Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered \ > y tnrrlcr In nnr pnrt of the city nt
twenty cents pir tttck.
II. W.TILTO.V. - - - Malinger.
DcpiKrFSOrncr. , No. .
NIUIIT r.biTOit No. 25.
N. Y. PhiMiblni ; Co.
Heavy suits chuap to order at Hcitcra.
William Malonuy lius put in telephone
No. 211.
TlioInjunctioncn ci against thosaloons
nru continued until next Saturday.
A water main burstcd on Third street
yesterday near the school building.
A new telephone , No. 20 ! > , has been put
into thu residence of John N. Baldwin.
Cook & Morgan lnivo improved their
oflico with n bank ( Irak , and uro putting
in telephone No. 210.
Abe Lincoln post , ( ! . A. II. , Is to glvo a
grand miiMtiunulu | on the evening of
1-ebniary ! W in Templu liall.
The Y M C. A is ncgotliiting for n lec
ture here from ( iuorgo 11.V untiling on
"An livening With a Skeptic. "
Captain 1) . V. Klclier is preparing to
build a hlock on the property recently
purcha.MMl by him on Pearl street.
Charles llansun , of Underwood , yester
day called : it Kisonian's niul received the
thirteenth pri/e , : i boys' overcoat.
It is reported Unit ,1. L. I'ornian yester
day Hold his brick block opposite the Oic-
tlcn hoiiho , to KobertiMnllH , for iil.OOO.
Four drunks and two vagrants consti
tuted the grist in the police court yester
day. Pretty gooil showing for Monday
inoi nlng.
The city treasurer yesterday turned
over to the auditor $157,000 of vouchers.
This is a straw , showing how the city Is
paying oh" its bills.
Will Trade A line family horse and
buggy for real estate in western part of
city. " will pay cash ditlorenco. Address
II T. I. BiiiTollicc. :
Permit teed was yostcntay given to
Amber Sales and Maggie Mow cry , both
of Lovelund ; also to . ) . \Villiains.uid
Rachel J. Ilarlaml , the former ot Cres
cent , the latter from this city.
The Woman's Christian association
will have ameoting Wednesday morning
t nt 100 ! o'clock at the Ogden house , room
80. All committees appointed at tlio
Monday meeting arc requested to send
The veterans have secured Miss Emily
Evans , of Omaha , to give an elocutionary
entertainment in Clraml Army hall on
Thursday evening. The admission is to
be 25 cunts , and the proceeds are to go to
the relief fund.
Married I3y the Hev. D. II. Coolcy , on
"Saturday afternoon , January 25 ! , at the
residence of Mrs. Ilollcnbcck , grand
mother of the bride , on North Eighth
Street. Alvin C. Matteson , of Chicago ,
111. , and Miss Charlotte D. Barrett , of this
One woman was released yesterday
forenoon from the matrimonial ties
which bound her to one husband , and in
the afternoon was tied to another. Such
incidents stagger pretty Cupid , and
knock his romance out of time the first
Tlio deed was filed yesterday by which
William Moore becomes the owner of a
tract on ( Jraham avenue , described as
the west ii 8 of the cast 0-8 of the southwest
of the southwest Ul , 7518 , excepting the
right of way of Graham avenue , the con
sideration being $2,500.
It. i' . Ollicor , the well known rral es
tate dealer and insurance agent , has a
variety of city residences , vacant lots ,
aero property in the western part of the
city , farm lands , etc. , which lie oilers for
Bale. Call and see him at his office , room
No. 5 , over OIHcer & Puscy's bank.
In the district court yesterday the trial
of the case of Kiscman vs. the Hawkeye
Insurance company was still taking up
the time. The case is being fought incli
by inch , and the company is determined ,
not to pay the loss of tlio' McOinniss tire
unless forced to , believing thai the claim
3s too largo.
E. M. Forrlst , the revivalist , is stirring
up the folks , both good and bad , and is
attracting attention by his eccentricities
nt least. Whatever may be thought of
his methods ho is so entertaining and so
earnest that ho catches the crowds , and
will doublings do them good. Ho will
continue to conduct meetings in the
Broadway Methodist church every even
ing until further notice.
To-nigjit State Master Workman Wheat
is to deliver a public address in tliotemplo
hall , under the auspices of the Knights of
Labor. The address will bo on vital
questions , and the reputation of the
Bpiakor should causa the hall to bo
packed with those eager to got moro in
formation concerning these questions ,
from ono who has made them a close
Tins evening the Caledonian club give ?
Its banquet and ball at the Royal Arca
num hall. The attendance will bo largo
and a goodly number arc expected from
Omaha to help colubrato the anniversary
of Hums' birthday. The arrangements
are such as will insure a merry time to
nil participants and the event will bo
without doubt ono of the most successful
of its kind.
John Dunn's daughter , Mamie , had a
narrow escape Sunday night. In getting
a book from a bliolf she accidentally
pulled on"or tipped over n lamp , which
was burning. The lamp broke , and the
girl's clothing was soon all on firo. Her
father , who chanced to be in an adjoining
room , had the presence of mind to wrap
her at once in some bud clothing , and
thus hiuotlier the Humes before serious inJury -
Jury was done.
The dear old grandmother pots hot because
cause the other papers of the city will in
sist on giving the news. She is pecul
iarly worried because there is real cstato
flioing sold at a lively rate , too lively for
licr to keep track of. She rubs her eyes
and declares these are horrid exaggera
tions , and scores ono of the evening
Capers especially for telling such lies
about the prices which arc being paid for
real cstato. In the sumo scrap book
which contains this lecture from the old
lady , she btatos that Mr. Siondontopf
eold his ICO acres of land in tlio northern
part of the city for $500 an aero. Ac
cording to the old lady tho. tract thus
brought 180,000. The fact is the tract sold
for $ r > ,000. , I'lio old lady should set a
bettor example than to lie to the extent
of $75,000 on si single deal.
Contorvillo soft-lump coal , 13.75 per
ton , delivered , Win. Wulch , 015 Main
street , telephone W.
Concert at ice. rink this evening.
Gcorgo Rudio , real i-stato and nego
tiator of loans , No. 1507 Farnam street ,
Omaha , Bargains in Council Ulufls and
Omaha property.
All my coal is weighed by Amy , the
only authori/ed city wcighmastor , and
guaranteed to hold out 2,000 noumls to
the ton. Good soft coal at $ ; i CO a ton ,
Concert at ice rink this evening ,
Stoves I Stoves I Stovus I i < or the no.xt
thirty days i will sell heating stoves at
cost for cash only , P. C. DuVoL
lr , Hanchott , ollico No. 13 Pearl street ,
residence , 120 Fourth strcot ; telephone
tf o. 10.
The Churches and the Real Estate Having a
Big Boom ,
Cleric Drought Up For IMlfarlnfc
From Illi Umplro'cr HoovcrSays
tlio Unimid Check AVns
All n Mistake.
Don't Print His Nntno.
Ono young man , who prides himself on
liiK "ft blood,1' was before Jtidso Aylcs-
vorth yesterday to square n spree In
.vhicli no had indulged. The check ot
lie fellow , his npD.ircnt boastfulncss ,
cmpted the Bin : man to give him the
benefit of the free advertising to which
m is entitled in the hopt" that something
f that sort might bring the young follow
o his senses. A well known citizen , how
ever , stepped up to the reporter find
whispered in ills car : "For heaven's sake
lon't put that young fellow's case in the
paper. It would servo him right nnd ho
: > ught to be touched up , bull know some-
hing of Ills folks. His poor mother is ill-
nest brokun-lic-irtcd over him , and for
icr sake save him the dUgrace of public
ly , for it would nearly kill the mother ,
ind she luis all that she can
bear now. Ills sather is , as
you know , ono of the most honor
able business men in the city , and
Ihu boy is worrying him moro than all his
business cares put together , and is mak-
nir him grow old fast. H wouldn't do
! inv gooilto publish his 11:11110 : , and It would
jnl.y add to tlic torture- , the father and
nether are suH'ering. " The reporters
lave hearts , which can sometimes bo
ouelietl , and for the sake of the mother
mil her sleepless nights , for the sake of
.he father and his silvering nairtlio boy's
lame shall be suppressed. There does
seem to bo tin inconsistency in the re
quirements of a police reporter. The
io\t name which comes on the book is
: hat of an Irishman , in for being drunk.
Yes. put his name in. What matters it if
"ic does have a wjfe and little ones tit
mine , to whom lie is us dear us the young
fellow in the cutaway is to his folks.
He's only a workingman. The only
glimpse he ever had of wealth v/as in
ills imagination Satuiday night when ho
lilted up with a drop too much. In his
nlarity he forgot for the moment his
poverty and his toil , his coarse clothes
: md calloused hands , and only woke to
shame and remorse , les , never mind
ibout him. Put his name in print. Let
' .ho .struggling household bo Riven the
augh anil put to scorn , and let the warm-
icarled husband and lather bo paraded
Before the world as one who lias sinned.
The sleek-coated son of gentility must bo
spared. He's a blood. No , no , if the
scion of wealth , the young smartec , who
has everything to live tor , covers with
shame the family record of which ho
should be proud , if ho recklessly adds to
the gray hairs of his father , and the
heart sobs of his mother , ami vet is
spared , Pat , with his many temptations to
drown sorrow and struggles in the bowl ,
shall not have his shame given to the
world this timo. The plain , hard-work
ng woman , with her dirty-faced little
.irchins , shall be left to the trouble that
s their own. l-'or once the reporter will
cross names from Ins notebook.
L. U. Crafts & Co. are loaning money
on all classes of chattel securities at one-
half their former rates. See them before
.ecuring . your loans.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. ite E , L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council UlulFs.
A Former Council III tilts Traveling
Sinn An-estcd For Adultery.
Quite a sensation has been developed
concerning a traveling man , well known
in western Iowa and Nebraska , and wlio
for several years made ills residence in
this city. His name is Henry L. Miller.
While a resident of this city ho occuoied
tlio house No. 1000 Fourth avenue , and
was in the employ of tlio George K. Oyler
manufacturing company. In 1883 ho
resigned to take a position with the
Weber wagon company , and was given
the territory of eastern Iowa and Illinois ,
which necessitated his removal to Chicago
cage , as a place of residence. While hero
he is said to have been given to llirting
with the attractive feminities in the
several towns visited by him , and his wife
is said to have had her suspicions aroused
ana her jealousy constantly fed.
Among those with whom ho
was reported to have been on un
duly friendly terms was a merchant's
daughter in Norfolk , Neb. There were
rumors hero that when on the road ho
represented himself as a single man ,
despite tlio existence of a wile and live
children in this city. His homo in this
city was owned by him , and was littcd
and furnished very nicely. Shortly before
leaving hero ho i.s said to have borrowed
? 300 of J.V. \ . Kleeb , promising on his
return from the trip on which ho was just
starting , to givn as security a mortgage
on his homo. Ho .suddenly sold his prop
erty and shipped his goods to Chicago ,
ami Mr , Klcou and other creditors were
left to mourn his departure. It seems
that since leaving hero and taking up his
residence in Chicago his wife's suspicions
as to his infidelity have not lessoned , and
the marital lifo has not boon sunshiny for
her. Although getting a large salary she
claims that ho lia.s been illy supporting
her , and she has been obliged
to take m Rowing to support the
family. Her story goes further. Ho
has boon remaining at home very little of
lato. When ho would come in from a
trip ho would sometimes not remain
moro than an hour , and would start
away claiming that ho had to start out of
town again. She aid not like the way
matters were looking , and so employed a
detective agency to shadow him. A
woman was sot on the watch and the
feminine detective seemed a room adjoin
ing ono occupied by a woman for wnom
it was thought Miller had a strong liking.
This woman went by tlio name of Mrs.
Louis Miller , Louis being Miller's middle
namo. The detective soon ascertained
that Miller and this woman were living
together , ami Satnrdaj last just as Miller
was leaving the city ho was arrested on
the charge of adultery. Ho was hold in
? )00 ) bonds. Ho telephoned to his em
ployers to go on his bonds , but they replied -
plied they were too busy to leave the
ollice , so ho was obliged to go to tail
The woman in the case is known as Ellio
Smith , of Oquawaka , 111. Her famili
are said to bo very respectable anc
wealthy. She claims that she supposet
Miller was single , and that she was mar
ried to him in November , 18S5 , at her
mother's house. The detectives doub
that any such marriage ever took place
as they can tind no trace of any license
in the county where she lives , Mrd. Mil
ler's lather , Mr. Mullican , of Monte
zuma , la. , and her brother-in-law
Mihon : Head , of JcUcrson , la , , are ii
Chicago , mid propose seeing that her
side of the atl'air is looked after.
The District School.
The. wonderful success of the enter
tainment somp time ago by the Congre
Rational church of this city , and known
as "Tho Old Cushioned District School , '
has caused inquiries for particulars to
coiuo in from all parts of the country
In order to giro the uoedod luforinatinu
o other churches and societies desiring
o get up a similar entertainment , the de-
ails and all needed instructions have
) ccn printed in pamphlet form. The
mco is fixed at $1 a copy , and the pro-
ccds are to go to the benefit of the Con
gregational church of this city. The
Kimphlet contains the full programme ,
ho ueclamations , compositions , various
ranks and the full recitations , in fact
everything nccdltil for a successful pro-
dilation of the cntert'iinmcnt. It is
one of the most taking and best paying
jntortainmcnts which churches can pro-
idc. With tlio assistance of the
pamphlet the entertainment can bo got
ip with little work. Those desiring
copies can secure the same by enclosing
: l to the chairman of the committee , Mr.
J , E. Harkncss , Council Blull's.
Electric door bells , burglar alarms and
every form of domestic electrical appli
ances at the New York Plumbing Co.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
Hard and * olt coal , best quality all
? 7.os. Missouri and Iowa wood. 0. H.
'uol company , 530 Ihoadway. Tele
phone 1UO.
Suspected of 1'IIfcrlnc.
A bey giving his name as William
iValkor , was before Judge Aylesworth
estcrday for having stolen sundry arti-
les from le Haven's store , where ho had
> een working. An informal inquiry has
) ccn made into the matter , but the boy
stoutly denied that ho had taken any-
Hing , and Mr. Do Haven in his kindli-
ic < s of heait went the boy's bail until this
ifternoon , when the case will bo tried.
\moni : the articles said to have been
Mlfered were a ra/or , a portfolio , a knife
ind somn penholders. On the boy was
ound a revolver and a watch chain , but
us explained how he came into posses
sion of these.
Sec that your books are made bv Moore-
louse & Co. , room 1 , Everett block.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
IR Cral'tw & Co.
Call at real estate and loan ngoncy of
* , . U. Crafts & Co. , No. r/'tf Broadway ,
loom 1 , and list your property for sale.
If you wish to buy , call and select , as I
lave bargains. Buyers are constantly
nuking inquiries.
Hoover's Explanation.
Mr. S. S. Hoover , whose furniture was
attached on Saturday , was around yes-
erday straightening up the unpleasant
ness. In regard to the check he drew on
Ollicor & Pusey , and which was dishon
ored , he says that while in the Council
Mull's National bank ho drew the cheek ,
nnd as there were blank checks on the
same table he got hold of one of Ofliccr
V : Pusoy's by mistake , instead of one of
.he Council IllufTs National. He was
hewing yesterday a statement of Mr. L.
AV. Tulley's to corroborate this fact , and
was otherwise trying to set himself right ,
and clear the record. The affair will
doubtless bo settled.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
The Jjatcst Deals.
D. E. Glcason yesterday purchased tweets
ots in Uecr'.s addition.
Messrs. ( > illinki amlllouvich also pur-
ihasod a couple of lots in the same addi
W. W. Higlcr bought lot 2 in block 10
McMahon. Cooper & Jcllcris' addition.
S. T. French closed a deal for two
jloeks in the railroad addition , besides
purchasing siv lots near the transfer. Ho
sold two Omaiia lots to Council Bluffs
James McDcrmott , clerk at the Ogdcn
house , purchased a couple of lots in
Strectsvillo and received an offer of an ad
vance of about sflOO shortly afterward. Q
L K. Crafts mirchascd olJ. W. Rodefer
the buildings No. 22 , 21 , 20 and 28 Pearl
street , being 80 feet front and 100 feet
deep , which are now occupied by Snyder
& Lcaman and the Council Bluffs gas
company , for $20,000.
Cook & Morgan sold twelve lots in tlio
western part of the city to II. E. Rade-
kcr , ot Philadelphia.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
IJnck to Clicyomio.
Deputy Sheriff McGomglc , of Cheyenne -
enno , was here yesterday , anil last even
ing started back with Charles Ray , the
boy accused of stealing a $ r > 00 sealskin
cloak in that city. The boy is a hard case
and has been in Humorous scrapes be
fore. Ho started off in apparently coed
spirits , but will doubtless sober up as the
penitentiary door begins to loom up
nearer. The cloak was also taken back ,
it being captured with him.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
Personal 1'arncrnpha.
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Harkncss was very low yesterday with
membraneous croup.
Concert at ice rink this evening.
The Caledonia club banquet is to bo
served at 8 o'clock this evening , the danc
ing to follow.
Concert at ice rink this evening ,
How a AVhlto Child Was Stained
lilack for a Hlnvo Hale.
"They wore a strange-looking couple
the man about forty years old , dressed
in a suit of blue jeans , well worn , and on
his bullet head a crimson plush cap , fit
ting almost as tight as his own scalp. "
said a resident of St. Louis , relating nn
incident of early steamboat travel on
the Mississippi to a Republican reporter
of that city. "Ho had a long , thin face ,
rat-like eyes , and a nose that almost de
fies description. The child seemed to bo
about eight years old and small for
her ago. Her hair was very short ,
and looked as if it had been
singed with a hot iron and then
blackened. She had largo blue eyes and
a complexion such as I never saw in my
lifo. It was of a dirty brown , approachIng -
Ing a nionso color , something like the
discoloration produced by taking nitrate
of silver. She was dressed in the usual
style ot fanners' children in the winter.
"In the afternoon , while the boat was
steering past the shores of Arkansas , a
number ot gentlemen passengers were
sitting forward on tlio boiler dock in con
versation. I noticed the Kansas man
sitting near the company and scorning
much interested in the talk. After the
party broke up lie approached mo and
inquired : 'Are you a southerner1 1
told him I was. Ho then said he had
heard thai black niggers were worth a
heap moro than white ones In the south ,
and if ho could get a partner that was all
right ho hnd a plan to make a heap of
money. I informed him rather shortly
that 1 know of no one of my acquaint
ance whom I thought would like to en
gage in busmens with him , and left him
"Tho stateroom allotted to mo was in
the front part of the cabin , being one of
the rooms oiiglmilly occupied by tlio en
ginecrs , they navmg the room I was in
and tliu ouu immediately in the rear , lu
the bulkhead , or partition separating the
two rooms , had been placed u window
pane for the convenience of the ollicers
who occupied tlio two rooms. On the
morning after the day that I had the
talk with the ei-dovaint negro merchant
I awoke rather early , and , turning
over in the beith , my face cama oppo.-ito
the window in the partition , which prcvi
mis to this time , had been elosyly covered
from the adjoining room. The cover-
iuj ; was partly dJ5pTaccdleayiuj { a small
Farming Lands In Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to
$10.00 per acre. School and state lands in Minnesota on 30 years' tirao 5 per
cent interest. Land Bujcrs fare free. Information , etc. , given by
. . j. . . ,
No. 555 Uroadway , Council Bluffs , lown , ngcnt for Frcidrlkscn & Co. , Chicago.
aperture through which 1 could sec that
: ho inmate of the room was up and mov-
ng around.and my attention was aroused
ly hearing the voice of a child In seem
ing distress , and then the voice was
liuslicd , as if a hand had been placed over
her mouth. On looking through the
Tlass 1 saw my queer acquaintance en
gaged in staining the child from head to
foot. She was entirely nude , and the
operator had ti largo bottle ot a dark-
colored lluid in ono hand , while in the
other ho held a sponge. Ho painted her
over with several coats bcfoio he was
satisfied with that part of his work. Then
lie took from his carpet-bag a smaller
bottle , the contents of which ho applied
to her hair \vith a brush. After tins ho
dressed the child and put her out ol the
room , telling her to go to the ladies'
cabin ,
"Immediately after breakfast I went to
the captain and told him what I had seen
and my suspicions in regard to tlio man
and life white negro. The ladies were in
formed of what had taken place and
volunteered to take the child In hand and
llnd out all she could tell of herself and
the man in whoso possession she was.
"The ladies , with the assistance of the
captain's wife , had taken charge of the
little girl , ami , after relieving her mind
of fears for she was in great terror of
the man they found that she had been
an inmate of an orphan asylum in Kan
sas , and that the man liadtaiccu her from
the asylum for the puruoso of adopting
her as his child. His story was that he
lived in Iowa , and that ho and his wife
were without children and wanted a nice
little girl to raise. The little girl , re
lieved of the presence of the man , told a
great many conclusive facts which could
not bo doubted , and after aciitical ex
amination by a Dhyhician , who was on
the boat , she was pronounced without
doubt a whitu child. The man with the
red hat was locked in a state-room and
one of the steamboat hands put as guard
at the door. His carpet-bag was ex
amined and found to contain a lot of re
ceipts for dying black , along with the
two bottles on winch were tables from a
dying establishment in St. Louis. "
Old Potter.
Chicago Herald : "Out on our Nebraska
line , near Sulton , Clay county , " suid a
railroader who for many years had owed
allegiance to the great Chicago , Burling
ton ti Quincy , "there used to live a man
named I'otter a rather old man who had
seen better days , but who was then living
in a dugout , about two miles from town ,
and elobo by the railroad track. He was
a fearful old drunkard , too , and used to
go to town about every other day and iill
up at Pat Curran's saloon , starting homo
late in the evening , and always taking
the railroad track , Being an old man ,
and not able to stand such big
and bad doses of limior as Pat
gave him , ho often fell down on the
track and went to sleep. Time and
again our boys stopped their trains on
discovering old Potter ahead , and of
course , saved Ins lifo every time they did
it. It got to bo so that it was u rule of the
road along by Sutton to 'look out for old
Potter. " Atter a. time the boys got tired
of it , and got the local agent to notify
the old man that he'd got to keep oil' the
track or get hurl. This had no ell'ect ,
and Potter used our ties for a bed quite
as often as before. One winter's night in
1874 Dave Thompson lie's now superin
tendent at Lincoln , but lie was then a
freight conductor ono night Dave was
running an extra cattle train from Lowell ,
and as they reached the top of the hill
going down to Button , Dave was in the
engine cab and lie said :
" "Keep a sharp lookout for old Potter.
If he's on let's give him n scare. '
"Pretty soon the engineer sighted a
dilapidated form ahead on the track , and
declared it was that of the old man.
'Whistle for brakes , ' said Thompson , 'but
let her run pnstty free , and we'll shake
the old man up a bit. '
"The boys all entered into the spirit of
the thing. Their purpose was to run the
locomotive's nose right into the old man
and rouse him without hurting him , with
the idea of giving him a good scare. Hut
the weight of the train and the grade
proved pretty bad things to calculate to
such a hue point , and when the locomo
tive reached the old man the boys all had
their hearts in their throats and a feeling
that they were little better than murder
ers. They jumped down , expecting to
find Potter all mashed to pieces , but there
ho was under the engine , snug up against
the Hie box , where ho had been rolled
and pushed along on the snow for two or
three rods. He was evidently warm on
the side next the/ire / box and cold on the
other , for just as the boys got to him they
heard him mutter :
"I shay , ole 'oman , shay ycr pullin' all
'or cover oll'n me. '
"Well , the boys pot him out , and wore
delighted to linil that ho wasn't ' much
hurt. As soon as they got him thoroughly
roused he was the most frightened man
that eyer was. That scare proved his sal
vationfor ho braced upandreformcd.iind
now owns one of the linest , best stocked
farms in Clay county , i got this story
from one of our Nebraska men , and know
it to bo true. "
Every day adds to the great amount of
evidence as to the curative powers of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Letters are contin
ually being received from all sections of
the country telling of bonolits derived
from his great medicine. It isuncqualcd
for general debility , and as a blood puri
fier , expelling every trace of scrofula or
other impurity. Now is the time to take
it. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co. , Low
ell , Mass. Sold by all druggists.
Bpccla' nilvcrtlBGmoiitH , puch ns Lost ,
lolxian , For Bulo , To Hont , VSnntu , Iloiinllnif ,
etc , will tiolnsortod In this column nt tlio low
ratoofTENCKNTSPKIl LINK forthollrst Inser-
Ion and r'lvoCcnta I'ei l-liioforuach BUbsuqucni
Insertion. Jxmvo advertisements nt our olIiiMi
No. U Veal street , nuar Uroadwur ,
UluITs ,
FOIl SAItU Cottage , Blv lane rooms , with
flfi Imlldlncr loie , 1 'o good liiirna , HIIIOKO
lioueo , uoll anil two cisterns. 1'itteon minutes
walk 11 D m oporii liouso. Address Q , IKo ollice ,
Council lllullg.
IJ OH S.\LU Choice , smooth , unlinprornil 100
-13 Heron close to llnilnnnl , m llutlor county ,
Nebraska. Will irivo lnrKO di.cinini tioin pres
ent Millie for cash. Address 11111:1111 ? , Hiiiijon
X Jones , David City , Nuu. , or W. J , , Ueo ollicf ,
Council llluITi , lu ,
FOHSAIJ ; At n bargain , SOI noros with line
liuninvumunts , six inline oust of Council
Illuirs. 1'dcolinv ntnl till tlio time needed. In-
ijul ro of T. W. Vim be-lot cr , Council mulls.
ANTKn A cottiitfo of flvo or sir rooms ,
iocntod convenient to liuslnosj ; tmiull
family , no children. Address "Crispy , " Hoe
WANTI'.D-A boy with pony to carry Uoo
route. _ _
FOR HAM2 Old papers for bulo at tlio lloo
AXTANTin ) I'urtled Intending to ho married
' V are vriintod to oill : at the 1'ryur's Ueo job
ollice to selict their wedding cards.
Veritable Boom ,
R. T. BRYANT & CO. ,
XO. ! s
Will show you many choice pieces of
property at astonishingly low prices.
Tlio rinest Tin
! yT ported I.Ino of
Goods Wofct of
Mrs. C. L. Gillette's
Human Hair Emporium
No , 209 MainStrect.Councit Bluffs , Iowa.
Practice in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Sliugart-Ueiio Ulotjk.
. BICE , M. D. ,
Or otliorTumors removed without
the Kir0 , or iiruwlnjr ot blood.
Over thitty jonra pructicnloxpcrloncu.
No. 11 TonrlSt. , Council llluffj.
pr"Consultation free.
Abstiacts of Titla , Loan and Rial Cs
tatfl Broken , No , 236 Mala St.
purchased the "most rella'
Me abntrart boohs in thin count y-
knotan < r.s the "jrcMahoii Abstract
Jtoakit , " wenrcnow prcparcdta fur
nish abstracts ami respectfully so
licit the pati'onnf/eof all those acslr-
iny correct abstracts of titleto lauds
and lots f : . 1'ottawattatnlc county.
no. 236 ma sr. , com BL UFPS
Tuesday -Evening , January 25 ,
State Master Workman of the Knights of
Cordial Invitation Extended to All.
W , S. HOMER & CO ,
% 3 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Tlio clicnpest plnco In tlio city to buy
Horses and Mules
For all purposes , bought and sold , at retail
and in lots , Large quantities to select
ftom. Several pairs of fine drivers , sin
gle or double.
Council lilulls.
Ledger * , Journals , County ami
ItuiiU Workoi'All Kfmlii u Spec
Prompt Attention jo Mailorders
Room 1 F.verct Hlock , Council Blufls.
Standard Tapers Used All btylcs of bind
my m Magazines and
C. n. National Wuak , M 15. Smith X Co ,
CltUeui' Uiink , Deere , \VtlUi Co. ,
lret National llank , C. II. Insurance Oo.r
Officer & , I'uieyUankoMifl tUuuji Uaulc.
Your Presents
That Were Given Away By Henry
Eiseman & Go's ' Peoples' '
At tlio Drawing Which Took Place in
Their Store on tlio Evening- Jan
uary 16th , 1887 The Same Being
Done by n Committee of Prominent
The distribution of prizes was by a
committee ot citi/ens , and the tickets
awarded pi-toes are as follows :
No , 1st pri/e Suite of Parlor
No. fi.771 , 2nd prize Mahogony Ueil
Room Suite.
No. 11,071 , ! Jtd i.nzc Domestic Sewing
No. 10in.Hh ; pri/c Twenty yards
Guincttjjros grain Black Silk.
No. U.iWJ , 6th pri/.e Seal Plush Cloak.
No. 80,070 , , Cth prize 1'air White
No. 7,002 , 7th pri c Decorated Set of
No. i0.032 ! , 8th prize Seal Skin Muff.
No. 10,1)01 ) , IHli pri/o A Paisley Shawl.
No. 10,8'.tl ' , 10th pri/.o- Heaver Shawl.
No. 14,172 , llth priio Suit Gents'
No. 27.007 , 12th prize Gent's Fur
Beaver Overcoat.
No. ll.Hl'J ' , liltli prize Boy's Overcoat.
No. 22,011 , Mth pri/e Bov's Suit
No. 5,101 , Ifith pri/e Infant's Cloak.
No. 22,818 , ICtli prize Brass Parlor
No. O.H20 , 17th prize 50 yards " .bruit
of tlio Loom" muslin.
No 27. : )2 ) , 18th pri/.o Half dozen
"Gold" White Shirts.
No. 28,0.10 , I'.tth prize Silk Mufller.
No. U.l.'iO , 20th im/.e Linen Table Set.
Table Cloth aim Napkins.
No. 7,701 , 21st prize A Twenty Dollar
Gold Piece.
No. 28,288 , 22nd pri/.e--Toilot Set.
No. 20,8ir : ) , 23rd prize Doll.
No. 8,011 , 81th prize Handkerchief
Hov.No. . 20,071 , 2r > th prize Hand Bag.
No. 5)22 ! ) , 20th prile Doll.
No. 2UO ! ) , : , 27th nri/.c Stand Cover.
No. 30,070 , 28th pri/.e Bottle Perfum
er v.
v.No. . 0,873 , 2flth prize Toboggan Cap.
No. 21,1118 , , 30th pri/o Table Scarf.
No. r > , r > 30 , 31st pri/.c Splasher.
No. 0.010 , ! ) jnd "pn/c Lunch Basket.
No. 27,518.33rd prize Hammered brass
Umbrella Stand.
No. 20.707 , 34th pri7c-Half doz.Towels
No. 8,059 , 35th pri/.e Silk Umbrella.
No. 28,835 , BOtli pri/.e Doll.
No. 37th Childs'
27,7-10 , prue-Sct
No. 20,103 , 33th pri/.c Brass Broom
No. 5.15 ( ! , 39th prize Silk Suspenders.
No. 27,031 , 40th pri/c Silk Handker
No. 22,125list pri/c Doll.
No. 1 l,0i'J12nd ( prize Half doz.ladics'
No. 8,110 , 43rd pri/c 15 yards Calico.
No. 8,228 , 4 Uli pri/c Boy's Hat.
No. 9,1)31 ) , 45th prize Boy's Sealskin
Cap.No. . 8,033 , 40th prize Painted Oru.v
. . . . 8.GOO , 47th prize Toilet Set.
No. 27,443 , 48th pri/.c Doll.
No. 27,709 , 4th ! ) prize Doll.
No. 722 ( ! , GOth prize Table Cover.
No. 0,077 , , 51st pri/.u Bottle Perfum
er v.
v.No. . 8,034 , 52nd prize Lace Il.tndkcr-
No ! 22,019 , 53rd prize Child's Lace
No. 22,919. 54th pri/c Doll.
No. 27,401 , nrith pri/.e Doll.
No. G.liiS , BOth pri/.c Tidy.
No. 12,831 , 57tli i > ri/.e Table Scarf.
No. 5,818 , 58th pri/.c Doll.
No. 2(1,827 ( , 59th pri/.o Mouth
No. 7.200 , 00th prize Imitation Steam
No. 211,070 , Olst pri/.c Book.
No. 22,915 , 02ntl pri.iBook. .
No. 29,053 , G3rd pri/.e Pocket Knife.
No. 12,1 ! ! . ) , Oltn pri/.e Doll.
No. 23,109 , 05th pn/.e-Doll.
No. 20,101 , , GOth prize A Dr. Warner's
No. 12,218 , C7th pri/.o Shoulder Shawl.
No. 8,7150 , , 03tli prize Infant'H Lace
Cap.No. . 28,283 , C9tli pri/.o Infant's Dress.
No. 29,125 , , 70th pri/.e Doll.
No. 29,918 , 71st prr/e Hand B.iff.
No , 21,03. , 72nd prize Ladictr Cora-
PNo0l28,312 ! , 73rd prize Silk Mufller.
No. 10,90 , > , 74th pri/.o Doll.
No. 27,990 , , 75th pri/.o Hook.
No. 30,18. } , 70th pn/e Hook.
No. 23,418 , , 77tli pri/.e Lunch Basket.
No. 22,010 , , 78th prize Pair Children's
No. 7,003 , 79lh prl/.o 1'air Boy's Boots
No. 13,213 , 80th prize Lace Collar.
No , 5,350 , , 81st prize Doll.
No , 20,190 , 82nd pri/.e Jersey Jacket
83rd pri/.o S11"1'1"1
No , 7,540 , /
No ,
No ,
No ,
No '
No. 23',20J , 88th pri/e Doll
No 8,011 , 89th pi i/.e DolL
No. 27,993 , 90th prize-Doll.
No. < l)5r ( ) , Olst pri/i Doll.
No. 11,210 , 92ml prize Necklace.
No. 25,022 , 93rd prize ( Jold Cuir Hut-
No. 12,829 , Olth pri/.c Locket
No. 27,892 , 95th pri/e Breast Pin.
No. 0,015 , lOOtn prize Lace
kci chief.
Tliosn flic liohlinu the luck/ ; tick
et * wilt jilcasc call , icscnt the twine
and fcclci'o their presents as t < eon < IH
, : n < i , ; u8 and ; ta
Council UtuJJ's ,
Agricultural Implements ,
CnrrlaKcs , Hto , Etc. Council IllulTJ , lown.
.Mamifnoturorsor mid Dealers In
Hand and Power Corn Shellers ,
And npenorn line of nr l ola < 8
Nos. 150t , 15CH , 1SOT find 1MT ? Outh Main Street ,
Council ll.uiTs Iowa.
Mnnuf'ra nn 1 Jobbers of
igrlcnltnral ImplomenlsWagons , , Boggles ,
" ' ' . md all Kind * of Farm Mnohlnnrr.
1100 to South Jlnln Slroot , Council llUltft ,
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades
Oil Clotlis. Curtain Flititron , Uphohtory ( lee
Ktc. No. 405 llroadway Council llluira ,
S , uw.irco , mr.
\Miolofnld .lolil'rn In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipe !
Nos. S3 Main mid r , Pourl Sts. Council lllulli ,
Frnlt and Produce Commission Merchant ? ,
22,2 < Mini ai I'eiil St. , rotmoil nitiir * .
I1A11LK , HAAS & CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
elslB' Humified , Etc. No. 22 Mnln St , nuil
No. " 11'onrl St. , Council IHutTt.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Oonornl Comml'clon. N'o. 6U
Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery ,
Nog. in and IS 1'uiul .St. , Council lIlufTs.
llntm'ncturoisor and Wliolotnlo Doiiluri 'a '
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc ,
No. tas Main Bt. Council
HAT ? , CAM , ETC.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves ,
No ? . 3te mid 3(4 ( llrnndnrny , Council
\Vholeialo /
Iron , Steel , Halls , Heavy Hardware , '
And Wood Stock , Council IIUilTn , lows. ,
D. II. McDON'BU ) & CO. ,
[ KattibltBlioil ISO } . ]
No. 620 Mnln Street , I : : Council
Wlmlcsnlo HoAlori In
lluminating & Lubricating Oils Gasollu
B. Theodore , Acuiit. , Council Illufffl. Iowa.
: - "
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
SpoclnltxgWliolctalo | Lum
ber or all Kinds. UIHco No. UO Main tit. ,
Council HI u ITs. Jotrn.
Foreign and Domestic Wines aud Liquors ,
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors
for St. Oottluud'B Hurb Hitter * . No.U
Mnlii SU Council Uludt.
Wholesale Liquor Dealers.
No. lie Ilroodwny , Counoll niuff * .
1514 Douglas St. , Omaha ,
Ladies buying a $5 hat or bonnet , one fare
will be paid ; $10 , lound ( rip.
Justice of the Peace
Office over American Expreis.
The only hotel In Council DhilTi. having
And all mo Icrn improvements ,
210 , 217 and 210 Main st. .
MAX MO UN , I'rop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Uppobltu Dummy UopuU
_ _ and mules kept constantly on
Jmml , for sale ill retail or in car loads.
Odors promptly Jillcd b.Y contract on
fchort iiotico Stogie sold on coiiitnisbion.
biiiL n.u < v BULK IT , Proprietors.
Tuloiilionc No Hi.
Formerly of Keii Sale SttvUlus , corner
Ut. are uml 4th street.