Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Dtllvttcd by cnmcr In unypartof thocltj-nt
twenty cent * per wcok.
H. W. TILTO.V , Manager.
nCPIKKS" OlTICK , N0. 13.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Heavy suits cliuai ) to order nt Kellers.
Lcnvo to wed was yesterday clvcn to C.
K , Peek , of I'ortsinoutli , In. , auil Miss E.
K. Walklns , ofNcolu.
City WciKltmastcr Amy roporta plenty
of com on the market , but not so ninny
buyers us there ought to be.
The arguments in the case of Elsonmn
vs. tlio Hnwkcyo Insuninco company
wcro being made yesterday afternoon.
Will Trade A line fiimlly horse and
biiKfjy for real estate in western part of
city : will pay cash dill'orencc. Address
II. F. I. , JJni : olllee.
Harmony chapter , order Eastern Star ,
will on next Monday oveninccivo a tea
party at the residence of Jr. ) I1. 0. Clark ,
at tlfo head of Willow avenue.
The sowing machine { riven away by
Henry Kiseman & Co. was yesterday
called for by Frank Graham , of Carson ,
who held ticket No. 11,071.
For halo or exchange for clear land ,
Council Hlull's or Omaha property , in
most promising and fashionable trotting
bred two-year-old stallion , standard bred
Itusc 0. Address 1 * . H. Hunt , Harlan , la.
Some sand has lately been stolen from
Young's bank , and informations have
been flloil to bring the guilty ones to the
front. It is thought that they are over
the river now. and that the stolen sand
Mvas taken to Omaha.
Among the now advertisements dis
played on tills page are those of two well
known real estate men , Forrest Smith ,
whoso place of business is at No. 130 Main
street , and K. P. Ollleer , who is located in
room No. (5 ( , over OHicer & L'usey's bank ,
on Uroadway , corner of Main street.
Mrs. Ida McGinniss , wife of John Me-
( linniss , died yesterday morning at 8
o'clock at her residence , No. 1030Seventh
avenue. Uesides her husband she leaves
one daughter , aged ten vears , and a babe
only four weeks old. The funeral is to
bo hold to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mr. J. C. Hixby has accepted the agency
hero for the Odorless Sanitary company
for cleansing out cess pools , vaults and
cisterns by the odorless pumping system.
Any one wishinn" work done in that line
can have it promptly attended to by leav
ing their orders with Mr. Bixby , J38
Uroadway ,
Mary Darling , who lives in what is
known as the "Spring house , " on upper
Uroady , had some altercation with
another woman occupying a portion of
the house , and was arrested for d'sturb- '
ing the peace. The other woman claims
to have been hit over the head with a
washtub , ana BO badiy'injured as to be
unable to appear in court for a few ( lays.
The Darling woman was released , 1'ier
husband putting up his overcoat as se
curity for her appearance.
No decision has been yet made on the
motion for a new trial in the Edwards
case , and ho is still being held in the
county jail lioro. Ho is being closely
watched , nnd would doubtless make a
Tireak tor freedom should he be given half
a chance. It is rumored that the jailer
discovered that a drill and some other
tools had been passed in for Edwards'
use the other day , but were confiscated
before ho got a chance to use them. The
reticcuco with which tlio jailer wards otV
all queries on the subject rather contirms
tlio belief that some such event has lately
taken place.
The services being hold in Broadway
Methodist church every evening arc so
growing in interest that many are turned
away nightly , the seating capacity not
only being exhausted but standing room
as well. Mr. Forrest is an earnest , in
teresting speaker , and ho is listened to
closely by all. The indications are all in
favor of his making a great success hero.
He is eccentric , some of his ways nro
blunt and oven uncouth , but there is a
good deal of heart manifest , and ns ho
said in his opening discourse he means
business. Those who want to hear him
should go early if they expect to get seats.
Electric door bolls , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances , at the Now York Plumbing Co.
Hard and soft coal , best quality all
sjios. Missouri and Iowa wood. C. B.
Fuel company , 689 Broadway. Telephone -
phone 130.
See that your books are made bv Mooro-
house & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
lj. n. Crnfta & Co.
Call at real estate and loan agency of
L. 11. Crafts & Co. , No. 523 Broadway ,
Itnom 1 , and list j-our property for sale.
If you wish to buy , call and select , as I
have bargains. Buyers are constantly
making inquiries.
Personal Paragraph ) ) .
Henry Wioso , of Avoca , was at the Pa
cific yesterday.
George W. Thompson yesterday re
turned from Rockforu , 111.
Dr. II. C. Van Werden , of Leon , la. ,
was at the Ogdcn yesterday.
R. E. Coy , of Ilockford. was among
yesterday's arrivals at the Ogden ,
J , F. Record , of Record & Ewing ,
Glonwood , was in the city yesterday.
M. E. JcfTeria , of Minden , was in the
city yesterday on a hurried business
Prof. A. C. McKnight left last evening
for Co If ax on a visit for the improvement
of his health.
E. Williams , W. II. Place. W. W. Mar-
pee Joe Vlasack , T. J. Cottrell and J.
Dion , from North Bend , Nebwcre at the
Pacitio yesterday.
George Roidor , who has been confined
to his homo three weeks , was able to bo
out yesterday , but will not be strong
enough to visit his trade for the next
week or so.
L. B. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
securing your loans.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. \V.&E. . L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Mulls ,
To Heal Kstato Investor * ) .
I have within one mile of the Council
IMuils transfer and within three miles 01
the Omaha and Council Hind's postollices ,
three hundred and seventy (370) ( ) acres of
cnoici : iiirm IANI > , which can bo bought
in a body very cheap. This property is
within two miles of the now Union Pa
cific railroad , wagon and street car
bridge and can bo had on reasonable
terms by calling on F. J. DAV , the lead
ing HEAL ESTATE ucciit , No. 3D 1'onrl
street , Council Uluii's ,
8 All my coal is weighed by Amy , the
8b only authorized city weighmitstor , and
guaranteed to hold out 2,000 pounds to
the ton. Good soft coal at $3.tiO a ton.
Stoves I Stoves 1 Stoves I "for the no.xt
thirty days 1 will sell heating stoves at
cost for cash only. P. C. DEVOL
Dr. Hanchott , oflice No. 13 Pearl street ;
Jsldonce , 130 Fourth street ; telephone
No. 10.
JL fc
Ilia Birthday Annirersarj Observed With
a Feast and a Dance.
A Skirmish Alone the Prohibitory
Line Soclnl 1'nstlincs More
Denis In Ijols and
For Aulil liana Sync.
Last evening tlio Caledonia club cele
brated tlio 127th anniversary of the birth
of Hobcrt Hums. Hoyal Arcanum hall
was the scene of the festivities , and the
occasion was so happily arranged and tlio
arrangements so successfully carried out
as to make tlio event one of tlio happiest
of its kind. The banquet was spread in
line shape by J.V. . Duncan , and the
guest.spartook of it at an early hour in the
evening. The toasts and SOURS folloivcd ,
and then the tables being cleared away
the room was given for the dancers. The
bill of faro was unique and , like the pro-
irrammo for danclmr , was Scotch through
out. It was as follows.
1111.1. o' I-A.UK.
"We'll lake a cup o' kindness yet
For Atild Lang Syne. "
Caller I laddie1 * , ( lolnsjta Uallllei.
Dulcc free AbeulccnVllks frae the Troon ,
Caller Oil.
Sliou'ther o' a Slot , roasted , Sliecpshcad and
linsted Uubbly Joi'k. Stullua wi' Orosscts.
llin Ii-c i ) ' a Sou , Smoked wl' he.ither reck.
Bantams frne Maiiuhlin wl' cliappit tatties.
liostlt Onus , Mince Cnllops ,
I'altriehs Steeped In Glenllvut.
Tattles in a' Styles , tilled Keeps and Crap-
Scones , Tallin Scones wl' Treacle.
Short biead wl' Sweeties anil carvles.
Nlcket b.u > 3. Thistle taps. Gundy.
Coffee and T ' .i wl' ciiuier In tlio cup.
Twomond aulil Kebbuck. Nuts and Kilsms. ;
Banquet spiead by J. W. Duncan , Council
The programme following the feast
was arranged as follows :
Introductory address J. L. TcmpIeton.Vres't
Toast . The Memory ot Itobcrt Burns
Response , Jus. ilcNaughton.
SODR . A Alan's a Man lor a' That
W. S. MeMlcken.
Toast . Ayishiro the Homo of Burns
Response. A. C. Graham.
Sons . Comlni : Through the Rye
Mrs. W. L. Welsh.
Toast . Scotia and Her Sons Abroad
Response. lr. ) J ) . Macrae.
Song . ThelllditamlLads ut the Crimea
Jas. Mothcrwell ,
Toast . America
Response , II. C. llubbard.
Song . > . My Heart is Sair
Mrs. A. 1' . Hanchett.
Toast . The Tress
Response. 11. W. Tilton.
Song. . . . Scotland , I have no Homo but Thee
W. S. McMicken.
Toast . Our Invited Guests
. .ResponseV. . 11. Iiynchard.
1'lano Solo . Bonnie Doon
Miss Anna Patterson.
Toast . The Wives and Lassos
Response , Vf. S. McMlckon.
Soiiff . Bonnie , Sweet Bess
Miss M. Oliver.
Exteinpoto toasts and responses.
Volunteer songs.
About 200 ladies and gentlemen were
present. Amonir those from out of the
city were : Thomas Meldrum , Alexander
Gray , A. Vicroy , John Crtiikshanlc , A. W.
Patterson and wife , John Wilson and
wife , Miss Belle Meldrum , of Omaha ;
Alexander Campbell and wife , George
MeKeimo , John Murchison , George Mc-
Clctinan , F. McBeth , Miss Van Schaick
and daughter , of Griswold.
Tlio Barleycorn AVar.
There were numerous rumors Afloat
yesterday about the prohibition contest.
It is reported that a raid was being made
on the Ncola saloons , and that Mayor
Rilcy Clark was one of the prime movers
in the attempt to close them up. Another
report was to the effect that Minden waste
to bo raided today , and that word had
been sent out there to warn the saloon
men in time to prepare. In the oilicc of
the clerk of the courts hero were found
three documents , which proved to bo
injunctions issued against August Hansen -
sen and August Kavcn , Paul Jens and
Frank Steinborr , and the third against
Peter Elders. The lack of tlio necessary
fees was a hitch which had not been set
tled yesterday afternoon , and it was un
derstood that this would bo satisfactorily
arranged before to-day. The injunctions
were issued by Judge Conner , and are to
bo served to-day. It is understood that
the persons named would come in hero
at once and take such legal steps as their
attorneys should advise to get the injunc
tions sot aside if possible.
Another feature of the struggle came
up before Justice Biggs yesterday. An
attempt was made by the attorneys for
some of the saloon men to got informa
tion concerning certain witnesses for the
prosecution. It is claimed that two men ,
John Harmscn and A , R. Smith , have
been around town gathering up evidence
against saloon keepers , and buying
liquors , and that they are to file allidavits
in support of the injunction cases now
started. The whereabouts of these two
men srcms to bo a mystery. The pro
hibitionists do not lot the attorneys for
the saloon men know anything about
them , and , hence , proceeding ? were
started to make them disclose the where
abouts of the two men. It is under
stood that a warrant has been is
sued for their arrest for perjury ,
and so soon as they can bo located they
are to bo arrested , The matter came up
lirst before Justice Schurz , and an at
tempt was made to force the attorney ,
Jacob Sims , to disclose the desired information
mation , After some parleying the affair
was dropped , Justice Schurz refusing to
do anything more about it. Yesterday
afternoon Justice Biggs was considering
the matter. The petition filed was to
compel the attendance of Mr. Sims , L.
W. Tulloys , A. Overtoil and O. O. St.
John to bo examined under oath as to
their knowledge of the whereabouts of
Harmsen and Smith. 'Squire Biggs con-
eluded he could not force the desired in
formation out of the persons named , and
now it is said that a like procedure- will
be begun before Judge Ayleswortli. The
skirmish is opening quite lively , and
there promises to bo a goodly amount of
local litigation before any practical re
sults are readied.
Good Wheat.
Last night L. M. Wheat , of Colfav ,
state moAtor workman of the Knights of
Labor , addressed a large audience in
Masonic temple. Among the audience
wore a number of ladies. He is a line
speaker and his articulation very plain.
City Auditor Klunolum called the as
sembly to order and introduced Air.
Wheat who proceeded to show up the
thin skinned aristocrats. He thanked
Judge Grcsliam for not being thin
skinned , for being incorruptible. Ho
thanked ( Jed lor another ; that man is
Senator Van Wyckv of Nebraska ; ho was
also thankful for the defeat of \ an Wyck
and classed the defeat as a boomerang
which would come back on the corrup- .
tionists. He referred to the impossibility
of a mo a without a "barrel" being
elected to the United States senate.
After referring to nations llo took
up Irclandi the land of landlords. Under
the leadership of Gladstone and Parnell
the success of Ireland is asstin-d ; that
Ireland will bo redeemed within ten
years ; first by intelligent organization
and that organization put into action.
He then took up this country and said :
"American lands for American citizens
only. " He continued : Wo find n faction
growing up , few in number , but mighty
in power , the monopolistic power ; when
corruption creeps into common people
we only have the carcass of a nation left ;
we demand if Gould or some other capi
talist and a common laborer coma along
together we demand respect to that
honest toiler who is doing something
to make the nation bettor ; wo find
the great mass of the people are great in
number , but weak in power , as they are
not organized. Do you remember how
the Russians Intichud at the little army of
the north ? but it was well disciplined and
organized , and won the battle.
J'o-tliiy wo have this monopolistic class
organized. Wo have a few newspapers ,
Who propose a kind of union between
farmer or laborer and capital. We've
had the employer living in Ills palace- and
the employed living in his shanty a
union as they Miggost. He then answered
a number of objections made against the
Knights of Labor , all of whuih were
heartily applauded , during which he re
ferred to the ballot as a defense the have , and that the
Knights of Labor would take
anarchy in one hand and mono
poly in the other and strangle both ;
that Chicago and No\\ York liavo more
anarchists than the whole United States ;
that the Knights are not mind readers
andean't a man , consequently oc-
cassionally one anarchist may got into
the order but as soon as they are known
they are bounced out. If the other secret
orders will weed out their own gardens
they will have no time to look after tlio
Knights. As to politics , a true Knight
never asks a candidate's polities but
simply is he a man he can conscientiously
support. We are accused of the boycott.
When you go to a neighboring town to
buy goods you boycott your own town ,
but I know you never do that in this city.
I've known postollices to bo boycotted.
A religious sect in South America who
prayed for rain and it didn't come raised
a boycott airainst God and didn't again
pray for ram. Tno Knights of Labor usn
the boycott no more than others. Ho
then referred to convict labor , saying he
would give convicts labor which would
in the interfere and to foreign pauper
labor with which this country is invested.
Remember that one btick is very easily
broken but when bound together they
are very hard to break ; wo must so con
duct ourselves as to receive the respect
ot the people and stick together in
All during the address , which lasted
an hour and a half , the speaker received
market ! attention and his stories , which
wore brought in by way of illustration ,
were very laughable.
Parlor Plensurea.
Mrs. John N. Baldwin gave a dancing
party on Monday evening at her house in
honor of her sister , Miss Lou Holcomb ,
invitations to which were extended to
about fift3' young people.
The Bavarian band orchestra were
stationed in the rotunda on the second
floor and discoursed line music the entire
evening. The dancing programme con
tained fourteen numbers , the dancing
being discontinued about 1 o'clock yes
terday morning.
The dining room was open the entire
evening , and the gentlemen waiting upon
the ladies they escorted. The table had
a center piece representing a wish-bone ,
composed principally of hyacinths and
rose by Casper. Two white doves being
suspended were picking at either end of
the wish-bone.
Among the guests present were :
Mi s Clara Bebbington , Miss Mary Haas ,
Miss Lulu Loomis , Misses Minnie and
Pauline Wadlcigh , Miss Lizzie Brown ,
Mis-s Kate Pusoy , Misses Belle and Nellie
Hatcher , Miss Fannie Walker. Miss Cora
Farufworth , Miss Badolct , Miss Nellie
Sacket and her cuest Miss Davenport ,
of Burlington ; Miss Molhc Rice Mi s
Marie Phillips , Miss Ida Weis , Miss Kitty
Conovcr. Miss Anna Bowman , Miss Rob
inson. Messrs Charles Haas , E.V. .
Hart. Harry Haas. Crust Hart , Charles
Stewart , James Bowman , Henrv Atkins ,
Harry Bowman , Alex , Malmroso.Thomas
Baldwin , Dr. Snybert , Frank Miller ,
George Holcomb , J. L. Paxton , John Do-
hany , Perry Badolet , Charles McDowell ,
John Pusey , Bert Woodbury , Bert
Dirt DealN.
J. L. Formau on Monday sold his store
property on Broadway and North Second
street for ? 8,000 , and not $3,000 , as crept
into the Ben yesterday by error. Mr.
Forman has leased the building and in
tends remaining in business.
'Squire Stone has sold his residence on
Vine street , corner of Bryant street , to
Peter Wind for ? ! 1,000.
D. E. Gleason yusterday purchased lots
13 and 14 , in block 2'J ' , Beno's sub-addi
D. Goldstein yesterday bought three
lots , as well as having purchased of Mr.
Plainer the property on which his store is
B. Gillinski bought three lots yesterday
in Bayliss & Palmer's addition. '
Kimball & Champ yesterday sold six
lots in Everett's addition to a Council
Bluffs man for $3,000.
W. W. Chapman and W. F. Chapman
have purchased twenty-one lots.
It is stated that the cities of Council
Blulls and Omaha are being platted to
gether and will arrive from the cast in
about a week.
Ixts in Railroad addition which have
been selling for $10 each * are now up to
$25 each.
Bunt-linn Riirelnra ,
Yesterday morning it was discovered
that during the preceding night burglars
had gone through the grocery store of E.
llosch on upper Broadway. The follows
wore more on the sneak order than regu
lar professionals , judging from the clumsy
way of working They had stolen a brace
and drills at Waterman's carriage fac
tory , and had then gained entianuo by
removing a pane of glass in tlio rear win
dow of Rosch'sstore. The fellows helped
themselves to a few cigars , some tobacco
and other small articles , but the total loss
will not exceed f.'O. They ulso tried to
drill the safe , anil succeeded in getting a
hole through the first iron plate , and then
quit , either being frightened away or dis
couraged ,
Ccntcrvillo soft-lump coal , $0.75 per
ton , delivered , Win. Welch , 015 Main
street , telephone 1)3. )
George Rudio , real estate and nego
tiator of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street ,
Omaha. Bargains in Council Blufls ami
Omaha property ,
Newsy Neola.
NKOI.A , Jau , 24. Leonard Everett is in
town on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bonlmm , of Council
Bluffs , spent Sunday with A. A. Watts ,
A large card party was entertained at
the homo of II. Mendel last Saturday
evening ,
Henry Rustin is soon to bo married to a
highly accomplished young lady of
The home of C , S. Robbins , one of
Neola's pioneers , was made liapny by the
arrival of a little girl last Saturday night.
Tlio Methodist society now hold their
I'acnnt Lots , Lands , C/fy licslilcnccs and Farms , acre property in
tucslcrn jwrf of city. All selling cliciip to make room for spring stock.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent.
Itoom ft , over Ojjlccr < 01'liscy'i * lunik. Council liluffn.
. .
MH MM T * * UJ KM HW * " " " " * " " f TM * mjm BU mtl m MV
Farminir Lands in Town , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per aero. Seliool and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' limu 5 ] > cr
cent interest. Laud Buyers fare frcu. Information , etc. , { riven by
a ? . . jsora -ern ? ,
No. fijT Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , aRont for Freldriksen & Co. , CliicaRO.
meetings over llarvoy & Houson's drug
store , and intend to build a church in the
al'rilur ' , * . ,
Remington lirothcrs arc soiling out
their clothing business and intend to devote -
vote tholr whole time to their grain busl-
Captain Nick O'Hrion , of Council
HI nil's , is visiting his mother and > , eola
John O'Connor , of this plaro is plan
ning to purchase the saloon in Council
HUill's known as "Tho Mint. "
Prof. AVatsnn and B. P. Hrown. both of
Ncola , have started on the road with a
panoramic show , consisting of a series of
battle scenes of the great rebellion.
Dr. S , N. llarvoy says that if the civil
service rules will permit ho will bo a can-
dnlate for representative this fall. Uo
know of no rule that makes a democrat
an ofl'ensivo partisan for holding olliee.
Judge Campbell is booked lor "Tho
Arkansaw Traveler" at the next musi-
It is said that our executive head is
after the scalp of the principal of our
school. Our present board of directors
is not inclined to distrust his honor , but
what the coming taunt will do only time
and Ncola polities can determine.
K.vpprlencc of nil Hx-Clintnplon.
Athlotsandmon who take ordinary put-
door exercise such as walking , running ,
bicycle riding , jumping , swimming , ten
nis , etc. , are elton the subjects of acute
troubles. The experience of an ox-cham
pion walker will bo of intorcit to all who
are alllieted. Read the following letter :
No. ! K1 East 19th St. . Now York April 2 ,
Numerous statements relative to the
merits ot dittioront piasters having been
brought to my attention. I take this op
portunity to state that I have used All-
cock's Porous Plasters for over 20 years
and prefer them to any other kind. 1
would furthermore state that I was very
sick with cataarh of the kidneys , and at
tribute mv recovery entirely to Allcock's
Porous Plasters. HAKIIV UKOOKS.
A " 1 cent luneli" stand having been es
tablished in New York Citv , there is a de
mand for more of them. The bill of faro
is soup , stewed lish , pork and beans , cof
fee , milk and bread.
Hood's Sarsaparilla acting through
the blood , reaches everv part of the sys
tem , and in this way positively cures
The centenary of the birth of Rev.
Richard Harris liarham , author of the
"Ingoldsby Legends ; " will bo celebrated
by the erection of a museum and public
library in Canterbury , Eng.
Young or middle-aged men suffering
from nervous debility , loss of memory ,
pcrmaturo old age. as the result of bad
habits , should send 10 cents in stamps for
largo illustrated treatise. Address
ATION. 003 Main street , liuil'ulo , N. Y.
Some Boston women arc beginning to
ay that it gives them a headache to sit
through a sermon with their bonnets on ,
and ask why they cannot take them olTin
Thcro are many cheap cosmetics of
fered for sale , which claim to contain
nothing injurious to the skin. This is all
bosh , nil , or very nearly all are com
pounded from the most deleterious and
poisonous drugs m the matcria medica.
They destroy the vitality of the skin ,
making the consumer prematurely with
ered and old. J. A. Pozzoni guarantees
his medicated complexion powder en
tirely free from all injurious matter , and
will'gladly pay ? 500 to any practical
chemist who can find upon analysis the
slightest trace of white lead orarsenic.-
Use none other and you will never regret.
Price 50 cents and $1.00 per box. Sold
by all druggists ami perfumers.
Spccln ! ndvertlsomonts , such as Lost , Found
To Loan , For Sale , To Hont , V nnts , Ilonnllnir ,
etc. , will bolnsartad In this column nt the low
rntoofTKNCENTSI'Ell LINE Torinoflrec insor-
Ion and Five Cents I'or Line for each subsociuom
Insertion. Leave Advertisements nt our olllco
No. U Vcul street , near broadwur , Council
FOH BALK Cottnuo , BU Inreo rooms , with
'M liullUlnir lots , two food linrnn , tmioKo
house , well and two cisterns. Fateon mlnuu 8
walk Irom opera house. Address Q , Hoc ofllue ,
Council llluna.
FOH BALK Choice , smooth , unimproved 160
acres close to llrnlnnrd , in Ilutlur county ,
Nebraska. Will give lartre discount from pres
ent value for cash. Address limiting. I'.unyou
A. Jones , David City , Nob. , or W. J , , lice ofllcc ,
Council lllulTn , In. _ _ _
TTIOKSAI.K At a bargain. 265 noros with line
JImpinvotnentfl , HX miles east of Council
Hind's. I'rlculow und all the tlmo neeilnd , In *
( julro of T. W. Van Hclovor , Council Illuirs ,
WANTr.O A cottaifo of nvo or six rooms ,
located convenient to business ; si null
family , no children. Address "Crispy , " lice
olllco.WANTKI ) A boy with pony to curry Ueo
9ALK Old papers for ealu Ht the Ileo
oltlcu. j
WANTKU Parties Intending to be married
are wanted to call at the I'ryor's Ileo Job
office to select tholr wuddlntr curda.
Established ISiT
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots. Large quantities to select
fiom Several pairs of fine drivers , bin.
gle or double.
Council Dluffr.
iaAJ sTitrcit. A
Veritable Boom ,
T. IKY ACT' S G8 , ,
Will show yru nriny choice pieces of
property at astonishingly low prices.
Practice in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugart-Bono Blo'ik. '
. EJCS , M. B. ,
Or other'JL'umors removed without
the kllfo | orUrnwlnir or blood.
Over thuty yonrs practical oxperlouco.
No. 11 I'tmHSt. , Council Bluffs.
B3y Consultation froo.
Absttacts of Tills , Loan and Ra 1 Es
tats Broker 5 , No. 235 Mala St.
ITuvlny purchased the"montrplia'
l > lc abstract books in this county , -
known as the "JfoHiahon Abstract
JSooks , " wcarc-now prepared to fur
nish abstracts and resnrctfullii so
licit the i > atrona/eof all those aesir-
ing correct abstracts of title to lands
and lots in 1'ottawaltaniia county.
S BTRJ I ? © (
y 1 1 m & B
i i
Tuesday Evening , January 25 ,
State Master Workman of the Knights of
Cordial Invitation Extended to All.
W , S. HOMER & CO ,
% 3 Main St. , Council niuffa.
Tbo cheapest pluco In tlio city to buy
Tlio Finest Im
portrd Line of
Goods West ot
Mrs.G.L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 Main Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Ledger * , Journal * , County anil
Itank Work of All JtintU n.Spec-
Prompt Attention to Mall Orders
Room 1 Kvoret Block , Council Hlnfls.
Standard Papers Used , All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
U U. Kntionnl Hunt KKF2HENCUS , M. 13. Smith : & Go. ,
Cllfean * ' llunk. Deere , Wells & Oo. , .
> lr t National llunk a II. Iiwuruuoe Co. ,
Officer A i'userUunk9rBC.i ) Buviui't lltvult.
Your Presents
That Were Given Away By Henry
Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' '
At the Drawing Which Toolc Plnco in
Their Store on the Evening of Jan
uary IGth , 1887 The Same Doing
Done by n Committee of fromiuont
The distribution of prizes was by a
committee oi citizens , and the tickets
awarded pri/es are as follows :
No. 28.7U1 , Ibt prize Snito of Parlor
No. 5.771 , 2nd prize Mahogony Bed
Room Suito.
No. ! l,071 , 3rd prize Domestic Sowing
No. 10,13.1th ! prize Twenty yards
Guinettgros grain Black Silk.
No. D.aiW , fith prize-Seal Plush Cloak.
No. 20i7l : , , Oth pri/.o Pair White
No. 7UC2 , 7th prize Decorated Set of
No. 22,032 , Sth prize Seal Skin Muff.
No. 1001 ! ! , Oth pmc-A Paisley Shawl.
No. 10,801 , 10th prize- Reaver Shawl.
No. 14,47.2 , llth prize Suit Gents'
Clothing ,
No. 27,507 , 12th prize Gent's Fur
Beaver Overcoat.
No. ll.fUn , I'ith prize Boy's Overcoat.
No. 22,011 , 14th prize Hoy's Suit
No. 5,101,15th prize Infant's Cloak.
No. 22,818 , , ICtli prize Brass Parlor
No. 0,320 , 17th prize 50 yards "i-ruit
of the Loom'1 muslin.
No , 27.3SI3 , 18th prize Half dozen
"Gold" White Shirts.
No. 28,050 , lth ! ) prize Silk Mulllcr.
No. 1-1,150 , 20th prize Linen Table Set.
Table Cloth and Napkins.
No. 7,701 , 21st prize A Twenty Dollar
Gold Piece.
No. 28,289 , 22nd prize Toilet Set.
No. 20,81)5 ) , 23rd prize Doll.
No. 8,011 , 24th prize Handkerchief
Box.No. . 20,071 , 25th prize Hand Bag.
No. 5)22 ! ) , 2Gth prilo Doll.
No. 2l,320 ! , 27lh pi i/.e Stand Cover.
No. 30,070 , 28tli prize Bottle Perfum
er \ %
No. 0S73 , 2flth prize Toboggan Cap.
No. 21,458 , 30th prize Table Scarf.
No. 5,530 , 31st prize Splasher.
No. 0..10 ( , H3n l "pri/.c Lunch Basket.
No. 27,518 , 33rd prize Hammered brass
Umbrella Stand.
No. 20.707 , 31th prize Half doz.Towcls
No. 8,05 ! ) , 35th pri/.c Silk Umbrella.
No. 28,835 , ; Wth prize Doll.
No. 27,710 , 37th prize Set Childs'
No. 29,103 , 33th prize Brass Broom
No. 5,105 , 30th prize Silk Suspenders.
No. 27,031 , 40th pri/e bilk Handker
No. 22,125 , 41st prize Doll.
No. 14,0i ( ! ) , 42nd prize Half doz.ladics'
No. 8,110 , 43ul prize 15 yards Calico.
No. 8,228 , 44th prize Boy's Hat.
No. 9,331 , 45th prize Boy's Sealskin
Cap.No. . 8,035,40th prize Painted Orna-
" ' *
'NO 8,000 , 47th prize Toilet Set.
No. 27.443 , 48th pri/.o Doll.
No. 27,70 ! ) , 40th prize Doll.
No. 7,022 , 50th pmc Table Cover.
No. 0,077 , 51st prize Bottle Porfum-
crv.No. . 8,031 , 52nd prize Lace Handker
No. 22,019 , 03rd prize Child's Lace
No. 22,019 , 51th prize Doll.
No. 27,401 , 55th prize Doll.
No 5,128 , 50th prize Tidy.
No. 12,831 , , 57th prize Table Scarf.
No. 5,818 , 58th prize Doll.
No. 2 ! ,827 , G'Jth prize Month Organ.
No. 7,200 , COth prize Imitation Steam
No 23,070 , Gist prize Book.
No 22,1)15 ) , 02nd pri/.e Book.
No. 29,053 , 0"nl ) prize Pocket Knife.
No. 12,13 ! ! , Oltn prize Doll.
No. 28,100 , 05th prize-Doll.
No. 20,101 , 00th pri/.e A Dr. Warner's
No. 12,248 , 07th prize Shoulder Shawl.
No. 8,730 , 08th pri/.e Infant's Lace
No. 28,283 , 09th prize Infant's Dress.
No. 29,125 , 70th prize Doll.
No. 2U8 ! ) ! , 71st pn/c Hand Bag.
No. 21,032 , 72nd pruo Ladies' Cora-
PNo ! ! 28,312 , 73rd prize-Silk Muffler.
No. 10,1)02 ) , 71th prize Doll.
No. 27WX ) , 75th prize Book.
No. 80,182 , 70th prize Book.
No. 23,418 , 77th prize Lunch Basket.
No. 22,010 , 78th prize Pair Children's
No 7.003 , 79th prize fair Hoy's Boots
No 13,211) ) , 80th prize Lace Collar.
No 0,350 , 81st prize Doll.
No , 0,727 , 85th pri/.e-Boy's Skates.
No. 10,5)8 ! ) , 8 th prize Girl's Skates.
No. 28,001 , 87th prize Girl's Skates.
No. 23,202 , , 88th prize Doll.
No , 8,011,89th ] ) i izc Doll-
No. 27,093 , 00th prize Doll.
No , 0,055 , , illst prize Doll.
No. 11,215 , 02nd prize Necklace.
No. 35,033 , 03rd prize Gold Cull But
tons , . , . ,
No. 12,829 , 91th prize Loekot
No. 27,892 , 05th prize Breast Pin.
No. 7,371,1)0111 ) prize Sleeve Buttons.
No ! ' ( iibisl "iodtli"wrlzo Lace Hand-
Those tlic huliUny the lucky tick
et * tullt j > lc < mo call , present the same
ami rcclei'e their prencnta as soon an
JSros. HJ / , > 'iJ < i , : t IS and 320 JSroad-
way , Council lllufl'a.
A GlilCrLTl'HA It IMl't , KMKXTS.
agricultural Implements ,
, Kto , Eto. Council IllulTs , Icmn.
ManufiipturcrBof nnil Dealers In .j
Hand and Power Corn Shelters ,
And nponorn line of first class ncrlcuUilM
Inipletnrntt- .
Nof. IKOt.lWl , 1.XU nml .lfc > 7 South Main Street ,
. Council HmlT.i , lown. T
Mntuifrs nn 1 Jobbers ot
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggles ,
fnii/i / South MMn
Street , Council must ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clotlis , Curtnlti Fixture * , t'plto1 torr ( lee
Ktc , No. (05 llromlwujr Council UlulTtt ,
l'EREOY ( ; & MOOHE ,
Wholesale .loliliorn In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes
KOB. M.MiUn mid a ? I'oarl Sis. Council UlulU ,
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
13 , LM mul 311'ortl St. , rotiucll HltilTA
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Elsts * Bmidrlen , ito. : No. K Mnlu St , nnil
No. SI 1'onrl ? t. , Council Illiurn.
0. W. 1HJTTS ,
Wholesale Callfornii Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U IJramlway ,
Council ninira.
Wholesale Fruils , Confectionery ,
NOB. in iiiul IS 1'onrl St. Council lllutrn.
Mmm'ncturora of nml Wholesale Donlorsla
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. EC5 Mnlu St. . Council Illulfa , lown.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No . 312 nml IIU Ilioiulwiiy , Council HliltTs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Slock , Council lllulTs ,
1) . II. Mi'DON'KU ) A ; CO. .
[ KfUblishuil 13IV4. )
No. MO Mnln Ptroct , | : : Council
AND ni\i.iiis iv
WlioloBnlo Donlors In
llumlnating & Lubricating Oils Gasillm
E3TO. , E3TO.
B.Theodoro.Asont , Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Piling ,
* ml Uriclg-o Mntorlul Sjioclnltlpg.Wholeinlo Lum
bar ot all Kinds. UIHco No. I'M llttln St. ,
Council lllulTs. lowiu
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Lipors
torBL Gotthard'g Hurt ) Hitters. No. II
Hnlntit. Council IlluCTs.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
No. il Broadway , Council IJIuiM.
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare Jf
will be pale ) ; $10 , lound ( rip.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Kxprcis.
The only hotel in Council UlutTs liaving
Fjre Esoa/pe
And all mo'ern improvements ,
215 , 317 and U10 Main st.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Hards ,
Opjiubltu Dummy Depot.
ffi g
* * * * Fig
Horses unit mules kept constantly on
hnnd , for sitlo lit letiiil or in < 'i r loads * .
Oilers promptly lillcil by contract , em
abort notice. .Stock solil on cuiiiniiHsioii.
tinu'TKit As , Proprietors , '
Formerly of Jveil Halo
Ut. uve and 4th ttrcot.