Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1887, Image 2

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Cuaplailo-.o'f the Military Oensns of Old
Soldiers in tbo State.
je 'Molncs Hrcwcrs Start to Sell Heer
Openly Under n Mistaken Court
Decision Hut Close Again
Iowa News.
A Very Ynlnnhln Itrcoril.
DF.S MoiM'.s , la. , .Ian. 25. ( Special Tele-
pram to the HKK.J In accordance with a law
ji.nsed by the twentieth and twenty-lint general -
oral assemblies Adjutant-General Alexander
lias prepared for publication n military census
of old soldiers now living In Iowa. Tlio book ,
which Is a substantial octavo ot about S03
Is now In tbo hands of thu binder and
ho lendv for distribution In a few days.
Jtalms to give the names , postolllce address
nnd military rank ot every man now living
In the state who served his country In either
the army or the navy , together with the slate
fiorn which ho enlisted nnd the regiment to
which ha was assigned. From ndvanco pages
It Is learned that thcroaro now living In Iowa
K,8rt3 ) ot these" old soldiers , representing 1,1 M
regiments , from forty stales and territories-
The largest number Is , of course , fur
nished by Iowa , but Illinois comes
next , the table showing that 0,510
soldiers who went to the war from Illinois
nro now living In Iowa. Ohio comes next ,
for there are over 3,212 Iltickoye soldiers now
living wllli the llawkcjrs. Of thu .T. > , SC2 old
soldiers now in Iowa , 31 nro veterans from
the warot JBI2 , 31 are from the Hlnok Hawk
war , 2 from the Florida war , 603 from the
Mexican war anil thu lemaindur Iroin the re
It tan singular fact that most of the old
Boldlers whucnino to Iowa from other Males
came from nbont tbo same locality , ns M hull-
rated by the fmv regiments represented from
tliolr stale. Now York , Pennsylvania nnd
Ohio nro exceptions , there being over 200 reg
iments or sup.irato commands m each ot
thn o states represented now In Iowa. Hut
tliero aio 218 old soldiers Irum Mas-
Hacluisotls who leprcseiH but two reg-
ImiMits In that Hlnto. Michigan has
In Iowa 488 soldiers , who represent but three
loclments. Lltlln Kliody lias Sfi soldiers In
Iowa , anil thuy nil como from the same regi
ment , Mlssouil has 1,000 soldiers In Iowa ,
but live regiments embraced them all , or an
average ot mer200 from each leglmwit.
Iowa sent to the wnr nbont tO.OOO troops.
It has living less than 17,000 old soldiers that
enlisted from this state. Of tills number of
survivors the greatest number , 517Ibelong to
the Third cavalry. Tbo Thirteenth comes
nuxt , with M.2 survivors , The greatest mor
tality has been In the Korty-tliinl Infantry ,
which bus but foiirsiirvlvorslillothoForty -
Eccond has but live , and the Forty-Unit but
This now book , which , so far as ono stnto
Is coiiceined. Is a complete nnny register ,
will provo of very great'valuo In preserving
the record of every soldier now living In tlio
state , it is occasion for great regret that tbo
legislature limited Us edition to the small
amount of 3,000 copies. Of this number three
copies are to go to each Uiand Army post In
the slate nnd aoo copies aio to ( > o saved for
posts yet to bo stalled. Ono hundred copies
nro reserved to bo presented to
the stain libraries , nnd tbo National
library at Washington. Ono copy Is to go to
the olllco of ouch county auditor In the state ,
nnd the remainder nro to bo loft tor distribu
tion with the members of the Twentieth and
Twonty-lirst general assembles. The information
mation furnished in this book has been ob
tained through assessors In making their
census returns to the county auditors nnd by
direct Inquiries sent out from the ml jut a nt-
peneral's olllco. General Alexander , with n
largo force ot clerlts , has been engaged upon
'I work for over n year.
' They Mnilo a Mistake.
iJi'.s MOINKS , la. , Jan. 25. I Special Tcle-
Biam to tlio BKE. | Unreliable reports have
been sent out from hero to the effect that tlio
breweries had all entered into a combination ,
under a supposed decision of Jtidgo Love of
the United States district court , to sell bcur
openly In dcllanco of the prohibitory law.
The fact Is JudgoLovo has given no de
cision. A test case was argued before him
at Keokuk last week , but no decision was
I reached , Ono of the attorneys for a brewer
cave an oil-baud .opinion that wbllu a casu
begun In a state court was pending In n fed
eral court , the state could not Interfere witli
It In any way. On tlio btrcngth of that two
breweries began selling beer over their bars ,
but n few horns reduction showed that a ml.s-
tnko had been made , and thcv closed attain
nnd remain closed now. The attorney
noon discovered that while a state could not
interfere In the cause that had boon trans-
fctred to thu ledoral court tliero was nothing
to prevent Us bringing another cause like It.
Ho every glass of beer sold was a now otfenso
nmlgiound torn now action by the stato.
Consequently the two firms that proposed to
eell beer while their case was pending
promptly closed up nnd everything Is quiet
ncaln after the passing ripple that never got
far enough to make a sensation.
nonril of Ilcnlth Matters.
v Dns MOINKS , la. , Jan. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to the IIKE.J The slate board of health
incuts at the capital next Tuesday to elect a
prculilont to succeed Dr. W. S. Robertson ,
deceased. It seems to bo the general Impres
slon to-day that * ho board will elect to that
position Dr. I.owcllcn , of Clarinda. Ho lias
nctod as president wo torn on several occa
sions heretoore. ! Dr. John L. Sbrader , of
lownCIty. who has been appointed to till tbo
vacancy ( n the board caused by Jlobcrtson's
death , was for several years state bonator
from Johnson county. The other two mem-
born , Ituynolds , of Appanooso county , and
Coring , of Dallas county , whoso toims ex
pire this spring , will succeed thumsulvcs by
appointment ot the governor.
Dots From Diihtiqiic.
DUHUQ.UIC , In. , Jan. 25. [ Special Telegram
o tlio Ilii : : | Mnyor Glab has entered suit
lust Assessor I'fofTtier's bondsmennccus-
the assessor of neglecting Ins duties ,
resident Itohmborg , ot tbo stroet.'rallway
ly , will Investigate the cleclrlc street
( motor at Philadelphia with a view to sub-
T , itlni | : tor horses hurt * .
* * ftidici > 4oy ! bus appointed II , L. Moore re-
I 1'orat Uiu property recently transferred by
* 1 , IV , Meiluy of IHuirsburg. His liabilities In
( > city amount to over 810,000.
% / : COMORO Trustees aioot.
i MOINKS , la. , Jan , 25. [ Si > cclal Tolo
to the UKK. ] Tim board of trustees of
[ o State Agricultural colluco have been li
sslou hern nil day. A part of tlio tune
ly conferred with tbo executive conn
concerning tint disposition of btat
.nd beloiiKlni : to iho eolfegu. The u . . . . . .
Jon of l'iof.Vynnof the chair of latin am
rhutoilrl was accented nnd I'rof. A. 0. liar
fowg , 3 * (1I"\ ( eland , O. , was eleck'il to his
Dentil ol n Well Known Citizen.
CKII.UI HAI-IDS , la. , Jan. ! 35. ( Special to
the UuKj Word has just been received of the
death ot Mi" . Chut Hunnett , formerly of tills
placuund lately engaged In railroad con
Ktructlon and ell known throughout con- Iowa.
Coal Company FnllH.
! ) KS MOINKS , In. , Jan. 35. [ Special Tule-
cram to the IlKi.J : The Uuekeyo Coal com
pany , of Surrov , ( In-ona county , fnllei
to-dtiv. labilities , 1,000 , duo to mlnen
niul their tnmllles ,
A Well Known lownn Di'iul ,
CBIIAH UAPIUS , la. , Jan. 2.1 , Major
Joseph IJ. Young , of Marlon , ox-ropro.seut.i
the and sminlor nnd ono of the foiemos
lawyers in Ion a , ditxl last night on hi
homo fiom Culllornla.
Mrs. John G. Carlisle used often to sij :
fcho prcfiuTcd to bo the wife of th
speaker rather than the wife of a senator
but she luia lately changed liur mind.
There Is ti do < r tit aiugojr , Quoboo , thu
will inount the toboctaii ; sled , go tlowi
thusllilo , draw the Modbackandjrodowi
ngain as many tunes as his owner com
, * ands him , _ '
"Yonus society Darwlns" is the uov
uiuu for the Uuics1.
Brief Jjlberty.
QmrAoo , Jan. 25. The perpetration of tlio
real Kock Island train robbery was directly
ihareed against Henry Schwartz , a former
> rakeman ot the road , to-day. lie will have
o answer Indictments for both robbery nnd
he murder of the messenger , N'lchols.
Schwartz was arrested here some time npo ,
and jailed on a charge of bigamy. The fact
of his having been a Hock Island brakcman
llrecled suspicion against him astheperpc-
ralor of the robbery and murder. Schwartz ,
lowcvcr , defied anyone to prove Ids connec-
lon with thcall.ilr. '
To-day Schwarli' ball was
ixed at S2,000 and the prisoner had hardly
) rcahed free nlr before ho was rearrestetl
> y two officers holding capiases showlmr
hat Schwartz was Indicted by the crand
nry of Grundv county for murder and ioV
) ery. Schwartz was hustled to the depot
uul taken by a special Hock Island train to
Morris , III. , where lie will be examined to
morrow. Considerable efforts were made by
Schwartz * alttorneys lo iet ; him sately from
all after the signing of the bail bond , but
SherllfMatson personally delayed his do-
mlurc until capias could bo served , j
Cholera In tlio Aruontlno Republic.
PA KAMA , Jan. 17. Great excitement pre
vails throughout Chill at the appearance of
cholera on Its boundaries. A strict quaran
tine was enforced atrainst vessels coming
'rom suspected parls , and passes on tlio Ar-
; cnllno frontier were closed , but the disease ,
it appears , has surmounted all barriers anil
reached the Paclllo slope. Correspondence
[ rom Chill says : 1'rom the Argen
tine .Republic telegraphic news for some
days past has been of nn exceedingly
alarm In ? nature , and in Mendosa , nt the toot
of the Cordlllora , on the other .side and Us
neighborhood no fewer than forty deaths are
reported In one day. They speak ot bodies
nnhurlcd , of houses abandoned , and of
children attacked by the disease nnd left to
perish on the roadside by their relatives , who
are fleeing southwaid for safety. The Argen
tine government has all along endeavored to
suppress knowledge of the true state of nf-
fans , and olllclal tcIc > Mams bavo dllfered
widely from llioso sent to the Chilian pi ess
aiut private Individuals , all of which a
tendency lo make us Imnglno here that mat
ters nro worse than llioy actually are.
Disastrous luo lireak-Up.
I'OIIT Juuvis , N. Y. , Jan. 25. Las't night
, he Ice In LacKaw.ixon creek broke up and
gorged at Hawley , Pa. The lower part of Iho
village was flooded and Iho Erie roundhouse
liad waler in It four feetiicep , put ting out the
llres in all the outlines. The most disastrous
work Is seen at Cochecton , forty-three miles
west of hero on the Krio railroad. The Ice
broke up at noon yesterday at Hancock and
last nielli It coigeil at Dig Eddy , about
seven miles below Cochecton , and rapidly
Hooded back until Cochecton was { reached.
Since that time the entire lower pnit ot the
valley , containing twenty-live small houses ,
lias been under water. No lives an ) reported
lost as yet. The Ice passed smoothly through
licio and did no harm ,
Wu.KnsiiAmiK , Pa. , Jan. " " . The Ice
gorge in the Snsouehanna , river at Ibis place
remains unmoved. Since yesterday the
water has been rising steadily and has reached
Lwenly feet above low w.itcr maik. This
evening the low lands on the west side are
looiled and all communication between this
city and Kingston , on tlio west side , Is cut oil
except by small boats.
Tlie Nicaragua Canal.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 25. There has been
no corie.spondcnce between tills country and
Nicaragua relative to the construction of a
ship canal since ISNI , but within the past
few days Intelligence has been icceivcd that
n convention had been signed between
Nicaragua and Costa Hlca for the arbitration
of their boundary dispute by tbo president of
the United States. This contention only
awaits ratification and exchange lo bo a tun
unl linnl disposition of tlio question of juris
diction over a pait of the pioposed canal
Prohibiting Liquor ns a Bovornco.
llAitiusuujio , Jan. 25. At n caucus of the
republican members of tbo legislature this
evening it was resolved to propose for sub
mission to tlie people an amendment to the
constitution prohibiting themanuracture and
sale of intoxicating liquor to be used as a
Coal JJro.ilcor Btiriiod.
WrLKi : nAitm : , Pn. , Jan , 25. An immense
breaker of the Parish Coal company at Ply
mouth was destroyed by firn to-nklit. It
was tilled with all "tho latest improved ma
chinery and gave employment to MX ) men
and boys , who aio thrown out of employment
lor sometime to come. The breaker cost
S 100,000 and was Insured.
Robbed Ity Masked Men.
, Tex. , Jan. 25. Between 1 and
2 o'clock yesterday morning three masked
men entered the Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fe
railroad depot , about a mile from the busi
ness portion of tbo lown , and at the point of
a pistol compelled Station Agent miron to
open the safe. They secured SHOIX ) In
money and escaped ,
Personal Paragraphs.
F. W. May has returned after a six
weeks' absence in the cast.
J.V. . Lynch , of Lynch & Curtis , Madi
son , la. , is spending a few days in the
Thos. Ross.tho enterprising sporlman's
goods nian , of Shennndoah , la. , is in the
city , visiting his friend Jos. llelphroy.
Register Novillo. of the land oilico at
North Platte and brother of Judge nnd
Dr. Ncvdlo.of this city , is in town to-day
and returns homo to-night.
Win. A. Boatty a young and enterpris
ing business man of Chicago has recently
located nnd gone into partnership in tlie
real estate and loan business with Major
F. S. Clnrkson.
The bank clearances yesterday
amounted to $063,403.1)3.
Deteclivo Tracoy. of the Moynahnn
agency , has loft Omaha and returned
Permit to wed was granted yesterday
to Samuel Durnall of Omaha , and Miss
Mary lennall , of Hastings.
W. K. HurJingain commenced a suit in
the dislriot court yesterday to secure a
mechanics lien or .t''ll against Andrew
Stanley and 1) . I. Hay den.
Isaac Lev ! commenced a suit in the
county court yesterday to secure judg
ment in the Hum of $000 on an appeal
bond against G. P. Muldoon and W. J.
The county commissioners yesterday
adopted a resolution retaining the servi
ces of Gen. Cowm for the prosecution of
the cases that were commenced by him
while county attorney.
The following real estate men have
given a lot each lo Iho Y. M. O. A. , Iho
lot lo bo sold and the proceeds lo bo devoted -
voted to the bnildini : fund ; Harrison ,
Ambler & \Voolloy , C. K. MaynoV. . G.
Albright and K. 0. Patterson.
An old negro named Charles Robinson
swore out a warrant in police eourt
yesterday for the arrest of a Gorman vet
erinary surgeon named Hcintz. Ho
charged the uoctor with having stolen t
valuable rooster belonging to him
llcinU was arrested.
Loud complaints are boinir made about
the wretched condition of the sidewalks
on the south side ol Dodge between
Twenty-fifth and Sixteenth streets. It
is suid that lhay are almost unpaas.iblu
on account of the accumulation of snow
and ice.
In Ihu dUlricl court yesterday N. Mnr-
riam nnd others tiled a petition asking
that Alfred Milhint bo appointed to sue
cecd his father , tlio late K/.ru Millard , as
trustee of a land syndio.uo which owns
n largo tract of real estate in Merrit
Crippled Kor MIc.
William Farguhan commenced a sui
in the illstriut court yesterday against tin
Union Pacijio railway for damages fo
personal injuries. The plaintiff allege ,
in his petition tha * hi ) was a section fore
man in the employ of the Union Pacific.
011 June.1 , Ibdr , when he met with an ao
cidcnt that crippled him for life , for
which ho wants uaiUAiiei In the cum '
. $25,000 ,
A Woman. Makes * Two Unfortunate Malri-
moniol Ventures.
Tlie Council JIcctlnR Ho Whipped
Ills Undo Matrimonial The
Knights' Unit Amendments
nnd Other
Worse Thnn Wliluwcil.
On Monday ovonitiR the police were-
called upon to arrest George Startz , a
Gorman who lives on Thirteenth street ,
on the charge of having assaulted his
wife. Yesterday Sturtr. was sent to the
county jail for thirty days by Judge Slon-
berg. The jail doors had hardly clo cd
on Starts ; , when the woman who enured
liis incarceration was actively rnjwccd in
fin cfl'ort lo cflcct his release. In making
her statement to the tuilhoritles the
woman told a pitiful story of her wrongs.
Two years ngo she married to nn
Knclishman named Wilson in Iowa and
with him moved to Nebraska and loenled
on a farm near Columbus. They were
happy and prospered. All went well ,
nnd they had saved up some $3,000 with
which to purchase a fnrm when her life
nnd hopes were blighted by domestic
troubles. In September last a woman
arrived at Columbus ivith two children
and claimed Wilson ns her.husband. . .
She claimed that Wilson had
loft England llireo years a < : o to _ como lo
America nnd make a home for his family.
She had never heard from him and
Htarted lo search for him , afler reaching
America , she succeeded , llirongh friends ,
in locating her recreant husband but did
not know of his treachery until she
ruauhed Columbus , Tlio arrival of Mrs.
Wilson No. 1 broke up the homo of Mrs.
Startz , as she is now known , and she de
cided to leave the man she supposed was
her lawful husband. Wilson , to his
crcdir , gave iho woman $1,200 , about half
of their earnings in thu two years , and
with his lirstanil lawful wife started back
to Ihe old country. After Wilson's de
parture , Startz , who is a worthless fel
low , appeared on the scene and in some
manner gamed the allection anil conli-
denco of tlio worse than widowed
woman. They were married , and Start/
got possession of the $1,200 under the
pretext of desiring lo buy a homo. After
a good portion of I ho money
had been foolishly expended Hie
family decided to 'come to Omaha and
locate. They have been living hero for
Iho past two weeks , in which time Start/
has succeeded in disposing of nearly all
of the woman's money in drink and riot- living , in a drmiken fit on Monday
night lie assaulted his wife , for which lie
was arrested anil jailed , as already men
tioned. Mrs. Start/ went homo yester
day without having secured her worth
less husband's release. Last evening a
young woman applied for Slam's re
lease , slating that his wife had taken dan-
gerouslj' ill and was not expected lo live.
As yet , no action has been taken in the
_ _ _ _ _ _
HE WHIl'l'lil ) MIS UNCLE.
A Sober Nephew Takes mi Advantage
or n Relative.
Frederick Ilofek , who lives on Pacific
street , yesterday caused the arrest of his
promising nephew , Joseph Ilofok , on the
charge of assault and battery. The elder
llofck , in broken English , told. Iho story
of Ills woes , which was lo the effect that
on Sunday he was feeling pretty good
from the effects of frequent trips to a
neighboring grogery , and feeling rich
enough agreed to sell a valuaole parcel
of real estate on Pacific street lo his
nephew for a mere song and accepted a
small cash consideration as a clincher ot
the bargain. On Monday when his head
bad attained its accustomed size ho real-
i/.ed what a mistaka he had made and re
fused to execute a conlract when his
nephew called to close the bargain. This
apparent breach of faith enraged young
Ilofok , who proceeded lo give his uncle a
thrashing and , so tliu older allcffcs , struck
him over Iho head with a heavy pair of
shears. The real estate Iransae'ion has
been lost sight of temporarily , at least , in
the legal Iroublotliat is agitating tlie two
men. The older Ilofok is determined to
make ns strong ; a case as possible agam l
liis nephew. IIo is very ba-lly broken up
over the fact that he has been whipped by
Ins brother's boy.
The Grocery Store of K. Meyer De
At 2 o'clock Ihis morning an alarm of
lire was turned in from Ihe box at the
corner of Seventeenth and Mason
streets , caused by the burning of a
frame grocery store at the corner
of Eighteenth and Mason streets.
The building was more than half burned
when the alarm was turned in and when
the firemen reached Iho placu there \yas
no chance of Having either the building
or the stock. The store was a ono story
frame owned by II. 3Clsou
and occupied as a store by
E. Meyers. The loss was complete , Mr.
Moyers places his loss on stock at IJ700
ana ifJIOO on furniture , only a part of
which was covered by insuranpo. The
building was insured ami was worth
about $300.
Mr. Meyer's Statement.
Mr. .Julius Muyer , manager of the Mu
sical Union orchestra , stated to a HIH : re
porter last night in reply to statements
published concerning a war between
rival local orchestras , that tlioru is no
troublu whatever ns far as the Musical
Union orchestra is concerned. Neither
has Ihero been any cut in prices. When
the local order of Elk.s was organi/ed a
year ngo tlio Musical Union furnished the
music for the opening session free of
charge. Two months ago , when Iho
Elks duuidcd lo hold an annual ball , the
committee ; on niu.sio asked Mr. Meyer at
what price ho would furnish music ior
tlio occasion , As tlio Elks are a lionevo-
lent organization , Mr. Meyer , as is the
general custom , agreed to provide them
with music at ono-half of tlie usual rale.
The Musical Union liu ; made no cut rale ,
and i.s increasing in strength without. ro <
bert to any such measure.
A quiet wedding took place at the par
souago of Si. Barnabas church last ovcn <
ing , whore , in Iho presence of a few lit'
timnto friends , Mr. Fred Hortlnviek and
Mis-s Jennie Ploof wore united in mar
rhigo by Uov. John Williams , Mr , liortli
wick is tlio trusted bookkeeper of Jell
W. liedford , ami i soorelar.y of thu Ne
braska Lean and Trust company. Ho is
a young man , admirably qualified for
success ill l.ft ! , and has a worthy help
mate in his bride , a young lady of many
The KnluhtV noil.
At a meeting hist night of the commit
tee of the united assemblies of tbo Knights
of Labor of this city , which has in charge
the making of arrangements for the
forthcoming ball on February 21 , com
mittecs were appointed to visit Council
lllufl's , Lincoln , PhitUimiuth , South
Omaha and several other cities lo invite
assemblies of those placelo attend. The
-sill be a magnlliscnt tuuccsj ,
The Business of 1/npt Night's Session
of the City Council.
All of the member's of ihe council were
on hand last night when the meeting was
called to order except Mr. LPC , who ar
rived in time to watcli the disposilion of
the matters touching the proposed change
of grade on Lcavcnworth street. The
business disposed bf was ns lollows :
From Acting Mayor Approving ordi
nances adopted at Itlio last meeting of the
council and approving the contract be
tween Iho cily nnd ho Police Telephone
ami Signal company.
From Iho Mayor Appointing La wrcnco
Jnspctton as special policeman in tlio
Fourth ward. Approved.
Of A. , T. Popploton Asking for Iho re
moval of houses of prostitution adjoining
his properly on Hlcvcnth slrcol , near liar-
ncy. Cily marshal to abates nuisance.
Of 13. Fung otal. Asking for refund of
ta.xe.s on church property on lot 10 , block
; ! , in Komitxo's fourth addlllon. Finances
ami claims.
Of Property Owners Asking for grad
ing of Capitol avenue from Twenty-sixth
slreet to Thirtieth street. Grades and
Of Property Owners Asking for the
grading of Twenty-eighth avenue from
Dodge street to California street. Grades
and grading.
Of 11. M. Stone Asking for refund of
sidewalk tax against his property on
Cuming slrocl , near Idaho. Sidewalks
and bridges.
From the City Marshal Suspending
Charles Bloom from duty for violation of
rules. Police.
Of W. 11. ( Jrccn Asking for corrcclion
of assessment against lot 0 , block 0 ,
Heed's lirst addition. Finance and
Of J runes Gilbert Asking for addi
tional instruments for use in Iho gas in
spector's department. Granted.
From J. h , . House Pi eventing estimate
of KaU & Callahan for ? 1.74l ) . li ! for grad
ing Woolworlh avenue. Allowed.
Of Property Owners Protesting
against the proposed change of grade on
Leavenworlb street. Grades.
Of F. J. AlcShanc Presenting report
of the meeting of Leavenworth street
property owners at which a resolution
was adopted favoring Iho proposed
change of srrndo on Leavenworth slreet.
Grades and grading.
W. J. Connell U aiving damages lo be
increased by thu proposed change of
grade. Grades and grading.
P.y Lowry Instructing tlio committees
on lire and police to secure location for
the police alarm ollicc. Adopted.
By Kuspor Instructing the city allor-
noy'to prepare an ordinance providing
Iho owners of all buildings of three or
more slories in height shall bo required
lo supply them with lire escape.
15y Cheney Instructing the city engi
neer to make an estimate- Ihu cost of
making tlio proposed change of grade
on Leavenworth street. Adopted.
15y Lee Requesting the mayor to np-
point two men to bo employed' day nnd
night watchmen on the Sixteenth street
viaduct. Adopted.
The committee on , sowcrago made a
report , which was adopted , making an
appropriation for the relief of Samuel
Stover , who was injttred while at work
on the North Omaha sower.
Special ordinance jnaking appropria
tion for Ihe payment of liabilities in
curred during tlie month of December ,
amounting to ? 2i, ( Passed.
Levying special tax to cover the cost of
opening Howard street from Twenty-
sixth street to Twenty-sixth avenue ; of
extending Twentieth street to Spruce
slreet ; of opening Hurt street from
Twenty-fifth avenue to Twenty -eighth
avenue ; of opening Nineteenth street
, rom E. V. Smith's ' addition to Elizahclh
place : of opening alloy in Nelson's addi-
lion from cast line of lot 123 lo west line
of lot 113 ; of opening Clark street from
Sixleenth struct lo higblcentli street ; of
opening alley in block ! J , Hanscom place ,
from Poppleton avenue to Pacific street.
Grades and grading.
Creating uaviug districls 80 , 81 , 82 , 83
and 81. Paving , curbing and guttering.
Granting to thu Omaha Hallway
company the right lo construct and use
two line.s of tracks across the Eleventh
slreet viaduct.
Mr. Ford protested that the ordinance
contained no provisions by which Iho
city's interests wcru protected. City At
torney Council stated thai under the pro
posed ordinance the Omaha Horse Kail-
way company would bu given exclusive
right to use the viaduct for street rail
way purposes. Ho said the city's
rights should not bo overlooked
by the city council. Mr. Lowry stated
that the citizens \ iing south of Iho tracks
wanted tlio street car line extended anil
were anxious to have tlio ordinance pass.
Messrs. Leo , ICaspar and Schrocder on-
po.ied the passage of the ordinance with
out the protection of the cily's inloriists.
On motion , t : committee of five , consist
ing of Lowry , Goodman , Goodrich , Manville -
ville and Bailey , was appointed to confer
with the Omaha Horse Hallway company
and others interested ( o report at a meet-
in" to be held lids evening.
The council then adjourned until 7:30 :
o'clock this evening.
THE ixi'OsiriON' : co.xoKitr.
The concert given the exposition build
ing last night by the Mendelssohn quar-
lolte and Mo/.art quintette clubs , was a
pronounce1 ! ! artislic success. There wore
but eight numbers on the programme ,
but each of them received tlio heartiest
commondalion from tlio audience. In a
popular and artistic sense , but few concerts -
certs , given solely by homo performers ,
have been comparable lo last , night's en-
tcrlalnmenl. Itopotitions ot sue ! ) pro-
grammes will have a most beneficial of-
feel in advancing tlie 'etitiso of music in
thiscitv. ' :
The Howard Athene m Star Specialty
company , of Hostota will open a tw"o
nights' engagement nUt Iho opera house
tliis evening. It is swancd and interest
ing performance and will please all.
MIN.V1K j'tA'UW'.ll.V.
On Friday and Saturday evenings and
matinee Minnie Maddqrn will appear at
Boyd'd opera house "O.iprloo. " Miss
Maddorn is the youiig < fst prominent star
in America. She is tlioionginul e\uonont
of art horclotoni novo-i' portrayed on the
Amcriuan stago. Her * originality , great
talent ami descrvodi success has never
been disputed by any e.ritio. She is not a
a tragedienne , eometieniio | , soubrette ,
nor an emotional nilititQ , yet it is true
that she stands al tllit < heud of a line of
dramatic art which has few followers.
.Sho is the original Ingenue of America ,
nrc.scnling as she does girlish , youthful
heroines , who are neither tragic , emo
tional nor sotibrottUu , but just as they
are in ordinary , evory-day life.
Superintendent \Vhitlouk issued build
ing pcrmju yesterday as follows :
J ouls Ittailtord , two tory frame barn ,
DotigUs between Kijihth and.Vlntli..51"Oa
J , It. Jl.tvard , out ) and a half story
frame budding , Ohio street , near
Twenty-sixth street . 401
Two penults , aereealng. ! . . . . 5S1.CJU
A box of strawberr C5 which Editor
Singerly , of Philadelphia , sent to Editor ,
Chllii1 , the other day were raised in the
.former's u u oust of $ BCO
Queer for mo Assumed by Molten Sil
ver Dropped nn Cold Slabs ,
Ton years ago this winter I stood in
tlio big California stamp mill at Virginia
City , > iov. , watching the sixty ponderous
250-pound weights thuiulnring on Iho
qtiam. The pulp was being stirred in
Ihe great pans ; the tailings "were going
out tlown a Hume like a mill race , At
eaeh settling pan was a largo canvas bag
held in a vise-liko grip. 1 was invited to
llirust my hand into one of fhem. 1 did
so , and brought up a great handful of
somelhing Hint was heavy and as elusive
as quicksand.
"Thai , " said Senator Fair , then super
intendent of the Big Honanza mine , "is
amalgam-quicksilver and gold and silver.
Wo put lhat in red 'hot retorts. The
quicksilver passes of in vapor , is caught
and precipitated , null Ihu bullion comes
oul in a blackened bill solid mass. Now
como down lo ihu refining room anil I'll
show you something. D'ye ever see how
silver spreads when yon drop it ? I can't
do this as well as I'd like lo , for there's
too much gold , Ibis sliilVrnns per cent
gold , nnd its too heavy too work as I'd
Tike it , "
Senator Fair led the way to a room in
a brick building adjacent , whore two
great caldrons were boillngand bubbling.
"There's half a million in each of those , "
said Mr. Fair. "Johnny , clear this iron
table , and get me two blocks of ice. "
Tlio ice "was brought , and tlio blocks
wore placed a foot aparl on thu iron bed.
When all was chilled Mr. Fair said :
' Give mo a fifty-ounce ladle. " The latter
was dipped into one of the caldrons and
came up with a pint of while , molten
fluid. "Now watch , " said Mr. Fair. Ho
held it up as high as his arms would
reach , and dropped it on the cold .slab
between the cakes of ice. Ho dropped
it in splalchcs of little more llian a
lablcspoonful each. The cIToct was
marvellous. As the liquid .silver
and gold fell its weight scattered
it into ten thousand conceivable shapes ,
and tlio eold chill so suddontly applied
congealed 11 mlo a hundred thousand in
conceivable shapes in ai : instant. There
wore splatters and splalchcs , and all sorts
of things. Whcro a single drop would
fall it would expand to either a coach
wheel or a cobweb , as the freak would If Mr. Fait1 dropped a spoonful
next the cake of ice tlie splashes would
rise , eat3h on lo the ice , and make a per
fect little wire forcsl. 11 was ono of the
most beautiful .sights the writer had ever
"Jewelers and silversmiths , " said Mr.
Fair , "got a good many ot Ihoir ideas
from just , such itio yneracius of silver
bullion. I have held it up before now ,
dropped it , and scon como out the oddest
and most surprising forms. Lou Hamil
ton , Jones' brolher-in-law , liasa complete
coach nnd four and hounds behind the
result of just one splalch on a cake
of ice down at the Belabor.
Odd tilings in silver ? Oh , the silver
smiths are more perfect than wo arc ,
but I'll bet 1 can hold tins ladle up , drop
tl.o whole of it on that oold slab , anil yon
will see a variety of forms , devices , and
grotesquerius such as you never dreamed
of. Johnny , give mo a fre-sh ladle.
Now , stand away. Hero she goes I" and
a pint of molten silver wont out on the
Ten thousand shapes and ill shapes ,
and ten oilier thousand forms were there.
There were foresls nnd streams , and
birds ami reptiles , and rocks and moun
tains. To have picked out all would
have been a week's task.
"Chuck it back into Iho pan , " said Mr.
Fair. "Give me another ladle. Now
watch this. "
Down it went on the cold slab. 1 hero
wore elephants and giralles , and lions
and dogs , and African bungalows , and
one snhilch a marching regiment could
have been made out by a Irifling stretch
of the imagination.
JnincB M. Patrick : , a Colorado iMilllon-
nlrc , Ijookiiifr I < 'of His Child.
A Denver special to the Chicago Times
says : The whereabouts of Baby Patrick ,
four years of ago and heiress to about
$1,000,030 , is now a sensational question.
The ehild is a dauglit * r of James M.
Patrick , of Colorado , who married Iho
daughter of Millionaire McMnnus , of St.
Louis , about 1870. Tlio wedding was ono
of Hie finest social events over witnessed
in St. Louis. Mr. Patrick is a member of
the St. Louis family of Patricks , who are
wealthy and influential. Some of Iho .same
Patrick family have ranches and silver
minus in Colorado. There were numer
ous wedding presents , and the bride
groom is said to have given the bride a
present of ? r,0,0)0. ( ) They traveled in
Eurono , and on their return went to
Bradley county , Tennessee. Soon after
they c-iino back from Iho continent a
baby was born , and in 1881 tho.y came to
Colorado. Owing to Mrs. Patrick's fail
ing health Mrs. Patrick and child wcru
sent to Canon City , where both are said
to have been spirited away from the state
by a friend or relative of the McManus
Tlio husband began a search , and
learned that they had been taken to tlio
MoManus mansion in St. Louis. This oc
curred last mi minor , and in October Mrs.
Patrick died , and it is said that before her
death she made a will disinheriting tlie
child , having been made to believe lhat
she had boon deserted by her husband.
This will will 1)0 contested by the St.
Louis courts , and it is said that Mr. Pa
trick will .soon begin a suit in ( lie courts
of that uity in relation to the child and
her inLei'e.sLs , which are estimated to bu
worth $1,000,000.
Charges wore trumped up against Mr ,
Patrick in Tennessee and requisition
papers were sent lo Colorado for his ar
rest on two occasions , but Governor
Eaton refused to honor them , and when
the second attempt was made Governor
Eaton replied in rather strong language ,
From the facts developed In Hie case
Governor Eaton was led to behove lhat
thi ) attempted arrust was mtido for the
purpose of showing that Patrick was not
tlio worthy party to have Iho custody of
the clulil. The story has been kept
qulot , but the facts are now being made
public , and tlio case promises to bo ono
of the most interesting on reeord. I'ho
father is still making every oll'ort to find
the child , ( t is now surmised that the
lilllo heiress is either in Iowa or Montreal ,
but this is only guess-work.
Itenl ICHtalii TrniiHfnrs ,
Peal estate transfers filed Jan. 31 , 1837 ,
Amaliu Koutltliiit to .Mrs Margaret Lanic ,
lots 'J and 10 bile 1 'ihull'a l t add , w d
, lno Dwyer to nijali Dunn , lot 14 sub of o
29.1 leet of bile Slilnn'u M add. w d-H.-IOO.
Chas 1) Cimu'li iiiul wili < to Citi/.tin'n tuuk
of Uounoil Ulull.s , Iu\\n , JI.UO aeieslu IB , 10 ,
13 , Wd SI.
Thos Uasoy and wife to David Skalnakov-
sklot'J blk 1 KounUo'- add vd- ? : ) , K ) ,
Dildiiet It .M.ulln et al to ( iotllicb Kls.iiser ,
lots 1 , , ' , : i. ! blU 1 S Omaha , w -Sl.OOO. .
Jno.l Mahomty et id to the public , plat of
.M.ihonoy A : Mmnnhan'ii add to S Omaha ,
belli f a suudlv of p U s o ' \ o h l > , II , ll !
Jas \Voolworth and wlfo to Thos I !
Luke , lots U and 10 till ; ( ) Sulphur .Si ln s
add to Omaha , w d sl.TOJ.
( Juo II Ho''L's to the puliHc , plat of Ceo 11
Jiojri- . ' iid-l to Oniah.i , n w ' { sec t.5 .uul w } $
n n f hoc .r. . 10 , 13 , dedication.
Missouri Valley Laud C'o to Win t'ouk it
al , iO acres In 11) ) , in , 13 , w dSH .
.Matilda K ( lardmnr ot John A McSi' n- > ,
OlvJYJ ft oomiueneiiiK at n w cor lot . int. J
Kount/e'a 8 1 add , w d-S 1,000.
M.ulamv Urt'ekcnrlduo to Thos Ilyili , 13
acres in 0 , U , W , wd-SJV ) .
Jim Uppsot al to. I no D.deetal. lots Omul
7 blk 'J Jsl add to S O.naha , w it8. . , br .
.li'iiny Hltcheoek etal to L 1 Piuyii , lot 1
blU 10 Contial P.irk. w d-Siooa. :
liiubC Claikand wlfo to D.i\id I llajdny
lot ; i blk /ikevie ] v add , w d-fc.VXJ.
David 1 Maiden anil wile to. I 11 I'anotte ,
lot a blk 'J Lakoview add , w d-SOOO.
Win A I'.i.\ton and wife to I'.itnck I'ord ,
W It lot B and 00 ft sK lot 7 blk 1/2 , nl3o
parcel of ground eouiiueucns ! : ut7 oik o. , v
A lllR llcnl Kotnto Don ) ,
Another big real estateIransaclion was
consummated yestordnj' in the purchase
by H. F. Ringer , William Allen nnd A. P.
Tuckcy of fifty-six acres of ground lying
north nnd west of Orchnrd 11111. The
properly was purchased from John I ) .
Creighton for $00,000.
Tlio Pauper Dond.
The county commissioners yesterday
passed a resolution instructing the county
clerk lo obtain from Iho trustees of the
Forest Lawn comelory association the
price of n tract of ground from one to
live acres in sl/e to bo used as a burial
ground for the pauper dead.
Snvnlion Oil quickly finds its way to
Iho sent of the disease , allays the in llama-
lion , and by removing the cause , ntVect *
a uermaiicntcuro , 25 cts.
Mr. Kuskln thinks there is a great
future for American art but he hard I y the enormous demand over here
for Dr. lJull's Cough Syrup.
Clergymen who fall from grace very
rarely surprise or astonish llioso who
know Ihoui ,
The empress of Austria is not so eccon-
Iric ns slm was , which her subjects atlri-
bulo lo advancing years.
The Rothschilds , who now control all
the. quicksilver mines in the world , are
said to be intending extensive investments
in gold mines.
Hood's Sarsapari/fa
Combines , In a manner pertillar to Itself , the
best blooii-jmrlfyltiB nml strcnKllicnliiR irmo-
illus ot the vcgctaMc kingdom. Von uill fiiul
this wonderful remedy t'Uccllvo wlicro other
medicines Iwvo f.illnl. Try it now. It will
purify your Mood , regulate the digestion ,
nnd glvo new llfo nnd > Igor to the entire body.
"Hood's S.irsnpnrlll.i did mo Rrcat good.
I was tired out from overwork , nnd It toned
mo up. " Bins. 0. K. SIMMONS , Cohocs , N. Y.
"I suffered three years fiom blood poison.
I took Hood's Snrsnpnrllla nnd think I nm
cured. " Mils. M. J. DAVIS , llrockport , N. Y.
Purifies tlie lilooil
Hood's S.trs.ipnrllla Is ch.tracterlml by
three I'ccnliailllcs : 1st , the combination of agents ; d , thn proportion ; ? d , the
proccsi of securing the actlvo medicinal
qualities. The icsult Is n medicine of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additional evidence.
"Hood's Snriaparlll.i tones up my cystcm.
pit illicit my bloud , fcharpcns my nppctlli1. anil
Hi'oms to m.nko mo i\i-r. " .1. r. Tiioui'aox.
Jteglster of Deeds , Lowell , Slass.
"Hood's Snrsaparlll.a beati all othrrs , nnd
! < \\orth lit weight In pntd. " I ItAltniMlTOX ,
130 Dank Street , New Yoik City.
Hood's Sarssparilia
Bold by nil drnrplflfl. Si i six for $5. Made
only by C. I. HOOD it CO. , Lowell , Mass.
fOO Doses Ono Dollar.
Denlorsln Rononil na
tural history nnd mu
seum supplies. Artlll-
clul o > os , jfrmios. uto.
Custom worlt of nil
kinds will rceulvo
prompt attention.
I6U Cajitol ) AOMAHA
A lixwo nitiuboroC roiordod I'crchoron nnd
Clydcdnlo Stulllims. Also Homo lliod > 'OIH. !
Kvcry iininml simrnnteed n breeder. 1'rlco ?
icnsoniililoninl turms oiny. UnrRtock hns boon
selected with roforciius to both Inillvldnnl
merit nnd pedigree. A Inrpo niinibor of our
Stnlllons cro uccllmiitcd nnil Colin of Ihelret (
-mi bo Hliown York I * on tbo II. , V .M. It. It. ,
two hourH1 rldo west of Lincoln. Tor cata
logues tinil finthor liitormntlon , nd-lre s
Ono Ascnt ( JleiT iant ontv wgntpii In prpry town for
rT < BBy K i *
Your "TniislU's I'nneh" TKClenr nro K ° lnr oil
Ilko but I'likou. I Intend that they hhnll hn well
udvortlsed. W r II. SIII : > K > BHN.
Ilunnlo , Now York.
or nib
Chicap.MitaukeefiSt.PaulB'y . . '
Jiora mm 3oJ COUNCIL 6LQFFS tt
Clileaffo , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Hupiils ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Uock Iblautl.Freoport , Hockford ,
Klfflii , Matlisou , J unes vlllo ,
Ueloit , Winonft , La Crosse ,
And all other fmportunt points Raat , Nortbeail
mid BouthouHt.
For through tlokots cnll on the Tlnk t
at HOI Fnrnum Btrout ( In 1'aiton Hotel ) , or a
Union Pftcino Depot.
I'uUmnn bienuurs and the finest Dlnlner Can
In the world ure rua oo tbu wain lints of tlio
und arerr uttontlon IB pnld to pussenituni b/
courteoni employe * of lha miupuny ,
11 , MII.I.EII , ( Jontrnl MuniiKcr.
J. F. TUCKI.II , AssUUtit Uonnrul ll n r r.
A V. H. OAIII-KMTEII , Oonoral Pueii nirer nnd
Ticket Aufiiit.
IJto. B. HKAironi ) , AsiUtunt Qeneral
IT r nnd Ticket Aifunt _ , .
J , T. CbAUK , Ooiierttl Buporlntonduul.
This limb U on Hitlat -
fctt unproved ] ilan. Tliu
lictit , Li htttt ; iiul ICafciuht
to inatin c and Ihi : most
ilnrablu limb made. I
have had thirty five yean. '
experience wca
ufjeturing nnd
Will give speiial
_ _ Until March 1st. My
he-it limb lor $ Q i runner price $ liO.
Cuciil.-ii > i-ent five
Oil N. 17th St. , Omaha , Nob.
Prof. Chas , Ludwlg Von Seoger
rrofOMofof Moillclno ol tn ItorM PnlTprMtyj
Knlehl ot the Her l Amttlun Or > ! or of the Iron
ItowniKnlsM Commimtcr of thn Itord Spvm'j
Orrtcrof Mibelli ; Knlk'litof the Horn ! Pni l < nO >
rtrroftho llcil IduloiC'tioTAllor of tha l/culon ot
TONIO .haM not b
con/mimlc.l with thohonld of Ir.uhr euro nil * . UK
In no on oof tlio wonli * | < Mont ronuvlv. I nm llior *
mighlrciiiiTprMntnltlilt * niolo of propirnll-vn ant
know It In N ) not onlr locltlmitfl phirmnoiMtttrit
product , hut nl ownrtn of th hlKh rommeml ( tloni
Utn rce < > lTi'i1inntl tmrt of the world , It rontilin
rMcnro of llppf , t'oon , ( julnlnc. Iron ami OillMrt
which nr < Mll ilrcil IninitOKOimlno Spinun liu | > otl t
Inrilnnhlclo oil who urn linn noirn , NntTOin , n
pet > tlolllllcnt . MiilnrloiK or nnictoJ nltli weak kl >
llfft. lll.U-Alir.Of IMITATION * .
Majesty's Favorltlo CosmellcGlycsrlna
nUtlKtiiiB'itna rrlnro of Wt
For ttio Skin. Completion , Krup *
. vuU ) . Of itriijilM < ,
1.1KI1K1 CU'S Urnuliio Syrup oorSarMurllliMi
fu rniiteeil illio tf si t t ai > rlUMnUia mark L.
Poison ( ho System with Nnuscntin ?
Dnig.i.Dr.lIorno'H Kleeti-le licit Cures
Diseases Without Medicines.
Will Positively Cure Without Mptllclno
I'nlnMn the Imctc. litp . or llmtiM Nrrvom Do
bllltv.I.tiiiitinco , lloncrnl Dmilllty , llll nrnntl m , I'nr
ntri > K NoiiniljT n , fa\n \ lea , I > | I > IIMI nf W < lnor < , Hil- |
nnl IM on < > , TorpM I.Ivor , limit , Autumn. Iliurt Ol
upafO" , l > ) MK' | liiOonMlimtlon , Krr lpoln , Imllanv
I Inn , Imjioti'ncr.Cfltnrrli , I'lUx , Kplluinjr , AKUO , llv
lictf illilrur o r.sliniiitlun ,
Jfoto the Following1 who were Cured
A .1. Hniclnnil. II. & IMrior , .1. M llislott. . nil on
noitnlof Minim R W Kiirnlmm , Ami'iU'm lxpri ! * < 4
Uo i A ( Irririirr.i'oiiiinl'Moii iiuTVliiint , Mock ariH , r
U.Tonn onil. t'nlnii'r lliu i llinl.l I'olile , tliouri'iit A *
hnr cn iti : Tol. I'onnolly , nf tlio Intor-Oopan , S.V. .
llnrrm OlKrln m t S , M. IHrl , Ncurnlnrjr morlcnn
llorKPiinici ! J. | j ! 4niMilIor,2rMniU ) on U , KI. . Sinltli ,
jcwi'iur. HIM ulltiiii rt. , nlUU l.'lilniKoi O. W lk < ll < iK ,
M. 1) . Monnonlonii.low H ; i.cinuel Milk , KiimnKcc ,
HI , .liidKo I. > . Miirry. Nnppr\lllo , III. , niul liiimlroili ,
of nthi'r ti'pro-iMilliii : nourlr < < rury town In tlio
Union. Alan t'lc trio tioln for liullo . C ll or ei'inl
rtnmp for llliiMrnti'il c.itnlnciifl. Upon ilnlljr , iilni
o\cnnir ( niul Mindii } " . lilcnrlo SnitpontorlFi free
ninl nil Miilollol ) ' . llonnrnnt houiin oonipnnlui wild
in inynlliMO' . . pnllliiu uortlile" Kooitr , wllli nnlyiltii
H oloinont * All nijr Iti'lt ' * innlnln ' 1 I'l nit nls or
bnltorU's , hence luivo four tlmc the power ninl
nun'itltr of ult'ctrlilty. llonont Koodi unit lionrst
ifciilliiKT Iho motto.
IK.J.W.IIH\E.IlWnhuhs-iiv'liiciiro ) ( ) ! ) ( !
liivontor , Proprietor uncl .Miimifaoturoi.
Aflij ouriotnllcr for thn JaincsMrnns , S3 Shoo
Cnution ! MIIIO Uoiilcrs recommend In Inti-i lor
gooils in order ID muKon hirsor pmllt. ThUlu
llinOIlfi.N'AIf1 ! : aiuH ) llownroof Imltntlons
vrlilch acknouliMlKO their own Infciloritj by nt-
toniptliig to titilltl upon tlio lopulatloii of the
None genuine unless bearing this Stamp ,
rorUcntlomen ,
1 Mnilo In nuttnn , Conero s nml llr. T ( JAI K hklN. UllOJ
collpilln Dt'ltAiiiiirv , OOMIUIIT
niul AlTEtll tMT A iiomnl oinl
iiont loim nlll lirlnx run InTnr
mnllon liow to id thli Sliuu In
or I'orrliory.
J. means & Co. ,
41 Lincoln fclrccl ,
Itoaton ,
i j j ys * * " "
Our celebrated factory produces a Inraor
qunntlly or nlioiiMOt tbls pnulo lluui liny olbcr
Inctory In tliu world , 'J lioiiHUinIi nlio "cm-
them will lull you the rcnhon If you n k Ihoui
, l\ll S MKANS' WS SllOIJ AA10J8 | Uuimp-
proarlied In Durnbllltr
t lll llut > 8 of the ftonrn Fhonn for pnlobr
I , E : A i > i N < ; ic IT ; A 1 1 , li at s
TllltoUlllIOUT TIIK It. K.
Tlio OrJpliinl utid Only Joiinliic.
Pure mil nlwtji ICcllfthlf. , nawtrtof worthlra * Irvll&tlonc.
Inll.fnitblt lo LADIES. A k Juur DruircUt for
"rhlch itDr' Ki ll l < * nil u t no ulhrr , or ficlo.n 4 .
( itami > i > to ui for tiArllcuUri tn Irtttr t > j return mall.
NAME PAPER. Ctlchntcr li r lo l Co. .
fcolil bjr DriiaeUU fTi-rr lirrrAik fur "C'Llrbc *
' * > ' KiiL lirh" rmlirruinl l'lll . l ett
. . .piny / nnt
mNCKVITA. Toulblul , , < , , ! ,
. Ner nu Dt6lllt , l" l -
3 l.f Lou. . , Last Alanbnnd.
MJ Imdr.d ff ll .t Til. ) jwkiM lie. K.UW f''r
K. A. II. III.IN CO. , N . I3lw.hl , o 8llt.lCll
111. dl.OO p r I'm V nco. SUfor 6.0O.
CAUTION-rx , not
In other IM'I ' you l lo
lni > ine worlhlMf Irnita.
will lie tefunileil lo wearer
tfltr four weeks * vrir.u
not | rccllr ( | ntllfjc tory.
Tor Mle | jy niiv Coons TE I FKS. or If not oM ln LI .
will mall , l MtlFF | l'l , IlKALTH I'RUIHVIM ) , ( l Ijl
, . .
Sf Ullllnir Corset Corapanr , Detroit , MIcU.
lastnnU ( ruwnlni : work of Ills life. Jus tout , Oulilt
Cocciila. I' , 1) . DiiKHisuN A Co. , JKtrc.ll , Jlkli.
Will send tbo Jtr.l.tAIILK FOUTUNK
Uc. , I'ALMlSTIiy , iV , All tliloo , Wo.
smtiAi. MCAri.ia1 I-UHMSIIINO co. , BOZ
'MIS , Now York City , lluuiuilly Illustiutod.
iuot : iitiMO : HUM 1.10.
DtlKK M r HIM'K TI ) Till. SKON.
lli'.iilj f ir inn In ono luinulH invci Inliur. lime uii'l '
tnijolii. cunt i im nil lliu Inyiolii'iittuit'il uv laui.ilir
lucn i.'IriKii lininlr iiin'r piibil , Iliiui unrnlliiir Slnnn
BVIT ii.iinnfn. . Hum It U cm up III I I I.I. I'OL'MI
I'AI KAlir.-t. no > lturl "i-Ulilfl. On" i"nni.l ciiuul
IKII iiouinU of UIH utlii'r hur li re i L ill nm
elm Kioctn , whu u | > ; > lr BAMl'I.U 1'ACKAUK.
IXM ' ( ni'ftthif
I iit.i'.l 9 Or
11 lit l/i : it Ntw lui'kovrii
E-ltt'M1\BWfl'.lWaY ' ) ' t
, rf ( , HcMirinjc ( M'wnir
vjv | . W AUM j , ylv.
' * * * *
- - V/ < * ' * H TuAitr''UlJfciiCi1 ( [ -
* 'un nj - , V * I * i uuKuliy or vpfotkitfi , < > 00 in'tilt
Oir&tcit ImjiiuvrmrnNprrr * II other tr111Vbi | itifii > rr <
intl'cntiy curt-U Jn ttilfetuutitli * hrmlr I pamphliHi ktvinri
The S.ndtri Electric Co , ICO L-Sallo st.f Cl.ic
V7atclies , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Tha Iiirguat stock. J'neos the lowest. llii > airin apeciiltv. : * h orkarriH ; \
ed , Coruur l ) ujlas anil iritltfitrcuts. Dina'u ' v '
iv i.tuuuacUVimluunkcr \ fi r ttio L'niou J'hc.t'.o ' ' lroidoaaitoy , *