld has been lhat it luisahvavs been "camp ing11 closes to cotton bales , siitUers slores , eating houses and railroad l < eadiiiarters | , My advice is lhat it cease "camping ! " lhat it fold its ragged tout , fake u rear ward line of march , hold out a white Hag and come over and join thu demo er.itie forces. You will not have far to travel as thesis forces are advancing , not retreating. Je > iu us , behave ) yourself , be come democratic and one of us and wo will let you oil without crying "Pesccavi. " Wo will be satisfied if your works bhow you uro a democrat. Let us have peace. While at Lincoln 1 met and c-nnvuriMid with a prominent democrat from the southwestern part of this hlato I was trying to convince him that the J/crttltl was sincere in its assumed position , that it was not laboring l i' nor against Van Wyck ; ni'ither for nor against any Mai- wart republican for senator , but that it waSfiimply exhausting iiht-lf for a demo crat , thai il was so puns in n < t principles and thoughts that to uU for or against any republican was contamination do- lilutnent. Jlo said 111" llcrnld seemed to speak fairly , but its entire inllneiico and energies had been and were lining n ed to elect a stalwart , machine , railroad republican to the senate. I argued with him , and thought I showed the better reason. Why. sir , I defended the llmitd ! and what do you think this man did ? Ilo gavu a low whistle , sang two lines of the old song : "Oh , Lord. ladles , never mind Kteiphin , .Stephen Is sueh a liar the devil won't bis- lieve him , " and turned on his heeil ami walked away. Judges , Mr. Editor , of ama/ument over the fact thai thi.i typical man should have no fuith in thu utter uncos of the Herald ! But this morning when 1 read thu Jkruld and found Iho following editorial words. "Thu e-llee-i it hud was to arouse thu stalwart demo cruts IQ redoubled and successful esIlorU to defeat Van Wyck , " I merely said to myself how superior is tlm man who seizes a fact and will not let go , to the 'one who reaches conclusions by tlio reasoning process. The man was right , I was wrong. Your cry of "straight de mocracy" was a delusion and cheat , nnd you cannot explain It away ; nor will your abuse of democrats blunt the keen edge of publio condemnation of your course. I ad\i eyoii to quit the branding busl ness and that you do not take to the oc cupation of r' grave " digging Theio is danger in this work. Uo are of it 'Let the poet admonish you " lie dig cd a pit , he dlcircd It deep , He digged it for hH biother , And then he himself , he tumbled In , The pit he digged for t'other. " ,11 In conclusion , as the Herald has been , killing me for so many years , t have ono dying request to mnko. Don't scare me. 11. HKOWN. STATH AX1) TICKIUTOItV. Ncl > in kn ( Irand Island nnd Norfolk have voted for street ears , and Hastings promises to join the procession February 10. Charles Jones , the murderer of 1'atriek Stowait , has been hound over to this district court in I'latlsmotilh in $3,01)0 ) bonds. The first Lutheran church in Franklin was dediealed , free of debt , last Sunday , It is a brick structure , ' . ' 8x51 , and is com pletely furnished throughout. David Mcliuron , of Hebron , applied a shotgun to his trouiile.s last vtrck ami successfully ended them , lie was an old resident , and leaves no family to con test his will. Another young and fcstivogirl has been kidnapped Irom Hastings to tuunl an early exposure of town morals. Several "prominent eili/ens1' are said to bo im plicated , and the Bachelors' club has turn * porarily disbanded. I'lattsmoiith is shaking hands with her self on the exhibition ol elevated morals which permitted a gang of plug ugly pu gilists to pound eaeli other before a ghastly array of empty bt'iiehes. Just twenty-three persons paid four bits each lo see the hippodrome. Dawes anil Sheridan counties are de bating this question : To feneis or not to fence. Tlio total absence of these struc tures is fatal to straddlers , as well as farmers who till this soil. To prevent cattle running at largo it is proposed to place thu counties under tins protection of Iho fence law , and residents are called upon lo vote on the question. Iowa iti'ins. liurlinglon disposes of 800,000 gallons ot water a day. Burlington is looking around for a live man wild money lo operate a canning factory. Prophet Foster argues in the Uurling- lon liawkoye. that Ihc climate of the conn- try is changing rapidly , not only on Iho temperate7,0110 but in iho norlhern limit of Hie tropics. This is duo lo planetary influence. In a fo\v thousand years fruit laising will bo an impossibility north of the Ohio. Who cares what will happen a thousand years hence ? A slick young rascal and masher named James Hronnan laid .slego to tlio allee- lions and purse of n Miiseutino widow and captured both. The lonely widow was so taken with lronmufu ! attentions that she married him. The day follow ing the wedding .she handed him a cheek for ! > ( ) ( ) whioh he promptly cashed and started lor California. The bride's ' sus picions wore aroused in time and Bren nan was captured afler he had squan dered ? aoOof the roll. Wyoming. Governor Moonlight was sworn into ollico last Tuesday. The cost of running this United Stales court in the territory last year was $10- 233.00. ( Jeo. E. Heschorcr , foreman of Dnrant 1'iro EngiiiM company , was presented with an elegant gold watch by his associ ates , last week. The Cheyenne & Northern is now com pleted to a distance of 07 } miles from Cheyenne. Track laying and bridge- building are being rushed at a lively rate. Frank DowiU , a young man of twenty , who was convicted last fall on a charge of highway robbery , and sentenced to the penitentiary for two years , was par doned last week by Acting Governor Morgan. Evidence was piodueed to provo tint he was not the party who committed the crime. niontnnn. Untie buried 270 persons last year. Bullion shipments from liutle last week amounted to ! ? fei,0'0. ( ; ISenton is snowed in. with a scarcity of Hour , coal oil and fuel. The ( j rani to mountain paid taxes amounting to $10.ViS. ; < il ) last year. Itenton is the most orderly eity in the world. Only Mxtuen arrests wore imidu there last > ttar. Other towns average srom 25 lo 100 month. The Biackfcnt Indians have agreed by treaty to give up 700 squaie miles of thmr reservation. It is one of the fineiit agri cultural sections in the territory. Ono of the features of the proposed bill for the regulation of varinty shows in Montana will be to forbid the sale of di-inks by waller girls and lo abolish private boxes. Among the Montana Blaokfcot Indians polygamy is still rife , though the redskin * are beginning to abandon it that Is lo say , Die Indians take no more plural wives. In bull'alo times when morn squaws meant more butlalo robes tanned in u given time was the palmy clays of polygamy among these Indians. Now , however , they find that more than ono Wife is a burden , and are not inclined lo inciease tlio number. A Funny Speolmnii of Knells ! ) . Here is a funny specimen of English in a circular of a Kisbingen hotel propn etor. etor.By thu present wo take Iho liberty to inform you that a Maying in Kissmgui willb | by far utrreeabler now as il hitherto was , owing to the eanali/.ution which all pails of tlm town had to undergo , and which is performed in the best modern Mylo able to meet all technical nnd by Ljicnical demands. Of course , there will be no inconvenience any more in the sliced which sometimes caused great nuisance to the publio. Wo may mention Ki'-singon ean now subject lo Iho sncee.ssful partly in mind stone rock engraved eanalnet , eonnicto with any ot the bust furnished canuli/a ions ol any of HID largeit towns or w.i torjng-placcn concerning a olcan ground md jnire air. The exposure of th.Hacqi spring nii'l N examination by tlm ollicnil coniini- , hiou to which prmiiimsud savants nml ci-hnical ox perls uvro attached had the very satiifaciorv result this mineral water , wiiich in HH VHIIOIIH and curing ilfiicu is unparalleled , springs from a solid rock , which excludes the iiossibili ie.sola mixture wiiii underground water i r lopctncnlnf carbonic acid in the adjoin nir territory. To proven ! elopement jf carbonic acid in fntnie .some iilli c- ivo improvement * \vnru inndn by whu h he carbonic acids quality of the liaeo/.l vatcr and Us ellu Is as well as it * agieo ible table Hicrc.'iK'd. Knfurring to thu aforesaid we as sure you llml c.ndc.ivnn * always will bo o meet the wiahu.s of our honorable guests in every degree , and therefore wo iiko lliu libciiy lo invite your goodsolf u > louor lib \\ilh juurKind Visit during the bouon : 1887. If ton would kindly recommend our iotet wit bhould bo much obliged lo > ou Yours rc i ufiuh , four Huurmus , Hotel Victoria , Bad