THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THTBSDAY. JAOTJ.AHY 27 , 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Shows a Slight Shrink-ago From tlie Previous Day's Closing. CORN RULES DECIDEDLY STUPID. I'rovislona Destitute of the Kncrsyof the I'nst Few Dny C.nttlo He- cclptB Ijnri > c nml I'rlccn Un HfttUfnctory Qitotntlotig. CHICAGO PRODUOI3 M. CHICAGO , , lan.2G.-Si | > ccli l TclcRrtim to the Jtr.r , 1 Wheat was very quiet. There were nhout as many who hail nn Idea that the cereal was worth the money as those who he- lleved that prices wore too high , nnd the con- Berjucnce was that each side operated cau tiously , hut prices were nt lower range than yesterday. The political situation on the other side was looked upon as being very un settled hy holders , but the hears kept the large stocks before their eyes. In California the weather was reported clear. The closlnp prices show n shrinkage of Xe on those nt the adjournment jesterday. May sold nt startliiK nt Sl\o nnd closlnc at Kebruaiy closed at 78c , March at T nntl April nt TO c. Juno sold nt 8 % < ac nnd closed nt SO'sc. ' At olsht western points Iho rccelnts were 291,000 bushels nnd the shipments 42,000 bushels. Corn was de cidedly stupid nnd receipts were fair. Liver pool was tpilet. Outside ndvlccs , however , hnd little effect , ns upcrntors paid more nt- tentlon to local Inlltiences thnn anything else. Mav opened nt 11 ' < c , sold nt11 ( 41 ' * , c nnd ll'iGitt' ' o nnd closed nil o'clock nt lie hellors. Liberal buylnir orders nt 41c were H.ilil Ui lid In Urn nuulitt and most ot the ol- fcrlnirsnt tlntt lliriiio were loadlly nb oihfd , Initjill uurullllccl hcfoui tht'cloiontii decline ot 'fc from jestcrday. Oats were dull for cash lots In store nnd near futures nnd quiet tint steady for distant futures , .Ininurv nml I'Ybnmry were nominnl at 2i > Vc , Mifch 2.iT < c. JMny sold nt ' . ,0ti&'y > \c nnd closcil tit JiO' ' c. June sold nt JW Qillc and closed nt OOJiJc. Provisions wcro dos- tltuie of the cneritv that has cliaraclerl/ed trade tor several days past. There was a sharp break in mess pork nt the opcnim : , owliik' to the decline In wheat nnd the arrival of more IIOCH than was expected nnd a do- rllne id fiQlOc In pileus. Mess pork started lOfarJXe low ur at S12.rr , for.May.nud advanced to S12.JM on liuylni ; by strong local parties. Toward the close weakness M't In nnd last sales at 1 o'clock were nt S12.05. 1/ird was Blow at Sfl.Ryitfl.mM for May. Hhort ribs met \\lth n light call at fO.I.VtfO.lT'f ' for May. There was n net dccllnii on all the leading speculative articles of 2Kc. 2'IO : p. m. On the afternoon session Iho markets were tiulet and steady. Wheat , February , Mild nt Tt TSVc , March nt m Gn c nnd 7a\'ri47S ? c , Ajiril at 7U' ' @ Wide. Mav atHP t't8Ufcand8l ' < sli'c , clos ing at 78'hc ' for Kuhruary , n @Wc. for March , ? -W < ! for April , W | XaS4Jfc for Mny , bO.'fc for June. Corn , February , as c , March S > X < iVVic , April OO' ' c , May iOKQIlc and 414lVc , Junoll < ( < § 415jfc , Oats. February , 2T)6 < c , Jlarch C-IJiTc. May fXJJfc. Aless pork , February , 12.l2JiJ ia45 , March S12.M > < ; , May sriornvj 12.70. closlni : nt S12 70. Lard , February , E0.47 , Mnich SO.52 , Mny SO.C7 . CHICAGO MVK STOCK. CIIICAOO , Jan. 26. ( Special Telegram to the Unit. | CATTI.K The reccliHs to-day \vcro rather large , and while the supply lor the week Is not nearly so laigo ns last week , bujers were bidding lower and the market was thcieforo lower and unsatisfactory. Smooth , fat cattle sold at about bteady prices , while some common to fair and medium kinds sold a shade lower. Late trains wcro pretty heavily laden with cattle and the mar ket closed weak. Some choice 1123-lb Ne braska cows sold nt Sl.OO. Some Wyoming meal fed cattle sold at 34 35@4.05. Shippers to-day paid 9I.OuXgi.OO ! for n good ninny 1101 to ir/'O-lb cattle , with some rough 1400 to J450-lb .steers at S 1.15(24.30 ( , while some nice liKO-lb steers sold to them at S 1.05 and some into ) 171Mb steers of extra duality nt 25.12X@M5. Stackers and feeders. 82.40(3 ( 8.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , Sl.50Q2.40 ; bulk , S2.UO. Hod s Trade opened -rather slow , with n few early sales about Oc lower than at the close yesterday , few fancy heavv belling nt g4.lO . " ) .07X , or 2- } ( < ? r > c lower tlian the best sales Tuesday. 1'acuors paid S .70@UK ) lor fair to good , nnd S4.50@4.rjO lor common. Licht sorts sold at S4.30@4.bO. T. nnd U. sort at S4.bO@4.UO. F1NANC1A.U Now York. Jan. 20. MONBY On cal asy at .T- ! per cent , closinc at 4 per cent. BTKKI.I.MO KXCIIANOK Dull , steady nni unchnnged ; S4.b3'i for sixty day bills ; S4.S7 for demand. i'niuB MEIICANTII.E I'Ai'Kit 037 per cent. < lovERNUi.NTS ! ( lovcrnment bonds wcro dull , but steady. STOCKS The stock market showed little ol the animation of the previous two days , nml ( tcnllnga for the most part wcro again con- lined to room traders. There was a linn opening , hrst prices being generally from } { to 'I p T cent above last evenings hnal tie urus. Further sllcht atlvauccs were recorded in earl ) tradlnir. but the list soon nave way under the hammering of the bears. In the afternoon thcro wns more activity and the decline withered force , though there wns n fractional rally toward 2 p. m. The down ward movement was again renewed In the last hour , the lowest prices being recorded u or near the close , which was dull and weak STOCKS ON STREBZ. cent bonds. . . . 100 c. & N. w C. a. preferred. . N.-YO. ; 112K I'nclfleC'sof'W. 125J * Orecon Tran. . , . Central 1'aclllc. . racllicMall C.&A 14t : I' . I ) . & E nrfiprreo. . . . IBS I'.C C.B. iO ' " " Hock Island 124 } U UW SLL. AS. K. . . . ' B.11.G av preferred. . . 04' Erie I , M. &SUP. . . 88 Eriepreferred. preferred. . preferred. . . 117 Illinois Central. St. t'&O 48 1. , 1) ) . itW preferred. . . . KaiunsAToxaa. 2S tfTexas I'acllic. . . l.nknHhoru WV'Unionl'aclllc. ' . . UAN r,2 , } < W..SLL. & 1' . . Mich. Central. . . bO preferred. , Wo. 1'nclllc bOmi Western Union , Korthern I'nc. . . 27 O. . It. &N. . . VJ preferred. . . MA11K12T. Ohlcnco , , lan. 20. Following quotations ore the 2io ; ; closing figures : Flour Quotuhly iinchanced ; winter wheat flour , 84.2Acr4.RO ( : Bouttiern. 34.10 4.20 ; Wis consin. Sf' . ' < > ( ( ? < . 0 : MlrhlKan soft sprint : wheat , S3.70 4.0 : ! : Minnesota bakers. S3.7 ( > cS : : imtents. 84.50G(4bu ; low urades. 31.U5 . 5 ; rye Hour , quiet at 3.25iJ3.40 ( ; in tanks and banels , ' Wheat Trading light with steady dealing most ot the session ; closed about the same as jostcrday ; c.ish , 7 ,1s'c ; Marcn , bl l-10c ; JUay , Corn Dull , weak nnd easier , closing t > fu easier tlmn jesteiday : cash , 85Kc ; Wurch.ajfe , ; May , 41c , Oats Dull with no material change ; cash , 25 c ; May , SO'/c. Ityo tjtcndy at 5lc. llMley-Didl at 00rOVv. Tnnotnyseod I'riuin , tl.OlQl.M. Flaxooa-Sl.03. Whlbky-SI.18. 1'ork Weak ; early became stroncer nnd advanced some , but near the close settled b.ick a trille nml then advanced sllirhtlv. clos- liiB about steady ; cash , S12.47K ; March , 81--.65 : May 12.70. l.ard Dull and n shade lower ; cash , 50.45 : March , SO.MJi ; May. 80.07K. Uullc Moati-blimdden ) , $5.2. 15.50 ; short clear , S6WHi 0.75 ; short rlb.s , SC/rj ) ! . nutter Slow ; creamery , 21KCi'2ilc ; dairy , Cfht ebo-Slow ; full cream cheddais , 12V4 ( ! 1V ! ! Hats. l'JK' ' ' lc ; ! ; young Americas , iSo } 18Wc8klmB,71 ; < aWc. KL'BS-Kirmer nt 11KQ2SC. Hides Steady and unchanged ; Green , 6Xe ; heavy green salted , 7Hc ; balled bull , CJ/c : dry salted , lU l'Jc ; dry Hint , ! Siil4c : deacons60 each. Tallow Ho. l country , 3c ; Wo , 2 , 2 c ; caVe , 4e , Kecolpts. Shipments. Flour. bbU OO.nOO 2bU , 10 Wheat , bu e.\ooo I4ooo Coru , bu 11U.OOO 81,000 . -i. yet * * l Oats bu . , . .1TOOOO 82,060 Kyibu . . . . . . . . 1,000 1,000 Uarlcy , bu . fiO.eoo 32ooo New York , Jan. 2tf. Wheat nccolnts , M.OOO ; export" ) , 107.003 ! a shade lower but Moady : options oncnoil heavy nnd a sharto louor but latprrulctl stronger anil ndvanccd C f , closing stead r ; uncradcd rod , fii fric ; No. 3 nil , oific ; No. a red , icxaojifc tn elevator , C2\w.y < c f. o. b. ; UIVc de livered ; February closlnc at W c ; 5o. 1 red , ( I5c. Corn Sp iilatlnn moderate and export trading nniot ; receipts ' . ' i.OOO ; e\iKrls.'J,000 ; uneradcd , 47i < ' < t48iic : No. 3 , 4 ; fd4S' ' < 'c in elo\ntor , 4 ! ' 4 < Vf lUVcdclhcied ; February clos- ln at 47 c. OaU Heavy ; receipt" , 49.000 ; export" . 149. Petroleum Steady : United closed at 70Xc. htes Stronger and In fair demand ; west ern , : xiic. ) $ Laid Dull ; western steam , spot , SO.SO. Ituttcr ( Julct nnduasy ; western , 12 < 22Sc ; Klein creamery , KKjlMc. Cheese Firm ; western flat , ItQlS 'c. Mllvrnukoo , .Ian. 2 < > . Wheat Steady ; cash , ? .t'ie ' ; February , 78'i.c ; May , 8-Usc. Corn Firm ; Nn. ii , .r.Kc. Oats-'Steady ; No. 2 , 20 } < c. ISya-lllpher ; No. 1 , r , c. H.irlrjFirmer ; No. a , r,7 c. rrovlsloiis Lower ; pork , January , S12.15 ; May , Sl'J.70. Olnclnnntl. Jan. 2 < 7. Whcat-Qulef No. 2 icd. WJMSV. Com Steady and firm ; No. 2 mixed , 37) ) 0. Oats-Juiut ( ; No. a mixed , : stc. ) UyeFirm ; No. S , f/J(300c. ( 1'ork-Dull atS12.S7 } . I.ard Kaslcr at SO. 10. AVhlsfey-Ste.uly and quiet at S1.13. AllnncnpnilM , Jan. 2fVhrat Steady with moro buyers than sellers ; No. 1 hard , cash and Fuluuary , & ( ; Mav , 8 } < c ; No. 1 northern , cash nml February , 7iio ; May , 8Jv c ; No. a northern , cash and February , 77c ; May , bOKo ; one lot on track soItlKc above riuotatloiis. Flour-IJull ; mtcnts , SJ.50Jtl.CO ; baker ? , . . . JtecelpH Wbi-at , bit. , U.OOJbu. ; Hour , 1SOOO bbls. St. Ijonlx , Jan. "fi. U'lioat 1'asy ; No. 2 rod , ca li , Sljjfijs.'o ; Mny , Nij/c. Corn Kasy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , lii"5c ( ; May. 37Ur. Outs Finn : No. 2 mixed cash , 2j @ 27.3p ; May. 2'JKc. iljo-Firm at.Mh'c. \\hlskv-S1.13. Vort Firm nt 312. 7. " . I.ard-Slcady at SO.-tO. Itutter bteady ; cieamcry , WiS'lSc ' ; dairy , . Alleinonn Hoard Wheat , 1'trm anil ' * ' hlKber ; coin , easy nnd } c lo\\ei ; oats , mm and a shade uuttcr. Kansas City. Jan. 20. Wheat Quiet ; No. 3 red. caili , \c bid ; February , 7-'c bid ; May , 7Uc bid. Corn ( Juiet : No. 2 , cash , u'O c bid ; Feb ruary , : w ) < c hlit ; Miy , ai.S'c. Oats Nominal ; cash , 27 > $ c bid. IjIVIfi STOOIt. Jan. 20. The Drover's Journal lonnrtHtH lollows : Cattle Heculpts. 0,000 : market slow but steady ; flipping steers S.Ii.50@ . < ; stoekcts and twdi-rs. S'-.40 : ! .70 ; cows , bulls anil mixed. Sl.fi0@ .oo ; bulk , : ; meal steers , S4.il5 i .CO. Hess Ilcculpts , 27.000 ; market a shade lower ; loinrb and mixed. 5 ? 1.40 ® UK ) ; pack ing and shippinir , S I.TOOfcOT ; llRbt. S4.-J5 @ 4.S ) ; sUltis , $ 'J.SOiH2o. ( Sheep lU'coipts 5.000 ; market steady : na- thes. 5i&0@.l2Hf ; western. ? : i.OO.ciJ.C3 . ; Texans , 83.0uci-I.OJ ; lambs , 84.00ii5.75. ( St. loul , Jan. 20. Cattle llocelpts , 1'XK ) head ; shipments , 500 bead ; linn ; choice heavy native steers , S4.0'r4.t > 0 ; fair to good shipping steers , SK.'OC'M.M ' ; nutchers' steers , fair to choice , sn.00 ( > 4.10 ; feeders , lair to peed , 52.GOs.50 : { ; slockors , fair to good , 52.00 . Hogs Receipts , -1,400 ; shipments , 700 head ; active and steady : choice heavy and butchers' selections , 54.i0 5.0"i ; u.ick- inz , fair to good , S4.70@I.Ni ; Yorkers , medium to fancy. S 1.55(3 ( 1.70 ; piss , common to K > otl , S3.00 ( < il50. Kanuim City , Jan. 20. Cattle Uecclpts , 1. 100 head ; sliliunents , none ; shipping grades weak and slow : butchers' stull sttong ; com mon tocholco shipping , S'i.40 ' < vi4.40 ; stockeis , SU.OO a.OO ; feediiiK steers , SUO(3'3.GO : ( ; cows , . . . lloirs Receipts , 7.000 bead ; shipmnts , 1,2X ( ) head ; strong and 5c hither ; common to choice , S4.15@1.75. OMAHA. IjlVK STOCK. Wednesday , Jan. 20. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were heavier than yesterday by 200 head but less than a week ao by Six ) head. The market opened fnitlj active but was a little- weaker than yester day. The receipts of hoes fell 200 short of yester day's receipts and 100 snort ot thu receipts of a week ago. The market opened at about yesterday's pr'c 'S , but only a low loads \\ero sold on that basis , the market Miei'dily de clining about 5u in sympathv with eastern markets. Them was a good demand and the hogs were all sold. SIicop. There were no fresh receipts , but one bunch which had been held over was sold. Receipts. Cattle 700 llo ; s 2.700 Prevailing Prices. Showing the prevailing prices paid for live stock on ibis mailed : Choice steers , 1350 to 1500 lbs..SI.3' ' ) ( < ? 4.fiO Choice steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3..Hi@i.40 Good feeders 2.75 ( :1.00 : Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.7.V < $ U.25 Fair to medium grass cows 2.uor i2.50 Hood to choice bulls 2.00:82.75 : Light and medium hosrs 4.50 ( < 44.X ( > Good to choice heavy hogs 4.00M4.70 Good to choice mixed hogs 1.50 1.00 Rcprcsontntivo Males. STKI'.KS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 2. . . . 1000 S3.HO Si > . . . .1270 S4.CO 7. . . . Wl SCO 18. . . . 1221 4.00 20..10WI .105 45..122. ) 4.00 14..1023 3.05 5..1200 4.00 21..1045 3.07 1 . . .1172 4.00 8..1210 3.75 10 . . .1100 400 10..113I 3.85 1U..1275 4.10 18..1250 8.00 17..1303 4.25 52..1120 3.00 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..10IO S2.00 1..10tO S3.00 1..1070 2.40 8..1145 3.05 14.1027 2.50 20 . . .1065 3.10 22.1004 2.75 1..1150 8.25 8..1218 2.75 2..1555 3.i5 1..11CO 2.80 1..1150 3.2.5 10..11W 2.bO 1..1115 3.25 HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. l..llbO 82.05 1..1400 ? 2.25 1..1220 2.25 1..1G30 2.30 1..1510 2.25 1..1550 2.GO oxr.x. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 2..1GSO 53.25 5..1442 53.50 STAOS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..15'.iO 3.60 iir.irKiis. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 8. . . . 600 J3.00 8..b72 53.15 COWS AND HULLS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 14..10J1 8J.C5 SHUKr. No. Av. Pr. 121. . . . 62 53,40 lions. No. Av. Shk. Pr No. Av. Shk. Pr , 02..UO 4tt Sl.&O fJ..2W ! 12061.00 7..143 40 4.50 C0..2.W bO 1.00 SI..207 2oO 4.50 01..278 240 4.00 6S..253 W ) 4.50 07..277 100 4.00 OS.S)9 ! ) IfiO 4.55 07..277 lf-0 4.00 00.203 120 4.55 M..2.V1 200 4.GO 70..2M : VJO 4.M 7a..lh5 40 4.00 59..240 bO 4.55 02.253 60 4.00 ffl..2N3 N ) 4.55 W , . .2t3 200 4.00 67..255 210 4.55 04..301 bO 4.05 TJ..240 120 4.55 C3. . . SOJ 40 4.C5 6U..810 210 4,60 5I..8J3 200 4.05 05..234 200 4.00 CO..294 4.05 05 . . .2K ) 40 4.CO 47. , .3S1 121 4.70 55..278 200 4.CO 54..841 12J 4.70 CO..270 bO 4.00 07..825 100 4.70 233..231 2 > > 0 4.00 53.,315 40 4.7'K 73..255 120 4.00 60..842 120 4.72 > 4' Slilpiiionts. Show Inc the number ot cattle , hoes and sheep shipped from the yarda duiiui thu day. CATTLE. No. cars. Ht. Dest. V N. W Chicago 5 , . . . , . .Mn. Chicago " > or Prices. Snowing the UlKhoit ami lowest prices : paid for loads of hotrson this market diirln ? the past seven davs nnd ( or the same time lost month nnd last rear : I lOC.lSij. , Jim. 1837 I Jan. soth' ' 7aT af2o" 4.40 CM 75 | 3.J5 G3.70 21ft , 4.10 ta4.27' { 4..w . : ; ' { 35-1 2M ' 100 4.25 4.40 ttl.75 i 3 57' 23nl' 4.05 514.20 Siimlny 340 24tli , 4.01 514.15 4,40 (34.75 ( Sunday 2 > th | JiolltHy 4.60 ll.75 a40 20th Sunday 4.0.1 SH.721-4 [ 3.50 Allsilcsof stock in this market arc mailo pcrcwt. live wclirht unless otherwise stated. lead hoes soil at Kc P"r 'b. ' for all welghU. " " less th.m 10J Ihs "Skins , or hogs welching , no value. Pregnant sows are docked 4003. \ . and stags 80 Ibs , by the public Inspector. .Notes. Hogs all sold. lloirs a little lower. Cattle receipts liberal. Hon. Watson Tyson , JMalr , was In lo-dav. J { . K. Thcw , North Bend , was In and sold one- car of cattle. It. 1 * . Corliin , IHirllngton Junction , Mo. , ttas In with stock. K. Cornwall. Ponder , was here and sold two cars of cattle. J. Decker. Elm Creek , was In with a load of cattle of his own feeding. T. H. Hutts. Centinl City , was in with n car hogs which sold on the market. liobert Ewlnir , Wood ltl\cr , Kcb. , was In with a car ot lions of his ow n raisin ? . W. S. Itrucn , Oakland , la. , was In pros- prctinj ; to-day. He Is ft heavy feeder. ,1. C. Hitter was In from North Hend with a load of hess for Morse , llogers & Co. W. II. Erret , Hnrlan , la. , made his llrst trip to thu jards to-day with a load ol IIOKS. ( leo. M. Scott , Salt Lake Cltv. piesldent Lily I'.uk Cattle compati ) , was aisltoi at the yauls to-day. The Analo-Amerlean ] 'rovi < lon coiupanv's dnne of 1,0I7 ! hojrs nveraced 270 lb . , ami Iho nveiaiu ; cost was 2J e less than jesterday. Have Aiuler-ion , Columbus , sold a load of hoes on the market lo-tlay , wl.lch came to S1017.55. tinlarcest amount b-o.ight by a sin- Kle lot-d of lion's in a loin ; time. OMAHA \ - : SIAUKKTS General 1'rorluco. Wednesday , Jan. 20. Tlif follnwhui prfcr.sIT / for n ii i/ lot * of ; ) rHiic-iv ( ( sui / i on the niitikct tn-ilii'i. ' Tlir U'litrlt imtitilt'onlcrimc tilled. UTTIPU The lect'lpts ate not wry heavv but the demand Is luclliird to be slow. The hulk ol the butter has been selllnt ; at lOfrilSj tor so lout ; a lime It is dllllctilt to ralsu the pilce while lh dumnnd Is no heavier tli'in at tliepie. eut time , nttho " .atiio time a lew sales are made as high as I' ' > .ci20e : K.tncy i country. l)520c ! ) ? ; choicn country , lf > f ( lsc ; ! swci-t table butter , Itel5e ; t.iir , 10 1'- " ; | coiiimou , * > @ 10o. Enos The egg market Is In very much the same condition as it has been for the past week. Whllii the lecolpts aio liboial , laklni ; all kinds of stock together , the lecelpts ot s-lnclly fresh enus aie llfiht. Theie tun a L'i o I many MI e.illed liush c s sold at " > ® Sic. but strictly tiesli nml biiulit stock that has been recaudlcd at the commission IKIH CM Is lrlniliii2oc. ; Cur.i:1' : ! : Kull cream Cheddars , slnule , 14c ; full cieam Hats , twins , 14couus ; Auierl- cas. He : fancy Swiss , U < Kic : Impoitud Swiss , 2.12 : Limbun-er , iHe ; brick , i4l-joU" > e. I'ori.TiiY 1'oiillry Is not bihiK'ni ' : quite f > peed prlees as a week aio. The nrnket is glutted with tut keys and there Isery little sale lor them at any pi ice ; Hi > is about the outside lor the best stock while a pc.i' deal of it Is selling for 7c. Chickens arc in fall demand at 8c lor the stock whlln peed stock Is sclllii ) ; as low as 7c. Oee o ard ducks hell atSC'tPc. ( ! AMK The m.uket is overstocked with smr.Il rabbits. Jack rabbits am : IM ! > In libi ril receipt but aside fiom fiat there is vary little K.IIIIO comiii ) ; in. J'iriiio chickens , fjuall nnd venison are out of .season nnd It Is cou- tiaiy to the law torde.ilcis tohandln them. The law has never hernerv strictly enforced - forced , and n rood man ? dealers handle them after thov nro nut nf season : Ducks , Mallard , ner do/ , jJl.T.X'fiJ.OJ ; duck ? . Teal , S1.2.Vnl.50 ; duck * , IIIIMM ) , SI 'ii ; uree e , S2.f.O' U)0 ) : Itrants. i = 2.00 ; Jack n.o'jits , S : ! 00 ; small rabbits , BOftTOOe. I'OPATOKS There aio no new leatures in the marki't. Thu trade Is limited almost rn- tirelv to thu sale ot binall lots I rum the store. Choice stock irom htoie , small lots C0@ O.r > c. c.Vr.OETAiii.KS lircts , canots , paisnlps and turnips are ipioted at fOc. lloiiu-radish roots S4.OOftM.60 pei bbl. APPLES The apple market Is firm and ptock.s on hand are lltlit ; I'holre Missouri stock pur bbl. 8a.75ft-i.UO ; Clioico Michigan stock per bbl. SI. W. UNIONS Home uiown htock , per bu. 81.00 © 1.-10. CiM.r.iiY Choice stock , per do/ . -10@4'c. LIJMONS A car of Messina lemons in rived this week in toud shape ; Messina per box , S5.00. UiiANnr.s Valencia oicnuires have arilvcd In the market : Valencia per cave , S7.2.V do , 3 to 5 cases , S7.00 ; Snnta Anna oranges per box , 8 1.50. ( JiiANiir.niiiKS Uapo Cod , fancv. psr bbl. 512.00 ; bell and buKle , per bbl , S10.00 ; Hull nnd Cheny. SSi.75. HKANS infeilnr stock , 7S J ! 1.00 ; Rood clean cmintrv , Sl.OXiZl.'i'i ; mt'ilium , liantt Dlckfd , S1.40 1.5o ; hand picked navy , 81.50 "Puovmoxs Ham , ll fisWo ; bieakfast bacon , ! c ; clear side bat-on , bj c ; diy salt slds , He ; shoulders , 7c : dried beef , tegular , lie ; diled beef , hum pieces. He : lard , 50 Ib cans , 7c ; lard. 20 Ib cans. Kali hanks 7V- : lard , 10 Ib cms , Knlrh.inks. 7' c ; laid 5 Ib cans , 72ic ; lard , 3 Ib cans. XP. Ovsnnis Mediums , 20c ; standards , 2vc : selects , 30 ; extra selects , 3jc ; N. i' . counts , 40c. Grocer * ' li\nt \ , PICKLBS Medium , In bbls , 0.00 ; do. In half bbls , 83.50 ; small. In bbls , S7.00 ; do , in halt bbls. SI.K ( ) ; gherkins , In bbls , SW.U ) ; do , in half bbls , S4.5'J. CAN.VKD -Oystcrs.standard.percasc , S3.lfXJi3.25 ; strawberries , 2 Ib. per case. S-i.20 ; raspberries. 2 Ib , per case , 552.-.0 ; Cnlltornln pears. per case , 84.50 ; apricots , per casj , S4.fO ; peaches , per case , fcS.OO ; white cher ries , per case , 80.00 : punna. per case , g'1.01) ; blueburries porcasc , Sl.b5 ; O K plttm.s 2 Ib , per case , 82.50 : plncapnlDs , 2 Ib , per cnso 83.20ffl5.75 : l Hi nihikurei. per doz , 81.10 : 1 Ib salmon , pet doz , S1.501.5" ( > ; 2 in , goose- bcriles , per case. 81.75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case , 81.70 ; 2 Ib lima beans , per cnso , St.fiO : 2 Ib marrow fat peas , iKsrcaso. 3 ,40 2 5j ; 2 Ib early June puns , per caso. 32.75 : 3lb toma toes , 2.-5 ' ( < i2. 5:2 : 32.202.iO. : DulKl ) FllUIT Mo. 1 quarter apples , 5J/(9 ( Cc ; evaporated In boxes , 12W@i3c ; black berries , boxes , 10)f@llc ; peache.s , Salt Lake , I860. I0 < ftl0) ) < jc ; poaches , evaporated. l.V c ; raspberries , now , 2'c : ; currents , 7@7 > je ; prunes , new. O WKc. . . . _ . Sun Aits Powdorca. W 7c : cut loaf A C'tCc : btandard'extra C,5 ( it5 c ; extra C. KV5 > tfe ; medium jellow , 4 (35c. ( COFKKKS Ordinary erados , H ftilSc fair 15l-r > Hc ; I'rliiie. ' 15j < @ 10c ; choice , 10Qlo > sc ; fancy gruuu nndj'E.H ° Wt 10BI7c ( ; old eo cklo's" roasi uimuiiii D , Mv > aij , iv , . xv.ifii , hX)3 ) < Tc. MATCHES Per caddie. 2Sc ; square cases 81.70 : muln wiuare. 81.2U. SVHUINo. . 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.20 1,25 ; New Orleans pcrgallon 3s < 34nc ; mnulo syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 7i'c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; halt gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , 3.0u. SrAitcn Mirror gl'iss. l Ib. Cc ; mirror gloss. 3 Ib , 5Jfc : mirror gloss Olb , OJi'c ; ( Sraves corn , 1 Ib.OJfrj ; Klngsford's corn , I lu , 7c ; Klmisford's gloss , 1 Ib. 7c ; Klngsford's cioss,01b , 7Kc ; Kingsford's pure , 31b , 75fo ; Klngsfordsbulk. 4c. (5ANDY Mixed.tiailKo ; stick. SJfQO c. CRACKKUS Garneau's soda , butter nnd picnic. 5 > < o ; creams , bjjci ginger snaps , " city soda. . ouAla Kirk's savon iiupuimi . c 2.70 ; KlrkssRilnet.S3.00 ; Kirk s standard , SAW ; Kirk's ' white Uussian. 84.00 ; Kirk's whlto- cap. S0.50 ; dome , 83b5 ; washboard , § 3.10 ; white cloud. 83.75. General Mnrkot * . lliiiES Green butchers , SX < &Cc\ \ green cured. 7c : dry Hint. llMK'c ; dry salt. 0610c ; srcon calf skins. tfiJOV ) < c ; damaged hides , two-thirds . . , . , . . price. . o , , Tallow , . . „ sw c. ( Jrease " iifo ; brown , 1" \ AitNisiiES liairols , pcrgallon ; rurnl ture , extra , 81.10 ; furmtuip , No. 1. S1.00 ; coach extra , S1.40 ; roach , No. 1,81.20 ; Da- mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra 65c : kbellac , § 3.50 ; hard oil unisli , FLOUR Ann MILI.STUFFR Winter wheat flour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second iiual- Ity , 2.2.Vd2,50 : best quality spring wheat flour , patent. S2.GOQ2.70 ; W. J1. WeUhau'a buckwheat tlour. iwr bbl , 50.00 : do. double sacks , J3.00 jMir hundred ; W. J. Wolshan'a No. 1 , ready raised , forty 2& Ib packages In case , 64.50 ; do , twenty 5 Ib packages In cam , I 84.50 ; bran , 70c per cwt ; chopped feed , 7 o per cwt ; white corn mc.ilJ miivui ; yellow corn meal. fOMWc per cwt ; scnt-n.ntr. MKiKSc per cwt ; hominy , SUM : shorts , TOO per cwt ; graliatn. SI. 75 ; hay , in bale * . S'.OOporton. HEAVY 11 uiitWAnr. iron , rate J3.75 ; plow st-el special CASt v c.criiclblestcel.riKc ; cast tools , do. J2ilSc ; whir'on spokes."vo'rYet , S2.0.(33.50 ( ; hubs , per set , Sl/il ; tcllocs. siwed dry. SI.50 ; toneues , each , S c : nxeN. each , 75c : saiinro nuts , per Ib. Gl(371c ( : coil chain , perlb. Oyjl2c ; malleable. 7 ( ! { < 1K3 ; iron wedKf-s Cc ! crowbar ? , fie ; harrow teeth , 4"c , Fprlng steel , 70yc ; Htmion's horseshoes. S4.00 ; Burden's mule Harbpd wire , In car lots Si.oo per lOOlbs Nail" , rates , 10 to 50 , SVO ; stcci nails. S2.'io. Shot , SI.B5 ; buckshot , SI.85 ; oriental powder , kegs , 82.50 ; do. half ken ? , S100 ; do. quarter kegs. 31.50 : blastlnc , kegs , S2.35 ; fuse , per 10 fcct.CT > c. Lead bar , 81ft 1'AiNTS IN'OIL Whlto lead. OmahaP. P. , 7c : white lead , St. Louis pure. 7.25 ; Mar seilles green. 1 to 5 Ib cans 2o ; Kronen zinc , crecn seal , I2c ; French 7lnc , rod seal , lie ; French zinc. In vnrnlsh asst. SOc : French zinc. 75c : vcrmllllon , Knvri < ih , In oil , 75e ; red , lOc : ro < n pink , 14c ; \ enetlan red , Cook- son's 2J c ; Venetian red , American. lc ; red lead , 71 0 : chromo jellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo vellow , K , V-c ; ochre , rochelle , He ; ochre , Krenchi 2Vc ; ochre , American , 1'fe ; Winter's mlnirnl. 2V ; Lehlgh blown , 2' < c ; Spanish brown , 2Kc ; t'rinco's mineral , ' " ' 'briruT'-Colofftio spirits 1S3 proof , S1.17 ; do 101 proof , SI.IS ; spirits second , quality , 101 proof , 51.17 : do ISs proof , 51.10 Alcohol. IbS proot , S2. i i per wine callon. HcdLstllled whiskies , Sl.'XMl.50. ' Gin , blended , t 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons 82.00i3tl.00 ; Krn- tticky and Pennsylvania rye * , 32.CKMrt.5o ; Golden Shcal bourbon ami rvo whiskies 8l.VK3M.lU Hr.indles imported , S.'i.CKMS.V ) ; domestic , Sl.HOyWW. Gins Imported , 81 M ( ' ( < UH ) ; domestic , ? 1.2.v < t3.00. ChampaKiiPS tin polled. Her case. S2S.DOt.C33.00 ; American , pcrc.tse. SlO.OCK.iilO.CX.1 Duv PMSTI-White lead , Sc ; French /Inc , 12c ; Pail , whiting. 2'ue ; whlilng , gliders 2Jfc ; whlilng. com'l , l'4c ' ; lampblack , Ger- manstown. I2c ; lampui.tck , ordinary , tj ; Prussian blue.VjcultrainuriiiL' ; , is' andyk- brown , Siumbor. ; . burnt. 4c ; umber , raw , 4 * : sienna , burnt , 4c ; r.lcnnn , riw. Ic ; Pnns iu-on , eennlno. S-V. Pnrli green , com mon , 22 < j ; chromo ereen , N. Y. . 20e ; veriullhou Aiiiencan. IN : : Hunan raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans I2c ; raw and burnt sienna , 12eaud ; > ke blown , Tiic : relined - lined lampblack I2o- coach black and Ivory blnck. 10c ; drop black. ICc : Prussinn blue , 40o : ultiamarlnc black. Ise ; chromo irrcen.L , , M. & I ) . , lOc ; blind r.ntl shutter green , I. . . .M. A I ) . , ific ; Paris green , iv ; Is.dlan red , I5c ; Venetian led , tk ; 'litscan , 22c ; \oinillllon , L. .t I ) . , 20c : yellow oclno , to ; L. M. t O. I' ' . . 1S3 ! good ochre. lOe : vntciit drver , c ; cralnlug color. lightuaK , daikoak , walnut , chestnut and nsh , l"c. Dunns AMI iinMir.M. " . Acid , carbolic , S2c ; acid , tartaiic , iWc ; b.tlsam copalb.i , per 1) , iOchnrk : sassilras. ja-r Ib , lOc ; cnlnmel , per ft , 7fe , clilnclionidla. per oNIC ; chloro- form , per lt > , 4 c ; Dover s powders , per tt > , 81.25 : > | isoiii baits. ] WT It ) . 3' ' 'c ; glycuilne , pure , pt-r Ih. 3 > c ; acetate , per Ib. 2lc ; ill , castor , No. 1 , per gsl. , S1.50c ; oil castor , Vo. 2jiergal. , 81 40 , oil olive , per gal. , 81.10 ; ill oriiMiinum , 50 < > ; opium , 8-1.20 ; quinine , ' . it W. nnd K. * S , . per oz. 70c ; potassium odldc1 , per ft , 8 .75 ; s.tlloln. peroz. lOc ; sul- phaio morphine , per o5 - 'i5 ' ; sulphur , per K ,4c ; strjclinliu' . ueroS1.2) ) . . I'rni AM ) auixs-Tho lollowiiiK prices arc for prime , well handled skins : Heaver , irliiie. clean per pound , si.5ilJjJK ( : ( ) : fallS1.2. ' > 2.0J ; meaty nnu Inferior. " ? l ( CjJ1.25. ( Bear , brown and gtizzly. S5.0J.f . , S.OO ; cubs iiiul j em lings , SiOO'cM.OO. li.iiker , 5K < iOUo. Cat , wild , 20Q ! c ; domestic , bl.u-k , K' ( l5c ; do- mestie , siinilt v colors , . " > @sp. Kov. led , 81.-0 ( $1 25 : cross S2.0\ ; L'ieIOa.Ve ( ) ; silver , < lo.rt@io.oo. Fisher.S .dOuO.OJ. { ( ) ttur.84.00 ZO 00. Mnitln.Sl.OOMl.75. Muskiatiu - ai\-e U'tey. SI.W ( .2.50 ; coyote or pralrlp , 7n Ke. ) Deei and antelopt' . winter , | .er pound 15c ; f.tll and Mimmcr. per pound. 2-Oc. Urr IIOAIIDS. No.l Com. s. 1. 3. 12 , Hand 10 tt S17.50 1o. " ' 12,14 and 10 ft 14.75 Vo.3 " " 12,14 and 10 tt 13.50 Ho.l " " 121 andlO ft 12.UO IIMFNMVV AMI TIUitKIII. 12 n u ft m rt SO ft 22 1R.SO III CO 17.00 18.00 21.00' ' xU. IflJiU 10.50 17.0U 18.IM J2.UO 2--.00 U ) hi IB.W 17.00 I8.C02I.OO 21M 2x10. 1R.51 tn.n. ) 18IW22.W ) iOU 'Xl'J. 'lfi.5 ' Ifl.W IKWI'-.Ol ) in .M IllfJ ) 111 r , in AXI > PAItTITION. 1st com. , Rfin White Pine Partition..533.00 2d " " " " " . . . . 87.-iO 2dCom. - In. Norway Pine Ceiling. . . . 14.00 FKNCINO. No. 1 , 4& 0 Inch , 12 and U ft. , rouch. . .817.01 No. 2 , 4 & C inch , 12 and 14 ft. , lough. . . 14.01) ) STOCK HUAIlDb. A 12 Inch. 40 C 800 1)12 Inch " " 421) 2.i.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 a. . 10 , 18& 20 ft. . . 21.00 No. 2. " " ' ' " . isf . l No.2 , " " " 1214 ft. . . . . 17.00 " 10ft 10.00 SHIP T.AI * . No. 1 , plaln.Sand lu inch 817.50 No. 2 , plnin.8 and 10 Inch 15.50 ' ' ' ' " ' XX clear. ! ) : S2.W ; No. 1 , 81.35 ; Lath. 82.25. Posrs-Whlto Cedar , 0 ID. , KS , 12c ; 8 in. rs. . r combinid , ( luarnntcciltlio only puu 111 the ( world trcn ratlni ; ItttIO 'rurrrnt , hci.'iitiflc.I'oncrful , Durable , ComforiaMo Mid Fffcciive. Avoid fnudfl. O % > rli ( Ji n cut id Send 1.1 imp foi pimphlct * At * 0 KI.FOTJUO 1JKI/1S fOK DIOU PC. HORNE. lUVEHTCR. 191 WABASH AYE. ' WHISKEY Spcrlnllr DUtlllcd for Mt-dlclpiil V e. THE BEST TOMICI UNEOUALEDforCONSUMPTIOft WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL OEBItlTY. PERFECTS DIGESTION DB. EPW WAU.INO , Sur geon In f lileT , National Guut cf N.J.writM : "Sir Mlontlun wo failed your Kfjrilone Jlult W lil k j lo Mr. I lor , Dnigglit , of Trfnton and I liioo iitfil n few IxjttlM nlth fnr lifllrr iffoct than anjr < ImTe had. I a'n rccouimfiidinc ynur article In my practice , mat ( lud It try ratlrtjctory. " BITiEI Cr IHITiTKHS. li ( Irnnln * hn the Sljinilur 9 IIHM.ll t HrNUH.SJH ( ric-iizlli el BctUi. cii lti l.kUl EISNER & IHENDELSON , ISol. AjtDli/ur / 1L. U S ) 316.318 and 320 Rwe St , Philiddohis. Pa. Goodman Drujr CoJonl.AgentsOmalia ( Nebraska. Mfn mfferlnB from r.o.ivlKor. I\prv il l > rlillU7 , l.arU or WEAK I > r rlnilllrlil. | I'rrolntMm v > r ! ! , , tic. , reiultlntr from In. dl&crtttoni , f ictmeior overwork , rurrt ! Tllhout Hluuiwcli MARSTON KEMCDV CO. 10 Park Place. New York. Mention Omnlm line. Jiuunnn R PTORED. A icttmo : llnirlllllll Jnulli'ulImpruilenornnuriiv : mil IWU U rrtniaturu Puay , Acnouj HcUlIt r , Ln t Uar.tuHvl , t U4 , lnvliiK irlcj In rua rvcrr Kno n renit t . ha dlxt iTi rod a rlmpli ) hlcL he will ( rnd raft > < * > lteno * urcr : . . , . llWlCusSlit.bfw YurVtlO. P. 8. KfXJVh. A. O MrCAMPIIRM , llerabcrelvcton ; Cot- Moiulior ClilOiKQ llnard ot ion Kt'go \ fct Iom $ , Tnilo ami ftcir Orleans Merthunt * Kxchan u. I Cotton Kiiliun.'a S. S. FLOYD & CO I O ! ) anil 111 SOUTH lUlli ST. Omaha , Nebraska. IIHOKEIIS INFer For Future Delivery Tradejmade on quotation ! noun as UulletlnuJ. Write for ei plane-lory pampblot. Uall ; tnarkel JO- port mulled ( rt'o on uppllcatlOD. Uatl THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. Arr\o ! j Lea\o On'inlm 1 Oiuaha UN'IOX I'AHKIO. ( xit 10th and I'ierco sts. I'ncllliJ Kxpie s 7:50 : am , 8CO : pm Denver Express 5iOpm : 10:2.1 : am "J.ocal E\pres 11:00 : am 5:05 : pm Except Sunday. U. * M , II. 1U 11. Depot 10th and I'aclllc sK Mail and r.tpross r > :45pni : 10:00 : am Nlelit r.xprcss. . . il : > 0,1111 7:4. : ) pm Lincoln , S:55pm : S:30 : am C. N. & Q. H. U. Depot 10th and PiHIicsK Mall and Express 0:20 : am 0:00 : pm Chicago K\iirt'S3 7:10itu : 0:20 : am K. J.r. n. Depot loth and 1'aclilc sis. Via riattsmoiith 7:10 : pm 0:20 : am Lincoln hxnre s bl5 : pm "Except Monday. t Except Saturday. C. St. I' . M. * O. Depot 15th and Webster st. Sinux C'lt v Express r > :4 : * > pm 8:1. : am llaiH'iolt Accommodation 10:30 : am 5M5 inn * E\cont Siiml.iy MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot 15th and \Vebstorst. \ I My K\ press , 0.21 am 11:10 : am Night Kviircss 0:0(1 : ( tun ! ' : lo pm Lincoln K\uros t . . . . . . . . am 0:10 : pm UNION hTdl'lO Heave" TRAINS. Omaha * Exeept htindav. noi : ; am * 015nm ; Trains lenvlnc U. 1' . 7:0. : > nm * 75aui : ! ! pot ill Omaha at lHr : > 5 a. in. , 5:0j : p. m. and SW : p , Huam : : ) loiuonm m. , nnd those Ir.ivlm : 10' . " > latn lo.-5.-i am Tnon ! stock vardsatOiO1 ! U : : aui JiCOpm . m. and 10M : a. m. aic 2:0pm : : : 30.iptn ; Inoiuli jiassencer tr.ilns : 4:0. : * > pm ilUilhei sale regular stoc ] mils dummy tiains be- 0:15 : inn 55pm : wten htook yams and Umalia. > :20pm : Leave i Lea\o IT. I1 , nillUGETItAINS. Tiaiifter. Omah.1. * K\cept Sunday. 7 ! l2am' ' 10 : Xi am tConiucIs with S. C. & " " .s ilfiam * 7 : ! ; . " ) am ' . nt Council Illutls I n ; 'i" > am h : ( )0 ) am iConueotswIthC. H. & V i-t'inm - :50 : am L , C. it X.V. \ . , C. M. & * 10 : a7amio : ( Hani ) St. P , C.I ! . 1. , t P. nt 11 : :47am : 11. 10 am Jouncll lUulT.s. * 1 : SOiim , * 1 :00pm : U'oiinects with W. St. 2 : ! ! " pm1 2 ; 00 pm L. .t P. nt Council Mulls. 3 : 7pm' ' 12 :20 : pm IConnects with nil oven4 : .7pni' ' : i : ( H ) pm ng trains lor Chicago at1 5 :50pm : | * ! Council niulTs. Tiains 0 :12 : pin1 5 :0i : ) pm leave Omaha at Unioni 7 : 10 pin fi : : iO urn 'ncllic duint | , 10th and | 0 Pierce sheets. 00 pm 10 : ri pm 11 : :55pmj : 10 00 pm 10 pin COl'NVllj ' I Leave I Arrive co TNECTl o L1M ESTransit * Tiansfer depot depot 0. H. I.\- ] ' . : * 7:15 : am tiiMTia m * E\coit ) hiinday. H:15 : a m * 5:25 : pm 1 Except Mimdiy. C-lOpm7OOpm : : C. & N.V. \ . I , \11 trains urn dailv j ollo'pm 0:15 : am 7:00 : u m C. . , t ( J. flr : : a m i:15 : am trains All run daily j 0:35p : m : oo p m C. 31. it St. 1' . 0:15 : a m il5 : a m All trains inn dally j 0:10 : p m :00 : p m K. C. St. .1. & C. U. Except Saturday , 10:00 : n mtO.Tia : in t Except Mondaj. * 8:55i : > m 5:30 : p m AV. St. L. A 1' . I All trains run daily. . . . ] 200 ; pm 3:30 : p m S. C. & P. All trains run dally. . . . . , 7:0.1 : a m. 0 : R5am 0 ; 35pm | b ; 50pm TKE Council Blnffs And CMcago. Th only road to tnV for Dei Molnea , Mar- Blmlltown , ( oilnr Hnnlili , Clinton , Dixie , Chlcn- ( ? o , Milwaukee ind nil points cft't. To tn * people ple of Nohrnskn , Cofoindo , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Novmln , Orefjon , WunhlnKlnn nnd Cull- offers siipoi lor advnntaKns not poeil- lilo hy uny other line Among n fnw nf the numerous points of in- perlorlty enjoyed by the pntroni of this rend lietworn Omnlm nnd ChlonRO , nro Itfl two trnlms n ilny of DAV COACUKS which nrethellnrst thnt humnn nrt nml Ingenuity cnn crcatp. It PAI.ACK flliRRIMNQ OAKS , -vlilch arc modeM of comfort and nlognncn Its PAHIX1IIDI1AW. INO BOOM CAHS , undurpns _ " < lbv any , and 111 widely oelebrntcd PALATIAL DtNINO CAI18 , the pqiial of which cnnnot be found eliawhnro , At Council Illuffi the Irulns of the Union I'acl- flo Hy. oonnect In t'nion Depot with those of the Chlraaro d Worthwcetorn Ily. Jn Clilcntro the trains of thin line intike close coBneitlon with those of nil raitorn HIIPK. For Detroit , Columbus. IndlnnnpolK Clnoln- nntl , Nlairnrn Fullp.lluffalo , flttsburr , Toronto , Montronl , Iloston , Now York , Phlliidolphltt , llnl- tlmor , Washington nnd nil lolnls In the enit , sk the tlokotnctnt for tlckoln vln the "NOKTHWKSTKHN. " If you wish the l-eit no-ommodntlons. All llcknt niroiitn roll tlrkots riH tlilf lino. n. p. . ( Jonornl Mann 9ri 00nl. Pftsi'r Atront WM. HAIICOCK , O WcBtornAyt City I' AH DREXEL & HAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UWDZJJITA.JK EJRS AM > ttho'ol dstanit 1407 Ktirniim st. Orders bytole < ; raili ) so.icited and promptly ut < tended to. Telephone No. 225. OMAHA JOBBERS'DIREGTORY Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , Jit. , Artists' MatfirialH , I'iunos and Organs , 1M3 Doiiiilna hired , Oinalm. Agricultural Implements , CHURCHILL PARKEJt , Wbolcialo Dealer la Aarricnltural Iiniileiiients , 'NVafrons , and l\uf\i'f. \ \ Jonri ttrucl , butvroeu Sib nd JttU.Oiuuba , Neb. L1N1NGER tO MRTVALF CO , , ARricuItiiral Iiiiiilcnicntg , arrlaSei , llugzloi. \Vlioletale.Qinahi J./i'J ? , FRIED < D CO. , Jobbers of Uardwaro nnd Nails , TiuHorc , Phcct Iron , Utc. Aucnta { or Hoiro btalea , nnd Miami I'uwderui. Omiiha.Ni-b. RECTOR 0 WJLHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware. Western njcntuor JcfTcrton hirol Nalli , A unto J'OttdcrL'u , h lrkanV > t-la nrt aril t-rulca Corner lOtli nnd Harner. Umalia PARLINOJtENDOR MARTIN WLioloalo Dealers ID Agricultural Iinpleincnt , Wojoniand Uu. lc . Wl.'Jti.'M and'Xff , Jonce tt OMAHA JDBBERS'JIIREGTORY Kutter and Buyers of IMitter nnd Kffff3. Mfimnil rsf-Vlrc llomp. llth nn.t Lc T ( > north - orth St ,1" 1' . II. It. Tmck.dnmhv Builders' Hardware and Scales. Inildcrs'IInnlwnrc A Scale UeimlrSl lccli\nlc ' Too ! anil nnlTilo Pratc . IWi l > o\igl i et , v Oninhn , > 'fb. Boots and Shoes. AMERICAN ir.tND SEH'ED SHOE COMPANY , Jlnnufiichirerinml Wholc lf Je-\ler In Hoots nnd Shoos , mplMp totii of llnblier Hoods nlir.irn onhnnd M'jH.l"lli t tlurnbn , Nth. A. T Austin , Apont. If. 1' MOltSK P CO. Jobbers of Hoots nnd Shoes. Ill t-'atntm M , Omiilm , N'pb. Mniiufnclotf , t-ummot urort , lloMon , Z. T. LIXDSEY ,0 CO. iVIiolosnln Unbboi1 Hoif-i mil S tub nailOIUul Ulotlilntf nnil Kelt liooti , bauth ; i9tcunicr lull nml Beer. M . Ajt. ( for AnlioHscr-Uusli UrovInirAss'ii Plioclnl llrnnil * . KnuttItnclwelnernnil Krlmiccr. JLElf Jlocr Hrowers , 1 North I'lhircot , Oninlin , Nob. Butchers' Tools. UIS HELLER , llufrliers' TonU nnd Sniiplios , nu 'ipo Casings of nil klniK nlwaje In "look. 1215 - om.iht Building Material. OMAHA J.UMltER CO. , Biiildinir Mnfoi'ial nt Wholosnln. Hill Strpclnml Union I'liPlllo Trick , Omnlm. Coffee. Spices. Etc. Omnlm ColFco and Spice MIIN. I'CBi' , OolTco , Pplre . lliklnc I'owcJrr , IrnciB , I.niniary Itluo , Ink. Kir. lilt birvotO.ii tin. .Nob. GATKti , COLK < ll MILES , Ionic CoH't'cund Spire Mills M'f' r Co. OoToollonicrsnml Sili | Qrlnitori , Mnnnrnitiircn oflliikliDi I'unilor , I hvorlne r.xtfict . Illnlnit. itr. : 1'rv ontt itt < * of oir 1 ft pnrkncfi Itumo llu'iia Uunlcil O ir < > c. IW < ilinriiril l. omibn , Net- . Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Eponctcr , 1'rop. itnnnfnctiircr of rnlrnnlrcil Iron nml Cornlco. VJJ DuilKonnd 103niul 11SN , 10th St. . DuiMia.Nob. KUEMP1NG 0 JIOLTE , Miintifncluror of Ornninoiitnl ( lalvnnlzcd Cornircs , normcr WltidoiM" , rinf.'f. ' JtctnllcSkjrllKlit.ctc. 3108. Ufi nt.Onmlin. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , C. Spi'cht , Prop. Inlvnnlrpd Iron rornlcr , otr. Hiu-cfnlmprovnl Put- cut Mptnlli'Sk } Ilk-lit * W imilMO S UtliM . ( Ini.-ilm. Carpets. OMAtlA CARPET CO. , Jobborn of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Linoleum' , JlntthiKB , Kir 1511 Dmic'aa ' Btrort. Wholcsnlo Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Curtuln ( ! nod . Kto. 1UJ Kiirimm btrcot , Otnat'a. Nob. Crockery and Notions. AcontfortlicMunufacturrranna Importoroof Crockerj' , Glassware , Clilmucr * , ctr. OITIrc , 817 South 13th st Oniahn , Neb. Commission and Storage. > T lT HURLEY * Cominission and Jobbing. llnttor , Ecrsnnil 1'roiluco. < 'onflKnracnt follcltcd. Uenil'iiiarturs for Miinowari1 , llarrjr Itoxi a nnd ( ir.ipo HnskulB , UK DoilKuMrcctOmaha. 1'EYCKE BROS. , Commission Merchants. FrultB , I'roiluce end rrovlslons. Oninhn , Neb. W. E. JtfDDELL , Storage and Commission Jforcliant. Spcclnltl lluttor , EZRI. Cliccso , Poultry , Onino , Ojpters , Etc. , Ktf. 112 Soutli llth trept. WIEDEMAN C CO. , Prodnco Commission Merchants , I'onltry , lluttor , ( Innio , Kiulli < , etc. 220 B. lltbst. Coal anif Lime. J * . MILESTONE 'CO. , Dcalcra In Hard and Soft Coal , OBJeo and yard , irth nml Nlcholnn nls. , Oraabn , Nob. 1 a r * Tulculiunu. fffl. o. K. iMHAnit , I'rcs. C. F. OoniiMAN , V. Pro . J. A. ht-'NDEHI.ANn , hoc. nnd Trene. OMAHA COAL , COKE M LIME COMPANY Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 309 South Thirteenth Street , Omnlm , Nob. , T. , T. JOHNSON P CO. , Mannfacturcrs of Illinois White Lime. And fhlppcra of Coal nnd Cokp. Cement , I'lsnter , Uino. Hair. Hru Ilrltk , Drain. Tllo nnd HuwcrlNpo. Otllco , IMiton IlcjU'l. Knnmm bt. , Uiunlia , Neb. TolcpnonuHll. Confectionery. jjf ; > . FAY iO"c'0M Mnnnfactnrlnff ConfectloncrH , JobbiTu of KruiH.NutB nntl Cl.-ai , 1211 turn > m BU. ClIUIlllS. Cigars and Tobacco. X MEYER tC CO. , Jobbura of Ci"ar.s ; , Tobacco , Quni nnd Ammunition , 215 to223 H. lllhtt. , 1020 to Min at , OnintmNub , WEST 0 FRJTSC1TER , Manufacturers of Fine Cigni'H , And Wlioloalc Dtnlrm In I.c'af Tnbacrui , Noa , 103 u.l . III ) N , Mill Blr cl , Ouuhu. HO USER 0 WOODLAND , \Vhnla aln Doulcrl In , Tobaccos , Piped and Smokers Article1) . \a\f\nii \ \ larf A Co. . tlno-Outand Sinot DI 1'otnoeoi , MllwHUkaa , Wliooniln. No.lll c = t NoruSlitueatliHtraot , OmiUa , Nob. Dry Ooods. M. E. SMITH iU CO , , Dry ( lOOiK FiirnisliinirOoodH &Notlons 1102 and 1101 Ilouxl , cor. llllj Bt .Omiilm.NoU. Distillers. Dlitllleri of Mniuirr , Alcohol nnd Pplrlli. Irnportcra ml JublirrsofVintnkriJ l.lquori. WILLOIYSPRINGS DISTILLE'TI CO. and fLER it1 CO. , Importer Bnd Joliherrof Kino Wlnca and Liquors , buluronnuliicturcrtof Kcnnedr'a Kant India lilt- tertunUDouiriiloII'jUora 1112 llarnujr bt. Drain Tile , Etc. A. H.bAUEii.l'in. Jv IiKnronn.ecc.ATroa it. J. CA.IFOK V.J'rui. mid hupt. T JI E U NJ O N H YD HA ULIC DRAIN TILE CO. , Office 213 P 14th at , Neb Muchlncrr nnd buppllo forilauufacturliiii Cement Drain 'lllo. Furniture. DE'\nt \ lT .0 STONE , VTholesitlo Dculeis in I'uniiturc. Ttrnam at. Omaha , Ncfo , CHARLES SlllYKRlCK , Furniture , nodding , UjdiolBtory , Mirror. , etc. 1XW.1M3 nil 1210 Kornnmit , Oin&tj OTOJlJOBBERSDiREOTOBY Groceries , JMATOY , GA Wholesale ( irocoHeg nnd Provisions , _ Jfo 706.707. 7TC > Miil7llS. 10lhEt..Omi\rm. NCb. MCCORD , JIRA i ) Y , o co , , "Wholesale Grocers , ISiti nml I.tiTfnwortli M . , Omihn. Hardware , A TCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron nnd Sled , Sprlnitnfon Stork. lUrdvrnro Lumber , etc. IKS mul Ull llnrm'jr f " Wholesale Iron mid Steel , Wjton ijniH'orrlKBO < Ml Stwit , llenvr lUMwurfl , Kic. HIT im > lHHM.Mtfnwurth _ . , Oninlis , Nob. Jlf / LTOZfJif ) ( j7ifs s6NS , Stoves , Range ? , Furnaces , Tiles , Md. 1S1 ! nnil 1133 K rnin Iron Works , \VfiHRhl find Cnjl Iron HiilMIng Wortr. Iron Ftitrn , Itftlllni ; , Hmnu nml ( ilnlerv Sioum lrtiilnri | > , llrmi Wurk.Ottinrnl Foiimlrr. .Mrrlilno nnd lI'noHmmu ' Vnll. Ufllc * mij Works , t' . I' Itjr niullTtli plied. V II. MrMAXlX I1 SULLIVAN. OMAHA ll'l UK cO IHOb U'OltKS , Manufacturer * of Wlro niul Iron Itnlliinrs , Desk Itnlls , Vlnilnw ( lunriln , Honor SinmlVlrn Klan" . Kle. Ill N. liiih. Unlar * b ) nritl promptly nttinuteilto. Lumber. LO I 'IS 15 H. t D FOR D , Denier in Lumber. Lutli , Limp , Snsh , > oors , Kto. YnnlK-Ooriu'rTtli nml Dauxlnni Corner Vllinml CHICAGO LUMJiEK CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 1148. Hill ttrcpt.Oninln , Nob. 1 . Colpcttcr , Manager. C. X. D1ETZ , Luinlmr. irth niul Cnllfornla Streets , Omsun , Noli. FRED If. Git AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ktc. , Etc. Cor. fill nnd Daimlm t . , Ouiuhu.Noi. HO AG LAND , Lninbur. T. If. HARYEYLUMHEll CO. , 'J'o ' Dealers Only. Omco , KM Knrimm nlropt,0innhn. VirAS. Jl. LEE , Jlnrdwood Lumber , Wood Cnrpoti and 1'nrqiirt Flooring. 9th Dud DoujlnJ Ginnhn. JO IFN A. WA KEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd American Vortlnml Cement , Pints Audit forllllnmike.0 Hydraulic Ceuiunt nnd lloit ( Julncjr Wliltol.lmo. Lire Stock. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. Limited. John F. Bord , Suporlutctdont , Lin Stock Commission. M. JtrjtKK ( SONS , Live Stock Commission. flno. IliukP , MftmiKcr UnlonStoeknnli .H Omnlin. Tclophono W ? . SAVAGED GREEN , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Shipments of nur nnd nil kinds of Stork solicited. Union Stork Ynrdn. ( Muatin , Neb. Millinery and Notions. T. OltERFELDER , C CO. , Importorg nnd Jobbers of Millinery and Notions , 1311 nnd 121i Ilnrnoy Htient , Oranlift , Neb. Notions. C. S. GOODRICH ,0 CO. , Are th ij onlj/IMrcct Importers of Herman & French Toys & Fancy Goods In Nelirnskn. OilciRO prices dupllcnted without ndd- Inn freight. H15 I'Mrimru.Street.Omnh . J. T. MO1S1NSON NOTION CO. , Wlinlcialo Dealers In Notions and Furnishing1 Goods , ai nnrt 405 H. Tenth HI . Oman * . Jobbers In Notions , Hosiery and ( Jenta' Furnishing Goods. 100i ( ( nrt 100S Firnnm st , Omi > ha , Nob. 0 if e rails. "MANUFACTURING- COM rANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'nnU , blilrtn , Kir. 110 } nnd 1101 Don [ Ini Street , Uumhti , Nuh. Paper Bones , T. L. WILK1E , Manufacturer of 1'apor Ttoxeq , P.Utli Ht . Omnli , .Nabriuku. Orders by mil | Melted and will rocolra prompt uttuntlan. Printing. JiEES J'lilNTING COMPANY .lob Printers , lllunk Itook Makers , And Book ; Ulndcrs. 10i and 1W fioulh Kourtventll street. Omaha , Neb. WESTERN NEWS ! * A PER UNION Auxiliary Publishers. ' Dcnlcrs InTf uo. I'roum nnd Printers'Huppllos. W onlhTirrlfiliMrpPt , Pumps. i PUMP co. , " \Vliolosul \ ( ! I'umiiR , ripe , Fittings , Etcnmund Wnti-r Sunplli'ii llcuilijunrlnri fir Mail KOD U > D'B lio. lB. llll Turinim tt , ( ) rn l ] . Nuu. A. L. STRANG CO. , PumpH , Pipes nnd Engines , Btoam , Wnlrr , ItRllwny and Mllllnu Knpnlles. Kto , 920Manq U3 h'nrnmii St. . Uiiialm. Neb. U. , S' . WINENfUNK and COMPANY. n IUdnr Wind Mills ; rlrnm and Whter Hnppllci , I'lumlilniiOoodii , HullliiK. limn. SIH und VM bur- uuui l. , < Juinlm. H K. I'lltnti , Muuucvr. 'J uleplionu No , I'lU. Safes , Etc , P. JIOYER ,0 CO. , Afrents for llairs Safe & Lock Co.s' Flrn and lluru'ar ' Proof Hnfai , Tlnio U > ckt , Vault * andJall Work 11WJ hnnium Urout Oiniilm , Nob. G.ANDREEN , Onialia K fo Works. llaniirnctnrcrHnfriround Jlarplar Proof Hnfei , Vault liuure , Jull Wcirk.bliutifra nml Wlru Work , Cor. lltUand Jacktcm bl > , llmiha , t > e\i \ , Sash , Peers , Etc. M.A. JtlfillROir tC CO , , Wlioloialo Manufacture nf Knsli , DoorH , llIiiidH and mouldings , tlianch oSlec.nUi Biid Irani H . , Oiab . 'Jli , ' G. J < \ LYMAN , Hnali , Duor , JilindH , Mouldings , JJulldlnjr I'ipor. ctr. 1001 Bouth Thirteenth Htroot , Ouiabu , Nub , A complrlu ttockuf Jiulldcri' llurdwaro. JiOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Dl/ndi , Mould'nt'a.HolrWorkanil Interior llnrd Wood Klnl U Jimt oia'iicU. N , > . ' for Eili rnit ltuicu ortu rl . Ouiulm , Nch , Wagons and Carriages , A , / . RIMPSON , The Lcadiiiff OarriuifO Factory , IKsTAIil IHUIl 1U8) ) ll'/J and 1111 IJuilift > ttrccl Oimtin.