Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    WB PB
( JB
rn-rrui T\ATT.V
Advertisement * ) under ibis hend , 10 cent * per
line for the first Insertion , V cotitu for oncb subsequent -
sequent Insertion. And I1.SO n line per month
No B Ivortticment taken for lest than 25 conls
Tor tlio first Insertion. Seven words will lie
counted to the lines they must run consccu-
lively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr-
tifomcnls must tie handed In before Z o'clock
p.m. , ondnndtr no cltcum tnnccs will thejbo
tc.Xcn or discontinued by telephone ,
I'nrllfndvorlltlnir ; In tliosv columns find hiv
ing the answers nOdrvMcxl In cnro of Tiir. HIE
wlllt > ! ca o n k for ft chceV to enable them to pot
their letter ! " . M none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisements i hould bo enclosed In envelopes.
i\IONKV to loan. nils llro < . , real tstalo nnd
J.'l loan ni'OMt.s , room 17 , Whltnell blockcor. .
Itith and Hnrnoy. R'S '
TV fONIIY to lonn. cnali on delay ,
i'I. J. W nnd I' I. . Squire , 1413 Farmitrt St. ,
J'niton hotel building. SOT
( ) ' , per cent s vrd br calling nt Paulson A ; Go's.
* -i tor lots In .South Omnlm nnd Annex ,
TOANS-Ixjans Loans.
Heal estate loans ,
f'ollatcrlnl loans.
Chutlul lonns.
I.nng tlmo loam.
Hliort tlinn loans.
Money iilwayg on lined to loan on any ap
proved fcctirltf.
Investment securities bought nnd sold.
Omnha Unanclal Kicliange , u. w. cor. 1.1th
mid Hnrnov.
Corbett , Mnnnger. 805
$200ouu to loan on six months' to six yours'
tlmo nt lowest ratoi. W. > I. Harris , room 6 ,
J'renrer block , opp 1' O 7I4J-28 *
H AHHIS * 11AHH18. 10) ) S. IBth st.
Money to loan ou first clues security , from
S.'iOO upwards. _ 04
$ WnWKTO ) LOAN at 0 per cent. J. J. Ma-
hotiry , 1609 1'nrnnm. SOS
C PJ'.lt CENT Money.
II. C. Pntterpon , 16th nnd Harnoy. a-.7
( I > nOOOO to loan. Sums $500 nnd upwards ,
P I/owcst rntos. Homls , room 3 , Darker block ,
8. W. cor 16th nnd Fnninm sla. PU7
MONP.V First mortgage notes. The Douglas
county bnnk will buy pnpnrs sccuroil by
llrst mortgage on city realty. 730
3PF.H CUNT-Monny to lonn.
Gregory & Hndloy ,
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , Hedlck olock , 330 S. 16th St ,
HM ) LOAN Money Lonns plncod on 1m-
JL proved real ostnto In city or county for
New England Lonn & Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank. 10th nnd Chicago Rts. 810
MONKV tolonnon city and fnrm property ,
low rntes , Stewart & Co. , Hoom 3 , Iron
Bank. 813
M ONKY TO i.OAN-O. F. Davis & Co. Hoa
Estate and Loan Agents 1505 Fnrimm st.
TO I.OAN-On roul ostnto und oht-
toll. D. L. Tliomns. 815
( fifiOO.OOO To loan on Omnlm city property ntfl
P percent Q. W. Dny , over lills Douglxsit.
MONKV to lonn by the undersigned , who has
the only propvrly orgnnl/od lonn agency
In Omnhn. Loans of $10 to $1,000 mnd on fur
niture , pln'ion ' , orgnns , horses , wagons , machin
ery , &o. , without romornl. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans 10 miulo
that nny part cnn be paid nt any tlrao , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro ratA. Advances
tnado on fine watches nnd diamond ! . Persons
thould carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , * i many now concerns ro dally coming
Into oxlMonco. Should you need money , cnlt
nnd see me. W. II. Croft Boom 1 , Wlthnel'
llulldlng , 16th and Harnoy. 818
M. ONKV I.OANUU ntO. F. Heed &Co's.Loan
. offloi , on furniture , plnnos , horsng.wngoni ,
rersonnl property of all kinds , and nil other , ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 8. I3th ,
over ningham 8 Commission store , All busl-
nessstrletlr confidential. 810
"I71OHSALE A pnylng law , lonn nnd ronl os-
J tate buslnoiis In u good town In Central
Nebraska. Address with stamp D 10. Hen of-
I'.co 073 20 *
* | 7IOU SALK IloBtnurnnt nxturos nnd furnl-
X' turn. Will Hell at n gncrlQoo. Call quick.
No. WW North Sixteenth st. M5 23 *
17 OH HALE A grand bargain for some ono
JU wanting n clean stock of groceries in Omn
lm : Mend .V Jnmloson , 818 8.15th st. C31 37
FOH BALE Manufacturing buslnois estab
lished In Omnlm , 4 years ; Inigeet trade In
the olty ; will bonr closest Investigation : ninount
of cnpltnl required , nbout $1,600. Address 1)4 ,
ItcoolTlco. 00521 *
AFIHBTChiHs nnd paying Hbitnurant for
snlo. $ lr > OQtor $2UOO cnpltnl all thnt Is
needed. Full particulars on Addressing , ! ) 3 , lloo
Olllco. 599 24 *
TO KXUHANOK-An uncumhorod Kansas
fnrtrt for mortgaged city property. Ad
dress D 2 , lloo olllco. 69123 *
BUSINESS CHANCE-Stock Groceries nnd
Montmnrkut for sale. Finest locution In
Omnhn. Doing an excellent business. Address ,
C , 17.UOO Olllco. C81
mO THADE for Western Lnnd Ono good pay-
-L Ing hotel with in rooms In tlrst-clnss condi
tion In n town with two rnllronds ; also black
smith shop and tools In same town. Address
llobt. E. K. Mollor. Mnlyern , Iowa. f.KI 20
"fTIOH SALE Hotel Invoice , now. In aboo"mlmr
JL1 town , control location , chenp bnrgnln. Will
trndo for stock. Address J. Krcbeck , Illuo
Bprlngc. Nob. K 24 *
FOH SALE Now nnd olonn stock of drugs
and books In ono of the best towns In cen
tral Nebraska , lining a fine business an d Is sure
to Increase , stock will Invoice nbout $3,000. must
neil soon. Addross007 , HoooDlco. f > 48 23 *
Foil SALE Hotel Omnibus , used 8 months.
Address , Itydor , Btrombnrg , Nob.
620 20 *
OH HALK-Mllk dairy , 20 cows , 1 bull , : !
J. hoi-sotmilk wavon nndllxtures. everything
i complete , oows nil Jrnsh nnd the best ml k
route In the olty : call or address J. W. Penny ,
ISUth and itraut st. 473 3D
BUHlNKSSCHANCK-SlooK Grooorlosforsiilo.
No bettor Incut Ion In Omnhn. Snlos now
nvorago fJJO a day. Itush & Solby , 213 S. Ifith st
mo EXCHANGK-Morchnndlso for fnrras and
J wild land. C. J. Ciuwcll , room 19 , Iron
Hnnk , 0'14 31
F IOH HAI.B-Now Block of Indies' furnlihlnif
Koodn , together with Btoro flitnrps , llusl-
'Vf In full conduct with Rood trndo. lioontlon
bnst on Hownrd St. , occupj Itiir M Moro In snuaro
of solid brick. J. V. Hammond , 115 8,10th st.
L7 < OH 8AUJ Or trade for inorchnndlso , MO
1 ncros of No 1 farm Hind near Grand
Island. C.J. Cnnan 816
HOUSES Lot3Knrnis.l.nn < i * . monennnne < l.
Ilrinl.rooni 3 , llarxor block B , W. cor.
16lh nnd rnnuuiAls. ' DUI
Foil SAIiR llnrdwnro Ilusmca- offer
ourilioir und liuavy bnrdwaro huslnom for
fAlo , tOKOtbor with uur lease and KOCH ! will ,
Triicln lureest In the city nnd locution tlio bout ,
llotlrlnjr from the bii'lnouR cniibe for Biillltnf
Thu llnum Hnrdwnro Co. , 10"S O Bt. , Lincoln ,
( Ml
rUJtSONAb-A written"Riinriuitoo la jrivi < Ti
with nil Kllvnr plutcd knives , forks und
Hpoons ut Moodjr'd China Slnro , ! W N lOtli st ,
I'rlcuH the lowest. Cull nnd bo convinced.
fc'l I )
ACOMl'U'.Ti : nnd porr.'ct sot of nbstmct
books In the olllco of It , C. 1'uttcrson. 15
nnd llurnoy , t'J" '
3'jTilS' : > NAlMrs. . Dr Nnnnta "V. W n17on
clMirvojant , Mrdlnil and businee * Medium
Itooiu .Na 8 , 1 1 North 16th ct .Umaliu , Neb.
QTHAYKDOH STOI.KNWcxinos.lny , Jnn 111 ,
O ! S ! > 7lilHck pony muri' , brtiiukxl T and 1 ! on
lull hipIlwhlto feut.Hhnrp fchod. heml Ktnll on.
Honiird p.dd. Unn'l llroun , mall carrier. Omn
hn postolllro.
T OSl' llctwoon N. II ruleoncr'8 and A ,
.it I'nlni'U'ii , 1310 rarnmn.a pnckniio contnln-
Intrplnk tftitln. U'ho Ilnuor pleasu return fniino
to IU10 rnriium. OSJ
TH.U'UDoretolcn Irom Mill In rd botol-
put ; pup , A llbrr-il rc-wnrd will bo paid
lor his return to J. J. Ht'lhiuj'tonMillnnl hotel.
T 03T A Ivockct. Fun shaped , Inlnld with
Jt-l pola. l"iro dollnrs rownnl paid If left nt
lllley A' Dillons' , 13JU Doiiflus tt. IM rj *
LOST At charily ball In the diowlnir room ,
( ino wlilto pntlii fnn , hundimintod , with
tipple lilo > soma. Thu tiudor will obllvu by lo.iv
inir at this olllco. 40S ai
' "
r.VDAM AI.ASICA , Clarnrorcnt and
613 South u
, ( 'tncl ( > a only f 5 * pair at I'rnnU
n ) und son X , ' * , - SO & inh tt , CIS Si
. . . . , . . . I have
hand ul
i .ii. 111. on I KU > i > i u-
J. tlty of Miiolhy , clover nnd Indlot bci'4 f r
lain. Wrlto for prices. W , 0. IK stem , David
* Vr.nitASKA Cultivntor Knd Housckcepor. "
Ji > F > tnb ] | lie < l 18 years. Dcpnrtmonts ng-
Tlciilturnl.llvo stock , houeektcpinK' < n vnluntlo
collection of receipts In each issue ) , nnd pen-
eral miscellaneous reading , Including short
Merles nnd poetry , f l.Ot ) n yonr. VnlimMo
promlnm * ! . Snmplo cony free. II. P. Smith ,
i'ub. , Hoom 3 , Wltbndll lUook.Omahn , NPb.
STnii : , pectncle to suit all slghn only tl.OO
n pnlr at Frank & Son * Co.,220.eouti ! lllh
slrool. CIS J.-3
" \710L1NS , gultnrs , hanjo , mu lo boxes , etc. ,
> krtnt bnrgnlns ot Frank it Son A Co. , 210
South llth streot. C4S 23
" 1 lNTS : gold nnd Oliver wntche , birgnlns nt
J Trank & Son i Co , 220 South llth Mrcot.
CIS zi
BIUMilANT l'nrl lfth diamond earrings , colld
gold , only $3.00 , tit Frank nnd Son > V Co.'s ,
2JO 8.14th St. 0182:1 :
EilOR 1 ItHNT-Fqunro Pinno , ti montnlv. A
Ilpspn. IBiaDouHU * . 610
Inigest mill It ion to Omnhn Is Oco. H.
llotfgs' udd just north of U. 1' . shops.
ADIT.S' * olll gold stem winding wntchca
onlyt2U nt Frnnk nnd Son Jt Co.'s , 2W 3.
llth St. CIS 23
SIlOHTIIAND-ln ten lessons. No shading !
nopo'ltlon ; rnpld ns npoonh. Instructor ,
ro cents. I'ernm's Shorthnnd Institute , Detroit ,
M Ich. 18-i f 10 *
AD IKS' diamond collar button * , onlv 10.
I'rnok nnd Son k Co. , 2J3 3. Ill h 61 019 23
F T organs , f 2 per moutb
1613 Douelas. C09
D I1AMOND STl'Da ' only $10. Frank nnd Fen
& CO. , 220 S. 14th St 043 S3
MOHTOAOr.S-l'urchnso innnov mortgages
on Improved Omnhn ronl citato , bought
nt No. 21 Frcnzlor block ; npply between 2 nnd 3
p. in. 2D7
lAMONDHAHlUNdS only $10 nt Frank and
SoniCo.JOS 14th st. OIS 23
| ? U > K IIHNT Sfi'.inro I'luno $3 monthly. A
V Hoflpo.lfiKJDotlKlns. Oil
ITIOlt 8ALK-Or Trnilu Ono 15-horso power
X1 cnglno nnd boiler nnd pinning mill mn-
chlnory. one 21-Inch Ko'tner feed mill , ono Vic
tor shcllur , one Holt shafting , pulllcs , elevator ,
belts , Ao. Jt. J. Willis , 200S.2iith si. 003-30'
"I710H NAL1J A spnn of ponies with bnrncss
Jj chenp. 10)0 Cumin ? su 075 25'
DIAMOND 13-4 cnrat stonecombination ring
nnd stud nt n grout bargains Frank & Son
& Co , 220 8 14th street , CIS 23
"ITtOH'BALR Good sound IIOMO suitable for
JL1 any business. Grocery n. o. cor. 35th and
California st , 001 25 *
fDKAIj SAFKTV HA'/.OU-Only $2 lit Frrtlik
Son &Co's2308 14th street. 04S 2 ! >
7 > OU BALK Stamping Patterns chonp : nnd
J stnmnlngdone to order. Mrg.J W. Mor
risons , 1505 Davenport 287 F 12
71OH 8ALI5 The best buggy In the world for
- thn Itenl Rstnto Iluslness , Columbus Hnggy
Co.lll3Ilnniovst- 2IOM1
TTloriSAT.K Goniilno diamond earrings $10 nt
JL1 Frnnk & Son & Co's , 220 S 14th st. 048 23
FOH SALK A irood 5 year old horse , Harness
nnd buggy. Kmiulro ut ItOS Douglas st. IK ) . *
T71OU SALF OH TIlADP.-Ono 3d hand Bide-
JR bar buirgy.ono 3d hand phaeton , ono do-
'Ivorywagou. Cheap. A , Hospo , 151l ! Douglas.
751 J ! tU
FOU8ALrTjpowrltor , $00. J. U. Hayncs ,
Uoxtl35 , Omnhn. CC7
FonSAT > n Furnlturo and lease ot six-room
house , tlmo on pnrt. Call 1203 North 27th
street , two blocks from Rod Car lino. tW
TXTANTHD A Inundry nun kltchon girl or
young man nt the Merchants betel , O'lB-35 *
\trANTED-A good cook , 3 In family. 014 N.
> Y23d. 62025'
WANTF.n A nrst-clnss book-kcepor. Must
hnvo very best city references or need
not npply. C. K.Mnyne , 15th nnd Harnoy. 085
W ANTED Hey , with reference , nt 204 N.
10th St. 070 2i
WANTED A younir innn wnnti n situation
nt driving or Inking cnro of horpes. Ad
dress , D9 , Doe. 081 20 *
WANTED Hey to do chores around houeo
for his board. 803 8 lUth st D. L. Mo-
Guckln. 071 30 *
WANTED Roy to do chores around house
for his lloixrd. D. L. McOucke , 8U2S s 10th.
C34 25
WANAKD fl good men agents. $5 per dny
mndn easy by calling ll'J N 16th , Crounso
blk , room 4. H. O. Hello Islo. 678
WANTED-Skilled nccountnnt will accept
situation Fob. 1 , Id37. Address 0 05 lloo
office. 649 25'
WANTED-A boy or young man having n
good horse nnd living In south pnrt of
olty , to cnrry u route on Dnlly Evening Dee to
South Omnhn. 403
WANTED Mon , women , boys , girls to earn
$70 per month nt their own homos costly-
outnt of samples , n pnckaKo of goods and full
information for lOo to help pay postage. Ad
dress H , C. Itowoll & Co. , Rutland , Vt.IWflO
IWflO *
' \VANTKU tt ) sober , Intelligent men of good
address to try a lOc moul at Norrls' res.
tnurant , 104 S18tb st. 153
AGENTS In the city or country can maKo$5 to
$10 n dny soiling our Hpoclnltios. N. W.
Novelty company. 1307 Farnam st. 013
WANTED Two girls : onn for tlrst nnd ono
for second work nt 2611 St Mar-'si nm
Apply 606 S. 13th ct 0
A girl for gonornl housework ;
T mult bo n good COOK nnd 00:1:0 well recom
mended. 216 S. 15th et CHI -M
W ANTKD A clrl for poncnil house work m
Bliuitl fiiinlly. IIXKJ Fiirinitn. RSl-'M
W ANTKI ) Chumbormald nt tlio Windsor
Hotel fi&l ) - *
V\7"ANTKO A competnnt girl for gonornl
V ? housework. Apply to Mrs. C. H. Scott ,
2033 Dodge Bt. 070 20
W ANTIJD A peed lrl for lUht lio-jsowork ,
Bood wat'os. 4M Convent st. U71'I *
\ \7ANTKI ) A Blrl forconornl hoii8 < i work nt
4th bouse HOiith ot I.onvonwortli Bt. on
Vlrnlnla nve , Mrs. Gto. II. l-'rlloliott. 07020
WANTKD Two or three Indy ngrentR. A | > -
ply Tuonlajr nnd Wedno dny , room No.
1'd lloor , a. K. cor. 13tb nnd llownrd Sts. ,
W ANTKD Dlnlnft room girl , nlso Inundry
clrl nt Hunters' House , 10th und Dodcu.
061 2 *
ANTRD A ( rood stronc Blrl ns wnsher In
Inundry nt Windsor Hotel. 483
> ANTK I > 75 > 6odilrTsfor dbiiioitlo work ,
W tocftllnt liN.15tUst. ! ! Oil M'
W ANTKD At onco-12 experienced hnnds
nt overall work. duo. Slllcs. 14th nml
Lonvonworth etreota. I'K ' 2o *
WANTlin Dmlnir room jrlrls with jfood if'
oreneont Arcudo Hotel. nil S-t *
W ANTKl-CompotontifirlHt25J5 St. Jlnryg
nve. till -Vi *
TANTKD A irood cook , a Infiimlly , UU N
22il _ JriLtL
' . | ) Gooil cook nnd Laundress. 203 K ,
IMh et. 6S ! )
NTI'.D Dining-room girls , with good
references , ut Arciulo Ilotul. B21 2i
\TfANTED Good fflrl for Bcuoral house
It worK ; good wiitros piild. 3l > N. Jotler'
EOII , bet. Chlcas-o nnd llttvunpoit. 5fll 21 _
TiTANTKl laundress nt thu Ozzensf.
V\7ANTBD-A competent Hirvnnt , nUo n sou
> V end uirl. In smiill fiimlly with onir oni
child : t'"od wim'es. r.-'l St.M ary'ft avt' .
TxrANU'HD An oTd"orly woiiitn to oook in
V > small fnmilr , no washing or Iiousekeep-
eo CKlherlno et. _ _ jj.l * _
V17ANTI. D Dining-room ? lrl and dish-
> > wasticr , liuiulre Miller's Hcstaurant 1001
N .
1\rANTKD-Oood Rlrl. Knftllsh or Oerman.
cook , washer und ironur. Inqniro S'll
Cass rt.
" \\TANTKO ) Indies Ac gonw to leirn telo
grapby 1'rospeot good for posttton whoii
competent ; address W. J. D , Itoom 1. Crpuns
blk.OniHhu. *
AAfANTKD-Ily nsliiBlosontlcinnn.fiiinlslied
> V loom in locality where DBCtin prnctlco
upon r ) rnr4 without Inconvenience. Address
Dtf , llcoollico. _ , 005- * _ _
Y\r.VNTiD"-SltuaUon : by n well educated
\ \ \ounirliidytotakofuroofchUdron , ns-
sist w itu woik. or to do light work , sewmij taller
or address AMI , , liirt Furnnm. 81I *
TT * ANTED-Younjj man of SS , with ton roar's
\ \ onxji'lonce , vruou n situation oithur - , '
b.o orkkecpcr or salesman In Dry Ooodsor " 7. , . : .
rind Snoc's : can spoakUermau ; bpst refcreH8'
A dilres a 6 , Uce oiBcc. OJO- *
Silifntlon nshoiiscfccencr In * mnll
family. Address 12W Slith nveuuo ,
Council mulls. KW sa
\\ANTKI ) To learn dry goods or ( Ffocery
tra < le by nynune m n of unroproixoh-
fthlo olmracter nnd hnblK Hnvo OTpurlonco ns
school Icnohcr. Host ot reference , try him.
AjJdrCSS 418 813th St. Ufi 29'
"WANTED Position ns hou'o-keepprm prl-
vat o family , or lo belli with light work.
Ktpcrlenco. Address Mrs. J. A. IJurton , city.
673 21 *
TXfANTKD A nurse , who Is willmir to help
around house. Address N. C. , Ml When
ton st. 6ill
ANfiT-cnticmnn"w ; ) ItFrTllmltod knowl
cdiroot German de < lie * to potfect himself
In thai Innifiiairo , nnd will pny nronponnble rule
for Instruction. Address 1) a , Boo office.CM
CM 24
A.Vrnn Torentby FoK 1st good fl or 10
room houeo with modern lmprocmonts , In
good location , address stntlnu locntlon and
torms. King * Tomplcton.
In care of Citizens' llnnk , 2IU3 Cumlng n.
U37 24
\\TANTr.n To exchange BO acres Improved
> > land , six miles from Hortrnnd , Nob. , for
linrdwaro or furniture , f. C. Scliroedor .V Co. ,
llcrtrnnrt , Nob. WO
W -Teams , TO 8. lltti sU
WANTRD To buy nvo to twenty acres In-
side of or near Omnhn. ( live descrip
tion , price and terms. Address , C,2J , Ilooolllcu.
* *
\\7ANTED--Arollortopdoikln good oondl-
T > tlon. Address stntlng length nnd price.
Cnsh , Hotel Mlllnrd. 803 J l
W ANTI5D A young innn do'iroi instruction
on the guitar from n competent to.icher.
Address II 41 , lloo olllcu. 705
FOH lll'.NT Furnl hod housmf seven rooms
until May L Desirable locality. Inquire
oUlcocstcrn Pottery Co. , Exposition Hulld-
ing. 002 3 (
_ _
HUNT A Inrgo two-Btorr , fi-roomTioU'o
J-1 nt 2007 Dnveupoi 1st , ApplyofC. N. Hut-
lor , Hoe olllco. 077
rive-room hotiso , 1103 Davon-
f port street. Kniulro 1010 Farnnm street ,
up stulrs. 032 24'
IJIOH HUNT Lnr < o tinrn ; will nccoiumodnto
J. 0 horses. Enquire 20J5 Hownrd st , COS
FOH ItnNT House of ten rooms , modern
Improvements , good location , chenp. lid-
Win Davis , 1503 Fnrnnm st. 500
O3 FI ! ETon Dodge a1" good as n corner : cnsh
> $5,00) ; $12,003 for u few days. (1. ( M.
Cooper , 150'J Fnri'nm. 433 23
FOH ItlJNT Six room homo with burn. * fl
per month , Corner llth nnd Ylnton. In-
ulroon promises. 431
FOH IllINT 10-room homo with lariro nnblp ,
very chonp to right party. Murahull .N : Lo-
bock , 1509 Farnnm. 231
FOH HKNT-lly Fob. 1st. ten room hoiHo ,
modern Improvements , 15 minutes wnlk
from P.O. On st cur lino. Inquire nt 110S
Douglas st. ' 140
FOK HUNT A barn for 4 bond of horses. In-
qillro of M. F. .Martin. 837
FOH HUNT A nlco fi-room cottniro , by S. T.
1'otersen , s. o. cor. 15th nnJ Douglm.
"IJ1OII HUNT 0 room house , city wuter , street
JL1 cnra , 1U mllus trom P. O ; $25 par month.
D.C. PattersonOmnlm Nntl bank. 7IU
HUNT-Largo bnrn with
FOH water privi
leges. Apply at 1918 Chicago st. IHH
FOH HKNr House , 4 rooms , corner I'ld
Shorldnnnnd Hownrd sts.
House , U rooms , nil modern Improvements ,
nxrnoy and 20th sts.
Now brick store , north Ifith st
4 now stores nonr Hnscall'a hotel , south 13th
st . $15 per month.
Hrlck warehouse on H. It , track and pavol
3rd story Barker building , luth and Tarnnm ,
00 feet square.
C. K , Muyno , 15th and Harnoy. 337
TC1OH HKNT If you want to rout a house , rail
JL : on HonawaA Co.opposlto postolllco , 53)
FOH IIKNT Sutlablo for Johbln ? Houso.Sec-
ondnnd Third Floors , 31x100 wltti baso-
montnnd olovntor , antrnnco from front on
Douglas St. , and entrance on groundllnnr from
rear to elevator. Address A 3J , lloo olfieo.
IlKST 9 room honso S. W. cor. 7th nnd
PnclOo. Incjulro M. F Martin. 213
FOH HUNT Six new brick stores with base
ments , corner Eleventh nnd Hownrd : choice
'locution ; nil conveniences. Loavltt liurnhnm ,
Hoom 1 , Crolghton block. OJ7
FOH IIKNT Ono now cottlifO , 7 rooms , $33.
Three now 2-story hoiisul , $40 , onu nt $ I > :
welllocatod , nil conveniences. Loavitt Burn-
humHoom l.Crolsrhton block. 127
FOU RKNT KO acres ndjoiumir oily north
west , suitable for dniry or ronrkot gnrtton.
Applyto Thoo. Williams , 13co Olllco , 014 Far-
mini. B9 ,
FOU JtJi.NT Store 22x00,1113 Jackson at
. 7
TTOlTItr.NT Nlcnly furnished rooms , 4vi
JU lltli st , "il etnirivny from llownnl.
ti S 29 *
FOH HRNT Hooms convnnlunt for
hoiiBi'Ueepinir , furiildhcd or nnfiirnnlinl ,
ntOU Soutn liitli . - '
st. MS >
FOH HKNT Kiirnlshod IIOIHO of sovdn rooms
until May 1. Duslrnblo locality. Inquire
ollioo WoBtcni I'attorn Co. , Imposition Itulld-
Inj : . na-
T71OH KKNT-Nlcclyrurhlshert front room SX ,
J3 South Dth street. US I 2U'
POll HINT : Itooms witli nrst-Glnss bourd.
1 21 Capitol nvenuo. ; w zfi *
F OU IIKNT Thrco rooms nt 270 ? CnniliiBS
Btroot. Terms $3 per month In mlvunco ,
FOH IIKNT Furnished liouao night rooms ,
oonvonlont to U I1 depot. AddiPiiC ft ! ,
lleo olllco. 618 SI *
Foil HUNT Furnished room 1WJ Fttrnnin.
FOH HUNT r.lepnntly fnriushod front room
wllli iilcovonnd closet 111 S 16th M.
OJO 26
ir < OH li.NT ( : Kurnlshod rooms 1015 Dodio st.
U C."J
FOH ItHNT I.nrtfo , nlcoly fnrmsliod front
room , 1'JOO I'nnium st , [ WC us
FOH linNT 3 riinilnluid room" , fc'3 S. 1Mb. 4
blocks south of opcrn house ; pilco , flO ,
$15 nnd f20. 6 ! 2t
IJtOH KNT-n nloo front rooms In tlio brick
JL1 lilocxon llo'viinl st. hotwcon Itith und 17th
BU. I.UQ. XlchoKVCo. , Withnoll block iiM
Oil HUNT Dusk room In tlio Oinnhn Ilcnl
llstnto Kxcliang-o. Mund & Jnink'son.'JlS S
15th. 5'tt
I7IOH HUNT Two nnfiirnlsriHd rooms for Unlit
-L1 hoiiBO-kocinpr | | , In liuomoi's bloclt , corner
Klplitli nnd Hownrd. Sl ! _
F IOH HK.NTAt 8J1 Howard street , ono block
from CiwronB lionso-strrot cnr every five
miniitoH n Inr 'o Iront room.turnls'acd nuvily ,
for IIS..V ) per month. rti
Fc ; HENT Furnlshod room , 711 N. 10th St.
IMF : *
KK.NT Suite of rooms.furnlBliod or unfurnished -
furnished bed rooms , three Mnckxtiom
lioyd'6 opuru house. Address C W , lieu ollleo.
l -'l-
IIKNT Furnlshod rooms for light homo
kooplni ; , lieemcrs klozk , cor ( ithV Howard.
_ Oil
J710H HUNT Niooly fiirnl4ho < l room. Hofor-
L' t'licRsruijiurcul , III ) , Douglas. 911 *
POH HKNT-Furnished room. A.
IM1 DdllKl 13 St. 911
FOH IIKNT rooms unfiiriiUhot suitiblo
iDrhoiibCkoepinir , 1017 N2Jth f npply to
M-.Manln.Ult ) H ! 5th st. 101
JjlOH UI3NI' Two hoiith rrunt rooHs1
-L1 or en suit : iilao front room , llrst lloor , wither
or " wlthoilt lire , 1513 Cuss st. _ _ B5-L'C _
J"MWJMIXT A nico. livht liiHt'iiicnt , "inoiiiro
_ _ of I.e > li6A _ I sliejjtihaml Uodira stg. itH
-Mco rooms ut ISJl l iinvim st ,
onu block west of court house , south sl.Ie. .
' _ . _ r _ tin. _
'LIClll HUNT 3 rorvns snlt.iblo for houso-
J-1 koeplni , ' . 711 IMelttast. llenl , JIS.01.
_ _ _ _ 12J _
1710H HUNT Hocinn nlcoly 'ruinliho.l nt iill
-I- prices , from J > , ilo.JU. $15 u montn vnoli.
MHi nth IStli otrhH , north St. ilars's avenue
upstairs. _ _ _ _ _
ItB.NT Furniahea room , furnace , com-
J-1 tort ul > In in coldest weather , and iras. In-
( iulrcl3'l 1'uiniim. _ 111
"ITlOlt HUNT 'i iiL-o newly pnpqroj rooinj.
J-1 wntorln kitchen ; aiiltablo for hauiokeup-
ins. 1'rlco. IU1J N. S'Jth st. Apjly to
owner M.K .Martin 3188. 11th st
YfOH HUNT Neatly furnished rooms , siuh'lo
"IIUJH 11BNT EIe rant rotins oi : stcoot carL
-L line , bath Mil iis , a. vr. cor 2Jtb nnd
Webster. 133
FOH HUNT Four pntuinlsnad rooms
for housukuoplnf to em ill family , lo
cated on Ooork'ia avenearstreatsf K.SUr.'Ouna-
inys plc&iact < 3.1 wui rent ch up 10 good
partic ; refert > ace required. AiJruij A , 6-1,1 lee
nr.NT-Sultp of newly f urnlsho t rooms
In now house : modbrrf convonlsnoos : to
gentlemen. 11M1
rp J. HOOK , 1500 Farnnm st , . ,
JL week among many "bargains !
Aero In Newport , en y , firm.
1/otln Mnnliattnn , oas-jt1o.
( "hoico lots In Orchard Hill , jwi
Ixjts in Konlstono's snli-div. , fii cash , I2JO.
Aero In Heivedore , f iiw , .
Special bargain In S. Omnha.
Mco now 4-room ooltngo nnd lot , $1,400.
F.lognut soutn front ou llnruey near 25th ,
' '
a'lot's on Tvavonworth. both $ JROO.
Lots In Cntalpn2d addition , $ > i > .
Splendid double corner In I o tcr' ndd.
Fine Inrgo lot on Hnrnoy SOlh St. , $8 1JO.
4f ft on I.envonworth neai11Mb , J , MJ ,
Finn lots In Kllby I'lnoo , Jl.tfin ,
Largo lot on Euclid st. In IIlmcDnugh 1'lnce ,
S2.100. .
Iluslno s lot nn Sherldfin nvo. hot. St. Mnry's
nvnniul Leavonworth.and lieu < o , $ lrVJ ,
Finn A I lot on Charles st nenr SI Mnry's nVe ,
54.5001 will bring fS.nO ) within ludars.
Fine east front on 2oth near Ixjavonworth ,
S2..VM ) ,
CM 31 Hook , 1S09 Fnrnnm.
IF VOr have property for sale list It with us
nnJ It will receive speclnl attention. Kills
Hros. Hoom 17 , Whltnell block , cor. 16th and
1 1 nrncy. UJ7
TWO lots In Kllhr Place , ouch $7W.
1W feet on I'lorco street 'corner ' ) , $303. ; !
K feet on inth street icornori , JJu.UO ) .
II. W. Huntress , ISO1. ! rnrmim st. < HO 234
noiTrSAI.H-Ono lot 701170 on South 20th St. ,
? with hnuso , outh of the llollovito rend ,
$1,500 ; fftOO cn-di , balance to suit. lhni o runt *
tor fs per month , ilorlarlty ft Co. , 1320 Doiiif-
Ins st. C31I
TAHiv AVIINUB-I have 101 leet front for
palont a Imrptln if old soon. VorvileMio-
ablo'for bulldhiB a swell front. Tor pnittou-
lars.addresj , P. O Hot 6 .jUy. 67
HIU-Wo have the nxcliislvo
sale of : ) choice lots In thl nd-litlon , from
} ' > 50 to WO , on snmli payments. Oolntr fast.
1) ) . It. Hall -V Co. , 115 S l' > th. r/S
FOH SAM ! Omaha nnd Council HlufTs prop
erty , nl n N'eliinskn nnd louii InnJn. Cull
nnd RI-O us. Kills Hros. Itooui 17Vhltncll Mock ,
cor. 15th and llnrnoy. mil
" 1710H SAl.r Iiusino i corner OTxliU , Fdrnnni
X'tiotwccn 17th and 1'Jth. nt a r.uo burtrnln :
( f20'X)0 ' cash ) fri/fl ) . Wlo .V I'nrinelo. IWJ
Fut num. M CT *
"IllOlt SA1.R Corner l.'tti nnd 1'ticlllo. 4 hou .n .
- - will lie truck pronorty. 11 12. Coinon , l& 7
B. intli ft. COI 5l
FOHi.VCH.\Nli-ror : : NcbriHku lands oily
property or coivl noUu e'catt ' stock of
rloOilnir ( : linolcn $ I,10J. Addiess I ) , ! M ) N. Ifith
st i , , O'niiilia , Nob. fi'J7 Ul
q"Vl I UTTVorsoll rcnl e t ite , to borrow fi per
I'onl money , or irol an iili trnet or tllle , pete
to ( thoolllcu of It. C. l'iitt'rsonl"itu ( and llnrnoy.
OR SAIiT ! Four eleffant two-story hou os
nnd lots , onecottaifi\oti street car and nour
cablocar \VlllKlvoyounbnrgnln. . C. W.
Cain , M Ohio st. 513
LAND In IOWH nnd Nrli'-iwkn to trade for city
property nnd pay diiruii'iico
Klnjj A-Toniploton.
At Citizen's Hnnk , 2103 Cumlntr t OH 28
rp.UCK thnp by the , fornlock. ( ! dt In on the
JL ground floor In Hiirllnsrton C'ontor , nnd lay
the foun Intlnn of > our fortune , llnok. bolo
Accnt , 1GOII Farnam. f > M 34
OMAHA icitl cntato bolter thnn poxainmont
bonds. Kul ) lot on U'Uh Flieet just elf
Ctimlnvs wjth Imnrovomcnts , rents for $751X1
per month , $10,000. J. L. Jllco & Co. (13 (
LOT MxlCG feet , S-story frame house , J rooms ,
city water , etc. , for si'lo with or without
hou ° o. Knqulro for prloo-i nnd terms Orotr-
ory & Hadloy , 3--0 S. l.'ith st. 5'c1
Harcraln ,
llnrffaln ,
Wo have lt > now. Got the ownei tied up to
Feb. I , Never will bo another clmnco to cot n
llnohotnolUe thlHHii cheap , ( lOtodll ( leorffia
nvo and take n look at thosplen 111 house nnd
irroundi tliuio Consider that they uro withIn -
In ono block of , licut cars , school nnd church.
Don't let this opportunity to procure a imod
bnrirnin or hnmlsome reildnncn sllii. 1'rit'o
S4.SOO , $2.40,1 cash , MM Jlny ] , 18S7. 700Muy 1.
1HS8. fl.200 Nov. 1. ISSl. M. A. Upton & C < > . , 150J
Farnnm. Toiuphono 7J. 2I5 !
UMOnit PLAOI3 , tlio supqrh addition of alT
South Omuhii. H. C. Pultersou , Iftth nnd
llnrncy. fi'J" '
3Dxlfl. > feet on "rtth strm-l. In" toct from St.
ITary.s iivu. Kuiiulro for prices. Gregory V
Hnrtlny. a20 S , Kith St. 552
OMAHA real cstRto better thnn povernmen
Ixjiid1) . Thirteenth street , 40 foer Iront
on llith street butucon Doilk'O mid Caiiltnl
avenue , with Improvninonts worth S'.i ' , 10.
{ IIJ.TOO : iVIfcot front , South 13th street , 1m-
) ) rovelSlO.Oi ( ) , ) . J. I , . Uleo & Co. , over Com-
mercinlbtnk. 443
AKMOrit PIiACn nnd Harris . Patterson's
nnnci ntc the two best. South Omnha nddi-
tions. 11. C. Pnttor&on , Afft. , 15th and llnrnoy.
FOH SAIiK A TOJ aurn farm with homo , rmrn
nnd crib , on the U. P. Hy. , nnd only one-
half mlln from H t-'ood r.illway town , with
churches nnd scliooU. Price $8IKJ. ) Apply to
Louis HrAdford , cor. Oth nnd Uouglns , Omaha ,
Neb WM
KOUNTX.U PLAOU-ILC. I'nttcrson.airi-iit.iritli
and Harney. .VJ7
South ( imiilm lot go to H. C. Pat
terson. 15th nnd Hnrnoy. WI7
EAST SIDE , HlniobntiBli Patter-on's Sdb
division , Sniinilors & Hlmohniicirs Adill-
tl'jn and Armour ] > liic * < ) , nro thu bo-t inldltlons
to the city , liny now before Ihn prices lire
rnlse.l. It. 0. Pntturson , n unt.lolli and H.irney.
CALL and sno the fullast nnd molt coin junto
net of nuitnict books of DoiiKlns county
now In the oliiceof If. C. I'attcrson , IMh and
llnrncy. f 'J7
AOinlooIMneo of ground on'JJth strnnt lilft
south irom St. MHry'fl nvo. Greiroiy \ Mini-
loyiUS : IMhM. 5VJ
MKAU & .iAjinso.v : ,
NH. ! I1K South 15th St.
Lot , fronting 3 fltu'otti. 35th nnd Pnclllc , S
liousos , J3.WO r.a-y terms ,
Jlcst lot In Orchurd Hill with B room IIOIIAD ,
hanf , well , cisiern , fruit and slmdo trues , Sl.vJJ.
IJnsy terms.
S W corllih nnd Pacific , fl3vl.Tiflnocottnfes ! ; ! ,
Lot t routing on Convent nnd 34th sts lin-
pidvoiiu'iits worth fl.'HJi , 3 houses , city nnd
cistern w liter , ffiW > Kasy terms.
A mom cottage nnd lot , 3th and CImrln.s ,
IfL'.OO1) ) , ? I05 cii'-h , lull o.isy.
N Ucor ofl.'itn nnd Lfnvnnworth , 2 houses ,
rents tor $75 pur mo , lot OlxSi ! , line bu'lno s
property , f 13,000. Mead & .linnluson , 318 S 15th
street. _ _ _ _ 24l ! _
BIMtLlNOTON ri.VTIiilxmo : ( yards triini
the irrunt picknikr lieu im. rlvu ncroiold
H. & M for depot gnmnm. side tracit now in.
'J'ho dead suio tilg jirotlt. Hoak , solo 1170111 , 16W
rarnain i/.M 31
FOH BAIiR Two coniors , California nnd
Pli'fts , nt Riid CnSMind Plensnnt , $ iinn , fur
either for llvo days only. They nroduWes , tee
thorn Hunuhcr , tolo aRent , 1511 Farnnm fit.
_ U. _ _ _ Wl 37 _
Kill'VTXi : PLACi--H. : C. I'ntt'rson. niront ,
15lh unit Hnrney. _ ' " 5'J7
H0f > > i4 l.otfc.l'uriiis.i' ' tiiifi "money loaned. "
HemU , room I. HiirUer blo"t ! , S. W. cor.
15th nnd 1'nrnnm sin , -n _ _ 5'i4 _
HuMJS-C'oinur lot u
NUholHSst.ttth track yu alloy fl,5J ) . J. L ,
ItlcoCo _ 4TJ
llotni" , roomi : ,
15th nnd 1'nrnHints.
AIISTlWM'surTITI.Knnutir.i to
Kimrnntprxl .Ml.llnud fiiiuiMiitoe \ Tniit
company , 1.VO rnniani M. , _ 1 i 17
AHAItr. linrtmln ; 4'ni ' ) > nH.ol liml voi-j cheap
In tine , warm lout'icfji onnuto. lor par-
tlciiliir > ltd Irees U 41 Ho ? qtilcu. 7-l-J W
niMltion.-'l miles north on H > th fltcct.on lc\ol
( poor lots 2Uto . ) ' > J "iitli 1 i-b. Int.
( inii tenth doirn siiif. J. L. Kico A : Co ,
8ulo Atrt'liti ' 443
Foil SALII An fmjinivod farm of iitt norus
In ( luge county , l < b . \ ka. in miloj north of
lieutrk'o. nuuH inlloi from I'icKerod iHHtlon , on
I' Pj Hy ; now S-rooin house , inr r barn , well ,
ulnd mill , orchard containing 1JJ apple trees ,
1W ! RCrej uii'ler cultivation. 11) ) ncies foncii I ,
hirtrn cattle gliod , wuou shot , crio room tor
a.wibui'lioN of corn , hojr nnd cutilo corrnla ,
plenty of untor tor stock , Inwo cotton oed
iirovo. Tills is onu of the l > o t fa rim in Cuiee
county and n bartfnln at fta.MXl One-third
cash , Imluiioo in 10 joars at < " percent Interest.
Tu trcdo tor OniBbii real CSIH'I' , ono team of
Inrco work hews , new sot double work harness
nndiiow wtinon.
Two business lots 23t3 | It on Lenvonworth
ftreet. cheap , f I.OW , Itcltor & Campbell , room
1I.WJ rarniira tt _ _ _ _ 210
TObuyofhQll South Omahn lots V" to'ttio
oltlcc of It. 0. i'nltorson , 15th nnd Hnrney.
OMAHA real estate bettor tlm-n ( 'ovurnment
Ittnds , Two bcautirulViuli , ir ton 4auiro
iiU.c < v. li K _ llji e 4 : Co.,60lB eorenu. _
A HioIrepU'ciior irrauii't oa SJtfl sttx-et
2 \ south tr > m St , Mary t aw. Ofegoi
' '
Jlcmbcrs Utnnbn Heal Tstato Kxchanee ,
Hoanisl A 3 , Hedlck lllk , KO S. IStli St
Corner on Dodro , 06x10. Improvcvl and
tcntliiff for foyip r year . . . . . . $ 33,000
Corner on llth St. , ISJ.xiai near south
end of vinditot . . . . . . 15,000
44x131 , Improved , half block from
Union f rolirht depot site ( only WO cmh ) 12,000
23x132. 3-story brick buslnoM block , on
ono of the bt st street * In the city , rents
for $2(00 ( per year. Half Interest tor. .
Corner on Pncltlo s t. , 06xS3 , 3 houses ,
renting for f 0 par month . 8,500
Corner LcnvDiiworth nnd 15th , OCxCC , 3
llOIKCS . , . lI.t'TO
rine. t41otsln Kllby Pl.ico . 6.VOO
Thornell's add , lot ivixiv. , 2 houses ,
roMtlnu for $ V ) per month . 6OM
Lot 05x145 frontlns St. Mnry's ave :
thli Is the bc t nnd chcnio ) t buildlnif lot
! n the mnikrt ; term made to suit. . . , . . C.'kTO '
7-rooro house on Virginia nxo near
l nvotiworth st. , east front , nice home , S.fOO
Lot on Uoorffla ave , J. L Kodlck's
sub . 8,000
Kiist front , Gcorgm nve , Hnnscom
plnco . 2,250
We t front , Georgia nvo , Hnnscom
place . 1,750
Knst front , Virginia nvc , Hanseom
pHeo . C,100
West front , Catherine St. , llanscom
place . . . ! . ! . 1.POO
Dnndy lot on ; i3d st , Hnnscom plnco. . 2. < | H
Finn lot In Sunny Side . 1,500
Double corner In Dwlnht A LvmnnD's l.-W
Itcniitlful lot , oust front , Coburn's ndd , 2,000
Corner lot in Oik : Hurst , n simp . l.M )
Kn t front lots In Thornhurff' Plnco . . . . 000
Tjnt4lnstlbillvor block ! \\cnl Omnhn 1.500
Host lot In Utl < n Plnco . 1.2JO
Hu lnosslnts on Lcnvcnworth St. , at
Wo have lots to every addition to the great
cltvof Omaha nt winter prices , Invest your
spnro rhango In some of them before the
spring ndvnnco , nnd It will bo silt u to win.
South Omnhn ,
nit lneslotson N nmU'Atli ft Sl.TOO
llns'iicsslotson MOl'st. nt f'OO to. . 70) )
Full lots.nnxl'ifl.r.tli nnd2Sth st near I' 1,700
Hosldcnco lots it , every good addition ,
Comnnnd ro us.
( trngory i Hadloy ,
Hooms 1 nnd 3 , HedlcU's block , ! WO 9. 15th St.
G BNIINr. ! IlAUGAIN'3-Two corner lots tn
llnrdottu court , only I blocks from Siun-
d 01'oil root RIM. W. M. Iltishmin. lloam 10 ,
UiiDhmnn lllocK , N U cor ICth nnd Douifln" .
OMHA real estate la bettor than govern
ment bonds property on Sniin-
dors st . W ft , front $10.0)9 : B.I ft. front
f7.7ftO.ri'5ft. : Iront Imprnvod , Sfl/ilO : pnvrd In
IrontRii ft front by ini to 23d st. ff.OO ) ; tt ) ft.
tronl corner Impfovod ? V )0 ) : 0) ft. oornor
f.,7.ViilfL ; Iront , cor. nllov $1,0)1 ; IM ft. front
$10.000 : 121 front $ 1,201 : 7 ft. front , rorner ,
fr.noo ; ro rt. front $ lr > o ) : so ft. front $1,210. J.
1. . IlicuA Co. , room 0 , over ComiiiOrolnl Nnt
Hank , 413
BAHOA1Xfllots , 11MW cnrh , on CnlUorna
nnd Cnsi st. Inside property. All for
? 4-W , 1-ncash. Wliero cnn you Ilnd ns good
lots for the money Insldo the city limit1 * , ilun-
ebnr , 1511 Fitrniim st. f ! M ) 2. '
TT M.KKK Addltlnn , I/its nil level ns n tloor
.1. I , . HIco&Co. Solo.A8ts. 401 _
_ _ SAliK Two lotscorncr on I < ewe ave , In
J1 West Omnlm , 2 blocks south of Farnnm St. ,
both lor W.liiW.
t'ornor in ! lH'U'"vn I'la o , 2 bloom from
siroot oar. I block from church nnd school ,
? 2.1ii.
Oornor lot on South 13th at. Cheap nt $3,103.
lleltcr 4 : Cninpocll , room 1,15JJ I'nrnnm St.
J Hy M. A. rpton * Co. ,
15UJ Furnnni Street ,
Telephone 73.
Hnslness Proborty.
S. E. cor. 24th nnd Fnrnnm. 5lHxl42. Good
hoiifoand b'irii. This Is good hiMlnntq prop-
ertv , nnd nn awful irood purohnso nt J15.UOJ , to
February 1 , then $10,0 < ' 0-$8OOI ) cash. There la
5OiX ) In this In sit months.
Moil of ! the bualnoss property ndvortlsed
Inst week has been "old or withdrawn. The 115
loot on Knrnnm thst wo told you was n bargain
wns sold for $17,00,1. Wo sold It agnln the next
day for flf.OO I. $20WO won't Imv it now.
Half a million dollar * has been paid by cistern
capitalists tor Omtilin Ijuslnc's property In the
lust ninety dnvs. All bought to Improve. Don't
cot on the "old saw" that this thing line got to
stop. " Omaha is not going "lollop. " Neither
will the appreciation of bor Inside properly.
About thodcspoilpr ot farms wo liavo nothing
logav. Wo nre not In Hint business. M. A. Upton
Co. , IfiOit 1'nrnnm. Telephone 73. 014-24
DON'T HITV wild cut , but invent In snfo. sure
property , llko Iturllngtoii Centnr , whnro
your prntlls nio sure nnd largo. Hook , MJIO
agent , 1519 Farnam. 0U ! 34
S1' ltI.S-6 VAT.rEV ,
Our now addition.
Aero * SI' ' ) , ) to $ : K5 per oro.
Nonr South Omnhn ,
And Sydlcnto Hill.
Marshall .t Lobeek ,
J83 15J3 Knrn.irn.
SA. SLOMAN , Heal Estntn.
15J2 Fftrnnm st , room 2.
A It no of choice Inside property nt prices
which ore nor Inllntcil nnd which will prove
both sate nml prolttnblo Invmtinciits
Douglnsst bet -Mill nnd eidGfixlHJ $ 8,000
rnrnuiiiet I > ot3llli ( nndHld,2Sxiii : 0,5'IU
Fnrnnm > < t bet 30lh and 3Jd.61xI3J 16.00
Fnrnnm st cor In.loromo pnrk 2,100
Fnrnam si Cor 31st 13fi\lT2 15,0(10 (
West Omnhn irrvl87 , line sight 10.0JO
l.i > iivenworth cor 2lfit Improved 12.W )
Hownrd st near lOlh , : : : O.IUO
Lenvenworth st nonr licit Linn , 10,1x137. 2.3M
Lenvonworlh st Mnync place corner , : HO
llnrnoy st , nonr 20th,174x170 , Improved. . 'JS.tiOl
IBth hi. uciir Viaduct , 40x120 , OlKI
Huslupfss lot , South Omnhn 1,001
Hutine'-i ' lot , Houth Oninlm l.WW
Hedlord Plnco , lot 11 , block It 1,000
Acicsin Lnkes'di ' ) ? 3V ) to 400
LOIH In JoiomuPnik , East Fronts , near
Farnnm strnet 1,511
Lots In Wiikolyndd near camiln ? factory Ml
Fnrnnm "t , cor south nnd E. Front 3,000
Choice lota lu Orchard Hill $750 to 800
OOHNTH LOT , near school , nnd two
blocks from cur line , \\ltli 3 houses ;
tents for $13 per month , only 53,900
A lull lot on Hint ht , with noupn rent
ing ntf4 > per mo 4.SOO
A n ice home for some one on n corner
lot mixr.'S , houpo of ! i rooms , furnace ,
slnulo tieo < , largo barn , ovoiythlng complete -
ploto 7,000
Corner lot In Honsel & Slubblns' Addi
tion for n fuw dutR only , Ht 1,750
Lots In Orchard Hill , nice location . . . . 750
40 Herci , wlih grove , good house ,
Blabbi * . cribs , etc , jiernrio 250
This tract n near Ilnnsoii Plaon. "hots In nil
pin ts of the city" on "onsy tonns. " Wo have
ndomnnd for "hoimo < nnd lots" in good loca
tion * , by ' 'cnfih customers. ' If you want your
properly sold , send us 11 descilplion of It. Of-
llc , No. 15W Knrnitm si. J. L. Pleison & Co.
fUO 24
BIIHI.l.XOTON CKNI'P.H The buslnoHt hotirt
ol the I ) . A. M ( own Is onlvWrJ yards N. V.
htoek yards nt onih Omnha. I/irco nclvniico n
dead sure thing. Hook , solo ngentl50i I'nrnum.
Wl 24
A MAN who Is ported us to the vnluo of Hen
i ; tate in this rlty , knoww n bargain when
hfiKroAlt Wo hnvo lour , vlFinn ; business
lotnl\iiO feet , and good 3 story 8-room house
on Fifteenth street , between .Jones nnd Lonvon-
oith , flli,0jfl ; invniT nsm JI3.00) ) for adjoining
lot , s'ime sl/e. llnslmrhou o and lot. : "xlj'i
fun , on Cumlng tit reel , f I , : * ) ) . 5 room cnttnpo
nnd lot ' .MxlS'i fcol , on Ctnules i-trrt'l , lietwei n
Tniuity-elghth and Twenty ninth sts , fl.noO ;
line louitlon. Wa nlso linvo on sunio elrncl nnd
in Mime block n linn new v room liouso. with all
modern impioveineiiK , on corner lot W\100 ) It ,
nit'ti nt < w bain , splendid locution , 7,0 0 : $3 , Mil
nun , biilnneo I'iKV tnrms llesldes thoubovo
wi'hnvon InrgnM \ of property In dllfmont
thin wu will IHKO plonmni In
blioulngnny deslrou-iol purchasing. Lt your
property with us. King Si Tcmpl.-toii , nt nil-
yen's Hnnk , 24IH Cnuiiug st f n 31
OTOCK CAIlM-niS aw * nil fenced.
v ; mid goo 1 Imru. Do.iblo eorn cribs. Hog
houses I ! ' * ) lent doubio utinldlng. Wind mill.
lloi-oivolr. Good ot third. Hit noros Bo * > dod ,
4(1 ( ncios in c-l'.ver. Plimtv of i nulling wntor in
pustiiro flltunti'd In Pottamitnmin county.
Iowa , 12 miles i fl of Council Illulld , and 7
inilas from two niilioadtatiois. | . Tonns $ 'H
per iifro. ono liitlt ca"h and tmlniifii on tlmn nt
HIT per < ' ( 'iit mteiert. Csurlt & I'rt-nrh , 1510
Dont'lnsst , IU3 28
_ _ _ _
' " "
Bit. II \ L L'ATCO" 1 1 5 S. Fi I ti-uut irbf"ullu trtho
. loilowlmr b.trgnina ;
TuoIoK In HilMleNo. 1 . t''W
One lot Improvdinent AhSorlatlou ndilltion 1,1(11 (
Onolot.corm r.lmpi'nl ii-aVn ndd . t.50
nneliiHlne'S lot South Omnhn . 4'M ' )
( nm bnguiosslot s iuh iiii ) < > liu . I'.iH ; )
AlMibuxulu , n i.ll partsnf Onixhit nnd South
Omiilin nnd , .tiuiruiuity | | in ,
tllil 23
AI.I { Four Bjrf'elnj rtmtrJflli In Kuutit/u
1 Place nt n b-irgnln If fold nt onoo. Address -
dross C ft ) , lice oltice. 49'J
_ _ _ _
OMAHA roiil ii-t nt cTs fim t u r "t h an g-muin
ment bon < N Kivht Iwautllul .
lot ? i > p | > i llo 1'ountzo Plucu In OKi'S1 nd-
dltlon J70J to $ nM utifh , just | , lnred on the _ .1 _ L. Ilirii * _ ' ' .Boloui-rnts t4i _
WAN & CO. , | "ii > n/ar block , 15th tt , opp.
po-tolllct' . Our i urn next Urtut o uito-
mont. FK'iirei won't Ho ynnaooiK.w ) , ( iujii)0 ( )
Ftnce Jen. let , uiidttlll e ha\o clioioo
ineej lots on Fnrnnm and Hnvney.
" LouglnK and Ooiliro.
' " Cupitol nvenuo and Davenport.
" " Cltoiugonnd CS4.
" " Cuintuingi and onundcrfl.
' " Honniiliind 10th.
" " I'.thundlOthMS.
6Co lots along on thu lines of the 50 cable roads
ovv buiiu ( milt. I'lou pas-oi for * ill.
P .S. Hub out a ! ) but ono of our ciphers nnd
como and see us ' _ _ On 2J _
OMAHA real'fiitiitH better than govej-nmcnt
Vv liomitw Hi.snieil jiroporty on I ' arri
str > otSTUtitrioiit w.iji .utiirement3 wortli
tO0J ! , HR''M , < rtfct fioid. with Improvements
Voiin f'iS'i. ' ! | S6iA" , ! > i 00 lect trrmt cdnmr ,
* ; > ow J , I , . Hice k t'p. , over. C mmvr > iul
NoUoual bunk. < tj
Notirnslcn. , IottnRS. !
Ord Is the great hog mnrkot of Central
The original P.idilock man is multiply *
inp raflilly.
The now Methodist church at Scojia
has been dedicated ,
Senatorial bets have boon olllclally de
clared "off" Jjj- the IOSCH ,
Xorth Loup is out of coal and Hrokon
How it short on water. Both articles
command famine prices.
The countv clerk's ofllco in HushviUo
was raided last week and pnpors in an
important land contest case stolen.
The town of Harvard last year received
137 car loads of jioods nnd shipped 1,401) )
cars of stock , grain and merchandise.
The moral regulators of O'Neill pro
hibit husbands forcibly carcss'iiis their
wives. Their moral cede is a club stutl'cd
with splto.
Frank Shawl , of Fairmont , wrapped
tip in n troubled conscience and forced
notes , smote himself with n pistol , 'lie
cannot live.
Clark Woodnmn , of Omaha , has pur
chased the Pioneer Linseed oil mill of
Itnrllngton for f'5,000. The mill has been
In constant operation since 18oO. The
transfer will take place next Juno.
Tito sports of Stratton start out on a
wolf hunt to-day , and the nnlmals have
mudo elaborate preparations to enjoy the
fun. A corps of surgeons and a hospital
wagon will follow and minister to the
victims of the festive gun.
A doctor nnd druggist in Ord attempted
to decipher a prescription by prize ring
rules. The maker of pills compounded
the doctor's optics und adjourned to the
courts for a solution. Meanwhile the
patient for whom the prescription was
intended is improving rapidly.
A party of Sioux City rabbit hunters
rallied .Nebraska to hunt that frisky bobtailed -
tailed game , but the game not coming
their way , turned the imi//lo of their
guns toward the gable of a waslitub they
had bought of n farm woman for $1.85 ,
and indulged in a llttlo target shooting.
After the fun was over the woman went
out nml brought in the tub iu : u good
condition as over.
Iowa ItcniB.
A Conrad fanner lost 210 hogs out of a
drove of 1170.
Duburjuo raised $790 25 by subscription
for the German Catholic orphan home.
The state board of medical examiners
have granted 3,100 certiiieates to practic
ing physicians.
Soukay , the Shcrryyillo murderer ,
pleaded guilty nt Iowa City , nnd will be
sentenced to life imprisonment.
Cedar Haplds wants n live man and n
canning factory. Tlio town itself has a
surplus of cemetery ornaments.
Mississippi river prophets at Daven
port are of the opinion that next season
will see tlio river higltur than it lias been
for years.
The water in the river nt Iowa City is
so low that it cannot furnish power to
run the electric light machinery , and the
streets are loft in darkness.
There is considerable excitement in
Henton county over the disappearance of
John Monroe. Ho has been missing
since December 37. The last known of
him ho was supposed to bo going to
Cedar Hapids.
Bismarck has three banks.
The chief needs of the farmers of the
territory are reduced to open markets ,
plenty of cars and independent buyers.
A Ynnkton county farmer sold $4,000
worth of hogs in Ynnkton last wool : , and
ho claims hog raising is but nn incident
to his business.
The business of tho. United States land
oflico for the quarter ending December
Ul , 1880 , wasasfollows : Pre-emption , 131 ;
homstead , 1 ! ) ! ) ; timber culture , 218 ; total ,
C18 ; covering Ofli38 ! acres. Of final proofs
there wore : Pre-emptions , 288 ; com
muted homestead , 10 < J , ana final homo-
Mead , 8 ! ) , making a total of 620 , covering
81,831 acres.
The genial chinook wind visited Rapid
City nnd the Hills country on the. 1'Jth
inst. It was a boon to cattleman , for
under its warm influences the snow dis
appeared and run oil' the ranges in small
rivulets. Consequently there will bo no
mud , and should a frco/.o follow , the
grass will not be frozen in a mass of ico.
This will give the cattle what they hnvo
long ncedek , a chance to graze.
A remarkably handsome woman is said
to be the moving spirit in a phllantlirop-
ical movement in Kussia to supply the
poor of that country with Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup ,
Iti chronic and stubborn cnso.s of neu
ralgia , gout and rheumatism use Salva
tion Oil. It is the greatest pain-destroyer
of the age. Price only 25 cents.
Kent of a Short-Hand "Writer.
The Congressional Record has made
the formal announcement of the ap
pointment of ji young Virginian
to n position in a department
where the olliclnls nro few and Jit. The
corps of capitol stenographers in Wash
ington are the foremost men in their vo
cation on the continent. Thny rank as
expert- ) , and change of parties never
vacate their placo. No one can go behind -
hind their notes , and they therefore must
be chiefs in this nit. They receive tlio pay
of congress-men--$5,000 a year.
The severest tostn lire applied to every
applicant for tlio rare vacancies. The
sifting process goes on for months , Kx-
pcricnced stenographers collanso under
the stress of some rapid nnd everlasting
chinners on obstniso subjects. Last win
ter a wild and fearful specimen was be
fore n committee , terrifying thu hhort-
hand sorlbns by frightful speed. Ho was
a naval engineer from abroad , brlMling
witli technical phrases , and rushed along
in iudill'oront English. Practiced writers
Hung up their pencils and lied before
the yolublfi and vexing vocabulary of the
seientilio Swede. Congn'Siinnn Tucker
telegraphed for n stripling whom
thn Virginia legislature employed
to take the testimony of scared negro
witiii'h uB chattering in terror two hun
dred or thrco hundred words a minute.
Tlio lad made n night trip to Washington
to lasso the Maxcppu tl' ' t had got away
with tlio fast fellows , The nuvel ollleor
was lot looio. Tlio quick pencil kept
right by the Hank of tlio diiHhing and
furious talker. Thn custom of congres
sional reporters is ton-Move each other
every ten minutes. For live mortal hours ,
without rcccv. or refrcsliuifiiis , that niin-
bin pen caught the darting huiitdm s.
'J'ho IH-.I woid went to paper HH thu
iutigncd speaker sunk down in his chair.
The congivsiinuii uuHsiid to the desk of
the rupurtur and congr.Uulntrd him on a
feat nlmoit without pai.tllel. Snuakor
Carlisle hiimmoued thu gnnio follow he
fore him and hiuuli'd IPIII hihcniunnsiion ,
nnming him hrst ou that olhcial Mull' .
'J lin victor ih tlio only Virginian thalcu-r
hold such n i > o = iuon , and , with onu ex
ception , the first southerner ever in thn
oilicial corps of thu house. No individual
of Ids years ever received Hiirh an ap-
pomtn.Piit. Ho is ( Icorjjo C. Lafl'erty , of
Richmond , Vn , Bti'iiogniphio teereUnry
to ( juvurnor l''it/.huirh IA-O.
" J would not lirn always. " No ; not if
diseasH Is to make my Ufa n daily bur
den. lint it nei-d not , good friend , nnd
will not if , > ou will bo wisu in time How
many of ol our loved ones nro moulder-
in < r in the dust wiin might hnvo been
spared fur \ oars. The .slight cough was
unhuedi-d , the many .symptoms of ilii
eaio that lurked within were sl'-rldi-d '
mui ( tenth rnrno. Dr. Pier-en's "OuMuik
Medical DFsMvury" cannot n-rul ! tlu >
dead though it lifts snatch-il nuiubi-r *
frqui UIH vt-'fgC' ol thu grtu > ( iiij u.ll
cure cousuuipuuu in Ho uarhcr
Docs not refer possible purclmen to hit
victim * ) * The Athlophoros Co , glndly ro-
fcts sufferer * from rlicumntUtn , nctirnlgtft ,
fclnticn , nervous or sick headache , kjdncy
and liver complaint * to those who hixvo
been cured ot those ( licenses by Athlo-
plioro ? , nnd will fnrnUh unmet nnd nd-
dresses of manv such persons to those de
siring them. Athlophoros is the only rem
edy for these diseases thnt cnu stand such a
Edgcrton , Knn.Jnnl-i , tSSO.
I WAS afflicted with rheumatism for eight
years , nnd it hnd become chronic iu its
worst form , nnd after using one. bottle of
Athlophoros I hnve not fell nny symptom
of it for six months , It done more than
thnt , my wife wns nfllictcd with neuralgia
for t\vclveyenr , hnd nn attnck every month ,
After taking one bottle , six months ngo , lins
only felt once or twice Unce.
Mrs , The * McCuc. Snnford , Block , corner
8th nnd Main streets , Dttbnbue , lown , sayi !
"I nm still well , Last winter wns a very
Revere nnd cold one for me , but I did not
hnve nny return of the rheumatism , Athlo *
plioros has proven n good medicine for me. "
About n year ngo Mrs. McCuc hnd a very
severe attack ol immtl.imntory rheumatism
in which the feet and hnnds were very much
swollen , so much that you could scarcely sco
one of the ankles , nnd some of the toe nails
were completely covered for many weeks.
Shcliad suffci cii almost the agonies of death.
Finally , after rcsortlnc to various rctnedict
with no avail , her husband noticed tlio ad-
vcrtisment of Athlophoros , The result of its
use wns miraculous ; the swelling was soon
reduced , the pain subdued , and she was
agnin up nnd around nnd has not been
troubled since ,
Kvory druggist should keep Athlopho
ros and Alhlophoros Pills , but wlicro
they cannot bo bought of the druggist
the Athlophoros Co. , 12'J Wall St. , New
York , will send either , carriage paid , on
receipt of regular price , which is $1 per
bottle for Athlophoros and OUo for the
Forllvor nml klilner dlsonse * ; ,
digestion , vronkno * * , iiorvoiiRilnblllty , illsrmos
or Humnii , ciinntlinitioii , lioiuliialm , Impure
blood , uto. , Atulophoros 1'llls nro unoi\mlloil.
( Trade Mttrl ; . )
I * the most alniplo , pnronnil t. | > coiljr curo.unil mnrki
nnow crnln the tuctcsXnl treatment of CaUtrrb ,
Arthiuu , liar Kurcr , llniiicliHU , NcuraUlii , ( Jroup.
lloidiclie : , Donfncvit , KjudHcnsos. colds , oto
Nutlco thntuo not KO nbroiid for ovl lenO ) of tilt
olllctcy of the yinoku Dull.
OMAHA , Nun. , Jnu. 4,1887.
Cnrbollo Smoke Hnll Co .
Gentlemen : 1 wish to express to you my full
est comincndntioii of the merits of yourMinoko
Hall. It has en red my catarrh completely. I
boiiovi1 It to bo the grento < t modlonl discovery
of the ngi ) . Glvo mosomeof yourclreiilurs and
1 wil dimrlhuto thorn on the road for you.
Very truly , A. 8. COST ,
Trnvelmg Salesman Churohlll Pump Co. , 1111
Farnnm street.
OMAHA , Nisa , Dod. 27,1B80.
Cnrbollo Smoke Hull Co. ,
Gentlemen Your vnlunblo remedy , "Carliollo
Smoke , " iv9 nptillod through your Cnrbolla
Smoke Hull , has bean used in my family and
has afforded Immodlnto relief from lieadnohe.
colds nnd entnrrh , In met , If properly applied , !
consider 11 nEpecldo for these complaints , nnd
I hollovo It will euro nny dlseaao of thn muoui
uieinbrniiii thnt can be renchud by Inhalutlou.
Yours truly , C. H FOHDY ,
Trunk Monufncturcr , 110U Doufflns street
OMAHA , Nr.n. , Jan. 8,1837.
Cnrholio SmokoIlnll Co. , Omnhu , Neb. ,
Gentlemen I have used your Cnrbolla Smoke
Hull lor colds nnd Horn throat nnd Ilnd Ittobe
an inlnlllblii remedy for such troulk-i.
Youis truly , DH. A. 8. HILLINGS.
B. 13. Cor. Dod go nnd 16th utroots.
OMAHA , Nicn. , Jnu. 6,1&S7.
Cnrbollc Smoke Hall Co.Omnha , Neb. ,
Gentlemen Your Cm bollaSmoku Jtnll is in
deed u nondorfiil remedy. U hnscurud me of
n very novoro CBRO ofcntnrrh nnd throat Iron-
bin , from which 1 huvo BUIferod for BOIIIO tlmn.
If thin statement M-ill bo of nnysorvico to you
use H us J on buopropor. Yours truly ,
Post nl Clerk U.P 11. It. lloslde'nce 401 N. 'iGth
OMAHA. Nin. : . .Tun. 3,1887.
Carbolic Smoke Hall Co. , Omaha , Neb ,
Gentlemen Havlnlg suffered with cntnrrh for
mnnyyenrs , I bnvolrloil nlmoMt uvnry roniody
mid liavu but little tnlth In "initont inudlcinos.
Anout n month ngo I as Induced to try onu of
your Smoke Hals nnd cnn honestly suy thai I
Iinvo recnivod mloro turnout Irom thu use of It
thnn anything I hnvo oor tried. I bellow It
will entlioly cure mo. Vours vury truly ,
Forcinnn lleos Printing Co.
Hex OFFIOI : Hnvn'B OI-KIIA Hntrsi : . Jan. 5,183T
CaibollaSmoko Hull Co.Omnlm , Neb ,
Uunlliimun Sei'Ing your lemrdy ndvortlsod
in tlio iiro'iiMinnici of oiihlnrn theiitorH , I pur
chased n Cnrbol.o Smoke Ilnll , when your ngfiii-
cy llrst Rtni ted IH-IO I nm plensml toBtuli : thut
It bus pioviwlelloctlvo In euilug br.d rolls nnd
ciitiirilinlullcctions. I consider It n ondm-'ul |
icn.edy. You nio nt llbi'ity to mo tliU ns you
sue proper. Very truly yours.
K , \\II1TMOHUTionsuior. ! .
OMAHA , NKII..Inn 10,18S7.
Cnrbollo rJmnkn Hnll Co Ountleniuii I Mto
thnt } ou hutuoiiened un olllco In Oniuhn and
Ish you great SIICCCKS. It wns your reininly
thnt turi'd inn ol neur.ih-ln mid ftlcl. hendncbe ,
from which I liKd nnilcri'd furyouri ) . I piocur-
i > d n bnll liiut snininc-r thioiigh the ItidlnnnpollH
( Iiul.iatfuncy , ninl hlili-n 1 rnniinoncod IIS HBO
biivc been cntlrolv ri'llu\dd fiommv Iroublo ,
Yours very I rouble ' ! ' (5. HUFLKIKUC ,
t'ondtictur I'ulliunn
Orrirroi' riKrnriuV Ntx , I
Wllllntns lloel..OiiinlinNcb ! , Duo 23l Saf
C'liibollfiniiko Hull t u ,
( iimtlenicn I Inno burn n constnnt sulTitrnr
from nciito fiitiiirh for " ' ) oi < i * am ) hnvn xpout
liuthliciib of ilulluio for ti'in I Nothing Hlv-
on mo Hiirh Hiti liiciiiii > ujnnr C.irliollo Smoke
Hall It nlfoMl , linnicil.ntn icliel. I hnvo ns !
Hsu ! It forhKk heudtichu with lii'iicllt
Yours trill ) , ( , F.O I ! . I'lPCIinit.
Wliencivur till rcut rcnioliul npunl liui bevn In-
roilui eil rund ro uu lint tt toll iwod uiul luitfrv of
lhc-blii ) n cnniiuiiiiiliilliiiiiiruiliillf rcinlrtxl ut our
( illlrc Ntiliuukcholi ) kh'.liUI ii nUlioill Minbko Cull ,
II will curs n c du In tlfiuun luinalt'i. If lukoii in tlmo.
Out Hall vtlll luit tr nil no jki to ten > en .iiccor'l' '
Ing IIIIIIIP. 'luall ivlio will ; ikf the Imublu to rill
otour oiili-o wiiutlur A I'Hi : ! ! Tlt&T. hoiitbjr mull on
ic < rtit | of rrlcolJ , aid Ul
N. II. llonuro nl UuiiiuatKin. au I fiHUli
CA.IHIOI ic h.Moui HAI i Co
Iloomi I niul'-'o'i-r 101 S IMIi n. opp I * ( I , Oualct ,
NlMi lllliO IliiuU , ttl'l'l ! l.l JU Vt. tu U II , 111. bull-
IM > Irom IOH in to I i > m
I.HUI I'urlur A vi-.uiun ur i iu I for l < llvji ,
nlio lou 4:1 : yili'Ml * * ! I" r II tn'tiv , . , j , t.tu IIOQIH ( , { HJ
iu and < p lu louT'iM tlio irowil ,
L 1 HI.K TKKiTl'u , itli dl . , r - . i , itM ! > r , oil. . m
r.o.n-un. . IIR , v,4-tunii ji r uULU. x