lfr TILE OMAHA- DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26 , 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aelvrrtl'rments undertuis licnd , 10 cent * per Jlno lor the first In'oition'ctnts ( or cRcligub- Brquont lncrtton , and { 1.50 n line prr month Ho mlvcrti. tinont ) tnkcn for less thnn 25 cents Tor tlio first In crtlon. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they mud run eonso"u- lively and must bo pnld in advance. All ndvcr- tlscrn jt < muft bo Imndod In bo'oro 2 o'clo k p.m. , and undrr no circumstances will thojbo tfcVt-n or dUrontlntit'd by telephone. 1'ortits mU crtislnir In theft ) < olurnni rnd hir ing the nn9worsnOilre td In cnro of TIIK lire 111 plon o nk for n cliccV topnnblotlinm toirct their letters , ns none will bo delivered except on yirosontntlon of checV. All unrwcrs to ad vertisements "liotild bo enclosed In envelopes. , MOIt 'OAOr.S I'urclinsci money mortgages on Improved Omnlm real estate , bought nt No. 't 1'renzlor block ; npply between 2 mid 3 p. in. 2B7 T\l ONF.Y to lonn. Ellis Hro . . rcnl ostoto nnd -I'l. lonn ngcnts , room 17 , Wliitncll block , cor. ICth nml Ilnrnoy. r/io IVI ONKV to loan , cash on nnnd.no delay. -L J. W. nnd 1 U Bqulro , 1413 Furnatn st , J'axton hotel building , son f ) " > per cent saved by calling nt 1'nuloon k Co's , * - * lor lots In Pcuth Oinahii nnd Anne * . 670 27 T OAN8 1 .onus I/onus. Heal cstnto lonm , Colhilurliil loiins. Chattel loans. Ixing tlmn limns. Short tlmo lomiB. Money nlKiiys on hnnd to lonn on nny ap proved security. JnvoMmmit securities bought nnd sold. Omaha Vlnanclal Kxchungo , n. w. cor. IBth nnd Ilattioy. Corbctt. Mnnngor. 605 $200,000 to lonn on nix months'to six years' tlmo nt lowest ratnt. AV. SI. Harris , room 6 , I'roti7or block , opp I' O 714J-8 AHIUS A HAItUIS. .120 S. 16th st. Money to lonn on first class security.Irom 3600 upwards. 2U4 $500 , iOTOiOAN nt 0 per cent. J. J. Mn * honey , 150' ) Karimm. ' : . 61'iUCKNTMoiioy. II. 0.1'nttorson , 15th nnd Hartley. nr,7 , to loan. Sums f500 and upwards , $30,000 Lowest rates , llpmls , room 3 , IJnrkcr bUiok , . \V. cor. 16th nnd Karnnm BIS. C07 MONl'.V 1'lrst morlKiiKO notes. Tlio Douulns county bank will buy papers secured by first ilKiiKO on city roaity. 7J < ) G1T.H CHM'-Monny to loan. ( Iri'irory & llndlov , Itooms 1 nnd < ) , lledlclc Dlock , 320 3. IGth Pt H08 ri O 1XJAN Money Loans placed on 1m- JL proved real estnto In city or county for Now Knitlnml Lonn * Trust Co. , by Douglas Comity bank , ir.lh and Clilcngo sti 810 ONKV tn loan on city and farm property , M low rates , Stewart Jt Co. , Itoom 3 , Iron llnnk. 12 ONKV TO" LOAN O. F. Davis .t Co. Jtoil M Kstate and Loan Agents 1505 rurnnm st. ONKV TO LOAN On real estate andolmt- teh. n. I. Thomas. 815 d500,000 ; TolonnonOmalm city property ntfl P porconU Q. W. Dny.ororl.M2 IXiUKll"Bt. 817 MONKV to lonn by tlio undersigned , who has tlio only properly orgnnl/od loan agency In Omnlm. Loans of $10 to TI,000 mndo on fur- nlturo , planon. orgnns , horses , wagons , machin ery , &o. , without removal. No delays. All business strictly conOdentlal. Loans so made that nny part can bo paid nt any tlmo , each pay ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances made on flno wntehes nnd diamonds. Person * hould carefully consider who they are dealing with , aa mnny now concerns nro dally coming Jnto existence- Should you need money , cull nfl see me. W. It Croft , Ilooro 4 , Wlthnol1 Bulldlnir , Ifith andllarnnj. 818 tl/jfONicY ] / l.OANKU nt 0. P. Heed * Co's.Loan Au. offlcs , on furniture , planoi , horoos.wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. Uth , over Itlngham's Commission store. All biiBl- ness strictly 'confidential. sin BUBMTEBB CHARGES. "JTIOH 8AI/I5 Ton days , boat pnylne dry goods JU business In the west , luvostmeijt * .Jnoo , cash sulei per mo. ? 000 , rent J12.50. W. W. .Fisher , Mulvorn , In. 725 7 " 171011 SAIiE t'M will buvlunch counter doing -A ? good business. A gooJ bargain. U. li. Hnnchott , 1321 Doughia sU 7.19 2(1 ( * 17011 HA1.K A wholoor 1mlf Interest In lob 'J ' printing nnd publishing ofllco In Omaha. ildroas II 54 lice olllco. 734 27 " \1TANT15D To oxchiuigo Ileiitrlec , Nob. , city IT properly for good paying grocery storo. Btuto iiiiioiint of stock and business do- Jng. Address N. V. J. Uoutrloo , Neb. P. O. box 4(15. ( 71)1127 ) * AHAIIK opportunity -You cnn purchnfo or trade for a vnliinblt , uowsnaiier on easy Ictrms by addressing It. li. Wlndlinm , IMiitts- inniuli. Nub. 720 88 * I OH SAI.i : Orocory business , good paying 1 family trade , sales avorngo $3,000 a month , rhrnp rent , flood reasons for soiling. Address JJ 31 , Iloo olllce. 702 20'try CHANCK-Stock Clroconca und BU8INKS3 for stile. Flni'dt locution In Omnlm. Doing nn oxoollont business. Address , 0 , 71 , Hen Olllco. Ml TjTOHSAIjR A payingInw , lonn and real OB- JLA tntn business In a good town In CcntrnI Nebraska. Address with stump 1) 10 , Itoc of- ) lcu. 073 20 * T7UMI 8AI < K A grand bnrgnln for some ono JU wnntlng n olciin stock of groceries In Omn lm ; Mend & Jnmloson.aiH S. 15th Bt. B31 27 fill ) Tit ADI ! for Western Land Ono good pay- -L luff hotel with in rooms In tlret-olnss condi tion In a town with two railroads ; nlso black- numb shop and tools In finmo town. Address llobt. K. K. Mollor. Malvern , Iowa. 6&I 20 * IPOH SAl.i : Hotel Omnibus , mod 8 months. JJ Address , Hydor , Btromburg , Nab. 62 ! ) f 2- OH HAM'-Mllk dnlry , 30 cnws , 1 bull , 2 horsoH , milk wniron andllxtiiros , uvorythlng complete , cows all Iresli and the best ml k routii In tliooltyicnll or address J. W. 1'onny , : Wth and ( irnnt Bt. 4"J 2H r8INI5SSCIlANOr.-StocnOrooorlcsfornalo. B No licttnr liioiitlon In Oinnhii. Kales now nvcniRO tDJ'J n day. Hush .V Sijlby , 313 S. Kith st. 2IB r1 ( ) KXCHANOH Monihandlso for farms and J wild land , 0 , J. Cnswell , room 10 , Iron Hank. 9Jt.1l FOH SAM' Now Htock of Indies' furnishing good * , together with * sloro llxtures , llusl- neis In full conduct with good trade , Locution bout nn Howard St. , occupy ing K store Ins'iunro ' of solid brick. J. F. Hammond,115 B. Ifith st , (1 ( J 37 > OK HAU : Or triide for morclnmdlsn , 840 . ncres of No 1 farm land near ( Irand Island. C. J. Ci'nan 815 J , TTOUSKS UtsFnrms.LBnn-inotinyinnncd. -Li lltunls.rooni 3 , HurKer block S. W. cor. 16th nnd I'nrimjisU. Ml FOH SALK Hnidwnro llusiness Wo otter our Bhi'lf nnd heavy hardware business for cole , together with our lento and good will , ' 11ano largest In the city and location the best Hetlrlng from the buslnenH ciuito for soiling The llauin Hardware Co. , 1028 O St. , Lincoln , 60.1 SALE Cheap-Hi'siaurnnt and chop ' hoiiHK , doing good biiHlncss and good loca tion , Iniiulro V. ( X Soavrr & Co , , renl o.-iluto itioiu 13 , Freiuer block , opp P. O , 73J 2b * 1 > lUlSNAL-T.adlcs dpsirlirgtTrst-elnsd iTomns- X tlo help Simula call tin the well known Agent Omahn Employment Ilnimm , Ilu N HHh blocU. K. O Hello Mo. 720 20 A \Ot7NCl ludy-di'Slres correspondence with u western gontli'timnlouluiiiin or miner , one with miMiiiB prcforiul : objuct iniitrlmony. Address Corresponding Iliiiuau , Wllljer , Nub. I'.iH'losu suinip for particulars. Cunllduntliil. 713 2i " > UHHONAI-Mr 1. . K. HIco , n Denver gen' tltinuin , who wag in the city several dnj f visiting bin ton. J U Itlce , left tor homo last i < \imlng , on the Oxvrland train , and at tbi tlmn liin'hro.l Unit hu was leaving thu lUi'llcst ' nnd mo.'t ontorprUliiR rlty of Its sl/ < In America. As soon us lie can > fr. It lee will ioiiim and make Omaha Ills purmiment borne Blucu coming Irom Denver , which Is labelled iho grunt lii'iilth resort or the \ > est , ilirci monlliH npi , he Kiilnod t enty uounUs and thui Mittli'd the milttiT wi fnr ns profcri'iieo butwcer the places icoui. Mr. U'cu ' Is proalileut ot the I , X U Slnto 1'ulnt compAity , 1111 oruivnl/uliiu lately formed under tlio laws of Nebuibka am with OnmliRus lieadiiuartors. 711 23 I"F.llsnNAlr - > ir7. Ir. ) Nnnnie V. W arrer rlnirvojnnt. Medlmil &nd liiislnrdt Medium Itoom No. U , 1 1 KortU 10tU ft. , Omati , Nob. LOST. T OST Gold breastpin with SIIIHH red stone a J I Indor will return to this ultioe. 701 25 * HTHAYED-Fi-om 610 Pierce t , Umabit.oi Bjtunlny , Janutiry "ii , one small luiy mare ons red Dey.bitlse , ouo buy btu-so with whit Mar on forrnbAd.Qll had Imltors on. Panic them ulll bo paid tor tbvir trouble b ) us. Win i'rcstou \ Co. 721 - ' ; , QTHAYEDOH STOI.EX Ve < lne .my. . .Tnh. in.- 1 19"7 , black pony m'art1 , branded T-and H on eft hip , 3 white feet , sharp shod , bend stall on. tow.irl paid Dnn'l IJrown , mall carrier. Onto- inpostomco. C91-2A * I'OUM ) . [ 710UND A pot coon. 1'inflcr cnn have game JL ? by cnlllngat 4)3 Jones st IxiulsHlll. 717 2V Clairvoyant. M ADAM AljAPKA.Clfinivoymitmid pftlmlst , 512 South letn at. K"l f \ APH pM 1 for old eel 1 nnd silver , 0. T * fir- -J Ickson 4 Co. , 212 N IGth St. 710 27 iNOINd Ios < on4 In "stylo" nnd "plirnMnir" } In the Itnllnn and French methods iflvcnby Kcntlcnmn liRvmo- studied under the bo t .iiropoHti ninnors. For pHitlculnrsnddrciS 1) I , U in all 11 Iloo olllco , Omuhn. 7U7 27 * L'AKK ' NOTlt'i ; I Imvo on linml n nro ( quan tity of timothy , clever nml millet sot-d for nlo. Write for prices. W. (1. ( Iloston , Uiivld HyNeli. 571 f. 20 A Cultivator Mid Hoiuoicebper. " - IMnullshod 18 jeurs. Departments up- rlcnmiriil , llvo stock , housokccplni ; ( ix vnlimtlo collection of rmclpts In cnch IMIIP ) . nnd son- ernl miscellaneous rending , Includliur short stories nnd poolry. fl.OJ n year. Vnltinblo troinliims. Snmplo rony free. IF. P. Smith , 'lib. , Kootn 3 , Wltlmoll lllock , Omnlm , N b. Foil JtllNT Pqnnro Piano , ti montnlv. Hospo , 1613 DoiiKlis. CIO OHOKTIIAND In ten lo on . No shndinK ) J no portion ; rnpld us speech. Instructor , fl cents. I'cnnn's Shorthand Institute , Detroit , Mich. 181 110 * FOllitl'NT Organs , IS per month , ilospo , 1513 Douglas. C09 IAMONI ) KAltlTlNdS only SlO nt KrnniTnmi Son&Co.,2OS. ) lllh BU Ola Kl flOKKHNT Square I'lnno | : i montnlr. Hospo. icin Doujfiiis. on TDK BAZ.X UIBCEZtl.AITEO'DS , FOItaAtiR Intormitloii Cyclopuilla ir vols , now nnd very ohcnp. Apply 13iW Hnrney st i room li up stairs. 7.14 ! M * IT OH SAM ! -Or Tr.ido Oiio"orsopoTcr X ? oiiKlno utiil tiollor mid plmilnir mill inn- chlnory. one 21-Inch Kd tticr teed mill , one Vie- or shelter , ono Holt nlmftlntr , pnlllcs , clovutor , bulls , Ac. IU J.WnttB,200S.Silth st. CKKW 1710HSAIn-A snnn of ponies with hnrncss JL1 cliunp. 1 > 1 Ciiailiu st. 07S 25 * IilOH SAM. Oood sound hon-o sultablo for any business. Orocery n. o. cor. 25th nnd California st. i',01 26 * OH SAM' Plumping I'nttorns chcup ; and stnmtilngdono to order. Mrs. J. W. Mor risons , 1505 Davenport. 87 1'13 SAl.H The bc t buggy In the world for Iroil ' the Heal IMato Business , Columbus Ilu ? Co.lliilarnoysu ; [ SllifU FOH SAI.K Genuine diamond onrrlngs ? 10 nt Frank & Son & Co's , i.-JO H Hth st. ( US 23 17UK ) PAIili A irooil li yonr old horse , nai nesq 4. nndbuiTKy * Knqulro at 1IIH Doiiirlaa su I'OJ ' FOIt SAW. OH TUADn-Ono 2d hnnd side- bur buc y , ono M hand plmoton , oi.o de livery Wilson. Cheap. A. Hospe , 1MII DoiiHln3. 751 J 'M Er < OHSAIiK Tjpo-wrltor , 160. J. II. Ilnvnes , 1 llo-tira , Omaha. M7 SALE Furniture nd lento ol sir-room Foil house , tlmo on part. Cull \"fU \ North -7tli street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. KM \\TANTBD Two jjood solicitors , must ho mon of ability. Apply nt Itoom 2 , 1300 Douglas St. , bet. 8 mid 9 n. in. 714 So' AVANTIID 5 good , strong bovs to learn the i cundy trade , Stephens Vogolo A Dinning I'ANTno-Ilonorgotia men nt onco. Apply l to Kcllpso Installment Co. , 1408 Dodge st. 701 : a \\7ANTKD-Thrco llrsc class shoemakers for T ' tilting and nnnd sowlnsr. Call or ad dress Karl Krlesol , 713 St. Mary's Avo. 700 20 * WANTUD A laundry nnrt kitchen irlil or young man nt the Merchants hotel , O'lS 25 * WANTUD-A good cook , S In family. (114 ( N. 22d. 62il 25 WANTED A flrst-clnss book-keopor. Must have very best cits' references or need not npply. C. K. Maynp , 15th and Harnoy. CS5 \X7"ANTED A young man wants n situation IT nt driving or taking care of horses. Ad- drosa , 1)1) ) , Iloo. CS1 20 * I/ANTED Boy to do chores around house > for his Hoard. 1) . L. McGucko , 8U23 s tOttt. 634 25 WANTED-Skilled accountant will accept situation Fob. 1 , 1S37. Address C tto Iloo ofTlco. 549 25 * WANTED boy or young man having a good horse and living In south part of city , to carry a route on Dully Evening Iloo to South Oiimlm. 40.1 'IXTANTKD-Mon , women , boys , girls to earn IT $70 per month nt their own homes costlv outfit of samples , a pncknko of goods nnd full Information for We to help pay postage. Ad dress II , C. Howell k Co. , Itutland , Vtmono mono * . "IT/ANTED 50 sober. Intelligent men of good It address to try a lOc meal at Norrls1 res. taiirant , 101S 16th st 153 AfiKNTSlnthoolty or country can mao$5 to $10 n day Hulllnir our specialties , N. W. Novelty comimny. 12J7 Furnnm ( it. 012 WASTED FEMALE \ 'ANTIID A cook Inn private family nt 101 N. Mil st. 727 27 * \XTANTHD Two dlsli wii hor8 nnd onolnuiih T T dry woman ut the Co//ons. Apply at once. 742 WANTRD A girl for general house work. Apply at once. Mrs. John Wldenor , B30 College or South 24th Bt. 710 2fi * ITTANTED S good girls for first work nnd 2 second girls for No. 1 private families , Host of wages. Call Omaha Employment Ilu- reau , Ilu North lothCnpltolnve. 728 26 ANTED Good ladles to cook. 601 N. Ifith St. 737 25 * 17ANTI3D Competent girl. Good homo. > 2120 raruum. T31 2.j \VANTHD-Olrl 14 or n years for light IT housework , and euro for children , 2114 Harnoy , TJJ 27 * \Y L7ANTED Kvperlencod lionsokoopor. Col ored preferred. Call at 112 N. utli. 738 \\7ANTRn-Agnodglrl for gonarnl house- IT work In n small family , steady place fern n good girl. Apply to 0. L. F.r Ickson > V Co. , 212 N ICth st. Mnsoma block. 718 27 _ > \\7ANTKD Plain Ironcr Immediately , must ii bo llrst class und boon employed funny Omaha laundry. Oood wnifos , t-on'-tuiit work. J , H. King , basement corner 10th and Hownid. 71(1 ( 25 * W L "ANTEDfllrl for general housework nt S , K. Cor. . Oth and Furniim st 7IJ 27 "WANTED-Girl for general bousowork. II Must bo competent cook. No other mod apply. Wages $4,50 n wools. Apply 2010 Doug. las st. Mrs. M. Gould. 70J 2I * _ _ \\ANTlD--lluttoirbolo : workers , 1112 Fur- > mun. 713 27 * " \\7"ANTii : ) T vogirls ; ono for first nnd ono i ? for second work nt 2511 Bt. Mary's avp. Apply 6008 13tlist BS7 i\ANTRD A girl for guncrnl hoiipowork ; ' ' muBt Do a good COOK uud uoxo well loeum- mended. 2158 , 15th BU iWI 2 \\7ANTKD-A irlrl for general house work 111 email family , liuariunam 081.jl " \\TANTKD-A oompetont girl for general i i haiiscworV. Apply to Mra. C , It. bcott , 3033 DodgeBt. C7n2tt A\'A > TKD Aglrlforgcnornl liouso work nt 'i 4th housu i-outli ot Loiivonworth st , on Virginia ave , Mrs Gco. II. 1'rliohcU. WANTED A gond Rtronif girl as washer In l.iniu'.ry at Windsor Hotel. -168 \\rANTED-75 good ( llrli for dome3tkrwork , to cull nt 12N ! 1Mb ut. 041 2S * \\rAN'l'EO At ouieU experienced band * IT nt overall wor : < . Gt-o Stile * . 14th and Loavcnwotth tr.'Ot * . VSA 2i * > U St. Marys i i nvc . BU 2tS "l\TAXTiU ; Uvod o IO'A nJ I.aiindioss.2Ct ! N , T Ittll 6t. 6SS ) \\r.\NTKU bmtiit-to"ia ( t-'irl * . with good ii references , at Arcido llotol , tSl 3i * \\TANTK1) ) AII I'Murly ' wntnon M cook in ii buiall family , nn washing or lioudckccn- pg. IftiO Ciitlierlne st. J.-J "VlMNri.'O-GoQiJ girl. KiiKllsU ori'oriiiun , 11 cook , wa. hei- and Ironor. liujulro 2J1J - - - - _ _ on _ 30 ludios .V 'Konts to loiril telu- i graphy l'ros | > not irooil for position when mpfK'iit ; uddrfg W , J , I ) . , Uooui \ , Crouiu \VANTfD-DInlnif-room girl and dish- i V Avnstjer. Imjuire Miller's Hosiaurnnt. loot N Kthst 22:3 : BITUAV10H WAMTKD. Hey to do chores around ho"so WANTED board , S02 S 10th st. I ) . L. Mo- Ouckln. 074 2 * \\ANTED- Situation to po t books , or some > other like work , to do evenlnnts. Addresg , DU. Heo onieo. 70a 87 * _ "l\TANTEl ) Position , by nrst-cla s stenoira- i pher nnd type-writer. Address , D 12lloo OdlCO , 703 26 * _ \\ANTli ! ) Youneman of 28 , with ton year's ii oxporlonco , wnnts n situation pitnor as bookkeeper or salc man In Dry Gt odsor lloota and Shoes ! can speak German ; best loferences , ArldrfS D. It. lice olilcp. CM 2. ' ) ( V WjaVPMMMMMMaMRM WMMMWW tVOTMMBVBIVVHBMi M MBBHi BM \\7ANTED-Sltuntlon as housokeoDcr in small > > fnmlly. Address 12JO Sixth nvonuo , Council Illutrs. C35 2S * T\ "ANTED-To" dry goods or grocery 'i trndo by n young man of unropronch- nhlo rhnractor nml habits. Have oxporlonco ns schoolteacher. Host of reference , try him. 6Q' 2fl Addrnss418SJ3th st T\7ANTED A nurse , who Is willing to help around houso. Address N. C.,9l When ton st. 611 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANTED-A gornl horse and buggy lor his TI keeping , good cnro guaranteed. Address n IB Hoe olllco. 720 20 * WANTED A partnership in a retail Hard ware store. Can furnish capital nnd P.X- iiorleneo. Address , A , 4.TJ First nvonuo , Ctdar llnplds , Iowa. li'J9 2' ' ) * " \\7ANTED-lly n sliiRlp gentlemanfurnished i * room In locality whcro ho can practice upon cornet without Inconvenience. Address D8 , lleeollico. CM 25 \\TANT1'D To exchange W ) ncro ? Improved i' land , six miles from Hertraud , Nob. , for linrdwuio or furniture. F. C. Schrocdor .fc Co. , Hertrnnrt.Neb. 5 W ANTKlTeams , 30'J S. lltli at. WANTKD-To buy flvo to twenty acres In- sldoof or near Omaha , ( live descrip tion , prlco and terms. Address , 0,30 , Iloo olllco. 227 _ WANTI1D A young man do ires Instruction on the guitar from a coinpetont toucher. Address II 41 , lloe o'llcc. "i'a HKNT abufiub .urn X.OTS. moTniKOTiTmiso , It room" , In lliin < < cn n -L1 Plnco. Keltor A CampDoll , Itoom 1 , 15'J'J Furnam. 705 71011 HUNT A largo two-story , fi-rnom lintmo - at 2D07 Davenport st. Apply of U.N. lint- lor , Iloo olllco. (177 ( POll HUNT Lnrgo barn : will nccommndnto li horses. Knqulro 2026 Howard st , IWS Foil lllNT ! HOUBO of ton rooms , nindnrn Improvniiients , good location , cheap. I'd- win Davis , I50J Fnrnniu st. 5CO O3 FEETonToiuririMlrood ) ns n pornorFcnsh" > $6,00(1 ( ; 8I.,00) ) for a lowdnjs. a. 51. Cooper , 1WU rnrnnm. 43S 2a I IT10K rtn\T Six room IIOIHO with burn. $18 L1 per month. Corner llth nnd Vlnton. In- ulro on promises. 431 POK KENT 10-room boiiso with Inrt'o stable , very rhoip to right p irty. Marshiill .V Lo- bcck , 1503 Knrnim. 221 FOH REST-lly I'ob 1st. ton room house , modern Improvements , 15 minutes walk from P.O. On fat car lino. Inquire nt IWH Douglas st. 140 I -OK KENT A barn for 4 ho.id of horscn. In- J _ qillro of M. P. Martln.J 8 F I OH lUIJO' A nice 5-room cottigo , by S. T. I'uturson , s. o. cor. 15th and Douglas. 477 POIl HUXT--n room house , city wntor , street cars , I1 * mlles from P. O : $ -0 per month. I ) . C. Patterson , Omaha Natl bank. 711) F OH HUNT Lariro barn with water privi leges. Apply nt 1818 Chicago st. ! HH TflOH HCNT House , 4 rooms , corner Phi -L' ' Sheridan and Howard sts. House , n rooms , all modern Improvements. Hnrnoy nnd 20th sts. New brick store , north 10th st 4nowBtnrcsno\r Hascall'a hotel , south 13th Bt . $15 per month. llrlck warehouse on H. H. track and paved street. 3rd ctory Harkor building , 15th and Farnam , ( ! 8 foot Biiunro. C. K Maynn , 15th and Hnrnoy. 227 TflOK KKXT-If you want to rout n liouso. call -L on Honawa & Co.oppnslto postolllcu , 683 T OH ItKNT Putlahlo forjobblnaHouan.Poc - j end nnd Third Floors , 3.1x100 with b.tso- mcntand elevator , entrance Irom front on Douirlasst.aiid ontrancooncrroundlloor from rear toelovntor. Address A3J , llooolllco. 270. [ /IOII HKNT-9 room hoitso S. W. cor. 7th nnd P Pacific. Inquire M. P. Martin. 211 FOH HUNT SK now brick stores with base ments , corner Klovonth and Ho want ; cholco location ; nil conveniences. Leavitt llurnham , Itoom 1 , Crolehton block. C27 7 OH HF.Nr--Ononowoottao,7 rooms , $3) . J" Throe now 2-story hoiisos , * n , ono nt $ ! " > ; welllocntod , all convonloneos. Loavltt Hum- bumItoom 1 , Croi hton block. 127 FOH ItKNT BO acres n'ljomm ? city north west , piiltablo for dairy or market pardon. ApplytoTheo. Williams , Dor Ollloo , UU Fnr- nam. 89s P'Ht HUNT Store 22xtW , llll ) Jnufcson st 788 ran. EESTT it o OMB. FOH HUNT 3 nlco olllco rooms at 512 6 ICth street. 732 FOH HKNT-Two or throe'furnished rooms for housekeeping , onu block north of exposition - position building. 315 N 15th et. 72J 20 * FOH HUNT 2 very plonsant.nowlv fiirnishod rooms. 1 nhirgo front loom with bay win dow , 1 small room,2025 Farnam st 70S TJ OH HUNT Sitting-room nnd bod-room , fur- -L1 iilshed , terms $25 pur month. Knqiilre at 213 N. 18th st. 71025 * IT OH HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , 421 S. X ! llth st , 2d stnlrwny from Howuril , 072 2J * T71OH HUNT Iloo mi convenient for light - honeekecplng , furnished or unfurnished , at C13 South intb n. t.n7-r . > * IpOH ItKNT Furnished bouse of seven rooms ' until May 1. Desirable locality. Inquire oflloo Western Pattern Co. , Exposition Hulld- Ing- . GB2 TT1OH HRN'T-NloelyrurhisheU front room 205 J ? South 25th street. V54 2U < 1021HKNT Hooms with first-class board. -I ? 1021 Capitol avenue. 8,13 Z5 * F OH HENT Throe rooms at 2709 Ciimlngs street Terms $8 per month In advance. TJ10H UBN'r Furnished room 11W3 Fiirnain , 615 j > OH HENT Ulegantly furnished front room F 1 with nlcovo and closet HIS IHtb st. 030 20 * F I OH HKNT Furnished rooms 1015 Dodiro it. H.-9 FOH HENT Lar/P , nicely furnished front room , 1000 Farnam st , (00228front ( H HK.NT-3 nlco front rooms In the brick lilocK on Howard st. hotweon I6Ui and 17tU ets. I.eo , NiclioUV Co. , Wltliiuill block fH4 OH HBNT-Doik room In the Oinrtlin Heal i-ituto ; I'lxuhiing-o. Mead k Jumluson.218 ti 15th. 6AJ | 71OH HUNT Two unf nrnlshod rooms for light -L1 houso-keeping. In lloomor'd block , corner Klglith and Howard. 611 IJTOIt HIJSTAt KOI Howard struct , ono block 4trout Ciuionshousotreotcurovoryllvo minutes n Inrgo front room , tinnlsUod nev > ly , for f 12.W porjtioiitb. t > u FOIl HEN'IVruriilslioa room. 714 N , IDth St. IMl'T * FOH HUNT Furnished rooms for light houio kooplni ; , lleomord klouk , uur 8th & HowurJ. T7\OH \ liTfNT-Nicoly fiirnlsliod room. Itefor- i-tiiiccsro < iuiroi , 1037 Douglas. tM7v T710K llKNT-Kurulihod room. A Hoapo , .U isn Douglas st. ail POH HUNT 3 rooms unfurnUliol suitiblu . for . . honsukoepln , 1017 N 3-Jth st ; apply to „ " 18 tJ J5th st. 40J 'IT'.OH HUNT fwo eojth front roouia , elnila Jor eii8ult ; also rent room , drat llonr. with 1r < OllHiNT A nlcu , lUht bjsemoiit. Iniulro ' of Leslie & I.cglu.Hlthand Dudga nta. Mi T710K HKN'r-N'looroi > iu at I8J1 1'uriiuiii at , -L. ono block wait of court house , south site. i > 14 ' .1 roou3 suitable for liouso- koeplni , ' , 7111'dulfljst. Haat , )15.QJ.12J 12J JIESTllooini nlculy funiUUoi nt nil - prices , from f i , $10 , SU' . I5 a tueutli pacli. too Soutli 18th strict , north St. .Mury'u uveuuo up stuirs. _ Siaf 10 _ Fi > ll KRSr Kurnlsliou rixnu , furnace , comfortable - fortablo In coldest neatlicr , and tag. In quire IW.'l I'ainui * . _ _ _ _ _ _ in ' T N'eatly ruriiUaoil rooms , or Uout > lolilSUowM4 Street , 8W FOH IiriNT S nlco. fiowly p oored rooms , wntorln kitchen : suitable for housekeep ing Vrlco.J12.6a 11113 N. SOXh st , Aprly to ncrM. _ . Martin 316 S. 15tlJY > l 934 FOH HUNT Klotrunt rooms On strool c r line , b.Uh nnJ s3 & Veer 2Jtn nnd Webster. . * 133 FOK KKNT > Four unturnune 1 room7 for housekeeping to sitiill family , 'o- ci\tedon \ Georgia nvo near stn 6tcnrs,9urroiind- ; nrs plea nt and will rent .clicnp to good artless reference required. Aadross A , Rl.lloo bmcq. _ _ J2I7 [ 71011 KENT -Sillto of nmvly furnlsho 1 rooms -J in now liouso : modern conveniences : to gentlomon. 19J1 Dodge st SCO 211 F M. 17th St. 741 2T F [ SAM2 10 ncres , 10 blocks from packing J houses , 6 blocks from U , ft M depot : rea sonable price , finest land. Wlso & 1'nrmcle , 1WW Parnnni 723 n * HOMC3 tor silo. House of 8 rooms on ISth street nonr 1'nul , one-thin ! cnsh , f3noo. Hou oon2Cth t , near Sherman , fJ.Wfl , Ilousnof S rooms , too full lots , J2.100 , ono- third cnsh , balance t-M po month. Huiiso of 4 rooms on Cnldwoll st , $1,000. $700 cnsh.bnlnnco cn y. Hoii o of 6 rooms on Hamilton st , lot C0\130 feet , ? lOiJ. H W. Huntress , 1503 rnrimin st. 7U 33 * T\f U3T have some cash on Foby 1st. Will soil .1 * L doslrablo ro .dont lots nt n sacrifice In order to lee en mutters up. For full particulars nd- dres I' . O. 1UX 4SJ' ' , ctly. 715 IT YOU liavo property for snlo list It with us nn.l It will receive special nttoutlon. Kills Hros. Iloom 17 , Whltnoll block , cor. 16th nnd llnrney. C37 lots In Kllhy Place , each ? 7'iO. rWO 10 foot nn 1'lcrco street ( corner ) , tl.30X f , fcot on Iflth Ptreet ( corner ) , * 2 ( > , OOJ. H. W. Huntress , 150J Farmnu st. Git 23 * FOHTs.U.n One lot 70vl70 on Pouth 20th st. , with house , south of the llolloviiit road , 1,600 ; ? , VO CR-b , lialniR'O to suit. llnti o U'lils for ? 8 per month , Morlarlty \ Co. , ItfW Doug- Ins st. Mil lilv Avr.NlMV-l Imvo 103 feet front for snlo ntii bargain if old soon. Voryde lro- nblo lor building a swell front. For particu lars , nddi ess , 1' . O. Hot 4 City. 073 O iTniAliTT llTlTwNN'o bnvo the exclusive saloot 30 cholco lots In this ad litlon , from $ ( ) , ' ) i ) to $ "IH ) , on small payments. Going fast. 11. 11. I'llll ' & Co. , 115 8 15th. l , 8 171OH SAI.I3 Oinnhnnnd Connell HlulTs prop- JL1 crty , ul o Nohrnskti nnd lown land" . Cull nnd ! ( ) us. Hills llros. Itoom 17 , Whltni'll block , cor J.ltli nnd llnrncy. B.H1 FOH SAtiK liuslnix-i corner ftlvllU , F.irnum DolMoun 17th and 10th. nt a raio bargiilu : ( ? 20ixiO cash ) ( I5 , ) < OJ. Wl o AT 1'armelo. 1501) ) Fainiim. ( Ks 2' ) ' 1OT30T1C5 , 2-story lr me lioii'o , S room * . -icItjMMUcr. etc , for silo with or without hou o. Ktmulro for prices and torina. Gmirory I It list 5ft ! 710H SAM' Four elegant two story houses nml lots , onncottage.on street cnr and near pnblo car line , Will give you a bargain , ( i W. Cain,32110 Ohio st. 512 LAND In Iowa and Neb aska to trndo for city property nnd pay dilloronco King \ Temploton. At Citbon's Hank , 2103 Cuinlng st. CIS 20 TOT JDvinr foct , 2-story frame house , .1 rooms , Jclty wntcr , etc. , for sclo with or without house , r.nqulro for prices mid terms. ( Irog- ory & Rndloy,3-0 S. l.itli st. 6,12 OH SALi- ; F Itnrgaln , Ilnrirnln. AVe have It now. Oottho ownbt tied up to Fob. I , Never will ho anotherchunco to yet u llnnhomollko thlsso chimp , ( loto 1:111 : Ceorifla nvo and tnUo a look nt the sploii'Hl ' house nnd uronniU there Consider that they are with in ono block of strooi ; cars , ' c heel nnit church. Don't let this opportunity to procutn n ( 'ood baruam or linndhomo roslilonco Blip. Prlco $ 4 , MW , $2.400 ca h , $510 May 1 , 1SS7 , $7110 Mnvl. IhbS. $ l--oO Xov. 1. IPsji. M. A. Upton & Co. . (503 ( I'arnam. Telephone 7H. 203 3n\lB5feoton 20th street. 157 feet from St. Mnry.save. Kuqulro for prices. Orcjrory te Hndloy. ! V:0 S , 15th st 5 FOH SAL13 A.'IM-ncro farm with house , barn and crib , on the U. P. Ity. , nnd only ono- hair mile from a ( food railway town , with churches and schools. Prloo * 8 , < K ) ) . App'3'to ' Louis Bradford , cor. Oth nnd Doujflas , Omaha , Neb. 901 CALL ami see the fullest mvl most complete ect of iiiistruct hooka ol Doutcl is county now In the olllcoof H. 0. Patterson , IDth tilid llnrncy. 5'J7 A CholcoPloco of ground on 20th street just ci-sonth irom St. Mary's avo. Gregory iV Had- loy.U-'OS. 15th st. 552 MK.VI ) & , IAMliSON : , No. U1S Soulliloth St. Lot , frontlnf ? 2 atroots , 25tli and Paclflo , 2 hoiisos , $2r > 00 I'lisy terms. Host lot in Orchard Hill with 5-room house , bnin , well , cistern , fruit nml shade trees , $ l , > :00. : Kasy terms. S W cor llih and Pacific , 03 132 , .1 line cottages , Sfl.OfiO. Lot front Ins on Convent and 24th sis , Im provements worth $ 'JOO.i , 2 housoj. city and cihtern water , ? iKX ! ( ) . I'-ney terms. 5-room cottage and lot , 2Sth nnd Clmrlo-3 , * J,000 , $100 cash , tin ! easy. N Rcor oflltn and Loavonworth , 2 hoiisos , rentIor575 per mo , lot Blx'JO ' , lino' business property , $12,000. Mead & Jamlusor. , 318 S 15tU Btreet. 2 < 'J T71OH BALE Two corners , California and 13 PlPiisnnt an.i . Cassand Pleasant. $ iW ) , ii > r cither for llvo days only. 'J hey are daisies , see thorn , lluncher , solo ii ont , 1511 Karnnm st. nji : . * 7 HOI1SKS i ts.Karms.l mdR money loaned. Ilemis. roomll , Hurkor block , 8. W. cor. 15th and Fnrnam sts. 51 < O US KS LotsKnrms.Lands inon y loaned. H Ilcmls , room 3 , llarko blocu , B. W. cor ' . 5'.H 15th an > l I'nrntm sti. A HSTHOrS OK TITUS unl titles to real estate -ti. guaranteed Midland Ounranteo & Trust company .ISil'i Knrnain St. 1X1 f7 _ AHAHK barKitlnjlo acres of land very cheap In linowarm southern oiimnto. I'or ' par- tloulars iuhlro < 3 IIJ3 ltee _ olUso. 738J28 * FTH ) BALK An improved farm of 810 acres in Gajjo county , Nebraska , 10 mlles north of llentdi'o , nndi ; mlles from PloKnroll Station , on I1. P. Ity. : nuwB-room house , Jnmo barn , well , wind mill , orchard containing 1JO iipplu trees , 139 acres undOr cultivation. Ill ) ncres fenced , larifo cattle shod , wa/on shod , cnu room for 3,5ilbU8hols ) of coin , unir and cattle corrals , l > lonty of wntor for stock , iHrtro cottonwool ! grovn , This is ono of the bott furins In UIKO : county nml a bHrtraln at 410.500. One-third e.isli , fnilniieo In 10 years nt 0 percent Interest. To trndo for Omaha real ustntp , ono team of lareo work horses , new set double work harness and now wnuon. Two buslno/is lots 22x81 ft on Loavonworth stroet. cheap , $1,0.10. Helter & Campbell , room 11.500 I'nrnnm fit , _ JL)0 ) _ Arholi-o pfoco of irroimd on S > ) th street lust south from Hu Mitry's nvo , Uregory & Had- ley , 3208. 16tnst. 552 GEN III NI ? nAHOAINS-Two corner loU m Ilnrdottocourt , only 4 blocks from 3'iiin- der'sstreet oira.V. . M. llushman. llooin 10 , UuBbmanlllook.N Eoor 10th and Douglas. BAHOAIN- Blots , 4lxlW each , on Callfonip nnd Cass tit. InsMo properly. All for $1,200 , l-cnsh. : ) Whore can you llnd ab jrood lots for the money Inside the city limits. Hun- chor , 1511 rarnnms _ KiS 25 _ FOU SAL'S Two lots corner on Lowe nvo , In West Omnlm , 3 blocks soutlHof l-'arnaui St. , both forf2.0jO. < j Corner In U'uiiM-n Phi-o , 3 bloom from street car , 1 block from church and sohool , $2.10) ) . Ui Corner lot on South 1.1th st Cheap nt $1,105. Heller & Cumpuull , room 1 , \ ' > Fnrnam St. . Our now addition. Aiirosf M ) to $ : i"i | pr aero. XenrBouth Oinah'a , And hydlcato Illll.-- Marahhll A : Lobaok , IBS in 15'JJ Karnam. SA , SLOMAN , . I5'2 ' Knrnnm St , inniii 2. A line ol choice Inslilo niopcrty "t prices which sro not milatcd and yl.ncli will prove buih Bute and prontaljlolnvoiiruontd- DoujflasbtbotuMthnnd KM MX W-i $ 8,033 I'm-num et bet 20th and 21d , 2JU . , . 0,501 rarnum bt bet 20th aGd2Hl.5 | li 15,0 K ) rani'im st cnrln Joroino p.irk . } ! 3V l rarunm si Cor : ilst liWilItt 15t m WostOmaha li xIBT , Hue siirht. 10,0 ) LoHVenworlli cor ilbt Improved IS.I ) ! Howard st no r 10th , ai\l 8,1'X ) Ij > avcn oith ft nonrllolt Line , 101x127 i\n \ Luavciuvarlb bt .Miiyiu. place coriuir . . -niJ : llnrnoyst. near 20in,17l\io , lmprovo.1. . 35nu ) intn si. near Viaduct , 40x120 . . . 1,000 lluElnoSj lot , South Omaha . , I , * ) ! lluslno j lot , South Omaha IH > 3 llcdford Place , lot 11 , block 11 , , , 1,000 Acres In Lakeside f3" < 0 to 403 Ixits in Jttroimi Park , 1'nft Fronts , near Putnam street , . 1.5)3 Ixits In WaUely add. near cniininy factory ' * Karnam et. , vor , Boiah iim ) ij. Front . . 3,0 < v : Clioicplots In Orchard . . . , . . „ . | to SOU STOCS FAHM'3W acres all fenced. House and Kood barn. Double corn cribs. Iloi ; hoiihu.uOOlcotdoublo ebojilliife' . Wind mill , lleaurvolr. dool orchard. S3 acres Mieded , 40 acroa In clover. Plenty of runnliiK water In niisiuio. Situated In Pottuwatamlo county , loua , 12 mite * i-4t of Council lllutfs , ami niiloe from two railroad btntlojis. Terms fKl per acre , ono nalt cusu und buUnco on tlmo t six per wnt interest- Clark & French. 1515 anEQOIlT & SIcmbers Omaha Heal Estate ExchMure , Hoomsl ft 3 , Hedlck Illk , 320 S. litli St. Corner on Dodge , MilK. Improved nnd rcntlnp for $3ooa per 50 r . . . . .ISS.CiOJ Corner on llth si , la.'xKU , near south end of viaduct . . . . 1 OCO 4(1131 , Improved , balf block from Union freisht depot site ( only $ ; 3000 cash ) 12,000 SJxljB. 3-story brlok business block , on one of the bist streets In the cltv , rents for S.MOO per year. Half Interejt'tor . . P.OUO Corner on Pncltte st.CO.xS2,2 housoi , renting for $ < 0 per month . . ? ,500 Corner Lonvcnworth and loth , CCxCC , 3 nouses . . . jj/mo ncst 4 lotsln KIlhyPMco . 6,200 riiriipll's ndd , lot Mxl(3,2 ( houses , for $ Vi per month . . 6,000 , , " * " ' " : ft. Mary's avc ! Ibis Is the best nnd cheapest buildliifr lot in the market ! terms mndo to suit . 6,900 i-roora house on Virginia nvo near Ixjavenworth St. , can front , nleo home , 3.SOO I < ot on Georgia nvo , J. 1. Hodlck's Sub . sooo Knst Iront , Gcorsia nve , llnnsoom tilaro . , . 8,550 West front , Georgia nvo , llansootn plico . 1,750 , Kast front , Vtrslnla nvc , llnnscom pl-ico . s.ioo West front , Catliorino St. , llanscom place . 1.SOO Dandy lot on I2d ! st , Hnnscom place. . 2,4C ) Fine lot In Sunny Side . l.fiOO Double corner In DwlBht A Lvmnnn's 1,200 lloautlful lot , east front , Colmrn's add , 2,000 rornor lot in Oak Hurst , n snap . l. 0) Ka t front lots In Thornlmnr I'lacn . . . . mn lAitslnsubdlvof block yest Omahn lr > oo Hnst lot lit Utlon Place . 1.550 Iluslnesslots on Lcavenworth st. , at $80)to . . . . . 1.SOH Wo have lots to every addition to the Kroat cltrotOtnnlm nt winter prices. Invest your spare clmnzo In seine nf them before the spring ndvnnoo , nnd It will he sine to win , South Omaha , Ilu sines' ! lots on N Hinissth st . flnno llns'ne's ' lots on M O P st , nt $510 to. . 700 I'llll lotsi xi : > 0'th nnd 2ilth sts near P 1,700 Itosldcnco lots it , every Rood addition , Como nnd see us. < Srpsorv.V Hadloy , Ilooms 1 nnd 3 , Hodlck's block , ! 170 S. 15th st 562 ' _ It. 1IALI. ACO.lli S.nttoectli followlnir b.arpnms ; Two lots In I IIIUIilo No. 1 . $2.nOO Inolot Improvrmcnt Association addition l.UVl Onelot.cornor.Impr'nt Ass'e'n ndd . . . . 1.250 ) n linslnois lot South Oniahn . . . . . 4.0PO ) nobuslno slot South Omaha . 2H10 ( AKobariralns In all pnrts of Omaha and South Omnlm , and ncio property In Hyde Park , _ _ _ _ I7O11 SAIjIj-TourBpcrinl'crimraats In Koiint7o I'hice at a bnr alu 1C sold at oncn. Ad- Ircss C fin , iloo olllco. 4ii'l _ " V WAN" & CO Krcnr.oi- block , 15th bt.opp. O iotolllco. ) tnir turn no\t. CJreat otclto- mcnt. Flirures won't lie. 20 , < )00,000,000,0' ) > JmiO ols suld since .Ian. 1st , mid still wo have cholco mnralnsloft lliisincss lots on I'arnam ' and Huinny. " " Poutrliis and Dodirc. " " Ciiplloliivenuo and Davenport. " " Chclnp-o nnd Can. " " Ciimtinnirs and Saundors. " " llouiud mid loth. " " lrlh nndlCthsts. WO IMS nloniron tlio lines oftlio50 cable roads ow bolmr built. Pi ou pasos for all. P. .S. Hub out nil but ono of our ciphers nnd como and sou us. r > i.i ) 2J 0MHTAL PRIZE , $150,000. "Wo do hereby oortlfy that o supervise the nrningcmoms f nr all the Monthly and Scml-An- iiuiil Drawings ol The Loulsiiina Stnto Lottery Company , anil in person maiiago and control the drawings tliomsulvos , nnd that the ttnmu nro condiiutcdlth honesty , Intinoos and In good lalth toward all pnrtlus , anil wo aiithorbo the : 'ompnny to use this eortlllcato with fac-slm- ilos of nursltfiinturos attached , in Its advertise- mcnis. " COMM1SSIONEKS. Wo Iho undersigned Hanks nnd llnnkerfi will rmy all I'rl/es drawn In The l.onljliuiu State lotteries which may bo presented at our coun ters. .T. H. OGLESBY , I'rcsldcat Louisiana National Hank. . 1' . LAXAUX , President Stnto National Itanlc. A. BALDWIN' , President Now Orleans Nf.tlomil Ilnn'.c. ATTRACTION. UNPRECEDENTED A MILLION DiSTUtntjTKD LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Incorporated In IW59 for2" > years by the logli Inturelor L'dncnlfonal and Charltublo purposes with ncapltnl of $1,000.1101) ) to which n rosorro fund of over J.V,0OUO has sinoo boon added. Ily an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was mndo a pai t of the present Suite Constitution ndouted December 2d A. D. 1H7U. The onlv lottery , over voted on and endorsed by Iho people of nny Btnto. li novnrBculos or postpones. Iturnind single mnniior drawings tnko place inonthlv. and thu i-c.ni-iinnuiil ilr.iuinifs rviru- Inily oiery slv months .Itino mid Duvnmber ) . A Sl'I.KNDin Ol'I'OKTUNITYTO WlN A FOKTU.VB. 2nd Ornnd Drawing , Class II. In the Academy of Mumc. Now Orleans , Tuesday , February Bin , 1E".7,2Ulof Monthly Drawimr , CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000. Notice. Tickets are SIO only. Halvaj , $5 Fifths 52. Tenths 1- I.IKTOP I'UIZKS jOAiTr\ti iii7Hor fisoooa. . . . $160,000 KlIIANUl'IIIKKOr 60,000. . . . 6UOi IGHANO I'KUIJOV 20/JOO. . . . 20,030 SljAKOKlMll/.EiiOf 10,000. . . . 20,000 ' " ' " ' " " ' 1i'S" ' " * ' 'mo 60 " rm. . . . 2ooj ) luo " noo. . . . 30,001 200 ' 200. . . . 40.03J tm ipo. . . . ) , ojo 1,000 " W. . . 60.00J Al'PllOXlMT1ONPI1IOKS. . 300 Approximation prices of $ WJ. . . . $ W,01i ] tX ) * > 0 J * * * * . ) , If ) C im u ' 100 iocoj 2,179 Prices amounting to fSI3OGO Application for rates to clubs should bo mndo only to tlio ontco or the company In Now Or ° For' further Information wrlto clonrlr , giviiiT full address. l'O5TAI < MH'MS Exprcs * Mono ? Oidors , or Now York litchangn m ordinary let ter , currency br oxiiross at our sxponae ad drcs8011' ' M.A.nAUPiirN , Nuw Orleans , L-i. Or M. A.DAOPHIN. ' Washington , n. 0. Addrr H Itenlstcrcil letters to NKWOIIUJANB NATIONAL HANK. New Orleans Lit. RW Al P TVr II I,1 , 1 ? That th pro oneo of 111 i L 111 in U I'j II ii.nurHl ; llcBun-icnrd and K nrr , who lira In clinrpo of HIM drowlne * , Is Hiiimr- nnti-u of obMilut'i fulmn.4 < < unil lnlojrlty. tliui tlio rhnncciinriiiilli-iMin1 , nml that nu ( nil ) cnn ponlhly Ulvliio nlrit nuiulinrs will drnnra I'rint All pttrtlm tliururiro ilviirilelni ; tnk'uurniitpe I'rlrcn In 1)1)4 ) ) Lot tery , or hilillnn mil any oilier luipooilbla inilucu- iiK'ntn , mo swlnillcrj.una only ulni to tloceivonnil ilu- fni ml tlio unwurr. MS. S. 17-13 LAWni'.NCK STKKI'.T , Of the Missouri State M"seuin of Anato my , St. Louis , Mo. ; University College Hospital Lonilon , Gicsun , Germany and New York , Having devoted their atten tion TO THE TREATMENT OF \lr DISEASES. More especially those arising from impru dence , im ite all so suffering to correspond \\itliontilclay. Diecaeci ) of infi-ction and contagion cured safely and speedily without detention from business , and without the use of dangerous drugs. Patients whose cases have been neglected , badly treated or pronounced iacurable. ( hould not fuil to write us concerning their symptoms. All letters receive immediate attention , uS JtrST PUBLISHED _ * * And will be mailed FREE to any address on icceipt of one 2 cent stamp , "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phy sical Exhaustion , " to which is added ail "Essay on Marriage , " with important chap ters on IJISKASKS OF THE KKI'KODUCTIVE OKOANS , the whole forming a valuable med ical trcatite which should be read by all ivounc men. Address ims. s , & . iir.\viB-s : < > . \ , I. , I > c vcr , Col. M.VTED AND MAimiED. Nuptuuls , oCMr. Hurry MoCrcnry hnd Minn Mnry K lllley. Yesterday tuornlnp : the second mnrrinfio n the fnmlly of Mr. John McCroary took : place in the church of the Holy Family corner of Kightconth and laard streets. The irroom was .fames 1 1. McCrcary , fa miliarly known as Harry , the second son of the gentleman mentioned , and the bride Mary F , lliloy , third daughter ot Mr. Thos. Hiloy , an old and well-known citizen of Omaha. A nuptnal high mas * was celebrated for the occasion , by Hov. Koopmans , S. J. , assistant pastor of the church , and toward the close of this imposing ceremony tlio marnnco rite wits performed. Im mediately uoforo the lattiir , Father Ivoop- nans delivered a most prrctic'tl , tender \iulcloqtient discoiirso upon the nature of : ho sacrament the young folks were up- iroachimr , and the dutins and responsl- jllitics which they would bo expected to isMimu and discharge in their married station. The groom was nttondcd by IJdwanl McCrcary , his brother , 'and the irido by Miss Lizzlo Hiley , his sister. I'lio choir sang I.ainbollotto'a paschal mass , nnd sang it in an excellent man- tor. The nuptials were witnessed by a argo numbc of friends , as also bj the 'atlier mid mother of each of tlio con tracting parties , mm this feature added liiito an clement of interest to the cillfv- ng ceremony. A reception took place at .ho residence of the bride , 1708 Cuss street , immediately after the marriage , mil was largely attended. Mr , ami Mrs , NIeCreary loft last evening on a tour to California. Til 10 DKUrSOHUK GIiUH. Us KstablNlimoiit to bo Formally Cclc > linitotl ( in Next. Saturday Nli-ht. The cstablLshmcnt of the Dentsohor club , although formally celebrated by the nembors , will be generally signalized on lext Saturdiiv night. 20lh inst. , by a granil ball and reeoption at the rooms of ho club , in Gormania hall , corner of Eighteenth and Harnoy streets. The ball will take place in the hall beneath , while ! or the purposes of the reception the rooms of the club will bo thrown open , mil every guest bo given an opporttm- ty of viewing both their beamy and ap pointments. Kvery member of the club s _ entitled to invite three gentlemen : riends. and those , of course , will bo illowod to bring ladies with thorn. The reception will probably bo the grandest of a public nature which has been sriven under ( Jertnan auspices. A Commercial I'nlnco. Two days ago , llimobaugh & Merrlam , of the Union Elevator company , moved nto their now ollice on the corner of Thirteenth and the north Union Pacllio crossing. Tlio building is a frame struc ture , and exteriorly is plainly constructed. fntoriorly , however , it is positively the nest beautiful structure devoted to busi ness purposes in the city. Tlio walls are covered with grooved wood , and the ceiling is lined in like manner , though in this instance the ceiling is the under part of the roof , which like that of mcdhuval Uructurcs is supported by ornamental inverted trusses. The apartments are formed by plate glass partitions , with wain-siiottingof Norway pine and butter nut. Tito doors are ornamented with richly wrought colored and cut class. Hvury convcnicnco is supplied anil too numerous to bo referred to m a running notice. There is a roomy air and elegant sense of relinemont nnd wealth adapting themselves to commerce and comiort dominating the whole plaeo. Diamond Dick. George K. McClelhui , formerly a well-known young man in these parts , is in town after an absence of four teen years. Ho was formerly a boon com panion of Omahundro , ( Texas Jack ) Nod Bunllino and Buffalo Hill , and was known as Diamond Dick , lie had all the daring and skill , which made a successful fron tiersman , being an excellent. shot , H daring rider and possessed extensive knowledge of the plains , liis sobriquet Htill hangs to him , and ho emphasizes it with a wealth of golden ornaments and a brilliant of many karats whioh ho Hashes from his scurf. Ills hair is long , the brim of his hat is as big as the moon \vlion full , and his form js encased in the linostofbluo tri cot. He is a commanding lignrn and was tins morning greeted by many old friends. He loft last night for Kansas City. A Union 1'nclllc Clerk Dnad. Yesterday morning ( loorgoV. . Cooper n young man who for some time held the position of clerk in the oflieo of Treas urer Brown , of the Union Pacilio , died at tlio rc.sidonco of his parents , 020 South Eighteenth street. He had been sick for about eleven mouths past , and was twenty-two yoara ot ago. The remains will bo interred to-iluy ut 10 oolock in Forest Lawn cemetery. Wo the undersigned citizens and busi ness men of Omaha join in a call for a meeiinjr at the Board of Trade rooms on Friday evening , Jan. Ji8 , at 8 o'clock , for thu purpose of cndpavoring ; to secitru tlio location of the Baptist university in this citv : Max Muyor , A. J. Poppluton , 1) . M. Steele & Co. . Alfred Millard , A. P. Hopkins - kins , K. P. Morse , S. A. Orchard , O. S. Raymond , ,1 , S. Collins , J , A. Sunder- land , Bon. B. Wood , Frank Murphy , II. Kount/o , a. H. Davis , C. W. Hamilton , M. T. Barlow , E. S. Stone , S P. Hounds , John E. Wil- bor.J. A Fuller & Co. . It. M. Genius , T. J. Hoard & Bro , , McCaguoHros. , L. D. Holmes. F. D. Wilson , Ohas. A. Hakor , A. S. Stigor. L , H. Williams , S. 11. John son. N. H. Falconer , A , J. llanscom , J. A. Hitrback , Thos. A. Crulgh , Goo. W. Ames. Goo. L , Donnin , G. C. Ames. K. C. Pattorfion , Edwin Davis. O. E. Mayne , Alrin SaundoM , W. G. Albright , O. H. Hallou , H. G. Clark , 1) . J , O'Donahoo , J , 11. Hhorfy , J. B. Eviirm , T.V. \ . Blackburn , Harris it Fisher , Himolmugh & Taylor , IJyron Morse , Henry Pnmlt , II. \ \ Yates , Gcorgo H. Hoggs , Potter & Cobb ; Poitor , Webster \ : Co. . M. G. Mnclood , E , Hoso- water , D. L. Shane , M Hullm.\n , Milton Kogct-H , I } . M. Hitchcock. Champion ( Jlmso , Win. Gibon , F. W. White , James E. Boyd , James W. Savngo , George B , Lake , Marshall it Lobook , M A. Upton & Co , , J. S. Hichardson , David Van Elton , John T. Paulson , McCuIlooh it Co. K it | > to tliti HlKln nml Avoid Itio Imw. Toledo Blade : There H a curious dis regard to the rights of othor. < exhibited in ono way upon tlio bt roots thnt is almost univerMil , and its ollonts nro won in the coiifetant jontlmg received while trying tomakoway through a crowd. Jt is Iho neglect of tno rule to keup to the right of tlio walk as fur ns po-siblo , and not /.ig/nir arross this way and that , Juaving thu future course an abioiuto uncertainty to these coming from Iho oppoaitc direc tion , A larger proportion of women break this rult : than of men , and perhaps this U ono of the reasons why a day's shopping causes Mich titter wcurinoa.s , almoit to exhaustion. Sonu timu.i thruo or lour will spread out across tlio wall ; , nnd with grenadier aspect , a won't-givo un-inch look , inuruh tin : loigth of a square , compelling uvorybodj to dotlgu ono way or the othur in order to uvonl being run over. If ovor. > bodv would keep to the right the "j ms and jostles" whit'h are fro common upon Uio sircut might bo avoided. Then udd to tins rule another , to always stvu a I'tth ' room in- stcail of &ei/'ing nil that cuu be hn J through superior weight or iincrg.v of and \Vjdjung would tmrtKUL , tar U-as CUT ! B'l. CUT ! Prices Cut I K * Jfcrrfc Ity the Leading Mer chant Tallow of ( lie country. These suits n-erc cither un called for or were not an ex act fit for the party ortlcrfnu tlics < uncallhonuhtliccntaml qnnlltjf of the garments are of the best and now that there arc but a few left they will bo closed out at cut nrlecs In or der to inah'o room for a Arrival Of misfit and itvcallcd for garments that ( Ire now being bought up from the merchant tailors in the cast , by thcjpro- peletors of the Parlors , 1119 Farnam Street , Get a null now while you can buy it so clicup. i -j ' H EEMEMBE-iEl , - , THE ONLY 1 1119 Farnam St " 10 1- ? l 31