Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANTJAllY 25 , 1887. 1 r-t.Ul 11JL | TH SSX3 c. . > To-day o A Splendid Chance for Tliose Wishing to Make Money. Low Prices of the Lots. Free Carriages for All , 'i 'Yla ! ' In Sunday's issue of the Bee Mr , George H. Boggs , of the well known real estate firm of Boggs & Hill , published a map of his mag nificent and immense addition , comprising over located on the highest and best ground in the valley in the northeast part of the city. The value , both intrinsic and prospective , of these , lots can only be comprehended by the Bee readers upon looking at a few facts concerning the future of this splendid tract of land. Mr. Boggs has placed this addition on the market , foreseeing that the six or eight Iowa roads must enter Omaha and that before long. There is no escaping the inevitable conclusion that they must come into this city , Omaha , as the growing and great city , whose future is that of a magnificent metropolis of the glorious west , has passed that stage in her career , when the railroads can make or unmake her , Her future is as assured as her BOTJ35TIDEX ) . This being the case , she can defy ttos © influences whish have been so stagSy brought to tear upon ter h the past , and to retard her growth and prosperity. Rail road men are not slow to perceive these fads , minstaad \ of Omaha making svestees to tlie railroads the tables are being turned and the railroads are staking one grand rush to push their tracks into this ciH7n It being an accepted fact then that the railroads are to come into Omaha , the question arises what are they going to do when they get here ? n j J [ 4&CT Wh I 23233 * Their tracks , yards , switches , shops , round houses , etc ? Where can they concentrate their immense interests , which must of necessity cover hundreds and thou sands of acres ? Already the present accommodations are far too limited for the roads which are now here , and daily the work o ± extension of yards , side tracks , etc. , is being pushed. It stands to reason then that these other roads must seek new fields for the location of their interests here. TIP JC Mr , Boggs has easily foreseen , as any person possessed of but ordinary intelligence must , that the railroads must take up the land in the valley north of the city , which indeed is already partly usurped by the sidetracks of some of the companies. There is no place so available or so suitable irom natural characteristics as this property I OF gaSH now.'i Level and not subject to any changes of grade , it is indeed most desirable for the purpose designated. In view of these facts its value is bound to be enormous , and those who avail themselves of the opportunity which is briefly outlined below will never regret it. Mr. Boggs Has Determined to Take Time by the Topknot and Has Pecured This Addition , WHICH IS BOUND IMMENSE VALUE And keep growing in value long after many of the additions now in market have passed into oblivion. Now that the attention of Omaha people has been called to thia addition it seems really astonishing that none of our wide awake real estate men have discovered the great value that must soon attract to lots located as these are. The sleepless agents of the railroads have not been so heedless to the future interests of their roads and have bought the entire island which Cut-off Lake surrounds and are out on a still hunt to secure all the land up there. But Mr. Boggs got there first and as a consequence opened to the people of Omaha his entire addition of 1,200 lots yesterday and to-day At the Nominal 15O Per Lot. ! / Bis low price will only be made for tee wlio purchase their lots on Tuesday. After this prices on the lots will he raised to $250 and $300 for the next few days. Then there will he another raise , unM the true value of ill the lots is reached. There will , no doubt , be a great rush for these choice lots , and in anticipation of this Messrs , Boggs & Hill have provided an extra force of clerks which will be in readiness to wait upon all who may call as expeditiously as possible , One-fifth to one-half will be required in cash , except in cases where reliable purchasers may desire easier terms which will be given , Boggs & Hill will keep their office open from 7 o'clock ' in the morning until 9 in the evening to-day , including the noon hour from 12 to I o'clock. This is done in order to give working people a chance as well as'others whose time is much occupied during the day. Ibis is ana of the opportunities of a lifetime to secure for a mere trifle lots that may make a purchaser rich. It is utterly impossible to figure out how the lots can fail to become immensely valuable. This is especially true in view of the fact that the bridge wli ch must be built by the Iowa roads to enter Omaha will doubtless be constructed opnosite this addition , The glorious piospects of this portion of the citv must in fact be easily discerned by the most casual observer , and the man.woman or child who wishes to make a certain , safe and profitable investment cannot do better than to I iit Money Into Tills Addition The chances are that the entire 1,200 lots wilt be sold before the. sun y oca flown tpjltty as over SOO were fttild yesterday , and the tnan who cuii spare n few minutes from business shouldbc sure to buy his lots to-tlciy. It Is minaret ! t7iat the Northwestern car shops tire to be built within a Jew rods of tins landaml this/ frueti'ouhl easily tnaJte each lot in tJtis addition worth from $1OOO to $19&OO. Jtut tJte other developments in tJiat ptirt of tJie city will be sufficient to tnaJte fortunes for all , who secure a sufficient number of these ! ots. REMEMBER THESE LOTS WILL BE SOLD AT THE OFFICE OF BOGGS & HILL , jLm C\JJL XXCiJLJLi K 3 UXZ / At private sale on to-day , Tuesday , January 25th , All should attend who desire to make money , for the lots will positively be bold ; for these low prices , notwithstanding the fact they are worth three times as much now. ,