Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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The Longshoremen's ' Strike Assumes tfncfc-
pected and Gigantic Proportions.
Tire Supply to Ho Cnt OiT From All
tire Jt'oriB of Now Vork Harbor
Iwrnty Thousand Men
A Serious Situation ,
NnwYonrc , Jan. 20. All police reserves
In New YorK were called out to-day , owing
to the threatening state of affairs caused by
the strike of the longshoremen. The lonir-
shoremen mo considering the question of
hixvl lie a general .strike nil along the docks
and piers of the two cities. They Issued an
order yesterday to all coal shovclers to refuse
to handle "seal ) " coal. The result Is. no coal
is being landed In the city to-day. The stop
page effects all steamship lines dependent
upon them for ordinary supplies of coal , The
longshoremen handle coal for steamship
lines the snmo as regular merchandise ,
but will not handle coal lor any steam shin
taking freight from the Old Dominion. The
steamer Uallla , of the Cunard lirrc , and
Dovonia of the Anchor line are bellic tied
up because they are receiving freight from
the Uld Dominion. Police Superintendent
Murray considers tire situation threatening.
At 1 p. m. , all the longshoremen working
by the hour employed by the National and
Cunard steamship companies went on a
strike. They struck because tire companies
had emplojed Italians to work In a grain ele
vator. The trouble on the Cunard dock was
that the superintendent had taken Homo of
the old time hands and given them steady
employment at the rate ot S10 per week.
The men who worked by the hour said that
the now weekly men would be eventually
compelled to unload barges , or , at least , that
tin attempt would bo made to have them do
BO.The struggle of the striking longshoremen ,
that has to arertaln extent become merged
into that of the coal handlers , was trmis <
ferred to n field of wider propoitlons
today when It became known that
no coal of any sort should bo handled In the
ports ol New York by union men on the
ground that coal In tlio haiboi now has been
put aboad barges by non-union men. Thus ,
transfcrrlns of coal to trans-Atlantic and
coastwise steamships cannot bo undertaken
by any union man , and tire supply ot coal ro
consumers in this city , lirooklvn and other
points around tliu harbor of New York can-
irot bo replenished by union men. The effect
of the carrying out of thu ordei of the
knights not to load coal became Immediately
apnaront nil along the river flouts. All the
ocean and coastwNo .steamship lines , with
few exceptions , suddenly found themselves
deserted by union longshoremen whenever
there was coal to bo transferred on
vessels. The exceptions were n
low lines which employ their
coal shovelers by the week. Tlio order not
to handle coal also extends to union men out
side of the port ot New York. 151 en as far
as New Oilcans it is said that union long
shoremen and others are under obligation not
to load vessels with coal. With tlio success
of the coal handlers , the longshoremen , it is
stated , could easily force trans-Atlantic and
coastwise steamship lines to retuso to handle
Old Dominion freight. The question of
ordering a irencnil strike of longshoremen Is
being consldoied , so it is said , bv tlio execu
tive board of the ocean association of the
longshoremen's unionami it Is thought to bo
ninong the probabilities that not less tlian
twenty thousand men will bo Idle to-morrow * .
JrrisEV Crrv , N. J. . Jan. 20. A party of
Poles from Wllke bjrrc , Pa. , while on their
way to Hobokeu , N. J. , this morning to take
the Bremen steamers , weio mistaken by the
coal strikers for men to take their places and
were assaulted. Three of the party wore ser
iously injured and one man BO badly hurt
that fro cannot recover.
Strikers Gain Their Point ,
NKW Yoitrc , Jan. 20. The strike at UlR-
Blns * carpet factory ended this afternoon.
The 2,500 employes will to-rnorrow return to
work. The cat pet workers ore In National
district No. 120 of the Knights of Labor. Tire
executive board of the district had several
conferences with the proprietors , who art-
sililted that they had no Idea that tlio oigan-
iiation was so strong. They agreed to take
back all the hands , to dlschaigo no more
without cause , to cease all hostility to the
orUer arid to withdraw thu proposition to 10-
duce vvairos 10 j > or cent. The senior member
of tlio linn , K. S. Iltgglns , refused to agree
to the last clause , however , arrd tire confer
ence proved firtrlc. Another conference to
day resulted in a satisfactory settlement of
nil points. The Knights of Labor will resume -
sumo to-morrow. The exact terms of the set
tlement were reluscd.
llllnom Labor AttHoclatlnn.
Sr-niNOFrKU ) . 111. , Jan. 20. The State
Labor association continued its session
to-day. The two bills from the Chicago trade
and labor assembly , in behalf of labor , which
wore introduced In the house by Mr. .JJwyer ,
were endorsed. A resolution was introduced
asKlrrg tor a rrovv trial of the condemned
anarchists , and was ruled out of order. A
resolution was adopted protesting against
tlio calling out of the militia and the om-
ploylng of Pinkerton men In connection
with tlio strike , nud complimenting Cov-
crnor Oglesby for his references to tlio same
subject in his messages. The convention 10-
Ddoptcd its platform of two yi-ars ago with
unimportant alterations , mid adopted a reso
lution approving the blue label of the Clsar
.Makers' Internatlonil union , and rejected
nrr amendment to include the blue cigar
label of tlm Knights of Labor , which widens
the breach between thu two bodies.
Struck on the Kl < ! .
NHWAIII- . J. , Jan. 20. IJotvvcen three
mid four hundred hands employed In the
Edison electric light works at Harrison went
out on strike to day. The cause of thn
trouble was the discharge of ono of the boys
Who , It was discovered , had broken iibouttwo
hundred and lifty of the gas lamps stored irr
the building ,
A Strike Kmlccl.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 20. The strike of silk
ribbon weavers was brought to n close this
morning and the men returned to work.
Another Trunk Mystery.
Jan. 20. On Saturday last a
large trunk was shipped from Now York
directed to "J , A. Wilson , " tills city , by the
Adams express , nud arrived on Sunday.
There was no call for rt , and this afternoon
Biiclr'nn odor was emitted lioiu It that the po-
lieu ot thn central district weio notified. The
trunk was removed to the station house , and
when opened revealed thu body of a man
With his teot and lam arid loft arm cut oil
anil pauked In with the body. There was no
head. Ou the body was n calico shirt , which
liad err it tlio name " 0 , Kankholdt , " There
weio also several cards found in the clothing
bearing the iiamo " 1C. I ) . Siegel. butcher ,
Throop avenue , Brooklyn , K. D. " The body
Is in the hands of the coioncr , who has not
determined whether ho will hold nn Inquest.
Jan. 20. A meeting to ar
range the mutual life insurance phut for the
national association of wholesale and retail
druggists Is Irr t-esslorr here. The drug busi
ness of America c irries an aggregate annual
Insurance of 525,100,000 , Upon this they pay
n very high rate , owing In the danger of tire
Irour explosives , ncldvotc. , handled b.v trade.
It Is proposed to formulate some plan where
by the liniuonsu amounts paid out annually
to Insurance companies e.iu bo Kept In their
own trade.
_ _
An lirtlnililatof Fiiseateil.
SANTA. Fi : , N. M. , Jan. 20. At jesterday
afternoon's besslon ot the legislature , A.
Gurtbdorf , member forTaos county , was urr-
ecated , and Hon. Pedro Sanchez was bvvorn
Iu to take bis place. This action was the re
sult of the report of the committee ou priv
ileges and elections to thu etlect that Sanchez
nnd his friends had been intimidated at the
by hirelings of UutiMlort's.
Smallpox in Now York.
NKW Yorrrc , Jan. 20.-SU now cases of
tmallpox were found in thU city to-day.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Weather.
For Nebraska and luvva : Colder , fair
The President of the t'piinsylvnnl.i
Itoiul on 1)10 ) Cullom Hill.
Pnti.ADri.iMliA , Pa. , Jan. COSpecial [
Telegram to the Urr.J ; In discussing lira
probable effect of the Interstate commerce
bill 1'rcsldf-nt lioberK of tlio Pennsylvania
road , said that much depends upon the Inter
pretation given to some Of Its provisions by
the commissioners or courts. "The ilrst ef
fect , however , " said Mr. Koberts , "will be to
partly see to sonio , extent tlio general busi
ness of the country , became of the fact that
the public are not prepared for so complete
find radical n change in the method of trans
portation as the bill seeks to Inaugurate. It
\onld bo dllllcult to change radically the
customary methods of dolriK business o\cr
the entire country , even If such change were
for the belter , ulthout for the time being
flii&pendine many of thelarco transactions of
business. 1 think If the bill Is strictly en
forced by all the larfier and more Important
railroads , which 1 sincerely hope it will be ,
and which It will bo theeirortof our company
certalnlv to do , while a peed many Incon
veniences and absurdities will bo discovered
In It , jet It has many features from which
much i0od may bo demed In manywajsto
the public. It will afford the rail
road companies nn opportunity
to show the public that the methods hereto
fore adopted by them In the management of
their business nave possibly been as honest
ami straightforward as the crude laws EOV-
ernlnir thorn , togrtlier with the cupidity ot
the public , would permit them to be. The
bill Is Kent-rally understood by the public to
bo an act to enforce a more Imno-tt , upright
and just administration of tlio affairs of
railways , while 1 think it will In the main bo
found to bo u bill more calculated to rm-vent
the public from taklnir an undue advantage
of tlio necessities ot tlio railway companies ,
ohould it become a law our company will
make use of its best efforts to falilj carrv out
\\hatwo may be advised by the best
counsel wo can obt.ilu as to the Intunt iind
meaning of the bill. I don't wish to bo tin-
uiTttond by aiijtlilne 1 have said heio to bo
In anywise regarded ns an > 1 of tills
class of legislation. Legislation of this char
acter , wlilcli affects probably a lancer number
of tlio whole population than any othei act
that could liave been passed , should have
been nppronched In u rrrnro cautious and
Intelllcent way. 1 should recommend
the formation of a commission , properh con-
stlt'ited , to Inquire into the proper nrcthods
of triuisactlnir the Inter-state commerce of tlio
country , and after thoroughly examining tlic
mrbject and asserting just what dlllioulties
A ere In the way , not only of the public receiv
ing just and equitable rates , but of railroad
compinles bolnir able to enforce them , and
from time to time with such know ledge to sub
mit to congress such bills for that bodvtocnnct
Into laws. " In answer to questions Air.
Hoboitssaid that If that lorn ; and short haul
clause should bo construed literally the rates
from more distant parts of tlio country \\1I1
bo advanced and this will tend to retard the
development ot tlio west. All pools would
be abolished and rates will 1m chaotic for n
time until somo.iieerrrcnt ! Is readied by the
dim-rent roads. 1 In WHS sure Unit a. uniform
basis of rates would como In tlio long run.
An Unknown Vessel Goes Down.
HALIFAX , N. S. , Jan. 20. At about : ,
o'clock last night , at Upper I'rosoect , cries
of distress were heard off shore , but no SIKH
ot a distressed vessel could be discovered
through the daikuess and tlio boisterous sea
rendered any attempt at rescue an Impossi
bility. Tlio cries continued lor a time , being
heard quite dibtlnctly. Then they became
fainter and laintei , and finally ceased. Tills
morning a small quantity of" wreckage was
washed ashore , consisting of a niece ot main
mast , a section of a vessel's bulwarks and a
number ot barrel staves. A liquor cask
which was drifted ashore bears tlio name "P.
Doyle , " that of a Halifax merchant , but
Doyle states that the \vrecked vessel cannot
ho one of his. No poition of the wreck is
vlhihlo above water and ( ho sea has been so
rough all day that no boat could bo launched.
It Is considered certain that all on board the
vessel weio lost. There vvero probably six
nren aboaut her and perhaps eight.
It Is now believed that tne schooner near Upper Prospect was the. C.
( ir.iham , Captain Coleridge , from Hermuda
for llalitax. Alt hands , six rn number , weio
drowned. The following Is u list of those
on hoard : Charles Colwidne , master ; James
A. Watt , mate ; AthaneBraudrot , second
mate ; Pcrcevuit I'hilllos , cook ; Albert
Ltootli and James Croblv , seamen ,
Trying to Conquer St. Stephen's.
NKW Yortic , Jan. 30. A consultation was
held this afternoon between Archbishops
Corrigan. Monslgnor Preston and Dr. Don
nelly , the now pastor of St. Stephen's. The
result was tlio transfer from St , Stephen's to
other parishes all priests who were associated
with Dr. McGlynn. This action caused much
Indignation in the parish. Dr. Donnelly
will remain , as he expresses It , "for the pur
pose of conquering the parish , " The com-
mittceof of St. '
parishioners Stephen's ap
pointed to call iinii ) the archbishop and re
quest tlio reinstatement of Dr. MeUlynn
made a preliminary report to-night. It
gives a list of the names of the McGlynn
fund trustees and how and where to contrib
ute to the fund. The report closes as fol
lows : "In conclusion we expect you to
maintain the dignified and determined stand
resolved upon at our lirst meeting , and to adhere -
hero to the resolutions. " Those resolutions
wereto thoellect that no contributions in
.support of the parish would ho made during
the absence trom It of Dr. McGlynn ,
Jarboil Wire Advances.
CmcAno , Jan. 20. At a meeting of the
barbed wire pool hero to-day a general ad
vance of ! > to 10 per cent In prices was adopted
to take effect Immediately j.1 Itty licenses of
the Waslibunr-Moen company composing tlio
pool vvero all represented , and tlio action on
the advance was unanimous. The pool Is in
corporated under the name of the United
Wire company. The follow ing ofllcers were
elected for tlio ensuing year : President. N.
O. Nelson , St. Louis ; vice president , 1C. J.
Marsh , Chicago ; secretary , treasurer and
manager. F. H. Lawrence , Chicago , Alter
the meeting Vice President Marsh said tlio
members of tlio pool have lor the past four
years been more or loss unsuccessful in tryIng -
Ing to lOiulatt ) tlio production , but now have
tlio matter where they want rt. Ho said thn
pool is about to co-operate with thu smooth
wire association towards curtailing the out
put of smooth wire and barb wire correspond-
riu'ly and that over-pioductlon would bo
Not a PnuiliHia' 1'ai-ndlnc.
Cr.EVl5i.ANi > , 0. . Jan. 30. Pctu McCoy and
"Jleddy" Gallagher were arrested Tuesday
for engaging in a. mill within pistol shot of
thoollico of the superintendent of police. To
day tlio case came up In police court. McCoy
and ills trainer , Johrr Klles , pleaded guilty ,
Haying they wanted to pay their lines and
unit the city. ( idllnelror end his friend en
tered pleas of not siillty. To tire consterna
tion of tlio Philadelphia pugilist the judge
lined film S1UO and costs and sentenced him
to the workhouse for thirty dajs , while ' -'lies
got jf&Q and costs and thirty day.s. A motion
for a now trial was Hied and McCoy and
Fill's were released on S590 inn cadi. The
motion will boargueit and decided to-mor
Matthews A alu Ilcjcclcil ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. so. In secret session
of the senate to-day thn nomination of J. C.
Matthews , of Albany , tlio colaied recorder of
deeds of tills district , was reached and dis
cussed for an hour , a majority of the senators
presenting their reasons lor the vote they
vvero about to eist. The nomination was re
jected. Tint vote Is understood to have been
i7 to : )1 ) , Ot thu rnlnoiity three are repub
licans , and a proportionate number ot tlio
majority are said to bo democrats.
Had Fire In Now York.
Nr.w YIWK , Jan , 20. Tire six-story hrlck
building at 112 and U4 Mulberry street was
burned to-night , with losses as follows : On
hulhlln , 6ir.OOJ ; Uobert Davies , silk ties.
s O.OOO : H. 11. Young , paper boxes , S15.0JO :
Universal Collar company , StiO.liOJ.
Hollof From the Stale.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Jan. 20. The bill appropria
ting SIOO.OOO for the relief of sufferers by the
drought was passed In the senate to-day with
the necessary two-thirds majority to glvo it
immediate eiTect.
A Gulinit Cal.vMropliu.
NKW YortK , Jan. W > . A letter from Ha
vana dated January assays : Advices from
( iuiinaynro report the explosion of a boiler
on the estate of Senor Miguel and the killing
of live persons arm w-ouimliie tvvclvu
Ttnn nnnTTMi t ttir\tn i > VT t\
Iowa's Noted Temperance Leader Acquitted
of Taking a Bribe.
State Treasurer Twoinuly to Be Hon
ored at n Trco Planting In
riorldn An Ansclmo Alan
Hurled Alive.
The Press n > trnct .
DES Moi.vr.s , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele-
grain to the HUB. ] Some tlrrro ago the
charge was made by the low a City Prcs , arul
repeated throughout the state , that Mrs. J.
Ellen Foster , the noted temperance leader ,
had been paid 81,000 hy the republican state
central committee In 1S7S ) to prevent separate
political action by the prohibitionists. The
Press claimed to have In its possession stolen
letters which It was alleged substantiated the
charge , but after further examination It de
nies tlio charge , and In to-daj 's Issue the fol
lowing explanation appears :
Reasons have been presented the Press to
show that In thu campaign of 1S7U Mrs. J.
hllen 1-ostcr did not directly nor Indirectly
receive 81,000. nor any other sum ,
as a consideration for preventing
tlio nomination of a "temperance" ticket.
Keaspus , rrot proof , have been given. The
logicians will aerco that a negati\e cannot
be proved irr such a case. Only the alllrma-
live ran bo disproved. The manner ot pro
curing tlieso reasons and the circumstances
under which they are given preclude n de
tailed nrconnt. Sufficient to say , they are
not from Mr * . Foster nor any member of the
committee of 18TD , arrd that they are stif-
llclent to convince the Pi ess that she did rrot
receive arry sum. It was " : Utl that were the
unpublished correspondence of thu commit
tee of Ib7l > pilntcd , It would show how
groundless were the charges against her.
I'hat correspondence may rimer bo piloted ,
hut the Press Is satisfied and lor Itselt ac
quits Mrs. Foster In the matter.
Ills AVoililinji Spree.
SluscVTixn , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.u.J The talk of Muscatlne
Is the recent exploit of a joiing man , a mill
hand aged twenty-two , who wooed , won and
married a widow of forty , with two growrr up
daughters and 31)00 ) received as pension
money. The bride , in her generosity , gave
tlio cntiio amount to her young and inex
perienced spouse , who disposed of it In a
way that the Ilrst owner had rrot calculated.
Ho Ilrst distributed beveral hundred dollars
irr tliu shape of loins among his mill com
panions. With what money was left he pro
posed to buy a team and tin n teamster. His
filenils picv.iiled err him to hirealhery
to.un , wliicii ho did , nnd witu Iris compan
ions went to Wilton on a spree.
As six n as the bride heard of her young hus
band's exploits she caused his arrest and ho lodgfd in jail. Ot the S'.KM recelsed
from tire widow 512 was lotind on his per
son , leaving SlijS to account tor and the ex
pense of his brief honeymoon. Alter a short
iimo the heart of the wife seemed to melt and
she nald the costs , withdrew her pult and
took the youth to her homo and heart again. '
A Ijlvlnj * Momoriiil Monmnpitt.
DES Moi.vns , la. , Jan. 'JO. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hri.J : : The president of tlio
Southern 1'oiebtry congress has wrrtten the
governor stating that ho had been requested
to notify the governor of each slate nud ti > r-
rltory of the union of a trco planting service
held last December at DoFttnlack Springs ,
Florida , during the session of said congress ,
ou the "Florida Arbor Day. " and that a tree
was planted mound the great spring
In tliu name ot each state and
territory in the union , and to
request each governor to name some promi
nent man or woman native ol his state ,
either llvini : or dead , to whoso memory the
next congress , at Us session next February ,
may plant a tree In the national circle. Tlio
governor has forwarded the name of State
Treasurer Twombly , together with a short
sketch of his life. Mr. Twombly is a native
lowan and the lirst native to till a state otlico
and bscomo a member of. the executive
Lititior | Canes.
DtMiuijuK , In , , Jan. 20. A motion for re
moval in the Dubuque liquor cases was de
cided to-day by Judge Couch. .The brcvvory
cases wore sent to the United Stn'tes district
court by the precedent of Judge Urewer's
decision. Tlio saloon cases were retained in
the state court. Ninety-hv ceases In all nro
Prohibition Prosecutions.
IOWA CITY , la. , Jan. 20. Milton Itomlcy
charged with Illegally compromislrjj' liquor
cases err trial In the court here , was declared
Innocent to-day by the plulntill , who dis
missed the case for want ot evidence. A suit
for tlio same cause against W. 1L Bailey was
also dismissed , the papers in the case being
irregular. _
From Clinton.
CUNTON , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram
to the BIJE.I This city , the lirst in the state
under the new law , has been blocked out for
the free delivery system. There will bo
thirty-two receiving boxes and live carriers.
The artesian vv oil has been bored by the
water company htty lect so tar.
l in a Well.
ANSKF.MO , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special Tele-
gramto the llEr.J Hiram Weeks , while die-
eiug a well , was buried under thirty-live
feet of dirt. Ills body lias rrot been recovered
WAitoo's uooai.
Facts AVhlcli Show Fluttering Prog-
poets For Fntnro Greatness.
WAHOO , Neb. , Jan. 20. [ Special to the
IJiiB.J The people of Wahoo are still
lingering In a delicious state of expectancy
over her glowing prospects for tuturo great
ness. Theroaro several reasons tor thls.stato
ot tilings.Vahoo now lias three of the leadIng -
Ing railroads of the country , thu 13. it M.
reaching hero only a few days ago. A corps
of surveyors are rrow surveying a roulo for
tire Missouri Pacific from Weeping Water to
this place , and It Is rumored that thn li. it
M. will run another branch north trom hereto
to Fremont arrd Norfolk , and there Is a pros
pect ot air extension of the Union Pacific
trom this placn to Sovvard. Wahoo feels that
tlm "railroad hub" Is visibly protruding with
in bur limits. She already lias several tactor-
les.and , \ broom factor ynnil lame creamery nro
now assured. A packing house , gluexjjo fuc-
tory , btareh mills or any ono of a halfdo/.en
other niAiiutacturlng industries would find
Wahoo arr excellent plnco in which to locate ,
Tliu electric plant Is now in and nearly nil
the wires urn stretched and appliances in
order. All thu principal thoroiu'litares of
the city nnd neaily all the business houses
will next week bo lighted with "chained
lightning. "
The question of an elaborate svstoru of
waterworks will bo before thu elti/ens In n
ohoit tlrrru and doubtless another ruerropoll-
tarr feature will bo added to the rapidly in
creasing sjstL'iu of public impioveniunts.
13\ery day increases thu long list of plans
tor largo brick blocks ot business houses and
costly and elonant res deuces that will bo
built during the coming spilnb' and summer.
Guild Island , Hastings , lientricii and other
compctm ; cities lor third place of b./.o and
importance will soon Una that Walton will
rnnk ne\t to Omaha and Lincoln , U'ahoo's
future grows brighter every day , and It is
only a question ot a shoit time till she w'ill
bear the title of the third city of irimuitauco
irr Nebraska.
Kun Down I ! } ' a Train.
MILWAUKEE , Jan. 20 , A Lacrosse special
to tlio Sentinel says : A pa * enger train err
the Hurllngton road ran over a sleUli load of
people a mile south ot Nelson. Alexander
Dioam , an engineer on a Meambaat , was
killed , William Mailer , J. Ksehunbeigoi and
James Kunu vvoro Injured , but rrorro latally.
Janausclrok , the actress , la a victim of
tho' thirteen" huporatitiorr. During her
recent On ir orrrerrt at Inilhruuiiolis she
refused to occupy n room lurvrrrjj urry
uryatio number above thu door , oxelaim-
ing"Moirr tJot ! you want to kill mo1"
: rmi no pcrarr.tsipti could indvcc her to bu
unartcruit there.
WHAT Vlr AVlIj'll SAY ,
Forecast of the noon's Speech Ko-
fore Parliament.
Loxnox , Jan , 2S.-Tho lollowlng Is a fore
cast of the queen's speech hlch w 111 bo read
at the opening of parliament to-morrow :
Kncland's relations are friendly. Attain In
southwestern Europe arc In a fair way ot set
tlement , but England must Insist upon the
observance of the treaty of Uorlin. in Hur-
rnah and l.gj-pt there Are gratifying Improve-
mcirK Grave nutlet v Is caused by the state
of IroHud. The system adopted there of
combln IK' to roice thd tenants to evade their
just debts may compel further legislation ,
and ho government will not hesitate to ask
additional powers If Accessary. The bills to
bo submitted by the government relate to
land transfer , rarlwiy rates , trade marks
ami the facilitation of aerlctiltural allotments.
I he speech Is charaeterl/ed by more than
usrml vagueness. The hints of legislation
for Ireland are especially obscure.
Yachting Matters.
lCii/i ) igM IbStliy James Portion lltnnclt. ]
Qt'nBNSTow.v , Jan. 20. [ Now York Her
ald Cable Special to the Hr.i.J In a
conversation Iliad with Mr. Atwoll Hayes
Allen , secretary of the lloyal Cork Ypcht
club , at the club house to-day , ho said the
members were looking forward with the
greatest Interest to the coming ocean yacht
race from Sandy Hook. Ho desired to say
thatthe admiral , Captain It. Smith Harry ,
and the committee of the club will , if re
quired , make arrangements to time tlio
yachts on their arrival at Hocho's Point or
oil the club quay here. Thu committee have
placed themselves altogether at the disposal
ot those who are organizing the race. " A
hearty welcome wrll bo accorded to American
yachtsmen by the Cork club , which is the
oldest -.adit club In the United Kingdom ,
having been established In 172P.
Married a Mnrquls.
[ Cnpi/r/o'ii / ISO ! l > u James titmlitu Keirnr M.I
I'AKIS , Jan. 20. [ New Vork Herald Cable
bpectal to the BuK.J-Tho Marquis do
Talleyrand IVrlgord and Mrs. Odell Liv
ingstone Stephens vvero married In this city
yesterday. At the instance of tlio marquis
settlements were mauo by which his wife re
tains absolute control ot her property nud
the Interests other children are protected.
JuiUo Pierrcport , of New York , acted as her
counsel. The civil ceremony took place at
the Mnirlo nnd the religious ceremony wns
solemnised at the American church , in the
rue do IJ.irrl , by the Rev. Dr. Hough. The
Duo do Dlrro , father of the marquis , has
ceded to his son , in honor ot the bride , thn
tltlo of "Due do Dlno. "
A McsseiiRer From Russia.
VrnxxA , Jan. 20. Colonel Klepsch , mill.
tary attache to the Austro-Hitigarian em.
bassy at St. Petersburg , arrived hero to-day ,
nnd was Imiuedlatolv summoned to nudleirro
with the emperor and Count Kalnoky. It is
surmised that the object of his comlnc is to
report In the event ot Russian armament.
Heavy Europenii Failure.
liONDox , Jan , 20. A dispatch to the
Standard says that Notary Gandar , of Mct7 ,
has failed for 4,000,000 marks , and the dis
trict is so e.xcitea that Candar , fearing yro-
lencu , lias applied lor police protection.
Items Frohi Africa.
PAUIS , Jan. 20. The 'French ' have evacu
ated Tamatave. The construction ot the
Madagascar telegraph line from Tamatave to
Antananarivo , the capital , Is nearly com
pleted. _
Another Dlvocco Scandal.
LONDON' , Jan. 20. A decree of divorce
was to-day granted against Ed ward Solomon ,
thn composer , and husbana of Lillian
Krrssell , irr favor of Lilly Gray , Iris lirst wife ,
err the grounds of adultery.
An Embargo on Horsca.
IJrjUT.iN' , Jan. 20. An order has been Is
sued prohibiting the exportation of horses
across the Gorman frontier irr any direction.
The Fljjhtlnji Denied.
SUAKIM , Jan. 20. The Italian consul has
received a letter from Massowalr denying
that there has been any fighting there.
Aleck to Frank.
LOXIION , Jan. 20. It is stated that the
czar has forwarded a pacific message to the
emperor ot Austria.
A Kentucky Tragedy.
SprtiNorrr.r.n , Ky. . Jan. 20. Particulars of
a fearful tragedy committed near Sharpsville ,
a small village a few miles trom here , In the
north end of this countv , have been received
here. Yesterday afternoon Lud Cornish
called at the house of John Green , a respecta
ble farmer. At tlio time the only persons
about tlio house were Mrs. Grcerr arrd her two
daughters , Lulu , aged eighteen , nnd Jennie ,
nged sixteen. Cornish entered the sitting
room arrd engaged the ladles In conversation.
A fovv moments after his entrance tlio
mother lutt tlio room. She had been
out a very brief time , when a
pistol shot , quickly followed by another
report.cimo from the sitting room , where she
had Ml the girls and the num. A scream fol
lowed the reports and the sound of n body
falling to the floor. Tlio frantic mother
rushed into the room arrd found the bleeding
toiiu of her eldest daughter htr etched on ttio
door. Cornish stood In the middle ot the
room with a smoking revolver in his Imrid ,
and as the mother entered , raised and hred a
third shot , the ball penetrating Airs. Gieen's
hand. Coi insh escaped from the house and fled
to ills home , some miles away , nnd procuring
nrms and ammunition barricaded the doois ,
The neighborhood was soon aroused and the
sheriff notified , vvho munitioned a determined
posau. who surrounded the house and ,
although Cornlsli resisted , firing several
shots , ho was lluallv put under arrest. Cor-
uisli Is a half wltted fellow who has ueou al
lowed to visit the Green mansion for years ,
and it seems had become lulntuated with thu
uhiest daughter. It developed that thu
reason for his muidorous attempt to-day was
that he hail nskcd her hand in marriage and
had been refused by her.
Whisky Illazo.
DALLAS , Tex , , Jan. 20. The liquor estab
lishment of K. M. Tllman was destroyed by
lire to-night. The losses aru stated as fol
lows : T. L. Mnrslioife Co. , 8200,000 ; J. T.
Armstrong it Hios. , 8110,000 ; H. H. Hopkins
it Co , , SS5,00) ) , mid i ; . M. Tllrnan ,
Insurance. Marslio As Co. , ; S. B ,
Hopkins. S.T..OW ; Armstrong dros , 675.000 ;
Tiliuan , ; : ! . ' . , ouo.
Furious btorm.
llAMr.vx , N. S. , Jail. feX A terrible gale
prevailed on thn coast Mririday night and the
wind blow forty miles nVlrour. The schooner
C. Graham , from Uerm'uda , was driven on
Shad hav Mmnls anil dashed to pieces , blm
linn A crew of six men and possibly some
passengers. All weio lost- .
. . . i
Dost MIDI Ivn Flro.
DALLAS , Tex. , , Ian.i & . Thu wholesale
grocery of T. L , M.rraali/s . 'A ' = Co. , one of thu
Jarvcst houses in thu smthvvest , with three
ot the finest business Jhlocka ot the city ,
burned tnis morning , Total loss aggregates
§ 100,000. ltr urancu S'JV > ( tCO ) ,
A lamp exploded i.i'tipMborjt'sfirocorv
store , tit thu corner of Fifteenth unit
W ouster streets , ut 7 ! W o'clock lust night ,
n small ulu/.c.llmtc.illtiil out the
liru duimrtruunt.
Jus. L. Hyors commenced suit irr the
district court yetturdiiy to secure judg
ment nyninat the insolvent furniture lirrrr
of Perkirrb A : Lear for-fWO ou u nromls-
sory note ,
George K. nrnl J. K. ISenslcy com
mi-need suit in thu county court yester
day a arii8t ( J W. Duircair for judgment
in the fatnrr of $105.7. ) , on thu appeal bond
of J. A. Hays.
Melinite , n now explosive with which
the French military authorities nro expe
rimenting , is said to hiivu torr times the
| ioT7er ot nitro-glyccnuo , nnd 100 times
that of gunpowder. ( Ji'iiural Houlurrgur
has ( lecrded on tlm rmmediatc murrufac-
ure of 210,000 mulnrito projectiles.
TUB \ i Am.1 or MATT nit.
The Ordinance 1'assed AVIth nn
A me nil in out.
Xolhlng wns Rained to tire Omaha
Horse Hallway company by the delay of
orro day , taken on Tuesday night for tire
consideration of the proposed ordinance
granting the company the rrght to lay
nnil u o a double line of tracks across tire
Kloventlr street viaduct. Tire committee ,
consisting of Councilman Lovvry , CJooit-
rich , Manvrllc , ( Jooilruan nnd H.iiloy , up-
pointed to confer with the street car ofll-
cinls , held n meeting jesterday , but mndo
no progress , nnd tire ordinance was tin-
clraugud when tire hour arrived for the
meeting of the council last night. It was
whispered that nine coutrcilrrrcn had
agreed to vote for tire ordinance in the
form presented on Tuesday night , thus
giving the street railway company thu
swooping privileges that scorn to be do
sired. Tins rumor wns discredited , how
ever , when several of the councilnren
who were supposed to bo "on the list"
were seen to object to the proposed ordl-
nnncoon the ground that the interests of
thu city wore not sufliciently guarded
therein. A caucus wns hold nnd the fol
lowing ndditrorral suction agreed upon , ns
section Si
The tracks over and along said viaduct and
the approaches thereto shall bo used hj Mich
other horse railway companies as the ma > or
and council shall , by ordinance , grant the
right so to do ; upon such terms and eorr
dltlonsas rnaj , by ordinance , bo prescribed.
The meeting was then called to order ,
all of the oorrrrcilmon being present. The
special committee presented u report rec
ommending the passage of the ordinance
with thu amendment agreed upon. On
motion of Mr. Lcc the repot t wa laid upon
the table temporarily and called up wrth
tire ordinance. When the ordinance was
taken up , Mr. Leo nrovvil arr additional
amendment providing llrat for the ilrst
live years tlio Omaha Horse Hallway
company shall pay an annual rental of
$10 , and that thereafter all railroads
using the viaduct shall pay such annual
rental as may bu provided by ordinance.
This tunumtrncrrt wag agreed upon and
adopted , and a rcooss of ten rrrirrutes
taken to give limo for the copying of tire
amendment into the ordinance. Mr. Lee
askud City Attorney Council to uiaku the
necessary addition.
'I obiectl" roared Mr , Lovvry. "I ob
ject sorronsly to the city attorney putting
his hunils on that ordinance at all. "
" 1 am surprised at any member of the
council objecting to city attorney's sup
ervision of any legal enactment , " sard
Mr. Loo.
Further cross-Jiro was prevented bv the
recess and City Clerk Southard wrote the
additional section to the charter. After
the amendment hud been duly embodied
in thu ordinance , Mr. Kaspnr called for
tliu opinion of the city attorney upon the
amended measure.
This brought Mr. Lovvry to his feet
with hiiother objection. Ho said ho had
heard enough or : thu subject from the
city attornuy.
As there seemed to bo a general desire
for Mr. Council's opinion ho stated that
thu main defects rrr the proposed ordi
nance had been remedied by the amend
ments and that the city's interests vveru
fairly well guarded , lie thought an ad
ditional provision should bn made grvrrrg
tire council the authority to regulate the
running of cars on thu viaduct. He was
in favor of buing as liberal with corpora
tions as possible , but at the same time
wanted to sec the city's interests properly
Air. Lovvry was up again. He said that
the street car company was not clamoring
ing for the passage 'of the ordinance.
Tlio citi/ens living south of the tracks
were urging tlio measure. "I had
hoped , " ho bard , vehemently , "that the
men vvho had promised to stay by mo err
this measure. It is high time that wo
put err our coats and go homo vvlicu thu
members change their minds at tire dic
tation of the pros and outsiders. A re
port Iras been spread by one man that 1
was ovvrred. I want to say that
that man rs a liar. I urn
not owned by arry man or any corpora
tion and I am not afraid of all' the press
of the country. "
"I arn strro you don't moan me , " sard
Mr. Lee at whom Mr. Lovvry'soyes , if irot
his insinuations , wore cast. " 1 said 1
vyould vote for tire ordinance if I did not
Iind it objectionable but I found it so. It
the street car comwany will mil accept a
right of way in which the city's interests
are guarded there are other street car
companies realty for organization that
will. "
After sorno further discussion the re
port ot the cornnrrtteo was adopted arrd
the ordinance passed as amended.
An ordinance ordur rrrg thu construction
of suvvurs in bower district No. 8i , was
read and referred , to thu committee on
sewerage , .
A nutition of A. J. Popploton and J.
\Voolvvqrth asking the council to
vacate certain streets arrd alloys in Srrl-
iihur Springs additron for tire usu of the
IJult railway , was referred to the com
mittee on grades arrd grading , after
vvhich Mr. Leo's motion to "adjourn
right away" was adopted.
The Champion ol Canada "Wants to
Moot Prince.
Mr. T. W. Eck , thu champion bicyclist
of Canada , and ono of the bust known
wheelmen irr the country , arrived irr thu
city yesterday from St. Louis , accom
panied by his backer , Mr. Carlisle , where
he has been for several weeks. Mr. Kok
carne here with the expectation of mak
ing a race with Frank K. Dirrgluy , but as
that gentleman is absent front the city ,
the Canadian champion has decided to
tackle John S. Prince , of Omaha , the
champion of Anrorrca. Mr. Eck loft the
following challenge in this ollico last
rriglrt :
To the Kditor of tlio UKK : According to
my former challenge , 1 arrived irr this city
yesterday with thu expectation or meeting
Mr. Frank K. Dlngiev In a twenty-mile hi-
Cclu race anil 1 hud I am to bu disappointed ,
ns ho has loft iho eltv. Hut In that challenge
1 did not bar Mr. John H. IViuce , and 1 wish
to htato 1 am now prtiinrod to meet Mr.
I'riiico In any kind ot a bli' > cluracelrom one
to HIty miles , but would prefer that the dis
tance should bo twoutv miles. Now , I hope
this will meet with Mr , J'rincu's and his
friends'approval arrd that wo can rome to
terms lorn race within two weeks' time , ns
1 lurvu some other engagements and would
liUutoiaeu as soon ns possible. Yours lie-
fapeetfiilly , T.V. . UCK.
Champion of Canada.
Omaha. .Inn , 20.
I' , .S. This challenge Is open to any other
rider in America.
Mr. I'rirron , when spoken to irr refer
ence to tliu proposed rncu lust night , said
that the challenge was virtually an no-
eoptnncu of his oiler to moot arry man in
America for any distarrcu for airy
amount. Hu said that hu would areom-
moilalo JIck for airy race hu dt-sirud to
maku ,
' 1 ho race will doubtless bu made , and
will prub.iblv take place some tirnu next
week. Mr. 1'ck has also entered for thu
six tla\s' race , which will ho communueil
err tliu " 1st ut February , or thu week fol
Tliu Howard Athuononni Company
1'lay to a Crowded House ,
The Howard Atliumoum gave air excel
lent variety ontortalnrnuirt last night at
the Hoyil. The luniso was packed from
parquet to gallery , and tire frequent and
noisy ebullitions of the audtuncu evi
denced that the right kind of H show for
Omaha hail arrived. Thu performance
rs ono of varied phases , and changes fol
low upon each other in such rapid suc
cession that the attention of tire nudionci
is forever kept on the alert. The gym
nastro pnrformatrees were especially remarkable
markablo , Tire 1'olnski brothers nn
funnyns well as agile , and pleased inr
mcnsoly. Heklaw is a supple marvel am
Ins act contained many feats that seen
almost impossible. Lorouv and \Vilsor
vvero not less clover in their gyrnunstri
performances and tire crack shots
Clies. Ira I'aino nnd Mrs. Paine ca\ <
an exhibition that fascinated a largo per
lion of the audience. Other parts of the
programme cousistek of bnllnd singinc
by Mile. Trllo , banjo playing bv tin
amusing William Carroll and various
comic specrallics , all of n high order.
Jho performance will bo repeated to
On Lrlday and Saturday evenings anil
matinee Minnie Maddenr will appear al
Hoyd s opura house in "Caprice " Miss
Maddorn is tire youngest prominent star
in America. She is the original
of art , heretofore never portraM'd on the
American stage. Her originality , greal
talent and deserved success has novel
been disputed by airy critic. She is not a
a tragedienne , comedienne , sonbrcttc ,
nor an umottonal artiste , yet it is true
that she stands at the head of a linu ol
dramatic- art which has few followers ,
She is thu original Ingenue of America ,
presenting ns stro deus girlish , youthful
heroines , vvho are neither tragie , euro'
tional nor sotibrettlslr , but just as thoj
are in ordinary , ovcry-day life.
l < 'tnM > AND PA KM.
MnUlnj- Good Milker * ) .
Letter in Practical Farmer : No matter
what breed you have , something further
is necessary in order to reach the hesl
success in raising good milkers. Good
blooit , whether Shorthorn , , Iursoylovon ,
Ayrshire , grade or native , is rrot every
thing , hut lies at the foundation. Some
thing cannot como from nothing. Treat
ment irr vaisintr a milker .should bu some
what dilVeront from tint in raising a beef
inimal or arr animal for labor. ISogirr as
soon ns the calf is a dti ) ' old ; sen that it
has sull'icierrt local atrd is kindly treated
ami reaularly attended to. Never pamper
or ovurfced , but give it good , generous
food , to cause a regularoarly ami steady
growth. Accustom it to bu handled , brrl
not to such an extent as to acquire objec
tionable habits as a cow , but rather to IK
fond of the presence of tlio keeper ,
Kimlnuss helps to create a qtiiot disposi
tion so important in a dairy cow. and
this education must begin wh pn the calf
is young. Any habits acquired when
Voting are aut to cling to the cow when
For : > milker I would have the heifer
eomoin at two years old. Shu is llieu
old enough to bccorno a cow. I would
trot , as a rule , allow her to go farrow.
but milk her tip to within a few weeks of
calving , even it 1 did irot obtain but a lit
tle at a niilkinir. A cow thus trained will
grvu more nrrlk and bn more IrUuly to
liold out long rn milk if her aftur care is
judicious and liberal , as it should bo. Such
treatment tends to term the habit of giv
ing milk , and , as wo know , habit is a sort
of second nature. Couple the hurfur wrth
an oldur bull ouu two or thruo j ear-
older than she is is preferable to a year
ling and better stock is likely to come
from such. After the liuifor has como nr ,
her fecit should bo regular and liberal.
( 'ood clover hay is the best of all , but we
all may not havu this for .stall feed , thun
we must make up for what is lacking in
so mu concentrated food , such as oatmeal -
meal , shorts , oilmen ! or the like , but
great earn and good judgment must be
risod not to overfeed or crowd , as the
future cow may bo ruined Undue for
cing shortens the useful life of the. cow
very rapidly.
Kxposiirc ofShcop.
When sheep are stripped of their warm
natural covering liltlij thought is bu
stowed upon their birll'uring dining tin :
cold nights and days that have followed
thu shearing. Nouu probably over will
be bestowed , liut the consequence tc
the owner will not thereby bu osuaped ,
The Millering arrd loss ol vitality oc
casioned by twenty-four hours of weather
calling for arr overcoat to maku him com-
fortablu will not only consume the fatol
the sheep brrt check thu growth of wool
and deteriorate its quality. A week's feed
in warm weather wrll not , rnako up for
thu loss.
Every such shock to the system of the
shcop makes a weak spot in the wool ,
So soon after shearing this weak spot
may bo so close to thu end as to cause bill
a minimum ot damage , but later on , and
in the fall , srreh weak spots are a serious
drawback ami greatly reduce thu value
of the wool for manufacturing purposes.
Not only humanity but true economy
calls for bettor treatment. More mid
better wool wiin > u the result. Wo have
seen llueces with two or three jjoor
streaks which divided the lioro up into
third or quarter lengths of bound wool
The manufacturer is quick to take this
dnfcct into account when ho purchases.
Sheep should be provided with com
fortable. shelter at all times of thu year.
Less sickness1 and loss would occur if
they won- regularly folded every night.
It vvould not only I'm to their comfort and
health , but vvould bring them regularlv
under thu shepherd's eye , who would
quickly rroto any signs of sickness , ot
anything tlrirt is wrong. Sheep habitu
ated to being yarded in the fold every
night would givu comparatively little
trouble. Tlroy would like it. and as they
are crcatrrrus of habit would soon learn
to put in an appearance every night.
Hcru. too , should bo provided troughs
for salt and racks for n littlu dry feed.
They would relish thcso much , and they
would do thuirr good. As a rule , what
docs them good pays.
IllnlH and
In giving water that has been warmed
to cows they will drink too mncli if
meal or .shorts bu added to it , and tlio
quantity should , therefore , bo regulated.
To trairr a Hock of shuop tnko a lamb to
tlio house anil tuaoh It to coirro at thu
call of a curtain sound and then put it
with tlm llouk. As sheep follow thu
leader tire whole Hook may bu called by
tliu ohcdienuu shown on tlio part of thu
putted sheup.
It is recommended that to prevent cows
or steel H from lumping ovur funee.s a
horsushoo bu nailed to ono of tliu foru
feut , which prevents thu hoof from
.spreading and consequently renders thu
animal unablu to spring.
Fund eov/s and keep thorn well shel
tered and warm thu liist two or thruu
eold snaps so thatlluw will not fall oil'in
their milk , and tlroy will bo apt to keep
up a good How through thu moru suvuru
A successful Canadian dairyman thinks
bran , puns and corn ruixud , thu best but-
tor-producing lood for cows. Cowd
should be milked with dry hands C'ou'.s
should not bu milked in pioximity to thu
dung pile.
Milx cannot bo ma < li > from nothing. If
the material for its maniifaituto bo not
found in thu food it will bu from
thu accumulated flesh of thu body , ami if
no surplus llesh has been accumulaU-d
ihu M-cri'trori of milk will uithur c-oa'-u or
tliu material be drawn from the muscles
and tisfaiius vv Inch are otherwisu iieccli'd
for tlio maintenance of health and
How to induce eattlo to cat eornstalkb
is a dillleiilty Hurt has been overcome by
a Maine fanner , who .sprmklus hot brim :
ovur the stalks. Thu cornstalks aru fed ,
wrth the fodder and husks , without rut-
trrrir , and if Well cured , hu says , thu stock
will leave but littlu uric iten It i imno
cconomii'.al , howuvor , to j i . i
through u fodder cutter
Save all the wood u t , r . ' ; ; ) ' HU < I
nft r the orchards nro plowed , scattot
the ashes over the plowed ground liber
ally , and harrow the ground vvull. Thii
incorporates the ashes wrlh the soil , and
assists in inducing chemical changes and
the formation of plant food. There is n
Inrgo portion of limo in wood ashes ns
well ns potash.
Too long feeding is n common mtatnko
in fattening fowls for market. It takes
olVtlru proli's when a shorter time will
answer If kept In a dark place and
stull'ed with all tlroy can eat they will
fatten in twelve days or two weeks , and
if this bo continued much longer they
will begin to grow poor again. Those to
bo kept over should not be subjeoti'd to
this fattening , or rather shilling , process.
it pays to clean the snow nvvav for thn
heri" . Locomotion is a very tllllieult mat
ter for poultry when the snow is deep ,
arrd the hens will oflon strllnr from hun
ger rather than undergo the task of trav
eling m the snow. After cleaning away
tlio snow sprinkle allies err the ground ,
and chnngo the drinking water fii'quuntly
to prevent it free/Ing.
Some one wants to know how much to
feed 100 fowls. In winter give thorn irr
the morning six quart * of warm feed , at
noon the same amount of wheat or oats ,
and in the evening all the eonr they will
run after. This Is about the coned
amount for laying hurrs. If they are
being fattened feeil them tlrreu times n
day nil they will eat up clean.
In the opinion of thu Cultivator it Is a
mistake to fatturr sows for killing after
thurr lirst or seeorrd litter of pigs. Yes ,
itr most ca i > s this will bo a great mis-
tako. The llttor.s improve in si/o and
quality as the sow grows older. If she U
a good mother her milk will also
until shn rs three or four years old and
has got all the growth of which she is
The swill Darrul Is often allowed to become -
como liltlry , irot only from decomposition
and chemical ohirugo of elements , but
from always allowing a portion of tlm old
.swtll to remain , tlio result sometimes
buiug a poisonous lormalion , Although
it may no an adv.rnlago to allow swill to
stand a few tlav.s , yet ovoir the swill bar-
nil should bo cleaned occasionally if drs-
ease is to bo avoided.
N-\V. Cor , Wth and Douglas SU
3133. lltti Street
Vnlconcr't lllock , 15th nml
Attorney at IAIW ,
ItooniB I'rciiror HloolcOpposite I'ostotjlco.
0. A. HUTIIKllFOlU ) ,
Attorney At Law ,
P.T ! for. DoiiRlns iind 15th nls. room t. Omaha ,
t-peelul intention tn Tiliil ( . 'USDS 4 Collections.
Attorney- -Law ,
itM : ! l > Miglas .Street.
Hoom , ! K3 X. Ifitli St. , Omillid. Onico liours ,
n to 11 u m. , : : to4 p. m.
ClTAHLttS 11OSKWATKK , M. J ) . ,
Piiysician & Surgeon ,
214 S. 12th ft , cor rmnnm. Iron Iliilldlinf.
Onii'olioniB , 2 to4 mid" ro'J p. m. 10 to la on
Smiilny. Telephone 504.
o7sr I4 > rSMDAX , JH. ! > . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE , V.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas.
\V. J.
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE , N.W. Co * . 14th and Douglas Si ,
Odlni IVloiihoiio 405. Itcslilonco Tolouhono > 3J
JAMES 11. l-KAHOIJY , M. D. ,
Phyfllclixn anil Hurgoon.
Itrslilcnco , No. 1407 Jones Rtroot Ofllco ,
'VilliiiHl lllock , Tulpiiliono , rualilonoo , No. 135.
ollico , RU
Office nnd nosMonoo. 734 N. 10th St. _
V'AN CM1' M. U. ,
Kill r n1o < * t , 1st ilnor west of P O Tnko ole
ntor to rooms U-U thlrJ Hour. Toloplrono No
Hoslilonco , 021 N. 30th street , Telephone No. 3) )
Physician and Surgeon ,
TolrpbonoWO. OmcolH 3. i4th t
U. W. COXNKLL , M. O. ,
Ilomceopalhlst ,
Onicc. BITS. Mlhfet ToloplionoW
ON and' ' "
OJIicp , Croiinso lllock , Honm 5 , KiMi and
Caii'tJil Avenue , Oiniilni , Nebraska.
UoHidonco 2010 Wcbhtor wt.
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Physician and Surgeon ,
All uhionlu CUM H u ( spot lalij. Can IIDKUU ut
ollu i iliit 01 muht.
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floneral A cut
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of Now York.
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iivcrnKo jctiirly runt < ! urlnr ; Hii , 1831 unJ HH ,
at UKO 7 .lor MU.WJ , was f TB - > 0 ,
K'jz ; * < < > . ,
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JtS.I4tli8lr < ! iit.Oiniilm , ? , ' tU ' .H. I'll r o , Bupoi-
Injeirilniil Illniloiy. 'Jclupliotio No JJK
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